Fresh Water Fish
Fresh Water Fish
Fresh Water Fish Introduction A fish is a kind of animal that lives in water, and breathes the oxygen in the water instead of air using gills, which are special flaps that let them breathe water. They live in fresh water in lakes and rivers, and in salt water in the ocean. Fish live in lakes & rivers are called Fresh Water Fish. Fish live in salt water is called Marine Water Fish Introduction cont…. Keeping fresh water fish has three main objectives. As a food As a business (for Food & for Pets) As a hobby (Both Marine Fish & Fresh Water Fish) This presentation mainly focus on Fresh Water Fish Keeping as a Hobby. History Captive fish have been important to mankind since prehistoric times. Ancient Egyptians were the first humans known to keep fish not only for food purposes but as an entertainment. Goldfish were the first ornamental fish to be kept. Goldfish have been selectively bred in China since at least the 10th century. In 1853, the London Zoological Society established a public aquarium to display fish species. In 1869, the first “tropical” fish was imported from Asia, the Paradise Fish (Macropodus opercularis). Fish Keeping Most important contributor to the art of fish keeping was the Chinese. Fish keeping is becoming more and more popular despite the advent of aquarium simulation programs on the computer where a person can keep a fish tank without ever getting their hands wet. The reason for the increasing popularity of the hobby is due to environmental awareness, the great variety of species, and relative ease of care of fish. Fish are pets that do not require much care, and an aquarium can add to the decor of a room. Fish-keeping is an enjoyable hobby that can bring relaxation and enlightenment for persons of every age and interest. Fish Keeping cont… Almost 13 million households in the U.S. keep ornamental fish, according to the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council. The total spent on the hobby is more than $2 billion a year, making it second in popularity only to photography as a hobby. This popular hobby has a number of benefits tagged with it. These benefits go way beyond the aesthetic appeal. Benefits of Fish Keeping Incorporating an aquarium in the home structure and design seems natural in this case since an aquarium brings peace, harmony and relaxation into your home. It works great in de-stressing the lives of both young and old. The gentle, graceful movement of fish rinses off the tension and stress. Aquariums are a very good way to relieve stress and hypertension. Benefits of Fish Keeping cont… Doctors have long branded aquariums as therapeutic. They suggest that aquariums should be placed in the busiest room of the house where all can enjoy them. The excitement of designing your own aquarium flares imagination and helps in getting over depression. The colors and buoyancy of life in an aquarium adds spice and zest to life. Benefits of Fish Keeping Cont…. These days even kids are not too far from stress and overburdened lives. Placing a nice colorful aquarium in their room gives them health and academic benefits. The calming effect of aquarium fish helps in enhancing grades. This statement is supported by scientific studies that revealed that students who own fish score higher on both maths and verbal SATs, with a combined score of 200 points over their counterparts who do not have pets. High school students who keep fish have an average GPA of 3.5, versus non-pet owners at 3.2. Benefits of Fish Keeping Cont… The researchers also say that the key factor in aquariums being able to relieve stress is the fish. It is not just because of bubbles, ornaments, dancing plants and vibrantly colored gravel, it is the liveliness and graceful movements of fish. Fish make people happier and healthier. Cardiologists have been recommending heart patients to have aquariums in their office as well as home because they are associated with health benefits like lowered blood pressure, reduced stress, and controlled pulse rate. Fish and aquatic animals are very good pets for mentally challenged children. In many cases it has been found that it accelerates their learning process and makes them feel more at ease. Fish Keeping Essentials Anatomy of Fish Sexing of Fish Breeding Methods Common Diseases Fish Food Common Aquatic Plants Aqua Water Management Anatomy of a fish Sexing Fish Determining the sex of a fish is an important step in knowing whether one has a pair. Most fish can be classified as sexually dimorphic or sexually isomorphic In sexually dimorphic species, the sexes can be easily distinguished by primary (shape of sex organs) and secondary differences (size, shape, color, finnage). Males are frequently more colorful, larger, and have more elaborate finnage. In sexually isomorphic species, there are minute, if any, apparent sexual differences. Often, the only way to distinguish between the sexes is the shape of the genital papilla, which is only visible around spawning times. In some isomorphic species, the males are slightly larger and the females are slightly rounder in the belly. Some sexually isomorphic species have no known external sexual differences. Breeding Methods According to the breeding methods fish can be categorized in to two categories. Livebearers Egg layers ( Five Categories) -Egg-Scatterers -Egg-Depositers -Egg-burriers -Mouth-brooders -Nest-builders Livebearers Livebearers are fish that bear live young. There are two types of livebearers: Ovoviviparous: Eggs form and hatch within the female before birth Viviparous: No eggs are formed, and the young are nourished through an umbilical-like cord or from secretions by the female. Livebearers are often easily bred species. Most Common Livebearers Guppy Swordtails Platy Molly Common Livebearers - Guppy Male Female Poecilia reticulatus Origin: Excellent ones from Singapore Size: 1.5 -2 inches Life Span: 2 yrs Temp: 75 to 82 F •Too many varieties of Guppy. it comes in every color of the rainbow. •Lot of different shapes to the fins. Some of the more common fins shapes are: rounded, pintail, swordtail (upper, lower, and double), flagtail, veiltail, fantail, and triangletail. . Some Guppy Varieties Black Delta Half Black Red Half Black Yellow Red Delta Yellow Delta Snakeskin Verigated Single Swordtail Multi Delta Half Black AOC Blue Delta Double Swordtail Red Albino Delta Common Livebearers - Swordtail Xiphophorus hellerii Origin: Central America Size: Over 4 inches Life Span: 2 yrs Temp: 75 to 80F Some of the more common Swordtails are: Red, Red Wag, Red Tux, Painted, Neon Green, Marigold (and wag), Pineapple, Black, Red Twin bar, Sunset, and Gold Tuxedo swordtails. Some Swordtail Varieties Common Livebearers - Platy Xiphophorus maculatus Origin: Central America – Mexico and Guatemala Size: male smaller than 2 inches, Female slightly larger Life Span: 2 yrs Temp: 75 – 80F This fish has many colour variants, the most common being red wagtail platy, sunset platy, tuxedo platy and variatus platy Common Livebearers - Molly Poecilia Sphenops Origin: Southern USA & Mexico Size: 2-4 inches Life Span: 2 yrs Temp: Prefer 80F There are many colour variants available, some of the largest livebearers and will give birth to a huge number of young up to 60 or 70 fry at a time. Egg-Scatterers These species simply scatter their adhesive or non-adhesive eggs to fall to the substrate, into plants, or float to the surface. These species do not look after their brood and even eat their own eggs. Often there is a large number of the small eggs laid. The fry hatch quickly. Examples: Goldfish, Barbs, Tetras Some GoldFish Varieties Commet Fantail Calico Blackmore Lionhead Ryukin Shubunkin Bubble eye Telescope Eye PearlScale Oranda Celestial Eye Some Barb Varieties Tiger Barb Green Tiger Barb Albino Tiger Barbs Rosy Barbs Tinfoil Barbs Cherry Barb Some Tetra Varieties Neon Tetra Serpae Tetra BloodFin Tetra Black Tetra Rummy-Nose Tetra Lemon Tetra Egg-Depositors These species deposit their eggs on a substrate (tank glass, wood, rocks, plants). Egg depositors usually lay less eggs than eggscatterers, although the eggs are larger. Egg-depositors fall into two groups: those that care for their eggs, and those that do not. Among eggs depositors that care for their eggs are cichlids and some catfish. These fish form pairs and have advanced brood care where the eggs are defended and cleaned. The eggs take a few days to hatch, and the fry are often guarded by the parents. Example: Angel, Discus, Ocsar,Catfish Some Angel Varieties Marble Golden Silver Golden Marble Zebra Black Some Discus Varieties Leopard skin Discus Brilliant Blue Discus Millennium Gold Discus White Face Red Melon Discus Diamond Discus Some Oscar Varieties Red Albino Red Albino Tiger Egg-Burriers These species usually burry eggs in inhabit waters that dry up at some time of the year. The majority of egg burriers are annual Killifish which lay their eggs in mud. The parents mature very quickly and lay their eggs before dying when the water dries up. The eggs remain in a dormant stage until rains stimulate hatching. Example: Killifish Some Killifish Varieties Red Killifish Lyretail Killifish Long Nose Killifish Rainwater Killifish Banded Killifish East African Killifish Mouth-Brooders species that carry their eggs or larvae in their mouth. Mouth brooders can be broken up into ovophiles and larvophiles. Ovophile or egg-loving mouth-brooders lay their eggs in a pit, which are sucked up into the mouth of the female. The small number of large eggs hatch in the mother’s mouth, and the fry remain there for a period of time. Fertilization often occurs with the help of egg-spots, which are colorful spots on the anal fin of the male. When the female sees these spots, she tries to pick up the egg-spots, but instead gets a mouthful of sperm, fertilizing the eggs in her mouth. Larvophile or larvae-loving mouth-brooders lay their eggs on a substrate and guard them until the eggs hatch. After hatching, the female picks up the fry and keeps them in her mouth. When the fry can fend for themselves, they are released. Examples: Arowana & Some Cichilds like Tilapia & Mozambique Some Arowana Varieties Super Red Arowana Silver Arowana Red Tailed Golden Arowana Some Mouth Brooder Varieties Mozabique Tilapia Nest-Builders Nest builders build some sort of nest for their eggs. The nest is usually in the form of bubble-nest formed with plant debris and saliva-coated bubbles or a excavated pit in the substrate (cichlids). Nest builders practice brood care Examples: Gourami, Fighting fish Some Gourami Varieties Pearl Gourami Dwarf Gourami Blue Gourami Dwarf Gourami (Noen Red) Polka Dot Gourami Giant Gourami Some Fighting fish Varieties Common Disease Common diseases that happen to aquarium fish are White Spots Fin Rot Fungus Cloudy Eyes HITH (Hole In The Head) Blackening Fins and Body Disease - White Spots Barb with White Spots This disease is so common because part of the lifecycle of white spots is in a egg-like shell . Without medication, this "egg" is very hardy while it floats around inside your aquarium or on the tank floor. These 'eggs' can be transferred from one tank to another when same net is used to catch fish, or hitchhike when you transfer fish/plants/decorations around. Disease - White Spots cont…. The most common way you get them into your aquarium environment is when you buy fish from the fish shop. When the time is ripe, these 'eggs' burst open and spreads hundreds of spores into the water. These spores then 'fly around' and attach themselves to your fish. Once on the fish, they dig below the surface of the skin and then eat the fish tissue to grow. Once adult, they drop off the fish like the 'eggs' that they came from, and then burst with hundreds of spores. This cycles continues until they are killed. If left alone, they can multiply more and more and infect all the fish they have access to. Treatment - White Spots Most white spots cases happen when the temperature is cooled. To treat white spots, place a heater in your aquarium and slowly increase the temperature slightly. Adding salt will help too. Commercial medication can also be used. Disadvantages of chemicals that treats white spots: Copper - toxic to freshwater fishes/shrimps Methylene Blue - harmful to aquarium plants Formalin - kills beneficial bacteria from filter Malachite Green - carcinogen (cause cancer!) Disease - Fin Rot When you see a case of fin rot you will always be able to recognize it. It causes a discoloration at the site where it happens, and this discoloration on the fins will spread if left unchecked. The fin will keep rotting away and in worst cases until where there is only a stump left where the fin was. Angel with Fin Rot Treatment – Fin Rot Fin Rot is caused by bacteria that is always in the aquarium water. Under normal circumstances, fish can ward off the bacteria and will not get fin rot. When this happens, there is usually something wrong in the aquarium Introduction of aggressive fish, that caused stress or physical injury to the affected fish. Pinpoint the cause and deal with and the fish can recover by itself. Main thing is to ensure the water is in its best condition with no nitrogenous waste and add some salt in the water for anti-bacteria effect. Disease - Fungus Swordtail with Fungus There are Two types of Fungus Infections True Fungus False Fungus Disease-False Fungus (Columnaris Disease/Mouth Fungus/Mouth Rot) This disease look like a fungus attack but it is actually a bacteria infection. False fungus is caused by stress in the living environment of the fish. In the long term form (chronic form), they appear as light grey markings on the fish., lips of the fish or inside the fish's mouth. These markings then become fluffy and look like cotton wool, therefore making people think they are fungus. As this false fungus develops, the skin appears more and more of these ulcers. The places that get affected is usually the mouth and gills because they are more vulnerable but it can infect anywhere. This is caused by the bacteria called Flexibacter Columnaris, which is why this disease is also called Columnaris Disease. Treatment - False Fungus False Fungus External false fungus/columnaris can be treated with potassium permanganate at a concentration of 2ppm for 8-10 hrs. Phenoxyethanol can also be used it to make a bath to immerse the fish in. The advantage of using phenoxyethanol is that phenoxyethanol will also treat both the false fungus and true fungus so if you make a wrong indentification it works too. Disease - True Fungus (cotton wool disease) True Fungus Whitish and fluffy like cotton wool, usually occurring at the site where the fish has a physical injury or abrasion/wear and tear. True fungus is caused by stress in the living environment of the fish and usually very bad conditions like poorly circulated and aerated water or rotting uneating food in the gravel bed or filter. Treatment - True Fungus Since this is a disease caused by bad water conditions, fix the water. Affected fish can be removed to a hospital tank to treat separately. fish can be given an extended salt bath as treatment, but it takes time. fungus do not disappear immediately or in a short time. Phenoxyethanol can be used. For best effect, apply the medication onto the infection directly using cotton bud. Unlike most other diseases, fungus attacks is hard for the fish to recover itself once the infection has gained a foothold. Treat the fish and pay close attention to it! Disease – Cloudy Eyes Cloudy eyes can be caused by several causes, outlined below. Physical Injury Water Condition This can result in extreme levels of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, or pH unsuitable for the species. Sudden, Wide Fluctuations The fish could have been injured during transportation, causing the eyes to be scratched. This can happen by adding chemicals to the water without regard for dosage. Infections The fish could have been injured during transportation, causing the eyes to be scratched Treatment – Cloudy Eyes Cloudy Eye Change Water Add 0.3% salt Adjust pH level Add tetracyclin (Infection) Disease - Hole In The Head Disease (HITH) Hole in the Head Pits form in the head of the fish. These at first appear to be pinholes, and progress steadily to the point of large open wounds. It often migrates from the head to the lateral line and will sometimes follow the lateral line down the body of the fish. This is due to either vitamin deficiency or long term exposure to high levels of nitrates. Treatment - HITH Overcrowding, overfeeding are also major contributors to hi level of nitrates. Reduction of nitrates- Increasing the number of water changes. This should reduce the nitrate levels to within acceptable levels. With a varied diet, will go a long way to improve fishes health, and prevention of HITH, but it probably wont cure it. To do this, you need to add a vitamin supplement to their food. There are several vitamin supplements available on the market Fish Food and Nutrition Fish fry food Infusorians Daphnia Brine shrimp Water boatman tubifex worm blood worm Adult fish food Pellets Mealworm Superworm Shrimps blood worm Most Common Aquatic Plants Amazon Sword Vallisneria Cabomba Hydrilla Water Sprite Water Hyacinth Aquarium Water Management Fish keeping is actually water keeping. If you keep the water well, your fish will be well as well. Following are the key parameters one should check for water management. pH level of Water (Around 7 is good ) Salinity (Salinity refers to the salt content of the water Salt. Concentration 0.3%-0.5% is good. 0.3% equals 3 pounds of salt in 100 gallons of water ) Hardness of water (General Hardness or GH is the measure of calcium and magnesium ions in water) Aquarium Water Management Ammonia (NH3) content of water Nitrite (NO2) content of water Nitrate (NO3) content of water These 3 chemicals are harmful to fish and you want to have zero of them if possible, and if not zero as little as possible. These are so harmful simply because fish CANNOT adapt to them. Some nicely arranged fish tanks END