
October 2015
Table of Contents
GENERAL CLUB RULES (GOLF & TENNIS)................................................
CHILDREN ...................................................................................................
CLUB SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES ..........................................................
Introduction ..........................................................................
Golf rules and course etiquette
Hours of Play and tee times
Bookings and registration
Cancellation of Tee times / no shows
Practice Range .................................................................
Golf Buggy and Individual Scooter Rules ...........................
Handicaps ..........................................................................
Golf dress code........................................... ……………….
Golf Tournaments ...................................................................
LOCAL RULES................................................................................................
Introduction ..........................................................................
Tennis rules and etiquette
Opening Hours
Bookings and registration
Tennis Centre etiquete.............................................................
Enforcement …………………………………………………….
Tennis Tournaments .............................................................
Gym rules ………………………………………………………….
(GOLF & TENNIS).............................................
MEMBERSHIP CARDS .(GOLF & TENNIS)......................................................
MAILING ADDRESSES ........................................................................................ 33
La Manga Club
La Manga Club SL (The Club) is the owner of the Sports Facilities at La Manga Club
representing the North and South Golf Courses, the Tennis Centre and the par 47
pitch & putt.
The Rules of usage and administration of entitlements contained in this document
must be observed by all players.
Furthermore, The Club is the owner of the West Golf Course, Las Lomas Spa and the
football centre where the referred rules must also be observed, although these
facilities do not form part of the referred Sports Facilities.
It is the intent of the Management at The Club to limit these Rules to the minimum
required for the enjoyment of the Sports Facilities by all the Players. The obligation
of enforcing these Rules is placed primarily in the hands of a carefully selected and
trained staff whose principal responsibility is to assure that Players enjoy all the
courtesies, comforts and services to which they are entitled, and that the Rules are
observed at all times. It is the duty of the Players to know these Rules of Usage and
to cooperate in their enforcement.
These rules come into force in September 2015, and are an update of the current
Rules and Regulations which supersede all previous versions. These rules can be
amended by the club at any time.
General Club Rules
1. The Director of Golf and the Director of Tennis (hereinafter the management)
have full and complete charge of the respective clubhouses and grounds at all
2. Players shall abide by the Rules of Usage and administration of entitlements of
the Sports Facilities of the Club, as amended from time to time.
3. All national, regional and local laws concerning the sale of alcoholic beverages
are strictly enforced. Alcoholic beverages will not be served or sold, nor permitted
to be consumed, on the Sports Facilities of the Club during Official Championships.
4. All food and beverage consumed on the Sports Facilities of the Club shall be
furnished by the Club, unless otherwise permitted by the Management.
5. It is contrary to the policy of the Club to have the facilities used for functions
which are related to past, present or future fund raising efforts for the benefit of a
political cause unless permitted by the Club Management. The Sports Facilities
shall not be used in connection with organized religious services, unless approved
by the Management.
6. Players may not abuse any of the Club’s employees, verbally or otherwise. All
service employees of the Club are under the supervision of the Management and
no Player shall reprimand or discipline any employee or send any employee off the
Sports Facilities for any reason. Any employee not rendering courteous and prompt
service should be reported to the Management immediately.
7. Players must not request preferential treatment from the employees of the
8. Players are not allowed in the kitchen or other service areas of the Club.
9. Vehicles must be parked in areas designated by the Club from time to time.
Vehicles should not be parked on grass lawns, along the parkway or any other road,
at the front entrance or delivery area of the Clubhouse, or in any way which blocks
the normal flow of traffic, unless specifically designated by the Club.
10. Performances by entertainers are only permitted at the Sports Facilities with
the prior approval of the Management.
11. Commercial advertisements shall not be posted or circulated in the Club nor
shall business of any kind be solicited or transacted on the property of the Club nor
upon the Club stationery, without the prior approval of the Management. The use
of the name and/or logo of the Club for any solicitation, business or other purpose
is absolutely prohibited.
12. Dogs and other pets, with exception of guide dogs, are not permitted on the
Sports Facilities without the prior approval of the Management and, if permitted,
must remain under control at all times. The owner on the pet is responsible for any
damage to the Sports Facilities caused by pets.
13. The clubhouses are non-smoking.
14. Firearms and all other weapons are not permitted on the Sports Facilities at any
15. All complaints, criticisms or suggestions relating to the operations of the Club
must be in writing, signed by the complainant and addressed to the Management.
E-mails are accepted.
16. Violation of any of these rules or conduct in a manner prejudicial to the best
interest of the Club will subject the person in violation to the disciplinary action
deemed appropriate by the Club. Please refer to the disciplinary regime in this
17. The Club reserves the right to amend or modify these Rules when necessary in
its sole discretion and will notify the Players of any change by means of the pin
board at the Golf Club House and at the Tennis Club House.
18. Under 17 are considered as Junior Players and must show their passports or any
other means of identification in order to prove their age when taking advantage of
discounts on green fees.
Players may provide their suggestions in writing to the Club in order to improve
organization and functioning of the Club.
Loss or destruction of property or instances of personal injury
1. Each Player assumes sole responsibility for their property. The Club shall not be
responsible for any loss or damage to any private property used or stored on the
Sports Facilities of the Club.
2. Property or furniture belonging to the Club shall not be removed from the room
in which it is placed or from the Sports Facilities of the Club, without proper
authorization. Every Player shall be liable for any property damage and/or personal
injury at the Club, or at any activity or function operated, organized, arranged or
sponsored by the Club, except in cases where the damage or injury is a consequence
of abnormal functioning of the club services or facilities. The cost of any damage
shall be charged to the Players and payment shall be made within thirty days. This
behaviour may constitute a serious breach of these rules, if caused in a malicious
or imprudent manner.
3. Any Player who, in any manner, makes use of, or accepts the use of, any
apparatus, appliance, facility, privilege or service whatsoever owned, leased or
operated by the Club, including without limitation, the use of golf buggies, or who
engages in any contest, game, function, exercise, competition or other activity
operated, organized, arranged or sponsored by the Club, either on or off the Sports
Facilities, shall do so at their own risk.
The player shall indemnify and hold harmless the Club and their directors, officers,
shareholders, partners, employees, affiliates, representatives and agents from any
and all loss, cost, claim, injury, damage or liability sustained or incurred , resulting
there from and/or from any act or omission of any director, officer, shareholder,
partner, employee, affiliate, representative or agent of the Club unless it is proven
that the responsibility lies with the club, that will in this case report the
circumstances of the event to its insurance company for consideration.
1. Children under seventeen years of age (JUNIORS) are permitted on the golf course
or practice area only if accompanied by an adult or approved by the Management.
The legal representative of the children under seventeen may sign a document at
the Golf Administration Office in which assumes that these children can use the
installations and assuming all the responsibility for any damages caused to people
or at the golf facilities.
2. Children under the lawful drinking age are not permitted in any bar or lounge
unless accompanied by an adult.
3. - Children under the age of 18 or adults over 18 without a driving license are not
allowed to drive golf buggies or Scooters on the Sports Facilities of the Club.
Club services and activities
1. The Club provides a variety of social, cultural and recreational events in which all
players are encouraged to participate.
2. Private parties are not permitted on the Sports Facilities, unless provided by The
Club or authorized by the Management.
3. Special event functions, tournaments and weekly competitions will be scheduled
from time to time at the discretion of the Management.
Introduction.These rules offer a guideline on how players are to play and behave on the golf
courses of La Manga Club. It is essential that the most refined respect for other
players is observed at all times.
Unlike other sports, golf is normally played without the supervision of a referee,
being essential the moral integrity of the player, when respecting the rules. Players
must behave at all times in a disciplined manner, displaying courtesy and
sportsmanship in the spirit of the sport.
Golf rules and Course etiquette.-
1.- The rules of golf of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, as approved
by the Royal Spanish Golf Federation apply, as well as the local rules set out in this
2.- Before playing a hole players must make sure no other player is close enough to
be hit either by the club or ball. Players must not play the ball until the preceding
players are out of sight. When there is no visibility players must make sure there
are no other players in the area where the ball is supposed to drop.
3.- Players should pay attention to other players on the course. Players must not
retrieve balls from lakes.
4.- Players must not purchase golf balls within the Golf Facilities from persons from
outside the club.
5.- Players are recommended not to lick their golf balls, it could be hazardous for
their health.
6.- The area of sand on the 14th Hole South course has been designated a Waste
Area. When playing any ball that comes to rest in this area, the player may ground
his club. Loose impediments may also be removed.
7.- The marshals are instructed to move groups forward if they lose their place on
the course. They will require all groups to maintain adequate PACE OF PLAY, keeping
up with the game ahead of them. Their decision is definitive.
8.- Persons using the golf facilities should do their part to make a round of golf at
the Club a pleasant experience for everyone.
9.- Do not disturb or distract, players must be considerate of others and must not
distract their play, or make noises when another player is about to play. Please
assure noise from electronic devices do not disturb the other players. Players must
not stand near or behind the ball or hole when another player is about to make a
10.- On the green, players must keep out of the way when another player is putting
and avoid projecting their shadow over the foreseeable putt and must stay near
the green until all players have finished playing the hole. Once finished, players
must move quickly to the next tee in silence.
11.- Do not waste time. Anticipate the club or clubs you may need and go directly
to your ball. Always be near your ball to play promptly when it is your turn. If a player
is delayed in making a shot, it would be courteous for such player to indicate to
another player to play.
12.- The time required to hole out on and around the green is a chief cause of slow
play. Study and clear the line of your putt while others are doing the same. Be ready
to putt when it is your turn.
13.- When approaching a green, park your golf buggy on the buggy path on the
best direct line to the next tee. This can save over half an hour per round. Never
leave the golf buggy in front of the green where you will have to go back to get it,
while the following players wait for you to get out of the way.
14.- When play of a hole is completed, leave the green promptly and proceed to the
next tee without delay. Do the scoring for the completed hole while the others in
your group are playing from the next tee.
15.- If you are not holding your place on the course (please refer to General Golf
Rules), allow the players behind to play through. Do the same if you stop to search
for a lost ball. Pace of play must be adhered too. In case of severe delays, golfers will
be asked to walk a hole to catch up or leave the course and no compensation will
be given.
16.- Repair your pitch marks on the greens. If you see unrepaired marks please
repair them also. Remind your playing partner to observe this courtesy.
17.- It is recommended to play a hole in a maximum time of 15 minutes; nine holes
in 2 hours and 15 minutes (maximum of 2,5 hours ) and 18 holes in 4 hours and 40
minutes (maximum of 5 hours). Poor play may result in handicaps being requested
and or asked to leave the course. No compensation will be given.
18.- Players using a buggy must keep the same pace as those walking, who keep the
rhythm of the game.
19.- All Players must register in the Golf Administration Office before using the
20.- "Cutting-in" is not permitted at any time. All players must check in with the
starter. Under no circumstances are players permitted to start play from residences.
21.- Practice is not allowed on the golf course. The practice facilities provided by the
Club must be used for all practice.
22.- If a foursome or other group of players fails to keep their place on the course,
and falls behind more than one complete hole from the players ahead, they must
allow the following group to play through.
23.- All players who stop after playing nine holes for any reason must occupy the
next tee before the following players arrive at the tee or they will lose their position
on the golf course and must get permission from the starter to resume play.
24.- Players are requested to pick up tees after driving. Players should be careful in
discarding broken tees since the tees damage the mowers and puncture golf buggy
25.- Enter and leave bunkers at the nearest level point to the green. Smooth sand
over with a rake and leave the rake in the bunker.
26.-Do not throw rubbish or any other object (bottles, fruit skin, empty ball packs,
etc.) on the course.
27.- Players must avoid damaging the course when practising a swing, or hitting
the ground with their club. Players must also avoid damaging the greens when
placing the flag, dragging their feet, lean on their club when waiting or when taking
the ball out of a hole, which must never be done with the putter. Damage to the
greens will be considered as a serious breach.
28.- The Marshalls will be on duty to help regulate play and ensure an enjoyable
round by all.
29.- The Marshalls are available to assist with the speed of play. Your cooperation
is appreciated.
30.- Each player must have their own set of golf clubs.
31.- All tournament play must be approved in advance by the Director of Golf.
32.- Appropriate golf attire, as described below, is required for all players.
33.- The golf course may not be used for any purpose except golf without approval
of the Director of Golf. Picnicking, biking, kite flying, football, recreational walking,
jogging, walking of pets, skateboarding and similar activities are not permitted on
the golf course without approval of the Director of Golf.
34.- If lightning is in the area, all play shall cease and players should seek
appropriate shelter immediately at the sound of the klaxon.
35.- The Club may close the golf course to play whenever the grounds could be
damaged by play or for maintenance or other special events. The Club may also
designate days during which part of the day will be reserved for special groups.
36.- No beverage coolers are permitted on the course unless previously authorised
by management.
37.- Singles or twosomes should not expect to play through foursomes and should
not exert any pressure on the groups ahead. Foursomes shall have the right of way.
38.- Twosomes and singles will be grouped with other players, if available, at the
discretion of the starter. Singles shall have no priority on the golf course and shall
be permitted to play only at the discretion of the Director of Golf.
39.- On very busy days, and in order to allow as many players as possible to start,
the starter will group the players in foursomes and groups of 2 or 3 players will
allow foursomes to play through.
40.- Players playing 18 holes have priority. If you start playing from the 10th hole,
you must allow those players coming from the 9th hole to play through.
41.- When for any reason, the game is limited to nine holes, games will start
alternatively amongst those just staring and those having finished nine holes.
42.- The Club cannot be held liable for accident, injury or misadventure. Players are
responsible for their own insurance in respect for any injuries suffered or caused by
them except in cases where the damage or injury is a consequence of abnormal
functioning of the club services or facilities.
43.- Golf Tuitions at The Club may only be carried out after authorization from the
Director of Golf.
44.- Weather conditions. The Director of Golf will determine if the golf course is
unplayable, due to adverse weather conditions, this will be classified as an act of
God. If golfers have been unable to play 12 holes, the booking will be cancelled and
a voucher or rain check will be offered for a return round. No other compensation
will be given.
45.- Maintenance work to the courses will be communicated in advance to all
players on the pin board at the Golf Club House.
46.- The Club reserves the right, from time to time, to establish and change the rules
governing access to the golf course in the Club’s sole discretion.
- Hours of Play and Tee Times
North and South Courses
The hours of play and Golf Shop hours will be posted in the Golf Administration
Office. The Director of Golf is authorized to determine when the golf course is
suitable for play. His decision shall be definitive.
It is recommended that all players have a starting time reserved via the
Administration Office. The staff will assign the starting time depending on
West Course
It is recommended that all players have a starting time reserved via the West
Course Golf Administration Office. The staff will assign the starting time depending
on availability.
- Bookings and Registration (Applicable to all courses)
Golf bookings will only be accepted within 2 months prior to the date
Notwithstanding the above, the Golf Administration Office reserves the
right to accept bookings more than two months in advance when the
player’s personal circumstances reasonably warrant.
All Bookings will be confirmed within 1 month prior to the date requested.
Starting times may be made by telephone, fax, e-mail or post.
The right to make bookings may be limited by the Golf Administration
Office, if regarded as abusive and detrimental for the rest of the players.
This booking section does not apply to the hotel, which can make bookings
at the time it deems appropriate, according to the needs of the hotel in order
to facilitate their business requirements.
Cancellations of tee-off time bookings / no shows
(applicable to all courses):
-Owner Members, Founder Members and other members with sports rights:
Cancellations of tee-off time bookings notified in less than 48 hours from the
scheduled date, or no shows will be penalized with an amount equivalent to 50%of
the Resident rate applicable on the date of the booking.
-Remaining players: Cancellations of tee-off time bookings notified in less
than 7 days from the scheduled date, or no shows will be penalized with an amount
equivalent to the green fee applicable on the date of the booking.
Cancellations must always be notified to the club by fax, e-mail or by post.
The previously referenced penalties will be charged to the Owner´s Service Account,
and by credit card for the rest of the users.
The person making the booking will be responsible for no shows of any other player
within the group. No shows by any member of the group will be charged to the
person responsible for the booking.
All Players must register in the Golf Administration Office before starting to play.
Failure to check in and register ten minutes prior to a reserved starting time may
cause cancellation or set back.
Players late for their starting time lose their right to the starting time and shall
begin play only at the discretion of the Director of Golf.
Practice Range
1. The practice range is open during normal operating hours as posted in the Golf
Administration Office. At times, to be posted in the Golf Administration Office, the
practice range will be closed for general maintenance.
2. Range balls are for use on the practice range only. Range balls are not to be used
on the golf course.
3. Golf buggies are not permitted on any practise area. Parking of golf buggies is
allowed in designated areas only.
4. Balls must be hit from designated areas only. No hitting is permitted from the
rough or sides of the practice range.
5. Proper golf attire is required on the practice range. Please refer to dress code
regulations in this document.
Golf Buggies and individual scooter Rules
1. Golf Buggies shall not be used by Players on the Golf Facilities of the Club without
proper assignment and registration in the Golf Administration Office. Golf Buggy
fees are subject to change from time to time.
2. Each operator of a golf buggy must be at least eighteen years of age and have a
valid driver’s license and insurance cover. If a person under age driving a golf buggy,
alone or accompanied by an adult, has an accident, the club accepts no
responsibility and warns that the insurance will not cover any accident that may
3. Unregistered Golf Buggies cannot be used out of the golf facilities.
4. Only two persons and two sets of golf clubs are permitted per golf cart.
5. Obey all golf buggy traffic restriction signs.
6. Buggies are permitted on fairways subject to weather conditions and course
maintenance. Buggies, scooters and electric trollies are not permitted on greens,
green surroundings and tees. Noncompliance with this norm will represent a
serious breach. Always use golf buggy paths where provided, especially near tees
and greens.
7. Never drive a golf buggy or individual scooter through a hazard including ravines
on the courses.
8. Operation of a golf buggy or individual scooter is at the risk of the operator.
Players using a golf buggy or scooter are fully responsible for any and all damages,
including damages to the golf buggy or scooter that are caused by the misuse of
the golf buggy or scooter by the Player. The player shall reimburse the Club for any
and all damages they may sustain by reason of misuse.
9. The Player using a golf buggy or scooter accepts and assumes all responsibility
for liability connected with operation of the golf buggy or scooter. The Player also
expressly indemnifies and agrees to hold harmless the Club and their directors,
officers, shareholders, partners, employees, affiliates, Representatives and agents,
from any and all damages, whether direct or consequential, arising from or related
to the use and operation of the golf buggy or scooter by the player.
10. Golf buggies and scooters shall be driven on the golf course only when the
course is open for play. Golf buggies belonging to the Club cannot be driven outside
the Golf Facilities. The owner of the buggy assumes all responsibility for liability
connected with the use out of the golf facilities.
11. The use of private golf buggies and scooters is permitted on the golf course as
per regulations set out in this document. The use of private golf buggies on the golf
courses must be authorised by the Director of Golf .An annual fee is applicable.
Please refer to our price lists.
12.- Owners must display on the windscreen of their buggies a sticker provided by
Golf Administration as proof of payment of the annual fee.
13.- Players arriving or leaving the golf facilities by golf buggy may not cross the golf
courses. All biggies must access and exit the club via the main entrance. Excessive
traffic could result in damage to the courses (extreme soil compaction).
14. Violations of the golf buggy rules may result in loss of golf buggy privileges
and/or playing privileges and will represent a serious breach.
1.- Handicaps are calculated in accordance with the current Royal Spanish Golf
2.-Handicaps may be asked for by the starter. All members with a Royal Spanish
Golf Federation license may participate in club tournaments. All handicaps
submitted may be reviewed by the tournament committee.
3.- Handicap certificates will be required on all Courses.
Golf dress code
Golf attire should be neat, tailored and consistent with the standards of the Club
and tradition of the game of golf. The use of T-shirts, sleeveless T- shirts (men’s
only), jeans, athletic apparel, bathing suits and shorts above the knee length are
forbidden. Tailored shorts above the knee are permitted. Soft spikes are compulsory
on the golf courses at all times. No metal spikes are permitted. Flip-flops and
sandals are not permitted on the premises of the club. Denim jeans are acceptable
in the club house only if they are neat and tidy, are of uniform color and free of any
fraying, holes, tears or rips.
These rules apply to all golfers, as well as to caddies and any visitor accompanying
golfers. Persons not properly dressed will be denied access. This dress code is
mandatory for all players. Improperly dressed golfers will be asked to change before
playing. If you are in doubt concerning your attire, please check with the Golf
Administration Office before starting play.
This policy also pertains to the Golf Academy, driving range, putting green and
Club house.
All Golf Staff are fully authorised to require any golfer whose dress does not
comply with the dress code, to leave the course.
Please avoid embarrassing situations, as no member of staff is permitted to allow
any exceptions to this rule.
Golfers being uncooperative or abusive to staff will be asked to leave the area of
the golf course, and may be subject to suspension.
Golf Tournaments
1.- All federated and non-federated golf tournament bookings will only be accepted
within 2 month prior to the date requested. This rule is not applicable to Owners
Match Play, Owners Summer and Winter Championships.
AGM tournaments will be considered by the Director of Golf.
2.- All federated and non-federated Members Golf tournaments may only be
organised on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in benefit to all customers.
3.- All federated and non-federated golf tournaments or related events, without
exception, must be authorised by the Director of Golf.
4.- All federated and non-federated Golf tournaments may not be organised during
maintenance weeks.
5.- The club reserves its right to charge a non-refundable inscription fee to each
player booked in a tournament. The club will publish the fee on the pin board at the
Golf Club House and will be revised annually.
In with Rule 33-7 approved by the “Real Federación Española de Golf”, the
committee may disqualify a player due to a severe infringement of the Course
Etiquette. Players may be prohibited from playing on the course for a determined
period, if they do not respect the Course Etiquette established by the Committee.
Bookings by phone, fax or e-mail will not be accepted if the entry fee is not
previously paid.
Player’s petitions, other than those related to starting-times, will be considered.
No further cards will be admitted once the cards corresponding to the last game
have been delivered to the Club, as per rule 6b.
Prize vouchers will be valid for three months.
Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions (Rule 24-1 applies)
Roads and paths.- Relief may be obtained only from roads and paths that have been
artificially surfaced with cement, tarmac or concrete. (Rule 24-2) .
a. All fixed course furniture, irrigation boxes, seats, hydrants, sprinkler heads, etc.
b. All roads and pathways and their edges, including buggy paths. The rest of the
paths and tracks are an integral part of the course.
c.. Any Bunker lining material that has surfaced above the level of the sand.
d. Low stone walls surrounding trees and the areas therein.
e. Distance stakes to the green.
f. Edging posts surrounding lakes.
g. All well pumps and any protruding parts of underground pump houses, control
boxes, and all fixed sprinkler heads are immovable obstructions, and relief from
interference but them may be obtained under rule 24-2.
In addition , if such an obstruction , on or within two club lengths of the putting
green of the hole being played, intervenes with the play between the ball and the
hole, the player may obtain relief without penalty as follows.
If the ball lies off the putting green but not in a hazard and is within two club
lengths of the intervening obstruction, it may be lifted, cleaned and dropped at the
nearest point to where the ball lay which.- a) is not nearer the hole, b) avoids such
intervention and c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green.
All advertising banners and their frames and/or guy ropes.
Relief may be obtained if the obstruction interferes with the players stance or the
area of intended swing, or the ball lies in, on, under or behind the obstruction so
that any part of the obstruction intervenes directly between the player’s ball and
the hole. Interference also exists if the ball lies within one club length of a spot
where such intervention occurs.
Relief- The player shall lift and drop the ball within one club length of the point thus
determined, not nearer the hole.
Beyond any wall, hedge, fence or white stakes defining the boundary of the course.
WEST COURSE: Internal out of bounds exist on the left on Hole 5. (Not when playing
Hole 3) and on the left of Hole 17 (Not when playing Hole 12).
a. Areas marked with white lines or blue stakes.
b. Vehicle tyre marks through the green but not faint impressions
c. Mounds of earth around newly planted trees and their irrigation channels, as well
as other areas marked by blue posts.
d. Flower beds and Garden areas, through the green, with the exception of Ice Plant,
should be treated as Ground under Repair and relief taken accordingly (Rule 25.1b)
It is totally prohibited to play from such areas.
If a player’s ball lies in such an area, or if such an area interferes with the player´s
stance or the area of his intended swing the player must take relief as provided in
rule 25-1.
HOLE 14 SOUTH COURSE - The area of sand on the right side of the fairway has
been designated a “Waste Area”. You are therefore allowed to ground the club
lightly and remove any loose impediments.
MOBILE TELEPHONES The use of mobile telephones are strictly prohibited on the
course and driving range other than when making a call in a medical emergency.
The use of distance measuring devices are now permitted at The Club.
Rule 14-3/0.5
with the group in front. If you lose your position on the course you will be advised
to rectify it. After 2 holes if the situation has not improved all the players in the
group will be advised and will receive a 2 Shot penalty at the end of the round.
WATER HAZARDS: Yellow stakes.
White post- 200 metres/yellow Posts- 150 metres/ red posts -100 metres (to front
of green ) –immovable obstruction rule (24-2).
The South Course
Originally designed by Robert Putman in 1971 and subsequently remodelled in
1992 by Arnold Palmer, La Manga Club's South Course was completely refurbished
in 2004.
The Championship course at La Manga Club, the South, is probably one of the
fairest tests of golf one can find. At 6,499 metres from the White Tees, whilst being
accepted as a top-calibre championship course, also provides a thorough test both
for the scratch player and right across the handicap range.
Located in the centre of the valley, with wide palm-fringed fairways and water
hazards that come into play on 15 of the 18 holes, the South Course holds few
hidden dangers. The many strategically positioned water hazards and bunkers will
certainly punish any wayward shots. The front nine are particularly tough, with two
par 3's over 200 metres and some daunting par 4's which will demand accurate
driving between lakes and bunkers, requiring long irons or fairway woods to the
green. The back nine, although shorter, has a number of intriguing dog-leg holes.
Special attention should be given to both the 11th and 12th holes, which demand
precise club selection to greens across water. The large waste area on the 14th will
provide "food for thought" for most players, and is followed by the par 4, 15th,
which fully justifies its stroke 1 rating. The new stream bordering the 16th Green,
now feeds a newly constructed lake protecting the front of the green, which for
sure will require 100%concentration from all golfers. The par 5, 18th, with water on
both sides of the fairway and a ravine just short of a well-protected green, will prove
to be a particularly stern finish.
The South Course has been the venue for many major professional tournaments;
Spanish Opens (both ladies' and men's), PGA Championships and Qualifying
Schools for both the men's and ladies' European Tours. In addition, it remains the
firm favourite for many companies throughout the world as the perfect venue for
their corporate events.
White Tees 6,499 mts
Course Rating 74.3
Slope 138
Par 73
Yellow Tees 6,127 mts
Course Rating 72.5
Slope 134
Par 73
Blue Tees 5,749 mts
Course Rating 76.7
Slope 141
Par 73
Red Tees 5,139 mts
Course Rating 73.2
Slope 129
Par 73
The North Course
An undulating championship course sprawling between palm trees, lakes and
'barrancas'. These natural storm gullies feature on all three golf courses and add an
extra dimension to the game.
Slightly shorter than the South, with tighter fairways and larger greens, the North
Course offers a different, yet no less challenging, round of golf. A feature of the
newly constructed greens, all built to USGA specification, is the amount of
movement incorporated in them, none more so than the short Par 3, 2nd, which
has three distinct plateaux - a great test of putting.
Relying on precision rather than length, an added challenge is provided by the wide
variety of water hazards and 'barrancas' that snake their way through the course.
This gem is sure to provide a stern test of shot making from golfers of all standards.
A deft touch is also required on the faster, newly designed greens.
White Tees 5623
Course Rating 70,1
Slope Rating 128
Par 71
Yellow Tees 5307
Course Rating 68,3
Slope Rating 125
Par 71
Blue Tees 5062
Course Rating 72,2
Slope Rating 136
Par 71
The West Course
Set amid serene pine woodlands, the West Course's design closely follows the
natural contours of the undulating land. Its distinct character makes it a good
alternative to the other, more classical championship courses. It is a deceiving
course, with frequent changes in elevation with which to contend. The tight front
nine demands accurate driving to avoid the 'barrancas' (Natural storm gullies)
while the back nine, up amongst the hills, is more open but nonetheless
challenging. The West is many golfers' favourite, both because of its unique setting
and outstanding views and because of the challenge offered by its narrow fairways,
frequent blind shots and the gullies which snake through the course. The breathtaking views, undulating fairways and fast greens make this course particularly
exciting to play. Unlike a lot of courses, having played here, golfers feel that every
facet of their game has been tested to the full. Especially the Par 3 holes, which are
a collection of probably the best short holes to be found anywhere on one golf
course. Accuracy and good golf course management as opposed to length are very
much a premium.
White Tees 5971
Course Rating 71,1
Slope Rating 136
Par 72
Yellow Tees 5689
Course Rating 69,9
Slope Rating 132
Par 72
Red Tees 4922
Course Rating 70,9
Slope Rating 128
Par 72
Introduction.These rules offer a guideline on how players are to play and behave at the La Manga
Club Tennis Centre. It is essential that the most refined respect for other players is
observed at all times.
The Tennis Centre includes all the facilities shown on the plan on page 33.
All players must at all times behave in a disciplined manner, with courtesy and
sportsmanship, this being the spirit of the sport.
Tennis rules and etiquette.1.- The rules of the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation (RFET) apply, as well as the local
rules set out in this document .
2.- Tennis balls found outside the tennis courts must be returned by the players to
the immediate tennis court or to the maintenance staff.
3.-Do not disturb or distract, players must be considerate with others and must not
distract their play, or make noises when another player is about to play. Please
assure noise from electronic devises does not disturb the players.
4.- All Players must register in the Tennis Reception before using the courts.
5.- Do not throw rubbish or any other object (bottles, fruit skin, empty ball packs,
etc.) on the tennis courts.
6.- All tournament play must be approved in advance by the Director of Tennis.
7.- Appropriate tennis attire, as described below, is required for all players.
8.- The tennis courts may not be used for any purpose except tennis without
approval of the Director of Tennis.
9.- Picnicking, biking, kite flying, football, recreational walking, jogging, walking of
pets, skateboarding and similar activities are not permitted in the Tennis Centre
without the approval of the Director of Tennis.
10.- If lightning is in the area, all play shall cease and players should seek
appropriate shelter immediately.
11.- The Club may close the tennis courts to play whenever the grounds could be
damaged by play or for maintenance or other special events. The Club may also
designate days during which part of the day will be reserved for special groups.
12.- No beverage coolers are permitted on the course unless supplied by the Club.
13.- The Club cannot be held liable for accident, injury or misadventure. Players are
responsible for their own insurance in respect for any injuries suffered or caused by
14.-Tennis tuitions at The Club may only be carried out after authorization from the
Director of Tennis.
15.- Weather conditions. The Director of Tennis will determine if the tennis courts
are unplayable, due to adverse weather conditions, this will be classified as an act
of God. If the player has been unable to play, the booking will be cancelled and
booked again during the client’s stay and subject to weather conditions and the
approval of the Director of Tennis. No other compensation will be given.
16.- Maintenance work to the courts will be communicated in advance to all players
on the pin board at the Tennis Club House.
17.- The Club reserves the right, from time to time, to establish and change the rules
governing access to the tennis courts in the Club’s sole discretion.
18.- In the interest of safety, please do not cycle around the tennis centre.
19.- Please use the bike lock up area provided in the car park or dismount and wheel
the bike inside the grounds.
20.- Please refrain from playing any ball games on the terrace outside reception.
21.- Please keep the tennis centre tidy by using the rubbish bins provided.
22.- Players must not play on the courts without prior payment.
23.- Players must always check their court with reception prior to playing.
24.- All persons using the Centre's facilities assume the risk of personal property
and release the Club, its management, employees from any and all liability for such
injury or loss of personal property.
25.- Refunds are not applicable to any cancellations caused by external reasons.
26.- Any damage to the centre, its furnishing and equipment caused by the player
will be charged to that person.
- Tennis Centre opening hours
The Tennis centre opening hours will be posted in the Tennis reception. The
Director of Tennis is authorized to determine when the tennis courts are suitable
for play. His decision shall be definitive.
-Bookings and Registration
Court reservations must be made by e-mail and may be booked without any time
All reservations must be paid in full at the time of booking (prior to playing).
All Players must register in the Tennis reception before starting to play.
Cancellations of bookings notified at least one month in advance: the full amount
will be reimbursed.
Cancellations of bookings notified at least within 15 and 29 days in advance: fifty
percent will be reimbursed.
Cancellations of bookings notified under 15 days in advance: no refund will be
Cancellations must always be notified to the club by e-mail.
All caps are permitted
Above waist
Whilst at the Tennis Centre, shirts must be
worn at all times (on and around the courts & in the proshop
and bar).
Below the waist
Shorts and tracksuits are allowed. Swimming trunks are not
permitted on the tennis courts.
To protect the courts, correct footwear must be worn on the
courts at all times. These must be flats soles tennis shoes, not
running shoes or other sports shoes with a raised sole. If
unsure please ask at the Tennis Reception.
These rules apply to all players. Persons not properly dressed will be denied access.
All Tennis Staff are fully authorised to require any player whose dress does not
comply with the dress code, to leave the courts.
Please avoid embarrassing situations, as no member of staff is permitted to allow
any exceptions to this rule.
Players being uncooperative or abusive to staff will be asked to leave the area of
the tennis, and may be subject to suspension.
This dress code is mandatory for all players. Improperly dressed players will be
asked to change before playing. If you are in doubt concerning your attire, please
check with the Tennis Reception before starting play.
Tennis Tournaments
1.- All federated and non-federated Tennis tournaments may not be organised
during maintenance weeks.
Gym rules (Tennis Centre)
Juniors under 16 are not allowed to use the gym, even if accompanied by an adult.
Shoes and sports clothes must be worn at all times. Towels must be used when
using the machines. Machines must be wiped down after each use.
Towels must be returned to reception when hired.
Sports bags and any other large items must not be left in the gym.
The Gym does not include the service of an Instructor/supervisor. If you require the
services of an instructor or supervisor please contact the gym at Las Lomas and ask
for the terms under which the gym service is provided there.
Please ensure that you use the equipment correctly, and should you not have
enough specific knowledge or any doubt, please do not do the exercise.
The club declines the liability should any damage occur.
The Marshall or maintenance staff (tennis centre) has the obligation to warn the
players when in breach of any of the rules and course etiquette included in this
document and will note all incidents and names of players involved in the Incident
Infringement to the rules set out in the present document, in discipline, and or
unsatisfactory behaviour of the players, will be considered a breach and will be
sanctioned by the Club.
Breaches will have three categories: light, serious and most serious.
The following breaches are considered light breaches:
Not to comply with the present Rules of Usage except for those
infringements considered as serious or most serious breaches.
To cause damage to the installations of the Club due to carelessness or
negligence notwithstanding any economical responsibility for the
player as set out in the present rules.
The following breaches are considered serious breaches:
Not to comply deliberately with the present Rules of Usage.
Commitment of three light breaches within twelve continuous months.
To be rude, to cause physical or mental damage to other players and/or
members of staff, within the premises of the Club, to disregard or offend
their work or person.
To damage the greens or tennis courts.
Drive buggies on greens, green surroundings and tees.
The following breaches are considered most serious breaches:
Not to comply with Spanish Penal Law, or having been condemned for
criminal offence or expelled from a club or association due to reasons
that affect personal honour.
To cause or intent to cause damage or serious and deliberate prejudice
to the facilities or interest of the club.
To take from the club facilities any materials such as golf balls, clubs,
practise ball baskets, racquets etc.
Violent behaviour within the club towards staff or players.
Nonfulfillment of a serious breach.
Commitment, within two continuous years, of three serious breaches.
Non-payment of Club Fees or other dues to the Club including the
amounts that should be paid for a “no show reservation” and damages
to the Sports Facilities referred in these rules. This breach will persist
while the debt is not paid.
All breaches will be sanctioned as follows.
a) Light breaches:
The player shall receive a Verbal Warning (by the Director of Golf or the
Director of Tennis )
The player will receive a Warning in writing.
The player will be suspended of the right to use the Sports Facilities
during a period of up to 3 months. To be communicated in writing.
b) Serious breaches:
Suspension of the right to use the Sports Facilities during a period of 3 to
6 months.
c) Most serious breaches:
Suspension of the right to use the Sports Facilities during a period of 6
months to 1 year.
In case of default of payment of Club Fees , no shows or damage to the
facilities, the suspension period will commence once the payment of the
amounts due have been paid to the club. Meanwhile, the suspension will
be indefinite.
Violations will be documented by the person or persons appointed by the Golf
Administration Office or Tennis Reception. The mere statement from this
appointed person will be sufficient evidence for the commission.
Sanctioned users have the right to provide written arguments they deem
appropriate to defend their rights and will receive a written response from the Golf
Administration Office or Tennis reception within one month.
Owner Members and Founder Members
The Holder shall appoint the Nominees by notice in writing to be given to the Club.
Nomination forms are available from Owners Accounts. Nominations shall be
deemed irrevocable for the calendar year in which the nomination is made but for
as long as the Holder shall remain the Owner of the property. The holder may vary
such election for each subsequent calendar year by giving no less than thirty days’
notice to the Club to expire on the 31st December in any calendar year. A new
nomination form must be completed. Failure to notify the Club in the manner
prescribed shall be deemed to constitute renewal of the previous nomination for a
further 12 month period.
Neither of the Founder Member nominees shall be entitled at the same time in any
one calendar year to exemption from paying in respect of both the use of the Golf
Couse and the use of the Tennis Courts. Nominations may be on the basis both
nominees being entitled to exemption of Green Fees or Tennis Court.
- Membership Cards
1. A photo-identity card will be issued to all Owner Members and Founder Member
nominees, provided annual Club fees have been paid to the Club. Owners should
contact OWNERS ACCOUNTS to arrange collection of cards. Residents will be issued
with a provisional card.
2. The Owner of a property in one of our sports schemes and/or holder of a
Founder Membership Certificate must complete and sign a nomination form
including all Owner and /or Founder Member nominees for the year.
Owner Member and Founder Member Nominations are annual and may not be
varied during the course of the calendar year. If nominations are not received by
31st December, cards will be issued to the same nominees as in the previous year.
Resident cards are valid during the stay of the nominee at the Resort.
3. Owner Members, Founder Members and Residents shall have their membership
cards with them at all times while using the Sports Facilities and must produce
their card on request to any employee or officer of La Manga Club SL.
4. Membership cards are not transferable and may not be used by any person other
than the person to whom it is issued.
5. Players must show their Member Cards when checking-in and to the starter.
6. Misuse of Membership cards will represent a most serious breach.
7.- La Manga Club reserves its right to charge for the administration and issue of
Membership cards.
Owner’s Cards
As an Owner member, up to two Owner´s card holders per registered bedroom may
be nominated each year.
Owner nominees must be members of the immediate family of the Owner (Owner,
spouse, parents, children, brother and sisters and their respective spouses) and
must be resident in the property specified when taking advantage of the
Owner member nominations are annual and may not be varied during the course
of the calendar year.
Founder Member cards
A limited number of Founder Membership Certificates (entitling two nominees to
complimentary golf or tennis) were granted to a number of owners who purchased
during the 1980’s. Founder Membership Certificates are transferable amongst
owners whose property is in the Club fee Mortgage Scheme, Full Membership
Scheme or Long Term Membership Scheme.
No new Founder Memberships Certificates are issued by the Club but Owner
members may benefit from Founder membership rights under the following
1. If you already hold a Founder membership certificate on another
property you may transfer it to your new property, A transfer charge
will be payable.
2. You may be nominated on an existing Founder Membership
Certificate on another property.
3. You may have a Founder Membership Certificate transferred to you
from another owner. A transfer charge will be payable.
The Founder Membership holder may nominate two persons, who shall be exempt
from the payment of either the Green Fees or the Court Fee which would otherwise
be payable by the nominee in admission to and in respect of the use of either the
Golf Course or the Tennis Courts situated at La Manga Club.
Founder Member Nominations and any other free sports entitlements count
towards the total number of Member cards authorised for the property in which
The Founder Membership rights are allocated.
The issue of founder membership cards is subject always to the payment of the
annual Club Fees by the owner of the founder membership rights.
Owner Members under the Club Fee Mortgage Scheme, Full Membership Scheme
or Long Term Membership Scheme may only attach one Founder membership
certificate to their property.
On the sale of a property with Founder membership rights, the holder has six
months from the date of completion in which to transfer their Founder
Membership rights to another property. The property must be within the Resort
and included in the Club Fee Mortgage Scheme, Full Membership Scheme or Long
Term Membership Scheme.
During the six-month period Founder Membership rights and cards will be
To attach your FM Certificate to your new property, you should contact the club
who will explain the procedure and necessary documentation. A transfer fee will
be payable to the Club.
Founder Member nominations are annual and may not be varied during the course
of the calendar year.
Resident Cards
If an Owner Member has guests or other people resident in their property (i.e.
people who are not annually nominated Owner´s or Founder member´s card
holders) they may obtain Resident Cards for them. This will depend on the number
of people entitled to discounted rates residing in the property at the time. If the
total number of persons entitled to discounted rates at any given time is less than
two per registered bedrooms, the Owner may apply for Resident´s Cards for other
residents and guests.
Applications must be presented in writing at Golf Administration or Owners
Accounts. Verbal applications are not accepted.
Owner´s guests should present a letter of application signed by the registered
owner/s of the property, confirming the name/s of the residents, dates of
occupancy, address at La Manga Club, name of the Owner/s and contact number.
A copy of this letter must also be forwarded by the owner to Owners Accounts or
Golf Administration by mail, fax or e-mail.
Owners shall communicate to “Owners Accounts” any change of address to the
following e-mail in order to update our records: