Annual Report - Manitoba Child Care Association


Annual Report - Manitoba Child Care Association
Manitoba Child Care Association
2350 McPhillips Street, 2nd Floor,
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2V 4J6
Ph: 204-586-8587 or Toll Free 1-888-323-4676
Annual Report
Celebrated 40 Years!
Our mission is to advocate for a quality system of
child care, to advance early childhood education as a
profession, and to provide services to our members.
To promote and support an exceptional early learning and child care system by fueling our members to be proud and
excited to belong to a progressive, respected profession.
Maintain financial independence
Provide resources and services to members on a province wide basis
Promote and develop Manitoba’s early learning and child care profession
Promote high standards of practice that support human development in early learning and child care
Advocate as a non-partisan, non sectarian organization at all levels of government for a quality early learning and
child care system
• Educate the public about early learning and child care as a profession and as a service
• Work in partnership with those involved with the care and education of children
• Encourage the development and expansion of early learning and child care training, research, and educational
President – Caryn LaFleche
President Elect – April Kalyniuk
Past President – Jodie Kehl
Secretary/Treasurer – Sheila Argue
Director of Board Operations – Wanda Bruenig
Director of Public Policy – Janice Delf
Director of Branch Services – Tami Karsin
Director – Fernanda Hodgson
Director – Lois Johnson
Director – Tracy Cosser
Member at Large – Corine Anderson
Central Region – Janice Delf
Interlake Region – Cynthia Thomsen
Parklands Region – Florence Burdeny/Janie Inkster
South Central Region – Lisa Rey
Thompson Region – Crystal Chubb/Anne-Marie Bosters
Westman Region – Deanna Way
Board of Directors
Pat Wege, Executive Director
Karen Houdayer, Professional Development Manager
Teresa Bially, Professional Development Administrator
Dianne Jones-Pearson, Records & Registration Assistant
Christina Skinkoway, Administrative Assistant
Kathleen Hockley/Allan Wainright, Finance
Caryn LaFleche, President & Pat Wege, Executive Director
The Manitoba Child Care Association celebrated our 40th
year anniversary in 2014. Whoever said 40 is fabulous
was right! We are so fortunate to have evolved into a
strong, active, well respected organization. Over four
decades, MCCA grew from a small entirely volunteer driven
organization to one with the resources to employ 6 full time
staff to work along with our member volunteers. By working
together, MCCA offers a wide range of member benefits,
and is involved in the community promoting child care as a
service and profession. This keeps early learning and child
care in the public eye, a priority on government’s agenda,
helps bring new revenue into child care facilities, and keeps
the system moving forward.
Of course, we cannot accomplish our goals without our
members and we thank you for your ongoing loyalty and
support. You should be so proud to be, not just “working
in child care”, but an important part of an essential public
service and important cause that impacts on children’s
wellbeing and family support. Child care is more than a
job; for many it is a calling and along with that comes a
determination to do more and do it better. By belonging
to MCCA, you are attached to an influential organization
that provides you with opportunities to learn, engage,
participate, meet others, share interests, fuel the passion,
and make a difference.
MCCA had a BIG year in 2014! We continued our core work
of providing a wide range of member services, working to
educate government and stakeholders on the importance
of high quality early learning and care; listening to member
needs and suggestions, representing the sector, lobbying
for change, attending community meetings on topics
related to children’s health and wellbeing.
We also took some time to reflect on our history and
celebrate our anniversary.
Each issue of Child Care
Bridges was dedicated to a decade and a summary of our
accomplishments highlighted. Some are:
• In the 1970’s, it was recognized by our founders that
child care would be better with an organization to
be the hub for services and advocacy. That is still
true today, which is why services like our insurance
programs benefit from large volume discounts which
result in lower individual rates for plan members; and
why our lobby efforts generate new revenue which
lead to more money for salaries.
• In the 1980’s, MCCA hired our first employee, adopted
our logo, and bought MCCA House on McGregor St.
• In the 1990’s, MCCA burned the mortgage on the
House, developed the first Human Resource Guide,
and launched the first salary guideline scale.
• B
y the 2000’s, we amalgamated with the Family
Day Care Association, had established 8 regional
branches, had 6 employees, close to 4000 members,
moved to McPhillips St, developed many resources,
become well known and respected for our expertise
and our accomplishments.
In 2014, we celebrated 40 years of success with an anniversary
themed awards banquet and a special recognition event
at our AGM, complete with a PowerPoint presentation,
cake, and reflections presented by Drew Perry, one of
MCCA’s first board members. Members had fun signing
MCCA Rocks with anniversary messages in exchange for a
commemorative ruby coloured MCCA anniversary pin.
We also undertook several projects in our 40th year. In
partnership with PeopleFirst HR Services, we updated
our entire Human Resource Management Guide for
Early Learning and Child Care Programs. By year end,
we completed a transition to a member managed online
database, thereby leaving behind 40 years worth of paper
processing. We worked with Modern Earth to modernize
and redesign our website, which went live December 19,
Other accomplishments in 2014 include:
• continued Pedagogical Community of Practice
• organized customized workshops for child care
• fi nancially supported the work of 6 active regional
Interlake; Central; Parklands; South
Central; Thompson; Westman
• o
ffered winter and fall workshops
• o
rganized the 15th annual directors conference
• h
osted the 37th annual provincial conference
• continued our affiliate membership with the Canadian
Child Care Federation for all MCCA members
• bought new books and resources for our library
• celebrated during the Week of the Early Childhood
• hosted 4 Director Lunch n’ Learns
• held plan member information sessions for our Health
Source Plus group benefits plan and for our SMPPP
with Industrial Alliance
• updated our Market Competitive Salary Guideline
Scale for Early Learning and Child Care Programs
Through this annual report, you will read more about
the work of our regional branches and committees. The
volunteers, along with MCCA staff support, hosted ethics
workshops, chose award recipients, provided workshops
and resource events, and published the Child Care Activity
and Record Keeping Resource Calendar and much more.
We are proud of our advocacy work with government that
helps shape legislation, regulations, and influence issues that
affect our members. We meet with elected officials, write
letters, attend meetings, and speak up for child care in the
media. MCCA volunteers were active on the local Steering
Committee that helped organize ChildCare 2020, the 4th
national policy conference. MCCA was invited by the Minister
of Family Services to participate on the Early Learning and
Child Care Recruitment and Retention Roundtable. In 2014,
the Government of Manitoba announced Family Choices:
Manitoba’s Plan to Expand Early Learning and Child Care,
including a Commission to explore ways to redesign and
help develop an implementation plan. MCCA has been
invited to participate on the Advisory Committee. Change
is in the air for child care and we are pleased to have been
We are so proud of our organization and so pleased to
belong to a progressive, respected profession. We hope
you are too! Thank you for your membership support!
MCCA Celebrates the Big 40
Tami Karsin
We have seen a big turnover on the Regional Boards this past
year. I would like to welcome the new Regional Board chairs and
their board members to our team. We meet by teleconference
5 times per year and we have one in-person meeting in June.
It was good to meet people face to face to get to know them
just a little bit better. We have a good group who are working
hard to make sure that their local regions have professional
development offered in their area that is high quality and
affordable. This is made possible by the provincial MCCA office
giving rebates to each active region to help them offset the
cost of proving these professional development opportunities.
All regions have by-laws and guidelines to follow in order to
be eligible for these rebates. It is a great feeling to know that
some of our membership dollars can come back to our own
areas to benefit our members. As regional board members it
is our responsibly to keep our local members informed and to
share information that otherwise they may not get. It keeps the
members from around our province just a little bit closer.
The active regions are: Central, Interlake, Parklands, South
Central, Thompson and Westman
Inactive regions: Norman and Eastman
If you are an MCCA member in these regions and want to know
more about professional development or if you are interested
in joining the regional board in your area make sure you contact
your regional board. This contact information is on the MCCA
website. Check out the new MCCA website and I am sure you
will learn something that you didn’t know. Things are always
changing and MCCA strives to keep up with all things affecting
their members and the Early Childhood Profession.
I am looking forward to another awesome year with MCCA and
doing what I can to benefit our profession and our members!
Central Region
Chairperson: Janice Delf
Treasurer: Lori Carpenter
Secretary: Shari Clements
Members at Large: Pam Anderson, Cindy Curry, Carrie Rose
2014 was a busy year for the Central Region. In March we
participated in the local Career Expo held at the Portage
Collegiate Institute. We had the opportunity to meet with
students and explain exactly what our job entails and the
education required to become an ECE II or an ECE III. In April
we offered three evening workshops that provided training for
Anaphylaxis, Epipen, and Seizures. On the first evening the
training was accompanied by a presentation on the World
Forum on Design. The staff of the Portage Ukrainian Nursery
School attended the World Forum in California in 2012 and put
together a presentation of beautiful child care programs they
had visited. The other two evenings included presentations
from a registered dietician. Janelle Botterill, RD educated the
participants on how to make better food choices.
In May some of the Central Branch members attended the
Provincial MCCA Conference and Anniversary Banquet.
Lori Carpenter was part of the Class Reunion that celebrated
their 30th Year in child care. Bravo!! In May the branch held
a workshop in Holland Manitoba. Donna Tom-Brannan
presented “Child Care 101” and “Introduction to Thereplay”.
After taking a break over summer the branch reorganized and
offered a evening workshop “Shake Rattle and Roll: Shake Up
Music Time”. Michelle Lawrence attracted 50 participants and
had the entire group moving and singing for a real fun evening
of professional development and networking!
In the fall, we also had the opportunity to meet with the local
MLA, Ian Wishart. At this meeting we discussed some of the
challenges being faced by the child care field and personal
experiences of what may be needed to improve the overall
child care system.
If you would like to become actively involved in the region
please contact Janice at or phone. We
look forward to another challenging, but successful year! The
Branch would like to thank everyone who sits on the Board and
also to all the members who participate in workshops to make
them a success. Let’s continue to advocate for early learning
and child care to ensure Manitoba remains at the forefront!
Eastman & Norman Region
Requires new volunteers for regional board.
We want to plan professional development events for these
regions please email Karen Houdayer at khoudayer@mccahouse.
org with your suggestion for topics and presenters.
Interlake Region
Chairperson: Cynthia Thomsen
Vice Chair: Troy Nelson
Secretary: Lori Malcolm
Treasurer: Cindy Einarson
Members at large: Shara Selkirk, Kelsey Dingwall
2014 marked the 10th anniversary for our region.
Our spring workshop was held Saturday, April 12th, 2014 in
Gimli, with Gimli Children’s Centre generously offering their
centre for our event. In the morning session, We are Warriors
with Marc Battle was presented, and in the afternoon, Behaviour
and Autism/Early Intervention Specialist Amy Marks presented.
We held our AGM at lunch. Cynthia Thomsen remained on as
Chair, and the remainder of the board stayed on as well.
Our region also sponsored Best Choices: Ethics Part I & II in
Stonewall on April 26th and offset the cost of 10 members to
attend the Hi 5 workshop on June 25th in Gimli.
Our fall workshop was a lot of fun. We celebrated our 10th
anniversary at the Lakeview resort in Gimli with the tireless
help of Karen Houdayer. Over 40 members enjoyed Genella
Macintyre in the morning and Minute to Win it games with
Karen Houdayer in the afternoon. Marcia Desmedt and Nienke
Shutz-Kolster had ECE trivia games throughout the day.
At our in person meeting in June, Troy Nelson was appointed
to vice chair and Cindy Einarson took on the Treasurer position.
Lori Malcolm remained Secretary, and our members at large
remained Shara Selkirk and Kelsey Dingwall. Rachelle McKay
stepped down from the board, and Tami Karsin remained a
liaison for the 10th anniversary committee.
Parklands Region
Chairperson: Florence Burdeny/Janie Inkster
Vice Chairperson: Debbie Telfer
Secretary: Tanya Sisson
Treasurer: Genevieve Lebel
Members at Large: Natalie Archambault (Professional
Development), Rose-Marie Bishop, Judy Chachula, Brenda
Deneer (Bridges Liaison), Ashley Green, Gloria Korman, Cindy
Once again during the Week of the Early Childhood Educator
we had the celebration with a bowling night, but this one was
special. It was held during MCCA’s 40th anniversary year! There
were prizes for all in attendance. Supper was catered – caesar
salad, mini cheese biscuits, and lasagna. Mini massages were
offered compliments of a local masseuse. Mini pedicures were
offered as well.
The planning committee was able to organize two professional
development opportunities this year. A day offering Best
Choices: Ethics I and II was held in February and was well
attended. In the fall, the planning committee brought From
Boring to Spectacular and Five Fabulous Senses to the
region. The regional board plans professional development
opportunities in and around the region. Any good ideas for
future events? Want to help plan something specific, or want
assistance to plan something closer to home? Please call to
discuss what we can do together.
South Central Region
Chairperson: Lisa Rey
Vice Chair: April Bickford
Secretary/Treasurer: Brenda Grindell
Members At Large: Dallas Davies, Marina Levvy, Amanda
VanCauwenberghe, Kelly Unrau (on mat leave).
Resigned in 2014: Stephen Dracul
The year flew by very quickly for us here in South Central. It
was a great year to look back on, as it was our best year for our
annual spring conference. We introduced a bowling evening
in January for an early ECE Week treat, bowling, pizza, good
friends and a lot of laughs. Along with adding the bowling
as a way to give back to our members, we put on a directors
conference in the fall which was also a big success. On behalf of
the South Central MCCA I would like to thank all the members
in our region for their continual support you show whether it be
through workshops, or special events that we put on.
Thompson Region
Westman Region
Chairpersons: Crystal Chubb & Anne-Marie Bosters
Chairperson: Deanna Way
Secretary: Jill Burton
Treasurer: Palwinder Deol
Members at large: Barb Carlson (Bridges Liaison), Alysha
Marques, Janet Wheaton
Treasurer: Bev Sanderson
Secretary: Becky Gable
Members at Large: Nancy Smith, Heather Adam, Janet
Berezowecki (resigned in April 2014), Melanie Maxwell
Heinrichs, Anna-Kay Gordon (resigned in October 2014)
We would like to thank the following board members: Kirsten
Ross, Shila Pitel, and Bonnie Caddy for their service.
On February 19, 2014 we held our AGM, a workshop and
presented the Cheryl Brockington Award. The workshop was
“Reporting of Child Protection and Child Abuse: Handbook
and Protocols for Manitoba Service Providers”. Presented by,
Lorna Hanson: Manager of Investigations /Risk Assessment
- Child Protection Branch. The winner of the 2014 Cheryl
Brockington award was Jill Burton. There were 89 participants
at this event.
The year of 2014 brought change, renewal and realignment of
the Westman regional branch as we welcomed new members
and said goodbye and thank you to members who moved on.
To start off the year our participation in a teleconference with
Pat Wege helped to reaffirm and steer the regional branch on
the path to follow MCCA’s vision and mission. As a group we
held various meetings to orientate ourselves and to also plan
the promotion of a professional development day in April 2014.
We linked our Professional Development Day and the Annual
General Meeting with the event of “Week of the Early
Childhood Educator”. The event called, “Kick off for the Week
of the ECE” was held at the start of the ECE week and we
offered two workshops; “From Boring to Spectacular – Chantel
Colli & Janet Berezowecki and “Drums Alive” with Jolene
Balciunas, networking time, and lunch while we conducted
our Annual General Meeting. The event was a success and 30
participants joined in the professional development and AGM.
Jill Burton, recipient of the Cheryl Brockington Award.
On March 14, 2014 MCCA Thompson branch teamed up with
U.C.N, E.C.E students to host a workshop on children with
additional support needs. We provided refreshments for this
On April 30, 2014 MCCA Thompson branch hosted a bowling
night in recognition of week of the E.C.E. We had many
participants who were treated to pizza, beverages, and bowling.
The Westman regional branch participated in and made a
donation towards the workshop costs for Healthy Brandon’s
Personal Resiliency & Workplace Mental Health in May 2014
held at the Victoria Inn, Brandon, MB.
On Tuesday June 3, 2014 Wendy Murphy presented a workshop
on “Teamwork Starts with Communication”. There were 46
participants at this event.
We continue to meet regularly and promote the mission
of MCCA as well look forward to our own personal and
professional growth as a regional branch in the upcoming year.
In September 2014, MCCA Thompson region moved our library
from the old U.C.N campus to the Grass Roots Early Learning
Child Care Centre on Thompson Drive.
Chairperson: Sheila Argue
2014. Allan is a CMA with many years of experience and brought
the high level expertise we needed to catch up on our financial
statements and help with the new A/R software integration.
Committee Members: Kim Perring; Tracy Cosser, Brenda
McCarthy, Angela Hanischuk
In spite of the challenges, MCCA had a very successful year
financially. Our revenues from membership fees, resource sales,
and professional development events were substantially higher
than budget. This included unanticipated revenue from the sale
of our revised Human Resource Management Guide for Early
Learning and Child Care Programs and very popular workshops
and conferences. Our overall expenses were under budget,
resulting in a surplus of revenue over expenses.
MCCA Staff: Pat Wege
MCCA faced some challenges with our finances in 2014. We
continued to experience problems with our SAGE CRM software,
making the accurate and timely tracking of membership
receivables and payments difficult. It became clear the issues
were not going to be resolved so midway through the year, staff
undertook a search for an alternative. Upon the recommendation
of our auditors, and after checking references, we selected
YourMembership (YM). Work began in August to customize
the platform and it was launched just prior to our year end in
December. We hope our members will enjoy the features of YM
that allows them to go online to join MCCA, pay dues, change
information, and receive email communications from MCCA.
MCCA is a growing organization and has struggled to keep up
with a large membership using our old paper based system. We
are optimistic our accounts receivable challenges are behind us
and look forward to more accurate and timely processing. We
hope to introduce more of the YM features in 2015.
Upon presenting the year end statements, Allan reported to our
Finance Committee that “overall your organization is in a strong
financial position with cash in the bank, good cash flow, up to
date systems, strong presence in the community, and very few
continuing financial obligations to others”.
I know that MCCA will continue to be your leader in advocacy,
provide you with high-quality conferences and workshops
maintain a top of the line resource library for you and continue
to link together your early childhood education field.
I am stepping down this year from the Board and I would like
to thank the Finance Committee and Board of Directors for
their hard work, great decision making and valuable input. I’ve
learned a lot over the years and I wish only the best for them and
MCCA. I’d like to extend a special thank you to all the MCCA
staff for their support and helpfulness this year and every year.
In the midst of our accounting challenges, our Finance &
Accounting Manager left on disability in September. We were
fortunate to acquire the services of Allan Wainwright, who has
been providing accounting services to MCCA since November
2014 REVENUE & EXPENSES (Unaudited)
Capital Fund
Interest & Other
Revenue 1.5%
Fees 1.9%
Capital Fund
Fees - 54.5%
- 36.6%
Membership Services
& Public Education
- 76%
Advertising &
Resource Sales
Child Care Assistants
Full/Part Time Centres
Family Child Care
Full Time/ Part Time
Previous Year
Liability Insurance Programs Through MCCA
The MCCA insurance program continues to deliver quality coverage and service to child care centres and family
child care providers. Our insurance program specialists are dedicated to maintaining high quality customer
service which clients have come to expect as members of the association.
Overall enrollment numbers remain consistent again this year. One area which has seen a slight increase in
enrollment is the Directors and Officers liability program. We strongly recommend that centres purchase this
affordable protection for their board members if they have not already done so.
Our emphasis going forward is on claims administration to ensure that claims are handled in a timely and efficient
manner in accordance with policy conditions. We have experienced some large claims this past year and are
pleased with positive feedback provided to us from clients relating to the service received during a time of need.
We have recently amended policy conditions to enhance the overall program as follows:
• Revised rating structure for building policies
• Introduction of a “disappearing deductible endorsement” to both building and contents/liability policies
(not applicable to family childcare providers)
• Introduction of abuse coverage to child care centres (a base limit of coverage will be extended to each
centre insured under the program for no charge with an option to purchase higher limits)
Dave and Brian continue visiting centres to provide reviews of the insurance program and also make themselves
available for board meetings when requested.
We are pleased with the progress made in 2014 and look forward to a successful 2015.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the insurance program, please call our Charleswood office at
Brian Kelly, Dave Morris & Your MCCA Insurance Team
The professional development events were well attended in 2014. MCCA strives to bring its members high quality workshops, seminars,
and conferences. We appreciate those who attend, provide feedback and suggestion future professional development events.
# of Participants
Winter workshop series (this number almost doubled from 2013)1177
“Wisdom begins with Wonder!”
MCCA’s 37th Early Childhood Education Conference
MCCA’s 15th Annual Director’s Conference
Spirit of the Leader
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Fall workshop series
In addition to the professional development events MCCA hosted we also organized 11 personalized professional events for the
following centres/organizations:
Eastman Directors Group
Brandon Friendship Centre
Rivercrest Early Learning
St. James Directors Group
Bumper Crop Early Learning Westview Community
Healthy Child MB
Freight House Early Learning & Care
Interlake Region’s 10th anniversary
Budz N Bloom Day Care Centre
Whyte Ridge Child Care
In addition to these events there were many professional development events hosted by
regional branches throughout the province.
Here’s a few photos from our events
throughout 2014.
Board Operations and Development
Chairperson: Wanda Bruenig
Committee Members: Lois Johnson, Caryn LaFleche, Jodie
Kehl, April Kalyniuk
MCCA Staff: Pat Wege
The mandate of this committee is to ensure MCCA maintains
a diverse, well skilled board. It also ensures that operational
procedures are developed in order to achieve our vision and
In 2015, the committee:
• Reviewed the by-laws to ensure that they were current
and up to date
• Reviewed policies, creating some new ones and
amending others throughout the year
• Secured a slate of nominees for the 2015/2016 Board of
Child Care Benefits Committee
Chairperson: Jodie Kehl
Cost containment of the plan remains a fundamental priority
of the committee. 2014 saw a 1.8% increase to the plan for its
members. Over the past 5 years, on average, the plan has only
increased by 1.52%!
Under the guidance and expertise of HSP, the committee
introduced new plan design options for its members in 2014. A
flexible modular plan was developed to offer members choices
in tailoring their group benefits needs on a centre to centre
basis. In addition, a retiree plan was established.
Dave Morris and Brian Kelly continue to be supportive,
knowledgeable and active in their role as the liability insurance
providers of Morris Insurance.
In 2014, there was no increase to the Family Child Care
Providers’, Centres’, and the Directors & Officers liability
premiums. The D & O liability premiums have remained stable
for the past 9 years. As of December 2014, there were more
than 16,700 children at 420 centres as well as the Family Child
Care Division insured under the program.
Thank you to all committee members for your continued
commitment to the Child Care Benefits Committee.
Conference Committee
Committee Members: Julie Morris, Kim Perring, Marita Rempel,
Laurinda Neyron, Debra Rempel Page, Karen Ohlson, Diana
Metrik, Sharon Allen; the committee welcomed Fernanda
Hodgson, Wanda Bruenig and Melanie Fraser in 2014.
MCCA Staff: Pat Wege
The Child Care Benefits Committee continues to act as
an advisory committee to the Board of Directors. It is
responsible for providing background information and
making recommendations to the Board of Directors on the
establishment, management, coverage and plan review for all
MCCA insurance programs.
As specified in its committee mandate, the Child Care Benefits
Committee held an independent review of the insurance
plan in 2014. The review covered design & coverage, claims
review, affordability, administrative & management services,
communication, reporting and marketing.
The Group Benefits Plan under Health Source Plus (HSP)
flourished over the year reaching enrolment of 969 members.
Under the guidance and expertise of Rob Carducci (Partner/
Senior Benefits Consultant), Lorna Struch (Client Manager),
and Steve Mansbridge (Benefits Consultant), the Child Care
Benefits Committee continued to be mindful in overseeing the
Marilyn Valgardson
Committee Members: Sheila Argue, Val Comack-Zurba,
Cindy Lamoureux, Darla Croall, Lynda Raible, Bernadette
Rozybowski, Melodie Meakin, Adam Manicom, Kisa MacIsaac,
Joanne Mitchell, Tracy Slonowski
At the end of the 2014 conference we said goodbye to Darla
Croall, Kisa MacIsaac, and Joanne Mitchell and hello to 6
new committee members: Mariella Carr, Melanie Glaser, Kim
Hamilton, Kayla Mauricio, Brenda McCarthy, and Vanessa
MCCA Staff: Karen Houdayer
Once again MCCA’s conference
to be able to attend a top
notch professional learning
, May 29 to 31, 2014.
As always, the conference
planning committee made a few
adjustments to enhance the delegate experience and ensure
the event was successful. One of the newest innovations was
the introduction of the Mobile Conference App. The app
was developed to enable delegates to enter their scheduled
events, get a sneak peek at the tradeshow vendors and
workshop presenters, find their way around the conference
site and complete the conference evaluation; all on their smart
phones. Delegates were keen to embrace the technology and
we hope to gain even more followers in 2015. Another new
facet of this year’s conference was the Saturday Marketplace
where delegates got a chance to see some of their favourite
tradeshow vendors but also to meet some new and different
vendors with everything from First Aid classes to tea and
scrapbooking supplies. We also offered an evening workshop
on Thursday night with one of our Keynote speakers. That
event was well attended (and a lot of fun). We were happy to
be able to have an evening session so that those members who
cannot attend during the day still get a chance participate in
the conference.
Each year, the Conference Committee and our leader, Karen
Houdayer, MCCA’s Professional Development Manger, set out
to put together a line up of keynote speakers, workshops and
learning experiences that gives each delegate just what they are
looking for. With over 1000 delegates, it’s no easy feat, but our
goal is for your conference experience to feel tailor made just
for each of you. We encouraged you to wonder – to examine
and learn new things. To further entice you to truly “wonder,
what if?”, We brought in 3 new and exciting keynote speakers,
Marc Kielburger, Toni and Robin Christie and Jeff A. Johnson.
They shared their knowledge and passions with us and opened
us to a global perspective. This year’s Conference Committee
was a busy group. We hosted over 40 workshops, served over
1000 lunches, stuffed over 1000 delegate packages all while
giving directions, helping delegates find their sessions, selling
50/50 tickets and staffing the MCCA Boutique. And at the end
of the last day, we gathered your evaluations, packed up the
store and headed home, tired but excited and full of ideas to
enhance your next conference experience!
We’ve got some great things planned for you at the 2015
Honouring Childhood through Play conference. See you there!
Editorial Committee
Chairperson: Brenda Bachinsky
Committee Members: Cathy Addis, Bonnie Brown
MCCA Staff: Karen Houdayer
The goal of MCCA’s Editorial Committee is to keep its
readers connected to early learning and child care by sharing
information through its quarterly publications. Every year we
strive to come up with new and fresh ideas. Our reader, you, is the
most important part of every publication so we are constantly
searching for a different spin on articles and information to
keep the excitement of the field going strong. Thank you to all
the contributors for sharing their time, knowledge and insight
during the 2014 year.
In 2014 the Manitoba Child Care Association celebrated its
40th Anniversary. In every issue of Bridges during the year the
Editorial Committee showcased an era from those 40 years to
help share in the celebration. We highlighted a little of MCCA’s
history, offered some fun facts and photos from each time
period along the way. Congratulations to MCCA for advocating
for child care as a service and a profession in the Province of
The Editorial Committee’s enthusiasm is like no other group.
Each member is so diligent in finding topics that keep our
readers interested. Our editor Karen Houdayer is so passionate
for MCCA and Bridges that she is always looking to up the ante.
This year was no different.
“Inquiring Minds Want to Know” was the
title of our Spring issue, which focused
on science and sensory. We learned that
sensory experiences can be messy fun.
We showed how science can be taught
while cooking with children and we
provided many science resources such as
activities, experiments and projects.
The Summer issue was all about Creativity.
Summer is a time of fun and adventure. We
learned that money isn’t always the biggest
obstacle when it comes to summer planning;
the obstacle is limiting our imaginations.
We assessed our own creative personalities,
learned how to foster and invite creativity
into our programs, and took a journey on
creativity and ethical choices.
The theme for the Fall issue was Human
Resources. Human resource issues come
in many forms for everyone in our field.
This issue focused on creating positive
work environments, building connections,
and breaking the cycle of conflict to move
forward in an effective solution.
‘Innovations In Child Care” was the final
topic for the year, in our winter issue. It was
an issue that allowed for much reflection of
ourselves and our field. We’ve seen many
changes in the direction and landscape
of early learning over the years, ECE
training and educational opportunities
and innovations in our ways of thinking.
We now consider how our early learning
environments are reflected by the children, family and
community. We understand the importance of nature play and
enriching our outdoor spaces. We’ve adopted a more focused
pedagogy approach to how we think and we are driven by our
code of ethics.
If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact
Karen Houdayer, Professional Development Manager at or 204-336-5062.
Ethics Committee
Chairperson: Michele Grant
Committee Members: Sharon Balasko, Janet Berezowecki,
Sheila Bogoch, Mariella Carr, Jenn Cullen, Heather Deamel
(resigned), Melanie D’Souza, Christine J. Enns, April Kalyniuk
(resigned), Monica Lytwyn, Donna Riddell (resigned), Kisa
MacIsaac, Mandy Plett, Sina Romsa, Tracy Smith, Keri
Waterman, Barbara Wierckx
MCCA Staff: Karen Houdayer
The mandate of the Ethics Committee is to advance the early
childhood field by promoting ethical practice. We continue
to lead the Manitoba early childhood community in dialogue
about our Code of Ethics and the importance of reflecting on
the decisions we make in our daily practice.
Our committee’s professional development this year, lead by
Shannon Gander was focused on conflicts and the delicate
balance we are sometimes faced with as guides during
workshops. Proving that this ethical journey is never over and
we all have a commitment to challenge the way each other
thinks and why we choose the actions we do.
We continue to revise and follow our work plan to ensure we
meet all of the goals, complete all of the work we have assigned
for the year, and more importantly to challenge our committee
to create innovative ways to help our members keep values and
beliefs on the forefront of everything we do.
Throughout the year the Best Choices: the Ethical Journey
workshops were offered in Winnipeg and throughout the
province. We continue to address the unique needs and
when relevant, provide sessions for specific target groups
such as directors and supervisors. Committee members
contributed articles quarterly to Child Care Bridges, planned
an informational insert into the conference delegate packages
and invited members to participate in “games” night at the
annual MCCA Conference. This year we introduced “Hot
Topics” sessions which have been enthusiastically attended.
It has provided an opportunity for our members to come
together for an organized evening to discuss the opposing
views of topics that are of interest to them. I encourage you to
join us. No two workshops are ever the same!
Recognizing the need for committee succession planning
and the importance of continuity in this very important work
of the MCCA, we will be exploring the interest in hosting an
Ethics Guide Train the Trainer session in 2015/16. If you are
interested in promoting the MCCA’s Code of Ethics watch for
more information this coming year. We are also in the planning
stages of creating a one hour review of the four-part journey
that members will be able to access on-line.
Thank you to the committee members past and present. It is
through your commitment we are able to keep our community
talking about not only what we do, but why we choose the
actions we do! We accepted the resignation of three committee
members this year, Heather Deamel, Donna Riddell and April
Kalyniuk. I want to extend a very special thank you to April one
of our committees founding members. I know she will continue
to support your ethical journey through her work on the MCCA
Board of Directors.
Family Child Care Committee
Chairperson: Cheryl Tremblay
Committee Members: Shannon Trickett, Michelle
Normandeau, Karen Holyk, Gillian Robertson, Melissa Sopel
MCCA Staff: Teresa Bially
The committee members completed work on the 2015 resource
calendar and began planning for the 2016 resource calendar.
Through our efforts to recruit new members we welcomed two
more FCC providers to our committee. We discussed the FCC
benefit package and other issues related to family childcare.
We will continue our calendar work, recruitment efforts and
discussions of family childcare related issues in the coming
public/non-profit quality child care for all families excited us
all. We all agreed we left the conference with sheer energy and
excitement to proceed with the new child care vision in mind.
As in the past, recommendations were made to the government
in regards to the future of early learning and child care. Some
committee members had an opportunity to meet with the
Honourable Kerri-Irvin Ross to review our issues in regards to
the Market Competitive Salary Scale, The Commission on early
leaerning and child care, long-term staff support, minimum
wage increases affecting budgets, and the relationship
between child care and schools.
The PPPC continued to promote the Market Competitive
Salary Scale and the Human Resource Management Guide
to the government and to our membership. The group also
brainstormed on what would be required for child care to
integrate into the education system. We came up with four
main points that were presented to the Minister of Education.
The Awards Committee which is a sub-committee of PPPC
actively seeks nominations for the MCCA Awards and invites
all MCCA members to participate in honouring colleagues
through nominations. Awards are presented to members
who have displayed high standards through dedication,
commitment and best practice.
With upcoming elections the PPPC will continue to deliver
the message of how valuable quality early learning and child
care is across the province. Child Care will certainly be a hot
topic and it will be very important for us to make well-informed
decisions as the political parties present their platforms related
to child care. We look forward to a busy and productive 2015.
Thank-you to all the committee members for their ongoing
enthusiasm and input.
Public Policy and Professionalism
Retirement Plan Advisory Committee
Chairperson: Janice Delf
Chairperson: Caryn LaFleche
Committee Members: Ron Blatz, Tracy Cosser, Caryn LaFleche,
Laurinda Neyron, April Kalyniuk, Corine Anderson, Wanda
Brueing, Julie Morris, Jodie Kehl, Fernanda Hodgson
Committee Members: April Kalyniuk, Lois Johnson, Jodie
MCCA Staff: Pat Wege
The past year was once again a busy one for the Public Policy
and Professionalism Committee (PPPC). We welcomed Corine
Anderson to this committee and look forward to her input. The
committee made recommendations to MELCC in regards to
the policy on the transportation of children in staff vehicles.
Many committee members also attended the National Policy
Conference held in Winnipeg November 13-15, 2015. The
Vision to have a National Child Care program in place for
Canada which includes Affordable, Accessible, Inclusive and
MCCA Staff: Pat Wege
The mandate of this committee is to oversee MCCA’s grouped
RRSP and SMPPP for MCCA centre members and make
recommendations to the Board of Directors. The purpose is
to ensure that both plans are managed in accordance with
the best practices and guidelines recommended for Capital
Accumulation Plans.
In 2014, the committee continued to work in partnership with,
and under the expertise of, People Corporation (Andrea
Kreutzer, VP Group Retirement Solutions) and Industrial
Alliance (Eric Baron, Customer Relations Manager).
An annual pension committee meeting was held in October
2014 where the committee reviewed the record keeping of
Industrial Alliance and ensured all governance checklists and
Certificate of Compliance were complete.
In addition, the committee has worked closely with the
advisors to develop communication regarding the Manitoba
SMPPP/pension legislation. This has been shared with all
MCCA members so they are informed of the fiduciary duties of
employers as a sponsor of an SMPPP or pension plan.
Thank you to the Retirement Plan Advisory Committee members for their contributions.
School Age Committee
Chairperson: Brenda Still
Committee Members: Candice Bell, Mariella Carr, Szilvie Carriere,
Balwinder Khangura, Suzanne Otte, Shannon Andruski
MCCA Staff: Teresa Bially
The MCCA school age committee members are early
childhood educators (ECE) that work in school-age child care
programs throughout the city of Winnipeg. Our meetings are
a time to network, gain support from other professionals, and
learn about current issues related to school age child care. This
year some of the topics covered were Pro-social tools such as
Second Step and Fish Philosophy, a comparison of the number
of school age spaces to preschool spaces, and issues around
recruitment and retention of ECEs in school age programs. Our
meetings occur primarily at MCCA. We ended off the 2013/14
school year with a pot-luck meeting at Voyageur In-school
Our members make their expertise in the area of school age
child care known beyond the committee. This past year, Brenda
Still has been asked to sit on a provincial roundtable looking at
recruitment and retention of early childhood educators. She
has been making the issues related to school age childcare
known to the roundtable.
The School Age Resource Evening took place on November 13,
2014 at the Victoria Inn. There were four presentations shared
with the participants. This year the topics that were covered
were: Board games, presented by Balwinder Khangura and
Christine Tabing. Getting to Know the School Age Child, by
Brenda Still; Issues in Inclusion in School Age Child Care, by
Debbie Russell; and Fitness through Play, by Suzanne Otte.
There were 70 participants that attended this event. In 2013
the School Age Support Committee approved a motion to
allocate excess funds to be transferred to general workshop
or conference revenue for MCCA. In 2014 we voted to leave
the School Age Resource Evening revenue in the general
workshop revenue. This enabled the School Age Committee
to contribute in a small way to the finances of MCCA.
Minister of Family Services Kerri Irvin-Ross signs
the proclamation for the 23rd Annual Week of
the Early Childhood Educator with past MCCA
award recipients.
On May 30, 2014 as a part of MCCA’s
begins with
Conference we celebrated the
accomplishments of fellow colleagues by honouring
them at the MCCA Anniversary Dinner. Congratulations
once again to the recipients and thank you to those who
attended to support recipients.
At the anniversary dinner we acknowledged MCCA
members who have reached career milestones for 5+ years
working in the child care field.
5 Years
Yan Chen Hong, Rebecca Gabel, Donna McKay,
Aricelle Mateo
Dr. Gretta Brown Scholarship Award
Université de Saint-Boniface – Khalil Chouayekh
Red River College – Leah Edmonds
10 Years
Educaring Award
Oak River Kids Club & Oak River School
15 Years
Jen Peron
Darla Croall, Pat Furman, Mandy Plett, Tracy McDowell
Volunteers of the Year
Kisa MacIsaac & Janice Delf
20 Years
Friends of Child Care
Marc Battle
Tammie Valiquette
25 Years
Leader of the Year
Bernadette Rozybowski
Sheila Argue, Tami Karsin
30 Years and Class of 1984
MCCA works with a variety of groups and organizations to
share information, develop policy, implement programs
and activities.
Marilyn Valgardson, Debbie Sleeva, Janet Lees, Marla
MacGregor, Bertha Hutcheson, Lianne Picton, Karen Ohlson, Pat
Pankewycz, Joanne Mitchell, Lori Carpenter, Sue Sydorchuk, Alda
Thomasson, Karen Riediger, Marja Masotti
Community Living Manitoba Inclusion Committee
Child Care Education Program Approval Committee
Campaign 2000
Canadian Child Care Federation
ECE Training Institutions
Educaring Committee
Healthy Child Manitoba
The Manitoba School Boards Association
Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care
Provincial Council of Women
Provincial Healthy Child Advisory Council
35 Years
Dawn Forbes, Fernanda Hodgson
Diana Rozos, Val Comack-Zurba
The Manitoba Child Care Association graciously acknowledges the support and financial
assistance provided for the 2014 “
begins with
!” Early Learning and Child Care
Canadian Union of Public Employees
HealthSource Plus
Industrial Alliance
Manitoba Family Services
• Morris Insurance Brokers
•To the numerous businesses and organizations who
donated services and products for our silent auction
which was held during our awards banquet.