Newsletter - Life Learning Cloud
Newsletter - Life Learning Cloud
Learning for Life Fairfield Junior School Fairfield Junior School Show Racism the Red Card Autumn Term Calendar 2012 EVENT DATE Tue 2/10/12 Tue 9/10/12 Parent‟s Evening Sponsored Steeplechase Wed 10/10/12 Year 6 Blue Planet Trip Fri 19/10/12 Mon 29/10/12 School Opens Fri Wed 9/11/12 14/11/12 Wed Year 4 - 1st half Fiddlers Ferry 5/12/12 Year 5 - Cadbury World Thur 20/12/12 School Closes Mon 7/1/13 School Opens ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL All absences have to be recorded in School. If your child is ABSENT they DO require a note (or notification by telephone) Otherwise they are recorded as an “UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE” on the School Report. Telephone School on 424 0123 and leave a message on the answer phone if your child is ill and absent from school. Uniform & Appearance Reminder! In order for us to maintain our high standards of dress we would ask for the support of parents in ensuring that their child is correctly dressed for school. Polo shirts and gingham dresses are for the summer Term only. Black Shoes NO Trainers Bracelets and other Jewellery is not allowed in school Children may wear stud-type earrings Loop or dangly earrings are not allowed for health reasons Hairstyles should be suitable for school and not a fashion statement! Thank you for your help and support School Uniform, caps, hats and bags may be purchased from M & R Fashions, 31 Alforde Street, Widnes WA8 7TR School Disco‟s A food bank is being set up by 25 churches in Widnes. A food bank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis, through the provision of emergency food supplies. For further details: or call Clare on: 07771777762 We will be supporting the charity. More details will follow. Autumn Term October 2012 Newsletter The Staff and Governors offer a very warm welcome to all our children and parents/ carers to the start of the new academic year 2012/13, especially to our new children and parents in Year 3. We are looking forward to a prosperous and exciting year of learning opportunities for our children and we will be keeping you informed about new initiatives and developments in the curriculum. Class 3 Assembly 28/11/12 Year 4 - 2nd half Fiddlers Ferry Learning for Life Welcome School Closes Fri /Sat 16-17/11/12 Year 3 Conway Centre Visit Wed In recognition of the effort and participation in “show racism the red card” competition, Fairfield Junior School has been awarded the certificate of merit. We are extremely proud of this achievement. START: 5:30 PM - END: 6.55PM ADMISSION £2.00 POP AND CRISPS ON SALE Can parents please ensure that they collect their children on time from the disco, particularly on the forthcoming dark evenings. Flyer with date to follow! Aspire, Believe, Succeed This year we also welcome two new members of staff to join our dedicated team. Mr Dan Pendleton has joined the year 4 teachers and Mr Paul Robson is employed as a Teaching Assistant. Mr Pendleton has many specialist teaching qualifications, including ICT, drama and is a karate instructor. Both Mr Pendleton and Mr Robson have many teaching skills that will be real asset to the School. Celebrating Special Achievements I am very proud to report that a number of our children have made a significant effort in representing Fairfield Junior School in unique and special ways. Kelsey (Year 5) has won first prize for showing her fantastic creative skills in a sign-making competition run by the Widnes Vikings and Sure Move Estate agents. Hundreds of youngsters across the borough entered the competition, with Kelsey the eventual winner. Kelsey had a chance to meet the Widnes Viking players and get their autographs as part of her prize. Ryan and Bradley (Year 5) made the very admirable decision to organise, and take part in a fund raising opportunity to support the Downs Syndrome Association. Ryan and Bradley walked up Moel Famua in Wales to raise an astonishing £850. They then presented the money raised to Mrs Nicola Houghton who is one of our parents, and also works hard to support the Downs Syndrome Charity. This was a wonderful act of charity of which all of the staff and governors are extremely pleased to report and is an excellent example of good citizenship of which we are very proud. After many weeks of hard work and dedication, Matthew (Year 5) represented Fairfield Junior School at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. Matthew was a key member of the Liverpool Signing Choir led by Katherine Hegerty. Katherine has worked in our School on a number of occasions and has offered all our children the opportunity to join the signing choir. Those who took this chance to be involved have gained many fantastic experiences. In Matthew’s case, he watched George Michael and the Spice Girls perform and had his name and picture in the Olympic Brochure, as well as appearing on television. Head teacher: Irene Hodkinson Fairfield Junior School, Peel House Lane, Widnes WA8 6TH Tel: 0151 424 0123 Fax: 0151 420 0856 Aspire , Believe , Succeed Learning for Life Fairfield Junior School Olympic Opportunities! Two fantastic opportunities have been given to our children that have been organised by our teaching staff. Mr Roberts and Mrs Gilbert gave a day of the summer break to take two of last year‟s Year 6 children to watch the Women‟s Football at Old Trafford. It was a wonderfull experience enjoyed by all! After winning the prize draw, Cameron and Thomas (Year 5) travelled to London with Miss Gannon and Mrs Seddon to watch the Paralympics. The children thoroughly enjoyed their experience and had the opportunity to watch many Athletics events, including the blind triple and long jump events and wheelchair races. Cameron said: “It was an experience I will never forget”. Rebecca Murphy is our Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer Messages for Children A significant amount of our Office Staff’s time is being taken up by them having to give children last minute messages about arrangements for home time. Unless this is a matter of real emergency, arrangements for home time need to be made BEFORE the children come to School in the morning. A great concern of mine is that, because of the number of messages, (often at a late time during the day), the Office Staff will not have enough time to give children messages. This could cause children to become anxious if the arrangements have been changed and they have not been told. Safeguarding After consultation with our Parent Forum and Governors, a decision was made to install a fence that would encompass the playground. The main aim of the installation of the fence was to keep our children safe. However, it will also demarcate an area that we can develop with play equipment. This project will be led by Miss Kate Little over the forthcoming academic year. All the recent funds raised by parents and forthcoming funds will go towards the equipment. Home Learning All children have a HOME LEARNING DIARY Children should be completing HOME LEARNING at home every school night — it is a very important part of your child‟s education. PARENTS - HOW YOU CAN HELP? Please help your child by hearing them READ NIGHTLY, check they’re doing their HOMEWORK and sign their HOME LEARNING DIARY at the end of each week to indicate they have completed their home learning assignments and reading. Also, please keep an eye on attendance and sign your part of the Home-School Agreement. Thank you! Learning for Life Fairfield Junior School Mad Science Day! “Kinetic Kathryn” visited the school and wowed the children with some amazing interactive Scientific Experiments. Please note children are NOT allowed to have mobile telephones in School. ALSO — Please no Trainers in school. ALSO no “Mohecan” hairstyles for boys, or “Tram Lines”. Aspire, Believe, Succeed came in to talk to our Year 6 chil- dren about the „Power of the Mind.‟ This followed his successful visit last year. This workshop gave the children an insight into how important it is to have strong resilience and determination to overcome any problems or issues that are part of life and learning. The children had the opportunity to build their team working skills and to solve problems together. Silver Kitemark Using the inspiration from the summer of Olympics and Paralympics, the children of Fairfield Juniors have shown a great enthusiasm towards sport and achieving goals through hard work. Excitingly, we had the opportunity to apply for a Sports Kitemark award that brings great recognition of our dedication and love of sport. Due to the commitment of our children in after school sports clubs and competitions, we have been awarded the Silver Kitemark award. This is a great achievement and will only spur the staff and children on to experience a wide range of new sports as well as enjoy the sports they already love. Keep up the sporty effort! Dinner Money Your child’s dinner money (£2.10 per day) Must now be paid in the Hall each day. PACKED LUNCHES HEALTHY EATING! NO glass bottles or fizzy drinks and no sweets or chocolates Thank you! We cannot guarantee children sitting in the same places if they swap from packed lunch to dinner and vice versa. Healthy Eating To promote “healthy eating” every playtime one of the following items will be on sale: Banana Half - 20p Grapes - 25p Orange Half - 20p Apple Half - 20p POP IN TIME! Every Thursday 3.00 3.00--3.30p.m. Mobile Phones Jeff Moran Come and see your child learning! Class Assemblies Friday mornings … Enjoy your child’s class assembly and stay afterwards working with your child and the other mums and dads. It‟s great fun - educational too! Toast is available everyday. Milk, Milk Shake and water are the only drinks allowed. Milk and Milk Shake can be purchased from School. Our Governors have considered play time food and have decided that only toast, fruit and vegetables, such as carrot sticks, should be eaten at playtime. Parents may wish to send their child with their own Milk or Milkshake. NO OTHER FOODS AT PLAY TIME PLEASE Aspire, Believe, Succeed