Genetics Days 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic


Genetics Days 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic
XXVIIth Genetic Days
September 7-9, 2016
Nitra, Slovak Republic
Second Circular (2016-06)
Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding Biology
Faculty of Agrobilogy and Food Resources
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
XXVIIth Genetic Days
International Scientific Genetic Conference
September 7-9, 2016
Nitra, Slovak Republic
About Conference :: General Information
Highlight of Conference
Genetic Diversity and Production Potential of Food Resources
Use of genomics in livestock reproduction and breeding
Molecular and genetic diversity in livestock
Performance of farm animals
Genetics and breeding in specialized breeding areas (fish, bees, poultry, fur & hunting animals)
Trends in the utilization of genetics and breeding in education
Cell biology & Human genetics
Organizing Institutions
Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra, Slovak Republic
NPPC – Research Institute for Animal Production Nitra, Slovak Republic
Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Slovak Republic
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Czech Republic
Institute of Animal Sciences Prague – Uhříněves, Czech Republic
Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland
Conference website ::
XXVII Genetic Days :: September 7-9, 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic
Conference Committees
Scientific Committee
doc. Ing. Radovan Kasarda, Ph.D. – Chairman
prof. Ing. Anna Trakovická, CSc. – Chair : Animal Genetics
prof. Ing. Ondrej Kadlečík, CSc. – Chair : Animal Breeding
International Organizing Committee
doc. Ing. Peter Ondrišík, Ph.D. – Chairman
doc. Ing. Jaroslav Slamečka, CSc. – Member
Mgr. Dana Peškovičová, Ph.D. – Member
doc. Ing. Luboš Vostrý, Ph. D. – Member
prof. Ing. Josef Přibyl, DrSc. – Member
prof. RNDr. Aleš Knoll, Ph.D. – Member
prof. Ing. Jindřich Čítek, CSc. – Member
prof. RNDr. et MVDr. Petr Hořín, CSc. – Member
prof. Ing. Tomáš Urban, Ph.D. – Member
prof. dr. hab. Joanna Szyda, CSc. – Member
dr. hab. Heliodor Wierzbicki, CSc. – Member
prof. dr. hab. Tomasz Szwaczkowski, CSc. – Member
prof. dr. hab. Stanisław Socha, CSc. – Member
Organizing Committee
doc. Ing. J. Candrák, CSc. – Chairman
doc. Ing. R. Kasarda, Ph.D. – Member
doc. Ing. M. Miluchová, Ph.D. – Member
Ing. J. Bujko, Ph.D. – Member
Ing. M. Gábor, Ph.D. – Member
Ing. N. Moravčíková, PhD. – Member
Ing. V. Šidlová, Ph.D. – Member
Ing. E. Strapáková, PhD. – Member
Ing. J. Žitný, CSc. – Member
Helena Ťapušová – Member
Conference website ::
XXVII Genetic Days :: September 7-9, 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic
Conference Proposals & Submission
Extended deadline for registration and submission is gone. We are glad that we have registered
more than 70 participants with more than 50 scientific contributions. As most of you discovered
review and editing work is in progress to keep the time and deadlines. Thanks to all authors for their
collaboration till now. From 1st of June registration without proposals will be opened. Hope to meet
you all in September in Nitra, Slovakia.
Important Dates & Deadlines
Call For Proposals Launches: February 10, 2016
Extended Submission: May 31, 2016
Acceptance/Decline Announcements: June 30, 2016
Registration I: May 31, 2016 (participants with proposals)
Registration II: August 31, 2016 (participants without proposals)
Conference Dates: September 7-9, 2016
Registration & Fees (excluding accommodation fees)
Online registration:
Online Registration Form
Till May 31, 2016
100 EUR
After May 31, 2016
120 EUR
No payment on-site accepted.
To registered participants will be sent additional/other information via e-mail submitted under
registration. Visa application is subject of participant's individual responsibility.
Cancellation Policy
For every written cancellation received:
Before July 31, 2016 the full amount paid will be reimbursed minus 20% handling fees, from
August 1, 2016 no refund applies.
Payment & money transfer
Only by bank transfer. After registration you will receive separate invoices for registration fee and
for accommodation.
Information about money transfer:
IBAN :: SK56 7500 0000 0040 2281 7861
Conference website ::
XXVII Genetic Days :: September 7-9, 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic
Contacts & Conference Office
Mrs. Helena Ťapušová
Phone: +421376414298
Organizing Committee
doc. Ing. Radovan Kasarda, Ph.D.
Phone: +421376414292
Postal Address
Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources in Nitra
Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding Biology
Tr. Andreja Hlinku 2
949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic
Formal Program & Social Events
7.9.2016 :: Wednesday
8.9.2016 :: Thursday
Business meeting
Opening ceremony
Plenary Session I.
Lunch (SD A. Bernolak)
Session I.
Session II.
Poster Session
Social Evening
Plenary Session II.
Lunch (SD A. Bernolak)
Session III.
Session IV.
Technical Tour
08:00 – 08:30
08:30 – 09:30
09:00 – 09:30
09:30 – 11:30
11:30 – 13:30
Breeders Round Table
in Slovak
08:30 – 11:00
13:30 – 16:15
16:30 – 17:15
18:00 – 22:00
09:30 – 11:30
11:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:15
15:30 – 20:00
9.9.2016 :: Friday
Conference website ::
XXVII Genetic Days :: September 7-9, 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic
Keynote/Invited Speakers
Prof. dr. sc. Ino Čurik
Inbreeding and inbreeding depression, non-additive genetic effecs, genetic
biodiversity based on molecular markers in domestic and wild animals
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Dr. Raluca Mateescu
A multi-trait marker-derived gene network for meat quality in beef cattle –
implications for selection and management.
University of Florida - IFAS, Gainesville, USA
Prof. Ing. Josef Přibyl, DrSc.
GWAS in practical cattle breeding in Czech Republic, single step method, genetic
Institute of Animal Science, Prague - Uhříněves, Czech Republic
Univ. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. rer. nat. Johann Sölkner
Genomics of crossbreeding in livestock populations
BOKU Vienna, Austria
Prof. Dr. Hermann H. Swalve
Contract herds in dairy cattle in the genomics era.
Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Conference website ::
XXVII Genetic Days :: September 7-9, 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic
Maps & Accommodation
Slovakia :: Nitra
Nitra :: Conference Destination and Accomodation
 Hotel Agroinštitút ::
 Hotel River ::
 A. Bernolák Dormitory ::
For accomodation in student dormitory SD Bernolák on Akademicka Street (University campus /
Conference venue) please fill in the registration form and check boxes for the dates.
Price for participants of the conference is 12 EUR per night.
Conference website ::
XXVII Genetic Days :: September 7-9, 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic
How to get to Nitra
Nitra :: Map
Nitra is easily accessible from the nearest international airports in Vienna (A), Budapest (HU),
Prague (CZ) and Bratislava (SK).
From Vienna (Austria) to Bratislava (40 km), to Nitra (100 km). Total 140 km from Vienna to Nitra.
Just in front of the Arrivals door at the Vienna (Schwechat) airport you can find the departure point
for long distance coaches to Bratislava's "Mlynske Nivy" bus station. Look for Vienna – Bratislava
stop. Purchase your ticket in a kiosk inside the arrivals terminal.
From Bratislava to Nitra
From Bratislava's main bus station "Mlynske Nivy" take a bus to Nitra bus station (cca 80 min.). There
are many departures during the working days, little bit less during the weekends. For more
information on timetables check or Purchase your ticket from the
bus driver.
From Budapest (Hungary) to Nové Zámky (120 km), from NZ to Nitra (35 km)
From the Budapest airport go to West (Nyugati) railway station or East (Keleti) railway station. Take
the train to Nové Zámky in Slovakia. In Nové Zámky, change to the local train to Nitra. (Cost about
3000 HUF). In Nitra the railway station is close to the bus station.
From Prague (Czech Republic) to Bratislava, Slovakia (320 km), from Bratislava to Nitra (100 km) or
Prague (Czech Republic) to Nitra
From Prague's main bus station, "Florenc", there is a direct bus that leaves every night at 22:30
(10:30 p.m.) to Nitra, arriving at 5:30 a.m. The cost is about 400 CZK. During the day, you will have to
take a bus from Prague to Bratislava then change to the bus to Nitra.
How to get to the Slovak University of Agriculture
From Nitra bus station
Use the City Public Bus "MHD" transport. Purchase the ticket from the driver. The bus stop is a short
walk down Družstevná Street, to Štefániková Street. Cross to the other side for the bus stop to
downtown. Take buses number 2, 4, 12, 14, 15, 19 and 25 and get off at “Univerzity”. You need to
press a red stop button in the bus before the bus stop you wish to get off; otherwise the bus might
not stop there.
From Nitra railway station
Use the City Public Bus "MHD" transport. Purchase the ticket from the driver. The bus stop is in front
of the station building. Take buses number 4, 14 or 19 and get off at “Univerzity”.
The main university building with the mushroom shaped assembly hall is on your left side as you get
off the bus.
Also, it is also available taxi. Most companies offer one journey within Nitra for 2.50 EUR.
Conference website ::
XXVII Genetic Days :: September 7-9, 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic
Something about the City
The first mention of Nitra dates back to. The name of the city is derived from the river Nitra.
The name might originate in the Germanic word Nitrahwa, meaning "flowing water". Nitra has
a population of 85,172. The city has the wealth of historic structures and natural beauty in the
There are not so many towns endowed with such beautiful surroundings and such an ideal location
as Nitra. They say that Nitra, like Rome, was founded on seven hills. Its name is connected with the
beginnings of the history of Slovakia, with the names of Pribina, Svatopluk, Sts. Cyril and Methodius
and even with the mention of the first Christian church on the territory of Slovakia and with the
introduction of the old Slavonic alphabet. Nitra is a city in the west of Slovakia, situated at the foot of
Zobor Mountain in the valley of the river Nitra. With a population of about 85 thousand inhabitants,
Nitra is the fifth largest city in Slovakia. It is also a seat of a kraj (Nitra Region) and an okres (Nitra
The most notorious points of interest are the Nitra castle, the old town and the hill Zobor,
overlooking the city. Nitra is the seat of two universities: University of Constantinus The Philosopher
and of the Slovak University of Agriculture. The city's system of primary education consists of
14 public schools and three religious primary schools, enrolling in overall 6,945 pupils. Secondary
education is represented by five gymnasia with 3,349 students, 8 specialized high schools with 3,641
students, and 5 vocational schools with 3,054 students.
A permanent exhibition at the Nitra Museum shows the history of the city, its surrounding areas and
Slovakia. The Nitra State Gallery, the Gallery of the Young, and the Art Gallery present Slovakian
works as well as temporary exhibitions by foreign artists. The cultural life in Nitra is very rich.
A classical guitar festival is organized there each year.
The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
The Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra is the top educational and scientific institution
whose main aim is to provide students with an university education, drawing on scientific knowledge
in agriculture and neighbouring areas, as well as on creative scientific research. The Slovak University
of Agriculture in Nitra provides university education at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level at
6 faculties of life and business sciences. Currently there are more than 500 researchers and teachers
involved in teaching and research process. Currently, more than 10,000 students are studying at the
university. The university and its faculties are very active in research projects and projects of life-long
education (Leonardo, Grundtvig, Erasmus, Jean Monnet). Each year, about 100 students participate
at exchange programs (study or practical placement abroad).
Conference website ::
XXVII Genetic Days :: September 7-9, 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic
We would like to thank partners and sponsors of our conference:
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XXVII Genetic Days :: September 7-9, 2016 :: Nitra, Slovak Republic