THERMO Ureðaji za THERMO izmjenu alata THERMO Shrinking equipment air cooling unit THERMO back stop presetting to determine the depth before shrinking operating instructions Storage space for cooling stop rings inductor rotates 180o to allow easy removal of broken tools storage space for chuck holders Start.2 Fi-5 remotely controlled compatible with Start.2 & Fi-5 removable electronic compatible with Start.2 & Fi-5 simplified after-sales service registered models - registered patents subject to modifications of the design in the technical interest progress 5.01 cooling system compatible with any type of geometries to optimize cooling time cycle. shrinking system for reductions ADAPTED TO YOUR NEED • Shrinking and unshrinking of any type of tools : steel,HSS, carbide, tool-inserts, hard metals, denal, shrink fit extensions and reductions, tool shank h6. • Shrinking f 2 to f 40 with the same inductor. upper f on request. • Self regulated power thanks to a microprocessor. • Shrinking time cycle from 2 to 7 seconds. THERMO SHRINKING . • Cooling time cycle from 1,5 to 3 minutes. (depending on the geometry) • Air cooling unit compatible with any type of external geometries. (3° angle, 4,5° angle or cylindrical) • Specially designed ergonimics with remote control. • Removable electronic to allow easy, quick and economical after sales service. storage space for induction and cooling stop rings back stop presetting to determine the tool gauge before shrinking (other presetting systems on request) 5.02 Ureðaji za THERMO izmjenu alata THERMO Shrinking equipment START.2 Induktivni ureðaj za brzu izmjenu alata Jednostavan za upotrebu. Promjer drški od f6 do f20 (ostali f kao opcija). Montaža ureðaja na radni stol ili na kolica. Beskontaktno hlaðenje upotrebom ureðaja FG500.1150. Moguæa upotreba više ureðaja za hlaðenje. Dimenzije :255*490*755 mm Težina ureðaja : 19 kg START.2 Shrink fit unit Easy to use Provided with accesories for shrinking f6 to f20 (other f optional). Unit to be placed on a workbench or fixed trolley. Cooling without contact using cooling unit FG500.1150. Possibility to use several cooling units. Dimensions :255*490*755 mm. Weight : 19 kg. FG500.1150 ureðaj za hlaðenje zrakom Promjer drški od f6 do f20 (ostali f kao opcija). Radni tlak zraka 4-6 bara Filter i regulatorom tlaka zraka sa manomentrom. Montaža ureðaja na radni stol ili na kolica. Može se koristiti i kao dodatak uz ureðaje Fi-5A i Fi-5B. Dimenzije : 220*190*615 mm Težina ureðaja : 5 kg FG500.1150 air cooling unit THERMO with accesories for cooling f6 to f20 (other f opt.) Working pressure : 4-6 bars. Equipped with a filter and a pressure-reducing gauge. Unit to be placed on a workbench or fixed trolley. Can be used as a supplement with the Fi-5A / Fi-5B units. Dimensions : 220*190*615 mm Weight : 5 kg FJ150.0100 Za prednamještanje dužine. Samo za Fi-5 ureðaj. Toènost : +- 0,050 mm. Ponovljivost : +-0,020 mm. Promjer drški od f6 do f32 FJ150.0100 Length presetting unit. For Fi-5 shrink fit unit only. Accuracy : +- 0,050 mm. Repeatability : +-0,020 mm. Capability : f6 to f32 Fi-5 Induktivni ureðaj za brzu izmjenu alata Sa integriranim ureðajem za hlaðenje : Fi-5A : 1 jedinica za hlaðenje. Fi-5B : 2 jedinice za hlaðenje. Hlaðena elektronika ureðaja omoguæuje konstantnu upotrebu. Promjer drški od f2-f32, za zagrijavanje i hlaðenje (ostali f opcija). Rukovanje bez dodirivanja držaèa tijekom cikusa grijanja i hlaðenja. Montaža ureðaja na radni stol. Dimenzije :785*490*855 mm Težina ureðaja : 37 kg Fi-5 Shrink fit unit With integrated colling : Fi-5A : 1 cooling unit. Fi-5B : 2 cooling units. The electronic board is cooled to allow high-speed shrinking. Provided with accesories for shrinking and cooling from f2 to f32 (other f optional). Handling without touching the tool-holders between shrinking and cooling time cycle. To be placed an a workbench. Dimensions :785*490*855 mm Weight : 37 kg 5.03 Tehnièki podaci i oprema Specifications & equipment TEHNIÈKI PODACI/ SPECIFICATIONS START.2 Fi-5A Fi-5B START.2J Fi-5JA Fi-5JB . Samostalno regulirana snaga zahvaljujuãi mikroprocesoru : Detekcija promjera, automatsko odreðivanje snage i dužine ciklusa zagrijavanja . Self regulated power thanks to a microprocessor : Detection of the diameter, automatic configuration of the heating power and heating cut-off. . Zagrijavanje usmjereno na držaè alata. Ne ošteãuje se alat niti držaè alata. . Heating located on the tool holder, no deterioration of the tool and the tool holder. . Automatski odreðen ciklus zagrijavanja, ovisno o oèitanim parametrima. . Self-regulated heating depending in parameters detected. . Izmjena alata f 2 do f 40 mm pomoæu istog induktora. . 2 to f 40 mm with the same inductor. Shrinking and unshrinking f . Automatsko ili manualno odreðivanje vremena ciklusa zagrijavanja. . Automatic or manual shrinking cycle time . Ulazni promjer induktora : 64 mm . Inductor entry diameter : 64 mm . Ergonomièan dizajn sa daljinskim upravljanjem. . Designed ergonomics with remote control. . Napredni usmjerivaèi magnetnih polja omoguæuju izmjenu alata koji sadrže èip za kodiranje. . Advanced concentrators of magnetic fields allow shrinking of tools provided with a coding chip. . Rotacija induktora za 180o bez rastavljanja. . Inductor rotates 180o without disassembling. . Sustav hlaðenja elektronièke ploèe omoguæuje konstantan rad ureðaja. . THERMO Cooling system for the electronic board to allow high-speed shrinking. . . . Napajanje/ Power supply 3x380/480V - 16A 50/60 Hz - 14 kW 3x200/240V - 32A 50/60 Hz - 14 kW . . . Napajanje/ Power supply . Dobava komprimiranog zraka : 4 - 6 bara . Compressed air supply : 4 - 6 bars . . OPREMA/ EQUIPMENT : . 1 jedinica za hlaðenje zrakom . 1 cooling unit . 2 jedinice za hlaðenje zrakom . 2 cooling units . Izmjena alata kod kojih je promjer oštrice veæi od promjera drške. . Shrinking of cutting diameters higher than shank diameters. . Sustav izmjene za redukcije. . Shrinking system for reductions. . Spremište za nosaèe držaèa alata . Storage space for chuck holders. . Spremište za induktorske stop-prstenove i za stop-prestenove za hlaðenje. . Storage space for inductor stop rings and cooling stop rings. . Spremište za stop-prstenove za hlaðenje. . Storage space for cooling stop rings. . Kolica . Fixed trolley . Radni stol . Workbench 5.04
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