Here - Visual Chart


Here - Visual Chart
Visual Chart has been designed as a powerful and specialized software, very useful in the financial environment.
You will be able to follow up in Real Time any signifin¡cant event happening at the stock exchange. It also enables
you to compile, interpret and use any market or security's data, and through the powerful analysis and studies tools,
handle all the information you have received, making easier your decisions.
Visual Chart makes possible the real time data reception, the buying/selling operations transmission through internet,
including the database downloads and updates, the graphic and alphanumeric visualization of data series, and the
possibility to analyze and investigate the entering and exiting market strategies, according to the user's definitions.
The Visual Chart innovations outperform the features any other software could offer. The integration of Visual Basic
for Applications and the incoropration of Visual Design Plataform provide the most sophisticated tools to create
oscillators, strategies, studies, etc., and the possibility to accede directly to the stock exchange using Direct Access
function. This technology makes possible the combination of great flexibility and investment systems speed when
positioning asset's buying/selling orders. You can follow up these orders, and the confirmation of execution is
inmediate. All this features make the software a top investment assistant.
You can install the Visual Chart software in your computer following the instructions you will find in:
The CD-ROM software. Order it on our website, just click the DOWNLOAD section:
Download it from Visual Chart Group website, just click the DOWNLOAD section.
In case of downloading problems contact us by e-mail: or at the following
telephone number + 34 950 620 680.
Once you have downloaded the software, you must run the vchartinstaller.exe file which will guide you
through the setup process.
In case you want to start trading in real time, you must register as a real time user. Fill in the form on the
Go to USER MANAGEMENT section.
You can request this code at following telephone number : + 34 950 620 680, or by e-mail :
Once you've got your username and password (if you have registered filling in the form, you will receive them
by e-mail), you only have to open the Visual Chart software clicking the desktop icon or using
Start->Programs->Visual Chart menu sequence. Once you open it, a screen requesting your username and
password will appear and you should introduce your codes to connect. Now you are ready to start using the
The minimum PC system requirements to operate the Visual Chart software are: Pentium II 400 MHz, 64 MB of
RAM Memory, 100 MB free disk space and Windows XP, 2000 or 2003 operating system. In order to improve the
system reliability, the recommended system requirements are: Pentium IV 2,4 GHz, 512 MB of RAM Memory, 1 GB
free disk space and Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP operating system.
Before using the software for the first time you may be interested in setting several parameters. In this way you can
customize the software according to your needs.
Access the Setup dialog box by using the File - Options menu sequence.
You can customize the following parameters: login, startup, charts, news, chat, alerts and trading.
Use the Login tab to register both Data and Trading service username and password, provided by the software
company. In each case the port and the server will be established by the company and the broker agency. If working
within local area network or without a direct internet connection, select the proxy service check box and specify the
server's IP address.
The Startup tab customize the following aspects:
 The maximum number of rows to be visualized in the BidAsk vertical ticker. You should remember that
BidAsk may become difficult to handle when operating quotes with a huge amount of operations. That's why
we recommend you to limit the number of followed operations.
 The connection service type (Real Time data service, Real Time trading service) and the possibility to save the
user's password. Select the check box and you won't need to fill it in every time you connect.
 The general aspects of:
o verification of VBA projects' integrity. It will enable you to verify and compile all the software projects
developed in VBA (Indices, Strategies and Studies), in case these have been corrupted or need to be
o opening the last workspace: clicking this check box, every time you connect to the Visual Chart software
the last workspace you used in your previous session will be open
Use the Chart tab to set the number of days you want to load to the intraday chart. It is highly recommendable to
keep this number low (counting the n previous days until the present date), for example 30, due to the amount of
information which may be stored in historical intraday data base. When you open the chart, you will be able to modify
the starting date you want to load and even include it in the data base if necessary.
You can also enable a confirmation dialog box when you close a chart document. Whenever you close a chart
document you will receive a message that asks you if you want to close the document. You can format the japanese
candlestick chart, customizing the chart colors in order to display the different sessions in different colors.
Finally you can apply a customized template when opening a chart. Click the check box "Default graph template" and
after the "..." icon in order to select a template you saved previously.
The News tab customize the following aspects:
Type: Indicates the type of news you want to receive. Click the arrow and several news options will be
displayed: general (GEN), sport (DEP), economy (ECO), etc. If you select the * option all the news will be
Region: Select a specific geographic area.
Priority: Select the urgent (U) or normal (N) news. If you select * option you will receive both.
Values: If you want to receive the news from a specific stock exchange, value, index etc., you can select it
Languages: Click the corresponding check box to receive the news in the selected language.
Click the "Show News Panel" and "Enable News Beep", and you will enable these options when openings the Visual
The Chat tab customize the following:
Server: The server access address which provides the data to the software.
Port: Set by default and used by the server to connect.
o Nick: The name to be used in a chat.
o Alternative Nick: A different name in case some other user is using the same Nick.
o Real Name: Write your real name. Optional.
The tab Alerts customize the alerts panel visualization when opening the Visual Chart.
Click the + to expand this tab and choose the way you want to receive the alert. Click the category and fill in the
required data.
Click the "Enable sound notification" to be notified through an audio alert. To choose the sound file click "...", select
one and press Open. In case you want to hear the selected sound click the Speaker icon.
You can enable alerts for system-generated orders: notification for actives orders , and notification for filled orders.
When the Trading option is active you can set several parameters related to the direct exchange orders, clicking the
corresponding check boxes:
Confirmations.When sending any order or specified order categories (new orders. modifications, canceled
System.When deleting a system, you can disable the orders or leave them enabled. You can also set the order
confirmation request.
 Events.Displays a window containing informaton related to the order's events.
 Orders.Displays all the orders linked to the current symbol.
The Visual Chart Help provides the answers to the main questions a user can have when using the software. There
are several ways you can access Help document:
1. Use Help - Contents menu sequence.
2. Press F1 key.
The screen is divided in two windows, one on the right and the other one on the left side.
On the left side you will find two tabs: Contents and Index. The first one groups help topics according to the subject
matter. Click "+" to the left of the purpule books to expand a category. Click "-" to collapse a category. In this way
you can see all the options available, just click the topic and you will visualize all the information on the right side; The
second one contains the alphabetically ordered entries. To visualize the information on the right side you only have to
double click or press the Enter key on the selected entry.
The Contents book displays the software's description, performance, application and potential. Here you will find
explained the elements' location, paying a special attention to the creation of research strategies, trading systems, and
operational investment when acceding directly to the exchange. It also offers the technical references about the Indices
and Functions' catalogues presented within the software.
There are different ways the users can solve doubts, questions or operating problems. On our website you will find the complete Help text and all the information related to the Visual Chart Group
To access directly to the website:
 Use View - User Tools - VCG On line menu sequence.
You can also access:
 Using Help - Visual Chart on the Web - VCG Home Page menu sequence
Using Help - Visual Chart on the Web menu sequence you can also consult another specific issues (Free Stuff,
FAQ, Online Support, Feedback), just click the corresponding tab.
Besides our website, a user can contact us by:
Customer Support, at the following telephone number - + 34 950 620 680.
The Data server administer the data reception, it give us all the information regarding the state of our connexion and
the information reception.. From this program the information remains incorporated for its later use and
development.when you open this application if you have choose to save your user name and password in your initial
configuration the real server connects directlly and update automaticlly all the data base allowing the user to operate in
the program in a straight and updated way.
if the initail option wasn' t activated a previous connexion window will appearwhere you will have to enter the correct
data for the access.
By launching Visual Chart the data server is automaticlly launched but if for any reason you would have to get in to it
for any kind of information all you need to do is double click on it icon at he right bottom of hte screen.
Then the following dialog box will be opened with it corresponding information :
State: Shows us the state of our connexion (conected, not conected,conecting).
Server: Shows us the name of the server we are connected to..
Nº of TCP connexions : number of programs which are linked together getting information using the TCP protocol.
Nº of DDE connexions : number of programs which are linked together getting information using the DDE link.
Last query: Last consultation made to the server.
Received Ticks: ticks that we have received
Registered symbols : it shows us the number of symbols we are working with.
Compression rate: Indicates us the ratio of compression with which the information is received, to a major volume
of information we have a reason of major compression. This allows to accelerate the receipt of quotes when a high
volume takes place.
Rate speed: the fastness we 're receiving the information with.
Accumulated information: It shows us the information received in Kb.
Download process: It shows us the state of the downloading process beeing indicatedby the icon with three small
points which appear at he bottom of the real server.
Actives queries: It assesses the historicall consultations that we have active.
The iluminated big point, indicates if we are connected or not, whereas the small points inform us about the condition
of the exhaust of historically.
If we are not connected to the data server the following icon will appear.
the fonction fill gaps,intraday download or daily download is made automaticlly by opening a new chart, (all you need
to do is indicate the dates).
To incorporate a specific symbol in visual chart you will do it from the chart didalog box.
Place yourself in the menu "charts: in the main menu and press "open chart in a new window "
Fill the differentsfields of the dialog box.
Exchange: Select the exchange the symbol you want to register belongs to.
Symbol' s code: we write the code of the symbol if we know it and the name
By pressing in the icon "lup" and it will give us back the symbol to select or a group of symbols containing
the carachters of the symbol we arelooking for.
Finally we press "Accept".
To remove from visual chart a specific symbol yu will do it from the chart selection dialog box.
1. Place yourself in the menu "Charts" and then click in "Open chart in a new window".
Select from the dialog box the symbol you want to remove and then press "Delete". A message will ask you
for cofirmation.
To include an exchange in Visual Chart follow these steps:
 Display "Charts" menu and click on "Open"
Selecct the option "set up" ---> "Set up exchange".
To create a new exhange, press "New".
You will have to fill the differents fields in the following dialog box.
Code : Of the new exchange
Nombre: Of the new exchange
Depth: number of bid and ask positions that you want to visualize
Decimal: Amount of decimals
country: Code of the country where the exchange is based.
GMT difeerence: Hourly difference regarding to the international markets.
Then configurate the the seesions by activating the eyelash"Sessions".
1. Press Add row So often as exchange session days
2. Complete each row with the exchange carachteristics: Day of the week,opening time and closing time.
3. make as many modifications as you requirer Insertar row,Delete row, delete all.
4. Press Acceptwhen all the details are correctly defined. You' ll see one mesage asking for confirmation.
To remove a determinate exchange from visual chart you will do it from the chart selection dialog box.
1. Place yourself in the menu "Charts" an accept the option"open chart in a new window".
2. Select the option"Set up" ---> "Set up exchange"
3. Select from the list the exchange you want to remove from Visual chart and then press Delete. A message
will appear asking for confirmation.
1. Introductión.
2. Correct datas
3. Intraday download
4. Dayly download
3. Splits.
Realserver manages automatically the symbols , filling gaps, applying splits, loading intraday and daily databases etc.
The option "Symbols management" appears as active by default in Visual Chart.
2. Correct Data.
Use this option to insert, modify and delete data.
1. Go to "Data" menu and disable "Symbols management" option.
2. Open the file youwant to correct , dailly or intraday (the compression should be 1 minute or 1 day).
3. Go to Data menu and select "Correct Data".
4. The active chart database will be automatically downloaded.
To modify the database, follow these steps:
Insert: Use this option to insert a new data register. Click on "Insert" and fill in the required
fields in the dialogue box.
Delete: Select the data register you want to delete and click "Delete". Click Ok to confirm the operation.
Modify: If a register contains wrong data you can correct it selecting the register, clicking on "Modify" and
filling the requiered data in the dialogue box.
The process -Insert, Delete and Modify - is exactly the same for the daily database.
You can also modify the database right clicking it.
3.Intraday Download.
Use this option to download a bigger amount of intraday historical data. The "Symbols management" option is
enabled by default in Visual Chart (see Introduction) and automatically loads historical data when you open a chart
(you only have to indicate the first and last date) To download the data manually follow these steps:
1. Display "Data" menu and disable "Symbols management" option.
2. Open a chart (by default Visual Chart loads a month of historical data), display "Data" menu and select
"Intraday Download".
3. Fill in the fields "Start date" (it shouldn't be Saturday, Sunday or Holiday) and "End date" in the dialogue
4. Click "Fill".
Le recomendamos que descargue períodos pequeños de datos históricos, por ejemplo 3 meses, para que el
proceso de descarga se realice más rapidamente.
4.Daily Download.
Use this option to download a bigger amount of daily historical data. The "Symbols management" option is
enabled by default in Visual Chart (see Introduction) and automatically loads historical data when you open a
chart (you only have to indicate the first and last date) To download the data manually follow these steps:
1. Open a chart (by default Visual Chart loads a month of historical data), display "Data" menu and select "
Daily Download".
2. Fill in the fields "Start date" (it shouldn't be Saturday, Sunday or Holiday) and "End date" in the dialogue
Ordinary splits occur when a publicly held company distributes more stock to holders of existing stock. A
stock split, say 2-for-1, is when a company simply issues one additional share for every one outstanding.
After the split, there will be two shares for every one pre-split share. (So it is called a "2-for-1 split.") If the
stock was at $50 per share, after the split, each share is worth $25, because the company's net assets didn't
increase, only the number of outstanding shares. The splits are applied on the all the historical data strating on
the emission date. Dividens, capital returns etc. can also be applied.
By default the "Symbols management" option is enabled (see Introduction) and the splits, dividends etc,
application is made automatically. If you want to apply splits manually follow these steps:
o Open the chart of the symbol on which you want to apply the split.
o Use Data - Splits menu sequence.
The following window will be displayed :
The dialogue box should be filled in as follows:
o Code: Here you must indicate the symbols code. For ex., cuando este la captura ponerlo (end of day
database) or cuando este captura ponerlo (intraday database)
Operation: Operation type: Sum, Subtract, Divide, Multiply.
Factor: Applicable factors.
Date: Fecha desde la cual se va a aplicar el split (con el formato indicado).
Apply to intraday: In case it will be applied on intraday period.
Apply to daily: In case it will be applied on daily period.
Apply to volume: In case it will be applied on volume.
You can find the information about all the Dividends, Capital Increase/Returns, Splits or Issue premium
operations we apply on our websiteAmpliaciones/Devoluciones de Capital, Splits o Prima de Emisión que
aplicamos en nuestra página web :
Once the all the required fields are filled in, click on Apply.
If you want to open a quote's chart, it must be registered in the software internal file. Our company maintains the
most frequent symbols registration: Mercado Continuo companies, Meff RV, Meff RF, etc. To work with an
unregistered quote, you must do the following:
1. Use Main Menu - Data sequence.
2. Click Register New Symbol.
3. Fill in the Search Symbols dialog box.
Follow these steps to select a symbol:
o Mark the Search symbols containing (code/name) check box, and write the quote's code or name, if
you are not sure you can write part of it, then click Search button and the matching symbols will be listed
on the left window.
o Mark the Name circle, and write it down. Click Search to list all the symbols containing this name.
o Mark the Code circle, and write it down. Click Search to list all the symbols containing this code.
o Specify the exchange, category and connection to display the symbols on the left window, then select
the one you are looking for.
Click "->" to select the symbols one by one, or "-->" to select them all at once. Mark the check box next to
the Code to select it directly. Click "<<" to delete a selected symbol. Click Ok to include it in the general
1. Tick charts .
2.l Extended lineal chart..
3. Limit Charts.
1.Tick chart
The ticks charts represent the operations that are negotiated.The difference with the time compression
chart is that they make the compression according to the maked operation.
Fig. 1: T ick chart in inear representation
Fig. 3: 60 ticks charts in candle sick representation.
Fig. 2: 5 ticks chart represent in bars.
Fig. 3: 5 ticks linear representation with more hstorical.
We also have two new kind of representation avaylable to follow a tick chart.
2.Extended linear chart.
This is only an extension of the linear chart which show us the bid and ask crosses.IT is important to be awared
that the crosses will be shown only if it is a one tick 's chart (if it was a five tick chart we would have five crosses in te
same bar),
3. Limit Chart.
Show us the bid and ask crosses of each tick using a rectangle.
The smaller colour (in the head) tell us if the tick is a buying or selling tick. With a normal scale (not inverted), This is
a buying tick..
if the selling price of the tick is the same than the closing the tick will be bullish in the other case it will be bearish.
The upper position in the tick's body is the buying price and the lower position is the selling price. The tick stands out
1/6 (of the minimal movement) in the limits. This is done to centre the head (and the end of the body) in the limit and
to facilitate the comparison among ticks.
The ticks are made up with an edge around(it can be configurated not to show it from the properties editor) using by
default a colour close to the backgroun' s one.If the body is to small that paiting the edge does not live space enough
for the body only the body will be painted. .
The colour of the body variates from the one we have choosen in the properties to the backgrounds colour of the
chart depending on the volume negotiated on the tick..This way the ticks with a bigger volume of negotiation appear
with a colour similar to the body of the tick and the one' s with less volume closer to the background' s colour.
As the distribution of the volume negotiated has a big deviation regarding to the mode (due to unusual extreme
values), it is calculated with an average value for the extreme used for te interpolation which calculates the gradient.the
problem wiith this calculation is tha we can find tikcs with a much biger volume and with the same colour.
We could have 20.000 titles as limit value for te gradient' s calculation and find ourseleves with a tick which
negotiates 700.000 titles.the tick we are talking about will have the same colour than a tick with 23000 negotiated.
to solve this problem we use the volume marks.the tick close to 23000 titles hasn' t got any marks. and the shown
colour represent the volume which has been negotiated, .The ticks which negotiate a much bigger volume than the
limit' s will show the same colour than the preceding one' s except to the fact that they will show the mark.
In the following image we will see the differents colours of the tick' s body according to the negotiated volume
(shown in red in the screen capture).In htis case the colour assignated to the body is black and the background is
white. colors close to the black collour inndicate us a big negotiated volume in the other hand the colours close to the
backgroun shows us the opposite.
Out fom the tick' s body two vertical lines are drawn which indicate us the volume (nº of titles) of the ticks in the bid
and ask crosses. As this information does not depend on the scale it is not possible to change it size when the scale
variates..To get this the line represents x titles for each distance that the minimum mouvement occupates.. So when the
scale increases the separation among two consecutives cotations increases as well and the line which represents the
volume to.
Let's presume a tick which it contracts number ind the bid cross is 25000.. If the minimum mouvement currently
ocupates 12 pixels and the user has decide to show 10000 contracts for each minimum mouvement we would have to
show 2.5 times the minimum mouvement. (25.000 / 10.000 = 2.5), this is , 2.5 * 12 = 30 pixels.
Particular cases.
The redondeos can make the width of the differents ticks to be different.The result when the ticks occupate a small
space is obvious and we see some ticks with a much bigger size than others . El resultado, cuando los ticks ocupan
poco espacio salta a la vista y se ven unos ticks con un tamaño bastante superior que otros (but it is only one pixel's
ifference). To avoid these kinds of situations when the first tick is drawn we anotate the values taken to draw it and
we' ll use these values for the rest of the ticks. (instead of calculate tem in each tick and then paint them)
For the small sizes we asignate directly the value that th size of te tick will have..For the rest of the values it will be
adjusted using a proportion.
The ticks are always painted separatlly if possible and appear together only id they are too closed.The following
image show the sequence of a chaer with differents bars size.
Follow these steps to open any type of quote, index etc. chart in a new window:
Use Main Menu - Charts sequence.
Click Open Chart in a new window (CTRL+G)
You can open it directly, just click the following icon on the toolbar:
The selection dialog box will be displayed. You must select the stock exchange and the symbols' code or
name, the interval type (intraday, daily, weekly, monthly), the interval number (1,2,5,10,15,...), the starting
date, the ending date, etc.
If there is an extensive list of symbols in a market, you can search them in a special way. Right click inside the square
and select the "Search..." option.
Fill in the data you want to find writing the full name or part of it, indicating the searching direction, and the results will
be displayed in the indicated order. Click Find next to keep on searching.
You can also customize Borders, Horizontal Alignment, Vertical Alignment, Fonts and Colors, just right click inside
the dialog box.
See the example below:
When you open a chart it's inserted in the Sheet 1, but there are more sheets in case you want to keep on adding
charts.The proceeding is explained below.
Follow these steps to open any type of quote, index etc. chart in a new sheet:
Use Main Menu - Charts sequence.
Click Open Chart in a new sheet (CTRL+G)
You can open it directly clicking the following icon on the toolbar:
The selection dialog box will be displayed. You must select the stock exchange and the symbols' code or
name, the interval type (intraday, daily, weekly, monthly), the interval number (1,2,5,10,15,...), the starting
date, the ending date, etc.
See the example below:
The chart can be customized suiting the user's needs. The chart window, no matter if it's intraday, daily, weekly or
tick based, must be active on the screen. Open the chart and click the bars using the mouse pointer. You will notice
there are small squares appearing on some of these bars. Then right click and select Object Properties option to
display the "Object Properties" dialog box.
Once the chart bars are selected, there is another way to open the "Object Properties" dialog box:
1. Use the Main Menu - View sequence.
2. Click the Properties option.
After opening the "Object Properties" dialog box, you can customize all the possibilities by clicking the tabs:
1. General.
2. Color.
3. Style.
4. Scale.
5. RT Indicator.
6. Separator.
7. Compression.
8. Trading.
Once the chart is active on the screen, click the horizontal scroll bar to see the different time based data intervals.
There are two ways to do this:
1. Using the scroll bar below the chart, next to Sheet tabs.
Click the scroll box (thumb) and drag it horizontally.
Hold down the scroll right or left arrow, or hit it several times.
2. Left click the chart and when the mouse pointer changes into a hand, hold it down and scroll left or right.
The General tab indicates:
Name: The active chart's code. On the example: REC stands for Recoletos; MC for Mercado Continuo.
New Ticks Sound: Enable this option to listen a sound every time there is a new tick for the selected quote.
Click the right mouse button on the chart bars and select the Object Properties option. Enable the Color tab in the
dialog box.
You can display the chart bars in a unique color. Mark the "Draw with a unique color" checkbox. Then click the
Unique Color "..." button and select the color and its gradation. Using this option you can also create customized
If you prefer to visualize the chart alterning the colors for odd and even days:
1. Disable the "Draw with a unique color" window.
2. Customize the bar, the open and the close color for both odd and even days, by clicking the "..."
corrsponding buttons.
3. In the Color dialog box you dispose of a large range of colors to customize the chart. Every time you select a
color, press the Apply option on the object properties dialog box to see how it does look like.
4. Click Ok when you have finished your changes.
You can specify several chart styles; line, candlestick, etc. Open and left click the chart window. Display Object
Properties by right clicking the chart. You can also use the Main menu-View-Properties sequence. Click the style
Representation Type
Click this option to select the data representation: Bars, Candlestick, Linear, Point & Figure, Renko, Three Line
Break, Histogram, Filled Histogram or Dotted Line.
Bars: Each bar on the chart illustrates the Open (left side sign), High, Low, and Closing (right side sign)
prices for the time increment represented by the bar.
Candlestick: The name "candlestick" is used because the data in the charts are plotted to resemble what
looks like a series of candles with wicks. The candlestick chart uses the same price data as a bar chart,
with each candlestick representing the open, high, low and closing price. The "thick" part of the
candlestick is known as the "real body" and represents the range between the open and closing prices.
The white real body represents a bullish market —the close price was higher than the open price. The
black real body represents a bearish market — the close was lower than the opening price. The thin line
above the body represents the high, and the thin line below the body represents the low.
Line: A line chart is created by drawing a line which connects all the closing prices over the data interval
Point & Figure: Point & Figure charts filter out time and insignificant changes in price, leaving you with a
chart that only contains price movements you think are relevant. Price changes are plotted as a series of
vertical columns where up-trends are displayed as a column of Xs and downtrends are displayed as a
column of Os. A column of Xs shows that demand is exceeding supply (a rally); a column of Os shows
that supply is exceeding demand (a decline).
Renko: In a Renko chart, a line (or "brick" as they're called) is drawn in the direction of the prior move
only if prices move by a minimum amount (i.e., the box size). The bricks are always equal in size. Basic
trend reversals are signaled with the emergence of a new white or black brick. A new white brick
indicates the beginning of a new up-trend. A new black brick indicates the beginning of a new
down-trend. The Renko chart is a trend following technique.
Three Line Break:The three line break chart is similar in concept to point and figure charts. The decision
criteria for determining "reversals" are somewhat different. The three-line break chart looks like a series of
rising and falling lines of varying heights. Each new line, like the X's and O's of a point and figure chart,
occupies a new column. Using closing prices (or highs and lows), a new rising line is drawn if the previous
high is exceeded. A new falling line is drawn if the price hits a new low. The term "three line break" comes
from the criterion that the price has to break the high or low of the previous three lines in order to reverse
and create a line of the opposite color.
Histogram: The data is represented in a histogram. The rising lines illustrate the bar's closing price.
Changing default values you can customize the histogram band.
Filled Histogram: The Histogram chart is filled with color. Click the "..." button and select the one you
want to use in a chart.
Dotted Line: Similar in concept to Line chart, but, instead of continuous, the line is broken.
Volume: The data is represented by vertical lines, drawn from the x-axis to the bar's close.
Click Style to select a plot: broken line, dotted line, dot & line, two dots & line. In this way you can
customize any chart.
Click this option to select one of the five possible options displayed.
You can choose scale for the values displayed on the active chart y-axis: logarithmic, linear or by percent. Right click
the chart bars and select Objects Properties to open its dialog box. Click the Scale tab.
1. The inverted scale. Mark this check box to scale the chart y-axis values in descending, instead of ascending,
2. Type.
Linear: Produces a scale with equally spaced segments, according to scale's linear numeric values.
Logarithmic: Produces a scale weighed towards the percent of change. For example, a move from 15 to 17,
which represents a 12 percent increase, is given more space on the scale than a move from 29 to 31, which
represents a 7 percent increase.
By Percent: produces a scale with percent spaced segments.
3. Representation.
 Adjusted to Screen: The values on the y-axis range, from lowest to highest values currently displayed on the
screen with no regard to the range of all data loaded in the chart. The y-axis only shows the range of values
currently dispalyed onscreen. When you scroll left or right, the scale's high and low values change because
they are based solely on the data currently onscreen.
 Adjusted to Data: The values on the y-axis range, from lowest to highest values for all data loaded in the
chart. The y-axis always shows the entire range of values and doesn't change no matter how far you scroll on
the left or on the right of the current screen view.
 Custom: You can format the y-axis according to your needs. You specify the low and the high values for the
scale. Any values outside are not shown unless you change the scale.
4. Center. Mark the check box "At Close" if you want to center the scale according to the last bar's closing price.
5. Intervals: Here you can set the scale interval value, select one of the following:
 Automatics. Select this option and the scale intervals will be calculated automatically.
 Custom. Select this option to customize the scale interval, including the range value.
6. Justification. You can specify if you want to display the y-axis on the right, left, both or none of the sides.
 Automatic: The y-axis is located on the right side by default.
 Left: Select this one to locate the y-axis on the left side.
 Right: If you want to locate the y-axis on the right side select this option.
 Both: Select this to display two y-axes in your chart window
 Hide: If you don't want to display any y-axis select this.
7. Transparent background. By default the scale background is transparent and the check box "Transparent" is
marked. If you want to change the background to the color of your choice you must unmark this check box.
8. Fill. Unmark the "Transparent" check box and click the "..." button to choose the scale background color.
9. Font. Click the "..." to set the font type of scale values.
Below you can see an example of scales setting:
You can insert as many charts as you want in an active window, and you can customize its size and shape. To do so
follow these steps:
1. Use the Main Menu - Draw sequence.
2. Select Graphic Objects III.
3. Choose Graph.
The mouse pointer will change into small pencil drawing a square. Left click and drag until you get the new chart's
desired size. Then drop to display the symbols' selection dialog box where you can specify the desired features.
Click OK to insert the chart in the corresponding subwindow. You can click the chart or the chart's bars in the same
way as with a chart inserted in a window.
The Real Time Indicator is a small square next to the last bar's close and it highlights the Real Time ticks. It's a very
useful tool if you want to follow up the quotations.
Open the Object properties dialog box and click the RT Indicator tab (Real Time Indicator).
RT Indicator: Mark the "Visible" check box if you want to activate the Real Time Indicator square on the
Justification: The RT Indicator text can be adjusted automatically, on the left, right or both sides. You can
also hide the indicator.
Filling: Click the "..." button to customize the color inside the RT Indicator .
Font: Click the "..." button and select the desired letter font.
The separator is a line surrounding the scale, separating the chart scale and bars. In this way you can interpret easily
the active chart.
If you want to set the separator you must open a chart. Then right click and select Object Properties. Click the
Separator tab and mark the "Visible" check box if you want to enable this option (or unmark if you want to disable it).
You can customize the color clicking the "..." button and selecting the color. Click Apply and OK.
An active chart displays a bar every time the specified time period elapses. In this way, when you display an intraday
chart you will be creating bar charts according to the number of minutes each bar is representing. You can also
display daily charts, and change to weekly or monthly compression.
Open the Object Properties dialog box and select the Compression tab.
1. Compression type. Display this option to select the interval type. You can change the daily chart to week or
month data interval, or the intraday chart to minute, day or week data interval.
2. Compression. Specifies the data interval used to create bars.
3. Dates. Indicates the starting and ending date of the bars' interval.
Using Visual Chart you can overlap all the charts you want. In this way you will be able to follow up all the
overlapped quotes at the same time. To overlap one or several charts, once a chart is open, follow these steps (IN
1. Use Main Menu - Charts sequence.
2. Select Overlap the Graphic.
3. Fill in the dialog box and click OK.
Below you can see the result (after the color and style have been customized):
You can compare the evolution of two quotes. The first chart scale is on the right side, and the second chart scale is
on the left side. If you customize the bars' elements you can see this evolution even more clearly.
Follow these steps:
1. Select the chart bars
2. Right click them.
3. Choose the Object Properties option.
4. Set all the desired object's properties. Click the General tab to see the name, in our example POP.MC (Banco
Popular chart, Mercado Continuo), and customize the color and style. You can also set the RT Indicator, the
separator etc. After click Apply and OK.
The crosshairs are helpful when inspecting the relative moves of indicator and price plots. The mouse pointer
disappears when crosshairs are displayed to allow better visibility of the underlying plot(s) at the intersection point.
You will be able to see the exact location, price, volume etc. of the quote displayed in the active chart. This
information is located in the upper band of the chart, next to the symbol's identification and the interval type. The
crosshairs are turned on by clicking the icon on the pointers toolbar. To turn them off click the Crosshairs icon again.
You can also see the information using a Data Window. It is constantly updated to reflect the data at the mouse
pointer's location (quotations, strategies' data, oscilators etc.). You can display the Data Window by clicking the Data
Window icon on the toolbar. Turn it off by clicking the icon again, or by clicking the Data Window upper right square,
the "x" symbol.
If you want to display Crosshairs and Data Window at the same time double click the window working area.
If the Crosshairs horizontal line is inspecting the lower window, the Data Window will only show the data displayed
there. If it's inspecting the main window, we will be able to see all the chart data.
To move the Data Window click its upper band, where the name "Inspector" is placed, then drag it and release the
mouse button to place it where you want.
In case you would like to update the Data Window only when dragging the mouse pointer, click the icon on the left
side. See the example below.
Press Ctrl button and click the upper band of the Data Window to fix it again.
There are several reasons a chart can show holes. Using Visual Chart you will be able to hide these holes and see
the chart bars in a continuous way. Click the Hide Holes icon to activate this option. To add this icon to the toolbar:
1. Use Main Menu - View sequence.
2. Select Toolbars.
3. Click Pointers to activate this option on the screen.
4. Click the Hide Holes icon.
In case data is restored on the server, you can fill in the correct values selecting Fill gaps from Data menu. All the
symbols displayed on the current sheet will be restored between the screen starting and ending date.
Using Visual Chart you can add or delete chart bars and modify its visualization and details. Keep clicking the
corresponding icons until you get a desired effect. If you haven't added these icons to your toolbar, follow these
1. Use Main Menu-View sequence.
2. Select Toolbars.
3. Click Pointers tab. This bar will be activated.
4. Press Add Bars or Delete Bars icons.
1. ¿About market profile?.
2. ¿How to insert a market profile?.
3. Properties of a Market Profile chart.
1. About market profile.
Market Profile is a chartic representation which show the information of the negotiated volume in a
determinated gap of time.We need to know that it is a helping tool for traders to take desitions not a
system to negotiate...
In a market profile chart we divide the dayly trading in half hour's periods from the opening, if they were intraday
charts we could modifie these periods. Each period is called time price opportunity. It associates a letter to each
period of time like placeholders for tpos and it can be configurate ( the time).Each time the market operates in a price
that hasn' t occur in a period previous to 30 minutes a letter is placed for this price. As the day advances, the letters
are placed some on others to produce a sight of the prices operated on,in the period of maximum and minimal time.
A line in the left of the profile represents the initial balance. Normally ,this refers to the first trading hour if we are in a
dayly chart in case of an intraday chart this will coincide with the TPOs period compression.
In the center we will find another bar which indicate the value' s area place where 70 %TPOs have moved.
The line at the right of the profile represents the volume area.This is the range of 70 % of the daily volume or of the
intraday bar that we are analizing both for the tick and for the real volume.
2.¿how to insert a market profile?.
To insert a market profile in a chart first thing to do is have an opened chart.Once it' s opened we press in the
option "chart" and "market profile".
and immediatly we will se the chart as shown in the following chart.
We need to know that it will represent the last day by default but we can modifie it to get more days.If we insert it in
a dayly chart it will show all day, in the other hand if it is an intraday chart it will show every bar.
3.Properties of a market profile chart.
Next we will see how to modifie a market profile chart for this we click with the right button of the mouse in the
chart and acceed to the menu "object configuration" .
Next we wil see a dialog box where we will see the market profile options.
In this eyelash we see the object' s name, in this case "market profile" the number of days to see for historical and
the posibilities to adust the cotations with the minimum mouvement.
 Show objects :
This option allows us to visualize differents parametrers of the emarket profile.
Object color:
From here we will be able to change the color of the objects, for exemple, initial balance, quotes areas and mid
points volume and volume's area.
 TPOs configuration:
It alows us to visualize the compression our chart is made in, the compression in which the tpo' s are calculated
and the symbols that their represent.
Color TPOs:
In this option we will change the TPO 's color.
If you need more information about these charts, click here . ( pdf file).
When you open an intraday chart, a default interval type and number will be 5 minutes. If you want to modify these
parameters, click the interval number window and select a desired option. You can also write it down directly. To
add this icon to the toolbar:
1. Select Toolbars.
2. Click Pointers to activate this icon bar on the screen.
A daily chart can be plotted in the weeks or months data interval. Follow these steps to modify the time span: click
the arrow on the Interval Type window and select a desired option. To add this icon to the toolbar follow these
Use Main Menu - View sequence.
2. Select Toolbars.
3. Click Pointers to activate this option on the screen. Now you will see two windows, the Interval type, Days,
and the Interval number.
Display the first window to select Weeks or Months, and the second one to select the interval number.
Often, we would like to keep the settings created when analyzing an individual chart (indicators visualisation,
representation type, trend lines, other graph objects).
You can make this possible using Templates. Right click the screen space and select Templates, then click the "Save
as Template" option.
Now you have to write down a name to identify the template, which will be saved by default in Templates folder.
You can also use "File - Templates - Save Template as" menu sequence.
There are several ways to insert the saved template in a chart:
 Right click the chart, select "Apply Template..." and choose the template you want to apply. Or use the File Templates - Apply Template menu sequence.
 Right click the chart, selecting "Apply Template to New Window", to display the chart and the selected
template in a new window. You can also use File - Templates menu sequence.
 When working with several charts, you can switch from one to another, automatically including in all of them
the same template you have selected for the first chart. Open a chart and select "Apply a Template to New
Window. Then insert a quotes' list clicking the "..." button.
Select one of the quotes' lists displayed in the dialog box. On the example below, you can see the Madrid Stock
Exchange's Mercado Continuo quotes' list.
Click the right or left arrow aside the "..." button to switch from one chart to another.
You can also do it clicking the arrow on the upper left side of the workspace, next to the quotes' name, or pressing
Ctrl + M. Display the list of quotes and select the one you want to switch to.
Click the Graph Objects Manager icon to handle the graph objects open in the chart.
The Environment window, displayed on the left side of the screen, will show all the main window's active elements.
If you want to delete any of these elements, right click a desired one and select "Delete".
To add the icon to the toolbar follow these steps:
1. Use Main Menu - View sequence.
2. Select Toolbars.
3. Choose Standard.
4. Click the icon.
Enable or disable the Environment window clicking the icon. You can also leave it in standby mode clicking
the drawing pin on the Object Manager window. When it's in vertical position the Object Manager window is
displayed, and it disappears when the drawing pin is horizontal. You just have to position the mouse pointer
on the Object Manager tab, on the left side of the screen, and the Object Manager window will be displayed
Follow these steps to export a chart:
1. Open a chart you want to export to text file.
2. Right click the chart.
3. Select Export (text), and the following dialog box will appear:
4. Save the file with your desire name. When you open it with a text program, all the historic data will show up
as standard numeric format divided into fields.
Using the toolbar you can access quickly and easily any Visual Chart's element and feature: the charts, quotes' lists,
systems etc. On the these toolbars the icons you will find are grouped by their functionalties. To display the toolbars
on your screen follow this menu sequence:
Display the menu View and select Toolbars.
Click on the toolbar you are interested in.
Status Bar:
This bar appears on the lower part of the screen and provides information about some software's features, for
example contextual help when you place the mouse on the icon, explaining the functionality in a brief commentary or
showing on the keyboard when the number lock is active.
You can enable/disable it going to menu View, Status Bar and selecting it.
Main Bar: These are the icons you will find on it:
Save Workspace.
New Chart.
Insert Chart.
Insert Quotes' list.
Open Quotes' list.
Depth of Market.
Data Server.
Broker's connection.
Visual Basic.
Quotes' lists access window.
Graphic objects manager.
Pointers Bar: These are the icons you will find on it:
Chart compression type window.
Chart compression units window.
o Chart's representation type.
o Add bars.
o Delete bars.
o Delete gaps on the chart.
o Point out the traces.
o Inspector.
o Object's colour.
Alignment Bar: Here you will find the Visual Platform icons which will help you to distribute the elements drawn
on it.
Center vertically the objects.
Center horizontally the objects.
Left align.
Right align.
Up align.
Down align .
Equalize horizontal size.
Equalize vertical size.
Equalize size.
Equalize the horizontal space between the objects.
Equalize the vertical space between the objects.
Visual Design Bar: In this bar you will see the icons from the visual platform
Acces to toolbars ( Series, indicators,fonctions,variables,Start bar
Compile/Record strategie,oscilator,study.
Show grid.
Show conectors.
Global view.
Incorporate condition.
Incorporate curle"while...".
Incorporate curle"".
Incorporate buying...selling order.
Set indicator' s properties
Set study' s properties.
Create a sentence.
Connect elements.
Delete elements.
Drawing bar: This bar gives you access to all the icons that serve as tools to draw in a chart inside a window. The
triangles in the low straight corner show options.
Clean window.
Line(prolong forward).
Líne (prolongbackward).
Lines (líne, Parallel , support, vertical, cross)
Figures( rectangle, ellipse, triangle, rhombus, arch)
Graphic objects(cicles, Fibonacci cicles,angles, resistences, archs, regressions)
Graphic objects II (regresion line, regresion channel, angle, up arrow, down arrow)
Graphic objects III (text, quote,chart)
Zoom +
Zoom Ruler (vertical, horizontal).
VBA bar: By means of these icons you can insert indicators, systems and studies
Insert indicator.
Insert system.
Insert studi.
order' s bar: By means of these icons you can carry out diverse operations related to the direct access.
Buy ( normal order).
Buy (parked order)
Sell ( normal order).
Sell (parked order).
Cancell order
Modify order
Customize: Using this option you will be granted access to a selection window where you'll be able to
select and customize the icons.Fill it and adapt it to your needs.
Comands: Illuminating each of the categories of the left window youwill be able to observe what icons it bears.
Bars: Driving this eyelash you will be able to arrange on screen a battery of icons according to its functionality. The
different groups of icons are named.
Line: They are the icons used in Platform of Visual Design to improve the aspect of the confection of programs
Draw: They are the group of icons with the drawing tools.
Visual design: They fit to the icons of system construction, indicators, studies, etc. of Visual Design platform
Vba Extension:They are the icons associated with the elaboration of systems, indicators and studies in Visual Basic.
Main menu: It activates the bar of Visual Chart' s main menu.
Orders: They are the icons associated with the orders of buy and sale in direct access process.
Work pages:They are the icons which allow the user to move fromone workpage to another quickly(ou can find out
more about it in organization units)
Full screen: It incorporates the icon of access to complete screen to use it in any moment if necessary.
Main:This one is formed by the group of most used icons
Pointers: This one is formed by the set of icons that have effect in the information and composition of the bars in a
To annex: With this eyelash one accedes to a series of auxiliary programs that can turn out to be useful to the user
fell like
Notepad: A note-pad of annotations.
Paint Brush: Drawing program..
Windows Explorer: It allows the user a straight access to internal files
AGM On Line: it allows access to user to the web page
Calculator: It has a usefull calculator.
Keyboard: By means of the screen that appears by activating this eyelash you will be able to accede in a fat way to
the icons that you wish by doing these operations:
Select in "category" The required option from the program' s main menu.
Iluminate with the mouse the command that you want to acceed to in a fastway.
Write in the window "Create shortcut" the access way..
Press the key "attach "
Menu: By means of the screen that appears on having activated this eyelash we are shown the icons used as frame
of the application, in the graphical platform in the platform of visual design and in the default menu . Also it is possible
to accede to contextuals menus in case youwant to introduce some changes.
Options: it is possible to decide here three aspects of the toolbar: To show or not emergent notes, to show or not
short-cut keys in these notes, and to use big or small icons.
Sometimes you need to work with Visual Chart disposing of the maximum space avaylable on the screen. The only
thing you have to do is follow any of these steps:
Display View Menu and select “Full Screen”.
Click directly CTRL + F12.
All the toolbar's icons will disappear, leaving more space available on the screen for the chart you are analyzing. The
only data left is the Company or Index identification, and the values of the prices' fields. On the lower part of the
screen you will find the tabs of the windows' sheets and the scrollbar.
If you click CRTL+F12 or “ESC” you will get back to the pervious situation.
The quotes' list displays all the symbols of your choice in a tabular format, and you will access to the most complete
information: market depth, realtime quotes, daily high and low...
To create a custom quotes' list:
1. Go to Quotes.
2. Click New.
Now the list will be displayed on the screen, and you can enter all the symbols you want to add.
To do so select the "Code" column, left click a cell and enter the code or name of the symbol you want to add.
If you don't know the code or you want to see in detail its full name, exchange, symbol type, connection, etc. click "
Menu" column and select "Symbol Search". You can reach the same result right clicking a cell.
Follow these steps to select a symbol:
In case you don't know the name or code, mark "Search Symbols containing code/name" box and write only few
letters of the symbol's code or name. Then click "Search" button to display all the symbols matching this criteria in a
window at the bottom left side of the dialog box. Using the arrow on the right side you can add found symbols to the
list of selected symbols.
You can search the symbols directly, just select Name and write it in the box. Click Search to display all the symbols
containing the entered name. Using the arrow on the right side you can add the found symbols to the list of selected
Search directly the code by selecting Code, and writing it in the box. Click Search to display all the symbols
containing such a code. Using the arrow on the right side you can add found symbols to the list of selected symbols.
You can search symbols specifying the exchange, type and connection. Your search results will be displayed in a
window at bottom left side of the dialog box. If you click the symbol you are interested in, it will be added
automatically to the list of selected symbols.
The most frequent codes are registered by Visual Chart. To register any other code follow the instructions given in
the corresponding chapter of Visual Chart Help.
Once the Custom Quotes' List is created, you can save it following these steps:
Click Menu on the Quotes' list.
Select Save as.
Write a name for the quotes' list. Click Save to end the process.
The generic quotes, allow to have a complete vision of all the information related to a set of selected values. They
allow to visualize of every value and in the same window:
-Tick chart.
-Cotation data (last , %, volume, high and low)
To open a generic quote click in Quote, and then click in Generic quote. You will find three options
-open in a new window
-insert in a sheet
On selecting Open in new window, the selection' s window allows to choose the quote that we need, acceding to
the corresponding folder and double clicking with the mouse on the quote, or selecting and clicking ok.
At the moment of seeing the information from an generic quote, we have the option of choosing the type of
information that we want to see in every moment.
In the previous image, we see the cabins marked Limits (corresponding to the depth) and Fields (corresponding to
values of the quote). The information that we obtain in the generic quote appears in the image that follows.
For the following example, we select only the cabin that allows to visualize the tick chart for each value of the selected
In the following image, we show an example in which we choose the quote selection, and on the other hand, mark
all the cabins relating to the different representations of the information.
In the following image, we can see that it is a question of a quote where we have different futures as mini - dow
jones, eurostoxx50, future ibex-35 etc.. In each of them we observe that there are 4 differents kinds of cells, to
represent in each of them a type of information relating to these assets.
The type of information or symbol of a cell can be modifyed once the generic quote is opened. For it, we have a bar
in the top of the quote.
In the left part, a menu appears where we can select what type of information we want to see in the selected cell (tick
chart, quote etc ..), as it appears in the following image.
In the right' s side menu we are able to indicate the menu.
We also have the option of modifye cell' s properties y save a quote that we have alread modified from it's menu.
To create a generic quote click in the menu generic quote list and select the correspondent option.
A window appears with 8 cells by default, 4 rows x 4 columns. As we need more, automatically new cells are
created. As we can see in the following image, all the cells are empty.
To complete the quote, we place ourselves in any cell and choose the product and type of information that we want
to see on it. To do this, we have, in the top part of the quote, a bar where we are able to indicate the type of
information and symbol that we want to show.
In the left side we are shown a menu where we can choose the kind of information that we want to see in the seleted
cell ( tick chart,cotation,etc...., as it is shown in the following image.
In the right's menu we are able to choose the symbol.
If we do not find in the menu the symbol to visualize, all we need to do is write in the yellow zone the code or
description and press intro. Automatically a search of the related products that contain this chain of characters will be
In the following image, we show an example in which we have written the chain "fesx" to visualize the future of
eurostoxx50, and on having touched intro the result of the search returns the related products to us.
Once the information required is inserted in each of the cells we can modyfie cells properties.
Save a generic quote
Once our quote is configurated to our taste, we can save it, besides other options, acceding to his own menu
Edit allows the user to copy and paste the contains of one cell to another and to add insert and delete rows
 Open allows the user to open a previously created generic quote in the current window.
Save allows the user to save the modifications done in a previously created quote
Save as.. allows the user to save the quote with the name that he wishes,giving us the option to save it in the
requires folder.
 Maximize and restaure the size of the window.
 Stablish consultation It gives the possibility to enter the consultation of some market and visualize the
information related to it. For example, if we enter the consultation of the quote of the values of ibex-35, which
is *0 *.ibex, will show us all the values that compose the index in 4 forms of representation.
 Close allows the user to delete the quote from the window.
Visual chart allows to visualize simulataniously in he same sheet a different series of elements.
Generic quotes etc..
To insert a generic qote in a sheet it needs to be previously activated,for this follow this simple steps
1. Press Quote in the main menu.
2. Choose Generic quote' s list -> Insert in a sheet.
Next we select the quote that we want to visualize and the kind of information we need to see, in in this case we select
only depth (limits) and cotations (fields), as it is shown in tne following image.
As soon as we have selected the quote to be shown and pulsate agree, this one will be inserted in the same sheet that
we had opened..
The volume distribution is a visual chart's tool that allows to visualize by means of a graphical representation, the
monetary volume of a set of selected values..
To be able to see the volume distribution of a series of symbols we've got to follow the following steps:
Go to the menu quotes and click in Volume distribution List.
Next the selected window appears which allows us to choose the requireesquote by acceding to the corresponding
folder and double cliccking on it with the mouse or clicking in ok.
For exemple we have selected the quote with ibex's 35 values.
In the followingimage we are able to see very fastly which symbols have the biggest liquidity.The representation is
shown in a proportional scale based in te volume.
In this image we cansee for exemple that Altadis has a monetary volume of 533 million of euros.In the left upper part
it is indicate that the menu is shown in a scaleof 1 million and that the % of he calculation is 5%.
From the distribution quote you can find out some kind of informationabout the cotation of a smbol.By positionating
ourselves in a cell we aree shown a window withthe following steps.
 current symbol
 current price
 % difference relaitng to the previous day.
 Volume of titles negotiated at the moment.
In the previous image, we can see as example, on having placed ourselves on the symbol MVC.MC
(METROVACESA's code), the information mentioned previously
We can differentiate different colors and intensity, both are configurable .
The boxes of green color refer to those values in which the evolution is positive, on the other hand the boxes of red
color are those who are having a negative variation. If the box is white , variation has not taken place in the volume
The higher the positive or negative variation is te higher the color intensity is.
Configuration options
By clicking in the quote withthe right button of the mouse we are granted access to the object configuration where we
can modifie certain awpects of the volume distribution quote.The window has 3 lashes,general,color,style.
General It shows us the name of the quote that we are consulting.
Color It allows to change the color of the volume according to this one being positive, negative or do not having
By clicking on the icon we are shown the colors
Parameters give us the option to change differents aspects
 Volume digits It gives option to modify the quantity of digits that we will show on having visualized the
volume of negotiation for every symbol. Depending on the digits that we indicate, it changes the scale in which
the informaiton is provided visible in the top left part of the window.
 %of volume calculation ,Depending on the percentage indicated for the calculation of the volume, we can
obtain several intensity of color .The minor the % of volume calculation is the bigger the volume intensity will
be in the cells which show us the monetary volume.
Font and labels It allows to change different aspect of the source of the letter, style and size of it.
In the previous image, we see the result of having modified the value of the field Digits of volume, showing all the
digits, for what the scale is 1. Also we have indicated as % of volume calculation 1, for what the intensity of colors is
To modify the properties of representation in an generic quote, we do click with the right button of the mouse on the
cell where we want to act, the different possibilities of configuration appear, depending on the type of information that
is visualized in the selected cell.
If we place ourselves in a cell where the tick chart of a symbol is shown and we click on it with the right button of the
mouse a properties option is shown.
By clicking on properties we will find the properties configuration window with to eyelashes general and colors.
In the menu General we have the option to apply changes in all the quotes where we have a tick chart inserted.
In the eyelashe Color we are given the option to change the background text and line color.
By clicking with the right side of the mouse we are shown the option properties.. . Inside the configuration window
we will find 3 eyelashes General, Color and style, giving us the otion to change the color of the bar and text,the
letter style,and the option to apply this changes to all the cells where we are showing the information.
If we wan to see the properties of a cell wher a ticker is inserted,by clicking wih the mouse we are shown 2 options.
By selecting Properties...we will find the eyelashes general, color and style, being able to do the same
modifications than in the cells where the limit charts were shown.
En el caso de pulsar configurar cabecera tenemos opción de elegir qué campos de la cotización visualizar en en
ticker . En este caso la ventana que se muestra es la siguiente.
We only need to click or unclick the fields that we want to visualize and click accept if we want to apply them..
If we wish to change the cells configuration, where the information about the cotation is shown, we click with the
mouse´s right button in the cell and we´ll get the same menu than in the case of the ticker, showing us 2 options
Properties and Heather set up.
By clicking on Properties.. you can make changes about the colour and style of the selected cell or in all the cells
where this kinds of datas are included.
By clicking in Heather set up, a window is shown where we can uctive and unactive the fields that we wish to see.
The following picture is an example of a quote where modifications have been made in the cells configuration.
The tool Depth ofmarket, shows for each symbol a graphic representation of the bid
and ask volume for each
level of prices.
To use this tool you need to acceed to the menu quotes and then select the option Depth of market.
We can also do it from the corresponding icon in the main toolbar.
The following step is to insert the symbol to be checked in the appearing window.
There are two differents ways to do it
1. If we know the name or code, all we need to do is write it in the field Symbol and press intro.Later
an automatic search of it is made. If they are more products which code contains the inserted chain of
characters, they will also appear in an eyelash, giving the option to choose the one that we wish.
In this case we want to check the depth of market for the futures of eurostoxx50,wich code is ES. By
writing these carachteres and pressing intro we will find differents symbols which code is "ES", we' ll
select the one we are interested in.
2. If we don' t know the code,we can choose to make a search of the symbol in the server by pressing
the icon
In the window Symbol search... We can proceed to the search by selecting the market and type
(stock,futur,idex...). This search can be done by Code or Name.
To select a symbol all you need to do is mark the case in the left side of each element found in the
search and it will go through the window Selected symbols.
One we press ok, the depth of market will appear in the screen.
Elements of the window depth of market.
Tick Chart. in the left side of the Depth window a tick by tick chart is shown with the last cross of
prices. Vertically we can see the volume of contracts or titles wich are being negotiated in each level of
prices.The red colors tells that the cross has taken place at bid price and the blue collor tells that it has
taken place at ask price.
Chart B .Graphical representation of the bid volume in each level of prices. These horizontal bars
represent the proportion of the number of titles in each position regarding to the major one.
Títulos B. amount of titles or contracts asked at this level of prices.
Prices. Show the prices of the cotation the shadowed zone colored in grey shows the level in which the
cotations are moving (high and low of the day)
Títulos V. Number of contracts and titles offered at this level of prices..
Gráfico V.Graphical representation of the volume of titles or contracts offered in each level of prices.
These horizontal bars represent the proportion of the number of titles of every position with regarding to
the major one.
Ord. Shows the number of agencies which are offering at this level of prices in the preceding exemple
this field hasn' t got any value because we don' t get this information from the market sin embargo, en el
mercado continuo si lo podemos comprobar.
In the following example we can see how the informations relating to this in the depth of market window
for dax futures.
In the heather we have a data line and we are shown the following information.
1. Volume of total negotiation
2. Bid volume represented graphically
3. Whole of titles that are offered in the bid (sum of the values of the column Titles C.)
4. Difference in points and percentange.
5. Whole of titles that are offered in the ask (sum of the values of the column Titles v.)
6. Ask volume represented graphically
Bid and ask window configuration.
The bid and ask window can present the aspect that you wish thanks to the posibilidades of configuration that it
To do any change all you need to do is select the place of the window where you want to make changes and to press
with the right buton of the mouse, an eyelash appears where there is a wide scale of ways to change the presentation.
Option of menu Borders. Allows to configurate the window and shows the information of the cell with
bordersor not.
Option of menu Horizontal Alignment.The text of each cell can be alined horizontally at user wish.
Option of menu Vertical Alignment. The text of each cell can be alined vertically, giving the following
Option of menu Fonts. We are given the option to change the grid and header.
Option of menu Colores. We have the option of changing hte text color and the grid and header too.
Selecting Header background or Header text the colours options are shown for it confguration.
Selecting the menu option More .. a window of color selection is shown for the text configuration and
background of the differents rows.
Next we show an exemple where we have change the background colour of the grid and text.
To change the colour configuration of the chart Tick Chart, all we need to do is pulsatee on it with the
right button of the mouse.
The configuration option avylable here allow the user to make the following changes.
Once we press OK the window takes the changes. For example we have change the default background
colour for the black colour and for the line colour we have selected yellow.
Option Save aspect.
If we press this option,any changethet wehavedone will be applicate in this window and in the is necessary that you confirm the modifications in the following window.
Options of Menu Trading. It refers to the possibilities of operating from a bid ad askwindow
To get more information about the way to operate fom a Bid and ask window check the chapter
Investment of Visual chart help.
Utilities of the Bid and Ask window.
How to launch orders using the system armed.
The functionality ARMED is a tool that allows to maximize the rapidity at the moment of throwing orders
from the depth of market windows and bid and ask window. To know more about the use of this tool
consult Disparo desde cuadro de profundidad.
Differents sheets in the same window.
The deth of market window,shows at the bottom of the screen two default eyelash,one wich represent
the current symbol and new which is a sheet without any symbol consultation and is ready in case that
you want to consult a new symbol.
As we are using one new, other one is created autoaticlly. We have the option of visualizing in a depth
of market window as many sheets as we may need.
To delete a sheet it needs to be selected and ten press the icon
, which is situated top right of the
Choose one of the following options to open a quotes' list in a new window:
 Display Quotes from Main Menu and select Open option.
Click Open icon on the toolbar
Type Ctrl + T
Select a folder and the existing quotes' lists will be displayed. Click the one you want to open.
Visual Chart allows to visualize simultaniously in the same Sheet different series of elements: charts, oscillators,
averages, etc. And information quotes. .
To insert a quote in a sheet it needs to be prevously selected,For thisfollow this simple steps.
1. Press quotes in the mian menu.
2. Choos Insert Quote in a sheet.
3. First select the folder who contains the file you are interesed in.Then,once the differents folders existing on it
are shown,mark the one corresponding to te quote you want to insert.
Click Open.
The result will be the one shown bellow. In a sheetthat was holding a chart we have got now a quote. You can insert
as many quotes as required.
Customize the quotes' list according to your needs and follow the exchange evolution. Include the quotes, indices,
exchanges etc. you need and change their form, color or style.
Using the following sequence you can modify the quotes' list appearance:
 Open a quotes' list you want to modify.
 Click the Menu column header.
 Select Properties.
 Borders.
o Borders on
o Borders off
o Vertical Border only
o Horiziontal Border only
o Horizontal/vertical Border
 Horizontal Alignement
o Left
o Center
o Right
 Vertical Alignement
o Up
o Center
o Down
 Font
o Grid
o Header
 Colors
o Grid Background
o Grid Text
o Header Background
o Header Text
 Header Setup
If you want to modify the quotes' list by inserting a new row do the following:
1. Open the quotes' list.
2. Place the mouse pointer on the column "Order number". Click the row number where you want to place the
new row.
3. Right click and select Edit, Insert Row.
See the example below. Once the operation is completed the quotes' list should look like this. As you can see, the
selected row is inserted above you current position:
If you want to delete a row follow these steps:
1. Open a quotes' list.
2. Place the mouse pointer on the Order Number column of the quotes' list, and click the row you want to
3. Right click and select Edit, Delete Row
See the example below to visualize the quotes' list after deleting the two last rows:
If you want to modify a quotes' list adding one or several rows at the end of this quotes' list, do the following:
1. Open a quotes' list.
2. Place the mouse pointer on the Row Number column.
3. Right click and select Edit, Add Row.
See the example below:
If you want to delete a quotes' list column content follow these steps:
1. Open a quotes' list.
2. Place the mouse pointer on the column you want to delete (you can place it anywhere except on its header).
3. Right click and select Edit, Delete Column.
On the example below you can see how the column Description disappears :
There are three ways to align horizontally the quotes' list cells:
You can do it in this way:
1. Open a quotes' list.
2. Click the first cell you want to align. Drag it over the rest of the cells you want to align.
3. Drop and right click the selected area. Choose Properties, Horizontal Alignment.
4. Highlight one of these options: Left, Center, Right.
On the example below you can see the text aligned on the left side.
If you want to customize the quotes' list text font follow these steps:
1. Open a quotes' list.
2. Place the mouse pointer on the cells, left click and drag selecting those whose text font or color you want to
3. Now right click and select Propeties, Fonts or Colors.
4. Highlight one of the options: For Fonts, you can select grid or text; For Colors, you can select grid
background and grid text or header background and header text.
See the examples below:
Select the cells whose colors you want to modify and right click them. Then choose Properties, Color, Grid
Background. Finally select a color in a dialog box and apply it.
This is a text modification example. Using the mouse pointer select all the cells whose text you want to modify. Then
choose Properties, Fonts. Select the font type and size, for grid and header, and apply it.
There are three ways to align vertically the quotes' list cells:
You can do it in this way:
1. Open a quotes' list.
2. Click the first cell you want to align. Drag it over the rest of the cells you want to align.
3. Drop and right click the selected area. Choose Properties, Vertical Alignment.
4. Highlight one of these options: Up, Center, Down.
On the example below you can see the text aligned up:
You can setup the quotes' list headers, selecting the elements you want to add: code, date, time, positions, etc.
1. Open a quotes' list and place the pointer on the header.
2. Click and select Properties, Header Setup:
4. Fill in the following dialog box.
You can add all the elements displayed in the inner window, just mark the corresponding checkboxes. Click Move
Up/Move Down button or use the scroll bar to go up/down. Click " Hide" button to unmark and "Show" to mark an
These are the header elements you can add:
Last: The last price at which the symbol traded.
Purchase1: The symbol's buying position.
Sell1: The symbol's selling position.
Time: The time at which the last trade occurred.
Difference.: The difference between the last displayed price and the previous day's close.
%: The difference between the last displayed price and the previous day's close, expressed in percentage.
N.Negotiations.: Number of trades.
Volume.: The accumulated volume of contracts.
Low.: The lowest price the symbol traded at today.
High.: The highest price the symbol traded at today.
Open.: The opening price of the regular trading session.
P1: Contracts/Shares to buy at Purchase1 price.
PS1: Contracts/Shares to sell at Sell1 price.
Previous.: The closing/settlement price of the previous trading session.
OpenInt: Number of open contracts (Futures)
Ag.P1: The total number of agency buying at Purchase1 price.
Ag.S1: The total number of agency selling at Sell1 price.
Average Price.: The average price between the trading session high and low.
Description: The full symbol's name.
Ag.P.: The agency buying the last trade.
Ag.S.: The agency selling the last trade.
Date.: Last trade date.
Purchase2.: The second best buying position price.
Purchase3.: The third best buying position price.
Purchase4.: The fourth best buying position price.
Purchase5.: The fifth best buying position price.
Sell2.: The second best selling position price.
Sell3.: The third best selling position price.
Sell4.: The fourth best selling position price.
Sell5.: The fifth best selling position price.
PP2: Total number of contracts/shares at Purchase2 price.
PP3: Total number of contracts/shares at Purchase3 price.
PP4: Total number of contracts/shares at Purchase4 price.
PP5: Total number of contracts/shares at Purchase5 price.
SP2: Total number of contracts/shares at Sell2 price.
SP3: Total number of contracts/shares at Sell3 price.
SP4: Total number of contracts/shares at Sell4 price.
SP5: Total number of contracts/shares at Sell5 price.
AgP2: The total number of agencies buying at Purchase2 price.
AgP3: The total number of agencies buying at Purchase3 price
AgP4: The total number of agencies buying at Purchase4 price.
AgP5: The total number of agencies buying at Purchase5 price.
AgS2: The total number of agencies selling at Sell2 price.
AgS3: The total number of agencies selling at Sell3 price.
AgS4: The total number of agencies selling at Sell4 price
AgS5: The total number of agencies selling at Sell5 price.
Last1: The price previous to Last
Last2: The price previous to Last1
Last3: The price previous to Last2.
Performance: For shares, the percentage of growth since the beginning of the year; for funds, the
appreciation since the beginning of the year.
Select the elements you want to add and click OK.
You can use several criteria to order the quotes' list. There are two different ways to order it:
1. Double click the header of the quotes' list area you want to order.
2. Right click the header of the quotes' list area you want to order:
3. Select Sorting and then choose one of the following options:
Real Time.
Disable Real Time.
Order Column.
In the example below you can see how different elements have been ordered using the Realtime last price criteria.
If you want to see the charts included in a quotes' list or exchange, click the following icon:
Click the "..." button to display all the quotes' lists included in the program. Select one and click OK to see the charts
included in this quotes' list.
Click the left or right arrow, and the charts included in the selected symbols list, will be displayed one by one.
It's very useful if you insert indicators, strategies etc. in a chart because all the new charts you start displaying will
update automatically the information included in the first chart (e.g. indicators, strategies etc.).
Follow these steps to copy links to excel:
1. Display a quotes' list which includes the symbols you want to export to Excel.
2. Right click the quotes' list Menu, select Export, and Copy links to Excel:
3. Open Excel and select Paste from Edition menu.
If you want to export data to Metastock follow these steps:
1. Open a quotes' list whose data you want to export to MetaStock.
2. Click Menu and select Export, Export to MetaStock.
3. Write the name you want for this file and click "Save" button to Save this text file.:
4. This file contains the last tick of each quote on the quotes' list.
Visual Chart allows to organize the available information attending to one n º practically unlimited of criterias. The
organizational architecture of the software is based on three fundamental units connected between them, and that in
descending order are: the workspaces, the Windows and the sheets.
1. Workspace: this is the top level l, The plane in which all the elements and configuration that the user specifies or
wants to have available for his study or analysis will be kept . Its more out-standing characteristics are the following
A hughe amount of workspaces can be created.
in a workspace you can keep differents types of information,quotes,charts,tickers etc...
The information contained in a workspace can be recovered in the following work session.
The information in a workspace is automaticlly updated when you open it.This allow the user to keep his
studies,alerts,etc...alwas avaylable to be used in a work session.
From this caractheristic you can deduce that it is a tool of information organization, flex and commode, with huge
amount of possibilities. Examples of workspace.
o User 1: Decides to create a workspace:
1. For spanish market.
2. For europeans markets.
3. For nasdaq stocks.
He has used a market criteria for his workspace.
o User 2: Decides to create a workspace.
1. For real time values.
2. For end of day values.
His using a type of data reception criteria to organize his information.
And we could keep showing differents types of organisation models. Of course that Quotes ,alerts ,system and
differents types of work technics avaylable can be inserted in Visual chart.
2.Windows: The first physical concretion of the Workspace, you can create an unlimited number of them depending
on your needs , and to gather in crowds in the classic formats that Windows offers. There can be visualized one or
several windows simultaneously. An example of it use might be the following one:
 With a Workspace dedicated to the continuous Market, we decide to create Windows for each of the
sectors: Banks, Electrical, Investment, etc.
 With a Workspace dedicated to the values that are followed in real time, we decide to create Windows for
those that are already acquired, for those who deserve a special attention, for the rest.
3. Sheets:The Window can use multiple sheets. They constitute the basic substratum where the data files will
be reflected in the shape of charts, quotes, where indicators, studies, systems, etc. will be inserted.Continuing
with the previous examples, in a Workspace dedicated to the Constinuous Market, with Windows for every
sector, in the Sheets the data of each of company would be reflected
Close to these fundamental units, we find others that complement the whole studding:
4.Pages: Astride among the supralevell Workspace and the level Window, we find as innovation in this
version of Visual Chart the Pages, which constitute a practical attempt of distribution of the contents, in such a
way that they can be formed up to four different ones, where you can show very diverse aspects of the same
Space:charts, quotes, pictures , bid and ask windows, studies, systems, etc. In every Page multiple Windows
can be included, this is the reason why they are constituted in real secondary Workspaces inside the mainl
5.Subwindow: The visual space of a sheet can subdivide in to multiple subwindows. This one is a very useful
procedure to compare charts or quotes both in real time and in end of day data . Each of the subwindows
possess identical properties to those of the Sheet.
6. Subsheet: inside the visual space of a sheet you can insertsubsheets.One of each is another sheet with
identical properties.
We advise the user to dedicate a bit of his time to understand the previously mentioned levels of organization of the
information. It worth it since it allows to have differents spaces organized in a flexible way to obtain an ideal
performance of Visual Chart's possibilities.
Creating a workspace.
To create a workspace followthis easy steps.
1. Unfold the file from the main menu.
2. Press the option Workspace, New workspace.
3. Then you will see a window similar to the following.
4. Select a name from whom you want to remenber your workspace in future ocasions and click in Create.
From now you will be able to save in this workspace elements as charts,alerts,systems,quotes,studies and as many
analyse elements that you may need to take your desitions.. From the option Open a workspace you can recover all
the information updated.
Open a workspace.
To open an already created workspace follow these steps:
1. unfold File from the main menu.
2. Press the option Workspace,open a workspace.
Next you will see a dialog box where you will be able to select the required workspace.
Iluminate the file that you want to activate from the list inside the dialog box and press ok.
Save a workspace.
Three diferents options are avaylable to save a workspace.
Go to File and in the main menu click the option workspace.and then in Save workspace.
Press inthe icon Save .
Press Ctrl + S.
If you want to save a workspace under a different nameproceed the following way.
1. Select File from the main menu.l
2. Press the option Workspace, Save as. Select in the dialog box the name in the corresponding case.
Delete a workspace.
To delete a workspace.:
1. Select File from the main menu,press the option workspace and press the option Open workspace.
2. Iluminate the one that you want to delete from the list in the dialog box and then press del or with the right
button of the mouse select delete
Create a window.
When we have in front of us an empty Workspace , prepared in order to set it at our wish, the first step is to create a
window.for this a registre must we created following next steps.Once this is done the window will be activ.
To create one chart for a value index or futur in a new window follow those steps:
 Select charts in the main menu.
 Press open chart in a new window (Ctrl+G)
This process can take place directly from it representative icon in the taskbar which is the following.
In any case you will acceed to a symbol selection dialog box where we will choose the required one, once we
have previously chosen the exchange the symbol belongs to, mark the case of the symbol in a way to iluminate
it and then specifye it differents carachteristics,type (intraday, dayly, weekly, monthlyl), compresión
(1,2,5,10,15,...), Start date,end date.....l, etc.
If we find ourselves with along list of symbols inside an exchange, we can start a search with a special procedure .We
pulsate with the right button of the mouse inside the cell and choose the option search..beetween the options you will
We complete then the information that we want to find weather writing it full name weather writing a part of it and
indicating if the search will take place from up to down or down to up , then the differents symbols containing this
chain of carachteres will appears . You need to press the button find next for the process to take place.
As it happens with the contextual pictures , you can configurate them by pressing with the right button of the mouse
inside it and in the appearing menu choose between the differents possibilities horizontal alignments, borders, vertical
alignment fonts and colors.
The result of open chart in a new window could be the following:
From the menu window you can select other aspects of the visualization choosing betwenn the options Cascade, Tyle
horizontally,tyle verticallyl , with the followig results in order,
We can move among windows by pressing this option and then you will see a catalogue box, where all the windows
kept in this workspace appear. We select the one that we want use and we double click on it or mark activate. This
takes us to the appearance on screen of the corresponding window.
Iluminating our selection and pulsating Minimize, we manage to make the window disappear from the space in the
screen, it will stay in the left bottum of the screen only with the icons that allow us to maximize it again or close it.
Pulsating Close window(s) the ones that are currently activated dissapear from the catalog, and it will be imposible
to activate them again unless we create them once more.
Each new window of a workspace presents by default ,two sheets avaylable to incoporate organize and distribute
inside them all the required elements.To pass from one sheet to another all you need to do is click in the
corresponding eyelash at the bottom of the screen and insert a chart on it.If you need more sheets to complete the
window there' s no problem because it turns out that news sheets are added everytime that you incorporate a new
To change the name of the sheets you need to double/click in the eyelash.The previou name remains ilminated
andwaith the cursor blinking untill you asignthe requiered name.WRite this name and click on the screen.The changes
will be saved.
To open an intraday, daily,weekly......chart in a ,new sheet in an already created window follow these steps.
Select in the main menul Chart.
Pulsate Insert chart in current page (Ctrl+I)
This process can be carried out directly if we pulsate in the representative icon of the action in the taskbar, which is
the following one.
You will acceed to a symbol selection dialog box, where we will mark the one we required,,As soon as we
have established in the window market the one to which the symbol belongs , we mark the cell with the name
or code in a way to iluminate it and then specifie it differents carachteristics (intraday, daily, weekly,monthlyl),
compresión (1,2,5,10,15,...), start date end date etc.....
If we find ourselves with a long list of symbols inside an exchange, we can start a search with a special procedure .We
pulsate with the right button of the mouse inside the cell and choose the option search..beetween the options you will
We complete then the information that we want to find weather writing it full name weather writing a part of it and
indicating if the search will take place from up to down or down to up , then the differents symbols containing this
chain of carachteres will appears . You need to press the button find next for the process to take place.
As it happens with the contextual pictures , you can configurate them by pressing with the right button of the mouse
inside it and in the appearing menu choose between the differents possibilities horizontal alignments, borders, vertical
alignment fonts and colors.
If we havn' t pass to the followig sheet previously to the symbol selection,the chart will be inserted behind the other
chart,as it appears in the following exemple.
If we' ve got a window with fews active sheets, we can use the following options (you will be granted acces to it by
pressing in the eyelash with the right button of the mouse ):
Selecting the option new , a new sheet is automaticlly added o the existing one's
Selecting the option Insert , a new one appears in the middle of the indicated with the number of order that it
had at the end.
Selecting the option delete, you will delete the selected sheet
Selecting the option rename,the name of the sheet will start blinking and you will be able to replace the current
name for the new one.
Selecting the option automatic switching, Several sheets of a window can be visualized in an alternative way.
For this it is necessary to realize certain specifications in the apearing picture :
In this window we' ve got to set the time spent in seconds to pass from one sheet to another,if you want the rotation
to take place from right to left or left to right.
When we create a workspace,we can make a filter of the differents windows that we are going to create in a way
that to many elements don' t perturbe they visualization,and they access in differents forms to be fast and easy,with
hughe posibilities.For this we can use te pages.In the same workspace we' ve got 6 pages,complete workspaces
inside another workspace.We can activate them from it icon in the taskbar,and configurating the data when you create
the windows,or from the menu views/workspace pages.
It is possible to alternate among the four pages simply with a click on the icon or with the key sequence Ctrl+1,
Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3 or Ctrl+4. By default pageone turns out in to frame or environment of general configuration.
Lets have an exemple. In a workspace that we have called Performance several windows have been created where
the evolution of a fews companies that we are following to trade on them is reflected. In page one we have situated a
depth of market window with several sheets one for each value of the catalog. In page two we have placed the chart
analyse for each of them. In Page 3 the influence of technical indicators of different classes. And in Page 4 each one's
chart with the insertion of an automated system of investment and the alerts derived from them.. With a simple click in
the icons we move from a Page to other one with great speed and facility, and we can observe the most diverse
points of view to take important decisions.
It is a tool that allows, starting from any point on the chart, to show resistance angles and divide them into zones
based on a predetermined formula. You can configure this tool by color or shape. Follow these steps to activate the
Resistance Fan Indicator:
Open the option Draw from the Main Menu.
Click on Graphic Objects I and then on Resistance Fan.
Once you have selected the tool, the mouse pointer changes into a pencil. Click on the place of the chart where you
want to start drawing, drag the pointer and drop it where you want to finish drawing. The angles will show
You can configure the Resistance Fan in the way you wanted using the Properties Editor. To do that you need to
activate the indicator.
§Go to View in the Main Menu and click on Properties or click on the indicator with your right mouse
button and then select Object properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Resistance Fan Object, click on Generals, Color, Style, Fans and Alerts
The tabs in this box allow us to have all the information of the object you have drawn.
Generals: Shows the name of the active object.
Color: It is possible to change the color of the object, clicking on the little box with 3 points (…) next to the
Style: You can change the type and thickness of the object, as well as to adjust the object to the lines.
Fans: You can show or not all the angles, deciding among the following: Rectangle, Upper resistance angles,
Lower Resistance angles. Also it is possible to be chosen the type of lines and proportions they can maintain.
In the row Fan Resistance it is indicated which one is effective, and if you click on the little box with 3 points
(…) it will show the range of types you can choose from: Customized, Fibonacci, Gann or Speed Lines.
If you chose the customized option, you can configure the number of lines on the screen, as well as the slope
measure in degrees of each and every one.
Alerts: It is possible to activate alarms when the last quote on the chart crossover predetermined points. In that way,
the alarm will sound if we activate in the Resistance Fans configuration box, Alerts tab, the line and in which direction
prices will break.
It is a tool that allows to draw any type of angle on the active chart, in the place, form and size you need it. To draw
an angle follow these steps:
§Open the option Draw from the Main Menu.
Click on Graphic Objects II and then on Angles.
Once you have selected the tool, the mouse pointer changes into a pencil. Click wherever you want to start the
drawing and drag it left or right to the desire distance. Stop clicking the mouse to let the angle appear on the screen. It
will appear with its corresponding measurement.
You can configure the Angles using the Properties Editor. Go to:
View on the Main Menu and click on Properties, or select the object and click the right mouse button, and
then select Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Resistance Fans Object, click on Generals, Color, Style, Degrees Label
and Alerts tabs.
Generals: Shows the name of the active object.
Color: It is possible to change the color of the object, clicking on the little box with 3 points (…) next to the
Style: You can change the type and thickness of the object, as well as to adjust the object to the lines.
Degrees Label: If you click on this tab you can view how wide is the angle, allowing you to change the type
of font if you click on the button with 3 points (…) on the right side of Font.
Alerts: The program allows to emit alerts of acoustic and visual type if when a bar crosses upwards or
downwards the angle drawn in the chart.
It is a tool that allow us to draw, anywhere in the chart, the arc figure and you can configure to any form and size. To
draw an arc follow these steps:
Go to Draw on the Main Menu.
Click on Shapes and then Arc
Once you have selected the tool, click where you want to begin to draw the Arc and drag the pointer until you finish
the Arc. Release the mouse’s button to let the Arc appear on the screen. You can configure the Arc anyway you
want going to the Configuration Editor. Go to:
View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click you right mouse button and
then Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Arc Object, click on Generals, Color and Style tabs.
 Generals: Shows the name of the active object.
Color: It is possible to change the color of the object, click on the little box with 3 points (…) next to the
 Style: You can change the type and thickness of the object.
This tool allows us to draw different arcs divided proportionally based on a predetermined formula. You can
configure this tool in shape and color. To draw Resistance Arcs follow these steps:
Click on Draw on the Main Menu.
Click on Graphic Objects I, Resistance Arc
Once you have selected the tool, the mouse pointer changes into a pencil. Click on the place of the chart where you
want to start drawing, drag the pointer and drop it where you want to finish drawing. The angles will show
The Resistance Arcs can be configure in any way you want to using the Properties Editor. Go to:
 View on the Main Menu and click on Properties, or select the object and click the right mouse button and
then Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Resistance Arc Object, click on Generals, Color, Style and Arcs tabs.
Generals: Shows the name of the active object.
Color: It is possible to change the color of the object, click on the little box with 3 points (…) next to the
Style: You can change the type and thickness of the object, as well as to adjust the object to the lines.
Arcs: Shows the type of Arc that is active in the chart. You can change the type of Arc if you click on the
button (…) located at the right side of the box.
In this box you can select the type of lines you want to display, whether it is customized, Fibonacci, Gann, or Speed
This is a tool, which allow us to draw, based on the Regression Line of the last x number of bars, a Regression
Channel. To draw it, you have to open a chart and follow these steps:
Click on Draw on the Main Menu.
Click on Graphic Objects II, Regression Channel
Click where you want to start drawing the channel and drag the mouse’s pointer to the left or right and drop it
wherever you want the channel to end. Release the button to let the channel appear on the screen.
The Regression Channel can be configured any way you want using the Properties Editor. Go to:
View on the Main Menu and click on Properties, or select the object and click the right mouse button and
then Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Channel Regression Object, click on Generals, Color, Style, Extensions,
Own and Alerts tabs.
The features you can modify are:
 Generals. The name of the object.
Color. You can change the color of the edge on the one hand, and the color of the interior of the channel on
the other hand, also existing the option to leave to transparency the interior.
Style. The style and thickness of the lines.
Extensions. Forward extensions and backwards extensions.
Own. You can modify the origin of the channel: close, low, high or open.
Alerts. You can add alerts over any of the lines that are part of the channel: upper line, regression line or
lower line.
This is a study tool, which you can use to select, starting from any point on your screen, a predetermined period in
your chart and divided all in equal size cycles, which you can configure in shape and color. To activate the cycles
follow these steps:
Click on Draw on the Main Menu.
Click on Graphic Objects I, Cycles.
Once you have selected the tool, the mouse pointer changes into a pencil. Click on the place of the chart where you
want to start the cycle, drag the pointer and drop it where you want to end the cycle. The cycles will show
You can configure the Cycle tool from the Properties Editor.
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click on the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Cycle Object, click on Generals, Color and Style tabs
 Generals: Shows the name of the active object.
 Color: It is possible to change the color of the object, click on the little box with 3 points (…) next to the
Style: You can change the type and thickness of the object, as well as to adjust the object to the lines.
This is a tool which allows to, starting from any point on the chart, apply Fibonacci Cycles, with its own
characteristics. To insert this tool follow these steps:
Click on Draw on the Main Menu.
Click on Graphic Objects I, Fibonacci Cycles.
Once you have selected the tool, the mouse pointer changes into a pencil. Click on the place of the chart where you
want to start the cycle, drag the pointer and drop it where you want to end the cycle. The cycles will show
The Fibonacci Cycles can be configured in any way you want from the Properties Editor.
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click on the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Fibonacci Cycles Object, click on Generals, Color and Style tabs. This will
allow you to change the color, style and thickness of the lines, as well as adjust the object.
This is a tool, which allows you to draw, in any point of your chart, an ellipse that can be configurable in shape and
size. To insert this tool in your chart follow these steps:
Go to Draw on the Main Menu.
Click on Shapes and then on Ellipse.
Click on the place where you want to start drawing and drag to the left or right until you reach the size you want.
Release the button to let the ellipse appear on the screen.
The Ellipse can be configured in any way you want from the Properties Editor.
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click on the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Ellipse Object, click on Generals, Color and Style tabs. This will allow you to
change the color, style and thickness of the lines, as well as adjust the object.
To show the user where the long positions are taken, in any chart showing in your screen, you can draw anywhere in
that chart the Arrow Up. In this way you will be able to have bullish signals from start to finish, which facilitates the
work of investigation and observation of behaviors of the active security.
Go to Draw on the Main Menu.
Click on Graphics Objects II, Arrow Up.
Click where you want to place the arrow.
The Arrow Up can be configured in any way you want from the Properties Editor.
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click on the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Arrow Up Object, click on Generals, Color and Style tabs. This will allow you
to change the color of the borders and the inside, change the style and thickness of the lines, as well as adjust the
To show the user where the short positions are taken, in any chart displayed in your screen, you can draw anywhere
in that chart the Arrow Down. In this way you will be able to have bearish signals from start to finish, which facilitates
the work of investigation and observation of behaviors of the active security.
Go to Draw on the Main Menu.
Click on Graphics Objects II, Arrow Down.
Click where you want to place the arrow.
The Arrow Down can be configured in any way you want from the Properties Editor.
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click on the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Arrow Down Object, click on Generals, Color and Style tabs. This will allow
you to change the color of the borders and the inside, change the style and thickness of the lines, as well as adjust the
In the option Tools from the menu Draw we find four choices:
Zoom box +. This tool allows us to display a specific area of the screen. When you click on Zoom
box +, the pointer of the mouse turns into a pencil on the active window. Click and drag until you reach
the size of the rectangle you desired, it will show up in detail.
We can also use this tool to maximize only one bar or candlestick thus individualizing it in the screen. You only need
to place the pencil on the object that we wished to extend and click with the left button of the mouse.
Zoom box -. It will only be active if you use before the zoom + and its mission is evident, to restore the
chart to its previous state.
o Horz. Ruler. It is use to know the number of bar or candlestick which, counting from the first one on the
chart, represents the one. You have to click with the pencil pointer over the bar or to know the numbers
of the extreme bars of a section that we indicated of the same form extending the line that is formed with
the left button of the pressed mouse.
o Vert. Ruler. It is use to measure the vertical distance where you indicate the starting and ending points.
Information like the opening price, the closing price and the difference in absolute terms (points/dollars)
and percentage, this last one in a double way, calculated from the upper part and calculated from the
lower part.
The Horizontal and Vertical Ruler can be configured from the Properties Editor.
 Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click on the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Object box, click on Generals, Color, Style and Extras tabs. This will allow
you to change the color of the border, limit and bars, change the style and thickness of the lines, as well as adjust the
This tool allows us to draw two crossing lines over the active chart. To activate them go to:
Draw on the Main Menu
Click on Trendlines and then Crossover.
Click on the chart where you want to display the crossovers.
The crossover lines can be moved from one point to another if you click on the crossing point and drag the lines with
your mouse.
This tool allows us to insert parallel lines in any point of your active chart. To activate them go to:
Draw on the Main Menu
Click on Trendlines, Parallels.
Click on one point of the chart and without releasing the mouse button move it to the second point in a straight line.
To draw the second line you just need to move the mouse with the line attached to the pointer, to the area where you
want to display the second line; click to release the second line.
The Parallel Lines can be configured from the Properties Editor.
 Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click on the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
This tool allows us to insert straight lines anywhere in the active chart you have on your screen. To activate it go to:
Draw on the Main Menu
Select Trendlines, and then Trendline.(Ctrl+L does the same function)
Click on any point of the chart where you want to display it.
The line drawn can moved to another place on the chart if you click over the line and drag it with the mouse. Also the
line can be turned, be extended or changed of position with the pointer of the mouse in any direction.
It is a study tool that allows to draw up the regression of a number of closing prices of several successive bars from
a certain place to another one. In order to visualize a Regression Line you must have an open chart and follow these
Go to Draw on the Main Menu.
Select Graphic Objects II, Regression Line.
Once you have selected the tool, the mouse pointer changes into a pencil. Click wherever you want to start the
drawing and drag it left or right to the desire distance. Release the mouse to let the line appear on the screen.
The Regression Line can be configured from the Properties Editor.
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click on the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Regression Line Object box, click on Generals, Color, Style, Extensions,
Own and Alert tabs.
This will allow you to:
o Generals. The name of the object.
o Color. The border one.
o Style. The style and thickness of the lines.
o Extensions. Forward and backwards extensions from the line.
o Own. The adjustment of the lines can be done based on the open, high, low or closing prices of the bars.
o Alerts. The program allows you to set an acoustic or visual alert if the last bar crosses upwards or
downwards the regression line.
This tool allows drawing horizontal lines or support lines anywhere in the chart. To draw the lines follow these steps:
Go to Draw on the Main Menu
Select Trendlines, Supports.
Click on the chart where you want the line to be displayed.
This tool allows drawing in any place of the chart, all the vertical lines you need. To draw a vertical line, follow these
Go to Draw on the Main Menu.
Select Trendlines, Vertical.
Click with your left mouse button anywhere you want to place a vertical line.
This tool allows drawing in any place of your chart, rectangles which you can configure in shape and size. Follow
these steps:
Go to Draw on the Main Menu.
Select Shapes and then Rectangle.
Click anywhere on the chart and drag the mouse to the right or left until you reach the desire size. Release the mouse
to let the rectangle appear on the screen.
The Rectangle can be configured from the Properties Editor. For that, you have to activate the rectangle, clicking
on it with the left mouse button. And then:
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click with the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Rectangle Object, click on Generals, Color and Style tabs.
It is a tool that allows to draw, starting from any point in the chart, parallel lines in accordance with a certain
percentage of regression. It is possible to choose the type of regression used between those of Fibonacci, Gann,
Lines of Speed or Customized Lines. Follow these steps to activate Regressions:
Go to Draw on the Main Menu.
Select Graphic Objects I, Regressions.
Once you have selected the tool the pointer will turn into a pencil. Click wherever you want to start drawing and
without releasing drag the pointer up to your desire point on the chart. The regression lines will show up on the
The Regressions can be configured from the Properties Editor. For that, you have to activate the figure, clicking
on it with the left mouse button. And then:
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click with the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Regressions Object, click on Generals, Color, Style, Regressions and Alert
Generals: It displays the name of the object.
Color: It displays the color that offers the edge of the graphical object. In order to modify it click on the box
(…) and change it to the desire color.
Style: Allows you to choose among different type of lines and thickness.
Regressions: You can choose among different types of percentages: Fibonacci, Gann, Speed Lines or
Alerts: The program allows you to set an acoustic or visual alert if the last bar crosses upwards or
downwards the selected regression line.
It is a study tool that allows to draw, in any place on the chart you have on your screen, the figure of a rhombus
which can be configure in shape and size. To draw a rhombus follow these steps:
Go to Draw on the Main Menu.
Select Shapes, Rhombus.
Click where you want to start the drawing and drag it left or right to the desire distance. Release the mouse to let the
rhombus appear on the screen. If you click on the figure to activate it, you can then drag it to anyplace on the chart.
The Rhombus can be configured from the Properties Editor. For that, you have to activate the figure, clicking on it
with the left mouse button. And then:
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click with the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Rhombus Object, click on Generals, Color and Style tabs.
In the option Graphic Object III under the menu Draw, we find three choices: Text, Quote and Graph.
To insert text anywhere in a chart, the user can choose size, type and color. When you select the tool you will notice
the pointer changes into a pencil.
Click where you want to start typing. The cursor will change and start writing where is blinking.
The text can be configured from the Properties Editor. To do that:
Click over the text until it is activated.
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click with the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure text Object, click on Generals or Font tabs.
If you want to erase the text click on it with your left mouse button and then press the delete button on your
If you want to insert a quote table as a graphic object within the main window, you have to select this tool on the
Graphic Objects III menu. In that precise moment the pointer will turn into a pencil over a small table. Click and it will
display an empty quote table waiting to incorporate the symbols of which we want information. When we select the
table, we can expand its size by pulling the cells in the direction we need them.
Now is the moment to decide which securities we want to display. If we want a table we already build and saved, we
have to go to the option Menu on the table and then go to Open.
Look for the folder where you saved the table and then open it. It will show up on the window:
The other way to insert securities on the table is if we go to the option Menu on the table and choose the option
search symbol. This will open a search box where you can search by name or by symbol, then we choose which one
to insert.
To delete the inserted table you just need to click on the table header and press your delete button on the keyboard.
To insert a chart within the main window, we select the option Graph on the menu Graphic Objects III. The pointer
will turn into a pencil over a small table and then click where you want the graph displayed, then a dialog box will
open where you can choose the security, type, compression, dates, connection, etc.
Repeat the steps if you place many charts within the main window. Look at the previous example inserting a
secondary chart, in this case a monthly chart, which you use to analyze the security in a long term way.
To delete the inserted chart, click on the chart and then press the delete button on your keyboard.
It is a study tool that allows to draw, in any place on the chart you have on your screen, the figure of a triangle can
be configure in shape and size. To draw a triangle follow these steps:
Go to Draw on the Main Menu.
Go to Shapes, Triangle.
Once the pointer turns into a pencil, drag the pointer to a desire point in the chart and release. This point will be the
line of the triangle. From there, move to the second point, click again and then the second line will appear. The third
one and complete triangle will show up by itself on the screen.
The Triangle can be configured from the Properties Editor. To do that:
Click over the figure until it is activated.
Go to View on the Main Menu and click in Properties, or select the object and click with the right mouse
button and then go to Object Properties.
Follow the steps in the Configure Triangle Object, click on Generals, Color and Style tabs.
To erase any individual line, support, angle or any displayed graphic object, you have to select the object clicking
over it. You will notice a few small black squares will show up, then press the button delete on you keyboard and the
object will disappear.
There are two other ways you can do the same thing:
 You can go to Draw on the main menu and then click on Clean Screen, although in this way you will erase
all the objects present on the chart.
 Using the Graphic Objects Manager (go to the Graphics folder and then go to Data Visualization and
To erase all the objects you have inserted in the chart, you have to follow these steps::
Go the Draw on the Main Menu.
Then click on Clean Screen
You can also click on the graphic object manager icon, which is located on the main toolbar (check on the section
Charts, from the chapter Organization and data Visualization).
To change the properties of any graphic object you have on the screen is necessary to click on the object with the
mouse pointer. You will see little black squares around the object, then look for the Properties Editor in any of these
two ways:
Click on the icon, which is in the main toolbar.
Click with the right mouse button and select Object Properties.
Follow the steps you will find on the dialog box. Depending on the graphic object, you will get a few tabs with
different options for custom configuration.
To view the bid and ask positions from any security you can proceed in different ways.
One way is following these steps:
Go to Quotes on the Main Menu.
Select the option Bid/Ask.
Fill up the dialog box Bid/Ask Window. Click on the little arrow on the right side of the box and it will display the list
of securities and markets available.
There we select the security and immediately it will display the entire bid and ask information.
Another way to find a symbol is by clicking on the icon shown as a magnifier, which will display a search box.
Using this box you can select the symbol you need looking by its name, its code or highlighting over the
column where you see the security. After you write the code or the name, click on the button Search. When
the results show up on the left side, check the little box before the name. This will move the names you
selected to the right side. Click Ok.
If you made your selection highlighting on the list, it will also automatically move the security to the right side.
After you click Ok, it will stay attached to the Bid/Ask Window.
If you made a mistake and want to erase any of the securities you have previously selected, you just need to
highlight the security and then click the arrow pointing left.
Another way to do this is:
Open a table, going to Quotes, options Open or Insert at current page.
Once you have the quote, click with your right mouse button over the security you want the information from.
Choose the option Display Bid/Ask. It will open a window with the security you have specified, with the bid
and ask positions
In the window with active positions, it will show by default two tabs, one with the symbol you are using and
another one, in case you want to see more symbols. Every time you add another symbol, a new tab will
appear in case you need it.
The Bid/Ask window can be configured anyway you want. You only need to select the field you want to
change and click with your right mouse button. It will show a vast array of configurable options, not only for
the buy and sell options, but also for the trading prices.
It is specially interesting the configuration of the headers of the information window, because you can access
all the information for the available sell and buy positions, agents buying or selling, trading prices, etc.
From any quote we can see the traditional horizontal ticker of the values that we have inserted in the quote table, for
that we have to click with the right mouse button and select the option View Ticker as we shown on this picture:
Then we will have the horizontal ticker where it flows all the symbol’s information that we have on the table:
With the buttons
you can control the speed of the data moving on the ticker.
If you want to configure the color or the fonts, you have to click with the right mouse button over the object. In the
next box you have to choose the option Configuration. If you want to close the ticker, you have to select Delete in the
same box.
You can define the color you want for the fields shown on the left side window, including the availability of changing
fonts when you click on that field.
The feature Vertical Ticker has the function of displaying detail information of any security or symbol. It looks like a
vertical table so it can be placed wherever the user needs it. Like with the quote tables, the information can be
To view the Vertical Ticker, follow these steps:
1. 1. Go to Quotes, on the Main Menu.
2. Select Vertical Ticker.
3. Select the quote table you want to view
If we want to create a new vertical ticker, when we select it we will see a blank page with columns ready to
display the data. When we click inside with the right mouse button, it will display a menu with actions and
Click on "Symbols Setup" and on the next box we find the securities we want to follow with the ticker (by
code or name or by selecting the exchange, type of symbol or connection) and we move them to right side of
the window.
When the list of symbols is complete then we click Ok and the ticker will be displayed on the previous blank page,
but now with the information it is gathering in real time.
The ticker can be saved within the folder Quotes if you are going to need it in the future. To do that, click with the
right mouse button over the ticker and select Save As. We will need to name the file.
You can customize the Ticker in any way you want using these options: Borders, Fonts, Colors, Horizontal
Alignment, Vertical Alignment and Header Setup.
If we want to Open the ticker in a new window or insert in a new page, you need to click on the corresponding
option in the menu Quotes. It will display all the tickers we have created. You need to click on the one you need to
Visual Chart offers to the user a program to manage their money. With it, you will be able to do a lot of trades that
will mimic the real market in real time. With the application Portfolio you will value how dynamic is your analysis, your
systems or trading strategies. Portfolio allows you to register every buy or sell operation, plus you will be able to
make valuations of your closed or open positions, or get statistical conclusions based on the investments you have
Before you start working with Portfolio it is necessary to create one. To do that, you need to follow these steps:
1. Go to Portfolio in the Main Menu.
2. Select Build Portfolio.
3. Write the name of your Portfolio.
4. Click on OK.
From now on you will be able to play in any way with your Portfolio.
Before conducting operations in Portfolio, it is advisable to complete the chapter of commissions, in order that the
movements that are registered incorporate the expenses that entail.
To open an existing portfolio you need to do the following:
1. Go to Portfolio in the Main Menu.
2. Select Open Portfolio.
Highlight the portfolio you need to activate and then click the button Open.
The Portfolio appearance is an important fact to create a nice work environment. The personalization of the Portfolio
is possible to do it if it is open. With the configuration that you build you can adapt backgrounds, colors, fonts, etc. to
reach an area of ideal work.
To accomplish this process, first you have to open the Portfolio. Then, when you have it activated on the screen,
press inside of the window with the right button of the mouse. You will get this box:
Borders: Each one of the annotations realized in a Portfolio can be seen with or without borders, horizontals or
verticals. Press on the previous box on the option Borders to do this.
Borders On: Allows seeing the lines and columns surrounded by a border in each annotation.
Borders Off: Each register is presented without borders
Only Vertical borders: If you only need the vertical border to appear, choose this option
Only Horizontal Borders: If you only need the borders with horizontal lines, choose this option
Horiz/Vert Borders: Visualize the notes you have on your Portfolio with horizontal borders as well as
The shown texts in each cell can be aligned horizontally as well as vertically.
1. Point with the mouse cursor the line you would like to configure.
2. Press the right side of the mouse
3. Choose the option Horizontal Alignment or Vertical Alignment
Left Horizontal Alignment: Allow the text to be to the left side of each cell.
Center Horizontal Alignment: The text of each cell is centered.
Right Horizontal Alignment: If you want the text to be scroll to the right side, choose this option
Up Vertical Alignment: Choosing this option, the text will be in the upper part of the cell.
Center Vertical Alignment: You will see centered in each selected cell the written text
Down Vertical alignment: The text will be a scroll down the bottom of the cell, if you choose this option.
It refers to the fonts for the written texts in the grid as in the headline. If you wish to configure the fonts, you must
follow these steps:
1. Press with the mouse cursor in the Portfolio Window
2. Press the right side of the mouse. From the box that appears choose the option Fonts.
Grid Fonts: Choosing this option you will access the Fonts box where you can choose any one you like in
the cells of the Portfolio window
Headline Fonts: In this option you can choose any font the headline can have
An example of a font modification in Portfolio can be:
The presentation of the portfolio already arranged to its background colour , font and header allows the user to give
it´spersonal touch to the application.
1. Click with the mouse inthe portfolio window.
2. Click with the right botton of the mouse . In the dialog box select the option colour..
Grid background : By clicking on this option you will acceed to a colour dialog box wher you will be able to
choose the required color fro the portfoli' s main window..
Grid text: If you want to see the text with a determinated colour click in this option.
Header background : The header background can be modified too with this option.
Header text : You can modifie the header text with this option..
This is an example of what could be the portfolio interface :
In order to make a correct valuation of the behavior of a Portfolio it is necessary to consider the commissions that
are applied in each of the entered movements. If you previously set up the commission rate, by the time you have a
buy or sell operation, the program will make the calculation of the expenses that entails the mentioned operation. In
order to complete the commissions you must have open the portfolio that has been created:
When you have on the screen the portfolio selected.
You can determine the commissions you are going to be charged every time you make trade. To do that:
1. Go to Portfolio in the File menu.
2. Select the option Commissions.
You can do it faster if you click over the Commission icon.
This box will show up, where the most important fields are:
Name: When you give a name to this sheet, the commissions will be store under this name and ready to be use
 Use by default: If you want to every time you make a trade, apply the commissions saved in this sheet, then
click on the tab Use by Default.
 New: You can make as many commissions files as you want. When you click on New the program will open
a new sheet to complete. You have to previously put a name to your file so the program will recognize it in the
 Erase: If you click here you will erase the commission sheet you have active in the field Name.
 Commissión%: Specify the percentage your brokerage charges every time you make a trade.
 Minimum: Independently of the amount of stocks you are going to trade, input the minimum amount in
dollars, that you are charge for the trade.
 Brokerage%: Some financial institutions charge a percentage for brokerage services. Input that number
 Minimum: Input the minimum amount, in dollars, that you are charged regarding of the amount of stocks.
Your broker can charge certain fees based on scale trading. You can specify this scale in these fields.
 From:
 Up to:
 Exchange:
When you are finished filling these fields, they will appear on the right side window. Click Ok when you are done.
To record your buy or sell operation you have to have your portfolio open. Open it and then follow these steps:
1. Go to Portfolio on the Main Menu or click with your right button of your mouse anywhere on the screen.
2. Select Buy or Sell.
1. Complete the Buy or Sell dialog box, depending on what kind of operation you intent to do.
1. Date: By default it will show your current date, but if you click the arrow on your right you will get a
calendar where you can choose a different date.
2. Symbol: If you click on “...” which is on the right side, you can choose the desire symbol using the dialog
box Search…
3. Contract number: Specify how many shares or contracts you want to buy or sell.
4. Price: If you are connected in real time, it will show the last price. If you want, you can specify your own
5. Commission: You can choose among the different commissions already configured in the chapter
6. Group: You can use with the intention to assign it to a person or category, in order to use some kind of
7. Value: Assigns the value of the trade (buy or sell) based on the number of shares and the last price.
8. Commission: Reflects the commission rate based on the number of shares and the last price.
9. Total Amount: Reflects the total amount of the operation with the commissions you have applied to it.
To do a different kind of operation besides buying and selling, like dividends, refunds, expenses, impositions etc. you
have to open your portfolio where you want to register the operation. Proceed opening the portfolio and then:
 Go to Portfolio on the Main Menu or click with the right mouse button anywhere on the screen.
 Select the option Impositions, dividends....
Complete the dialog box.
You can also access the option Impositions, refunds, etc. clicking on the tab Other.
The following dialog box allows you to control the movements of your portfolio, which are not related to buying or
selling any market.
 Capital Imposition: if you click in this tab you can include any monetary deposits, specifying the date and a
brief explanation of the matter.
Click OK after you finished writing. After that, it will show the movement you have register in your portfolio.
Refund: If you want to register a refound and you want to reflect this in your portfolio, click on this tab and
complete the dialog box:
Click Ok after you finished.
Income: If you need to register an income of any kind in your portfolio, click on this tab and complete the
following dialog box.
It will be register in your portfolio in this way:
Expenses: If you want to register an expense in your portfolio, click on the tab and complete the dialog box.
It will be register in your portfolio in this way:
Dividends: You can register the dividends you have received clicking on the Dividends tab. In this window
you have to specify the Date, Symbol (If you do not know the code or the complete name of the security,
click on "..." and select it), Number of shares and dividend per share.
In the window Total Amount it will show the amount for the dividends you have received.
Click Ok when you are done. In your portfolio it will show in this way:
Using your Portfolio you can follow completely the behavior of the securities included in it. The screen has several
tabs from which you will obtain an exact and punctual information of its current condition connected in real time. For
the visualization of the movements in your Portfolio you have to open it, then go to Open and then Portfolio.
By default, in the screen it is always shown the content of the lower left tab called Movements, where is revealed all
the transactions you have made: buys, sells, paybacks, taxes, etc.
If you only want to see the open transactions, you have to activate the corresponding tab, which is situated in the
lower part of the window.
If you only want to see the closed transactions, you have to activate the corresponding tab, which is situated in the
lower part of the window.
Sometimes it is necessary to make some arrangements or corrections in the annotations and registrers made in a
Portfolio. To change any notes, you must open the Portfolio and activate the Movements tab.
Making any modification:
1.Point with the left button of the mouse the line that you wish to modify.
2.Press the right side of the mouse and choose from the box where appears the option Modify
The pointed line to modify in the suggested example is the Payment to XXX in a determined date. When you press
Modify it will appear the dialogue box that was used when the register was created:
After that, all the necessary changes will be made and then you must press Ok when you agree with all the
modifications. For example, we change the quantity of the Total Amount from 2300 to 2600.
Now you can see that the quantity has been changed.
This same process is applied to any other annotated element in Portfolio: prices, dates, numbers of shares, applied
commissions, etc.
If you want to visualize the results obtained in the action of Portfolio, it is necessary that the screen is active. Once
open, press the Valuation tab.
The Valuation Box gives information about the concepts with the main relevance for a Portfolio: Capital contributions,
Incomes, Transactions, Profits, Liquidity, Open transactions, valuation, etc.
Visual Charts has the capacity to generate warnings or signals, which alerts the user that something has happened
with the object, making decisions at the right time. Likewise, it counts with the order execution option from the
activation of an alarm configured previously in relation to prices, lines, indicators, studies, etc.
In this way, when an alert pop up, the application can create instantaneously the corresponding orders to the auxiliary
trading program and send to the Stock Exchange the buy and sell orders, in the conditions formerly foresighted.
To create an alarm, you can do this:
 Display the View Menu
 Select Alert Manager
A management window will appear in the lower part of the screen, with several info columns and pages with different
Alerts over prices
Press the right button of the mouse inside the Alert window. Choose in the display the Create an Alert option.
Now go to the Alert about prices dialogue box.
Symbol code: Type the value code about the alert established. If you don’t know the code, press the button
“…” and find it in the Search Symbol box.
Field: Specify in which parameter you want to relate the alert. Display the right arrow to choose.
Logic Operation: Indicate the logic condition that will trigger to pop up the alarm. If the price is more than,
more or equal, less than.
Quantity: Quantify the price
An alert general box can be in this way:
When an alert is triggered, it appears on the screen a warning: Alert Triggered, and the corresponding information.
If in the initial configuration, File-Options-Alerts-Sounds, the sound signal was activated with the visual one, this will
have the selected sound.
1.In a price chart
It is possible to create alerts over the crossings of a bar in relation to lines previously done in a graphic. For that, you
must have opened the graphic where you have drawn the object. After that, choose the object with the cursor of the
mouse and press the right button.
Choose Configure Object and in the property box, co to the Alerts tab. Choose now the Activate little box, and then
two lines will appear: Warn before a … up crossing or down crossing. Choose according to your intentions. After
pressing Accept, the alert has been created.
2. In the graphic of a indicator
To create an alert about an indicator, it is necessary to have it active in a graphic. For example, the oscillator RSI
related to the Exxon value, of the continuous market. We want to create an alert to the moment in which the value of
the RSI crosses over a determinate line.
For this, first we trace that line in the oscillator window. After that, we activate it clicking over it with the left button of
the mouse and then press the right button, choosing the Configure Object option. The Properties Editor box
appears. Go to the Alerts tab. Choose the Activate little box which will make appear two lines: Warn before an up
crossing or down crossing. Mark according to your intentions. After pressing Ok, the alert has been created and the
program generates an alert in the moment the indicator value crosses over the positional value of the traced line.
To make modifications in a price alert, which has been previously made, it is necessary to activate the Alerts screen:
1. Display the View menu
2. Choose Alert manager
The alerts that are in the screen can be modified highlighting with the help of the mouse (left button) the one that we
want to change, and after pressing with the right button over it, choosing in the display the Modify a Price Alert
Do the modifications that you wish in the Price Alert dialogue box, in which the original values will appear. Rectify
what you think is convenient and then press Ok.
If we want to do the modifications in an alert over lines, if it is about the price level, it is enough to scroll the line
towards the level wanted and then it reflects the changes of the alert manager. If it is about changing the kind of
crossing, go to the Properties box of the line object and then check or uncheck the corresponding option.
You can delete an active alert following these steps:
 Display the Alerts box
 Choose, pointing with the mouse cursor, the alert line you will like to delete
 Press the right button and choose Delete Chosen Alert(s)
In the case of Alerts over lines or indicators, it can be deleted going to them through the Properties box as they were
activated, and in the Alerts tab you uncheck the established option, or you just eliminate the line.
Follow these steps to configure an alert warning by Email via SMS to a cell phone.
 Display the File menu
 Press Option
 Click with the mouse on Alerts or the + sign that preceded it. Point the SMS option
 Check the little blank box next to the text Alert by cell phone (SMS short message), in which you can add the
email address established with the telephone company in the corresponding line
If you wish to send a message as a demonstration, activate the little box next to the text that shows this option.
Follow these steps to configure an alert warning by Email via SMS to a cell phone.
 Display the File menu
 Click Options
 Click with the mouse on Alerts or the + sign that preceded it. Point the E mail option
 Check the little blank box next to the text Alert by Email, in which you can add the email address in the right
If you wish to send a message as a demonstration, activate the little box next to the text that shows this option.
When conditions that cause the alert trigger, are produced, it will show the information in a box with the following
It is important to emphasize that in the space available they are accumulated all the alerts that are gone off, as well as
prices, graphic objects and systems. If we want to remove the text of triggered alerts, we highlight it and then press
the Delete button (this way the alert warning is deleted, not the alert itself, because this action is realized from the
Manager box). To go to the mentioned box from this window, press the corresponding button in the lower right part.
The alerts Screen can be configure in several ways creating different color styles, fonts or content distributions. To
configure the alert screen follow these steps:
Display the View menu, and choose the Alert Manager
Click the right button of the mouse inside the Alert window
Choose between the different options offered
o Borders:
Border On/ Off: It makes appear or disappear the box in which the alerts are shown.
Solo Vertical border: let visible the dividing line between the columns
Solo Horizontal Borders: let visible the dividing line between the rows
Horiz/Vert Borders: let visible the dividing line as well as the columns and the lines
Horizontal Alignment:
It makes different ways of text alignment from each line in a same horizontal space
Vertical Alignment:
It does the same that the preview option but now in the vertical space of the line: up, center, down
Fonts: Allows choosing fonts (type, style, size, effects, color) of the grid and the headline.
Grid Background: Selecting this option you can make the alert screen shows the color of your
Grid text: In the dialogue box, configure the font, which written elements must have in the alert screen.
Headline Background: If you click in this option, and viewing the dialogue box that appears, you can
configure the headline background giving it a different color from the original one that has by default.
Headline Text: With this option you can modify the font of the alert screen headline text.
Selected line Background: From this option you can change the color to an active line. Choose it in the
Color dialogue box.
Selected Line text: Allows putting the desired color to the text of an active line.
An example of alerts box with a configured screen could be:
After :
In Visual Charts we call strategies the sequence of objective rules that are use to build systems, indicators and
studies. The systems allow us to give buy and sell orders, the indicators are data lines that can be visualize on screen
and through the studies we can choose to paint the bars of a chart with any color.
The intention of the investment strategies is to be able to establish a series of objective rules based on factors that can
be measured, which allows to verify how these rules have worked in the past (historical data) and to automate the
buying and selling decisions.
It is important to notice that Visual Chart is not an investment strategy itself, but a powerful tool that allows you to
design your own strategies without limits.
All the strategies that can be design in Visual Chart (trading systems, indicators and studies) can be visualize in the
graphic tool.
The two main advantages of designing logical strategies in Visual chart are: in the first place, we can eliminate
unconscious and confusing behaviors that often appear when a decision has to be made and in the second place,
we can check our strategy results in the past and analyze its behavior.
Strategies Calculation
Visual Chart uses historical data to do different strategies calculation. The historical data is organized in bars. A bar
has the highest price information of a temporary period (high), the lowest price of that period (low), the first price of
the period (open) and the last one (close). In each bar also is stored the temporary period time that summarizes. For
example, lets consider a bar: the five minutes one.
The included one between the 9:00 and 9:05 the bar has the hour which is 9:05 and we can obtain it as the military
format of 24 hours, in the previous case the corresponding number should be 0905. This data is considered as a
number and it can be used in our strategy with all the effects. The same happens with the date, each bar has a register
with the date of which is in “YYYYMMDD” format, that at the same time is numeric; the date 22/10/2000 should
turn into 20001022. Finally, there is also volume information in each bar (number of stocks traded) and the Open
Interest (This field is only available in the end of day bars and gathers the numbers of demanded options in a sequence
for the next day).
The referring data to a bar will vary logically depending on the temporary period that is chosen. (E.g. 1 minute, 2
minutes, 5 minutes 60 minutes, etc.)
When a strategy is inserted in Visual Chart the program starts to calculate it bar to bar. This is why the established
conditions in every strategy must be thought out to calculate it in each bar. At the end of every passage the program
executes an order (it can be buy, sell, pay off, paint Indicator, paint bar or act in a table)
To do the calculation of the bar to bar strategy, we logically will have to make a reference to the previous bars. Visual
Chart considers the bar in which you are making the calculations as the bar zero (0). When we would like to make
reference to the previous bar, we consider it as the bar 1, the previous one is the bar (2) and so on. In all the available
piece of information, there is a reference to the number of bars from which we would like to obtain the info. For
example, if we want to make a reference to a closing bar, we will have to indicate the number of bars back we need.
(For example: Closing (5) which refer to the closing of five preceding bars). If the number of bars is not indicated, it
will take the current bar (0) by default.
Besides the data referring to the symbol (stock names, futures, etc.) on which we will apply the strategy, Visual Chart
can have pieces of information that comes from Indicators and functions. Also the Indicators can be calculated on
others. To refer the information from one Indicator a number of bars back, we will make it as it has been explained in
the previous paragraph.
Visual Design Platform (VDP) is an assistant that belongs to Visual Chart. Using it we can design systems, indicators
and studies without programming concepts. When a strategy is design in VDP, and we activate the process of
compiling and registering the strategy, VDP automatically generates the programming code for Visual Basic
Applications (VBA) and registers the strategy in Visual Chart so it can be used. This process is completely automatic.
It means that VDP can be used without knowing the Visual Basic programming language. The programming
environment as well as the name of the functions, indicators and data relating to the symbol is in the user language.
Once we have finished designing the strategy, we must press the Compile and Register button. This step is very
important because if you do not do it, we cannot use the strategy designed in Visual Chart.
When we press this button, these steps are done automatically:
o The program transcribes the flowchart to VBA language.
o It is compiled in VBA
o It is registered the DLL (interpretable code by the program) corresponding to our strategy in the systems,
indicators and studies catalog, to be available from Visual Chart.
If there is any error when we press compile and register, a window will appear in the Design Platform where it will
indicate what type is it.
If there is not any problem, the message will be “Process correctly finished”
The essential structure in the VDP programming is the flowchart, which uses commands in one side, in which several
tools are inserted (sources, functions, indicators, variables) and on the other side Operators. The connectors through
the Link Points relate all these elements.
Commands: The commands are: Condition, Sentence, loop While and loop Since…Until
Operators: The operations are Buy/Sell order, Establish Indicator value and Draw Study
Link Points: They are represented with a small blue box and they are in the verticals and laterals of the commands
and operators. Each one of these points represents a way for the flow to reach (the ones situated in the upper part of
the Commands and Operators) or where it can continue (the ones situated in the lower part and in some cases in the
right and left laterals). Therefore we can distinguish two kinds of Link Points:
 Entry Points: they are the link Points where the flow enters to a command or operator. The entrance points
are, in all the cases, the ones situated in the upper side of the Command or Operator. There are two
exceptions in which the entry point is by the right side of the command. These commands are the loop While
and the loop Since…Until.
Exit points: these are the points where the flow will continue once the command is calculated or the operator
executed. The exit points can be one or two depending on the command.
o Only one exit point: All the operators have only one exit point situated in the lower part. . In these cases
the flow always enters by the upper part, the sentence or operator is executed and continues by the lower
link point.
o Two exit points: With two exit points are:
o Conditions: the conditions have two exit points, one in the lower part and the other in the right lateral.
When the calculation flow reaches the condition, this is calculated and if the condition is true the flow will
continue to go down, and if it is false, the flow will continue to the right.
o Loop: The loop Since…Until and the loop While have one lower exit point and other in the right lateral.
While the loop is calculated, the flow will continue by the lower side, when the loop stops been
calculated, the flow will continue by the link point of the right lateral.
The connectors: They are arrows that link some commands and operators with others. To link two
commands just click over a link point in the origin command and drag it to the destiny command.
Automatically, an arrow will be displayed that will follow the mouse until it reaches its final point. When the
mouse is close to the other link point, a box will appear. This indicates that if we let go the mouse click, the
arrow automatically will connect to that link point.
Before letting go
After letting go
If we would like to work with the VDP, it is fundamental to understand how to structure the flowchart. If the program
is not correctly done, error messages will appear when the strategy is registered, or it won’t work as it is expected.
Definition: A strategy is calculated step by step (command by command) The order in which the commands are
executed depend on how the connectors are linked. Once the starting place is detected (command or operator
without any linked connector to its upper link point) the program follows the way we indicate through the connectors.
 Basic Concepts:
Calculation Starting: The strategy starts been calculated by the command that does not have any
connector linked into its upper link point (vertex or upper part) For this reason, it can only be just one
command or order with the upper link point (blue point) without any linked connector.
Calculation Ending: The strategy stops been calculated when it arrives to a point in which there isn´t any
linked connector (any link point except the upper one)
Wrong connections: A command or operator inside a loop cannot be connected (In the example, both
commands inside the circle) with other that is outside of it.
Once the flow has entered in a command or operator and it’s out of it, the flow cannot enter again. An exception can
be found in Loop While and Loop Since… Until. This is not allowed because Visual Chart will enter in an infinite
calculation process.
Two different conditions cannot be linked with just other command or operator
A connector can not be linked with two link points from the same command or operator
· Calculation flow cannot enter in a command or operator by a exit point (situated in the lower and right part)
· Two entrance points can not be connected.
· There can not be more than one linked connector to an exit point.
· The conditions must have at least one linked connector to one of its two exit points.
Flow Follow Through:
Condition: When a condition is inserted in the flowchart, the flow can follow two ways depending if the condition is
true or false. In each one of these possible ways we can add the desired commands or operators. A condition
command always has other dependent commands. When we want to establish other conditions that are completely
independent of the first ones we have put, we must make the flow that begins from the lower link point and from the
right link point encounter both in the same command or operator. When two connectors enter in a command by the
upper link point (of entrance), we will always be closing the condition that divided the flow.
Taking as a base the previous example, if we would like to established a condition independent from the previous one,
we have to proceed as follows:
In this example we have connected the Sentence 1 with the Condition 2 and the Sentence 2 also with the Condition
2. When the flow is in the Condition 2, it closes Condition 1 and start Condition 2 calculation. In the next example we
have suppressed Connection 2. If Condition 1 is false, Sentence 2 would be executed and the calculation would be
stopped because there would not be a continuing flow. Remember that the calculations for that bar are ended when
the calculation reaches a command or operator that does not have continuing flow.
In the next example if Condition 1 was false, the flow will also be interrupted in the right link point.
In the next example the flow is not interrupted and after check if Condition 1 is true, Sentence 1 is executed and if it is
false, the flow goes directly to Condition 2. In this way the condition is close and the calculation passes to other
command group (calculate Condition2)
- A condition can be subordinate to another. In this case, Condition2 will only be executed if Condition 1 is false.
Condition 2 will only be executed if Condition 1 is false. In this example we can observe that two connectors reach
Condition 3. When two connectors reach a command or operator, it is interpreted that the condition in which the flow
has been divided has been closed (Condition 1) and that this new command is independent to the previous ones. If in
any moment the flow that was divided in a condition joins to it, this one looks closed and the program will continue
doing the calculations in the new command. In this case Condition 2 is only link with Condition 3 through the lower
link point (It does not matter if there is a sentence between since this does not divided the flow). If Condition 2 were
false the flow would not be interrupted and will continue to Condition 3 because that flow that was divided in
condition 1 join in the entrance of Condition 3. This produces that Condition 1 closes and the program starts to
examine another command or commands group (Condition 3) In this case the calculation is not interrupted in the right
exit of Condition 2 although there is not any connector because the Condition 2 is subordinate to Condition 1.
In the next example there is a flow interruption in Sentence 2 and in the right link point in Condition 2.
The main difference with the previous example is that sentence 2 is not linked with Condition 3. This causes that the
flow that has divided in Condition 1 does not join before Condition 3, so condition 3 is also dependent of Condition
1. In this example there is a main condition (Condition 1) and two subordinates or dependents (Condition 3 and 2)
They are called dependent conditions because their fulfillment depends on Condition 1 results, true or false
In this example we have a jump point in Condition 2 and other in Condition 3. If Condition 2 is false the flow jumps
directly to Condition 4 and Condition 3 is not executed. Condition 3 is dependent of Condition 2, that is why it does
not fulfill in case of Condition 2 is false.
In order to make Condition 3 to be executed we must make condition 3 not to depend on Condition 2. For this we
will join the right link point of Condition 2 (Exit if condition is false) with the entry point of Condition 3, making a link
in the flow, which separated in Condition 2, and making Condition 3 independent from 2. In this case Condition 2 and
3 are independent between them but depend on Condition 1.
On the next example the continuation of the flow in a complex system is shown.
This is a very important tool on every indicator, system and study. Start bar will indicate the number of bars that
Visual chart will let pass to begin calculating the system, indicator or study that we are designing.
Start bar will have a value of zero by default.
For example, if we wish to use in our calculations the closing value of forty previous bars, we should assign a value of
40 to the start bar to make sure that the program will let pass 40 bars before beginning the calculation. If we would
like to calculate a function in the last 30 bars, we must proceed the same way. Finally if we use different elements in a
system we must consider the one, which requires the largest number of bars for its calculation, and assign their value
to the start bar.
Start bar can also be a complex expression, a parameter or a variable.
If we don’t modify this value the strategy will begin to calculate from the first bar and if we make reference to
previous bars, it will consider the values (close, high, low, etc.) we request from the first bar of the historical.
If we use an indicator that has indicated a specific value from the start bar (e.g. 50), our strategy automatically will
have a start bar that will be the sum of the start bar we establish plus the start bar of the used indicator. If we use two
indicators it will take the highest value. This just happens for the indicators.
Indicators already programmed in Visual Chart have a Start Bar that coincides with the parameter value, which
indicates the number of bars back, which is what we need to calculate the indicators (e.g. if we select a RSI with a 14
period, it will be assigned a Start Bar of 14).
When we need to design an indicator we advice you to give to the Start Bar a value equal the parameter which define
the number of bars in which the indicator will be calculated. This way when we use that indicator to build a system or
any other strategy we will make sure that the mentioned indicator will start calculating correctly always.
If we calculate an indicator over another one, the assigned Start bar will be the sum of the assigned for both
If we use a system that will use to its calculations a moving average of 50 and we also do reference to the closing of
25 previous bars, it won’t be necessary to establish a start bar to this system because it will take a start bar of 50+0
(Start bar by default) that is enough for the moving average to start calculating well and so we can do a reference to a
correctly closing of 25 bars back.
Sources are the base from which the systems, indicators and studies are calculated (e.g. historical data about a
company, an index, a future, etc)
Sources are constitute by a series of registries that contain different fields (date, hour, open, high, low, close, volume
and open interest) Each one of these registries corresponds to a bar of a symbol (company, index, future, etc) If the
data we use is between days, you will include the field “Hour” and the value of each register will vary in function of the
time compression selected for each bar (5 minutes, 10, minutes, 30 minutes, etc.)
In Visual Chart the historical data of a graphic inserted in any window are called “data” (a source inserted in a
graphic) By default all the systems, indicators and studies are built to be inserted in “data” (data by default) that is any
symbol from which the system is inserted. By default the data does not need to be add by the user since the VDP
include it in any new created project.
In the case we wish to use different symbols to make a system, we will press the right button of the mouse over
sources and we would select between two ways of selecting a new source.
 Add Data: If we add new data using this option, it would be called “data 1” and will make reference to the
first symbol inserted in the window in which the system, indicator or study are inserted. If we add one more
data, it will take the name of “data 2” and will make reference to the second symbol inserted in the window
and so on. That’s why we have to make distinction between “data” (data by default) that makes reference to
a symbol from which the system, indicator or study are applied to and the new added dataset (data1, data2,
data-n) that makes reference to the different symbols inserted in the window and take the name based on the
insertion order (data 1=first inserted symbol, data 2= second inserted symbol… etc.) the “data” (data by
default) and some of the added dataset (data1, data2… etc.) can be the same.
This situation could happen in case we use a system that uses “data” (data by default) and other data “data1”
in a window in which previously we have inserted several symbols. If we inserted the system in the sub
window, “data” and data1 would refer to the same symbol. For this reason, do not use “data” (data by
default) when several symbols are used.
The window in which the system is going to be inserted, should have the symbols that are going to be used
ordered up/down so there is a simple correspondence between the data number and the order in the graphic.
(Data1= first symbol, data2=second symbol…etc.)
Add: We have access to the symbol selection dialogue box through this option. In a simple way, the desired
symbol will be selected and added as accessible data from the VDP.
The symbols selected in this way are independently used if they are inserted then in a window as a graphic or
not. For example, reference data to the Dow Jones Index can be used to make a system that later will be
inserted in IBM without the Dow Index graphic been inserted in a window next to IBM.
Functions are a mathematic formula that uses different data for its calculation, and give a result. However, there are
other functions that don’t make calculations but return an available data in Visual Chart. For example, the
GetSymbolInfo function that return different symbol data from which the system, indicator or study (are apply) that we
are designing.
Functions can be calculated about any indicator or base source but they cannot be calculated on themselves because
they are not data series. If we would like to calculate a function about an indicator, we have to add the new indicator
and select the desired function choosing the source in the Base Source cell (in this cell appears every source and
To use a function in VDP is necessary to select it first. For that, you only have to press the right button over functions
and selected the add option. A dialogue box will be displayed where you can select the desired function and establish
the parameters by default of each one.
Once the function is selected it can be visualize, displaying the function folder tree pressing the left button of the
mouse over the “+”. The name of the function is visualized as a compound formed by the function name plus the data
name (or source) on which is applied. If you want the parameters of the selected function to be also parameters in the
system, indicator or study that we are designing, press the right button of the mouse over the function name and
choose the enable/disable parameters option.
Once executed this operation, we’ll notice that each one of the entry parameters of the function is in a variable which
name is a compound formed by the function name followed by the parameter name. Each one of the new generated
variables is activated as a parameter; it will appear when the system, indicator or study is inserted, so we can give it
the desired value. These variables can be found in the variables folder that are in the main tree and are available for
its use in the VDP.
Indicators are a mathematic formula that uses different data for its calculation, and offer results that allow inferring
some characteristics of the source form, which are applied.
To use a function in VDP is necessary to select it first. For that, you only have to press the right button over
Indicators and selected the add option. A dialogue box will be displayed where you can select the desired indicators
and establish the parameters by default of each one.
If we wish to use a calculated indicator over another one (e.g. a moving average calculated over the RSI), then you
have to add the indicator from which we would like to make the calculation (in the previous example RSI) and then
add the new indicator (in the previous example the moving average) choosing in the Base source cell the option RSI
(In this cell will appear every source and indicators previously selected)
Once the indicator is selected it can be visualize, displaying the indicators folder tree pressing the left button of the
mouse over the “+”. The name of the indicator is visualized as a compound formed by the indicator name plus the
data name from which is applied. If you want the parameters of the selected indicator to be also parameters in the
system, indicator or study that we are designing, press the right button of the mouse over the indicator name and
choose the Enable/Disable parameters option. Once executed this operation, we will observe that each one of the
indicator entry parameters is in a variable which name is a composed formed by the indicator name followed by the
parameter name. Each one of the new generated variables is activated as a parameter; it will appear when the system,
indicator or study is inserted, so we can give it the desired value. These variables can be found in the variables
folder that are in the main tree and are available for its use in the VDP.
The indicators can have more than one data line (10 lines maximum. E.g. Directional Movement) In these cases when
we use the indicator that uses bands (e.g. RSI) these are also considerate as data line, although its value is always the
same (In the case of RSI the line2 value is 0)
A variable is used to keep a value that will be used later in other system, indicator or study section that we were
building. (E.g. If we are interested in using through a system the value of the high plus the close divided by 2, we can
use the dialogue box to create sentences and assign a previously closed variable (e.g. MyPrice) the value
“(High+Close)/2”. Once the variables have a value, they can be used in calculations representing that value (e.g.
MyVariable=MyPrice+100, where MyPrice substitutes the value previously obtain from High+Close/2).
 Building Variables:
To create a new variable, press the right button of the mouse over Variables. In the displayed dialogue box,
press the Add option. A dialogue box will be displayed, in which we’ll type the variable name, what kind (it
can be Boolean, numeric, date, price, string) and the initial value that we would like the variable to obtain
before the calculations start. A cell appears below in which we could mark if we want the variable to act as a
parameter (if a variable is activated as a parameter, when we insert the system, indicator or study that is used,
the variable name will appear and a cell to introduce the desired value)
 Types of Variables:
o Boolean: Variables defined as Boolean allow us to keep the “true” or “false” values. These variables can
only take these two possible values.
o Numeric: Variables defined as numeric can contain any numeric value included between
1.79769313486231E308 a –4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values and
4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486231E308 for positive values. Practically, it is equivalent to
any numeric value we would like to assign.
o Date: Variables defined as “date” keeps values in date format. Although this kind of variable can be
necessary for some Visual Chart users, it is useful to notice that when we use the date that is in the bar,
we are using a number with the format “YYYYMMDD” and contains it in a numeric variable kind (e.g.
when we make reference to the date of a bar that has the date 29/12/2000, the system will use a numeric
value equal to 20001229)
o Price: Variables defined as “price” can keep “Price identifiers”. The prices identifiers can refer to the
open, close, volume, open interest. We must have clear that these variables cannot lock the value of
close, open, etc. of a bar, but it is useful to identify which bar register field we would like to use.
Generally, these variables are used as parameters (if we wish an indicator to be calculated in some
occasions about the close and other time about the open we can opt by defining a variable as “price”,
activate it as parameter and use it to identify the field we would like to refer (close, high, low, etc.)
o String: Variables defined as “string” keeps the chain or character values. These values must be between
quotation marks (e.g. “MyVariable”). If any number is included between quotation marks it won’t be
interpreted as itself, but as one more character.
o Variable Parameters: Any variable used in the VDP can be activated as a parameter. To do that, you
only have to press with the right button of the mouse over Variable and choose from the displayed
dialogue box the Enable/Disable parameters option. When we insert a system, indicator or study,
which include parameter variables, the insert dialogue box will ask the desired value for these variables.
The parameters are extremely useful when we build systems, indicators and studies because it allow us to
control the number of bars back to consider, an indicator period or any value we would like to assign in
execution time. Establishing parameters will allow us to optimize the productivity of the system we were
using through the Visual Chart powerful tool called “Optimizer”. With the parameter optimizer we can
obtain the maximum efficiency from any system we had designed. (e.g. if we build a system that is about
buying when one moving average crosses above another moving average, the optimizer can indicate us
which is the period for each one of the two moving averages that more profits offer us)
To establish a condition (a requirement we demand to be accomplished in our strategy), press the “Condition” icon.
A tutor will be displayed and it will help us to establish the desired condition.
In this tutor are clearly two different parts: the upper part in which we find the commands to create the condition and
the lower part in which the condition we are creating is edited. (Edit window).
In the upper part (in which we established the condition) there are three different blocks. In the central block we find
the logical operators that connect the expression situated in the left block with the one in the right block. In this cell we
can choose one of the following logical operators:
o More than
o More or Equal
o Less than
o Less or Equal
o Equal
o Different
Also, in the central block is the Add button, which inserts the current expression in the editor. In each block (right and
left) we have the following elements:
 Identifier: In this cell we find all the available elements to establish the condition. These elements must be
selected first in the main tree, which is in the tool window (by default we will have data selected that gives us
the data related to the source from which the system, close, volume, etc. is applied). The elements we can find
in this cell are:
o Sources
o Indicators
o Systems
o Variables
o Functions
 Value: In this cell will be displayed the different options we can use, in the selected element in the identifier
cell. If in the identifier cell we have selected a source (data or a symbol code) we can pick the following
o Open
o High
o Low
Open Interest
If we select in the identifier cell an indicator, in the Value cell will be displayed the ten data lines that can only have one
indicator (Line1, line2 … line10. By default line 1 will appear).
When we select a system in the identifier cell, in the Value cell we could select:
 Number of different entry orders
 Kind of Order (Stop, limited, Close, Market)
 Order value (this field is only valid for the stop and limit orders models)
 Number of contracts/stocks
 System label
If in the identifier cell we choose a variable, the Value cell will appear empty because there are not different values for
a variable.
If in the identifier cell we choose a function, the Value cell will appear empty because there are not different values for
a function.
Bar: In this cell is indicated the number of bars back that we wish to be related to the data selected in the identifier
and Value cells.
If we need to built a more complex expression, that cannot be defined by the cells previously described, we can opt
to click over the button
The sentence editor will be displayed. In it we will be able to design more complex expressions, and then they will
appear in the edition cell that is at the left side of that button.
Once the required expression selected to both sides of the logical operator, we will press over the Add button to
insert the expression in the editor window. If the condition is just about one expression, you can directly press over
Accept. This operation will insert the condition in the VDP editor.
If the desired condition is about more than one expression once inserted in the edition window the first expression,
we will press over the button Y or the button O and then we will add the second expression. This process can be
done as much as our condition will need expressions.
If we have created a condition composed of two or more expressions linked by the button Y, the condition will only
be interpreted as true if both expressions are true.
If we have created a condition composed of two or more expressions linked by the button O, the condition will only
be interpreted as true if any of the expressions are true.
Editor window: In the lower part of the window appears a blank space that can be used to write directly the
condition. It is an alternative. Once the condition is written, we will press accept to add it in the Editor.
If there is any incoherency in the selected expression when we press Accept an Error message will appear.
Diagram: the external appearance of the condition is shown in the Visual Editor as a diamond that has three marked
Upper: Admits a flowchart entry that could proceed from any other point of the general diagram. If any
connector is not linked to this entry, VDP will interpret that this one is the beginning. It will start calculating in
this condition. Two commands (conditions or sentences) cannot have this entry uncovered.
Lower: This is the direction that the flow will follow if it is true.
Right: This is the direction that the flow will follow if it is false.
In this tutor we will also find the New Function and New Variable buttons, that let us to access directly to the
dialogue boxes which allow us to select new functions and create new variables.
Once the condition is created and added to the VDP editor, we could edit and modify its content again, by clicking
over the Icon (diamond) with the mouse left button.
To select and change the size of a condition, you must press with the button over it. The extremes will be highlighted.
To change the size, click in one of the highlighted extremes and drag out to give it the desired size. If we want to move
it, we will do it by clicking with the mouse left button over it and moving it to the desired place. All the connections
that depend of it will be automatically restructured.
We can edit the expression of a condition without using the conditions editor. We can do it by pressing the mouse left
button over the condition and once selected, pressing again over the text. The diamond will transform into a square
and the text will appear in edition format. When we make the desired arrangements pressing the enter key, the
condition will return to its original format inside the flowchart.
To change the color of the condition, we have to select it by pressing the mouse left button, and then pressing the
mouse right button over the condition. A menu will be displayed in which we will have to choose the Properties
option. A Properties editor will be displayed in which we can select the desired color by pressing the mouse right
button over the color cell and choosing it.
From…To Loop is a command that allows us to execute several instructions (commands) while a variable increases
its value. The increment is produced between two extremes, lower and upper. This kind of loops, allows us to
execute a sequence of commands through an established number of times. Every time the loop is executed, the
counter variable will increase.
When we press the From...To Loop icon, a tutor will be displayed and it will allow us to establish the following
The While Loop is represented as a diamond that has four marked vertices.
From: In this cell will appear the name of the counter variable (by default an “i” appears, which is defined
automatically as a numeric kind variable. Although we can change it for other selected by us pressing the “Ed”
button that is situated in the right side). Then, we will indicate the lower value we wish the counter variable to
have in the moment the calculation in the loop is started. If the value we wish to have in the variable is
complex, we can opt to press the “Ed” button that is situated in the right side. A properties editor will be
displayed to establish the value or expression that we would like this cell to have.
To: In this cell we will indicate the higher value for the loop counter variable. When the variable reaches this
value the loop will stop executing and will continue the flow to other parts of the strategy. If the desired
maximum value is complex, we can opt to press the “Ed” button that is situated in the right side. A properties
editor will be displayed to establish the value or expression that we would like this cell to have.
Jump: In this cell we will indicate the desired increment we want to occur in the counter variable every time
the loop is executed.
From this tutor we can directly create new variables and new functions.
Once the properties are determined, we will press Accept and will show in the VDP a diamond with the four
marked vertices:
 Upper vertex: Admits an entry of the flowchart that can proceed from any other point of the general
diagram. If any connector is not linked to this entry, VDP will interpret that this is the beginning. It will start to
calculate in this loop. Two commands (conditions or sentences) cannot have this entry uncovered.
 Lower Vertex: The program flow will continue by this vertex every time the counter variable increases. The
flow that comes out from this vertex must return to the loop by the left vertex, after the commands (conditions,
sentences, etc.) have been fulfilled and that we link them to this vertex
 Left Vertex: To this vertex the program flow must return when the commands (conditions, sentences, etc.)
have been fulfilled that are between the lower vertex and this one.
 Right Vertex: The strategy calculation flow will continue by this point when the counter variable reaches a
value equal to the upper extreme defined in the Since cell.
 For example, if we wish to know if the low of the current bar is lower to each one of the previously five bars
lows, we will proceed in the following way:
In this example we have previously defined the “Control” variable as Boolean. Before the calculating is started in the
loop, we will establish the value of the control as “True”. We have assigned a lower value of 1 to the counter variable
and a high value of 5. So the loop is started with “i=1”. The first command that is inside the loop is the “High > Low(i)
condition. This condition confirms if the low of the current bar is higher than the low of the “i” bar. If this happens, it
will give a “False” value to the “control” variable, allowing us to know when we leave the loop if it is true or not what
we wanted to know (that the low of the current bar is lower than each one of the five previous bars lows). Every time
the condition and sentence commands are executed the flow returns to the loop where the “i” value is increased in one
The loop will do a total of five turns (number established as a maximum for “i” in the “Until” cell. If in this five times
that the condition is fulfilled there are no any other occasion in which the low of the current bar is higher than the low
of the “i” previous bars, the control variable will continue having the value we give to it before we enter the loop
(True). When “i” enters a value equal to 5 the strategy calculation flow will continue by the right extreme of the
diamond. To select and change the size of a loop, you must press with the button. The vertex will be illuminated. To
change the size, click in one of the lightened extremes and drag out to give it the desired size. If we want to move it,
we will do it by clicking with the mouse left button over it and moving it to the desired place. All the connections that
depend of it will be automatically restructured.
We can reedit the established values for a loop without using the loops editor. We can do it by pressing the mouse
left button over the loop and once selected, pressing again over the text. The diamond will transform into a square and
the text will appear in edition format. When we make the desired arrangements pressing the enter key, the loop will
return to its original format inside the flowchart.
To change the color of the loop, we have to select it by pressing the mouse left button, and then pressing the mouse
right button over it. A menu will be displayed in which we will have to choose the Properties option. A menu will be
displayed in which we can select the desired color.
While Loop is a command that allows us to execute several instructions (commands) as long as an established
condition is true. When the established condition is false, the commands inside of it will not be working anymore.
It is important to notice that whereas the expressed condition is true the loop will continue executing itself time and
time again. It is necessary to make sure when establishing that at some point the condition will be false. If not the loop
would be executing itself indefinitely and would produce an application error.
When we press the While Loop button, a tutor similar to the one in create condition will be displayed. In this tutor we
can establish which condition has to be accomplish so the loop keeps working.
The While Loop is represented as a diamond that has four marked vertices:
Upper vertex: Admits an entry of the flowchart that can proceed from any other point of the general
diagram. If any connector is not linked to this entry, VDP will interpret that this is the beginning. It will start to
calculate in this loop. Two commands (conditions or sentences) cannot have this entry uncovered.
Lower Vertex: The program flow will continue by this vertex every time the condition included in the
diamond is true. The flow that comes out from this vertex must return to the loop by the left vertex, after the
commands (conditions, sentences, etc.) have been fulfilled and that we link them to this vertex
Left Vertex: To this vertex the program flow must return when the commands (conditions, sentences, etc.)
have been fulfilled that are between the lower vertex and this one.
Right Vertex: The strategy calculation flow will continue by this point when the established condition for the
loop is false.
For example, if we wish to know how many bars back we got a higher high than the one in the current bar,
we can make the following loop:
o In this example we have previously defined an “n” variable as numeric with a value of 1 before the
calculation flow enters the loop. When the loop starts to execute it will confirm the condition we have
established “High>=High(n)”. It means that the current bar high has to be highest than the n bars back
high. Every time the condition is true the flow will go down and the sentence “n = n+1” will be executed,
and n will increase its value anytime the sentence is confirmed.
When the n bars back high is higher than the current high (it means, the established condition is false). The
program execution flow will continue by the left vertex. When this happen n value will be the number of
bars back that has passed since a greater high than the current one has been found.
o To select and change the size of a loop, you must press with the button. The vertex will be highlighted. To
change the size, click in one of the highlighted extremes and drag out to give it the desired size. If we want
to move it, we can do it by clicking with the mouse left button over it and moving it to the desired place.
All the connections that depend of it will be automatically restructured.
o We can reedit the condition for a loop without using the loops editor. We can do it by pressing the mouse
left button over the loop and once selected, pressing again over the text. The diamond will transform into
a square and the text will appear in edition format. When we make the desired changes pressing the enter
key, the loop will return to its original format inside the flowchart.
o To change the color of the loop, we have to select it by pressing the mouse left button, and then pressing
the mouse right button over it. A menu will be displayed in which we will have to choose the Properties
option. A menu will be displayed in which we can select the desired color.
The operators are the main instructions given in the strategies. Thus, if we are building a system after establishing the
conditions that must be fulfilled, we must give the buy/sell or position liquidation orders. A different icon will activate
depending what kind of strategy we are building. The way we establish the properties depends on the type of
1. System strategy
When we pressed the Order icon with the mouse left button, a dialogue box will be displayed and it allows us to
establish the characteristics for the orders we wish to set up:
In the Order cell you can select the following options:
o Buy
o Sell
o Long Liquidate
o Short liquidate
In the Order Types cell you can select the following types:
o Stop
o Limit
o Close
o Market
In the Price cell we will indicate the desired price to execute our order. If the expression is not a simple number,
instead a complex expression or a variable value will press the Editor button. The Create Sentence box will be
displayed, in which we can give it any value.
In the Number of Contracts cell will express the number of contracts or stocks we wish to buy or sell. If the
expression is not a simple number, instead a complex expression or a variable value, we will press the Editor button.
The Create Sentence box will be displayed, in which we can give any value to the number of contracts or stocks we
wish to operate.
In the Label cell we can give a name to the order we are establishing. This name can be visualized at the screen when
we insert the system. This field is important to differentiate the different entry orders in a same way in the same system
(e.g. two or three buy orders inside the same system). Also, the label will help us to differentiate the orders in the four
models of matching orders that are included with Visual Chart.
2. Indicator Strategy
When we pressed the Create Indicator, a window will be displayed in which we can establish the following properties
for the create indicator order:
When we press the button from the Indicator Value line upper part, the Create Sentence box will be
displayed, in which we can give a new value to the indicator (a variable, a complex expression or just a
In the Line number cell, the indicator line is established. Indicators with several lines can be created (10 as a
In the Color cell, we will establish the color of the icon that is going to appear in the PDV.
3. Study Strategy
Pressing the Draw Study icon, a window will appear in which we can establish the following properties from the study
we are creating. Depending on what we have marked in the Study Type cell, others will be displayed that allows us to
complete all the study properties.
The three studies types you can select in this cell are:
Using this option we can paint bars or Japanese candles in the graphics with
the values we desire as open, high, low, close. If we select it, it will appear the following possibilities to
o Paint. Is the name of the studio type (PaintBar or PaintCandleStick)
o Open. Here we give the desired value for the bar open that we are going to draw. By default, the “Open”
value will appear, that makes reference to the open of the current bar from which the study is calculated.
If we wish it to have a different value, we will press the cell and a Sentence editor will appear in which we
can pick the desired value or expression. This process will be used by all the lines except by the color
one, in which a color palette will appear.
o Close. We must give the desired value to the bar close we are going to draw. By default the “Close”
value will appear, that makes reference to the close of the current bar from which the study is calculated.
If we wish it to have a different value, we will press the cell and a Sentence editor will appear in which we
can pick the desired value or expression.
o High. We must give the desired value to the bar high we are going to draw. By default, the “High” value
will appear that makes reference to the high of the current bar from which the study is calculated. If we
wish it to have a different value, we will press the cell and the Sentence editor will appear in which we can
pick the desired value or expression.
o Low. We must give the desired value to the bar low we are going to draw. By default, the “Low” value
will appear that makes reference to the low of the current bar from which the study is calculated. If we
wish it to have a different value, we will press the cell and the Sentence editor will appear in which we can
pick the desired value or expression.
o Line number. In this cell we will specify the order number to paint study. This is for studies that use
different paint orders. (e.g. If we want to include in a study a paint order like PaintBar or other like
HiLow, we must give to the first order line number 0 and to the second one, line number 1)
o Width. In this cell we can establish the width of the bar we are designing. By default, the value is 1 that is
equal to the value of the bar in the graphic. If we give a huge value, the bars graphic will join as a result.
o Bars Back. If we wish to paint a bar that is before the current bar (in which the calculation are being
made), in this cell we can indicate the number of bars back in which the bar we are designing will be
o Color. In this cell we can choose the color of the bar when we insert the study in a graphic. Pressing in
the line, a basic colors palette will be shown, and it can be enlarged adding shades by selecting the More
colors option.
Paint High/Low. This option is similar to Paint Bar, because it is exactly what it does, paints a bar. The
difference is that in this one we can only establish values for the High and the Low of the bar we wish to paint.
If we select this option, the following possibilities to configure will appear:
o Paint. In this cell will appear the name of the study we are selecting. In this case will be PaintHighLow.
o High. We must give the desired value to the bar high we are going to draw. By default, the “High” value
will appear that makes reference to the high of the current bar from which the study is calculated. If we
wish it to have a different value, we will press the cell and a Sentence editor will appear in which we can
pick the desired value or expression.
o Low. We must give the desired value to the bar low we are going to draw. By default, the “Low” value
will appear that makes reference to the low of the current bar from which the study is calculated. If we
wish it to have a different value, we will press the cell and a Sentence editor will appear in which we can
pick the desired value or expression.
o Line number. In this cell we will specify the order number to paint study. This is for studies that use
different paint orders. (e.g. If we want to include in a study a paint order like HighLow or other like
PaintBar, we must give to the first order line number 0 and to the second one, line number 1)
o Width. In this cell we can establish the width of the bar we are designing. By default, the value is 1 that is
equal to the value of the bar in the graphic. If we give to it an excessive value the result will be that the
bars of the graph will be joined.
o Bars Back. If we wish to paint a bar that is before the current bar (in which the calculation are being
made), in this cell we can indicate the number of bars back in which the bar we are designing will be
o Color. In this cell we can choose the color of the bar when we insert the study in a graphic. Pressing in
the line, a basic colors palette will be shown, and it can be enlarged adding shades by selecting the More
colors option.
in the screen. This task can also be accomplished building
an indicator, but in the case we would like to combine lines with options of PaintBars or PaintHighLow, we
can opt to create a study that includes all these types. If we select this option the following possibilities will
o Paint. In this cell will appear the name of the study we are selecting. In this case will be PaintSeries.
o Paint Line. In this cell we must include the value we wish the current bar line to have. By default the
close of the current bar is selected. When we press this cell a Sentence editor will be displayed, that will
allow us to establish the value or expression we wish the line to have.
o Line number. In this cell we will specify the order number to paint study. This is for studies that use
different paint orders. (e.g. If we want to include in a study a paint order like PaintSeries or other like
PaintBar, we must give to the first order line number 0 and to the second one, line number 1)
o Width. In this cell we can establish the width of the bar we are designing. By default, the value is 1 that is
equal to width of an indicator line.
o Bars Back. If we wish to give a value to the line in bars previous to the current one (in which the
calculation are being made), in this cell we can indicate the number of bars back in which the bar we are
designing will be painted.
o Color. In this cell we can choose the color of the bar when we insert the study in a graphic. Pressing in
the line, a basic color palette will be shown, and it can be enlarged adding shades by selecting the More
colors option.
Pressing the Sentence icon and indicating over the Editor the place where we would like to insert the sentence, the
Create a Sentence tutor will be displayed.
The Sentence Editor is used to assign values to a variable and to compose complex expressions that cannot be
created from other points of the VDP. In this way, we will have access to this editor from the Create Condition Tutor,
While Loop, Since…Until Loop, Buy/Sell orders, establish indicator value, paint bar order and establish Start Bar
value, etc.
The Sentence editor has three different parts:
 In the upper part are the identifier, value and bar cells, which will allow us to have access to the elements
information previously selected. In these cells will appear:
o Identifier: In this cell we find all the available elements to establish the condition. These elements must be
selected first in the main tree, which is in the tool window (by default we will have “data” or data by
default selected that gives us the data related to the source from which the system, close, volume, etc. is
applied). The elements we can find in this cell are:
o Value: In this cell, different options will be displayed, which we have available selecting the identifier cell.
If in the identifier cell we have selected a source (data or a symbol code) we can pick the following
Open Interest
in the identifier cell an indicator, in the Value cell will be display the ten data lines that can only
have one indicator (Line1, line2 … line10. By default line 1 will appear).
 When we select a system in the identifier cell, in the Value cell we could select:
o Number of different entry orders
o Order Type (Stop, limit, Close, Market)
o Order value (this field is only valid for the stop and limit orders models)
o Number of contracts/stocks
o System label
If in the identifier cell we choose a variable, the Value cell will appear empty because there are not different
values for a variable.
If in the identifier cell we choose a function, the Value cell will appear empty because there are not different
values for a function.
o Bar: In this cell is indicated the number of bars back that we wish to be related to the dataset selected in
the Identifier and Value cells.
A panel that closely resembles the buttons of a traditional calculator composes the main part. Open and
Close parenthesis and True or False buttons must be added. The last ones are used to assign a Boolean
variable the value true or false.
In the lower part is the Editor window in which the expression will be appearing while we add values. It
can also be used to write directly the desired sentence or expression. It is an alternative. Once the
condition is written, we will press accept to add it in the Editor.
To create a sentence or expression, we must continue pressing the different buttons. Each time we press a
button its content will be added to the sentence or expression.
When we press the Add button, the expression that has selected the Identifier, Value and Bar cells in that
moment will be added. This editor is useful, for example, when we want to make reference to the close of
an n number of bars back. We can do it by selecting the data value in the Identifier cell, the close option in
the Value cell and we will press insert, it will appear in the Editor Window the expression “Close”, then
we will press the left parenthesis button, and select in the Identifier cell the desired value (previously
defined, in this case n), we will press add and, to finish, the right parenthesis button. The resultant
expression will be “Close(n)”, that makes reference to the close value of n bars back.
If we wish to create several grouped sentences, after creating the first one press enter + control key. The
cursor will change lines and we can create the next sentence that is independent from the one in the upper
If there is any incoherency in the selected expression when we press Accept an Error message will
Diagram: the external appearance of the condition is shown in the Visual Editor as a rectangle that has the upper
and lower parts marked.
Upper: Admits a flowchart entry that could proceed from any other point of the general diagram. If any
connector were not linked to this entry, VDP would interpret as this one is the beginning. It will start
calculating in this condition. Two commands (conditions or sentences) cannot have this entry uncovered.
Lower: This is the direction that the flow will follow. In this tutor we will also find the New Function and New
Variable buttons, that let us access directly to the dialogue box which allow us to select new functions and
create new variables.
Once the condition is created and added to the VDP editor, we could edit and modify its content again, by
clicking over the Icon (rectangle) with the mouse left button.
To select and change the size of a sentence, you must press with the button over it. The extremes will be
illuminated. To change the size, click in one of the highlighted extremes and drag out to give it the desired size.
If we want to move it, we will do it by clicking with the mouse left button over it and moving it to the desired
place. All the connections that depend of it will be automatically restructured.
We can reedit the expression of a sentence without using the conditions editor. We can do it by pressing the
mouse left button over the sentence and once selected, pressing again over the text. The rectangle will
transform into a square and the text will appear in edition format. When we make the desired changes
pressing the Enter key, the condition will return to its original format inside the flowchart.
To change the color of the sentence, we have to select it by pressing the mouse left button, and then pressing
the mouse right button over the sentence. A menu will be displayed in which we will have to choose the
Properties option. A Properties editor will be displayed in which we can select the desired color by pressing
the mouse right button over the color cell and choosing it.
Delete. If we wish to eliminate a command (sentence, condition, operation icon) or a connector, we must select
them by pressing the mouse left button over them, and then pressing the Delete button or the Delete Key of your
Connecting elements. To create the flow chart, we must connect the commands and orders among the connectors
(arrows that link the different commands and orders). This subject is deeply analyzed in the Flowchart and
Connectors chapter.
Show Grid. This button is used to activate a pointed line sign that can help us to place the commands in the diagram.
This utility has just esthetic value because it will not affect the strategy if it is activated or not.
Global View. If we are working in a large dimensions project, this utility can help us to rapidly move from one place
to another. When we press the Global View button, a little window will appear with the complete flowchart and a little
box inside.
Clicking this box and moving it through the entire window, we could visualize in the PDV editor the part of the
diagram that is in that box. If we enlarge the box dimensions, the magnifying glass effect will be bigger and we will see
the commands and orders larger in the editor.
VBA is an application developed by Microsoft to be used in other programs (like Visual Chart). VBA is a
Programming language and it is necessary to know programming concepts to use it, which are different to the Visual
Design Platform. That is why you should use the help file incorporated in the application itself or the huge quantity of
books about this subject, which you can find in bookstores and libraries, to learn how to program in Visual Basic.
This help file is all about the integration between VBA and Visual Chart.
In VBA, the user can define his own investment strategies: Systems, Indicators, Studies (PaintBar, PaintSeries,
PaintHighLow) and Macros on tables. When we create or modify an investment strategy using VBA, a VBA editor
will appear.
The procedures or methods that will appear are similar for Systems, Indicators and Studies. In the case of Macros on
Tables these methods are different.
In the case of Systems, Indicators and Studies the following procedures will appear: OninitCalculate, OnCalculateBar,
OnSetParameters, OnCalculateRange and OnConnection. These procedures will appear in the order they are
mention. The user will only use the two first ones (OninitCalculate y OnCalculateBar) to write his code, the other
three ones are necessary for the strategy calculation but they must not be modified in any case.
The Macros on tables are different because they are not calculated bar to bar like in the three previous examples. The
macros have the following procedures or methods: OnTableInicialized, OnAnyChange, OnCellChange, OnError,
OnConnection. In this case, the user will write his code in the three first ones (OnTableInicialized, OnAnyChange and
OnCellChange), like in the previous example, the other two, are indispensable but they must not be modify in any
Once we have finished designing the strategy, we must compile and register the strategy. For that we select the menu
“Debug” and press the option " Publish". This step is very important because if you do not do it, we cannot use the
strategy designed in Visual Chart.
When we press this button, automatically these steps are done:
 It is saved the VBA project.
 It is compiled the VBA project
It is registered the DLL (interpretable code by the program) corresponding to our strategy in the Systems,
indicators and studies catalog, to be available from Visual Chart.
If we return to the menu Debug and press Compile, which is the option below publish, it will give us helpful
information about the error.
Related to the Compile and Register idea, exists in the File menu an option denominated Strategies, that has different
possibilities of forward proceeding:
Incorporating new VBA projects. It allows register at once all the indicators, studies, systems, explorers,
which are in the general catalog but without possibility of applying it because the absence of this requirement.
This occurs when, for example, it has been copied from a web site but has not been compiled. Pressing the
first option, we find a box in which appears all the strategies that are found in this situation. Compile is chosen
and this make the register effective.
Incorporating all the VBA projects. In some occasions a general problem can occur because of some
DLL distortion from the different designed strategies, which makes it to work incorrectly or produces errors.
This is when we can use this option.
 Verify VBA integrity. Verifies that the DLL are created correctly.
When we have designed a strategy but it is not working as it was expected, in other words, that we have established
a condition but when we insert the strategy in the graphic those established conditions are not reflected, it can be that
we have not defined correctly the code of the strategy. To purge those errors exists an option to execute the strategy
in mode “Debug”. To make it we have to proceed like this:
In first place we will display the menu “Run” and we will press the option “RunProject”. The same result is obtained
by pressing directly its icon.
In second place we will establish the rupture points where we wished that the calculation were stopped when we
insert the strategy later. To set a rupture point, put the cursor over the line where you want to interrupt the calculation
and press the key “F9”, or press with the left button of the mouse over the vertical gap that is by the left side of the
code, like is shown in the picture:
In third place we must insert the strategy in the graphic or table we are working with. When we do this, the calculation
will begin and will be interrupted in the point where we have set the rupture point. The strategy will not be shown in
the graphic, but the code will be visualized showing the variable highlighted now in yellow from the previous color and
pointing with a little arrow.
Once interrupted the calculation, pressing the ”F8” key we can continue step by step the strategy calculations. If we
press the “F5” key the program will be execute until the next established rupture point. Make sure that there is one
set. In other case, the program will be executed until the graphic ends.
To observe the value of the variables or functions, you just have to pass the mouse over the desired variable and a
window will appear with the value, which in that moment has the calculation of the variable.
If you want to follow the value variables or functions in a separate box, you must press with the mouse right button
over each of them and choose the option Add Watch, that take us to a box where must be declared, with the
previous add .app if it is a function, its name and in which process or processes will be searched.
Like this, in the lower part will appear a small window where the information will be collected depending on the
analytical passes that are being done with F5 and F8.
Remember that the code is executed once for each bar in the process “OnCalculateBar” and just once at the
beginning in the process “OnInitCalculate”. This is important when we establish the rupture points and pursuing the
values of the variables in each bar.
If we want to delete all the rupture points we can employ the combination Ctrl+Shift+F9 or pressing each of the
marking points. To stop the Purge mode you must press over the icon
that now is Stop project instead of Run
Project. This will make the strategy to be inserted in the graphic, after the stop is executed.
To have access to a function value you just have to type a point “.” over the VBA editor and automatically, a
window will be display containing the available functions and variables list of the system. When you start to type the
function name, automatically, those who start by the same letters are going to get selected in the window. When you
see selected the function you want, you can insert it in the code by pressing the Tab key or Space Bar.
If the function has parameters, the VBA online help will be displayed to indicate what kind of parameter
receives each function.
The functions are not data lines like the Indicators consequently they cannot be calculated based on other
function, because functions only return one data.
In the case of functions that obtain datasets, the parameters must be in parenthesis (e.g. the functions
In the case of functions that give orders or establish values, it is not necessary to put in parenthesis the
parameters, like “.Buy”, “.Sell”. “.SetIndicatorValue”, ”.SetCellValue”, etc.
In addition to these specific functions of Visual Chart, you will find available all the VBA functions. You can
find the help file and the way to use these functions in the VBA editor.
To create a Study, we must use some of the following functions:
 PaintBar. Using this option, we can paint bars in the graphic with the values we wish to Open, High, Low,
Close. This function receives the following parameters:
o Open. In this parameter we have to insert the desired value for the opening bar that we are going to
draw. Any numeric value or any numeric type variables are accepted in this parameter.
o Close. In this parameter we have to insert the desired value for the closing bar that we are going to draw.
Any numeric value or any numeric type variables are accepted in this parameter.
o High. In this parameter we have to insert the desired value for the bar High that we are going to draw.
Any numeric value or any numeric type variables are accepted in this parameter.
o Low. In this parameter we have to insert the desired value for the bar Low that we are going to draw.
Any numeric value or any numeric type variables are accepted in this parameter.
o Color. In this parameter we must introduce a “RGB” type color (Red, Green, Blue) This visual basic
function accepts values for these three colors between 0 and 225. VBA has defined colors by default that
is standard in English with a VB in front (vbRed).
o LineNumber. This parameter will specify the order number of the paint study. This is for studies that use
different paint orders.(e.g. if we want to include in a study a order like PaintBar and other like PaintSeries,
We must insert to the first one, line number 1 and the other line number 2.
o Width. In this cell we can establish the width of the bar we are designing. The value “1” is equal to the
standard width in the graphic. If we give a huge value, the bars in the graphic will join as a result.
o nBarsAgo. If we wish to paint a previous bar of the current one (in which the calculation is being done),
in this cell we can indicate the number of bars back in which the bar we are designing will be painted.
PaintHighLow. This function is similar to Paint Bar. The difference is that here we can only establish values
for the High and Low of the bar we wish to paint. If we use this function, we must insert the following
o High. In this parameter we have to insert the desired value for the bar High that we are going to draw.
Any numeric value or any numeric type variables are accepted in this parameter.
o Low. In this parameter we have to insert the desired value for the bar Low that we are going to draw.
Any numeric value or any numeric type variables are accepted in this parameter.
o Color. In this parameter we must introduce a “RGB” type color (Red, Green, Blue) This visual basic
function accepts values for these three colors between 0 and 225. VBA has defined colors by default that
is standard in English with a VB before (vbRed).
o LineNumber. In this parameter will specify the order number of paint study. This is for studies that use
different paint orders.(e.g. if we want to include in a study an order like PaintBar and other like
PaintSeries, We must insert to the first one, line number 1 and the other line number 2.
o Width. In this cell we can establish the width of the bar we are designing. The value “1” is equal to the
standard width in the graphic. If we give a huge value, the bars in the graphic will join as a result.
o nBarsAgo. If we wish to paint a previous bar of the current one (in which the calculation is being done),
in this cell we can indicate the number of bars back in which the bar we are designing will be painted.
o sivo el resultado será que se juntarán las barras del gráfico.
o nBarsAgo. Si queremos pintar una barra que está antes de la barra actual(en la que se están haciendo
los cálculos), en esta casilla podemos indicar el número de barras hacia atrás en la
PaintSeries. This function is used to paint data lines in the screen. This task also can be done making an
indicator, but supposing that we want to mix lines with PaintBar options, or PaintPictures, we will be able to
choose to create a study that includes all these types. It is necessary to remember here that the studies cannot
be used in another type of strategy like systems, indicators etc. Therefore if we wished to use later the data
line we must choose to create an Indicator. If we used this function, we will have to insert the following
o Price. In this parameter we have to insert the desired value for the current bar line. Any numeric value or
any numeric type variables are accepted in this parameter.
o Color. In this parameter we must introduce a “RGB” type color (Red, Green, Blue) This visual basic
function accepts values for these three colors between 0 and 225. VBA has defined colors by default that
is standard in English with a VB before (vbRed).
o LineNumber. In this parameter will specify the order number of paint study. This is for studies that use
different paint orders.(e.g. if we want to include in a study a order like PaintBar and other like
PaintHighLow, We must insert in the first one, line number 1 and the other line number 2.
o Width. In this cell we can establish the width of the bar we are designing. The value “1” is equal to the
standard width in the graphic.
o nBarsAgo. If we wish to paint a previous bar of the current one (in which the calculation is being done),
in this cell we can indicate the number of bars back in which the bar we are designing will be painted.
To establish the value of an Indicator, the function SetIndicatorValue is used. This function has two parameters:
Value: It is the desired value for this indicator in this bar.
Line: It is the desired line number for this order of set indicator value. The indicators can have several
data lines. To set several data lines you must use as many times as data lines this function want to create,
and give a different number each time to this parameter.
The four functions that are use to give the Buy/sell orders are:
Buy. It is use to give buy orders.
Sell. It is use to give sell orders. The sell order is supposed to get a short entry. If we wish to close a buy we
must use the next function.
ExitLong. It is used to give orders to Liquidate Long positions. These types of orders are used to close
positions. E.g. if we had given a buy order of 100 stocks and we wish to sell them, we will use this function.
The sell order is suppose to be a short entry or a sell to be credited, it is used for futures, options and others.
ExitShort. It is used to give orders of Liquidate Short. This function is used to close short positions. Like
selling futures, options and others.
o These functions receive the following parameters:
Type: Is the type of order. This parameter can have four values which are:
Atclose. Orders at Close.
AtMarket. Orders to Market.
AtLimit. Limit Orders.
Atstop. Orders in Stop.
Contracts: It is the number of contracts/stocks we wish to buy/sell in this order.
Price: is the order value in the case of limit and stop orders.
Label: It is the label we want for the order. Its value must be between quotation marks.
Data: With this parameter we will set in the data in which we would like to buy/sell
The indicators are mathematical formulas that use different data for their calculation, and offer results that allow
inferring certain characteristics of the source on which they are applied.
To use an indicator in VBA, it is necessary to follow the steps in the next example:
The first step is to define a variable identifier as “DataIdentifier”. This variable will contain an identifier of the chosen
Indicator (in the example, the RSI). It is better if the variable name is different to the name of the indicator we wish to
obtain. In this case we have chosen “MyRsi” to obtain the indicator RSI. Any other name is valid except the one from
the indicator itself. This is because the indicators and systems generated by VBA are defined as constants in other
project modules and a conflict of variables could be produced.
In second place, we must obtain the indicator identifier. For that, we will assign to the variable “MyRsi” the value
obtained by the function “.GetIndicatorIdentifier”. This function receives as obligated parameters the Data Name
(Code) and the data or source from which we want the indicator be calculated. This function also receives a number
of additional parameters “Additional Parameters” that corresponds with the entrance parameters from the indicator.
The number and type will depend on the selected indicator. In this example we have selected the DataName “RSI”,
the series from which it will be calculated will be “Data” (o data by default that is any graphic from which the indicator
is inserted). Like additional parameters we have chosen “14,70,30” that are the desired parameters for the RSI.
Instead of the parameters we can put a variable.
In third place, we have used the identifier obtained in the second step in the function “GetIndicatorValue” that is
used to obtain the value of an indicator. In any function in which a parameter is asked as Data we will put “MyRsi”
and the function will be calculated taking as a base the values of indicator RSI to its calculation. In this example we
have established a condition that is about buying at the close of the current bar if the indicator RSI has a value higher
than 70.
In the case we wish to use an indicator calculated from other indicator (e.g. a moving average calculated around the
RSI), the process to follow is:
In this example we have defined two variables as DataIdentifier, “MyRsi” and “MovingAverage”. In the box 2 we
have assigned to the variable MyRsi and identifier of the source RSI. When we obtain the indicator for the moving
average we follow the same process but in this case we have put the variable MyRsi in the parameter in which the
Data is called in the function “GetindicatorIdentifier”. Finally, we have used the identifier that was saved in the
variable MovingAverage, in the function “GetindicatorValue”, that as we have explained before, it is used to obtain
the indicator value. In this case, a simple moving average of 10 applied on the indicator RSI.
The indicators can have more than one data line (10 lines maximum. e.g. Directional Movement) In these cases when
we use the function “GetIndicatorValue” to obtain the indicator value we must pass it in the second parameter of
this function the Indicator line we wish to obtain. If we do not pass any value it will consider it as line 1.
The sources are the base from which the systems, indicators and studies are calculated (e.g. historical data about
stocks, indexes, futures, etc).
The sources are a series of registries, which contain different fields (Date, Hour, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume
and Open Interest). Each one of these registries corresponds with each Symbol Bar. If the data we use is between
days, you will include the field “Hour” and the value of each register will vary in function of the time compression
selected for each bar (5 minutes, 10, minutes, 30 minutes, etc.)
In Visual Chart the historical data of a graphic inserted in any window are called “data” (a source inserted in a
graphic) By default all the systems, indicators and studies are built to be inserted in “data” (data by default) that is any
symbol from which the system is inserted. The data by default does not need to be added by the user since the VDP
include it in any new project.
In the case we wish to use different symbols (stocks, futures, etc) to make a system, we could choose between two
ways of doing it:
 Using Datasets. The dataset are numeric values. In VBA, there are four constants defined with this
numbers: the constant “Data” is defined as 0 and is the data by default; there are also three more constants
defined and they are “Data1” that has a value of 1, “Data2” that has a value of 2 and “Data3” that has a value
of 3. If we want to use more datasets we just have to define constants that are equal to the number of data we
wish to use. (E.g. if we wish to use a symbol inserted in the sub window 5, we only have to define a constant
and assign it a value of 5 “Const Data5 As Long = 5”, although we can write directly 5 instead of data). In
this way, “data1” will make reference to the first symbol situated in the window in which the system, indicator
or study is inserted. “Data2” will make reference to the second symbol inserted in the window, and so on.
That is why we have to make distinction between “data” (data by default with a value of 0) that makes
reference to a symbol on which the system, indicator or study are applied and the new added datasets (data1,
data2, data-n) that make reference to the different symbols inserted in the window and take the name based
on the order they were added (data 1=first inserted symbol, data 2= second inserted symbol… etc.) The
“data” (data by default) and some of the added datasets (data1, data2… etc.) can be the same.
This case could happen in the case we make a system that uses “data” (data by default) and other data added (data1)
in a window in which previously we have inserted several symbols. If we inserted the system in the first sub window,
“data” and data1 would refer to the same symbol. For this reason, do not use “data” (data by default) when several
symbols are used. The window in which the system is going to be inserted, should have the symbols that are going to
be used ordered up/down so there is a simple correspondence between the data number and the order in the graphic.
(Data1= first symbol, data2=second symbol…etc.)
 Adding Symbols. To add a new symbol we must follow the process of the next example:
In circle 1 we have the definition of the variable Exxon as DataIdentifier
In circle 2, it is assigned to the variable Exxon a symbol or source identifier we wish to obtain. In this case we
are obtaining an Exxon identifier.
In the third circle we have used the Exxon identifier in the function “Close” which returns the close value. In
this example, the function returns the close of bar 0, which is the last bar of the graphic in which we insert the
system. In this way, every time it is ask the data in a function we can insert Exxon and the function will return
calculated or obtained a dataset from this symbol.
The symbols selected in this way are independently used if they are inserted then in a window as a graphic or
not. For example, reference data to the Dow Jones Index can be used to make a system that afterwards will
be inserted in Exxon without the Dow Index graphic been inserted within the Exxon window. This possibility
has been created to use it mostly in the Macros on tables because in these cases there is any symbol from
which the Macro is inserted. When we build systems to be used in different symbols, we use datasets
(excluding, as we have seen, the “data” or data by default to avoid confusions) Data1 will be used to make
reference to the first inserted symbol, Data 2 for the second one, etc.
In the upper part of the VBA editor will show a reserved space to declare Public Variables (it keeps its value after
of being calculated each process) and the Variables Parameters
In the upper part of this annexation appears two times the expression “^^Parameters”, “^^Parameters!!”. Between
this expressions the requiered variables for strategy parameters must be declared. The value of these parameters can
be modified when we insert the strategy in a graphic or a quotes table.
Then the expression “Option Explicit” will appear. This will force the user to declare all the variables used in the
strategy. This expression must not be deleted.
The next expressions, “Public APP As SysUserApp” and “Implements System”, must not be eliminated in any case.
These expressions are used to link VBA with Visual Chart. APP is defined as SysUserApp that have the property to
link with the datasets of Visual Chart. In all the modules with the Variable APP we can have access to any kind of
information existent there (we just have to type a point “.”), because the expression “With App”, include in all the
process that the user will use, it can make it possible.
In any place of this section we can defined our variables. In the next example we have defined two variables. The
variable “MyVariable1”, will behave as a parameter, and “MyVariable2” will be used later in different procedures.
The complete name of this process will vary in function of the strategy we are designing. If we are designing a
system, the name will be System_OnCalculateBar”, if it is an indicator the name will be “Indicator_OnCalculateBar”
and if it is a study, “Study_OnCalculateBar”.
This process will be called once in each bar. Therefore, the calculations included in it will be executed once for each
bar that exists in the graphic in which we insert the strategy. The calculations will start in bar 0 (CurrentBar=0) and
will end in the last bar of the graphic.
In this process is where the conditions and requirements of our strategy must be established, as the different operators
like: buy/sell orders. (E.g. “.BuyAtClose” if it is a system, "PaintBar" if they are orders to paint a study,
"SetIndicatorValue if a Indicator value want to be set).
In the next example we have the process “System_OnCalculateBar”. After the definition of process “Public Sub
System_OnCalculateBar()” will find the expression “With APP”. This help us avoid to write the variable “APP.” Each
time we want to have access to a data of Visual Chart, like, the close of the current bar. So, to access the closing
price of the bar, instead of writing “APP.Close” , we would only write “Close”. The two next expressions “End With”
and “End Sub” close the expression “With APP” and the process.
When we type a point “.” inside the module that corresponds to our strategy, a menu will be displayed in which will
appear all the functions and variables of the system we can get into. While we are writing the name of the function, it
will be locating in the displayed menu. When we have found the function, pressing the tab key or the Space bar,
automatically will be inserted in the editor.
¡¡The user must not write anything in this process!!
The complete name of this process will vary in function to the strategy we are designing. If we are designing a system,
the name will be “System_OnCalculateRange”, if it is an indicator the name will be “Indicator_OnCalculateRange”
and if it is a study, “Study_OnCalculateRange”.
This is the process that is call from Visual Chart when a strategy is calculated. In this process, we call
“OnInitCalculate” before starting to calculate bar to bar, and then “OnCalculateBar” and we pass it a variable (Bar)
which is the bar number of the chart from which it is inserted (CurrentBar). It is called “OnCalculateBar” as many
times as bars in the graphic and when it is in the last one, it stops calling this process.
¡¡The user must not write anything in this process!!
The complete name of this process will vary in function to the strategy we are designing. If we are designing a system,
the name will be “SysUserAppInstance_OnConnection”, if it is an indicator the name will be
“IndUserAppInstance_OnConnection” if it is a study “StdUserAppInstance_OnConnection” and if it is Macro over
table “TabUserAppInstance_OnConnection”.
This process is used to assign to the variable APP the value of the connection variable that receives this process,
which is Application. This is used to connect Visual Chart with Visual Basic.
The complete name of this process will vary in function to the strategy we are designing. If we are designing a
system, the name will be “System_OnInitCalculate”, if it is an indicator the name will be “Indicator_OnInitCalculate”
and if it is a study “Study_OnInitCalculate”.
This process is only called once before starting to calculate the strategy bar to bar.
This process must be used to:
 Call the indicators, additional systems or additional sources that we would like to use in the strategy
 Start the variables before starting the calculations
So, if we wish to use a moving average to build a system, this is the correct process to create an identifier for that
moving average.
Also, in this process we can create identifiers for other systems and other additional sources from the existent ones in
the window in which the system is inserted.
In the next example we have the process “System_OninitCalculate”. After the definition of the process “Public Sub
System_OnInitCalculate()” we find the expression “With APP”, This avoid us to write each time we want to have
access to a data of Visual Chart, like, the variable “APP”. So, to access the closing price of a bar, instead of writing
“APP.Close” , we would only write “Close”. The next two expressions “End With” and “End Sub” close the
expression “With APP” and the process.
When we type a point “.” inside the module that corresponds to our strategy, a menu will be displayed in which will
appear all the functions and variables of the system in which we can get into. While we write the name of the function,
it will be locating in the displayed menu. When we have found the function, pressing the tab key or the Space bar,
automatically will be inserted in the editor.
¡¡The user must not write anything in this process!!
The complete name of this process will vary in function to the strategy we are designing. If we are designing a system,
the name will be “System_OnSetParameters”, if it is an indicator the name will be “Indicator_OnSetParameters”, if it
is a study “Study_OnSetParameters” and if it is Macro on table “Table_OnSetParameters”.
All the variables that are between the expressions “’^^Parameters” and “’^^Parameters!!” (Parameter Variables), will
take in this process the value the user gives to it, when he inserts the strategy in a graphic.
This process is used only in the Macros on Tables
In this process the user must write the code he wish to execute each time a change is produced in the table in which
the Macro is inserted.
This process is used only in the Macros on Tables
In this process the user must write the code he wish to execute each time a change is produced in any of the cells he
have defined previously in the process “Table_OnTableInicialized”, from the table in which the macro is inserted.
To define the cells rank whose change we desire to produce a call to the process Table_OnCellChange, we must use
one of the next functions in the process Table_OnTableInicialiced:
 AdviseWhenCellChange. This function receives as parameters:
o Col. The column in which the cell is, whose change we want to produce a call in the process
o Row. The Row in which the cell is, whose change we want them to produce a call in the process
 AdviseWhenCollChange. This function receives as parameters:
o Col. The column we want them to produce a call in the process Table_OnCellChange when a change is
produced in any of the cells it contains.
This function receives as parameters:
o Row. The row wants to produce a call in the process Table_OnCellChange when a change is produced
in any of the cells it contains.
 AdviseWhenRangeChange. This function receives as parameters:
o TopRow. The upper row that defines a square whose cells rank we want them to produce a call in the
process Table_OnCellChange when a change is produced in any of the cells it contains.
o BottonRow. The lower row that defines a square whose cells rank we want them to produce a call in the
process Table_OnCellChange when a change is produced in any of the cells it contains.
o RightCol. The right column that defines a square whose cells rank we want them to produce a call in the
process Table_OnCellChange when a change is produced in any of the cells it contains.
o LeftCol. The left column that defines a square whose cells rank we want them to produce a call in the
process Table_OnCellChange when a change is produced in any of the cells it contains.
Defined any of these functions in the process Table_OnTableInicialized a call will be made to the process
Table_OnCellChange each time a change is produced in the cells rank that includes any of the previous functions.
When a change is produce in the cells rank of one of these functions a call is produced to Table_OnCellChange. This
function receives two parameters to identify the cell that has changed, “X” and “Y”, where “X” is the column in which
is the cell that has changed and “Y” is the row in which is the cell that recently has changed. In addition it receives two
more parameters, “OldValue”, which is the value the cell has before it changed and “NewValue”, which is the new
value of the cell that recently has changed.
In the next example we have defined the function “AdviseWhenColChange 2” in the process
Table_OnTableInicialized. This will make that every time a cell in column 2 of the table in which we insert the macro
changes a call will be produced to the process Table_OnCellChange that will receive as parameters “X” and “Y”. In
the process Table_OnCellChange we have added the function “SetCellTextColor x , and , VbRed “, which will make
that every time a cell of column 2 changes the text from that cell will drawn in red.
This process will be reserved for possible upcoming detection of errors.
This process is used only with the Macros on Tables
In this process the user must write the code he wish to execute once the Macro is inserted in a table.
The studies are visual performances that can be done on the format of the price data (bars, candles) with the
intention of emphasize situations that helps to clarify certain aspects that can be useful at the time of making a more
effective analysis of our performance in the market.
The user has the possibility to create or personalize his own studies based on his own ideas or in combinations of
study tools that the program has incorporated. The creation of a study from the Visual Platform can be made in a
simple and intuitive way, without the need of knowing programming language.
Follow these steps to create a study in Visual Platform:
1. Go to Studies on the main Menu
2. Press New Study with Visual Platform
Complete the New Study dialogue box, giving a denomination to the code for the catalog and the file name that is
lately going to help recognizing it.
Then, you will enter in the Platform screen, with a tool folder box and a blank space. Next to it, to the left, in vertical,
the visual design tasks bar appears. If it is not visible, go to View in the main menu, ToolBars and choose Visual
Once in the Platform, we try to develop the idea that supports the strategy like a flowchart. E.g.: if we wish to
represent graphically with one color those bars we can named “rising”, in which the close price value is equal or higher
than the open, and another color for those we can named “decreasing”, with the close price value lower than the
open. On the left we have the available tools panel. In this case, the dataset of the series are by default determined,
we are not going to use indicators neither variables nor functions, and StartBar takes also by default the value 0, so,
the study will be shown since the first bar of the historical. So, we go directly to the conditions icon, the isolated green
diamond, and press it with the mouse. After that, we place the cursor on the main blank screen and click in it. A
dialogue box will be displayed where we indicate the required condition specifying the identifiers dataset, the
comparative judgment and pressing the button Add Condition when all is in order. Then, this will be shown in the
blank space and if we agree, we choose Add.
The dialogue box disappears and we are back to the Design Platform, in which we will see this:
Now, we are going to try to express what we want to happen when the condition is given (lower exit of the diamond)
and what we want to happen when the condition is not given. For that, we choose a green rectangle in the icons bar
and press in the corresponding zone. A highlighted rectangle appears and linked to it, a properties box. In this box,
using the vertical bar we can decide about some aspects like what color will take the bar, width, number of bars back
in which is going to be visualize, price fields that will be painted, etc. After setting these characteristics, we leave this
box by pressing in the X of the upper right part of it and join the lower point of the diamond with the upper one of the
rectangle pressing at the same time the mouse’s left button. The same process is repeated for the side where the
condition does not work, and the final result can be this:
After compiling the code, pressing the Create system/oscillator/study icon
, it is included in the Studies catalog
of the program for its use whenever the user needs it.
The user has the possibility to create or personalize his own studies based on his own ideas or in combinations of
study tools that the program has incorporated. The creation of a study using Visual Basic requires specific knowledge
of programming language.
To have access to it follow these steps:
1. Go to Studies on the main Menu
2. Click on New Study in Visual Basic
Complete the New Study dialogue box, giving a denomination to the code for the catalog and the file name that is
lately going to help recognizing it.
After this, we enter in the Visual Basic programming screen.
On the right side we can see a divided list in different modules, that must be fill specifying the variables, the starting
values, the indicators or functions that are going to be used, and the code or sequence of instructions to follow. Let’s
see how the study model will be in which we want to represent graphically with one color those bars we can named
“rising”, in which the close price value is equal or higher than the open, and another color for those bars we can
named “decreasing”, with the close price value lower than the open.
After compiling the study pressing the Publish option on the Debug menu, it is registered and included in the Program
Studies catalog for its use by the user whenever he wants.
The user has the possibility to create or personalize his own studies based on his own ideas or in combinations of
study tools that the program has incorporated. The creation of a study using Visual Basic requires specific knowledge
of programming language.
To have access to it follow these steps:
1. Go to Studies on the main Menu
2. Click on New Study in Visual Basic
Complete the New Study dialogue box, giving a denomination to the code for the catalog and the file name that is
lately going to help recognizing it.
After this, we enter in the Visual Basic programming screen.
On the right side we can see a divided list in different modules, that must be fill specifying the variables, the starting
values, the indicators or functions that are going to be used, and the code or sequence of instructions to follow. Let’s
see how the study model will be in which we want to represent graphically with one color those bars we can named
“rising”, in which the close price value is equal or higher than the open, and another color for those bars we can
named “decreasing”, with the close price value lower than the open.
After compiling the study pressing the Publish option on the Debug menu, it is registered and included in the Program
Studies catalog for its use by the user whenever he wants.
If we want to make any modification in a study that we have in the catalog, we have to:
1. Go to Studies on the Main Menu.
2. Press on the Modify option
When we press this option the box with all the available studies appears. The one we want to show in the screen is
selected and we press Open.
Once in the screen with the code of the selected study, we can make all the changes we consider necessaries.
After compiling again, it is registered again with the new modifications. If all the process has been done with the study
inserted in the chart, when you go back, the changes have to be already shown.
Scanner is an analysis tool that allows creating and using explorations according to the criteria established on data
tables and then generating reports about it. This criteria can be simple lists of price fields, indicators values, etc. as the
introduction of conditional filters that compares between each other several reflected aspects in the data base, going
by the use of logical operators AND/OR. In any case the results that are shown makes a reference to the last
registered session.
The exploration process starts going to the menu Studies, Scanner, New, and then a box will appear in which we
must specify an identifying code and name.
The second step is about indicating what indicators or price fields are going to be used. In the example we have
shown, in the previous session we are trying to search what values have closed at the high for that, check Close and
High and move to the right screen with the arrow button.
The third step is about specifying in each space of the first row the precise elements, the bar number it referred to,
and the condition or relation that they must meet. If they were multiple conditions, you would have to use the logical
operators AND/OR that appear at the end to complete the corresponding lines.
After all this process, the condition is: Research the values which close in the bar 0, that is to say, in the current one,
in the closest, be equal to the high, also in the same bar. Here you can play with the bar number (remember, 0 =
current bar; 1= previous bar; 2 = the bar before the previous bar, etc). We press Finish and it is included in the user
Now, once created, it is necessary to indicate what database or table is going to be applied. For that, we go to
Studies, Scanner menu then Open in new window option or Insert at current page option.
Then, in the box that appears, in the left part we must determine in the section assigned for that (Select Table). In this
case will be the companies group of the S&P500 index, in daily compression, of one day and with an indicated period
between the arrows that we can select. In the right part we search the name of the Scanner that we have created from
the list that appears after pressing the vertical arrow, and after accepting, the requested exploration starts.
The final result, after verifying the dataset, will be established in the page so it can be consulted, as we can see in the
graphic we have above these lines.
Lets see now the case of an indicator, comparing internally its values. We skip the first step and go directly to the
screen of Scanner creation in Step 2. There we select the indicated cell, which takes us to the indicators general box,
the one we are going to use in this case the is RSI, and automatically it will appear in the right screen.
In the next box, we specify the search of those stocks that present levels of RSI higher or lower than 70 and 30
respectively, with the purpose of detecting overbought and oversold conditions. Notice the use of the logical operator
PFinally, an example of a simple list of values based on three different concepts: close, moving average of 200
periods and RSI. This is the simplest case.
After selecting the performance elements, we try to insert them in those rows without any additional indication.
Inserting it in a page and applying them over the S&P500 index companies table, we can see its result: three columns
that follow the established order and that show respectively the value of the closing price, the 200 periods moving
average and the RSI situation.
If we want to modify in any moment the Scanner we have created, we begin with the initial menu and select the
Modify option.
This take us to the folder box where the catalog of projects are, and we select the one we want to modify. It appears
in two versions, Scanner and VBA.
When we check the first version, indicated with a binoculars picture, we reach the screen where we introduce the
necessary elements for the exploration and where you can rectify or add whatever we want. This can be done using
VBA, next icon, but it is necessary to have some programming knowledge.
Indicators are data lines obtained from mathematical calculations and susceptible of being represented on the charts
or next to the quotation charts. There are different kinds and are supposed to help making decisions, informing the
different properties of the markets, like volatility, trend, momentum, volume, etc.
The user has the possibility to create or personalize his own studies based on his own ideas or in combinations of
study tools that the program has incorporated. The creation of an indicator using Visual Platform can be made in a
simple and intuitive way, without the need of knowing programming language. Only using a series of basic auxiliary
tools you can achieve the same efficiency if using a specific programming language.
Follow these steps to create an indicator in Visual Platform:
1. Go to Indicators on the main Menu
2. Press New Indicator with Visual Platform
Complete the New Project dialogue box, giving a denomination to the code and the project name that is lately going
to help recognizing it.
Then, you will enter in the Platform screen, with a tool folder box and a blank space. Next to it, to the left, in vertical,
the visual design tasks bar appears. If it is not visible, go to View on the Main Menu, ToolBars and choose Visual
Design bar.
Once in the Platform, we try to develop the idea that supports the strategy like a flowchart. E.g.: if we wish to
represent a line that begins from the union of the middle points of two bars, taking as middle point the sum of the high,
low and closing prices divided by the field’s total, in other words, three. For that, we do not need to take any element
of the toolbox, because, by default, the series is shown (is the dataset that we have in the represented chart), an
auxiliary indicator is not indicated, neither variables nor functions. As you can see since the first bar, we do not have
to modify the StarBar value either. We indicate in the visual design bar the pink rectangle and we press in the blank
space. The rectangle appears selected and the property box next to it. In it we press the consecutives dots of
Indicator Value and the Create Sentences box is displayed, in which we insert the formula we have decided. After
accepting it, this value is incorporated into the rectangle.
Thus, this new Indicator code, that we have called middle Point, is what we see in this chart:
After compiling the code, pressing in the Create system/oscillator/study icon
, it is included in the Studies
catalog of the program for its use whenever the user needs it.
The user has the possibility to create or personalize his own studies based on his own ideas or in combinations of
study tools that the program has incorporated. The creation of an indicator using Visual Basic requires specific
knowledge of programming language.
Follow these steps to create an indicator in Visual Basic:
1. Go to Indicators on the main Menu
2. Select New Indicator with Visual Basic
Complete the New Indicator dialogue box, giving a denomination to the code and to the name of the project with
which is lately going to be recognize
After this, we enter in the Visual Basic programming screen. In the right side we can see a list divided in different
modules, that we must complete specifying the variables, the starting values, the indicators or functions that are going
to be used, and the code or sequence of instructions to follow.
Lets see how programming the indicator model of each bar’s middle point will be. Remember: we want to represent
a line that begins from the union of two bars middle points, taking as middle point the sum of the high, low and closing
price divided by the field’s total, in other words, three.
After compiling the indicator pressing the Publish option on the Debug menu, it is registered and included in the
Program Indicators catalog for its use by the user whenever he wants.
Any indicator can be inserted in an active chart. Indicators are created to be use as analysis and study tools in the
system creation or as a methodological form of financial investment. Its configuration capacity makes them be very
efficient in the research of the best answers for a determined investment proposition.
To insert an indicator in a chart follow these steps:
1. Open the chart you will like to work in.
2. Go to the Indicators option on the Main Menu
3. Press Apply Indicator
Using this selection dialogue box, you can search the indicators you need by this way:
1. Writing its name or its code in the Name or Code window in the upper part
2. Mark the box that goes with each element of the Oscillators and Tools catalog.
Keep in mind that in this Oscillators box there is a column named Window, that defines the area in which the chart will
be inserted, so if we choose new Window, the new window will be inserted in the lower part of the screen, if we
choose Adjusted to Scale, it will be inserted and adjusted to the same chart, and if we choose Window 0, it will be
inserted over the chart, but with its own scale on the left side.
In any case, once the process is done, in the Parameters windows will appear an identification of the selected tool
with the values by default that will determine its appearance in the screen.
If you want to keep the configuration to stay unalterable each time you activate the indicator, press Set as default. If
you want the configuration to be the same as it was in the beginning, press Restore Originals Values
In the next example we can see the insertion of the Middle Point indicator, which we have developed in the Indicators
creation section, over a chart of the company Exxon, with the Adjusted to Scale series:
Any indicator can be applied to another allowing with this to make analysis, studies and valuations of its behavior in
function to parameters and configuration that can be applied to. For example, if you want to apply a simple moving
average, or any other kind of indicator, over another determined indicator applied to a graphic, you must follow these
1. Open the chart you will like to work with.
2. Go to Indicators on the Main Menu.
3. Choose, in the “Selection dialogue” box, the desired indicator to apply in the chart. After accepting, it is
inserted. Imagine we have selected RSI.
4. Now, go back to “Selection dialogue” and choose the indicator that you would like to apply over the
first one, pressing over its code and specifying, later the window where it is going to be inserted. In the
Parameters section, go to the Data Source and click the Value option. Specify here what object is going
to be applied over the indicator. In our case, we can see that it is an Exponential Moving Average over
the RSI.
When we insert it with scale over the RSI window, which at the same time it has been applied over the chart in new
window (situated in the lower part), the indicator moving average is shown to us.
If we want to make any changes in an indicator that we have in the catalog, we have to proceed in this way:
 Go to Indicators on the Main Menu
 Press Modify Indicator.
When we press this option, it will appear the box with all the available indicators. Select the one you want to take out
and then press Ok.
Once the code of the selected indicator is in the screen, we can make the necessary changes in it.
After compiling, it is registered with the introduced modifications. If all the process has been done with the study
inserted in the graphic, when we come back, the changes have to be shown.
If you want to introduce any modification in an inserted indicator configuration, it can be done in this way:
 Move the cursor over the indicator lines and press the mouse’s left button.
When you notice that the indicator presents little boxes in several places, press the mouse right button and
choose Configure Object, and it will take you to the properties box. You can get into the same box when the
indicator is checked, pressing in the main bar of Properties tools herramientas Propiedades
the View menu, and selecting Properties.
, or going to
The Object properties dialogue box can help you to personalize however you want to visualize the selected indicator.
This box presents the following tabs:
Using this tab you can view the indicator’s name.
 Color: Activating this option you can give color and shape to the indicator’s lines. Activate each possibility of
color according with your preferences.
 Style: Using this option you can choose the kind, style and width of the representation.
 Scale: Using this tab is possible to configure the following elements:
o Scale: You can select between the indicator or the source chart from which the indicator is based on.
o Inverse Scale: Inserts the scale in an inverse situation from the one that appears by default.
o Scale type: You can choose between percent, lineal, logarithmic scale.
o Scale representation: You can choose an Adjusted to the Screen (depending on the visualization of the
screen), Adjusted to the series (depending on the indicator’s historical), or Personalize (You can give
arbitrary values of width between the higher and lower levels) scale.
o Higher level: Higher limit line of the indicator’s values.
o Lower level: Lower limit line of the indicator’s values.
o Center: Activating this tab you can center the chart of the indicator in relation to the indicator’s last
o Scale: If you want to visualize the scale you must press the Visible option.
o Justification: The scale values can be visualized to the left, to the right, automatically or both sides of the
indicator’s chart. Just press the tab and choose whatever you desire.
o Background: If you want a transparent background press this option.
o Color: If you want to give it color, display this option to choose the desired background.
o Font: To choose the fonts press this option.
you can do configurations above the little informative window of the indicator’s
o Indicator TR: To make visible the indicator in real time check the Visible cell.
o Justification: The little informative window can automatically appear, by the indicator’s left or right
o Fonts: The little informative window can present the color and font that you desire activating these
 Separator: With this tab you can draw a separating line between the indicator’s scale values and the
indicator itself. This line is possible to color activating the window corresponding to Color.
Parameters: An indicator’s configuration can be done from different dataset sources. Pressing DataSource the
configuration can be done from close, open, high, etc.
Automatic systems are investment strategies designed in specialized programming environments, based on a
combination of several elements that results in the clearness of objectives rules, which gives buy and sell signals in the
markets without the human emotional factor, but in a totally mechanical form. These rules are reflected in centralized
codes of instructions.
The systems consist in a serie of calculations , applicated to a chart, which can generate automaticlly
trading orders if the conditions implemented in the system are verified..the systems are calculated bar by
bar.. This means that we need to think in the design thinking in the type of calculations that we need to
do to make the system launch the correponding orders for each bar.The calculation starts when a number
of bars have passed corresponding to the corresponding in Startbar (pdv) or startbar (vba). . Once this
number of bars has gone through visual chart will evaluate the conditions or requirements that we have
stablished in our strategie and will execute the buying or selling orders that we have placed.
Next we will present to differents ways to focus the calculation process of a system .Those are the
following: depending on the modal which refers to the system calculating itself in an already formed
historical (backtesting) or when the system calculates itself in the cotations bars which are being formed
once the cotation time in the market has start (realtime).. It can be too depending on the moment of the
order modification, which can be in the bar´s opening in the closing or inside it.
- BackTesting
In backtesting we do have a bar and the orders which are launched for this bar (depending on the
system we have applied for).. With this mode we don´t know how the bar has been formed ( the
mouvement that the market had while the bar was forming itself).We´ll have so, to make some
suppositions to determinate what orders to launch.
The opening is obviously the first event so it will be the first place where the system is going to check
itself. It is supposed that the market evoluates in direction of the closer bar ´s limit (higher or lower)
then towards the other extreme to finish then in the closing. .
So the limit and stop orders are verified at the opening and then at the closer limit,the opposite and the
closing.. If one value of the bar is similar to another one we will only have to verifie the order in one of
the points.. As an example: If the open of the bar is similar to the low , we will only have to verifie it
once at the open because if the order can be executed in the opening it can be executed in the low as
well (because price is the same).Concretlly if the open coincides with the following extreme which is going
to be verified ,it will only be verified once (in the opening not in the other extreme). If the close coincides
with the other extreme it won´be verified twice neither.
In one tick´s chart we know how the bar has been formed ,so the prices of the orders ara adjusted to
the limit of the exchange.
This way of calculation is activ when we insert the system or when we charge it from disc and keep it
activ untill the calculation of all the bars from the historicall untill the current date.
- Realtime
In real time we know exactlly how the bar is beeing formed (while we are receiving the ticks) and the
orders can be executed straight away (at the exact moment). So, we don´t have to make suppositions
about the mouvement to go through the bar.Logically the moment of order´s execution in real time and
backtesting can be differents.
This mode is active when the system has completelly been calculated in backtesting .When a tick arrives
to the chart´s last bar ,the stop and limits orders that are active are verified to know if they have
reached the level to be sent at market.
Depending on the verification moment.
- Open.
The market orders must be verified at the open of the bar .The market orders are always executed and
in the market limits.. After the market orders have been verified we´ll proceed to verifie the orders "at
stop" and "at limit". These orders (if they are executed) will be executed at the limits instead of the price
that they specificlly indicate. .If a limit sale has a limit of 12.60 and the open of the bar is in 12.4, the
order will be executed at 12.4 because in this moment it is send at market and this is what the execution
price will be.. If the system is based in a data base different of the ticks (as charts in minutes,weeks
etc...) we won´t be able to know where a bar finishes untill next one hasn´t started..In this case the
close orders of barN cannot be verified at the closing of this bar and must be verified in the open of
n+1..This means that the first thing we do at open (except on the ticks charts) is verifie the close orders
in the previous bars.
- Close.
At the bar´s close the orders at close and auction.This orders will be allways executed and at the
closing price.The auction orders are automaticlly cancelled if we are not in auction period (End of
day).The stop and limit orders are verified in the same way that at the open.
- Inside the bar
Here the stop and limit orders will be verified.We need to make the difference between real time and
backtesting. In the first case as we are getting the ticks ,we know exactelly the market limits and we
can modifie the order´s execution price to adapt it to those limits... In the second case we only know the
high and the low of the market and we can determine if the order must be executed or not, but not at
which price.This way (backtesting) the order´s price will remain intact even if it´s not exactlly the market
reality. .If it is a tick chart (even in backtesting) the price will be adjusted to the value.
The systems are calculated bar to bar. This means that we must make the design thinking in what calculations have to
be done for our system to give the pertinent orders for each bar. The calculation starts when a number of bars
equivalent to the established one in StartBar (in VDP) or .StartBar (in VBA) have passed. Once passed this number
of bars, Visual Chart will evaluate the conditions or requirements that we have established in our system and will
execute the buy/sell orders that we have designed.
Before starting a system design first we have to know what requirements or rules must be accomplished to give a
buy/sell order. Once the rules are clear, we must think in the way to translate them to a VBA or VDP code. To do
that, we must know that there are a lot of available tools (Indicators, Functions) to make easier this task. For
example, if we wish to build a system based in RSI, we just have to use the indicator value that is already
programmed. Another valid example could be if we wish to calculate the high of the last 15 days, for that, you only
have to use the “GetHighest” function. With these examples we are showing that is necessary to search tools that can
help us designing our system.
Once we have programmed these rules, we must give the appropriate sell, buy, close long, close short orders.
Generally, it is accepted the classification that distinguishes between Trend Systems (those who incorporate into a
long made movement in a determined direction of the corresponding market), Countertrend systems (they try to take
advantage of the lateral and congestion movements, taking trades estimating that a rebound or rejection is going to be
produced in considerably critic points) and Pattern Identification systems (they try to localize determined situation
structures or models that are considered to have precise consequences confronting the investment)
The buy/sell orders are made with the function “.buy” in VBA and by the operator “Buy/Sell order” in VDP. Buy
This order is used to give buy orders of stocks or contracts.
 If we are using VBA, we must use the function “Buy”
 If we are using VDP we must use the buy/sell command
This order is used to give sell on credit order. If we are building a system to buy stocks, we must use the buy order
and the close long order to liquidate the open positions. This is because if we would give a sell order, Visual Chart
understands it as a sell on credit and so it will close the buy positions and will open a new sell on credit position. That
is why this kind of order is useful for futures, options, warrants, and stocks sold by credit.
If we are using VDP we must use the command Buy/Sell order and if we are using VBA, the function “Sell”.
This order is use when we want to close a sell on credit position and not to place a long or make a buy. For
example, if we have given a sell order of 5 contracts of a future and the conditions we wish to set to liquidate that
position are satisfactory, we must use the Buy/Sell order if we use the VDP and select the Close Short option or the “
ExitShort” function if we use VBA.
If we do not specify the number of shares or contracts, neither the label, (in the case we are using several buy orders)
they whole position will be closed and we will be out of the market.
If we do not specify the number of shares but the label, (in the case we are using several buy orders) all the
contracts/shares corresponding to the order that has that label will be closed.
If we specify the number of contracts and the label, then, that number of shares/contracts of the order which label we
have specified will be closed.
If we specify the number of shares/contracts but not the label, if we have several open orders, the specified contracts
of the last order will be closed.
This order is used when we want to close a buy position and not to place a new short or make a sell on credit. For
example, if we have given a buy order of 500 shares and the conditions we wish to set to liquidate that position are
satisfactory, we must use the Buy/Sell command and select the Close Long option if we use the VDP or the “
ExitLong” function if we use VBA.
If we do not specify the number of shares or contracts, neither the label, (in the case we are using several buy orders)
the whole position will be closed and we will be out of the market.
If we do not specify the number of shares but the label, (in the case we are using several buy orders) all the
contracts/stocks corresponding to the order that has that label will be closed.
If we specify the number of contracts and the label, then, that number of stocks/contracts of the order which label we
have specified will be closed.
If we specify the number of shares/contracts but not the label, if we have several open orders, the specified contracts
of the last order will be closed.
When we place a Close Order, Visual Chart will be using (Buy, Sell, Close Long, Close Short) the close price of
the bar that is being calculated in that moment (Current Bar). So, one of the properties of this kind of order is that
always the order will be executed if we give it. That is why we must try that the system flow only reaches the buy/sell
order when we want to execute it..
If we are working with VDP we must select the option Close in the cell Type of Order and if we use VBA, pass as a
parameter AtClose.
When we place a Market order, Visual Chart will execute the order using (Buy, Sell, Close Long, Close Short) the
open price of the next bar to the current one, the bar that is being calculated in that moment (Current Bar). So, one of
the properties of this kind of order is that always the order will be executed if we give it. That is why we must try that
the system flow only reaches the buy/sell order when we want to execute it.
If we are working with VDP we must select the option Market in the cell Type of Order and if we use VBA, pass as
a parameter AtMarket.
When we place a stop order, we are conditioning the execution of our order to reach the stop price in the next bar.
The orders in stops are verified in the next bar in which they have been produced (The current bar or in which the
calculation is being calculated) If the trigger price (stop value) is reached the order will be executed with the trigger
price we have set in the order.
It is important to notice that the orders in stop produced in a bar, are only verified in the next bar. If we want to place
an order in stop with a determined price for more than a bar, we must repeat the stop order in every bar we want the
order to be verified.
If we are working with VDP we must select the option Stop in the cell Type of Order. Also we must set the trigger
price of the stop in the cell Price.
If we use VBA, we must set AtStop in the parameter Type and the desired value in the parameter Price of the
functions that are used in the buy/ sell
If the open price of the next bar (in which the stop is evaluated) is above/below the stop, then the execution price of
the order will be the opening value of the next bar.
When we place a limit order, we are conditioning the execution of our order to reach the limit trigger price of the
order in the next bar. Limit orders are verified in the next bar in which they have been produced (the current bar or in
which the calculation is being process) If the price of the trigger (limit price at which the order is going to be executed)
is reached the order will be executed with the trigger price we have set in the order.
It is important to notice that limit orders produced in a bar are only verified in the next bar. If we want to place a limit
order with a determined price for more than a bar, we must repeat the limit order in every bar we want the order to
be verified
If we are working with VDP we must select the option Limit in the cell Type of Order. Also we must set the trigger
price of the order in the cell Limit Price
If we use VBA, we must set AtLimit in the parameter Type and the desired value in the parameter Price of the
functions that are used in the buy/sell
If the open price of the next bar (in which the order is evaluated) is above/below the established price limit, the
execution price of the order will be the opening value of the next bar.
The buy and sell orders we send through PDV and VBA are matched automatically using Visual Chart, creating new
There are 4 modes of matching buy/sell orders:
 Non accumulating entry
 Accumulate by label.
 Always accumulate
 Combine labels.
The established model by default in Visual Chart to match orders is the non-accumulating Entry
In this kind of match, is not important the label that have the different orders.
Working under this mode, only one order will be executed in every position. In other words, if we bought, only one
buy order will be executed.
If we have an open position and an opposite order is executed (for example if we are bought and a sell order is
executed), the buy we have in execution price of the sell order that is just executed will be closed and a new sell
position will be open.
When a buy or a sell order is executed in determined bar, all the orders that are later given in the same position will be
rejected. If we have given a buy order and it is executed, if in the next bars we give buy orders, these will not be
executed. This will make easier the work when we design a system. In the next example we can see it.
In this example, we have placed a condition, a buy order and a sell one. The condition is simple “If the current bar
close is higher or equal than the close of 10 bars back, a buy order will be produced and if not, (it means if the current
bar close is lower than 10 bars back) a sell order will be given. With a design like this, an order will be given in each
bar. This order will be a sell or buy in function of the established condition.
However, if a buy order has been executed and in the next bar the condition is fulfilled again and we send other buy
order under the “Non accumulating Entry” mode, Visual Chart will rejected all the buy orders that reach after the one
that has been executed. On the other side, if a sell or close long order reach, this will be accepted and if it is possible,
it will be executed. If the next orders in the same trend would not be rejected, we have to make sure through the code
that is not done. In this way we can send if we wish simultaneous buy and sell orders having the confidence that only
the opposite ones to the current position will be executed.
To configure this mode you must select the system, which is inserted in a chart, clicking over one of the present
trades, and then pressing the mouse right button, Configure Object option. In the properties box select the
Adjustments tab and in the Entry Method option choose Always Adding
This mode is just useful if we wish them to be executed simultaneous in a same position more than one order.
Under this mode all the given orders can be executed, (buy or sell) in a new position (long, short). This mode
implicate that every time a buy order is given, this can be executed. Visual Chart will not reject it although we have
previously executed a buy. In this mode the label does not have importance in the moment of matching operations or
allowing orders to be executed, because all of them will be accepted.
The number of trades in a position is unlimited.
In this mode, if we have several open orders in a position (bought or sold) and an opposite order is executed, all the
positions will be closed and a new one will be opened with the number of contracts/shares specified in the executed
order. E.g.: If we have three open buys and a sell is executed, the three buys will be closed in the point the sell was
executed and a new position will be opened with the numbers of contracts equivalent to the established ones in the sell
To configure this mode you must select the system, which is inserted in a chart, clicking over one of the present
trades, and then pressing the mouse right button, Configure Object option. In the properties box select the
Adjustments tab and in the Entry Method option choose Accumulate by Label
The operative of this option will depend on the value given to the label parameter of the system orders.
This mode is just useful if we wish them to be executed simultaneous in a same position more than one order.
Under this mode all the given orders of the same kind can be executed, (buy or sell) which have different labels in any
position (long, short).
Each order with different label will be executed just once. If we have two buy orders with different labels we can have
two open buys as a limit in a position.
To work with this mode is necessary to give more than one buy or sell order with different labels. For that, we will use
once for each desired order, the Buy/sell order in VDP and the functions .Buy and .Sell in VBA, passing to the
label parameter a different value.
In this mode, if we have several open orders in a position (bought or sold) and an opposite order is executed, all the
positions will be closed and a new one will be opened with the number of contracts/shares specified in the executed
order. E.g.: If we have two open buys and a sell is executed, the two buys will be closed in the point where the sell
was executed and a new position will be opened with the numbers of contracts equivalent to the established ones in
the sell order.
To configure this mode you must select the system, which is inserted in a chart, clicking over one of the present
trades, and then pressing the mouse right button, Configure Object option. In the properties box select the
Adjustments tab and in the Entry Method option choose Mixing Labels.
The operative of this option will depend on the value given to the label parameter of the system orders.
This mode is just useful if we wish them to be executed simultaneous in a same position more than an order.
Under this mode all the given orders of the same kind can be executed, (buy or sell) which have different labels in any
position (long, short).
Each order with different label will be executed just once. If we have two buy orders with different labels we can have
two open buys as a limit in a position.
To work with this mode is necessary to give more than one buy or sell order with different labels. For that, we will use
once for each desired order, the Buy/sell order in VDP and the functions .Buy and .Sell in VBA, passing to the
label parameter a different value.
In this mode is necessary that each buy order with a determined label, has a sell order with the same label. If it is not,
the trades will not be closed. E.g.: if we have two buys with labels “A” and “B”, we will need to have two sell orders
with labels “A” and “B”, respectively. Under this mode, an opposite order to the current position does not close all
the open operations but a number of contracts equivalents to the established number for the order. This mode is useful
to analyze the behavior of the different systems working in group.
If we have two designed systems, we can mix them, put different labels and test the maximum series of losses that
have operating as a group.
Visual Chart has incorporated a powerful building system tool named Visual Platform (VDP). Using it, and without
programming language knowledge of Visual Basic, we can comfortably create, in an intuitive and easy way, any
investment system.
To create a new Investment System in the VDP environment, you have to:
1. Go to Systems on the main Menu
2. Select New system with the Visual Platform option
3. Complete the New system dialogue box.
Write some characters to the code and the system name you will create.
When you press Accept you will enter in the Visual Platform work environment, where you can create in the specific
language of this application, the conditions and characteristics that the system will have.
Once in the Platform, we try to develop the idea that supports the strategy like a flowchart. E.g.: if we wish to create a
system that gives buy orders when the closing price move above of a simple moving average with a period to be
decided by the user, and give orders to cancel that long position when the closing price move below that same moving
average. In the first place, we have to choose the tools we are going to use, in this case we press the Indicators folder
with the mouse right button and an options box will be displayed, we choose Add.
A selection dialogue box appears, where we will search in the Type of Averages the one we are inetrested in, in this
case, the simple moving average, and as parameters we select the calculation length (50) and the data source (close
After we accept, it is registered in the Indicators tools folder, to the left, at the same time that in a new box ask us to
rename the characteristic variables of a moving average, in other words, its calculation periods and the data source, in
case we want to mark them as parameters that can be changed and then optimized. Checking a variable as
parameter, we are making that every time the system is going to be inserted, a value for it is going to be ask, and we
could try with different possibilities, and so, there is more flexibility and improvement capacity. We will check in this
case just the first one, and after accepting, it is registered in the Variables folder.
We situate ourselves directly in the visual design bar, in the conditions icon, the isolated green diamond, and we click
onit it with the mouse. After checking it we move the cursor to the main white screen and we click in it. A dialogue
box will be displayed where we will indicate the required condition specifying the identifiers dataset, the comparative
judgment and pressing the Add Condition button when everything is in order. Then, this is shown in the blank space
and if we agree, we press Accept.
Then, once the condition that is going to help us to take a position in the market is defined, is necessary to relate it
with the order that will be given off from it, and to do that we will check in the blue square icon of the visual design
bar and we move the cursor to the blank space. A box is displayed where we specify that we want to make a buy at
the close of this bar.
After Accepting, the order is edited and highlighted under the condition and now we have to join them with a link so
they can work together. Pressing the mouse left button in the lower exit of the diamond does this and without letting
go we move the line until the upper entry of the order. Now the left button is released and the connection is done.
The system is almost built. It is only necessary to indicate what we want to happen when the diamond condition does
not work correctly (right exit of it). We do the same operation, checking the order rectangle, taking it to the buy/sell
orders box, where this time, in the type of order, we will display with the little arrow the possibilities and we will chose
Close Long, leaving the rest exactly the same.
We join with a link this order to the right side of the diamond, and with that the system design is done.
Finally, it is necessary to compile and register it by pressing in the Create system/oscillator/study icon.
With this, we make it to be included in the Program systems catalog for its prudently use.
The program has a great power of analysis. The main part of its projects and ideas can be evaluated before they are
being taken to the practice in real trading. You can build systems, methods or modes of investment using several tools,
from the simplest one to the most complex argument, thanks to the versatility that offers the Visual Basic programming
language and to the tasks simplification that are supposed to be in the Visual Design Program that the program has
To create a new Investment System in the Visual Basic Environment, you have to:
1. Go to Systems on the main Menu
2. Select the New system with Visual Basic option
3.1. Complete the New system dialogue box.
Write some characters to the code and the system name you will create.
When you press Accept you will enter in the Visual Basic work environment, where you can create in the specific
language of this application, the conditions and characteristics that the system will have.
Lets see how it will result programming the sample system that gives buy orders when the closing price move above a
simple moving average with a period to be decided by the user, and give orders to cancel that long position when the
closing price move below that same moving average.
After compiling the system pressing the Publish option on the Debug menu, it is registered and included in the
Program systems catalog for its use by the user whenever he wants.
To insert an already created system in a Chart you must follow the next steps:
1. Open the chart you will like to work in.
2. Choose the Systems option from the Main Menu
3. Press Insert Systems.
Choose the desired system in the list that is in the dialogue box that appears, and after agreeing with the values
of the parameters, press Accept
Since this moment, in the chart, the entry and exit points of the different trades the systems generates, will be
visualized. By default, with a blue line the positive trade will be marked and with a red line the entry and exit point of
the negative trade will be join.
An example of how a system in a chart will be:
The system’s profit and efficiency can be reflected with details in a complementary chart activating this option. For
that, once inserted that system in a chart, we go to the systems menu and choose Display the profit option.
Choose the mode of showing profits, by points, percent or both.
An investment system already created, using Visual Platform as Visual Basic, is capable of making any modification
in its properties or in its parameters.
For that, you must open the chart where the system is going to be applied. Then, you must insert the system and click
the signal of any of the generated trades.
Press the mouse right button and choose Configure Object.
Using the dialogue box that appears you must do the corresponding properties and parameters modifications in the
You must notice each tab that appears in this box:
Give information of the system name inserted in the chart.
Color: Presents a four color range depending on the evolution that has the system in the chart:
Positive Position: Shows a Blue line for favorable trades. You can configure the visualization of positive
trades with other color by pressing the button.
And choose the color you want.
Negative Position: Indicates with a red line the evolution of negative trades. You can configure it by
pressing the right button.
o Open Position: Exposes with a green line the evolution of the trades that is still open.
o Liquidation: Exposes with yellow the closed long trades but not the short trades.
Style: Using this tab you can have access to a selection box of different style options:
Fonts: Pressing it you can choose the type, style, size, effects, of the desired letter to write in the
Labels: You can activate by checking in the Drawing little box. Thus appears in the screen the label
of the system’s entry and exit points.
Trade lines: Pressing the little window next to Drawing, it will appear over the trades done.
Style: You can choose the type of line you want in the trade representation.
Thickness: Pressing in this option you can choose the thickness of the trade lines.
Adjustments: With this tab you can valuate the investment mode that the system would have and applies
in the chart. It is convenient to read the Investment Strategies Chapter where it is explained the
functionality of these:
Slippages: When an order is executed in the market it is not always done with the estimated price,
there are sometimes slippages of the market. In this option you can indicate to the system what
number of points or percentage must be charge in each entry; in other words, each time you buy or
sell. So, each closed trades will have double the charge we have set in this option.
Broker commission: In this option is indicated the charge we want to make to each operation when
the system is going to be calculated. You must notice that in each close trade the established value in
this option will be double because it has an entry and an exit.
Total penalty: You must express the expenses that take the investment through this system,
commissions, slippages, etc.
Penalty mode: You can do it in points or percentage.
Entry method: You must indicate what kind of investment you want to do each time you start a
trade: Non-accumulating entries, Accumulate by Labels, Always accumulate, Mix Labels.
Accumulate by Labels, Always accumulate, Mix Labels.
Liquidation Mode: You can choose Liquidate and Maintain the position, this does not allows to
make two continue operations followed by the same signal, or Liquidate and Cancel position, that
allows it.
Max. Num. Of Labels: You could determinate the number of labels in function to the employed
Max. Num. Of Open Trades: You could reflect the maximum number of open positions when the
market session is over.
Budget: If you want to make an efficient approximation of the system in relation to a determined
budget, mark this cell.
Budget amount: Determine the amount for the budget.
Calculation frequency: The calculation could be updated in the screen with your selected
adjustments between tick to tick or bar a bar.
Point Value: You must indicate here what is the monetary value for each point.
Parameters: Activating this tab you can vary the parameters value offered by default in the system.
An investment system that uses variables parameters is vulnerable of being optimized. This process allows searching
and selecting the best values to obtain its higher efficiency. To start the optimization is necessary in first place to have
the system inserted in the chart of the market on which will act. Then, go to the Systems menu and choose Optimize
parameters of a system.
Complete the Systems Configuration box.
Elements of this box:
 Parameter#: Indicates the parameters that are going to be modified. It will appear as much parameters as it
was indicated when the system was built.
 Name: Indicates the name given to the parameter when the system was programmed.
 Lowest: Write here the lowest number of times you would like to optimize.
 Highest: Write here the highest number of times you would optimize it
 Increment: Specifies the passing number. In the example we can see that optimizes the time period or
number of bars to use for the calculation of moving average. Normally, you give a pass of 1, to search 1 by 1
between the different possibilities. But you can use other increments, always in function to the type of
Total number of iterations: They are the combination of the number of parameters and the values inserted
in the search periods and the asked increment.
Stop the iteration: checking this little box you can decide in which iteration the calculations stop if you do
not want to end them.
Number of systems to visualize: While the optimize process is in process, you can observe the generated
classification in the calculation box and using this option you indicate the number of visualized rows we want.
By default, it appears as 15.
Organizing/search criteria: If we press the button with three points next to the epigraph, this box will
In it we can decide the criteria to organize the different set of parameters that were calculated. The corresponding
circle is marked and after pressing Accept, the criteria is set.
Lineal Search/Genetic Algorithms:
The optimization can be done two differents ways:
 Lineal search. It calculates the different possibilities following a precise order, it starts with the first value of
the first parameter and mix it with the rest of the other parameters values, to continue with the second
parameter and so on. This way is normally used when the number of iterations is not too big, and if the
process stops before its ending, it is possible that the best parameters hasn’t been obtained yet, because there
is no twist in its calculation.
 Genetic Algorithms. Calculates the different possibilities following an efficient selection mechanism that is
mixing, fundamentally, those values that show better results. It is used when the number of iterations is
extensive and when we are trying to search the result that is closer to the best in a number of analysis steps
that are not going to be excessive in time and with the patience of whoever is doing this evaluation. It is not
necessary, as it is deduced for it’s acting, wait until it’s ending, because the dataset that offers after a
prudential period are significantly important. The analysis starts setting the population by generation, as it is
called, a quantity that sets a series of random previous steps, without any favorable twist. This is done by
pressing the button with three points that appears next to the text “Genetic algorithms”
If it has several applications running and noticing that the optimization process is a process that uses a lot of resources
from your computer, it has been decided to offer to the user the possibility to choose the priority that is desired to give
to this optimization task so its work adapts to the system needs in each moment. This selection can be done by
pressing the optimizer with the right button and choosing the option Set Priority, like it is shown in the figure below:
Then, the following window will be displayed:
A low priority is advisable when the system is doing other tasks besides optimization. Thus, the operative system
delivers the processor among all the tasks better. However, in situations when the processor is the only task that is
being executed, it is better to give it the higher priority so this monopolizes the processor and ends as soon as
An already created investment system, using Visual Platform as Visual Basic, is vulnerable to make in it any
modification. It can be added or deleted any previously set parameter: variables, functions, indicators... with which a
primitive system can suffer deep changes in relation to its starting plans. To make any modification you can follow
these steps:
1. Go to System from the Main Menu
2. Select Modify System
3. Choose in the Visual Chart box the system to modify. If it has the FLW extension, it is a system created in Visual
Platform. If the extension is VBA, it is a system built in Visual Basic. Press Open when you have selected the system.
From this moment the program sends to the programming screen with the characteristics that the system had when it
was closed.
Make the convenient modifications and press in the BuildSystem icon to compile and saves the changes made.
From the modal Launch orders you will be able to launch orders very fastly from the bid and ask window,
managing to send ,modifie and delete orders with a single click.
To use it follow these steps :
-open a bid and ask window (You will ba able to use 2 differents kinds of window):
- We select the window we are going to work with.
- We connect to the service Direct Access.
- We activate "launch orders" by clicking in the following icon:
- The following configuration window will appear in the upper part of the "bid and ask" window:
We configure the following fields :
- Account: Account where the orders will be executed:
- Volume: Number of contracts that we will buy or sell with each click of the mouse.
- Left mouse´s buttom: We select the kind of order that we wish to activate with every left click of the mouse.
Once all the differents options are setted we will clik in the tab "enable" visualChart will show the following
confirmation message.
Once this is activated with a single click in the bid or ask offers, the type of order specified in the previous screen
will be sent.
If an order is already activated and we click in a buying cell, it will modifie this order with the new price we haved
clicked in..
If we click in a cell that already contains an active order this one will be cancelled.
Another option included in visual chart is accumulate orders, instead or modifie an order with a click new orders will
be inserted and added to the previous ones.
For this we´ll activate the option "Acumulate" (each click will launch a new order without modifiyng or cancell the
old ones.
CANCELL ALL.To finish we will be able to cancell all the active orders that we´ve got inside a bid and ask window with the option "
cancell all ". One message will ask for confirmation.
To enable or disable the mode "Launch orders" we click in "Disable".
Note:We can hide the configuration window by clicking in the icon
We can launch orders too from the depth of market window you can acced to it from TQuotes --> Depth of
market .
Similar to the previous example you need to be connected to direct access.The connexion will be stablish from the
icon situated in the main toolbar. .
Once the connexion with the broker or the simulator is is stablished , we will proceed to activate the order launching
system by cliking in the corresponding icon,situated on the left upper part of the window.
In the window "depth of market" the corresponding options will be shown which will allow us to configure the orders
launching system that work the way we explained previously in the bid and ask window.
With the new "direct access" system visual chart performances are upgraded. In fact the approach to the exchange
investment that start with the stage of data reception, follows with its analyse using very differents tools, keep going
with the creation and optimization of automatic trading systems and finish with the operations of portfolio management
is now complemented by the option of inserting directly and personnally its own buying and selling orders in the
market, getting a major fastness and reducing his expenses, overcoming this way the possibilities offered by the
traditional softwares which have been used for this purpose until now.,
To use this technology it is necessary to have an account opened with any of the broker who works with this system
(you can consult this list from our web) and make the connexion with the trading system from our software. Fron this
moment you will be able to simulate all the investment activities or take them in to real trading..We have the posibilitie
of sending differents types of orders , that will be filled (regarding to its data)previously to it sending to the market-we
call them normal orders- and we can emitted too orders filled previously in their main carachteristic to be saved and
used in the required moment-we call them "park orders"-. And all this with a comfortable and simple procedure from
your own computer, being inmediatlly informed of any information related to its way of work, knowing its execution
straight away and any other complementary circumstance :cancellation,modification etc....
Those parked orders , authentic central nucleus of the innovation, can be applicated, after beeing created, to a hughe
amount of elements. They can be sent for example from a cotation chart , from a bid and ask window where we can
decide the entry and exit price from or from a list of values..But they can be associated as well to automatic trading
systems in a way that they get the activity deleting totally emotional feelings ,generating the orders and sending them
automaticlly to the market..If we count on a good system ,well design and evaluated ,we will be able calmly to give
him the direction of our trades..In the same way the association can be made towards a graphic object (from the
hughe amount visual chart has avaylable) in a way that once the graphic object is inserted it activates a cross alert that
when the situation happens launch an order to the market direct and automaticlly.We can create too generic parked
orders weather in a single symbol or for a group of values the orders will be launched in,when we estimated is
An interesting aspect of this last option is the fact that we can preset a determinated amount of contracts for the trade
or design and amount which will be shared among the selected values to invest following the indications that we have
preconfigurated when we created the order
As we can see visual chart´s users will have avaylable in an easy way an in a single program al the options of
exchanges interactivity.
Some important aspects of the Trading service must be considered at the time of making the configuration of the
One of them is to understand clearly the concepts of UserID, Port and Server that will be provided to the clients by
the brokerage house you do work with. Without this information you wont be able to operate the trading platform. In
order to get to this window, it is necessary to follow these steps: Menu, File, Options, Configuration, and Connection.
Another aspect is referred to four precise facts that each user will adapt to his profile.
Which are:
 General confirmations for the orders (for sending a new order, modification or cancellation).
 Confirmation relative to the orders of systems that are going to be deleted (if it is wanted that they remain
active or cancel the last issued orders from a system that is going to be deleted).
 Appearance of the trading window information (to show or not this window).
 Visualization or not of all the orders that are tie with a symbol (activated from different elements orders on a
symbol in use).
In order to get to this window, it is necessary to follow these steps Menu, File, Options, Configuration, and Trading.
In order to be able to connect with your corresponding broker and to be able to carry out simulated trading as well
as real operations, it is necessary to press on the icon on the main bar, which takes us to the registry window:
This window requests the user name and the password to us. If you are going to do simulated trading, you have to
introduce the ones provided by Visual Chart, whereas if it is for real trading, you have to provide the ones provided
by your brokerage house.
Once the connection is made, the icon happens to have a green color, whereas if by some involuntary reason –
network failure, incorrect data, etc. - its disconnection takes place, then the icon will take a red color that warns on
this situation.
It provides all the information to us about our trading activity in the market. You can access it from the main menu
go to View, Orders option.
As you can see, five tabs exist that gather diverse possibilities:
1. Active. It reflects the orders that are issued and they have not been executed yet.
2. Executed. They show all the orders that have been made already in the market.
3. Cancelled. Are the orders that by one or another reason have been annulled.
4. Open positions. Consultation that a broker can offer to its clients.
5. Web. Internet access on line to your broker’s website.
In the screens corresponding to each one of the first three tabs, a series of fields in columns exists that gather the
different aspects of trading. The common fields are the following ones:
 Account Owner. It makes reference to the account that the client has in his brokerage house.
 Username. Name of the user, in case there was more than one sharing the same account.
 Symbol. The one of the security, futures, stock, index, on which you are going to trade.
 Type of order. There is a wide range of possibilities, although is necessary to consider that not all brokers
implement all type of orders and that in some markets do not admit some of them. This is an issue that has to
be previously clarified with the brokerage house where you have your account.
o Market: It is a market order in which the terminal automatically selects the price in the moment you
introduce the code, looking for the best price. It is necessary to place a limit in which the bracket of the
operation can be moved.
o Conditional: Transmission of this order is restricted to a condition that the client determines, generally
bound to the evolution of the prices. When this one issues, because a certain level of prices is reached, the
order activates and it is sent to the market. It is precise to also determine a price limit for the execution of
said orden. Se uses mainly for the orders of accomplishment of benefits and protection of losses.
o Limit: A maximum price of purchase or a minimum price of sale settles down (limit), and the volume that
goes away to negociar. La order remains until its total execution.
o Limited immediate: Just as the previous one with the only difference of which the order is cancelled
automatically by the quantity that had not been executed at the moment of the entrance, that had been
o Or better: It is a market order in which only settles down the volume that will negotiate. When
introducing itself it is executed against the best counterparts than they exist and by all the fixed volume. If
there is no sufficient counterpart and the order cannot be executed in its totality, it looks for in the
following prices so that "barre mercado" until it marries totally if the number of actions or contracts can.
o Stop Limit: As much this one as the one that follows to him is in strict sense orders also conditional.
When the price of market reaches or surpasses a certain level (if it is purchase) or it equals it or he is
inferior (case of sale), and therefore has conducted some operation in that point, the order is sent but
limited a value of the quotation that previously has been due to specify.
o Stop for Better: The mechanism is the same one that in the previous case, but now instead of issuing an
order limited, is sent market, by the best thing.
o Fill or Kill: It is an order similar to the immediate limited one but it presents/displays in addition the
exigency of which the totality of the volume is executed. If price and volume cannot be satisfied
simultaneously, the cancellation of the order takes place.
Signal. Buy or Sell.
Límit. The price to be consider like minimum or maximum level for the execution of some type of order.
Volumen. Quantity of stocks or contracts that are trading.
Price trigger. It is what triggers the order to be sent to the exchange.
Time. The time of the delivery, execution or cancellation, according to the case of each screen, of the orders.
Date. The date in which the execution or cancellation of the order takes place.
Fields also exist that are specific, some of them are:
Active. Here we found Status, in which appears the information on the situation of the order, with three possibilities:
Sending, Cancelling and Modifying. In connections with fast transmission, these messages are barely noticeable,
happening for example in the first case to be established as "in the market" once the order has been received. A
degradation of intense green color where initially can be perceived, is indicating the progress of the process.
Cancelled. In the column Reason for cancellation we will be able to see O.K. when the order has been cancelled
voluntarily for different reasons such as insufficient balance, closed market, lack of adjustment of the price to the type
of order, etc.
In any case, the user can decide what fields to leave visible in each screen. For that he must click within the area of
the window with the right button and to choose the option Heading Configuration in the drop-down menu.
This takes us to another window where there appear all the fields available, being noticeable those that at the moment
are working.
Simply moving us by the column with the displacement bars or clicking in an element and later, once highlighted, use
the up/down arrows in the keyboard of the computer, and clicking on the checkmark boxes, thus indicating our
selection at the time of its visualization in the window. After Accepting, the changes are saved.
Another form possible to accomplish this task is the use of the buttons Move Up, Move Down, Show and Hide.
Move Up and Move Down transfer respectively to the upper or immediately lower field, the mark or lack of it in the
checkmark box, which is selected by default. With Hide any field can be unmarked and with Show you select anyone
you want. Reset returns everything to its previous status before anything was changed.
The window box normally appears in the lower part of the window occupying all the space. It is possible to move it,
fixing it around a main tab named Order, so that it totally remains hidden or visible positioning on it the cursor of the
mouse or moving away from it, making so it unfolds or folds in the screen. It will only be left fixed waiting for the
mouse’s cursor to be placed inside, in the data area. To obtain this fixation and to create the main tab, it is necessary
to click on the icon thumbtack, which is on the right side, until it happens to take horizontal position. Next, it is
necessary to remove the blue color from the title bar, for which is enough to click in any other part of the window. As
of that moment the tab is active.
If we want to return to the original position, it is necessary to double click on the title bar, with which it takes a blue
color, and then click in the thumbtack
to put it in vertical position. If we want to diminish or to transfer the
window manager, is necessary to start off of the vertical position of the thumbtack, and to double click in the title bar,
which it will be of blue color. The procedure to move the window freely is by clicking in the blue part and dragging it.
If we want to reduce or to increase its size it is necessary to place the mouse on anyone of the sides and when it is
transformed into a two-sided arrow, you have to drag it until obtaining the precise dimensions. In the following graph
we can see both procedures.
In order to return again to the original appearance - fixed in the lower part of the window - it is necessary to once
again, double click, as always in the title bar.
This small window is always related to the trading process, informing its evolution from the same moment is taking
place, as well as warning on diverse market circumstances as failures or connection problems. It will always be
shown, eventhough you are working in another different application. Normally we see it in yellow color, although if
there were some cancellation or rejection of orders, you would visualize it in red color.
The orders are accumulated in this space, specifying in the first place the concept or category: New (when it is sent to
the market), Rejected (closed market, incorrect order, etc.), Executed (when or it has been carried out), Cancelled
(of voluntary form by you or by other circumstances); and secondly the characteristics of each one: type, volume,
symbol of the stock, price.
It is important from the beginning to know clearly the difference between these two concepts, because it will help to
later understand the diverse procedures that entail.
We spoke of normal orders to refer to those in which all their data are fullfiled and defined at the moment at which
they are going to be send. Therefore, the phases of creation and application are simultaneous. However, parked
orders are those that can be characterized to a large extent (then according to the operational tipology the price can
be specify before it is send), registered and kept in a catalogue for their later use, being able to require them in any
moment. The phases of creation and application, in this case, are independent of each other.
As much in one as in another type, the operations that can be made are two: buy and sell:
The buy is the operation by which a series of stocks or contracts are acquired at a certain price, hoping that these
stocks or contracts are going up and in time to obtain a capital gain with the difference of liquidation when closing the
trade. It is possible to be used to open a position or to close a previous sell.
The sell is the operation by which a series of stocks or contracts are acquired at a certain price, hoping that these
stocks or contracts are going down and in time to obtain a capital gain with the difference of liquidation when closing
the trade. In the stock market the sell can be considered as closing a previously open long position, as well it can be
considered a short position, which becomes in the modality of a credit sale. In the futures markets, the sell that opens
a short position is not on credit.
We call normal buy order to that order we define at the time we are sending it to the market.
To create a normal buy order you have to go to New Order following any of these two paths:
 Menu Trading, Normal Buy Order option
F8 Key
Corresponding Icon on the Order Bar toolbar
The New Order window reflects a few concepts that need to be fulfilled before it is saved. Those are the following:
Account. The one that has been assigned by the brokerage house of which the user is client to endorse
the operations.
2. Leverage. Relationship between the monetary value of the position that is taken and the necessary
investment for that. This is something normal in the futures markets, not so in the stock market. In any
case, each client will determine with his broker this possibility.
3. Validity Date. For the order that is emitted.
4. Symbol. The stock or future you want to buy. It is compose by the code and by the name.
5. Last. The last price to that it is quoting the stock at the moment at which the order is fulfilled.
6. Signal. Buy.
7. Type. Different type of orders is available but subject to the agreement of the clients with their brokers.
8. Contracts/Shares. The number of such that is desired to buy.
9. Amount. The amount is calculated automatically with number of contracts/shares and does not consider
the commissions.
10.Stop. In case a stop order is placed, the triggering price that causes the order to be sent.
11.Limit. In the case of a limit order, the price you supply that serves as reference to complete the buy when
the quotation of the market, that is above it, reaches that level or it is located below it. In other types of
order, the maximum price at which it has been arranged to take a position.
Once we have the data, we pressed Send. Now we found with a triple visualization of the order: on one side the
window with the order immediate information, on the other the Active screen of the manager (if we have it at sight)
and finally a label in the chart with the price where we bought.
According to the type of order that we have established, a greater or smaller term of delay will take place until its
execution, or perhaps it does not get to execute at all because the price does not reached at the indicated point. In
any case, as soon as counterpart occurs and the order is executed in the market, the immediate information window
will warn us of this fact and in the manager will be reflected in the Filled tab.
We spoke of normal sell to that order we define at the time we are sending it to the market.
To create a normal sell order you have to go to New Order following any of these two paths:
 Menu Trading, Normal Sell Order option
F9 Key
Corresponding Icon on the Order Bar toolbar
The New Order window reflects a few concepts that need to be fulfilled before it is saved. Those are the following:
Account. The one that has been assigned by the brokerage house of which the user is client to endorse
the operations.
2. Leverage. Relationship between the monetary value of the position that is taken and the necessary
investment for that. This is something normal in the futures markets, not so in the stock market. In any
case, each client will determine with his broker this possibility.
3. Validity Date. For the order that is emitted.
4. Symbol. The stock or future you want to sell. It is compose by the code and by the name.
5. Last. The last price it is quoting the stock at the moment at which the order is fulfilled.
6. Signal. Sell.
7. Type. Different type of orders is available but subject to the agreement of the clients with their brokers.
8. Contracts/Shares. The number of such that is desired to sell.
9. Amount. The amount is calculated automatically with number of contracts/shares and does not consider
the commissions.
10.Stop. In case a stop order is placed, the triggering price that causes the order to be sent.
11.Límit. In the case of a limit order, the price you supply that serves as reference to complete the sell when
the quotation of the market, that is above it, reaches that level or it is located below it. In other types of
order, the maximum price at which it has been arranged to take a position.
Once we have the data, we pressed Send. Now we found with a triple visualization of the order: on one side the
window with the order immediate information, on the other the Active screen of the manager (if we have it at sight)
and finally a label in the chart with the price where we sold.
According to the type of order that we have established, a greater or smaller term of delay will take place until its
execution, or perhaps it does not get to execute at all because the price does not reached at the indicated point. In
any case, as soon as counterpart occurs and the order is executed in the market, the immediate information window
will warn us of this fact and in the manager will be reflected in the Filled tab.
This screen is a normal order window that it is characterized by being redimensionable, since their controls adapt to
the size of the graph that appears in the sheet, and because it does not have why to be always visible, as it happened
in the previously explained procedure when speaking of normal buy and sell.
We can get to that window in two ways:
 Pressing the F7 key
 Clicking in the little arrow that we see indicated in the following picture
The window that you visualize underneath the picture and shows the main concepts that must be fulfilled (account,
validity, symbol, type of order, shares, trigger, limit, amount), adding three buttons which with different colors
represent the operations To buy, To sell on credit or To sell. These buttons can be pressed at the moment at which
you want to transfer the order to the market.
This type of screen allows working with several orders that are prepared and that are applied in different windows for
different securities:
In we want to proceed to the modification of a normal order which has been already sent we can proceed the
following way.:
 In the orders manager we click with the right button of the mouse in the order we are talking about In
"actives" eyelash (because it hasn´t been executed yet) and in the eyelash we select the eyelash modifie order.
In the order´s window we can change weather the number of contracts weather the specified price.In the current
example we only change the limit price lowering it regarding the previous one.
We click in the order´s label with the right side of the mouse , an eyelash will appear and then we select
"modifie order" .When we select this we´ll see a dialog box with the carachteristics of the orders and it
differents fields.
In this dialog box we can apply to the required modifications , always on the concepts capable of change, volume of
titles and contracts. if we want to change other´s aspects we need to create a new order.
Another possibilitie to acceed to this dialog box is clicking with the left button of the mouse and press F2. The
changes will be made the same way.
 To act only in the price , we can proceed the following way. Having the order in front of us ,we click inside
it and without unclicking it ,we drug it untill the level of price that we prefer.Then when we give up the button
of the mouse and the modification is made we inmediatlly see it in the imfomation window. .
The preceding case refers to a limit order and its modification don´t afect it´s way of work.In the other hand we need
to talk about other of operations which required special attention. Let´s imagine that we have placed in the market an
order "stop at best ".and it´s over the price. We decide to do the same manipulation than before and we take down
the order so the price will be behinf it now..We could think that the order will be immediatlly executed.. But it appears
that the order won´t be effective until the cotation falls till the level of the stop and reach or pass it going up again.
If we want to proceed to the cancellation of a normal order which has been already sent we can do it in differents
 The first method consist in situate ourselves on the order in the order manager in the "actives" eyelash
(because the order hasn´t been executed yet and click with the right side of the mouse and choose the option
"cancel order".
The second option consist in clicking with the mouse in the label of the order with the right side of the
mouse and choose the option "cancell order "
o Another way of doing it is clicking with the left side of the mouse untill we mark it .then we click in f12
and the operation is cancelled.
It is important from the beginning to know clearly the difference between these two concepts, because it will help us
to later understand the diverse procedures that entail.
We mentioned normal orders to refer to those in which all their data are fulfilled and defined at the moment at which
they are going to be sent. Therefore, the phases of creation and application are simultaneous. However, preconfigured
(parked) orders are those that can be characterized to a large extent (then according to the operational tipology the
price can be specify at the moment of sending the order), registered and kept in a catalogue for their later use, being
able to use them anytime. The phases of creation and application, in this case, are independent to each other.
As much in one as in another type, the operations that can be made are two, buy and sell:
Buy is the operation by which a series of stocks or contracts are acquired at a certain price hoping that this one is
greater in time to obtain a capital gain with the difference of liquidation when closing the trade. You can use it to open
a new position or to cled a previous sell.
Sell is the operation by which a series of stocks or contracts are acquired at a certain price hoping that this one is
lower in time to obtain a capital gain with the difference of liquidation when closing the trade. In the stock market the
sell can be considered as closing a previous buy, and also used as opening a new short position, which becomes a
credit sell. In the futures market, the sell that opens a short position is not on credit.
The most attractive feature in the trading program is the parked orders. Once assigned the parameters and name the
orders, these are saved to use them when you most need them.
In order to be able to issue an order of this type, therefore, and as previous step, it is necessary to be completed and
registered. Through the menu Trading, option Create parked order, you get to the Assistant, who will be guiding us in
the process following a series of precise steps.
In this previous step you have to select between the different possibilities of creating a new creation of order.
After this screen, we reached different possibilities from elements on which the order can be applied, and for that
reason we will individually study them in the following pages.
After the election in the previous step of the option Create a new order, we can continue with the process. First we
need to identify the order with a name or brief description and to specify on what is going to be applied, in this case
on a chart or quote.
The screen shows on the left the folder, which represents the order. There it will be adding in each step, every one of
the sections for which content is necessary. Now we need the user to identifie himself/herself, writing the user id and
password provided by his/her brokerage house.
In Step 2 a decision is requested on the symbol or symbols on which the order will act. It is necessary to choose
between using the symbol that is active in the main window or the one we select in a quote, or use the symbols that
we choose in a list belonging to the market in which we are going to trade. If we choss the first option, all we need to
do is mark the circle that precedes the text. If we chose the second option, the stocks are marked and they are
transferred to the right side with the button. In order to move some of them, we marked it and we again passed it to
its previous location with the button.
We nee now to express or the amount of contracts or shares that are going to be negotiated, or the amount in dollars
that is going to be invested, inserting the number in the text box that is to the right of each concept.
Finally you have to select the sign and type of order. Also the possibility exists of continuing creating parked orders, in
which case they would be added keeping them in the same file as the previous ones, to be executed together.
After we have selected in the previous step the option Create a new order, we can continue with the process. First
it is necessary to identify the order with a name or brief description and to specify on what is going to be applied, in
this case on a positions table.
The screen shows on the left the folder, which represents the order. There it will be adding in each step, every one of
the sections for which content is necessary. Now is necessry that the user identifies himself/herself, writing the userid
and password provided by his/her brokerage house.
In the following step a decision is requested on the symbol or symbols on which the order will act. It is necessary to
choose between using the symbol that is active in the main window or which we select in the positions table, or use
the symbols that we choose in a list pertaining to the market in which we are going to trade.
It is necessary now to express or the amount of contracts or shares that are going to be negotiated, or the amount in
dollars that is going to be invested, introducing the number in the text box that is to the right of each concept.
Finally you have to select the sign and type of order. Also the possibility exists of continuing creating parked orders, in
which case they would be added keeping them in the same file as the previous ones, to be executed together.
After pressing Finish, the order on the positions table has been created and saved.
After you chose in the previous step the option Create a new order, we can continue with the process. First it is
necessary to identify the order with a name or brief description and to specify on what is going to be applied, in this
case on a graphical object.
The screen shows on the left the folder, which represents the order. There it will be adding in each step, every one of
the sections for which content is necessary. Now is necessry that the user identifies himself/herself, writing the userid
and password provided by his/her brokerage house.
In the next window a decision is requested on the symbol or symbols on which the order will act. It is necessary to
choose between using the symbol that is in the active chart, table or positions table, or specify a list of them according
to the markets.
It is necessary now to express or the amount of contracts or shares that are going to be negotiated, or the amount in
dollars that is going to be invested, introducing the number in the text box that is to the right of each concept.
Finally you have to select the sign and type of order. Also the possibility exists of continuing creating parked orders, in
which case they would be added keeping them in the same file as the previous ones, to be executed together.
After pressing Finish, the order on the graphical object has been created and saved.
After you chose in the previous step the option Create a new order, we can continue with the process. First it is
necessary to identify the order with a name or brief description and to specify on what is going to be applied, in this
case on a graphical object.
The screen shows on the left the folder, which represents the order. There it will be adding in each step, every one of
the sections for which content is necessary. Now is necessry that the user identifies himself/herself, writing the userid
and password provided by his/her brokerage house.
In the next page we need to define what type of order we want to send to the market according to the type of system
you are using. The tabs with the little arrows pointing down display the options you can choose from.
After you press Finish, the order on the System has been created and saved.
This type of order is appropriate to over a single security or a basket of them with simple buys and sells. After you
chose in the previous step the option Create a new order, we can continue with the process. First it is necessary to
identify the order with a name or brief description and to specify on what is going to be applied, in this case as
The screen shows on the left the folder, which represents the order. There it will be adding in each step, every one of
the sections for which content is necessary. Now is necessry that the user identifies himself/herself, writing the userid
and password provided by his/her brokerage house.
In the next window a decision is requested on the symbol or symbols on which the order will act. It is necessary to
choose between using the symbol that is in the active chart, table or positions table, or specify a list of them according
to the markets. In this example we create a list of symbols, starting first with the exchange (we choose it from the drop
down menu when you click in the little arrow in the corresponding window) and then we move from the left box to the
right all the markets we are going to use.
It is necessary now to express or the amount of contracts or shares that are going to be negotiated, or the amount in
dollars that is going to be invested, introducing the number in the text box that is to the right of each concept.
If we decide to use an amount, you have to decide what percentage has to be applied to each individual security, so
all of them add 100% altoguether.
Finally you have to select the sign and type of order. Also the possibility exists of continuing creating parked orders,
in which case they would be added keeping them in the same file as the previous ones, to be executed together.
After you press Finish, the generic order has been created and saved.
If in the second step we chose to use only one symbol instead of a basket, you have to keep in mind the expression
in the next page with shares/contracts is not a big deal, but the statement with money, dollars, it can be affected
because it has to adjust to the minimum movement the security makes.
After the election in the previous step of the option Create a new order, we can continue with the process. First we
need to identify the order with a name or brief description and to specify on what is going to be applied, in this case
on a chart or quote.
The screen shows on the left the folder, which represents the order. There it will be adding in each step, every one of
the sections for which content is necessary. Now we need the user to identifie himself/herself, writing the user id and
password provided by his/her brokerage house.
In Step 2 a decision is requested on the symbol or symbols on which the order will act. It is necessary to choose
between using the symbol that is active in the main window or the one we select in a quote, or use the symbols that
we choose in a list belonging to the market in which we are going to trade. If we choss the first option, all we need to
do is mark the circle that precedes the text. If we chose the second option, the stocks are marked and they are
transferred to the right side with the button. In order to move some of them, we marked it and we again passed it to
its previous location with the button.
We nee now to express or the amount of contracts or shares that are going to be negotiated, or the amount in dollars
that is going to be invested, inserting the number in the text box that is to the right of each concept.
Finally you have to select the sign and type of order. Also the possibility exists of continuing creating parked orders, in
which case they would be added keeping them in the same file as the previous ones, to be executed together.
After we have selected in the previous step the option Create a new order, we can continue with the process. First
it is necessary to identify the order with a name or brief description and to specify on what is going to be applied, in
this case on a positions table.
The screen shows on the left the folder, which represents the order. There it will be adding in each step, every one of
the sections for which content is necessary. Now is necessry that the user identifies himself/herself, writing the userid
and password provided by his/her brokerage house.
In the following step a decision is requested on the symbol or symbols on which the order will act. It is necessary to
choose between using the symbol that is active in the main window or which we select in the positions table, or use
the symbols that we choose in a list pertaining to the market in which we are going to trade.
It is necessary now to express or the amount of contracts or shares that are going to be negotiated, or the amount in
dollars that is going to be invested, introducing the number in the text box that is to the right of each concept.
Finally you have to select the sign and type of order. Also the possibility exists of continuing creating parked orders, in
which case they would be added keeping them in the same file as the previous ones, to be executed together.
After pressing Finish, the order on the positions table has been created and saved.
After you chose in the previous step the option Create a new order, we can continue with the process. First it is
necessary to identify the order with a name or brief description and to specify on what is going to be applied, in this
case on a graphical object.
The screen shows on the left the folder, which represents the order. There it will be adding in each step, every one of
the sections for which content is necessary. Now is necessry that the user identifies himself/herself, writing the userid
and password provided by his/her brokerage house.
In the next window a decision is requested on the symbol or symbols on which the order will act. It is necessary to
choose between using the symbol that is in the active chart, table or positions table, or specify a list of them according
to the markets.
It is necessary now to express or the amount of contracts or shares that are going to be negotiated, or the amount in
dollars that is going to be invested, introducing the number in the text box that is to the right of each concept.
Finally you have to select the sign and type of order. Also the possibility exists of continuing creating parked orders, in
which case they would be added keeping them in the same file as the previous ones, to be executed together.
After pressing Finish, the order on the graphical object has been created and saved.
After you chose in the previous step the option Create a new order, we can continue with the process. First it is
necessary to identify the order with a name or brief description and to specify on what is going to be applied, in this
case on a graphical object.
The screen shows on the left the folder, which represents the order. There it will be adding in each step, every one of
the sections for which content is necessary. Now is necessry that the user identifies himself/herself, writing the userid
and password provided by his/her brokerage house.
In the next page we need to define what type of order we want to send to the market according to the type of system
you are using. The tabs with the little arrows pointing down display the options you can choose from.
After you press Finish, the order on the System has been created and saved.
This type of order is appropriate to over a single security or a basket of them with simple buys and sells. After you
chose in the previous step the option Create a new order, we can continue with the process. First it is necessary to
identify the order with a name or brief description and to specify on what is going to be applied, in this case as
The screen shows on the left the folder, which represents the order. There it will be adding in each step, every one of
the sections for which content is necessary. Now is necessry that the user identifies himself/herself, writing the userid
and password provided by his/her brokerage house.
In the next window a decision is requested on the symbol or symbols on which the order will act. It is necessary to
choose between using the symbol that is in the active chart, table or positions table, or specify a list of them according
to the markets. In this example we create a list of symbols, starting first with the exchange (we choose it from the drop
down menu when you click in the little arrow in the corresponding window) and then we move from the left box to the
right all the markets we are going to use.
It is necessary now to express or the amount of contracts or shares that are going to be negotiated, or the amount in
dollars that is going to be invested, introducing the number in the text box that is to the right of each concept.
If we decide to use an amount, you have to decide what percentage has to be applied to each individual security, so
all of them add 100% altoguether.
Finally you have to select the sign and type of order. Also the possibility exists of continuing creating parked orders,
in which case they would be added keeping them in the same file as the previous ones, to be executed together.
After you press Finish, the generic order has been created and saved.
If in the second step we chose to use only one symbol instead of a basket, you have to keep in mind the expression
in the next page with shares/contracts is not a big deal, but the statement with money, dollars, it can be affected
because it has to adjust to the minimum movement the security makes.
If we want to modify a pre-configured order from the price or volume, the simplest way to do this is:
 Having at sight the order manager, we click with the right button of the mouse on the order, in the Active tab,
because it has not been executed yet, and in the drop-down menu we selected the option Modify order.
Then the data of the order appears, in which we will make the modifications. In this case we will change the price of
stop, lowering it from 10.27 to 10,15.
After pressing Send, in the order manager you can se how in the active screen this new situation is reflected, because
its state has changed from the previous one "in the market" to "modifying".
Finally, the alert window warns us of the changes that have been made and in the Active screen the label of the graph
indicates what modifications are taking place.
If what we want is to modify other characteristics of the order, like the selection of symbols or the election between
shares and cash, we will have to act diferently, going to the Assistant that we used for its creation:
 Go to the Trading menu, and select Create Parked order. With this action the Assitant appears in its previous
screen, and we marked the option Modify an existing order.
After pressing Next we are in the available orders catalogue, and there we can highlight the one we want to make it
dissapear. If in the window Type of order we click in the little arrow on the right, we will be able to choose while the
total orders appear or by the factors on which they have been created.
When pressing the Next button, we will be transfer to different screens whereupon the order was created. By them
we will move and modify what we think is advisable, until we issue the order Finish. The changes are registered.
If we want to totally eliminate a parked order because it does not interest us anymore, we to go to the Assistant that
we used for its creation. Therefore, we go the Trading menu, and we select Create parked order. With this action the
Assitant will appear in its previous screen, and we mark the option Delete an existing order.
After pressing Next, we have the available orders catalogue, and there we highlight the one that we want to do delete.
. If in the Type of order window we click in the little arrow on the right, we will be able to choose among the total
orders or by elements on which they have been created
If now we press the Delete button, confirmation for this task wiill be requested, and if that is the case, the order will
disappear of the catalogue.
If we want to cancel an active pre-configured order, we have to proceed in an analogous way to that we used when
were applied on the different possible elements, and in the place destined to the activation of the trading, the
corresponding option is unmarked:
 If it is applied on a graphical object. We select the graphical object and we pressed the right button of the
mouse. We get the properties box of the object and there, in the Alert tab, we unmarked the square Activate.
After accepting, the signal of the order disappears.
If it is applied on a chart. We select the bars of the graph and pressed the right button of the mouse. We
get the properties box of the object, and there, in the trading tab, we unmarked the square Activate. After
Accepting, the order disappears.
o If it is applied on a positions table. We located ourselves in the chart, with the label of the order at sight,
and click on it with the right button of the mouse. In the drop-down menu we choose Cancel order.
Another way is to click in the label with the left button and to press the F12 key.
o If it is applied on a system. We select any trade that has been generated by the system until it is marked.
Then we pressed the right button and we chose Configure object. In the properties box of the system, we
located ourselves in the trading tab and there we unmarked the square Activate. After Accepting, the
order disappears.
If it is applied of generic form, the best way to cancel the order is to locate itself in the screen of the order
manager, in the Active tab, because it has not been executed yet, and then press with the right button of
the mouse. In the drop-down menu we chose the option Cancel order.
Visual Chart makes possible the communication between different users who simultaneously are connected to our
server. It is possible to maintain conversations, to interchange opinions, to make suggestions, etc. on the different
discussion topics. To do that it is necessary to introduce some information about the client through the menu File,
Options, Chat Configuration. Consult the section Introduction.
Once you have finished that step:
1. Go to File on the main menu.
2. Select Chat
The window where you are going to chat with other users appears. If we lick on the tab Status, we get the technical
information about the connection.
The intention to communicate different individuals using this program was thought of linking people who are
interested in developing the different modules of this application. For that, the channels established right now are
#Markets, #Systems, and #Support, independently of what we can establish in the future. Every one of them are
represented by a tab.
 #Markets: In this window are recorded the conversations among the users with general interests.
 #Systems: Clicking in this tab you access a specific channel where the users exchange ideas about trading
 #Support: With this tab you access a channel where you will find support for this application.
Each one of these windows offers three fields:
o One of them is very spacious, where it will be recorded all the conversations among users with
everyone’s ID between brackets. Also, in this part of the window will be recorded when somebody log in
or log out of the chat.
o There is another field in the lower part of the window. In it you can write the text you want to send to the
other users that are connected. This field has a blinking cursor.
o A third field on the right side of the window shows the name of the people connected in that very
Within the possibilities of this program, is the ability of making a private conversation. To do that is necessary
to enter the Chat, in the tab #Markets and then select the name of the person that is on the right side of the
window and you want to chat in private.
When you double click on the name a new window will appear with the name of the user.
To delete the window where you are talking with this person in private just click on the main window with the right
button of the mouse and select Close Private Chat.
If you want to save the conversation in a text file, just click the first option and complete the following window:
Visual Chart makes possible to access current information of any kind filtering what type of information you need
(general, sports, financial, etc.) For that the previous step is to make the necessary specifications in the menu File,
Options, News configuration. Once this situation occurs, to access the visualization panel go to View on the main
menu, and then News.
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Alert - ALERT.
This function is used to launch alerts. You can only use it on indicators. It has to be reflected in the code at the time of
the programming, and thus, when the established conditions are fulfilled there, an alert with the message assigned to
the parameter "Alert Text" will be sent. Nevertheless, to take place this, it is necessary to activate the tab Alert from
the properties window of the indicator once this one has been inserted on a chart.
Alert Text
Alert Message.
Example: Buy AtStop, 1, .High +10, ”C1”
?Alert Text: Represents the message we want to be sent once the indicator code arrives until this function.
Technical Reference:
It is necessary to remember that whenever a new tick arrives at the series on which we are calculating the indicator, it
will calculate the code once again and if the flow happens to go through this function it will send a new alert message.
Therefore if we want to activate the alert just once, it is necessary to establish the correct criteria so that a single alert
takes place once.
Buy - BUY
This function is used to send buy orders. It can be used to buy stocks, futures contracts, etc.
Type of order.
Number of shares/contracts.
Price to buy.
Buy Type, Contracts, Price, Label
Example: Buy AtStop, 1, .High +10, ”C1”
Type: Makes a reference to the type of order we want to send. We can send four types of orders:
1-.AtClose. When we place an AtClose order (Closing), Visual Chart will execute the buy order at the
closing price of the bar that is calculating at that moment (Current Bar). Therefore, one of the properties of
this type of order is that whenever is emitted, it is going to be executed. We must try that the flow of the
system only arrives at the buy order when we wish that this order took place.
2-.AtMarket. When place an AtMarket order (Market), Visual Chart will execute the order at the opening price of
the next bar that is calculating at that moment (Current Bar). Therefore, one of the properties of this type of order is
that whenever is emitted, it is going to be executed. We must try that the flow of the system only arrives at your buy
order when we wish that this one took place.
3-.AtStop. When we place an order on stop we are conditioning the execution of our order to that the price triggering
the stop is reached in the next bar. The orders on stop are verified in the following bar in which they take place
(Present Bar or Bar where the calculations are being executed). If the trigger price is reached, the order will be
executed at the trigger price that we established in the order.
It is important to note that the orders on stop produced in one bar, are verified only in the following bar. Therefore, if
we wish to place an order on stop at a determined price for more than a bar, we will have to repeat the order on stop
for each one of the bars in which we wished that the order is verified.
If the opening price of the following bar (in which the stop is evaluated) supposes a violation of the stop, the price of
execution of the order will be the opening price.
3-.AtLimit. When we place a limit order we are conditioning the execution of our order to that the price triggering the
limit is reached in the next bar. The limit orders are verified in the following bar in which they take place (Present Bar
or Bar where the calculations are being executed). If the trigger price is reached, the order will be executed at the
trigger price that we established in the order.
It is important to note that limit orders produced in a bar are verified only in the following bar. Therefore, if we want
to place a limit order at a determined price for more than a bar, we will have to repeat the limit order later for each of
the bars in which we wish the order is verified.
If the opening price of the following bar (in which the order is evaluated) supposes a violation of the established limit,
the price of execution of the order will be the opening price.
Contracts: Is the number of shares/contracts we wish to buy. The contract numeric specifications can be
changed for variables or for any previously defined function. This allows complex money management
analysis. For example: f=Capital/18000 the investment would be 1 contract for every $18,000 dollars
accumulated as a result of the systems' trading.
Price: Is the buying price. We should assign a value to this parameter only to orders AtStop and AtLimit. The
value can be expressed in the following way:
? A numeric value (a variable or a number wrote directly).
? A function. For example: High.
? A mixture of numeric value and function. E.g. High+1
? Label: Is the label of the order in text format.
Technical Reference:
It is important to understand well this function since all the operations of the systems depends on its correct use.
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This function returns the closing value of the bar.
Data entry:
Any data set
Closing prices of the data set.
Number of bars back.
Primary data source.
Close (Bars, Data)
Example .Close(3,Data1)
? Bars: Is the number of bars back to be considered.
? By default, if you do not specify anything it will take the 0 value, which refers to the current bar.
? In this parameter we can place any numeric value inserted in a variable or type directly the number.
? You can specify it as a function changing the numeric value.
? Data: Is the data set where we can get the closing price of any specific bar.
By default, if you don't specify anything, the system will act on Data0, which is the name of the data set of the
chart where the strategy is applied.
If there were more than one chart in the window, they would be taken as Data2, Data3, Data4, respectively
Data Output:
Returns the closing price of the
Technical Reference:
If we want to access to the closing price of the fifth bar back we should place the expression “ 5” to the parameter
Bars. To this parameter you can only pass positive values, in that way you wont be able to access a bar in the future
(in case you place a negative value).
CurrentBar - CURRENT BAR.
This function returns the order number of the bar in which is being made the calculations (present Bar). Considering
the first bar of the data series the bar number 1, we would be increasing one unit each evaluated bar. Thus, if the
calculations were taking place in the seventh bar of the series, this function would return a value of 7.
Data entry:
Any data set
Order number of the bar in any data set.
Data Output:
Order number of the current
Technical Reference:
If we are working on two data series and one has more data than the other (E.g. If we worked with a Microsoft chart
from year 1986 and a chart of Bank of America from year 1999), the calculations will begin when a bar of the first
series agrees in time with a bar of the second series. This bar will be considered as the first bar (CurrentBar=1).
This function is used to know the number of contracts or shares that you bought or sold with the current open
Data Output:
Returns the number of contracts/shares you bought or sold. If you haven't bought or sold anything this returns 0.
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This function is used to know the number of different entries that are open in a position. A position can have several
different entries based on the label established in the order and of the chosen modality to match operations.
Data Output:
Returns the number of open positions when this function is applied. If there is none, returns 0.
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Date - DATE
All the bars in a chart have printed a date either if it is a daily chart or an intraday chart. We can from each bar the
date in which one took place. The date returns its value in numerical format of type YYYYMMDD. Therefore, if the
bar took place the 10th day of August of 2000, this function would return a numerical value of 20000810.
Data entry:
Any data set
Date of a bar in a data series.
Number of bars back.
Data series to obtain the date.
.Date (BarsAgo, Data)
Example .Date(3,Data0)
BarsAgo: Is the number of bars to be considered.
? By default, if you don't specify anything, it takes value 0, which references the current bar.
? In this parameter we can assign any numeric value inserted in a variable or type the value directly.
? You can specify it as a function replacing the numeric value.
Data: is the data series where we can obtain the data of the specific bar. By default, if you don't specify anything, we
will get the date from Data0, which refers to the chart where the strategy is applied. If there were more than one chart
in the window, they would be taken Data2, Data3, Data4, respectively.
Data Output:
Numeric value of the bar in any
data series.
Technical Reference:
If we want to access the date of the fifth bar back we should place the expression “ 5” to the parameter Bars. To this
parameter we can only pass positive values, in that way we wont be able to access a bar in the future (in case we
place a negative value).
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This function is used when we wish to close a long position and not to open a new short position or making a sell on
credit. For example, if we have given an order to buy 500 shares and the conditions that have been established to
close the position are fulfilled, we must use ExitLong.
If we don't specify the number of shares or contracts (Contracts Parameter) neither the label (Label Parameter
supposing that we are using several buy orders), the whole position will be closed and we will be out of the market.
If we did not specify the number of shares but we specify the label, (supposing that we are using several buy orders)
it will close all the contracts/shares corresponding to the order that this label had.
If we specified the number of contracts and the label, then that number of contracts/shares of the order will be closed
whose label we have specified.
If we specified the number of contracts/shares but we did not specify the label and we have several open orders, the
specified contracts of the last order will be closed.
Type of order.
Number of Contracts/Shares.
Buying price.
.ExitLong Type, Contracts, Price, Label
Example: .ExitLong AtStop, 1, .High +10, ”C1”
? Type: reference the type of buy order we want to send. We have four types of orders:
AtClose. When we place an AtClose order (Closing), Visual Chart will execute the close long order at the
closing price of the bar that is calculating at that moment (Current Bar). Therefore, one of the properties of
this type of order is that whenever is emitted, it is going to be executed. We must try that the flow of the
system only arrives at the buy order when we wish that this order took place.
AtMarket. When we place an AtMarket order (Market), Visual Chart will execute the close long order at
the opening price of the next bar that is calculating at that moment (Current Bar). Therefore, one of the
properties of this type of order is that whenever is emitted, it is going to be executed. We must try that the
flow of the system only arrives at your buy order when we wish that this one took place.
AtStop. When we place an order on stop we are conditioning the execution of our order to that the price
triggering the stop is reached in the next bar. The orders on stop are verified in the following bar in which they
take place (Present Bar or Bar where the calculations are being executed). If the trigger price is reached, the
order will be executed at the trigger price that we established in the order.
It is important to note that the orders on stop produced in one bar, are verified only in the following bar.
Therefore, if we wish to place an order on stop at a determined price for more than one bar, we will have to
repeat the order on stop for each one of the bars in which we wished the order is verified.
If the opening price of the following bar (in which the stop is evaluated) supposes a violation of the stop, the
price of execution of the order will be the opening price.
AtLimit. When we place a limit order we are conditioning the execution of our order to that the price
triggering the limit is reached in the next bar. The limit orders are verified in the following bar in which they
take place (Present Bar or Bar where the calculations are being executed). If the trigger price is reached,
the order will be executed at the trigger price that we established in the order.
It is important to note that the limit orders produced in a bar are verified only in the following bar.
Therefore, if we want to place a limit order at a determined price for more than a bar, we will have to
repeat the limit order later for each of the bars in which we wished the order is verified.
If the opening price of the following bar (in which the order is evaluated) supposes a violation of the
established limit, the price of execution of the order will be the opening price.
? Contracts: Is the number of shares/contracts we wish to buy. The contract numeric specifications can be
changed for variables or for any previously defined function. This allows complex money management
analysis. For example: f=Capital/18000 the investment would be 1 contract for every $18,000 dollars
accumulated as a result of the systems' trading.
? Price: Is the buying price. We should assign a value to this parameter only to orders AtStop and AtLimit.
The value can be expressed in the following way:
? A numeric value (a variable or a number wrote directly).
? A function. For example: High.
? A mixture of numeric value and function. E.g. High+1
? Label: Is the label of the order in text format.
Technical Reference:
It is important to understand well this function since all the operations of the system depends on its correct
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ExitShort - EXIT SHORT
This function is used when we wish to close a short position on credit and not to open a new long position or making
a buy. For example, if we have given an order to sell 500 shares and the conditions that have been established to
close the position are fulfilled, we must use ExitShort to close that position.
If we don't specify the number of shares or contracts (Contracts Parameter) neither the label (Label Parameter
supposing that we are using several buy orders), the whole position will be closed and we will be out of the market.
If we did not specify the number of shares but we specify the label, (supposing that we are using several buy orders)
it will close all the contracts/shares corresponding to the order that this label had.
If we specified the number of contracts and the label, then that number of contracts/shares of the order will be
closed whose label we have specified.
If we specified the number of contracts/shares but we did not specify the label and we have several open orders, the
specified contracts of the last order will be closed.
Type of order.
Number of Contracts/Shares.
Selling price.
.ExitShort Type, Contracts, Price, Label
Example: .ExitShort AtStop, 1, .High +10, ”C1”
? Type: reference the type of sell order we want to send. We have four types of orders:
AtClose. When we place an AtClose order (Closing), Visual Chart will execute the close short order at the
closing price of the bar that is calculating at that moment (Current Bar). Therefore, one of the properties of
this type of order is that whenever is emitted, it is going to be executed. We must try that the flow of the
system only arrives at the sell order when we wish that this order took place.
AtMarket. When we place an AtMarket order (Market), Visual Chart will execute the close short order at
the opening price of the next bar that is calculating at that moment (Current Bar). Therefore, one of the
properties of this type of order is that whenever is emitted, it is going to be executed. We must try that the
flow of the system only arrives at your sell order when we wish that this one took place.
AtStop. When we place an order on stop we are conditioning the execution of our order to that the price
triggering the stop is reached in the next bar. The orders on stop are verified in the following bar in which they
take place (Present Bar or Bar where the calculations are being executed). If the trigger price is reached, the
order will be executed at the trigger price that we established in the order.
It is important to note that the orders on stop produced in one bar, are verified only in the following bar.
Therefore, if we wish to place an order on stop at a determined price for more than one bar, we will have to
repeat the order on stop for each one of the bars in which we wished the order is verified.
If the opening price of the following bar (in which the stop is evaluated) supposes a violation of the stop, the
price of execution of the order will be the opening price.
AtLimit. When we place a limit order we are conditioning the execution of our order to that the price
triggering the limit is reached in the next bar. The limit orders are verified in the following bar in which they
take place (Present Bar or Bar where the calculations are being executed). If the trigger price is reached, the
order will be executed at the trigger price that we established in the order.
It is important to note that the limit orders produced in a bar are verified only in the following bar. Therefore,
if we wished to place a limit order at a determined price for more than a bar, we will have to repeat the limit
order after for each of the bars in which we wished that the order is verified.
If the opening price of the following bar (in which the order is evaluated) supposes a violation of the
established limit, the price of execution of the order will be the opening price.
? Contracts: Is the number of shares/contracts we wish to close. The contracts' numeric specifications can
be changed for variables or for any previously defined function. This allows complex money management
analysis. For example: f=Capital/18000 the investment would be 1 contract for every $18,000 dollars
accumulated as a result of the systems' trading.
? Price: Is the sell price at which we will close the position. We should assign a value to this parameter only
to orders AtStop and AtLimit. The value can be expressed in the following way:
? A numeric value (a variable or a number wrote directly).
? A function. For example: High.
? A mixture of numeric value and function. E.g. High+1
? Label: Is the label of the order in text format.
Technical Reference:
It is important to understand well this function since all the operations of the system depends on its correct
GetBarsSinceEntry - BARS SINCE ENTRY
This function is used to know the number of bars completed since we open the position (long or short).
Number of positions ago.
.GetBarsSinceEntry (EntryAgo)
Example: .GetBarsSinceEntry (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wished to consult. It is to say if we wished to know
how many bars have passed since we entered 5 trades ago, we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If
what we wished to know is the number of bars formed from the opening of the current position, it is not necessary to
put nothing in the parameter since by defect it takes value 0, which reference to the present position.
Data Output:
Returns the number of bars since the entry of the indicated position in the parameter EntryAgo. If we haven't entered
in any position, then it will return 0.
GetBarsSinceExits - BARS SINCE EXIT.
This function is used to know the number of bars that has been completed since we closed a position (long or short).
Number of positions ago.
.GetBarsSinceExits (EntryAgo)
Example: .GetBarsSinceExits (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wished to consult. It is to say if we wished to know
how many bars have passed since we exit 5 trades ago, we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If
what we wished to know is the number of bars formed since we closed the current position, it is not necessary to put
nothing in the parameter since it takes value 0 by default, which reference to the present position.
Data Output:
Returns the number of bars since the exit of the indicated position in the parameter EntryAgo. If we haven't exited any
position, then it will return 0.
Technical Reference:
It is necessary to consider that to all the effects the last open trade is considered closed in the current bar (the bar in
which the calculations are being made). Therefore, if we put in the EntryAgo parameter a value of 0, this function will
return a value of 0 because it would consider that this trade is closed in the present bar. It will not happen this if we
are using the options to close long and to close short since when not having any open trade we will not consider it
closed at the closing price of the present bar. Thus, if we use it to buy and to sell, we would have to pass value 1 to
know the closing price of the last position and if we use it to close long and to close short positions, we will have to
pass value 0 to the EntryAgo parameter
span class="Estilo1">
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This function is used to know the date we enter in a position and will return in numeric format. In this format the date
25/11/2000 is considered as the number 20001125.
Number of positions ago.
.GetEntryDate (EntryAgo)
Example: .GetEntryDate (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wished to consult. It is to say if we wished to know the
date we entered 5 trades ago, we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If what we wished to know is
the entry date of the current position, it is not necessary to put nothing in the parameter since it takes the 0 value by
default, which references to the current position.
Data Output:
Returns the entry date of the position indicated in the parameter EntryAgo. If we haven't entered any position, it will
return 0.
GetEntryPrice - ENTER PRICE.
This function is used to know the price at which we have bought or sold to open a position.
Number of positions ago.
.GetEntryPrice (EntryAgo)
Example: .GetEntryPrice (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wished to consult. It is to say if we wish to know the
price we entered 5 trades ago, we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If what we wished to know is
the entry price of the current position, it is not necessary to put nothing in the parameter since it takes the 0 value by
default, which references to the current position.
Data Output:
Returns the entry price of the position entered in the parameter EntryAgo. If we haven't entered in any position, it will
return 0.
span class="Estilo1">
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GetEntryTime - ENTRY TIME.
This function is used to know the time we enter in a position. The time will be returned in military format of 24 hours.
In this format, for example, the time 5:35 p.m. is considered as the number 1735.
Number of positions ago.
.GetEntryTime (EntryAgo)
Example .GetEntryTime (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wished to consult. It is to say if we wish to know the
time we entered 5 trades ago, we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If what we wished to know is
the entry time of the current position, it is not necessary to put nothing in the parameter since it takes the 0 value by
default, which references to the current position.
Data Output:
Returns the entry time of the position entered in the parameter EntryAgo. If we haven't entered in any position, it will
return 0.
This function is used to know the date when we closed a position, and it will be return in numeric format. In this
format the date 25/11/2000 is considered as the number 20001125.
Number of positions ago.
.GetExitDate (EntryAgo)
Example: .GetExitDate (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wished to consult. It is to say if we wish to know the
exit date 5 trades ago, we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If what we wished to know is the exit
date of the current position, it is not necessary to put nothing in the parameter since it takes the 0 value by default,
which references to the current position.
Data Output:
Returns the exit date of the indicated position in the parameter EntryAgo. If we haven't exited any position, it will
return 0.
Technical Reference:
It is necessary to consider that to all the effects the last open trade is considered closed in the current bar (the bar in
which the calculations are being made). Therefore, if we put in the EntryAgo parameter a value of 0, this function will
return the date of the current bar. This wont happen if we are using the options to close long and to close short since
we haven't any open trade we will not consider it closed at the closing price of the present bar. Thus, if we use buy
and sell, we would have to pass value 1 to the parameter EntryAgo to know the date of the last position and if we use
it to close long and to close short positions, we will have to pass value 0 to the EntryAgo parameter.
GetExitPrice - PRICE AT EXIT.
This function is used to know the price at what we exit the position
Parameters :
Number of positions ago.
.GetExitPrice (EntryAgo)
Example: .GetExitPrice (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wished to consult. In other words, if we wish to know
the exit price 5 trades ago, we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If what we wished to know is the
exit price of the current position, it is not necessary to put nothing in the parameter since it takes the 0 value by
default, which references to the current position.
Data Output:
Returns the exit price of the position indicated in the parameter EntryAgo. If we haven't got out of any position, it will
return 0.
Technical Reference:
It is necessary to consider that to all the effects the last open trade is considered closed in the current bar (the bar in
which the calculations are being made). Therefore, if we put in the EntryAgo parameter a value of 0, this function will
return the closing price of the current bar. This wont happen if we are using the options to close long and to close
short since we haven't any open trade we will not consider it closed at the closing price of the present bar. Thus, if we
use buy and sell, we would have to pass value 1 to the parameter EntryAgo to know the exit price of the last position
and if we use it to close long and to close short positions, we will have to pass value 0 to the EntryAgo parameter.
This function is used to know the time at what we closed a position. The time will return in 24 hours military format. In
this format, for example, the time 5:35 p.m. is considered as 1735.
Number of positions ago.
.GetExitTime (EntryAgo)
Example: .GetExitTime (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wished to consult. In other words, if we wish to know
the exit time 5 trades ago, we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If what we wished to know is the
exit time of the current position, it is not necessary to put anything in the parameter since it takes the 0 value by
default, which references to the current position.
Data Output:
Returns the exit time of the position indicated in the parameter EntryAgo. If we haven't got out of any position, it will
return 0.
Technical Reference:
It is necessary to consider that to all the effects the last open trade is considered closed in the current bar (the bar in
which the calculations are being made). Therefore, if we put in the EntryAgo parameter a value of 0, this function will
return the hour of the current bar. This wont happen if we are using the options to close long and to close short since
we haven't any open trade we will not consider it closed at the closing price of the present bar. Thus, if we use buy
and sell, we would have to pass value 1 to the parameter EntryAgo to know the time of the last position and if we use
it to close long and to close short positions, we will have to pass value 0 to the EntryAgo parameter.
This function is used to get the highest value of the last n bars (specified in the parameter Length ) of the data series
specified in the parameter Identifier .
Data Entry:
Any data
High, Low, close, open, indicators, etc...
Source identifier.
Bar field (E.g. PriceHigh=High).
Number of bars back to consider.
.GetHighest (Identifier, TPrice, Length)
Example: .GetHighest (Data, PriceHigh, 10)
? Identifier: Represents the data series that needs to be compared, quotes, moving averages, indicators, etc.
? TPrice: This is the field of the bar that we want to reference. If it is a symbol, we can calculate this function on any
field of the bar. To do that, we need to put in this field any of the following values:
PriceHigh: Equals the High.
PriceLow: Equals the Low.
PriceOpen: Equals the Open.
PriceClose: Equals the Close.
PriceVolume: Equals the Volume.
If we calculated this function on an indicator, we will have to pass like parameter in TPrice the value of PriceClose,
that makes a reference to the closing of the data series of the identifier. If we put PriceHigh or any other it would be
indifferent because it would always return the same value.
Length: In this parameter we will specify the number of bars back to consider. If we wished to obtain the value of
the highest high of the last 10 bars, we will have to put in this parameter an equal value to 10. Any numerical variable
type can be put instead of a number.
Data Output:
If the data we
Highest high in a data series.
are looking for
If the data we
are looking for
NullValue (VBA) ó Null(PDV).
does not
Technical Reference:
It is necessary to keep in mind that this function considers the current bar (the bar in that the calculations are taking
place) to look for the highest high of the series. This is important since this function usually is used to look for rupture
of bands, that is to say, is used to know when the value of the present bar is above to the one of the n previous bars.
In such a way that if we put for example the condition in which the high of the current bar is greater than GetHighest
(Data, PriceHigh, 10) (that would return the high of the last 10 bars), this condition never would be certain because
the function considers the current bar to find the highest high. This problem can be solved saving the value of the
function in a variable whose value we will be able to use in the following bar. We will have to put this allocation at the
end of the code.
GetIndicatorValue - GET INDICATOR VALUE.
This function is used to find the value of an indicator. For that it is necessary to previously determine the function's
identifier in the process InitCalculate through the use of GetIndicatorIdentifier .
Indicator's identifier.
Number of bars back.
Indicator's line to obtain.
.GetIndicatorValue (Identifier, BarsAgo, LineNumber)
Example: .GetIndicatorValue (miRSI, 0, 1)
Identifier: It is the identifier of the indicator that we wish to obtain. In order to create an identifier it is necessary to
declare a variable of type "DataIdentifier" and later to assign in the InitCalculate procedure its value in the
GetIndicatorIdentifier function. This parameter does not receive values by default, reason why we will have to specify
the identifier unavoidably.
BarsAgo: It represents the number of bars back to which we wish to make reference to obtain the value of the
indicator. It is to say if we were using a moving average, an equal value to zero for this parameter would cause that
this function returned the value of the moving average in the present bar. If we passed the value of 1 this would return
the value of the moving average one bar ago and so on. By default this parameter receives a value of 0.
LineNumber: It makes reference to the line number that we wish to obtain. There are some indicators that they
have more than one data line. In these cases if we happened to passed to this parameter the number 1, it will give
back a value referring to the first data line and if we passed the number 2, it will give back the value of the second line
and so on. By default this parameter has the value of 1 that would return the value of the first data line. If we passed
the value of 1, that would return the value of the moving average one bar ago and so on. By default this parameter
receives a value of 0.
Data Output:
GetIndicatorV Value of the specified line and
Technical Reference:
This function is very related to the SetIndicatorValue function that is used to establish the value of an indicator, which
we are creating in VBA. When we establish a value it will request the line number from us, that is the same one that
the one we can request through the GetIndicatorValue function by means of the LineNumber parameter
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Getlowest:Lowest Price.
This function is used to obtain the lowest value of the last n bars (specified in the parameter Length ) of the data series
specified in the parameter Identifier .
Data Entry:
Any data
High, low, close, open, indicators, etc.
Source identifier.
Bar field (E.g. PriceLow=Low).
Number of bars back to be considered.
.GetLowest (Identifier, TPrice, Length)
Example: .GetLowest (Data, PriceLow, 10)
? Identifier: Represents the data series that needs to be compared, quotes moving averages, indicators, etc.
? TPrice: Is the field of the bar that we want to reference. If it is a symbol, we can calculate this function on any field
of the bar. For that we need to place in this field any of the following values:
? PriceHigh: It is equivalent to the High .
? PriceLow: It is equivalent to the Low .
? PriceOpen: It is equivalent to the Open .
? PriceClose: It is equivalent to the Close .
? PriceVolume: It is equivalent to the Volume .
If we calculate this function on an indicator, we will have to pass as a parameter in TPrice the value of PriceClose,
which makes reference to the closing of the data series of the identifier. If we put PriceLow or any other it would be
indifferent because it would always return the same value.
Length: In this parameter we will specify the number of bars back to consider. If we wish to obtain the value of the
lowest low of the last 10 bars, we will have to put in this parameter a value of 10. Any variable of numerical type can
be put instead of a number.
Data Output:
If the data we
The lowest of a data series.
are looking for
If the data we
NullValue (VBA) or Null
are looking for
does not exist
Technical Reference:
It is necessary to keep in mind that this function considers the current bar (the bar where the calculations are taking
place) to look for the lowest low of the series. This is important since this function usually is used to look for rupture
of bands, that is to say, is used to know when the value of the present bar is below one of the n previous bars. In such
a way that if we put for example the condition in which the low of the current bar is lower than GetLowest (Data,
PriceLow, 10) (that would return the low of the last 10 bars), this condition never would be certain because the
function considers the current bar to find the lowest low. This problem can be solved saving the value of the function
in a variable whose value we will be able to use in the following bar. We will have to put this allocation at the end of
the code
GetMarketPosition - CURRENT POSITION.
This function is used to know, while the system is calculating, in what position we are. This is, if we have an open long
position, are out of the market or we have an open short position. This function is very useful if we are working with
orders in stop or limit since we do not know when they have been executed.
Number of bars back.
.GetMarketPosition (EntryAgo)
Example: .GetMarketPosition (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wished to consult. In other words, if we want to know
what type of position was 5 trades ago; we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If what we wished to
know is what type is the current position, it is not necessary to put anything in the parameter since it takes the 0 value
by default, which references to the current position.
Data Output:
If it is a long
It will return 1
If it is a short
It will return -1
If it is a neutral
position (out of It will return 0
the market)
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This function is used to know the maximum number of contracts that has been bought or sold in any position.
Number of back positions.
GetMaxContracts (EntryAgo)
Example: GetMaxContracts (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wish to consult. In other words, if we want to know
the number of contracts/shares bought or sold 5 trades ago; we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If
what we wished to know is the value for the current position, it is not necessary to put anything in the parameter since
it takes the 0 value by default, which references to the current position.
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GetMaxEntries - Higher number of entries.
This function is used to know the maximum number of different entries that has been in a position. A position can have
many different entries based on the label we have established in the order and depending on the way we choose to
match orders.
Number of back positions
.GetMaxEntries (EntryAgo)
Example: .GetMaxEntries (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wished to consult. In other words, if we wish to know
the maximum number of entries 5 trades ago, we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If what we
wished to know is the maximum number of entries of the current position, it is not necessary to put anything in the
parameter since it takes the 0 value by default, which references to the current position.
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Getnhighest-HIGHEST OF nBARS.
This function is used to know highest value of the last n bars (specified in the parameter Length ) of the data series that
is shown in the parameter Identifier and with a consecutive order, which we establish in Nth (the first value, the
second one, etc.).
Data Entry:
Any data
High, low, close, open, indicators etc.
Source Identifier
Order number.
Data field of the bar (E.g. PriceHigh=High).
Number of bars back to be considered.
.GetNthHighest (Identifier, Nth, TPrice, Length)
Example: .GetNthHighest (Data, 3, PriceHigh, 10)
? Identifier: Represents the data series that have to be compared, quotes, moving averages, indicators, etc.
? Nth: Is the ordinal number, which represents the value we wish to obtain. If the Nth value is 1 we will obtain the
first highest value of the last n bars of the series, if Nth value is 2 we will obtain the second highest value of the series
and so on.
? TPrice: Is the field of the bar that we want to reference. If it is a symbol, we can calculate this function on any field
of the bar. For that we need to place in this field any of the following values:
1. PriceHigh: It is equivalent to the High .
2. PriceLow: It is equivalent to the Low .
3. PriceOpen: It is equivalent to the Open .
4. PriceClose: It is equivalent to the Close
5. PriceVolume: It is equivalent to the Volume .
If we calculate this function on an indicator, we will have to pass as a parameter in TPrice the value of PriceClose,
which reference the closing price of the data series of the identifier. If we put PriceHigh or any other it would be
indifferent because it would always return the same value.
Length: In this parameter we will specify the number of bars back to consider. If we wish to obtain the value of the
highest high of the last 10 bars, we will have to put in this parameter a value of 10. Any variable of numerical type can
be put instead of a number.
Data Output:
If the data we
Highest ordinal in the data series.
are looking for
If the data we NullValue (VBA) or Null (PDV)
are looking for When we declare a variable with
does not
this name in PDV it will take the
value of NullValue or null value.
Technical Reference:
It is necessary to keep in mind that this function considers the current bar (the bar where the calculations are taking
place) to look for the nth highest value of the series. This is important because if the Nth value we are looking for is
the current bar the next comparison, for example, could not be true High > GetNthHighest (Data, 1, PriceHigh, 10)
(which will return the first highest bar of the last 10 bars). This problem can be solved saving the value of the function
in a variable whose value we will be able to use in the following bar. We will have to put this allocation at the end of
the code.
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GetNthlowest -LOWEST OF N BARS.
This function is used to obtain the lowest value of the last n bars (specified in the parameter Length ) of the data series
that shows in the parameter Identifier and with a consecutive order, which we establish in Nth (the first value, the
second one, etc.).
Data Entry:
Any data
High, low, close, open, indicators etc.
Source identifier.
Order number.
Data field of the bar (E.g. PriceHigh=High).
Number of bars back to be considered.
.GetNthLowest (Identifier, Nth, TPrice, Length)
Example: .GetNthLowest (Data, 3, PriceLow, 10)
? Identifier: Represents the data series that have to be compared, quotes, moving averages, indicators, etc.
? Nth: Is the ordinal number, which represents the value we wish to obtain. If the Nth value is 1 we will obtain the
first lowest value of the last n bars of the series, if Nth value is 2 we will obtain the second lowest value of the series
and so on.
? TPrice: Is the field of the bar that we want to reference. If it is a symbol, we can calculate this function on any field
of the bar. For that we need to place in this field any of the following values:
1. PriceHigh: It is equivalent to the High .
2. PriceLow: It is equivalent to the Low .
3. PriceOpen: It is equivalent to the Open .
4. PriceClose: It is equivalent to the Close
5. PriceVolume: It is equivalent to the Volume .
If we calculate this function on an indicator, we will have to pass as a parameter in TPrice the value of PriceClose,
which reference the closing price of the data series of the identifier. If we put PriceHigh or any other it would be
indifferent because it would always return the same value.
Length: In this parameter we will specify the number of bars back to consider. If we wish to obtain the value of the
lowest low of the last 10 bars, we will have to put in this parameter a value of 10. Any variable of numerical type can
be put instead of a number.
Data Output:
If the data we
Lowest ordinal in the data series.
are looking for
If the data we NullValue (VBA) or Null (PDV)
are looking for When we declare a variable with
does not
this name in PDV it will take the
value of NullValue or null value.
Technical Reference:
It is necessary to keep in mind that this function considers the current bar (the bar where the calculations are taking
place) to look for the Nth lowest value of the series. This is important because if the Nth value we are looking for is
the current bar the next comparison, for example, could not be true Low < GetNthLowest (Data, 1, PriceLow, 10)
(which will return the first lowest bar of the last 10 bars). This problem can be solved by saving the value of the
function in a variable whose value we will be able to use in the following bar. We will have to put this allocation at the
end of the code.
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GetPivotDown - PIVOT DOWN.
This function is used to obtain the value of the pivot. A pivot is the extreme value of the quote; in this case we can
consider it as a support. Pivots can be calculated on any data series, therefore it can be calculated on symbols or
Data Entry:
Any data
High, low, open, close, indicators...
Series where we will get the pivot.
Numeric value which represents the number of
pivots back that we wish to obtain.
The field of the series from where we want to
obtain the pivot.
Number of bars to the left.
Number of bars to the right.
Number of bars back to be considered to find the
.GetPivotDown (Identifier, Occurrence, TPrice, LeftCount, RightCount, Length)
Example: .GetPivotDown (Data, 1, PriceLow, 2, 2, 50)
? Identifier: Represents the data series that have to be compared, quotes, moving averages, indicators, etc.
? Occurrence: Is a numeric value, which represents the number of pivots we want to find. If we put 1 we will get the
first pivot from the bar we currently are, if we put 2 we will get the second pivot and so on so forth.
? TPrice: Is the field of the bar that we want to reference. If it is a symbol, we can calculate this function on any field
of the bar. For that we need to place in this field any of the following values:
? PriceHigh: It is equivalent to the High .
? PriceLow: It is equivalent to the Low .
? PriceOpen: It is equivalent to the Open .
? PriceClose: It is equivalent to the Close
? PriceVolume: It is equivalent to the Volume .
If we calculate this function on an indicator, we will have to pass as a parameter in TPrice the value of PriceClose,
which reference the closing price of the data series of the identifier. If we put PriceLow or any other it would be
indifferent because it would always return the same value.
? LeftCount: Is the number of bars to the left of the pivot.
? RightCount: Is the number of bars to the right of the pivot.
? Length: In this parameter we will specify the number of bars back to be considered to look for the pivot.
Data Output:
If the pivot we
are looking for The value of the pivot.
If it does not
find any pivot
in the number
of bars
specified in
NullValue (VBA) or Null (PDV)
When we declare a variable with
this name in PDV it will take the
value of NullValue or null value.
Technical Reference:
This function is very useful because it helps to look for supports or inverted patterns. We say that a Low Pivot exists
when a value of a data series is lower or equal to the forward values specified in RightCount and is lower than the
previous values specified in LeftCount.
For example: If we wish to find out what is the pívot, calculated on the lows, with two bars to each side and that is
closest to the present bar, we would have to use the GetPivotDown function (Data, 1, PriceLow, 2, 2, 50). This
function would look for in the previous 50 bars to the present one and would return the value of the closest pivot. The
picture below symbolizes the value that we are looking for in this example. With a circle appears the value that would
return the function. The Pivot could have been calculated on the high, close, an indicator etc.
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This function is used to obtain the value of the pivot. A pivot is the extreme value of the quote; in this case we can
consider it as a resistance. Pivots can be calculated on any data series, therefore it can be calculated on symbols or
Data Entry:
Any data
High, low, open, close, indicators...
Series where we will get the pivot.
Numeric value which represents the number of
pivots back that we wish to obtain.
The field of the series from where we want to
obtain the pivot.
Number of bars to the left.
Number of bars to the right.
Number of bars back to be considered to find the
.GetPivotUp (Identifier, Occurrence, TPrice, LeftCount, RightCount, Length)
Example: .GetPivotUp (Data, 1, PriceHigh, 2, 2, 50)
? Identifier: Represents the data series that have to be compared, quotes, moving averages, indicators, etc.
? Occurrence: Is a numeric value, which represents the number of pivots we want to find. If we put 1 we will get the
first pivot from the bar we currently are, if we put 2 we will get the second pivot and so on so forth.
? TPrice: Is the field of the bar that we want to reference. If it is a symbol, we can calculate this function on any field
of the bar. For that we need to place in this field any of the following values:
? PriceHigh: It is equivalent to the High .
? PriceLow: It is equivalent to the Low .
? PriceOpen: It is equivalent to the Open .
? PriceClose: It is equivalent to the Close
? PriceVolume: It is equivalent to the Volume .
If we calculate this function on an indicator, we will have to pass as a parameter in TPrice the value of PriceClose,
which reference the closing price of the data series of the identifier. If we put PriceHigh or any other it would be
indifferent because it would always return the same value.
? LeftCount: Is the number of bars to the left of the pivot.
? RightCount: Is the number of bars to the right of the pivot.
? Length: In this parameter we will specify the number of bars back to be considered to look for the pivot.
Data Output:
If the pivot we
are looking for The value of the pivot.
If it does not
find any pivot
in the number
of bars
specified in
NullValue (VBA) or Null (PDV)
When we declare a variable with
this name in PDV it will take the
value of NullValue or null value.
Technical Reference:
This function is very useful because it helps to look for resistance or inverted patterns. We say that a High Pivot exists
when a value of a data series is higher or equal to the forward values specified in RightCount and is higher than the
previous values specified in LeftCount.
For example: If we wish to find out what is the pivot, calculated on the highs, with two bars to each side and that is
closest to the present bar, we would have to use the GetPivotUp function (Data, 1, PriceHigh, 2, 2, 50). This function
would look for in the previous 50 bars to the current one and would return the value of the closest pivot. The picture
below symbolizes the value that we are looking for in this example. With a circle appears the value that would return
the function. The Pivot could have been calculated on the high, close, an indicator etc.
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GetPositionprofit -POSITION PROFIT.
This function is used to know the profit that has been obtained in a position. If we don't put any value in the EntryAgo
parameter, takes by default the value of 0, which reference the current position. In this case we will have the profit
that is open in the last position we have entered. This function considers the number of contracts/shares that we have
bought or sold. Therefore, the value that returns will be the difference between the closing of the last bar and the entry
price multiplied by the number of contracts/shares.
Number of back positions.
.GetPositionProfit (EntryAgo)
Example: .GetPositionProfit (0)
EntryAgo: It represents the number of back positions that we wish to consult. In other words, if we want to know
the profit we had 5 trades ago, we would have to pass to this parameter the number 5. If what we want to know is
the profit for the current position, it is not necessary to put anything in the parameter since it takes the 0 value by
default, which reference to the current position.
Data Output:
Returns the profit value in points in the position indicated in the parameter EntryAgo. If we left this field blank, it will
return 0.
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GetPrice - GET PRICE.
This function is used to know the price a field of a certain bar pertaining to a series.
Price field of the bar (PriceHigh,PriceLow,)
Number of bars back
Data series where is applied
.GetPrice (Price,BarsAgo,Data)
Example: .GetPrice (PriceClose, 3, Data)
 Price: Represents the price field of the bar that we want to know: (PriceClose, PriceHigh, PriceLow,
PriceOpen, PriceVolume, PriceOpInt).
 BarsAgo: It is a numerical value that indicates the number of bars back in which the data looks for. The value
by default is 0 which represents the current bar
 Data: It is the data series on which the function is applied. By default, if nothing is specified, is understood that
it is Data0, which refers to the active chart. If there is more than one chart in the window they will be codified
like Data2, Data3, Data4, respectively.
Data Output:
Returns the value of the field specified in reference to the bar in the parameter BarsAgo.
Technical Reference:
We have to keep in mind that if the number of the bar is bigger than the number of bars in the data series, the value
we will get is NullValue.
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GetSwing high-PIVOT VALUE.
This function is similar to GetPivotUp. We use this function to obtain the value of the pivot. A pivot is the highest high
in a group of bars. Pivots can be calculated in any data series; therefore they can be calculated on symbols and
Data Entry:
Any data
High, low, close, open, indicators...
Series where we will get the pivot.
Numeric value which represents the number of
pivots back that we wish to obtain.
The field of the series from where we want to
obtain the pivot.
Number of bars on both sides of the pivot.
Number of bars back to be considered to find the
.GetSwingHigh (Identifier, Occurrence, Tprice, Strength, Length)
Example: .GetSwingHigh (Data, 1, PriceHigh, 2, 50)
? Identifier: Represents the data series that have to be compared, quotes, moving averages, indicators, etc.
? Occurrence: Is a numeric value, which represents the number of pivots we want to find. If we put 1 we will get the
first pivot from the bar we currently are, if we put 2 we will get the second pivot and so on so forth.
? TPrice: Is the field of the bar that we want to reference. If it is a symbol, we can calculate this function on any field
of the bar. For that we need to place in this field any of the following values:
? PriceHigh: It is equivalent to the High .
? PriceLow: It is equivalent to the Low .
? PriceOpen: It is equivalent to the Open .
? PriceClose: It is equivalent to the Close
? PriceVolume: It is equivalent to the Volume .
If we calculate this function on an indicator, we will have to pass as a parameter in TPrice the value of PriceClose,
which reference the closing price of the data series of the identifier. If we put PriceHigh or any other it would be
indifferent because it would always return the same value.
? Strength: Is the number of bars to be considered on both sides of the pivot.
? Length: In this parameter we specified the number of bars back to be used to find the pivot.
Data Output:
If the pivot we
are looking for The value of the pivot.
If it does not
find any pivot
in the number
of bars
specified in
NullValue (VBA) or Null (PDV)
When we declare a variable with
this name in PDV it will take the
value of NullValue or null value.
Technical Reference:
This function is very useful because it helps to look for resistance levels or inverted patterns. We say that a High Pivot
exists when a value in the data series is higher or equal to the forward values specified in RightCount and is higher than
the previous values specified in LeftCount.
For example: If we wish to find out what is the pivot, calculated on the highs, with two bars to each side and that is
closest to the present bar, we would have to use the GetSwingHigh function (Data, 1, PriceHigh, 2, 2, 50). This
function would look for in the previous 50 bars to the current one and would return the value of the closest pivot. The
picture below symbolizes the value that we are looking for in this example. With a circle appears the value that would
return the function. If we take a closer look at the bars left of the pivot we will see the bar after the pivot is lower than
the next one, this does not matter when we determined if it is a pivot or not . What matters is that both bars are lower
than the pivot. The Pivot could have been calculated on the high, close, an indicator etc.
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This function is similar to GetPivotDown. We use this function to obtain the value of the pivot. A pivot is the highest
high in a group of bars. Pivots can be calculated in any data series; therefore they can be calculated on symbols and
Data Entry:
Any data
High, low, close, open, indicators...
Series where we will get the pivot.
Numeric value which represents the number of
pivots back that we wish to obtain.
The field of the series from where we want to
obtain the pivot.
Number of bars on both sides of the pivot.
Number of bars back to be considered to find the
.GetSwingLow (Identifier, Occurrence, TPrice, Strength, Length)
Example: .GetSwingLow (Data, 1, PriceLow, 2, 50)
? Identifier: Represents the data series that have to be compared, quotes, moving averages, indicators, etc.
? Occurrence: Is a numeric value, which represents the number of pivots we want to find. If we put 1 we will get the
first pivot from the bar we currently are, if we put 2 we will get the second pivot and so on so forth.
? TPrice: Is the field of the bar that we want to reference. If it is a symbol, we can calculate this function on any field
of the bar. For that we need to place in this field any of the following values:
? PriceHigh: It is equivalent to the High .
? PriceLow: It is equivalent to the Low .
? PriceOpen: It is equivalent to the Open .
? PriceClose: It is equivalent to the Close
? PriceVolume: It is equivalent to the Volume .
If we calculate this function on an indicator, we will have to pass as a parameter in TPrice the value of PriceClose,
which reference the closing price of the data series of the identifier. If we put PriceHigh or any other it would be
indifferent because it would always return the same value.
? Strength: Is the number of bars to be considered on both sides of the pivot.
? Length: In this parameter we specified the number of bars back to be used to find the pivot.
Data Output:
If the pivot we
are looking for The value of the pivot.
If it does not
find any pivot
in the number
of bars
specified in
NullValue (VBA) or Null (PDV)
When we declare a variable with
this name in PDV it will take the
value of NullValue or null value.
Technical Reference:
This function is very useful because it helps to look for supports or inverted patterns. We say that a Low Pivot exists
when a value in a data series is lower or equal than the number specified as previous and later values in Strength.
For example: If we wish to find out what is the pivot, calculated on the lows, with two bars to each side and that is
closest to the present bar, we would have to use the GetSwingLow function (Data, 1, PriceLow, 2, 2, 50). This
function will search in the previous 50 bars to the current one and would return the value of the closest pivot. The
picture below symbolizes the value that we are looking for in this example. With a circle appears the value that would
return the function. The Pivot could have been calculated on the high, close, an indicator etc.
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GetSymbolIdentifier -SYMBOL
This function is necessary only in the cases in which we want to use the data of a symbol that will not be in screen at
the time of inserting a strategy, because if that is the case it would be more comfortable to use the data. This function
also is effective to reference values of any symbol in a Macro on a Table, because in this case we do not have
available the historical data in screen.
In order to create a data source and to obtain the identifier of the same one it is necessary to previously declare one
variable of DataIdentifier type.
Once defined the variable, we will assign the value of the function GetSymbolIdentifier to obtain the identifier of the
symbol. The identifier of the symbol must be obtained in the OnInitCalculate procedure.
The identifier obtained by this function can be used later in any VBA function in which Data is requested to us (Data
series on which the different functions are calculated).
Code of the symbol we need.
Compression unit.
Type of compression.
Beginning date.
Ending date.
.GetSymbolIdentifier (Symbol, Compression, Cr, FromDate, ToFinalDate)
Example: .GetSymbolIdentifier (010072MFXI ,5 ,CrMinutes, Date-30, Date)
? Symbol: Is the code of the symbol we want to obtain.
? Compression: Is the unit of compression (E.g. 10,5,1, etc.)
? Cr: Is the type of compression. There are four types of compression:
? CrMinutes: To get an intraday chart.
? CrDays: To get a daily chart.
? CrWeeks: To get a daily chart.
? CrMonths: To get a monthly chart.
? FromDate: Is the beginning date of the source whose identifier we are going to request.
? ToFinalDate: Is the ending date of the historical data, which we are going to download. We usually need this date
to be above the current date, that is why we advise to put in this parameter the date 01/01/2037 to assure us that we
always have the data updated from the identifier we want to request.
Data Output:
Data source identifier. Numeric.
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GetIndicatorIdentifier - INDICATOR IDENTIFIER.
Esta función se utiliza para crear la serie de datos correspondiente a un indicador cualquiera y obtener un identificador
de esa serie.
Para ello es necesario declarar previamente una variable de tipo DataIdentifier.
Una vez definida la variable, le asignaremos el valor de la función GetIndicatorIdentifier para crear la serie del
indicador y obtener un identificador del mismo. El identificador del Indicador debe obtenerse en el procedimiento
Para obtener posteriormente un valor del indicador es preciso usar la función GetIndicatorValue y poner en el
parámetro Data la variable en la que hemos guardado el identificador del indicador en cuestión.
El identificador obtenido por esta función puede ser utilizado además en cualquier función de VBA en la que se nos
solicite un Data (Serie de datos sobre la que se calculan las distintas funciones).
Código del indicador.
Identificador de la serie sobre la que se calculará
el indicador.
Primer parámetro específico del indicador.
Segundo parámetro específico del indicador.
Enesimo parámetro específico del indicador.
.GetIndicatorIdentifier (Name, ParentDataIdentifier, ParamArray()
Ejemplo: .GetIndicatorIdentifier (RSI ,Data ,14, 70, 30)
Name: Es el código del Indicador cuyo identificador deseamos obtener.
ParentDataIdentifier: Es la serie sobre la cual se va a calcular el indicador. Si ponemos en este parámetro
Data, estaremos calculando el indicador sobre el data o serie en que se inserte la estrategia. Si deseamos
obtener el identificador de un indicador que se calcula sobre otro deberemos poner en este parámetro el
identificador del indicador sobre el que deseamos se calcule.
ParamArray(): Representa un grupo de parámetros cuyo número no está especificado ya que cada
indicador tiene un número variable. Por ejemplo una media móvil tiene dos parámetros mientras que el RSI
tiene tres. En el ejemplo podemos ver los parámetros “14” que es el periodo, “70” que es la banda superior
del RSI y “30” que es la banda inferior del RSI. El orden en el que deben ponerse los parámetros es el
mismo en que figuran en el cuadro de diálogo que nos aparece cuando vamos a insertar el indicador en un
gráfico, correspondiendo el primero de la función con el superior del cuadro. Si el parámetro es de tipo Price,
hace referencia a uno de los campos de la barra (Cierre, Apertura, etc.) como sería el caso de una media
móvil cuyo segundo parámetro es origen de los datos. En estos casos, debemos especificar el campo de la
barra sobre la que se calculará el indicador. Tendremos que poner cualquiera de las siguientes constantes que
equivalen a esos campos:
1. PriceHigh: Equivale a la Máxima.
2. PriceLow: Equivale a la Mínima.
3. PriceOpen: Equivale a la Apertura.
4. PriceClose: Equivale al Cierre.
5. PriceVolume: Equivale al Volumen.
Salida de Datos:
GetIndicatorId Identificador de un indicador.
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Data Entry:
Elements in a
High, low, open, close...
data table
Series where the formula is applied
Number of bars.
It is the highest price between the high of one bar and the closing of the previous bar.
.GetTrueHigh (Data, nBars)
? Data : Represents the series where the function is applied.
? nBars: Represents the number of bars where the formula is applied.
Data Output:
Valid numeric data.
Data we will get when we tried
to access an inexistent bar.
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This function returns the high in any bar.
Data Entry:
Any data
High prices in any data series.
Number of bars back.
Primary data source.
Example: .High(3,Data)
? Bars: Is the number of bars back to be considered.
? By default, if you do not specify anything it will take the 0 value, which refers to the current bar.
? In this parameter we can place any numeric value inserted as a variable or type directly the number.
? You can specify it as a function changing the numeric value.
? Data: Is the data set where we can get the closing price of any specific bar.
? By default, if you don't specify anything, the system will act on Data0, which is the name of the data set of the chart
where the strategy is applied.
? If there were more than one chart in the window, they would be taken as Data2, Data3, Data4, respectively.
Data Output:
Returns the high of the bar.
Technical Reference:
If we want to access to the high price of the fifth bar back we should place the expression “ 5” to the parameter Bars.
To this parameter we can only pass positive values, in that way we wont be able to access a bar in the future (in case
we place a negative value).
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Entrada de Datos:
Elementos de
una tabla de Máximas, mínimas, cierres, aperturas...
Serie de datos sobre la que se aplica la función.
Campo de cotizaciones.
Número de barras.
Gives back the number of the bar where the lowest value of a serie occurs.
.GetLowestBar = (Data1,Precio, n)
Data: Represents the serie of data we are going to applicate the fonction in
Precio: Represents the cotationfield that we are going to use (PriceClose, PriceHigh, PriceLow,etc.).
n: Number of bars back that we are going to use.
Data exit:
Number of bars back where the
lower value has occurred. .
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Low - LOW
This function returns the low in any bar.
Data Entry:
Any data
Low prices in any data series.
Number of bars back.
Primary data source.
Example: .Low(3,Data)
? Bars: Is the number of bars back to be considered.
? By default, if you do not specify anything it will take the 0 value, which refers to the current bar.
? In this parameter we can place any numeric value inserted as a variable or type directly the number.
? You can specify it as a function changing the numeric value.
? Data: It is the data set where we can get the closing price of any specific bar.
? By default, if you don't specify anything, the system will act on Data0, which is the name of the data set of the chart
where the strategy is applied.
? If there were more than one chart in the window, they would be taken as Data2, Data3, Data4, respectively.
Data Output:
Returns the low of the bar.
Technical Reference:
If we want to access to the low price of the fifth bar back we should place the expression “ 5” to the parameter Bars.
To this parameter we can only pass positive values, in that way we wont be able to access a bar in the future (in case
we place a negative value).
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This function is used to transform the number of minutes from midnight to numerical format time.
This function works altogether with TimeToMinutes, and is necessary because in Visual Chart we considered the
hour of the bars in numerical format (3:30 p.m. is considered like number 330). For this reason if we wished to
subtract two different times to know the number of minutes passed or to add minutes to a time already known, we
need the aid of these two functions.
Number of minutes since midnight
.MinutesToTime (Minutes)
Data Output:
Time in numeric format
Technical Reference:
If we want to do the following calculation: Time1+(Time2-Time3) ( Supposing that these three times are in numerical
format) we would have to do the following thing:
First of all we need to use the function TimeToMinutes to convert Time1, Time2 y Time3 in minutes from midnight.
? Once we did this we have to apply the formula and then we use the function MinutesToTime to go back to the
resulting number (in minutes format from midnight) in numeric format time.
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Net Profit -NET PROFIT.
This function is used to obtain the value of the profit that our system has accumulated until the current bar (the bar in
which the calculations are being made). In order to obtain the total profit we considered that the last open trade ends
in the closing price of the present bar.
Type of calculation (by points/percentage).
.NetProfit (Show As SttRepresentation)
Example: .NetProfit (Points)
? Show: Represents the type of data we need to obtain. There are two options for this parameter “by points” and
“percentage”. If we chose by points the value returned will be in points and if we chose percentage it will return the
percentage profit obtain until that bar.
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Net Profit -NET PROFIT.
This function is used to obtain the value of the profit that our system has accumulated until the current bar (the bar in
which the calculations are being made). In order to obtain the total profit we considered that the last open trade ends
in the closing price of the present bar.
Type of calculation (by points/percentage).
.NetProfit (Show As SttRepresentation)
Example: .NetProfit (Points)
? Show: Represents the type of data we need to obtain. There are two options for this parameter “by points” and
“percentage”. If we chose by points the value returned will be in points and if we chose percentage it will return the
percentage profit obtain until that bar.
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This function returns the opening price of the bar.
Data Entry:
Any data
Open prices in the dataset.
Number of bars back.
Primary data source.
.Open (Bars, Data)
Example: .Open(3,Data1)
? Bars: Is the number of bars back to be considered.
? By default, if you do not specify anything it will take the 0 value, which refers to the current bar.
? In this parameter we can place any numeric value inserted as a variable or type directly the number.
? You can specify it as a function changing the numeric value.
? Data: It is the data set where we can get the opening price of any specific bar.
? By default, if you don't specify anything, the system will act on Data0, which is the name of the data set of the chart
where the strategy is applied.
? If there were more than one chart in the window, they would be taken as Data2, Data3, Data4, respectively.
Data output:
Returns the opening price of the
Technical Reference:
If we want to access to the opening price of the fifth bar back we should place the expression “ 5” to the parameter
Bars. To this parameter we can only pass positive values, in that way we wont be able to access a bar in the future (in
case we place a negative value).
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Sell - SELL
This function is used to issue sell orders. It is used indifferently to sell futures contracts, sell shares on credit, etc. It is
important to consider that this function is used to open short positions, not only to close long positions. Therefore, if
we want to close a long position without opening a short position on credit, we will have to use the ExitLong function
Type of order.
Number of contracts/shares.
Buying price.
.Sell (Type, Contracts, Price, Label )
Example: .Sell AtStop, 1, .Close-100, "V1"
? Type: reference the type of sell order we want to send. We have four types of orders:
? AtClose. When we place an AtClose order (Closing), Visual Chart will execute the close short order at the
closing price of the bar that is calculating at that moment (Current Bar). Therefore, one of the properties of this type of
order is that whenever is emitted, it is going to be executed. We must try that the flow of the system only arrives at the
sell order when we wish that this order took place.
? AtMarket. When we place an AtMarket order (Market), Visual Chart will execute the close short order at the
opening price of the next bar that is calculating at that moment (Current Bar). Therefore, one of the properties of this
type of order is that whenever is emitted, it is going to be executed. We must try that the flow of the system only
arrives at your sell order when we wish that this one took place.
? AtStop. When we place an order on stop we are conditioning the execution of our order to that the price
triggering the stop is reached in the next bar. The orders on stop are verified in the following bar in which they take
place (Present Bar or Bar where the calculations are being executed). If the trigger price is reached, the order will be
executed at the trigger price that we established in the order.
It is important to note that the orders on stop produced in one bar, are verified only in the following bar. Therefore, if
we wish to place an order on stop at a determined price for more than one bar, we will have to repeat the order on
stop for each one of the bars in which we wished the order is verified.
If the opening price of the following bar (in which the stop is evaluated) supposes a violation of the stop, the price of
execution of the order will be the opening price.
? AtLimit. When we place a limit order we are conditioning the execution of our order to that the price triggering
the limit is reached in the next bar. The limit orders are verified in the following bar in which they take place (Present
Bar or Bar where the calculations are being executed). If the trigger price is reached, the order will be executed at the
trigger price that we established in the order.
It is important to note that the limit orders produced in a bar are verified only in the following bar. Therefore, if we
wished to place a limit order at a determined price for more than a bar, we will have to repeat the limit order later for
each of the bars in which we wished the order were verified.
If the opening price of the following bar (in which the order is evaluated) supposes a violation of the established limit,
the price of execution of the order will be the opening price.
? Contracts: Is the number of shares/contracts we wish to sell. The contracts' numeric specifications can be changed
for variables or for any previously defined function. This allows complex money management analysis. For example:
f=Capital/18000 the investment would be 1 contract for every $18,000 dollars accumulated as a result of the systems'
? Price: Is the sell price. We should assign a value to this parameter only on AtStop and AtLimit orders. The value
can be expressed in the following way:
? A numeric value (a variable or a number wrote directly).
? A function. For example: Low.
? A mixture of numeric value and function. E.g. Low - 10
? Label: Is the label of the order in text format.
Technical Reference:
It is important to understand well this function since all the operations of the system depends on its correct use.
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ShouldTerminate is a boolean variable of the system that is initialized with the False value. This function is used to
interrupt the calculations of a certain strategy. For that we will have to put in this variable a True value and at that very
moment the calculations bar to bar for our strategy (Indicator, System, Study) will be interrupted.
This can be useful if we worked with long data series and we want to stop the calculation of a system when a
predetermined circumstances occur, for example, that 1000 bars of calculation have passed and the profit is lower
than 100 dollars. In the following example we show this condition:
If .CurrentBar = 1000 and .NetProfit < 100 then
ShouldTerminate = True
End if
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Data Entry:
Elements in a
High, low, open, close...
data table
Series where the formula is applied
Number of bars.
It is the highest price between the high of one bar and the closing of the previous bar.
.GetTrueHigh (Data, nBars)
? Data : Represents the series where the function is applied.
? nBars: Represents the number of bars where the formula is applied.
Data Output:
Valid numeric data.
Data we will get when we tried
to access an inexistent bar.
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This function gives back the value of the Time (hour) that the bar has imprinted. The hour of a bar is given by the last
hour of the temporary period that summarizes the bar. For example, if we used 30 minutes bars, the temporary period
included between the 10:00 and the 10:30 will give back a value of 1030. The hour of a bar is considered in military
format of twenty-four hours and as a number, that is to say, a bar that finalizes at 5:35 p.m. would return a numerical
value equivalent to 1735, that to all the effects it can be considered as a number.
Data Entry:
Any data
Times in a data series.
Number of bars back.
Primary data source.
.Time (Bars, Data)
? Bars: Is the number of bars back to be considered.
? By default, if you do not specify anything it will take the 0 value, which refers to the current bar.
? In this parameter we can place any numeric value inserted as a variable or type directly the number.
? You can specify it as a function changing the numeric value.
? Data: It is the data set where we can get the time of any specific bar.
? By default, if you don't specify anything, the system will act on Data0, which is the name of the data set of the chart
where the strategy is applied.
? If there were more than one chart in the window, they would be taken as Data2, Data3, Data4, respectively.
Data output:
Returns the time of a bar.
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Data Entry:
Elements in a
High, low, open, close...
data table
Series where the formula is applied
Number of bars.
It is the lowest price between the low of one bar and the closing of the previous bar.
.GetTrueLow (Data, nBars)
? Data : Represents the series where the function is applied.
? nBars: Represents the number of bars where the formula is applied.
Data Output:
Valid numeric data.
Data we will get when we tried
to access an inexistent bar.
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Data Entry:
Elements in a
High, low, open, close...
data table
Series where the formula is applied
Number of bars.
Returns the difference between the TrueHigh and the TrueLow.
.GetTrueRange (Data,BarsAgo)
? Data : Represents the series where the function is applied.
? BarsAgo: Represents the number of bars back where the formula is applied.
Data Output:
Valid numeric data.
Data we will get when we tried
to access an inexistent bar.
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Returns the number of minutes that has passed since 00:00 hours.
TimeToMinutes (15:30)
Data Output:
Minutes in numeric format.
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This function returns the value of the volume of a bar. That is to say, it returns the number of shares or contracts
negotiated during the temporary space of the bar.
Data Entry:
Any data
Volume in a data series.
Number of bars back.
Primary data source.
.Volume (Bars, Data)
? Bars: Is the number of bars back to be considered.
? By default, if you do not specify anything it will take the 0 value, which refers to the current bar.
? In this parameter we can place any numeric value inserted as a variable or type directly the number.
? You can specify it as a function changing the numeric value.
? Data: It is the data set where we can get the volume of any specific bar.
? By default, if you don't specify anything, the system will act on Data0, which is the name of the data set of the chart
where the strategy is applied.
? If there were more than one chart in the window, they would be taken as Data2, Data3, Data4, respectively.
Data output:
Returns the number of shares/contracts traded in a bar.
Technical Reference:
If we want to access the Volume of the fifth bar back we should place the expression “ 5” to the parameter Bars. To
this parameter we can only pass positive values, in that way we wont be able to access a bar in the future (in case we
place a negative value).
RSI - Relative strenght index.
Technical Data:
Close i
Closing price of the current bar
Close i-1
Closing price of the previous bar
Number of bars to be considered
Value of the upper band
Value of the lower band
? If Clo i > Clo i-1 then:
if not
? If Clo i < Clo i-1 then:
if not
? Taking the register p+1 we calculate:
Data Output:
RSI – Relative Strength Index
Configurable upper band
Configurable lower band
Technical Reference:
The RSI is a very popular oscillator. The name is a little deceptive because it does not compare the relative forces of
two values but the internal strength of a single value. An appropriate name would be Internal Strength Index.
A popular method of analyzing the RSI is to look for a divergence. If the instrument is making a new high, but the
RSI is failing to exceed its previous high, this "divergence" is an indication of a coming reversal. When the RSI then
turns down and falls below its most recent trough, it is said to have completed a "failure swing" and therefore
confirmed the coming reversal.
Different ways to interpret the RSI can be:
? Overbought and Oversold. The RSI indicator ranges in value from 0 to 100, with numbers above 70 indicating
overbought conditions and below 30 indicating oversold. If the RSI rises above 30, it is considered bullish, while if
the RSI falls below 70, it is considered bearish.
? Pattern formation. The RSI frequently shows patterns like head-and-shoulders, triangles, etc. That can be
ignored in the price chart.
? Runaway: When the RSI goes above its historical highest or lower points.
? Support and resistance: Sometimes the RSI shows more clearly than the prices themselves, the support and
resistance areas.
? Divergence: When prices reached a new high or low and the RSI line doesn't, therefore there is not confirmation
and prices tend to make a correction and change direction.
Related Functions:
Simple Moving Average.
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Max i
High of the current bar.
Min i
Low of the current bar.
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
The number of periods over which the raw
stochastic is calculated .
The first smoothing of the raw stochastic, usually
with a 3-period exponential moving average.
The smoothing of the %k value, usually with
another 3-period exponential moving average.
Also known as slow K.
Type of average used to make the calculations
(we can choose between simple, weighted and
Value of the upper band
Value of the lower band
? It looks for the High over a period p.
? It looks for the Low over a period p.
? It calculates SK:
? It calculates SD applying an exponential moving average over SK on the period p2.
Data Output:
Line 1 of the Stochastic
Line 2 of the Stochastic
Oscillator (it is shown by default
as a black line)
Upper Band
Configurable Upper Band
Lower Band
Configurable Lower Band
Technical Reference:
Stochastic measures the position of a stock compared with its most recent trading range over the period specified
(Raw K period). Specifically, it measures the relationship between the closing price of a stock and it's high and low
during a specific number of bars (minutes, days, weeks, etc). As a stock price rises, the closing price tends to be
closer to the extreme highs of the stock, and as prices fall, the closing price tends to fall closer to the extreme lows.
There are different ways to trade with this oscillator:
? Buy when any of the lines falls below a specific area, for example 20 and starts rising immediately above the same
level. Sell when the line goes above the 80 level and starts falling immediately below the same level.
? Buy when %K moves above %D and sell when the %D line moves below the %K line.
? Look for divergence, for example, when prices reached high levels and the oscillator doesn't.
Related Functions:
onential Exponential Moving Average
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Max i
High of the current bar.
Min i
Low of the current bar.
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Number of bars to be considered
Value of the upper band
Value of the lower band
? It looks for the High over a period p.
? It looks for the Low over a period p.
And last:
Data Output:
Williams %R
Configurable Upper Band
Configurable Lower Band
Technical Reference:
Developed by Larry Williams, Williams %R is a momentum indicator that works much like the Stochastic Oscillator.
It is especially popular for measuring overbought and oversold levels. The scale ranges from 0 to -100 with readings
from 0 to -20 considered overbought, and readings from -80 to -100 considered oversold.
William %R, sometimes referred to as %R, shows the relationship of the close relative to the high-low range over a
set period of time. The nearer the close is to the top of the range, the nearer to zero (higher) the indicator will be. The
nearer the close is to the bottom of the range, the nearer to -100 (lower) the indicator will be. If the close equals the
high of the high-low range, then the indicator will show 0 (the highest reading). If the close equals the low of the
high-low range, then the result will be -100 (the lowest reading).
It is important to remember that overbought does not necessarily imply time to sell and oversold does not necessarily
imply time to buy. A security can be in a downtrend, become oversold and remain oversold as the price continues to
trend lower. Once a security becomes overbought or oversold, traders should wait for a signal that a price reversal
has occurred. One method might be to wait for Williams %R to cross above or below -50 for confirmation. Price
reversal confirmation can also be accomplished by using other indicators or aspects of technical analysis in
conjunction with Williams %R.
One method of using Williams %R might be to identify the underlying trend and then look for trading opportunities in
the direction of the trend. In an up trend, traders may look to oversold readings to establish long positions. In a
downtrend, traders may look to overbought readings to establish short positions.
Related Functions:
onential Exponential Moving Average
Stochastic Oscillator
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties box:
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
Tecnical Data:
Max i
High of the current bar.
Max i-1
High of the previous bar.
Min i
Low of the current bar.
Min i-1
Low of the current bar.
Number of bars to be considered
Value of the upper band
Value of the lower band
This data will be considered if the difference is positive. Otherwise it takes value 0.
This data will be considered if the difference is positive. Otherwise it takes value 0.
Data Output:
DMK Oscillator
Configurable Upper Band
Configurable Lower Band
Technical Reference:
The interpretation of the DMK oscillator is very similar to the Stochastic oscillator with the difference of which the
graph shows a single line and displays a somewhat different modulation.
The oscillator moves between 0% and 100%. Between 80% and 100% it indicates that the value is overbought
whereas between 0% and 20% indicates that it is oversold.
As all the overbought and oversold oscillators it is necessary to wait for until the prices confirm the change of trend
before acting in the market. For example, if a overbought/oversold indicator (as the Stochastic or Williams %R)
shows overbought conditions is better to wait for the price to confirm the change of trend to sell (the MACD is a
good indicator to show changes in the prices and therefore it is good to confirm these changes) at high prices.
An interesting phenomenon of DMK is its ability to anticipate itself to the changes of trend in the markets. This
indicator reaches its high point and almost always changes of trend a few bars before the price changes direction
The DMK oscillator offers short term trading opportunities. Also it can be used from a chartist point of view studying
the divergences, supports and resistance, short-term channels and other patterns that sometimes shows the graph.
Finally to indicate that it is frequently shown the cyclical tendencies of the prices' curve with more clarity than the
prices themselves.
Related Functions:
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Max i
High of the current bar.
Min i
Low of the current bar.
Clo i
Close of the current bar
Number of bars
Number of bars
Value of the upper band
Value of the middle band
Value of the lower band
Calculate Data1 y Data2 as:
We calculate VAR1 in this way :
If one of this two conditions is true
Then a=1
If one of these conditions is true:
Then b=1
Finally if a=1 and b=1 then VAR1=1
Now we calculate VAR2 in this way:
If one of this two conditions is true
Then c=1
If one of these conditions is true:
Then d=1
Finally if c=1 and d=1 then VAR2=1
We calculate DEN:
And finally we calculate REI as follows:
Data Output:
TD Range Expansion Index
Configurable upper band
Configurable middle band
Configurable lower band
Technical Reference:
The interpretation of the REI oscillator is very similar to the Stochastic oscillator with the difference of which the graph
shows a single line and it moves with more cyclical tendency.
The oscillator moves between -100% and 100%. Between 70% and 100% it indicates that the value is overbought
whereas between -70% and -100% indicates that it is oversold.
As all the overbought and oversold oscillators it is necessary to wait for the prices to confirm the change of trend
before acting in the market. For example, if a overbought/oversold indicator (as the Stochastic or Williams %R)
shows overbought conditions is better to wait for the price to confirm the change of trend to sell (the MACD is a
good indicator to show changes in the prices and therefore it is good to confirm these changes) at high prices.
The REI oscillator offers short term trading opportunities. Also it can be used from a chartist point of view studying
the divergences, supports and resistance, short-term channels and other patterns that sometimes shows the chart.
Related Functions:
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
MACD - Weighted average of convergence divergence.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (we can select between Close, Open, High...)
Periods applied to the first exponential average.
Periods applied to the second exponential
Periods applied to the signal.
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more
? From the P2 register:
? The signal is obtained as follows
Data Output:
MACD oscillator line
Signal line
Configurable Band
Technical Reference:
The MACD (Moving average convergence/divergence) is a trend follower indicator that shows the existing
difference between two exponential moving average with different periods. It uses a shorter period exponential
moving average and it will appear drawn upon the MACD that will serve as a buy signal. The MACD indicator is
very effective in the markets with great oscillations. There are three different ways to use this indicator: Crossings of
lines, overbought and oversold conditions and divergences.
? Crossings: the basic rule is to sell when the indicator falls below the signal line and buy when it moves above the
same line. It is also very common to buy or sell when the MACD is above/below the zero line.
? Overbought and Oversold: The MACD is also useful as an overbought or oversold indicator. When the short
moving average is well above the long one (the MACD is raising) the prices are overvalued and a change in trend is
possible towards nearer levels of the averages' values. The overbought and oversold conditions vary depending on the
type of market or security.
? Divergence: A change in the trend can be observed if there is a divergence between the prices of a security and
what it indicates the oscillator. A bearish divergence happens when the values of MACD are very low and the prices
stay at previous levels.
On the other side, a bullish divergence happens when the MACD is reaching high values and the prices do not
correspond. These divergences are significant when happens in overbought or oversold levels.
Related Functions:
[AvExponential] Exponential Moving Average
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
PriceOsc - Price oscilator.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can choose between Close, Open, High...)
Period applied to the first exponential average.
Period applied to the second exponential
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more
Data Output:
Oscillator line
Configurable Band
Technical Reference:
The Price Oscillator is a trend follower indicator that shows the existing difference between two exponential moving
averages with different periods.
The Price Oscillator is very effective in the markets with great oscillations. There are three different ways to make
use of this indicator: Crossings of lines, overbought and oversold conditions and divergences.
 Crossings: The basic rule is to sell when the indicator falls below the zero line and to buy when that line
Overbought and Oversold : The Price Oscillator is also useful indicating overbought and oversold
conditions. When the line is well above zero the prices are overvalued and is probable that there is going to be
a change of tendency towards the zero level. The overbought and oversold conditions vary depending on the
type of market or security.
Divergences: A change of trend can be observed if there is a divergence between the prices of a security
and what indicates the oscillator. A bearish divergence happens when the values of the oscillator are very low
and the prices stay at previous levels.
On the contrary, a bullish divergence happens when the oscillator is reaching high values and the prices do not
correspond. These divergences are significant when happens in overbought or oversold levels.
The PRI Indicator shows the difference between the values of two moving average. This difference is expressed by
means of percentage.
The PRI is an oscillator very similar to MACD in their components. The PRI is calculated from two moving average
with different periods whose difference is reflected as a linear graph. A way to analyze movable averages is to
consider the relative position of both: when the short period average (fast) is above the long one (slow) is understood
like a positive situation of the oscillator in a bullish sense; when the short period average is below the long one will
indicate a bearish feeling of the market.
An oscillator that calculates the difference between two averages indicates with effectiveness the extreme values that
can be understood as overbought and oversold levels.
Related Functions:
[AvExponential] Exponential Moving Average
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Momentum - Momentum oscilator.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can choose between Close, Open, High...)
Period applied to the first exponential average.
On what data of the bar we are going to work (Close,
Open, High...)
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more clearly
Data Output:
Oscillator Line
Configurable Band
Technical Reference:
The Momentum Oscillator measures the difference of the specified closing of a bar with respect to previous ones in an
N period. The interpretation of the oscillator is identical to the ROC indicator. Both indicators show the speed of the
change of price of the stock. Nevertheless the indicator ROC shows the change in a percentage way whereas
Momentum shows the change as a proportion. It is possible to be used in two ways:
? The Momentum Oscillator can be used like as a trend follower oscillator similar to the MACD. Buy when the
indicator changes its trend in the lowest levels and sell when the indicator changes its trend in its highest levels. We can
plot a short moving average, for example 9 periods, to observe if a change in trend takes place. If the Momentum
reaches extraordinarily high or low levels (relative to its historical values) it is necessary to assume that it is a
continuation of the trend. For example if the oscillator reaches very high levels, the tendency of the prices to continue
even higher are very likely. In any case we have to confirm with the trend of the prices the signals generated by the
? MOM can be used as a predictive indicator. This method assumes that when reaches very high valuations it
corresponds with fast movements. (When there is a bullish expectation). When it reaches very low values correspond
with a fast collapse of the prices. (When there is a massive exit of the market). When the market reaches high levels
the indicator will raise fast taking place a deceleration the next time the prices continue with the trend, then taking
place a divergence between both. Next, surely, the market will also follow the change of trend indicated by the
indicator. On the contrary the Momentum indicator will move lower quickly when the prices are falling and later it will
smoothes up taking place a divergence.
Related Functions:
[Momentum] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
MomentumSlow - Flat momentum oscilator.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can choose between Close, Open, High...)
Period of the previous bar p1.
Period of the first simple average.
Period of the second simple average.
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more
Data Output:
Momentum slow line 1
Momentum slow line 2
Configurable Value of the Band
Technical Reference:
The Momentum Oscillator Slow measures the difference of the specified closing of a bar with respect to previous
ones in an N period. The difference with the classic Momentum is in the leveling produced by the use of a moving
average to express the data. In addition a second moving average is used as signal similar to other oscillators like the
The interpretation of this oscillator is identical as the Momentum oscillator. Both indicators show the change in speed
of the stock's prices. Nevertheless the Momentum indicator shows the change in a direct way whereas Momentum
Slow shows the change flattened by a moving average. It is possible to be used in three ways:
? The Momentum Oscillator Slow can be used like as a trend follower oscillator similar to the MACD. Buy when
the indicator changes its trend in the lowest levels and sell when the indicator changes its trend in its highest levels. We
can plot a short moving average, for example 9 periods, to observe if a change in trend takes place. If the Momentum
reaches extraordinarily high or low levels (relative to its historical values) it is necessary to assume that it is a
continuation of the trend. For example if the oscillator reaches very high levels, the tendency of the prices to continue
even higher are very likely. In any case we have to confirm with the trend of the prices the signals generated by the
? MOM Slow can be used as a predictive indicator. This method assumes that when reaches very high valuations it
corresponds with fast movements. (When there is a bullish expectation). When it reaches very low values correspond
with a fast collapse of the prices. (When there is a massive exit of the market). When the market reaches high levels
the indicator will raise fast taking place a deceleration the next time the prices continue with the trend, then taking
place a divergence between both. Next, surely, the market will also follow the change of trend indicated by the
indicator. On the contrary the Momentum indicator will move lower quickly when the prices are falling and later it will
smoothes up taking place a divergence.
? The Momentum Oscillator Slow can be used in a similar way as the MACD buying when the fast line crosses
above the slow line and selling when the fast line moves below the slow one.
Related Functions:
Simple Moving Average
[MomentumSlow] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
PriceROC - Price rate of change.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can choose between Close, Open, High...)
Periods applied to the first exponential average.
On what data of the bar we are going to work (Close,
Open, High...)
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more clearly
Data Output:
ROC Line
Configurable value of the Band
Technical Reference:
The ROC indicator shows the difference between the current price and the price in a period of time p. The difference
can be expressed in points as in percentage.
It is rather a well-known phenomenon that the prices of a stock are appraised and retract in cyclical movements and
waves. The ROC displays these undulatory movements measuring the behavior of the prices with respect to a certain
period of time. As the prices are increased the oscillator ROC rises, whereas when the prices go lower ROC
descends. Whichever greater it is the change in the prices greater will be the ROC reading.
The period of time used in ROC can vary from a bar (whose results in a chart will be very volatile) to whatever is
desired. The more popular periods are those of 12 and 25 bars for medium and short periods.
A 12 period ROC is an excellent overbought and oversold indicator for medium term period. The greater the ROC
indicator the greater will be the level of overbought value. Whereas the lower it is ROC the most possibilities of a
bullish change in trend will be. Nevertheless with all these overbought and oversold indicators we have to be prudent
to wait that the market begins to correct before placing our money. A market that seems overbought can remain the
same for some time. In fact very strong indications of overbought and oversold can indicate persistence of the trend.
A 12 period ROC tends to be very cyclical, oscillating back and forth in very clear and regular cycle. Often the
changes of trend in the prices can be anticipated studying the cycles of the ROC and relating the previous cycles of
the market.
It can also be used like mechanical system buying if it crosses up the line of zero and selling when it crosses down this
line. As in other occasions we recommended to use the optimization functions of Visual Chart Line to optimize the
trading points. It is recommendable to use this oscillator in consensus with other trend follower indicators.
Related Functions:
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Clo i
Closing price of the current bar
Number of selected bars.
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more clearly
Data Output:
DPO Line
Configurable value of the Band
Technical Reference:
Helps to identify cycles and overbought / oversold areas independently of the price behavior.
Long-term cycles are form with shorter-term cycles. Analyzing short-term cycles we can identify when the trend
changes in the longer-term cycles. On the other hand the DPO pays greater attention to short periods of price without
considering long-term trends .
It is necessary to choose a suitable period of time since the cycles with smaller duration are better analyzed.
Short-term traders can buy when the oscillator moves to positive territory and sell when it moves to negative. We
recommend analyzing the results market by market to analyze the tendency to move in cycles of the indicator. Is
evident that the markets that tend to move in long trends following great periods of congestion will get poorer results.
Related Functions:
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties box:
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Trix - TRIX
Technical Data:
Exponential. Moving Average
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can choose between Close, Open, High...)
Periods applied to the first exponential average
Periods applied to the second exponential
Periods applied to the third exponential average
Periods to calculate the percentage change
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more
We have to calculate the percentage change over a period C:
Data Output:
Oscillator Line Trix
Configurable Value of the Band
Technical Reference:
Trix is a momentum oscillator. It measures therefore the percentage of change that is experienced in a certain stock.
The particularity of this indicator is in the processes of internal calculation: First of all, three moving averages are
applied in cascade on the data of the previous calculation with the intention to flatten the erratic movements of the
stock, second of all, the comparisons of data do not take place on prices and average like in the other oscillators of
the group, but between the data of the last calculated exponential average.
From a technical point of view we can interpret this indicator in two ways:
? The TRIX Oscillator can be used like as a trend follower oscillator similar to the MACD. Buy when the indicator
changes its trend in the lowest levels and sell when the indicator changes its trend in its highest levels.
? MOM can be used as a predictive indicator. This method assumes that when reaches very high valuations it
corresponds with fast movements. (When there is a bullish expectation). When it reaches very low values correspond
with a fast collapse of the prices. (When there is a massive exit of the market). When the market reaches high levels
the indicator will raise fast taking place a deceleration the next time the prices continue with the trend, then taking
place a divergence between both. Next, surely, the market will also follow the change of trend indicated by the
indicator. On the contrary the TRIX indicator will move lower quickly when the prices are falling and later it will
smoothes up taking place a divergence.
Related Functions:
Exponential Moving Average
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Max i
High of the bar.
Min i
Low of the bar.
Clo i
Close of the bar.
Number of bars to be considered.
Number of bars for the second average
Maximum percentage move aloud during a
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more
Data Output:
CCI Line
Configurable Value of the Band
Technical Reference:
Developed by Donald Lambert, the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) was designed to identify cyclical turns in
commodities. The assumption behind the indicator is that commodities (or stocks or bonds) move in cycles, with highs
and lows coming at periodic intervals. Lambert recommended using 1/3 of a complete cycle (low to low or high to
high) as a time frame for the CCI.
For scaling purposes, Lambert set the constant at .015 to ensure that approximately 70 to 80 percent of CCI values
would fall between -100 and +100. The CCI fluctuates above and below zero. The percentage of CCI values that fall
between +100 and -100 will depend on the number of periods used. A shorter CCI will be more volatile with a
smaller percentage of values between +100 and -100. Conversely, the more periods used to calculate the CCI, the
higher the percentage of values between +100 and -100.
Lambert's trading guidelines for the CCI focused on movements above +100 and below -100 to generate buy and
sell signals. Because about 70 to 80 percent of the CCI values are between +100 and -100, a buy or sell signal will
be in force only 20 to 30 percent of the time. When the CCI moves above + 100, a security is considered to be
entering into a strong up trend and a buy signal is given. The position should be closed when the CCI moves back
below +100. When the CCI moves below -100, the security is considered to be in a strong downtrend and a sell
signal is given. The position should be closed when the CCI moves back above -100.
Since Lambert's original guidelines, traders have also found the CCI valuable for identifying reversals. The CCI is a
versatile indicator capable of producing a wide array of buy and sell signals.
 CCI can be used to identify overbought and oversold levels. A security would be deemed oversold when the
CCI dips below -100 and overbought when it exceeds +100. From oversold levels, a buy signal might be
given when the CCI moves back above -100. From overbought levels, a sell signal might be given when the
CCI moved back below +100.
 As with most oscillators, divergences can also be applied to increase the robustness of signals. A positive
divergence below -100 would increase the robustness of a signal based on a move back above -100. A
negative divergence above +100 would increase the robustness of a signal based on a move back below
 Trendline breaks can be used to generate signals. Trendlines can be drawn connecting the peaks and troughs.
From oversold levels, an advance above -100 and trendline breakout could be considered bullish. From
overbought levels, a decline below +100 and a trendline break could be considered bearish.
Those trading signals vary depending on the market. As in other occasions we recommended to use the optimization
functions of Visual Chart Line to optimize the trading points. It is recommendable to use this oscillator in consensus
with other trend follower indicators.
Related Functions:
Simple Moving Average
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Clo i
Closing price of the current bar
Number of bars to be considered.
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more clearly
TRH = Max {Close (n-1), High (n)}
TRL = Min {Close (n-1), Low (n)}
And last:
Technical Reference:
There is Accumulation when the closing of the current bar is higher to the previous bar and its value is based on the
difference of the current closing and the low price. Distribution exists when the closing of the current bar is lower than
the closing of the previous bar and its value is based on the difference between the current closing and the high.
The value of WAD is cumulative. To the WAD value (Accumulation) is added the new positive closing or the new
negative closing is subtracted (Distribution). If the current closing is equal to the previous bar, WAD does not change.
WAD is used to identify divergences between the activity of the prices and the same indicator. If the market reaches
high prices whereas the indicator is flat or falling the indicator can be debilitated suggesting a possible change of trend
in the market. If the market reaches low prices whereas the indicator is flat or rising, the indicator can be suggesting a
possible change of trend in the market.
Related Functions:
Exponential Moving Average
[Williams AD]
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
SwingIndex - Fluctuation index
Technical Data:
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Clo i-1
Close of the previous bar.
Ope i
Open of the current bar.
Ope i-1
Open of the previous bar.
High i
High of the current bar.
Low i
Low of the current bar.
Maximum percentage move aloud during a period.
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more
? We get the value of N using this formula:
Note: If there weren't Opened in the database, it would take:
? We calculate the variable R following these steps. We choose the biggest of A, B or C, where:
If A is the biggest, then:
If B is the biggest, then:
If C is the biggest, then:
? We calculate the variable K choosing the biggest of:
? We determine L as the biggest movement aloud:
? And last the SwingIndex:
Data Output:
SwingIndex line
Configurable Band Value
Technical Reference:
Wilder developed the Swing Index in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems". In the introductory
lines he affirms: they "In some place, within the labyrinth of Opening, Highs, Lows and Closing prices, a ghost line
exists that is the real market", then the index tries to give the answer to this affirmation implementing formulas that
weigh the most significant points on the prices of the last days.
Trading with this oscillator is complex. It can be used for short-term trading but after a serious study of the trading
possibilities for each security.
Related Functions:
[SwingIndex] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties box:
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data :
SwingIndex i
Current index fluctuation.
Previous bar swing index
Maximum percentage move aloud during a
Data Output:
Accumulation Swing Index line
Technical Reference:
Wilder developed the Swing Index in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems". In the introductory
lines he affirms: they "In some place, within the labyrinth of Opening, Highs, Lows and Closing prices, a ghost line
exists that is the real market", then the index tries to give the answer to this affirmation implementing formulas that
weigh the most significant points on the prices of the last days.
This oscillator accumulates bar by bar the values of the Swing Index. Values below zero indicate the trend is bearish
but the indicator above zero shows a bullish consensus and the possibility of the up trend.
Trading with this oscillator is complex. It can be used for short-term trading but after a serious study of the trading
possibilities for each security.
Related Functions:
Swing Index
[SwingIndexP] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties box:
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
DIPositive - Positive directional index.
Technical Data:
High price of the current bar
Low price of the current bar
Closing price of the previous bar
Number of bars to be considered.
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more clearly
? From the second bar we get TRI i selecting the highest of:
? From the second bar we start calculating DI 1 +:
only if the difference is positive, otherwise it takes the 0 value.
? For a period p we calculate:
? For the bar p+1 and the followings:
This information would be considered
Data Output:
Positive Directional Index line
Configurable Band value
Technical Reference:
Wilder developed the Positive Directional Index in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems". This
oscillator forms part of the group of indicators that conforms the well-known "Directional Movement System”. The
oscillator tries to give an answer to the problem of measuring positive directional momentum in a determined section
of prices.
The oscillator moves around an intermediate line that is located generally around 20. Higher values indicate a bullish
predominance of the market. If the oscillator falls below this value it indicates that the market or security is in a
congestion zone with no directionality.
Wilder recommends to buy or sell in markets that display a Positive Directional Index over 25 and to stay in such
while it remains over 20. The experience of many traders indicates that it is preferable to use it as filter on the signals
that other oscillators provide. These signals should be executed in case the oscillator moves over 25.
Related Functions:
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties box:
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
DINegative - Negative directional index
Technical Data:
High price of the current bar
Low price of the current bar
Closing price of the previous bar
Number of bars to be considered.
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more clearly
? From the second bar we get TRI i selecting the highest of:
? From the second bar we start calculating DI 1 -:
only if the difference is negative, otherwise it takes the 0 value.
? For a period p we calculate:
? For the bar p+1 and the followings:
This information would be considered
Data Output:
Negative Directional Index line
Configurable Band value
Technical Reference:
Wilder developed the Negative Directional Index in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems". This
oscillator forms part of the group of indicators that conforms the well-known "Directional Movement System”. The
oscillator tries to give an answer to the problem of measuring negative directional momentum in a determined section
of prices.
The oscillator moves around an intermediate line that is located generally around 20. Higher values indicate a bullish
predominance of the market. If the oscillator falls below this value it indicates that the market or security is in a
congestion zone with no directionality.
Wilder recommends to buy or sell in markets that display a Negative Directional Index over 25 and to stay in such
while it remains over 20. The experience of many traders indicates that it is preferable to use it as filter on the signals
that other oscillators provide. These signals should be executed in case the oscillator moves over 25.
Related Functions:
[DINegative] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties box:
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Positive Directional Indicator.
Negative Directional Indicator.
Number of bars to be considered.
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more clearly
Steps to follow:
? We start from getting the DIPositive and the DINevative for a period p=14 (by default)
? For the next bar we calculate:
? For the 28 th bar (14 DX bars) we get:
? For the following bar:
Data Output:
ADX line
Configurable Band value
Tecnical Reference:
Wilder developed the ADX oscillator in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems". This oscillator
forms part of the group of indicators that conforms the well-known "Directional Movement System”. The oscillator
tries to give an answer to the problem of measuring directional momentum in a determined section of prices.
The oscillator moves around an intermediate line that is located generally around 20. Higher values indicate a bullish
predominance of the market. If the oscillator falls below this value it indicates that the market or security is in a
congestion zone with no directionality.
Wilder recommends to buy or sell in markets that display an ADX over 25 and to stay in such while it remains over
20. The experience of many traders indicates that it is preferable to use it as filter on the signals that other oscillators
provide. These signals should be executed in case the oscillator moves over 25.
ADX uses the Positive Directional Index data as well as the Negative Directional Index. It obtains averages from
both oscillators to offer a data related to the directionality of a curve of prices. Wilder recommends selecting a group
of stocks and only acting those that present an ADX over 20 or 25. The results of the signals that provide the other
oscillators can improve if we properly use the data of this filter.
Related Functions:
Positive Directional Indicator
[DINegative] Negative Directional Indicator
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance to a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Tecnical Data:
ADX Value.
Number of bars to be considered.
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more clearly
Data Output:
ADXR line
Configurable value of the Band
Technical Reference:
Wilder developed the ADXR oscillator in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems". This oscillator
forms part of the group of indicators that conforms the well-known "Directional Movement System”. The oscillator
tries to give an answer to the problem of measuring directional momentum in a determined section of prices.
The oscillator moves around an intermediate line that is located generally around 20. Higher values indicate a bullish
predominance of the market. If the oscillator falls below this value it indicates that the market or security is in a
congestion zone with no directionality.
Wilder recommends to buy or sell in markets that display an ADXR over 25 and to stay in such while it remains over
20. The experience of many traders indicates that it is preferable to use it as filter on the signals that other oscillators
provide. These signals should be executed in case the oscillator moves over 25.
ADXR uses the ADX values as well as Wilder's moving average. It is generally used with a 14 period to smooth up
the fluctuations, getting as a consequence a slower response in the activation or deactivation of the signals.
Wilder recommends selecting a group of stocks and only acting those that present an ADXR over 20 or 25. The
results of the signals that provide the other oscillators can improve if we properly use the data of this filter.
Related Functions:
Directional Movement Index
[ADXR] Oscillator Index
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
DirectionalMov - Directional movement.
Technical Data:
Positive Directional Index value.
Negative Directional Index value.
ADX value
ADXR value
Periods used to calculate the ADX.
Band that is drawn to display the indicator more
? We use the formula for the DI+ oscillator.
? We use the formula for the DI- oscillator.
? We use the formula for the ADX oscillator.
? We take the formula for the ADXR.
Data Output:
DI+ line
DI- line
ADX line
ADXR line
Configurable value of the Band
Technical Reference:
Wilder developed the oscillator Directional Movement in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems". It
displays in a same graphical window as the data of compatible oscillators: Positive Directional Index, Negative
Directional Index, ADX and ADXR.
The oscillator moves around an intermediate line that is located generally around 20. Higher values indicate a bullish
predominance of the market. If the oscillator falls below this value it indicates that the market or security is in a
congestion zone with no directionality.
Wilder used this format to construct a mechanical trading system. The rules are described widely in the mentioned
book but they can be summarized in the following points:
? Trading only with the ADX or ADXR above 20 or 25
? Buy if DI+ crosses above DI? Sell if DI- crosses below DI+
? You can reduce your risk doing the following: if the crossing of the two DIs happens today then we place a sell or
buy stop in the high or the low of the crossing day.
We recommended optimizing this system to adapt it to the market. Also it can be recommendable to introduce some
additional smoothing like the one specified in the previous point.
Related Functions:
Positive Directional Index
Negative Directional Index
[DirectionalMov] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
SSI - Stock selection index.
Technical Data:
Number of bars to be considered.
Value of one tick in the corresponding currency.
Commissions 0.03
Commissions per contract.
Data Output:
SSI line
Technical Refernce:
Wilder developed the Stock Selection Index oscillator in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems".
This oscillator forms part of the group of indicators that conforms the well-known "Directional Movement System”.
The oscillator tries to give answer to the problem to measure an objective way to find the best trading opportunities in
a set of stocks.
Therefore, it is evident to use this one as a filter for other oscillators or systems. The concept of Directionality is used
to obtain its objective provided by the ADXR data to which is added the volatility provided by the ATR. It even uses
the data corresponding to the commissions, margin required by the market, etc.
The previous data are treated by means of the formulas described above and at the end of the process we used a
number that indicates the opportunity to trade in a certain security in relation to another one. The highest values
correspond with those stocks that present a high directionality and volatility. It is logical to think that to more
movement corresponds in theory faster gains.
The procedure of the filter consists of using a group of companies and operating in those presenting higher Stock
Selection Index values. Visual Chart has enough technology to make these studies with promptness and reliability.
Related Functions:
[AvTrueRange] ATR-Average True Range
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
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CSI - Index of futures selection.
Tecnical Data:
ADXR oscillator of DRX.
ATR-Average True Range
Number of bars to be considered
Value of one tick in the corresponding currency.
Margin required per contract.
Commissions 0.03
Commissions per contract.
Data Output:
CSI line
Technical Reference:
Wilder developed the Commodity Selection Index oscillator in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading
Systems". This oscillator forms part of the group of indicators that conforms the well-known "Directional Movement
System”. The oscillator tries to give answer to the problem to measure an objective way to find the best trading
opportunities in a set of futures.
Therefore, it is evident to use this one as a filter for other oscillators or systems. The concept of Directionality is used
to obtain its objective provided by the ADXR data to which is added the volatility provided by the ATR. It even uses
the data corresponding to the commissions, margin required by the market, etc.
The previous data are treated by means of the formulas described above and at the end of the process we used a
number that indicates the opportunity to trade in a certain security in relation to another one. The highest values
correspond with those stocks that present a high directionality and volatility. It is logical to think that to more
movement corresponds in theory faster gains.
The procedure of the filter consists of using a group of companies and operating in those presenting higher
Commodity Selection Index values. Visual Chart has enough technology to make these studies with promptness and
Related Functions:
[AvTrueRange] ATR-Average True Range
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
StandardDev - Standard deviation.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can choose between Close, Open, High...)
Periods N
Number of bars to be considered.
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
Data Output:
StandardDev Standard deviation line.
Technical Reference:
The Standard Deviation is a statistical measurement of volatility. It is obtained using the n periods of a simple moving
average of a determined data (closing prices or another indicator) calculating next the deviation of the prices with
respect to that average.
The Standard Deviation is used more like a component of an indicator than as an independent indicator. For
example, the Bollinger Bands are calculated adding the standard deviation to a moving average.
A high reading of Standard deviation means the existence of high volatility. On the other hand low values of Standard
deviation will be interpreted as a low volatility period. Many analysts agree in which the strong directional movements
with high volatility are because the investors feel at the same time euphoria and fear. And the congestion zones or
nondirectional markets correspond with periods of low volatility.
This indicator is not used as a signal generator but as filter for other systems. Example: in periods of low Standard
deviation, stop entry orders can be placed taking advantage of the low risks and high probabilities that the market will
break with force the congestion zone that generally accompanies these trading ranges.
Related Functions:
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
StandardDevP -Porcentual standard deviation.
Technical Data:
StandardDev Numeric Value of the Standard Deviation
Periods N
Number of bars to be considered.
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
Data Output:
StandardDevP Percentage Standard deviation
Technical Reference:
The Percentage Standard Deviation is a statistical measurement of volatility. It is obtained using the n periods of a
simple moving average of a determined data (closing prices or another indicator) calculating next the deviation of the
prices with respect to that average.
The Percentage Standard Deviation is used more like a component of an indicator than as an independent indicator.
For example, the Bollinger Bands are calculated adding the standard deviation to a moving average.
A high reading of the Percentage Standard Deviation means the existence of high volatility. On the other hand low
values of Percentage Standard Deviation will be interpreted as a low volatility period. Many analysts agree in which
the strong directional movements with high volatility are because the investors feel at the same time euphoria and fear.
And the congestion zones or nondirectional markets correspond with periods of low volatility.
This indicator is not used as a signal generator but as filter for other systems. Example: in periods of low Percentage
Standard Deviation, stop entry orders can be placed taking advantage of the low risks and high probabilities that the
market will break with force the congestion zone that generally accompanies these trading ranges.
Related Functions:
Standard Deviation Oscillator
[StandardDevP] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
AvQuick - Fast moving average.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can select Close, Open, Low...)
Number of bars to be considered.
Acceleration factor.
On what data is going to be calculated (Close,
Open, High...)
Data 1
1*Data 1
Data 2
2*Data 1
Data 3
3*Data 1
p*Data p
Data p
Data Output:
Fast Moving Average
Technical Reference:
The moving average represents a consensus of the investors with respect to a certain value in an established period.
Naturally if the price of the security is above the average we have chose, it means that the current expectations of the
investors are higher than the average of their expectations in a previous period and specially in this type of average
they are even more accentuated since the weight of the closest prices increases with respect to the distant ones. The
fast moving average is usually used along with other oscillating indicators or to smooth or to harmonize the fluctuations
of the market.
The normal interpretation of the moving average is to buy when the price of a security surpasses the average of a
certain period and to sell when the price is below the average. An essential element in the correct interpretation of the
moving average is the period we use. It is necessary to do an optimization of the same one depending on the security
in which we are working. Finally we have to indicate that this tool is used as much by itself as complement of analysis
and studies of other tools and oscillators.
Related Functions:
[AvQuick] Oscillator function
This indicator can be configured if we click on the line of the oscillator and completing every tab you see on the
following window:
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified if it is set as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose to
restore to original values.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
Tecnical Data:
Value of the indicator VHF.
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can select Close, Open, Low...)
VHF Period
Number of bars to be considered to calculate the
Number of bars to be considered to calculate the
adaptive moving average
On what data is going to be calculated (Close,
Open, High...)
? For the first p bars:
? From p+1 and following:
Data Output:
Adaptive Moving Average
Technical Reference:
The moving average represents a consensus of the investors with respect to a certain value in an established period.
Naturally if the price of the security is above the average we have chose, it means that the current expectations of the
investors are higher than the average of their expectations in a previous period. The adaptive moving average is usually
used along with other oscillators or indicators to smooth or to harmonize the fluctuations of the market. This average is
constructed from the VHF oscillator. It tries to use the volatility of the market to adapt his movement to this, slowing
down when it is high and accelerating when it diminishes. It is therefore a useful concept that obtains its better fruits in
those markets that show strong changes in their averages of volatility.
The normal interpretation of the moving average is to buy when the price of a security surpasses the average of a
certain period and to sell when the price is below the average. An essential element in the correct interpretation of the
moving average is the period we use. It is necessary to do an optimization of the same one depending on the security
in which we are working. Finally we have to indicate that this tool is used as much by itself as complement of analysis
and studies of other tools and oscillators.
This indicator can be configured if we click on the line of the oscillator and completing every tab you see on the
following window:
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
RainbowChart - Rainbow Averages.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can select Close, Open, Low...)
Number of averages we want to consider.
First average:
For the second bar of the first average:
For the third bar of the first average:
Second average:
For the second bar of the second average:
For the third bar of the second average:
Third average:
For the second bar of the third average:
For the third bar of the third average:
And so on up to "m" averages.
Data Output:
Lines shown for the rainbow
moving average.
Technical Reference:
The rainbow moving average receive this name to the range of colors used similar to the meteorological phenomenon
of the same name. Their advantage with respect to the classic averages derives from two used deferential concepts.
On the one hand the spacing of the random fluctuations of the prices that avoid false entry signals and by another one
the original way to display the changes of tendency being offered a congestion zone of the movement that frequently is
useful in the congestion zones of the prices.
The criterium used is the classic one for the moving average. Buy if the prices surpass the last average and to sell the
opposite situation. It is possible to be used as an individual indicator or in consensus with other oscillators trying in this
case to avoid false entries produced by the random fluctuations of the prices.
Related Functions:
[RainbowChart] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we click on the line of the oscillator and completing every tab you see on the
following window:
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
BollingerBands - Bollinger bands.
Technical Data:
Data i
Bollinger Bands
Number of bars we want to consider.
CoefficientM 2
Coefficient multiplier.
On what data is going to be calculated (Close,
Open, High...)
Type of average we want to work with (we can
choose between simple, weighted and
? We have to calculate the chosen average: simple, weighted or exponential (depending on the configuration) from
the data of the period p:
? We have to find the standard deviation, as an absolute value, of the following difference:
? Finally we have to calculate the value of the bands:
Data Output:
Bollinger Central Band
Upper Bollinger Band
Lower Bollinger Band
Technical Reference:
As much in the moving average envelopes like in the Bollinger Bands the basic interpretation it is that the prices have a
tendency to follow within the channel. The characteristic that distinguishes the bands is that the amplitude of them is
based on the volatility of the prices. During periods of strong oscillations (high volatility) the bands are expanded.
During periods of weak oscillations (low volatility) the bands are narrowed.
The way to interpret positively the Bollinger Bands would be in:
 Is foreseeable that a strong movement takes place after we observed a narrowing of the bands.
 When prices violate the bands it is suppose that the trend will continue.
 The maximum and minimum points outside the bands followed by maximums and minimums within the bands
means that the trend is changing direction.
 During flat periods, the prices that arrive at the bands can indicate overbought or oversold conditions.
 Bollinger Bands are normally used on price charts but they are also possible to be applied on any indicator.
Related Functions:
Moving Average Simple
Standard deviation
This indicator can be configured if we click on the line of the oscillator and completing every tab you see on the
following window:
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
In this chart we can see the Bollinger Bands are especially sensible to the strong movements in the market. The bands
are extended considerably, whereas when the market is in trading range, the bands tend to narrow themselves waiting
for a quick rupture in one way or another. This helps to have a more appropriate vision of the trends as well as the
channels in which is a certain market.
AvExponential - Exponential moving average.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can select Close, Open, High...)
Number of bars to be considered.
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
? For a period p :
? We calculated the value of factor K:
? For p+1 and the followings:
Data Output:
Exponential moving average
Technical Reference:
The moving average represents a consensus of the investors with respect to a certain value in an established period.
Naturally if the price of the security is above the average we have chose, it means that the current expectations of the
investors are higher than the average of their expectations in a previous period. The adaptive moving average is usually
used along with other oscillators or indicators to smooth or to harmonize the fluctuations of the market. This average is
constructed from the VHF oscillator. It tries to use the volatility of the market to adapt his movement to this, slowing
down when it is high and accelerating when it diminishes. It is therefore a useful concept that obtains its better fruits in
those markets that show strong changes in their averages of volatility.
The normal interpretation of the moving average is to buy when the price of a security surpasses the average of a
certain period and to sell when the price is below the average. An essential element in the correct interpretation of the
moving average is the period we use. It is necessary to do an optimization of the same one depending on the security
in which we are working. Finally we have to indicate that this tool is used as much by itself as complement of analysis
and studies of other tools and oscillators.
Related Functions:
Simple Moving Average
onential Oscillator Function
We can configure this indicator if we click on the oscillator's line and completing every tab shown on the following
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
AvLife1 - Moving average LIFE-1
Technical Data:
Max i
High of the current bar.
Min i
Low of the current bar.
Max i-1
High of the previous bar.
Min i-1
Low of the previous bar.
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Period of the study.
On what data we are going to work (Close,
Open, High...)
of the first p closing prices.
? If
? If
On the contrary:
? If
? If
On the contrary:
Data Output:
LIFE-1 Moving Average
Technical Reference:
The moving average represents a consensus of the investors with respect to a certain value in an established period.
Naturally if the price of the security is above the average we have chose, it means that the current expectations of the
investors are higher than the average of their expectations in a previous period. The life-1 moving average uses
additional resources to the ones used by traditional moving averages. In these an inexorable approach to the price line
takes place that sometimes precipitates a buy or sell signal. On the contrary, the parameters of the life average keeps
a distance or accelerate the approach towards the prices based on the behavior of the prices themselves. The result is
an average sometimes with a strange movement but that demonstrates a high effectiveness mainly when the markets
move in zones of congestion.
The classic interpretation of the moving average is to buy when the price of a security surpasses the average of a
certain period and to sell when the price is below the average. An essential element in the correct interpretation of the
moving average is the period we use. It is necessary to do an optimization of the same one depending on the security
in which we are working. Finally we have to indicate that this tool is used as much by itself as complement of analysis
and studies of other tools and oscillators.
We can configure this indicator if we click on the oscillator's line and completing every tab shown on the following
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Max i
High of the current bar.
Min i
Low of the current bar.
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Max i-1
High of the previous bar.
Min i-1
Low of the previous bar.
Clo i-1
Close of the previous bar.
Period of the study.
On what data we are going to work (Close,
Open, High...)
of the first p closing prices.
We continue with the following calculations:
? If
? If
On the contrary:
? If
? If
On the contrary:
Data Output:
LIFE-2 Moving Average
Technical Reference:
The moving average represents a consensus of the investors with respect to a certain value in an established period.
Naturally if the price of the security is above the average we have chose, it means that the current expectations of the
investors are higher than the average of their expectations in a previous period. The life-2 moving average uses
additional resources to the ones used by traditional moving averages. In these an inexorable approach to the price line
takes place that sometimes precipitates a buy or sell signal. On the contrary, the parameters of the life average keeps
a distance or accelerate the approach towards the prices based on the behavior of the prices themselves. The result is
an average sometimes with a strange movement but that demonstrates a high effectiveness mainly when the markets
move in zones of congestion.
The classic interpretation of the moving average is to buy when the price of a security surpasses the average of a
certain period and to sell when the price is below the average. An essential element in the correct interpretation of the
moving average is the period we use. It is necessary to do an optimization of the same one depending on the security
in which we are working. Finally we have to indicate that this tool is used as much by itself as complement of analysis
and studies of other tools and oscillators.
Related Functions:
[AvSimple] Simple Moving Average
[AvLife2] Oscillator's Function
We can configure this indicator if we click on the oscillator's line and completing every tab shown on the following
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
AvLife3 - Moving average LIFE-3
Technical Data:
Max i
High of the current bar.
Min i
Low of the current bar.
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Max i-1
High of the previous bar.
Min i-1
Low of the previous bar.
Clo i-1
Close of the previous bar.
Period of the study.
On what data we are going to work (Close,
Open, High...)
of the first p closing prices.
We continue with the following calculations:
? If
On the contrary:
Data Output:
LIFE-3 Moving Average
Technical Reference:
The moving average represents a consensus of the investors with respect to a certain value in an established period.
Naturally if the price of the security is above the average we have chose, it means that the current expectations of the
investors are higher than the average of their expectations in a previous period. The life-3 moving average uses
additional resources to the ones used by traditional moving averages. In these an inexorable approach to the price line
takes place that sometimes precipitates a buy or sell signal. On the contrary, the parameters of the life average keeps
a distance or accelerate the approach towards the prices based on the behavior of the prices themselves. The result is
an average sometimes with a strange movement but that demonstrates a high effectiveness mainly when the markets
move in zones of congestion.
The classic interpretation of the moving average is to buy when the price of a security surpasses the average of a
certain period and to sell when the price is below the average. An essential element in the correct interpretation of the
moving average is the period we use. It is necessary to do an optimization of the same one depending on the security
in which we are working. Finally we have to indicate that this tool is used as much by itself as complement of analysis
and studies of other tools and oscillators.
Related Functions:
[AvSimple] Simple Moving Average
[AvLife3] Oscillator's Function
We can configure this indicator if we click on the oscillator's line and completing every tab shown on the following
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
AvSimple -Simple Moving Average.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can select Close, Open, High...)
Number of bars to be considered.
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
Data Output:
Simple Moving Average
Technical Reference:
The moving average represents a consensus of the investors with respect to a certain value in an established period.
Naturally if the price of the security is above the average we have chose, it means that the current expectations of the
investors are higher than the average of their expectations in a previous period.
The simple moving average or arithmetical is calculated adding the closing price (or the open, high, low, etc.) of a
certain security during a period of time and dividing it by the number of periods considered.
The classic interpretation of the moving average is to buy when the price of a security surpasses the average of a
certain period and to sell when the price is below the average. An essential element in the correct interpretation of the
moving average is the period we use. It is necessary to do an optimization of the same one depending on the security
in which we are working. Finally we have to indicate that this tool is used as much by itself as complement of analysis
and studies of other tools and oscillators.
Related Functions:
[AvSimple] Simple Moving Average
We can configure this indicator if we click on the oscillator's line and completing every tab shown on the following
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
AvTriangular - Triangular Moving Average.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can select Close, Open, High...)
Number of bars to be considered.
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
Where R.up , means rounded up
Where R.Down , means rounded down
Data Output:
AvTriangular Triangular Moving Average
Technical Reference:
The moving average represents a consensus of the investors with respect to a certain value in an established period.
Naturally if the price of the security is above the average we have chose, it means that the current expectations of the
investors are higher than the average of their expectations in a previous period. The triangular moving average is
frequently used with other indicators or oscillators to smooth out the ups and downs of the market. This average is
build based in a double moving average that smoothes out the fluctuations of the prices.
The classic interpretation of the moving average is to buy when the price of a security surpasses the average of a
certain period and to sell when the price is below the average. An essential element in the correct interpretation of the
moving average is the period we use. It is necessary to do an optimization of the same one depending on the security
in which we are working. Finally we have to indicate that this tool is used as much by itself as complement of analysis
and studies of other tools and oscillators.
Related Functions:
Simple Moving Average.
[AvTriangular] Simple Moving Average
We can configure this indicator if we click on the oscillator's line and completing every tab shown on the following
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
AvWeighted - Weighted moving average.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can select Close, Open, High...)
Number of bars to be considered.
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
Clo 1
Clo 2
Clo 3
Clo 4
Clo 5
Data Output:
Weighted Moving Average
Technical Reference:
The moving average represents a consensus of the investors with respect to a certain value in an established period.
Naturally if the price of the security is above the average we have chose, it means that the current expectations of the
investors are higher than the average of their expectations in a previous period. The triangular moving average is
frequently used with other indicators or oscillators to smooth out the ups and downs of the market. This average
assigns a different weight to the closing prices for each trading day. The closest ones have a bigger weight in the
construction of the average.
The classic interpretation of the moving average is to buy when the price of a security surpasses the average of a
certain period and to sell when the price is below the average. An essential element in the correct interpretation of the
moving average is the period we use. It is necessary to do an optimization of the same one depending on the security
in which we are working. Finally we have to indicate that this tool is used as much by itself as complement of analysis
and studies of other tools and oscillators.
Related Functions:
[AvWeighted] Oscillator Function
We can configure this indicator if we click on the oscillator's line and completing every tab shown on the following
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
AvWilder - Wilder Moving Average.
Technical Data:
Data i
Value of the current bar (We can select Close, Open, High...)
Number of bars to be considered.
On what data of the bar we are going to work
(Close, Open, High...)
For a p period:
For p+1 and after:
Data Output:
Wilder's Moving Average
Technical Reference:
The moving average represents a consensus of the investors with respect to a certain value in an established period.
Naturally if the price of the security is above the average we have chose, it means that the current expectations of the
investors are higher than the average of their expectations in a previous period. Wilder's moving average is frequently
used with other indicators or oscillators to smooth out the ups and downs of the market. This average is build based in
a smooth moving average using Wilder's classic process to cushion movements in his own oscillators.
The classic interpretation of the moving average is to buy when the price of a security surpasses the average of a
certain period and to sell when the price is below the average. An essential element in the correct interpretation of the
moving average is the period we use. It is necessary to do an optimization of the same one depending on the security
in which we are working. Finally we have to indicate that this tool is used as much by itself as complement of analysis
and studies of other tools and oscillators.
We can configure this indicator if we click on the oscillator's line and completing every tab shown on the following
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
Parabolic - Parabolic
Technical Data:
Max i
High of the current bar.
Min i-1
Low of the current bar.
Acceleration Coefficient.
AF top.
? It looks for a significant PIVOT based on a previous HIGH followed by two lower highs. In the same way it is a
PIVOT when there is a significant LOW followed by two higher lows.
? Once the pivots are found the stop for the following bar will be at the top of the HIGH or LOW taken into
? A High Pivot generates a descending PARABOLIC
? A Low Pivot generates an ascending PARABOLIC
? Any change in the PARABOLIC occurs in this way:
? Descending PARABOLIC:
? Ascending PARABOLIC:
- Where EP is the HIGH reached by an ascending PARABOLIC or EP is the low reached by a descending
? Accelerating factor AF:
? Initial AF = k1
? The following AF are calculated as follows:
? AF is updated only if the following conditions are met:
Descending PARABOLIC if
Ascending PARABOLIC if
? AF should not grow beyond K2.
? The position of the PARABOLIC is inverted:
? If the high goes above the descending PARABOLIC.
? If the low goes below the ascending PARABOLIC.
? The PARABOLIC in the following bar can't surpass the low of the current bar and the previous one in the
ascending PARABOLIC.
? The PARABOLIC in the following bar can't surpass the high of the current bar and the previous one in the
descending PARABOLIC.
Data Output:
Parabolic line
Technical Reference:
Wilder developed the parabolic indicator in his book titled “New Concepts in Technical TRADING Systems". It
introduces interesting concepts in his use in the TRADING systems, like the one of initial distance and approach to the
price line by means of a movement with increasing acceleration until a limit that can be establish by the user. It is used,
therefore, to fix levels where to place the stop orders, as much for entries as for protection. The STOP of our
operation is consequently a function not only of the prices but also of the time that never backs down. Each bar
moves a progressive amount.
The operation is the classic one in this type of technical tools: buy if the price is above the PARABOLIC and to sell
when it goes below the protective STOP.
The user can optimize two parameters: the increase of the acceleration for each bar and the maximum value of this
acceleration. We advised to adapt these to the characteristics of each market or security.
Related Functions:
[Parabolic] Oscillator Function
We can configure this indicator if we click on the oscillator's line and completing every tab shown on the following
The indicators grouped under the title Average are inserted by default on the series, that is to say, directly on the
active chart. In that case the configurable concepts are basically Color, Style and Parameters. If the value by default
changes so that it appears in a different window - window 0 -, or in the active window but with its own scale - new -,
they are also possible to be added as Scale as Indicator TR and Separator.
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want that it appears with a determined color, we press in the option Color
and choose from the color palette.
BollVolatility - Bollinger Volatility.
Technical Data:
B.Sup i
Value of the upper band from the Bollinger Bands (BollingerBands).
B.Inf i
Value of the lower band from the Bollinger Bands (BollingerBands).
Number of bars to be considered.
CoefficientM 2
Coefficient multiplier
On what data is going to be calculated (Close,
Open, High...)
What type of average is going to be used (we can
choose between simple, exponential or
Data Output:
BollVolatility Bollinger Volatility
Technical Reference:
The Bollinger Volatility is a measurement of the difference between the values of the upper and lower Bands of
Bollinger. It is a direct measurement of the volatility of the market in a certain period.
This oscillator does not provide buy/sell signals directly, is used as a filter to provide to other systems more favorable
opportunities. Generally the low volatility usually presents low risk situations in the market. Therefore, it invites to
place stop entry orders in the market provided by other mechanical systems.
Related Functions:
Bollinger Bands
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties box:
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
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AnnVolatility -Annual Volatility
Technical datas:
Value of the current bar (You can select close high,low)
Periodo para cálculo de la Desviación Típica.
Sobre que dato de la barra se va a trabajar
(Cierre, Apertura, Máxima ...).
donde DTI es la desviación típica.
donde F toma:
Fin de día = 1,0
Semanal = 0,2
Mensual = 0,04545
Intradiaria =
Data exit:
Ligne de volatilité annualisée.
Technical reference:
The annual volatility is a mesurement of the typical deviation of the logarhytm of to consecutives closings for a
determinated period.(normally we consider beetween 10 and 20 bars as default value).
This oscillator don´t send buying and selling signals ,it is used as a filter to give to some other strategies best
Normally a low historic volatility presents low risk situations to act in the market .It invites to situate stops entry to the
market generated by others mecanical systems.
Related fonctions:
onential Media Móvil Exponencial.
Función del oscilador.
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
BollVolatilityOsc - Bollinger Volatility Oscilator.
Technical Data:
BollVolatility i Bollinger Volatility.
Number of bars to be considered.
CoefficientM 2
Coefficient multiplier
On what data is going to be calculated (Close,
Open, High...)
Lower Band.
Where high is the highest value reached by BollVolatility in a certain period.
Where low is the lowest value reached by BollVolatility in a certain period.
Data Output:
Configurable upper band
Lower Band.
Technical Reference:
On the base of the Bollinger Volatility Oscillator, this oscillator takes the highest and lowest values of a period and it
assigns a value to it between +100 and 0 respectively. The rest of the values provided are distributed proportionally
between the previous extreme amounts.
The result is very interesting since we will be able to see the zones of high volatility (over +80) and of the low
volatility (below 20) for a period given from the historical data.
These references allow us to use the oscillator for two quite useful intentions:
 Filter the buy/sell signals given by other oscillators, triggering the signals mainly in the zones of the low
volatility in which the risk of acting in the market is sensibly better.
Taking additional precautions in the high volatility zones by the sensible increase of the risks of remaining in the
Related Functions:
Bollinger Bands
[BollingerBandsOsc] Bollinger Oscillator
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
MassIndex - Mass Index.
Technical Data:
High i
High of the current bar
Low i
Low of the current bar.
Periods of the first exponential moving average.
Periods of the second exponential moving
Periods to calculate the summation of COF.
? From the first registry we calculate:
? From the previous data we calculate the exponential moving average.
? Then we calculate an exponential moving average from the previous result:
Data Output:
MassIndex line.
Technical Reference:
The Mass Index uses two exponential averages from the range of the bars to make its calculations. The Mass Index in
trending markets is used to watch the direction and to warn of potential trend changes.
This oscillator is definitely a direct measurement of the volatility of the market in a certain period.
This oscillator does not provide buy/sell signals directly, is used as a filter to provide to other systems more favorable
opportunities. Generally the low volatility usually presents low risk situations in the market. Therefore, it invites to
place stop entry orders in the market provided by other mechanical systems.
Related Functions:
[AvExponential] Exponential Moving Average
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
High i
High of the bar.
Low i
Low of the bar.
Periods of the exponential moving average.
Periods to calculate the range.
Data Output:
Volatility Chaikin's.
Configurable band
Technical Reference:
Chaikin's Volatility is calculated by first calculating an exponential moving average of the difference between the daily
high and low prices. This oscillator is definitely a direct measurement of the volatility of the market in a certain period.
This oscillator does not provide buy/sell signals directly, is used as a filter to provide to other systems more favorable
opportunities. Generally the low volatility usually presents low risk situations in the market. Therefore, it invites to
place stop entry orders in the market provided by other mechanical systems.
Related Functions:
[AvExponential] Exponential Moving Average
[VolatilityChaik] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
AvTrueRange - ATR-Average True Range.
Technical Data:
High i
High of the bar.
Low i
Low of the bar.
Close i-1
Close of the previous bar.
Number of bars to be considered.
We look for the following ranges:
Data Output:
AvTrueRange ATR-Average True Range
Technical Reference:
The ATR is a volatility indicator that considers the existing range between the closing of the previous bar and the high
or low of the current bar or the existing range between the high and low of a bar.
The ATR measures the amplitude of a bar considering the influence that exerts the closing of the previous bar. This
helps to include the possible gaps produced in the prices. The ATR calculates a moving average of these values on a
certain number of bars. This indicator can be considered as a useful tool to measure the volatility of the market. It is
possible to interpret the end points of the ATR as a change of character in the market, from a bullish or bearish trend
to a period of trading range in the market and vice versa.
This oscillator does not provide buy/sell signals directly, is used as a filter to provide to other systems more favorable
Generally the low volatility usually presents low risk situations in the market. Therefore, it invites to place stop entry
orders in the market provided by other mechanical systems.
Related Functions:
Simple Moving Average
[AvTrueRange] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
This indicator is ideal to detect fast volatility or abrupt movements in the market. When there is no very clear
movement or the weakness symptoms are evident immediately the indicator detects this circumstance and provides
negative signals. Being the price bars the referring basic elements allows reacting quickly to the smaller signal of
significant variation in the prices. It is precise, however, to confirm the signals with other indicators to assure a correct
Technical Data:
Average range of the ATR within a certain period
Number of bars to be considered.
Upper Band.
Lower Band.
Where high is the highest value reached by AvTrueRange in a certain period.
Where low is the lowest value reached by AvTrueRange in a certain period.
Data Output:
AvTrueRange ATR-Average Percentage
Upper Band
Value of the upper band.
Lower Band
Value of the lower band.
Technical Reference:
On the base of the ATR, this oscillator takes the highest and lowest values of a period and it assigns a value to it
between +100 and 0 respectively. The rest of the values provided are distributed proportionally between the previous
extreme amounts.
The result is very interesting since we will be able to see the zones of high volatility (over +80) and of the low
volatility (below 20) for a period given from the historical data.
These references allow us to use the oscillator for two quite useful intentions:
 Filter the buy/sell signals given by other oscillators, triggering the signals mainly in the zones of the low
volatility in which the risk of acting in the market is sensibly better.
 Taking additional precautions in the high volatility zones by the sensible increase of the risks of remaining in the
Related Functions:
Positive DI
[AvTrueRangeP] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
VolatilityIndex - Volatility Index.
Technical Data:
High i
High of the bar.
Low i
Low of the bar.
Close i-1
Close of the previous bar.
Number of bars to measure the TR.
? We consider TR as the highest of:
? For the first TR we use an average of the first p bars:
? For the following bars:
Data Output:
Volatility Index.
Technical Reference:
The Volatility Index is a volatility indicator that considers the existing range between the closing of the previous bar
and the high or low of the current bar or the existing range between the high and low of a bar.
This indicator measures the amplitude of a bar considering the influence that exerts the closing of the previous bar.
This helps to include the possible gaps produced in the prices. The Volatility Index calculates a moving average of
these values on a certain number of bars. This indicator can be considered as a useful tool to measure the volatility of
the market. It is possible to interpret the end points of the indicator as a change of character in the market, from a
bullish or bearish trend to a period of trading range in the market and vice versa.
This oscillator does not provide buy/sell signals directly, is used as a filter to provide to other systems more favorable
Generally the low volatility usually presents low risk situations in the market. Therefore, it invites to place stop entry
orders in the market provided by other mechanical systems.
Related Functions:
Simple Moving Average
[VolatilityIndex] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
VolatilityIndexP -Percentage Volatility Index.
Technicla Data:
Average range of the ATR within a certain period
Number of bars to be considered.
Upper Band.
Lower Band.
Where high is the highest value reached by VolatilityIndex in a certain period.
Where low is the lowest value reached by VolatilityIndex in a certain period.
Data Output:
Percentage Volatility Index.
Upper Band
Value of the upper band.
Lower Band
Value of the lower band.
Technical Reference:
On the base of the Volatility Index, this oscillator takes the highest and lowest values of a period and it assigns a value
to it between +100 and 0 respectively. The rest of the values provided are distributed proportionally between the
previous extreme amounts.
The result is very interesting since we will be able to see the zones of high volatility (over +80) and of the low
volatility (below 20) for a period given from the historical data.
These references allow us to use the oscillator for two quite useful intentions:
 Filter the buy/sell signals given by other oscillators, triggering the signals mainly in the zones of the low
volatility in which the risk of acting in the market is sensibly better.
 Taking additional precautions in the high volatility zones by the sensible increase of the risks of remaining in the
Related Functions:
Simple Moving Average
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
VHF - VHF-Vertical-Horizontal-Filter.
Technical Data:
Value of the current bar (We can select Close, Open, Low...)
On what data is going to be calculated (Close,
Open, High...)
? HCP takes the value of the highest high within a p period
? LCP takes the value of the lowest low within a p period
Data Output:
VHF Line – Horizontal Vertical
Technical Reference:
Probably the greater dilemma in technical analysis is to determine if the prices are trending or are in a period of
congestion. The indicators that follow the trends like MACD and the moving averages are excellent for trending
markets but can generate false signals in periods of congestion. On the other hand oscillators like RSI and the
Stochastic works very well while the prices are fluctuating within a congestion zone but almost always they
prematurely close positions in trending markets. The VHF tries to determine if it exists or not a trend to help choosing
the best indicators to use.
There are several ways to interpret this indicator:
1. It is possible to be used VHF by itself to determine the strength of the trend. Whichever greater it is the VHF
measurement, the greater the value of the indicator and therefore it will be necessary to use trend indicators.
2. The direction of the VHF can be used to determine if a phase of trend or congestion is being developed. A
measurement of bullish VHF indicates a trend that is being developed whereas bearish VHF will indicate that
it is entering a phase of congestion.
3. The VHF can be used as a contrary indicator. We can expect congestion after reaching high measures
whereas it is possible to expect a trending market after reaching low levels.
Related Functions:
[VHF] Oscillator Function.
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Close of the bar from a stock, index, futures…
Close of the bar from a stock, index, futures…
Number of pair securities to be calculated.
Index, company…to be considered.
Index, company…to be considered.
Number of bars to be considered.
Data Output:
Correlation Index line.
Configurable band.
Technical Reference:
The Correlation Index calculates the prices' frequency of movements in one direction and the opposite by two values
during a determined period of time. This frequency is between values +1 and -1, are used to measure the correlation
of the trend in two markets.
A positive correlation indicates that both markets have the same tendency. A negative correlation indicates that both
markets have opposite tendencies. A correlation near zero indicates that there is little correlation.
The intention of the Correlation Index is to measure the relationship between two variables and to obtain the
Correlation Coefficient ; this coefficient will be included between +1 and –1. It will reach +1 when a perfect
correlation between the two series exists. It will reach -1 when the correlation is opposite and 0 when no relation
between the two series does exist.
A low coefficient of correlation (for example + 0,10) suggests the relationship between two variables is little.
Nevertheless a high value of correlation indicates that a dependent variable (for example a price) will change when an
independent variable (for example an oscillator) changes.
The change in direction of the dependent variable will depend on the sign of the coefficient. If the dependent variable
is positive then it will move in the same direction that the independent variable, and if it is negative, then the dependent
variable moves in opposite direction to the movement of the independent variable.
The Correlation Index can be used in three ways:
1. Correlation between a price and an oscillator, for example a high value of negative correlation (e.g.: -0.70)
means that when the oscillator changes, surely our price will change in opposite direction.
2. Correlation between a price and another price, frequently the price of a value predicts the price of another
one, this can be seen in diverse assets. For example, the coefficient of correlation between gold and the price
of the euro are highly negative, because the increase of the euro supposes a decrement of the value of gold.
3. Correlation between an oscillator and another one, in certain situations the behavior of an oscillator predicts
the behavior of another one, the indicator based on the Volume can behave in synchrony with another one
based on momentum.
Related Functions:
[CorrelationIndex] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
SpreadOsc - Beta Oscilator.
Technical Data:
Clo1 i
Close of the current bar from value1.
Clo1 i-1
Close of the previous bar from value1.
Clo2 i
Close of the current bar from value2.
Clo2 i-1
Close of the current bar from value2.
Index, company…to be considered.
Index, company…to be considered.
Comparison registry.
Value of the
Data Output:
Beta Oscillator line.
Technical Reference:
The Beta Oscillator uses for its calculations two series of data in order to measure the relative force of the movement
of a series respect to the other. It compares the closing of one-day respect to the previous one in each one of the
series and then it subtracts both values. The result is a data curve with the following interpretation:
 If the data of the oscillator are over zero indicates that the first series is behaving with more force, in other
words its bullish trend is strong.
 If the data of the oscillator are below zero indicates that the first series presents a more pronounced bearish
The Beta Oscillator can be used in three ways:
1. Beta between a price and an oscillator.
2. Beta between a price and another price.
3. Beta between an oscillator and another one.
Related Functions:
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
MomentumSpreadOsc - Momentum Oscilator Beta.
Technical Data:
Beta Oscillator Value
Index, company…to be considered.
Index, company…to be considered.
Comparison registry.
Value of the
Data Output:
MomentumSpr Momentum Spread Oscillator
Configurable Band.
Technical Reference:
The Momentum Spread Oscillator uses for its calculations two series of data in order to measure the relative force of
the movement of a series respect to the other. It compares the closing of one-day respect to the previous one in each
one of the series and then it subtracts both values. Finally it applies the standard momentum formula from a data series
subtracting today's value from the value N days ago. The result is a data curve with the following interpretation:
 If the data of the oscillator are over zero indicates that the first series is behaving with more force, in other
words its bullish trend is strong.
 If the data of the oscillator are below zero indicates that the first series presents a more pronounced bearish
The Momentum Spread Oscillator can be used in three ways:
1. Momentum Beta between a price and an oscillator.
2. Momentum Beta between a price and another price, frequently the price of a value predicts the price of
another one, this can be seen in diverse assets.
3. Momentum Beta between two oscillators. In certain situations the behavior of an oscillator predicts the
behavior of the other. This behavior will be shown in the oscillators' curve.
Related Functions:
Beta Indicator
[MomemtumSpreadOsc] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
RSC - Strenght Index.
Technical Data:
Pri1 i
Price series from the base company.
Pri2 i
Price series from the secondary company.
Index, company…to be considered.
Index, company…to be considered.
Strength Index line.
The Strength Index uses for its calculations two data series in order to measure the relative strength of the movement
of a serie in relation to the other. It compares the closing of one-day respect to the previous one in each one of the
series. The resulting data curve is similar to the Beta Oscillator, only that in the first one the data is interpreted as a
percentage. It can be interpreted as follows:
 If the data of the oscillator are over zero indicates that the first series is behaving with more force, in other
words its bullish trend is strong.
 If the data of the oscillator are below zero indicates that the first series presents a more pronounced bearish
The Strength Index can be used in three ways:
1. Index between a price and an oscillator.
2. Index between a price and another price.
3. Index between an oscillator and another one.
Related Functions:
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
PercentSpread - Percentage Spread.
Technical Data:
DisagreeSpread Value of the Percentage Spread Oscillator.
Price series of the base company.
Index, company…to be considered.
Index, company…to be considered.
On what data is going to be calculated (Close,
Open, High...)
Data Output:
Percentage Spread line.
Configurable band value
Technical Reference:
Percentage Spread indicator calculates the difference of the prices of two markets and express in percentage with
respect to the closings.
A spread implies buy and sell two assets with the intention to obtain a benefit when considering the narrowing or
expansion between both. For example, we can buy gold and sell silver with the expectation of which the price of gold
will raise more rapidly (or it will go slowly lower) than the price of silver.
Also this strategy can be used with a single security, for example, buying a future that expires in October and selling
the future that expires in December.
The Percentage Spread uses for its calculations two data series in order to measure the relative strength of the
movement of a series in relation to the other. It compares the closing of one-day respect to the previous one in each
one of the series. The resulting data curve is similar to the Beta Oscillator, only that in the first one the data is
interpreted as price or data. It can be interpreted as follows:
 If the data of the oscillator are over zero indicates that the first series is behaving with more force, in other
words its bullish trend is strong.
 If the data of the oscillator are below zero indicates that the first series presents a more pronounced bearish
The Percentage Spread can be used in three ways:
1. Spread between a price and an oscillator.
2. Spread between a price and another price.
3. Spread between an oscillator and another one.
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
PercentSpread Value of the Percentage Spread.
Index, company…to be considered.
Index, company…to be considered.
On what data is going to be calculated (Close,
Open, High...)
where K is SPP of the first registry.
Data Output:
Percentage Spread Source line
Technical Reference:
The Percentage Spread with Source indicator calculates the difference of the prices of two markets and express in
percentage with respect to the closings.
A spread implies buy and sell two assets with the intention to obtain a benefit when considering the narrowing or
expansion between both. For example, we can buy gold and sell silver with the expectation of which the price of gold
will raise more rapidly (or it will go slowly lower) than the price of silver.
Also this strategy can be used with a single security, for example, buying a future that expires in October and selling
the future that expires in December.
The Percentage Spread with Source uses for its calculations two data series in order to measure the relative strength
of the movement of a series in relation to the other. It compares today's' closing for both series and then subtracts a K
factor which corresponds to the Percentage Spread of the first bar. The resulting data curve is similar to the
Percentage Spread, only that in the first one the data is interpreted as price or data. It can be interpreted as follows:
 If the data of the oscillator are over zero indicates that the first series is behaving with more force, in other
words its bullish trend is strong.
 If the data of the oscillator are below zero indicates that the first series presents a more pronounced bearish
The Percentage Spread with Source can be used in three ways:
1. Spread between a price and an oscillator.
2. Spread between a price and another price.
3. Spread between an oscillator and another one.
Related Functions:
Percentage Spread
[PercentSpreadSour] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
DisagreeSpread - Differential spread.
Technical Data:
Pri1 i
Price series from the base company.
Pri2 i
Price series from the secondary company.
Index, company…to be considered.
Index, company…to be considered.
On what data is going to be calculated (Close,
Open, High...)
Data Output:
Differential Spread line.
Technical Reference:
The Differential Spread indicator calculates the difference of the prices of two markets. Normally it is used to follow
futures and options markets. The traders that use spreads in futures follow the relations of prices between related
futures contracts. Therefore, it is needed at least two markets or two securities to be able to make comparisons.
A spread implies buy and sell two assets with the intention to obtain a benefit when considering the narrowing or
expansion between both. For example, we can buy gold and sell silver with the expectation of which the price of gold
will raise more rapidly (or it will go slowly lower) than the price of silver.
Also this strategy can be used with a single security, for example, buying a future that expires in October and selling
the future that expires in December.
The Differential Spread uses for its calculations two data series in order to measure the relative strength of the
movement of a series in relation to the other. It compares today's' closing for both series. The resulting data curve is
similar to the Beta Oscillator, only that in the first one the data is interpreted as price or data. It can be interpreted as
 If the data of the oscillator are over zero indicates that the first series is behaving with more force, in other
words its bullish trend is strong.
 If the data of the oscillator are below zero indicates that the first series presents a more pronounced bearish
The Differential Spread can be used in three ways:
1. Spread between a price and an oscillator.
2. Spread between a price and another price.
3. Spread between an oscillator and another one.
Related Functions:
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
DisagreeSpread Value of the Spread Oscillator.
Index, company…to be considered.
Index, company…to be considered.
On what data is going to be calculated (Close,
Open, High...)
where K is the SPD of the first registry.
Data Output:
DisagreeSprea Differential Spread with Source
Configurable Band value.
Technical Reference:
The Differential Spread with Source indicator calculates the difference of the prices of two markets. Normally it is
used to follow futures and options markets. The traders that use spreads in futures follow the relations of prices
between related futures contracts. Therefore, it is needed at least two markets or two securities to be able to make
A spread implies buy and sell two assets with the intention to obtain a benefit when considering the narrowing or
expansion between both. For example, we can buy gold and sell silver with the expectation of which the price of gold
will raise more rapidly (or it will go slowly lower) than the price of silver.
Also this strategy can be used with a single security, for example, buying a future that expires in October and selling
the future that expires in December.
The Differential Spread with Source uses for its calculations two data series in order to measure the relative strength
of the movement of a series in relation to the other. It compares today's closing for both series and then subtracts a K
factor, which corresponds to the Differential Spread of the first bar. The resulting data curve is similar to the
Differential Spread. It can be interpreted as follows:
 If the data of the oscillator are over zero indicates that the first series is behaving with more force, in other
words its bullish trend is strong.
 If the data of the oscillator are below zero indicates that the first series presents a more pronounced bearish
The Differential Spread with Source can be used in three ways:
1. Spread between a price and an oscillator.
2. Spread between a price and another price.
3. Spread between an oscillator and another one.
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Trading Volume.
Data Output:
Technical Reference:
One of the more required data for decision making refering to the buying, holding or selling of a stock is the trading
volume data which that stock obtains during the trading session. Two types of performances determine its
As an important analysis element for the chartist. It is generally accepted that a bullish movement
accompanied by increase of the volume has consistency. On the contrary a reduction of the volume would
mean a suspicious sign of weakness. If a strong downwards slope is accompanied by a reduction of volume it
could indicate that the end of the movement is near since the investors who where selling the paper are
reconsidering their sales.
The volume also serves as a base for numerous technical oscillators that can directly be used like entry filters
for other systems or as entry points by themselves.
Related Functions:
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Vol i
Volume of the current bar.
Vol i-1
Volume of the previous bar.
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Clo i-1
Close of the previous bar.
Value for the first IVN.
? If
then IVN = IVN i-1
? If Vol i < Vol i-1 then
Data Output:
Oscillator line.
Technical Reference:
The interpretation of the IVN assumes that in the days of increase of volume the little experienced investors who
follow the great investors are in the market. On the contrary when there is little volume the anxious money is taking
positions. The IVN indicates what makes the money anxious.
A high probability exists that a market is bullish when the indicator IVN is above the yearly moving average. On the
other hand the probability of a bullish market is smaller when the IVN is below the yearly moving average. Therefore
the IVN is more useful as a bullish indicator (at least for stocks).
It is not an indicator that offers direct trading signals in the market, instead it acts as a filter for other systems
indicating if there is a favorable atmosphere or not, to make a certain decision.
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Vol i
Volume of the current bar.
Vol i-1
Volume of the previous bar.
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Clo i-1
Close of the previous bar.
Original registry.
? If
; then IPV = IPV i-1
? If Vol i > Vol i-1 then
Data Output:
Oscillator line
Technical Reference:
The IPV index it is calculated based on the increase of volume with respect to the previous bar in a chart. The
premise of this indicator is that the less professional investors take positions at the moments of euphoria characterized
by a significant increase of the volume.
Indicator IPV assumes that in the days of volume increasing the inexperienced investors follow the professional
investors entering the market. On the contrary when there is little volume the anxious money is taking positions. The
IPV shows what the less experienced money is doing
(IVN indicates what makes the money anxious.)
It is not an indicator that offers direct trading signals in the market, but it acts as a filter for other systems indicating if
there is or not a favorable atmosphere to make a certain decision.
Related Functions:
[AvSimple] Simple Moving Average
Negative Volume Index
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Vol i
Volume of the current bar.
? Starting the second registry:
? If
? If
Data Output:
On Balance Volume line
Technical Reference:
The On Balance Volume oscillator considers the volume that is accumulated in the market and the direction in which it
moves. When a stock closes above the preceding closing the volume is considered ascending volume whereas when it
closes below it is considered descending volume.
This indicator anticipates the price movement because a change in the volume fluidity happens before it is felt in the
prices. OBV measures these changes of volume fluidity with the purpose of anticipating possible market changes of
the trend. The most effective interpretative tools of this oscillator usually are the divergences and runaways.
It is not an indicator that offers direct trading signals in the market, but it acts as a filter for other systems indicating if
there is or not a favorable atmosphere to make a certain decision.
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Entry Data
High of the bar.
Low of the bar
Close of the bar
Data Output:
AccumDistrib Accumulation Distribution line.
Technical Reference:
The Accumulation/Distribution indicator (ACD) relates the opening, the closing and the range of a bar. It gives great
importance to the volume that we will call accumulation when we bought and distribution when it is sold. The indicator
is based on the premise by which the more volume accompanies the movement the more significant it will be.
As much the ACD oscillator as the OBV the volumes try to give a confirmation of the trend in the movements of the
stocks within a market using not only the prices but also the volumes.
When the Accumulation/Distribution has a high reading, it indicates that the stock is being accumulated (bought) since
most of the volume is associate with the bullish movement of the price, however when it moves downwards, shows
that the stock is being distributed (sold).
As much the ACD as other accumulation indicators the relative value and the interpretation of the trends is more
important that their numerical values.
The divergences between Accumulation/Distribution and the price of the stock imply an imminent change of price
trend. For example, if the indicator is rising while the prices are falling a turn around in the market is probable.
Related Functions:
[AvExponential] Exponential Moving Average
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Accumulation/Distribution is sensible to the immediate fluctuations of the prices since it considers, not only the
elements of the bars; high, low, open and close but also the volume that is why any significant movement are detected
immediately with great percentage of reliability. This oscillator comes smoothed with the presence of an exponential
average that can serve as reference at the time of making decisions.
Technicla Data:
AccumDistrib Value of the accumulation-distribution oscillator in the last bar.
Exponential average.
Exponential average.
Where the M exponential moving average is used on ACD
Where the N exponential moving average is used on ACD
Data Output:
Chaikin's Oscillator line.
Configurable value of the band
Technical Reference:
This oscillator gives much importance to the volume in order of identifying the internal force or the existing of
weakness in a market. The volume is frequently used as means of detecting a possible change of sentiment in the
market when the prices do not indicate it.
The Chaikin's Oscillator applies exponential moving averages on the oscillator ACD. Accumulation/Distribution uses
the relation between the opening and closes of each bar and the amplitude of the same one to give weight and to
characterize the volume as Accumulation (buy) or Distribution (sell). The CKO concept is very similar to the one of
the OBV but with the difference in which CKO is cumulative and it is weighted. Comparing the flow of the volume in
the market with the prices that take place it can help to identify important highs and lows for the short and medium
One of the most important signals generated by the CKO is the divergence in strong overbought or oversold levels.
Another way to use the oscillator is as means of trend confirmation when there is a change of direction in the oscillator
in the direction of the trend.
Related Functions:
[AvExponential] Exponential Moving Average
Accumulation/Distribution oscillator
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Vol i
Volume of the current bar.
Number of selected bars.
Data Output:
VolumenROC ROC-Volume Oscillator line.
Technicla Reference:
The ROC-Volume indicator calculates in a similar way as the ROC-Prices with the difference of which it considers
the data of the volume instead of the prices of a stock. Oscillator RCV compares the volume of the present bar in
relation to other historical bars.
The difference is shown in a percentage way in a chart and the oscillator fluctuates around the zero line. The volume
could indicate the existence of strong points and weak points in a trend. Positive measures of the indicator shows
enough consistency in the market, reason why is possible that the trend will continue whereas low readings signal of an
impending change of direction or weakness in the market.
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Vol i
Volume of the current bar.
Number of selected bars.
Moving average desired.
? We calculate the simple moving average of the volume:
? We calculate the R.O.C. on the previous average.
Data Output:
AvVolumenR ROC-Moving Average Volume
Technical Reference:
The ROC-Moving Average Volume indicator is calculated in a similar way as the ROC-Volume with the difference of
which it considers the data of a moving average of the volume instead of directly doing it on this.
The RCV oscillator with Average compares the average volume of the current bar in relation to other historical bars.
The difference is shown as a percentage in a chart and the oscillator fluctuates around the zero line. The volume could
indicate the existence of strong points and weak points in a trend. Positive measures of the indicator shows enough
consistency in the market, reason why is possible that the trend will continue whereas low readings signal of an
impending change of direction or weakness in the market.
It is not an indicator that offers direct trading signals in the market, but it acts as a filter for other systems indicating if
there is or not a favorable atmosphere to make a certain decision.
Related Functions:
Price Rate Of Change (R.O.C.)
Volume Rate Of Change.
[AvVolumeROC] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Vol i
Volume of the current bar.
? We calculate the percentage change of the current price:
? We obtain the oscillator from:
Data Output:
Price-Volume trend line.
Technical Reference:
The PVT looks like the OBV in that it is a cumulative volume oscillator fit to the closings prices. Whereas the OBV
adds the volume when the price higher than the previous one and subtracts the volume when the volume is lower than
the previous one the PVT adds/subtracts part of the volume. The volume accumulated by the PVT is determined by
the move (upwards or downwards) of the prices relative to the closing price of the previous bar.
The PVT calculates the percentage change of the prices between the current closing and the previous one. The
volume is multiplied by this percentage and it is added to an accumulated total. This accumulated is the one shown in
the chart. The PVT is used at the same time to confirm the strength of the trend, and at the same time can show the
existence of divergences between the prices and the volumes.
A change in market direction can be predicted if an increase in the prices does not go accompanied by an increase of
volume. Generally, if a divergence between volume and prices exists the movement can be slowed down and it can
signal a change of direction in the prices.
The interpretation of the PVT is similar to the one of the OBV. This adds the same volume to the indicator
independently of the proportion of upward movement whereas the PVT adds a volume proportional to the oscillations
of the prices.
Related Functions:
[PVTrend] Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Max i
High of the current bar.
Min i
Low of the current bar.
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Vol i
Volume of the current bar.
Number of bars to be considered.
Upper Band.
Lower Band
? If TP i > TP i-1
? If TP i < TP i-1
? From the registry p+1 we calculate:
Data Output:
Money Flow Index line.
Configurable Upper Band.
Configurable Lower Band.
Technical Reference:
The MFI is a movement indicator that shows the strength with which the money enters and leaves the market. It is
associated with the RSI but whereas RSI considers the prices the MFI in addition considers the volume. The use of
prices and volumes altogether gives a different perspective from the use of the price or volume separately.
The MFI calculates an indexed value based on the prices and volumes. The calculations are made in each bar when
the average price is above the previous one or when the average price is below the previous bar. The MFI can be
useful to identify overbought and oversold conditions.
There are two ways to interpret this oscillator.
1. To look for divergences between the indicator and the price. A change in the direction of the market can be
close if the divergence between the prices and the indications of the oscillator is strong.
2. A bullish movement is probable when the MFI is above 80 and on the contrary a bearish movement is
probable if the MFI is below 20.
Related Functions:
[AvSimple] Simple Moving Average
Oscillator Function
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technicla Data:
Max i
High of the last bar
Min i
Low of the current bar
Clo i
Close of the current bar.
Max i-1
High of the previous bar.
Min i-1
Low of the previous bar.
Clo i-1
Close of the previous bar.
Periods of the exponential moving average
applied on KVO.
Periods of the exponential moving average
applied on Dato4.
Periods of the exponential moving average
applied on Dato6.
? If then
? If
Data Output:
Configurable value of the band.
Technical Reference:
The KVO Oscillator relates prices and volume. It compares the average of today's' prices with yesterdays' and based
on the results it applies a multiplying coefficient to the volume. Then every day adds or reduces a number that relates
volume and prices. Next it applies two exponential averages to cushion the movements and to apply a momentum
technique to determine the main trend of the resulting curve. Finally it applies another exponential moving average to
the result of the previous calculation.
The result is a curve that moves in a smooth stable form. As all the volume oscillators we can have three different
 From a chartist point of view interpreting the divergences, runaways, etc in relation to the curve of prices.
 As a filter for the signals of other oscillators, indicating the most favorable situations to operate in the market.
 Even as point of buying if it crosses above the zero line, and sell if it does move in opposite way. In this case
we recommended, like with other mechanical systems, a serious study of the possibilities in each one of the
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Technical Data:
Max i
High of the current bar.
Max i-1
High of the previous bar.
Min i
Low of the current bar.
Min i-1
Low of the previous bar
Vol i
Volume of the current bar.
Number of bars to be considered.
Number of bars to be considered.
Note: If Max i - Min i = 0, then Max i - Min i = 1
Data Output:
EOM Oscillator line.
Configurable value of the band.
Technical Reference:
The EOM shows the existing relation between the volume and changes in the prices. As it does the graph of
equivolume indicator EOM shows how much volume is necessary for a significantly move in the prices. It was
developed by Richard W. Arms, Jr, creator of equivolume.
High indices of EOM take place when the prices go up accompanied by low volumes. Low measures of EOM occur
when low volumes accompany falling prices. If the prices are static or too much volume is needed to move them the
indicator would be around zero.
The OEM indicator produces buy signals when it crosses above the zero line; a sell signal will take place when the
indicator comes down near zero after a strong bullish movement. It indicates in this case a strong weakness of the
upward movement of the prices.
This indicator can be configured if we select the oscillators' line and completing every tab shown in the properties
Color: Displaying this window we will be able to configure the color of the indicator, as much in the even days as in
the odd days. Press on the button "..." and choose the color in the color palette.
Style: From this tab we can see the graph of indicator as linear, candlestick or bars. Also it is possible to define the
style of the line and the thickness of the same one.
Parameters : The program by default, displays a determined period, which it can be modified voluntarily by the user
and to maintain always modified we can set it up as default. If we want to return to the initial values, we must choose
“Restore to original values”.
Scale : In this option we will be able to configure the scale, type of scale, to fit it, to center it, to justify it, to put a
background or to make the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
Indicator TR : The Real time Indicator can be configured activating this tab and modifying if it is desired or not to
make visible, justifying, giving color to the background or choosing the type of letter font, as we want it to shown.
Separator: The Separator can be configured activating this tab and proceeding to activate (or to deactivate, if we
want to clear it) the option "Visible". If we want to display it with a determined color, we click the option Color and
choose from the color palette.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvSimpleOsc - Oscilator Average Simple.
Technical datas.
Current`s bar value (You can choose beetween close ,open, high etc...)
Value obtained by using AvSimpleOsc.
Data source
Band´s value
Number of bars that we wish to consider.
Bar´s data you want to work with (close, Open,
High ...)
Band which is drawn for a major clarity in the
indicator´s representation.
Data exit:
Line of the oscilator Average
Configurable value of the band.
Technical reference :
The Oscillator average simple shows the user the percentage difference of the closings of each of the bars with regard
to a mobile simple average. It is very useful to detect the anomalous fluctuations of the prices. An excessive
withdrawal of the zero line shows the user that prompt the prices will stop his strong trend to come closer to it and to
enter in a normal phase.
You can use it in a clasic way buying if the oscilator´s value change to positive ans buying if it changes to negative..In
this case you can stablish filters to avoid false entries.It can help us to detect overselling and overbuying zones that will
launch a signal which will be executed with the help of another oscilator which will fix the buy or sell stop.This las
option offers a hughe amount of interesting situations you can take avantage from, thanks to the analyse strenght of our
It is interesting to know too that the cyclical behaviours are perfectlly reflected in this oscillator data exit.The cycles
analyse is a very interesting field for the application of this tool.
Related fonctions:
Media Móvil Simple.
Función del Oscilador
Screens :
This oscilator can be configurates by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of theline and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount.
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvSimpleOscP - Average simple oscilator- P
Technical datas
Value obtained in average simple oscillator
Data source
Upper band
Medium band 0
BandaInferior -80
Number of bars that you wish to consider
Bar´s data you want to work with (close, Open,
High ...)
Upper band which is drawn for a major clarity in
the indicator representation.
Medium band value.
Lower band value
If AvSimpleOsc >= 0 then
If AvSimpleOsc < 0 then
Data exit:
AvSimpleOscP Av simple oscillator – P.
Upper bandr Configurable upper band
Medium band Configurable medium band
Lower band
Configurable lower band.
Technical reference
From the base of the oscillator average simple this oscillator takes the high and low values of a determinated period
and assign them the values +100 and - 100 respectivelly.The rest of the values are shared proportionnally among the
other extreme amounts.
The result is very interestig as we can see in a simple way the overbuying(over +80) and overselling zones (Behind
–80)for a determinated period in the cotation period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator with to differents and very usefull purposes.
As an entry point generator selling in two references points : if the line crosses to the right the oscilator band
-80 and buying if it cross to the fall the +80 band , (this modalitys offers entry points for short therm trades)
As filter for th buy and sell signs provided by other oscilators,selling in the overbuying zones and buying in the
overselling zones.
Related fonctions.
Media Móvil Simple.
Movil Simple Oscillator.
pleOsc Función del oscilador.
Screens :
This oscilator can be configurates by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd
days andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of theline and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount.
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you
want it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s
wish and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you
need to do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvExponentialOsc - Exponential Moving Average Indicator
Technical datas
Bollinger bands
Value obtained by using av exponential.
Data source
Band´s value. 0
Number of bars that you wish to consider
Data of the bar we are going to work with
(Close, open,high ...)
Band which is drawn for a major clarity in the
indicator´s representation.
Data exit:
Oscilador Mmóvil Exponencial
Valor de la banda configurable
Technical reference:
The Oscillator average simple shows the user the percentage difference of the closings of each of the bars with regard
to a mobile simple average. It is very useful to detect the anomalous fluctuations of the prices. An excessive
withdrawal of the zero line shows the user that prompt the prices will stop his strong trend to come closer to it and to
enter in a normal phase.
You can use it in a clasic way buying if the oscilator´s value change to positive ans buying if it cahnges to negative..In
this case you can stablish filters to avoid false entries.It can help us to detect oversellin and overbuying zones htat will
launch a signal which will be executed with the help of another oscilator which will fix the buy or sell stop.This las
option offers a hughe amount of interesting situations you can take avantage from thanks to the analyse strenght of our
It is interesting to know too that the cyclical behaviours are perfectlly reflected in this oscillator data exit.The cycles
analyse is a very interesting field form The application of this tool.
Related fonctions.
onential Media Móvil Exponencial.
onential Función del Oscilador
This oscilator can be configurated by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of theline and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount.
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvExponentialOscP - Exponential moving average oscilator- P
Technical datas
Value obtained in the oscillator avExponential oscillator.
Data source
Upper band
Medium band 0
Lower band
Number of bars you wish to consider.
Bar´s data we are going to work with
(Close,open,high ...).
Upper band which is drawn for a major clarity in
the indicator representation.
Medium band value
Lower band value.
if AvExponentialOsc >= 0 then
if AvExponentialOsc < 0 then
Data exit.
Banda media
Banda inferior
Line of the oscilator av expo-p
Configurable upper band.
Configurable lower band .
Configurable lower band.
Technical reference:
From the base of the oscillator average expo-p this oscillator takes the high and low values of a determinated period
and assign them the values +100 and - 100 respectivelly.The rest of the values are shared proportionnally among the
other extreme amounts.
The result is very interestig as we can see in a simple way the overbuying(over +80) and overselling zones (Behind
–80)for a determinated period in the cotation period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator with to differents and very usefull purposes.
As an entry point generator selling in two references points : if the line crosses to the right the oscilator band
-80 and buying if it cross to the fall the +80 band , (this modalitys offers entry points for short therm trades)
As filter for th buy and sell signs provided by other oscilators,selling in the overbuying zones and buying in the
overselling zones.
Funciones Relacionadas:
onential Media Móvil Exponencial.
onential Movil Exponential Oscillator.
onential Función del oscilador.
This oscilator can be configurates by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvWeightedOsc - Weighted Moving Average Oscilator
Technical datas :
Current´s bar value (, high...)
Value obtained by using a weight average
Data source
Band value
Number of bars that you wish to consider.
Data of the bar you want to work with (Close open high...)
Band wich is drawn for a major clarity in the indicator representation.
Data exit:
Line of the oscilator av weighted
Configurable value of the band.
Technical reference:
The Oscillator average Weighted shows the user the percentage difference of the closings of each of the bars with
regard to a mobile simple average. It is very useful to detect the anomalous fluctuations of the prices. An excessive
withdrawal of the zero line shows the user that prompt the prices will stop his strong trend to come closer to it and to
enter in a normal phase.
You can use it in a clasic way buying if the oscilator´s value change to positive ans buying if it cahnges to negative..In
this case you can stablish filters to avoid false entries.It can help us to detect oversellin and overbuying zones htat will
launch a signal which will be executed with the help of another oscilator which will fix the buy or sell stop.This las
option offers a hughe amount of interesting situations you can take avantage from thanks to the analyse strenght of our
It is interesting to know too that the cyclical behaviours are perfectlly reflected in this oscillator data exit.The cycles
analyse is a very interesting field form The application of this tool.
Funciones Relacionadas:
Media Móvil Ponderada.
ghtedO Función del oscilador
This oscilator can be configurates by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvWeightedOscP - Weighted Average Oscilator - P
Technical datas:
Value obtained by average weighted oscillator
Data source
Upper band
Medium band 0
Lower band
Number of bars that you wish to consider.
Data of the bar you are going to work with
(high,low, close..).
Value of the upper band.
Value of the medium band
Value of the lower band.
Formulas :
If AvWeightedOsc >= 0 then
If AvWeightedOsc < 0 then
Data exit :
Banda media
Banda inferior
Líne of the oscillator average
Configurable upper band
Configurable medium band
Configurable lower band.
Technical reference:
From the base of the oscillator average weighted this oscillator takes the high and low values of a determinated period
and assign them the values +100 and - 100 respectivelly.The rest of the values are shared proportionnally among the
other extreme amounts.
The result is very interestig as we can see in a simple way the overbuying(over +80) and overselling zones (Behind
–80)for a determinated period in the cotation period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator with to differents and very usefull purposes.
As an entry point generator selling in two references points : if the line crosses to the right the oscilator band
-80 and buying if it cross to the fall the +80 band , (this modalitys offers entry points for short therm trades)
As filter for th buy and sell signs provided by other oscilators,selling in the overbuying zones and buying in the
overselling zones.
Funciones Relacionadas:
Media Móvil Ponderada.
ghtedO Móvil Ponderada Oscillator.
ghtedO Función del oscilador.
This oscilator can be configurate by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parameters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvFlatOsc - Flat Moving Average Oscilator.
Technical datas:
Med. Apli
Current´s bar value (high, low, close.)
Value obtaind by applying a flat average .
Number of bars that you wish to consider.
Data of the bar we are going towork with (Close,
open high low...)
Band which is drawn for a major clarity in the
indicator´s representation.
Salida de Datos:
line of the oscilator flat average
Configurable value of the band.
Referencia Técnica:
The Oscillator average Weighted shows the user the percentage difference of the closings of each of the bars with
regard to a mobile simple average. It is very useful to detect the anomalous fluctuations of the prices. An excessive
withdrawal of the zero line shows the user that prompt the prices will stop his strong trend to come closer to it and to
enter in a normal phase.
You can use it in a clasic way buying if the oscilator´s value change to positive ans buying if it cahnges to negative..In
this case you can stablish filters to avoid false entries.It can help us to detect oversellin and overbuying zones htat will
launch a signal which will be executed with the help of another oscilator which will fix the buy or sell stop.This las
option offers a hughe amount of interesting situations you can take avantage from thanks to the analyse strenght of our
It is interesting to know too that the cyclical behaviours are perfectlly reflected in this oscillator data exit.The cycles
analyse is a very interesting field form The application of this tool.
Related fonctions :
Media Móvil Aplanada.
Función del Oscilador
Screens :
This oscilator can be configurate by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parameters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvFlatOscP - Flat Moving Average Oscilator- P
Technical datas:
AvFlatOscP Value obtained by average flat
Data source
Upper band
Medium band 0
Lower band
Number of bars that you wish to consider.
data of the bar we are going to work with (Close,
Open, High ...).
Upper band which is drawn for a major clarity in
the indicator´s representation.
Medium band value
Lower band value.
If AvFlatOsc >= 0 then
If AvFlatOsc < 0 then
Salida de Datos:
Line of the oscillator average
Upper band
Configurable upper band .
Medium band Configurable Medium band .
Lower band
Configurable lower band.
Technical reference :
From the base of the oscillator average flAT this oscillator takes the high and low values of a determinated period and
assign them the values +100 and - 100 respectivelly.The rest of the values are shared proportionnally among the other
extreme amounts.
The result is very interestig as we can see in a simple way the overbuying(over +80) and overselling zones (Behind
–80)for a determinated period in the cotation period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator with to differents and very usefull purposes.
As an entry point generator selling in two references points : if the line crosses to the right the oscilator band
-80 and buying if it cross to the fall the +80 band , (this modalitys offers entry points for short therm trades)
As filter for th buy and sell signs provided by other oscilators,selling in the overbuying zones and buying in the
overselling zones.
Funciones Relacionadas:
Media Móvil Aplanada.
Movil Aplanada Oscillator.
ckOscP Función del oscilador.
This oscilator can be configurates by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvQuickOsc - Average Quick Oscilator
Technical datas:
Current´s bar value (You can select close, high,low...)
Med. Acei
Value obtained by using avquickoscilator.
Data source
Bands value
Number of bars that you wish to consider.
Factor of acceleration used by average quick.
Data of the bar we are going to work with
(Close, open, high)
Band which is drawn for a major clarity in the
indicator representation.
Data exit:
oscilator av quick
Configurable value of the band.
Technical referance :
The oscillator average quick osc. shows the user the percentage difference of the closings of each of the bars with
regard to a mobile simple average. It is very useful to detect the anomalous fluctuations of the prices. An excessive
withdrawal of the zero line shows the user that prompt the prices will stop his strong trend to come closer to it and to
enter in a normal phase.
You can use it in a clasic way buying if the oscilator´s value change to positive ans buying if it changes to negative..In
this case you can stablish filters to avoid false entries.It can help us to detect oversellin and overbuying zones htat will
launch a signal which will be executed with the help of another oscilator which will fix the buy or sell stop.This las
option offers a hughe amount of interesting situations you can take avantage from thanks to the analyse strenght of our
It is interesting to know too that the cyclical behaviours are perfectlly reflected in this oscillator data exit.The cycles
analyse is a very interesting field form The application of this tool.
Funciones Relacionadas:
Media Móvil Acelerada.
Función del Oscilador
This oscilator can be configurates by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
o Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
and in the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvQuickOscP -Average Quick Oscilator - P
Technical datas:
AvQuickOscP Value obtained by average quick oscilator.
Data source
BandaSuperior 80
BandaMedia 0
BandaInferior -80
Number of bars that you wish to consider.
Bar´s data you are going to work
with(Close,open,high ...).
Value of the upper band
Value of the medium band
Value of the lower band.
If AvQuickOsc >= 0 then
If AvQuickOsc < 0 then
Data exit:
Line of the oscilator average
quick -P.
Upper Band Configurable upper band
Medium band Configurable medium band .
Lower band
Configurable lower band.
Referencia Técnica:
From the base of the oscillator averagetriangular this oscillator takes the high and low values of a determinated period
and assign them the values +100 and - 100 respectivelly.The rest of the values are shared proportionnally among the
other extreme amounts.
The result is very interesting as we can see in a simple way the overbuying(over +80) and overselling zones (Behind
–80)for a determinated period in the cotation period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator with to differents and very usefull purposes.
As an entry point generator selling in two references points : if the line crosses to the rise the oscilator band
-80 and buying if it cross to the fall the +80 band , (this modalitys offers entry points for short therm trades)
As filter for the buy and sell signs provided by other oscilators,selling in the overbuying zones and buying in
the overselling zones.
Funciones Relacionadas:
Media Móvil Acelerada.
Móvil Acelerada Oscillator.
ckOscP Función del oscilador.
This oscilator can be configurates by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvWilderOsc - Wilder´s Moving Average Oscilator
Datos Técnicos:
Med. Wili
Current´s bar value (You can select close, high.low..)
Value obtained by using a wilder average
Data source
Number of bars that you wish to consider
Data of the bar we are going to work with
(Close, open,high low...)
Band which is drawn for a major clarity in the
indicator representation.
Data exit:
Line of the oscilator average
Wilder oscilator.
Configurable value of the band
Technical reference:
The oscilator Avwilder osc shows the user the porcentual difference of the close of each bar related to a wilder´s
moving average.It is very interesting to detect strange fluctuations in the prices.. An excessive withdrawal of the line of
zero will indicate that prompt the prices will stop it strong trend to come closer to it and enter in a phase of normality.
It can be used in a classis way buying if the value of the oscilator changes to positive and selling if it goes negative.In
this case we can set filters to avoid false entries.It can help us as well to detect overbuying and overselling zones that
will launch a signal that will be executed in consensus with another oscilator which will fix tha buying or selling stop.
This last option offers a wide amount of interesting situations that you can take advantage from thanks to our software
strenght of analyse..
It is interesting to say too that the cyclic behaviour are pefectelly shown in this oscilator data exit.The cycle analyse is
an interesting field for the analse of this tool.
Related fonctions.:
Media Móvil Wilder.
Función del Oscilador
This oscilator can be configurates by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing the kind of leter we require.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvWilderOscP - Wilder´s Moving Average Oscilator - P
Technical datas:
AvWilderOsc Value obtaines by oscilator AvwilderOscp .
Data source
BandaSuperior 80
BandaMedia 0
BandaInferior -80
Number of bars that you wish to consider.
Data of the bar we want to work with
(Close,open,high ...).
Upper band value
medium band value
Lower band value
If AvWilderOsc >= 0 then
If AvWilderOsc < 0 then
Data exit:
AvWilderOscP Line of the oscilator avwilder -P.
Upper band
Configurable upper band.
medium band Configurable medium band.
Lower band
Configurable lower band
Technical reference:
From the base of the oscillator averagetriangular this oscillator takes the high and low values of a determinated period
and assign them the values +100 and - 100 respectivelly.The rest of the values are shared proportionnally among the
other extreme amounts.
The result is very interestig as we can see in a simple way the overbuying(over +80) and overselling zones (Behind
–80)for a determinated period in the cotation period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator with to differents and very usefull purposes.
As an entry point generator selling in two references points : if the line crosses to the right the oscilator band
-80 and buying if it cross to the fall the +80 band , (this modalitys offers entry points for short therm trades)
As filter for the buy and sell signs provided by other oscilators,selling in the overbuying zones and buying in
the overselling zones.
Funciones Relacionadas:
Media Móvil Wilder.
Móvil de Wilder Oscillator.
derOsc Función del oscilador.
This oscilator can be configurate by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parameters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvAdaptedOsc - Adapted Average Oscilator.
Technical datas:
Med. Adpi
Current´s bar value (You can select high, close,open...)
Value obtained by using an average oscilator
Parameters :
Número de barras que se desea considerar en el
cálculo del indicador VHF
Número de barras que se desea considerar en el
cálculo de la media AvAdapted
Sobre que dato de la barra se va a trabajar
(Cierre, Apertura, Máxima ...)
Banda que se dibuja para mayor claridad en la
representación del indicador
Data exit :
Line of the oscilator
Valor de la banda configurable
Technical reference:
The oscilator Avadptosc shows the user the porcentual difference of the close of each bar related to an adapted
moving average. It is very interesting to detect strange fluctuations in the prices.. An excessive withdrawal of the line
of zero will indicate that prompt the prices will stop it strong trend to come closer to it and enter in a phase of
It can be used in a classis way buying if the value of the oscilator changes to positive and selling if it goes negative.In
this case we can set filters to avoid false entries.It can help us as well to detect overbuying and overselling zones that
will launch a signal that will be executed in consensus with another oscilator which will fix tha buying or selling stop.
This last option offers a wide amount of interesting situations that you can take advantage from thanks to our software
strenght of analyse..
It is interesting to say too that the cyclic behaviour are pefectelly shown in this oscilator data exit.The cycle analyse is
an interesting field for the analse of this tool.
Screens :
This oscilator can be configurates by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
o Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing the kind of leter we require.
Parameters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
Technical datas :
Value obtained by average adapted osc .
BandaSuperior 80
BandaMedia 0
BandaInferior -80
Number of bars that we wish to consider.
Data of the bar we are going to work with (Close
,high ,low...).
Value of the upper band
Value of the medium band
Value of the lower band
Formulas :
If AvAdaptedOsc >= 0 then
If AvAdaptedOsc < 0 then
Data exit :
Banda media
Banda inferior
Line of the
Configurable upper band
Configurable lower band.
Configurable lower band.
Technical Reference:
From the base of the oscillator average adapted this oscillator takes the high and low values of a determinated period
and assign them the values +100 and - 100 respectivelly.The rest of the values are shared proportionnally among the
other extreme amounts.
The result is very interestig as we can see in a simple way the overbuying(over +80) and overselling zones (Behind
–80)for a determinated period in the cotation period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator with to differents and very usefull purposes.
As an entry point generator selling in two references points : if the line crosses to the right the oscilator band
-80 and buying if it cross to the fall the +80 band , (this modalitys offers entry points for short therm trades)
As filter for the buy and sell signs provided by other oscilators,selling in the overbuying zones and buying in
the overselling zones.
This oscilator can be configurate by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parameters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvLife1Osc - Oscilator Average LIFE-1
Technical datas:
Currents bar value (You can select close,high,low...)
Value obtained by av life.
Band value
Number of bars that you wish to consider.
Data of the bar average liffe and averageliffeosc
are going to work with.
Band wich is drawn for a major clarity in the
indicator representation.
Data exit:
Line of the oscilator average
Configurable band value.
Technical reference :
The oscilator avliffe1 osc shows the user the porcentual difference of the close of each bar related to a wilder´s
moving average.It is very interesting to detect strange fluctuations in the prices.. An excessive withdrawal of the line of
zero will indicate that prompt the prices will stop it strong trend to come closer to it and enter in a phase of normality.
It can be used in a classis way buying if the value of the oscilator changes to positive and selling if it goes negative.In
this case we can set filters to avoid false entries.It can help us as well to detect overbuying and overselling zones that
will launch a signal that will be executed in consensus with another oscilator which will fix tha buying or selling stop.
This last option offers a wide amount of interesting situations that you can take advantage from thanks to our software
strenght of analyse..
It is interesting to say too that the cyclic behaviour are pefectelly shown in this oscilator data exit.The cycle analyse is
an interesting field for the analyse of this tool.
Related fonctions:
Media Móvil LIFE-1
[AvLife Función del oscilador OL1">
1Osc] Función del Oscilador
This oscilator can be configurate by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parameters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvLife1OscP - Oscilator Average Life-1-P
Datos Técnicos:
AvLife1Osc Value obtained by the oscilator av life..
Data source
Upper band
Medium band 0
Low band
Número de barras que se desea considerar.
Number of bars you wish to consider.
Upper band which is drawn for a major clarity in
the indicator' s representation.
Medium band value.
Upper band value
If AvLife1Osci >= 0 then
If AvLife1Osci < 0 then
Data exit :
Line of the oscilator Mmóvil
Life-1 –P.
Configurable upper band
Banda media Configurable medium band
Banda inferior configurable lower band
Technical reference:
From the base of the oscilator Moving average life 1this oscilator takes the values higher and lower for a determinated
period and assign them the values +100 and - 100 respectivelly.The rest of the values are distributed proportionally
between the previous extreme quantities.
The result is very interestig as we can see in a simple way the overbuying(over +80) and overselling zones (Behind
–80)for a determinated period in the cotation period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator with to differents and very usefull purposes.
As an entry point generator selling in two references points : if the line crosses to the rise the oscilator band
-80 and buying if it cross to the fall the +80 band , (this modalitys offers entry points for short therm trades)
As filter for the buy and sell signs provided by other oscilators,selling in the overbuying zones and buying in
the overselling zones.
Related fonctions:
Estudio ML1.
Oscilador OL1.
Función del Oscilador.
This oscilator can be configurated by clicking on the oscilator line and felling each of the eyelash offered by the dialog
o Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
o Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of theline and it' s width.
o Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount.
o RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
Technical datas:
Current´s bar value (you can select high low,close...)
Value of averagelife 2
Data source
Band´s value
Number of bars that we wish to consider.
data of the bar average 2 and average 2 oscilator
are going towork with (Close,high,low...)
Band which is drawn for a major clarity in the
indicator´s representation.
Data exit:
Line of the oscilator average
Configurable value of the band
Technical reference :
The oscilator Avlive2osc shows the user the porcentual difference of the close of each bar related to an adapted
moving average.It is very interesting to detect strange fluctuations in the prices.. An excessive withdrawal of the line of
zero will indicate that prompt the prices will stop it strong trend to come closer to it and enter in a phase of normality.
It can be used in a classis way buying if the value of the oscilator changes to positive and selling if it goes negative.In
this case we can set filters to avoid false entries.It can help us as well to detect overbuying and overselling zones that
will launch a signal that will be executed in consensus with another oscilator which will fix tha buying or selling stop.
This last option offers a wide amount of interesting situations that you can take advantage from thanks to our software
strenght of analyse..
It is interesting to say too that the cyclic behaviour are pefectelly shown in this oscilator data exit.The cycle analyse is
an interesting field for the analse of this tool.
Related fonctions:
Media Móvil Life-2
Función del Oscilador.
This oscilator can be configurate by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parameters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvLife2OscP - Oscilator average liffe-2-P
Technical datas :
AvLife2Osc Value obtained by avlive 2oscp
Upper band
Medium band 0
Low band
Number of bars that you wish to consider
Bar ´s data we are going to work with
(close,open ,high)
Upper band which is drawn for a major clarity in
the indicator' s representation.
Medium band value
Low band value.
if AvLife2Osci >= 0 then
Si AvLife2Osci < 0 then
Data exit :
Line of the oscilator Mmóvil
Upper band
Configurable upper band
Medium band Configurable medium band
Low band
Configurable upper band.
Technical reference
From the base of the oscilator average liffe 2 this oscillator takes the high and low values from a determinated period
and assign them the values +100 and -100 respectivelly .The rest of the values are distributed beetween the others
extreme amounts.
The result is very interestig as we can see in a simple way the overbuying(over +80) and overselling zones (Behind
–80)for a determinated period in the cotation period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator with to differents and very usefull purposes.
As an entry point generator selling in two references points : if the line crosses to the right the oscilator band
-80 and buying if it cross to the fall the +80 band , (this modalitys offers entry points for short therm trades)
As filter for th buy and sell signs provided by other oscilators,selling in the overbuying zones and buying in the
overselling zones.
Funciones Relacionadas:
Estudio ML2.
Oscilador OL2.
Función del Oscilador.
This oscilator can be configurate by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of theline and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount.
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvLife3OscP - Average Life-3-P Oscilator
Technical datas:
Value obtained by Av life3Oscp
Upper band
Medium band 0
Low band
Number of bars you wish to consider
Data of the bar we are going to work with.
Upper band,drawn for a major clarity in the
indicator representation
Value of the medium ban
Value of the low band.
If AvLife3Osci >= 0 then
If AvLife3Osci < 0 then
Data exit.
Line of the oscillator Mmóvil
configurable upper band
Banda media Configurable medium band.
Banda inferior Configurable lower band.
Technical reference
From the base of the oscilator average liffe 2 this oscillator takes the high and low values from a determinated period
and assign them the values +100 and -100 respectivelly .The rest of the values are distributed beetween the others
extreme amounts.
The result is very interestig as we can see in a simple way the overbuying(over +80) and overselling zones (Behind
–80)for a determinated period in the cotation period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator with to differents and very usefull purposes.
As an entry point generator selling in two references points : if the line crosses to the right the oscilator band
-80 and buying if it cross to the fall the +80 band , (this modalitys offers entry points for short therm trades)
As filter for th buy and sell signs provided by other oscilators,selling in the overbuying zones and buying in the
overselling zones.
Funciones Relacionadas:
Estudio ML3.
Oscilador OL3.
Función del Oscilador.
This oscilator can be configurates by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of theline and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount.
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parameters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
AvLife3Osc - Average Life 3 Oscilator.
Technical datas :
Current´s bar value (You can selectclose,high,low)
Value obtained in AvLife3
Data source
Number of bars that you wish to consider
Data of the bar AvLife3 and AvLife3Osc are
going to work with (Close,open, high, low...)
Band which is drawn for a major clarity in the
indicator´s representation.
Data exit :
Línea del Oscilador av LIFE-3
Valor de la banda configurable
Technical reference:
The oscilator avliffe3 osc shows the user the porcentual difference of the close of each bar related to a wilder´s
moving average.It is very interesting to detect strange fluctuations in the prices.. An excessive withdrawal of the line of
zero will indicate that prompt the prices will stop it strong trend to come closer to it and enter in a phase of normality.
It can be used in a classis way buying if the value of the oscilator changes to positive and selling if it goes negative.In
this case we can set filters to avoid false entries.It can help us as well to detect overbuying and overselling zones that
will launch a signal that will be executed in consensus with another oscilator which will fix tha buying or selling stop.
This last option offers a wide amount of interesting situations that you can take advantage from thanks to our software
strenght of analyse..
It is interesting to say too that the cyclic behaviour are pefectelly shown in this oscilator data exit.The cycle analyse is
an interesting field for the analyse of this tool.
Related fonctions:
Media Móvil LIFE-3
[AvLife Función del oscilador OL1">
3Osc] Función del Oscilador
This oscilator can be configurate by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parameters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
BollinguerBandsOsc - Bollinger Oscillator.
Technical datas:
Value of the current bar(You can select open,high low)
Upper bollinger band.
Lower bollinger band.
CoeficienteM 2
Data source
Band Value
Number of bars that you wish to consider
Coefficient multiplier.
The bar's data we are going to work with
(high,low, close ...)
Kind of average Bollinger bands is going to work
with (Simple,ponderate,exponential)
Band that is drawn for major clarity in the
representation of the indicator.
Data exit:
Bollinger oscilator Line
Technical reference :
The Bollinger bands shows the user the porcentual difference beetween the close of each bar related to it position in
the band . This is very usefull to detect stranges fluctuations in the prices.. An excessive withdrawal of the average will
indicate that soon the prices will stop it strong trend to come closer to the average and to enter in a phase of
It can be used in a clasic way buying if the value of the oscilator changes to positive and selling if it changes to
negative.In this case you can set filters to avoid the false entries.. It can help us tto to ditect overbuying and overselling
zones that launch a signal that will be execute according with another oscilator who will fix the buying or selling
stop..This last option offers us a lot of interesting situations which can be use thanks to our software analyse
This oscillator can be used to analyse the divergences of the chart related to the closing pricesWhen the divergences
take place they show uschanges in the cotation trends.
IT is usefull to the user t take his time to anlyse the typical situations of trend changes in the following points.: oscilator
over +100 or -100 and prices out of the bands.. This situation must launch an alert which will take place in an entry
point made concrete by and other oscilator in consensus with this one..
Related fonctions:
erBands Bandas de Bollinger.
erBands Función del Oscilador
This indicator can be configurated by clicking in the oscilator line and filling each of the eyelashes offer by the
propertie' s dialog selection box.
o Colour: Opening this window you will be able to configurate the colour of the indicator, so much in the even
like in the odd ones. Press on the window "..." and choose the colour in the colors selection box.
o Style : From this eyelash you can represent you indicator in a linear way, candlestick or bars.You can define
the style of the line and it width too.
o Scale: EnWith this option you will be able to configurate the scale, kind of scale,adjust it ,centre it, justifye it,
choose your background or change the fount of the scale..
o RT Indicator : You can configurate the real time indicator by activating this eyelash and modifying it or make
it invisible,justifye it giving a colour to the background or choosing the font ot the letter..
o Parameters: The program by default uses a determinated period which can be modified at user' s wish and
keep it modified by accepting it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
BollingerBandsOscP - Bollinger oscillator - P
Datos Técnicos:
Value obtained from the bollinger oscilator.
BandaSuperior 80
Medium band 0
BandaInferior 20
Number of bars that you want to consider.
Coefficient multiplier
Bar' s data the boll volatility is going to work with
kind of average the bollinger Band is going to
work with.
Top band that is drawn for major clarity in the
representation of the indicator.
Value of the medium band
Value of the low band.
If BollingerBandsOscPi >= 0 then
If BollingerBandsOscPi < 0 then
Data exit :
Top band
Medium band
Bottom band
Line of the bollinger oscilator–P.
Top band configurable.
Medium Band configurable.
Superior band configurable.
Technical reference:
From the base of the bollinger oscilator this oscilator takes the maximum and minium values of a peiod and
asign to them the values +100 and -100 repectivelly.the rest of the values are distributed proportionally
among the prvious extreme amounts.
The result is very interesting as we can see in an easy way the overbuying zones (over +80) and overselling
(behind–80) for an historical quotations period.
This references allow us to use the oscilator for two usefull purposes.:
As entry points generator : Buying if the curve crosses to the rise the line of the oscillator the band-80 and
selling if it crosses to the fall the band of +80, (this modality offers entry points for short term.
As filter for buying and selling signals given by others oscilators selling in overbuying zones and buying in
overselling zones..
FRelated fonctionnalities:
study ML1.
Oscilator OL1.
Oscilator fonction
This oscilator can be configurated by clicking in the oscilator line and completing each of the eyelash offered in
the following picture.
Color: opening this window you will be able to configurate the colour of the indicator so much in the even
days than in the odds ones.By clicking in the eyelash you will change the colour.
Style: From this eyelash you can see the graphication of the indicator in a line, candlestick or bars. you can
define the colour and the width of the line too.
Scale: In this option you will be able to configurate the scale, type of scale, adjust it, centre it justifie it
inserta personalized background or make the values of the scale appear the way we want them..
RT Indicator : you can configurate the real time indicator by activating this eyelash and modifying if you want
it visible or not,justifye it,giving a colour to the background or choosing the type of font you want for it..
Separator: You can configurate the separator by activating this eyelash and proceding to acivate or
desactivate it with the option "Visible". If you want to see it in a determinated colour, click in the option
colour and choose the required colour..
Parameters: The program by default shows a predeterminated period of time which can be modified and
user' s wish and keep it modified if you accept it as predeterminated.If you want to return to the start values
all you need to do is click in restaure.
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AvDisagreeOsc - Average Disagree Oscilator.
Technical datas:
Value of the current bar(You can select open,high low)
Average one 1 Simple
Data source
Data source 2 Close
Band value
Kind of average you do want to work with (you
can choose beetwen simple,exponential or flat.)
Long period average
Data in which average one is going to work
Kind of average you do want to work with (you
can choose beetwen simple,exponential or flat)
Short period average
Bar' s data average 2 is going to work with
Band which is drawn for a major clarity in the
indicator' s representation.
Data exit:
Line which represent the
difference beetween averages.
Value of the band configurale.
Technical reference :
The average disagree oscilator shows the user the porcentual difference between the closes of two moving averages.It
is very usefull to detect strange fluctuations of the prices.. An excessive withdrawal of the zero line will indicate that
prompt the prices will stop it strong trend to come closer to the zero line and to enter a phase of normality.
It can be used in a clasic way buying if the value of the oscilator changes to positive and selling if it changes to
negative.In this case you can set filters to avoid the false entries.. It can help us to to ditect overbuying and overselling
zones that launch a signal that will be execute according with another oscilator who will fix the buying or selling
stop..This last option offers us a lot of interesting situations which can be use thanks to our software analyse
It is interesting to stand out tha the cyclical behaviours are reflected in the oscillator data exit of this oscillator.. The
cycle anlyse is an usefull field for this tool application.
This oscilator showsinteresting aspects respect to the others averages oscilators: On having used as comparative
series the information of two averages it muffles the fluctuations of the prices and provides fewer signs of entry in the
zones of congestion, this is an interesting aspect on slightly directional markets.
Funciones Relacionadas:
greeOs Función del Oscilador
This oscillator can be configurated by clicking on the oscilator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
o Colour: Opening this window you will be able to set the colour of the indicator in the even days and in the
odd days too.Click in the window colour and choose the requiered one.
o Style: From this eyelash you will be able to set the indicator graphication in a linear way candlestick or
bars.You can define to the style of the line and it' s width.
o Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale,kind of scale,adjust,centre and justifie it En
esta opción podrá configurar la escala, tipo de escala, ajustarla, centrarla, justificarla, to put a measurement
background or to do that the values of the scale appear in accordance with a certain source.
o RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
o Parámeters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.
Esta página debe ser editada con IE4 o superior
RainbowChartOsc - Rainbow Chart Oscilator
Technical datas:
Current´s bar value (You can select close,high,low...)
Avrage obtained in RCH.
Parameters :
Data source
Number of averages RCH.
Number of bars that you wish to consider for the
values calculation.
Data of the bar we are going to work with (Close
,open ,high...)
 Línea primera:
Dato1 = Valor máximo de Datoi,RCH1i,RCH2i,...
Dato2 = Valor mínimo de Datoi,RCH1i,RCH2i,...
Dato3 = Datoimás alto de los últimos p datos.
Dato4 = Datoimás bajo de los últimos p datos.
Línea segunda:
Data exit:
First line of RainbowChartOsc
Second line of
Diagram bar of
Technical reference:
The rainbow chart oscilator use differents relations beetween the rainbow moving averages and the closes of the bar
to configure a technical scheme with hughe amount of possibilities foe a short therm trading.
The upper and lower band link the high and low values from first from the closes and the averages rainbows and in the
other side from the close´s higher and lower values for a determinated period..The bar diagram link the closes with the
values of average rainbow.
There are multiple interpretation of this oscilator . Here we´ll make the point in the very short therm traders using
buying signals when the bar diagram shows and selling signals when it goes under 0.It is obvious that for this short
therm must be deepthly analysed considering stathistic variables as PRR to avoid slightly solvent datas. Prudence in its
use but not to despise the opportunities that this oscillator offers.
Related fonctions :
Medias Arcoiris
wChart Función del Oscilador
This oscilator can be configurate by clicking in the oscillator line and filling each of the eyelash offered in the dialog
selection box.
Colour: By opening this window you will be able to configurate The colour of the indicator in the odd days
andin the even days too.Click in the window and choose the colours.
Style: From this eyelash you can change the graphication of the indicator in a linear way, candlestick or
bars.You can set too the style of the line and it' s width.
Scale: From this option you will be able to configurate the scale, adjust it centre and justifie it set a
personalized background oe make the values of the scale appear with a determinates fount
RT indicator : The real time indicator can be configurated by activating this eyelash and choosing if you want
it visible or not ,justifie it, give a colour to the background. or choosing ht ekind of leter we requires.
Parameters: The program by defaut shows a predeterminated period which can be modified at user' s wish
and keep it modified if ou set it as predeterminated.If you want to get back to the start values all you need to
do is click in restaure.