Unleash Your Primal Edge


Unleash Your Primal Edge
By Elliott Hulse
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Chapter 1: Primal Cuisine: The Price Factor, The Worlds Strongest
People, Your Unique Metabolic Type, High Octane Fuel
Chapter 2: Primal Strength: Free Yourself, Hard Core, Primal Strength
Chapter 3: Training Game Plan: Creating the Perfect Plan, First Bite,
The Ball is Rolling, 3rd Gear, Get Big, Max Strength, Fat Incinerator,
Chapter 4: The Primal Life: The Evil Stressors, How Does Stress Effect
My Primal Edge, Toxicity, Your Getting Sleepy, The Primal Urge, The
Primal Breath, Energy Building Exercises
Chapter 5: The Primal Mind: Build a Better Brain, Mental Mastery,
Getting What You Want
Primal Resources
This program is for educational and informative purposes only and is not
intended as medical or professional advice. Always consult your doctor before
making any changes to your diet or nutrition program. The use of diet and
nutrition to control metabolic disorders and disease is a very complicated
science, and is not the purpose of this program. The purpose of this program is
to help healthy people reach their cosmetic fitness goals by educating them in
proper nutrition and exercise guidelines.
No health claims are made for this program. This nutrition and exercise program
will not help cure, heal, or correct any illness, metabolic disorder, or medical
condition. The author is not a medical doctor, registered dietitian, or clinical
nutritionist; the author is a fitness and nutrition consultant.
All individuals, especially those who suffer from any disease or are recovering
from injury, should consult their physician regarding the advisability or
undertaking any of the activities suggested in these programs.
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that apparently
healthy individuals who are male and over 40 or female and over 50 to have both
a physical exam and a diagnostic exercise test prior to starting a vigorous
exercise program. A diagnostic exercise test and physical examination is also
recommended in individuals of any age who exhibit two or more of the major
coronary risk factors (smoking, family history of heart disease, elevated blood
cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and diabetes). Any individual with a known
history of heart disease or other heart problems should be required to have a
medical evaluation including a graded exercise test before engaging in strenuous
physical activity.
The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any
person or entity with respect to any of the information contained in this manual.
The user assumes all risk for any injury, loss or damage caused or alleged to be
caused, directly or indirectly by using any information described in this course.
This manual will reveal to you the incredible power that you possess. It will show
you, step by step, how to achieve your dreams of incredible physical strength
and vibrant vitality. You are the sculptor and the painter of your own life, this
manual is your chisel and paint brush.
Since I was a small child I had dreams of being a “Super Stud”. The absolute
best that a man could possibly become. I wanted more than anything - to be the
strongest, smartest and most accomplished person that I knew. You may call me
naive, but at age 27… I still believe that this is possible for me.
The journey of reaching my full potential has led me down several roads, some of
them were useless and others led to pure gold. Among the most important
jewels that I discovered on this journey are:
1. You Become What You Think About – I learned this jewel from many of
my mentors, namely Brian Tracy and the late Earl Nightengale. With this
understanding it became evident that each and everyone of my activities
must be geared towards improving the quality of my thoughts and
increasing my capacity to think.
2. You Must Drink Right, Eat Right and Move Right to Think Right – This
comes straight from the mouth of the incredible Paul Chek. Paul has
taught me that in order for us all to realize our true human potential we
must treat our bodies with the same amount of care that many of us use to
treat our automobiles.
Drinking right, eating right and moving right means that must pay greater
attention to what we put into our oceans, rivers, lakes and streams. We
must pay attention to what is being done to out food and the land it is
grown upon. Paul reminded me that the current degeneration of the
human race that we are experiencing mirrors our management of Mother
“We breathe the air that is her lungs, we drink the water that is
her blood; we eat the foods that are a part of her great and
beautiful body. How can we be healthier than She, for we are
She and She is we!”
- Paul Chek
3. If One Person Can Do Something, Anyone Can Learn To Do It Although I first encountered this gem listening to Brian Tracy… I
must give credit to Richard Bandler, one of the founders of Neuro
Linguistic Programming. Essentially, this means that you can learn
the elements of excellence of the world’s greatest achievers and
learn to create the same kind of achievements for yourself. This
point is extremely important to you and you journey through this
I have spent several years studying and “modeling” the skills and
behaviors that are essential to achieving maximum health and vitality. I
have learned what it means to be a truly healthy individual and what it
takes to become a “Super Stud”.
Armed with the understanding that “What one person can do, anyone can
learn how to do.” I’ve dedicated my life to learning from the masters in the
fields of Strength & Conditioning, Holistic Health, Sports Science and,
This book is written from the following perspective. “If Elliott Hulse… a kid
who was diagnosed with ADD, had been arrested twice before the age of
15 and, still lives in a world where he believes that he will become a Super
Stud - can fulfill his true physical, mental and spiritual potential… Then
You Can Too!”
Have faith and follow my lead.
This book is dedicated to YOU, the man or woman that is on the journey
to self-fulfillment and human excellence. YOU are the essence of all that
is Good; I love YOU.
1. Unleash Your Primal Edge is completely truthful and unbiased
The goal of this book is to provide you with nothing but the truth. There is no
hidden agena. I don’t have any supplements to sell you. I don’t have any
exercise equipment to market to you. I am not sponsered my some processed
food manufacture or pharmaceutical company.
My intent is to show you what I have discovered. The tools that I have learned
and the stories that I have lived. In these pages resides the map towards
maximum fitness achivement. The map is designed to show you, YOU. You will
not find signs pointing to anything except the inner roads that you must explore to
build yourself the body, mind and life of your dreams.
2. Unleash Your Primal Edge is not a temporary “quick fix” approach.
It teaches you the skills and habits that will help you change your life
Anyone who tells you that you can have it fast or now… is lying to you! I
understand that we live in a fast culture and that there is a higher percived value
for someone or something that can get you results now instead of later.
If you are not willing to admit that it has taken several years of neglect and abuse
to get you to where you are today and, that it could take several months or even
years to fulfill your potential – then simply send this book back and I will refund
your money.
In this manual you will find ALL of the tool and resources that you need to get
from where you are to where you would like to be. I am your coach and this is
the game plan. It is up to you to execute the plays.
3. Unleash Your Primal Edge will show you your unlimited potential for
amazing strength and vitality
This book is for you and about you. My biggest objective is to get you as excited
about yourself as I am about you. There are no limits to your abilities. The
images of perfect health and exhubarant vitatliy that you hold in your mind are
Within these pages are little known “secrets” that have been ingored or downplayed for many years.
4. Unleash Your Primal Edge is a holistic method for achiving
maximum fitness
Unlike any other program ever written, Unleash Your Primal Edge is truly holistic.
What this means is that the combined efforts of imporving your diet, lifestyle and
exercise all at once makes this program
5. Unleash Your Primal Edge is just the beginning – I’ve dedicated my life
to you. You are not alone, I will be there for you each step of the way.
Heres how: N/A yet
Let’s get rockin’!
Chapter 1. Primal Cusine
The Price Factor
“That modern man has been declining in physical fitness has been
emphasized by many eminent sociologists and other scientists.
That the rate of degeneration is progressively accelerating
constitutes a cause for great alarm, particularly since this is taking
place in spite of the advance that is being made in modern science
along many lines of investigation.” (1)
Dr. Weston A Price
Nutrition & Physical Degeneration
The late Dr. Weston A Price has documented the most comprehensive study
ever, of the primal man and his diet / lifestyle in his groundbreaking book
Nutrition & Physical Degeneration (1)
Dr. Price was a dentist in the late 1930’s, he began to notice that an increasing
number of his patients were contracting dental maladies such as cavities and
rotting teeth… don’t we all? And most notably, his younger patients were being
born with what Dr. Price called “facial deformities”.
These ‘facial deformities’ have become commonplace since the 1930’s, they
include: crowding of the teeth, crowding of facial features and, a narrowing of the
palate and jaw. As well, Dr. Priced noticed an increased susceptibility to illness
when these ‘deformities’ were present. (1)
Not only did Dr. Price notice that the physical structure of man was deteriorating
but he noted that the function of the mind and the body was wasting away also.
Today, it is common for children to be born with these ‘facial deformities’ as well
as behavioral and cognitive dysfunction; prior to the 1930’s this was not the case.
Dr. Price knew that something was wrong and he set out to find an answer.
According to Dr. Price:
“Some of the primitive races have avoided certain of the life problems faced by
modernized groups and the methods and knowledge used by the primitive
peoples are available to assist modernized individuals in solving of their
problems. Many primitive races have made habitual use of certain preventive
measures in meeting crucial life problems.”
So, like any sane, wealthy, doctor of the time… he set out to find groups of
isolated “primitive” peoples through the world. Dr. Price wanted to discover what
“Man” was truly intended to eat and how “Man was truly intended to live.
Why is this information important to us “civilized folk”?
Well…let’s ask Dr. Price:
“These data will be useful in preventing race decay and deformities, in
establishing a higher resistance to infective disease…” [As well as chronic
disease and improve our performance].” (1)
Not only did Dr. Price discover that “primitive peoples” were happier, healthier
and more disease resistant but they were as tough as nails…
Some primitive kids in the Swiss Alps were playing in a stream of water in
the middle of the winter while Dr. Price and his colleges were freezing their
butts off with their big winter parkas on!
And that’s what I want you to have.
Not necessarily the ability to play in the ocean in February, but to learn to live in
such a way that you can be healthier, happier and tougher than most of the guys
around you. You deserve to live up to your potential and this begins with your
nutrition and lifestyle choices.
You may be asking yourself “Elliott, what the heck do I have in common with
these ‘uncivilized’ tribes?”
Remember, you are still a primitive man… living in a modern world. Our
DNA has not changes for thousands of years. The only thing that has changed is
the way we use and misuse / abuse our bodies.
The Worlds Strongest People
The Primal Edge In The Swiss Alps (1931-1932)
The first isolated peoples that Dr. Price studied were as group of folks living in
the Loetschential Valley waaaay up in the Swiss Alps. Modernized societies
found it difficult to corrupt these guys because trucks containing loads of garbage
foods couldn’t make it way up those hills.
In fact, these folks lived on a diet of foods that were completely locally
produced… think about that when you’re eating a mango and you live in Canada!
So, what did Dr. Price find in these cold hills…
“The People of the Loetschential Valley make up a community of two thousand
who have been a world unto themselves. They have neither physician nor
dentist because they have so little need for them; they have neither policeman
nor jail, because they have no need for them.”
“It has been the achievement of the valley to build some of the finest physiques
in all Europe. This is attested to the fact that many of the famous Swiss guards
of the Vatican at Rome who are the admiration of the world and the pride of
Switzerland, have been selected from this and other Alpine valleys.” (1)
We are really interested in what these people ate… they were smart, peaceful,
and strong as oxen!
Their diets consisted of:
Butter – not just any old butter, this butter was special… so special that
they would hold festivals and celebrations in its honor. They instinctively
knew that “butter from cows grazing on fresh, growing grass” had amazing
live-giving properties. Despite what our honored T.V say’s, butter (from
quality sources) is among the healthiest foods on earth. If you want The
Primal Edge… eat butter (check the resources section for getting your
hands on some good butter…mmm, and more information on the truth
about butter!)
Cheese – Again, if you think they were eating Kraft Fun Slices then you're
in deep denial. Their cheese was loaded in all kinds of stuff that would
make a bigger man out of you! And if your worried about high cholesterol
and other myths of the sort, remember… they had NO DOCTORS. They
didn’t need em’. If you think ‘Gulaf The Swiss’ was taking Lipitor because
his LDL’s were high – then you haven’t been paying attention!
Rye Bread – Dr. Atkins would have a heat attack! These folks loved to
take large slabs of Rye bread and put a slice of cheese (equal is
thickness) on it for a mid-day snack. This bread is the way bread was
meant to be. It was grown in healthy soil (this is another story) and
prepared with time, effort and lots of love. A far cry from the processed
fortified and, genetically engineered garbage grains that we eat today.
So, it should be obvious to you that a large part of why these folks were so big,
strong, happy and healthy is due to the way that they ate….
This was so obvious to Dr. Price that in his journal he wrote:
“One wonders immediately if there is not something in the life-giving vitamins and
minerals in the food that builds not only great physical structures within which
their souls reside, but builds minds and hearts capable of a higher type of
manhood in which the material values of life are made secondary to individual
character.” (1)
The Primal Edge in The North American Indians
After some time in Europe Dr. Price came back to America to study the various
native peoples of his homeland.
The Native American’s lived for thousands of years completely isolated from “The
White Man”. These folks have adapted to their given environments and have
learned how to live WITH the land, not just on it.
The Indians of Canada and the Northern Regions
About them:
These folks lived in some cold weather! It was seventy below at some points.
This meant that they were definitely not farmers and if you told them that you had
to eat 7-12 servings of grains a day (food pyramid) they would put a hex on you!
They ate meat, meat and meat with some meat on the side. Every part of the
animal was eaten. Of greatest importance were the organs of the animals that
they ate. These wise people knew that it was in the organs that all of the potent
nutrition resided… not in the lean meat. In fact if the meat wasn’t fatty enough it
was fed to the dogs! (1)
Think about that the next time some puppet tells you to eat only lean meats and
chicken breast.
There was no Colon Cancer… so out the window goes the Meat = Colon Cancer
These were rugged and intelligent people.
“They lived in a country in which grizzly bears were common. Their pelts were
highly prized and they captured many of them with baited pitfalls. Their
knowledge of the use of the different organs and tissues of the animals for
providing a defense against certain of the affections of the body which we speak
of a degenerative diseases was surprising.” (1)
Their “Fad Diet” consisted of:
Wild Animals Of The Chase – Bear, Moose, Deer, Caribou etc. These
people were strong because the animals that they ate were strong. The
wild game that served as a staple in the Native American’s diet were
respected for their life-giving properties and lived off of the organic land
before being sacrificed for human consumption. I wonder where that
chicken nugget you had for lunch came from?
Animal Organs – From the Rooter to the Tooter! The Natives knew that
the most nutritionally potent parts of the animal meal were the organs. In
fact when a kill was made, our savvy ancestors would immediately cut it
open and eat the adrenal glands, liver, pancreas and heart first. All the
other meat was either stored for later of given to the dogs… especially the
despised lean-meat.
Veggies – If they were in the stomach of the animal. Why waste valuable
time and energy looking for veggies and cooking them when our friendly
animals will do all the work for us. The animals are so kind that they are
even willing to predigest the plant food for us. Primal man knew that meat
is much more nutrient dense than grains and greens so he ate the animals
who condensed all of the plant nutrition into tasty little bites.
Sea Food – Fish, Fish Eggs and Sea Weed. Today our oceans are so
polluted that it is nearly impossible to get your hands on some clean,
untainted fish. So I don’t suggest dining out for sushi every evening. Fish
oil is essential and should be a part of every man’s diet. In the resources
section I will tell you how to get some really clean fish and what fish oils
are the best to use.
Like the Swiss folks these people were not only healthy of body, they were of
sound emotional, psychological and spiritual health. Their nourishment and
lifestyle is the obvious cause of this.
Listen to Dr. Price:
“The sense of honor among these tribes seems so strong that practically all
cabins, temporarily unoccupied due to the absence of the Indians on their
hunting trip, were entirely unprotected by locks… The people were remarkably
hospitable, and where they had not been taken advantage of were very kind.” (1)
These, like all of the people that Dr. Price studied were very healthy until they
came into contact with “modernized” peoples. It has been noted that medical
care and surgeries were almost unheard of amongst the folks living traditional
lives but, were rampant among those who adopted the “White Man’s Ways”.
For you to regain your Primal Edge, and avoid sickness and surgeries, take a
lesson from these people… Eat Real Food. I don’t care if your favorite athlete
tells you that it will make you run faster or hydrate you better than water, if it
wasn’t here 10,000 years ago- don’t eat it.
It’s so simple! You can do it and I will show you how, just keep reading.
The Primal Edge in Africa - Masai Tribe of Western Africa:
These guys are my favorite… the Milk & Meat People of Western Africa!
About them:
The Masai are a highly skilled nomadic tribe. They live off of meat and the blood
and milk produced by their livestock. The warriors of the tribe used the extremely
vital bodybuilding materials, vitamins and fat-soluble activators in the animal’s
blood to maintain them as the strongest and most disease resistance tribe in
West Africa. Nursing mothers and their young also used to blood to keep them
strong and disease free. (1)
Their knowledge of animal rearing and care tops that of any industrial farmer in
the American North-West today. So particular about which animals were to best
to nourish themselves with that if a mother cattle didn’t raise quickly after giving
birth to her calf… they would consider her meat, blood and milk inferior. (1)
Think about the cramped, dark and dirty factories where you meat comes from
and the fact that the animals in them are so diseased and mistreated that they
have to pump them full of anti-biotics just so they don’t rot alive before they can
get to your dinner table. Do you think Mr. Masai would even look at your meat?
Not a chance – he’d rather starve!
Not only did they know how to care for animals but they knew how to hold their
own amongst them too. The Masai boys would learn at a very early age how to
kill a lion with their spear…. This is a far cry from our little punks who cry when
an angry mutt barks at him!
When a Masai gets the munchies he eats:
Meat- The Masai were geniuses when it came to caring for and raising
healthy livestock. The meat from their roaming pack was so healthy that it
could be eaten exclusively for days.
Milk- Raw, the only way you should drink milk!
Blood- The blood that was carefully draw from their animals, without even
a flinch from the blessed beast, was so valued that small children and
pregnant or nursing women were required a daily dose.
Some Fruits & Veggies- I’m sure that the vegetation that made up a
portion of the Masai diet was not nearly as tasty as the “fruit roll-ups” that
we feed our kids. Then again the Masai kids are probably not the candyasses that our kids are.
What They Ate (Discovering Your Unique Metabolic Type)
Although all of the people that Dr. Price studied ate diets that consisted of whole,
unprocessed foods, the types of foods consumed varied from region to region.
Due to the unique demands of the particular environment in which the peoples
lived, each group required a different balance of proteins, fats and
This leads us to an interesting topic called “Bio-Chemical Individuality”. In 1956
Roger Williams, a famous biochemist, compiled his studies of the internal
chemistry and organs of thousands of people and discovered something very
interesting… WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT! (2)
We are as unique inside as we are outside. This also means that we all have
unique nutritional needs. So if anyone tells you that you’ve got to eat the way
some stupid pyramid says, tell him to shove it! If ‘Sasquatch the Eskimo’ ate 11
servings of grains a day - not only would he starve to death he would also: get
diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, ADD, ADHD, Acid Reflux,
Depression… and if you tried to take away his red meat because it resides in the
little point at the top of your idiotic pyramid scheme – he would be so angry that
he would send you packing!
And by the way, to all your animal-friendly vegetarians out there… Dr. Price
could not find a single healthy group or tribe that existed on a diet completely free
of meat. Sorry, if you want to have the Primal Edge you must eat some meat or
animal by-products! (1)
So with regard to you and what you need to eat, finding out your “Metabolic
Type” is of the utmost importance. (3)
So, how do you do this?
#1. Read the little gray box below for “hints”…once you find out weather you are
a Protein, Carbohydrate or Mixed Type read the section in this chapter that is
related to your type.
#2. Read The Metabolic Typing Diet - by William Wolcott.
#3. Quickly return to my book and read on…
You know you are a Protein Type if you:
• Live to Eat!
• Are still hungry after a stack of 12 pancakes
• Sleep well on a full stomach (especially a fatty meal)
• Must eat breakfast… or else!
• Are more creative than analytical
• Have a rather sturdy muscular build
• Would rather eat fatty, salty foods than sweet
You know you are a Carbo Type if you:
• Could care less about food and eating
• Are still hungry after eating a steak
• Can not sleep on a full stomach
• Hate breakfast
• Have a lean frame or are ”round” in shape
• Type A Personality
• Rather eat sweets than fatty, salty foods
Remember… this list is VERY general, for a more in depth analysis of
your Metabolic Type refer to The Metabolic Typing Diet - by William
--------------------------------------------------------OK, so now that you’ve discovered that you are a
a) Protein Type
b) Carbo Type
c) Mixed Type (somewhere in between)
What does all this mean and what do I do next?
Well, there are numerous genetic, environmental, lifestyle and nutritional factors
that have determined your metabolic type and what macronutrient (proteins, fats
& carbs) are best for you… if you read Wolcott’s book you’ll see what I mean, but
our purpose right now is to teach you how to eat right for your type!
Tips For Protein TypesIf you are a protein type:
#1a. About 70% of every meal or snack should be “eyes” foods
(an eyes food is something that has eyes or came from something with eyes…
ex. Cheese = Eyes, Chicken = Eyes,… Carrot = NO Eyes – get it?)(9)
#1b. About 30% of your meal should be “no eyes” foods
This ratio of 70:30 is super important! But, it is super easy as well. It is quite
common for protein types who don’t eat the right proportions for their type to:
• Gain Weight and Become Fat
• Get Chronic Headaches
• Become Depressed
• Have Low Energy
• Have Low Sex Drive
• Get Neck and Back Pain
• Have Poor Concentration
• Become Constipated
Don’t let the poor sucker that I have just described become you, and if it sounds
like I just described you… it’s time for a change for the better, and it can happen
#2. You MUST Eat Protein with every meal or snack…
I don’t care what the ‘pyramid’ says about meats and fats or having too much
protein… you need to eat protein every time you put something in your mouth. If
you have a problem eating meat with every meal then take it up with the hungry
Native that just caught a buffalo and is ready to chow!
Also, I hear way too many people complain about buying all of this meat…
“Elliott, it becomes too expensive” they tell me. So… lets get a few things
straight (here comes a ‘lecture’) - What are your priorities?
- If you are driving a$50,000 + car and put premium gasoline in the engine…
save your whining’
- If you spend $50+ parting on the weekends… save your whining’
- If you have cable / satellite television… save your whining’
- If you have a television the size of an baby elephant… save your whining’
- If you want to have the Primal Edge… shut up and make it happen, you control
your life and what goes into your mouth, if eating more meat is a hassle because
it costs too much, then guess what? You would NEVER survive in the “real”
world, you could stay in the hut and help the women braid hair while the MEN go
on 7-day voyages to find meat!
#3. Eat “high density proteins”
High-density proteins are foods that are high in “purines”. Purines are a special
substance that plays an important part in the energy-producing process in bodytissue. This type of substance is critical for balancing the body chemistry of
protein types.
All meats are great for you to eat but the one’s with the highest purines include:
Organ Meats, Beef Liver, Chicken Liver, Anchovies, Sardines and Mussels.
Another point to follow is that dark meat is always better than white meat for your
type. (3)
#4. Eat Snacks
Make sure that your snacks always include a protein… it is best that you never
eat carbohydrates alone. Listen to your body, if nuts and cheese with a piece of
vegetable or fruit gives you adequate energy then it is a good snack. If you are
not satisfied, then you may need some meat with your snacks also. (3)
#5. Beware of Carbohydrates
All ‘no eyes’ foods – grains, fruits and veggies, are carbohydrates. Some
carbohydrates are high in starch such as grains, bread, potato, squash, carrots…
these are the type of carbohydrates that you want to keep to a limit. Theses
foods turn into sugar quickly and will make you fat, tired and depressed!
The best choices for carbohydrates are above ground veggies such as
asparagus, cauliflower, celery and spinach. Fruits that are OK for you include:
Avocado, Olives, Apples and Pears. (3)
Grains- Although I intend to elaborate of the ‘grains issue’ in the next
section, there are a few things that you must be aware of. Grains are not
the health food they are said to be… and the more processed (bleached &
“enriched”) it is the worse it is for your type. Please stay away from
Wheat, Barley, Rye, Soy, Oats and Spelt if you want The Primal Edge!
Fruits- Sure, fruit is healthy… just not for you! Keeping your blood sugar
in check is of the utmost importance for protein types; fruit will kick you
way out of balance. The only fruits that you are permitted in this program
are Avocados, Olives, Some apples and pears.
Juice- Vegetable juices on occasion is OK… V8 doesn’t count! Make
sure you juice it yourself and you drink it within 1 hour. Do not drink fruit
juice… ever. And leave the “sports drinks” for the sideliners. You drink
water, juice is for kids!
#6. Eat fat to lose fat!
What a sick and twisted topic this has become! (I will speak more on this topic in
the Food Quality section but, a few good resources on this topic include: anything
written by Sally Fallon and/or Mary Enig)
Fatty acids are essential to your health, the high cholesterol and heart disease
issues are just myths! In fact, not eating fat will lead to low testosterone
production, which equals low sex drive… that should give you a heart attack!
Natural fats are best. Natural fats include: animal fats… lard, tallow, butter etc.,
coconut oil, olive oil and fish oils.
Vegetable oils are not what they are all cracked up to be. Also, avoid man-made
fats such as margarine, trans-fats and other fat substitutes. (3)
#7. Fine Tune & Meal log
Write down everything you eat for a few weeks. Take note as to how you feel
after eating: are you still hungry, tired, jittery, bloated and heavy feeling. Your
body will tell you if you did not eat right.
After each meal you should feel great! Your energy should be renewed and you
should remain satisfied until your next meal. If you don’t feel great then one of
two thinks are happening:
1. Too Much Carbs: If you feel Jittery, Anxious, and Nervous Energy and crave
fats then you had too much ‘no-eyes’ foods (carbs). To begin feeling good*
again drink some water and have a fatty snack or some protein… nuts are a
good choice. Balance your next meal wisely.
2. Too Much Protein/Fat: If you feel sleepy or lethargic, mentally sluggish, full
but still hungry and crave sweets then you may have had too much ‘eyes foods’
(protein/fat). To begin feeling good* again eat a piece of fruit, take some
digestive enzymes have a light dessert. Balance your next meal wisely.
*NOTE- what do I mean “Feel Good”?
Many people tell me that they feel good, let’s make sure you know what feeling
good is all about before we jump to any conclusions:
If you are generally a happy person… you feel good
If you have an even temper… you feel good
If you have ideal blood pressure… you feel good
If you can handle stress well… you feel good
If you have mental clarity and can focus… you feel good
If you have optimal health… you feel good
Most people are so out-of-touch with how they feel that they think just because
they got out of bed today that they are feeling good. Or just because they are not
‘sick’ they must be healthy. Don’t let this be you… if you have The Primal Edge
you will feel like you are 19 even if you are 49! (9)
Remember: This is only a brief overview of metabolic typing, for a more indepth understanding read The Metabolic Typing Diet, by Wolcott and
Tips For Carbohydrate TypesIf you are a Carbohydrate Type:
#1a. About 30% of every meal or snack should be “eyes” foods
(an eyes food is something that has eyes or came from something with eyes…
ex. Cheese = Eyes, Chicken = Eyes,… Carrot = NO Eyes – get it?) (9)
#1b. About 70% of your meal should be “no eyes” foods
This ratio of 70:30 is super important! But, it is super easy as well. It is quite
common for protein types who don’t eat the right proportions for their type to:
• Gain Weight and Become Fat
• Get Chronic Headaches
• Become Depressed
• Have Low Energy
• Have Low Sex Drive
• Get Neck and Back Pain
• Have Poor Concentration
• Become Constipated
Don’t let the poor sucker that I have just described become you, and if it sounds
like I just described you… it’s time for a change for the better, and it can happen
over-night!! (9)
#2. Keep your fat intake in check
Carbo Types do very well on low-fat and low-protein diets. When you eat foods
that are either high in fats or proteins you will notice that your system feels
clogged or sluggish. Some symptoms that you may experience as a result of
eating a low-carb diet are: Lethargy, Depression and Fatigue.
Also be careful with your dairy intake. Low-fat dairy products are best, but
beware, as dairy is high in calcium. You will feel best when minimizing your
calcium intake.(3)
#3. Be sure to eat protein with every meal & snack
Don’t think that because you get your best results on a higher starch diet that you
have a free-ticket to fill your belly on bread alone.
Make sure that you are including your “eyes” foods with every meal… although
you may only require 30% in your diet make sure you get it in. Failure to do so
can lead to severe disruptions in you energy metabolism and blood sugar. (3)
#4. The Holy Grain
Grains such as wheat, barley, brown rice and, corn are generally fine for your
metabolic type… but be careful as they are high starch foods. High starch foods
break down quickly and convert into sugar, which means they hit your blood
stream fairly quickly.
You will know if you ate too much starch at a given meal if you feel tired, hungry
or have a desire for sweets shortly after eating.
Also, many times these foods are highly processed and void of any nutritional
value. (3)
#5. Skip your breakfast?
Although it is always a good idea to eat breakfast, carbo types can get away with
skipping a large meal upon rising. Later in the morning or by lunchtime your
appetite will kick in, especially if you have exercised by then.
Be sure not to do the “glass of OJ” breakfast, without balancing it with eye’s
foods… add a boiled egg and you will be good to go!
#6. Know your carbs
All carbohydrates turn into sugar, but beware of the speed at which this occurs…
it can ruin your results if you not mindful of the “Glycemic Index”.
The higher a food is on the Glycemic Index the faster it turns into sugar. Some of
the foods in this category include grains and starchy vegetables. Some of the
lower glycemic food choices include above ground veggies and some berries.
Although your type can handle high glycemic foods quite well, don’t over do it.
You can still over burden your system with too much sugar. Be sure to balance
all meals, especially those that contain high glycemic foods, with some proteins
and fats.
#7. Fine Tune & Meal log
Write down everything you eat for a few weeks. Take note as to how you feel
after eating: are you still hungry, tired, jittery, bloated and heavy feeling. Your
body will tell you if you did not eat right.
After each meal you should feel great! Your energy should be renewed and you
should remain satisfied until your next meal. If you don’t feel great then one of
two thinks are happening:
1. Too Much Carbs: If you feel Jittery, Anxious, and Nervous Energy and crave
fats then you had too much ‘no-eyes’ foods (carbs). To begin feeling good*
again drink some water and have a fatty snack or some protein… nuts are a
good choice. Balance your next meal wisely.
2. Too Much Protein / Fat: If you feel sleepy or lethargic, mentally sluggish, full
but still hungry and crave sweets then you may have had too much ‘eyes foods’
(protein/fat). To begin feeling good* again eat a piece of fruit, take some
digestive enzymes have a light dessert. Balance your next meal wisely.
*NOTE- What do I mean “Feel Good”?
Many people tell me that they feel good, let’s make sure you know what feeling
good is all about before we jump to any conclusions:
If you are generally a happy person… you feel good
If you have an even temper… you feel good
If you have ideal blood pressure… you feel good
If you can handle stress well… you feel good
If you have mental clarity and can focus… you feel good
If you have optimal health… you feel good
Most people are so out-of-touch with how they feel that they think just because
they got out of bed today that they are feeling good. Or just because they are not
‘sick’ they must be healthy. Don’t let this be you… if you have The Primal Edge
you will feel like you are 19 even if you are 49! (9)
Remember: This is only a brief overview of metabolic typing, for a more indepth understanding read The Metabolic Typing Diet, by Wolcott and
Tips For Mixed TypesMany people are going to fall into both categories… these folks are Mixed Types.
If you are a mixed type you need to read both the carbo and protein files and be
sure to fine-tune your meals accordingly.
All I can say is that you guys have the best of both worlds. This means that you
can choose foods from both categories, but is also means that you must be
careful to fine-tune your eating from meal to meal. You will most likely find that
you are going to eventually lean to one side or the other.
You are going to balance your meals 50% eyes and 50% no eyes foods. (9)
Remember: This is only a brief overview of metabolic typing, for a more in
depth understanding read The Metabolic Typing Diet, by Wolcott and
Metabolic Typing is based of off years of clinical studies and is an unbelievably
easy and effective means for increasing your vitality and getting the most out of
your lifestyle and nutrition plan. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is
to follow the recommendations in this chapter and to read the book The
Metabolic Typing Diet.
High Octane Fuel
Eating the right ‘fuel mix’ for your metabolic type is the first step to achieving “The
Primal Edge” but, you must also consider the quality of your foods too.
Below are 14 food quality subjects and guidelines that will send your health and
fitness results into overdrive.
Remember, ‘You Are What You Eat’… from the moment that you put something
into your mouth your body begins using it to create new cells somewhere in your
system. Are you going to be made of Cheese-Its and Soda or are you going to
be made of a robust free-range, organic turkey and unprocessed milk?
The Choice is ALWAYS yours! (later on I will even show you how to go “hunting”
for this high quality food)
Eat Organic Food
People are always quoting the latest ‘study’ that claims that organic food is no
better than conventionally raised foods. Besides being completely misinformed,
these folks have fallen victim to corporate greed.
The companies that fund these so-called studies are the same companies that
are manufacturing the herbicides, pesticides and fungicides that poison your
food. Always look a little deeper!
Another point that I would like to make with regard to conventional vs. organic
food is that countries like China have been using organic methods to farm their
lands for tens of thousands of years.
They have been such skillful farmers that their soil is just as nutritious as it was
thousands of years ago. Also, they have a fraction of the farmable land that we
have in the US and a boatload more people to feed. So, do not let anyone tell
you that we need conventional farming to feed the worlds people.
In fact, the “world’s people” are so aware of the poor quality of our food that
many starving nations will not even accept our grains as a gift!
Why should I buy organic food?
For starters, the soil that organic food is grown in is much more nutritious than
that of conventionally raised crops. If the nutrients aren’t in the soil, they can’t
get into the plant. If the nutrients are not present in the plants, they will not be
present in you when you eat it… its as simple as that.
There are several reasons why our soils are so nutrient deficient (it wasn’t always
that way), but for now we’ll just say that our farmers have done a lousy job taking
care of the land.
When the soils are depleted the crops that they yield will be deficient in:
Secondary Nutrients- there are over 10,000 secondary compounds found
in plants. Many of these nutrients have yet to be studied and understood,
but every year a new study emerges stating that one or more of them
have the capacity to prevent and reverse cancer, diabetes and aging!
Protein Quality –When our food is raised with conventional farming
methods the essential microorganisms that ‘feed’ the crops minerals, trace
minerals and trace elements, are destroyed by the chemical fertilizers,
pesticides, herbicides and fungicides that are administered. When this
occurs the amino acid composition is destroyed.
Next, organic food is grown without the use of toxic chemicals such as
pesticides and fertilizers. This fact alone makes buying organic food worth the
extra pennies.
Don’t be fooled by those who tell you that pesticides will not harm you… the
effects are evident and super obvious. A small example… a study done in Latin
America to discover why children born at the top of a industrially farmed hill-side
had better motor skills, increased intelligence and better behavior than the
children at the bottom of the hill… showed that there was an increased amount of
pesticides in the water, food and ground of the homes of the children at the
bottom of the hill, this was due to the ‘run off’ effect, when it rains the chemicals
made its way down hill.
I don’t know about you, but I would like to see my children reach their full
physical and mental capacities without the interference of toxic chemicals that I
have the choice to expose them to or not.
Before a food can be labeled as Certified Organic in the US the fields on which it
is grown must go through a 3-year ‘gestation’ period in which the farmers must
use organic farming methods only. This time period assures that the
microorganisms have time to digest and eliminate chemical residues. (9)(7)(4)
So what do I do?
Choose organic whenever possible.
Organic food not only helps you and your family remain healthy and free
from toxins, organic farming practices are good for the planet… let’s leave
a safe home for our great, great grandchildren.
Processed Food
I am appalled at what people think is food these days! Just look at some of the
garbage that we are feeding our children… what this heck is hotdog anyway?
Nothing on the labels of any of these foods even resembles a food. I guarantee
that over half of the “stuff” on the ingredient labels, you can’t even pronounce! It
looks more like a label for an air freshener than a food.
These “foods” not only have a long list of “non-foods” on the label but there is a
ton of other garbage that doesn’t even need to be labeled (due to our wonderful
law makers). Did you know that there is antifreeze in your iced cream? It’s not
labeled… that’s because it is an industry standard… that means no label needed!
The Average American eats about 150 pounds of food additive each year… this
all comes from processed foods. Also, don’t be fooled by the term ‘all-natural’,
rhino feces is ‘all-natural’ but I wouldn’t want it in my soup. Food manufacturers
know what you want to hear… so they say it, beware.
If you refer to the previous section on “The Strong People” that Dr. Weston Price
studied, you could never imagine that we were designed to eat all of this
garbage. The fact is, that until we began ‘playing with our food’, we suffered from
only a fraction of the disease that we see today. The ‘Strong People’ had no
words to describe what we call Cancer, yet due to our straying from the Primal
Edge we have adopted all sorts of fun stuff like obesity, cancer and auto-immune
And, I don’t want to hear the “genetics did it to me” excuse, we do it to ourselves.
You choose what to eat and you suffer the consequences. Take responsibility
for your actions; stop blaming your ancestors… they never blamed anyone for
their mistakes. (9)(5)(4)
So What Do I Do?
Don’t eat processed foods. If it is in a box, can, or bag and can last on a
shelf… you can rest assured that it is processed
Eat only WHOLE FOODS that you can pronounce and find in nature…
can you say carrot or potato?
Franken Foods – GM
How would you like to find out that the corn you are eating has insect DNA
spliced into it or that the same piece of corn produces it’s own pesticides?
Well that is what is happening in the wonderful world of Genetic Engineering also
known as Genetic Modification (GM). You think you are eating one thing, but
surprise… it’s another!
Practically all processed foods contain one or more GM organism, so it is safe to
say that you are probably eating the stuff as we talk. The reason why you didn’t
know this is because there is no law that forces food manufacturers to put this on
your label. Imagine that they did put it on the label… do you think anyone would
buy a box of cereal that stated “Made with Genetically Modified Corn Meal!”
Heck No! So our wonderful lawmakers, with our best interest in mind, allow the
food manufactures to get away with not informing you about what you are eating.
So what do I do?
In my opinion Genetically Modified foods are not a good idea, if you are
serious about your health and the health of your tribe… avoid processed
foods and steer clear of GM! Organic standards do not allow GM.
Fruits and Veggies
NOTE: Fruits and veggies are great for you and should be eaten often; just
remember to balance your meals according to your metabolic type.
As mentioned in the organic foods section, plant foods contain many secondary
nutrients that are essential to vibrant health. But, these vital nutrients can be
destroyed if the foods are not prepared properly.
For example, you know that broccoli is good for you. You intend to nourish
yourself with the life-giving powers of this ‘super food’, so you throw some in a
pot to boil for 20 minutes… when the broccoli is done you scoop out of the pot
what looks like green oatmeal. It’s been over cooked.
When you cook most fruits and veggies you destroy many of the enzymes and
nutrients that make the food worthwhile.
Fruit juice is another issue… if you are using store bought, pasteurized fruit
juices… rest assure that you are drinking nothing but sugar water. In fact, any
fruit that is ‘juiced’ only have 1 hour before it begins to lose it’s value.
So what do I do?
Juicing your own fruits and veggies IS a good idea! It is a great way to get
numerous servings of raw veggies into your diet without having to eat it all.
Just be sure to consume all of the juice within one hour of making it.
Eating a variety of fruits and veggies is also a good idea; the average
American only eats about 10-12 different foods in their entire life. By
consuming a larger variety of foods you will get a better balance of
nutrients and avoid food allergies.
Also, be sure to choose organic when possible and always wash produce
with a non-toxic soap before eating.
What a touchy subject this has become over the past few years! Let’s face it…
we love our pancakes, waffles, cereals and breads and if anyone tells us that we
shouldn’t have them there will be hell to pay.
So, I’m not gonna tell you what to do… I’ll just tell you what I discovered with
regard to human consumption of grains.
According to many scholars, until about 10,000 years ago the staple of the
human diet was meat. Animals ate plants, they condensed the nutrition and we
ate the condensed nutrition contained in their meat… and said thank you to their
It wasn’t until very recently that we began farming and using crops to nourish
ourselves… before this we were nomadic, we followed the meat.
When our ancestors did use grains however, they prepared them properly.
Proper grain preparation is of the utmost importance as grains that are not
prepared properly contain many harmful substances including nutrient blocking
agents. When these nutrient blocking substances enter the digestive tract they
do not allow the absorption of many minerals and nutrients vital to your health.
Today, it is safe to say that not only are our grains not prepared properly but they
are also processed to such a degree that they contain zero nutrition. This means
that not only are the grains that we use void of nutrition but they can create
malnutrition. This is a serious problem, especially when we have doctors and the
media telling us to consume 11 servings of this junk every day!
Grains and breads can be a nutritious addition to your diet if prepared properly.
It is a simple as soaking your whole grains overnight before using them. Up until
very recently this was a common practice… but in our “microwave fast” culture,
this practice has become forgotten. For more info about grain preparation and
some great recipes check out, Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
Another thing to recognize is that many grains (wheat especially) have a hard to
digest protein in them called gluten. Since close to 70% of all people are gluten
intolerant… it would be safe to say that you should avoid gluten. Those who
have gluten intolerance have been found to have high incidences of digestive
disorders and even neurological disorders if they continue to eat glutencontaining foods. The sad thing is that most people don’t know that they are
gluten intolerant.
To find out if you are gluten intolerant: Eliminate all grains from your diet except
rice, corn, millet and buckwheat… if after a few days to 2 weeks you notice an
increase in energy, less bloated ness and gas or even the disappearance of that
jock itch from college – you are probably gluten intolerant and should always
avoid (BROWS) Barley, Rye, Oats, Wheat and, Spelt.
Be Weary Of Your Dairy
Although our hunter and gatherer ancestors did not use milk, there are many
healthy nomadic societies dating as far back as 9,000 years that used the milk of
cows, sheep, goats and even buffalo for its life sustaining properties.
Today, what we call “milk” is truly a poison and a far cry from the nutritious, living
food that it once was. Milk consumption is now being blamed for everything from
cancer to diabetes. The reasons for this are plenty; I’ll talk to you about just a
There was a day when milk came from healthy, happy and, well-fed cows and
goats… this is no longer the case. Today, the cows from which we get most of
our milk are, what Sally Fallon, founder of the Real Milk Movement, calls “freaks
of nature”.
Through strange breeding practices, which produce cows that have unusually
large pituitary glands, and through the use of, FDA approved, genetically
engineered growth hormones for cows – these Freak Cows produce 3-4 times
the milk than a normal cow. Fantastic, we now have cows that are so stressed
by the amount of milk that they are producing that not only does the milk contain
significantly lower nutrition but also it is higher in puss! Yea, I said puss.
Also, because of the poor quality of grains that these cows are fed (cows should
be eating grass anyway) The milk that you are using for your hot coco has been
shown to cause liver problems, tumors, sterility and mastitis in the cows that
produce it… got milk?
The next problem that we are facing with regard to our milk and dairy supply is in
it’s processing. Raw milk is the milk of our ancestors. Today all processed milk
is pasteurized for the sole purpose of increasing shelf life. We have been
conditioned to believe that it is for our safety, but as you will see – this is simply
not the case.
Pasteurization is a process by which milk is heated to such a high degree that it
destroys all of the bacteria in the milk. Milk is a living organism that contains live
cultures (bacteria) that are essential to the immunity of the milk and to the health
of the milk drinker. When milk is pasteurized all of the live-cultures and enzymes
are destroyed, rendering the milk a dead-food. Once this immune enhancing
bacteria is destroyed the milk is now susceptible to invasion by unhealthy
The fact is, pasteurized milk has a higher amount of contamination than raw milk.
In the worst recorded case of salmonella caused by processed milk, 14,000
people became ill and 1 died in a 1985 outbreak. Pasteurized milk was the
culprit. Raw milk on the other hand has had zero reported cases of salmonella
outbreaks! Where is the protection? (9)(6)(4)
So what do I do?
If you are going to drink milk, your best choice is to find an organic farmer
that sells raw milk. If you cannot get your hands on raw milk make sure
that you are using certified organic milk from your super market. For more
information check out www.realmilk.com
To get The Primal Edge, you are going to need to include some meat in your
diet. The types and amount of meat you eat, is determined by your metabolic
type (discussed in a earlier chapter). Here we will discuss the importance of
getting the highest quality meats available.
Meat and eggs are the most plentiful source for the essential amino acids that
are necessary for normal growth and the formation of hormones. Meat is also
loaded in the life enhancing, fat soluble vitamins A and D… as well as saturated
fats and cholesterol that help to produce testosterone and keep your cells
Please, note that proteins cannot be adequately utilized without fat. I advise
against any diet that is high in protein and low in fat as this can lead to several
metabolic problems. In nature fats always accompany protein.
Dr. Price, in his studies of 15 groups of “primitive” people, found that the
populations that included meat in their diets were by far the healthiest. Studies of
the remains of these folks reveal that they had excellent bone structure, heavy
musculature and flawless teeth.
Many of the “diet dictocrats” will claim that eating meat and animal fats is bad for
you. My question to them would be “Then how did we get here?” For thousands
of years man has been eating meat – it is the quality of the meat that has
Cows, sheep, and buffalo are designed to eat grass. In today’s factory farms this
is not the type of food that they receive. Factory farmers have been known to
feed their cattle things such as Cement Dust, Cardboard, Plastic Chips, Wood
Chips and Newspaper to name just a few.
When they get sick from eating this garbage and living in a factory they receive
mega doses of antibiotics. Feeding the animals in this way reduces the farmer’s
costs and fattens up the cattle for higher profit.
When animals are fed and treated poorly the effects are devastating to the health
of the animal and subsequently yours.
Did you know that the USDA says that it is just fine for you to eat cattle that have:
Cancer, Pneumonia, Glandular Swelling and Lymphoma, Sores, Infectious
Arthritis, Intestinal Worms and Tumors? (9)(4)
So what do I do?
Do yourself a huge favor and always choose organic meat. Even better,
choose organic – grass fed meat. When the animal on you plate has
eaten well… so will you.
Remember, that you are what you eat… if you are eating sick, sad
animals that are on drugs. You will join the millions of Americans that are
sick, sad and on drugs.
Today we have an interesting problem on our hands… our waterways are so
polluted that one of natures most nutritious foods have become practically
According to the National Academy of Science in 1991… if you are an average
consumer who eats seafood your chances of getting cancer can be 75 times
greater than normal. This is due to the high levels of toxic pesticides, industrial
chemicals and heavy metals found in our water.
Don’t let the term ‘Farm Raised Fish” fool you either, these fish may even be
worse for you. In theses “farms”, fish are fed a variety of stuff that is not
consistent with their natural diets. Also, fish farms can be located anywhere…
even next to a major industrial complex, running you the significant risk of eating
fish that is high in pesticides and industrial chemicals. (9)(4)
So what do I do?
Make sure that if you do eat fish you are rotating it into your diet no more
than once a week. Also, bigger fish like shark and swordfish are highest
in heavy metals… stick with the small guys like sardines.
Be sure you check out our resources section to find healthy fish vendors.
Know Your Fats
I love to hear all of this talk about good fats and bad fats… the fact is, if it was
made by Mother Nature - it’s all-good. It is those ridiculous trans-fats and
hydrogenated oils, which are more similar to plastics than food in their chemical
composition, which are bad fats!
Animal fats and cholesterol are essential to vital health… our ancestor knew this
well, as they would always consume fats with all their meals.
Butter went on grains, butter went on veggies, you cooked with lard or tallow
(none of this spray can garbage). Yolks go with eggs; fat goes with milk (none of
this skim milk trash existed). Pork chops go with pork fat. It’s the way nature
intended it!
This whole idea that saturated fat and cholesterol produces heart disease is a
myth! The fact is, that between the years of 1910 and 1970 the consumption of
animal fats have declined from 83% to 62% and butter consumption dropped
from 18 pounds per person to 4 pounds. Wouldn’t you expect the rate of heart
disease to drop along with this decrease in saturated fats? Well, the exact
opposite is happening… it has increased!
Guess what has also increased during this time (by 400%) the consumption of
so-called “good fats”… vegetable oils in the form of margarine, shortening and
refined oils (all man-made garbage) also, our consumption of processed food has
increased by 60%. What a strange coincidence!! (9)(4)
I don’t have time to go into why we are being conditioned to reduce our
consumption of a natural food that has given us life for thousands of years and
increase our consumption of man-made trash that is obviously making us ill… but
I will just tell you this:
So what do I do?
Eliminate all “fake fats” from your diet; this includes trans-fats and partially
hydrogenated oils. Be sure to check the ingredients label on your box of
crackers and cake mixes… they hide this stuff in everything!
Saturated fats are not the bad guys… be sure to include the right amount
of animal fats in your diet for your metabolic type.
Cholesterol and Saturated Fats are testosterone precursors; also they
keep your cells walls strong among with many other vital functions.
Choose Organic Fat sources when possible.
Supplement with Cod Liver Oil and High Vitamin Butter Oil.
I once heard human beings described as a “hairy bag of water, with teeth”. It’s
not that simple but the point is clear. We are made of water…and the amount
and quality of water that you drink plays a critical role in your health and vitality.
The list of symptoms that are associated with dehydration is mind-boggling… do
any of the following sound familiar to you: Athsma, Allergies, Indigestion, Heart
Burn, Hypertension, Migraine Head Aches… (this list can go on for pages).
The fact is, many of our so-called diseases are simply an expression of
dehydration. With as little as 1% dehydration your cognitive abilities begin to
decline… not drinking enough water can actually make you stupid! If you are
waiting until your mouth is dry before you recognize that you may be dehydrated,
then you can be sure that you are heading in the same direction as the millions of
Americans who are sick, stupid and thirsty.
We have an interesting situation with regard to the amount and quality of water
that is currently available on our planet. Only 1% of the Earths water is
accessible to humans for drinking and we have polluted almost every single drop
of it!
According to the EPA there are over 700 pollutants that occur regularly in
drinking water… both municipal and through wells or springs. In many countries
the rivers run yellow with toxins… in China 80% of the countries waterways are
do trashed that they no longer support marine life! (9)(8)(4)
So What Do I Do?
First, make sure that you are drinking enough water. According to Dr. F
Batmanghelidj in book Your Body’s Many Cries For Water, it is ideal to
drink ½ your bodyweight in ounces of water every day.
Next, make sure that your water is artesian. Artesian water is water that
has gone through its complete evolutionary process underground and
bubbles to the surface naturally. This ensures that your water contains
the necessary mineral content for proper assimilation. Brand of artesian
water that you may be familiar with include: Evian, Fiji, Volvic, Vittel and
Use a whole-house, water filtration system. This will ensure that toxic
chemicals found in municipal water such as chlorine do not bombard you.
Showering in toxic water is just as bad as drinking it… remember “if it is on
your skin, you are drinking it.”
The average American consumes between 150 and 170 pounds of sugar per
year. That is up from only 4 pounds per person just 100 years ago! And we
have the nerve to blame genetics for our poor heath!
Let’s set the record straight folks, sugar is a drug and a poison. According to the
dictionary the definition of a poison is “something that exerts a harmful influence
on, or to pervert.” This is sugar, for sure. Sugar was even classified as a poison
by Dr. William Coda Martin in 1957.
Sugar robs your body of vital nutrients and is a displacement food. You can rest
assured that if you consume sugar in its depleted forms you are going to be fat,
sick and stupid.
Here’s why: Sugar makes you fat because excessive amounts of it are stored in
the liver. When the liver is filled to the max with sugar (glycogen) the excess
gets shipped back to the blood in the form of fatty acids. These fatty acids find a
nice home right under your chubby chin, in your love handles, on your breasts
(yes, man-breasts) and around your belly and fat butt.
Sugar makes you sick because it suppresses your immune system. In fact sugar
can incapacitate your immune system for up to 48 hours! Don’t blame “the chill
in the air” the next time you catch a cold… blame Little Debbie! Maybe she’ll
make you some chicken soup so you can feel better.
And stupid… sugar makes you stupid. According to world famous biochemist
Candice Pert, sugar has as similar effect on your brain as heroin! So, the next
time you open the bottle of ADD drugs for your hyper kid… think about how that
glass of Cool-Aid is making his the darling that he is! You’re better off giving him
a hit of some good-old heroin. (9)(4)
So what do I do?
Avoid sugar in all of its deadly forms… sucrose, dextrose, and fructose;
basically anything on the label that ends in ‘ose’ is sugar. Don’t let the
food manufacturers fool you!
Sugar is EVERYWHERE… did you know that you can find sugar in
lunchmeat or cold cuts. They even put it in cigarettes! This is because
food manufacturers know how addicting sugar is – once you pop, you
can’t stop.
Artificially sweeteners suck too. If you think using your little yellow, pink or
blue packages is going to save you from diabetes, you’ve got another
thing coming. These ‘sugar substitutes’ are just as and sometimes even
more toxic than sugar itself. In fact some of them are even made from
chlorine… put that in your coffee!
Good sugar alternatives are: Raw Honey, Stevia, Fruit, Below Ground
Veggies and Succinat. Also, just because the sugar label says natural or
the sugar is brown does not make it safe… it’s all the same garbage in a
different wrapping.
Avoid all fruit juices and sodas. I don’t care if your doctor tells you that
drinking cranberry juice is good for your STD. It’s trash… once a juice has
been pasteurized it is as good as sugar water. And if I’ve get to tell you
about soda or “pop” for you mid-westerners – then you haven’t been
paying attention!
Alcohol is not meant for human consumption… I don’t care what they say about
the antioxidants in your red wine. It is not healthy for you, plain and simple.
You are all grow-ups, so I am not going to tell you what to do… but I will tell you
is what happens to you when you drink your booze. And trust me, besides
building “Beer Muscles” it is not conducive to getting The Primal Edge.
Like sugar, alcohol is a poison. In fact all alcohol is just another form of simple
sugar. When you drink alcohol it is absorbed in to your blood stream
immediately causing your insulin to spike like a rocket. Say hello to
hypoglycemia. So, actually alcohol is worse than sugar! (and remember what I
said about the “heroin factor” in the sugar section)
When you sit down to have your glass of wine or beer before your meal, you are
doing several things that will make you fat, sick and absolutely de-vitalized.
First, what ever you are eating with your drink your body begins to recognize as a
poison. For example you are eating a bowl of shrimp fried rice with your beer…
because your body recognizes that there is poison in the form of alcohol in your
stomach it get rid of whatever is in your stomach as fast as possible. As this is
happening your immune system is taking notes as to what you have ingested so
that it can attack it next time it enters your system. So, next time you sit down to
another bowl is shrimp fried rice your body attacks the food like it were a
pathogen… this leads to food intolerances. I’ll spare you the details, but food
intolerances make you fat, makes your belly big, and can end up with all types of
autoimmune issues and autointoxication.
Next, alcohol is an irritant to the gut lining and causes leaky gut syndrome.
Leaky gut syndrome is just what it sounds like. Your colon wall becomes
permeable and allows undigested food particles to enter your blood stream.
When this happens you can look forward to an avalanche of wonderful
circumstances such as: a bloated gut, joint pain, rashes, autoimmune disorders,
and that’s just the beginning!
Finally, besides ruining your gut and making you fat… alcohol makes you stupid.
You know it and I know it. If you are going to reach your full potential and
become as strong and vital as you deserver to be, then alcohol is not your
beverage of choice. (9)
So what do I do?
If you must drink alcohol, do so in moderation
Be sure to consume alcohol with a fatty food, such as cheese, to slow
The fruits and grains that most alcohol is made from are high in toxic
pesticides. Choose organic drinks when possible.
Chew on this for a while!
Although I understand that it may not be reasonable for you to go home and
apply all this new knowledge right away, I also know how important it is for you to
understand the importance of what you just read.
My suggestion would be to read and reread this chapter a few times. Apply what
you feel is reasonable right away. As you begin to feel the positive effects of your
minor changes you will be more motivated to take bigger steps.
Buy and read the resources that I suggest, and hang in there. We learn in
layers; as something begins to make sense to you, add it to your list of lifestyle
improvements. You can do it!
References and Resources Chap. 2
1. Price, Weston A. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. San Diego, CA:
Price-Pottenger Foundation Inc., 1937, 1970, 2000.
2. Williams, Roger. Biochemical Individuality. New Canaan, CT: Keats
Publishing, 1956
3. Wolcott, William. The Metabolic Typing Diet. New York: Doubleday, 2000
4. Fallon, Sally. Nourishing Traditions. Washington DC: New Trends
Publishing, Inc. 1999.
5. Pottenger, Francis Marion. Pottenger’s Cat’s. San Diego, CA: PricePottenger Foundation Inc., 1983.
6. Cohen, Robert. Milk The Deadly Poison. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Argus
Publishing, Inc., 1998
7. Jensen, Bernard and Anderson, Mark. Empty Harvest. Garden City Park,
NY: Avery Publishing Group Inc., 1989
8. Batmanghelidj F MD. You’re Body’s Many Cries For Water. Falls Church,
VA: Global Health Solutions, Inc., 1992.
9. Chek, Paul. How to Eat Move and Be Healthy. San Diego, CA: CHEK
Institute. 2004.
Chapter 2. Primal Strength
Move like a man… let’s get a few things straight – until very recently man has
used his body as a tool for hunting & gathering, protection against animals and
invaders and, building shelter.
With so much “functional” activity his body looked the way he treated it. He was
hard as a rock, flexible and very attractive to Primal Woman… grunt.
Since there is scientific evedence that it takes 100,000 years for 0.001% of a
human genome to change…so, it is safe to say that we possess the same exact
body as primal man did. The biggest difference between him and us is what we
do / don’t do with our bodies.
Let’s compare a day in the life of Primal Man with ours:
Primal Man:
6:00 am – Wake up with the sun and go to the spring for some water. Sharpen
his spear on a large stone. He’s happy.
7:00 am – Climb to the top of a tree and watch the deer and wait for an
opportunity to move in for a kill! He’s very happy.
8:00 am – Crawl through the grass until he is close enough to catch his meal.
8:30 am – Throws his spear with such velocity that it pierces the rib cage of his
prey. Chases the wounded deer for 100 yards and tackles it to the ground.
Upon catching the deer, he kills it by smashing it’s skull with a heavy stone.
10:00 am – Lifts the deer carcass up onto his shoulders so that it may be carried
home. He travels up hill and over fallen trees and stones… note: he is bare foot!
12:00 pm – Drops deer in front of Primal Woman and the two of the begin cutting
the meat and eating it. He’s very, very happy.
1:30 pm – Full bellies… feel good… have sex with Primal Woman. Life is good!
3:00 pm – Secures shleter.
6:00 pm – The sun is setting and Primal Man is getting ready for a good nights
Modern Man:
6:00 am – Wake up with the buzzing of the flashing box next to his head. He has
a cup of coffee. He’s not happy.
7:00 am – He sits in traffic with a caffine buzz, an empty belly and a jerk-off boss
waiting for him in a large glass box that he attends daily. He wants to kill… but
it’s wrong!
8:00 am – Crawls into the glass box…late, and has to explain why.
8:30 am – Throws his ass on a chair, face in a computer and doesn’t move for 4
12:00 pm – Waits in the lunch-line at McCrapy’s and eats a sick, dead chicken
that has bleached grains and old lettuce on it. Washes it down with a brown
beverage that has sugar and bubbles in it.
1:30 pm – Full belly… he feels sick… the “Pool Boy” is having sex with his wife.
3:00 pm – Dreams about sleep… sitting in a meeting with other “slaves”… they
all hate him and he hates them. He wants to kill… but it’s wrong.
6:00 pm – The sun is setting and he is traffic again.
7:00 pm – His wife puts some brown and green stuff in the microwave for him to
eat… it’s low fat… his cholesterol is high and this is all he is allowed to eat.
8:00 pm – His daughters stereo is too loud and he can’t hear the black flickering
box in peace… he wont ask her to lower it – she would yell at him.
10:00 pm – He is drooling on the couch.
Sure, laugh it up… we all know how familiar Modern Man’s life sounds. It sucks,
but it doesn’t have to be this way. Modern Man has chosen his life… Primal Man
had no choice!
It’s so interseting that with all of our “advances” we are more backwards than
Primal man wakes with the sun, hunts for his food, has sex with his woman and
goes to sleep. Now, don’t get me wrong… I am not telling you that you will live a
full, self-actualizing life if all you did was hunt and screw. What I am telling you is
that we are designed to eat, move and live in a way that is consistant with our
nature as human beings.
Poor Modern Man is stressed out, tired, malnourished, sick, over medicated and
under sexed. He lives an artificical life filled with imaginary deadlines and
enough stress to make his hair fall out… oh yea, it is falling out!
In this chapter I will teach you what you need to do in order to regain the Primal
Edge and to beging to move in the direction of your true physical potential.
There is a ton of information in the market that is designed to condition you to
purchase unncessary exercise equipment and garbage nutritional supplements…
I will show you why you don’t need any of the fancy crap that you see in your
local gym, to get a Primal Edge Physique. Trust me when I say, Primal Man had
thick, rock hard mucles and he DID NOT own an ab-roller machine!
With nothing more than some dumbells, barbells, balls and bands you will begin
to look and move like the ‘stud’ that is trapped inside you.
Free Yourself (Flexibility and Posture)
Stretching is a modality that is often overlooked… why?
Because most people don’t realized how intrinsically linked their
movement capacity is to improving strength and fitness.
If you are as serious about making the type of fitness gains that you say you
are, then you will need to perform “functional”, multi-joint exercises… this simply
means that you have to get OFF of your butt and move.
Machine based exercise programs will NOT help you look and feel your
Using this section will allow you to design a “corrective stretching” program
that will launch you towards your fitness goals faster and with better results.
Corrective Stretching is stretching on purpose… with an end in sight.
Many generic stretching routines do not serve to improve your body’s ability to
move better and may even set you up for injury.
Since you now have The Ultimate Stretching Program in your hands you will
learn how to:
Determine which stretches are helping you reach you goals and which are
a complete waste of your time!
How to stretch for maximum fitness in the minimum time.
Improve sports performance… jump higher, run faster, improve agility and
Reduce your risk of incurring an injury that can set your results back for
Improve your posture.
How to use this section
1. Perform each of the following 12 stretchs and take notes on a
sheet of paper as to weather or not you feel like the muscles
involved are tight. (If you can perform the stretch with little or no
discomfort… then the muscles are NOT tight and you do not need
to stretch that muscle. In fact, if it is not tight and you stretch it you
be setting yourself up for injury!)
2. Keep a list of all of the stretches that you need to perform and
do them on a daily basis. Always do your corrective stretches
prior to working out and at bed time for the best results.
3. After a few weeks you may notice that some of the muscles
that were tight in the beginning of your program are no longer
tight. Stop stretching them.
4. Re assess after 6-8 weeks. Add or subtract any new stretches.
It’s as simple as that… but do not take this for granted! Stretching is essential
and must be done if you are to re-gain your potential and get the Primal Egde.
1. Levator Scapulae
So, how do I do it?
#1. Reach your hand as far down between your shoulder blades as you can.
#2. Look as far as you can to the opposite side.
#3. Hold for 30 seconds and repete on the other side… 3-5 reps each.
#4. If you have one side tighter than the other, be sure to stretch the tighter side more.
2. Neck Side Flexion
So, how do I do it?
#1. Sit on a chair or bench with good posture (chest held high)
#2. Grab the end of the bench with one hand… this will act as an anchor for your
shoulder. Keep good posture.
#3. Use the other hand to gently draw your head away from the anchored shoulder.
#4. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side… 3-5 reps each
Be sure to stretch the tighter side more.
3. Neck Rotation
So, how do I do it?
#1. Sit on a chair or bench with good posture (chest held high)
#2. Turn your head to one side, without turning your shoulders.
#3. Push your cheek with the opposite hand to increase the stretch.
#4. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side…3-5 reps each.
Be sure to stretch the tighter side more.
4. Pec Minor
So, how do I do it?
#1. Place your shoulder on the ball with your arm bent at 90 degrees.
#2. Drop your chest toward the floor and allow you’re your shoulder to be stretched
#3. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side…3-5 reps each
Be sure to stretch the tighter side more.
5. Pec Major
So, how do I do it?
#1. Place your forarm on the ball with your arm straight .
#2. Keep your chest parallel with the floor and slowly drop it to the floor.
#3. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side… 3-5 reps each
Be sure to stretch the tighter side more.
6. Scratch Stretch
So, how do I do it?
#1. Sit with good posture holding a towel behind your back… as shown above.
#2. Pull downward on the towel with your bottom hand until you feel a gentle stretch
#3. Hold for 30 seconds and then pull upward with your upper hand until you feel a
gentle stretch… 3-5 reps each side.
#4. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.
7. Low Back
So, how do I do it?
#1. Lay flat on your back with your knees bent… inhale
#2. Gently pull your kneee into your chest while exhaling.
#3. Hold your knees in for 30 seconds and repeat 3-5 times.
8. Middle Back
So, how do I do it?
NOTE: If your experience dizziness when looking up towards the sky… do not perform
this stretch.
#1. Sit on the ball and slowly walk your feet forward until your head and shoulders are
on the ball… keep your low back and head on the ball.
#2. Extend your arms over your head and hold for 30-90 seconds
9. Trunk Rotation
So, how do I do it?
#1. Lay on your side with your knees bend up towards your chest…like in the fetal
position, with your arms extendted in front of you on the floor.
#2. Keeping your knees on the floor begin to reach your arm to the opposite direction.
#3. Gently lower the arm to the floor… do not force it down, rather take deep breaths
and allow it to fall to the floor on the exhale.
#4. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.. 3-5 reps
Be sure to stretch the tighter side more.
So, how do I do it?
#1. Sit on the floor with both legs a 90 degree angles… as shown above.
#2. Place one hand on the floor near the back hip and use it prop your torso up into an
upright position.
#3. Keeping an arch in your lower back (do not round over) tip your chest forward
towards the ground.
#4. You will feel a stretch in the thigh and glutes of the front leg… hold for 30 seconds
and then switch…3-5 reps.
Be sure to stretch the tighter side more.
Quad Stretch
So, how do I do it?
#1. Assume a lunge position with the back foot resting on a ball… as shown above.
You may have to begin with both hands on the floor for support.
#2. Slowly rise up.
#3. Draw your belly button in and lean your pelvis forward to increase the stretch.
#4. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side…3-5 reps. Be sure to stretch
the tighter side more.
So, how do I do it?
#1. Get into a lunge position with one knee on the floor and the opposite foot flat on the
#2. Tuck your butt under in order to keep your back flat (rotate your pelvis toward the
front leg)… lean forward at the hips.
#3. To increase the stretch you may lean over to the opposite side of the knee that is
down. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side…3-5 reps.
Be sure to stretch the tighter side more.
So, how do I do it?
#1. Lay flat on your back and grasp the back of your thigh as shown above.
#2. Keeping your toes flexed (pointed towards you) push your heel towards the celing,
as shown above. Do not let your low back raise off the floor.
#3. Hold the strecth for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side…3-5 reps. Be sure to
stretch the tighter side more.
Waiters Bow
So, how do I do it?
#1. Stand with feet close together and knees locked back.
#2. Keeping an arch in your lower back (stick your butt out), begin to tip your chest
forward. As shown above.
#3. When you feel the stretch in the back of your legs, hold for 30 seconds.
So, how do I do it?
#1. Using a block or curb, stand with one foot on top and the other half on and half off,
as shown above.
#2. First keep the back leg straight and lean into the stretch… hold for 30 seconds.
#3. Next, bend the knee of the back leg and sitch your butt back inorder to stretch your
achilles tendon… hold for 30 seconds.
#4. Repeat both stretches on the opposite side… 3-5 reps each.
Be sure to stretch the tighter side more.
Hard Core – Flatten Your Abs Forever…
Part I – You Are What You Eat…
Over and over I am asked, “Elliott, how do I lose this fat belly?”
and over and over I must explain that when you decide to eat right,
you will look right.
Sure, that is a vague answer but it is the basis of understanding that
is necessary for developing the health and body of our dreams.
Well, today you are going to learn the specifics…
The Secrets of How To Have Flatter Abs, Forever!
The very first thing that you must understand is that you can do all of
the best ab exercises in the world and you will still have a bloated
belly if you are eating foods and “non-foods” that are irritating
your gut (colon).
Let me tell you my story…
About 3 years ago I had a nasty problem, I farted A LOT. Not only
did I fart a lot, but these were the types of farts that would raise the
dead! – I stunk!
Well, needless to say… I did all that I could to find out what was
creating this problem (no one should have to live like this). Through
my investigation I learned that many people (myself included) are
intolerant to a protein found in many grains called Gluten. In
fact, over 65% of the US population is said to have gluten
intolerance… but many people go undiagnosed.
So basically, I discovered that whenever I ate any foods containing Gluten I
would get Abdominal Bloating, Gas, and even headaches!
When I avoided gluten… the farting stopped. But, not only did I
stop farting… I discovered something else. Something that I never
noticed in my entire life until that day… I had a flat stomach!!!
This happy discovery led me to further investigate a term that I
stumbled upon during my research: Viscerosomatic Inhibition (VSI)
(VSI) occurs when an irritated or enflamed organ has an inhibiting effect on the
muscles that are associated with it… an example – when someone (not you!) is
having a heart attack what happens to their left arm?
It goes limp… the left arm is associated (or on the same nervous loop) with the
heart organ – if the organ is upset, the muscles shut down. Simple enough?
So, if your colon is upset or inflamed… your Deep Abdominal Wall SHUTS
This means that you can do crunches until the cows come home and
your abs muscles will never get any stronger….
This is devastating, especially if you consider that most Americans
are eating a ton of garbage that is literally shutting their ab muscles
“So Elliott, this is bad news… what can I do?”
I’m glad you asked:
1. Eliminate All ‘Colon Irritants’ Such As: Hidden Food
Allergies, Medications (ask your Doc), Tap Water, Gluten &
Many Grains, Processed Foods and Coffee.
2. Check for Dysbiosis (imbalanced colon flora) & take
Probiotics if needed. A great book on this topic is Achieve
Maximum Health by. David Webster
3. Eliminate (poop) 1-3 times daily…super important!
4. Get to bed on time (10:30 pm) Your Circadian Rhythm or
biological clock has a huge impact on your digestive health.
5. Drink H2o (1/2 your bodyweight in oz. daily)
6. Check for overgrown yeast in the gut. (More common than
you may think)
Now that you have eliminated the hidden roadblocks to your fitness
results… we can move on. In the following chapter I am going to
teach you over 12 Brand New abdominal exercises including The
Ultimate Tummy Flattening Move!
Part II – How To Get A Hard Core
If you love ‘crunching’ your life away on the gym floor, then this
section is not for you!!
If you are ready to learn some brand-new, revolutionary exercises
that will flatten your abs faster than anything you’ve ever
experienced then read on…
The first thing that you must understand is that you have more than
one ab muscle… you have 4 groups of abdominal muscles.
The first is your Transverses Abdominus (TVA); this is the muscle
that acts to draw your belly button in. It is also known as the Power
House in Pilates (I think…). But anyway, the purpose of this muscle
is to act as a stabilizer for your low back and hips. So getting this
muscle stronger will not only serve to flatten your stomach but may
also relive your low back pain.
The second group is your Internal Obliques; this group helps you to
flex your trunk forwards as well as side bending and rotation.
The third group is called your External Obliques, this group helps
you to flex the trunk, side bend and rotate also. In addition, the
external obliques act functionally a lower abdominals.
And finally, the fourth abdominal muscle is called the Rectus
Abdomnius, this is the large muscle that is the most popular… it
gives your stomach that “washboard” look. The Rectus Abdominus
also flexes the trunk forward and acts as a stabilizer under heavy
In the following section I am going to teach you all of the best
exercises for activating these 4 groups of abdominal muscles. When
you follow this program you will begin to see your abdominals
flatten, almost overnight!
Section A – Transverses Abdominus / Lower Abs
1.Tummy Vacuum
So, how do I do it?
Glad you asked - #1 get into a 4-point stance, on your hands and knees… your hips
and shoulders should both be at 90-degree angles.
#2. Take a deep belly breath and expand your belly with air… do not move your back or
chest when inhaling.
#3. Let all of the air out through your nose and then pull your belly button in as far as it
can go, without moving your back or chest.
#4. Hold your belly in for 10 seconds and then repeat.
2. Lower Abdominal Coordination
So, how do I do it?
#1. Lay flat on your back with both knees bent and feet off of the floor
#2. Place your hand in the gap between your lower back and the floor… your hand
should be directly below your belly button.
#3. Draw your belly button in and flatten your low back onto your hand.
#4. While maintaining pressure on your hand with your low back, slowly slower one foot
to the ground and recover to the starting position… repeat on the opposite leg.
3. Swiss Ball Reverse Crunch
So, how do I do it?
#1. Lay face up on a Swiss Ball, with your feet off of the floor and your hands grasping
an object for support.
#2. Draw your bellybutton in and then begin rolling your pelvis up towards your ribcage.
#3. Slowly lower the legs and repeat.
For increased intensity extend your legs out further.
Section B – Internal & External Obliques
1. Russian Twist
So, how do I do it?
#1. Lay face up on a Swiss Ball with your head and shoulders on the ball, feet flat on the
floor and your hips raised.
#2. Keeping your hips raised (by squeezing your glutes), rotate to one side and then the
other. Begin slowly until you have enough balance to increase the speed.
2. Reverse Wood Chops
So, how do I do it?
#1. Grab one end of a cable that is positioned low, then take a wide stance a few feet
away from the machine.
#2. Keeping your chest up and your belly button drawn in, shift your weight to the inside
#3. Staying low, shift your weight to the opposite leg and rotate the cable on an upward
angle to the other same side.
#4. Weight shift back to the original position and repeat.
3. Lower Body Russian Twist
So, how do I do it?
#1. Lay flat on your back with both feet together and raised up toward the sky.
#2. Keeping your upper body flat on the floor and your legs straight slowly lower your
legs to one side of your body.
#3. Using the strength in you abdominals bring your legs back to the original position
and repeat on the opposite side.
3. Swiss Ball Lower Russian Twist
So, how do I do it?
#1. Get into a push-up position with bent knees on the Swiss Ball.
#2. Keeping your upper body still rotate your knees to one side using your waist.
#3. Be sure to keep your shoulders over your hands… then rotate your knees to the
opposite side.
4. Swiss Ball Side Flexion
So, how do I do it?
#1. Put one hip on the Swiss Ball with the same leg of that hip bent… the other leg will
be straight (you may even want to jam it between the floor and a wall for extra support)
#2. Keeping your hips forward, side bend across the ball and back… be sure not to
rotate forward of backwards, stay in the frontal plane.
#3. Begin with your hands across your chest… as you get stronger you can move your
hands to your head and then you can raise them overhead for the highest resistance.
5. Oblique Toss
So, how do I do it?
#1. You and a partner will stand facing the same way about 5 –8 yards apart.
#2. The first man with the ball will “side toss” the ball towards the second man… the
second man will catch the ball while still facing forward, use the weight of the ball the
“load’ your abdominal muscles as you prepare to throw the ball back to the first guy.
#3. Be sure to keep your chest up and your back straight when catching and throwing
the ball… flexing forward and rotating at the same time can create back injury.
Section C – Rectus Abdominus
Section C – Rectus Abdominus / Upper Abs
1. Forward Ball Roll
So, how do I do it?
#1. Kneel in front of the Swiss Ball with your forearms on the ball… your hips and
shoulders should both be at 90-degree angles and your back straight.
#2. Draw your belly button in and begin to extend your hips and arms at the same time…
be sure to keep your back straight. I see many people doing this exercise incorrectly, it
is essential to keep your low back from arching and you need to keep your chest up.
#3. Hold the extended position for up to 10 seconds and then repeat.
2. Prone Jack Knife
So, how do I do it?
#1. Get into a push-up position with your feet on the Swiss Ball… be sure to keep your
back straight and your chest up.
#2. Draw your belly button in and then slowly pull your knees towards your chest… do
not let your butt drop below the height of your head and do not let your back round out.
#3. Extend your legs back to the staring position and then repeat.
3. Swiss Ball Crunch
So, how do I do it?
#1. Lie over a Swiss Ball with your fingers on your temples, tongue on the roof of your
mouth, both feet flat on the floor and hips flexed.
#2. Begin the crunch by rolling your chin towards your chest followed by crunching the
bottom of your ribcage toward your hips and your hips towards your ribcage
simultaneously…. Squeeze your butt and tighten your abs at the top of the movement.
#3. Begin with using just your hands and increase resistance by holding a dumbbell on
your chest.
4. Prone Bridge
So, how do I do it?
#1. Get into a “close grip” push-up position with your feet on the ball… be sure to keep
your back straight, chest up and belly button in.
#2. When your hips are “locked” into position begin to raise one arm with the thumb up,
over your head.
#3. Then bring that same arm over to your side… then return it to the overhead position
before putting it back on the floor.
#4. Repeat on the opposite side.
5. Pike
So, how do I do it?
#1. Begin in a push up position with both feet on the ball, with your back straight
#2. Let the body sag towards the floor.
#3. Then “pike” your hips up toward the sky… slowly return to the neutral position and
Primal Strength Movements
According to Paul Chek in his book Movement That Matters, man is designed to
be able to preform all 7 of what he calls “Primal Patterns”. If there was a problem
with primal mans ability to perform any of these movement patterns… he was
dead meat!
The 7 Primal Patterns are: Lunge, Squat, Push, Pull, Bend, Twist and Walk (gait)
The capacity to perform these Primal Patten allowed developmental man to hunt,
build fires and shelter, climb, chop wood and drag a beautiful primal lady home.
Today it is essential for you to be able to perform the same movement, but for a
varitey of different reasons:
When you have a fully functional physique, and use it properly… you will:
1. Have Increased Sex Appeal – a functional body is a sexy body.
2. Decreased Potential for Injury.
3. Improved Mobility.
4. Increased Stamina.
5. Decreased Body Fat.
6. Larger, Harder and Thicker Muscles.
7. Have Better Bowel Movements (an issue for many men).
8. Less Risk For Many Of The Chronic Debilitating Diseases that Plague
Many Men.
9. Improved Sex Drive and “Staying Power”
10. Cardiovascular Fitness
11. Increase Naural Testosterone and Growth Hormone Production
12. Move Like a Real Man & Feel Like a Real Man.
If you are interested in machine based exercise programs that keep you on your
ass, then this program is not for you… in this program you will MOVE! These
exercises recruit the maximum amount of muscle in the minimum time.
A few features of these revolutionary exercises:
1. They are designed to mimic all 7 “Primal Patterns”
2. They are all “core” exercises, meaning that you WILL recruit your
abdominal muscles as stabilizers and prime movers.
3. They are serious “gut busters” and will increase your muscle tone and
decrease your body fat faster than anything else can!
How to use this section:
1. Begin training each Primal Pattern with the stability phase
exercises first (Red Labels). You must master these exercises
first and complete them with in the given parameters.
2. Once you have mastered the stability phase exercises move
on to the Strength Phase exercises (Blue Lables). Before
moving on to the Power Phase exercies you must complete all
of the exercises in this phase with in the given parameters.
3. Power Phase exercises (Green Labels) are done quickly and
explosively… they are highly effective for improving sports
performance and reaching your physical potential. However,
be sure that you have completed the Stability and Power
Phases before moving on to these extreme movements.
a. Be honest with yourself… if you are extreemly out of shape, do not
progress beyond the stabilty phase until you are certain that you can
handle the higher intensities.
b. If you are currenly maintaining a high stress load:
- sleep less than 8 hrs. per night
do not drink enough water
can not breathe properly
eat more processed foods than whole foods
are not eating for your Metabolic Type
are severly depressed
have chronic fungal infection or parasites
have chronic illnesses or dysfunctions
have an accute injury or back pain
…refer to The Primal Life chapter and follow the exercise recommendations
in it. Pain DOES NOT = Gain.
c. This program is for everyone… young and old, decide where you are and
take progressive steps towards your goal. Don’t give up and go back to
exercises that do not serve to improve your function (ie. machines)
Take baby steps until you are sprinting… YOU CAN DO IT!
Phase 1 – Stability Exercises
Single Leg WoodChop
How to do it…
• Stand on one leg with the opposite hand raised high in the air.
• Slowly lower the body, by flexing at your hips, and touch the foot that is on the
• Return to the starting position and repeat upto 10 times on each leg.
• Progression: close your eyes; stand on a wobble board or ½ foam roller.
Static Lunge w/ Support
How to do it…
• Grab 1 or 2 dowel rods and use them as support as seen above… get into a split
stance with one leg in front of the other… feet facing forward.
• Keeping your back straight, slowly lower the back knee to the floor.
• Return to the starting position… be sure to push up evenly between both feet.
• Use a slow tempo.
Static Lunge
How to do it…
• Done in the same manner as with support… only now you don’t have the dowel
rods to hold onto.
• Use a slow tempo.
Phase 2 – Strength Exercises
Alternating Lunge with Resistance
How to do it…
• Done best within the confines of a squat rack or cage… approach the bar dip
under it and place it on your upper back / shoulders (not your neck). Take 1-2
steps backwards away from the rack.
• Standing tall with your belly button drawn in, lunge forward and lower the back
knee to the floor… as shown above.
• Be sure not to lean forward or to round your back.
• Keeping your back straight, push off of the front leg and return to the starting
• Other versions: Step backwards for a reverse lunge or laterally for a side lunge.
Phase 3 – Power Exercises
Split Jump
How to do it…
• Assume a split stance with one leg in front of the other and both feet, your hips
and knees facing forward.
• Sink the back leg down to “load” the legs.
• Explode upward… use your arms to help propel you, keep your legs split and
facing forward.
• Land in the same position that you began in… be sure not to land too ridged,
absorb the shock by bending your knees upon landing.
Alternating Split Jumps with Twist
How to do it…
• Assume a split stance with a medicine ball held on the hip of the leg that is
• Jump up, alternate the legs in the air and bring the ball over your head to the
other hip.
• Land softly with the opposite leg forward and the ball on the opposite hip.
• Repete again in the opposite direction.
Squat- Phase 1 – Stability Exercises
Swiss Ball Squats
How to do it…
• Stand with your back against a Swiss ball with the ball resting against the wall.
• Your feet should be about shoulder width apart and slightly in front of the ball.
• Slowly lower your hips and push your butt behind the ball… as shown above.
• Pushing evenly between both your feet and the front an back of your feet, return
to the starting position and repeat.
Body Weight Squats
How to do it…
• Assume a comfortable stance with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width,
toes may be slightly turned out.
• Lower your butt down between your feet… this should be a comfortable position,
as if you were using the bathroom outdoors!
• Pushing evenly between both feet and between the front and back of your feet,
retun to the staring position.
Phase 2 – Strength Exercises
Barbell Squats
How to do it…
• Preferably done in a squat rack or cage, approach the bar, dip under it and place
the bar on your upper back / shoulders… (not your neck) walk backwards 1-2
• Take the same stance as you would if you were using the bathroom outdoors… I
personally use a wider than shoulder width stance with toes slightly turned out.
• Draw your belly button in and slowly lower your butt to the floor… be sure to keep
your entire foot firmly planted on the floor.
• Once you’ve gotten as low as you comfortably can, push your feet into the ground
and rise up to the starting position.
Barbell Overhead Squats
How to do it…
• Begin with a dowel rod or barbell over your head, with a wide “Y” grip as shown
• Take a comfortable stance with your feet at least shoulder width apart.
• Keeping your back straight, chest up and your eyes forward… lower your butt
down between your feet.
• Once you have gotten as low as your can with good form, push through both feet
and return to the starting position.
Phase 3 – Power Exercises
Squat Push-Press
How to do it…
• Begin with dumbells in both hands and pressed over your head.
• Draw your belly button in and begin to lower the dumbells to your shoulders and
your butt to the floor at the same time.
• Once you have lowered yourself as far as you comforatably can…
• Press the dumbells upward and stand up to the starting position.
Squat Jumps
How to do it…
• Take a comfortable squat stance with a medicine ball in your hands infront of your
• Lower your butt to a ½ squat position.
• Explosively jump and press the ball into the air at the same time.
• Land softly in a squat stance with knees and hips flexed.
• Return to the starting position and repeat quickly.
Phase 1 – Stability Exercises
Static Bend
How to do it…
• Assume a comfortable, shoulder width stance, standing upright with your back
• Bend your knees 20 degrees.
• Stick your butt out and rotate forward…. Be sure not to round your back.
• Draw your belly button in and hold the position for upto 3 minutes.
Phase 2 – Strength Exercises
Dead Lift
How to do it…
• Stand in front of the barbell with a wider than shoulder with stance… I personally
use a “sumo” stance (shown above).
• Keeping your back straight lower your hips and grab the bar with an alternating
• Draw your belly button in and press both feet firmly into the ground… as if you
were pushing the earth away.
• Keeping your back straight, stand up with the barbell in your grip.
• Lower the bar back to the floor and repeat.
Single Leg Deadlifts
How to do it…
• Grab a dumbell in each hand and hold the at your sides.
• Stand on one leg… with a 20 degree bend in the working leg.
• Slowly rotate your hips forward and tip your torso forward… as shown above.
• At the bottom of the movement you will bend your knee slighly keeping your
weight distributed evenly thoroughout the foot.
• Keeping the back straight, push through the working foot and return to the starting
• Do it on both sides.
Phase 3 – Power Exercises
Power Clean
How to do it…
• Stand in front of the barbell with the feet shoulder width apart, and grab the bar
slightly outside of your legs.
• Keeping your back straight and your belly button in, explosively “jump” out of the
stance and pull the bar up to below your chin.
• Rotate your elbows under the bar and “catch” the bar on your shoulders… as
shown above.
• Keep your knees slightly flexed.
How to do it…
• Apporach the bar similarly to the power clean, only now your hands will be much
• Keeping your belly button in and your back straight…
• Explosively “jump” out of the strating position and pull the bar up beneith your
• Quickly “drop” your body benieth the bar and extend your elbows to “catch” the
Back Ball Toss
How to do it…
• Assume the same position as the “Static Bend”, only now you have a medicine
ball in your hands.
• Keeping your belly button in and your back straight… explode out of the starting
postion and throw the ball as far as you can over your head and behind you.
• Don’t left your knee like I’m doing… it’s bad form, but a good pic!
Phase 1 – Stability Exercises
Wall Push Ups
How to do it…
• Stand about 2 feet away from a wall with both hands directly beneith your
shoulders and your elbows pointing down.
• Keeping your back straight, draw your belly button in and begin to lean towards
the wall with your chest.
• Be sure to keep your back straight, push your body away from the wall and back
into the starting position.
Swiss Ball Push-Ups
How to do it…
• Assume a push up position with your hands on a Swiss Ball.
• Keeping your back straight, draw your belly button in and lower your chest to the
• Be sure to keep your back straight, push your body away from the ball and into
the starting position.
Phase 2 – Strength Exercises
Swiss Ball Bench Press
How to do it…
• Begin by sitting on a Swiss Ball with the dumbells in your hands resting on your
• Begin to slowly walk your feet forward until your head and shoulders are on the
ball and the dumbells are at your shoulders.
• Keeping your hips up, press the dumbells toward the celing.
• Slowly lower the dumbells back to your shoulders and repeat.
• Once you’ve completed your set, lower the dumbells to the floor and then rise up
to a seated position on the ball.
Standing Dumbell Press
How to do it…
• Begin by standing with the dumbells in your hands and at shoulder level.
• Keeping your belly button in and your back straight, press the dumbells towards
the celing.
• Be sure not to lean back or to arch your back.
• Return to the starting position and repeat.
Double Arm Cable Push
How to do it…
• Grab the cables in both hands and assume a lunge position.
• Draw your belly button in and keep your back straight.
• Keeping your torso upright and your weight distributed evenly between both
feet… press the cables forward.
• Slowly retun your arms to the starting position and repeat.
Phase 3 – Power Exercises
Push Press
How to do it…
• Begin with the barbell across the front of your shouders in a “catch” position.
• Quickly dip your hips down and extend explosively.
• The “jump” generated by your hip extension will create enough power for the bar
to fly upwards off of your shoulders.
• Quickly drop your body under the bar and extend your elbows.
• If you are using rubber plates and a platform you can drop the barbell… if you are
at the gym, have fun bringing that bar down!
Explosive Push Ups
How to do it…
• Assume a push up position.
• Quickly lower your body and then explode upwards with your arms.
• Land with extended arms and absorb the shock with your arms by bending at the
Single Arm Cable Push
How to do it…
• Grab a shoulder hight cable with one hand.
• Assume a wide stance with your front foot facing forward and your back foot
facing sideways.
• Draw your belly button in… keep your back straight and initiate the push.
• Integrate your arm push with a twist in your waist and rotatiing the back foot
• Return to the starting position and repeat.
• Do it on both sides.
Phase 1 – Stability Exercises
Single Arm Cable Pull
How to do it…
• Facing the cable machine, grab a cable with an extended arm and in a lunge
position with the opposite leg up.
• Push off of the front leg, rotate your torso, and pull the cable backwards.
• You will end up with the front leg straight and your back leg will carry the load…
as shown above
• Be sure to keep an upright posture and your belly button in.
• Return to the starting position and repeat.
• Do it on both sides.
Bend Over Rows
How to do it…
• Take a shoulder width stance with a barbell held with your hands wider than hip
• Draw your belly button, keep your back straight and lean your torso forward… as
shown above.
• The arms will be haning in front of you… pull the bar towards your rib cage.
• Be sure not to shrug the bar up… keep your back straight and your neck “long”.
Prone Cobra
How to do it…
• Laying face down, pick your chest up off of the floor.
• Rotate your palms outward with your thumbs up.
• Keep your feet on the floor.
• Keep your shoulder blades together without shruging your shoulders.
• Hold for 1-3 minutes.
Phase 2 – Strength Exercises
Bend Over Rows
(See Description In The Stability Section)
When using this exercise to build strength be sure that your form is perfect
and then begin to add resistance… more weight!!
Single Arm Cable Pull
(See Description In The Stability Section)
When using this exercise to build strength be sure that your form is perfect
and then begin to add resistance… more weight!!
Phase 3 – Power Exercises
Hang Clean
How to do it…
• Stand in front of the barbell with the feet shoulder width apart, and grab the bar
slightly outside of your legs.
• Keeping your back straight and your belly button in, explosively “jump” out of the
stance and pull the bar up to below your chin.
• Rotate your elbows under the bar and “catch” the bar on your shoulders… as
shown above.
• Keep your knees slightly flexed.
Low Rope Pulls
How to do it…
• Grab a rope attached to a cable.
• Take a wide, sideways stance.
• Push off of the front leg and pull the rope up to your chest… think of “tug-of-war”
• Return to the starting position and repeat on both sides.
Phase 1 – Stability Exercises
Lower Body Russian Twist
So, how do I do it?
#1. Lay flat on your back with both feet together and raised up toward the sky.
#2. Keeping your upper body flat on the floor and your legs straight slowly lower your
legs to one side of your body.
#3. Using the strength in you abdominals bring your legs back to the original position
and repeat on the opposite side.
Lower Russian Twist On Swiss Ball
So, how do I do it?
#1. Get into a push-up position with bent knees on the Swiss Ball.
#2. Keeping your upper body still rotate your knees to one side using your waist.
#3. Be sure to keep your shoulders over your hands… then rotate your knees to the
opposite side.
Russian Twist
So, how do I do it?
#1. Lay face up on a Swiss Ball with your head and shoulders on the ball, feet flat on the
floor and your hips raised.
#2. Keeping your hips raised (by squeezing your glutes), rotate to one side and then the
other. Begin slowly until you have enough balance to increase the speed.
Phase 2 – Strength Exercises
Cable Wood Chops
How to do it…
• Take a wide stance with the cable at your side above your head.
• Grab the cable with your far hand benieth your near hand.
• Using your legs to initiate the movment, push off of the inside leg and weight shift
to the opposite leg.
• At the same time you are twisting your torso and pulling the cable to the opposite
• Be sure to keep your torso upright and your belly button in.
• Return to the starting position and repeat.
• Do it on both sides.
Cable Reverse Wood Chops
So, how do I do it?
#1. Grab one end of a cable that is positioned low, then take a wide stance a few feet
away from the machine.
#2. Keeping your chest up and your belly button drawn in, shift your weight to the inside
#3. Staying low, shift your weight to the opposite leg and rotate the cable on an upward
angle to the other same side.
#4. Weight shift back to the original position and repeat.
Do it on both sides.
Phase 3 – Power Exercises
Obliqe Toss
So, how do I do it?
#1. You and a partner will stand facing the same way about 5 –8 yards apart.
#2. The first man with the ball will “side toss” the ball towards the second man… the
second man will catch the ball while still facing forward, use the weight of the ball the
“load’ your abdominal muscles as you prepare to throw the ball back to the first guy.
#3. Be sure to keep your chest up and your back straight when catching and throwing
the ball… flexing forward and rotating at the same time can create back injury.
Cable Flexion-Rotation
Refer to chapter 3 for your
“Training Game Plan”.
Chapter 3 Your Training Game Plan
Here are some sample “Game Plans” for you to follow. Each is designed to
evoke a particular response. For example some are designed for maximum fat
loss while others are for gaining weight. Each plan also comes with a 6-week
“periodization” and a training log (at the end of the chapter) so that you can track
your progress.
Feel free to print copies of these programs and take them to the gym with you.
There is a blank program at the end of this section so that you can create your
own also.
Understanding Training Variables
The following programs look like they may have been written in hieroglyphics…
the real reason for the complex look of the programs is for simplicity. All
parameters are laid out for you so that you can follow the program to the letter.
Remember, these are only examples of effective programs… feel free to design
your program to meet your specific needs and goals.
Here is an explanation of each one of the parameters in the programs:
When designing your exercise program you need to be aware of training
variables… things like how fast you move, how long you rest between sets, how
many reps and sets all have a profound effect on the type of response you will
get. This section will help you understand each variable and how to manipulate
them to give you the results you desire.
Rest – The amount of time that you take between sets or circuits.
If you are looking to burn fat or improve your cardiovascular strength, then it is
important to take short rest periods between your exercises. 0-30 seconds rest
will allow for a maximum fat burn and cardio response.
If you are looking to add strength then you will want to rest a bit longer. Because
you are using heavier weights you must allow your muscles to recover fully from
set to set. The typical rest period for building strength is about 2 mins.
When doing explosive / power exercises it is critical that you allow adequate time
for your nervous system to recover. This can take anywhere from 2-5 mins.
Many folks will feel that their muscles are ready to perform another set within this
time but when they attempt the exercise, their form suffers. This happens
because it takes longer for the nervous system to recover than the muscles.
Intensity – How much weight or resistance you use with each set.
In this book I have used the “form principle” to determine the intensity. You will
notice a notation such as “-2” in the intensity boxes. This means that you are
going to choose a weight that you can do the prescribed amount of reps for and
stop 2 reps before your form starts to bream.
For example, lets say that we are doing dumbbell presses for 8-10 reps. I’ve
chosen 80 pound dumbbells (because I’m a strong SOB). I begin pressing and
get 6 reps… at this point my form starts to waver, my elbows are buckling and
my back is too rounded. So I stop. I only got 6 reps and I was supposed to get 8
–10 … the weight I chose was too heavy. So next set I grab 65 pound dumbbells
and press it 8 times before I feel like I only have 2 “good” reps left. I have fulfilled
my obligation of 8 reps and I had 2 reps “room to spare”. This is done for safety.
It is especially important for beginners not to train to “failure”… by the time most
inexperienced guys in the gym reach “failure” they look like they are having
seizures. It is dangerous and counter productive.
Reps – The amount of times that you perform an exercise.
To get a maximum strength response you will generally use 4-8 reps. to create
power your reps will be low also… usually between 3-6. To build muscle mass
you will do 8-12 reps and to build endurance you will perform 12-20 reps.
Tempo – The pace at which you perform an exercise.
You will be given either a FAST, MODERATE or, SLOW tempo. Fast is done as
quickly as you can with good form. Moderate means to move at a natural pace.
Slow means that you will be moving like you are in molasses.
You may also be given a number tempo. For example “212” this means that you
will move for 2 seconds, pause for 1 second and, move in the opposite direction
for 2 seconds. 212.
Power movements are typically done fast or “XOX” and strength movements are
done slower.
Sets – The completed number of reps prescribed.
If you are going to perform 12 reps of lunges and have completed all 12… then
you have done 1 set. You will notice that the sets in the programs look like “1-3”
this means that in the beginning you may only be able to perform 1 set but, as
you get stronger you will aim for more sets… up to 3. Each workout should be
better than you last.
The First Bite (beginners program) –
Use this program if you are completely new to exercise. If you suffer from
muscular skeletal pain, chronic illness or, are severely stressed… this is an
example of a program that you should start with.
1. Chi Gung Toe touch
in Primal Life Chapter
2. Scoop The Sea
in Primal Life Chapter
3. Push Hands
in Primal Life Chapter
The purpose of this program is to establish a foundation for your renewed
health program. It is intended to pump oxygen rich blood to the muscles and
organs; this will also contribute to a lowered stress level.
Perform your stretching program prior to training for best results.
This program is safe to do on a daily basis… include 20 mins of walking
everyday as well.
Remember, it is essential to begin with this program if your health is less than
optimal. In your, case less is more! Resist the temptation to skip this phase for
the higher intensity programs… you will not get the results you are after and may
even make your health worse. The Primal Edge is about balance.
Other alternatives to this program for beginners are Yoga, Tai Chi and Chi Gung.
These ancient exercise modalities will evoke the same response. Be sure to
choose an instructor who is in tune with your specific needs. There are lots of
“certified” teachers out there, but only a few are truly qualified. You owe it to
yourself to find a good teacher!
The Ball Is Rolling (intermediate program) –
Once you have a well-balanced nervous system and are free of any debilitating
injuries… feel free to try this program. Be sure to do all of your prescribed
stretches prior to training.
1. Swiss Ball Squat
2. Prone Jack Knife
3. Forward Ball Roll
4. Swiss Ball Side
5. Prone Cobra
10 ea.
5 sec.
6. Tummy Vacuum
10 sec.
30 sec.
10 sec.
This program is designed to improve core strength and stability. The Swiss
Ball exercises are challenging and will require a ton of concentration… you
will be teaching your mind and body to work together!
Be sure to use a Dura Ball Pro with all of the Swiss Ball exercises – available
at www.elliotthulse.com
Perform this program every other day… include 20 mins of walking daily as
Continue this program for 4-6 weeks before progressing.
3rd Gear (The Full Program)
Many people will begin with this program. Use this program if you are injury free
and have some exercise experience.
3rd Gear Program A
1. Alternating Lunges
2. Back Squats
3. Single arm cable pull
4. Reverse cable wood
15 ea.
5. Standing Dumbbell
6. Prone Jack knife
Slow /
7. Swiss Ball Crunch
2 Sec
Be sure to stretch prior to training.
3rd Gear Program B
1. Dead lifts
2. Bend over DB rows
3. Swiss Ball Bench
4. Supine lateral ball
3s. hold
5. Supine hip
extension Back on Ball
Slow /
6. Prone Cobra
7. Lower Abdominal
Be sure to stretch prior to training.
6 Week “3rd Gear” Periodization
Pro. A
Stretch &
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Stretch &
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Stretch &
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Stretch &
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Stretch &
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Stretch &
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Cardio in this program refers to short (1-5 minute) intervals of high intensity
movements such as: skipping rope, stair climber, biking, sprints, etc. For a total
of 30-40 minutes.
Upon completion of this phase proceed to one of the following advanced
Get Big (hypertrophy)
The following three programs are for advanced trainers only. The integrate
many of the functional exercises from the previous programs with bodybuilder
type exercises and parameters.
Get Big Program A
1. Alternating Lunge
w/ Resistance
2. Back Squats
3. Standing Dumbbell
4. Reverse cable wood
10 ea.
5. Standing Barbell
6. Prone Jack knife
Slow /
7. Reverse Swiss Ball
2 Sec
Be sure to stretch prior to training.
Get Big Program B
1. Dead lifts
2. Bend Over Row
3. Double Arm Cable
4. Swiss Ball Bench
5. Seated Cable Rows
6. Triceps Dips
7. Pike
Be sure to stretch prior to training.
6 Week “Get Big” Periodization
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Cardio in this program refers to short (1-5 minute) intervals of high intensity
movements such as: skipping rope, stair climber, biking, sprints, etc. For a total
of 30-40 minutes.
Alternate 6 weeks of this program with 3-6 weeks of the following “Super
Strength” program for best results yearlong. Be sure to take 1 week off between
phases to prevent over training.
Maximum Strength (super strong)
Maximum Strength Program A
1. Back Squats
3. Standing Dumbbell
4. Dumbbell Lateral
5. Triceps Dips
2. Dead Lifts
6. Weighted Swiss Ball
Be sure to stretch prior to training.
Maximum Strength Program B
1. Bend Over Rows
4. Incline Dumbbell
Bench Press
5. Standing Barbell
6. Swiss Ball Reverse
2. Flat Bench Press
3. Seated Cable Rows
Be sure to stretch prior to training.
6 Week “Super Strong” Periodization
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Cardio in this program refers to short (1-5 minute) intervals of high intensity
movements such as: skipping rope, stair climber, biking, sprints, etc. For a total
of 30-40 minutes.
Fat Incinerator (Muscle Definition Circuits)
This program is designed using circuits. This means that you will be performing
exercises back to back with minimal rest in-between… this will evoke a maximum
fat loss response!!
Fat Incinerator Program A
1. Walking Lunges
2. Back squats
3. Low Rope Pulls
20 ea.
Slow /
4. Reverse cable wood
20 ea.
Slow /
5. Standing Dumbbell
6. Prone Jack knife
5s. hold
7. Low Abdominal
* - Active Recovery – skipping rope, stair climbers, bike, step ups … 1-2 mins.
Fat Incinerator Program B
1. Squat Push Press
2. Bend over rows
3. Swiss Ball Bench
4. Single Arm Cable
20 ea.
5. Upper Body
Russian Twist
6. Pike
7. Swiss Ball Reverse
* - Active Recovery - skipping rope, stair climbers, bike, step ups … 1-2 mins.
6 Week “Fat Incinerator” Periodization
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Explode (Sports Specific / Power)
This program is designed to create speed of movement and power.
Explode Program A
1. Ball Back Toss
2. Power Cleans
3. Single Arm Cable
4. Explosive Push Ups
5. Double Arm Cable
6. Prone Bridge
2 mins
4-6 ea.
Be sure to stretch prior to training.
Explode Program B
1. Alternating Split
Jumps w/ Twist
2. Barbell Snatch
3. Squat Push-Press
4. Low Rope Pulls
5. Dead Lifts
6. Lower Russian
Twist on Swiss Ball
2 mins
Be sure to stretch prior to training.
6 Week “Explode” Periodization
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
Pro. A
Pro. B
Stretch &
& Rest
Cardio in this program refers to short (1-5 minute) intervals of high intensity
movements such as: skipping rope, stair climber, biking, sprints, etc. For a total
of 30-40 minutes.
Blank Program Sheets
Program A
Be sure to stretch prior to training.
Program B
Be sure to stretch prior to training.
6 Week Periodization
Chapter 4. The Primal Life
The Evil Stressors
Stress is a part of life, it has always been. You may think that Primal Man had it
real easy… he had no deadlines to meet, he didn’t have a jerk-off boss to answer
to and, if his loincloth went out of style he would just walk naked!
The truth is, life wasn’t easy back then either. If an angry buffalo wasn’t chasing
Primal Man he was probably digging deep ditches just to find water. Life has
never been meant to be easy.
There are many different types of stressors. What is of great importance is
how we deal with them.
For example, if my Navy Seal friend and me were both sitting in a restaurant and
a psycho walks in with an automatic weapon demanding everyone’s money… I
would crap my pants. But, my Navy Seal friend would be calm, cool and
collected. He would probably be looking around for spoon or something to
quickly remove the bad guy’s eyes with.
Realize that it is not the stressor that is the problem, but how the “stressee” deals
with the situation. Many times we create our own stress… and it is totally
In this section we are going to explore:
• The several different types of stressors to be aware of
• What happens to your body when you get stressed out… and it is not
• What you can do to keep your stress levels low and your vitality high!
Where Is All This Damn Stress Coming From?
Physical StressPhysical stress is stress imposed on your body by intrinsic (inside you) or
extrinsic forces (outside you). In this section we will consider extrinsic stress
Physical stress is good for you when it comes in the from of exercises that are
appropriate for you. We need this type of stress to keep our bones sturdy, our
muscles strong and solid and our metabolism functioning properly.
Your age, fitness level and overall stress levels determine the amount and types
of exercises that you should perform. If you are exercising for improved strength,
health and vitality it is essential that you base the intensity that you choose
accordingly. It is very easy to over do a good thing.
Exercise becomes a bad stress when you over exercise or exercise with an
already stressed out body. When you over exercise or exercise under stress you
put yourself at risk for having: Suppressed Immunity, Fat Gain, Risk of Injury,
Sympathetic Overload (explained later) and Chronic Fatigue.
If you find that you feel worse during or after exercise or if you know that you
have a stressed out system it is recommended that you perform the De-Stressing
exercises described later in this chapter.
Chemical StressThere are thousands of chemical reactions happening inside out body that is
good for us, this is good chemical stress. An example of a good chemical
reaction in our body is when you weight train and in response to the exercise
your body releases anabolic hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone,
DHEA and meletonin.
There are tons of great chemicals in the form of enzymes, proteins and fats in
organic foods.
The bad for of chemical stress is super obvious and evident. Today we are
constantly bombarded with tons of chemical pollutants that our bodies cannot
synthesize. Our physiology is just not designed to tolerate this crap.
These pollutants come to us in the form of medical drugs, pesticides, herbicides,
food additives, preservatives… chemical pollutants are in our air and water, and
we can’t escape them! In fact, if you have a brand new car… you know that
smell? Well that is a chemical pollutant and it is making you sick, just pay
attention! Many of our health problems and lack of vitality today is linked to this
bombardment of toxic chemicals.
Electromagnetic Stress (EMG)There is electro magnetism coming from the sun… this is good stress. It helps
us stay strong and vital, and regulates our biological rhythms. I don’t need to go
into the amazing benefits of the suns power; it’s just safe to say that it is a good
stress. And to all of you “sun haters” out there, understand that you’ve got to get
some sun… it is essential. The trick is not to get burned, don’t sun bathe. Also,
if you are eating the right types of fats in your diet and avoiding processed foods,
your body will be 100 times more skin cancer resistant.
Electromagnetic stress becomes a burden when it comes in the form of unnatural
radiation. Examples of this type of EMG are over exposure to X-Rays - most
people know this, but you must also recognize low levels of radiation that are
being emitted by your television, cell phone and computer. Overexposure to
these types of EMG can lead to a ton of health problems including some types of
Mental StressYou are as you think. This is one of my favorite topics and is covered in greater
detail in “The Primal Mind” section of this book.
You can literally change you life with the proper mental stress. Using your mind
to set and achieve goals and, overcome obstacles is good stress. This type of
good mental stress is essential if we are to grow into well-adjusted individuals.
Mental stimulation has also been linked with the prevention of many neurological
diseases. Use it or lose it!
Thinking can also destroy your life and all of your efforts to reach your true
potential. Focusing of negative things will not only cause severe mental stress
but will also bring into your life all of those negative things that you are worrying
about. “Whatever you focus on will manifest itself in your life”… or your outer
world is a mirror reflection of your inner world.
Taking on more responsibility than you can handle, money issues, relationships,
verbal abuse from others and religious conditioning can all create mental stress.
Nutritional Stress
This is the type of stress that is imposed on your digestive system when you eat
food. Granted that you are eating right for your metabolic type (chapter 2) and
your food is free of toxins… is good stress.
Problems with nutritional stress occur when you over-eat, under-eat, eat the
wrong balance of foods for your metabolic type or eat foods that are high in
herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. Also avoid “non-foods” or processed
foods. Read the Primal Nutrition chapter for more info.
The list you’ve just read is quite short, but contains most of the possible stresses
that you will face throughout your life. It is essential that we recognize these
stresses and keep them under control.
How Does Stress Affect My Primal Edge?
Lets take a trip back to your sophomore year in high school… the class is human
So, there is a branch of your central nervous system called your Autonomic
Nervous System (ANS). Your ANS is responsible for all of the nervous
functions that you don’t have to think about. This includes hart rate, digestion,
the release of hormones, breathing and sweating… among many other things.
Within your ANS you have two opposing branches… your Sympathetic (SNS)
and Parasympathetic (PSN) Nervous Branches. Each branch acts as two ends
of a seesaw. As one side is stimulated the other side is suppressed.
← The 2 sides of your ANS
Nervous Branch Sy
Parasympathetic Nervous
Branch - PNS
“Fight or Flight”
“Rest & Digest”
Catabolic or “tissue
Anabolic or “tissue
building & repair
Suppression of
Growth & Repair
Releases Sex and
Growth Hormones
Adrenaline & Cortisol
Testosterone, DHEA,
Growth Hormone
Inhibits Digestion
Improved Digestion and
Assimilation of Nutrients
Increase Heart Rate &
Decreased Blood
Over stimulation
Results in Chronic
Fatigue, Premature
Aging, Disease &
Stimulation Results in
an unleashing of The
Primal Edge!!!
As you can see both sides have their benefits… the SNS stimulates adrenaline
and cortisol. Both of these hormones are essential for getting you up and going in
the morning and giving you energy in a stressful situation (think about being
chased by an angry baboon!)
The PNS releases anabolic and sex hormones such as testosterone and growth
hormone… your body’s own natural source of steroids!
The problem is that most people have a severe imbalance between theses
two branches. It is this imbalance that makes us ill, tired, fat and old! – The
great thing is that in a few minutes I will show you how you can fix this imbalance
So if you haven’t figured it out yet… many of us are Sympathetically
Overloaded – this means that our SNS is over stimulated and in turn we are in a
constant state of fight or flight. When in this type of predicament, you can rest
assured that all of the anabolic hormones that are associated with the PNS are
This leads to:
Decreased Strength & Vitality
Poor Concentration
Chronic Fatigue
Foggy Headedness
Decreased Sex Drive
Night Sweats
Orgasm / Genital Inhibition
Waking Un-Rest
Fungal Infection
Digestive Disorders
Rashes & Skin Problems
Decreased Immunity
Increased Risk For Injury
Poor Sleeping Patterns – Wake Up With Cold Sweats
An Overall Loss In You Capacity To Realize Your True Potential &
Unleash The Primal Edge!!
Does any of this sound familiar to you? If you are experiencing 2 or more of the
symptoms described above… you suffer from an imbalance and need to read
this chapter VERY carefully!
You can take all of the supplements, eat healthy organic diet, exercise regularly
and still be getting nowhere. This is due to a fundamental issue that has not
been addressed… balancing your nervous system. If your nervous system is
dysfunctional – so is everything else!
So, How Did I Get Like This?
The simple answer is poor lifestyle and nutrition choices… you eat shitty food,
don’t drink enough water, your wife pisses you off, your boss is a jerk, you don’t
get to sleep on time and don’t get enough sleep, you abuse alcohol and caffeine
Do you want me to go on?
Like it or not - You’ve dug this hole…
Excessive Stress Hormones Are Secreted Because Of:
Financial Stress
Poor Food Quality
Eating Wrong For Your Metabolic Type
Relationship Problems
Sex Problems
A Toxic Environment
Dirty Air
Chlorinated Water
Poor Sleeping Patterns
Negative Thoughts, Words and Deeds
Improper Exercise Application
So, What Can I Do?
1. What Is Stressing Your Out? – If you figure this out you half way there.
Most of your primary stresses will probably come from Security (survival,
financial) Sustenance, or Sex.
2. Do Something About It – I can hear you “Elliott, don’t you think I would
have already done something about this crazy wife and credit card bills?”
NO, you haven’t done anything because you have not set it as a goal and
you have not made a plan for its accomplishment…. Otherwise it would no
longer be a stressor.
Remember, “Same Old = Same Old” – it is not until YOU decide to take
decisive action to rid yourself of the primary stressors in your life that they
will go away. It is no one else’s responsibility!
And you MUST do this! I really don’t want to hear any of the tired old
excuses that people use in order to continue living their sick, sad,
dysfunctional lives. Drastic results call for drastic measures… just do it!
3. Eat Right – Make sure that you are adequately prepared to deal with
stress by filling your body with nutritious foods. Drink plenty of water. Eat
more fats and proteins during stressful times. Take a Cod Liver Oil
Supplement. Avoid toxic foods and processed foods. Eat right for your
metabolic type.
If I sound like a broken record – it is because I cannot over emphasize the
importance of fueling your system properly.
It is when you are most stressed out that you need the most nutritious
foods… it is also the time when junk food seems most appealing, be
4. Exercise, Properly! – Over exercising, particularly aerobic exercises can
cause more damage than good. In fact, “over-aerobicizing “ can lead to
an increase in catabolic hormones (remember the SNS) such as Cortisol
and Glucocordicoids.
Make sure that you include sufficient anaerobic exercises into your
program. This would include weight training (less than 60 minutes at a
time) and “The Primal Breath” exercises found later I this chapter. In fact,
if you are feeling really stressed out – The Primal Breath exercises will
reduce you stress levels and rebalance your nervous system!
5. Sleep – Covered later in this chapter.
6. Think Right – The power of your thoughts shape your life. You literally
are what you think. Regular mind exercises like meditation help you to
“see through the clouds” of your life. Also there are many mind power
techniques that you can use to keep your mind focused on the things that
you want, and off of the things that you don’t want.
Using daily affirmations is a powerful tool… its like purposely planting
flowers in the garden of your mind. And remember, if you don’t plant
flowers your garden will fill up with weeds by default!
There is no doubt that today we are living in an extremely toxic world. Our air is
toxic, our water is toxic and our food is toxic. This all adds up to us - toxic
One of the reasons we lack vitality is because our body is so busy reducing the
toxic load that we encounter as a result of pollution and our toxic habits.
So what does this all mean for you?
It is estimated that someone eating an average diet and drinking unfiltered tap
water is likely to be exposed to at least 200 different synthetic chemicals every
This is a hell of a big job for the liver to take care of. Not only does your poor
liver have to detoxify you from all of the things that you have no control over, but
it has to pick up some extra work because of your toxic habits (junk food, alcohol,
smoking, drugs) not to mention all of the medical drugs that we are taking! –
Most of which are unnecessary.
So what happens to all of this garbage if the liver can’t handle it all?
Glad you asked… because this is this situation that we are in.
Your liver can only handle so much detoxifying. Once he reaches his threshold
he starts to pass of the burden off to the others.
Excessive toxins end up in your blood stream leading to all types of fun things
Autoimmune Disorders
Rashes and Skin Problems (Acne)
Joint Problems
Chronic Fatigue
Bad Breath
And best of all…
If your liver gets backed up with all of the paperwork he just puts it away for later
That’s right… if your liver has too much work to do, he will put the excess in your
fat cells for later. The great thing is that once your fat cells are housing this stuff
your body will do anything it can to prevent this fat from mobilizing!
If you were to try and lose fat, these toxins would re-enter the blood stream and
could cause some serious damage to your organs. So your genius body will
make it really hard for you to lose that fat… it’s for your own good!
So, this all sounds really sucky huh…. but there is something that you can do
about it!
Avoid Toxic Behaviors…Taa Daa!
1. Eat Organic Foods – they are free of toxic pesticides, herbicides and
2. Avoid Tap Water- Someone once told me that tap water is the most
dangerous food on earth! It is loaded with all types of great stuff like
chlorine, waste products, pharmaceuticals (that’s right granny’s fungus
pills), heavy metals and so much more!
3. Check Your Home – Your home can be the most toxic place in your
universe. If you use toxic cleaning materials (chlorine, etc.), has a new
carpet, a swimming pool / whirlpool, or an attached garage with a door
leading directly into your home… you may have a toxic home!
4. Drink Lots Of Healthy Water – (discussed in a previous chapter) “The
Best Solution To Pollution Is Dilution”.
5. Remove Yourself Immediately From Toxic Environments – Bars
where people smoke (not in New York), Traffic Jams (just get on your
“Jetson’s” shuttle and fly away!) Construction Sites, Newly Painted
Rooms, Garages, even New Car Smell is toxic!
You Are Getting Sleepy
We are designed to rise and fall with the sun. It’s as simple as that! It has
been this way since man first immerged on this planet. For perhaps tens-ofthousands of years we were in tuned with the light and dark cycles of day and
Our hormones are released based on the positions of the sun. When the
sun rises and light touches our skin we naturally secrete adrenaline and cotisol;
stress/activating hormones that give us energy. This is great because we need
an boost to get us going in the morning.
At about mid-day adrenaline and cortisol begins to decrease and level out. At
about 6 pm we begin to secrete anabolic hormones such as testosterone, growth
hormone and meletonin. Doesn’t that sound like a nice stack of steroids that you
would like to receive to unleash that primal urge bottled up inside you!!
Well, guess what? Your body should produce these steroids…. naturally and
for free.
People always ask me “Elliott, how is it that you have such big muscles and a
lean body and haven’t use any steroids.” They assume that I’m either doing
something illegal or they just dismiss it by saying it’s my genetics. The truth is
that I just follow the laws of nature and nature blesses me with its rewards.
Sound crazy?
Back to the science.
Once the sun is down your body’s natural inclination is to have completely
reduced the stress/activating hormones and spiked your anabolic/building
hormones. By 10:30 you should be well on your way to dreamland.
This scenario is the perfect recipe for unleashing the Primal Edge. By following
your inherent biological daily clock you will experience:
More Energy
Better Focus and Concentration
Improved Physical Repair
Improved Mental / Psychological Repair
Less Aches & Pains
Better Memory
Brighter Skin & Eyes
Better Sex
Improved Attitude & Behavior
It’s like stacking Anti-Depressants, Viagra, ADD Meds, and
Amphetamines… NATURALLY!
Your Body Works Perfectly, You’ve Just Got To Learn
How To Use It!
“Elliott, I have been going to bed after 12am for 7 years now… I can’t change, it’s
just the way I am.”
First of all, that is bullshit. It is not the way that you are… you have just trained
yourself into Comfortable Dysfunction. Comfortable Dysfunction is a problem
that the majority of our population suffers from. If you only remembered what
your body felt like at 19 years old you would realize that your life is not all that it
could be.
Anyway, this is what you need to do to re-establish your natural circadian
1. Avoid Stimulants – Especially after 2pm. Most of us are dead tired at
around 4 pm. This is a natural reaction from being totally devitalized and
having a dysfunctional sleeping pattern. Having a cup of java at 4pm to
get your “edge” back is a recipe for long-term disaster. If you are addicted
(then toughen up) create a plan to slowly reduce the amount of caffeine
that you consume. You must do this, take action now or you will be
paying for a long time! Search the term “adrenal fatigue”.
2. Get Your Head on the Pillow By 10:30pm – Close your eyes and count
the sheep. Don’t think about getting to bed at 10:30, you should be down
for the count by then.
3. Turn The Lights Down Low – (A Bob Marley song for those of you who
love reggae) At least 2 hours before hitting the sack make sure that you
dim the lights in your house, turn the TV off, get off of the computer and,
even light a few candles… it will get you in the mood!
4. Keep Light Off Of Your Skin – Make sure the room you sleep in is
completely dark. Light touching your skin activates stress hormones.
5. Follow All of the Nutritional Guidelines in the Previous Chapter –
Especially drinking enough water and eating right for your metabolic type.
6. Exercise – Try to train in the morning, when the activating hormones are
highest. Otherwise you can risk disrupting the cycle. Also, if you are
stressed out – follow the exercise program in the Primal Breath section of
this chapter.
The Primal Urge
You’re the essence of sex… everything about you is some how related to sex,
we are sexual beings. Being able to procreate and contribute to the survival of
our species is of the utmost importance. It’s the same way for us as it is for all of
the Earth’s creatures.
Although we tend to associate sex with a myriad of social conditionings and
emotions - good or bad depending on your conditioning… there is only one
reason why you get the Primal Urge. To make more people!
Nature is abundant and seeks abundance but nature also seeks and demands
Lets take a quick look at our modern farming practices as it related to our ability
to maintain a healthy sex drive and procreate.
We have already established that modern farming practices have devitalized and
destroyed the potency of our planets soils (female). Also, the seeds (male) that
are planted, and produced from the devitalized soils, are of poor quality as well.
So when we plant these weak seeds (male) in the devitalized soil (female) we get
crops that are susceptible to disease and parasites… essentially these are weak
crops. Remember, nature demands perfection!
Due to the weak genetic structure of these crops, Mother Nature signals
parasites and pests to destroy them. This is NOT the case with healthy crops
grown with strong seeds and vital soil.
Well, being the genius’ that we are… we don’t change and improve our farming
practices – we spray the crops so that these inferior organisms can survive and
Let’s come back to us… granted that we understand that we are under the same
natural laws as the crops, it is safe to say that we are headed for trouble.
NO, we are in trouble…BIG TROUBLE!
Since abandoning our natural ways to adopt our current dysfunctional nutrition
and lifestyle habits we have gotten very weak. We are sicker, sadder and fatter
than ever before in human history.
Remember Dr. Price (Chapter 2) and his studies of “uncorrupted” societies in the
1930’s? These people we happy, healthy and vital. The knew no word for
cancer! This is the true expression of what it means to be human.
Anyway, like the weak and sick crops created from the devitalized soils – we too
are prime targets for pests, parasites and disease… most of us are made from
weak, malnourished seeds and soil.
If this is too hard to swallow or if I am hitting a sore spot for some of you, accept
my apologies… it is not my intention to hurt your feelings but to shed some light
on an under appreciated topic.
Let me give you one more example of how this holds true.
Dr. Francis M Pottenger has done several studies to determine the effects of
nutrition on the health of various organisms. His most popular study included
extensive research on 3-4 generations of cats.
Dr. Pottenger began with a single generation of healthy cats. He split the group
in to two.
Group #1 he fed the natural diet of unprocessed (raw) milk and raw meat.
Group #2 he fed processed milk (got milk?) and that cereal garbage that most
people give to their animals.
In the first generation of this study, Dr. Price noted the decreased immunity and
susceptibly to sickness of Group #2. Also, group #1 displayed a much more
vibrant and vital attitude – they were even friendlier towards each other.
In the following generation of cats, Dr. Price noticed a dramatic increase in birth
defects and disease in the cats of group #2.
Now here is the real interesting part, by the third generation of feeding the cats
processed, devitalized foods the cats’ in-group #2 were becoming sterile!
The cats were having a hard time making babies…. Sound familiar?
We are having a serious issue with infertility today… just look at all of the fertility
clinics popping up. If you are not having a hard time having children, I am sure
you know someone who is!
Oh! And guess what? – We are ALSO in our 3rd generation of people eating an
abundance of processed, packaged, devitalized garbage!!! – It is just too creepy.
So anyway, Dr. Pottenger’s clinical observations (he was a physician as well)
suggested that similar results occur in humans. – Read Pottengers Cats,
available at www.price-pottenger.org.
OK, I hear you… Elliott I thought this section was about sex, you know… my
Primal Urge. Why the hell are you telling me about plants and cats?!
Well, here is how this all relates to you and your sex drive.
First of all, as we stated earlier nature demands perfection. Don’t argue with
me… the signs are obvious. Just look at the crops and cats… we are no
Let’s look at the acute and most immediate causes for your lack of sex drive:
Nature wants you to make more of yourself (survival of the species)… but, if
Nature perceives that you cannot even take care of yourself – she sure as hell
isn’t going to give you the “go-ahead” to procreate.
“You can’t even feed yourself properly, you are tired and stressed out - NO WAY
am I going to activate the mechanisms for you to procreate.” Says Momma
Nature. – And down goes your sex drive!
Why have sex when you are only going to create weak, sick organisms that you
cannot even care for? -This is Natures rationale, she seeks perfection!
Sure, we still have sex anyway… all you need to do is take a little blue pill or rub
some cream on Mr. Pecker and you’re primed and ready to go! – But the side
effects are obvious… we are creating a weaker race of humans.
It is VERY common for our children (if you can even have any) to be born
deformed. I don’t mean the obviously crippled - deformed (although we see that
too), I mean the kind that we see everyday.
Remember, prior to the 1930’s Dr. Weston A Price (a dentist, discussed in
chapter 2) did not see very many children who needed braces. What he called
“facial deformities” only took hold of American children when we began the use of
so many processed and devitalized foods.
Think about it… your mouth, it is meant for eating. If anything goes wrong with
the mechanisms that are associated with our ability to eat – we are in trouble.
We cannot survive if we don’t eat.
Now, look at our children… without braces (a modern innovation) they could
possibly have complications with mastication and ultimately, the digestion and
assimilation of nutrition! – This is the same generation that is now having
problems having babies.
Mother Nature seeks perfection and tries to get rid of weak organisms.
So to establish perfection Mother Nature employed the following list of priorities
that must be met in order for an organism to be deemed strong enough to
3 Primal Priorities (Sex Sucks If These Aren’t Met):
#1. De-Stress – First in order of de-stressing your physiology for improved sex
drive, is that your most primal needs must be met! Safety, Security and
Sustenance must all be established.
If your body-mind is busy worrying about your safety, your security and
sustenance there is not enough energy left over for increasing your sex drive.
Also, Nature knows that if you are in danger (fight or flight), insecure, and cannot
sustain yourself then you should not procreate.
“So, Elliott… what’s the big deal – I have food and shelter, I’m safe and secure,
why does my sex drive still suck?”
Are You Really? Well, let’s take a look at how safe, secure and sustained you
truly are.
Although you have “food” (notice the quotes) and shelter, do you really feel safe
and secure? If you have been paying attention to the television (you know that
black box that “educates” 90% of Americans) then you are NOT safe, secure and
you CAN NOT sustain yourself.
First of all, you can’t even afford the Jaguar / BMW that you MUST have in order
to be considered socially acceptable… because of this you have no “Primal
Association” – You don’t belong, you are not secure!
Is your security system working… it better be, because there is a guy wearing a
black winter cap looking through your window right now. Also, don’t you know
that the “Terror Alert” is ORANGE! This means that some crazy religious martyr
may drive a truck full of explosives into your living room! YOU ARE NOT SAFE.
(obviously I am being sarcastic).
And forget about sustenance – ask yourself if the last meal you ate was really
food. If you read chapter 2 you know that 90% of the “food” consumed in the US
is processed…. It is not food! You are malnourished.
I know that I am ranting, but I want you to know that this is just the tip of the
iceberg… Understand that unless you are feeling safe, secure and are providing
your body with true sustenance, you will have a sucky sex drive.
So What Can I Do To “De-Stress” for sex? Since my personal calling is to help people fulfill their potential and not scare you
to death let me give you some pointers on lower your stress levels and improve
your sex drive (also covered a few sections ago)
1. Meditate, Pray (practice your religion or find a new one if you don’t like
yours), Find Quite-Time to Reflect.
2. Eat Right & Drink Right. (Chapter 2)
3. Train Hard & Rest Hard (chapter 5)
4. Live A Life of Passion (chapter 4)
Sure, this is my short answer… but you’ve heard it all before!
#2. Nervous & Tissue Repair – #1 De-Stressing… is in your control. You
decide how to go about that. Once you’ve set the wheels in motion, be it good or
bad – it is out of your control.
Nervous and tissue repair only take course when you are de-stressed… it’s
second on the list of priorities.
So, if you are having a hard time losing weight & building muscles, with focus
and concentration or, if you have low immunity – these are all a result of the first
priority not being met.
And finally…
#3. Finally… Sex & Procreation – It is only when you have fulfilled the
requirements of priority #1 and you have a healthy and fully functional musculoskeletal and nervous system (#2) that you will have a super charged sex drive!
The Primal Breath
Watch a baby breathe… what do you notice?
Their chest never moves, he breathes with his belly. Only his belly moves… up
and down with each breath. Like a pump.
Watch an old man breathe, or even better, a dying man… what do you notice?
His belly doesn’t move, he’s breathing with his neck! Watch as he struggles with
each shallow breath. You’ll wonder if he is even getting any oxygen.
Now, you breathe… take a deep breath. Go ahead, do it.
I will bet that 90% of you just took a big chest breath – half way between the
belly (baby) and the neck (dying man). So, good news… you’re half way there.
Half way dead.
Babies, who are new to this world and unconditioned, know how to breathe…
properly. You have forgotten.
And this forgetfulness will land you in deep shit.
You are designed to take deep, nourishing breaths that expand the belly and
pump you full of the most critical, life-giving nutrient… oxygen.
When did you forget how to breathe?
The first time you heard the word NO.
This word is our introduction to fear… your parents are to blame (remember that
when you are on the Oprah show).
Whenever you were doing something that your parents deemed inappropriate,
they told you no. You heard this and immediately stopped breathing… your
breathing became shallow.
You think I’m full of it?
Watch yourself.
Next time you are walking in the street and someone who makes you
uncomfortable passes by, watch what happens to your breathing.
Or when you are watching the news, the end of an exciting game or a scary
movie… watch your breath.
It stops or gets shallow… just pay attention next time!
Why does this happen?
When you are under stress, you get a sympathetic response from your nervous
system. If you remember, a sympathetic response is one that puts you into the
“fight or flight” state or Sympathetic Overload. This is an Autonomic Nervous
Dysfunction that the majority of Americans live with day in and day out.
The symptoms associated with Fight or Flight / Sympathetic Overload are:
Increased Heart Rate
Increased Respiratory Rate
Dilation of the Pupils
Long term this leads to …
Poor Digestion
Poor Sleep Quality
Night Sweats
Orgasm / Genital Inhibition
Waking Un-Rest
Muscle Tension
Inflammatory Conditions
Increased Susceptibility to Infection
I was even told once, by a very respected practitioner in the field of natural
health… that 75% of all illness can be traced back to improper breathing
The amazing thing is… this is all under your control. You decide how you
breathe and therefore control your nervous system!!!
This is incredible!
By simply learning to breathe and practicing it daily you can literally reverse all of
the damage done you having an imbalanced Autonomic Nervous System (refer
to the section on stress).
So how do I do it?
What a great question!
I am going to teach you a simple exercise that you can perform daily to improve
your breathing skills.
If you found that you are a chest breather… this exercise is essential. If you
know how to belly breathe, this exercise will re-balance your nervous system,
give you more energy, reduce your stress, and act as a reminder to breathe
properly on an ongoing basis.
This is also a great exercise to perform periodically throughout the day,
especially when you find yourself in a stressful situation.
It’s so simple that even cartoon characters use this exercise… remembers when
Elmer Fudd would get pissed off at Bugs?
He got all red! But, because he knew this exercise he would stop, breathe, count
to ten and, slowly… you could watch as the red slowly made its way down his
body until he was normal again.
I’m going to teach you Elmer’s Secret:
Belly Breathing Exercise
1. First, find yourself a quite, comfortable location that you will not be
interrupted… then lie face up on the floor with your body completely
relaxed and limp.
2. Close your eyes and place both of your hands on your belly directly below
your belly button.
3. Inhale and pay attention to where you are expanding… is it your neck,
chest or belly. Exhale.
4. Now, you are going to inhale again but this time put a little pressure on
your belly with your hands… try to push your hands up with your belly
when you inhale.
NOTE: This may be very difficult for you to do… don’t become frustrated, just
relax and try again.
5. When you exhale, put a little more pressure on your belly with your
hands… as if you were squeezing the air out of a balloon.
6. Inhale again and imagine that your belly is a balloon and you are filling it
up with air… exhale and empty the balloon once again.
7. Repeat for a minimum of 10 reps but do as many as you feel fit.
Once you have mastered this exercise you can use the same technique to
perform the following “Energy Building” exercises. These are extremely powerful
exercises that combine proper breathing with movement.
By practicing these “Energy Building” exercises you will be further engraining
your new found skill of breathing as well as… increasing your energy or “lifeforce”, improving your mental acuity, decreasing stress, balancing your nervous
system and best of all boosting your sex drive… just try them and see!
Energy Creation Exercises
Scooping The Sea:
So, how do I do it?
1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and your arms out to the sides. Eyes
closed… visualize that you are waist deep in water (what color is your water?)
2. Begin to inhale as you bow forward as if you are scooping up the water that you
are standing in.
3. Still inhaling (sloowwllly)… and bowing for your water.
4. Continue to inhale as you carry the water up towards your face.
5. Continue to inhale as you lean back and prepare to splash the water onto your
6. Exhale as you splash the water onto your face. Feel the water as it falls onto your
face and trickles down your body towards the pool.
7. Continue to exhale as you follow the water down towards to pool.
8. Begin to inhale as you reach down for more water and repeat the movement.
9. Repeat 10-100 times… slowly and mindfully.
Push Hands
So, how do I do it?
1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and your arms raised straight out in
from of you.
2. Inhale as you bring your hands back in towards your chest.
3. Exhale and push your hands out to the side… imagine that you are pushing your
“energy” out from the core of your body with your arms and hands.
4. Inhale as you bring your hands back in towards your chest and push to the
opposite side and back to the front.
5. Continue for 7-10 rounds.
Chi Gung Toe Touch
So, how do I do it?
1. Stand with your feet together and your hands on the tops of your feet… visualize
that your feet have roots grown from them into the ground.
2. Inhale as you raise your hips up and feel a slight stretch on your hamstrings.
3. Exhale as you lower your hips down again.
4. Breathe slowly and naturally. Repeat 10 times.
Chapeter 5. The Primal Mind
“Your thoughts become your words, your words
determine your actions, your actions determine your
behavior, your behavior becomes your character and,
your character determines your destiny”
-Unknown (or I forgot)
This is quite possibly the most important chapter in this entire book… by
mastering the techniques on the next few pages you can literally change your life,
Beyond attaining your desired level of fitness, you will open the floodgates for
1,001 new and exciting opportunities to enhance your life and begin to
experience your true potential…
Fully 95% of your emotions are determined by the way you think and talk to
Attaining your desired level of physical fitness is only limited by the degree to
which you’re mentally and emotionally fit. When you feed your conscious mind
with positive messages such as “I feel happy! I feel healthy! I feel terrific!” you are
activating your subconscious mind to go to work at bringing about positive results
in your physical life.
In this Chapter you will discover why you think the way you do… Understanding
this one thing WILL determine your health and fitness potential, lifetime
achievements and level of true happiness.
You will also learn the critical laws of Mental Mastery. Understanding yourself is
only ½ the battle… you must learn how to control your mind and program it for
Maximum Success! You MUST activate the Primal Mindset… and I will teach you
And finally - you have the ability to have, be and do everything that you have
always dreamed. The only thing you have to do is decide what you want and
watch it appear right in front of your eyes… OK, its not that easy but I will teach
you the tools that you can use to usher your most inner desires into your life.
Building a Better Brain
“It is now recognized by leading workers in the field that
behavior is determined by the functioning of the brain,
and that the functioning of the brain is dependant on it’s
composition and structure.”
-Lingus Pauling
If you wanted to have a house built, you would hire an architect to create the
design and a contractor to put the house together. The architect’s design is
flawless and it is the job of the contractor to ensure that all of the specs are
As the contractor is building the home he realizes that there is a shortage of
certain materials in the market. First there are not so many nails and screws so
he improvises and puts this hardware only where it is absolutely critical.
Next, he begins to notice that he is running low on quality cement so he dilutes
what he has so that he can finish the job. Lastly there is a limited supply of
electrical wires so he only completes about 85% of the electrical job. Several
outlets and switches do not work.
Nine months later, the job is finally done… the house is built and can be lived in.
But there are some deficiencies, nothing that you cant live without, but the house
will not be functioning at its fullest potential.
Perhaps for years this house can sustain it’s inhabitants until some of the original
deficiencies begin to erode the integrity of the home, prematurely.
Everyday we are building our bodies and our brains with the raw materials of
food and clean water. This is especially true for young children; their brains are
growing at an extremely rapid rate.
If the foods that you are eating lack several key vitamins, amino acids, fats
and minerals then your physical and mental structure will not be sound.
When it comes to the structure and integrity of the brain, this can mean the
difference between living the life of your true potential or suffering for many years
with less than optimum performance.
Some of the most common expressions of a brain that is poorly built or not
fueled properly are:
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Decreased Cognitive Capacity
Chronic Fatigue
Lack of Mental Clarity
Vision Problems
Mood Swings
Borderline Personality
Altered Emotional States
Mild or Severe Mental Retardation
NOTE – This is a very short list! (I can go on for days)
Reaching you full potential means that your “Mind must be right”. Above and
beyond all of the techniques that I will teach you in the following pages, this holds
true – Structure equal Function. The brain must be of sound structure if order for
it to function up to its full capacity.
How Do I Build A Powerful Brain?
For starters, all that you have read in the previous chapters with regard to
nutrition, lifestyle and exercise will dramatically improve the structure and power
of your brain. Here are just a few bonuses.
1. Use A Quality Cod Liver Oil Supplement – I cannot begin to tell you how
important it is to begin using Cod Liver Oil. If there was ever such thing as a
Super Food, this is it. Among the hundreds of benefits of using CLO are: Helps
fight and prevent heart disease, cancer, depression, Alzheimer's, arthritis,
diabetes, ulcers, hyperactivity and many other mental diseases. Increases your
energy level and ability to concentration. CLO is extremely high in Omega-3
containing the essential fatty acids DHA and EPA – Great for the brain.
2. Eat Organic Foods- Organic foods are free of toxic pesticides; herbicides and
fungicides that may reduce cognitive skills and create altered emotional states.
Avoiding toxic foods will allow the brain to grow and develop to its full potential.
3. Chew the Fat – Your brain is made of fats. Be sure to include adequate
amounts of saturated and unsaturated fats in your diet. Our ancestors made a
point of including many sources of animal fats in the diets of pregnant women
and growing children. Pregnant women in China ate up to 10 whole eggs per
Mental Mastery
The 7 Primal Keys to Mental Mastery
1. The Law Of ControlThis law states that you feel good about yourself only to the degree to which you
feel you are in control of your own life. This means that if you feel that you are
being controlled by your race, sex, spouse, age, your boss, your ill health or any
other external force that you will be unhappy.
The wonderful thing about this law is that most of what you have no control over
really doesn’t matter. You will always have control over the one thing that of the
most importance… your thoughts. In every case, control over your life begins
with control of your thoughts. How you think about any situation determines how
you will feel and how you feel determines how you will act or react.
It’s up to you, to take control of your thinking. No one can make you think
anything… and what you think determines everything.
In Victor Frankel’s book Mans Search For Meaning; he describes how he found
peace in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany! This amazing man was literally
chest high in waste and handed a bowl of hot water with a fish head in it for his
meal. It was while staring at this beautiful fish carcass floating in water that Mr.
Frankel felt the greatest joy of his life.
Is Victor Frankel a psycho or is he a man who knew how to control the only thing
that his adversaries could not corrupt? I think the answer is clear, Victor Frakel is
a genius that lived the remained of his life in complete bliss. Regardless of his
external circumstances.
"Everything can be taken from a man but ...the last of the human freedoms - to
choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own
way." – Victor Frankel
2. The Law Of Cause & Effect
AKA – The Law of Sewing & Reaping, we’ve all heard the old saying “You reap
what you sew.”
This law, time tested, law states that everything happens for a reason. There are
specific causes for successes and specific causes for failures. There are specific
causes for happiness, healthfulness and beauty. There are also specific causes
for sadness, sickness and ugliness. If there is an effect in your life that you are
not content with then all you have to do is trace it back to the specific causes that
create them and change it. Does this sound too simple? That’s because it is!
“Same old equals more of the same old.” It amazes me how many people what
“things” to get better, but they are not willing to get better themselves. This is so
simple that I almost feel silly telling you about it.
Look, if every time I get drunk I fight with my wife but, I sincerely wish and dream
that we could get along better… what must I do?
A) Go to marriage counseling.
B) Buy here flowers… everyday.
C) Stop drinking.
I refuse to give you the answer to this one… if you can’t figure it out, and then
ask your bartender.
Instead of getting angry about your circumstances, pay attention to what may be
causing them and do something about them! There is a wonderful Scottish
saying “It is better to light one wee candle than to curse the darkness.”
You get what you give… you reap what you sew… you put in the causes, and
your life will reflect the effects. The most important application of this law is that:
“Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects.”
By accepting this law, you can take full control of your thoughts and change your
feelings, behaviors and life results.
3. The Law Of Belief
Henry Ford once said, “If you believe that you can do a thing, of if you believe
that you can’t, in either case, you are right”.
It is the quality of your beliefs that determines what God will give you. What you
believe, with conviction, becomes your reality… It’s the law!
And what do you believe?
Albert Einstein said, “The most important decision that a man makes is whether
he believes that the world he lives in is a good world of a bad world.”
People with an optimistic view on life tend to be the successful ones. Now you
may say… “Elliott of course they are optimistic, they are successful!”
Well, in a way you are right. Like begets like.
If you are already happy because you are successful, you will attract more
success because you are happy… right. What if you are happy / optimistic and
this leads to your success?
Ask you read, I’m conducting an experiment to see if I can “trick” this law. Right
now I am swimming in debt. I’ve got over $70,000 in college loans, about
$30,000 in credit card debt and a mortgage. I am not what you would call
“financially successful”…
But, I BELIVE that people will buy my book, I BELIVE that people will learn and
grow from this information and I BELIVE that they will attend my seminars, group
coaching sessions and hire me as a consultant. I also BELIVE that this will give
me the financial opportunity to overcome my debt.
I am not worried that I am going to go broke and be unable to feed my family, I
actually BELIVE that I am going to be quite wealthy! From the looks of it now,
you’d say I’m crazy… but let’s see.
Or, you might say… Elliott, of course you are successful, look at this book you
have written and all of the people you have helped. To that I say, “Thank You”.
Your belief in me is adding power to my goals… but it was MY BELIEF first, that
got you to think the way that you do about me.
WARNING – This law works in both directions. Remember, if you believe that
you can’t do something… you are going to create that reality as well! Look at all
of your self-limiting beliefs. “I am not good at math.” ‘Women / Men just aren’t
attracted to me.” “I am too young.” “I am too old.” “My daddy was an alcoholic
so I must be one too.” “My mother is a diabetic, so I will be one also… it’s in my
genes.” “I will always be fat… it’s in my genes.” “I can’t handle all of this stress!”
Identify these “mental toxins” or “stinkin’ thinkin’” and destroy them immediately.
Replace them with “I can” and “I will”. If you think I sound crazy or that this is just
silly, then that’s fine too. Just ask yourself…”How am I going to make my life
better?” If you come up with a better idea than mine… let me know. I am a
perpetual student and always love to try new / better things!
4. The Law Of Attraction
I love this law… I remind myself and my clients of it everyday!
“You are a living magnet. You invariably attract into your life people,
circumstances, ideas and recourses that are in harmony with your
dominant thoughts.”
- Brian Tracy
Because of the magnetic power of your thoughts, whatever you think about or
visualize becomes your reality. It’s amazing how often you’ll notice this law
working in your life if you just pay attention.
How many times have you thought of a friend and a few minutes later the phone
rings and it is he or she on the other line? This is a simple example but look at
how it has shaped your life.
Your friends, family, job, career, your problems, your opportunities… they are all
attracted into your life based on your thoughts. You tend to meet the people and
become involved with the situations that are vibrating in harmony with your
dominant thoughts and emotions at the time.
Happy people tend to attract other happy people; dull people tend to attract other
dull people. People of the same interests tend to find one another.
Where you are today is a result of the “magnetic vibrations” that you’ve emitted
up until now. The amazing thing is, if you are not happy with your current
situation… you can simply change your vibration and get new results.
I am a dreamer. I used to worry about, ‘how can I possibly make my dreams a
reality?’ But I’ve learned the trick! The secrets to making all of my dreams a
It’s the law of attraction. The mechanics of how to make a dream a reality
doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you visualize, emotionalize and keep your
dream at the forefront of your thoughts. Everything else will fall into place! It’s
that simple… it’s magic!
The people, circumstances and resources that you need to accomplish your goal
will appear right before your eyes, just at the right time that you need them. Be
patient, “when the student is ready the master WILL appear”.
5. The Law Of Correspondence
One of my favorite “Gurus” is an Indian Mystic by the name of OSHO. If there
was ever a Spiritual Rebel… it was OSHO.
In one very short statement OSHO sums up the law of Correspondence, he says,
“You must BE before you can DO.”
All this really means is that your outer world is a mirror reflection of your inner
world… no matter what you say. Someone who is paying attention can tell if you
are a phony right away, based on what you BE. Not necessarily what you say or
Getting What You Want
1. Visualization
This mental tool is perhaps the most important to your success, yet easiest to do.
It’s used by all of the most successful people in our society. Athletes at all levels
use this tool as well.
Your mental pictures become your reality. You will know the destiny of a man by
the pictures he holds in his head.
There are 4 elements to visualization… by increasing any of them you will be
stepping on the accelerator of your life’s accomplishments.
The first is frequency… the more frequent you allow the images of what you want
to have, be or do into you your conscious mind, the more it is programmed into
your subconscious mind. Always remind yourself of your purpose and goal. See
it often.
The second element is vividness… this refers to how clear the image of your
desire is in your mind’s eye. The more you think about what it will feel and be
like when you have accomplished your goal the faster it will manifest itself in your
The third is intensity… It’s the amount of emotion that is associated with the
images of your goals that will allow it to become a reality. When you intensely
desire something you will become enthusiastic and excited about it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Nothing great was ever achieved without
The fourth element is… this refers to the length of time that you can hold the
image of your desires in your mind. A great way to do this is by placing pictures
around your home and office that depict your goals and desires.
2. Affirmation
Affirmations are so powerful that a popular author has even claimed that you can
heal your physical body with the use of this extraordinary tool. She teaches that
each physical ailment has a corresponding psychological cause and by
reprogramming your mind with affirmations you can reverse your sicknesses.
Your affirmations should be positive, present tense and personal… for example:
One of my clients decided that she was going to quit smoking. I told her to write
down an affirmation that describes this goal. The next day she showed me her
notebook and it read, “I will quit smoking.”
I explained to her that this is not an affirmation, it is a goal. A positive, present
tense and personal affirmation would read more like this, “I am so excited that I
am completely smoke-free.”
When you write your affirmations in this way, your subconscious mind will accept
it as a reality. Slowly you will notice that all of your thoughts and behaviors will
become consistent with this new reality.
One of the best affirmations is simply, “I like myself” – Try it… you may feel silly
at first. Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance. This occurs when a new
idea clashes with an old idea. It means that you are growing. It sounds crazy
but you will destroy your selfish ego by repeating “I like myself.” Look in the
mirror and do it… toughen up!
Remember, you will not change overnight… you must be consistent in your
approach and before you know it you will begin to have and do all that your heart
3. Verbalization
Listen to yourself. Are your conversations glittering with your hopes and
dreams? Do you speak to others as if your goals are already accomplished? If
you do then every thing you want is as good as done!
If on the other hand you speak passively about yourself and your goals then you
will be in store for a rude awakening. You will never achieve your goals… ever.
You must speak with positive conviction.
Right now I live in a condo in the O.K part of St. Petersburg Florida. I pay my
bills on time and have a little left over to go out for dinner once a week with my
wife. As far as money goes, its all I’ve got… for now.
I am going to move to the Old Northeast section of St. Pete in a few short years.
This is the really nice part of town, with pretty houses and friendly people. I talk
to my clients and friends about what my house in Old Northeast will look like… as
if I have the money for it waiting in the bank! They all know how much I make,
but because I speak in such a way they are always telling me when there is an
open house so that I can visit the neighborhood! In my mind (and theirs) I
already live there… and my language affirms it.
On the other hand I have friends who say, “Wouldn’t be nice to have such and
such.” WOULDN”T IT BE NICE?! That sounds like a loser’s statement to me…
how about, “I can’t wait until I have…”
There is nothing wrong with “faking it until you make it.” Talk about your goals as
if they are already a reality.
4. Acting The Part
“If it walks, like a duck, talks like a duck and act likes a duck… it must be a duck!”
The same works for you. If you walk, talk and act like the person that you wish to
become… you will inevitably become this person. Again, fake it until you make it.
An interesting fact is that you can control your feelings with your actions. Just
smile and see what happens. If you behave positively and enthusiastically you
will soon feel positive and enthusiastic. And if you continue with this behavior,
people will accept you and respond to you as if you really were the person you
see yourself being.
Another way to do this is by “modeling” the behaviors of someone who you would
like to be more like. If you want to be an executive, then study the habits and
behaviors of an executive that you admire. Then do exactly what he does until
you are in his position. This may sound nuts, but it works. I’ve done this for
years without even knowing it and I assure you that I was one of my best habits
for creating the life that I want.
5. Feeding Your Mind
Feeding your mind with images and words that are consistent with what you
would like to accomplish will ensure that you reach your goals faster. The more
you read books, listen to audios, watch videos, attend seminars in the area of
your life that you would like to improve the more inner understanding you will
have about the subject. If you want to look and feel your best, you will subscribe
to magazines, attend workshops and read books that will teach you what you
need in order to get what you want.
6. Associate With The Right Tribe
“You can’t fly with eagles if you’re busy scratching with the turkeys.” The people
you identify with – your friends, co-workers, family and, neighbors all have an
impact on your attitudes, behaviors and opinions. You must be very careful only
to hang around people that can improve your life, and distance yourself from
those who have a negative impact on your life.
There is now influence more powerful than the people you surround yourself
with, select them with care.
7. Show Em’ How
The act of teaching others is one of the most powerful ways to improve your own
skills in the subject that you are teaching. You become what you teach, you
teach what you are.
When you engage in the activity of teaching, you understand and internalize the
material better yourself.
When I was leaning how to change my thoughts and behavior so that they were
more consistent with the things I wanted in my life, I found myself teaching many
of these newfound techniques to anyone who was willing to listen. I am confident
that this activity has not only allowed me to memorize these techniques but
literally make them a part of whom I am.
Primal Resources
Although I have learned the information in this manual from hundreds of
teachers, courses, books and audio programs – here is a list of some of my
favorites. These are the resources that I feel will help you the most on your
Weston Price Foundation
Price Pottenger Foundation
Organic Farms
Gluten Free Resources
Raw Milk
Celtic Sea Salt
Organic Consumers Association
Grass Fed Beef
Sea Food
Coconut Oil
Environment & Food Supply
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
The Makers Diet by Jordan Rubin
Crazy Makers by Carol Simontacchi
Empty Harvest by Bernard Jensen
The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott
The Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravenskov
How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy by Paul Chek
Your Body’s Many Cries For Water by Dr. F Batmanghelidj
Natural Health & Wellness Newsletter
The Fungus Link by. Doug Kaufman
Achieve Maximum Health by. David Weber
NLP: The New Technology of Achievement by Andreas & Faulkner
Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy
Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra
How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy by Paul Chek
Exercise Education / Practitioners
Strength Training & Fitness
Weight Training Resource
How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy by Paul Chek
Movement That Matters by Paul Chek
Posture Power by.
Periodization Training For Sports by Tudor Bompa
Serious Strength Training by Tudor Bompa
For a complete, updated list or resources, please visit: