MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com
MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com
MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com A # 3 2 7 Diamond Dresser — Diamond N i b may be positioned i n front or on either side. Clamp opens to 2 % " . # 1 0 5 5 M i l l i n g Head Bracket—Mounts on vertical miller spindle. Permits mounting the grinder at any desired angle. 2-9/16" bore. (Special bores at extra cost) # 1 1 6 5 , # 2 1 6 5 , and # 1 2 6 5 Surface Grinder Brackets — M o u n t on surface grinder spindle housing aftei wheel and guard have been removed. Permits positioning the grinder at any desired angle. #1165—31/4" diameter bore. # 2 1 6 5 — 3 " diameter bore. (Special bores at extra cost). # 1 2 6 5 — B o r e d to order any diameter from SVa" to 41/2". w THE McGONEGAL MANUFACTURING CO. EAST RUTHERFORD, NEW JERSEY 07073 Area Code 201 — Tel. 438-2313 , ' \ P a g e 16 . MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com with #1525 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9 " Swing or Smaller ( ^^^^^^ Equipment Included Specifications 2 Belts. 2 Wheel Collars 1". # 1 7 3 Clamp N u t ( I V s x 13/4x1/4"). Clamp Head Lock P i n . 4 Pulleys. 2 Wrenches. Grinding Wheel: 2x3^x5/16". • T H E M A C Motmted Wheels ( w i t h # 5 - 4 0 threaded mandrel):—Vsx % "—1/4x1/4 " — Vax 1/4 "—V^x V& ". #1542 Belt—7%x7/16" # 1 5 4 9 Belt—7-15/16x7/16" P u l l e y s : - # 1 — % " ; #2—29/32"; #3—1-5/64"; #4—1-23/64". # 1 5 0 8 Wheel Guard can be supplied as extra equipment. i/s H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:—10,500—15,000—19,000 . 24,000—34,500—50,000 Grinding Wheels:—Vs" to 2" Diameter. Grinding Spindle Extension — For external-grinding the grinding wheel is % " from end of spindle housing, 1 % " from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h T H E M A C threaded shank mounted wheel 2-5/16". The clamp head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n Steel Carrying Case. The machine complete weighs 5 Lbs. Shipping Weight 10 Lbs. For other details see Pages 2, 3 and 6 J-15A with #1575 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9" Swing or Smaller • Equipment Included Specifications 2 Belts. 2 Wheel Collars 1". # 1 7 3 Clamp N u t ( I V s x l % x i / 4 " ) . C l a m p H e a d L o c k - Pin. 4 Pulleys. 2 Wrenches. Grinding Wheel:—2x3/8x5/16". # 1 5 9 0 - i/s" Chuck Body w i t h Sleeve, lAxiAxVs", i/axiAxi/s" Mounted Wheels. # 1 5 2 1 - 2 % " Extension Spindle w/Arbor and Collar 1 Ea. 3/8, Vs and 3/4" Dia. x 1/4x14" Recessed Wheels. #1542 Belt—7%"x7/16" # 1 5 4 9 Belt—7-15/16"x7/16" Pulleys:—#1—%"; #2—29/32"; #3—1-5/64"; #4—1-23/64". # 1 5 0 8 Wheel Guard can be supplied as extra equipment. Page 15 Vs H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:—10,500—15,000—19,000 24,000—34,500—50,000 Grinding Wheels:—1/4" t o 2 " Diameter! Grinding Spindle Extension — For external grinding the grinding wheel is % " from end of spindle housing, 1 ^ " from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h chuck or extension spindle 2V2". T h e clamp head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n Steel Carrying Case. The machine complete weighs 5 Lbs. Shipping Weight 10 Lbs. For other details see Pages 2, 3 and 6 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Type with #945T Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 13" Swing or Larger M Wim. Equlpmenf Included 3 Belts. 2 Wheel Collars 21/2". Wheel Guard. # 9 7 3 Clamp N u t (13/4x23/8x3/8"). Hollow Head Cap Screw w i t h key. 5 Pulleys. 3 Wrenches. Grinding Wheel: #2097—1/4" Chuck Extension Spindle w i t h Sleeve. Mounted Wheel:—1x1/4x1/4". 6xy2x3^". #902 Belt—13-7/16"xl" #2067—^External Extension Spindle w i t h 2 Wheel Collars IV2" w i t h Nut. G r i n d i n g W h e e l s : — # 9 4 2 Belt—15-1 l / 1 6 " x l " 21/2x1/2x1/2" — 4x1/2x1/2". # 9 4 9 Belt—173/8"xl" # 2 0 2 0 Internal Extension Spindle 2 " w i t h Arbor. 1 Wheel Collar 1/2" and 2 Wheel Collars 3/4". Grinding Wheel 1x1/2x1/4". Pulleys: — #1—1"; # 2 — 1 - 6 1 / 6 4 " ; #3—21/2"; # 4 — 3 - 9 / 3 2 " ; #5—41/8". Specifications Grinding Spindle Extension — For external grind- 1 H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. ing w i t h 6 " wheel the grinding wheel is % " from end of spindle housing, 1%" from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h # 2 0 6 7 extension spindle 35/8". W i t h # 2 0 2 0 extension spindle 41/2". W i t h mounted wheels 4 " . Speeds:— 3,900— 4,800— 8,300 12,000—17,000—27,000 Grinding Wheels 1 " t o 6 " Diameter. The clamp head screw is 2Va" i n front of center line of the armature shaft. The machine complete weighs 32 Lbs. Shipping weight 53 Lbs. For other details see Pages 4, 5 and 7 Packed i n a steel carrying case. INTERCHANGEABLE EXTENSION For No. 2025 Spindle Assembly. For No. 945T Spindle Assembly. «t*. -Jiiji 1" SPINDLES For J-35 and J-45 Grinders. For J-7 Grinders. No. 2036 for external grinding, w i t h 2 wheel collars I I / 2 " No. 2067 for external grinding, w i t h 2 each wheel collars 11/2" and 2 " #2097 No. 2020 for internal grinding 2 " deep w i t h 1/4" arbor; 1/2" and V4" collars #2020—2" * No. 2021 for internal grinding 2 " deep #2036 ^ No. 2031 for internal grinding 3 " deep gi No. 2037 for internal grinding 4 " deep No. 2030 for internal grinding 5 " deep #2030—5" S ~ I #2024—6" #2067 . No. 2024 for internal grinding 6" deep No. 2097 for mounted wheels 1/4", w i t h Vs" collet*' Internal spindles supplied w i t h % " arbor and V&" collar. Page 10 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Type J-40 Type J-7 GRINDERS - BY - > WILL DO THE MOST • WITH GREATER ACCURACY • AT LOWER COST - THROUGH BETTER DESIGN - O N E - E I G H T H TO" O N E H.P Type J-30 Type J-35 Type J-45 Type J-3 Type J-40 Type J-4 Page 9 / MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Equipment 1/2 H.P. Universal (A.C. and D.C.) Included 4 Belts. 2 each 1" and 2 " Wheel Collars. Wheel Guard. # 1 1 0 Clamp N u t (13/4x2%x3/8"). Clamp Head Lock Pin. 5 Pulleys. 2 Wrenches. Grinding Wheels: 21/2x1/2x1/2"—SxYsxi^" # 4 0 2 Belt—10-31/32"xl7/32" # 4 4 2 Belt—10-31/32"xll/16" # 4 4 8 Belt—123/8"xll/16" # 4 4 9 Belt—123/8"xl7/32" Pulleys: — # 1 — 5 5 / 6 4 " ; # 2 — 1 - 7 / 6 4 " ; # 3 — 1 - 4 7 / 6 4 " ; : j ^ 4 _ 1 . 6 3 / 6 4 " ; # 5 — 2 - 1 3 / 1 6 " Dia. Packed in a Steel Carrying Case. SPEEDS 4-200-5,800-9,000 # 4 2 0 and # 4 4 0 Spindle Assembly Speeds 20,000-31,000-42,000 The machine complete weighs 17 Lbs. Shipping weight 34 Lbs. For other details see Pages 3, 5, 6 and 7 ^^p^ J - 3 0 with #1115 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9 " to 13" Swing Equipment SPEEDS 5,500-7,500-11,500 Included 3 Belts. Two I1/2" Wheel Collars. Wheel-Guard. # 2 1 7 3 Clamp N u t (13/8x2x1/4"). Clamp Head Lock Pin. 5 Pulleys. 2 Wrenches. Grinding Wheels:—3x3/sx3/8"—4x3/8x3/8". # 1 4 0 Belt—10-17/32"x17/32'' # 1 4 2 Belt—10-17/32"x11/16" # 1 4 1 Belt—12-3/32"x11/16". PutLEYs: — # 1 — 5 5 / 6 4 " ; # 2 — 1 - 7 / 6 4 " ; # 3 — 1 - 4 7 / 6 4 " ; # 4 — 1 - 6 3 / 6 4 " ; # 5 — 2 - 1 3 / 1 6 " Dia. Packed i n a Steel Carrying Case. The machine complete weighs 13 Lbs. '•>"'; Shipping weight 25 Lbs. For other details see Pages 3, 5, 6 and 7 Ife§e:;13 # 1 1 4 0 and # 1 1 8 0 Spindle Assembly Speeds 22,000-34,000-45,000 1/3 H.P. Universal (A.C. and D.C.) MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Type with #1125 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes t 9 " to 13" Swing Equipment Specifications Included 2 Belts. 2 Wheel Collars 11/2". Wheel Guard. # 1 7 3 Clamp N u t (11/8x13/4x1/4"). Clamp Head L o c k ' P i n . 4 Pulleys. 2" Extension Spindle w i t h Arbor and Collar. 2 Wrenches. Grinding Wheel: 3x3/8x3/8". Recessed Wheels: YaxYixVs" — %xiAxV8" — 3/4x1/4x1/8". # 1 0 2 Belt—10-3/32"xl7/32" # 1 4 9 Belt—10-3/32"xll/16" 1/3 H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:—7,000—10,500—25,000—36,000 Grinding Wheels: %" t o 3 " Diameter Grinding Spindle Extension — For external grinding the grinding wheel is % " from end of spindle housing, 1 % " from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h extension spindle 2 % " . The clamp head screw is on a center line with the armature shait. The machine complete weighs IOV2 Lbs. Shipping Weight 20 Lbs. For other details see Pages 2, 3 and 6 Pulleys: — # 1 — 55/64"; # 2 — 1-7/64"; #3—1-47/64"; #4—1-63/64". Packed i n a Steel Carrying Case. Type J - 2 A 1 with #1125 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9" to 13" Swing ^^^^^ Equipment Included Specifications 2 Belts. 2 Wheel Collars I1/2". Wheel Guard. # 2 1 7 3 Clamp N u t (13/8x2x14"). 4 Pulleys. 21/2" Extension Spindle w i t h Arbor and Collar. Hollow Head Cap Screw w i t h key. 2 Wrenches. Grinding Wheel: 3x3^x3^". Recessed Wheels: — VsxVixVa" — s/8xi/4xi/8" — 3/4x1/4x1/8". #102 Belt—10-3/32"xl7/32" # 1 4 9 Belt—10-3/32"xl 1/16" Pulleys: — # 1 — 55/64"; # 2 — 1-7/64"; #3—1-47/64"; #4—1-63/64". 1/3 H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:—7,000—10,500—25,000—36,000 Grinding Wheels: 3/8" to 3 " Diameter Grinding Spindle Extension — For external grinding the grinding wheel is % " from end of spindle housing, 1%" from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h extension spindle 2 % " . The clamping screw is IVa" i n front of the center line of the armature- shaft. The machine complete weighs 13 Lbs. Shipping Weight 21 Lbs. For other details see Pages 2, 3 and 6 Packed i n a Steel Carrying Case. Page 14 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com "^^p" J - 4 with #425 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 12" to 15" Swing \ Equipment Included Specifications 4 Belts. Mounted Wheel Chuck 1/4" w i t h Vs" Collet. 2 Each Wheel Collars 3/4", 1" and 11/2". Wheel Guard. # 1 1 0 Clamp N u t (13/4x23/4x3/8"). Clamp Head Lock Pin. 5 Pulleys. 2" Extension Spindle w i t h N u t . 3 Wrenches. Grinding Wheels: — 11/2x1/4x1/4"—21/2x1/2x1/2— 4x1/2x1/2". Mounted Wheels:—(with Vs" and 1/4" Mandrel). I/4XI/4Xl/s,"—y8x3/8X 1/8 " — I X 1/4x1/4 " . # 4 0 2 Belt—10-31/32"xl7/32". # 4 4 2 Belt—10-31/32"xll/16". , # 4 4 9 Belt—123/8"xl7/32". Pulleys: — # 1 — 55/64"; # 2 — 1-7/64"; #3-_l-47/64"; #4—1-63/64"; #5—2-13/16". 1/2 H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:— 5,800— 9,000—20,000 31,000—42,000 Grinding Wheels:—1/4" t o 4 " Diameter. Grinding Spindle Extension — For external grinding the grinding wheel is 3 ^ " from end of spindle housing, 13^" from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h mounted wheels 3 % " , w i t h extension spindle 23/4". The clamp head screw is on a center line with the armature shaft. Packed i n a Steel Carrying Case. The machine complete weighs 17 V2 Lbs. Shipping Weight 28 Lbs. For other details see Pages 2, 3, S, 6, and 7 Type J . 3 with #125 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9" t o 13" Swing Equipment Specifications Included 2 Belts. Mounted Wheel Chuck V&". 2 Each Wheel Collars 1 " and I1/2". Wheel Guard. # 2 1 7 3 Clamp N u t (13/8x2x1/4"). Clamp Head L o c k Pin. 4 Pulleys. 2V2" Extension Spindle w i t h Arbor and collar. 2 Wrenches. Grinding Wheels:—1 i^xS/gxs/g"—3x3/8x3/8". Recessed Wheels: — YsxVixVs" — %xV4x%" — 3/4x1/4x1/8". Mounted Wheels ( w i t h Vs" m a n d r e l ) : — V i x i / i " The clamp ,head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n a Steel Carrying Case. ^y8x3/8". # 1 4 0 Belt—10-17/32"xl7/32" # 1 4 2 Belt—10-17/32"xll/16'i Pulleys:• — , # 1 — 55/64"; # 2 — 1-7/64"; #3—1-47/64^• # 4 — 1 - 6 3 / 6 4 " . — 1/3 H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds: 7,000r-10,500—25,000—36,000 Grinding Wheels: 14" to 3 " Diameter.. Grinding Spindle Extension — For external grinding the grinding wheel is IVa" from end of spindle housing, 2-1/16" from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h mounted wheel 3 % " , w i t h extension spindle 3-15/16". 1/2X1/4" The machine complete weighs t3 Lbs. Shipping Weight 20 Lbs. For other details see Pages 2, 3, 6 and 7 Page.l^ MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Type J - 4 5 with #2025 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 12" to 15" Swing ^^^^ Equipment Included Specifications 4 Belts. Wheel Guard. # 1 1 0 Clamp N u t (13/4x2y4X 3/8"). Clamp Head Lock Pin. 5 Pulleys. 3 Wrenches. # 2 0 6 7 External E x t e n s i o n Spindle w i t h 2 Each Wheel Collars IV2" and 2 " Diameter and Nut. Grinding Wheels: 3xi/2xy2"-4xy2xy2"-5x3/8xy2". # 2 0 2 0 Internal Extension Spindle 2 " w i t h Arbor, Wheel Collars y2" and 3/4" Diameter. V2 H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:— 4,200— 5,800— 9,000 , 20,000—31,000—42,000 Grinding Wheels: V4" to 5" Diameter. Grinding Spindle Extension — For external grinding the grinding wheel is 1" from end of spindle housing, 2" from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h moimted wheel 2", w i t h recessed wheels Grinding Wheel: 2x1/4x%". # 2 0 9 7 — y 4 " Chuck Extension Spindle w i t h Sleeve and y s " Collet. Mounted Wheels: — y4xy4xy8"— y2xy4xy8"—ixy4xy4". # 4 0 2 Belt—10-31/32"xl7/32" # 4 4 2 Belt—10-31/32"xll/16" # 4 4 9 Belt—123/8"xl7/32" # 4 4 8 Belt—123/8"xll/16" 33/4". The clamp head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n a steel carrying case. The machine complete weighs 17 Lbs. Shipping Weight 32 Lbs. For other details see Pages 4, 5, 6, 7 and Pulleys: — #1—55/64"; #2—1-7/64"; #3—1.47/64"; #4—1-63/64"; #5—2-13/16". J-35 with #2025 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9 " to 13" Swing Equipment Included Specifications 3 Belts. Wheel Guard. # 2 1 7 3 Clamp N u t (13/8x2x y 4 " ) . Clamp Head Lock Pin. 5 Pulleys. 3 Wrenches. # 2 0 3 6 External Extension Spindle w i t h 2 Wheel Collars i y 2 " and N u t . Grinding Wheels: 3x3/8x3/8" —4x3/8x3/8". # 2 0 2 1 Internal Extension Spindle 2 " w i t h Arbor and Collar. Recessed Wheels:—3/8xy4xy8"—3/4xy4xy8". # 2 0 9 7 — y 4 " Chuck Extension Spindle w i t h Sleeve and Vs" Collet. Mounted Wheels: — V^xV^xVs"— y2x y4x y s " — i x y4x y4". # 140 Belt—10-17/32"xl7/32" # 142 B e l t — 1 0 - 1 7 / 3 2 " x l l / 1 6 " # 2 0 4 2 Belt—12-3/16"xl7/32" Pulleys: — # 1 — 55/64"; # 2 — 1-7/64"; #3—1.47/64"; #4—1-63/64"; #5—2-13/16". Vs H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:— 5,500— 7,500—11,500 22,000—34,000—45,000 Grinding Wheels: V4" to 4 " Diameter. Grinding Spindle Extension — For external grinding the grinding wheel is 1 " from end of spindle housing, 2-5/16" from end of motor housing. For i n ternal grinding w i t h mounted wheel 2", w i t h recessed wheels 2 % " . The clamp head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n a Steel Carrying Case. The machine complete weighs 13 Lbs. Shipping Weight 28 Lbs. For other details see Pages 4, 5, 6, 7 and Page 11 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com (ILLUSTRATIONS ACTUAL SIZE) 0 154 190 117 105 121 E3E 406 This group internally threaded 3/8 "-24 R.H., made of cold finished steel. Wheel arbors and chuck sleeves case hardened. Interchangeable on Spindle Assemblies # 1 2 5 , # 1 1 1 5 , # 1 1 2 5 shown opposite. 357 705 198 2117 2143 143 171 497 This group internally threaded 1/2 "-24 R.H., made of cold finished steel. Wheel arbor, chuck sleeve and nut case hardened. Interchangeable on Spindle Assemblies # 4 2 5 and # 4 4 5 shown opposite. £143 7Z\ 4^4 405 ^143 This group internally threaded 5/16"-32 R.H., made of cold finished steel. Wheel arbor, collar and chuck sleeve case hardened. W i l l f i t Spindle Assemblies #1525 and #1575 only, shown opposite. 1590 117 154^ Page 2 105 1521 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com o PRICE LIST OF THE MOST PRACTICAL HG IH SPEED PRECISION TOOL GRINDERS FOR PRECISION FINISHING OF ALL METALS, PLASTICS AND CERAMICS FEATURING o EXCLUSIVE CIRCUMFERENTIAL SPINDLE ADJUSTMENT FOR QUICK SET UP ECCENTRIC SPINDLE HOUSINGS FOR QUICK, POSITIVE, VIBRATIONLESS BELT ADJUSTMENT SHORT BELT CENTERS - COMPACT - NO OVERHANGING WEIGHT PERMANENT LUBRICATION FOR LONG LIFE AND OPERATION IN A N Y POSITION O N A N Y MACHINE TOOL INTERCHANGEABILITY AND DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO SPINDLE ASSEMBLIES AND EXTENSION SPINDLES o THE McGONEGAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY East Rutherford, New Jersey printed in U. S. A , 07073 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Spindle Assemblies for Deep Internal Grinding Spindle Mounted on 3 Ball Bearings # 1 4 5 5 - # 1 4 6 3 For Themac Grinders Type J 3 , J30, J35, J 4 , J40, J45 1 Pair #2081 Spindle Tube Brackets Required to Adapt to J3 and J30 - #2081 Price Per Pair $8.50. !f coolant is to be used w h e n grinding, provision must be made to exclude the coolant from the bearings. Prices quoted upon request. •P- 0 -c- -A- ^ 5 -N- Stock Number A B D c E F H G \ Dia. 1455 1X6 1X6 1^8 'A ^X6 1456 1X6 1X6 1^8 X6 ^X6 1457 1^6 1X6 1^8 X6 ^X6 1458 1459 -JVi 1-460 1461 1462 7K 1463 1X6 1X6 1^8 1X6 1X6 1^8 1X6 1X6 1^8 1X6 1X6 1X6 1X6 1X6 1X6 -G- % % K L Dia. Thread Thread Y,-2A Va Ya Y,-2A Yz-2A Va 1 X6 VA %-24 Ys X6 VVa K-24 1% 1% 1% Y, 1^ Y, VA Yz V^ VA Yz V 1 X 6 VA 1 ^ X6 iXa iXs X6 1 X 6 "O" 1 1 •\% Va li Ya 1^2 X6 1^2 X6 1X2 1^8 ^X6 J 1X2 K-24 ^-24 ^-24 ^-24 N M P *o R 10-24 Yz -IVa 6 bYz >4-28 Y, 7 X 6 6 (>Yz Va-2^ Yz 1 1 X 6 10 10^ X6-32 6 Yz 7 ^ eYz ^-24 10 10^ Yz 11^ ^-24 Yz 7^2 6 6X2 ^-24 Yz 11X2 10 10X2 K-24 Yz 7X2 6 6X2 10 X2-24 Yz 11X2 10X2 -c- -0- # 9 7 4 — # 9 9 8 For Type J-7 Grinders Only A B c D E F G H 1 J K L Dia. Thread Thread iXs >2-24 X6-32 Yz VA Yz VA Yz VA V2 VA Vi 1 X 6 V2 VA X2-24 Dia. 974 975 991 993 994 995 996 997 993 VA 9X2 VA 9X2 VA 9X2 VA 9X2 VA 9X2 VA VA 9X2 9X2 VA 9X2 VA 9X2 X2 X2 X2 X2 Dimension can be changed to any desired length. -p- Stock Number Yz Yz Yz Yz Yz 2 2X6 Va 2 2X6 Va 1X2 2 2X6 2 2X6 2 2X6 2 2X6 2 2X6 2 2X6 2 2X6 X8 VA V2 X6 Vi Vi X6 1X2 Vi X6 1X2 X6 1 X 6 VA Vi X6 1 X 6 VA Vi X6 1X6 1X2 Vi X6 1 X 6 VA Vi X6 iXa VA Vi 1% 1% 1% Ya Ya X2-24 X2-24 y2-24 ^-24 X2-24 2 X2-24 2 % V1-IA * " O " Dimension can be clianged to any desired length. Page 7 M Va %-24 Va ^-24 Va ^-24 Va X2-24 Va ^-24 Va X2-24 Va K-24 Va %-24 Va *o 6 10 6 P R (^Yz Yz 10^ Yz 6^ Yz 10 10X2 8 8X2 12 12X2 14 14X2 16 I6X2 18 I8X2 X2 X2 X2 X2 X2 X2 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Price List September 1, 1968 SUBJECT TO CHANGE ALL WITHOUT NOTICE GRINDERS PACKED IN CARRYING CASE Precision Lathe Grinders Xype Stock Spindle Assemblies ( F o r 115 V o l t ) J-2A w/#1125 Price Spindle Assembly - - - $236.25 J - 2 A 1 w / # 1125 Spindle A s s e m b l y - - - 236.25 J-3 w/#125 - Spindle Assembly included Type Price #125 $96.60 - 246.75 #420 110.25 J-30 w / # 1115 Spindle Assembly J-30 w / # 1 1 1 5 and # 1 1 4 0 Spindle Assemblies 194.25 278.25 #425 #440 107.10 117.60 J-30 w / # 1 1 1 5 , # 1 1 4 0 and # 1 1 8 0 Spindle Assemblies - 351.75 #445 #945T 92.40 156.45 J-35 w/#2025 J-4 w/#425 Spindle Assembly Spindle Assembly J-7 w/#945T Spindle Assembly J-15 w / # 1 5 2 5 Spindle Assembly - No grinding wheels or extension spindles • - - - - - 260.40 #1115 - - - 258.30 #1125 72.45 - - - 439.95 #1140 93.45 - - - 198.45 #1180 99.75 - J - I S w / # 1525 and # 1 5 4 5 Spindle Assemblies 267.75 #1525 J - 1 5 A w / # 1 5 7 5 Spindle Assembly - - - 198.45 #1545 - - J-40 w / # 4 4 5 Spindle Assembly - - 208.95 #1575 - - J-40 w / # 4 4 5 and # 4 2 0 Spindle Assemblies - 311.85 #2025 414.75 303.45 #974_6" - - - 86.10 78.75 - - - - - - 88.20 76.65 122.85 J-40 w / # 4 4 5 , # 4 2 0 and # 4 4 0 Spindle Assemblies J - 4 5 w / # 2 0 2 5 Spindle Assembly - - - Special Spindle Assemblies $220.50 For 220 or 230 V o l t #975—10" - - - - - - - 234.15 A l l grinders but J - 5 0 & J - 8 0 — A d d $15.00 each to above prices. #991—6" #993—10" #994—8" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 228.90 238.35 246.75 - - - - - - - 255.15 266.70 16" - - - - - - - 276.15 #995—12" #996_14" H a n d Grinders J-50 H a n d Grinder - - - - - 63.00 #997 - - - - 70.35 ^ggg—ig" 287.70 J-50 w/Tool Post Attachment - - -• 70.88 #1455 6" 201.08 88.20 #1456 6" - - - 96.60 #1457—10" 96.08 J-50 w / # 0 Jacobs Chuck J-80 H a n d Grinder J-80 w / # 0 Jacobs Chuck - J-80 w/Tool Post Attachment . - - T o o l Post Attachment Only - - - - 7.50 For 220 or 230 V o l t #1458 6" #1459 10" - - - - - - - 198.45 207.64 - - - - - - - 197.40 - 202.65 #1460—6" 206.06 Add $6.00 each to above prices. # 1461—10" #1462—6" 211.05 195.30 t:^ #1463—10" _^ T TT J ^ For Left H a n d Operation ^^^^ A l l Grinders except J - 1 5 , J - 5 0 and J - 8 0 . 202.65 Special Spindle Assemblies to your specifications. M o t o r — A d d $15.00 to above prices. Surface Grinder Brackets Spindle Assembly—^Add $8.50 each to above prices. Spindles for J - 7 , J - 3 5 and J - 4 5 — P r i c e s on request. J - 1 5 , J - 5 0 and J-80 supplied i n standard direction of rotation only. N O T E — E x t e n s i o n spindles for all grinders supplied right hand only. 115 Volt "Cyclone" Dental Lathe 220 or 230 Volt $231.00 # 2 1 6 5 with 3 " D i a . Bore - - $ 21.00 # 1 1 6 5 with 31/4" D i a . Bore # 1 2 6 5 (Specify B o r e — A n y ^^Z^" up to 41/2") # 1 0 6 5 , # 1 1 6 5 and # 2 1 6 5 . Diameter with special bore 2I.OO #1065 w A 2 ? f , 246.75 Bore Area Code 201 — Tel. 438-2313 Page 8 07073 3S.OO 26.00 21.00 # 3 2 7 Clamp T y p e Diamond Dresser EAST RUTHERFORD, NEW JERSEY - ^^^^ THE McGONEGAL MANUFACTURING PRINTED IN U.S-A. - CO. - - 12.00 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com (ILLUSTRATIONS ACTUAL SIZE) This group w i l l f i t #2025 Spindle Assembly and # 9 4 5 T Spindle Assembly only, shown opposite. Extensions heat treated and ground. Wheel arbors, chuck sleeves and nuts case hardened. / >— 130 144 \ 2056 2021 2020 \ 91Z 446 I Z061 605 05 2031 2037 2030 2024 This Extension made of cold finished steel, threaded % " - 2 8 R.H., Arbor and Collar case hardened. B 117 Page 4 [05 1406 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com #154 #190 #198 #406 #121 #721 #705 #2121 Chuck Body and # 1 1 1 Sleeve 3/32" Capacity _.._$5.75 Chuck Body and # 1 1 1 Sleeve Vs" Capacity 5.35 Chuck Body and # 3 9 7 Sleeve 1/4" Capacity 7.25 Collet to reduce 1/4" Chuck to Vs" -. 1.25 Extension Spindle w i t h # 1 1 7 Arbor Vs" Dia. and # 1 0 5 Collar, for Recessed Wheels ___ 5.10 Extension Spindle w i t h # 1 1 7 Arbor Vs" Dia. and # 1 0 5 Collar, for Recessed Wheels 4.80 Wheel Collar % " Dia. (Use to mount 1/4" Face x 1/4" Bore Wheels on # 7 2 1 Extension) Per Pair .60 Extension Spindle w i t h # 2 1 1 7 Arbor, 1-#143 and 1-#2143 Collar (For Wheels % " Face x % " Bore, up to 2 % " Dia.)._ - 7.75 # 1 2 5 , # 1 1 1 5 and # 1 1 2 5 S P I N D L E A S S E M B L I E S For % " Face x % " Bore Wheels and extensions described above and illustrated opposite. Interchangeable on grinders Type J-2A, J-2A1, J-3 and J-30. Adaptable to J-35 Grinder b y use of # 1 1 7 1 Spindle Tube Brackets. # 1 1 7 1 price per pair $8.50 B o t h ends of shaft are threaded y 8 " - 2 4 R.H. Stock No. 125 1115 1125 -3t-A- A B Max. Speed Max. Wheel Dia. 10-25/32" 1" 3/16" Vs" 45,000 16,000 36,000 3" 4" 3" 97/8" 97/8" Wheel Collars 2 - # 143-1" Standard Equip. On Nuts 2 - # 144-11/2" 2 - # 144-11/2" 2 - # 144-11/2" 2-#130 2-#130 2-#130 J-3 J-30 J-2A J-2A1 # 4 2 4 Extension Spindle w i t h 2-#405 Collars % " and # 1 7 1 N u t (For VA" Face x 1/4" Bore Wheels up to 2 " Dia.) $7.50 # 4 9 7 Chuck Body and # 3 9 7 Sleeve 1/4" Capacity ._ _. 7.25 # 4 0 6 Collet to reduce VA" Chuck to Vs"1.25 # 1 4 2 1 Extension Spindle w i t h # 2 1 1 7 Arbor, 1-#143 and 1-#2143 Collar (For Wheels W Face x % " Bore, up to 2 % " Dia.) 8.00 # 4 2 5 and # 4 4 5 S P I N D L E A S S E M B L I E S For Vz" Face x Bore Wheels and extensions described above and illustrated opposite. Interchangeable on grinders Type J-4, J-40, J-35 and J-45. Adaptable to J-3 and J-30 Grinders b y use of # 2 0 8 1 Spindle Tube Brackets. # 2 0 8 1 price per pair $8.50 Wheel end of shaft is threaded y 2 " - 2 4 R.H. Pulley end of shaft is threaded y 8 " - 2 4 R.H. Stock No. Max. Speed Max. Wheel Dia. 425 45,000 4" 445 #1521 16,000 •9: II- Wheel Collars 2-#443-l" 2-#444-iy2" 2-#443-l" 2-#605-2" 5" Standard Equip. On Nuts 1-#130 1-#912 1-#130 1-#912 J-4 J-40 Extension Spindle with # 1 1 7 Arbor Vs" Dia. and # 1 0 5 Collar, for Recessed Wheels. # 1 5 9 0 Chuck Body and # 1 5 4 6 Sleeve Vs" Capacity .$4.95 . 5.50 # 1 5 2 5 and # 1 5 7 5 S P I N D L E A S S E M B L I E S . For grinding wheels % " Face x 5/16" Bore and extensions # 1 5 9 0 and # 1 5 2 1 described above and illustrated opposite. For use on grinders T y p e J-15 and J-15A only. M a x i m u m speed 50,000 R P M . Supplied w i t h 2-#1543 Collars 1", 1-#1530 and # 1 7 1 Nuts. Wheel end of shaft is threaded 5/16"-32 R.H. Pulley end of shaft is threaded % " - 2 8 R.H. # 1 5 2 5 is also internally threaded on wheel end # 5 - 4 0 R.H. for T H E M A C wheels mounted on threaded mandrels. Page 3 -54-7{f- MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com # 2 0 3 6 Extension Spindle w i t h 2 - # 1 4 4 Collars IV2" Dia. and # 1 3 0 N u t (For wheels % " Face x W Bore up t o 4 " Dia.) : : $16.75 # 2 0 6 7 Extension Spindle with 2-#605 Collars 2" Dia., 2 - # 4 4 4 Collars I V 2 " Dia. and # 9 1 2 N u t wheels Vz" Face x 1/2" Bore up to 4 " Dia. and Vs" Face up to 5" Dia.) # 2 0 9 7 Chuck Extension 1/4" Cap. w i t h # 3 9 7 Sleeve and # 4 0 6 Collet mounted on or Vs" mandrels) Vs" Cap. (For use with (For 21.25 wheels 22.75 # 2 0 2 0 - 2 " Extension Spindle w i t h 2-#405 Collars W and # 4 4 6 Arbor 1/4" Dia. # 2 8 R.H. Thread wheels V2" Face x 1/4" Bore u p to 1" Dia. and VA" Face x VA" Bore up to 2 " Dia.) # 2 0 2 1 - 2 " Extension Spindle w i t h # 1 1 7 Arbor Vs" Dia. and # 1 0 5 Collar.... (For _ # 2 0 3 1 - 3 " Extension Spindle w i t h # 1 1 7 Arbor i/s" Dia. and # 1 0 5 Collar # 2 0 3 7 - 4 " Extension Spindle w i t h # 1 1 7 Arbor Vs" Dia. and # 1 0 5 Collar 19.50 13.00 17.00 _. 18.00 # 2 0 3 0 - 5 " Extension Spindle w i t h # 1 1 7 Arbor Vs" Dia. and # 1 0 5 Collar 19.20 # 2 0 2 4 - 6 " Extension Spindle w i t h # 1 1 7 Arbor Vs" Dia. and # 1 0 5 Collar 21.50 (Nos. 2021, 2031, 2037, 2030 and 2024 are for use w i t h recessed wheels up to 1" Dia.) #2025 SPINDLE ASSEMBLY For use w i t h Extension Spindles described above and illustrated opposite only. Supplied w i t h l - # 130 Nut. Standard equipment on Type J-35 and J-45 Grinders. M a x i m u m Wheel Dia. recommended 5". M a x i m u m Speed 45,000 R P M . Interchangeable on Grinders Type J-35, J-4, J-40 and J-45. Adaptable to Grinders Type J-3 and J-30 by use of # 2 0 8 1 Spindle Tube Brackets. # 2 0 8 1 price per pair _ .....$8.50 Pulley end of shaft is threaded 3/8"-24 R.H., wheel end of shaft is internally threaded 5/16"-24 R.H. for extension spindles. #945T SPINDLE ASSEMBLY For grinding wheels V2" Face x % " Bore up to 6" Dia. and extensions described above and illustrated opposite. For use w i t h T y p e J-7 Grinder only. M a x i m u m Speed 27,000 R P M . SuppUed w i t h 2 - # 9 4 4 Collars 21/2" Dia., l - # 9 3 0 and 1-#912 Nuts. Wheel end of shaft is threaded 3/4 "-24 R.H. Pulley end of shaft is threaded 1/2 "-24 R.H. Wheel pnd of shaft is internally threaded 5/16"-24 R.H. for extension spindles. as IT -13 A- # 1 4 0 6 Extension Spindle w i t h # 1 1 7 Arbor Vs" Dia. and # 1 0 5 Collar, for Recessed Wheels. Interchangeable on # 4 2 0 Spindle Assembly, or # 2 0 2 0 Extension Spindles. Price # 1 4 0 6 w i t h # 1 1 7 and # 1 0 5 Page 5 4.25 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com #1545 SPINDLE ASSEMBLY. 12 M a x i m u m Speed 50,000 R P M . Supplied w i t h # 1 5 4 6 Sleeve and # 1 7 1 Nut. For use w i t h grinding wheels mounted on Va" Dia. Mandrels only. Can be used on Grinders Type J-15 and J-15 A only. #1180 SPINDLE ASSEMBLY. M a x i m u m Speed 45,000 R P M . Supplied w i t h # 1 1 1 Sleeve and # 1 3 0 Nut. For use w i t h grinding wheels mounted on Va" Dia. Mandrels only. Interchangeable on Grinders Type J-2A, J-2A1, J-3 and J-30. Adaptable to Type J-35 Grinder by use of # 1 1 7 1 Spindle Tube Brackets. # 1 1 7 1 price per pair $8.50 o 2. T _ 3: p X -15^- 7 * r #440 SPINDLE ASSEMBLY. M a x i m u m Speed 45,000 R P M . Supplied w i t h # 3 9 7 Sleeve, # 4 0 6 Collet Va" Capacity and # 1 3 0 Nut. For use w i t h grinding wheels mounted on Va" or Vi" Dia. Mandrels. Interchangeable on Grinders Type J-35, J-4, J-40 and J-45. Adaptable to Grinders Type J-3 and J-30 b y use of # 2 0 8 1 Spindle Tube Brackets. # 2 0 8 1 price per pair $8.50 to ^3 4' M a x i m u m Speed 45,000 R P M . Supplied w i t h # 1 1 7 Arbor Va" Dia. and # 1 0 5 Collar. For use w i t h recessed grinding wheels up to 1 " Dia. Interchangeable on Grinders Type J-2A, J-2A1, J-3 and J-30. Adaptable to T y p e J-35 Grinder b y use o f # 1 1 7 1 Spindle Tube Brackets. # 1 1 7 1 price per pair ___ $8.50 Can also be supplied on special order i n lengths 2", 4", 5" and 6". -2/f- 7 i r -10 #1140 SPINDLE ASSEMBLY. . if- \ \ #420 SPINDLE ASSEMBLY. M a x i m u m Speed 45,000 R P M . Supplied w i t h 2# 4 0 5 Collars VA" and # 4 4 6 Arbor VA" Dia. For use w i t h grinding wheels VA" Face x VA" Bore up to 2" Dia. Interchangeable on Grinders Type J-35, J-4, J-40 and J-45. Adaptable to Grinders Type J-3 and J-30 b y use of # 2 0 8 1 Spindle Tube Brackets. # 2081 price per pair $8.50 Can also be supplied 3 " long on special order. Pa|e 6 w- -If- 1 1 , mil ' ^ - x _ — l i t - MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Type with #945T Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 13" Swing or Larger Equipment Included # 2 0 9 7 — y 4 " Chuck Extension Spindle w i t h Sleeve. 3 Belts. 2 Wheel Collars 21/2". Wheel Guard. # 9 7 3 Clamp N u t (13/4x23/8x3/8"). Hollow Head Cap Screw w i t h key. 5 Pulleys. 3 Wrenches. Mounted G R I N D I N G W H E E L : 6xV2x3/4". #902 BELT—13-7/16"xl" JJ.2067—^External Extension Spindle w i t h 2 Wheel Collars i y 2 " w i t h N u t . G r i n d i n g W h e e l s : — #942 BELT—15-ll/16"xl" 2V2xy2xV2" — Wheel:—Ixy4xy4". #949 BELT—173/8 " x l " 4xy2xy2". # 2 0 2 0 Internal Extension Spindle 2" w i t h Arbor. 2 Wheel Collars ^A". Grinding Wheel I x y 2 x y 4 " . PULLEYS: — #1—1"; #2—1-61/64"; #3—21/2": #4—3-9/32";-#5—4y8". Speefffcaffons 1 H . P . Universal A.C. and D.C. G R I N D I N G S P I N D L E E X T E N S I O N —- For external grind- ing w i t h 6" wheel the grinding wheel is 3/4" from end of spindle housing, IYA" from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h # 2 0 6 7 extension spindle 3y8". W i t h # 2 0 2 0 extension spindle 4y2". W i t h mounted wheels 4 " . The machine complete weighs 32 Lbs. Shipping weight 53 Lbs. For other details see Pages 4, 5 and Speeds:— 3,900— 4,800— 8,300 12,000—17,000—27,000 Grinding Wheels 1" to 6" Diameter. The clamp head screw is 2 % " i n front of center line of the armature shaft. Packed i n a Steel Carrying Case. 7 INTERCHANGEABLE EXTENSION SPINDLES For No. 2025 Spindle Assembly. For J-35 and J-45 Grinders. For No. 945T Spindle Assembly. For J-7 Grinders. --JIJJI—J" No. 2036 for external grinding, w i t h 2 wheel collars I V 2 " No. 2067 for external grinding, with 2 each wheel collars i y 2 " and 2 " #2097 No. 2020 for internal grinding 2 " deep w i t h y 4 " arbor; and 3 ^ " collars #2031—3" #2036 No. 2021 for internal grinding 2" deep No. 2031 for internal grinding 3 " deep H #2037—4" No. 2037 for internal grinding 4 " deep No. 2030 for internal grinding 5" deep # 2 0 ^ ^ " -saw- #2024—6" #2067 No. 2024 for internal grinding 6" deep No. 2q97 for mounted wheels y 4 " , w i t h y 8 " collet Internal spindles supplied w i t h % " arbor and 3/3" collar. Page 10 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Type J-40 Type J-7 Type J-3 Type J-40 Page, 9 Type J-4 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com ^^p^ J-15 with #1525 Spindle J Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9 " Swing or Smaller ^- : Equipment I Included Specifications 2 Belts. 2 Wheel Collars 1". # 1 7 3 Clamp N u t ( I V s x ,13/4x1/4"). Clamp Head Lock P i n . 4 Pulleys. 2 Wrenches. G R I N D I N G W H E E L : 2x3^x5/16". T H E M A C Mounted Wheels ( w i t h # 5 - 4 0 threaded mandrel) : —i/sxVA"—VAXVA"— VZXVA"~^/AX VS". #1542 B E L T — 7 % x 7 / 1 6 " #1549 BELT—7-15/16x7/16" P U L L E Y S : — # 1 — % " ; #2—29/32"; #3—1-5/64"; #4—1-23/64". # 1 5 0 8 Wheel Guard can be supplied as extra equipment. Vs H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds: —10,500—15,000—19,000 24,000—34,500—50,000 G R I N D I N G W H E E L S : — V a " to 2 " Diameter. G R I N D I N G S P I N D L E E X T E N S I O N — For external grinding the grinding wheel is % " from end of spindle housing, IVA" from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h T H E M A C threaded shank mounted wheel 2-5/16". T h e clamp head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n Carrying Case. The machine complete weighs 5 Lbs. Shipping Weight 10 Lbs. For other details see Pages 2, 3 and 6 '^'^ J - 1 5 A with #1575 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9 " Swing or Smaller Equipment Included Specifleafions 2 Belts. 2 Wheel Collars 1 " . # 1 7 3 Clamp N u t ( I V s x 13/4x1/4"). C l a m p H e a d L o c k P i n . 4 Pulleys. 2 Wrenches. GRINDING WHEEL:—2x3/8x5/16". # 1 5 9 0 - Va" Chuck Body w i t h Sleeve, 1/4x1/4x1/8", 1/2x1/4x1/8" Mounted Wheels. # 1 5 2 1 - 2 1 / 8 " Extension Spindle w,/Arbor and Collar 1 Ea. 3/8, s/g and 3/4" Dia. x VAxVa" Recessed Wheels. #1542 B E L T — 7 5 / 8 "x7/16" #1549 BELT—7-15/16"x7/16"^ P U L L E Y S : — # 1 — 5 / 8 " ; #2—29/32"; #3—1-^/64"; jjt4_1.23/64". # 1 5 0 8 Wheel Guard can be supplied as extra equipment. Va H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:—10,500—15,000—19,000 24,000—34,500—50,000 G R I N D I N G W H E E L S : — 1 / 4 " to 2 " Diameter. G R I N D I N G S P I N D L E E X T E N S I O N — For external grinding the grinding wheel is Va" from end of spindle housing, IVA" from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h chuck or extension spindle 2V2". The clamp head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n Carrying Case. The machine complete weighs 5 Lbs. Shipping Weight 10 Lbs. Page 15 For other details see Pages 2, 3 and 6 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com # 3 2 7 Diamond Dresser — Diamond N i b may be positioned i n front or on either side. Clamp opens to 25/8". # 1 0 6 5 M i l l i n g Head Bracket—Mounts on. vertical miller spindle. Permits mounting the grinder at any desired angle. 2-9/16" bore. (Special bores at extra cost) # 1 1 6 5 , # 2 1 6 5 , and # 1 2 6 5 Surface Grinder Brackets - ^ M o u n t on surface grinder spindle housing after wheel and guard have been removed. Permits positioning the grinder at any desired angle. # 1 1 6 5 — 3 1 / 4 " diameter bore. # 2 1 6 5 — 3 " diameter bore. (Special bores at extra cost). # 1 2 6 5 — B o r e d t o order any diameter from 31/2" t o 41/2". THE McGONEGAL MANUFACTURING CO. EAST RUTHERFORD, NEW JERSEY 07073 Area Code 201 —Tel. 438-2313 Page 16 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com J-4 Typ- with #425 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 12" to 15" Swing Eqaipmenf Included Specifications 4 Belts. Mounted Wheel Chuck VA" w i t h Vs" Collet. 2 Each Wheel Collars VA", 1" and 1V2". Wheel Guard. # 1 1 0 Clamp N u t {1VAX2YAXYS"). Clamp Head Lock Pin. 5 Pulleys. 2" Extension Spindle w i t h Nut. 3 Wrenches. GRINDING WHEELS: IVIXVAXVA"—2V2xV2xy2— — 4xy2xi/2". M O U N T E D W H E E L S : — - ( w i t h Vs" and VA" M a n d r e l ) . y 4 x y4x Vs"—ysxs/sx y s " — i x y4xy4". #402 BELT—10-31/32"xl7/32". # 4 4 2 B E L T — 1 0 - 3 l / 3 2 " x l 1/16". #449 BELT—12ys"xl7/32". Vz H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:— 5,800— 9,000—20,000 31,000—42,000 G R I N D I N G W H E E L S : — y 4 " to 4 " Diameter. G R I N D I N G S P I N D L E E X T E N S I O N — For external grind- ing the grinding wheel is W iroxn. end of spindle housing, 1 % " from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h mounted wheels 3VA", w i t h extension spindle 2y4". The clan*ip head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n Carrying Case. The machine complete Shipping P U L L E Y S : — # 1 — 55/64"; # 2 — 1-7/64"; :i^3—1-47/64"; # 4 — 1 - 6 3 / 6 4 " ; # 5 — 2 - 1 3 / 1 6 " . For other details weighs 17 Vz Lbs. Weight 28 Lbs. see Pages 2, 3, 5, 6, and Type 7 J-3 with #125 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9 " to 13" Swing ^ ^ ^ ^ 9m Equipment Included 2 Belts. Mounted Wheel Chuck Vs". Collars 1" and i y 2 " . Wheel Guard. Nut ( i y 8 x 2 x y 4 " ) . Clamp Head Lock 2 y 2 " Extension Spindle w i t h Arbor 2 Wrenches. Specifications 2 Each Wheel # 2 1 7 3 Clamp Pin. 4 Pulleys. and collar. G R I N D I N G WHEELS:—!y2x3/8x3/8"_3x3/8x3/s". RECESSED WHEELS: — VSXVAXVS" — VSX.VAX.VS" — 3/4xy4xy8". M O U N T E D W H E E L S ( w i t h Vs" mandrel): — — y2xy4" — ¥sx%". #140 BELT—10-17/32"xl7/32" #142 BELT—10-17/32"xll/16" VAXYA" V3 H P . Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds: 7,000—10,500—25,000—36,000 GRINDING W H E E L S : y4" to 3 " Diameter. GRINDING SPINDLE E X T E N S I O N — For external grind- ing the grinding wheel is IVA" from end of spindle housing, 2-1/16" from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h mounted wheel ZVz", w i t h extension spindle 3-15/16". The clamp head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n Carrying Case. The P U L L E Y S : — # 1 — 55/64"; # 2 — 1 - 7 / 6 4 " ; #3—1-47/64"; #4—1-63/64". For Page 12 machine complete weighs 13 Lbs. Shipping Weight 20 Lbs. other details see Pages 2, 3, 6 and 7 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com J-45 with #2025 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 12" to 15" Swing Equipment Included Specifications 4 Belts. Wheel Guard. # 1 1 0 Clamp N u t (13/4x2 3/4X 3/8"). Clamp Head Lock Pin. 5 Pulleys. 3 Wrenches. # 2 0 6 7 External E x t e n s i o n Spindle w i t h 2 Each Wheel Collars IV2" and 2 " Diameter and Nut. GRINDING W H E E L S : V2 H P . Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:— 4,200— 5,800— 9,000 20,000—31,000—42,000 G R I N D I N G W H E E L S : VA" to 5" Diameter. G R I N D I N G S P I N D L E E X T E N S I O N — For external grind- 3x^/2x1/2"-4xi/2x%"-5x3/8xy2". # 2 0 2 0 Internal Extension Spindle 2" w i t h Arbor, 2 Wheel Collars VA" Diameter. GRINDING W H E E L : ing the grinding wheel is 1 " from end of spindle housing, 2" from end of motor housing. F o r internal grinding w i t h mounted wheel 2", w i t h recessed wheels 2xy4xV4". # 2 0 9 7 — y 4 " Chuck Extension Spindle w i t h Sleeve and y s " Collet. Mounted Wheels: — y4xy4xy8"— y2xy4xy8"—ixy4xy4". #402 BELT—10-31/32"xl7/32" #442 BELT—10-31/32"xll/16" #449 BELT—123/8"xl7/32" #448 BELT—123/8"xll/16" P U L L E Y S : — #1—55/64"; #2—1-7/64"; :^3_1.47/64"; #4—1-63/64"; #5—2-13/16". 33/4". The clamp head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n Carrying Case. The For machine complete weighs 17 Libs. Shipping Weight 32 Lbs. other details see Pages 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 ''"^ J - 3 5 m with #2025 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9 " to 13" Swing Equipment Included Specifications 3 Belts. Wheel Guard. # 2 1 7 3 Clamp N u t (13/8x2x VA"). Clamp Head Lock Pin. 5 Pulleys. 3 Wrenches. # 2 0 3 6 External Extension Spindle w i t h 2 Wheel Collars i y 2 " and Nut. Grinding Wheels: 3x3/8x3/8" —4x3/8x3/8". # 2 0 2 1 Internal Extension Spindle 2 " w i t h Arbor and Collar. Recessed Wheels:—3/8xy4xy8"—3/4xy4xy8". ^ 2 0 9 7 — y 4 " Chuck Extension Spindle w i t h Sleeve and Vs" Collet. Mounted Wheels: — y4xy4xy8"— y2xy4xy8"—ixy4xy4". # 140 B E L T — 1 0 - 1 7 / 3 2 " x l 7 / 3 2 " # 142 B E L T — 1 0 - 1 7 / 3 2 " x l l / 1 6 " #2042 BELT—12-3/16"xl7/32" P U L L E Y S : — # 1 — 55/64"; # 2 — 1 - 7 / 6 4 " ; #3—1-47/64"; #4—1-63/64"; #5—2-13/16". Va H P . Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:— 5,500— 7,500—11,500 22,000—34,000—45,000 G R I N D I N G W H E E L S : W' to 4 " Diameter. G R I N D I N G S P I N D L E E X T E N S I O N — For external grind- ing the grinding wheel is 1 " from end of spindle housing, 2-5/16" from end of motor housing. For i n ternal grinding w i t h mounted wheel 2", w i t h recessed wheels 278". The clamp head screw is on a center line w i t h the armature shaft. Packed i n Carrying Case. The machine complete weighs 13 Lbs. Shipping Weight 28 Lbs. Page I I For other details see Pages 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Type J-40 with #445 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 12" to 1 5 " Swing Equipment 1/2 H P . Universal (A.C. and D.C.) Included 4 Belts. 2 each 1 " and 2 " Wheel Collars. Wheel Guard. # 1 1 0 Clamp N u t ( l % x 2 % x % " ) . Clamp Head Lock Pin. 5 Pulleys. 2 Wrenches. GRINDING W H E E L S : SPEEDS 4-200-5,800-9,000 21/2x1/2x1/2"—SxVaxVz" #402 B E L T — 1 0 - 3 1 / 3 2 " x l 7 / 3 2 " #442 BELT—10-31/32"xll/16" #448 B E L T — 1 2 % " x l l / 1 6 " #449 B E L T — 1 2 % " x l 7 / 3 2 " # 4 2 0 and # 4 4 0 Spindle Assembly Speeds 20,000-31,000-42,000 P U L L E Y S : — # 1 — 5 5 / 6 4 " ; #2—1-7/64"; #3—1-47/64"; #4—1-63/64"; #5—2-13/16" Dia. Packed i n Carrying Case. The machine complete Shipping For other details weighs 17 Lbs. weight 34 Lbs. see Pages 3, 5, 6 and 7 '^'^ J - 3 0 0ith #1115 spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9 " t o 13" Swing Equipment SPEEDS 5,500-7,500-11,500 Included 3 Belts. T w o 11/2" Wheel Collars. Wheel Guard. # 2 1 7 3 Clamp N u t (13/8x2x1/4"). Clamp Head Lock Pin. 5 Pulleys. 2 Wrinches. G R I N D I N G WHEELS:—3x3/sx3/8"—4x3/8x3/8 ". #140 BELT—10-17/32"xl7/32" # 1 4 2 B E L T — 1 0 - 1 7 / 3 2 " x l 1/16" # 1 4 1 B E L T — 1 2 - 3 / 3 2 " x l 1/16". P U L L E Y S : — # 1 — 5 5 / 6 4 " ; #2—1-7/64"; # 3 — 1 - 4 7 / 6 4 " ; #4—1-63/64"; # 5 — 2 - 1 3 / 1 6 " D i a . Packed i n Carrying Case. The machine complete weighs 1^ Lbs. Shipping weight 25 Lbs. For other details see Pages 3, 5, 6 a,nd 7 Page 13 # 1 1 4 0 and # 1 1 8 0 Spindle Assembly Speeds 22,000-34,000-45,000 V3 H.P. Universal (A.C. and D.C.) MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Type J-2A with #1125 Spindle Recommended Assembly for Lathes 9 " t o 1 3 " Swing Equipment Included Specifications 2 Belts. 2 Wheel Collars 11/2". Wheel Guard. # 1 7 3 Clamp N u t (IYSXIVAXVA"). Clamp Head Lock Pin. 4 Pulleys. 2 " Extension Spindle w i t h Arbor and Collar. 2 Wrenches. GRINDING W H E E L : RECESSED 3X%X%". WHEELS: ysxiAxVs" — s/gxiAxVa" — 3/4x1/4x1/8". 1/3 H.P. Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:—7,000—10,500—25,000—36,000 YS" to 3" Diameter GRINDING W H E E L S : G R I N D I N G S P I N D L E E X T E N S I O N — F o r external grind- ing the grinding wheel is % " from end of spindle housing, 1 3 ^ " from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h extension spindle 2 % " . The clamp head screw is on a center line with the armature shaft. #102 BELT—10-3/32"xl7/32" #149 BELT—10-3/32"xll/16" The P U L L E Y S : — # 1 — 5 5 / 6 4 " ; # 2 — 1-7/64"; #3—1-47/64"; #4—1-63/64". Packed i n Carrying Case. machine complete weighs IOV2 Lbs. Shipping Weight 20 Lbs. For ^^^^^^^^^^ other details see Pages Type 2, 3 and 6 J-2A1 with #1125 Spindle Assembly Recommended for Lathes 9 " to 13" Swing Equipment Included Specifications 2 Belts. 2 Wheel Collars I I / 2 " . Wheel Guard. # 2 1 7 3 Clamp N u t (13/8x2xi/4"). 4 Pulleys. 2 1 / 2 " Extension Spindle w i t h Arbor and Collar. Hollow Head Cap Screw w i t h key. 2 Wrenches. G R I N D I N G W H E E L : 3x3/8x3^". RECESSED WHEELS: — YsxyAxVs" 5/8x1/4x1/8" — 3/4x1/4x1/8". #102 BELT—10-3/32"xl7/32" #149 BELT—10-3/32"xll/16" P U L L E Y S : — # 1 — 55/64"; # 2 — 1-7/64"; 1/3 H P . Universal A.C. and D.C. Speeds:—7,000—10,500—25,000—36,000 GRINDING W H E E L S : 3/g" t o 3 " Diameter G R I N D I N G S P I N D L E E X T E N S I O N — For external grind- ing^ the grinding wheel is % " from end of spindle housing, 1 % " from end of motor housing. For internal grinding w i t h extension spindle 2 y s " . The clamping screw is IVa" i n front of the center line of the armature shaft. The machine #3—1-47/64"; #4—1-63/64". ' complete Shipping Packed i n Carrying Case. For Page 14 other details Weight weighs 13 Lbs. 21 Lbs. see Pages 2, 3 and 6
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