Dannon Case Study
Dannon Case Study
Dannon Case Study Customer Re-Engagement and Acquisition Through Promotional Email Marketing Campaign SUMMARY Dannon sought to re-engage a list of inactive email members from within the Activia email club database. They decided on a promotional campaign to drive awareness, traffic and overall customer engagement. Using a combination of email and social sharing technology to reach beyond their current list, Dannon was able to incentivize and reward their members with a higher offer. CHALLENGE 1. Re-engage inactive email database. 2. Raise brand awareness and drive consumers in-store to purchase. 3. Grow CRM database through acquisition of new customers, via social sharing. SOLUTION Dannon developed a series of emails to be sent out over a onemonth period integrating RevTrax OpenShare® Rewards. The email marketing campaign was simple: provide current inactive database customers with a coupon valued at $1.00 off an Activia 4-pack. The coupon offer was used to re-engage list members with the Dannon Activia brand. CAMPAIGN RESULTS 30,000 Additional customers in database 70%+ 250% Promotion traffic from new customers REACH Increase of traffic to promotion REDEMPTION DATA 40,000 shares via social media and email To make the offer even more appealing, the user was encouraged to share the offer with friends and family across Facebook, Twitter or via email to receive an even higher promotional coupon, $1.50 off the same product. By offering a higher-value coupon option, Dannon could increase brand loyalty and acquire deeper insight into the sharing behavior and redemption patterns of the consumers. 22,000 redemptions 61% At the conclusion of the one-month promotion, the results were remarkable. Not only did the data reveal top states and retail locations for redemption rates, it also enabled marketers to segment the database, as well as re-engage and target future email campaigns. 90% Copyright © RevTrax 2014. Confidential and proprietary property of RevTrax. All rights reserved. RevTrax | sales@revtrax.com | 866.996.TRAX (8729) | www.revtrax.com of new customers are now Dannon® email club subscribers redemption rate for higher-value offer print ENGAGEMENT 5%+ of current inactive database re-engaged