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Mailing Address:
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Curriculum Vitae
YouTube Video Links
Photo Gallery
Complete artist information including video, audio
and interviews are available at
Ivajla Kirova – Biography
Ivajla Kirova is an initiator for establishment of the Association for promotion of
Bulgarian Music in Germany and Artistic Director of the “Bulgarian music
evenings in Munich” festival. “The young Bulgarian pianist is an example of how
the Bulgarian art can be developed and supported even beyond the country’s
frontiers”… announces the Deutsche Welle Radio.
Ms. Kirova started playing a piano at the age of 7 and at 16 she was the
youngest student at the Sofia Music Academy in Bulgaria. Her career started
early when she won prizes for talented pianists (for example the prize awarded
by the Polish Culture Institute in Sofia, Artist Award by Bel Canto Festival in
Kuala Lumpur etc.). She has graduated the Sofia Music Academy with excellent
grades diploma and has master diplomas for piano and chamber music issued by
the Munich University of Music and Theater. Since 1999 she lives in Germany
after she has been invited to become an associate professor at the Munich
University of Music and Theater at the age of 24 years. For the period of 7 years
she taught students from worldwide, participated as a judge at International
Competitions and conducted Master Classes in Europe and Asia. She performed
multiple concerts in Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, Switzerland,
Malaysia, Japan and in the United Arab Emirates. Her live recordings have been
broadcasted by the Bulgarian, Swiss and Canadian Radio and the German
Television as well.
Ms. Kirova has recorded four internationally released CDs, as well as her own
compositions, collection of poems, songs upon poems of famous Bulgarian
poets. In 2001 her debut CD was recognized by the world famous Maestro
Gerhard Oppitz as “an exceptional record with incredible artistic value”. In 2002
Maestro Alexis Weissenberg also highly recognized her performance at the final
concert of his master class in Switzerland and recorded it on a CD in Zurich in
In 2014 the German recording label IFO Classics published her solo CD called “In
the memory of Maestro Alexis Weissenberg” which received exceptional
comments such as “brilliant”, “unique, with exceptional dynamic control,
technical skill, wonderful tone and expression”. Huntley Dent from the New
Ivajla Kirova – Biography
York Arts and Maria Nockin from Fanfare Magazine praise her last CD in their
detailed reviews: “As a composer and musician Ivajla Kirova has a remarkable
talent”, “Her interpretation of the Liszt’s Spanish Rhapsody is completely in the
spirit of Weissenberg, with his verve, scale and daring”, “Ivajla Kirova makes her
highly regarded teachers feel proud.”
Ms. Kirova's next CD with Bulgarian chamber music includes some newly
discovered works and will be released by Con Brio Recordings in the USA later
this year (CBR 21653).
Ivajla Kirova – Curriculum Vitae
Born on 24-th March 1975 in Kardzhali (Bulgaria)
1984-1993 Visit the State Music School for highly talented children in Stara
Zagora and Sofia (Bulgaria)
1991 First junior student in the piano class of Prof. Dora Lasarova (Student of
Heinrich Neuhaus) - State Music Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria
1993 Graduated with honors from the National School of Music in Sofia
1993 She composes the piano cycle "Miniatures" to own poems
1993-1997 Piano study at the State Music Academy in Sofia (Bulgaria). Bachelor
of Musical Arts degree (1997).
1997-1999 Master Class at the University of Music and Theater in Munich.
Master of Musical Arts degree (piano class of Prof. Gerhard Oppitz, 1999)
1993-1999 Several Master Classes with Prof. Germaine Mounier-Paris, Song
accompaniment with Prof. Helmut Deutsch, Chamber music with German String
1999-2006 Associate Professor for piano at the University of Music and Theater
in Munich
2003 Master Class with the famous Bulgarian-born Pianist Alexis Weissenberg
(Engelberg, Switzerland)
Valuable artistic suggestions from Professors such as Franz Massinger, Gerhard
Oppitz, Reiner Ginzel, Karl-Heinz Kämmerling, Helmut Deutsch, Germaine
Mounier-Paris, Dora Lasarova, Liljana Antova, Viktor Chuchkov, Yovcho Krushev,
Borislava Taneva and Alexis Weissenberg
Since 2012: German citizenship
Passionate lyric poetry writer, first publication 2013
Own piano compositions, first publication 2013
Price of the Polish Cultural Institute for the best interpretation of Chopin (Sofia
As the best Piano Student in Bulgaria (Music Academy, Sofia 1993)
Artist Award 2015 - Bel Canto Concert & Seminar Series (Kuala Lumpur)
International Diplomas
Excellent Graduate - State Music School Sofia, Bulgaria (1993)
Ivajla Kirova – Curriculum Vitae
Bachelor of Musical Arts degree - State Music Academy Sofia, Bulgaria (1997)
Master of Musical Arts degree - University of Music and Theater Munich,
Germany (1999)
Master Class Diploma - German String Trio, Germany (1999)
Master Class Diploma - Maestro Alexis Weissenberg, Schwitzerland (2002)
Higher School Activity, Educational Experience
20 years educational experience as an independent piano teacher, own master
courses (1993-2013)
7 years Associate Professor for piano at the University of Music and Theater in
Munich, Germany (1999-2006)
Membership in artistic societies, Jury-Membership
Participation in the Mozart Society in Kolbermoor, Germany (1998)
German-Bulgarian Association in Bavaria (2000)
Pianist Club e.V. in Munich, Germany (2001-2003)
Musician's Association in Munich, Germany
Official Steinway & Sons Artist (since 2003)
Jury-Member at the International Piano Competition "Classical and
Contemporary" in Bulgaria (2004) - Sponsorship of an own award fort he best
piano interpretation
Own Piano Master Classes in Europa and Asia
Association for promotion of Bulgarian music in Germany (Chairwoman since
Discography, Publications
CD-recording with Bach-Busoni-Chaconne, Beethoven-"Moonlight"-Sonata and
Brahms-Paganini-Variations (Art Voice media 4895, added to the prestigious
classical music catalogue of Bielefeld, Munich 2001)
CD-recording with Variations on the Bulgarian folk song "Dilmano Dilbero" from
Alexander Vladigerov (Master Class Alexis Weissenberg, Schwitzerland 2003)
Book-publication - "Rainbow of Sounds" (Published by Daga Plus, ISBN 978-9549387-78-0, Bulgaria 2013)
Ivajla Kirova – Curriculum Vitae
Publication of 5 Miniatures for piano - Ivajla Kirova (Published by Daga Plus,
ISMN 979-0-9016679-0-7, Bulgaria 2013)
Publication of 11 Variations on the Bulgarian folk melody "Hoisata" - Ivajla
Kirova (Published by Daga Plus, ISMN 979-0-9016679-1-4, Bulgaria 2013)
Publication of 14 Children's Songs to lyrics of famous Bulgarian poets - Ivajla
Kirova (Published by Daga Plus, ISMN 979-0-9016679-2-1, Bulgaria 2013)
CD-recording in Memoriam Maestro Alexis Weissenberg with works by
Rachmaninov, Chopin, Liszt, Mozart, Granados and own Miniatures, Nocturne
and Variations (IFO Classics, added to the prestigious classical music cataloque
of Bielefeld, Munich 2014)
CD-recording with chamber music works by Bulgarian composers Pancho
Vladigerov, Alexander Raichev and Yovcho Krushev (Con Brio Recordings USA,
World Premiere Recording 2016 - CBR 21653)
International Concert Activity , TV & Radio Records
About 25-years concert activity in Europa und Asia (Bulgaria, Italy, Spain,
Germany, Austria, Schwitzerland, Malaysia and Japan)
Benefit concerts in Bulgaria. Concert programs with own piano compositions
Concert cycles to commemorate the Bulgarian Composers Ljubomir Pipkov,
Alexander Vladigerov, Panscho Vladigerov and Dimitar Nenov.
Chamber music concerts with soloists of the State Television and Radio
Orchestra Japan - NHK
Broad repertoire of works from all eras - from Bach to Beethoven, from Chopin
to Rachmaninov and the new music
Her live recordings were broadcast on Television and Radio in Bulgaria,
Germany, Schwitzerland and Canada
Artistic Director of the concert series "Bulgarian Musical Evenings" in
Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, Germany (since 2014)
Ivajla Kirova – Reviews
"Ivajla Kirova is of an exceptionally high artistic level. In my opinion, her Debut - CD with
Bach, Beethoven and Brahms is excellent!"
-Gerhard Oppitz
"When I heard Ivajla's performance of Schubert 3 Piano Pieces D 946, I wanted to tell her
only one word: Perfect!"
-Alexis Weissenberg
"The young Bulgarian pianist Ivajla Kirova is the founder of the Association for promotion of
Bulgarian music in Munich, Germany. She is a good example of how Bulgarian art can be
developed and supported outside Bulgaria."
-A. Dimitrova, Deutsche Welle
"I am very pleased that IFO Classics has published this exceptionally beautiful CD-recording
of Ivajla Kirova. The sound is fantastic - very vivid and powerful at Rachmaninoff, Chopin
and Liszt, brilliant and very transparent at Mozart and partly impressionistic soft or freshlucid at the own compositions of Ivajla Kirova - always connected to the special spirit of a
live recording. Bravissimo!!!"
-W. Adolph, musicologist & chief editor of the magazine Organ (Schott Music)
Ivajla Kirova – Press
Fanfare Magazine, USA
New album review – Ivajla Kirova, Piano - IFO Classics Germany 2014
Having picked up Ivajla Kirova’s CD at the post office, I got in my car and put the
disc in the player, thinking I would sample a bit of it enroute before listening on
more substantial equipment at home. I never started up the engine because the
playing was so well articulated that I wanted to concentrate on it. Kirova’s focus,
clarity, and sense of presence took this listener’s breath away and I expect that
her career will be expanding in the near future. Although Sergei Rachmaninof
wrote his Étude in C♯ Minor at a time when Scriabin’s ideas were beginning to
take hold of Russian piano music, he still had much to say in the rich language of
the Romantic period. With the fast runs and stately playing of Chopin’s
Romantic Étude in C Minor, IFO Classics’ sound gives the impression of listening
in Munich’s glorious Nymphenburg Palace concert hall where the recording was
made. Kirova showed her control of dynamics by playing both fast and slow
passages while at the same time increasing and decreasing the level of sound.
Mozart’s Nine Variations on a Minuet by Jean-Pierre Duport, K 573, offer a
complete change of pace. Kirova plays in the Decca release now available on
mp3; Clara Haskil plays them faster but with less intellectual content.
Kirova then presents us with two pieces in Spanish style: Franz Liszt’s Spanish
Rhapsody and Enrique Granados’s “Los Requiebros” (Compliments) from
Goyescas. The Liszt piece builds to a dramatic crescendo that was engineered to
show the composer’s imposing keyboard skills. Kirova, whose skills are most
impressive, uses it to show her virtuosity and her understanding of the
composer’s style. In a comparative Eclipse release, Emil Gilels makes a strong
impression but lacks Kirova’s lyricism. “Los Requiebros” is a jota from northern
Spain. After a slow beginning, the piece goes through variations in tempo that
underscore intricacies and vibrant changes of musical color. Critic Ernest
Newman once described the work as “a gorgeous treat for the fingers.” If a
reader would like to hear the entire work, Alicia de Larrocha recorded it
definitively for RCA Red Seal in 2004.
Ivajla Kirova – Press
For tracks six through 12 Kirova takes us to her own world and introduces us to
her simple and complex compositions. Written in 1995, the miniatures are easily
understood even if the booklet does not give us English translations of the
poems which inspired them. The 11 variations on the Bulgarian folk tune
Hoisata are recent compositions based on a fast, energetic 19th-century round
dance that involves jumping and shaking by pairs of dancers. Written in the year
the recording was released, the nocturne is a mature work by the pianist and
composer that she dedicated to her late sister. She dedicated the entire
recording to her teacher and mentor, Bulgarian pianist Alexis Weissenberg. If he
were alive he would be enormously proud of her.
-Maria Nockin
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
Interview for "Bulgaria now", Bulgarian newspaper in USA and Canada
Milena Nikolova
At school “Sunflowers” we got a wonderful surprise – “Children’s songbook” with great
poems from Bulgarian poets and music by Ivajla Kirova, our compatriot, concert pianist
and musician, currently living in Munich. When we took more interest in her wonderful
gesture, we learned a lot about the life and the work of a talent Bulgarian woman
combining her love to the piano and the music with the love to the children and Bulgaria.
We contacted Ivajla Kirova and she was kind enough to answer our questions. We
suggest to the attention of the readers of newspaper “Bulgaria now” this interview.
Tell us something about yourself:
I have graduated a piano master class in Munich at the famous German pianist Gerhard
Oppitz, after that I had the chance to work as Associate Professor in piano at the Music
Academy in Munich. I have also graduated the piano master class of Alexis Weissenberg
in Engelberg, Switzerland. I have recorded two CDs in Germany and Switzerland. In my
free time I write poetry with great pleasure. I am also a mother of two little children.
Currently I am working on recording my third CD in Munich, which will also include my
own compositions for piano (Miniatures and Variations on Bulgarian folk themes). On my
initiative we established in January this year “Association for promotion of Bulgarian
music” in Munich due to which we will organize new concert cycle “Bulgarian musical
evenings” at the Nymphenburg Palace. As an Artistic Director of this concert cycle (which
will be held every year) I set a goal to popularize in Germany the works of Bulgarian
Composers such as Pancho Vladigerov, Dimitar Nenov, Svetoslav Obretenov, Aleksander
Raychev, Georgi Zlatev-Cherkin and many others, as well as to encourage young
Bulgarian talents. The first concert will be held on 22.11.2014 as well as the grand
How did you get started with music? What was your first music instrument?
At 7 years I started to play piano. My parents are not musicians, but we had a piano at
home (my sister had studied piano for several months, then gave up). One of my girlfriends studied to be a pianist and she did not have a piano at home. Therefore, she was
every day in our home to play piano. I will never forget my enthusiasm at the piano
playing of my girlfriend. At that time I urged my mother on starting to study piano.
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
What is your most sweetheart music memory of the childhood? Yes, I really have one.
On one of my concerts as a child at the music school (maybe I was about 10-11 years
old), when I appeared on the stage and began to play suddenly in the middle of the
music work the electricity has stopped! Confusion fell, all the people rushed to look for
candles, matches but I continued to play. Even my teachers and friends still remember
that I finished my sonata without interruption and error-free. The electricity came again
when I was at the end. Then all the people were amazed and asked me how I could
continue in the darkness without problems. But it is not necessary to watch the piano
keys constantly, they are also felt intuitively.
Which Bulgarian children songs should be not forgotten? Do you have your sweetheart
children songs?
There are many children songs which should be not forgotten! However, there are
poems and songs which succeed to touch a thin string of the soul as “Oblache le byalo”,
“Visoki sini planini – High blue mountains”, “Rodna stryaha – Eaves home”.
What is common between music and flying? You mentioned in an interview that you
would like to be a pilot because the flying is also your dream.
Thank you for this good question. By chance after I was admitted to study in Germany it
turned out that my piano professor, whom I knew as a world-famous pianist, is also a
pilot. We like to talk about common between music and flying. Sometimes in music as in
flying can occur a feeling of weightlessness and delight. On the other hand flying is based
on the relationship between the single and the common that is so important for music.
For me, a successful performed concert is like a beautiful flight. There is required a lot of
concentration and certainty at the beginning and in the finale and during the real
interpretation the player must achieve such heights to open new horizons not only for
him but also for all listeners. Only then the concert becomes an unforgettable flight of
the soul!
Do you have a favorite composer, music work?
Yes, I have favorite music works – List’s Spanish Rhapsody, the Variations on “Dilmano,
Dilbero” of Aleksander Vladigerov, the Rahmaninov’s concerts, the Shubert’s songs
revised from List for piano. I would not say I have a favorite composer. It is hard for me
to be limited by selecting only one of all I like.
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
What is it for that is worth to dedicate your life to the music? How do you manage to
combine your recitals, teaching, working for popularization of the Bulgarian music,
preparation of publications, CD records and not at least – the role of wife and mother?
It is not always easy but the base is the good organization and to a certain extent the
selection of priorities. Often I have to work up too late but working is a pleasure for me.
It is worth to dedicate the life to the music, when you are ready to create not for
yourself, but for the good of the others or for ideas loftier than a personal glory and
What most does you make glad and worry as a parent of children living out of
Bulgaria? What is the most important for them? What would you like to tell the other
Bulgarian parents?
My children are born in Germany and the most disturbing thought for me was how they
would learn well the Bulgarian language because the German language always gets the
upper hand in the daily round. But thanks to long persistent effort this could be also
achieved. It is very unfortunate when for some reason Bulgarians do not want to talk to
each other in their native language or if they do not teach their children in Bulgarian
language. I can only wish to everyone to esteem his native land regardless of any
difficulties and discomforts, and not to despise it because without our love to the native
land we are like a tree without roots, which dries quickly and becomes useless to
To what extent is the Bulgarian language important for preservation of the Bulgarian
spirit? What must be the role of the Bulgarian music?
Still Vazov has said it “Sacred language of my forefathers”… The native language is a
sacred thing, an intransient value, without which each nation would have been lost.
Maybe we do not realize it but the literary and the word are a very power weapon. They
have helped us to endure the Turkish yoke, to keep our Bulgarian spirit during this long
and hard time period. And the music is the language of the soul. Various arts are very
tightly bound and when they are jointed the power of their impact is indisputable.
What caused you to prepare “Children’s songbook”?
It happened spontaneously, when they asked me to take the music lessons at the newly
opened Bulgarian school “Dora Gabe” in Munich. There were some poems that for my
generation are indisputably among the best known and favorite, but it was very difficult
for the children to learn the lyrics entirely. On the other hand the children have learned
with great ease and joy those lyrics on which there were already written songs. I like to
write poems, to compose. So spontaneously I came to the idea to write some new songs
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
by well-known poems, which later were published in “Children’s songbook”. I thank to
the great Bulgarian poetess Angelina Zhekova as well as to the heirs of Asen Bosev, Leda
Mileva, Dora Gabe, Elisaveta Bagryana, Ran Bosilek and Mladen Isaev for the gratuitously
provided copyrights in favor of the Bulgarian children!
What would you like to tell our readers?
Not to lose their faith, to be strong and to know that after rain and storm the long
awaited ark is coming. We just must have a patience to wait for it and to open our eyes
to see it.
On behalf of the whole team of school “Sunflowers” I would like to thank you for your
noble gesture, for the wonderful idea and for all you are doing for the children of
Bulgaria wherever they are. We wish you success as a creator, performer and teacher
and not at least as a parent, a lot of inspiration, sensitivity and energy to be able to
realize your ideas and dreams.
Interview for "Mouvement Nouveau"
by Tobias Fischer
The romantic notion of great musicians growing up in an artistic world full of music is
hardly ever true - Ivajla Kirova was the child of an engineering family. This, however,
didn't keep her from wanting to play the piano from a young age and it didn't keep her
parents from nurturing her talents. Masterclasses with Gerhard Oppitz in Munich led to
several succesful concerts in Germany and Europa. She is now an active live artist,
playing the traditional repertoire, modern music and her own compositions.
Hi! How are you? What’s on your schedule right now?
Hi! I’m fine, thank you. I’m teaching a master course and I’m giving a concert in Bulgaria
in May, after my jury membership in the International Piano Competition "Classical and
If you hadn’t chosen music, what do you think you would do right now?
My two great passions are music and flying. I’ve been fascinated by flying since earliest
childhood, but I wanted to be a musician more. If I hadn’t, I’d certainly be a pilot. That’s
my unfulfilled dream.
What or who was your biggest influence as an artist?
Gerhard Oppitz, my piano professor. I had the big chance to take his master class in
Munich and that was the most important period of my musical education.
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
What’s the hardest part about being a musician and what’s the best?
The hardest and the best is the development as a musician... Until a concert pianist
receives his master degree, he takes 18-20 years of piano lessons. In other occupations
only 4-5 years are necessary. However, to receive recognition and to be successful as a
musician is a great and indescribable feeling.
What’s your view on the classical music scene at present? Is there a crisis?
No, I don’t think that there is a crisis. Classical music was always for a selected,
intelligent circle of people and not for the crowd.
Some feel there is no need to record classical music any more, that it’s all been done
before. What do you tell them?
People have listened to classical music for centuries and enjoy it over and over again. In
fact, you can never play one piece in the same way twice, but not many people
understand this. Nowadays there are many pop song releases every day which get
forgotten by the next week. Is there really any need to record them?
What constitutes a good live performance in your opinion? What’s your approach to
performing on stage?
Charisma is very important during a live performance, in addition to all other qualitites.
My approach to performing on stage is to be concentrated, to forget the public and to be
free. I believe this is necessary for success.
What does the word “interpretation” mean to you?
To present as precisely and faithfully as possible the composer’s conception, not one’s
own. The classical performers are like interior designers - they furnish a house, but they
don’t build it. It’s a pity that over and over again even well-known performers interpret
some composers so that you can barely recognize them...
True or false: It is the duty of an artist to put his personal emotions into the music he
True, but this is not the most important thing. As I said before, the performer must
above all understand the composer as well as possible. The personal emotions must not
True or false: “Music is my first love”.
True, but it isn’t only love, it’s much more...
True or false: People need to be educated about classical music, before they can really
appreciate it.
False. Either you feel love for classical music in your heart or not. Of course the influence
by the family or education can contribute to this, but that isn’t decisive. You cannot
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
educate feelings or love for music into someone.
You are given the position of artistic director of a concert hall. What would be on your
program for this season?
In my opinion, the people in Europe know not nearly enough about bulgarian music and I
have always tried to popularize it more. My program will certainly include composers like
Vladigerov, Nenov, Pipkov and other. In Germany you find the names on the concert
programs only rarely...
What’s your favourite classical CD at the moment?
I listen to the 24 Preludes and the 2-nd Sonata of Rachmaninov with Vladimir Ashkenazy
now. It is an exceptionally beautiful CD!
Have you ever tried playing a different instrument? If yes, how good were you at it?
Yes, I tried several as a child, just out of curiosity. However, I always only took piano
lessons. I know exactly what I wanted.
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
Fanfare Music Magazine, USA
New album review – Ivajla Kirova, Piano - IFO Classics Germany 2014
Ivajla Kirova is a Bulgarian-born pianist and composer who lives and works in
Munich, Germany. Besides playing the music of the most famous composers
and some of her own compositions in concert halls around the world, she has
initiated a concert series that features rarely heard Bulgarian music at that city’s
Nymphenburg Palace. Not only is she a successful pianist, pedagogue, and
published poet, Kirova is a wife and mother who balances family and career.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, and I began to study piano there when I was
seven years old. Having attended the State Music School in Sofia, I did my
graduate study at the State Music Academy in the same city. Although my
parents are not musicians, they supported me in my eventual decision to
become a pianist. In 1997, I came to the Hochschule für Musik und Theater
(University for Music and Performing Arts) in Munich, where I studied piano
with Gerhard Oppitz, collaborative piano including song accompaniment with
Helmut Deutsch, and chamber music with Reiner Ginzel and the German String
Trio. Since then I have made my home in Munich.
Who were your most important teachers and what did you learn from each of
I had three great piano teachers in my life and I am very grateful to them. Dora
Lasarova, who studied in Moscow with Heinrich Neuhaus, was my first piano
professor in Bulgaria. Gerhard Oppitz, a student of Wilhelm Kempff, was the
youngest professor ever appointed at the Munich Musikhochschule. I think the
two years that I studied with him formed the most important period of my
education. In 2003, I attended a master course in Engelberg, Switzerland taught
by the famous Bulgarian pianist Alexis Weissenberg, and he has had a great
influence on my playing. Because Weissenberg was one of the greatest pianists
of the 20th century, my master class with him gave me memories that I will
treasure for the rest of my life. Although he had a great personality, he was very
modest. He was a kind and uplifting teacher with all his students. He said that
he was not a Chopin or Bach specialist and he simply wanted to help us to find
our own interpretations. In his master classes he made sure to use the
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
individual talents of each student. He did not want us to begin a piece with a
preconceived interpretation, because in his opinion it should not exist.
I have learned so much from all three. They had much in common, even though
they were all very different people. They have always encouraged me to play my
own interpretation and not the one that they play. They gave me valuable
advice, but they also gave me enough freedom to develop. In any art it is very
important to have your own individual skills so that you do not imitate other
artists. Most importantly, a performer must have a thorough understanding of
the composer and his or her music. The composer’s music must be foremost in
the performer’s mind, not personal emotions.
What is your educational philosophy?
The teacher is like a gardener. He can help the growth of all the flowers in his
garden, but cannot modify their roots or what they have been given by nature
itself. Talent plays a very large role in the development of a musician. The
teacher can only help each student find the right way. No teacher can change
the talent.
Did you also teach at the Munich Hochschule?
Yes, from 1999 to 2006, I was associate professor of piano there. Since then, I
mainly perform and give master classes in Europe and Asia.
How is living and performing in Germany different from doing the same things
in Bulgaria?
Making a living as a musician in Bulgaria is certainly difficult. Because of the
financial crisis, the arts are not getting the support they need to function.
Germany has had great musical traditions for centuries and is much more able
to support the arts at this time.
Please tell us something about the composers you perform on the CD.
I really love playing Rachmaninoff, Chopin, and Mozart. I love Spanish music,
too, so I have always taken great pleasure in playing Liszt’s Spanish Rhapsody
and Granados’s Goyescas. For a long time I have wanted to record my own
compositions and I am glad that I had the opportunity to play them on my new
How do you make time to compose?
I write very fast and do not need a lot of time. I actually hear the music in my
head and then just have to write down the notes. As a Bulgarian I want to
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
connect the unique irregular rhythms of Bulgarian music with classical music
and compose new and original pieces.
Do you write for both children and adult players and listeners?
Yes, I have composed a children’s songbook to lyrics of famous Bulgarian poets,
and I have also written virtuosic piano compositions for master pianists.
Do you expect downloads to soon do away with CDs?
I really do not. Each CD has something personal; it’s like a personal autograph
from the artist, with a lot of interesting information about the artist and the
recorded program. Downloads cannot replace this.
What do you see yourself doing five or 10 years from now?
In 2014, I initiated a new concert series called “Bulgarian Musical Evenings in
Munich.” As the artistic director of the program I hope the concert series will
have great success in the future. I would like to see more Bulgarian classical
music performed in Europe. In my opinion, people in Europe, Asia, and America
don’t know nearly enough about Bulgarian music. I have always tried to
popularize composers such as Vladigerov, Nenov, Pipkov, and Krushev, who are
regarded as national celebrities in Bulgaria. Great musicians of the 20th century
such as David Oistrakh, Arthur Nikisch, and Wilhelm Furtwängler played their
compositions. Herbert von Karajan passed his state examination playing
Vladigerov’s First Piano Concerto. In Germany now, however, you rarely find the
names of those composers on concert programs. We hope our concert series
will change that, at least in Munich!
Bulgarian composer and pianist Pancho Vladigerov (1899–1978) was one of the
country’s most influential musicians. He was one of the first to successfully
combine the unique idioms of Bulgarian folk music with classical music. Famous
also as a teacher, one of his best-known students was Alexis Weissenberg. In the
1920s Vladigerov’s work was published by Universal Edition in Vienna and could
be heard on Deutsche Grammophon. He played many live performances in
Europe and the United States. His compositions include opera, ballet,
symphony, and songs, as well as concertos for violin and piano. His Bulgarian
Rhapsody Vardar is thought to be emblematic of the country’s music. Vladigerov
is one of the most eminent figures in Bulgarian musical culture, and the National
Music Academy in Sofia bears his name. His music needs to be heard because he
is a composer in the true sense of the word. As the Bulgarian poet Nicolai Liliev
says: “He translates everything he touches into music.”
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
Dimitar Nenov (1901–1953) was an architect as well as a pianist and pedagogue.
He studied both music and architecture in Dresden, but music won him over.
Having been a student of Egon Petri, who was a pupil of Ferruccio Busoni,
Nenov was among the most distinguished Bulgarian pianists. He concertized not
only in Bulgaria but also in Denmark, Germany, Italy, and Poland. In his music he
expressed his original vision of the creative process, whereby he combined his
personality with contemporary ideas and the Bulgarian national tradition.
Nenov eventually became professor of piano at the conservatory in Sofia. When
a communist regime took over the country at the end of World War II he was
fired, but brought back after a public outcry. Because his politics were
controversial, most of his recordings were destroyed. Nenov was a great concert
pianist and I love his compositions, most of which are truly virtuosic. Those who
heard him play live concerts were entranced by the magic that emanated from
his playing.
Lubomir Pipkov (1904–1974) studied at the Paris École Normale de Musique
with Paul Dukas and Nadia Boulanger. From 1944 to 1948 he was the director of
the Bulgarian National Opera in Sofia. He was a composer, poet, journalist,
teacher, public figure, and socially involved artist with progressive ideas. Thus,
he was one of the leading personalities among the Bulgarian intellectual elite
from the 1930s to the1970s. At the concerts I gave as a child I often played
Pipkov’s works.
Yovcho Krushev (b. 1957) was awarded the fifth prize at the Tchaikovsky
International Competition in Moscow. He won the Crystal Lyre Award for
achievements in the performing arts in 1999, the Russian Golden Muse Prize for
his contribution to the popularization of the Russian music in Bulgaria in 2001,
and the Special Award of the Salon of the Arts at the National Palace of Culture
for a complete performance of Rachmaninoff’s chamber works in 2003. He has
performed with all the Bulgarian symphony orchestras and at many
international music festivals. He has written concertos, chamber works, vocal
and choral music, and a symphony. His sonatina for clarinet and piano received
a special award at the Varallo Valsesia Composition Contest in Italy. Currently,
Krushev is professor of piano and composition at the music academy in Sofia.
We will play several of his compositions in our Munich concerts in 2015.
Ivajla Kirova – Interviews
Can you tell us a little about your family?
Yes. Ny husband, Nicolay, is not a musician; he is a computer scientist. We have
two daughters: Ema, age four, and Kati, age eight. Nicolay and Kati train in the
martial arts of WuShu in their free time. Kati has been playing piano for two
years and has already given a few public concerts. I try to spend as much time as
I possibly can with my family.
Do you have any hobbies?
I love flying and am interested in everything that has to do with flight. My
childhood dream was to pilot a plane, but eventually I decided to become a
pianist and to fly with music. When I have the time, I like to write poems, learn
new languages, and listen to beautiful recordings.
Ivajla Kirova – Repertoire
Solo Works
Johann Sebastian Bach
Italian Concerto in F, BWV 971
12 Preludes und Fugues from
"The Well-Tempered Clavier"
English Suiten
Nr. 3 BWV 808
Nr. 6 BWV 830
French Suiten
Nr. 2 BWV 813
Nr. 3 BWV 814
Nr. 6 BWV 817
J. S. Bach - F. Busoni
Chaconne in D Minor, from BWV 1004
Domenico Scarlatti
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Fantasy in C Minor, KV 396
Nr. 5 in G, KV 283
Nr. 6 in D, KV 284
Nr. 8 in D, KV 311
Nr. 9 in A Minor, KV 310
Nr. 10 C-Dur KV 330
Nr. 12 in F, KV 332
Nr. 14 Fantasy in C Minor, KV 475
Nr. 14 in C Minor, KV 457
Nr. 16 in C, KV 545
9 Variations on a Minuet by Duport in D, KV 573
Ivajla Kirova – Repertoire
Joseph Haydn
Sonatas F-Dur Hob. XVI: 23
F-Dur Hob. XVI:29
C-Dur Hob. XVI: 35
D-Dur Hob. XVI: 37
in Es, Hob. XVI:49
Ludwig van Beethoven
6 Variations in F, op. 34
33 Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli in C, op. 20
Nr. 1 in F Minor, op. 2/1
Nr. 2 in A, op. 2/2
Nr. 6 F-Dur op.10, 2
Nr. 7 D-Dur op.10, 3
Nr. 8 in C Minor, op. 13 "Pathétique"
Nr. 14 in C Sharp Minor, op. 27/2 "Mondschein"
Nr. 16 G-Dur op. 31, 1
Nr. 17 d-Moll op. 31, 2 Nr. 18 c-Moll op. 31, 1 Nr. 19 g-Moll op. 49, 1
Nr. 20 G-Dur op. 49, 2
Nr. 21 C-Dur op. 53 "Waldstein"
Nr. 23 f-Moll op. 57 "Appassionata"
Nr. 25 G-Dur op. 79
Nr. 27 e-Moll op. 90
Nr. 28 in A, op. 101
Nr. 32 in C Minor, op. 111
6 Bagatellen, op. 126
Franz Schubert
"Wanderer" Fantasy in C, D. 760
Nr. 6 in A Minor, D 845 op. 42
Nr. 11 in B Flat, D 960
Impromptus in G Flat, D 899 op. 90 Nr. 3
in A Flat, D 935 op. 142 Nr. 1
Moment musicals
D 780 op. 94
Ivajla Kirova – Repertoire
Three Piano Pieces D 946
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Songs without words
Carl Maria von Weber
Rondo Brilliant in E Flat, op. 62
Robert Schumann
Sonata in Fis Minor, op. 11
Fantasy in C, op. 17
Faschingsschwank aus Wien op. 26
Fryderyk Chopin
Ballade in A flat, op. 47
24 Preludes op. 28
Etudes from op. 10 und op. 25
op. 30, 33, 59, 68
Nr. 1 in B, op. 9
Nr. 2 in Es, op. 9
Nr. 1 in C Minor, op. 48
Nocturne cis-Moll op. post
in A, op. 40
in A flat, op. 53
Polonaise-Fantasie op. 61
Nr. 1 in A flat, op. 29
Fantasie-Impromptu in C Sharp Minor, op. 66
in B Minor, op. 20
in B Flat Minor, op. 31
Nr. 2 in B Flat Minor, op. 35
Nr. 3 in B Minor op. 58
in D Flat,. op. 64 Nr. 1
Ivajla Kirova – Repertoire
in C Sharp Minor, op. 64 Nr. 2
in A Flat, op. 69 Nr. 1
in B Minor, op. 69 Nr. 2
in A, op.70 Nr. 2
in F, op. 34 Nr. 3
Franz Liszt
Etudes d'execution transcendente Nr. 1 C-Dur Preludio Nr. 2 a-Moll Molto Vivace
Nr. 4 in D Minor, "Mazeppa"
Nr. 8 in C Minor, "Wilde Jagd"
Nr. 9 in A Flat, "Ricordanza"
Etudes d'execution transcendente d'après Paganini
Nr. 3 "La Campanella"
Nr. 6 in A Minor
2 Etudes de concert
Waldesrauschen, Gnomenreigen
Notturno Nr. 3 in A Flat, "Liebestraum"
Nr. 47, 104, 123
3 Rhapsodys
Hungarian Rhapsody Nr. 2
Hungarian Rhapsody Nr. 12
Spanish Rhapsody
Johannes Brahms
Rhapsodys op. 79
Piano Pieces op. 118
Sonata Nr. 3 in F Minor, op. 5
Waltz op. 39
in D, op. 21
Paganini Variations op. 35 (Book 1 and 2)
Enrique Granados
"Goyescas "
Nr. 1 "Los requebros"
Nr. 2 "Coloquio en la reja"
Ivajla Kirova – Repertoire
Maurice Ravel
Miroirs-Alborada del Gracioso
Gabriel Faure
Claude Debussy
Etude Nr. 12 pour les accords
Preludes (2) - La Puerta del Vino
Erik Satie
Meditation (à A. Roussel)
Edvard Grieg
Sonate e-Moll op.7
Lyrische Stücke
Alexander Skrjabin
Nr. 2 fis-Moll op. 8
Nr. 5 E-Dur op. 8
Nr. 9 gis-Moll op. 8
Nr. 12 dis-Moll op. 8
Nr. 19 f-Moll op. 42
Nr. 3 fis-Moll op. 23
Nr. 5 Fis-Dur op. 53
Peter Tschaikowsky
The Seasons op. 37 b
Sergej Rachmaninow
Sergej Prokovjew
Nr. 3 op. 28
Nr. 7 op. 83
Ivajla Kirova – Repertoire
Igor Strawinsky
Etudes op. 7
Aram Chatschaturjan
Bela Bartok
Suite op. 14
"Mikrokosmos" Nr. 152, 153 (in Bulgarian Rhythm)
George Gershwin
Ljubomir Pipkov
"Spring Clangs"
"Tableaux Et Etudes Metrorytmiques pour piano"
Pantscho Vladigerov
Alexander Vladigerov
Variations on the Bulgarian Folk Song
"Dilmano Dilbero"
Alexander Raitschev
Jouth Album (2)
Dimitar Nenov
Etude Nr. 1
Ivajla Kirova
5 Miniatures
11 Variations on the Bulgarian folk melody "Hoisata"
Piano Concerts
Johann Sebastian Bach
Nr. 1 in D Minor, BWV 1052
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Nr. 12 in A, KV 414
Nr. 18 in B Flat, KV 456
Nr. 21 in C, KV 467
Nr. 23 in A, KV 488
Nr. 24 in C Minor, KV 491
Ivajla Kirova – Repertoire
Ludwig van Beethoven
Nr. 1 in C, op. 15
Nr. 3 in C Minor, op. 37
Nr. 5 in E Flat, op. 73
Alexander Skrjabin
in F Sharp, op. 20
Fryderyk Chopin
Nr. 1 in E Minor, op. 11
Peter Tschaikowsky
Nr. 1 in B Flat Minor, op. 23
Sergej Rachmaninow
Nr. 2 in C Minor, op. 18
Dimitar Nenov
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
Krasimir Kyurkchiyski
Concerto Nr. 1 for Piano and Orchestra
Chamber Music
Johann Stamitz
Sonata for Violin and Piano in G, op. 6/a
Joseph Haydn
Piano Trio Nr. 39 in G, "Zigeunertrio"
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Sonata in D, for Two Pianos
Sonatas for Violin and Piano
in E Minor, KV 304
in B Flat, KV 454
Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonatas for Violin and Piano
Nr. 4 in A Minor, op. 23
Nr. 5 in F, op. 24 "Spring Sonata"
Sonata for Cello and Piano Nr. 2 in G Minor, op.5/2
Franz Schubert
Piano Trio in B Flat, op. 99
Sonata in A Minor for Cello and Piano "Arpeggione" D. 821
Ivajla Kirova – Repertoire
Robert Schumann
Fantasy Pieces for Cello and Piano op. 73
Johannes Brahms
Sonata for Violin and Piano Nr. 1 in G, op. 48
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in E Flat, op. 120/2
Sonata for Cello and Piano Nr. 2 in F, op. 99
Trio for Piano, Clarinet and Cello in F Minor, op. 114
Camille Saint-Saens
Sonata for Bassoon and Piano in G, op. 168
Variations on a Theme by Beethoven for Two Pianos
Bela Bartok
"Kontraste" for Violin, Klarinette and Piano
Witold Ljutoslawski
Paganini Variations for Two Pianos
Sergej Rachmaninow
Suite Nr. 2 in C, op. 17 for Two Pianos
Claude Debussy
"Six Epigraphes Antiques" for Four Hands
Krasimir Kjurktschiski
Song and Dance for Flute and Piano
Yovcho Kruschev
Sonata for Viola and Piano
Alexander Raichev-Yovcho Kruschev
Three Fragments from Ballet "Haidushka pesen" for Two Pianos
Georgi Zlatev-Tscherkin
"Sevdana" for Violin and Piano
Pantscho Vladigerov
Sonata for Violin and Piano op. 1
Bulgarian Suite for Violin and Piano op. 21
Bulgarian Suite "Wardar" for Violin and Piano op. 16
Bulgarian Rhapsodie "Wardar" for Two Pianos op. 16
Ivajla Kirova – YouTube Links
11 Variations on the Bulgarian folk melody "Hoisata" op.2
Frédéric Chopin - Nocturne in C sharp minor op. posth.
Recital in Damansara Performing Centre
Sergei Rachmaninov - Etude op.33 Nr.9 in C-sharp minor
2 Miniatures on own poems
11 Variations on the Bulgarian folk melody "Hoisata"
Bach-Busoni - Chaconne BWV 1004 - CD Recording
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata - CD Recording
Brahms - Paganini-Variations 1 & 2 - CD Recording
Yovcho Krushev - Sonata-Elegy for viola and piano
Ivajla Kirova – YouTube Links
Alexander Raichev - Yovcho Krushev - 3 Fragments from the ballet "Rebel's
New CD Release 2016, Con Brio Recordings USA
Bulgarian Evenings in Munich, TV Reportage
With Marian Kraew, 1. Concertmaster of Munich Symphony Orchestra
Masterclass 2015 (Classical Music Society, Malaysia)
Artist Youtube Channel:
Artist Website:
Ivajla Kirova – Photo Gallery