2014 Provincial Competitions
2014 Provincial Competitions
www.ormta.org Fall 2014 2014 Provincial Competitions NEW PROVINCIAL COUNCIL MEMBERS CONTRIBUTION TO TEACHING AWARDS PHOTO GALLERY PUBLICATION INFORMATION ARTICLES All submissions must be received by the NOTES editor by the following deadlines: May 1 (summer issue), October 1 (fall issue), February 1 (spring issue). The editor prefers that all text be sent by e-mail using Microsoft Word. Reports from the Branches and OCTA biographies are limited to 400 words. Written permission must accompany all text where applicable. PHOTOS High resolution colour photos in .jpg format are preferred. Email photos directly to: paddy@coppernoise.com REPRINT PERMISSION All material in this publication is copyrighted and may not be duplicated or reprinted without advance written permission. DISCLAIMER The views expressed in NOTES are not necessarily those of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association, neither are the products or services appearing in advertisements and inserts endorsed by that Association. ADVERTISING Ad sizes and rates are available from: Tracy Lai 2754 Dempster Ave. Innisfil, ON. L9S 1C1 Tel: 705-436-2236 E Mail: tlmusicstudio@gmail.com Advertising must be submitted to Tracy by article “due dates” listed above. All final ad artwork must be saved in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. When preparing ads, use high resolution images and fonts, and set the Acrobat Preferences to embed the fonts and images at their original high resolution quality. NOTES FOR NON-MEMBERS Non-ORMTA members may receive NOTES by submitting an annual fee to Ron Spadafore, Provincial Secretary/Registrar, Box 635, Timmins, ON P4N 7G2. The charge for Canadian residents is $20 per year, $30 for non-residents. Please make the cheque out to ORMTA. NOTES EDITOR Please send material for review to: Patrick McCormick - Notes Editor 158 McRoberts Avenue, Toronto M6E 4P5 Tel: (416) 554 3998 email: paddy@coppernoise.com www.ormta.org Contents Calendar of Events 4 Privacy Policy 4 From the Editor 5 From the President 6 From the Branches 7 Minutes of 2014 AGM 12 New Provincial Council Members 14 My Years with Jacob Lateiner 16 OH! CANADA! Convention – Gallery 17 2014 Provincial Competitions 22 Contribution to Teaching Awards (part 2) 26 From the Registrar’s Desk 32 Sense 33 Provincial Executive and Zone Representatives 35 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 3 Calendar of Events 2014-2015 October 25 Provincial Council Executive Meeting October 26 Provincial Council Meeting November 17-23 CANADA MUSIC WEEK December 31 Deadline for Amendments to By-Laws December 31 Branch concerns to Zone Representatives for presentation to Council Meeting February 1, 2015 “NOTES” DEADLINE FOR SPRING ISSUE February 6 Provincial Executive Electronic Meeting February 7 Provincial Council Electronic Meeting March 1 Deadline for changes of address and/or membership status to Provincial Registrar March 15 Deadline for Music Writing Competition submissions to CMW Chairperson March 15 Branch concerns to Zone Representative for presentation to Council Meeting April 1 Deadline for OCTA submissions April 18 Provincial Council Executive Meeting April 19 Provincial Council Meeting April 30 DEADLINE for ALL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT requests for 2015-2016 May 1 “NOTES” DEADLINE FOR SUMMER ISSUE May 15 Nominations for Zone Representatives, to Provincial Secretary May 15 Branch Delegate names re Annual Meeting, to Provincial Secretary May 31 Deadline for Zone entries in the Provincial Student and Young Artist Competitions to Provincial Chairperson July 1 Membership fees are due July 1 Deadline for BRANCH EXECUTIVE LISTS for 2015-2016 July 1 Branch concerns to Zone Representative for presentation to Council Meeting July 24 Provincial Council Executive Meeting July 25 - 26 Provincial Council Meeting; Annual General Meeting, Awards Luncheon and Competitions August 1 Requests for ONTARIO YOUNG ARTIST RECITALS to Chairperson THE ONTARIO REGISTERED MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION PRIVACY POLICY The Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association respects your privacy. We protect your personal information and adhere to all legislative requirements with respect to protecting your privacy. We do not rent, sell or trade our mailing lists. The information you provide will be used to deliver services and to keep you informed and up to date on activities of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association, including workshops, clinics, conventions, recitals, competitions and other special events, funding needs, opportunities to volunteer or give, newsletters, NOTES magazine, membership, brochures, and web-site information. If at any time you wish to be removed from our mailing list or discuss our privacy policy in greater detail, simply contact us through our Secretary-Registrar at 705-267-1224 or via e-mail at ormta@ntl.sympatico. ca and we will gladly accommodate your request. For more info please visit www.ormta.org and click on “Privacy Policy” at the bottom of the page or contact Provincial Secretary-Registrar, Ron Spadafore. 4 NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers from your NOTES Editor! Welcome to our Fall issue of NOTES. It’s ‘thank you’ time... Firstly, congratulations to new Provincial President, Frank Horvat. I’m sure you will all join me in wishing Frank much success in the year ahead. The OH! CANADA! Convention was held in the Westin Prince Hotel in Toronto on July 26 and 27. Many thanks to the Convention committee and to the individuals, branches, corporations and sponsors for their generous and valued support and for helping to make the event such a major success. I would like to offer our sincere thanks to outgoing President, Sue Jones, for the outstanding work she has done during her own tenure as President. For a trip down memory lane or if you weren’t able to be there, please visit our convention photo gallery at: www.ormta.org/convention Some great performances were on display during the 2014 Provincial Competitions, making it quite a challenge to select the winners. You can find the competition results on page 22. Yours in music, Patrick McCormick Editor MUSIC “The Student Music Organizer” by: Darlene Irwin Mus. Bac., A.R.C.T., R.M.T. Integrate your studies in performance, music history, and theory while exploring the edges of music. Discover music’s relationships to technology, film, gender, and global culture. Each year, thousands of dollars in scholarships and awards are given to new and returning music students! ALSO The Student Technique Organizers Simplified practice charts for all grades technical requirements. (See website for sample) uwaterloo.ca/music For more detail information on all our products and to order see our Website at: www.studentmusicorganizer.com The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 5 From the President Greetings ORMTA Colleagues, It’s a pleasure to connect with you via NOTES Magazine for the first time as Provincial President. I look at the long list of my distinguished predecessors and realize what an honour it is to hold this position and what large shoes I have to fill. Thankfully, I am just one piece that makes up our fabulous Provincial Council team. We have many new faces joining us with skills and ideas that will be a huge asset to our organization. By the time you receive this, we will be well into the fall and our 3. I plan everything and sacrifice anything. years as President. In the coming new school year. In preparing 4. I’m a people person. months, you will be hearing more this column, I am simultaneously 5. I give back. about initiatives that will help preparing for a presentation that 6. I’m creative and seek my own our great organization be even I will give to first year students at path. greater. We have a talented the Faculty of Music, University 7. I deal with rejection. bunch of individuals on Provincial of Toronto (my alma mater). They 8. I take care of myself. Council and amazing branches have invited me to give a talk on 9. I promote anywhere and and leaders across the province. my musical career thus far…the anytime. successes and the roadblocks. I look forward to working with all of you to ensure our great I have found the process of I thought much of this list is organization continues to preparing the presentation not only pertinent to being prosper. both reflective and horrific all at a musician in general, but the same time. How does one specifically a music teacher. Do In the meantime, I want to hear summarize what they do and how any of you disagree with my from you! What are your ideas? they function in order to maintain points? Anything missing? Please Let’s work together to continue a career in music? As we are all in share your thoughts on ORMTA’s to help our colleagues, our the same boat, I thought I would Discussion Forum on ormta.org studios and most importantly, our share with you what I will share or ORMTA’s various social media students. with the students…the 9 reasons platforms. Happy Music-Making and why I survive as a professional musician: 6 some of this spirit to my two For those of you who know me Teaching! personally, you can attest to the – Frank. 1. I work hard. fact that I tend to be energetic ! 2. I’m versatile and flexible. I like big ideas. I hope to bring NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers From the Branches BARRIE Like a breath of fresh air, the Barrie Branch wishes to welcome our newest members: Jennifer van Gennip, Penelope Dale, and Affiliate Members Level 1-Piano Alison Bell and Tabitha Johnson. Tabitha is a Prize Winner from the CMC Finals in Quebec this past summer and a student of Cheryl Graham. With renewed energy and optimism our Branch is looking forward to this year’s EVENTS. Canada Music week will bring a full day of patriotism as we celebrate all things Canadian. We have the privilege to host Martha Hill Duncan from Red Leaf Pianoworks (www. redleafpianoworks.com) on Sat. Nov. 22. An awards recital will be followed by a Composition Workshop, with the addition of a Master Class for senior students. We are making an effort to not only “Branch Out” but to support our future Canadian composers. We are anticipating a truly memorable event. We also looking forward to having Nancy Telfer return and adjudicate our Scholarship Evaluations 2015 on Sat. Feb. 28, 2015. Plans are in the works for our Barrie Branch Competition as we are to host the North Central Zone Competition on Sat. May 23, 2015. We wish to congratulate Pamela Cioroch, of our Barrie Branch and student of Cheryl Graham. Pamela was the Winner of the North Central Zone Competition held in Owen Sound last May 25, 2014. Pamela represented the North Central Zone at the ORMTA Provincial Student Instrumental Competition on July 26, 2014 at The Westin Prince Hotel in Toronto. Please feel free to “LIKE” us on our Barrie Branch ORMTA Facebook page. This year promises to be full of welcome outlooks as we celebrate our art of making music together. – Sarah Lawton CENTRAL TORONTO The Central Toronto Branch executive has been busy preparing for the new teaching year by updating our look, growing our team and planning lots of events. Prompted by the call to display a banner for the Provincial conference in July, we have designed a brand new logo which was inspired by our equally new slogan: “Sharing the JOY of music from the HEART of the city”. We have also created a brand new website (www. ormtactb.com) which will be the central hub for information for all of our members. This new website is easy to navigate for anyone young or old as we will constantly be striving to update and make things simpler and clearer. Instead of using snail mail this year, we are putting all of our registration forms online to make it fast and easy to sign up students for our auditions and recital program. Our executive team has grown to include Avila Lotoski as Vice President and Liz Craig as the Auditions and Recitals Coordinator. With new perspectives come change and we have decided to embrace evolution is many respects for the 2014/15 year. As we evolve though, we are very proud of our traditions and are happy to announce that we will be continuing to offer many events which are great opportunities for our members to get involved and to hear great music. We are proud to host this year’s Young Artist Charissa Vandikas at the Canadian Music Centre on October 19th on her tour of Ontario. We are also in the midst of organizing a Children’s Recital with a Halloween theme as well as getting ready for the fall auditions session. Detailed information about each of these events, as well as contact information can all be found at www.ormtactb.com. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 7 From the Branches HAMILTON-HALTON Our Branch 2014 AGM on May 30 - held in the Conference Room at the beautiful Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington - officially closed off the Organization’s 2013-2014 fiscal year. Each Member on the Executive presented a Report that highlighted tasks completed pertaining to Branch operations and programs. At the Luncheon that followed, those present took the opportunity to congratulate our Branch Member, Sandra “Sandy” Brewer, for having been selected to received this year’s ORMTA Contribution to Teaching Award. We were pleased to have had our two Branch Executive Members, Janice Beninger, President (Term 1), and Jacqueline HuffmanKrisza, Recording Secretary (Term 1), as Delegates present at the ORMTA OH! CANADA! Convention 2014. I invite you to visit our branch website - ormta. org/hamilton-halton - and read Jacqueline’s Report sharing her experience and perspective. On July 11th, the elected Executive for the 2014-2015 term held its first meeting at the home of Janice Beninger. Much was accomplished in the planning out of the 2014 - 2015 Calendar of Events pertaining to the dates, locations, and confirming the Members who will be organizing Students Recitals, Branch and Zone Competitions, Workshops. Programming is what keeps our Organization invigorated through our Members, Students and Parents’ engagements. In between these programming dates are the scheduled Executive and General Meetings dates that are so vital for the Executive to conduct in order to measure the ongoing “temperature and pulse” of the Organization. As Members take time out from their busy schedule - dedicated to teaching, family, adjudicating, and other community activities - to participate in their local ORMTA, Hamilton Halton Branch, it is a plus to have them contribute to the vitality of this organization. Branch activities scheduled from August 2014 - December 2014: August 28th - 1st General Meeting & President’s “Wine & Cheese” Social October 26th - Halloween Recital; another “spooktacular” event with the little ghosts, goblins, vampires in performance. November 3 - November 15, 2014 - Rotary Burlington Music Festival Week; an annual joint venture between our ORMTA, Hamilton-Halton Branch and the 4 Burlington Rotary Clubs. November 23rd - Canada Music Week Recital; to celebrate our imaginative and creative Canadian Composers 8 NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers From the Branches The Newmarket & Area Branch welcomes Maria Rost, Natalya Tsoy, Susan Griesdale, and Carol Smith to our ever growing branch. We hope that you will take advantage of the many events and new opportunities that are provided for both yourself and your students. It is always a pleasure to see new faces at our general meetings! December 10th - Christmas Recital; with “Let it Snow ...”, on the program?: Rewind Jan/ 2014 for a rethink perhaps?! Those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer 2014 are over; fond and lasting memories to reflect on: Members well revived to take on the new teaching semester in September! – Kamara Hennessey HANOVER/WALKERTON LEAR RECOGNIZED AT CULTURAL AWARDS On May 2nd 2014, Gail Lear of Londesborough, Ont. received the Community Contribution award from the Huron Arts and Heritage Network. This category recognizes “an individual artist …who through their work has contributed to the reputation of Huron County as a producer of artistic excellence. While United Church organist, choir director and accompanist for husband Harry, Gail earned her A. Mus. Teachers, Piano and Theory Certificate. For over 50 years she taught at home and in local schools, her high standards producing many of Huron County’s finest musicians and teachers – Ron Greidanus, Craig Fair, Josh House, Andrea Grant and singer, Lesley Pike to name a few. Additional to her work with ORMTA’s Hanover Walkerton branch, Gail was a founding member and archivist for The Blyth Festival Singers. As Gail winds down her teaching career, her music legacy lives on in the community. NEWMARKET & AREA The Newmarket & Area Branch has geared up for its 2014-15 season! This year, we are pleased to have Betty Taylor, Sheila Vandikas, Alessandra Matthews, Nancy Hallford and Janis Mitchell as our executive leaders. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge two teachers who have recently retired from ORMTA. For many years, Mary Lou Stanton and Mary Jane MacPherson have shown great dedication to both the North York and Newmarket & Area Branches. Both teachers served on executive council, maintaining various positions, and as well, were instrumental in the formation of our relatively new “Newmarket & Area” Branch. Mary Lou was also one of the founders of VPAN: Visual and Performing Arts Newmarket. Mary Lou felt that Newmarket should and could support live classical music concert performances and exhibitions of fine art. In 1989, Three For The Show, a series of three classical concerts, featuring professional musicians was established. The York Region community has been enjoying this concert series ever since! The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 9 From the Branches NORTH BAY Our first meeting of the 20142015 season was hosted by new member Catherine Trenker at her residence on September 12. After the summer break, this first meeting of the season is always a busy one. Mary Lou and Mary Jane will be missed by their ORMTA friends and colleagues. On September 19th, ORMTA Newmarket & Area got an early start to the celebration of Canada Music Week by hosting a wonderful workshop with Red Leaf Composers Susan Griesdale & Martha Hill Duncan. We heard a variety of performances from several new composer collections, featuring both vocal and piano Canadian composers across Canada, not to mention the music of Martha and Susan as well. Our flute teacher in attendance was also able to enjoy audio performances for Flute. The second part of this workshop involved an engaging presentation from Darlene Irwin, writer of The Student Music Organizer. We discovered that 10 NOTES Fall 2014 Darlene’s “dictation” book is a wealth of information, from weekly assignment pages, goal setting, and theory reference guides, to a great history section, featuring a breakdown of each of the periods in music history. An assortment of digital apps was also presented. We each left the workshop with a little something extra to share with our students! The Newmarket and Area Branch looks forward to the next series of events that will be occurring throughout the Fall season. For more information on these events and more, please visit us at www. newmarketormta.org. – Sheila McLean The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers Our schedule of fall recitals, which begin in October with the “Harvest Recital” followed quickly by our “Honour Recital” then several others, were important agenda items as was our hosting of Charissa Vandikas, pianist who is this year’s winner of the “Young Artist” competition. Her recital will take place at the residence of Beth Chartrand on Saturday October 4, at 7:00 p.m. Over the summer months we have been investigating the purchase of a used baby grand piano that has come up for sale locally. We have had the piano evaluated by an independent technician who gave us a cautious appraisal. We have not yet made the decision as to whether we will proceed in that the instrument will need several hundred dollars worth of repairs to bring it up to a good standard. We are also considering setting up a web site for our branch which will be a vehicle through which we can promote our activities and events, including individual teacher’s studio From the Branches offerings, branch recitals, workshops, student achievements etc. members present that a 50 year certificate would be taken to Anne Graham. We are very happy to welcome new members, Catherine Trenker, Cynthia Roveda and Deborah Bandy to our branch. We are very excited about the upcoming Young Artist Recital on 26 October. It will be Ottawa’s chance to experience this charming and engaging pianist, Charissa Vandikas, first-hand. The recital will take place at 2 pm in the chapel of Tabaret Hall, University of Ottawa (500 Cumberland St.) and we expect it to be a huge artistic success. On Sunday 23 November the Branch will host its Canada Music Week Recital at Orleans United Church. This event is always very popular and so this year we are moving to a larger venue. More on this and the Young Artist Recital in the next issue. – Brian McDowell OTTAWA Greetings from Ottawa. We were thrilled to learn that local students Haotian Yu won the Zone Competition for piano and Alden Chen was the first runner up in the Young Artist Competition last July. Both are students of Dr. Chunson Park and we congratulate them on their achievements. We would also like to congratulate Haotian Yu and Anika-France Forget (student of Colin Mack) who were both winners in the CFMTA 2014 Student Composer Competition. Our fall season began with the General Meeting and Coffee Morning on 8 September which was chaired by the branch president Tania Granata. The meeting was well attended and gave everyone a chance to catch up after the summer. Council announced its Calendar of Events for the 2014-2015 season and it was also the opportunity for us to award former Special Teacher Gloria Jean Nagy with her 25 year certificate, and to tell the A busy fall will be followed by an even busier 2015, beginning with The First Class Honours Recitals and The Variety Show in February. Our Adult Students’ Workshops/Masterclasses and Recital will take place in March. Our Competition and Competition Gala will round off the teaching year at the end of May. There will also be three masterclasses (two in piano and one in classical guitar) for our students in the winter and a professional development session in February on taxes for the selfemployed for our teachers. Sadly we lost two long-time members over the summer: former special teacher winner Adela Contreras and Corrine Baxter. They will be missed and we send our condolences to their families and friends. ’Til next time... – Susan Blyth-Schofield TIMMINS The Timmins Branch is gearing up for another active teaching year. We are looking forward to our students’ participation in February 2015 in the Porcupine Music Festival de Musique which is celebrating its 75th anniversary. We will once again present our students in the annual “Celebrate Mothers” concert in May 2015. This concert features performers of all ages and levels, along with our Branch student scholarship winners who achieved the highest marks on the 2014 conservatory examinations. After each student performs, he/she presents a carnation to their mother seated in the audience – a nice touch for Mother’s Day, which follows a few days after our concert. We hope to see our friends from the North Bay ORMTA Branch at the Zone Convention held in North Bay in June 2015. Happy teaching, – Audrey Jean Wells The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 11 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday July 27, 2014 – MINUTES Call to Order The President called the meeting to order at 12: 30 p.m. She welcomed all those present. A Treasurer’s Report was distributed to each member attending the Annual General Meeting. Introduction of Council Members The President introduced each of the Council members. Reading of the Minutes from the 2013 Annual Meeting The Minutes of the July 20, 2013 Annual General Meeting held in Mississauga, Ontario were read by the SecretaryRegistrar. BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE MINUTES OF THE 2013 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING BE ACCEPTED AS CIRCULATED. MOVED BY LISELOTTE JONGEDIJK, CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH AND SECONDED BY CAROLYNNE DAVY GODIN, NORTH YORK/YORK REGION BRANCH. APPROVED/ 1 ABSTENTION. PRESIDENT’S REPORT The President gave her report. Good afternoon everyone: The last year has been a whirlwind of activity on the part of your Provincial Council as we got ready for this convention. As far as I know, Provincial Council itself has never acted as a convention host and we certainly now have a greater understanding and appreciation of all the work done by individual branches to put on previous conventions. In addition to their regular duties, Council members pulled together to produce what I think has been a successful event. I would like to thank them all. Thank you to ... - my co-chair Past President Charline Farrell, who not only made the beautiful quilt displayed at the Registration area, but with the able assistance of our Treasurer Nancy Dale, was responsible for the silent auction, table decorations and door prizes. - Frank Horvat, with Ian Green’s help, who has been completely indispensable especially when it came to anything to do with the website, media announcements, audio visual equipment and the very detailed convention schedule he prepared for Council. - Elizabeth Tithecott who organized the master classes - Naomi Morrison who organized our Meet and Greet for hotel guests on Friday night. - Ron Spadafore who did all the bookings with the hotel, which is a very complicated procedure, and looked after all the little details from writing up contracts to making our name tags. - Kathy Schmidt, who contacted and arranged the Exhibitors, - Tracy Lai and Ian Green who have been our photographers all weekend and everyone else on Council who has so generously donated items for the silent auction or door prizes and volunteered their time to help out at the various events. Matters for Voting The Secretary-Registrar introduced the three scrutineers for this year, Gunars Balodis, Don Barrett and David Home. The Secretary-Registrar then read the casting of votes. I would like to also thank you, the members, for your generous donations and Ottawa Region Branch member, Amy Boyes, who was responsible for our great programme. Election of Zone Representatives Nominations were received from the following Zones: North-East Zone Ottawa Region Zone Zone Representatives are still needed for: Greater Toronto Area Zone Central Zone Southern Zone The Secretary-Registrar asked if there were any nominations from the floor. Jacqueline Huffman-Krisza was nominated for the Southern Zone and Irene Fong Leung was nominated for the Greater Toronto Area Zone. Sheila McLean was nominated for the Greater Toronto Area Zone but unfortunately has to decline at this time. Charline, Frank and I attended the CFMTA meetings held in Toronto in early July. This was Charline’s first meeting as CFMTA President, and she ran a tight ship. We got a lot accomplished. A summary of the minutes will be in the next CMT magazine. Unfortunately, we are saying good-bye to five of our Council Members: Doranne Minotti (OCTAs), Naomi Morrison (Canada Music Week and Music Writing Competitions), Ann Empey (Competitions), Audrey Wells (Young Artist Tour), and of course Charline Farrell who is finished her term as Past President and will now be able to devote even more time to her duties as CFMTA President. As President, I feel it has been my job to encourage and facilitate discussion amongst my Council colleagues as opposed to expressing my own opinion all the time (not that I don’t express my opinion!) But, I’m going to express an opinion now. I love ORMTA and everything it stands for. I have volunteered for this wonderful organization since my very first general meeting in the Ottawa Region Branch in September 1995 as a new pre-Diploma member. There has not been a day since where I have not volunteered for ORMTA – first in my branch, then on Provincial Council. As a result, I have made some very good friends and continually make new ones within the organization and always (almost) know what’s going on. I feel very connected and supported as a teacher. Therefore, I encourage you to volunteer for your branch. I encourage the branches to make yourselves known within your communities – write articles for your local newspaper about your activities – about ORMTA – about the benefits of studying with an ORMTA teacher. My message to you is: be involved! The more involved you are, the more benefits you personally will receive. Thank you very much. Sue Jones The President then introduced CFMTA President, Charline Farrell, who brought greetings from CFMTA. Charline introduced the new CFMTA Secretary-Treasurer, Natasha Frid Findlay. Charline also announced the name of the new CFMTA webmaster, Patrick Brown. It was with great pride that Charline announced that Sue Jones was elected as the new National Competitions Chair. 12 NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers OPEN FORUM Liselotte Jongedijk - Central Toronto Branch Liselotte reported on an unfortunate and difficult situation dealing with signing authority at a local bank branch. Liselotte asked if there was anything that Provincial Council could do to assist? The President stated that Provincial Council would look into this problem. Carolynne Davy Godin - North York/ York Region Branch. Carolynne stated that the North York/ York Region Branch used the same two signatories each year. This procedure seemed to avoid any problems with the banks. Charline Farrell - Chatham-Kent Branch Charline suggested that the Central Toronto Branch should consider changing banks. Frances Balodis, North Bay Branch Frances asked what would happen to those listed on the Treasurer’s report who were listed as unpaid? The Treasurer stated that 50% had paid since this report was printed. Also, some members have passed away, or resigned. Betty Taylor and Sheila McLean Newmarket and Area Branch Betty and Sheila reported on the rising costs of RCM examination fees. They circulated a letter to all present asking that this letter be brought back to each Branch. It was hope that each Branch could provide some feedback regarding the information in this letter. Betty and Sheila stated that if anyone present required further information, they could contact either of them. The President stated that this initiative was an individual member matter, and in no way reflected the position of ORMTA Provincial Council. Carolynne Davy Godin - North York/ York Region Branch Carolynne asked if those present would receive a complete Treasurers report. Gunars Balodis - North Bay Branch Gunars asked if the members who were late in the payment of their fees, indicated that they were no longer a member. The Treasurer stated that payments were still coming in. She also stated that after two years of non-payment, the membership would be archived. Alice Dearden - Central Toronto Alice requested clarification regarding the CFMTA vote that was taken regarding the allocation of Provincial Delegates. The President stated that this motion was defeated at the CFMTA meeting that took place in July 2013. She also stated that Ontario would continue to pursue this matter. Meg Freer - Kingston Branch Meg requested clarification regarding the process of determining the 25-50 year membership. The Secretary-Registrar stated that at the present time, this process begins at the Branch level. Names of potential 25-50 members are submitted to the SecretaryRegistrar for verification. Jennifer Smele - Bolton. Brampton, Caledon Branch Jennifer stated that as an RCM examiner, she would have difficulty signing the letter distributed by the Newmarket and area Branch. She also asked why this letter could not come from ORMTA? Sheila McLean stated that individual signatures would carry more weight. The President stated that it is not the mandate of ORMTA to tell organizations what they can or cannot charge. She also stated that any correspondence regarding this matter must have a disclaimer attached. Carolynne Davy Godin suggested that members could boycott the RCM examinations. It was reported that a full audited report was published in the Spring issue of NOTES. Heather Faris Newmarket and Area Branch Heather stated that she disagreed with the ORMTA stance on this matter. Evelyn Nojd - Bolton, Brampton, Caledon Branch Evelyn was asked by The Personal for an ORMTA membership number, which we do not have. It was reported that we do not have personal insurance numbers. Doranne Minotti - Niagara Fall Branch Doranne stated that she totally understood Heather’s stance, however ORMTA could not go to any organization and complain about their pricing or policies. Gunars Balodis - North Bay Branch Gunars pointed out that RCM has many customers across Canada. ORMTA is only one of RCM customers, therefore individual teachers expressing concern would carry much more weight. Results of Voting as Presented by Scrutineers The Results of the Voting were announced by the Secretary-Registrar. All matters for Voting were approved. The scrutineers were thanked for their assistance this year. MOVED BY BEVERLY BARRETT, LONDON BRANCH, THAT THE BALLOTS BE DESTROYED. APPROVED. Announcements Virginia Taylor announced the 6th year of Theory/Harmony workshop. Joe Ringhofer will be the Clinician. The workshop will take place August 5 - 7, 2014. For more information, contact Virginia at virginiataylor@sympatico.ca Jennifer Smele also announced a workshop dealing with transfer students. This workshop will take place on August 11, 2014. For more information please contact Jennifer at jennifersmele@gmail.com At this point the Provincial Gavel was passed from Sue Jones to Frank Horvat. Congratulations Frank! MOVED BY FRANCES BALODIS, NORTH BAY BRANCH, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. The meeting was adjourned at 1:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ron Spadafore Provincial Secretary-Registrar The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 13 ORMTA Announces New Provincial Council Members In the summer of 2014, many positions were filled at the Provincial Level of ORMTA. ORMTA is a very busy organization that is dedicated to creating a good relationship between teachers and the community from all areas of the province. To learn more about the roles that ORMTA Provincial Council has in the life of ORMTA, as well as to learn about the other provincial council members that make up this great team of individuals, please visit the ORMTA website: http://ormta.org/about/provincial-council Let’s take a moment to welcome the newest members to ORMTA Provincial Council: Tania Granata, Ottawa Region Zone Representative Irene Fong Leung, GTA Zone Representative Affiliate Teacher Liaison Irene holds an Associate of Royal Conservatory of Toronto (ARCT) Piano Teacher Diploma and the Certificate of Advanced Piano Pedagogy from Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. She is an active member of ORMTA, MTNA, and Ontario College of Teachers. She is currently the vice-president of the North York/York Region Branch. She also has other academic degrees: M. Sc. (U. of Waterloo), B. Ed. (U of Toronto), B. Sc. (U of California at Berkeley). She has over 20 years of experience teaching. Eric Shaw, GTA Zone Representative Membership Initiatives A graduate of University of Toronto (MMus) and McGill University (BMus), tenor Eric Shaw has been teaching 14 NOTES Fall 2014 voice in the Toronto area for the past 15 years. He currently has a busy private studio along with teaching at Rosedale Heights School of the Arts and North Toronto Collegiate Institute in their choral programmes. Eric also runs workshops for community choirs. Recently, he has begun directing opera and musicals in the United States and Canada. In addition to being the President of the Central Toronto Branch of ORMTA, Eric is thrilled to be a member of Provincial Council this year Susan Robinson, Central Zone Representative Young Artist Tour Susan Robinson, of Kitchener-Waterloo Branch, is a piano teacher, RCM examiner and active adjudicator. She is a University of Toronto graduate and a former faculty member of the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, Ontario. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers OCTAs Tania is currently the President of the Ottawa Branch of ORMTA. She holds a B. A. in Music and Modern Languages from the University of Ottawa as well as A.R.C.T. in Pedagogy from the Royal Conservatory of Music. She has held several positions on ORMTA Ottawa Council including the CMW and FCH. She is President of the Ottawa West Junior Music Club as well as the Ottawa Centre Coordinator for Contemporary Showcase. She maintains a busy studio of private students as well as teaching the Music for Young Children program Frances Balodis, North East Zone Representative Fundraising Frances is a founder of Music for Young Children and cofounder of CLU. As an RMT, Frances received the Hugheen Ferguson Distinguished Teacher award in Regina, SK in July, 2011. A certified Neurolinguistic Programmer (NLP) and an Accredited DISC Training provider, as well as a teacher with over 50 years of experience, Frances is a sought-after speaker at conferences and is a welcome workshop clinician, adjudicator, and examiner. Frances also enjoys being a Conservatory Canada examiner, is organist at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Ullster, Ontario and plays handbells in the Bells Appealing bell choir in Bracebridge, Ontario. Jacqueline Huffman-Krisza, Southern Zone Representative Conservatory of Music of Toronto, B. Mus (Honours History and Theory) from McMaster University, a B. Ed from the University of Toronto, and a M. Ed from Brock University. She also has accreditation in Dalacroze, Kindermusik, , Musikgarten, and Orff, and is currently the recording secretary for the Hamilton-Halton Branch of ORMTA. Retired from Hillfield Strathallan College, where she was the Early Music Education Specialist for both the Montessori and Junior Schools for 27 years, she currently enjoys her family, her private students, and being Artistic Director for the Rotary Burlington Music Festival. Alice Dearden, Greater Toronto Area Zone Representative College/University Liaison Jacquie has an ARCT from the Royal Canada Music Week/Music Writing Competition Alice began her studies at the age of 11 enjoying violin and vocal music. By age 18, she realized that she wanted to become a piano teacher. She began teaching while she continued her piano studies, leading to an ARCT in Piano Teaching in 1986. As well as teaching privately, since 1999 Alice has been teaching the Music for Young Children program. Alice is past-president and secretary of ORMTA’s Central Toronto Branch and is also the director of the Syme Senior Centre Choir. To learn more about the roles that ORMTA Provincial Council has in the life of ORMTA, as well as to learn about the other provincial council members that make up this great team of individuals, please visit the ORMTA website: http://ormta.org/ about/provincial-council The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 15 “I’m Getting Old” My Years with Jacob Lateiner duration, for I knew that by virtue of his objectivity, Mr. Lateiner was not commenting on what he felt was in the music, but what I was literally doing. Jacob Lateiner was a wonderful teacher. For the last three years of his life I was his student, during which time my idea of how music was conceived, practiced, and performed developed beyond what I could have imagined. My idea of a piano lesson was a relatively simple one, now that I think back: entering a teacher’s studio, playing a piece, leaving after a series of opinionated comments were offered. I had heard of Mr. Lateiner before, as a noble and traditional Beethoven interpreter who studied with Schoenberg and taught Lowell Liebermann, so I knew when I arrived at his studio that I was meeting a person who had an encyclopedic knowledge of music. During my lessons, Jacob took notes, literally involving a bar-by-bar close reading of my performance which he prepared as I played. One one side of a page of my notebook, he wrote bar numbers and the errors he found in them, on the other, general comments on my performing and phrasing. No issue was left out: from the smallest grace note being missed to dynamics being incorrectly played and tempos fluctuating “like a drunkard trying to speak” he would say - each and every detail was examined. There were lessons that felt downright awful for their entire 16 NOTES Fall 2014 For Jacob Lateiner, the score and the composer’s intentions were of paramount importance and surmounted the student’s personal interpretation. The artist, in his estimation, was to tell the story the composer was telling: the artist simply does it in their own words. Never did he allow or support an interpretation that was inexplicable in its departure from the composer’s intentions. He was fascinated by scholarship of each composer and their letters, as well as the writings and other criticisms surrounding the composer’s lives (see his article An Interpreter’s Approach to Mozart in the Early Music Journal in which he explains that he considers artists as interpreters and not performers, because the idea of a ‘performer’ has a pejorative connotation for him). Every lesson for the first year baffled me: these were lessons which explored in vivid description my incompetencies and insufficiencies as an interpreter and pianist. I had expected a teacher with high ideals who would demand high standards, I never expected to hear phrases like, “Why do you never ask yourself the reason for playing it that way?” He had to slow me down, for I played compulsively and without logic at all, to see his process of how to execute specific passages and translate the musical details into what he called “getting under the composer’s skin,” a phrase he often used to indicate actively becoming conscious of the intentions of the music and motivations behind the composer’s writing of it. Every lesson was treated as a concert performance, with the repertoire being played from memory without exception, during which time The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers Jacob was a discomfortingly astute critic. It was something I learned as an underlying theme while studying with him: a good teacher makes their student aware of three different scores all at once: a score that is before them, and all of its detail; followed by the score the student is producing in reality, including all of its shortcomings and potentials; and finally, the score the student wants to produce and feels instinctively natural in playing. In this, Jacob was unsparing: there were moments when his perceptiveness was almost creepy. “Today,” he said once, “You are playing this way because you heard my recording and want to impress me. That is not something I find impressive: your ability to copy me, when I might not even play it the way I did thirty years ago.” “Why?” I asked him. He answered wryly, “I’m getting old.” I asked myself, does he want me to play it my own way? I suppose, within reason: Bach cannot sound like Chopin entirely, and Schoenberg cannot be Mozart. But the funny thing about this is - as important as the composer was to him, and as critical as he was about every single note and phrase being produced to maximum sensitivity, Mr. Lateiner (I never could call him Jacob, even when he offered) pushed me so that I had no choice but to interpret the music according to an objective reality. It was inspiring, it was daunting, and always confronting, but it allowed me to learn to do the one thing I was so awe-inspired by in every lesson because he did it so well: to see the music itself. Works Cited Lateiner, Jacob. An Interpreter’s Approach to Mozart. Early Music (1992) XX (2): 245-253. Jarred Dunn Checking in at the registration desk with Ron and Nancy Busy exhibit hall Janet Lopinski speaking at the breakfast sponsored by the Royal Conservatory of Music John Burge entertained us with the many piano tricks he’d learned over the years. Our OH! CANADA! Convention was held in the beautiful Westin Prince Hotel in Toronto on July 26 and 27, 2014. This was the first time we held our convention solely on a weekend, starting Friday night with a Meet and Greet for those staying in the hotel. We were treated to a breakfast on Saturday sponsored by the Royal Conservatory of Music (with speaker Janet Lopinski) and on Sunday sponsored by Ultimate Music Theory (with speaker Glory St. Germain). There were workshops, the exhibit hall, silent auction, pedagogy town hall, Awards Luncheon (with guest speaker Julie Nesrallah), Annual General Meeting, Gala Banquet (with guest speaker Howard Dyck), master classes, competitions, door prizes, reception and closing ceremony (where we had a draw for our beautiful quilt). All in two days! Bravo to the Convention committee, which for the first time were the members of Provincial Council: Nancy Dale, Ann Empey, Ian Green, Judy Home, Frank Horvat, Tracy Lai, Sandra Menard, Doranne Minotti, Naomi Morrison, Kathy Schmidt, Ron Spadafore, Elizabeth Tithecott and Audrey Wells. – Charline Farrell and Sue Jones For a trip down memory lane or if you weren’t able to be there, please visit our convention photo gallery. www.ormta.org/convention Awards Luncheon - Sandy Menard presented Brenda Huberts with the ORMTA Pedagogy Award. Brenda also won the CFMTA Pedagogy Award. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 17 Awards Luncheon - OCTA recipient Ann Babin, Special Guest Julie Nesrallah and Ottawa Region Branch members. Pedagogy Town Hall: Panelists Janet Lopinski, Frances Balodis and Michael Faulkner Awards Luncheon - Special Guest Julie Nesrallah gave a heart-felt and moving speech of her journey as a singer under the guidance of ORMTA teacher the late Barbara Ross. Julie was presented with an Honorary ORMTA Membership to honour her contribution to music education. Julie’s speech can be read in its entirety on our website. Glory St. Germain speaking at the breakfast sponsored by Ultimate Music Theory. Gala Banquet - Incoming President Frank Horvat and Past President Charline Farrell Gala Banquet - Special Guest Howard Dyck spoke of the importance of music and music teachers in his life as a pianist, conductor and broadcaster. He also spoke of the time he has spent in China where he taught conducting at the Yunnan Arts University and conducted the university choir and orchestra. He was presented with an Honorary ORMTA Membership to honour his contribution to music education. Howard’s speech can be read in its entirety on our website. 18 NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers Ann Empey is the proud winner of bluetooth speakers donated by The Personal. Vocal Master Class - Kevin McMillan and participants Janet Fothergill workshop on Celebrating Canadian Music Liselotte Jongedijk in front of Central Toronto Branch’s banner. AGM - Sue Jones passing the President gavel to Frank Horvat The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 19 Piano Master Class - Midori Koga and participants Judy and David Home at the Young Artist Reception Gala Banquet President Sue Jones Competitions - during deliberations Christine Tithecott and Trevor Chartrand entertained us with beautiful Canadian music. Many thanks to Charline Farrell for donating her time and talents to make another beautiful quilt. Winner, Frances Balodis was thrilled. 20 NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers For a trip down memory lane or if you weren’t able to be there, please visit our convention photo gallery. www.ormta.org/convention Start your musical journey with GLORIA SAARINEN B.Mus. Honours, L.R.S.M., A.R.A.M. R.C.M. (Toronto) Affiliate Musical Studies in London, Munich, Vienna, Italy Recipient ORMTA Special Teacher’s Award All Levels & Ages Welcome Warm, nurturing educational environment focusing on love of music For Personal Growth, RCM, Festival Competition, University Music Program Development, Teacher Coaching Students consistently excel at Festivals, Recitals & RCM testing www.gloriasaarinen.com CONTACT INFO: gsaarinen@cogeco.ca Toronto: 416.546.9632 Burlington: 905.333.3357 Acclaimed Performer, Recording Artist, University Professor, Adjudicator & Private Coach Over 40 years experience in solo piano, chamber music, symphony, & multi-disciplinary (spoken word, art & music) performance with International performances in & awards from New Zealand, England, France, Germany, Japan, India, Australasia Teaching Studios in Toronto, North York & Burlington Available for private lessons, master classes, seminars, workshops, & adjudication The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 21 2014 PROVINCIAL COMPETITIONS The 2014 Provincial Competitions were held on July 26 and 27 in the South Prince Ballroom at The Westin Prince Hotel in Toronto. The performances were outstanding and our adjudicators Kevin McMillan, Dr. John Burge and Dr. Midori Koga, found it quite a challenge to select the winners. The results are as follows: Young Artist Competition 1st place (Yamaha Canada Scholarship – $1,000): Charissa Vandikas, piano GTA Zone (Teacher, Michael Esch) Runner-up (Provincial Council Members’ Alumni Scholarship, ORMTA Scholarship – $750): Alden Chen, piano Ottawa Region Zone (Teacher, Dr. Chunson Park) Provincial Student Vocal Competition 1st place (Court Stone Memorial Scholarship, ORMTA Scholarship – $750): Alexandra Delle Donne, soprano Central Zone (Teacher, Marion Samuel-Stevens) Runner-up (Music for Young Children Scholarship – $500): Abbigail Cryer, soprano Central Zone (Teacher, Kathryn Cushing) Provincial Student Instrumental Competition 1st place (Hugheen Ferguson Scholarship) – $750): Haotian Yu, piano Ottawa Region Zone (Teacher, Dr. Chunson Park) Runner-up (Piano Technician’s Guild, Toronto Chapter Scholarship - $500): Gregory Vandikas, piano GTA Zone (Teacher, Sheila Vandikas) THE ESTHER SU MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Esther Su Memorial Scholarship, kindly donated by Sherman Su and Carrie Hagerman, is awarded to a performer who demonstrates special potential. This year the award was shared between Pianists Poppy Kipfer and Tiger Yang both of the Western Zone (teachers: Gwen Beamish - Sarnia Branch and Dr. Philip Adamson – Windsor-Essex County Branch respectively). Congratulations to these fine, young musicians and their teachers! ORMTA is very grateful to our donors: Bridgman and Durkson, Craig Ferguson, Judy Home, Music for Young Children, Piano Technicians’ Guild and ORMTA branches and individuals. 22 NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers Provincial Instrumental winner, Haotian Yu with adjudicators. Provincial Vocal - Midori Koga, Kevin McMillan, Abbigail Cryer (runnerup), Alexandra Delle Donne (first place), John Burge Young Artist winner, Charissa Vandikas Young Artist runner-up, Alden Chen Provincial instrumental runner-up, Gregory Vandikas with Frances and Gunars Balodis The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 23 Flex eExams ORMTA Member Happenings Music without borders CONSERVATORY CANADA™ has pushed the frontiers of innovation and is employing a unique technology that enables us to reach out to music students all over Canada. Not only can we connect with students across the country, but we are willing to connect with them ANYWHERE, ANYTIME! Did you or your student receive a prestigious award or scholarship? Have you written a paper or article on some pedagogical topic? Did you perform a concert or release a CD? We want to hear from you! At CONSERVATORY CANADA™ we will enable students to take exams whenever they are ready with our new Flex eExams. To find out more, contact our office. You’re invited to submit interesting going’s on in your musical life. Email NOTES Editor, Patrick McCormick, your name, ORMTA branch, text (20 words or less) and a picture (optional). Your news could be included in a future issue of NOTES Magazine. Music for Life 1-800-461-5367 | www.conservatorycanada.ca mail@conservatorycanada.ca 24 NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers 2013 FINAL e-exam + flex exam half page.indd 2 13/08/2013 10:42:38 AM Dear Teaching Colleague Do you need advice on overcoming a tricky teaching situation? Have you exhausted all techniques in trying to help that student and nothing seems to work? You’re invited to email your story and question to NOTES editor, Patrick McCormick, and he’ll have a colleague provide suggestions in a future issue of NOTES Magazine. You and your students names will remain confidential. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 25 Contribution to Teaching Award Recipients Biographies – Part 2 both in K-W and on the west coast. DONNA MAK Kitchener-Waterloo Branch As a tot, Donna spent happy times reading and singing along to a simply toy plastic record player. But from the moment she heard her mother play the `Peek-a-Boo`song on an acoustic piano, Donna was hooked, and had to be taught how to play it herself to relieve her mother of her incessant encore requests. Only until she refused to practise scales, was she shipped off to her first piano teacher, Claire Wilson, and later Marjorie and Garth Beckett until ARCT. Quiet and shy by nature as a child (at least in public), Donna remembers feeling awkwardly dressed up in concert attire and being so nervous at her very first piano recital that she had to `gamble`on which octave range to begin her piece (luckily it was the right one). Nevertheless, Donna was immersed in a multitude of local to provincial and national competitions at a young age, and remembers fondly her early piano concerto experiences at the Centerin-the-Square and with orchestras 26 NOTES Fall 2014 One of Donna`s most respected influences as she continued her musical education was Marietta Orlov in Toronto. Donna was a fouryear scholarship award recipient for both performance and academic excellence at U of T in the Bachelor of Music Performance programme. Amongst her many performances, competitions and masterclasses, was the highlight of another piano concerto performance with their symphony orchestra. Donna also developed her great love of pedagogy and (particularly vocal) accompanying, during these years. An active member of K-W ORMTA for numerous years, Donna is currently executive Vice President of the branch, and is always enthusiastic about organizing fun and creative recital events. Donna is busy as a festival adjudicator, accompanist, and examiner for RCM and has been the recipient of the Gold and Platinum awards for K-W music instructor for the past two years- as voted on by the community. Donna enjoys creating edible cake art and photography. AUDREY MARSHALL Kingston Branch Donna later pursued studies in New York, receiving her Mater of Music Performance degree under the tutelage of Arkady Aronov at the Manhattan School of Music, and an Artist Diploma with Luiz de Moura Castro at the University of Hartford, Connecticut. During her time in the USA, Donna was a performing member of the Liszt Society; pianist in the Contemporary Players ensemble which premièred new works regularly; musician in a ballet orchestra; accompanist for the public school board; and held various additional performance and administrative posts. Donna also taught piano at a private boys`school in North York for several years. Currently, Donna`s passion and dedication to nurturing young musicians results in an exciting schedule of teaching piano and theory at her home studio in Kitchener. Her students`accomplishments have included many scholarships, RCM medals and other prestigious awards. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers A native of Scotland, Audrey Marshall began piano lessons at the age of seven, having been inspired by her father, an amateur cellist and her uncle, an international opera singer. At the age of twelve, she won a performance scholarship to study at the Royal Academy of Music in London, England, but chose to study at the Royal Academy in Glasgow, where she took numerous Associated Board exams in performance and theory. She Contribution to Teaching Award Recipients worked as an orthoptist in pediatric ophthalmology, immigrated to Canada with her husband John and raised a family of four in Kingston, Ontario. Her obsession with the piano resurfaced in Kingston, where she studied with June Richards at Queen’s University obtaining the Performer’s ARCT. She is an adjudicator and member of the College of Examiners for the Royal Conservatory of Music in piano. Audrey frequently gives masterclasses and presentations in the Taubman techniques, one of these being entitled “Head, Heart and Hands”. MARY MEXIS Central Toronto Branch Other Canadian teachers included Hugheen Ferguson and Daryl Irvine with whom she won the Cora Ahrens’ award. With her diagnostic background in ophthalmology, she became interested in the technical aspects of expressive piano playing. Studying this led her to the work of renowned pedagogue Dorothy Taubman. Audrey has now been involved in this important work for over 20 years which analyzes and retrains injured and limited pianists, leading them to virtuosity and freedom at the piano. Having completed the rigorous certification program of the Golandsky Institute at Princeton University (formerly the Taubman Institute), Audrey has the honour of being one of only two Golandsky Associates living and working in Canada. With this knowledge, Audrey has been able to help change the musical lives of many injured pianists during her career. She has private piano studios both in Kingston and Toronto, Ontario where she shares her expertise with students of all ages and levels. She continues to study with Mary Moran in Albany, New York, a senior Golandsky faculty member and performs at the Performance Master Class of the Royal Conservatory led by Boyanna Toyich. She has also held executive positions at both the local and provincial levels of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers. Family legend has it that I first began scratching out “recognizable” songs on the radiator grills in the apartment we lived in at the time. So, my parents got me one of those toy pianos – the wooden ones— not the ones they sell now. I began lessons at the age of 8 with the CMEA. These were group lessons offered in the school basement after school. After more years than I should have stayed there, a friend of mine recommended her piano teacher, Mrs. Clegg. Soon after, I studied with Anne Scott Mumford who introduced me to ORMTA. I became a PreDiploma member as soon as I started preparing for my ARCT (more years ago than I care to mention!) Eventually, we became friends as well as student and teacher. When Anne retired, I studied with Margaret Parsons Poole and Gordon Hallett. I was fortunate enough to do my theory co-requisites with Molly Sclater, Joe Ringhofer, William Andrews, Andrew Dawson and Joe Macerollo. I had my own studio for almost 25 years, specializing for the most part in beginners, although I taught all grades. I stopped piano teaching shortly after I started teaching high school with the TDSB. I miss it to this day. And I’m not, alas, teaching music! I have been an ORMTA member for over 25 years and have held almost every executive position at the branch level. I’ve been treasurer twice (or thrice?) and was president while having my two kids. I also published the newsletter at the same time – no newsletter committee then! For at least 10 years, I have been the “phone lady” and have responded to inquiries from all over Canada and as far away as Australia, England and California. My passion has always been to increase the visibility of ORMTA. Although I am not teaching privately at this time (I probably would take an upper level student – lol) I am still involved in musical activities. In every school where I teach, I offer my services: I accompany the school choir, accompany students for school exams, coach students for university auditions, play at commencements, convocations, school shows wherever those may happen to take place. I thank everyone for the honour of this award. Lessons with Anne gave me a good grounding as to how to conduct my own lessons when the time came. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 27 Contribution to Teaching Award Recipients PAULA MORRISON She teaches a variety of musical styles to everyone - Classical, Pop and Music Theater. Her adult students especially enjoy her fun, patient style of teaching and she holds yearly adult-only recitals where the students experience performing in a casual and enjoyable setting followed by a glass of good wine and tasty hors d’oeuvres! Windsor-Essex County Branch Paula Morrison was born and raised in Windsor, Ontario. Her mother, a pianist introduced her to music at an early age and her grandfather, a professional musician, was on hand to enjoy and support his talented grandchild. Paula began her piano studies at an early age with the Grey Sisters and continued her study of music with lessons at St. Mary’s Academy, a local private high school dedicated to incorporating the arts into the academic program. At the Academy under the guidance of Sister Mary Clare Kelly, Paula blossomed musically as she moved easily from grade to grade. She won numerous awards when competing in the Kiwanis Music Festival each year and achieved high standards in the graded examinations. The Academy experience was valuable in providing many opportunities for recital participation and collaborative music making. In the opinion of her teacher, Paula was a joy to teach, always receptive and enthusiastic as she mastered the skills necessary to become an accomplished musician. In 1970 Paula began studies at the University of Windsor and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music studying piano under Professors David Palmer and David Mulfinger. She obtained an Associate of Music, Pianoforte Performer’s Diploma and an Associate of Music Pianoforte Teacher’s Diploma, both from the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music, London, Ontario. She continued to upgrade her teaching skills taking private lessons with Dr. Philip Adamson and Sister Claire Durocher, attending master classes, teacher workshops, ORMTA meetings and conventions. Paula’s interest in teaching began in her early years at the Academy. She embraced teaching Piano and Rudiments as a profession full time in 1974 and has been a contributing member of ORMTA Windsor-Essex County Branch since 1978 serving two terms as President, 1980 – 1982 and 1997-2001. Whether preparing adults or children for RCM examinations or working with them for upcoming recitals, master classes or competitions, Paula’s proven teaching methodology produces successful results for all of her students as they aspire to perform at their highest level. Three of her students have been awarded conservatory silver medals while others have received Honours and/ or First Class Honours routinely in yearly examinations. In addition, the Kiwanis Music Festival has always figured greatly in Paula’s life, first as a student and then as a teacher preparing her own students for the competition. Additionally, she was the ORMTA representative and a committee member on the Kiwanis Music Festival Board for many years and received an award for outstanding service and dedication to the festival in 1990. Paula maintains a busy teaching studio in her home where her students range in age from 4 to adult. 28 NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers Paula enjoys performing in early music groups on harpsichord, accompanying soloists and doing recitals with her duet partner and colleague, Michael Ethier. She takes great pride in bringing the beauty and spirit of music to the elderly in nursing homes and delights in their joy at recognizing a familiar tune. In addition to her music teaching, Paula always looks forward to the time spent with her husband of 20 years, Nick, and their three grandchildren, her game of golf, her time spent at the gym and her beloved little Shih tzu, Mysti. In summary, we, the Windsor-Essex County Branch are pleased and proud to nominate Paula for the 2014 ORMTA Contribution to Teaching Award. SALLY WOLF Peterborough Branch Sally Wolf began her training on the flute at age 11 and studied for 8 years in Michigan. After one year at Wayne State University, she enrolled at the Royal Conservatory of Music and Dance in The Hague, The Netherlands. There she studied flute, baroque flute and chamber music, earning a diploma in flute performance. Sally’s teachers were among the world’s best flutists including Ervin Monroe, Paul Verheij, Frans Vester, scholar and late founder of the great Danzi Quintet, and Barthold Kuijken, famous baroque flutist from Belgium. Contribution to Teaching Award Recipients enjoyment of playing music. “Her diverse musical knowledge can influence a six year old child learning to play recorder and a university flutist entering the world of professional music.” Sally’s teaching style combines thoughtful process with a focus on musicality. Her students have won Kiwanis Music Festival scholarships and RCM Silver Medals. Her teaching career for flute, piccolo and recorder began in Saskatoon where she taught from 1982-88 before moving to Peterborough. She established Sally Wolf Flute and Recorder Studio, teaching students from beginner to adult. Sally has inspired many students to pursue music studies at university and in their professional life. Many have gone on to successful artistic careers. Ask students about Sally and they cite her astounding ability to empower them to discover the Sally has always welcomed and encouraged adult students, many of whom participate in community ensembles. Her adult students find her to be “extremely patient and encouraging. She has a wonderful grasp of theory that she slips into lessons.” Encouraging and enthusiastic, Sally helps her students find and follow their own interests. She fosters a love of performing and ensemble playing through special recitals for adult students and promoting adult music camps. are a valuable asset to the youth orchestra, community and school bands. Notably, Sally established and ran an Early Music Ensemble for over a decade. Her contrabass recorder spoke of Sally’s “depth of understanding for early music instruments and the nuances of early music performance. It is a great joy to play with and learn from such a consummate musician.” Sally continues to perform—in Two Flutes & a Cello and The Stringwood Trio. RMT member since 1983, Sally has been a valuable asset to the Peterborough branch promoting activities that foster learning through solo and ensemble performance. LARISSA ZOUBAREVA Etobicoke-Mississauga Branch Her contribution to the musical life of our community is evident in so many ways. Sally’s students It’s NEW. It’s FREE. dreammusictool.ca Development supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Canada Foundation for Innovation. Larissa Zoubareva was educated as a piano performer and teacher in the best traditions of the Russian Piano School in Belarus, which was part of the former Soviet Union. She has completed a Licentiate diploma in Piano Performance from the Minsk State Musical College in 1984. She received a Bachelor of Music degree and a Master’s Music Degree as a Piano major from the Belarus State Academy of Music. Even as an undergraduate student, Larissa was eager to get as much The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 29 Contribution to Teaching Award Recipients professional experience as possible. Since then, as a professional, her motto is that, the sky is limitless and so are our opportunities to improve and grow. Zoubareva has performed with the Belarus State Philharmonic Orchestra and the Orchestra of the Belarus State Academy of Music. She also regularly performed with numerous chamber ensembles in Poland, Belarus, and in Nursing Homes and Public schools in Canada. As an accompanist, she enjoys to work with many talented performers. Her teaching and performing experiences as a pianist gave rise to many questions on the influence of music on people and inspired her to do research. While preparing doctorate theses and participating in numerous conferences, she produced an innovative concept of 30 NOTES Fall 2014 the developing feelings of musicians and their imaginative thinking. Following the thesis research she published a number of articles and a book titled, “Experimental Methods in the Development of Musician’s Imaginative Thinking and Feelings”. The research had been highly appreciated by the specialists in Music Didactics and the Psychology of Music. Zoubareva had been honored the Laureate award by the Musical Literary Criticism Association of Belarus for the Best Research project in Musicology and Art Criticism in 1998. Zoubareva immigrated to Canada and established her own private piano studio in 2000. Larissa’s Studio of Piano Music in Mississauga is the result of more than a 20 year long music career as a performer, teacher and accompanist. Since then, it has grown and gives regular annual and semi-annual concerts. The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers The mission of Larissa’s Studio of Piano Music is to develop a lifelong passion for music and provide students with professional technical mastery to express that passion. The vision of the studio as a community of like-minded people is proving to be viable and productive. My students’ results and achievements are the best confirmation to this fact. In 2002, Zoubareva became an active member as an executive in the Etobicoke-Mississauga branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teacher Association (ORMTA). Teaching in her studio and serving as an executive in ORMTA are her most enjoyable and priority driven occupations. Simplify(the(way(you(teach(music:( ! !Create&lessons&and&practice&plans&anytime,&anywhere& ! &Engage&and&inspire&your&students& ! &Manage&student&information..&AND&MORE& Register(today(and(receive(a(free$two(week(trial!( Visit:(www.MyMuCo.com(for(registration(and(more(information(( iPad%Music%Learning%System% Inspira(on!for!kids,!efficiency!for!teachers! The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 31 WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS ACCEPTED SINCE OUR LAST ISSUE OF NOTES MELINDA DELORME - AJAX-PICKERING, PRIMARY BRANCH; MARKHAM-STOUFFVILLE, ASSOCIATE BRANCH JENNIFER CARTER - WELLAND - PORT COLBORNE BRANCH MELODY LAW - MARKHAM-STOUFFVILLE BRANCH JULIE LACROIX - OTTAWA REGION BRANCH NINA SOYFER - NORTH TORONTO BRANCH CHEN-YI CHEYNE YU - NORTH TORONTO BRANCH EUGENE ASTAPOV - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH AMANDA ROSE MOSCAR - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH LOUISE CHOCHLA - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH MAZIAR HEIDARI - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH MIDORI KOGA - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH NATALIA ZIELINSKI - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH DANA BAITZ - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH JEREMY FOSTER - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH CHRISTOPHER LENCKI - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH RUDIN LENGO - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH NINA MULLER - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH DAVID POTVIN - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH PAULA LIN - OTTAWA REGION BRANCH HONG SHEN - OTTAWA REGION BRANCH CHRISTINE ADMIRAL - OTTAWA REGION BRANCH JILLIAN BEACON - OTTAWA REGION BRANCH HEIDI STEPANEK - OTTAWA REGION BRANCH KATHERINE MURLEY - OTTAWA REGION BRANCH SOPHIA KIM - NORTH YORK/YORK REGION BRANCH GRACE HO - NORTH YORK/YORK REGION BRANCH LUISA CORNACCHIA - NORTH YORK/YORK REGION BRANCH DIANA KAZUMYAN - NORTH YORK/YORK REGION CHRISTINA PUHACZ - SCARBOROUGH BRANCH CINDY SHUM - SCARBOROUGH BRANCH AMANDA MORGAN PULLING - KINGSTON BRANCH JACQUELINE MOKRZEWSKI - CENTRAL TORONTO BRANCH DEVON HANSEN - CHATHAM-KENT PRIMARY BRANCH; WINDSOR COUNTY ESSEX BRANCH (ASSOCIATE) CAROL CHITOVAS - OWEN SOUND BRANCH LEE E.L. WATSON - WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY BRANCH SHEILA GRACE BRIDGMAN - OWEN SOUND BRANCH JENNIFER VAN GENNIP - BARRIE BRANCH JACQUELINE MCINTYRE - OSHAWA AND DISTRICT BRANCH TABITHA JOHNSON - BARRIE BRANCH MIRANDA CHIRCOP - OSHAWA AND DISTRICT BRANCH NATALYA TSOY - NEWMARKET & AREA BRANCH JASON HALES - HAMILTON - HALTON BRANCH CAROL SMITH - NEWMARKET AND AREA BRANCH DIANE MANOJLOVICH - HAMILTON - HALTON BRANCH ANN MCGUIRK - RENÉE BARABASH - HAMILTON - HALTON BRANCH TIMOTHY MCGUIRK - KINGSTON BRANCH ERIKA REIMAN - HAMILTON - HALTON BRANCH - PRIMARY BRANCH, NIAGARA FALLS BRANCH, ASSOCIATE BRANCH HEATHER CORBETT TUTTLE - BRANTFORD BRANCH KATRYNA SACCO - NIAGARA FALLS BRANCH RACHEL JANTZI - KITCHENER - WATERLOO BRANCH MARTHA JORDAN - NIAGARA FALLS BRANCH ELNARA BIKTIMIROVA - NIAGARA FALLS BRANCH PENNY JOHNSON - ETOBICOKE - MISSISSAUGA BRANCH ALINA KAZMIERCZAK - ETOBICOKE - MISSISSAUGA BRANCH JENNIFER LI - ETOBICOKE - MISSISSAUGA BRANCH JENNIFER CARTER - WELLAND - PORT COLBORNE BRANCH 32 MEG IWASKOW - OTTAWA REGION BRANCH NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers KINGSTON BRANCH ELIZABETH SUTHERLAND - KITCHENER - WATERLOO BRANCH CYNTHIA KINNUNEN - KITCHENER - WATERLOO BRANCH DEBORAH BANDY - NORTH BAY BRANCH CECILIA ROSS - NON - BRANCH DAVID GREENSLADE - LONDON BRANCH Branch lists and cheques have been sent to the Branch Treasurers and the follow-up cheques will be issued in January 2015 to include any membership fees received after September 2014. Thank you to the efficient Branch Treasurers for confirmations, advice and patience. Insurance: Westland Insurance has provided the following elaboration of the ORMTA insurance policy: “-The 3rd party General Liability insurance ($5,000,000) covers those members of ORMTA who are teaching or sponsoring recitals, concerts, workshops, either for one-on-one or a group, and covers them if they were negligent in some way that caused injury to those attending or damage to the premises in which they were operating. -The Tenants Legal Liability additional coverage ($500,000) is primarily for those who rent premises for the purpose of a business venture. The purpose is to protect the tenant against a financial hardship if they caused damages to the property of others due to their negligence. An example would be, if the tenant had too many electrical appliances plugged in and it overloaded the electrical system, causing a short which in turn caused a fire, damaging both the location in which the tenant was occupying as well as other parts of the building. The Tenants Legal Liability would repair the unit in which was occupied by the tenant and the Comprehensive General Liability would repair any damage done to the other part of the building. There are other examples, however the main item to remember is that it only covers damage to the teachers rented space and only if they were proven negligent.” Branch levies included in the membership fee invoice: Branch treasurers have provided very positive feedback. 18 branches accepted the courtesy offer from the Province to collect the branch levy on their behalf: AjaxPickering, Central Toronto, EtobicokeMississauga, Hamilton-Halton, Kingston, Kitchener-Waterloo, Markham-Stouffville, Newmarket, Niagara Falls, North Toronto, North York-York Region, Ottawa Region, Oshawa District, Oxford CountyWoodstock, Peterborough, Timmins, Thunder Bay and Windsor-Essex County. The Special Projects fee is a mandatory fee. It is a small portion of the Provincial fee designated annually for a specific project or event. The chosen 2014-15 Special Project: ORMTA Promotions. Thank you to the following individuals, branches and corporations for their sponsorship and generous donations to the 2014 O!Canada! Provincial Convention. The support was stellar. Ajax-Pickering Branch of ORMTA Belleville Branch ORMTA Brantford Branch ORMTA Chatham-Kent Branch ORMTA Etobicoke-Mississauga Branch ORMTA Hamilton-Halton Branch ORMTA Hanover-Walkerton Branch ORMTA Kingston Branch ORMTA Kitchener-Waterloo Branch ORMTA London Branch ORMTA Newmarket & Area Branch ORMTA Niagara Falls Branch ORMTA North Bay Branch ORMTA North York-York Region Branch ORMTA Oshawa & District Branch ORMTA Ottawa Region Branch ORMTA Owen Sound Branch ORMTA Sarnia Branch ORMTA Scarborough Branch ORMTA Nancy Dale, Provincial Treasurer Thunder Bay Branch ORMTA Timmins Branch ORMTA Jean Collins Judy Home Sandra Pisani Court Stone Memorial scholarship Craig Ferguson (Hugheen Ferguson Scholarship) June McBey Memorial Scholarship Frederick Harris Co MYC (Music for Young Children) PCMA (Past Council Members’ Association) PTG (Piano Technicians Guild-Toronto Chapter) RCM (Royal Conservatory of Music) Ultimate Theory-Glory St Germain Yamaha Canada Bridgman & Durksen Accounting PO Box 1639 Niagara-on-the-Lake ON L0S 1J0 Charline Farrell Sue Jones Tracy Lai Sandra Menard Jane Ripley Alison Farrell Vince Canadian Opera Company Chris Hadfield Heritage Canada National Ballet of Canada Nota Bene Baroque Players K-W Shaw Festival Stratford Festival The Leading Note Inc The Personal Insurance Co. TIFF Timmins Pianoforte Studio Via Rail Canada nanjd@hotmail.com The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 33 Inspiring Musicians since 1906 World-class Faculty | World-class Facilities | World-class Students brandonu.ca/music music@brandonu.ca MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS PRIVILEGES Don’t let unpaid fees impede opportunities for your students! Every year, ORMTA gives out many prizes to the winners of our Music Writing competition and the Provincial Student/Young Artist competitions. We also give the ORMTA Pedagogy Award to the student who has obtained the highest mark in the written portion of the Associate Pedagogy exam. Only students of ORMTA teachers who are members in good standing (all dues paid in full) will be considered for any awards that are given by ORMTA. It is sad to say, but in the past students have missed out on opportunities to win prizes because their teachers’ dues have been in arrears. Please take this into consideration when it is time to pay your membership dues this coming spring. 34 NOTES Fall 2014 The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers ORMTA Provincial Council 2014-2015 Executive PRESIDENT Frank Horvat - 24 Louisa St., Toronto, M8V 2K6; Phone: 416-354-2633 E Mail: contactme@frankhorvat.com CFMTA Delegate FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Elizabeth Tithecott – 34 Gladstone Ave., Chatham, N7L 2C1; Phone: 519-351-6387 E Mail: etithecott@sympatico.ca Convention, Finance Chair PAST PRESIDENT Sue Jones - 259 Crocus Ave., Ottawa, K1H 6E7; Phone: 613-523-5317 E Mail: l.susan.jones@gmail.com Performance Competitions; CFMTA Delegate TREASURER Nancy Dale - Box 1639; (58 Shakespeare Ave.); Niagara – on – the - Lake; L0S 1J0 Phone: 905-468-5639 E Mail: nanjd@hotmail.com NOTES Advertising SECRETARY-REGISTRAR Ron Spadafore - Box 635 Timmins, P4N 7G2; Phone: 705-267-1224 Fax: 705-264-0978 E Mail: ormta@ntl.sympatico.ca Office Hours - Monday - Friday - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Zone Representatives CENTRAL (year 1) Susan Robinson - 147 Brookside Cr.; Kitchener, N2N 1H2 Phone: 519-742.4129 E Mail: susan@everywhere.ca Young Artist Tour EASTERN (year 2) Judy Home - 4-110 Mary St. West; Whitby; L1N 8M5; Phone: 905-665-8484; Cell: 905-903-8484; E Mail: judy.home@rogers.com Bylaws GREATER TORONTO (year 1) Alice Dearden - 2 Norval St., Toronto, M6N 3Z2; Phone: 416-763-0490 E Mail: alicedearden@look.ca Canada Music Week/Music Writing Competition (year 1) Irene Fong Leung - Box 23552 Dexter, 5899 Leslie St., Willowdale, M2H 1J0; Phone: 416 496-9680; E Mail: irenefongleung@yahoo.com Affiliate Teacher Liaison (year 1) Eric Shaw - 172 Redpath Ave.; Toronto; M4P 2K6; Phone: 416-884-4846 E Mail: ericshaw@sympatico.ca Membership NORTH CENTRAL (year 3) Tracy Lai - 2754 Dempster Ave., Innisfil; L9S 1C1; Phone: 705-436-2236 E Mail: tlmusicstudio@gmail.com Advertising NORTH EAST (year 1) Frances Balodis - 1204 Ed Briese Rd. (Ullswater) R. R. #1 Utterson; P0B 1M0; Phone: 705-769-3449; E Mail: fbalodis@c-l-u.ca Fundraising NORTH WEST (year 2) Kathy Schmidt - 588 Riverview Dr.; Thunder Bay; P7C 1R7; Phone: 807-577-6999 E Mail: schmidt@tbaytel.net Professional Development OTTAWA REGION (year 1) Tania Granata - 89 Switch Grass; Nepean; K2J 5Z3; Phone: 613-447-2618 E Mail: taniag5@sympatico.ca ORMTA Contribution to Teaching Award (year 3) Sandra Menard - 6023 Meadowglen Drive, Ottawa, K1C 5V4; Phone: 613-834-3052 E Mail: sandramenard88@gmail.com ORMTA Pedagogy Award SOUTHERN (year 1) Jacqueline Huffman-Krisza - 1026 Earl Cres.; Burlington: L7T 3P9; Phone: 905-333-3128; E Mail: jjhk@cogeco.ca College/University Liaison) WESTERN (year 6) Elizabeth Tithecott - 34 Gladstone Ave., Chatham, N7L 2C1; Phone: 519-351-6387 E Mail: etithecott@sympatico.ca Convention, Finance Chair MEMBER AT LARGE (year 2) Ian Green - 214 Huxley Ave. South; Hamilton; L8K 2R3; Phone: 905-483-2776 Email: ian@musicbyiangreen.com Communications BOARD OF EXAMINERS Nancy Hughes, Derek Oger, Third Member TBA The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers NOTES Fall 2014 35