SSeed Catalog
SSeed Catalog
2015 Seed Catalog A NNUAL S EEDS ABUTILON ALYSSUM (Flowering Maple or Chinese Bell Flower) Germ. D 3 days spring/Summer 11-13 wks Fall/Winter 13-16 wks 18-24° C (65-75° F) Bella Series Yellow Germ L 9 wks Clear Crystals Series 15-25 cm (6-10”). Spread 30-35 cm (12-14”). Tetraploid type alyssum. Fragrant, large sized flowers with strong garden performance. (Available in Raw Seed & Multi-Pelleted). Garden height 35 - 41 cm (14 - 17”). Spread 35 - 45 cm (14 - 18”). 7 cm (3”) bell-shaped flowers on compact plants. Light green, multi-lobed leaves are similar to the foliage of a maple tree. Perfect for garden containers or indoor flowering houseplant. Plants bloom continuously - indoors or out - even in high temperatures. Vanilla Mar 15 - Apr 10 8 days 21°C (70°F) Lavender Shades Purple Shades White Mix Select Mix Easter Bonnet Series AGERATUM (FLOSS FLOWER) 21 -24°C (70 - 75°F) Feb 15 - Mar 10 7 days Alyssum Clear Crystals Mix Germ. L 10 - 11 wks 10-25 cm (4-10”). Spread 25-30 cm (10-12”). Compact in the pack and in the garden. All the colors maintain the earliness of the mix, and are uniform in color & habit. Deep Pink Lavender Peach White Pastel Mix F1 Hybrids Blue Puffs (Blue Danube) 15 cm (6”). Uniform, compact with light blue flowers. (Pelleted only). Deep Rose Lemonade Violet Easter Basket Mix Hawaii Series 15 cm (6”). The ‘Hawaii’ series is the largest selling Ageratum series in the world! Uniform habit and flowering time, and great color range, make the ‘Hawaiis’ a must grow. (Pelleted only). Alyssum Easter Bonnet Lemonade Snow Crystals Early flowering with extra large white blooms. Compact plants are outstanding for packs or 10 cm (4”) pot. Peach Blue 5.0 Wonderland Series High Tide™ Series Height 7.3 cm (3”). Ideal for bedding plant use, all varieties are dwarf and uniform, providing a fragrant and appealing display in both the greenhouse and the garden. (Raw Seed & Multi-Pelleted Seed Available). 35 - 40 cm (14 - 16”). Spread 30 cm (12”). Excellent landscape performers form a dense, mounded hedge of color. Very strong branching, self-cleaning and low-maintenance. Blue White Tycoon Blue 15 cm (6”). Mid blue, compact multiflora type shows a strong garden performance for the dwarf class. (Pelleted only). Alyssum Wonderland Giga White Blue Deep Purple Giga White Pink Mulberry Mix AMARANTHUS ALTERNANTHERA 22 -24°C (72 - 76°F) 3 days Copper Deep Rose Lavender White Mix Germ. L 5 wks Purple Knight 40-50 cm (16-20”). ‘Purple Knight’ have dark purple foliage with a spread of 60-90 cm (24-36”). Vigorous upright & spreading habit. Excellent in mixed containers. 24°C (75°F) Apr 1- Apr 15 10 days Germ. DL 6-8 wks Illumination Orange-scarlet with yellow center. Height 152 cm (61”) with 76 cm (30”) spread. Alternanthera Purple Knight 1 ANGELONIA 23°C (74°F) 4-5 Days Fuseables NEW Germ. L 13-14 wks Serena® Series 25-30 cm (10-12”). Spread 30-35 cm (12-14”). Care-free, continuous bloomer - no deadheading required. Blue Lavender Purple White Waterfall Mix Mix Bacopa Utopia Begonia Big Pink Green Leaf Serenita® Series 25-35 cm (10-14”). Spread 30-35 cm (12-14”). More compact & controlled than Serena®. Great branching and fullness with no pinching required. BEGONIA Fibrous Begonia Lavender Pink Pink (New) Purple Raspberry White Mix 21 - 24°C (70 - 75°F) Bayou Series Begonia Baby Wing White Bronze Leaf NEW 21-29°C (80-85°F) Plumosa Nanus Used for cut fern or mixed pans. Sprengeri A fine trailing plant useful for hanging baskets. Angelonia Serena Blue ASTERS Germ. L 6-9 wks Pot’n Patio Mix 15 cm (6”). Spread 15 cm (6”). These dwarf asters will bloom in 90 days during the short days of winter and early spring without supplemental lighting. Excellent for 10 cm (4”) pots for the florist trade. Asters — Also see Cutflower Section (page 50) 1-800-665-1642 Rose Scarlet Flower size 5-8 cm (2-3”). Big flowers, big container appeal and even bigger landscape potential. Perfect for large landscape plantings, combination pots and hanging baskets. (Pelleted only). Mar - Dec 4 - 6 wks Apr 1 - Apr 15 8 days 35-40 cm (14-16”). Spread 25-30 cm (10-12”). Robust landscape plants. (Pelleted only). Big™ Series ASPARAGUS 2 Germ. L 14 - 16 wks Large Flowered Varieties Antirrhinum — Also see Snapdragon (pages 35) Also see Cutflower Section (pages 51) 21°C (70°F) Jan 1 - Jan 31 15 days Angelonia Serenita Pink BACOPA 20-23°C (68-74°F) 4 days Germ. L 8 - 9 wks Blutopia™ Blue Lavender-blue flowers. Best grown in containers with adequate drainage. Habit is slightly more mounded than snowtopia white. (Available in Multi-Pelleted Seed). Snowtopia™ White Beautiful white flowers. Best grown in containers with adequate drainage. Larger leaves than Blutopia blue. (Available in Multi-Pelleted Seed). Utopia (Fuseables™) Includes Bacopa Blutopia and Snowtopia. Easy-to-grow Fuseable multi-pellets for instant and innovative combo solutions. Pink Green Leaf (New) Red with Bronze Leaf Rose with Bronze Leaf Red with Green Leaf Baby Wing Series 30-38 cm (12-15”). Spread 25-30 cm (10-12”). Upright habit, continuous color, with smaller Dragon wing® like leaves. Extremely heat and stress tolerant. (Pelleted only). Pink White White Bronze Leaf Dragon Wing Series 30-38 cm (12 to 15”). ‘Dragon Wing’ has excellent garden performance, with spectacular pendulous displays all season. ‘Dragon Wing’ spreads to 38-46 cm (15-18”) in the garden. (Pelleted only). Pink Red Gryphon 36-41 cm (14 to 16”). Unique, tropical appearance. Showy and dramatic foliage. Easier to root and establish than vegetative foliage begonias. Spreads 41-46 cm (16-18”). Available in multi-pelleted seed. BEGONIA NEW STAR SERIES Begonia Bada Boom® Mix Red Rose Bronze Leaf Go Go Rose Bicolor Begonia Non Stop Red Tuberous Begonia 18°C (65°F) Mix Dec 5 - Dec 15 15 days Germ. L 18-20 wks Go-G Go Series 20-25 cm (8-10”). Spread 20-25 cm (8-10”). Semi-double blooms. Exceptional uniformity and habit. (Pelleted only) F1 Hybrids Green Foliage Cherry Light Yellow Orange Red Rose Rose Bicolor Salmon Scarlet White Yellow Sunnyside-up Mix — Light yellow, white, yellow Mix Bada Bing® Series 20-25 cm (8-10”). Green leaf. Very uniform to flower across the series. Strong branching habit. Perfect choice for big beds with multiple light conditions — shade, partial shade and full sun. (Pelleted only). Green Leaf Pink Scarlet Mix Rose Soft Pink Rose Bicolor White 20-25 cm (8-10”). Interspecific hybrid in begonia. Medium-sized, fully double flowers in abundant masses. No PGR’s needed. Short crop time and compact growth. Flowers all summer long. (Pelleted only). Bada Boom® Series 20-25 cm (8-10”). Bronze leaf. Very uniform to flower across the series. Strong branching habit. Perfect choice for big beds with multiple light conditions— shade, partial shade and full sun. (Pelleted only). Red White Mix Bronze Leaf Pink Scarlet Rose White Rose Bicolor Mix Super Olympia® Series F1 20 cm (8”). The ‘Super Olympia’ Series has earned the reputation for superior greenhouse and garden performance. Earlier, more uniform plants with larger than ever flowers. (Pelleted only). Light Pink Rose Pink White Mix Sprint Series 15 - 20 cm (6 - 8”). Uniform, compact, and well branched. Very large, round and “noble” flowers. Formerly ‘Olympia® Sprint’. (Pelleted only). Appleblossom Pink Scarlet Blush Red White Rose Yellow Non Stop Series Bada Total Mix (Green and Bronze Leaf) Bicolor Red New Star™ Series Non Stop Rose Petticoat Deep Pink Rose Mix Go-G Go Rose Go-G Go Light Yellow Bronze Leaf Cocktail Series 12.5-15 cm (5-6”). Bronze leafed begonias are more resistant to poor weather conditions, will stand more sun and rain. (Pelleted only). Brandy — Large clear pink flowers. Gin — Bright Rose pink flowers. Rum — White flowers with a rose line around the edge. Tequila — Deep Rose. Vodka — Bright scarlet. Whiskey — Large white flowers. Mix — White, pink, rose and scarlet flowers. F1 Hybrid. 20 cm (8”). An ideal bedding tuberous begonia. Flower size is 8 cm (3”) and up on dark green foliage and will continue to produce flowers non-stop throughout the summer months. (Pelleted only). Appleblossom Apricot Deep Rose Deep Salmon Gold/Orange (Light Orange) Orange (Dark Orange) Pink Red Rose Petticoat White Yellow Yellow w/Red Back Mix 3 Begonia Bossa Nova NEW NEW Orange Calibrachoa Kabloom Red & Yellow Bossa Nova NEW NEW NEW Kabloom White NEW Kabloom Deep Blue Begonia Santa Cruz Sunset NEW Nonstop® Mocca Series 10 cm (4”). Fully double flowers with a rich color contrast with the dark coffee colored foliage. Ideal for hanging baskets, combination pots and garden. (Pelleted only). Cherry Pink Shades White Mix Red Rose Kabloom Deep Pink Deep Orange Scarlet Yellow NEW Illumination Series Golden Picotee Peaches ‘n Cream Scarlet White Apricot Ikon Blush White (Pelleted only). White flowers with a bright rose reverse. Flower color & foliage intensifies under stress. Ideal for 10 cm (4”) pot. BELLIS 18 - 22°C (65 - 72°F) 30 cm (12”). Excellent for packs or pots. 6 cm (2½”) blooms. 3 - 5 days Apricot Yellow Bellisima Series 15-25 cm (6-10”). Spread 12.5-20 cm (5-8”). Large, fully double flowers. No vernalization required. White Mix 7-10 days 30-41 cm (12-16”). F1 Hybrid. Brilliant self-cleaning blooms cover the plant from late spring until frost. Well branched with large flowers. (Pelleted only). Orange Rose 4 Red White 1-800-665-1642 21°C (70°F) Jan 15 - Feb 1 15 days Germ D. 12-14 wks Germ. L 14 - 16 wks Plants are rich and long-flowering, heat and rain resistant, compact, good pack and garden performance, and are maintenance-free. Viscosa Amethyst Light Yellow Mix NEW Orange CALIBRACHOA Kabloom™ Series BRACHYSCOME 20°C (68°F) Germ. D 8 wks Bon Bon Series B Bossa Nova Series Mar 15 - Apr 10 10 days 21°C (70°F) Brachy Blue Pretty border plant. Suitable for pots and in packs. A Fleuroselect Quality Mark winner for its compactness Santa Cruz Sunset (boliviensis) Fiery bright red-orange, 5 cm (2”) large flowers cover the and pack and garden performance. wing-shaped green leaves from May throughout late summer. Drought & rain tolerant, thrives in full sun and ROWALLIA (SPECIOSA MAJOR) shade. NEW Silver CALENDULA (POT MARIGOLD) Yellow Interspecific Begonia Marine Bossa Nova White Panorama Series F1 Hybrid. The ‘Panoramas’ are covered with an impressive number of striking 8 cm (3”) blooms. Early flowering and bred with a slightly trailing habit. ‘Panoramas’ provide a cascading look as they mature. (Pelleted only). 25-30 cm (10-12”). Spread 30-35 cm (12-14”). Blue F1 Hybrid. Spectacular display of 6-8 cm (2½ - 3”) double flowers. Excellent in baskets & window boxes. (Pelleted only). Apricot Orange Salmon Pink Rose Mix Bell Series 20-30 cm (8-12”). Spread 25-35 cm (10-14”). First seed calibrachoa. Kabloom puts out the same amount of color as mid-vigor vegetative varieties. Deep Blue Red Yellow Deep Pink White CAMPANULA (LONGISTYLA) 16 - 18°C (62 - 65°F) Germ. L 22 - 26 wks Isabella Blue 15 cm (6”) Isabella is totally unique to the 10 cm (4”) pot and bedding plant market. Compact habit, large blue bell shaped flowers. Campanula — Also see Perennial Seed Section (page 42) Fresh Look Series Celosia Glorious Series Canna South Pacific Scarlet 35 cm (14”). Green leafed variety. Robust plants with good basal and lateral branching. They received AAS and Fleuroselect awards for their outstanding floral display and garden performance. Gold Orange Red Yellow Mix CANNA 21 - 24°C (70 - 75°F) 1 - 2 wks 12 wks Spiky Series Tropical Series 60 - 75 cm (24-30”). Extra dwarf. ‘Tropical’ series are sun loving and performs well in pots and outdoor bedding displays. Bronze Scarlet Salmon Red White Rose Yellow South Pacific Scarlet F1 First hybrid Canna from seed. Large single flowers clustered in terminal spikes. Early blooming, extremely uniform and excellent branching. Excellent for garden borders, containers and 6 inch pots and larger. Orange Kimono Series Height 15 cm (6”). Miniature celosia plumosa suitable for 10 cm (4”) pot shipping. Cherry Red Orange Rose Scarlet Formula Mixed CELOSIA CRISTATA (COCKSCOMB) 21 - 27°C (70 - 80°F) 8 days Germ. L 14 wks Amigo Series 15 cm (6”). Compact, bright colors. Excellent for packs, pots and gardens. Magenta Neon Rose Yellow Mahogany Red Red Mix Cream Red Salmon Pink Yellow Glorious Series 20 cm (8”). ‘Glorious’ series is an improvement and replacement for the ‘Gloria’ series. Uniform flowering and habit. Good garden performance in sunny locations. Orange Red Mix Dwarf Varieties Yellow Pink Pink Yellow Kosmo Series 20 cm (8”). A compact plant that has an elegant central spike surrounded by many smaller spikes. Purple Red Vanilla Medium Varieties Prestige Scarlet Large and abundant flowers during the growing season. Scarlet flowers with bronze-green leaves. Excellent as a “knee high” garden item. Apr 1 - Apr 15 10 days Germ. DL 6 wks Celosia Arrabona Dwarf Varieties Arrabona 25-35 cm (10”-14”). First well branched intermediate plumosa type. Compact, sturdy plants with exotic red-orange flowers. Tolerant to drought and loves the heat. Outstanding garden performance and long flowering season in borders/containers. Fashion Look Mix 35 cm (14”). Formula mix of the ‘Fresh Look’ series with large, colorful blooms on a densely branched habit. Ideal for landscape. Bronze Leaf. New Look 40 cm (16”). Wide, bushy base branching dark foliage with large plumes of glowing deep red. (AAS Winner). Smart Look Red 25 cm (10”). Compact, densely branched habit, crowned with scarlet red plumes over deep bronze foliage. Excellent garden performer. Celosia — Also see Cutflower Section (page 50) (PALUDOSUM) Height 30 cm (12”). Earliness with a well-branching plant habit. Strong pyramid plant shape with flowers. Excellent vigour providing a long lasting color display. Cherry Orange Formula Mix Purple CHRYSANTHEMUM Ice Cream Series Banana Mango Peach Pink Smart Look Romantica 25 cm (10”). Its plume color starts as a creamy salmon and ages to salmon pink. The plants have deep red stem, as well as deep red leaf veins. Early flowering with a compact, uniform habit. CELOSIA PLUMOSA 21 - 24°C (70 - 75°F) 30 - 40 cm (12 - 16”). Well branched long lasting color. Exotic beauty, excellent for landscaping. Attractive red stems. Heat tolerant. Celosia Spiky Purple Snowland 4 cm (1½”). Dwarf and uniform plants produce white flowers. Early blooming. Excellent for spring beddings. 5 Coleus Versa Collection NEW Watermelon CINERARIA Apr - May 21°C (70°F) 1- 2 wks Germ. DL 24-28 wks Jester Series 20-25 cm (8-10”). Spread 20-25 cm (8-10”). Replaces ‘Cindy’. Compact, rounded plant habit and smaller leaves. Extremely uniform to bloom and has the highest percentage of bicolors available. Suitable for winter and early spring sales in 10-12 cm (4-5”) pots and containers. (Pelleted seed only). Blue Bicolor Carmine Bicolor Pure Blue Pure Carmine Pure White Mix CLEOME (SPIDER FLOWER) 21°C (70°F) Mar - Apr 10 days Germ. DL 8 - 10 wks Sparkler Series 105-120 cm (3½ - 4’). Full, bushy and upright plant habit. Recommended for finish in flower, in 15 cm (6”) pot or larger containers. Great as annual hedge or garden focal point. (Primed seed only) Blush Lavender White Available only in GoldSmart™ Technology. Uniform, innovative, better performance. COBAEA SCANDENS 8-10 wks Cup and Saucer 400 cm (160”). A climber plant with large purple, bell-shaped flowers. 6 1-800-665-1642 COLEUS 18°C (65°F) Feb 20 - Mar 10 10 days Coleus Kong Lime Sprite Germ L 8-10 wks Giant Exhibition Series Black Dragon 30 cm (12”). Large, serrated leaves with a purple-black edge. Excellent in packs and pots. 30-50 cm (12-20”). Large leaved, ultra-colorful varieties. Each are distinctive with large, neatly serrated or scalloped leaves in a variety of rich tones. Chocolate Covered Cherry 30-35 cm (12-14”). Bold multi-color foliage- rose center is surrounded by deep mahogany & a thin green margin. Chivalry Marble Tartan Chocolate Mint 30-35 cm (12-14”). “Made for the shade” coleus! Leaves are a rich chocolate colour, with each one edged in a mint green color. Upright plants, well-suited to in-ground and large containers. 45-50 cm (18-20"). Spread 38-45 cm (15-18”). Striking large leaves in unique colour patterns. Prefers shade in large containers or in garden. (Pelleted seed only). Chocolate Splash 30-40 cm (12-16”). Green foliage with chocolatesplashed pattern varies with age and light exposure. Habit and performance best for mixed containers. Green Mosaic Rose Scarlet Chocolate Symphony (Fuseables™) Includes Coleus Chocolate Mint and Lime Delight. (Single Species Coleus) Dark Chocolate 60-75 cm (24-30”). Upright plant display mid-size leaves. Rich dark purple across entire leaf. Well suited to 10-15 cm (4-6”) pots. (Pelleted seed only). Festive Dance (Rainbow Type). Fiery orange heavily bordered with dark bronze Rose Mix Feb - Apr 18-21°C (65-70°F) 14-20 days Coleus Chocolate Covered Cherry Mighty Mosaic 45-65 cm (18”-26”). Well-branched, vigorous plants. Striking multicolor leaf pattern. Great in the shade and tolerates sun under high humidity. Multicolor Rainbow Showy streaks of red, salmon, yellow, and green. Volcano Brilliant scarlet red that retains its color throughout the season. Vigorous grower, less susceptible to sun scald than most varieties. Good color retention even in semi-shade. Limelight Palisandra Formula Mix Magma Rustic Red Kong™ Series Lime Sprite (New) Red Salmon Pink Versa Collection Series 50-80 cm (20-32”). Spread 45-55 cm (18-22”). Eye-catching varieties can be used in both sun or shade. Late flowering. Burgundy to Green Green Hallo Rose to Lime Crimson Gold Lime Watermelon Wizard Series 30-35 cm (12-14”). Spread 25-30 cm (10-12”). Perfect plant habit, being base-branching from the very early stages. Coral Sunrise Mosaic Scarlet Mix Golden Pastel Sunset Select Mix Jade Pineapple Velvet Red Small Leafed Type Carefree Mix Dwarf, bushy type plants with small, deeply lobed leaves. Mix contains bronze, scarlet, velvet, pink, golden, jade, pastel, flame, red. Hello! Rose Shades Hello! Yellow Shades COSMOS Mar 15 5 days 21°C (70°F) Germ. DL 4 - 6 wks Cutesy Mix 50 cm (20”). Compact habit. Excellent outdoor performance. Mix contains purple, white and pink. Cosmic Series Cuphea Sriracha Pink 30 cm (12”). Matched in habit, flower power, and timing. Excellent for packs, containers and in the garden. Orange Yellow Hello! Bronze Shades Red Mix DAHLIA Sonata Series Carmine White Pink Mix Earliest to flower. Includes shades of rose, violet, orange, scarlet and white with mostly contrasting color combinations in the same flowers as scarlet with yellow, rose and violet with white. Sunny Series Height 30-35cm (12-14”). Flower size 4 cm (1.5”). Hello! Scarlet Shades 12 - 15 Days Orange Shades Red Shades Violet Shades White Yellow Shades Mix Germ. L 11 - 12 wks Dynamite 20-25 cm (8-10”). Spread 25-30 cm (10-12”). Small, bright scarlet tubular flowers on dark green foliage. More compact and better branched than vegetative varieties. Hello! Series 17-23 cm (7-9”). Double flowers with uniform habit and flowering time. Bronze Shades Rose Shades Scarlet Shades White Yellow Shades Sriracha™ Series 35-45 cm (14-18”). Compact, well-branched plants offer a uniform, colorful addition for spring and hot summer plantings. Vibrant colors with a long shelf-life and loves the heat! Pink Rose Figaro Series 35-45 cm (14-18”). Spread 25-30 cm (10-12”). Ideal for borders and containers. CUPHEA 21°C (70°F) Germ DL 8-12 wks Harlequin Mix Pink Blush Gold — Golden yellow semi-double flowers. Orange Red — Dwarf plants. Blooms red to orange scarlet Yellow Feb 1 - Mar 1 10 days 21°C (70°F) 60 cm (24”). Spread 30-35cm (12-14”). Unique dwarf cosmos variety. Extremely easy to grow. Violet For Cyclamen — Contact your Territory Manager for availability and pricing. Cuphea Sriracha Violet 7 DIANTHUS 21°C (70°F) Feb 1 - Mar 1 7 days NEW Germ. DL 10-12 wks NEW Amazon Series (interspecific) 45-60 cm (18-24”). Very dark green, glossy foliage. Bright, serrated-edged flowers. (Pelleted only). Neon Cherry Neon Duo Neon Purple Rose Magic Dianthus Dash Crimson Dianthus Dash Magician Carpet Snowfire (chinensis) F1 Hybrid. 15 - 20 cm (6-8”). Masses of 4 cm (1½”) red & white blooms cover the compact base branching plants. Can be used for edging or pots. Dash Series Dianthus Dulce™ Series 25-30 cm (10-12”). Free flowering and strong branching. Compact and has the stamina to flower freely from early spring and well into summer. (Pelleted only). Diabunda Purple Diabunda Red 38-50 cm (15-20”). Compact and well branched with good garden performance. Plant in fertile, welldrained soil. Great in landscape with no need for staking. Uniform in habit, flower form, and timing. Flowers early spring into midsummer. Free-flowering and multibranched plants. (Pelleted only). White to Pink Ideal Series (chinensis x barbatus) 20-25 cm (8-10”). Flowers are 3½ cm (1½”) in diameter. Series is really heat and frost resistant. Crimson (New) Magician (New) Pink Violet White Mix Diabunda™ Series White Carmine Pearl Deep Violet Pink Ideal Select Series Diabunda Purple Picotee Crimson Pink Pearl Purple Purple Picotee Red Red Picotee Rose Mix 20-25 cm (8-10”). Bright green leaves contrast with brightly colored, lacy-edged flowers. Early flowering and extremely uniform. Raspberry Rose Violet White Fire Red Salmon White Mix Magic Charms Series 20-25 cm (8-10”).Basal branching, plants are 15 cm (6”) high. Ideal for 8-13 cm (3-5”) pots. White Super Parfait Series 15-20 cm (6-8”). It is still the finest eyed series on the market and the pack performance is, by far, the best – very early and compact! These vigorous plants are smothered with beautiful flowers and perform well all season. (Available in raw and pelleted seed). Raspberry Strawberry Red Peppermint Mix Wee Willie (barbatus) (Annual Sweet William) 8 cm (3”). Extra dwarf, single flowers in a fine blend of colors. Plant close together for best effect, blooming in 6 to 8 weeks from sowing. Dianthus Dash Pink 8 1-800-665-1642 Dianthus Dash Violet NEW NEW Dianthus Sweet Black Cherry Dianthus Venti Parfait™ Crimson DICHONDRA Germ. D. 22 - 24°C (72 - 76°F) Dianthus Venti Parfait™ Crimson Eye Sweet Series (barbatus) 45-90 cm (18-36”). Barbatus-type. The first cut flower series offered in separate colors with no vernalization required. Excellent as tall bedding plant with long lasting blooms. Fragrant. (Pelleted only). Black Cherry Purple White White Coral Red Mix Emerald Falls 5-10 cm (2-4”). Green version of Silver Falls. Green foliage and tighter habit. Heat and drought tolerant. (Multi-pelleted only). Silver Falls 5-8 cm (2-3”). Round, fan-shaped silver foliage. Vigorous growth displays true cascading habit. Purple Scarlet DOLICHOS LABLAB Ruby Moon 300 cm (117”). Showy climber, purple foliage, flowers and pods. Venti Parfait™ Series (chinensis) Ruffle like flowers with great color contrast. Long lasting color and frost tolerant. (Available in raw & pelleted seed) Crimson (New) Jan. - Feb. 14 days 20°C (68°F) Germ. L 10 - 12 wks Germ. L 11 - 13 wks Dark Pink Yellow Shades (CORDYLINE) 24°C (75°F) Nights 29°C (85°F) Days Feb - Mar 6 wks 25-30 cm (10-12”). Dense, mounded habit. Natural branching without pinching. Available only in raw form. Australis Bronze Coral/Rose lndivisa - (cleaned seed). Lavender/Pink Feb 1 - Feb 15 10 days Germ. L 12 wks Silver Dust Height 25 cm (10”). (Available in raw & pelleted seed). Senecio cineraria New Look 30 cm (12”). Large whitest oak-leaves. ERYSIMUM 22°C (72°F) 2-4 days 11-12 wks 20-30 cm (8-12”). Strong branching, very floriferous with clean fragrance. No vernalization needed to flower. Orange Yellow Eustoma — See Lisianthus in Annual Seed Section and Cutflower Section (pages 17 & 51) DRACAENA White Blush Diamonte Series 18°C (65°F) Citrona Series Strong and compact habit. Rich flowering, especially in dry and sunny conditions. 20 cm (8”). Free flowering all season long. Excellent for hanging baskets and mixed containers. Heat tolerant. Pink Jan - Feb 7 - 14 days 18°C (65°F) Asca Series Apricot Cineraria Maritima (BELLIDIFORMIS) Gelato Series DIASCIA DUSTY MILLER DOROTHEANTHUS Crimson Eye Dianthus — Also see Perennial Section (page 44) & Cutflower Section (page 50) Euphorbia Glitz 4 days Germ. DL 14 - 15 mths EUPHORBIA Glitz (New) 25-35 cm (10”-14”). Heat and drought-tolerant plant for full sun or part shade. Mounded plant habit. 9 GAZANIA Feb 15 10 days 16°C (60°F) Gazania New Day Rose Stripe NEW Germ. D 10 -12 wks Daybreak Series 20-25 cm (8-10”). Early flowering on compact plants with eye-catching 8 cm (3”) flowers. Excellent outdoor performance. (Coated Seed Only). Bright Orange Bright Yellow Garden Sun Orange Cream Red Stripe Rose Stripe White Geranium BullsEye Red New Day Series Kiss Series Mix Bronze Orange Rose Yellow Flame Mix Mini-S Star Series 20 cm (8”). A great item for people looking for plants for hot, dry, sunny locations. Flowers open early in the day and close late. Bronze Shades 18-25 cm (7-10”) F1. Dark glossy green foliage, uniform, naturally compact, and early flowering. Pink Shades Violet Picotee Stars & Stripes - Stripe patterns in rose, gold, bronze, mahogany and vanilla. New Day Series 20 cm - 25 cm (8-10”). Bred for larger flowers and shorter peduncles. More compact and easier to grow. (Coated Seed Only). Clear Orange Germ. DL BullsEye™ Series 32-37 cm (13-15”). Rich chocolate foliage is a striking contrast to the blooms. Self-cleaning flower heads. Cherry Salmon NEW Frosty Kiss™ Series (Silver Leaf) 20-25 cm (8-10”). Multiple, large, daisy-like flowers form a full bouquet. The ‘Kiss’ Series have superb short flower stems. Red White Flame Mix Gazania Big Kiss Yellow Light Pink Scarlet Red Mix Maverick Series Gazania Big Kiss Red Red (New) White Flame Yellow (New) Yellow Flame Mix 1-800-665-1642 HYBRID SEED 23°C (73°F) Big Kiss™ Series 20-25 cm (8-10”). Larger blooms. Compact and uniform. Feather shaped foliage. Heat tolerant. GERANIUMS NEW Bronze Shades Clear Orange Pink Shades Red Shades Rose Stripe (New) White Yellow Bright Mix Mix Strawberry Shortcake Mix Sunny Side up Mix 10 Golden Flame Orange Flame White Yellow Flame Mix Kontiki Series Tangerine White Yellow Mix Orange White Yellow Flame Mix 20-25 cm (8-10”). Multiple, large, daisy-like flowers form a full bouquet. The ‘Kiss’ Series have superb short flower stems. 35-40 cm (14-16”) ‘Maverick’ are ideal for high density mass production. Open plant habit allows sunlight to shine through – even in pot-tight conditions. Multiple flower stems, early flowers & less yellowing of leaves. Uniformity across the series means growers can expect bench run sales of 10, 15 cm (4, 6”) & larger containers. Maverick’ is very cycocel responsive and is easy to control in plugs or packs. Appleblossom Coral Orange Pink Quicksilver Red Rose Salmon Salmon Confetti Scarlet Scarlet Picotee Star Violet White Buckaroo Mix Pink Ice Mix — Lavender, Pink, Quicksilver, White Mix Gerbera Revolution Series Mini Rose Revolution Scarlet Red/Dark Centre Mega Champagne GERBERA 20-22°C (68-72°F) F1 Mega Revolution® Germ L. 16-18 weeks 4-10 days Festival Spring Bouquet Mix/ Pastel Blend 25-30 cm (10-12”). Compact uniform foliage with a wide array of solid color blooms. Revolution Series Geranium Multibloom Red Multibloom Series Height 25-30 cm (10-12”). Capri Lavender Pink Salmon White Coral CZ Light Salmon Red Violet Center Zone Mix Orbit Series 30-35 cm (12-14”). Renowned for ease of growing, uniformity in earliness and habit, superior basal branching and large, well-rounded flower heads. 28-40 cm (11-16”). More ‘flower power’ so to speak. A revolution with major impact on your profits. This remarkable gerbera generation excels in earliness over each and every other variety now known in the market. A well shaped plant with dark green and crisp foliage. Multiple strong stems with an abundance of large flowers in a wide range of colors! F1 Micro Revolution Irish Eyes Mix F1 Midi Revolution An intermediate type between “revolution” and “mini revolution”. Flower and plant size are slightly smaller than “revolution” making it easier to grow at higher density. Scarlet/Dark Centre Coral Deep Salmon F1 Mini Revolution Bubblegum Mix — Appleblossom, Glow, Orchid, & White Mix Red Rose White Yellow Mix F1 Revolution Revolution Golden Yellow/Dark Centre Babypink Golden Yellow/Dark Centre Golden Yellow Shades Neon Rose/Dark Centre Pastel Orange/Dark centre Pastel Pink Shades/Dark centre Pink/Green Centre Red/Dark Centre Red Shades/Dark centre Scarlet-Red/Dark Centre Vanilla Yellow/Dark centre Mix Select Mix Mega Rose/Green Centre Champagne Yellow/Dark Centre Purple Shades Rose/Green Centre Salmon Shades Scarlet/Dark Centre Watermelon White Yellow Shades Mix Bold Mix Classic Mix Select Mix Golden Orange GODETIA Satin Formula Mix Dwarf F1 Hybrid. 5 cm (2”) flower size. The plant habit, flowering season, and overall habit are extremely uniform. Good for 10 cm (4”) pot plant, since they will flower profusely when about 17-20 cm (7-8”) in height without the application of growth regulators or pinching. Basal branching and are borne upright on dwarf plants. GOMPHRENA (GLOBOSA NANA COMPACTA) Gnome Series Clean Seed. Extra dwarf, compact plants. Suitable for 8-10 cm (3-4”) pot culture. 15 cm (6”) high, ball shaped plants. Pink White Rose Shades Terracotta White Yellow/Green Centre Classic Mix Purple Mix GOMPHRENA HAAGEANA Fireworks Height 1.2 m (4 ft). Intense, long-lasting, hot pink colour. Drought-tolerant, resists weather damage, and attracts butterflies. 11 GRASSES 21 - 24°C (70 -75°F) 10 days Pennisetum Setaceum 80 cm (32”) Graceful, slightly curving to erect flower spikes with numerous straight, white bristles. Germ. L 10 - 12 wks Eragrostis Wind Dancer 90-120 cm (3’- 4’). Multi-pelleted. Fantastic Foliage variety. Drought tolerant, not invasive. Best in landscape and large containers. Isolepis Live Wire 15-20 cm (6-8”). Multi-pelleted. Dense, mounded habit without pinching or PGRs. Great for mixed containers. Best in wet conditions. (Fiber Optic Grass) Juncus Blue Arrows 90 cm (36”). Multi-pelleted. ‘Blue Arrows’ is grown for its stiff & upright, blue-green foliage. Well-suited for bedding and mixed containers. Juncus Blue Dart 35-40 cm (14-16”). Multi-pelleted. Compact, blue-foliaged grass is very adaptable to a wide range of garden conditions. C OLOR G RASS ® is a well balanced collection of highly decorative ornamental grasses, now available as primed and multi-pelleted seed. Grasses Carex Amazon Mist 25 cm (10”) height in garden. Carex Bronco 25 cm (10”) height in garden. Carex Bronco Carex Amazon Mist Carex Phoenix Green Festuca Festina (Multi-Pelleted only) 25 cm (10”) height in garden. Juncus Starhead™ (Multi-Pelleted only) 20-25 cm (8-10”) height in garden. Juncus Javelin 1.2 m (48”). Multi-pelleted. Tall, upright stately green grass. In garden and landscapes, ‘Javelin’ can grow up to 1.5 m (5’) tall. Koeleria Coolio 20 cm (8”) height in garden. Luzula Lucius 60 cm (24”) height in garden. Juncus Spiralis 50 cm (19.5”). Pelleted. Upright twisted leaves make this a fun plant. Fast growing, good in landscaping & pots. Juncus Twisted Arrows (Fuseables) Multi-pelleted. Multiple grass species in a single pellet provide an instant combination. Includes Juncus Blue Arrows & Juncus Spiralis. A contrast of blue and green along with straight and twisted. Juncus Twisted Dart (Fuseables) Multi-pelleted. Multiple grass species in a single pellet provide an instant combination. Includes Juncus Blue Dart & Juncus Spiralis. Contrast of blue & green along with straight and twisted. A shorter version of the Twisted Arrows. Carex Phoenix Green 50-60 cm (20-24”) height in garden. Carex Red Rooster 60 cm (24”) height in garden. Carex Zora (Raw only) 35 cm (14”) height in garden. Luzula Starmaker 60 cm (24”) height in garden. Carex Red Rooster Luzula Lucius Milium Flashlights (Multi-Pelleted only) 20-25 cm (8-10”) height in garden. Fuseables Juncus Twisted Arrows Juncus Twisted Dart JVK Mix 41-152 cm (16-61”). A wide selection of the most popular varieties of ornamental grasses. Melinis Savannah 45 cm (18") spikes with 25 cm (10") spread. Showy ornamental annual grass forms tight lumps of soft blue-green foliage. Ruby pink blooms in early June. 12 1-800-665-1642 Carex Zora Milium Flashlights GYPSOPHILA (BABY’S BREATH) 21 - 27°C (70 - 80°F) 10 days HELIOTROPE (VALERIANA OFFICINALIS) Germ. DL 8 - 10 wks Feb 15 14 -21 days 21°C (70°F) Gypsy Series Marine 40 cm (16”). Deep violet-blue with small dark green leaves and most intense flower color. All summer flower bedding plant. 30 cm (12”). Semi-double flower. Deep colors. Compact and excellent bedding plant. (Multi-Pelleted only). Deep Rose Pink White HIBISCUS Gypsophila — Also see Perennial Seed Section (page 45) 21 - 24°C (70 - 75°F) HELENIUM 18 - 22°C (65 - 75°F) 3-5 days 8 - 12 wks Dakota Gold 30-35 cm (12-14”). Bright golden yellow, daisylike flowers over fine-textured green foliage. Uniform, compact, mounded habit. (SUNFLOWER) Apr - June 5-10 days 7 days Germ. L 7 - 8 wks Mahogany Splendor 0.90-1.5 m (3-5’). Deep burgundy plants with mapleshaped leaves grow very tall. Drought/heat tolerant and deer resistant. Full sun. Great for the landscape. Hibiscus Mahogany Splendor Pacino Series Helenium Dakota Gold 30-50 cm (12-14”). Dwarf pot type. The 10 - 12 cm (4-5“) flowers fit well for pot & garden. Cola Golden yellow petals around a deep brown center. Gold — Golden yellow petals around a bright center. Lemon — Lime colored petals around a bright center. Mix HELIANTHUS 15° C (60° F) Germ. L 16 wks Germ. D. 10 wks Ballad 60 - 75 cm (24-30”). Shiny, green leaves with bright golden yellow flowers that deepen to bronze in centre. Big Smile 30 - 38 cm (12-15”). Extra early (45 -50 days). Choco Sun Golden yellow flowers with dark centre. Compact habit with small, deep green leaves. Branching sunflower. Florenza 120 cm (48”). Light yellow petal tips with a distinct rusty red ring. 12 cm (5”) flowers with uniform habit. Gypsophila Gypsy White Music Box 70 cm (28”). Bright colors. Flowers are 10 - 12 cm (4-5”). Ring of Fire 100-130 cm (40-52”). Flower petals are dark red at the base & golden yellow at the tips. Flowers are 13-15 cm (5-6”) in diameter with a dark centre. Solita 50-60 cm (20-24”). Flowers are 15 cm (6”) with golden yellow petals with a green eye. Well branched and compact. Smaller leaves and large flowers. Sunny Smile Yellow 30 cm (12”). F1. Dwarf, branching, pollenless sunflower. Very strong heat tolerant. Rich flower and foliage color. Teddy Bear 40 cm (16”). Huge double golden flowers. Helianthus Ballad HELICHRYSUM 21 - 24°C (70 - 75°F) 7 - 10 days Germ. L 6 - 8 wks HYPOESTES Chico Series (Strawflower) (POLKA DOT PLANT) 30-37 cm (12-15”). Compact, large flowers, attractive in 10 cm (4”) pot, color bowl and hanging basket. Blooms 10 - 12 weeks after sowing. Red 21 - 24°C (70 - 75°F) Mix (MICROPHYLLUM) Silver Mist 15-20 cm (6-8”). Silver foliage with round to oval, textured leaves. (Available in Multi-pelleted seed). 1 - 2 wks Splash Select Series 25-45 cm (10-18”). Recommended for 10 cm (4”) or smaller pot production. For quickest finish time, put several seedlings per 10 cm (4”) pot. Pink Rose Red White 13 Accent Impatiens Rose Star IMPATIENS Feb 1 - Feb 15 4 - 6 days 21-24°C (70-75°F) Coral Burgundy Germ. L 10 wks Accent Series Salmon Picotee 25-30 cm (10-12”). ‘Accents’ are earlier, more uniform and have better pack and garden performance than ‘Dazzler’. All ‘Accent’ seed is HI-VI seed, (quick/ uniform emergence). Burgundy Coral Deep Pink Lavender Blue Orange Red Star Rose Star Salmon Picotee Cranberry Punch Mix Mystic Mix Pastel Mix Peppermint Mix Star Mix Deep Pink Lavender Blue Orange Cranberry Punch Mix Mystic Mix Peppermint Mix Red Star Accent Premium™Impatiens Accent Premium™ Series 25-30 cm (10-12”). More uniform habit across series – better for mixing colors and creating blankets of color. Excellent branching habit fills pots and baskets faster. Improved for branching, uniformity and free-flowering. 14 Bright Eye Deep Orange Lilac Orange Star 1-800-665-1642 Bright Eye Deep Orange Lilac Orange Star Pink Red Rose Salmon Violet Violet Star White Mix Pink Red Rose Violet Star Tempo Series Garden height is 15-25 cm (6-10”). ‘Tempos’ continue to win over followers because of their excellent germination and improved, more compact plant habit. ‘Tempos’ still boast the largest flowers. Xtreme Bright Eye Blue Satin Cherry Butterfly Crimson Lavender Orange Pearl Pink Frost Rose Violet White Cancun Mix Mix Salsa Mix Xtreme Punch Burgundy Cinnamon Deep Pink Lipstick Peach Frost Pink Punch Scarlet Watermelon Butterfly Mix Crystal Mix Pastel Mix Wedgewood Mix Tumbler™ Series Garden height 30-35 cm (12-14”). Vigorous spreading habit. Plants trail downward. Bred specifically for baskets and mixed containers. Xtreme Red Xtreme Lavender Pink Rose Star Scarlet Violet Star Rose Salmon Violet White Xtreme Rose Xtreme Pastel Mix Tempo Pink Xtreme Lilac Xtreme Series Garden height 20-25 cm (8-10”).Bred to hold in the pack - very compact and branching. Still performs well in gardens. Has the range of key colors needed for optimum production. Bright Eye Bright Rose Lavender Lilac Orange Pink Punch Red Rose Salmon Scarlet Violet White Hot! Mix - Deep Salmon, Salmon, Scarlet, White Little Gem Mix - Lavender, Pink, Violet, White Tempo Rose Xtreme Hot! Mix Tempo Scarlet Xtreme Rosey Mix Xtreme Utopia Mix Orange Parfait Mix - Orange, White, Salmon Pastel Mix - Lavender, Pink, Salmon, White Rosey Mix - Pink, Rose, Violet, White Sapphire Mix - Pink, Lavender, Violet Tango Mix - Deep Salmon, Red, Rose, Scarlet, Violet Utopia Mix - Lavender, Rose, Salmon, Violet Mix Tempo Wedgewood Mix Tumbler™ Salmon Tumbler™ Scarlet 15 SUPER ELFIN XP SERIES Cherry Splash Lilac Red Starburst Rose Starburst SUPER ELFIN XP SERIES Hot Mix Punch Salmon Splash Super Elfin Series 20-25 cm (8-10”). F1 Hybrid. Outstanding colors with no fading. 95% yield potential. Apricot Cherry Lipstick Mix Paradise Mix Sedona Mix Bright Orange Lavender Ruby Cha-Cha Mix Seaside Mix Splish Splash Mix Super Elfin New Guinea Impatiens (MORNING GLORY) 25-35 (10-14”). Great branching habit produces a lot of flowers all season long. High colour impact. Series Cherry Splash Deep Pink Melon Punch Red Starburst Rose Starburst Salmon Splash Star Salmon Violet Starburst Clear Mix Hot Mix Blue Pearl Cherry Red Orange Bronze Leaf Pink Scarlet Red White Blush Mix Hot Cha Cha Mix (New) Mystic Mix Salsa Mix Starburst Mix IPOMEA Divine™ F1 Series 20-25 (8-10”). Consistency of early flowering. Uniformity of habit and plant vigour. Well-matched, tight bloom window. Large flowers with novelty colours. Blue Pearl Coral Lilac Pink Red Rose Salmon Scarlet Violet White Formula Mix Red White Mix Red White Mix NGI Divine Pink 21 - 24°C (70 - 75°F) Burgundy Lavender Orange Green Leaf Scarlet Bronze Leaf Violet Hot Mix Fresh Mix (New) Islander Mix (New) Red White Mix Feb - March 7 days Germ. D 4 - 5 wks Cameo Elegance 90-120 cm (36-48”). Variegated leaves and flowers of rose-red with white throat. Climbing Vine. Sunrise Serenade Beautiful double ruby-red flowers. Strong growth and striking climber. IRESINE Semi-D Double Impatiens Victorian Rose 25-30 cm (10-12”). 100% Semi-Double. Germ. L. (22 - 24°C) 72 - 76°F NGI Divine Fresh Mix NEW 3 - 4 days Purple Lady 15-20 cm (6-8”). Dark purple foliage with low spreading habit. DIVINE™ SERIES LAVATERA 21°C (70°F) Blue Pearl Burgundy Lavender NEW NEW Mar 1 14 days Germ. DL Novella 60 cm (24”). Earliest and most compact Lavatera to flower. Long lasting bright rose flowers. Ideal pot and patio plant. Twins Series 30 cm (12”). Compact dwarf Lavatera with satiny flowers. Highly uniform habit and vigour. Orange Bronze Leaf 16 Scarlet Bronze Leaf White Blush 1-800-665-1642 Hot Cha Cha Mix Islander Mix Cool White Hot Pink LOBELIA Fuseables Feb 20 - Mar 10 20 days 21°C (70°F) Germ. L 11 - 13 wks Compacta Cobalt Blue Green foliage. Early flowering. (Available as a multi-pelleted seed). Lobelia Bed O’Roses Rosamonde 10 cm (4”). Carmine rose with white eye. Fuseables Single Species (Fuseables) Bed O’Roses (Fuseables™) Includes Riviera Rose and Rosamond Lobelias. Combines early and late-blooming lobelia for a longlasting display of colour. Leycesteria Jealousy LEYCESTERIA 18 - 21°C (65 - 70°F) 7 - 14 days Germ. L 7 - 8 wks Jealousy 91-152 cm (36 - 60”). Bright chartreuse colour and rounded bushy habit. Blooms in summer and purple fruit appears in fall. (Available in multi-pelleted seeds). Lobelia Blues Brothers Fuseables 7-14 days Ol’ Blue Eyes (Fuseables™) Includes Riviera Blue Eyes and Mrs. Clibran Lobelias. Combines early and late-blooming lobelia for a longlasting display of colour. White Knights (Fuseables™) Includes Riviera White and White Lady Lobelias. Combines early and late-blooming lobelia for a longlasting display of colour. LINARIA 18°C (65°F) Blues Brothers (Fuseables™) Includes Riviera Midnight Blue and Crystal Palace Lobelias. Combines early and late-blooming lobelia for a long-lasting display of colour. 50-60 days Riviera Series Fantasy Series Lobelia Ol’ Blue Eyes Tiny, snapdragon-like flowers, dwarf compact habit. Cool season crop, does not like summer heat, will grow year round in mild areas. Weather tolerant, requires little maintenance. Garden height 20 - 25 cm (8-10”), pot 10 - 15 cm (4-6”). (Pelleted only.). Blue Speckled Pink Yellow Blue Eyes Lilac Midnight Blue Sky Blue Mix Lobelia Magenta Rose White Riviera Blue Eyes 15-20 cm (6-8”). Extra early flowering, up to four weeks earlier than Fountains and Cascades. Very free flowering and vigorous in growth. (Available as raw and multi-pelleted seed). Blue Splash Lilac Splash Midnight Blue White Germ. DL 20 - 24 wks Regatta Blue Splash All Lisianthus seed is available in pelleted form only. Lilac Marine Blue Rose Mix Speciosa Fan® Series Lisa Series 50-60 cm (20-24”). F1 Hybrid. Large flowering for annual, biennial, or perennial growing. Base branching habit. Flowering the first year from seed. Now available in pelleted form. 15-20 cm (6-8”). Blue Regatta Series Riviera Rose LISIANTHUS (EUSTOMA) 10 - 20 days Blue Splash Marine Blue Rose White Trailing Enchantment 35-40 cm (14-16”). Small, snapdragon-like flowers are a very intense magenta colour with a gold bee. Upright, well branched, finely textured foliage. Extremely fragrant. (Available in Multi-Pelleted seed only). 22°C (72°F) 12.5 cm (5”). Vigorous, compact habit. Extra early flowering, approximately 15 days earlier than the standard varieties. (Available as raw and multi-pelleted seed). White Lisianthus (Eustoma) — Also see Cutflower Section (page 51) Regatta Lilac Splash Fan® Blue Salmon Burgundy (Pelleted Only) Scarlet Scarlet 17 MARIGOLD 21°C (70°F) March 7 days Germ. DL 8 - 13 wks F1 Triploid Marigolds Sunburst Series Stunning single Triploid. (Available in detailed seed). Yellow Splash Disco Granada Disco Marietta Sunburst Yellow Splash Disco Red Safari Bolero Boy Series Hero Series French Marigold Single French Marigolds Disco Series 20 - 25 cm (8-10”). Single flowered developed for earliness in the greenhouse and good outdoor performance. Flowers are 5 cm (2”) in diameter, free flowering and have good rain tolerance. (Available in detailed or coated seed). Golden Yellow - (Available in Detailed seed only) Granada — Bright orange and red bi-color Marietta — Golden yellow with mahogany blotches. Orange Queen - (Available in Detailed seed only) Red Yellow Mix 20 - 25 cm (8-10”). Fully double flowers are about 5 cm (2”) in size. (Available in detailed and coated seed). Golden - Bright golden yellow. Harmony - Orange yellow with mahogany. Orange Spry - Gold yellow with mahogany edging. Yellow Boy ‘O’ Boy Mix Safari Series 25 - 30 cm (10-12”). This early flowering, compact series will produce an abundance of large double flowers which are 5 - 6 ½ cm (2-2 ½”) in diameter. An excellent french marigold for flats, pots, and garden performance. (Available in detailed and coated seed). Bee Flame - Red and orange bi-color. Gold Medium gold with red at base of petal. Harmony - Maroon red with orange crest. Orange Spry - Sharp color contrast on petals; mahogany outside, gold/yellow inside. Yellow Mix Garden height 20 - 25 cm (8 - 10”). Very large flowers. Early blooming plants with excellent garden performance. (Available in detailed and coated seed). Bolero Queen Scarlet Yellow Mix Orange Red Tangerine Yellow Fire Safari Orange Safari Queen Safari Red Safari Tangerine Safari Yellow Standard Crested French Marigold Bonanza Series 25- 30 cm (10-12”). Large 5 cm (2”) crested blooms, and very good shelf life, make the Bonanzas an item to be included in every bedding plant growers program. (Available in detailed and coated seed). Safari Yellow Fire Bonanza Deep Orange Bonanza Flame Bonanza Gold Bee - Mahogany flowers with yellow edge. Deep Orange Flame - Maroon edged with orange. Gold Harmony Orange Yellow Mix Boy Gold 18 1-800-665-1642 Boy Harmony Hero Flame Hero Spry Janie Flame Janie Gold Janie Harmony Janie Mix Little Hero Fire Little Hero Spry Antigua Gold Antigua Orange Antigua Primrose Antigua Yellow Discovery Orange Discovery Mix Moonsong™ Inca II Orange Moonstruck® Deep Orange Deep Orange Dwarf Crested French Marigold American Marigold Janie Series Antigua Series 20- 25 cm (8-10”). A dwarf French marigold that bursts into color earlier than other Marigolds in this class. (Available in detailed and coated seed). Bright Yellow Flame Harmony Spry Mix Deep Orange Gold Primrose Tangerine Fire — Yellow, red stripes Orange Spry — Mahogany red, yellow crest Yellow Mix Lemon Yellow Orange Yellow Moonstruck® Series 30-38 cm (12-15”). F1 Hybrid. Full, double blooms. Huge in size and round in shape. Flower heads are super dense. Excellent branching. (Available in detailed and coated seed). Deep Orange Lemon Yellow Orange Yellow Perfection Series 20-25 cm (8-10”). All season marigold, earlier. (Available in detailed and coated seed). Orange Mix Orange Yellow Discovery Series Yellow Inca II Series 30-35 cm (12-14”). Inca II Series are double flowers and bloom 7-10 days earlier than original Inca. (Available in detailed and pelleted seed). Gold Primrose Mix Orange Yellow Moonsong™ Series 30-38 cm (12-15”). F1 Hybrid. Unique deep orange color. Tight, fully double flower heads. Excellent stem strength holds flowers upright on plant throughout the growing season. (Available in detailed and coated seed). Garland Orange Vanilla 35-40 cm (14-16”). Sturdy stems with fully double flowers. Very weather tolerant. An excellent variety for packs and 10 cm (4”) sales. Compact habit. (Available in detailed and pelleted seed). Little Hero Series 15-20 cm (6-8”). Early, extra dwarf, 6 cm (2 ½”) flowers. Excellent for hot summer weather. (Available in detailed and coated seed). Inca II Gold Moonstruck® 25-30 cm (10 - 12”). Early flowering regardless of day length. Basal branching habit ensures a quality product for early spring shipping. Mounded garden habit with fully double flower heads held above the foliage. (Available in detailed and pelleted seed). Gold Primrose Mix Little Hero Yellow F1 African Garland Orange 70-85 cm (28-34”). Adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions and continuous flowering resulting in large quantities of deep orange flowers on long flower stems. Garland-type marigold. Vanilla 40 cm (16”). Fully double heads on dark green foliage. Creamy white blooms measure 6-7 cm (2.5-3”). Ideal for border and bed plantings and large mix containers. (Available in detailed and coated seed). Deep Orange 19 Matthiola Sugar & Spice Mix Melampodium Golden Globe Millet Jester Sugar & Spice Pink MIMULUS . 18 - 21°C (65 -70°F) MELAMPODIUM 18°C (65°F) Sugar & Spice Yellow 5 - 7 days 10 - 12 wks Sugar & Spice Series Double flowers on short well-branching plants. Sweet fragrance adds to the beauty of the flowers. Growth regulator not required. Pink Violet Yellow Rose White Formula Mix Vintage Series Excellent basal branching and compact form. Burgundy Lavender Peach Rose Yellow Mix 20 Germ. L. 8 -9 wks Golden Globe 15 - 20 cm (6 - 8”). Uniform, compact and neatly globedshaped habit. Myriads of golden-yellow star shaped flowers. Thrives in full sun containers and landscape. MATTHIOLA 15 - 18°C (60 -65°F) 7 - 10 Days Copper Lilac Red White Antique Mix 1-800-665-1642 Germ. L 8 wks Maximus Mix Early flowering. Very large flowers. Impressive garden performance. Magic Series F1 Hybrid. Compact and early. Same habit and clear faced flower type as Malibu, 7-10 days earlier. (Available in raw and pelletted seed). Blotched Mix Million Gold 2.5 cm (1”). Golden yellow, daisy-like flowers on dwarf 20 - 25 cm (8-10”) plants. Heat tolerant, blooming continuously until first frost. Suitable for 10 cm (4”) pots. Mix Mimulus — Also see Perennial Seed Section (page 47) NASTURTIUM MILLET . 22 - 25°C (72 -78°F) Mar 1 7 - 14 days Germ. L. 2 - 3 days Jester 90-120 cm (36-48”). Young leaves are chartreuse with a subtle overlay of burgundy. As the leaves mature, the ratio of chartreuse to burgundy decreases as the foliage becomes dominantly burgundy. Purple Majesty 120-150 cm (48-60”). Corn-like plant with deep purple foliage, stems and flower plumes. 18°C (65°F) Apr 15 10 days Germ. D 6 wks Alaska 25 cm (10”). Single flowering mix, all with variegated foliage. Compact, non-trailing plants. Whirlybird Series 30 cm (12”). Semi double flowers are upward facing and are held well above the foliage. Excellent for window boxes and hanging pots. Mahogany Scarlet Mix NEMESIA 18 - 22°C (65 - 72°F) 10 - 14 days ORNAMENTAL CORN Field of Dreams Attractive variegated foliage plant. Adds color and structure to large combination pots and accents in the landscape. Plants can reach 4-5 feet tall. As appealing after the season as it was beautiful during the season. Germ. D 13 - 15 wks Poetry Series 30-35 cm (12-14”). Bushy plants with pleasant fragrance. Branches very well without pinching. (Single Pellets only). Blue Pink ORNAMENTAL KALE Deep Pink Mix 21°C (70°F) Glamour Red F1 The waxless quality of the leaves makes them shiny with a more intense, vivid color. It is a fringed leaf type with flower head size 10-12”. Colors in low temperatures (50-60°F). Full sun will bloom 90 days from sowing seed to first color. (FLOWERING TOBACCO) Apr 15 20 days Germ. L 6 - 8 wks Saratoga Series 25-30 cm (10-12”). ‘Saratoga’ nicotiana is earlier than the competition by a week and uniform between colors in both timing and plant habit. Bushy plants with eye-catching, trumpet-shaped flowers look great in large garden beds as well as container gardens. (Pelleted only). Appleblossom Purple Bicolor Rose Mix Lime Red White Chidori Series The edges of these leaves are finely ruffled. A superb way to accent displays. Ornamental Corn Field of Dreams NIEREMBERGIA (CUP-FLOWER) 21°C (70°F) Babybella Interspecific Nicotiana. Free flowering and excellent disease tolerance. (Pelleted only). Feb 1 - Feb 15 15 days Germ. DL 10 - 12 wks Regal Robe 15 cm (6”) height. Richer purple than existing strains, dwarf plants with profuse blooming habit. Excellent hanging basket plant, also bedding use. Good color retention even under bright sunlight. Nemesia Poetry Series White Robe 15 cm (6”) height. Large star-shaped pure white flowers. Deep Pink Pink Nicotiana Saratoga Series Red — red center, deep purple outer leaves. Fringe leafed dwarf type. Good cold tolerance. Nagoya Series Well-known as a fringed leafed flowering kale, this series is uniform in both plant habit and growth. Well adapted for shipping in pots. Red White Rose Mix Peacock Series The feathered leaves of this series are all finely serrated or deeply notched. Large head that is supported with thick, sturdy stem of moderate height. Red White ORNAMENTAL CABBAGE 21°C (70°F) Blue Germ. L 10 -12 wks Flowering kale performs best when handled like late cabbage. They may be sold in 15 cm (6”) pots for color. NICOTIANA 21°C (70°F) June 10 days June 10 days Germ. L The F1 Hybrids may be sown up to three weeks later than open pollinated strains. They are uniform and cold hardy. Osaka Series Red The Osaka Series have waved edged leaves and heads are very tight and compact. Pink White Appleblossom Red Mixed Pigeon Series Lime The compact, dwarf plants of the Pigeon Series have round-shaped solid heads with slightly waved leaves. Purple Victoria Red White Ornamental Kale Glamour Red 21 NEW Osteospermum Akila Akila Ornamental Peppers Lavender Shades Akila White Akila Osteospermum Akila Mix Peppa Lila/Naranja Black Pearl Purple Daisy White ORNAMENTAL PEPPER 22 - 24° C (72 - 75° F) 5 - 7 days 16-22 wks Black Pearl 35-45 cm (14-18”). Black leafed ornamental pepper. Bushy plant with upright, well-branched habit. Very shiny black fruit matures to dark red. Calico 25-30 cm (10-12”). Strongly variegated purple/cream/green tricolour foliage and glossy black fruit. Good vigour for landscape or mixed combos. Chilly Chili Non pungent, more compact than Medusa. 5 cm (2 - 2.5”) long fruit starts out a greenish yellow, gradually changing to orange and then maturing to a dark red. Medusa Non pungent, 5-5½ cm (2”) fruits each with a narrow, twisted, cone shape held prominently upright over the foliage. Fruits start out ivory, turn to yellow, then to orange and finally bright red. Single plant can display entire range of colors at one time. 40-50 fruits per plant. Suited for 10 cm (4”) pots. Purple Flash 33-38 cm (13-15”). Leaves are almost black with “flashes” of bright purple. The plants are topped with small, round, glossy black fruits. Compact and mounded. Red Missile (Christmas Pepper) F1 Hybrid. 5 cm (2”) tapered fruit changes from cream to orange and finishes bright red. Compact plants 20-25½ cm (8-10”) good for pots & gardens. Sangria 25-30 cm (10-12”). Compact, rounded plants are uniform in size across the crop. Produces striking purple and red fruits that are non-pungent (not hot when eaten). 22 1-800-665-1642 Osteospermum Asti™ White Asti Purple Bicolor Garda Series 40-60 cm (16-24”). Ornamental and edible garden pepper. Long lasting colour display. Robust habit. Tricolor Peppa Series Fruits are not poisonous. Suitable for 12-15 cm (5-6”) pots. Lila/Naranja Orangina Asti™ Series 40-50 cm (17-20”). Daisy-type flowers. No vernalization needed. Heat and drought tolerant. Very uniform from sow to flower. Lavender Shades Purple Purple Bicolor White Mix PANSY OSTEOSPERMUM 21° C (70° F) sow mid-Sept. 110 days 7-10 days sow April 80 days Passion Mix - Osteospermum Passion Mix, a 1999 AAS winner, a striking new variety of semi-cold tolerant annuals. Seed is available in a mix of pink, rose, purple & white daisy flowers with azure blue centers. Passion Mix is drought tolerant and grows best in full sun. Dec 1 - Dec 15 10 days Germ. D 5 - 6 months F1 Hybrid Large Flowered Varieties Halloween II 15 - 20 cm (6 - 8”). Blooms are a uniform, pure black color. Better branched and more floriferous. Rain Series Akila Series 41-51 cm (16-20”). Full, branched plants without pinching. No vernalization needed. More compact than competition. Drought tolerant. Daisy White (New) Purple White Purple Eye 18 °C (65°F) Lavender Shades White Mix 4 cm (1.5”) blooms and spreads up to 30-35 cm (12 - 14”) in the landscape. Excellent for landscapes, baskets and groundcover. Blue and Purple Frosty Purple Majestic Giants II Delta Series Large flowered. Compact and earlier flowering. Improvement over Majestic Giants. Blue & White Clear Purple (New) Clear White (New) Clear Yellow Deep Blue w/Blotch Fire Marina Mid Blue Ocean Patricia Purple w/Blotch Red w/Blotch Rosalyn Sherry White w/Blotch Yellow w/Blotch Mix F1 Hybrid. Large flowers. Extremely uniform in timing and habit. Outstanding heat tolerance. Majestic Giants II Mid Blue Delta Premium Pure Lemon F1 Hybrid Delta Premium Gold w/Blotch Medium Flowered Varieties Accord Series Weather tolerant Accords have unique colors that outperform the competition. Produces an abundance of 5 cm (2”) plus flowers above the foliage on short sturdy stems. ’Accord’ outperforms the pack. ‘Accord’ is early and uniform across the series in flowering time and plant habit. Excellent garden performance. (Available in raw seed only). Clear Blue White Blotch Delta Premium Neon Violet Clear Rose NEW NEW Delta Premium Tapestry Majestic Giants II Clear Purple Majestic Giants II Clear White Delta Premium Purple Medley Blue with Blotch Deep Orange Designer Collection Lavender Splash Designer Collection Midnight Sun Fire Lavender Blue Shades Light Blue with Blotch Orange with Blotch Pink Shades Premium Beaconsfield Premium Deep Blue (New) Premium Deep Blue Blotch Premium Gold w/Blotch Premium Pure Golden Yellow Premium Pure Orange Premium Pure Lemon Premium Light Blue Premium Marina Premium Mix Premium Neon Violet Premium Persian Medley Premium Primrose Premium Primrose with Blotch Premium Purple Medley Premium Red with Blotch Premium Rose with Blotch Premium Tapestry Premium True Blue Premium Violet & White Premium Violet Premium White Premium White with Blotch Premium Yellow Premium Yellow with Blotch Premium Yellow with Purple Wing Red Rose Tapestry Violet with Face Yellow with Red Wing Blaze Mix Blotch Mix Citrus Mix Monet Mix Pure Colors Mix Tri-Color Mix Watercolors Mix Apple Cider Mix Berry Tart Mix Buttered Popcorn Mix Cotton Candy Mix Pumpkin Pie Mix Strawberry Shortcake Mix Wine & Cheese Mix Majestic Giants II Marina Delta Berry Tart Mix 23 Karma Blue Butterfly NEW Mammoth Blue-tti-fful Mammoth™ Rocky Rose Mammoth Prima Yellorina Karma Rose Fire Karma Purple Wing Karma Rose Cool Wave™ Series Karma™ Blue Sun Karma Series 15-20 cm (6-8”). Most vigor of any spreading pansy. 15-20 cm (6-8”). The short flower stems of ‘Karma’ Superior overwintering hardiness - it’s the earliest pansy to support large flowers. Exhibits early flowering under fall come back in the spring. Easy care & long-lasting color. and early spring conditions. Compact, bushy habit easily fills pots and beds. Blueberry Swirl (New) Frost Golden Yellow Sunshine ‘N Wine (New) White Berries ‘n Cream Mix Mix Purple Violet Wing Yellow Pastel Mixture Blue Blotch Blue Butterfly Blue Sun (New) Copperfield Deep Orange Fire Lemon Midnight Sun Pink with Blotch Purple Wing Red Blotch Rising Sun Rose Rose Blotch Rose Fire Strawberry Cream True Blue Violet w/Face White White Blotch Yellow Yellow Blotch All Seasons Mix - Deep blue blotch, orange, true blue, white, yellow Citrus Mix Rose Dawn Mix - Lavender shades, rose, rose fire Mix Cool Wave™ Series Golden Yellow Purple Berries ‘n Cream Mix Mammoth™ Series F1 Extra large flowered pansy. Heat tolerant and strong branching habit. Reduced foliage size for improved plant texture. Big Red Deep Blue Dazzle On Fire Prima Yellorina Rocky Rose White Hot Masquerade Mixture Blue-ti-ful Glamarama White Pink Berry Queen Yellow Bee Sangria Punch Mix Mariposa™ Series Mid-sized blooms are the largest available on a multiflora. Black Blue Over Yellow Fire Marina Orange Orange Blotch Peach Shades Purple Red Blotch Red Wing Rosy Sunset True Blue Violet with Face White White Blotch Yellow Yellow Blotch Blotch Mix Pacifico Mix - Blue blotch, light blue, marina, white blotch Mix Available in GoldSmart™ Technology. Uniform, innovative, better performance. NEW Available in GoldSmart™ Technology. Uniform, innovative, better performance. 24 1-800-665-1642 Karma Fire Mariposa Marina Mariposa Blue Over Yellow NEW Sunshine ‘N Wine Mammoth™ Glamarama White Mammoth Dp Blue Dazzle Cool Wave Blueberry Swirl Matrix Matrix Blue Blotch Blue Frost Spring Matrix Matrix Lemon Spring Matrix Spring Matrix Blue Blue Wing Matrix Matrix Morpheus True Blue Spring Matrix Rose Blotch Tricolour Mix Pansy Matrix Lavender Shades Pansy WonderFall Purple Matrix Series Short stems hold the large flowers over the foliage. Robust habit with superior branching. Blue Blotch Deep Blue Blotch Lavender Shades Morpheus Orange Purple Red Wing Rose Blotch Sangria True Blue White Blotch Yellow Blotch Amethyst Mix Blotch Mix Coastal Sunrise Mix Halloween Mix Jewels Mix Opal Mix Red & White Mix Ruby Mix Tanzanite Mix Topaz & Garnet Mix Blue Frost Lemon Light Blue Ocean Primrose Red Blotch Rose Rose Wing Sunrise White Yellow Amber Mix Autumn Blaze Mix Citrus Mix Clear Mix Harvest Mix Ocean Breeze Mix Raspberry Sundae Mix Red, White & Blue Mix Sunfire Mix Tricolour Mix Mix Pansy WonderFall Blue w/Blotch Plentifall Series 15 - 20 cm (6 - 8”). Medium-sized blooms. First trailing series from seed with prostrate, spreading habit. Vigorous trailing & extremely well branched. Lavender Blue White WonderFall™ Series 20-25 cm (8-10”). Classic pansy flowers on extremely trailing and floriferous plants. Vigorous branching habit. Excellent for premium containers and hanging baskets. Spreading habit in the landscape. Blue with Blotch Blue Picotee Shades Lavender Picotee Shades Purple Purple and Blue Shades Rose Shades with Face White Yellow Yellow with Blotch Yellow with Red Wing Spring Matrix Series 20 cm (8”). Most uniform habit. Ideal for shorter days and cooler growing. Flower size Blue Blue Blotch Blue Wing Deep Orange Golden Yellow Blotch Lemon Midnight Glow Ocean Pink Shades Purple Red Blotch Rose Rose Blotch Sangria Scarlet White White Blotch Yellow Yellow Blotch Blotch Mix Clear Mix Daffodil Mix Mix Pastel Mix Tricolour Mix Pansy WonderFall White F1 Hybrid Small Flowered Varieties Panola Series 15 - 20 cm (6 - 8”). Ultimate multi-season garden and landscape series - “the landscape pansy”. Outperforms standard medium-flowered varieties in all conditions, exceptional overwintering ability. Free flowering “super flora” well branched with a compact habit. 90%+ Yield Potential Rating. Lavender with Blotch Pink Shades Red with Blotch Silhouette Mix Lilac Shades Primrose Yellow & Purple Panola Series 15 - 20 cm (6 - 8”). All new Panola XP genetics delivers uniformity of flowering time, habit and shorter peduncles across all colors and mixes. Plant maintains garden height and less stretching. Beaconsfield Deep Blue with Blotch Deep Orange Fire Marina Purple Purple with Face Rose Picotee Sunburst True Blue White Yellow Yellow with Blotch Autumn Blaze Mix Baby Boy Mix - Marina XP, True Blue XP, White XP Blackberry Sundae Mix - Purple Face XP, Purple XP, White Blotch XP Blotch Mix Halloween Mix - Autumn mix of orange and black Jewel ‘N Jazz Mix - Deep orange XP, Purple XP, Scarlet XP, True Blue XP, Yellow XP Mix 25 Frizzle Sizzle Orange Penny Azure Dawn Penny Purple Marina Penny Denim Jump-u up VIOLA 18 - 21°C (65-70°F) Penny Series F1 Hybrid Tetraploid Ultima Morpho ‘Ultima Morpho’ has intriguing butterfly pattern petals and unique blue and yellow color combination. Penny Series Azure Wing Blue Clear Yellow Ruffled Fizzy Series 15-20 cm (6-8”). Unique, frilly flower form. Stronger ruffling occurs in cool conditions. Eye-catching flower form. Grape Lemonberry Fruit Salad Mix Lavender Shades Mickey Orange Jump up Frizzle Sizzle Series F1 Hybrid. Large flowered pansy, heavily ruffled flower edges and margins. Uniform and compact. Very distinctive "wavy" appearance. Blue Burgundy Orange Passion Fruit Raspberry Yellow Yellow/Blue Swirl Mix 26 1-800-665-1642 9 - 10 wks Angel Tiger Eye 12-15 cm (4-6”). Extremely uniform, compact habit and extreme cold tolerant. Large flowers 3 - 4 cm. Tiger Eye is a novelty color with golden yellow petals with blotch. Veins run from the blotch throughout the flower in loop patterns. Penny Primrose with Blotch Frizzle Sizzle Passion Fruit 7 - 14 days Peach Jump up Primrose Bicolor Purple Picotee Red Blotch White Jump up Yellow Blotch Penny’s offer excellent pack performance, above average flower production and excellent flower quality. Excellent garden performance distinguishes ‘Penny’ from other violas. Excellent fall or spring plantings. Azure Dawn Azure Twilight Azure Wing Beaconsfield Blue Clear Yellow Deep Blue Deep Marina Denim Jump-up Lavender Shades Marina Marlies Mickey Orange Orange Jump-Up Orchid Peach Jump Up Primrose Bicolor Primrose w/Blotch Primrose Picotee Purple Marina (renamed from Deep Marina) Purple Picotee Red Blotch Red Wing Rose Blotch Violet Violet Beacon Violet Flare White White Blotch White Jump-Up Yellow Yellow Blotch Yellow Jump-Up All Seasons Mix Citrus Mix Jump Up Mix Penny Lane Mix Winter Mix Available in GoldSmart™ Technology. Uniform, innovative, better performance. NEW NEW Viola Sorbet Fire NEW Erlyn Series 10 cm (4”). Tricolor flowers. First trailing viola. Blooming is abundant. Lemon/Blue Wing Purple Yellow Pierrot Deep purple-blue version of Valentine. Sky blue-white face changing with light & age of the flower. Floriferous with flower size 2-2.5 cm. Early flowering and frost tolerant. Viola Sorbet Phantom PENSTEMON BARBATUS Fuseables Wine Cooler Arabesque™ Series Sorbet Series 15 - 20 cm (6 - 8”). Early, uniform and compact. Extensive color range. Free flowering. Antique Shades Black Delight Blue Babyface Blue Heaven Coconut Fire (New) Lemon Blueberry Swirl Lilac Ice Midnight Glow Peach Melba Pink Wing Red Blotch Sunny Royale Yellow Delight YTT Babyface Mix Ocean Breeze Mix Sorbet Banana Cream Black Duet Blueberry Cream Carmine Rose Coconut Swirl Icy Blue Lemon Chiffon Marina Babyface Orange Jump up Phantom (New) Primrose Babyface Ruby & Gold Babyface Yellow Babyface Yellow Frost YTT Babyface Duet Mix NEW Viola Sorbet XP Denim NEW Blackberry Coconut Duet Denim Lemon Ice Blotch (New) Marina Orange Pink Halo Purple Purple Ice Violet Beacon White Blotch (New) Yellow Blotch Beaconberry Mix Blueberry Frost Mix Harvest Mix Mix Viola Sorbet XP Lemon Ice Blotch Viola Sorbet XP Morpho 21-22°C (70-72°F) 1-2 wks NEW Germ. L 16-19 wks New Look Series Self branching and has a ball shaped habit staying compact without growth regulators. 4 months from seed, the dark green leafed plants reach 15 cm (6”) in height and diameter. (Pelleted only). Viola Sorbet XP Primrose Blotch Viola Sorbet XP Raspberry NEW Pink Red Rose Violet White Mix Starla™ Series Viola Sorbet XP Violet Beacon Viola Sorbet XP White Blotch 35-45 cm (14-18”). Uniform habit. Large, long lasting star shaped flowers above the foliage. Distinct “tropical” look. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. (Pelleted only) Appleblossom Blush Deep Rose Pink Red White Mix Wine Cooler (Fuseables™) (New) Includes Viola Sorbet Midnight Glow & Alyssum Clear Crystal Purple Shades (Cool season combo). (Multi-Species) Appleblossom Pink Red Violet PENTAS Series 15 - 20 cm (6 - 8”). All new Sorbet XP genetics delivers uniformity of habit and plant vigour. Consistent early flowering and more flower power. Superior branching and more flowers per plant. Beaconsfield Blue Blotch Delft Blue Lavender Vein Lemon Royale Morpho (New) Orchid Rose Beacon Primrose Blotch (New) Purple Face Raspberry White Yellow Yellow Frost Blackberry Sundae Mix Citrus Mix Lemon Parfait Mix Orchidberry Frost Mix Viola Sorbet XP Delft Blue 60-75 cm (24-30”). Strong, compact branching makes plants easier to grow, handle and ship. Ideal for premium programs that offers the look of a perennial with the growing ease of an annual. Penstemon Arabesque Red Penstemon Arabesque Violet 27 PETUNIA NEW 21°C (70°F) Ramblin’ Cotton Candy Mix Feb. 15 - Mar. 10 10 Days Germ. L 8 - 10 wks African Sunset™ (New) 35 cm (14”). First F1 orange-hued petunia from seed. Excellent mounding habit, strong stems, excellent vigor & high flower count. Ideal for mixed containers and baskets. Also excellent in garden and landscape. Spreading Type Baby Duck Yellow 25-35 cm (10-14”). Small, soft yellow, trumpet-shaped blooms 4-4.5 cm (1.5-1.75”) in diameter. Spreads to 90 cm-1 m (3-3.5’). (Pelleted only). Ramblin’ Series Easy Wave Starfish Mix Petunia African Sunset™ Amethyst (New) Burgundy Chrome Lavender Lilac Glo Neon Rose Nu Blue Peach Glo Pink Red Salmon Capri Shades O’ Pink Sugar Plum Violet White Calypso Mix Cool Berry Mix — Burgundy, Lavender Cotton Candy Mix — Lilac glo, Salmon, Capri Razzleberry Mix Mix Petunia Ramblin’ Series NEW Ramblin’ Amethyst ‘Ramblin’ is earlier and easier to bloom than other spreading petunias. More economical to grow- fewer growth regulators and less daylength sensitive. Early flowering on short internodes. 15-20 cm (6-8”) high, crawls to 60-75 cm (2-2½’). (Pelleted only). Ramblin’ Lilac Glo Avalanche Series ‘Avalanche’ blooms over the entire plant for a better presentation at the garden centre. No need for specific lighting regimes. (Pelleted only). Ramblin’ Red Ramblin’ Cool Berry Mix Ramblin’ Shades O’Pink Grape Red Easy Wave Series NEW NEW Blue Pink White Height of 20-30 cm (8-12”) with a 76-91 cm (30-36”) spread. More mounded and less spreading than ‘Wave’. Earlier to flower and requires less PGRs. (Pelleted only). Easy Wave Berry Velour Easy Wave Burgundy Star Easy Wave Burgundy Velour Easy Wave Plum Vein NEW Easy Wave Red Velour 28 1-800-665-1642 Easy Wave™ South Beach Mix Berry Velour (New) Blue Burgundy Star Burgundy Velour (New) Coral Reef Mystic Pink Neon Rose Pink Plum Vein Red Red Velour (New) Rosy Dawn Salmon Shell Pink Violet White Beachcomber Mix Formula Mix Gelato Mix — Coral reef, Neon rose and White Great Lakes Mix — Blue, Violet and White Opposites Attract Mix — Coral reef and Violet Pink Marble Mix — White, Mystic pink and Pink Plum Pudding Mix South Beach Mix — Red, Violet and Coral Reef Starfish Mix Sweet Tart Mix - Mystic Pink, Neon Rose & White NEW Fuseables Ooh La-LLa Fuseables Petunia Shock Wave Series Strawberry Wine Fuseables Healing Waters Fuseables™ Petunias Blueberry Lime Jam (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Sophistica Lime Green and Petunia Dreams Midnight. (Single Species Petunia) Blue Dawn (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Easy Wave™ Rosy Dawn and Bacopa Blutopia™. (Multi-Species) Burgundy Starlight (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Dreams Burgundy and Easy Wave Burgundy Star. (Single Species Petunia) Cloud N Sky (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Shock Wave™ Coconut and Bacopa Blutopia. (Multi-Species) Flirtini (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Debonair Lime Green and Petunia Carpet Rose. (Single Species Petunia) Healing Waters (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Shock Wave™ Denim, Easy Wave™ Violet and large-flowered blue Bacopa. (Multi-Species) Lime Coral (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Dreams Coral Morn and Sophistica Lime Bicolor. (Single Species Petunia) Ooh La La (Fuseables™) (New) Includes Petunia Easy Wave Burgundy Star, Easy Wave Neon Rose & Shock Wave Coconut. (Single Species Petunia) Pink Dream (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Debonair Dusty Rose, and Madness Pink. (Single Species Petunia) Pleasantly Blue (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Dreams Midnight and Daddy Blue. (Single Species Petunia) Silk N’ Satin (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Shock Wave™ Pink Shades and Bacopa Snowtopia. (Multi-Species) Strawberry Wine (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Easy Wave™ Shell Pink, Dreams Red and Daddy Red. (Single Species Petunia) Vogue (Fuseables™) Includes Petunia Shock Wave™ Ivory, and Madness Lavender Glow. (Single Species Petunia) Shock Wave Series 17-25 cm (7-10”). Mounded spreading plant. Full plants blanketed with tons of small, colourful 4-5 cm (1.5-2”) flowers. (Pelleted only). Coconut Coral Crush Denim Pink Shades Pink Vein Red Rose Amp Mix Buzz Mix Electric Mix Spark Mix3 Volt Mix - Red, Coconut and Denim Wave Series Pink Vein Coconut Denim Coral Crush Petunia Shock Wave This unique petunia spreads out in a semi circle fashion to a maximum of 137 cm (55”). (Pelleted only). Blue Misty Lilac Purple Rose Lavender Pink Purple Classic (formerly purple) Tidal Wave Series Shrub-like shape with 5 cm (2”) blooms that cover the plants. Well-suited to landscapes and large containers. Tallest of the Ride the Wave™ family. (Pelleted only). Cherry Purple Hot Pink Silver Red Volt Mix Picobella™ Blue Single Milliflora F1 Hybrid Picobella™ Series 20-25 cm (8-10”) F1 Hybrid. Loads of petite flowers. Excellent performance in the heat. Perfect for garden borders, smaller containers and hanging baskets. (Pelleted only). Blue Light Lavender Rose Rose Star White Carmine Red Rose Morn Salmon Mix Picobella™ Rose Morn Picobella™ Rose 29 Petunia EZ Rider Red Petunia EZ Rider Deep Pink Petunia EZ Rider Mix Picobella™ Cascade Series Dreams Series 20-25 cm (8-10”) F1 Hybrid. Trailing mini-petunia suited for baskets and mixed-containers. Extra early flowering. (Pelleted only). Coral Pink Glo Red White NEW Lavender Purple Salmon Mix Floribunda F1 Hybrid Celebrity Series The Celebrity Series is the option to the unevenness in bloom time and erratic flower size of ‘Madness’. A better overall value for any grower, plus a wide color selection. Flower size 7 - 8 cm (3”). Plant size 33 cm (13”). Compact and early with large and showy flowers. (Available in raw and pelleted seed). Blue Burgundy Burgundy Star Chiffon Morn Lilac Morn Neon Peach Ice Pink Morn Red Rose Rose Star Scarlet White Desert Sky Mix Mix Niagara Mix Watercolors Mix Blue Ice Burgundy Frost Carmine Lilac Mid Blue Orchid Ice Pink Plum Ice Red Morn Rose Frost Salmon Sky Blue Yellow Ice Mix Morn Mix Pastel Mix Petunia Sophistica Collection Twilight The following Celebrity Frost varieties have proven ‘Celebrity’ performance with the white edged ‘Picotee’ look. (Pelleted only). Blue Crystal Burgundy Frost Red Frost Rose Frost 30 Burgundy Coral Morn Midnight Pink Red Rose Rose Picotee Sky Blue Mix Waterfall Mix Ez Rider™ Series Petunia Sophistica Collection Antique Shades Blue Deep Pink Deep Salmon Red Rose White Chopper Mix Mix Frost Series Plant height 35 cm (14”). Flower size 9 cm (3 ½”). Compact. (Available in raw and pelleted seed). Blue Cherry Fire Velvet Single Grandifloras F1 Hybrid Daddy Series Flower size 9-10 cm (3½-4”). Plant height 33 cm (13”). Early compact plants with ruffled flowers and distinct veins. Weather tolerant. (Pelleted only). Blue Peppermint Strawberry Mix 1-800-665-1642 Appleblossom Burgundy Picotee Fuchsia Neon Rose Pink Vein Red Picotee Rose Morn Salmon White Patriot Mix Wild Rose Mix Plant height 15-25 cm (6”-10”). Full sun. Better-branched plants with shorter internodes. Denser plants that hold together longer. (Pelleted only). Petunia Sophistica Collection Lime Bicolor Picotee Colors 7 ½ - 10 cm (3-4”) flowers. Free-flowering grandifloras provide a 5 to 7 day spring bloom time window from flat to flat and across the color range. (Pelleted only). Orchid Pink Sugar Sophistica Collection Series Plant height 25-38 cm (10-15”). Truly unique colours in a large flower size. Colours change as environment changes. (Pelleted only). Antique Shades Blue Morn Lime Bicolor Twilight (New) Petunia Prism Blueberry Sundae Petunia Blue Storm Petunia Pink Morn Storm Petunia Lavender Storm Petunia Ultra Fresh White Petunia Violet Storm Petunia Ultra Rose Petunia Ultra Crimson Star Petunia Ultra Burgundy Storm Series ‘Storm’ is a weather-tolerant grandiflora series that performs better than many multiflora series. ‘Storm’ is great for packs and 10 cm (4”) pot production. ‘Storms’ will stay compact in the pack and keep their compact habit in the garden. ‘Lavender Storm’ is a 1996 Fleuroselect medal winner. (Available in raw and pelleted seed). Blue Lavender Pink Pink Morn Salmon Violet Evening Mix Mix Flower size 11-13 cm (4-5”). Plant size 35 cm (14”). Compact well branched plants. (Pelleted only). Blue Blush Burgundy Lilac Pink Red Rose Salmon White Mix Blackberry Sundae Blueberry Sundae Plum Sundae Dewberry Sundae Raspberry Sundae Strawberry Sundae Sunshine Grower Select Mix Sundae Mix Frillytunia Series 25 - 30 cm (10 - 12”). Stunning flowers with ruffled edges. Compact and uniform with mid green leaves. (Pelleted only). Burgundy Rose White Double Cascade Series The earliest grandiflora on the market with above average pack performance, excellent flower production and quality. Choose the best value for the professional grower. Flower size 9 - 10 cm (3½ - 4”). Plant size 33 cm (13”). (Available in raw and pelleted seed). Blue Burgundy Fresh White Pastel Pink Plum Red Star Rose Star Violet Old Glory Mix Mix Single Grandiflora Double Grandifloras F1 Hybrid Ultra Series Super Cascade Series Petunia Ultra Violet Prism Series 25 - 30 cm (10 - 12”). Very uniform and compact. Produces an abundance of very large flowers. (Pelleted only). Petunia Ultra Rose Star Blue Star Crimson Star Lilac Pink Red Rose Sky Blue White Star Mix Known for its earliness, excellent habit and good branching. More compact & 2 to 4 weeks earlier to flower than the older grandiflora doubles. Huge (4-5”) heavily-petalled flowers that grow well in premium packs and 12-13 cm (5”) or larger pots. (Pelleted only). Blue Orchid Mist Mix Burgundy Pink Valentine Bright red. Flower size 7 - 8 cm (3”). Plant height 28 cm (11”). Compact late. Pirouette Series Plant height 30 cm (12”). Flower size 7 - 8 cm (2½-3”). Double fringed flowers have a distinctive picotee pattern. Medium late. (Available in raw and pelleted seed). Purple Red Rose 31 PHLOX Feb 15 - Mar 1 10 days 18°C (65°F) PLECTRANTHUS Germ. D 10 wks Drummondii Nana Compacta 21st Century Series F1 Hybrid. Germination standard 90%, adaptable to wide range of conditions. (Primed only). Blue Buttercream Pink Salmon White Patriot Mix Blue Star Crimson Rose Star Scarlet Magenta Mix Mix 21°C (70°F) PORTULACA Germ. L 5 - 6 wks 5 - 7 Days 21°C (70°F) Feb 15 - Mar 15 10 days Germ. D 10 - 12 wks Emerald Lace Stopwatch Series 15-20 cm (6-8”). Compact plant with textured, variegated leaves. Delicate blush-white flowers appear in the spring 15 cm (6”). More compact than Sundials. Solid masses and autumn. Drought tolerant. (Raw seed only.) of color. (Available in raw and multi-pelleted seed). Silver Crest Cream Fuchsia 60-75 cm (24-30”). Silvery, fuzzy-textured foliage. Blush Orange Rose white flowers bloom earlier than Silver Shield. Heat and Scarlet White water stress-tolerant. Yellow Mix Silver Shield Fantastic Foliage variety. Large soft silvery-gray leaves. Robust plants with a garden height and spread of about 2 ft. or more. (Pelleted seed only.) Sundial Series Plectranthus Emerald Lace Cream Fuchsia Gold Plectranthus Silver Crest Platycodon Miss Tilly Blue PORPHYROCOMA POHLIANA Chanal 20 cm (8”). 100% double, pink flowers on bright green vigorous plants. Habit is compact and growth is strong. Petticoat Mix 15 cm (6”). Extra dwarf, excellent for bedding plants. Sun and drought resistant. Blooms for a much longer period than other annual phlox. 18°-24°C (65-75°F) 4 - 5 Days Maracas Brazilian Fireworks Heat-loving tropical shade plant. Variegated foliage with unusual bi-color purple and pink flowers. Good bedding plant or groundcover. PLATYCODON Miss Tilly Blue 15-20 cm (6-8”). Floriferous bloomer with dark foliage. Platycodon — Also see Perennial Seed Section (page 48) 32 1-800-665-1642 Maracas Brazilian Fireworks Sundial Series The first F1 Hybrid available. Extra large flowers on compact plants. Earlier to bloom than other varieties available. Flowers open earlier and stay open longer in the afternoon. (Available in raw and multi-pelleted seed). Chiffon Fuchsia Mango Peach Pink Scarlet White Mix Cream Gold Orange Peppermint Princess Tangerine Yellow Purslane Toucan Hot Mix Maché Purple Magic Orange Magic Yellow Germ. L 3 - 4 wks RUDBECKIA (HIRTA) PURSLANE PRIMULA ACAULIS 15 - 18°C (60 -65°F) Rudbeckia Prairie Sun Ptilotus Exaltatus Joey™ Ranunculus Germ. L 15 - 18°C (60 -65°F) 3 - 4 wks Toucan Series Danova Series Becky Series 25-30 cm (10-12”). The plants are covered with plenty of large flowers of 10 cm (4”) in diameter. Early, uniform flowering. Great in summer gardens. Primula Danova is bred to satisfy the needs of growers who demand extra early and more programmable production. It retains the same quality and extremely large flowers that is recognizable in the Dania series. 8-10 cm (3-4”). Easy care, heat-loving and drought tolerant series. Bright flowers add an exotic look to mixed containers, baskets and garden beds. Plant in sun. (Raw Seed only). Orange Yellow Blue Pink Rose White Fuchsia Scarlet Shades Yellow Hot Mix 30-38 cm (12-15”). Compact, well branched, early flowering. Ideal for 10-12 cm (4-5”) pots and bedding. Orange/Yellow Purple Scarlet Mix Pageant Strain Formula Mix F1 Hybrid. Very vigorous. Flower petals are firm with small leaves, compact plant will flower early. Flowers are 5½ cm (2”), 12 cm (5”) plants are extremely uniform. Excellent variety for pot plants. PRIMULA MALACOIDES Prima Mix F1 Hybrid. Large, dense flower umbels borne on compact, uniform plants. Early flowering. Sow 2 - 3 weeks later than normal. If sown too early plants become too vegetative. Primula — Also see Perennial Seed Section (page 48) Gold Mix RANUNCULUS 10 - 15°C (50 -60°F) Oct 2 - 3 wks Germ. L 6 months Bloomingdale Mix F1 Hybrid. Can be grown cool. Fully double blooms on short sturdy stems makes it well worth growing. Maché™ Series 16 - 18°C (60 - 65°F) 30 - 40 cm (12 - 16”). Uniform across the series for habit and timing. Easy to sow. Use for bedding and pot crops. Purple White Red Mix Magic™ Series PTILOTUS EXALTATUS Joey™ Luminous, silver green foliage is topped by large conical spikes of feathery flowers. The 5-8 cm (2-3”) bottlebrush flower spikes start out a glistening silver color, and gradually darken to a neon pink color near the tips. Heat and drought tolerant. (Apex seed only) 15-20 cm (6-8”) garden height. The only dwarf ranunculus on the market. Bold, vibrant colors. Ideal for mixed containers and beds. Orange White Toto Series Red Yellow Rose Mix Lemon Autumn Colors 50-60 cm (20-24”). Bronze petals, a red ring and a rusty red center. Denver Daisy 40-50 cm (18-20”). Large masses of golden flowers with rusty red rings. Strong, dense flowers stems. Flowers from late spring until first frost. Extreme heat tolerant. Irish Eyes 60-90 cm (23-30”). Clear yellow with green eye. Tall bedding and border plant. Maya Height 18-20", spread 14-16". World's first dwarf double flowering rudbeckia. Fully-double upright bright yellow 3-4.5" flowers. Prairie Sun 70-80 cm (28-32”). Very large flowers with light yellow tips on golden petals that encircle a green center. Sonora 45 - 50 cm (18-20”). Large, golden yellow flowers with a big black center. Tiger Eye™ Gold 40-60 cm (16-24”). F1 Hybrid. Uniform habit. Long lasting blooms all season long. Dense flower canopy. Excellent powdery mildew tolerance. (Available in both raw and pelleted seed). 33 SALPIGLOSSIS February/April 18-24°C (64-75°F) 12-15 days Germ. D 8 - 10 wks Royale Mix 38-51 cm (15-20”). More compact and floriferous than other varieties, has a dwarf basal branching habit in a wide range of colors. SALVIA 21°C (70°F) Jan 15 - Mar 1 Germ L 15 days 8 - 10 wks Salvia Evolution White For best germination do not cover seed as light aids germination. Maintain growing temperature of 21°C (70°F). Transplant seedlings as soon as possible, do not check growth. Sangria 20-30 cm (8-12”). White with red bi-color flowers. The dense cluster of flowers are surrounded by green foliage. Scarlet Queen 23 cm (9”). Early flowering. Bright scarlet w/ medium green foliage. Excellent pack & garden performance. Salsa Series Tall Varieties 30-35 cm (12-14”). Day neutral, will flower in 8 - 10 weeks, suitable for pack and 10 cm (4”) color bowl production. Excellent garden performance in sun or partial shade. Salvia Lighthouse Purple Blue Angel 60-70 cm (24-28”). Ultra marine tubular flowers. Lighthouse Series Light Purple Purple Rose Scarlet Scarlet Bi-color White 60 cm (24”). Tall, bushy plants display long-lasting colour. Heat resistant. Ideal for landscapes and large patio containers. Red Purple Summer Jewel Series Blaze 30 - 35 cm (12 - 14”). Compact spikes on dark green foliage. Produces a mass of bright red flower spikes 20 - 25 cm (8 - 10”). Salvia Summer Jewel Red Flare Medium height. Bright red flowers on fully packed spikes. An excellent landscape plant. Suitable for 10 cm (4”) pots. 50 cm (20”). Flower spikes are covered with half inch blooms. Leaves are finer-textured, dark-green color. Just 50 days from sowing to first flower (2 weeks earlier than comparisons). Long season performance and superior holding ability. Pink Red Farinacea Varieties Maestro 20 cm (8”). Early blooming, dark leafed. 10 cm (4”) dark red spikes. Day neutral. Evolution Series 45 cm (18”). Long dense, unique flower spikes with green foliage. Upright, rounded and well-branched habit. Red Vista 33 cm (13”). Earlier blooming version of Carabiniere. Dark green foliage, dark red 18 cm (7”) spikes. Violet White Salvia Silver Silver 60 cm (24”). White, bushy plant. Full sun-partial shade. Salvia Salsa Series Strata AAS 1996. 35 - 45 cm (14-18”). Silver flower spikes carrying small, single, clear blue flowers with a white calyx. Light Purple 34 1-800-665-1642 Rose Scarlet Bi-ccolor Victoria Blue 45 cm (18”). Deep violet blue flower spikes, profuse blooming. Uniform bushy habit. Snapdragon Candy Showers Deep Purple Snapdragon Candy Showers Orange NEW Candy Showers Red Candy Showers Yellow SANVITALIA Dwarf Varieties - F1 Hybrid (CREEPING ZINNIA) Apr 15 7 - 10 days 21°C (70°F) Snapdragon Candy Showers Rose Montego Series 6 - 8 wks Sprite Series 10 cm (4”). Semi-double flowers with green centre. Valued additions to the range of bedding plants. (Flake seed only). Orange Yellow Snapdragon Candy Showers White SILENE (PENDULA) SCHIZANTHUS Celina 15 - 25 cm (6 - 10”). Dense well-branched bronze foliage covered with 2 cm (.75”) deep rose flowers. (BUTTERFLY FLOWERS) 15 cm (6”). Colors are matched for pack height and uniformity in flowering. Plants are very basal branching with flowers held directly above the foliage on sturdy stems. (Pelleted Seed Only). Burgundy Bicolor Pink Red Rose Bi-color Sunset White Parfait Mix Mix Germ. D 16°C (60°F) Medium Tall Varieties 2 - 3 wks SNAPDRAGON Hit Parade 20-30 cm (8-12”). A more vigorous, bushy strain for large containers and shady outdoor plantings. Star Parade 20-25 cm (8-10”). A compact habit with a profusion of blooms in a good color range on a base branching and self supporting plant. A low cost flowering plant for 8-12 cm (4”) pots. SCUTELLARIA JAVANICA Germ. L. 21°-26° C (72°-75°F) 6 - 10 Days Veranda Garden height 25 cm (10”). Heat-lover with glossy, dark green foliage and blue-purple bi-color flowers. Suitable for shade hanging baskets and mixed containers. Orange Bicolor Purple Rose Scarlet Violet Yellow F1 Hybrid (ANTIRRHINUM) 18°C (65°F) Jan 15 - Mar 11 10 days Liberty Classic Germ. L 8-12 wks Trailing F1 Snapdragon Candy Showers Series Candy Showers Series is the FIRST EVER trailing snapdragon from seed. It is easier and different to grow compared to cutting types. Trailing habit is ideal for hanging baskets and mixed containers and as a colorful groundcover. It can be sold in spring or fall. Try combining Candy Showers with flowering cabbage and kale and fall pansies. (Multi-Seed pelleted only). Deep Purple Red White (New) Mix Orange Rose Yellow ‘Liberty Classic’ have a full, strong plant habit. Wonderful height creates a classic landscape. (Available in raw seed only). Bronze Lavender White Mix Crimson Rose Pink Yellow Snapdragon — Also see Cutflower Section (pages 51-52) SPILANTHES Peek-a-Boo 30 - 38 cm (12 - 15”). Intriguing oliveshaped, 2.5 cm (1”), golden yellow flowers with deep burgundy red eye on long pendulous stems. Foliage takes on a bronze-green tone in full sun. 35 Thunbergia Suzie Clear Orange Tecoma Mayan Gold Talinum Limon & Verde STOCKS Suzie Series 18 - 24°C (65 - 75°F) Jan 5 - Jan 10 14 days Germ. DL 10 wks Vintage Series Excellent basal branching and compact form. Burgundy Lavender Peach Rose Yellow Mix Copper Lilac Red White Antique Mix 3 - 4 days 9 - 10 wks Fiesta Del Sol 70 - 75 cm (26-30”). Very intense 6 - 8 cm (2-3”) bright orange flowers. Extremely heat and drought tolerant, needs no support. Torenia Duchess Blue & White TORENIA 21°C (70°F) February 7-15 days Germ. L 12 - 13 wks Duchess Series TECOMA Mayan Gold 60-90 cm (24-36”). Compact and well, branched habit. Heat-loving plants with large gold flowers and glossy green leaves. (Coated seed only). THUNBERGIA Germ. DL 12 - 14 wks African Sunset Mix 200 cm (78”). Unique sunset shades of red, apricot, buff with dark burgundy eyes. 36 Thunbergia Suzie Clear Yellow TITHONIA (MEXICAN SUNFLOWER) Verde 80 cm (32”) garden height. Flowers open hot pink and then form orange berries that ripen to dark red. Heat tolerant. 21°C (70°F) Clear White Orange with Eye Yellow with Eye Golden Dawn Flowers are about 2.5 cm (1”) across, golden daisy-like in appearance, foliage is fern-like and fine-textured. Excellent for bedding, color bowls, and baskets. Limon 70-80 cm (28-32”) garden height. Mounded lime-green foliage. Airy inflorescences covered in tiny rose-pink flowers. (Available as raw seed only). Feb 1 10 days Clear Orange Clear Yellow White with Eye Mix THYMOPHYLLA TENUILOBA TALINUM 20 - 23°C (68 -74°F) Vine length 1.8 - 2 m (6-8’). Distinctive flowering vine. Excellent in hanging baskets or window boxes. 1-800-665-1642 F1 Hybrid. Early to flower, compact and uniform in both flower timing and plant habit. Bred for 10 cm (4”) pot and pack production. 90 - 95% germination rate. (Pelleted only). Blue & White Burgundy Deep Blue Pink Mix Torenia Kauai Blue & White Torenia Kauai Lemon Drop Torenia Kauai Magenta Torenia Kauai Rose Kauai Series 20 cm (8”). Superior performance in extreme heat and humidity. Brings an exotic look to small garden settings, mixed combos and color bowls. Blue & White Burgundy Deep Blue Lemon Drop Magenta Rose White Mix VERBENA NEW Feb 20 - Mar 10 Germ. D 18°C (65°F) 20 days 10-12 wks Obsession Series The spreading habit reduces or eliminates growth regulators. Apricot Bordeaux Coral w/Eye Lavender Lilac Pink Chiffon Red w/Eye White Cotton Candy Mix Pastel Mix Wine & Cheese Mix Blue w/Eye Burgundy w/Eye Crimson w/Eye Light Blue w/Eye Pink Red Scarlet Berry Tart Mix Eyed Mix Spirit Mix Mix Cora® Cascade Apricot Cora® Apricot Cora® Pink Vinca Jams ‘N Jellies Blueberry Cora® Punch Quartz Series VINCA (PERIWINKLE) ‘Quartz’ verbenas are strong garden performers, with good uniformity. The spreading, mounded plants display huge umbels of large, beautiful florets. Blue Quartz Polka Dot Mix Burgundy w/Eye Pink Red with Eye Silver Mix Waterfall Mix 25-35 cm (10-14”). Peak performers in less-than-perfect conditions. Upright, dark leaved. Cora® Cascade Peach Blush Blush Icy Pink Pink Mix Verbena Tuscany™ Series Grape Peppermint Red Cora® Series Burgundy w/Eye Lavender Picotee Pink Picotee 35-40 cm (14-16”) garden height. Large eye-catching flowers. Lush thick glossy foliage on robust plants. Uniform habits and flowering time. Apricot Deep Lavender Pink Violet Mix Tuscany™ Series 20-25 cm (8-10”) garden height. Uniform habits and flowering time. Compact and well branched. Big florets form large bloom heads. Loves it hot and dry! (Available in raw and primed seed). Germ. D 12 - 14 wks Cooler Series Series Quartz XP is an improvement on the ‘Quartz’ series. The ‘Quartz XP’ offers upgrades to the best colors of the original Quartz. Better branched habit & earlier flowering than original Quartz series. Burgundy Carmine Rose Purple Scarlet White Merlot Mix Jan 15 - Feb 15 15 days 21°C (70°F) Burgundy Lavender Punch White Cora® Cascade™ Series Rose w/Eye Scarlet Silver Blue Burgundy w/Eye Lavender Picotee Pink Picotee Rose with Eye Scarlet Silver Violet with Eye White Passion Mix - Lavender picotee, violet with eye, white (Raw only) Pastel Mix - Lavender picotee, peach, pink picotee, white Mix Verbena Quartz XP Pink Available in GoldSmart™ Technology. Uniform, innovative, better performance. Miscellaneous Verbena 15-20 cm (6-8”). Large eye-catching flowers. Trailing and spreading habit is versatile in beds, containers, and hanging baskets. Thrives in heat and humidity. Disease resistance. Apricot Lilac Peach Blush Mix Cherry Magenta Polka Dot Jams ‘N Jellies Series Imagination Trailing 60 cm (24”). Violet blue, lacy green foliage. 35-40 cm (14-16”) Unique colors. Durable, heat-loving and drought tolerant plants. All season shows in summer gardens and large planter Blackberry American Pie Mix Blueberry (New) 37 Mediterranean XP Cherry Red Halo Mediterranean XP Rose Halo Pacifica XP Burgundy Halo Mediterranean XP White Mediterranean Series 35-40 cm (14-16”). Most uniform F1 series on the market. A vigorous grower even in cooler climates. Titan is perfect for landscapes and containers of all types. Apricot Broadeye Deep Orchid Lilac Blush Dark Red Pure White Clear Mix Mix Summer Breeze Mix Series All new Mediterranean XP genetics delivers uniformity of flowering time and trailing/mounded habit across all colors and mixes. Flowers are up to 20% larger than original. Cherry Red Halo Hot Rose Red Rose Halo White Mix Vinca Titan Burgundy ZINNIA Germ DL 8 - 10 wks Interspecific Profusion Series New type, hybrid, continuous semi double flower canopy, self cleaning. High disease tolerance, excellent for border or mass planting. 4 ½ cm (2”) flowers. Basal branching plants, extra early flowering vinca. No pinching required. Titan™ Cotton Candy Mix Titan™ Summer Breeze Mix Series All new Pacifica XP genetics delivers uniformity of flowering time and uniform, upright habit across all colors and mixes. Apricot Burgundy Cherry Red Halo Cranberry Deep Orchid Lilac Orange Punch Pure White Really Red White Halo Mix Lipstick Mix Mystic Mix Mar 15-Apr 10 7 days 21°C (70°F) Pacifica Series Pacifica Burgundy Lilac Bubble Gum Mix Cotton Candy Mix Red and White Mix Vinca Dark Red Peach Rose Strawberry Halo Mix Lipstick Mix Cherry Red Peach Pink Pacifica XP Polka Dot Titan™ Series Trailing vinca with early, large flowers. Tolerant of heat and drought. Mediterranean Pacifica XP Orange Blush Burgundy Halo Coral Dark Red Icy Pink Magenta Halo Polka Dot Punch Halo Raspberry Rose Halo Bold Mix Georgia Peach Mix Merlot Mix Salsa Mix Zinnia Profusion Double Yellow Apricot Cherry Coral Pink Deep Apricot Double Cherry Double Deep Salmon Double Fire Double Golden Double Hot Cherry Double White Double Yellow Fire Orange Yellow White Basic Mix Double Mix 5-color Mix Elegans Zinnia Magellan Magellan™ Series Replacement for Peter Pan. Spectacular in the garden, also successful as a pot item - 3 per 6" pot. Orange Magellan Persian Carpet Mix 38 1-800-665-1642 Pink Yellow Cherry Coral Ivory Orange Pink Salmon Scarlet Yellow Persian Carpet Mix — Cherry, coral, orange, scarlet Sunburst Mix — Orange, scarlet, yellow Mix Zahara Coral Rose Zahara Starlight Rose Uproar™ Series Zahara (Double) Cherry Swizzle Series (Bicolor) NEW 25 - 30 cm (10 - 12”). Large, fully double, bicolor flowers. Full bushy plants. 75-90 cm (30-36”). Well-branched plants with double flowers. Hybrid vigor with exceptional uniformity and flower quality. Wildly floriferous. Cherry & Ivory Rose Marylandica Zahara™ Series 30-45 cm (12-18”). Disease-tolerant series. Large flowers and heat-loving plant. Coated Seed. Cherry Coral Rose Fire Raspberry (New) Scarlet Starlight Rose Sunburst White Yellow Bonfire Mix — Fire, Scarlet and Yellow Raspberry Lemonade Mix — Coral Zahara (Double) Fire Zahara Raspberry Zahara White Scarlet & Yellow Short Stuff Mix F1 Hybrid. 20 - 25 cm (8-10”). Large, fully double blooms, compact and early blooming. Ideal for pot production. Solcito 25-30 cm (10-12”). Produces lots of small, golden-yellow blooms over lush green foliage. Heat and drought tolerant. Also tolerates cool conditions. (Available in coated seed only). Zahara Sunburst Sun Series 51 cm (20”). Beautiful fully double large dahlia type flowers borne on very bushy plants. Cherry Red Gold Giant Tetraploid State Fair Mix 91-122 cm (36-49”). Extra large flowered mix with a high alternaria tolerance. Comes in a range of colors with blooms 13 - 15 cm (5 - 6”) across. Blooms have broad petals. Mildew resistant. Rose, Yellow, & Starlight Rose Mix Zahara (Double) Series ZINNIA LINEARIS 41-51 cm (16-20”). Disease-tolerant series. Large, fully double flowers and heat-loving plant. Coated Seed. 21 - 22°C (70 - 72°F) 4 - 8 days Crystal Series Cherry Fire Strawberry Duo Mix Zahara Yellow Orange White Zowie!™ Series 75-90 cm (30-36”). Well-branched, bushy plants are loaded with eyecatching flowers. Star Series 35 cm (14”) plants, single star shaped flowers 5 cm (2”) across. Tolerate heat, humidity and drought. Yellow Flame Dwarf Dreamland Mix Double blooms compact. 25 - 30 cm (10-12”). (Primed Seed only). 10-12 cm (4-5”). Single daisy like blooms. Highly tolerant of powdery mildew. Superior garden performance. Zinnia Swizzle Cherry & Ivory Gold Orange White Starbright Mix 39 Perennial Seeds ACHILLEA April 15 1 - 2 wks 21°C (70°F) ALYSSUM Zone 3 - 9 Montanum Ptarmica Noblessa 30 cm (12”). Bright white, fully double flowers over deep green foliage. No vernalization required. Heat and drought tolerant. 20°C (68°F) ANEMONE AGASTACHE (SYLVESTRIS) (MEXICAN MINT) 7 days Jun - Jul 20 - 22°C (68 - 72°F) 4 wks Zone 6 - 9 10 - 12 wks Pink Pop 30-35 cm (12-14”). Rich and very long flowering with pink colored spikes. Highly uniform and excellent base branching & compact plant habit. Alchemilla Alma 4 wks 40 Madonna 30 cm (12”). Large creamy white flowers. Useful for naturalizing with low woody plants. Feb 1 18 - 21°C (65 -70°F) 2 - 3 wks 1-800-665-1642 Zone 3 - 8 Kelwayi (Hardy Marguerite) 91 cm (36”). Daisy like lemon yellow flowers produced all summer. Zone 4 - 7 8 - 10 wks Alma Compact blue-green small leaved Alchemilla. Good basal branching with sturdy habit. Ornamental red flower stems. Zone 4 - 7 44 - 48 wks ANTHEMIS ALCHEMILLA (ERYTHROPODA) 18 - 20°C (65 -70°F) Zone 6 - 8 12 - 14 wks Luna 12 cm (5”). Deep yellow color. Compact plant habit with deep green foliage. Also, flowering the first year from seed. Millefolium Summer Pastels 60 cm (24”). Unique blend of pastel colors. Will flower in late spring from a January sowing. Blooms can be used as fresh or dried flowers. 14 - 22°C (57 - 72°F) Jan - April 2 - 3 wks Achillea Ptarmica Noblessa AQUILEGIA (COLUMBINE) Feb 1 - Mar 15 29°C (85°F) Day; 3 - 4 wks 21°C (70°F) Night Zone 3 - 9 Music Mix F1 Hybrid. 50 cm (20”). This fine hybrid strain of aquilegia is especially resistant to wind damage. Long, spurred flowers have intense coloring. Arabis Lotti Deep Rose Cameo Series 13 cm (5”) plants, small silver-green foliage with 4 cm (1.5”) flowers. Blue & White Pink & White White Aquilegia Winky Early Sky Blue Blush Rose & White Mix Clementine Series The spurless double flowers are facing upwards and have a unique appearance showing strong resemblance to clematis flowers. Best suited for 12-14 cm (5 - 6”) pots. Blue Red Salmon Rose Formula Mix Arabis Lotti White Dark Purple Rose White Armeria Ballerina Formula Mix Origami Series ARENARIA (SANDWORT) Zone 4 2 - 4 days 21 - 24°C (70 - 75°F) 20 - 22°C (68 - 72°F) 35-40 cm (14-16”). ‘Origami’ series is uniform for height and flowering. Sow October- November for April-May bloom. First year blooming. Blue & White Red & White Rose & White White Yellow Mix 18 - 21°C (65 -70°F) Lotti Series (Vulgaris) 10-15 cm (4”-6”). Uniform, well-branched and tight plant habit. Floriferous, mounded plants. Deep Rose White Early Sky Blue Red-White 35 cm (14”). Uniformity in habit and height throughout the series. Mildew tolerant. Vigorous and bushy habit. ARMERIA (THRIFT) Zone 1 - 8 Winky Series Winky (Double) Series Red/White Rose/White Feb 1 2 wks Compinkie 5" Ht, 12-18" spread. Excellent partner plant to Arabis Snow Cap. Masses of small deep rose flowers. Very durable and suited for rock gardens. Snowfix 12 cm (5”). Small bright white flowers. High uniformity and compact, globe shaped habit. Early blooming and no vernalization required. Use in containers, rock gardens and window boxes. Spring Charm 15 cm (6”). Dwarf with compact habit. Graceful carmine red flower spikes. Zone 4 - 7. Zone 6 - 9 44 - 48wks Avalanche Large and long flowering, pure white. Excellent spreading habit for perennial borders and in rock gardens. Uniform and compact. ARABIS (ROCK CRESS) 35 cm (14”). Sturdy, uniform plants which produce an abundance of upright facing flowers. Blue-White Purple-White Formula Mix Aquilegia Clementine Salmon Rose June - Jul 5 - 6 wks Armada™ Series 8-10 cm (3-4”). Compact and uniform habit. Part Shade. Vivid flowers are complemented by deep green, needlelike foliage. Bloom are displayed on sturdy stems. Rose Ballerina Series 20-25 cm (8”-10”). First year flowering. Compact and uniform plants produce cushion-shaped, grassy foliage and long, strong stems topped with globe-shaped blooms. Lilac White Red Formula Mix Joystick Series 18 - 20°C (64 - 68°F) (Clean Seed) Dec - Apr 3 wks Zone 3 - 9 14-18 wks Lilac Shades White 41 ASTILBE BERGENIA (SAXIFRAGA) Feb/Mar 2 - 3 wks 18°C (65°F) Zone 2 - 8 Aubrieta July/Aug 18 - 21°C (65 - 70°F) 4 wks Zone 3 - 5 40 - 44 wks Cordifolia Red Beauty 60 cm (24”). Red flowers on dark foliage, evergreen. Showstar 30-40 cm (12-16”). Colors ranging from white through cream and varying shades of pink to red. Excellent garden performance and suited for 10-12 cm (4”) pots. CAMPANULA AUBRIETA Zone 1 - 9 18-24°C (65-75°F) (PURPLE ROCK CRESS) 18 - 21°C (65 - 70°F) 3 wks Audrey™ Light Blue Hendersonii — Deep purple shade. 2 - 3 wks Filligree™ Blue (garganica) 10-15cm (4-6”). First year flowering. Builds rounded plants with a compact, mounded habit. Very well branched with star-shaped violet-blue flowers. Alpine Breeze Series Audrey™ Series Compact, mounded habit with intensive colors. Good shelf life and significantly short crop time. No PGR’s required. FastraX perennial. (Multi-pelleted seed). 8-15 cm (3-6”). First F1 hybrid Aubrieta from seed. Compact, well branching plants. Very uniform in habit and flowering time. Full sun to partial shade. Blue Shades Light Blue Red Purple Mix Blue White Barbarea Sunnyola BARBAREA 20 - 22°C (68 - 72°F) 3 wks Clips® Series (Carpatica) 20 cm (8”). Compact plants with an abundance of upright bell shaped flowers used in rockeries, borders and pots. Sun or shade. Zone 6 - 8 40-44 wks Sunnyola Intense flush of yellow flowers in spring with attractive foliage. Strong sales appeal. Prime Perennial Group 2 - vernalization required. Blue Deep Blue White Advance Series BELLIS PERENNIS 20-22°C (68-72°F) (ENGLISH DAISY) 2 - 3 wks Zone 5 - 7 16 - 18 wks 15 cm (6”). Uniform and compact, ideal for small pots. Early flowering. Zone 3 - 9 18 - 21°C (65 -70°F) Dec - Apr 3 wks Campanula Alpine Breeze Blue Blue White Galaxy Series CATANANCHE 3 cm (1.2”) Semi-double pomponette flower shape with a yellow heart. Uniform, compact habit. Flowers continuously all winter in mild areas, will go dormant and flower again in spring in colder areas. (Pelleted only). (CUPID’S DART) 18-24°C (65-75°F) Red White Mix Zone 5 - 10 11 - 12 wks Caerulea 60 cm (24”). Fine, soft blue flowers. Campanula White Clips 42 Mar 15 3 - 4 wks 1-800-665-1642 CENTAUREA DELPHINIUM (HARDY CORNFLOWER) Jan - Feb 1 - 2 wks 15°C (60°F) Zone 2 - 10 10-16°C (50-60°F) Zone 1 - 9 3 - 4 wks Delfix™ Series Macrocephala 150 cm (60”). Yellow cut flower for fresh market & for drying. Zone 3 - 9. 30 - 38 cm (12”-15”). Compact, early and very uniform selection. Ideal for 4” pots. (Zone 3 - 8). Blue Violet Blue CERASTIUM Magic Fountains Series The dwarf Magic Fountains Delphinium can stand up in the garden without staking. This perennial is perfect for beautiful, long cut flowers. Magic Fountains grow equally well in sun or partial shade, and can also be produced as an annual. Perfect for 15 cm (6”) pot production. (Zone 2 - 9). (SNOW IN SUMMER) 18-21°C (65-70°F) Mar 20 2 - 3 wks Zone 4 -7 Delphinium Delfix Blue Biebersteinii 20 cm (8”). Dwarf strain. White flowers, silvery white foliage. Cherry Blossom w/White Bee Dark Blue w/Dark Bee Dark Blue w/White Bee Lavender w/White Bee Lilac Pink w/White Bee Mid Blue w/White Bee Sky Blue w/White Bee White w/Dark Bee Pure White Crystal Mix Mix CHAENORHINUM 18-20°C (64-68°F) Jan-May 3 wks Zone 6 - 9 14-22 wks Summer Skies 20 cm (8”). Produces loads of true blue flowers over a long period. Plant type is slightly trailing. Excellent pot and garden performance. Pacific Giant Series Delphinium Delfix Violet Blue CHEIRANTHUS 15-18°C (60-65°F) July - Aug 6 wks Cheiranthus Treasure Zone 3 - 8 30 cm (12”). First wintering flowering Cheiranthus. Early flowering and fragrant. Strong well-branched habit. Compact and uniform with dense flower spikes. Treasure Series Bronze Bronze Primrose Red Yellow Formula Mix Primrose Zone 3 - 9 CHRYSANTHEMUM Dec - Jan 10 - 14 days Zone 1 - 12 13 - 18 wks Crazy Daisy 60 - 70 cm (24 - 28”). High percentage of fully double flowers, creamy white with yellow center. 95 cm (38”). Wide range of colors, good for smaller gardens & windy areas where tall types are damaged. (Zone 3 - 10). Astolat - Shades of blush, lilac, pink & rose. Black Knight - Deep violet Blue Bird - Blue with white throat Blue Jay - Blue w/black throat Cameliard - Lavender Galahad - White Guinevere - Pinkish lavender King Arthur - Purple Summer Skies - Light blue Super Mix Sydney® Series COREOPSIS 18-24°C (65-75°F) 18-20°C (65-68°F) 3 - 4 wks 2-3 wks Early Sunrise 61 cm (24”). Rich golden yellow semi-double blooms on uniform plants. Early to bloom, will flower in packs within 11-12 weeks. Upright plant habit with minimal side branching. Uniform flower spikes with full flowering length & fully double flowers. Purple Rose Rising Sun Double flower. First year perennial, hardy to zone 4. January 1 sowing for April flowering. Blue Pygmy (Grandiflorum) 25 cm (10”). Gentian blue, base branching, compact habit. Sunfire 50-90 cm (20-36”). Large, single flowers are yellow with a burgundy red centre. No vernalization required. Uniform compact habit with a good number of flower stems. To be used for planned pot production. Redcap (Nudicaule) 43 DIANTHUS DELTOIDES DORONICUM (FOR THE ROCK GARDEN) (LEOPARDS-BANE) 16 - 18°C (60° F) Zone 5 - 8 12 - 13 wks 10 - 14 days Zone 5 - 12 15-21°C (60-70°F) 3 - 4 wks Arctic Fire 20 cm (8”). White with glowing red eye, rich flowering, spreading habit. Orientale Magenificent 61 cm (24”). Large yellow, gerbera-like flowers with long stems. Keep well when cut. Canta Libre Mix 15 cm (6”). Immediately after transplanting it starts off with showy bronze and green foliage, followed by pink, white and cherry-red flowers in a delightful mixture. Useful in landscaping, parks and borders. ECHINACEA Shrimp 20 cm (8”). Straight salmon-pink flowers, spreading habit. 21-23°C (70-75°F) Spectabilis Tall graceful plants with large rosy pink flowers borne on the top half of arching stems. Likes partial shade. Seed should be moistened and frozen about 6 weeks before sowing. . 18 - 21°C (65 - 70°F) White Swan 100 cm (40”). White flowers. PowWow Series Echinacea PowWow White Zone 3 - 7 3 - 4 wks 40 - 50cm (16-20”). Both colors have more flowers per plant than any echinacea on the market. Colors are matched in habit and timing. No PGRs required. First year flowering. White Fraxinella Albus 91 cm (36”). Spiral white flowers tinged rose. Wild Berry Primadonna® Series 80-90 cm (32-36”). Daisy-like flowers attract butterflies from mid summer until frost. (Zone 1 - 12). Deep Rose White DIGITALIS (FOXGLOVE) Zone 4 - 9 21 - 26°C (70 -80°F) Zone 4 - 9 Prairie Splendor 30 cm (12”). First year flowering. Flowers earlier than other varieties. Excellent landscape performance. Zone 1 - 10 13°C (55°F) DICTAMNUS (GAS PLANT) Mar 15 1 - 2 wks Cheyenne Spirit 45-60 cm (18-24”). First year flowering. Unique colours on well-branched plants. More flower colours and higher impact. DICENTRA (BLEEDING HEART) Feb 1 (CONEFLOWER) Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit 2 - 3 wks Crème Belle 30 - 45 cm (12-18”). Creamy yellow tubular flowers with mid-green foliage. Compact, well-branched and uniform. First year flowering. Dwarf Carillon 35 cm (14”). Light yellow suitable for bedding. Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry Camelot Series First F1 Series of Digitalis. Purperea type. 85% germination. (Pelleted seed only.) (Zone 5 - 9). Cream White Rose Mix Dalmatian Series 40-50 cm (16-20”). First year flowering perennial is uniform in height and early flowering. Full sun to partial shade. Créme Rose Peach White Purple Formula Mix 44 1-800-665-1642 Digitalis Dalmation Créme Dalmation Peach Echinacea Primadonna® Deep Rose ERIGERON 20- 22°C (68-72°F) Jan - May 2 wks NEW Zone 5 - 8 12 - 16 wks Stallone 25 cm (10”). Daisy-like flowers that change from white to rose. Spreading habit. Ideal for hanging baskets, pots and borders. ERYNGIUM 22-24°C (72-75°F) Jan - Feb 14 - 20 days Zone 1-12 Glitter Series 90 - 100 cm (36 - 40”). Thrives in hot, sunny conditions. For cut flower and landscape use. No vernalization needed. Heat and drought tolerant. Blue Gaillardia Arizona Apricot Arizona Series 30 cm (12") tall and mounding, thrives in the harshest locations. 4" flowers. 12-16" spread. Well-branched and uniform habit. White ERYSIMUM 20-22°C (68-72°F) Feb - May 2 wks Apricot Red Shades Sun Gaura Sparkle White Zone 7 - 9 14 - 16 wks Mesa Series Goldrush Improved in uniformity, earliness and compactness. 40-45 cm (16-18”). Flowers first year. Well-branched and earlyblooming. Intense, non-fading colour. Very drought tolerant. Bright Bicolor Yellow Gold Shot 40 cm (10”). Bunches of golden yellow flowers on bushy plants, lanceolate leaves. Good pack performance. Peach GAURA Zone 6 - 8 21 - 22°C (70 - 72°F) 1 - 2 wks Sparkle White (New) 30-60 cm (12-24”). Early blooming, naturally compact and free-flowering variety is easy to grow, with no pinching necessary. Drought-tolerant variety. First year flowering perennial. Eryngium White Glitter The Bride 100 cm (40”). Hardy perennial, but grow as an annual. White flowers in graceful spikes. Annual border plant which flowers all summer long. Gaillardia Mesa Yellow GYPSOPHILA GAILLARDIA (GRANDIFLORA) (BABY’S BREATH) (CLEANED SEED) Zone 1 - 12 18 - 21°C (65 - 70°F) 2 - 3 wks JVK Super Mix 76 cm (30”). A superior mix of award winning varieties. Comes in shades of yellow, orange, red and bi-colors. Granada 30 cm (12”). Bright yellow daisy with deep crimson center. Flowers first year. (Zone 3 - 9). Zone 3 - 9 21 - 26°C (70 -80°F) 1 - 2 wks Filou Series Prolific bloomers. Uniform early flowering the first year from seed. Compact plant habit. Dense habit suited for rock gardens, landscape borders, and mixed containers. Rose White 45 ISOTOMA HYBRIDA NEW 20-22°C (68-72°F) Hypericum Polyphyllum Tristar Series Early and uniform across all three colors. Floriferous in pot as well as garden. Fine-cut foliage. HEUCHERA Jan - May 4 wks 20 - 22°C (68 - 72°F) Zone 2 - 8 12 - 16 wks Deep Blue Pink White Coral Forest™ (Sanguinea). First year flowering. Deep red flowers form on shorter stems. Deep green foliage. Uniform habit and flowering. Iberis Whiteout KNIPHOFIA Malachite 25-40 cm (10-16”). Heavily curled green-leaved. Highly uniform, strong garden performance. Good weather tolerance. NEW (TRITOMA-RED HOT POKER) 20-22°C (68-72°F) Marvelous Marble™ (Americana). Unique deep green foliage with reddishpurple veins. Medium vigor. Good accent color. Ruby Bells 40 cm (16”). Intense blood red flowers above evergreen foliage. Exceptional flowering. 3 - 5 days (LAVENDER) Zone 7 - 12 Zone 4 - 9 13 - 17 wks 15 - 18°C (60°F) Luna™ Series HUTCHINSIA 3 wks Hidcote Blue (New) 30 cm (12”). Purple blue flowers above grey-green leaves. Plants for border and open positions. Aromatic, medicinal plant. Attractive for bees. Full sun. Isotoma Tristar Deep Blue HYPERICUM (ST. JOHN’S WORT) Zone 5 - 9 2 - 3 wks Polyphyllum Grandiflora. For ground cover or rock garden. 46 Pink Zone 4 - 9 14-18 wks Crystal Carpet Compact white perennial, can be used as an annual as well as biennial. High value in both foliage and flowering. 21°C (70°F) 30-35 cm (12-14”). Large flower spikes on well-branched, bushy plants Uniform growth and floriferous. First year flowering. Red White 18-22°C (65-72°F) 4 - 5 wks Ellagance Series 60-90 cm (24-36”). Big, bushy, well-branched plants without pinching. Heat-loving with large, size flowers 15-20 cm (6-8”). Excellent show in the ground and well-suited for large planters. Pink Swirl Rose Zone 1 - 9 22 wks LAVANDULA Lavandula Hidcote Blue HIBISCUS Jan. - Feb. 2 - 3 wks. Flamenco Early blooming, 80 cm (32”) stems, flower spikes 20 cm (8”). Flowers first year, excellent for cuts & garden. Mix of yellows, oranges and fiery reds. Palace Purple 60 cm (24”). Deep crimson foliage and creamy white flowers. 20 - 24°C (68 - 75°F) Zone 5 - 9 3 - 4 wks 2 wks 1-800-665-1642 IBERIS Lavender (Munstead Strain) 40 cm (16”). True old fashioned lavender. (HARDY CANDYTUFT) Mini Blue 25-30 cm (10”-12”). First year flowering. Zone 1-9 15-21°C (60-70°F) 2-3 wks sempervirens (Snowflake) 23-30 cm (9-12”). Dense clusters of pure white flowers cover the mat of evergreen foliage during May. Excellent for edging. Whiteout (New) 15-20 cm (6-8”). Produces masses of bright white blooms. Evergreen plant with shiny dark green foliage. Ideal for edge of border or container. Plant in full sun. LEUCANTHEMUM (SHASTA DAISY) Silver Princess 41 cm (16”). Dwarf plants literally covered with medium sized white flowers. LINUM Feb - April 3 - 4 wks 10°C (58°F) NEW Zone 4 - 8 12 months Dec-Jan 2 - 3 wks 18-24°C (65-75°F) Saphyr 20 cm (8”). Dwarf, very rich flowering, light blue. Zone 1 - 7 Alpestris Dwarf Ultra Marine 13-15 cm (5-6”). The finest strain of myosotis available. Compact and dwarf plants of even habit. Glowing, deep indigo blue. LOBELIA Sylva Mix 20 cm (8”). Mounded, compact habit. Uniform and floriferous. Formula mix consists of fleuroselect winners bluesylva, rosylva, and snowsylva. Lobelia Starship Scarlet Queen Victoria 91 cm (36”). Deep scarlet with bronze foliage. (Zone 4-7) Victoria Series Starship Scarlet (New) 50-60 cm (20-24”). Sturdy, bushy plants produces masses of flowers. Showy, mid-height plants covered with masses of flowers. Plant in full to partial sun. This series is a dwarf mounded variety of myosotis about 15-20 cm (6-8”) in height. Prefers moist conditions. Sun to shade. (Zone 4 - 9). Blue Rose White LUPIN 18-24°C (65-70°F) MYOSOTIS (FORGET ME NOT) Feb 15 - Mar 1 Zone 4 - 6 3 - 4 wks NEPETA (CATMINT) Monarda Bergamo Gallery Series 16 - 18°C (60 - 65°F) Feb - July 14 - 16 days 14 wks The first strain of dwarf lupins available in separate colors, this series stands 50 cm (20”) tall with 15-20 cm (6-8”) spikes. Nervosa Blue Moon 40 cm (16”). Handsome, slightly spreading plant with tiny clear blue flowers in spikes. (Zone 4 - 8). Blue Pink Red White Yellow Mix Pink Cat Large pink flower spikes on compact mounded plants. Heat tolerant and good winter hardiness. Awarded with the Fleuroselect Quality Mark. (Zone 4 - 8). Minarette Mix (Miniature Lupin) 51 cm (20”). Bright color range, red, white, yellow, blue & pink. Blooms first year from seed. Mar 1 7-14 days 18 - 21°C (65 -70°F) MOSCHATA Zone 3 - 8 8 - 10 wks Rosea 70 cm (28”). Cup shaped rose color flowers. 20 - 30°C (68 -85°F) Zone 7 - 9 8 wks Bounty Series Compact and floriferous. Short crop time (8 - 10 weeks). Strong plain colors. Yellow 12 - 15°C (55 - 60°F) (FEVERFEW) Zone 1 - 9 2 - 3 wks White Star 20 cm (8”). This strain has been carefully reselected for double flowers. Nearly all the single and anemone types have been removed. Feb. 15 3 - 4 wks 1 - 2 wks Champagne Bubbles Mix 30 cm (12”). A very wide range of colors in pinks, reds, orange, rose, in plain and bi-color combinations. Bushy plant habit. Large flower size with longer garden life. Moondance One of the most elegant of all poppies. Light green hairy foliage in dense rosettes. Lemon yellow flowers, just 10 cm (4”) above rosette, transform later into beautiful seed pods. Oriental Red 91 cm (36”). Fiery Scarlet. (Zone 2 - 9). MONARDA MATRICARIA 21°C (70°F) Zone 2 - 7 MIMULUS MALVA 20 - 22°C (68-72°F) PAPAVER (POPPY) Nepeta Pink Cat Zone 9 - 12 Oriental Mix 91 cm (36”). Shades of pink/salmon pink, scarlet/orange, red and white. (Zone 2 - 9). Bergamo Compact annual with intense rose-purple flowers, Spring Fever Series providing a long-lasting colour display in the garden. 25-30 cm (10-12”). Spring Fever produces multiple Flowering in clusters around the stem. Strong mildew tolerance. Earlier flowering than other monarda varieties. stems at one time. Large, vivid flowers on compact stems. Panorama (bergamot) 76 cm (30”). A mix of many shades of scarlet, bright red, Mix pink, salmon and crimson. 47 PULSATILLA (VULGARIS) 20 - 22°C (68-72°F) Mar - Apr 5 wks Zone 5 - 7 48 - 52 wks Bells Series 30 cm (12”) Charming garden plant, softly hairy throughout, with upward flowers, followed by feathery seedheads. Pulsatilla Bells White Red White Violet PENSTEMON Jan - May 3 wks 20-22°C (68-72°F) Zone 5 - 7 14-18 wks Navigator 25 cm (10”). A mix of straight colors, very compact plants. Primula Noverna Deep Blue (HARTWEGII) PLATYCODON Good garden performance, well suited for larger pots. Robust plant habit with sturdy stems & long flowering period. Pinacolada Series 10 - 15 cm (4-6”). First year flowering. It is uniformly early and free flowering across all colors. Great branching ability. Best suited for 10-13 cm (4-5”) pots. (Zone 3 - 8). Blue Deep Rose Violet Tubular Bells Series 30-35 cm (12-16”). Long flowering and heat tolerant. Attractive foliage and basal branching. (Zone 7 - 10). Red Jan 1 3 wks 20°C (70°F) PHYSOSTEGIA 3 - 4 wks Rose Crown 70 cm (28”). Rose pink flower spikes for cutting and border plants. Snow Crown 60 cm (24”). Large flowered, white spikes. 48 1-800-665-1642 SAGINA Jan - May 3 wks Zone 4 - 7 16 wks Subulata Crispy 5 cm (2”). A tight, mosslike plant with tiny white flowers, for carpet bedding and rockgardens, wintergreen. Jan 15 14 - 21 days Zone 4 - 7 3 - 4 mths 70 cm (28”). Flowers three months after sowing. (Zone 3 - 9) White PRIMULA NOVERNA 20°C (68 °F) Gloriosa Double Daisy Golden yellow, dark centered. (JACOB’S LADDER) Viscosum Blue Whirl 35 cm (14”). Compact with nice foliage, rosette and loose flower clusters on short-stemmed spikes. Good variety for sale in pots and for use in the border. Blue Crystal Peak White 40 cm (16”). Dense white flower spikes. A dense, well-branched habit produces a multitude of flower spikes. Fulgida Goldsturm 78 cm (31”). Golden flowers with dark discs. Blooms August to September. POLEMONIUM Pearl Series Zone 4 - 8 18-21°C (65-70°F) Zone 2 - 9 16-18°C (60-65°F) Bambino Blue Improved in uniformity and earliness. Most compact polemonium available. (FALSE DRAGONHEAD) Mar 1 2 - 3 wks Fulgida Goldsturm Apex Seed for faster and more uniform germination. Sentimental Blue F1 Hybrid, 15 cm (6”), single flowered. Dwarf plant suited for bedding purposes and 10 cm (4”) pots. 18 - 20°C (65 - 68°F) Chinese Lantern 91 cm (36”). Bright orange pods. Excellent for bouquet or decorative use. Zone 3- 9 Mariesii 41 cm (16”). Large flowered deep blue with dwarf habit. PHYSALIS 1 - 2 wks 18-24°C (65-75°F) (GRANDIFLORUM) Rose 15°C (60°F) RUDBECKIA 3 - 4 wks Zone 3 - 8 16 - 17 wks Deep Blue No vernalization required. Compact plants, deep blue flower heads on powdery white stems. Long flowering season. SALVIA NEMOROSA (SUPERBA) 20-22°C (68-72°F) Jan - May 3 wks 12 - 18 wks Adora Blue Deep violet blue flower petals that unfold on upright flower spikes. A dense branching habit and multiple flower stems. (Zone 1 - 12). Hot Trumpets Compact early flowering salvia. Intense red flowers. Tender perennial. Prime Perennial. (Zone 7 - 10). Purple Volcano Deep purple ornamental foliage. Long lasting performance. A true perennial with annual culture. Merleau® Series SILENE 30-38 cm (12-15”). Compact, upright, wellbranched habit. Very early to flower. Full sun. Blue Rose 18 - 24°C (65 -75°F) White Maritima Icecups 10 - 20 cm (4-8”). First year flowering perennial with white bell-shaped flowers on silvery-grey cushions. For rockeries and edging. New Dimension Series 20-25 cm (8-10”). Compact and wellbranched plants. No PGRs necessary. Long-lasting blooms in the landscape. Blue Rose Salvia Patio Deep Blue Starry Dreams 15-20 cm (6-8”). First year flowering perennial. Small starlike upward facing pure white flowers. Compact fresh green leaf-cushion. Patio Series STACHYS LANATA 30 cm (12”). (Patens). Compact, basal branching, easy to grow in pots. (Zone 5 - 7). Deep Blue Sky Bue Scabiosa Ritz Rose Rose SCABIOSA Dec-Apr 4 wks Zone 5 - 7 9 - 13 wks Sedum Spirit VERONICA Zone 2 - 8 18 - 24°C (65 - 75°F) Rose VIOLA (CORNUTA) Silene Starry Dreams Zone 3-9 Voodoo 15 cm (6”). Round deep intense red leaves with bright rose flower color. Selskianum 20 cm (8”). Glossy light green foliage, deciduous, with tiny stems and crowded yellow flowers. Spirit Bright yellow blooming contrast to Sedum Voodoo. Zone 3 - 9, height 10 cm (4"), 18 - 24" spread. Fastrax perennial. 1 - 2 wks Blue Bouquet (Pelleted only) An annual bedding plant, a garden cut flower, a pot crop, and a perennial. Features tapered blue spikes with many small florets highlighted by deep green foliage. Plants are covered with delicate rose or sky blue pincushion flowers throughout the summer. The well branched, compact plants require no growth regulators. SEDUM Zone 5 - 10 16 wks Southern Charm 60 - 75 cm (2 - 2.5’). Unique blend of creamy yellow, soft lavender and peachy rose shades. First year blooming perennial. (Pelleted only). Ritz Series 18 - 24°C (65 -75°F) Feb. 20 3 - 4 wks Flush of White 60 cm (24”). Pure white, very uniform selection. Blue Note 20 - 25 cm (8-10”). Uniform and compact. Large flowers. More floriferous and compact than vegetative varieties. First year flowering. Mar 3 - 4 wks VERBASCUM 18 - 24°C (65 - 75°F) Blue Diamonds 20 cm (8”). Uniform and compact. Base branching habit with rich and long flowering. Blue Zone 4-11 Lamb’s Ear Small pinkish lavender flowers on spreading 30 cm (12”) plant. Silvery foliage. Likes full sun. Blooms late June and July. Select Series 18- 22°C (64 -71°F) Mar 1 2 - 3 wks 18-21°C (65-70°F) Strong long flowering, compact plant for large plantings. Fragrant flower spikes. Blue Zone 4-7 16 wks 3 - 4 wks SEMPERVIVUM (HENS & CHICKENS) 21°C (70°F) 2 wks Sempervivum Zone 4 - 9 18°C (65°F) 2 - 3 wks Small Flowered Types These small flowering violas make excellent bedding and rock garden plants which will bloom from early spring to late fall. Helen Mount (Jump Ups) Prince Henry Viola — Also see Annual Seed Section (pages 26 - 27) A mix of purplish-red on green rosettes. Full sun. 49 C UTFLOWER S EEDS Dianthus Dynasty Pink Magic Dianthus Bouquet Rose Ageratum Everest Blue AGERATUM (FLOSS FLOWER) 21 -24°C (70 - 75°F) Feb 15 - Mar 10 7 days Germ. L 10 - 11 wks Everest Blue 65 cm (26”). Unique true blue color. Strong, sturdy stems. Flowers all summer long. Red Sea 60 - 80 cm (24 - 32”). The best and most uniform Ageratum for fresh cutflower use. Branching with cluster of button-formed flowers with a tuft of red flower heads. (Pelleted only). Matador Mix 80 - 90 cm (32-36”). This aster has all the flower size and quality of the princess types. Matsumoto Formula Mix 75 cm (30”). Heat and disease resisting cutflower. Semi-double, flat, spray type blooms, contrasting yellow centers. CELOSIA CRISTATA 7 days CELOSIA PLUMOSA 21-24°C (70-75°F) Apr 1 - Apr 15 10 days Germ. DL 6 wks 11-13 wks Orchid Red 70 cm (28”). The extremely large plumes, which average Mix 30 cm (12”) on an overall plant height of about 70 cm (28”), make this a very attractive plumosa type celosia. Fire Yellow Red Rose Mix - AAS Winner. Candy Fidor Fiora Firosa Fivio Pink Rose Sunshine Yellow Gold Cherry Figo Fire Fisal Orange Purple Salmon Velvet Mix 50 1-800-665-1642 Pink Magic White Blush QIS® Series Excellent series for outdoor cutflower and dryflower production for its uniformity, colour, stem quality and doubleness of flower. Carmine Dark Blue Light Blue Light Pink Lilac Rose White Formula Mix 60-80 cm (25”). Small waxy blue-green foliage. Nice fragrance. For patio & border use. EUPHORBIA April 1 20 days Germ. L 8 - 11 wks Marginata (Snow on the Mountain) Height 61 - 71 cm (24 - 28”). Bushy plant with white picotee leaf margins later in season. Good for cut flower arrangements. Feb 1 - Mar 1 7 days FLOWERING KALE Germ. DL 10 - 12 wks Bouquet Series 46-61 cm (18-24”). Open, lacy appearance and slight fragrance make it an excellent choice for florists. (Pelleted only). Purple Rose Rose Magic 13 - 15 wks Silverdrop 18-24°C (65-75°F) DIANTHUS 21°C (70°F) Purple Rose Lace EUCALYPTUS 20-22°C (68 - 72°F) Bombay® Series 70-100 cm (28-40”). Bright and extensive colour range. Strong stems. Stand-outs in bouquet, excellent vase life. Dynasty Series 40 - 50 cm (16 - 20”). Well-branched, upright, strong-stemmed and heat tolerant. Lightly scented. Excellent landscape and garden performers. (Pelleted only). Century Series DELPHINIUM (CONSOLIDA) ASTERS 20-22°C (69-72°F) Dianthus Dynasty Purple 21°C (70°F) June 10 days Germ. L 10 -12 wks Small round leaf cabbage type plants that produce small heads. They can be grown to produce long sturdy stems about 60 cm (24”) long. Sunrise - Creamy white with a light pink center Sunset — Red center. GOMPHRENA (GLOBOSA) QIS® Series 50-60 cm (20-24”). Attractive colours, uniform growth. Used in both in fresh and dried bouquets and arrangements. Lilac Pink Purple Rose White Formula Mix HELIANTHUS (SUNFLOWER) 20 - 25°C (70 - 75°F) 10 days Sunrich Series Gold Lemon Lemon Summer Orange Orange Summer Sun Series F1 Hybrid. Plants up to 2.1 meters (7 ft.). Pollenless blooms 10 - 15 cm (4-6”). Day neutral type for year round cut flower production. Premier Lemon 120-150 cm (4’-5’). Extra early blooming variety. Flowers maintain beautiful shape after harvest with petals that are rounded and overlapping. LIMONIUM MARIGOLD (SINUATUM) Tall — Inbred QIS® Series The QIS® series is a considerable improvement over standard varieties with regard to uniformity, colour, flower size and stem quality. Best strain for professional cutflower production. Apricot Yellow (EUSTOMA) 22°C (72°F) 10 - 20 days SNAPDRAGON (ANTIRRHINUM) Jan 15 - Mar 11 10 days Germ. L 8-12 wks Tall Varieties F1 Hybrid Germ. DL 20 - 24 wks Double Flower Cinderella Series 85 - 90 cm (34 - 36”) stem height. Double flowers on thick, straight stems. Tight flower clusters on top of stem create full bouquets. (Spring/Summer flowering). (Available as pelleted seed only). Ring of Fire Ivory 120 cm (4’). Bicolored petals with dark red base and golden yellow tips. 13-15 cm (5Echo Series 6”) in flower diameter with a dark center and long side stems. 70 cm (28”). Double cutflower. Early flowering. (Available as pelleted seed only). Blue Picotee Crackerjack 76 - 91 cm (30-36”). This 100% double marigold comes in shades of orange, gold and yellow. (Raw only). 18°C (65°F) LISIANTHUS Sunbright — Golden yellow w/brown disk. Florenza 120 cm (48”). Light yellow petal tips with a distinct rusty red ring. 12 cm (5”) flowers with uniform habit. Lisianthus Cinderella Ivory Helianthus Sunrich Lemon Summer F1 Hybrid. Early, pollenless, ideal for cut flowers. 10 - 15 cm (4 - 6”) blooms on 60 - 90 cm (24 - 36”) plants. Blooms 65 - 70 days after sowing. Rocket Series Bred especially for heat resistance and summer bloom. Winter hardy in milder climates. Long closely set spikes and strong stems, 76-91 cm (30-36”) tall, branching upright. Bronze Cherry Golden Yellow Lemon Orchid Pink Red Rose Shades White Mix Butterfly Types Madame Butterfly Double azalea flowered snapdragon. Florets larger than ordinary snapdragons. Formula mix in a wide range of colors. Vigorous hybrid plants grow 61-76 cm (24-30”) and branch freely from the base. 51 Maryland Series Opus Appleblossom Opus Bronze Opus Pink Appleblossom - Group 2 Bright Yellow - Group 2 Dark Orange (El Dorado) - Group 2 Flame - Group 1 or 2 Flamingo - Group 1 or 2 Golden Bronze Ivory White - Group 1 or 2 Lavender - Group 1 or 2 Orange - Group 1 or 2 Plumblossom - Group 2 Red - Group 1, 2 True Pink - Group 1 or 2 (Yosemite) Pink - Light to medium pink. Group 1 or 2 Royal - Purple. Group 1 or 2 Shell Pink - Clear Pink, white tube, Group 2 White - Group 2 White and Yellow Bi-color - Group 2 Opus Yellow GREENHOUSE FORCING SNAPDRAGONS These greenhouse forcing snapdragons are classified into four groups as listed below. These groups are based on different sowing dates and flowering time. Some varieties will do well in more than one group. Greenhouse snapdragons should be transplanted about 3 weeks after sowing date. Sowing and Flowering Schedule Group 1 Varieties Min. Night Temperature 9-10°C (48-50°F) Sow: Aug.15 to Aug 31 To flower: Dec. 10 to Feb. 15 Group 2 Varieties Min. Night Temperature Sow: To flower: Also sow: To flower: 9-10°C (48-50°F) Sept. 11 to Dec. 10 Feb. 15 to May 10 July 8 to Aug. 9 Oct. 5 to Dec. 10 Group 3 Varieties Min. Night Temperature: 14-16°C (58-60°F) Sow: Dec. 11 to March 21 To flower: May 10 to June 30 Also sow: June 18 to July 16 To flower: Sept. 10 to Oct. 25 Group 4 Varieties Min. Night Temperature: 17-18°C(63-65°F) Sow: March 28 to June 10 To flower: July 1 to Sept. 10 Cool Series Group 1,2. (Cool series will be replacing the winter series once inventory depleted). Bronze Coral Crimson Orange Bi-Color Pink Rose Salmon White Yellow 52 1-800-665-1642 Maryland Orange Winter Series Euro Yellow (Montezuma) Medium early. Group 1 or 2 Yellow (Peoria) - Early. Group 1 or 2 STATICE Monaco Series Group 2 or 3. Baltimore Rose Rose (Axis) White Red Violet - Light, bright purple Yellow Opus Series Type III/IV, spring/summer & early fall. Wide range of the most popular colors. Group 3 or 4. Appleblossom Early White Lavender Red White Mix Bronze Fresh White Pink Rose Yellow Overture II Series Cut Flower Varieties Germ. DL 3 weeks 21°C (70°F) Sinuata 61-76 cm (24-30”). Cleaned seed, (decorticated) for easier sowing. Germination is quicker and with a much higher percentage of transplants. Fortress Series Especially selected for its earliness, length of stem, flower size and uniformity. Apricot Heavenly Blue Rose Yellow Type II Winter. Wide range of popular and profitable colors. Group 2. Orange Red Yellow Pink White Potomac Series Appleblossom - Bi-color, pink. Group 3 or 4 Cherry Rose - Cherry color. Group 3 or 4 Dark Orange (New Mexico) - Bronze, pink. Group 3 or 4 Early Orange (Kansas) - Honey bronze. Early. Short. Group 2 or 3 Early Pink (Columbia) - Light rose pink. Group 3 Early Rose - deep pink. Group 3 Early White (San Francisco) - Paper white, medium height. Early. Group 3 Light Rose (Winchester) - Light rose pink. Group 3 or 4 Orange - Group 3 or 4 Pink - Medium pink. Group 3 or 4 Plumblossom - Purple. Group 3 or 4 Red Rose - Group 3 or 4 Royal - Magenta purple. Group 3 or 4 Ivory White - Ivory. Group 3 or 4 White - Group 3 or 4 Yellow - Group 3 or 4 8 - 10 wks Dark Blue Purple White Mix Seeker Series 61 - 100 cm (24 - 40”). Uniform in flower and height. Excellent cut flower. Blue White Purple Yellow Sunset 75 cm (30”). Warm tones of apricot, orange, peach and rose-red. Very popular cut flower. TRACHELIUM 18°C (65°F) 7-9 days 18-22 wks F1 Hybrid. Normally known as a commercial cut flower, successfully transformed into a pot or bedding plant. Finished height 30 cm (12”). Grows to 75 - 90 cm (2½’ - 3’) in sunny outdoor locations. Lightly scented florets, good for 15 cm (6”) pots. (Pelleted only). Devotion Series Burgundy Purple V EGETABLE S EEDS NEW NEW NEW Cucumber Petipikel Broccoli Coranado Crown Eggplant Patio Baby BEANS Lynx 55 days. Small-podded bean with fantastic flavour. The bright green pods measures 4.5-5.5” in length. Plants are full and healthy with good leaf cover. BROCCOLI Coranado Crown 58 days. F1 Hybrid. Uniform heads are large and solid, blue-green in color. Plants are vigorous and adaptable to warm areas. Produces a heavy crop of side shoots for successive harvest. Packman 56 days. F1 Hybrid. A mid early green broccoli with a large heavy head. Medium size heads with good dome shape. Has excellent side shoot development. Extremely uniform. BRUSSEL SPROUTS Jade Cross Regular 90 days. F1 Hybrid. Matures a few days later than Jade Cross. 10-13 cm (4-5”) taller. Slightly larger sprouts. CABBAGE Platinum Dynasty 65-70 days. Large, round to semi-round, blue-green heads. Resistant to Fusarium. Yellows with intermediate resistance to black rot and good tipburn tolerance. Stonehead 88 days. Early, ball-headed variety. Very compact, small plant size with short stems and few outer leaves adapted for close planting. 16 cm (6½”) in diameter, 2+ lb (1 kg) in weight. Tolerant of yellow and black rot. Red Cabbage Cucumber Peticue Eggplant Aubergine Pinstripe Eggplant Emerald Isle Open Pollinated Variety CAULIFLOWER Snow Crown 50 - 60 days. Mild and sweet, easiest cauliflower to grow. Vigorous habit. Medium sized, domed, pure white heads up to 20 cm (8”) across with non-wrapping habit. White Cloud 70-75 days. This is open pollinated. It adapts well to cool conditions. Color is cream to soft white. CUCUMBER Slicing Cucumbers - Hybrid Varieties Marketmore 76 60 days. An improved strain of Marketmore is tolerant to scab and mosaic. Approximately 20 cm - 23 cm long. Fruit maintains dark green color throughout summer heat. Pickling Cucumber Eureka 57 days. F1 Hybrid. Monoecious variety, that can be both a pickler and a slicer. Salad cucumber from small size up and pickling cucumber from 1.5”-5” long. Wide range of disease resistance. Mathilde 50 days. French cornichon type. Can harvest small and needs no bee’s to pollinate. Fanfare Petipikel (New) 62 days. F1 Hybrid Monoecious. Compact, vigorous plant producing high quality fruit (22 cm). Early producing. 55-59 days. Good flavour, short green fruits, 6” long. Short vined variety perfect for the patio/container Patio Snacker growing. High yielding. 39 days. F1 Hybrid. Short vining plant for garden or container. Medium size (20 cm) fruit with good flavour EGGPLANT and nice dark green color. Peticue (New) 55-59 days. Sweet flavour, crunchy texture short green fruits, 8-10” long. Short vined variety perfect for the patio/container growing. High yielding. Sweet Slice 62 days. F1 Hybrid. Sweet, bitter-free & burpless. 26-30 cm dark green fruits. Vigorous grower, good disease tolerance. Sweet Success 54 days. F1 Hybrid. Lets you grow greenhouse English type quality cucumbers in your own garden. Early maturing, 30-34 cm dark green fruits which are tender, sweet and resistant to mosaic virus, scab, leaf spot, powdery and downy mildew. Red Dynasty 72 days. Hybrid. Produces medium sized, round heads under winter and summer conditions with excellent color. Tasty Green 62 days. F1 Hybrid. Burpless, dark green, smooth skin Ruby Perfection with white spines. The long narrow fruit should be 85 days. F1 Hybrid. Abundant producer of solid, globe-shaped cabbages. Excellently flavored heads that picked when 23 cm long. Highly resistant to mildew. Stake for best results. are slow to burst. Aubergine Series Compact, basal branching plant habit. Medium sized fruit are produced in abundance. Virtually spineless leaves. Amethyst Ivory Pinstripe Emerald Isle Unusual green and white striped fruit abound on this ‘spineless’ eggplant. Compact habit and fruit color make it a novelty in a patio container. Easy to pick fruit should be harvested early for best flavor and highest yields. Epic 63 days. Plant height is 60 cm (24”). Epic is a glossy black color. Oval shape size 3”x6.5”. Night Shadow 75 days. Large teardrop glossy black in color. At maturity, fruits remain very firm. Good fresh or for freezing. Patio Baby F1 (New) 45 days. Thornless leaves and calyx. Harvest is 5-7” long and about 1” in diameter. Purple-black colour. 53 Simply Herbs Lettuce SimplySalad Series NEW Lettuce SimplySalad Series NEW NEW Wonder Wok Mix City Garden Blend Curled Parsley, Oregano, Rosemary Endless Summer Mix Simply Herbs Basil Aristotle HERB Basil Aristotle Single seed required per pot. Distinctive ‘hint of aniseed’ fragrance. No pinching required. Basil (ornamental) Purple Ruffles Basil Large Leaf (Sweet) Basil Sweet Dani Small white flowers. 1998 AAS winner. Both a flowering and vegetative ornamental plant. Basil Try Basil (New) 30-60cm (24-30”) Full sun. (Multiseed pellets) Caraway Coriander – Cilantro Dill – Mammoth Fennel Florence Garlic Chives Garlic Chives Gigantic Beautiful flowers on arching stems. Multi sow for maximum impact. Good in mixed containers. Lavender Marjoram (Sweet) Oregano Peppermint Rosemary Sage Spearmint Stevia (Sugar Plant) Extremely sweet leaves, natural dietary supplement. Summer Savory Tarragon Thyme (Common) Basil Floral Spires Series Dense, basal branching habit. Combined culinary and ornamental use. Bred for beautiful flowers and flavor. Distinct cinnamon Thai basil scent. Simply Herbs Basil Finished height 24”-30”. Each pellet contains 8-10 seeds. Simply Herbs Dill Finished height 12”-24”. Each pellet contains 7-9 seeds. Simply Herbs Oregano (New) Finished height 12”-30”. Each pellet contains 7-14 seeds. Simply Herbs Parsley Finished height 15”-18”. Each pellet contains 7-9 seeds. (Large leaf italian flat parsley). Simply Herbs Rosemary (New) Finished height 12”-24”. Each pellet contains 10-15 seeds. Italian Dark Green Plain, flat, glossy dark green leaves. 54 1-800-665-1642 Earlidew 75 days. Hybrid. This green fleshed honey dew melon is very early, good for short season areas. Oval shaped fruit is about 13 cm (5”) in diameter, has smooth pale green skin without netting. ONION Simply Herbs Thyme Finished height 12”-18”. Each pellet contains 8-14 seeds. LETTUCE & SALAD GREENS SimplySalad Series 30 cm (12”). First salad Multi-Species, Multi-Pellet seeds on the market! Full sun in cool weather, parital shade as it warms up. Can be cut back and regrown a couple of times. Very appealing to eyes & taste buds. Alfresco Mix Endless Summer Mix (New) Wonder Wok Mix (New) City Garden Mix Global Gourmet Mix Romaine or Cos Valley Heart Tall, medium-green romaine with slightly blistered, large leaves. Good cold tolerance and bolting tolerance. Wellsuited for hearts, fresh market or processor use. Leaf Lettuce Forest Green Grows from 8”-12”. Dark green curled leaves. Grows well in containers, borders or in vegetable garden. MUSKMELON Burpee Hybrid 72 days. Slightly oval fruit, heavily netted & ribbed. Average weight 2 kg (4.4 lb), deep orange flesh. Simply Herbs Sage Finished height 18”-24”. Each pellet contains 6-10 seeds. Lavender Herbs Parsley Garlic Chives Gigantic Simply Herbs Curled Parsley (New) Finished height 15”-18”. Each pellet contains 7-9 seeds. Red Sails F1 Hybrid Candy 85 days. Single centers and thick white rings are a trademark of this fine variety and the flesh is neatly protected by layers of beautiful golden brown skin. ‘Candy’ performs best when planted in the spring and produces jumbo to colossal size bulbs. Sterling 112 days. Hybrid. Superior white sweet spanish jumbo that produces high yields of uniform, very large, bright white bulbs. Red Zeppelin 110 days. A fabulous new globe-shaped, dark red onion that produces jumbo and colossal bulbs. Sierra Blanca 95 days. Jumbo colossal. Mid day onion. Scales are very white and shiny. Suitable for fresh market or short-term storage. Spanish Medallion 110-115 days. Early, long day spanish yellow onion is firm with excellent skin retention. Has brown skin with a globe bulb shape and colossal to jumbo size. 58 days. Produces large loose heads in a very attractive reddish maroon. Good for commercial and home gardeners. Simpson Elite 55 days. Produces attractive medium-light green bolt resistant loose heads with broad, crumpled leaves with frilled margins. Bunching Green Banner 65-70 days. Uniform, sturdy, vigorous and more heat tolerant than other varieties. Stems are glossy white & the leaves are full and dark green. The flavor is slightly pungent. Pepper Cayenetta Pepper Cute Stuff Gold Pepper Bellina PEPPER Standard Sweet Varieties Cajun Belle (Sweet Bell Red Pepper) Pepper Chenzo Feb. 1 - Feb. 18 Germ. L 60 days. 61 cm (24”). Full sun. 2”x3” long pepper weighs 21 - 27°C (70 - 80°F) 1 - 2 wks 12 wks about 1 oz with 3 or 4 lobes. Starts bright green, turns La Bomba scarlet & then deep red. 56 days. Large, dark green fruit has good flavour with F1 Hybrid Sweet Varieties Cute Stuff Series medium heat. Upright plants have sturdy main stem. Bell Boy 45-60 cm (18”-24”). 42 days for green fruit.Sweet miniLoco 70 days. F1 Hybrid. All purpose sweet bell type. Medium long and mostly 4 lobed. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. bell peppers. Apple-shaped, high-yielding plants produce 68 days. Fruit that turns from purple to lavender to red fruit continuously through the season. Fruit size (3”x2.5”). as they ripen. Produces small egg shaped peppers for a Bellina Gold Red little spicy bell pepper flavor for salads. 75-80 days. Compact plant with large yields of small Pompeii Long Red Cayenne fruited bell peppers that are sweet flavoured. The fruits Sweet italian pepper. Strong, compact, well-branched 74 days. Fruit is pendant shaped, approx. 13x2 cm are 3-4 lobed blocky types which mature from dark plants. Abundant large, sweet fruit. Fruits turn from (5x.8”) long. Good for pickles, canning or drying. green to bright red. Good choice for the patio. green to soft orange as it matures. Mariachi Big Bertha Thick-walled fruit is about 4” in length by 2” wide. Conical 70 days. 3-4 lobed, thick-walled pepper. Medium green Hot Varieties shape with a blunt blossom end & matures yellow to red. 16x10 cm (6x4”) fruits that mature to dark red. Apache Fruity flavor with mild pungency. AAS Winner. Biscayne 100 days. Dwarf chilli pepper. Compact plants. Fruits Super Chili 62 days. An early and productive frying type pepper turn from green to bright red. 75 days. Hybrid. 6 cm (2½”) fruit ripen from medium resembling cubanelle. Fruit are blunt, long and light green. Basket of Fire green to orange to red, can be used fresh or dried. Very Giant Marconi 80 days. The first true hanging basket pepper. Spice hot productive semi-compact plants. 72 days. F1 Hybrid. This award winning sweet pepper has peppers add color and character as they turn from Sweet Heat very large, elongated fruit - perfect for roasting/grilling or cream to orange and maturing to red. New growth 35 days. Early to ripen. Fruit with great, smoky flavour adding to salads. Turns green to red. Tobacco mosaic and continues to fill the top for a well rounded appearance. that is sweet & spicy. Delicious raw or cooked. Compact, potato Y resistant. Cayenetta bushy plants. Great for garden or patio containers. Gypsy 85-90 days. Compact branching cayenne type chilli. It 65 days. F1 Hybrid. Early red sweet, gold color when produces a large crop of bright red 4” tapered fruits. young, with a unique flavor taste. TMV tolerant, vigorous Fruits are mild in heat. Tolerant to both hot and cold HYSALIS grower yet compact habit. seasons. Mohawk Little Lanterns Chenzo 100 days. F1 Hybrid. True bell pepper. Compact Stunning flowers soon followed by delicious fruit. A 68 days. Compact and well branched. Long black spreading plant produces orange fruit during summer. peppers cascades beneath the foliage and turns a bright compact umbrella shaped habit-perfect for container use. Orange fruit color. New Ace red. Fits nicely into containers and small spaces. P 60 days. Sweet and tender blocky fruit, mostly 3-lobed, matures from green to crimson. North Star 65 days. 3-4 lobed medium sized fruit. Sweet bell pepper matures green to red. Recommended for short season areas. Peto Wonder 73 days. Hybrid sweet bell pepper. Very large, thick walled, elongated shape that tapers towards the blossom end. Dark green fruits, turning deep red at full maturity. Vigorous plant habit 62-75 cm (25-30”) high and resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Redskin 100 days. F1 Hybrid. True dwarf bell pepper. Compact upright plant. Medium sized fruit turn red on ripening. Cheyenne 100 days. Compact chilli pepper. Masses of mediumsized orange fruit. Chichimeca 65-70 days. Thick-walled, giant-fruited jalapeno is mildly pungent. Peppers are (70-80 cm) 28-32. Garden Salsa 73 days. F1 Hybrid. Perfect for homemade salsa. Hot but not too hot. Peppers are 17 - 20 cm (7” - 8”) long and turn dark green to red. Holy Mole 85 days. Fruit is 7-9 inches, can be used green as a spicy alternative to sweet peppers or allowed to turn brown and dry. Dried fruit can be ground into a powder used for Mole sauce. PUMPKIN Big Moon 120 days. Open Pollinated. This is one of the largest pumpkins available. Pumpkins can weigh up to 90 kilograms (200 lbs.). Orange Smoothie 90 days. F1 Hybrid. Perfectly globe-shaped with slight ribbing. Weight is 5-8 lbs. It’s been called “the prettiest pumpkin ever”. Unique size category, perfect for children, good for carving and pies. Windsor 90 days. F1 Hybrid. A miniature deep orange pumpkin. Average fruit size is 4-5” in diameter by 3” high. 55 NEW NEW Squash Butternut Honeynut Tomato Health Kick TOMATO 24 -27°C (75 - 80°F) Beefmaster 80 days. Extra large beefsteak type tomatoes. Weight about 340 grams (12 oz) with real hybrid vigor, VFN tolerant indeterminate. SQUASH Tomato Big League Zucchini Summer Type Squash Winter Storage Types Easy Pick Collection Balmoral 70 days. F1 Hybrid. A white, scalloped squash. Balmoral will provide saucer shaped, white fruit which is meaty and delicious. Fruit averages 6-8” in diameter. Gold Rush 52 days. F1 Hybrid. Golden skinned zucchini. Long 20 cm (8”) fruits are slender and uniform. Portofino 48 days. Romanesco (italian) type has a nutty flavor with the fruit remaining narrow as they grow up to 9 inches in length. Fruits are firm, crisp and best harvested small. Can be used like standard types. Zucchini Buckingham 70 days. F1 Hybrid. A yellow, cylindrical zucchini. Buckingham will have impressive yields. The fruit is best picked when 6-7” long. Zucchini Greyzini 47 days. Hybrid. Compact bush, open habit. Creamy grey-green fruits with a luscious, sweet, rich flavor. Stays tender and tasty even at 6-8 inches. Butternut Type Squash Canesi 88 days. Smooth, tan-skinned fruits. Fruits weigh about 6lbs and are 10-12” long. Great tasting, bright yellow flesh that is sweet, fine-textured and smooth. Early Butternut 75 days. Hybrid. A valuable commercial variety because of its extreme earliness. Compact semi-bush habit and high yields with good storage ability. Color is deep tan. Honeynut (New) 85 days. High yielding plants. Very sweet, delicious, single-serving fruit. Flesh is a bright orange in colour. Each mini-fruit is 10-13 cm (4-5”) long. Rumbo 95-100 days. F1 Hybrid. Skin is a dark caramel color, flesh a deep orange-yellow. Fruits weigh about 14-15 lbs. Can be used in pies, breads, soups or stews or as an ornamental. Flavor is excellent and sweet and holds for a long time in storage. Taybelle PM 70 days. Hybrid. Heart-shaped winter acorn. Develops an overall dark green to jet black colour very early after pollination. Shorter vine. Fruit size is 6”long by 5” wide. Resistant to powdery mildew. Sunny Delight 40 days. F1 Hybrid. Fruits are bright and beautiful, flat disk shape and mature about 5-7 days earlier than anything similar. Ideal for 'baby vegetables'. 56 1-800-665-1642 Better Boy 70 days. VFN resistant. Excellent for home garden or market. Better yield of round red fruit, weight approx. Sturdy, compact plants. Big Beef 73 days. Extra large “beefy” fruits, 280-330 grams and globe shaped. Good disease tolerances to VFNT plus alternaria stem canker and gray leaf spot. Low Acid. Big League (New) 68-71 days. Very large true beefsteak fruits, 320-650 grams. Semi-determinate habit, 5-7 fruits per truss. Burpee Big Boy Hybrid 78 days. Vigorous grower, heavy foliage. Celebrity 70 days. The very large deep fruit are firm and exceptionally flavorful. Plants are determinate and resistant to verticilium and fusarium wilt. Health Kick 72 days. High-yielding determinate saladette tomato. Deep plum-shaped 4 oz fruits are 50% higher in lycopene. Disease resistance is V, F1, F2, ASC, ST, BSK race-0, and TSWV. Husky Red 67-68 days. Produces 142-198 gram (5-7 oz) fruits with very good flavor. Matures somewhat earlier than husky gold. Resistant to verticillium and fusarium wilt. Lemon Boy 80 days. Jubilee type. Large fruit, mild flavor. Summer Scallop Squash Peter Pan 52 days. F1 Hybrid. Scallop type squash. Fruit sets early. Uniformly green tinted. Excellent raw or delicious when cooked. Germ. DL 12 wks F1 Hybrid Tomato Varieties Squash Rumbo 46 days. Produces smooth-textured zucchini in matched green and gold skinned varieties. Open habit with nearly no spines on the petioles, for easy and continuous harvests. Gold Green Feb. 15 - Mar. 15 5 - 14 days STRAWBERRY Jan 15 18°C Germ. L 16 wks. Mignonnette Produces an abundance of miniature conical red fruit. Vigorous habit with no runners. Mega Bite Compact, naturally branching, determinate habit. Bright red round fruit on thick and strong central stem. Produces up to 100 gm beefsteak flavorful fruit. Pink Girl 76 days. Produces large, juicy fruit that are smooth and attractive. Fruit starts green, turns to pink weighing 7-8 oz. Indeterminate vine continues to flower and set fruit until frost. Heirloom Marriage Collection NEW NEW NEW NEW Big Brandy NEW NEW Firecracker Pink Charmer Small Fruit/Patio Tomato Varieties Genuwine Perfect Flame NEW Orange Zinger Totem 105 - 140 days. Dwarf compact determinate plant. High yielding with medium sized crimson fruit. Tye-Dye 78 days. Beautifully marbled with red streaks, the large, smooth fruits are lusciously sweet, mild and non-acidic. Viva Italia 76 days. Roma/saladette-type, highly disease resistant. Blocky, pear shaped 90 gram fruit. NEW Heirloom Marriage™ Collection Big Brandy F1 75-80 days. Pink beefsteak is a cross of Big Dwarf and Brandywine. Fruit size 350-425 grams. Indeterminate. Genuwine F1 70-75 days. Slicer tomato is a cross of Costoluto Genovese and Brandywine. Produces abundance of squat, pleated tomatoes good for fresh eating and salads. Fruit size 300-330 grams. Indeterminate. Perfect Flame F1 65-70 days. Saladette is a cross of Peron and Flamme. Fruit size 100-125 grams. Indeterminate. Standard Tomato Varieties Margo 70 days. Juicy, flavourful slicing tomatoes are uniform, shiny red with green shoulders. Vigorous 75 cm (30”) plants are good for small spaces. Poseidon 78 days. Indeterminate. Mild tomato that is sweet to the taste. Pink tomato. Sugargloss Amsterdam 68 days. Indeterminate. Sweet tasting grape tomato. 22 grams. Sweet Million 60 days. Fruits are darker red and have much better tolerance to cracking than Sweet 100. Fruit average 3 cm (1+”). Plants are indeterminate. Cherry Fountain 68 - 72 days. Large cherry sized and color fruit cascade, forming a waterfall of fruit. Produces sweet 1½-1¾ fruit. Suited for baskets, window boxes and mixed pots. Topsy Tom 50 days. F1. Well-branched, semi-determinate plants. Very early, high yields of sweet, bite-sized fruit with “big tomato” flavour! Cupid (Grape-Type) 66 days. F1 Hybrid. Highly productive indeterminate plant that produces sweet small-fruited grape-shaped tomato. Very disease resistant. Great for salads or healthy snacking. Tumbler 49 days. Extra early. A superior variety for hanging baskets and containers. Cascading habit that produces 6 lbs/2.7 kg of cherry-type tomatoes. Very sweet and tasty. Firecracker (New) 84-87 days. Elongated bright red-orange fruits with yellow stripes, 30-35 grams. Trailing habit. Ideal for baskets or window boxes. Little Sun Yellow Compact, basal branching plant habit. This early tomato holds an abundance of deep yellow 2 oz fruit close to the stem. Produces alot of mid-sized flavorful fruit. Orange Zinger (New) 60 days. Big tomato flavour- a delightful balance of sweet and tangy with a “zing” of a finish. Dark orange color. Indeterminate plant. Tumbling Junior Yellow, cherry sized fruit. Extremely well branched plant habit. Tumbling Tiger 1-1.5 oz yellow, cherry sized fruit. Dense, flat habit is excellent for hanging baskets and patio planters. Rambling Series Vigorous, cascading, basket types with distinct green stripes. Round cherry tomatoes. Cascading more than 2 feet. Gold Stripe Red Stripe Sweet ‘n’ Neat Series Patio 70 days. Good color. Deep oblate shaped fruit, medium size. Should be staked but suitable for tubs and containers. Resistant to fusarium wilt. Cherry sized, one bite fruit. Very compact and extremely high yielding tomatoes. Peardrops Oval golden yellow fruit. Well branched. Bushy, mounded habit with high yield. Sweet as a pear. Pink Charmer (New) 68-71 days.Deep rosy pink fruits, 20-25 grams. Good flavour and high yielding, up to 40 fruits per truss. Indeterminate habit. 90-100 days. Cascading, branching, red tomato. Sweet and delicious flavour. Ideal for salads. Sugargloss (New) 71-74 days. Bright red cherry fruits, 20-25 grams. Good flavour and high yielding, up to 60 fruits per truss. Indeterminate habit. Sunsugar 62 days. F1 Hybrid. A yellow cherry tomato that is incredibly sweet with tons of Vitamin A. Vigorous, indeterminate plants are resistant to Fusarium wilt race 1 and ToMV. Sweet Baby Girl 65 days. F1 Hybrid. Sweetest, best-tasting red cherry tomato ever. Fruit size is 18-25 grams. Plants are resistant to ToMV races 0, 1, and 2. Low Acid. Cherry Red Scarlet Yellow Tumbling Tom Series Red Yellow WATERMELON Apollo (Seedless) 75-80 days. F1 Hybrid. Very productive seedless fruits weighing 18-20 lbs. Excellent uniformity, and improved yields. Crimson Sweet 96 days. Short oval light green fruit with dark stripes. Average 9 kg (20 lb). Dark red flesh. Yellow Doll 68 days. F1 Hybrid. Icebox-type watermelon with sweet, yellow flesh. Produces round to oval, striped small sized fruit in the 5-7 pound range. 57 V EGETABLE CHART Variety Pickling F1 Hybrid Slicing CUCUMBER PEPPER Fanfare Patio Snacker Peticue Sweet Slice Sweet Success Tasty Green OPEN POLLINATED Marketmore 76 Eureka Mathilde Petipikel Hot Varieties Standard -Sweet F1 Hybrid Sweet Variety Bell Boy Bellina Big Bertha Biscayne Giant Marconi Gypsy Mohawk New Ace North Star Peto Wonder Redskin Cajun Belle Cute Stuff Gold & Red Pompeii Apache Basket of Fire Cayenetta Chenzo Cheyenne Chichimeca Garden Salsa Holy Mole La Bomba Loco Long Red Cayenne Mariachi Super Chili Sweet Heat Variety F1 Hybrid TOMATO Beefmaster Better Boy Big Beef Big League Burpee’s Big Boy Celebrity Health Kick Heirloom Marriage-Big Brandy Heirloom Marriage-Genuwine Heirloom Marriage-Perfect Flame Husky Red Lemon Boy Mega Bite Pink Girl Totem Viva Italia Small Fruit Margo-Standard **Indeterminate: Tall (More main shoot growth) **Determinate: Bush (More compact with side shoot growth) 58 Plant Shape Size 62 39 55-59 62 54 62 Moderately compact Short vining Short vining Moderately Vigorous Vigorous Moderately Vigorous Straight,tapers at both ends Long Smooth Long, blossom end tapers Long, straight, rounded ends Long and slender 22 cm x 6 cm 16 cm x 6 cm 20 cm x 25 cm 26-30 cm x 6 cm 30-34 cm x 6 cm 23 cm x 6 cm 60 57 50 55-59 Vigorous Vigorous French Cornichon Short vining Straight, blossom end tapers N/A N/A Gerkin 20-23 cm x 6 cm Dark Green N/A Dark Green 3 - 5 cm Dark Green 15 cm Green Days to Maturity Days to Maturity Color Skin Dark Green Dark Green Green Dark Green Med Green Dark Green Shape Features Features AAS winner, excellent quality & resistance Well-suited for container growing Well-suited for patio/container growing Sweet taste, unique flavor, burpless AAS winner, burpless, english type Early maturing, heavy yielding, burpless Market and home garden Excellent fruit quality Produces fruit without bees, great for cooler Well-suited for patio/container growing 70 75-80 70 62 72 65 100 60 65 73 100 Dark green to red Dark green to red Medium green to red Light green to red Green to red Light yellow to red Orange Green to crimson Green to red Green to red Red 3-4 lobed, blocky bell 3-4 lobed, blocky 3-4 lobed, smooth, straight Cubanelle 2-4 lobed 3-lobed, tapers, blunt end Medium size fruit 3-lobed, blocky bell 3-4 lobed, bell Elongated bell Medium size fruit Large, smooth fruit, AAS winner sturdy upright plant habit Small fruited sweet bell pepper Updated version of Giant Bell, produced huge fruit sizes Cubanelle-type, early with large fruits Perfect for roasting/grilling, or adding to salads Unusually early, productive, great flavor, AAS winner Dwarf bell pepper, ideal for pots/containers Sweet and tender blocky fruit Early with large fruit, used as green and early red Novel for home gardeners Dwarf bell pepper, ideal for pots/containers 60 40 20-22 weeks Bright green to red Green to red Green to soft orange 3-4 lobed, bell Medium size Bell shaped Both sweet & savory southern belle, AAS winner Apple shape, perfect for stuffing Abundant large, sweet fruit Green to bright red Purple to cream to bright red Bright red Black to Bright red Orange Green to red Green to red Green to brown Dark Green Purple to Bright Red Green to red Yellow to Red Green to red Green to red Long pointed fruit Long pointed fruit Tapered fruit Small blunt end Medium size pointed fruit Long and slender Long, tapered point Long and slender Upright plants Small oval, upright fruits 2 celled, long, wrinkled Conical, blunt end Tapered to blunt end Medium size fruit Dwarf chili pepper, superb pot or patio plant, fruit all summer Small hot fruits Chilli-type, fruits are mild in heat Suited for pots, containers and window boxes Chili pepper, great pot or patio plant, Apache companion Giant-fruited jalapeno, early harvesting Perfect for salsa, long, green, thin skin Mild pungency, AAS winner Good flavour with medium heat Maturity presents a colorful display Recommended for home gardening Fruity flavour Super productive small chile, AAS winner Mildly spicy, great for garden or patio container 100 90-95 85-90 85 100 65-70 73 85 56 85 74 65 75 35 Days to Maturity Weight 80 70 73 68-71 78 70 72 75-80 70-75 65-70 68 80 16-18 weeks 76 105-140 76 340-360 gr/12-16 oz 230 gr/8 oz 280-330 gr/10-12 oz 400-600 gr/14-21 oz 230 -255 gr/8-9 oz 230 gr/8 oz 113 gr/4 oz 350-425 gr/12-15 oz 300-330 gr/10.5-11.5 oz 100-125 gr/3.5-4 oz 140-200 gr/5-7 oz 227 gr/8 oz up to 100 gm 230 gr/8 oz under 1 oz 90 gr/3 oz Shape Deep Oblate Deep Globe Deep Oblate Beeksteak Deep Oblate Deep Oblate Plum Large Oblate Deep Oblate Round Large Oblate Deep Oblate Round Deep Oblate N/A Blocky pear Plant Habit Features Indeterminate Extremely large-fruited beefsteak with hybrid vigor Indeterminate Widely adapted, well-known, proven seller Indeterminate AAS winner, large size, great flavor, highest rated overall Semi-determinate Compact habit, very large beeksteak fruits, good flavour Indeterminate Large, smooth fruit, good yields, older variety still in demand Determinate Vigorous plant with large fruit, commercial or home garden Determinate Contains 50% more lycopene, high yielding, bright red Indeterminate Large pink beefsteak with heirloom appearance/taste & hybrid vigor Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Determinate Indeterminate Determinate Determinate Deep red, pleated fruit with heirloom appearance/taste & hybrid vigor Orange saladette with heirloom appearance/taste and hybrid vigor Excellent flavour, perfect for containers and small gardens Lemon colored flesh, sweet, juicy and unique Bright red round fruit Smooth, pink hybrid, mild taste High yielding, ideal for containers, medium sized red fruit Wonderful quality roma/saladette-type 70 170 gr/6 oz Oblate Determinate Juicy and flavourful, vigorous growth and good fruit cover Cherry Fountain Cupid (Grape Type) Firecracker Little Sun Yellow Orange Zinger Patio Peardrops Pink Charmer Rambling Series Sugargloss Sunsugar Sweet n’ Neat Series Sweet Baby Girl Sweet Million Tumbler Tumbling Junior 60 66 84-87 16-18 weeks 60 70 16-18 weeks 68-71 16-18 weeks 71-74 62 16-18 weeks 65 60 49 16-18 weeks under 1 oz under 1 oz 30-35 grams 40-50 grams under 1 oz 115 gr/4 oz 30 grams 20 grams 50 grams 20 grams under 1 oz 25-30 grams under 1 oz under 1 oz under 1 oz 1-1.5 oz Round Oval Roma Round Round Deep Oblate Oval Round Round Grape/plum Globe Round Globe Globe Globe Round Spreading Indeterminate Trailing Determinate Indeterminate Determinate Determinate Indeterminate Spreading Indeterminate Indeterminate Determinate Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Spreading Cherry red fruit, ideal for young plant sales Very sweet grape type tomato Very showy, elongated bright red-orange fruits with yellow stripes Deep Yellow, mid-sized flavorful fruit Tasty, crack-resistant dark orange small fruit Excellent for containers Oval sweet yellow fruit One inch round shape fruit with good flavour. Grows on trusses. Round cherry tomatoes Tumbling Tiger Tumbling Tom Series 16-18 weeks 105-140 25-30 grams under 1 oz Round N/A Spreading Determinate Cherry sized fruit High yielding, sweet, ideal for containers, good salad tomato Fruit formed on long, dual tresses holding up to 40 fruit (high sugar content) Yellow cherry tomato, very sweet Cherry sized one bite fruit Sweetest, great tasting, low acid tomato Better balanced flavor, resistant to cracking, outstanding yields Extra early, very sweet Yellow cherry sized fruit JVK Terms and Conditions As used herein, JVK shall mean Jack Van Klaveren Limited, the seller. Payment Unless prior credit arrangements have been made in writing with JVK, all orders must be accompanied by credit card information, cheque or money order payable to Jack Van Klaveren Ltd., P.O. Box 910, St. Catharines, ON L2R 6Z4. JVK also accepts debit card pre-payments. All invoices are due and payable within 30 days from the date of the invoice. Credit and Debit Cards JVK accepts pre-payment by valid credit and debit cards. Only Visa and MasterCard credit cards are accepted. Payment by credit card must be approved at time that order is placed. Foreign Exchange Fluctuations Many of the items we sell are imported and therefore our costs are subject to fluctuation of the dollar on the international money market. We reserve the right to adjust our selling price accordingly and without prior notice. How To Use This Catalog Symbols NEW New Varieties, New Series Fleuroselect is the International Association of Breeders & Distributors of flowers. Sales to Canadian provinces only. Provincial Sales Tax Certain items in this catalog are subject to Provincial Sales Tax regulations. In any case of exemption, JVK will require the customer to produce a copy of the Exemption Certificate and the Provincial Sales Tax Licence Number. All-America Selections Award winners for seed varieties with superior garden performance. Listing includes winners for 2000-2014 Cultural Information The Guide to Cultural information follows the following format: Point of Sale All orders are deemed to have originated in St. Catharines, ON and the sale of goods shall be bound by, and interpreted according to, the Laws of the Province of Ontario. Minimum Order Orders that total less than $25.00 will be subject to minimum handling charges. Returns Due to seed quality concerns, no seeds will be accepted for return. Special order products are non-cancellable and non-refundable. Shipping JVK will ship all products in the most efficient and effective manner available at the time of shipping. Flower seed will generally be shipped prepaid unless special shipping methods have been specified by the customer. Damaged or Defective Goods The customer shall: i) accept goods even if they appear to be in poor or damaged condition and ii) immediately enter a claim with the carrier and forward a copy to JVK. If an item arrives in poor or damaged condition, accept it & sign the receipt accordingly. Immediately enter a claim to the carrier & send us a copy of your claim for reference purpose only. CLAIMS MUST REACH US WITHIN 8 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF GOODS. NO ALLOWANCE OF ANY KIND CAN BE MADE ON CLAIMS EXCEEDING THIS TIME LIMIT. Deliveries JVK shall not be liable for damages or costs arising from the non-delivery or late delivery of goods because of acts of God, riots, insurrection, strikes, labor difficulties, shortages of material, governmental regulations, or any other reason beyond its reasonable control. Seed Count All seed counts given are approximate quantities due to variation based on a lot by lot comparison. Seed counts may vary widely between colors and series. Cut flower varieties FastraX perennials require no vernalization to flower the first year from seed. Interest on Overdue Accounts The customer shall pay interest on all amounts outstanding after the expiration of 30 days, following the invoice date. Interest on the outstanding balance shall be calculated at the rate of 2.5% per month (30% per annum). GST/HST The customer shall pay Goods & Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (Canada only) on the total value of all goods shipped, except to the extent that the goods are GST/HST exempt. New varieties and new series are highlighted in red. Common Name Sow Date Germination Temperature Light (L) or dark (D) for best germination or Zone (for perennials) Approximate Number of Days for Germination Crop Time SOW DATE These dates, especially on bedding plants are merely suggestions. Sowing dates may need to be adjusted to your local conditions & market requirements. It is always wise to sow successively in order to have flowers in bloom for early, mid and late spring planting. LIGHT (L) OR DARK (D) GERMINATION D means expose to continuous darkness to enhance germination. L means expose to continuous light to enhance germination. Cool white fluorescent lights over germination flats may be used. 300 Ft. C. are required. DL means the presence/absence of light does not have any effect on seed germination. GERMINATION TEMPERATURE Refers to the optimum soil temperature for uniform germination. CROP TIME An approximate time in weeks or months from sowing to first flowering. PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION At JVK Ltd. we are committed to protecting your privacy. As part of our on-going business relationship with our customers, we use, disclose and retain personal information for the purposes of verifying creditworthiness, completing sales transactions, reporting for the purpose of royalty monitoring and collection, responding to requests for products and information and marketing campaigns. Other than the above, we do not disclose customer information to third parties without your specific consent. A copy of JVK's Privacy Policy is available upon request. 59 Territory Managers Atlantic Canada Jim Elmore Ph.: (506) 375-9100 Toll Free Ph.: (866) 472-2800 Fax: (506) 375-9101 Niagara Peninsula Peter Berg Ph.: (905) 988-6354 Fax: (905) 684-6260 Western Sales Manager Anik Hamel Ph.: (604) 888-5229 Cell Ph.: (604) 861-2191 Fax: (604) 946-0234 Quebec City, Eastern Quebec Chantal Gauthier Ph: (418) 907-2502 Fax: (418) 907-2673 South Western Ontario Eric Roesler Ph.:(800) 665-1642 ext 4050 Fax: (905) 684-6260 Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island, BC Richard Harris Cell Ph.: (604) 861-8341 Fax: (604) 946-0234 Central & NW Quebec Annabel Carignan Ph: (819) 983-2119 Fax: (819) 983-2109 North Central Ontario and Niagara Region Jaclyn Van der Heyden Ph.:(905) 641-5599 ext 4505 Fax: (905) 684-6260 Interior & North of BC and Yukon Karen Brown Ph: (250) 275-1220 Cell Ph.: (250) 308-7613 Fax: (250) 275-1221 Manitoba, Saskatchewan & NW Ontario Bronwyn Dee Harland Ph.: (204) 417-1533 Cell Ph.: (204) 793-9515 Fax: (204) 417-1572 Alberta Ray Tamman Ph.: (780) 450-0040 Fax: (780) 450-8389 Eastern Ontario/North Ontario Brad McMillan Ph: (705) 653-1368 Fax: (705) 653-5614 US Authorized Dealers Griffin Greenhouse & Nursery Supplies Inc. Tewksbury, MA 01876-0036 Ph: (978) 851-4346 Fax: (978) 851-0012 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia ©Copyright Jack Van Klaveren Limited, 2014 Printed in Canada Bob Soos Co. Coldwater, MI 49036 Ph.: (517) 278-7283 Fax: (517) 279-7766 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio Eason Horicultural Resources Ft Wright, KY 41017 Ph: (859) 578-3535 Fax: (859) 578-2266 Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut,Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Southern USA, Southern Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Wyoming