Activity Sheet - Florida Department of Citrus
Activity Sheet - Florida Department of Citrus
Get to the Grove JOIN ME ON A JOURNEY THROUGH THE GROVE. I NEED YOUR HELP FINDING A PASSAGE SO I CAN SAVE THE DAY. I’M ALWAYS READY TO BATTLE FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN BECAUSE I DRINK A GLASS OF 100% FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE EVERY DAY. IT FUELS MY ADVENTURES WITH THE POWER OF THE AMAZING 5. MAKE THE SMART CHOICE TODAY AND DRINK A GLASS WITH ME, What’s inside? UNSCRAMBLE THE WORDS BELOW TO FIND OUT WHAT MAKES EVERY GLASS OF 100% FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE AMAZING. THEN UNSCRAMBLE THE LETTERS INSIDE THE CIRCLES TO COMPLETE MY SENTENCE BELOW. ESTTA AMVCIINT TUIINONTR DLORIAF UNS VGOER TSSAFYI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “I MAKE THE SMART CHOICE TO DRINK 100% FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE BECAUSE IT GIVES ME _ _ _ _ _ _ ” READ MORE ABOUT MY ADVENTURES AT WWW.CAPTAINCITRUS.COM/FUN COMPLETE THE COSTUME Connect the dots to help me inish suiting up for my next big adventure. Then power me up with color. 1. Growing Grove Can you ind and circle the Florida Orange tree that’s the exact match to the tree from my family grove on the left? 85. 84. 2. 83. 3. 82. 4. 81. 5. 6. 80. 7. 79. 8. 78. 9. 10. 77. 11. Connect the Solar DOTS 60. 26. 12. 76. 27. Take turns drawing a straight line between 2 dots. Get one point for every square you complete. If you complete a square with an orange inside, you get two points. The person with the most points wins! 59. 25. 75. 61. 62. 28. 24. Color the Captain 63. 29. 58. 13. 74. 64. 23. 14. 65. 19. 22. 67. 45. 30. 21. 15. 18. 73. 57. 66. 20. 17. 69. 70. 31. 16. 68. 46. 44. 32. 56. 47. 33. 55. 43. 48. 42. 34. 35. 41. 49. 54. 40. 36. 50. 53. 37. 52. 38. 39. READ MORE ABOUT MY ADVENTURES AT WWW.CAPTAINCITRUS.COM/FUN 51. 72. 71. I’m surging with energy thanks to 100% Florida Orange Juice. Show the world how colorful I can be.