—FLAT OUT— - Z Car Association of Richmond
—FLAT OUT— - Z Car Association of Richmond
TIDEWATER Z CAR CLUB & Z CAR ASSOCIATION OF RICHMOND 240Z, 260Z, 280Z R A C Z — T U O T A L F — C C TZ 280ZX, 300ZX Z31, 300ZX Z32 350Z Volume 11, Issue 8 August 2006 Coventry Commonwealth Games By Jim and Barb Robinson Hi! Jim and Barb here writing about our out-of-town experience with the BRR Club in the Danville, VA, Blue Ridge Region. We attended the Coventry Commonwealth Games of Virginia. The Coventry Commonwealth Games are hosted by the Coventry health organization as part of its wellness program in partnership with the City of Danville. Games included swimming, running, biking, etc. Somehow autocross fits into this as a healthy lifestyle! See link: http://www.commonwealthgames.org/games.htm The event was hyped up prior to the event as one not to miss, so a few months before the actual event Barb and I decided to use some limited vacation time to combine the autocross with a vacation. We were not disappointed! We caravanned up with fellow autocrossers Jim & Shannon Haltom (’99 Miata), Dale and Tyler Blankenship (’77 Camero), Doug Arcidino and friend Cameron (’95 Honda Civic), and Dave Cutchins (’90 Euroswift). We arrived Friday at 5:30ish and spoke with Lynn Combs (Solo II Chairman Tech) and wife Jane, and Ray Schumin (SoloII Registration) to get teched and have some one-on-one before the hordes of autocrossers and their machines were to arrive. Jim Haltom asked me to help interview for his Autocross.us web site for an autocross video, so I helped on that project throughout the three-day event. Friday after we got settled, George Bowland (A-Mod driver who helps establish Pax values and SCCA National Solo II champion several years in a row) had our group plus Stan Vann (’90 Euroswift) in his camper and drove us all to the Texas Steakhouse where we enjoyed stories between Stan and George and other conversations flying around our table of nine. Autocross on Saturday pitted us by class. Both Saturday and Sunday were very hot. The competition, though billed as a regional event, drew fast drivers from all over and was realized as being like a national event. The event site itself was at the Danville Airport on an unused runway. We had a 13-cone slalom, plus sweepers, offsets and even a Chicago box. Sunday’s course was a reverse of Saturday’s, with just minor tweaking. Gold, silver and bronze medals were awarded to first-, second- and third-place winners in each class. Of our group, six received medals. I came in second to get a silver medal, losing by a tenth of a second for the combined two-day race! Barb had markedly stepped up the pace on Sunday, coming within four seconds of my time, and beating for the first time Shannon Haltom, both in raw time and Pax time! Inside this issue: Club Officers 2 TZCC Minutes 3 Zis n Zat 3 ZCAR Zoomings 4 Z Team Racing 5 Microfiber Care 6 Upcoming Events 7 ECZC Swap Meet 9 CCCCVz 11 PAGE 2 TZCC—FLAT OUT—ZCAR Club officers TZCC President Vice President Maribeth Cupps Mbcupps@aol.com Todd Wagner ZCAR (757) 812-2781 President & Membership Chairman: Theo Hartmann (804) 763 0285 theohartmann@comcast.net (757) 851-8098 zfixers@widomaker.com Vice President: Treasurer Frank Hudson Nick Sletnar (757) 867-7698 cajun38@cox.net Secretary Kim Setzer (804) 307-1071 nsletnar@comcast.net (757) 721-4555 Treasurer: Gaile Cormier kim.setzer@halestar.com (804) 270-1842 jrcormier@comcast.net Membership Paul Hollander Chairman P.hollander1@charter.net Tech Chairman Todd Wagner ZCCA Liaison zfixers@widomaker.com Newsletter Editor Paul Hollander (757) 483-9745 Secretary: Randy Frommater (757) 851-8098 (804) 264-066 rfrommater@comcast.net Activities Chairman: (757) 483-9745 Larry Fowler (804) 275-1174 larry@cheekandshockley.com Motorsports Jim Setzer (757) 721-4555 jsetzer@verizon.net Web Master NOTE Club Historian Patti Hollander (757) 483-9745 In cost conservation efforts, Flat Out pn.hollander1@charter.net will be emailed TZCC Store Mgr. Wayne Lewis (757) 613-1717 wal280z@yahoo.com CCCHR Rep. Activities If you desire to receive Steve Smith stevettzx@cox.net (757) 483-5026 Tim & Cameron Edmondson (757) 483-0040 TRex58@cox.net to all TZCC members. a mailed paper copy, please contact TZCC President, Maribeth Cupps at: Mbcupps@aol.com With Sport Z Magazine to end publication our partnership with them comes to an end. While the current subscriptions will be continued with Nissan Sport magazine through the end of the year, we do not yet know what the new organization plans to offer. The subscription rates for Nissan Sport appears to be less than those of Sport Z. TZCC officers will investigate the various options that will be available and will present those findings to the club in the near future. PAGE 3 T T z c c M in ut e s July 10th, 2006 Meeting Call to Order Paul Hollander called the meeting to order at 8:05pm, welcomed everyone. He turned the meeting over to president Maribeth Cupps who introduced the officers and visitors. The June minutes were passed as written. Sports Z Magazine Sports Z Magazine is ending its publication. A new all Nissan magazine will be published and distributed to current subscribers through the end of the year. Web Site Don Strifler has been given some ideas and clip art to add to the web site and hopes to have it updated by the August meeting. Thanks Don!! Picnic A great time was had by everyone who attended the Picnic in the Park at Munden Point. Maribeth Cupps learned how to play horseshoes for the very first time, but was beaten by the champ, Barb Robinson. cross track has been set up by the Tidewater Sports Car Club. Afterwards, everyone will caravan to Jenro’s for the evening, followed by the TSSC Autocross event on Sunday. SoundZ like a weekend of fun!! Motorsports Jim and Barb Robinson are in first place for the Z Team Racers!! Go Team Robinson!!!!! Eleven Z Club members participated at the Pungo Autocross event held July 2nd. The next autocross event will be held at ACU4 by the Tidewater Sports Car Club on July 16th. You must be registered by this Wednesday in order to participate or cheer for your favorite driver. Activities Jenro’s Mayflower Marathon Everyone is invited to Jenro’s on Saturday, July 15th around 3:30pm to show off their cars. We are hoping to raise awareness of our fundraiser for the Mayflower Marathon and encourage other car clubs to donate. Bealeton Air Show A Weekend at Z Beach will be held September 16th and 17th at ACU4. There will be a Test and Tune Saturday once the auto- We are planning to caravan (Continued on page 4) TZCC Minutes TZCC Treasurer’s Report Checking Account New Members: Lawrence Davis 1990 300ZX Previous Balance Birthdays this month: 8/3 Veronica Bradley 8/14 Brian Stump 8/27 Eric Feiler 8/27 Robert Schmitdt 8/30 Roy Armstrong Jun-06 Deposits & Other Credits Checks & Payments Guests: Ending Balance Previous Balance If your birthday is not listed, please send the dates to p.hollander1@charter.net. Ending Balance $3,165.48 $401.00 $235.57 Jul-06 $3,330.91 Savings Account Jun-06 Interest $2,154.86 $0.62 Deposits Withdrawals $0.00 $0.00 Jul-06 $2,155.48 VOLUME 11, ISSUE 8 PAGE 4 ZCAR zoomings Doingz of the Z Car Association of Richmond Minutes taken by club member MaryBeth Forrester are able to bring whatever else they need. The Richmond ZCAR meeting was called to order by president Theo Hartmann at 7:45pm on 7/17. Theo had yet to receive his dinner. There were 22 members in attendance. Several guests joined the group for dinner: Future events include the following: Rick Marshall driving a lime green 280ZX - Sharon Upton driving a red 300ZX (Z32). Watch out George, you have competition ! Sharon was accompanied by father Dale and Jay. Sharon and Rick later joined the club, congratulations! The officers present were introduced by the president. Minutes from the last meeting were accepted as written, even though they were not published in the last newsletter. Treasurer’s Report: Beginning balance of $2201.14 plus $30 from ticket sales at the last meeting results in an ending balance of $2231.14. Membership: The Z Car Association of Richmond has 43 active and paid members to date. The newest members being Cortéz and Joyce Dial. Flying Circus airshow in August. Ron will have more info at the next meeting. Here’s the website: http:// www.flyingcircusairshow.com. The plan is to arrive at the event slightly early in case anyone wants a plane ride before the show. Since the event is secluded from civilization, Ron suggests packing a lunch. The show begins at 2pm and lasts for an hour or so as long as the weather holds up. The club has been asked to make a second appearance at the State Fair in September. September Plans for the annual car show, Ztoberfest, are being finalized. The event looks like it will be on a Sunday, October 22nd at Victory Nissan on Broad Street. This event can be a great publicity event if the radio station is able to make it. Please stay tuned for more information on events on the horizon. Sport Z Magazine: The Sport Z magazine has published its last issue. Some members expressed that they did not receive their last issue. There will be a new magazine and will broaden to all Nissans. This may be a better deal in the long run. The door prize and 50/50 drawings were held. Shelly McNease took home the 18 piece tool kit. Dave Collins won $35 from the 50/50 drawing. George proposed a motion that Dave is no longer allowed to enter the 50/50 drawing, especially if he only purchases ONE ticket. Anyway…., congratulations to our winners. Activities: Sunday, July 23 will be the annual summer picnic. picnic This year’s event will take place at the Rockahock campgrounds. Those that want to convoy to the event will be meeting at the Varina pit stop at 12:45pm. The picnic is scheduled for 2pm. Food and soft drinks will be provided and members The meeting was adjourned at 8:07pm from the freezer room to the humid evening air where there was an impressive line of Z cars in the parking lot. (Continued from page 3) TZCC Minutes with the Richmond Z club to the Bealeton Air Show on August 27th. The show is just outside of Fredericksburg and will be an all day event. Pig Picking at Todd Wagner’s Todd and Mandy are hosting a club pig picking at their house September 10th. It will start around noon and we will eat around 1:00pm. Anyone interested in the all night cooking event please talk with Todd. Please remember to bring a side dish and lawn chair. Virginia State Fair The Virginia State Fair has invited our club to participate in a car parade Saturday September 24th at 6:00pm at the fairgrounds. All participants will receive 2 free tickets to the fair for that day. Activities July 15th Jenro’s (Continued on page 6) PAGE 5 TZCC—FLAT OUT—ZCAR Z Team Racing Championship Jim Setzer Place Name Total 16-Apr 21-May 18-Jun 16-Jul 20-Aug 17-Sep 15-Oct Point Event Event Event Event Event Event Event 12 7 7 7 12 9 12 9 12 Open Class 1 Jim Setzer 33 1 Rob Davis 33 3 Jim Robinson 30 9 4 Mark Wood 18 7 5 Harry Bradley 16 5 6 Steve Shell 15 6 Roy Armstrong 15 8 Wayne Lewis 10 9 Todd Wagner 6 6 5 4 4 3 6 5 4 6 9 5 3 2 6 Ladies Class 1 Barbara Robinson 27 9 9 9 2 Kim Setzer 24 12 12 2 Marybeth Cupps 24 12 4 Sherri Strifler 7 7 12 Novice Class 1 Don Strifler 24 12 12 The next event is on August 20th at Little Creek Amphibious Base, ACU-4. Registration is now open at http:// www.tidewatersportscarclub.com. Mark your calendars now and come out to drive or watch. You will have a great time. See you there A bad day at the track is better than a good day at work. The July Z Team Racing event along with the Tidewater Sports Car Club was an excellent day at the track. While the course was long (averaging over 70 seconds per run) it was chock full of tight, technical sections, a few wide sweepers, several tricky slaloms and just one real straightaway. Driver entries included 9 TZCC members. Marybeth Cupps’ smooth performance in a Chrysler Crossfire lands her in a tie with Kim Setzer for second place while Barbara Robinson holds onto first in Ladies class despite her absence. We had no entries in Novice class, so Don Strifler holds his place at the top of the Novice class chart. Don’s the only entry so far this year in Novice Class. There are still three events in the summer season, so come on out and give Don some fun and friendly competition. Rob Davis drove the snot out of his Porsche 924s to take the top time in Open Class and tie Jim Setzer for first place in the championship. Jim Robinson slips to third in the series for the time being because of his absence. Jim and Barb were out in Danville participating in the Coventry Commonwealth Games autocross. See Jim’s article elsewhere in this issue. Other heated contests include Steve Shell and Roy Armstrong in the battle of the 510s, where they are currently tied for 6th. Roy’s stunning second place finish this month means that Steve will have to put that wagon in high gear from here on out. Todd Wagner joined us for the first time this season and ran extremely well for his first Z Team Racing event this year. I also suspect the competition between Wayne Lewis and Harry Bradley in their 280Zs will heat up in the coming months, as well. TZCC—FLAT OUT—ZCAR PAGE 6 Microfiber Products Care By Angela Brown Mitts, mops, dusters, gloves, pads and towels: It seems as though the majority of dry goods associated with auto care have been swept up in the microfiber craze. As amazing as microfiber may be, some of its unusual properties can be diminished by improper washing. While the technology behind microfiber is deep and complex, you’ll find that caring for them is as simple as 1,2,3. Below are the three important things you need to remember when caring for your growing collection of microfiber products. Read on to learn the proper care methods for your coveted microfiber products. Don’t Use Bleach or Fabric Softeners. If you want to wash your microfiber towels in the washing machine, use only a mild detergent that does not contain bleach. Fabric softeners and bleach will both eliminate the static charges that make your microfiber so effective at what it does. Without the static, your microfiber towel might as well be used to dry your dishes. Avoid using harsh detergents and your microfibers should last indefinitely. Use Low or No Heat. Extreme temperatures aren’t something you want to expose many products to, but when it comes to microfiber, it is especially important to keep them safe from dangerous heat. When it comes time to dry your towels, tumble them dry on low or no heat. Neglecting this advice can result in the melting of your precious product, and possibly damaging your dryer. The exact amount of heat a microfiber product can withstand varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, so play it safe and expose it to nothing over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Don’t Mix With Laundry. While it may be tempting to toss your towels into the washing machine with your ordinary clothes, you must remember that cotton and microfiber are not the same. Do not mix the load with your usual laundry. Instead, make a laundry load comprised only of microfiber products. This countermeasure will keep lints from being embedded into the weaves of your towels and will serve to further remind you that you are dealing with laundry that needs “special care.” Imagine the high heat of a dryer melting a microfiber towel to your favorite clothes. Or better yet, just make sure that you wash and dry your microfiber separately. Take care of your towels and they will take care of you! Happy Detailing, Angela Brown’s (Continued from page 4) August 27 th Bealeton Air Show September September 10 Wagner’s Neptune Festival th Pig Picking at Todd Test and Tune partSeptember 15th & 16th nership with TSCC at ACU4, autocross on the 16th September 24th Parade October 28th Virginia State Fair Bonfire at Angela and Dale Brendan won the 50/50 raffle. Maribeth won a calendar and Paul won a t-shirt. Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm to the parking lot. TZCC—FLAT OUT—ZCAR PAGE 7 Upcoming Events Date / Time Where Event Date / Time Event Where we meet ZCAR/TZCC Air Show The Flying Circus Sunday Ride in a open cockpit by-wing plane on a nice summer Ritchie Road 2:00 PM afternoon. This will be fun. Bealton, VA 27-Aug-06 16-Sept-06 Saturday 24-Sep-06 TZCC Test and Tune More to follow Virginia Beach, VA ZCAR State Fair Parade Richmond Raceway Complex Sunday ZCAR has received another invitation to the state fair and we 600 East Laburnum Avenue 6:00 PM will be doing it again! Free admission, guarded parking for your Richmond, VA 23222 Z and show it off in a parade in front of thousands. What could 21-Oct-06 ZCAR Z Toberfest Pence Nissan Saturday 5th Annual ZCAR Show. Get your Z ready for this "Peoples 11841 Midlothian Turnpike 10:00 AM Choice" event. Pence NISSAN is again our sponsor. Midlothian, VA 23113 TZCC Halloween Bonfire Angela Brown's Residence Saturday We have an invitation, so let's plan for it. 113 Arabian Trail 3:00 PM Angela has done this for years and it's happening Smithfield, VA 23430 28-Oct-06 again. Bonfire, games and fun from 3PM until Angela runs you off…. 05-Nov-06 Sunday ZCAR Fall Foliage Tour to be determined We saw deer and had a snowball fight the last time. Maybe this time we will meet the big bear ! 09-Dec-06 ZCAR Christmas Party Saturday Holiday Party and December Club meeting. A relaxing time to 6:30 PM close out a year full of activities and elect the club officers for to be determined 2007. Trouble finding the place ? Please call ZCAR at (804) 763 0285 or TZCC at (757) 686-8753 for help. VOLUME 11, ISSUE 8 PAGE 8 5th Annual Datsun — Nissan Indoor/Outdoor Swap Meet and SHINE & SHOW Saturday, September 30th 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sponsored by The Emerald City Z Club zclub@greenvillenc.com http://members.fortunecity.com/emeraldcityzclub/ Buy, Sell, Swap: Parts, ACCESSORIES, & Cars Sellers pay $3.00 per space Lookers & Buyers Free The Kiwanis Building -- 193 W. Forlines Rd. North, Just off Route 11 (Memorial Dr.) in Winterville, NC Look for J & E Harley Davidson, Just Sofas, & Roberts warehouse Two lights south of Sam’s Club & Pitt Community College Come One — Come All PAGE 10 TZCC—FLAT OUT—ZCAR A nice video of the weekend can be seen on Autocross.us under Events, Coventry Commonwealth Games of Virginia. It’s an hour-long video and takes a while to download. I’ve burned a few copies to share with my fellow TZCC members, so feel free to watch and share. George Bowland and his son Todd, who drove the big, funny-looking car (A Mod) came in second and first place respectively for the two days for FTD. The car was designed by Todd and built by George. The engine is from a Skidoo! I had a little unsolicited recognition from George Bowland, who said after watching me run, that I was “almost fast” and gave me some pointers. This meant more to me than the medal won. It was a fun few days, not a day trip but a nice relatively short trip. We would recommend this to our members for next year whether it be autocrossing or watching the other games. The event coordinators were very nice and accommodating. They put together a professional event that went off without a hitch. VOLUME 11, ISSUE 8 PAGE 11 07/05 10/06 11/06 Hello Fellow Car Hobbyist, The August newsletters are online at: http://www.carclubcouncil.com/newsletter.html and http://www.iloveoldcars.com/newsletter.html Important Dates and Events: ***Fred's Car Museum in Appomattox is closing the end of August and all the cars will be sold. This is your last opportunity to see 70+ antique vehicles and lots more fun stuff before the biggest car museum in central Virginia is history! The date of the run is Saturday August 19th and all the details and itinerary are at the website link below. Be sure to contact me and let me know you are going - we need to warn the museum and restaurant so they will be prepared for all of us. Special thanks to the Oldies But Goodies Classic Cruizers for being the official sponsor of this run! Info on the run: http://www.iloveoldcars.com/last_run ***Our next car club council meeting will be on Monday August 28th at 6:30 PM at Cesare's Ristorante & Pizzeria, (804) 530-1047, 13127 Rivers Bend Boulevard, Chester, VA 23836-2699. We will eat in their banquet room before the meeting. ***Monday September 25th is the date for our legislative forum. The location will be the Richmond Newspaper Plant at Atlee Station. I will be sending out invitations to members of the House and Senate that represent the central Virginia area. If you happen to speak to your delegate or senator please encourage him/her to participate. It is very important that we have good attendance at this forum – mark your calendar. ***More info on the next meeting and forum are in the newsletter: http://www.carclubcouncil.com/newsletter.html ~Fred Fann—Car Club Council of Central Virginia (Richmond) PAGE 12 TZCC—FLAT OUT—ZCAR Preferred vendors Tidewater Z Auto Service 757-868-6753 Special consideration given to club members. Steve Millen Sports Cars (714) 540-9154 ext. 138 Ask for Adam. Discount varies by part and order. Motorsport Auto 800-633-6331 10% off parts, identify as a club member. Ultimate Appearance Limited Toll Free (888) 446-3078 Tel/Fax (757) 255-2620 www.autodetailingrus.com Special consideration given to club members. Hall Nissan of Chesapeake 757-233-8189 Stormy Barnett—Parts Specialist 20% off Nissan parts 10% off Accessories and Motorsports (NISMO) parts Banzai Motor Works 301-937-5746 www.zzxdatsun.com East Coast Z Car Center 757-543-6608 25% to Z Car Club members 439-4067 757- Black Dragon Auto 1-800-789-DRGN(3746) Free catalog www.BlackDragonAutocom Advertising Rates Advertising rates are as follows: Victory Nissan 757-436-4900 Michael Hemelin—Parts Specialist 20% off Nissan parts 10% off Motorsports (NISMO) parts. Business card: $15.00 per quarter ¼ page $30.00 per quarter ½ page $50.00 per quarter Full page $75.00 per quarter For Sale: Members – Free Non-Members – 1-Month Free — $5.00 for 3 months Griot’s Garage www.griotsgarage.com Membership Dues Includes a subscription to Sport Z Magazine. The Z Barn Inc. Membership dues are as follows: www.zbarn.com 800-247-2793 Individual $40.00 per year Z T z c c S to r e The Tidewater Z Car Club has the following items for sale: Z Car hats with varied logo’s $13.00 Club Tee Shirts $15.00 TZCC 3-in-1 jackets $110.00 Z Mouse Pads $ 8.00 TZCC Window decals $ 2.50 “My other car is a classic Datsun” $ 5.00 license plate frame Stuff to wear and Show off *REDUCED* Contact Wayne Lewis Club Polo Shirts $30.00 Mr. K biography. W e b s i t e s to v i s i t The Tidewater Z Car Club web site is located at: Internet Z Car Club: www.zhome.com http://www.tzccva.org Car Club Council of Central Virginia (legislative information) Z Car Club Association: www.carclubcouncil.com www.zcca.org 2006 ZCCA Convention: TBA VOLUME 11, ISSUE 8 PAGE 13 Membership Application Please CIRCLE the club that you are joining and mail with your membership fee to: Tidewater Z Car Club or Z Car Association of Richmond P.O. Box 1941 Newport News, VA 23601 Name: ____________________________________ e-mail: ___________________________ Address: __________________________________ City, State, ZIP: ______________________,____,_____ Home Phone: ______________________________ Birth date: _________/_________/99 (the year doesn’t matter) Z CAR #1 Year: _________ Model: __________ Color: _________ Coupe: _________ 2+2: ____________ Turbo: _____________ Transmission (circle one): Auto 4-spd 5-spd 6-spd Z CAR #2 Year: _________ Model: __________ (for you Z fanz) Color: _________ Coupe: _________ 2+2: ____________ Turbo: _____________ Transmission (circle one): Auto 4-spd 5-spd 6-spd Z CAR #3 Year: _________ Model: __________ (for you Z nutz) Color: _________ Coupe: _________ 2+2: ____________ Turbo: _____________ Transmission (circle one): Auto 4-spd 5-spd 6-spd Z CAR #4 Year: _________ Model: __________ (for the craziez)Color: _________ Coupe: _________ 2+2: ____________ Turbo: _____________ Transmission (circle one): Auto 4-spd 5-spd 6-spd Area/s of interest Tech Info: ____ Concourse: ____ Customizing: ____ Restoration: ____ Rallies: ____ Auto Cross/Competition: ____ Parties: ____ High Performance: ____ Please list other members of your household and their birthdates (NO years): 1. _________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ How did you hear about us: Newspaper: ____ TZCC/ZCAR Member: ____ (who: ____________________________) Show: ____ Internet: ____ Other: ____ please explain: ______________________________ Annual Membership—$40.00 TIDEWATER Z CAR CLUB & Place Postage Tidewater Z Car Club P.O. Box 1941 Newport News, Virginia 23601-1941 Here Phone: 757-483-9745 Fax: 757-686-3217 Email: p.hollander1@charter.net Mailing Address Line 1 Mailing Address Line 2 Mailing Address Line 3 We are on the web: www.tzccva.org Mailing Address Line 4 Mailing Address Line 5 Member: Z Car Club Association—www.zcca.org This Month’s meeting TZCC ZCAR (Tidewater Z Car Club) (Z Car Association of Richmond) The next meeting is on The next meeting is on August 14, 2006 August 21, 2006 At Frankie’s Place for Ribs Lone Star Steakhouse In the Fairfield Shopping Center Virginia Beach, VA Dinner: 7 PM Meeting: 8 PM 10456 Midlothian Turnpike Richmond, VA 23235 Time: 7 PM