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JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 Table of Contents Location Based Trends 3-5 Mobile Shopping Behavior 6-7 Connected Device Trends and Adoption 8 Special Report: United Kingdom 9-12 Worldwide Location Highlights 13-15 Consumers plan to use their mobile devices for holiday shopping equally or more than Q4 2010 Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 The Q2 Mobile Audience Insights Report examines location-based engagement, mobile shopping behaviors, connected device trends and adoption, and public Wi-Fi trends. In addition to our normal Insights topics, this quarter we examined two key emerging trends in the location and mobile markets. The first area looks at device consumption habits and how consumers are adapting while on the go. The second key area is the growth of mobile commerce, and how mobile will impact the holiday shopping season. Several key highlights include: • The average mobile consumer owns 2.4 devices per person showing that consumers are rapidly becoming multi-device owners • 60% of adults under 34 are willing to share their location for more relevant content • 92% purchase at least one local deal per month, with 78% spending $50 or less on each purchase Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 1 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 Location-based trends: Device ownership 90% Which of the following devices do you own? 58% 32% 23% Laptop Smartphone Tablet mp3 17% Gaming Device 16% eReader 12% Netbook Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 On average the mobile audience owns 2.4 devices Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Key Insights Most mobile consumers owns laptops and smartphones: • In the second quarter nearly all those surveyed own a laptop, more than half own smartphones and a third also report owning Tablets • 58% of on-the-go consumers own smartphones, compared with 35% ownership among all U.S. adults* • This device diversification has given consumers more ways to connect with while outside the home or office. In Q2 2011 consumers own between 2 to 3 devices, averaging at 2.4 devices per person Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 *Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project: 35% of American Adults Own a Smartphone 2 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 Location-based trends: Sharing location information Demographic Age Breakout Breakdown Yes No <24 58% 42% 25-34 60% 40% 35 - 44 49% 51% 45 - 54 53% 47% 55+ 44% 56% No Yes Consumers willing to share location on mobile devices for more relevant content Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Key Insights: 53% of all respondents are willing to share location information in exchange for relevant content: • People willing share location for more relevant content increased to 53% in Q2 2011 from 51% in Q1 2011 amidst recent news and coverage around privacy • Adults ages 34 and under are more willing to share location information, with 60% responding ‘Yes’ compared with approximately 50% of those 35 and older • UK trends higher - 69% of those surveyed agree to share location info (see slide 11 in UK Special Report) Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 3 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 Location-based trends: Proximity marketing What is the most important information about a brand when you are near a retail or product location? 29% 24% 21% 20% Distance from Location 18% 15% 13% 1 Mile 15% 12% 11% 10 Miles 9% 9% 2% Current sales and Sales and promotions Promotions Customer reviews Customer Reviews Directions to nearest Directions location Product Info Product Info Product Availability Product Availability Coupons Coupons 2% Ability to set an Ability to set an appointment appointment Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Key Insights: Demand for specific information is consistent at 1 and 10 miles: • Consumers are 3x more likely to respond to sales and promotional offers over coupons regardless of proximity • Differences begin to emerge at 10 miles in the directions and product availability categories compared to 1 mile • In Q4 2010 53% those surveyed reported that sales, promotions and coupons would most likely encourage them to visit a retail store • Trends are consistent among all respondents, regardless of whether they live in urban, suburban or rural areas Sources: JiWire, Q2 2011 and JiWire, Q4, 2010 4 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 Mobile shopping behavior: U.S. holiday shopping trends What would make your holiday shopping most convenient when using a mobile device? Do you expect to use your mobile device more or less this holiday season for your shopping needs? 31% 27% More 17% 10% Same 10% 5% Less Not at All Compare Prices Research Coupons Locate Stores Purchase Other or Read & & Check Products Reviews Promotions Availability Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Key Insights: Consumers expect to use their mobile devices more for holiday shopping this year: • 80% of on-the-go consumers plan to use their mobile devices equally or more for holiday shopping this year, with 52% planning to use their devices more than in Q4 2010 • By comparison, 59% were estimated to use mobile devices for holiday shopping in 2010* accounting for 28% of total holiday shopping and $127B in revenue** • Highest ranked categories regarding mobile convenience are in early stage research and evaluation, with 58% interested in price comparison, research and/or reviews. Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 *Source: US Mobile Marketing Association MORE THAN HALF OF U.S. CONSUMERS PLAN TO USE THEIR MOBILE PHONE FOR HOLIDAY SHOPPING (NOVEMBER 2010) **Source: IDC Retail Insights ”IDC Retail Insights Survey Reveals Mobile Shopping Warriors Will Account for 28% or $127 billion of Overall 2010 Holiday Spending” 5 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 Mobile shopping behavior: Local deal distribution How do you prefer to get promotions, deals, etc. delivered to you? On average, how much are you spending on each local deal you purchase? 3% 2% 10% Email 6% 38% 19% 22% 78% Female Male Website <$25 63% 48% Mobile Apps $26-$50 37% 52% 4% 4% 14% None of the Above Newspapers Social Media SMS Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Less than $50 $50 - $75 $75 - $100 $100+ Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Key Insights: 1 in 5 consumers prefer to receive promotional offers through mobile-specific media channels: • Mobile apps garner the majority of mobile promotional distribution • Email remains the lead distribution channel however interest declined from 52% in Q1 2011 to 38% in Q2 2011 • 92% of consumers purchase at least one local deal per month, with 78% spending $50 or less on each purchase • Restaurant deals are the most popular across genders. After restaurants, men’s top 3 purchases include retail, events and fitness offers. Top 3 female deal purchases include event, beauty and health • 75% share local deals using email, word of mouth and social media tools, up from 62% in Q1 2011 Source: JiWire, Q2 2011; JiWire, Local Deals Report, July, 2011 6 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 Connected device trends and adoption: U.S. highlights Top Mobile OS: Q2 2011 Top 10 Mobile Device: Q2 2011 Q2 Rank Q2 2011 Mobile Device Top 10 % of Ad Requests Q1 Rank % Change in Market Share 43.7% 20.9% 1 2 Apple iPhone Apple iPad 3 - 2.5% + 2.9% 3 Apple iPod Touch 17.4% 2 - 3.8% 4 Windows Mobile 7 3.8% 51 + 3.7% 5 HTC Desire 1.1% 5 6 Samsung Galaxy S 0.8% 7 Blackberry Torch 8 1 Q2 Rank Mobile Device OS Q2 2011 % of Ad Requests Q1 Rank % Change in Market Share 1 iOS 81.9% 1 - 3.4% 2 Android OS 10.5% 2 - 0.1% 3 Windows Phone 4.04% 6 + 3.6% + 0.2% 4 RIM 1.78% 3 + 0.1% 8 + 0.2% 5 PSP 0.8% 4 - 0.1% 0.7% 7 0.0% 6 Symbian 0.7% 5 - 0.1% Samsung Galaxy Tablet 0.6% 9 + 0.2% 7 Windows Mobile 0.4% 7 - 0.1% 9 Playstation Portable 0.5% 35 + 0.4% 10 LG Optimus 0.1% 4 - 2.0% 8 WebOS 0.1% 8 0.0% Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Key Insights: Apple iPad gains marketshare and rises above the iPod touch in the second quarter: • The iPad is the only Apple device to gain marketshare, both the iPod Touch and iPhone lose marketshare in Q2 2011 • Tablets as a category continue to gain marketshare increasing steadily from gains in Q1 iOS loses marketshare while Android continues growth at a steady pace • iOS remains the top OS at 81.9% however marketshare has declined for 2 consecutive quarters, falling by 3.4% in Q2 2011 • Android OS remained steady, losing only 0.1% marketshare in Q2 2011, after gaining nearly 3% marketshare in Q1 2011 • Windows Mobile 7 emerges in the Top 10 devices at No. 4, and sees highest growth in OS platform to remain at No. 3 OS Note: JiWire measurement includes all mobile devices in order to provide a complete view of how the on-the-go audience is connecting outside of the home and office. * OS: Operating System. Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 7 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 U.K. Special Report JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 Connected device trends and adoption: U.K. highlights Top Mobile OS: Q2 2011 Top 10 Mobile Device: Q2 2011 Q2 Rank 1 Q2 2011 Mobile Device Top 10 % of Ad Requests Q2 2011 Q1 Rank % Change in Market Share Q2 Rank Q1 Rank % Change in Market Share 1 iOS 77.6% 1 - 2.5% 2 Android OS 15.1% 2 + 1.5% 3 Windows Phone OS 2.6% 7 + 2.2% Mobile Device OS % of Ad Requests 3 Apple iPhone Apple iPod Touch Apple iPad 56.8% 12.6% 8.2% 1 2 3 - 2.5% - 1.7% + 1.7% 4 HTC Desire 2.5% 4 - 0.4% 5 2.2% 2.1% 5 75 + 0.3% + 2.1% 4 RIM OS 1.3% 3 - 0.8% 6 Samsung Galaxy S Windows Mobile 7 5 7 Desire Z 1.4% 179 + 1.4% Symbian OS 1.3% 4 - 0.2% 8 6 Desire HD 0.4% 17 + 0.1% PSP OS 1.2% 5 - 0.2% 9 Playstation Portable 0.4% 10 - 0.2% 7 Windows Mobile OS 0.5% 6 - 0.1% 10 Wildfire 0.4% 8 - 0.2% 8 Bada OS 0.3% 8 0.0% 2 Source: JiWire, Q2 2011. Source: JiWire, Q2 2011. Key Insights: Similar to the U.S. iPad and Windows Mobile make significant marketshare gains in the second quarter of 2011: • Seven out of the top ten devices are the same within the U.S. and U.K. Comparatively, the Desire Z, Desire HD and Wildfire devices are more popular in the U.K. Android OS, Windows OS make large marketshare gains again the in second quarter of 2011: • iOS loses marketshare again in Q2 2011 but remains the majority leader at 77.6% • Linux and Palm also saw margin gains, while all other operating systems showed declines Note: JiWire measurement includes all mobile devices in order to provide a complete view of how the on-the-go audience is connecting outside of the home and office. * OS: Operating System. Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 8 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 U.K. Mobile Shopping Behavior: Proximity demands What is the most important information about a brand when you are within 1 mile of a retail or product location? 24% 23% 20% 19% 19% Are you willing to share your location on your mobile device for more relevant content? Distance from Location 17% 1 Mile 18% 16% 13% 10 Miles 12% 8% 8% 1% Customer reviews Customer Reviews Currentand sales and Sales promotions Promotions Directions to Directions nearest location ProductInfo Info Product Product Product Availability Availability Discount Discount Vouchers Vouchers 1% Ability totoset an an Ability set appointment appointment No Yes Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Key Insights: Consumers are equally responsive at 1 and 10 miles: • Product availability is the primary variance with more consumers interested at 10 miles (18%) than 1 mile (12%) • 33% of consumers reported that sales and promotions would encourage them to visit stores they have never been to before • 69% of the on the go audience is willing to share their location in exchange for more relevant content Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 9 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 U.K. Connected device trends: Tablet adoption Do you plan to purchase a tablet? 25% When purchasing a tablet, which operating system do you prefer? 12% 29% 13% 6% 46% Already own 60% 9% Yes No iOS Source: JiWire, Q2 2011. Android Windows 7 Other No Preference Source: JiWire, Q2 2011. Key Insights: 75% of respondents either own or plan to purchase a tablet: • 29% reported own and 46% plan to purchase a tablet • Comparatively, U.S. intent-to-purchase trends lower (40%) as reported in Q1 2011 • Of those who own or plan to purchase a tablet, 60% prefer an Apple product, 9% an Android (e.g. Galaxy Tab), 6% said Windows 7, and 12% have no preference at all Source: JiWire, Q2 2011; JiWire Q1, 2011 10 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 Worldwide location highlights: Public Wi-Fi locations Worldwide public Wi-Fi locations: 2006 – Q2 2011 577,250 Worldwide quarterly growth in public Wi-Fi locations 546,783 414,356 414,356 337,666 289,476 219,681 2007 577,250 237,507 2008 2009 2010 Q2 2011 Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 *Base starting at 230,000 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Key Insights: Worldwide public Wi-Fi locations continue to grow through the second quarter of 2011: • Quarterly growth of 5.6% from Q1 2011 to Q2 2011 • YTD growth of 39.3% from Q4 2010 to Q2 2011 • Annual growth of 85.8% from Q2 2010 to Q2 2011. Total public Wi-Fi locations have nearly doubled in since 2009. Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 11 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 Worldwide location highlights: Public Wi-Fi locations Q2 Rank Country Q2 2011 # of Locations Q1 Rank % Change (from Q1) Public Wi-Fi business models: Worldwide Q2 2011 20.2% 19.9% 1 United Kingdom 143,623 1 1.26% 2 China 102,232 2 -0.01% 3 United States 96,302 3 4.42% 4 South Korea 55,182 4 29.54% 5 France 30,836 5 0.05% 6 Russian Fed. 15,905 7 8.42% 7 Germany 14,759 6 0.10% 8 Taiwan 14,293 9 81.71% 9 Japan 12,529 8 -0.04% 10 Sweden 7,607 10 -0.22% 0.3% 79.8% Paid Free Public Wi-Fi business models: U.S. Q2 2011 58.0% 42.0% 55.9% Paid Free 2.1% Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 South Korea and Taiwan show the highest growth rate in Q2 2011: • South Korea and Taiwan increase public Wi-Fi locations by 29.5% and 81.7%, respectively • United Kingdom stays consistent in locations at the No. 1 spot, due to immense growth in Q1 2011 Free locations continue to see growth in the U.S. and remain consistent worldwide • The US has shown significant growth since 2009 at 35.3%, growing to 55.9% in Q2 2011, while total free locations Worldwide have stayed between 19% to 25% Source: JiWire, Q2 2011 12 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2011 JiWire is the leading mobile audience media company, combining location and audience data to deliver targeted advertising across premium locations and wireless devices. This Insights report provides a snapshot of usage trends and audience data over public Wi-Fi for the second quarter of 2011. This report is intended to highlight market trends for advertisers. JiWire’s Location-Based Media Channel is composed of more than 30,000 public Wi-Fi locations through partnerships with more than 30 leading wireless broadband telecommunications providers, with venues such as airports, hotels and cafés that serve more than 40 million unique users monthly. JiWire connects with the on-the-go audience across multiple devices from laptops, to smartphones, to tablets. JiWire’s registry of public Wi-Fi locations includes more than 450,000 public Wi-Fi locations in 144 countries. JiWire has been reaching on-the-go audiences since 2003. For questions about this report, or for recommendations for future reports, please contact us at To subscribe to future reports please visit Methodology: JiWire’s Mobile Audience Insights Report is based on data from approximately 450,000 public Wi-Fi locations, as well as surveying more than 2,800 U.S. customers randomly selected across JiWire’s Wi-Fi Media Channel in April 2011 – June 201 and more than 2,100 in the United Kingdom. JiWire serves advertisements to over 30,000 public Wi-Fi locations in North America and records data from every ad request. This report is based on the ad request data collected from April – June 2011. Quarterly public Wi-Fi location rankings and business model distributions are based on the final day of the quarter.
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