Accessory minerals and δ18 O and δ13 C of marbles from the
Accessory minerals and δ18 O and δ13 C of marbles from the
Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 Original article Accessory minerals and d18O and d13C of marbles from the Mediterranean area Silvio Capedri a,*, Giampiero Venturelli b, Adonis Photiades c a Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, largo S. Eufemia 19, 41100 Modena, Italy b Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 157/A, 43100 Parma, Italy c Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Messoghion Str. 70, 11527 Athens, Greece Received 12 February 2003; accepted 24 March 2003 Abstract Seventy-five samples of marbles from Italy, Greece, Turkey and FormerYugoslavia Republic of Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.) were investigated for the accessory minerals, never treated systematically before, and were studied also petrographically and analysed for C and O isotopes. The accessory minerals, investigated by scanning electron microscopy and analysed quantitatively by energy dispersive spectrometry, include: quartz, plagioclase, apatite, sulphides and oxides, different types of micas (muscovite, phlogopite, aspidolite, paragonite, margarite), chlorite, kaolinite, pyrophyllite, montmorillonite, epidote, amphibole, organic substance. The distribution of these minerals is not uniform among the marbles investigated and has considerable implications on the discrimination of marble localities, and hence on the provenancing of archaeological marbles. © 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. Keywords: Mediterranean marbles; Italy; Greece; Turkey; F.Y.R.O.M.; Accessory minerals; Localities discrimination; Archaeological marbles; Provenance 1. Introduction Amongst the most aesthetically valuable stones used in antiquity and in recent times for relevant architecture and decorative work, marbles played an outstanding role, particularly under the Romans. Blocks of marble were transported far from quarries and spread over the Mediterranean archaeological sites. Many papers have been devoted to the characterisation of marbles in general, and of white marbles in particular, of important ancient quarries, using mainly petrographic and geochemical parameters (see for example [1–15]), but also other techniques including cathodoluminescence [16,17], electron spin resonance (ESR) [18], light diffusion [19]. Admitting the subtle differences (petrographic, mineralogical and chemical) among the marbles (especially the white marbles), the discrimination of stones of the various sources as well as the provenancing of archaeological marbles is not always univocal, however; when applied separately, none of the suggested parameters can discriminate unambiguously the marbles of the various sources. * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (S. Capedri). © 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2003.03.003 One aspect, still scarcely investigated, concerns the mineral accessories of marbles. This paper is aimed (1) to the typological characterisation of the accessories of marbles (mainly white marbles) coming from different Mediterranean areas, including those of important localities exploited in the past, (2) to evaluate the accessories as potential parameters in the discrimination of the marble sources, and (3) to report new oxygen and carbon isotope data. 2. Marble localities analysed The 75 marbles come from the Mediterranean area and comprise the most important typologies used in antiquity. More precisely they come from Italy (one locality: Carrara, Fig. 1), Greece and Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.) (21 and 1 locality, respectively, Fig. 2), and from Turkey (nine localities, Fig. 3). 2.1. Techniques applied Marble samples were thin sectioned for petrographic examination. Since most samples of marbles investigated are 28 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 ticular reference to calcite and dolomite, as well as to detect the accessory grains, which were not seen under the microscope, because they were too small. The oxygen and carbon isotope ratios are referred to the standard VDPB (Belemnitella americana from the Cretaceous Pee Dee Formation, South Carolina) and expressed as: d O (‰) = 10 [( O⁄ O)sample − 18 3 18 16 18 16 18 13 12 13 16 ( O⁄ O)VPDB] ⁄ ( O⁄ O)VPDB and d C (‰) = 10 [( C⁄ C)sample − 13 3 13 12 12 ( C⁄ C)VPDB] ⁄ ( C⁄ C)VPDB . Isotope determinations were performed at the Stable Isotope Laboratory, Earth Sciences Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, and at the Geologisches Institut, ETH-Zentrum, Zürich. 2.2. Petrographic features and isotope composition of the analysed marbles Fig. 1. Location of Carrara quarries. internally very homogeneous and the accessories are randomly distributed, it is probable that grains of the different kinds of accessory minerals present are met by the thin section. To test this, more thin sections were cut to variable orientation from few selected samples and processed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)–energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) for mineral accessories; the reproducibility of data was internally rather consistent. Therefore, only one thin section was investigated for each sample and the results were considered as qualitatively representative for that sample. The foliated marbles, which frequently concentrate the accessories in the foliation plane, were sectioned perpendicular to foliation. Most samples analysed are from the classical marble sources of antiquity, e.g. Carrara, Penteli, Paros, Naxos, Thasos, Marmara, Afyon (Dokimion), Aydin (Aphrodisias), very few from other less important localities (e.g. the samples from most Cyclades islands). The obtained data may be taken as preliminary to the knowledge of the accessory mineralogy of marble sources, particularly where only few samples were treated. To achieve a comprehensive picture of the accessory mineralogy a detailed field survey, followed by accurate sampling and processing of the various lithologies, should be performed at each site. All grains recognised under the microscope were marked onto the thin sections for later processing by electron microscope. A SEM (model Jeol 6400), equipped with EDS (ISIS 300 model, calibrated using natural standards), was used at the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, University of Parma. SEM imaging was employed both to evidence the geometrical relationships among the mineral constituents, with par- The analysed marbles are texturally very variable (terminology according to Heinrich [20], unless otherwise specified): • Homeoblastic marbles, which are made of equidimensional grains. • Heteroblastic marbles, formed by grains of different size. Both groups of marbles are made of anhedral crystals (xenoblastic grains, mostly carbonates) and may contain euhedral (idioblastic) grains made mostly of non-carbonate accessories (e.g. plagioclase, micas, opaques, etc). Marbles of both groups may be: • Granoblastic, if the xenoblastic grains of carbonates have straight to curved borders; this texture is also known as “polygonal mosaic” or “foam” (Hibbard [21]), and as “crystalloblastic” (Best [22]). Or • sutured, when the grains are highly interlocking as in a jigsaw puzzle. Granoblastic and sutured marbles may be either: • isotropic (having similar aspect in any direction) or • anisotropic (non-random or directional) (Best [22]), depending upon the forces acting on the rock body undergoing recrystallisation; isotropic marbles are related to rather passive environments, whereas anisotropic marbles were generated under tectonic forces, which controlled the spatial growth and orientation of minerals, and led to lineated and foliated lithologies. • Marbles whose crystals are granulated along their borders and, in thin section, are found to be contoured by a fine-grained matrix, show mortar texture (Jung [23]). • Marbles, which underwent stronger mechanical deformation, and are characterised by angular fragments of former marble (marble protolith) or of former carbonate S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 29 Fig. 2. Location of marbles analysed from Greece and F.Y.R.O.M. grains, commonly bent and strained, set into a matrix, normally subordinate, made of smaller pieces of carbonates, develop cataclastic texture. Some of the marbles analysed here, too fine-grained for the detection of the intergranular geometries under the microscope, were texturally defined simply as “microgranular”. Some marbles, showing the textures mentioned above, were fractured in turn and cemented by late veins mainly carbonatic; those marbles are referred to as “brecciated”. The maximum grain size of calcite (MGS)—which has been used to discriminate the marbles (e.g. [7])—was measured. The geometric relationships of carbonate grains (the grain boundary shape, GBS) were also evaluated under the microscope. These features depend on the metamorphic evolution. In well recrystallised marbles, the stable grain boundary configuration is evidenced by plane contact surfaces of adjacent polyhedral grains of carbonates and by triple-grain junctions meeting at about 120° angles. The textural features (illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5), GBS, MGS, besides a general de- scription of the analysed marbles are depicted in Table 1, which reports also O and C isotopes composition for the majority of samples investigated. The isotopic composition is illustrated in Fig. 6 (samples from Italy, Greece and F.Y.R.O.M.) and Fig. 7 (samples from Turkey). Samples from classical areas plot into the expected isotopic reference fields. In particular: the Parian samples plot into field Pa-1 (Fig. 6) defined by the lychnites variety; three Thassian marbles plot into field T-3 (Fig. 6) defined by marbles from Vathy-Saliara district, and one (sample TH3 from Aliki) plots at the intersection of fields T-1 and T-2, the last one being defined by the marbles from Aliki district; the Proconnesian samples plot into field Pr-1 (Fig. 7) defined by main variety of marbles from Marmara. C and O isotopic determinations of marbles from other localities, provide first data, or integrate isotopic information reported in the literature for those sites. The data here reported show wide variations among the samples from same locality (e.g. Tranovaltos, Ikaria island and Sikinos island in Greece, and Latmos in Turkey), whereas they are almost constant in other localities (e.g. S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 Fig. 3. Location of marbles from Turkey. 30 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 Eliconas in Greece, and Mugla/Salkim in Turkey). The acquired data suggest that the marbles from Crete (Talea Ori and Mires) are isotopically different. The large overlapping of the analysed samples is outstanding, and makes d18O and d13C alone not always effective in discriminating the marble source. 3. The accessory minerals of marbles 3.1. General considerations Marbles were derived from the metamorphic recrystallisation of carbonate-dominant protoliths (mainly limestones, magnesian or dolomitic limestones) containing also minor silicate minerals. Granting that the protolith was pure carbonate (CaO, MgO, CO2 chemical components), the derived marble (pure marble) will be composed of carbonates only, mainly calcite (from pure limestones) and dolomite (from dolostones) or by a combination of the two carbonates, depending on the Ca/Mg ratio of protolithic (magnesian or dolomitic) limestone. More frequently, however, in addition to CaO, MgO, and CO2, the protoliths contain other chemical components (e.g. SiO2, Al2O3, FeO, Fe2O3, Na2O, K2O), which even at low concentration, influence the mineralogy of the derived marbles. Marbles with accessory proportion of non-carbonate minerals are white, whereas marbles rich in those phases may be variously coloured, depending on the type and proportions of minerals present. For example, the Carystian marble from Euboea, also known as “cipollino verde”, is green in colour, the “pavonazzetto” marble from Afyon is wine-red, and the Bardiglio variety of Carrara marble is greyish-veined, because they contain Fe-bearing accessories (chlorite and epidote) [10], hematite [26], and carbon derived from biological material, respectively. Non-carbonate minerals have been reported in the literature for most kinds of marbles, where they were identified mainly by optical microscope [10,27–31], and occasionally by X-ray diffractometry (e.g. [32,33]). Optical microscope enables the identification of most common minerals, granted that the grains are big enough for proper evaluation of the diagnostic characteristics. However, the accessories of most marbles exploited in the past are frequently too small and rare (only very few grains may occur in one thin section) to allow safe optical identification. Some accessories may be attributed optically to mineral groups rather than to specific typologies: for example, the flakes of white mica were defined generically as “mica” mineral, whereas both oxides and sulphides were referred to as “opaques”. These and similar uncertainties may be overcome by electron microscope; in addition, since it operates up to very high magnification (practically up to 104×, by contrast with a common optical microscope which operates up to 400–500× maximum), the grains that are too small to be seen under optical microscope can be detected and analysed, and hence the full list of accessories present in one thin section compiled. 31 3.2. The accessory minerals of the investigated marbles The analytical quality of the SEM–EDS analyses may be evaluated from Table 2 where the replicate determinations of selected grains of minerals were performed by a more accurate and precise method (ARL-SEMQ microprobe) at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Comparing the analytical results, SEM–EDS was preferred mainly because of its high quality back-scattered imaging and smaller electron spot, which allows safe and easy detection of the accessory minerals even in grains of very small size. Minerals, large enough to avoid excitation of surrounding carbonate matrix from the electronic beam, were analysed quantitatively and the results are reported in Tables 3–5. Grains too small to avoid excitation of carbonate matrix, were analysed qualitatively and their identification inferred resolving the combined spectra. The shape and geometric features of grains were also used both for identification (for example it may help to discriminate minerals which are indistinguishable chemically through the EDS spectrum, but have different structure and habit, e.g. pyrite and marcasite, hematite and magnetite, rutile and anatase, etc.) as well as to evidence aspects which may be peculiar and thus diagnostic for enclosing marbles (e.g. transformation relationships or simultaneous crystallisation under equilibrium conditions). The accessories are reported in Table 6; their morphological and chemical features, shown in the different marbles, are outlined in the description below. 3.2.1. Silica phases The commonest silica phase is quartz which occurs, generally, as few grains (e.g. at Eliconas, Afyon and Aydin); in some marbles, however, e.g. from Boana Arnetola and Colonnata, Carrara district, Penteli, Mugla/Golkuc (Iasos) (“cipollino rosso” variety, actually a calc-silicate rock), it is relatively abundant. Quartz grains are generally below 200 µm in size, in places up to 0.5 mm (e.g. at Carrara, Penteli-sample G9, Sikinos-sample SK24 and Mugla/Golkuc-red variety). Quartz varies in shape from euhedral (at Folegandros and Samos), to variously anhedral (e.g. at Talea Ori: corroded and substituted by carbonates; Mani: discoidal and lying in the foliation plane). In the minutely cataclastic grey marble of Iasos, quartz cements the fragmented calcite and grew lobed; at Sikinos (sample SK24), Carrara and Penteli the grains are rounded and probably detrital. At Penteli the detrital origin of quartz (possibly from metamorphic protoliths) may explain the undulatory extinction frequently shown by quartz grains. Occasionally silica is microcrystalline (chalcedony): chalcedony fills late microfractures of marble from Ikaria, whereas mammillary banded chalcedony, filling small cavities, has been observed at Teos. 3.2.2. Plagioclase Plagioclase, rare among the marbles analysed, is mostly euhedral pure albite (Table 3), twinned in the albite law. It 32 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 shows blade contact with the enclosing carbonates, suggesting simultaneous crystallisation, at Carrara (crystals 0.1– 0.2 mm across), whereas at Mani, the plagioclase grains (up to 200 µm in diameter) are dentate towards the host; furthermore plagioclase of Mani is undeformed, by contrast with the host carbonates which are strained, implying late crystallisation of plagioclase. At Aydin and Mugla/Golkuk plagioclase is again albite, but not so extreme in composition as in previous localities (Table 3). At Aydin plagioclase is exceptional as euhedra twinned in the albite law, either with two lamellae only or with multiple lamellae (polysynthetically twinned). Plagioclase in the red marble from Mugla/Golkuk occurs as frequent grains of variable size (up to 0.4 mm), mostly anhedral. 3.2.3. Apatite It is the commonest accessory mineral among the studied marbles. The grains are mostly very small (generally <40 µm) (e.g. at Carrara, Penteli, Paros, Marmara and Aydin), but up to 100 µm in places (e.g. at Naxos, Thasos, and at Balikesir/Kocoglu); generally they grew euhedral during metamorphic recrystallisation, but also anhedral grains, rounded in shape and probably retaining detrital morphology, are seen in places (e.g. at Penteli “B”, Thasos, Mugla/Salkim). The crystals are generally scattered, but in some marbles (e.g. at Penteli, and in the grey marble variety of Mugla/Golkuk) the crystals cluster in aggregates; at Mugla/Golkuk the interspaces of the grains forming the aggregates are typically filled with graphite. 3.2.4. Sulphides and oxides/hydroxides Occur mostly in some coloured (particularly redcoloured) marbles, like the red marble (“cipollino rosso”) from Mugla/Golkuk, the red marble from Afyon (“pavonazzetto” variety), and the greyish marbles from Mugla/Salkim (locality not far from Iasos). Otherwise they are extremely rare. The grain size is generally very small (mostly <30 µm, frequently close to 5 µm), but may be distinctly bigger (up to 0.7 mm) in some Turkish marbles from Mugla district and from Latmos. Sulphides are mostly Fe-sulphides; exceptionally Znsulphides and Cu–As–V-sulphides have been detected at Thasos and Carrara, respectively. Zn-sulphide mantles Fesulphide at Thasos. The grains may be internally homogeneous (e.g. at Carrara, Mani, Afyon, Mugla/Salkim, Marmara, Latmos, Aydin and Mugla/Golkuk), or sieved (e.g. at Penteli). 33 Oxides are mostly Fe-oxides, which, in places, have been identified morphologically as hematite; however, other types of oxides have been detected, including Ti-oxides (probably rutile, as suggested by crystal shape) (e.g. at Carrara, Penteli, Eliconas, Naxos, Marmara), Fe–Ti-oxides (at Samos and Iraklia), besides Mn- and Cr-oxides (evidenced only at Penteli). Locally (e.g. at Naxos, Tinos, and Mugla/Salkim) Feoxides are mantled by Si-enriched secondary Fe-hydroxides. Fe-oxides (hematite) are concentrated particularly in marbles coloured in shades of red; in these marbles, particularly the red-coloured marble from Afyon (sample PAV: “pavonazzetto”), from Mani (sample PA3: “rosso antico”) and from Mugla/Golkuk (sample G16: “cipollino rosso”), hematite occurs as very small scattered grains (generally <25 µm), and/or concentrated as veinlets, which induces the staining effect. 3.2.5. Fluorite Fluorite has been detected only in marbles from Turkey, particularly from Mugla/Salkim, where it is abundant, and from Marmara and Balikesir/Kocoglu, where it is rather frequent; the crystals, occurring both in calcite and dolomite, reach 100 µm in size. 3.2.6. Zircon Two small grains detected at Volakas. 3.2.7. Epidotes Epidotes have been detected sporadically only at three localities (Table 4). At Tranovaltos the iron-rich variety (epidote s.s) is very abundant, whereas rare crystals of zoisite (110 µm) occur at Naxos. Epidote is also abundant in the red marble from Mugla/Golkuc, generally as chemically homogeneous grains; occasionally, however, epidote mantles rounded allanite (rare earth-rich epidote) grains (probably clasts). 3.2.8. Amphibole Amphibole (tremolite) (Table 4) has been found only in the red marble of Iasos, where it occurs as slender colourless euhedral prisms reaching 2.3 mm in length. 3.2.9. Chlorite Chlorite has been detected sporadically; by contrast it was found in all samples analysed from Mugla/Salkim. In places, it is in the form of individual crystals set in carbonates (e.g. Carrara, Prilep), or in bundles (e.g. Penteli); in other marbles Fig. 4. Microphotographs showing textural features of selected marbles. (A) homeoblastic, granoblastic, isotropic; plain contacts of calcite grains meeting at equiangular triple points (sample G19 from Prilep, F.Y.R.O.M.) (long side length 2.7 mm). (B) Homeoblastic, granoblastic, isotropic marble showing lobate contacts of calcite grains (sample G24 from Mugla/Salkim, Turkey) (long side length 2.7 mm). (C) Homeoblastic, isotropic marble (sample G15 from Thasos) showing sutured grain boundaries of dolomite (long side length 2.7 mm). (D) Heteroblastic, isotropic marble showing lobate contacts of calcite grains and inequiangular triple junctions (sample G11 from Naxos; long side length 5.7 mm). (E) Heteroblastic sutured marble (sample 179 from Dokimion, Turkey; long side length 2.7 mm). (F) Heteroblastic marble, with dentate grain boundaries (sample 138 from Larissa, Greece; long side length 5.7 mm). (G) Marble characterised by lobate contacts of calcite grains meeting at inequiangular triple junctions (sample G28 from Balikesir/Kocoglu, Turkey; long side length 2.7 mm). (H) Heteroblastic marble showing equilibrium texture in the coarse-grained portion (sample 180 from Teos, Turkey) (long side length 2.7 mm). Microphotographs taken under crossed nicols. 34 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 chlorite is intergrown with other phases, suggesting simultaneous crystallisation: for example chlorite lamellae alternate with phlogopite at Naxos and Mugla/Salkim, with phlogopite and phengitic muscovite at Iasos, and with graphite at Thasos. Chemically the analysed chlorite belongs to Mg-rich types (Table 5), with variable concentration of iron. For example at Naxos, Thasos, Penteli, Prilep, Tranovaltos, and Mani chlorite has the composition of pure Mg-end member, whereas in the other localities chlorite is mildly ferriferous, with lower Fe concentration at Mugla/Salkim and Mugla/Golkuc and higher concentration at Carrara. 3.2.10. Kaolinite Kaolinite occurs sporadically at Naxos, Volakas, Marmara, Afyon and Aydin (Table 5). It forms very small crystals, either discrete or finely intergrown with phlogopite (Marmara), and pyrophyllite (Afyon), or as minute radiating aggregates (Volakas). 3.2.11. Pyrophyllite Pyrophyllite occurs only at Afyon (Table 5) in the red marble variety. 3.2.12. Montmorillonite Montmorillonite occurs only in one sample from Aydin (Table 5), as very small crystal aggregates filling one small cavity in association with albite. 3.2.13. Graphite Graphite is quite frequent, relatively abundant in some greyish to black marbles, where it may concentrate in layers; it is rare in white marbles, where it is dispersed uniformly and in places has grown interstitially between the carbonates. 3.2.14. Micas White mica is relatively frequent, although not ubiquitous (Table 4). It has not been detected in a number of localities, comprising Eliconas, Agia Marina, Larissa, Veria, Volakas, Mires, Talea Ori, Folegandros, Keros, Tinos, Ikaria, Balikesir/Manyas and Teos. In some localities, e.g. Carrara, Afyon and Mugla/Salkim, mica is sporadic, in other localities, e.g. at Penteli, Thasos, Tranovaltos and Marmara, it is common. Mica occurs as tiny flakes (e.g. at Carrara, Aydin, Paros, Iraklia, and Sikinos) or as bigger crystals (up to 1.4 mm) (e.g. at Penteli, Naxos, Thasos, Balikesir/Kocoglu, and Afyon). The crystals are euhedral, in general, and unde- 35 formed; in some marbles they are oriented randomly (see for example: Carrara, Aydin, Paros, and Thasos), whereas in a number of other localities they show sub-parallel spatial orientation, marking the metamorphic foliation of host rock, e.g. at Penteli, Tranovaltos, Sikinos, Volakas, and occasionally at Naxos and Afyon. Where mica coexists with low-temperature phyllosilicates (chlorite, kaolinite, and pyrophyllite), composite crystals occur, which are made of mica lamellae (frequently phlogopite) alternating regularly, through blade contacts, with the above mentioned phyllosilicates. The geometric arrangement does not suggest an alteration relationship between mica and the low-temperature phyllosilicates, but better may be related to simultaneous crystallisation of the phases. If so, it may be inferred that marbles (e.g. Penteli, Naxos, Prilep, Thasos, Mugla/Salkim, and Marmara), containing low-temperature phyllosilicates, crystallised under quite low metamorphic grade. Different types of white mica were detected: muscovite {KAl2AlSi3O10(OH)2}, phlogopite {KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2}, paragonite {NaAl2AlSi3O10(OH)2}, margarite {CaAl2 Al2Si2O10(OH)2}, aspidolite {NaMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2}. The analysed crystals have the composition of end-members (Table 5); no significant miscibility has been observed even among different micas coexisting in the same sample. In particular mica does not contain Fe, which explains why all micas analysed appear colourless under the microscope. The consequence is that the typologies of micas can be recognised chemically. Mica types from different localities have similar composition, with slight chemical variation shown by phlogopite and muscovite. For example phlogopites from Naxos and Paros contain less Si per formula unit (f.u.) in respect to those from Thasos, and phlogopites from Marmara show ranges in Na and K concentrations which are not seen at Naxos, Paros and Thasos. Muscovite shows variation in the Si/Al ratio. On the basis of Si per formula unit (f.u.), the analysed muscovites have been assigned conventionally to the following three groups: muscovite s.s. (Si < 3.1 f.u.); phengitic muscovite (Si comprised between 3.1 and 3.4 f.u.); strongly phengitic muscovite (Si > 3.4 f.u.) (Fig. 8). The increase of Si in the tetrahedral sites is accompanied by the substitution of Mg for Al in octahedral sites (Fig. 9) as required by charge balance. Consequently the marbles may be characterised by chemical characteristics of mica, such as Si (f.u.), Al (f.u.), and Mg (f.u.) and the related localities discriminated accordingly. In particular the Mg/Si ratio of Fig. 5. Microphotographs showing textural features of selected marbles. (A) Marble slightly deformed showing grains of calcite crumbled to finer grains, characteristic of mortar texture (sample G7 from Veria) (long side length 2.7 mm). (B) Marble slightly deformed as shown by calcite grains bent and glide twinned (sample G26 from Balikesir/Manyas, Turkey). (C) Cataclastic marble showing fragmented and highly deformed calcite set into fine-grained carbonate (sample 176 from Iasos) (long side length 0.9 mm). (D) Cataclastic marble showing discoidal relics of marble protolith set into fine-grained marble; secondary foliation developed (sample 21 from Dokimion) (long side length 2.7 mm). (E) Foliated marble, with foliation plane defined by flattened calcite crystals (sample 93 from Aydin, Turkey) (long side length 5.7 mm). (F) Foliated marble, with foliation evidenced by mica flakes (sample G9 from Penteli) (long side length 2.7 mm). (G) Microgranular marble brecciated and cemented by coarse-grained calcite (sample KE15 from Keros) (long side length 2.7 mm). (H) Marble composed of calcite and subordinate dolomite (turbid) (sample G22 from Mugla/Salkim, Turkey) (long side length 2.7 mm. Plane polarised light). Photographs taken under crossed nicols, unless otherwise specified. 36 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 Table 1 Main petrographic features and isotope composition of analysed marbles from type-localities of the Mediterranean d18O (‰) Sample Texture GBS MGS (mm) Cal Italy (Fig. 1) Carrara-1 A13 Ho, G, I St 1.3 Only A24 Ho, G, I St 0.6 Only A21 Ho, G, I St to Cr 0.5 Main Rare A25 Ho, G, I Cr 0.7 Main Rare A3 Ho, G, I St to Cr 0.8 Main Rare A7 Ho, G, I St 0.8 Only A5 Ho, G, I St to Cr 0.7 Only A37 Ho, G, I St to Cr 0.8 Only A36 Ho, G, I St 0.5 Only A31 Ho, G, I St to Cr 0.4 Main Rare A6 Ho, G, I Cr to St 0.3 Main Rare A12 Ho, G, I St to Cr 0.3 Main Rare A16 C, He, S <0.1 Only A22 Ho, G, I Cr to St 0.7 Only A20 Ho, G, I St to Cr 0.9 Main Rare MA1 Ho, S, F D to Cr 0.5 Main Rare 2.62 –1.98 G9 Ho, A, F, S Cr to D 1.0 Main Sub. 1.84, 1.95 –6.06, –6.10 Carrara-2 Carrara-3 Carrara-4 Carrara-5 Dol d13C (‰) Locality Petrographic notes Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble, showing well developed equilibrium texture. Plagioclase common Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble, showing well developed equilibrium texture. Rare accessories uniformly distributed throughout Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble containing rare turbid dolomite as thin layers and isolated grains. Accessory minerals occur mostly in the dolomite fraction Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble containing turbid dolomite both as thin layers and isolated grains. Rare Fe-sulphides present Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble containing rare turbid dolomite as thin layers and isolated grains. Accessories related mostly to the dolomite fraction Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble, showing well developed equilibrium texture. Rare flakes of white mica present Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble, showing well developed equilibrium texture Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble, showing well developed equilibrium texture Fine-grained homogeneous marble composed of calcite grains showing equilibrium geometries. White mica is the only rare accessory Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble containing rare turbid dolomite both as thin layers and isolated grains Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble containing rare turbid dolomite both as thin layers and isolated grains. Accessories occur mostly in the dolomite fraction Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble containing rare turbid dolomite both as thin layers and isolated grains. Accessories very rare Very fine-grained cataclastic marble. Accessories frequent crowding deformed thin layers Fine-grained homogeneous marble composed of calcite grains showing geometric configuration close to equilibrium Fine-grained homogeneous calcite marble containing rare aggregates of turbid dolomite. Accessories uniformly distributed Fine-grained calcite marble containing rare turbid dolomite; sutured texture distinctive. Accessories uniformly distributed throughout Greece (Fig. 2) Penteli Marble composed of alternating layers mainly of limpid calcite and subordinately of turbid dolomite (greyish macroscopically). The calcite crystals are flattened parallel to the foliation plane defined by the micas. Accessories occur mostly in dolomite, subordinately in calcite fraction (continued on next page) S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 37 Table 1 (continued) Locality Sample Texture GBS G12 Ho, A, F, S G1 Sub. d13C (‰) 2.57 d18O (‰) –4.45 Main Sub. 2.74 –7.34 Cal Dol Cr to D MGS (mm) 1.0 Main W-He, A, F, S St to Cr 1.3 Eliconas 1 G20 G3 Ho, B NE <0.4 Acc. Main 2.73 2.67 –6.13 –3.32 Eliconas 2 G4 C, He, F S Var. Sub. Main 2.52 –3.82 Agia Marina AM C, He, F NE Main Rare 2.41 –0.97 Aliveri 136 C, He, F, S 3.0 Main Rare Mani (P. Elias) PA3 Ho, F, A, S Cr to D 0.3 Only 1.60 –0.28 Mani (Diros) 134 C, He, S Cr to D 5.0 Only 4.02 0.26 Larissa 137 W-He, S, I Cr to D 2.0 Only 2.01 –2.77 138 He, S, I Cr to D 4.6 Only 1.65 –1.77 TR1 Ho, G, A, F St to Cr 0.4–1.0 Only 0.57, 1.01 –5.75, –5.70 TR2 Ho, G, I St 0.6 Only 4.13 –2.72 TR3 Ho, G, W-F, W-A St 0.5 Main Sub. 2.75 –2.91 TR5 Ho, G, I St 0.5 Main Rare 3.57 –2.99 G7 C, Ho, S, F D 1.6 Main Rare 3.59 –1.66 Tranovaltos Veria Petrographic notes Marble composed of layers mainly of limpid calcite, and subordinately of turbid finer-grained dolomite (<0.5 mm), where non-carbonate minerals are concentrated. Calcite is flattened Marble composed of alternating layers mainly of limpid calcite and subordinately of turbid dolomite (greyish macroscopically). The calcite crystals are flattened parallel to the foliation plane defined by the micas. Accessories occur in the dolomite fraction Very fine-grained marble composed of turbid dolomite and rare interstitial clear calcite. Minutely veined with white calcite. Graphite uniform throughout and as veinlets Cataclastic black marble made of fine-grained turbid dolomite, crossed by coarse-grained white calcite veins. Calcite is strongly deformed. Accessories related to dolomitic fraction Cataclastic marble composed of oriented strained calcite grains (up to 1.8 mm) set in fine-grained (0.1 mm) unstrained calcite matrix. Turbid dolomite is the only accessory present Cataclastic marble composed mainly of coarsegrained and strained clear calcite grains and of subordinate fine-grained turbid dolomite. Accessories concentrated into the dolomite, except quartz occurring in coarse calcite Wine-red coloured calcite marble, foliated and schistose. Various kinds of accessories (particularly hematite) are very abundant throughout and also as thin layers Marble composed of strained calcite, showing disequilibrium geometries. Accessories absent Very pure marble composed of limpid calcite grains showing irregular borders. Rare apatite Very pure marble composed of limpid calcite grains with irregular borders. Rare Fe-oxides Marble made of alternating light-grey and white layers of calcite, showing variable grain size in adjacent layers, and flattened parallel to foliation plane. Accessories concentrated in layers White marble streaked in light grey, composed of calcite showing equilibrium texture Marble is mainly white but streaked in light grey. The white portions are composed of calcite, the greyish mainly of turbid dolomite. Accessories found mostly in the dolomite fraction Marble composed mainly of isometric grains of limpid calcite showing equilibrium relationships, and of rare minute streaks of dolomite also showing equilibrium arrangements. Accessories very rare Cataclastic marble made of discoidal calcite crystals, flattened to generate a foliation plane, which are girdled with small unstrained grains of calcite and dolomite. Rare accessories (continued on next page) 38 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 Table 1 (continued) d13C (‰) 1.88 d18O (‰) –3.73 Only 2.74 –6.96 0.1 Only 0.34 –3.75 Cr 0.1 Main Sub. –0.58 –1.44 Ho, S, A, W-F Cr to D 0.1–1.1 Acc. Main 0.63, 0.59 –5.03, –5.03 SK24 He, S, W-A, W-F Cr to D 1.6 Main Sub. –0.06, –0.13 –2.75, –2.57 H2 Ho, G, W-A, W-F Cr to St 0.1 Only 0.16a 0.51a –5.27a –5.54a H19 He, G, I Cr to St 0.1 Acc. 2.48a, 2.36 a 0.81a, 0.36 a Keros KE15 Ho, B, microg. NE <0.1 Only Paros G5 Ho, G, I Cr to St 3.2 Only 5.20 –3.29 LL G, W-He, W-F Cr to St 1.8 Only 4.73 –3.31 PA2 Ho, G, W-F, I Cr to D, r. St 1.4 Only 5.11 –2.85 G11 He, G, I Cr to D, r. St 11.0 Only 2.02 –5.56 G8 Ho, G, W-A, W-F Cr to St Acc. 1.23 –4.35 Locality Sample Texture GBS Volakas VOL Ho, G, F, A St MGS Cal (mm) 0.1–0.5 Acc. Mires 217 C, microg. NE <0.1 Talea Ori G6 Ho, I, microg. NE Folegandros G2 C, He, W-F Sikinos SK47 Iraklia Naxos 1.0 Dol Main Main Main Petrographic notes Fine-grained, foliated, dolomitic marble composed mainly of layers with grain size close to 0.5 mm alternating with finer-grained layers (0.1 mm). Equilibrium geometric configuration shown by dolomite. Interstitial calcite present. Kaolinite forms spherical aggregates Very fine-grained cataclastic calcite marble containing coarse fragments of deformed calcite. Fe-oxides present Marble composed of very fine-grained calcite; contains sparse spherical aggregates of minute calcite, cemented by sparry calcite. Quartz is the only accessory Cataclastic marble composed of fine-grained matrix of calcite and dolomite, containing rare deformed crystals of calcite (up to 1.0 mm). Quartz uniform throughout Marble composed of thin light-grey layers of dolomite variable in grain size (0.1–1.1 mm), and of alternating rare white layers of flattened calcite. Weakly foliated. Accessories in dolomite Heteroblastic marble composed of layers mainly of coarse calcite, with dolomite present, showing sutured borders, and subordinately of finer-grained layers (0.2 mm) of calcite showing geometric equilibrium relationships. Accessories mostly in dolomite fraction Marble composed of alternating layers of isometric white calcite and of turbid calcite (greyish macroscopically). Equilibrium textures present. Accessories uniformly distributed Marble composed of fine-grained turbid dolomite preserving dismembered layers of coarse dolomite (1.2 mm). Accessories frequent Very fine-grained calcite marble veined by coarser calcite. Sedimentary structures preserved. Accessories absent Marble composed of calcite (mainly 0.6–1.2 mm) with equilibrium geometries; coarser (4.0 mm) discoidal grains of deformed calcite, occasionally present. Accessories very rare Marble composed of weakly flattened calcite grains, mostly 0.4–1.4 mm in size, which show equilibrium texture, particularly in the finer-grained portions. Rare apatite present Marble composed of weakly flattened grains of calcite, showing disequilibrium relationships. Accessories very rare Coarse-grained heteroblastic marble composed of calcite grains showing disequilibrium geometries. Rare apatite present Dolomitic marble composed of limpid dolomite, and rare very thin layers of turbid calcite, which is substituted by dolomite. Geometric relationships of dolomite crystals straight to curved; those of calcite grains, curved to dentate. Accessories frequent (continued on next page) S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 39 Table 1 (continued) d13C (‰) 1.84, 1.78 d18O (‰) –5.55, –5.78 2.02 –2.25 2.19 –1.67 Main 2.82 –4.01 Acc. Main –0.49, 3.05 –3.39, –5.64 2.0 Acc. Main 2.90 –4.34 Cr, r. St 5.0 Only 2.52 –0.85 Ho, G, I St 1.0 Acc. Main 2.99 –1.61 Marble composed of isometric grains of limpid dolomite showing equilibrium geometries. Calcite is accessory. Not carbonate accessories very rare M1 He, S, W-F Cr to D 3.0 Sub. Main 3.41 –2.15 M2 He, S, I Cr to D 3.5 Only 3.01 –1.35 M3 He, S, I Cr to D 2.2 Main Rare 2.43 –2.80 M4 He, S, I Cr to D 4.0 Main Rare 3.86 –2.74 Balikesir/Kocoglu CT He, S, I Cr to D 7.0 Only G21 Ho, S, I D 3.5 Main Sub. 4.02 –2.98 G28 He, S, I D to Cr 3.0 Main Sub. 4.14, 4.09 –3.27, –3.37 Balikesir/Manyas G26 He, G, I Cr to D 6.5 Only 3.92, 3.89 –1.16, –1.19 Marble composed of matrix made of fine-grained limpid dolomite and calcite, where strained layers of coarser-grained calcite occur. Accessories frequent Marble composed mainly of coarse-grained calcite, and of a fraction (ca. 20% vol.) of finer-grained (ca. 0.8 mm) calcite, uniform throughout. Accessories rare Marble composed mainly of coarse-grained calcite, and of a fraction (ca. 20% vol.) of finer-grained (ca. 0.8 mm) calcite, uniform throughout. Accessories frequent Marble composed mainly of coarse-grained calcite, which is rimmed by fine-grained (ca. 0.7 mm) calcite (ca. 20% vol.). Accessories not rare Marble composed mainly of coarse-grained calcite, which is rimmed by fine-grained (ca. 0.4–0.8 mm) calcite (ca. 20% vol.). Accessories very rare Marble composed mainly of isometric grains of limpid calcite and of subordinate finer-grained ochreous dolomite. Accessories not found Marble composed mainly of coarse-calcite and subordinate fine-grained turbid dolomite. Accessories found mostly into the dolomite fraction Marble composed of coarse calcite crystals, bent and glide twinned. A fraction of finer-grained calcite (0.5–1.4 mm) is uniform throughout. Rare apatite present Locality Sample Texture GBS MGS (mm) 12.0 G17 He, G, I Cr to D, r. St Tinos G10 Ho, S, I Ikaria IK Samos Thasos Only Cr to D 0.4 Acc. Ho, S, I D to Cr 1.6 Only KERK C, He, S, I D 2.2 Only G14 Ho, S, I D 2.6 Acc. G18 He, S, I D 2.4 G15 Ho, S, I D TH3 He, S, I F.Y.R.O.M. (Fig. 2) Prilep G19 Turkey (Fig. 3) Marmara Cal Dol Main Petrographic notes Marble composed of coarse calcite grains, deformed (bent and showing secondary twins), contoured by smaller grains of undeformed calcite (0.6–0.7 mm). Accessories very rare Fine-grained turbid dolomitic marble “spotted” with rare dolomite “clasts” (up to 3.6 mm). Rare limpid calcite interstitial. Accessories very rare Calcite grains are bordered by accessory fine-grained calcite. Accessories (microcrystalline silica and graphite) occur both in veinlets and interstitially Mechanically deformed marble composed of calcite grains bent and glide twinned. Rare thin sub-parallel milonitic marble layers present Marble composed of isometric grains of dolomite showing disequilibrium geometries. Calcite is accessory. Other accessories very rare Marble composed mainly of coarse-grained dolomite showing disequilibrium geometries, and of a subordinate fine-grained fraction made of calcite. Accessories uniformly distributed throughout frequent Marble composed of isometric dolomite showing disequilibrium geometries. Rare apatite Coarse-grained calcite marble showing disequilibrium geometries (continued on next page) 40 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 Table 1 (continued) Locality d13C (‰) 3.62 d18O (‰) –1.66 Rare 1.75 –3.87 Rare 2.73 –5.36 Only 1.94 –3.59 1.5 Only –0.66 –3.25 D 2.0 Main Sub. 2.10 –3.47 Ho, S, I D 0.4 Acc. Main 0.87 –3.63 Ho, C, A, F, S He, C, A, F, S D 0.7 Only 0.52 –4.27 Cr to D 3.0 Main 1.11 –6.76 Cr to St 1.2 Only 0.79 –5.51 St-Cr to Cr St to Cr 1.2 Main Rare 4.01 –4.96 1.4 Main Rare 4.08 –4.86 Cal Cr to D MGS (mm) 6.5 Ho, S, I D 0.8 Main PAV He, S, A, F, B Cr 1.2 Only 21 C, F, A, S D 2.0 Main Izmir (Teos) 180 He, S, A D, r. St 4.0 Main Aydin 178 He, S, I Cr to D 4.0 Only 17 He, S, I Cr to D 4.0 20bis Ho, S, I Cr to D 18 He, S, I 53 52 Afyon Latmos Sample Texture GBS G13 He, G, I 179 93 95 Mugla/Salkim Mugla/Golkuc Dol Only Rare Rare G23 Ho, G, A, F Ho, G, I G27 Ho, G, I G24 Ho, S, I D to Cr, r. St 1.0 Main Sub. 4.02 –5.58 G22 Ho, S, I D to Cr, r. St 1.0 Main Sub. 3.94 –4.75 195 Ho, G, I St 1.6 Main Rare Petrographic notes Marble composed of coarse calcite crystals, bent and glide twinned. A fraction of finer-grained calcite (0.5–1.4 mm) is uniform throughout. Rare apatite present Marble composed mainly of isometric sutured calcite. Accessories very rare Red marble composed of alternating layers of very fine-grained (<0.1 mm) and of coarser calcite. Brecciated and veined by white coarse-calcite. Accessories very frequent Discoidal grains of deformed calcite (defining one foliation) are set into a finer calcite matrix. Accessories rare Calcite marble showing great variability of size and shape of calcite grains, which show dentate borders, rarely straight. Occasionally equiangular triple junctions are present Marble slightly heteroblastic (calcite in range 0.6– 4.0 mm) with disequilibrium geometries. Very rare accessories uniform throughout Marble slightly heteroblastic (calcite in range 0.6– 4.0 mm) with disequilibrium geometries. Very rare accessories uniform throughout Marble composed mainly of calcite almost constant in grain-size (1.0–1.5 mm), with a finer (<0.8 mm) very subordinate calcite fraction. Accessories uniform throughout Marble composed of calcite (in range 0.8–2.0 mm), besides subordinate fine-grained calcite and dolomite (<0.2 mm) filling criss-crossing “veinlets”. Feoxides present Fine-grained isotropic marble, composed of turbid dolomite and accessory limpid calcite. Fe-oxides fill veinlets Marble composed of platy crystals of deformed calcite bordered with graphite Marble made of calcite crystals, flattened to mark one metamorphic foliation; secondary twins frequent. Dolomite as minute aggregates. Accessories very rare Granoblastic marble, weakly foliated. Oriented white micas prevail among the accessories Homeoblastic, isotropic marble, showing equilibrium texture. Rare accessories Marble composed mainly of limpid unstrained calcite, developing equilibrium texture, and of accessory deformed dolomite. Accessories occur mostly in the dolomite fraction Marble composed mainly of limpid unstrained calcite and of subordinate turbid and deformed dolomite. Opaques set mostly in the dolomite fraction; other accessories occur in calcite Marble composed mainly of limpid unstrained calcite and of subordinate turbid and deformed dolomite. Opaques set mostly into dolomite; other accessories occur in calcite Granoblastic marble, distinctly isotropic and homeoblastic. Accessories very rare (continued on next page) S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 41 Table 1 (continued) Locality Sample Texture GBS 176 C, He, W-F, W-A C, B D G16 MGS (mm) 0.4 Cal <0.1 Only Dol d13C (‰) d18O (‰) Only 2.46 –2.62 Petrographic notes Cataclastic marble made of very minute recrystallised calcite containing rare coarser calcite “clasts” of former (protolithic) marble. Accessories very rare Wine-red marble composed of fine-grained turbid calcite containing hematite, brecciated and cemented by white calcite veinlets. Accessories in small layers Cal: calcite; Dol, dolomite. Texture: Ho, homeoblastic; He, heteroblastic; G, granoblastic; I, isotropic; A, anisotropic; F, foliated; B, brecciated; C, cataclastic; S, sutured; W-, weakly-; microg., microgranular. Grain boundary shape (GBS): St, straight; Cr, curved; D, dentate; NE, not equilibrium texture; r., rarely; MGS: maximum grain size; Acc., accessory; Sub., subordinate. C and O isotopes values: in italics (determinations at the Geologisches Institut, ETH-Zentrum); other values determined at the Stable Isotope Laboratory, University of California). Carrara 1, Colonnata; Carrara 2, Monte Borla; Carrara 3, Boana Arnetola; Carrara 4, Torano; Carrara 5, Monte Altissimo. Eliconas 1, “Eliconas white”; Eliconas 2, “Eliconas black”. a Determinations repeated on separate fractions. muscovite differs in the marbles from Carrara and Penteli (Fig. 9). Muscovite from Tranovaltos and phengitic muscovite from Samos are chemically unique being enriched in Na with respect to those of the other localities. The distribution of the different types of micas among the various localities is shown in Table 6. Muscovite is the only mica occurring in the marbles from a number of localities including Carrara, Tranovaltos, Samos (containing Na), Mani, Aliveri, Prilep, Latmos and Mugla/Golkuc; by contrast, paragonite has been detected at Iraklia, Marmara and Aydin, margarite and aspidolite are present only in the Marmara marbles, whereas phlogopite is common to Marmara and Thasos, and is occasionally present at Paros and Naxos. 4. The accessory minerals as discriminants of marble source The analysed marbles come from geographically distant and geologically unrelated sites, hence were generated from separate protoliths, some kind of carbonate-rock (reasonably different kinds of limestones), inevitably different in chemistry, possibly in the ratio of main components, i.e. CaO/MgO, and certainly in the minor components. Whereas the CaO/MgO ratio of protolith controls the type and the proportion of carbonates present in marbles (i.e. in first approximation, the calcite/dolomite proportion), minor components, which do not enter the carbonates structure, are used Fig. 6. Position of the samples of marbles from Italy, Greece and F.Y.R.O.M. in the d18O–d13C reference diagram for the main Mediterranean marbles. Reference isotopic fields from [24,25]. T: Thasos (T-1: Fanari district; T-2: Aliki district; T-3: Vathy-Saliara district); D: Dokimion (Afyon); N: Naxos; Pa 1–2: Paros (Pa-1: Lychnites variety; Pa-2: Chorodaki valley; Pa-3: Aghias Minas valley); Pe: Penteli; C: Carrara; Pr: Proconnesos (Marmara). Analysed marbles. Italy. Monte Altissimo: half-filled triangle. Greece. Penteli: asterisks; Eliconas: empty triangles upside; Agia Marina: cross; Mani: filled triangles down; Larissa: filled triangles up; Tranovaltos: empty triangles down; Veria: empty star; Volakas: filled star; Mires: hexagon; Talea Ori: circled point; Sikinos: empty diamonds; Iraklia: filled diamonds; Folegandros: half-filled diamond; Paros: empty circles; Naxos: filled circles; Tinos: empty square; Samos: filled square; Thasos: x. F.Y.R.O.M. Prilep: half-filled circle. 42 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 Fig. 7. Position of the samples of marbles from Turkey in the d18O–d13C reference diagram for the main Mediterranean marbles. Reference fields from [24,25]; isotopic field of Iasos from [3]. D: Dokimion (Afyon); Pr: Proconnesos (Marmara) (Pr-1: main marble; Pr-2: marble from Camlik area); Aph: Aphrodisias (Aydin); IS: Iasos. Analysed marbles. Crosses: Marmara (Sarajlar); filled circles: Balikesir/Manyas; open circles: Balikesir/Kocoglu; open stars: Latmos; filled stars: Mugla/Golkuc (Iasos); filled triangles: Mugla/Salkim; open triangles: Aydin; open square: Afyon; filled square: Izmir (Teos: bigio antico). up to generate the accessory minerals. Thus a few grains of accessory minerals may provide a direct indication of the chemical differences occurring among otherwise similar marbles. As expected, Table 6 evidences that most accesso- ries are not distributed uniformly among the investigated marble localities, implying that they are potentially useful in the characterisation of marble sources. Some mineral species are particularly good tracers since, alone, they may point to Table 2 Comparison between analyses performed by SEM and ARL electron microprobe SiO2 Al2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O Carrara Plagioclase SEM 68.6 19.1 ARL 68.2 19.7 11.2 0.13 11.8 0.05 Muscovite SEM 52.6 25.6 4.62 0.64 0.46 11.6 Marmara Margarite SEM 31.4 50.8 0.40 11.7 1.40 0.08 ARL 53.0 26.1 4.20 0.70 0.70 11.2 Phlogopite SEM 40.0 18.7 25.3 0.10 0.87 10.0 ARL 32.0 49.7 0.20 12.0 1.45 0.10 ARL 40.5 18.4 26.0 0.50 10.4 Table 3 Selected analyses of plagioclase in marbles from type-localities of the Mediterranean Locality Aydin Carrara Mani Mugla/Golkuc SiO2 66.6 68.6 70.2 68.1 Al2O3 19.5 19.1 20.6 19.9 Fe2O3 CaO 0.41 0.28 0.30 K2O Na2O 11.1 11.2 12.0 12.0 0.13 Table 4 Selected chemical analyses of amphibole and epidotes in marbles from type-localities of the Mediterranean Accessory Amphibole Epidote Allanite Zoisite Epidote Locality Mugla/Golkuc Mugla/Golkuc Mugla/Golkuc Naxos Tranovaltos SiO2 56.8 37.8 32.4 38.7 38.6 Al2O3 1.35 22.3 18.0 33.5 26.0 FeO 4.31 12.9 10.5 10.8 MnO 0.30 1.55 MgO 21.5 0.95 CaO 9.62 23.7 15.6 25.3 23.1 Na2O 2.81 0.32 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 43 Table 5 Selected analyses of phyllosilicates of marbles from type-localities of the Mediterranean Muscovite Phlogopite Margarite Aspidolite Paragonite Kaolinite Pyrophyllite Montmorillonite Chlorite Aliveri Afyon Aydin Balikesir/Kocoglu Carrara Iraklia Latmos Mani Mugla/Golkuc Paros Panteli Prilep Samos Sikinos Thasos Tranovaltos Marmara Mugla/Salkim Naxos Paros Thasos Marmara Marmara Iraklia Marmara Aydin Afyon Marmara Naxos Volakas Afyon Aydin Afyon Carrara Mani Mugla/Salkim Mugla/Golkuc Naxos Penteli Prilep Thasos SiO2 50.8 46.7 49.3 46.6 52.6 54.7 48.0 50.8 48.6 48.5 49.8 44.7 45.4 52.8 51.4 46.1 40.0 42.0 40.7 40.4 42.0 31.4 44.0 46.6 46.5 46.3 45.2 45.2 44.3 37.3 66.1 50.4 34.0 30.3 32.8 29.7 29.6 27.0 30.8 28.1 28.3 TiO2 0.84 0.14 0.38 0.38 0.43 0.25 the provenance of the host marble. For example fluorite points to Anatolian marbles, in particular to Marmara, Mugla/Salkim, or Balikesir/Kocoglu; zoisite to Naxos, and rare earth-containing epidote to Mugla/Golkuc; aspidolite is unique of Marmara, whereas margarite occurs at Marmara and Samos, and paragonite at Marmara, Aydin and Iraklia. Phlogopite occurs at Marmara and Mugla/Salkim among the Anatolian marbles, and at Thasos, Naxos, Paros and Penteli among the Greek marbles; it is worth noting that phlogopite is absent from Carrara. By contrast plagioclase is typical of Carrara and Aydin among the white marbles, and of Mani and Mugla/Golkuc among the red coloured marbles. Accessory minerals may be used successfully in combination with other parameters for the characterisation of the marbles. Marbles isotopically similar, e.g. the marbles from Al2O3 24.0 36.7 27.6 35.2 25.6 24.5 38.1 24.1 26.5 28.6 31.3 38.9 38.1 26.7 31.9 37.2 18.7 12.6 18.6 17.6 13.6 50.8 18.5 41.3 41.6 40.2 39.6 39.1 38.3 29.8 29.4 24.3 38.1 17.9 19.0 18.9 21.2 23.1 21.3 24.6 24.6 FeO 0.84 0.46 0.55 2.56 3.65 0.41 0.18 2.07 0.45 0.48 MgO 5.49 0.44 3.91 1.45 4.62 6.00 0.86 7.59 4.01 3.41 3.32 0.82 0.50 5.17 3.97 0.61 25.3 28.0 25.9 25.9 27.9 0.40 27.7 0.14 0.23 0.24 0.13 0.19 0.20 0.13 4.45 5.45 0.65 3.33 2.34 0.15 1.27 3.05 12.9 28.8 35.6 32.1 32.1 32.6 34.0 34.0 33.1 CaO 0.40 0.49 0.62 0.22 0.64 Na2O 0.42 0.69 0.34 0.54 0.28 0.18 0.23 1.54 0.27 0.85 0.77 0.77 1.45 2.80 0.44 0.33 0.54 0.10 0.24 0.16 0.54 11.7 0.66 0.61 0.47 0.60 0.34 1.06 1.11 0.38 0.29 1.75 0.55 0.44 0.35 0.18 0.39 0.08 0.23 1.49 0.58 0.40 0.46 1.16 0.87 0.77 1.62 2.52 0.87 1.40 6.73 6.46 7.87 6.93 K2O 9.61 9.83 9.50 11.4 11.6 11.5 9.45 10.6 10.6 10.6 11.0 10.1 6.93 10.2 10.7 9.56 10.0 11.0 9.46 8.12 10.8 0.08 1.62 1.50 0.58 1.62 0.14 1.03 0.13 0.29 0.30 0.26 1.05 0.82 0.27 0.59 0.34 Marmara, Thasos and Paros, which therefore cannot be distinguished by this parameter, may be discriminated internally by the accessory minerals, considering that fluorite besides aspidolite, paragonite and margarite occur only at Marmara, where muscovite is absent; by contrast muscovite occurs at Thasos and Paros. In turn Thasos and Paros marbles may be discriminated by dolomite, which is common at Thasos and is absent at Paros. Also marbles with similar MGS, e.g. Carrara, Penteli and Eliconas, may be distinguished by accessory mineralogy: plagioclase occurs only at Carrara, whereas muscovite occurs both at Carrara and Penteli (where also phlogopite has been detected) and is absent at Eliconas. Similarly marbles from Naxos, Thasos and Paros, which overlap in MGS and isotope composition, may be distinguished by muscovite, besides titanite, zoisite, kaolinite, 44 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 Table 6 Distribution of accessory minerals in marbles from type localities of the Mediterranean A Italy (Fig. 1) Carrara-1 Carrara-1 Carrara-1 B C 1 1 1 A13 X A24 X A21 Carrara-2 Carrara-2 Carrara-3 1 1 1 A5 X A37 A31 Carrara-3 Carrara-4 Carrara-5 Greece (Fig. 2) Penteli 1 1 1 A16 X A22 X MA1 X 1 G9 Tranovaltos 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 G12 G1 G3 G4 AM 136 PA3 X 134 137 138 TR1 Veria Volakas 7 7 7 8 9 TR2 TR3 TR5 G7 VOL 10 11 12 13 13 217 G6 G2 SK47 SK24 14 14 H2 H19 15 16 16 16 17 17 KE15 G5 LL PA2 G11 G8 Tinos 17 18 G17 G10 Ikaria Samos 19 20 IK KERK Eliconas 1 Eliconas 2 Agia Marina Aliveri Mani Larissa Mires Talea Ori Folegandros Sikinos Iraklia Keros Paros Naxos Ab Q Sp Ap Su Ti F Z Ox Ep Am Ch K Py Mt Mu PM SPM Ph As Pa Ma Hy G X Ti; Fe Fe Fe X X Fe; V X X X X Fe X X Fe X X X Fe X X Fe X X X X Ti; Fe; Mn; Cr X X ? X X X X X X X Ti Fe X HE X X X Fe Fe; E Ti Fe Fe X X X X1 X X X X X X X Fe; Ti Fe X X X X X X Fe; Ti X X X Fe–Ti; Fe X X X X (*) X X X s X X X X X X X Fe Fe; HFe; Ti X X Z X X X Fe; HFe X X X X2 (continued on next page) S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 45 Table 6 (continued) A Thasos B 21 21 21 21 F.Y.R.O.M. (Fig. 2) Prilep 22 Turkey (Fig. 3) Marmara 1 1 1 1 Balikesir/Kocoglu 2 2 2 Balikesir/Manyas 3 3 Afyon 4 4 4 Teos 5 Aydin 6 6 6 6 Latmos 7 7 7 7 Mugla/Salkim 8 8 Mugla/Golkuc 8 8 9 9 9 C Ab Q G14 G18 G15 TH3 Sp Ap Su Ti X X X X Fe; Zn G19 X M1 M2 M3 M4 CT G21 G28 G26 G13 179 PAV 21 180 178 17 X 20bisX 18 53 52 93 95 G23 G27 X X X X X G24 G22 195 176 G16 X X X X X X X X X F Z Ox Ep Am Ch K X Fe Mt Mu PM SPM Ph X X X X Ti Fe Py X X Ti Pa Ma Hy G X X X X X As X X X X X X X X X X X Fe X Fe HE Fe X X X X X X X s X X X X X Fe Fe Fe Fe X X X X X X X Fe Fe Fe Fe X X Fe Fe X X X X X X X Fe; HFe Fe Fe X X X Fe X X X X HE E; T RE X X X X A, country; B, location of samples on maps of Italy, Greece, and Turkey; C, sample label. Ab, albite; Q, quartz (s, microcrystalline silica); Sp, Al–Mg–Ti-spinel (?) (*); Ap, apatite; Su, sulphide (Fe, Fe-sulphide; V, Cu–As–V-sulphide; Zn, Zn-sulphide); Ti, titanite; F, fluorite; Z, zircon; Ox, oxide (Fe, Fe-oxide; HE, hematite; Mn, Mn-oxide; Cr, Cr-oxide; Ti, Ti-oxide; Fe–Ti, Fe–Ti-oxide; HFe, Fe-hydroxide); Ep, epidote (E, Fe-epidote; Z, zoisite; RE, rare earths-rich epidote); Am, amphibole (T, tremolite); Ch, chlorite; K, kaolinite; Py, pyrophyllite; Mt, montmorillonite; Mu, muscovite (Si f.u.: <3.1); PM, phengitic muscovite (Si f.u.: >3.1 and <3.4); X2, Na-rich phengitic muscovite; SPM, strongly phengitic muscovite (Si f.u.: >3.4); X1, Na-rich muscovite; Ph, phlogopite; As, aspidolite; Pa, paragonite; Ma, margarite; Hy, hydralsite (?); G, organic substance (graphite). Carrara 1, Colonnata; Carrara 2, Monte Borla; Carrara 3, Boana Arnetola; Carrara 4, Torano; Carrara 5, Monte Altissimo. Eliconas 1, “Eliconas white”; Eliconas 2, “Eliconas black”. which occur at Naxos and not at Thasos and Paros. The important Anatolian marble-types, Aydin (Afrodisia), Afyon (Dokimion) and Marmara, which overlap isotopically, may be distinguished internally by accessory minerals. In particular plagioclase occurs only at Aydin, where also muscovite occurs at variance with Marmara; Fe-oxides are common at Aydin and Afyon, whereas Fe-sulphides and Ti-oxides have been detected at Marmara. The Anatolian fluorite-bearing marbles (i.e. Marmara, Mugla/Salkim and Balikesir/ Kocoglu) may be distinguished mutually by chlorite and Fe-oxides (unique to Mugla/Salkim), and by micas (with muscovite possible at Balikesir, and phlogopite, paragonite and aspidolite, unique at Marmara) besides kaolinite (occurring only at Marmara). Marbles of some localities (e.g. Agia Marina, Keros, Mires) do not contain accessories. 5. Conclusions A number of marble samples coming from different localities of the Mediterranean, including those exploited in the ancient past and archaeologically important, e.g. Carrara, Penteli, Naxos, Paros, Thasos, Marmara, etc., have been analysed for C and O isotopes and examined petrographically. 46 S. Capedri et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 5 (2004) 27–47 marbles. A number of minerals were recognised: quartz, plagioclase, apatite, various kinds of sulphides and oxides, different types of micas (muscovite, phlogopite, aspidolite, paragonite, margarite), chlorite, kaolinite, pyrophyllite, montmorillonite, epidote, amphibole, besides organic substance. These mineral species and their morphology may be used to identify the provenance of archaeological marbles. Acknowledgements Some samples from Greece and Turkey were kindly provided by C. Gorgoni (Modena University) and L. Lazzarini (Venice University), who are cordially acknowledged. 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