Polish building sector - Portal Promocji Eksportu
Polish building sector - Portal Promocji Eksportu
AGENDA POLAND - Key Facts Business Environment Polish building sector Average employment Salaries in construction Production of major building materials Selected developers in Poland Companies listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange Structure of construction by type Flats prices on primary market Distribution of building materials Joinery Doors and windows Selected doors and windows producers Furniture industry Polish trade with Finland Certification system in Poland The most promising segments Selected Finnish companies in the Polish building sector New 2014 – 2020 EU Funds perspective in the sector Building Research Institute (ITB) Useful links 2nd October 2014 Panorama of Warsaw Warsaw Golden Terraces National Stadium in Warsaw Old city in Warsaw 2 Key Facts Poland on the map of Europe 2nd October 2014 Area: 322,575 km2 Population: 38,2 mln Currency: Polish Zloty (1 EUR ~ 4,15 PLN) GDP volume 2011: 1.522,7 bln PLN GDP growth rate: • 2013 – 1,6% • 2012 – 2,0% • 2011 – 4,3% • 2010 – 3,8% • 2009 – 1.7% • 2008 – 4.8%. GDP per capita: USD 20 300 (2011) Membership: EU, NATO, OECD, WTO, Schengen Zone. President: Mr. Bronisław Komorowski since 08.07.2010 (five year term). Prime Minister: Mr. Donald Tusk since 08.11.2011 (four year term). 3 Poland in figures (Source: POLISH INFORMATION AND FOREIGN INVESTMENT AGENCY) Specification GDP: bln PLN bln EUR GDP change (preceding year = 100) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 175 1 266 1 342 1 412 1 510 1 595,9* 1 619,8 312,5 354,1 379,9 385,6 101,6 106,7 104,8 101,8 103,8 104,3 101,9 16 674 10 970 8 384 7 351 9 929 2 864 tbc 11,2 9,5 9,5 12,3 12,5 13,4 13,8 Exports (bln EUR) 105,9 120,5 98,2 120,3 135,8 141,9 151,4 Imports (bln EUR) 118,2 139,3 105,0 134,1 150,5 151,6 154,8 Inflation rate (CPI, preceding year = 100) 102,5 104,2 103,5 102,6 104,3 103,7 101,2 FDI inflow (mln EUR) Unemployment rate (%) *Exchange rate: EUR1,- = ca 4,13 PLN Source: http://www.nbp.pl/homen.aspx?f=/srodeken.htm 04.03.2013 2nd October 2014 4 Poland in figures Structure of Polish GDP according to the branch of economy (source: Central Statistical Office) 2005 2011 2012 Agriculture, hunting and forest, fishing 4,0 3,6 4,0 Industry 21,6 21,9 24,8 Construction 5,5 6,9 7,4 Trade; repair of motor vehicles 16,6 16,5 18,7 Transportation and storage 4,9 5,0 6,1 Accomodation and catering 1,1 1,1 1,2 Information and communication 3,8 3,2 3,7 Financial and insurance activities 3,9 3,9 4,6 Real estate activities 5,7 4,9 5,8 1 Professional, scientific and technical activities 5,5 6,0 7,1 0 Public administration, and defence; compulsory social security 9,3 8,6 13,7 Arts, entertainment and recreation 3,1 2,6 3,0 Share of the construction sector in the Polish economy (gross added value in the construction sector as % of GDP) 8 7 6 5,5 6,5 6,7 2007 2008 7,2 7,1 6,9 2009 2010 2011 7,4 5,9 5 4 3 2 2005 2006 2012 Source: Central Statistical Office 5 2nd October 2014 Business Environment Hourly labour costs in the selected European countries in 2012 (EUR) 48,3 Norway 39 Sweden 38,1 Denmark 34,2 France 30,4 Germany 30,8 Finland 30,5 Austria 27,4 Italy 8,3 Slovakia 8,4 Estonia 7,5 Hungary 7,4 Poland Latvia Bulgaria 6 3,7 28 EU 17 EU 27 2nd October 2014 23,4 Source: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STAT-12-63_en.htm EU 17 consists of Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Irleand, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia and Finland. 6 Business Environment Labour cost per hour in Poland and in EU between 2008 - 2012 70 60 50 25,8 26,5 26,9 27,6 28 EU 17 40 30 21,6 22,1 22,5 23,1 23,4 20 10 EU 27 Poland 7,5 0 2008 2nd October 2014 6,4 2009 7 2010 7,1 2011 7,4 2012 7 Business Environment Average annual hours actually worked per worker in 2011 in the selected countries OECD countries Netherlands Germany Norway France Denmark Belgium UK Sweden 1776 1379 1413 1426 1476 1522 1577 1625 1644 Finland 1684 Spain 1690 Portugal Slovakia 1711 1793 Italy 1774 Czech Rep. 1774 Poland 1937 Poland – country of committed employees Hungary 1980 Russia 1981 South Korea 2090 Source: OECD http://stats.oecd.org 2nd October 2014 8 Business Environment Modernization of roads and railroads network Average cost to build a 1 km motorway Country Amount (mln EUR) Poland 9,6 Germany 8,2 Netherlands 50,0 Norway 18,0 Austria 12,87 Hungary 11,87 Czech Rep. 8,86 Slovenia 7,29 Lithuania 4,0 EU average 10,0 Source: http://encompassme.com/en/pol and-roads 2nd October 2014 Bridge in Toruń (completed in December 6th, 2013) Location of the Toruń bridge Infrastructure and environment development is in Poland one of the six main priorities in the 2014 – 2020 perspective. During that period time Poland will spend 27 513,9 mln EUR from European Union funds. 9 Polish building sector Average employment in Polish building sector (in enterprises over 9 employees) Source: Central Statistical Office 510000 500800 500000 490000 488000 480000 476900 473000 470000 460000 456100 450000 440000 430000 2008 2nd October 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 10 Polish building sector Avarage salary in the Polish building sector between 2008 - 2013 (EUR) 1000 882 900 800 720 748 755 Salaries in Polish construction sector in 2013 (EUR) 885 793 700 600 500 400 Source: Central Statistical Office, Ministry of Economy (exchange rate: EUR 1,- = 4,15 PLN) 300 200 100 0 2008 2009 2nd October 2014 2010 2011 I-IX 2012 I-IX 2013 Construction worker Road machine operator Editor scaffolding Cleaner Steel fixer Concrete placer Painter Wood flooring Roofer Carpenter Construction foreman Building inspector 771 746 964 626 1205 1036 785 988 1687 1060 1445 2410 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 11 Polish building sector Production of major building products Source: Central Statistical Office 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 Bricks of clay (in mln bricks) 971 616 480 543 473 Non-reflacting clay roof tiles and other ceramic roof tiles (mln units) 105 133 159 162 152 Cement (in mln ton) 15 12,6 15,8 19 15,9 Lime (in thousands ton) 2376 1749 1799 2036 1799 Sawnwood (in dam³) of which ciniferous sawnwood 3392 2826 3360 2813 4220 3765 4222 3946 4267 3811 Fibreboards of wood or ligneous materials (in km²) 216 416 541 491 502 Veneers (in km²) 33,5 54,3 34,8 32,0 27,1 10498 8336 7993 8776 8543 Steel sheets , cold rolled (in thousands ton) 953 812 835 807 1353 Steel tubes (in thousands ton) 483 380 384 408 592 Aluminium, technically pure (in thousands ton) 46,9 42,7 10,1 6,1 7,8 Crude steel (in thousands ton) 2nd October 2014 12 Polish building sector Steel production in Poland between 2004 - 2013 (mln ton) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Cement production in Poland between 2000 - 2012 (mln ton) 20 10,6 19 10,6 7,1 8 8,8 8,5 8,8 15 15 15,8 16,7 16,9 15,3 15,8 15,9 10 5 0 2000 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: Central Statistical Office 2nd October 2014 13 Polish building sector Prices of the selected building materials in Poland (source: Intercenbud 14.07.2014) ribbed rebar (pręty zbrojeniowe żebrowane) smooth reinforcing bars (pręty zbrojeniowe gładkie) concrete B 20 (beton B 20) concrete B 25 (beton B 25) concrete B 30 (beton B 30) concrete B 35 (beton B 35) portland cement 32,5 (cement portlandzki 32,5) sand plain 0 - 2 mm (piasek zwykły 0 - 2 mm) gravel sort 2 - 8 mm (żwir sortowany 2 - 8 mm) brick building full (cegła budowlana pełna) sandwich panel roof with polystyrene core gr. 150 mm (płyta warstwowa dachowa) sandwich panel wall with polystyrene core gr 150 mm (płyta warstwowa ścienna) hollow brick Porotherm 30 P+W 300/248/238 mm grade 15 (pustak) floor jois Porotherm 250/16/17,5 cm (belka stropowa Porotherm 250/16/17,5 cm) tinned sheet TR 130/343 thickness 0,75 mm (blacha ocynkowana) kerb 100x30x15 cm, grey (krawężnik 100x30x15 cm, grey) sett thickness 8 cm, grey (kostka brukowa, grubość 8 cm, szara) chipboard construction OSB 3 2500x1250x12 mm (płyta wiórowa budowlana) mineral wool UNI-MAT 150 mm (wełna mineralna UNI-MAT 150 mm) asphalt road 35/50 (asfalt drogowy) asphalt road 50/70 (asfalt drogowy) 2nd October 2014 unit kg kg m³ m³ m³ m³ t m³ m³ pcs. m² m² pcs. pcs. m² m m² m² m² t t VAT PLN price Exch. rate EUR price 23 % 2,62 4,2 0,62 23 % 2,51 4,2 0,60 23 % 228,66 4,2 54,44 23 % 255,32 4,2 60,79 23 % 279,63 4,2 66,58 23 % 297,88 4,2 70,92 23 % 401,73 4,2 95,65 23 % 21,22 4,2 5,05 23 % 51,02 4,2 12,15 23 % 1,15 4,2 0,27 23 % 76,42 4,2 18,20 23 % 73,9 4,2 17,60 23 % 5,35 4,2 1,27 23 % 57,55 4,2 13,70 23 % 34,34 4,2 8,18 23 % 19,54 4,2 4,65 23 % 32,65 4,2 7,77 23 % 17,22 4,2 4,10 23 % 18,01 4,2 4,29 23 % 2185 4,2 520,24 23 % 2100 4,2 500,00 14 Polish building market – main chemical producers Market share in the chemistry building materials in term of value (%) CEKOL 2,80 % DOLINA NIDY 2,80 % SELENA 3,20 % WEBER 4,50 % MAPEI 4,50 % BAUMIT 5,90 % KREISEL 6,10 % KNAUF 7,30 % HENKEL 7,80 % ATLAS 0,00 % Market share in the chemistry building materials in terms of quantity (%) 15,80 % 5,00 % 10,00 % 15,00 % 20,00 % ALPOL CEKOL MAPEI WEBER DOLINA NIDY KREISEL HENKEL BAUMIT KNAUF ATLAS 0,00 % 2,30 % 3,10 % 3,90 % 4,00 % 5,20 % 7,10 % 7,30 % 8,70 % 9,90 % 16,50 % 5,00 % 10,00 % 15,00 % 20,00 % Above statistics covers: adhesives for ceramic tiles, floor screeds, self-leveling, adhesives for thermal insulation mortar, plaster panels, gypsum and plaster putty, gypsum plaster, cement, adhesives for wood flooring, construction silicones and foam mounting primers. Source: IBP Research 2nd October 2014 15 Polish building sector selected producers of building materials Selected producers of building materials in Poland Cement Lime GK panel Ceramics Cellular concrete Mineral wool Steel Lafarge Cement S.A. Lhoist Bukowa Norgips Sp. z o.o. Wienerberger (85%) Solbet Kolbuszowa S.A. Rockwool ArcelorMittal Cementownia Odra (MIEBACH) Lablar Sp. z o.o. Rigips Leier (10%) Solbet Stalowa Wola S.A. Saint Gobain Isover Polska Sp. z o.o. ALCHEMIA S.A. Górażdże Cement (Heidelberg Cement Group) NORDKALK Sp. z o.o. Lafarge EkoKLINKIER „BOGDANKA” S.A. Solbet Sp. z o.o. Isoroc Polska Huta Częstochowa CRH Grupa Ożarów ZW Lhoist S.A. Knauf Sp. z o.o. KlinkierBud CRH Grupa Prefabet Polska S.A. PAROC Huta Łaziska S.A. Cementownia Nowiny Sp. z o.o. (Dyckerhoff Polska) Trzuskawica S.A. Zakłady Przemysłu Gipsowego „DOLINA NIDY” Roben Polska Sp. z o.o. Grupa Prefabet S.A. URSA Huta Ostrowiec CEMEX Polska Pmya Sp. z o.o. Vobos Ożarów Mazowiecki Zamojska Klinkiernia w Budach H+H Celcon Polska Cementownia Kraków-Nowa Huta Kopalnia Wapienia Czatkowice Zakład Ceramiki Budowlanej w Chmielowie XELLA Polska Sp. z o.o. CMC Zawiercie S.A. Niemce S.A. Huta Buczek Górka Cement Sp. z o.o. (MAPEI) 2nd October 2014 Feldhaus Klinker Polska Huta Pokój 16 Polish building sector - roofing The most recognizable roofing manufacturers in Poland (%) IBF Leier 38,20 % 44,80 % Euronit 45,90 % Plannja 46,20 % Lindab RuppCeramika (Lafarge Dachy) Onduline 56,10 % 64,10 % 66,80 % Jopek 72,60 % Ruuki 72,90 % Wienerberger (Koramic) 73,10 % Brass (Lafarge Dachy) Robern Ceramika Pruszyński 91,20 % 92,50 % 93,90 % 0,00 % 10,00 % 20,00 % 30,00 % 40,00 % 50,00 % 60,00 % 70,00 % 80,00 % 90,00 % 100,00 % 2nd October 2014 17 Polish building sector Buildings completed Source: Central Statistical Office 2000 2005 2009 2010 2011 Buildings of which Private buildings 42844 73287 80012 80635 81827 Urban areas 22275 31964 28519 27566 27343 Rural areas 20569 41323 51493 53069 54484 One-dwelling as well as two or more dwelling residential buildings 29105 55479 62982 62962 63888 Non-residential 13725 16311 14836 14369 15883 2896 4148 4692 4683 4812 of which farm buildings Warsaw streets 2nd October 2014 Warsaw Ujazdowski Park 18 Polish building sector Residential building January – June 2014 Source: Central Statistical Office (GUS) June Number of homes January – June June 2013 = 100 May 2014 = 100 Number of homes January-June 2013 = 100 Home completions Total 10 561 100,8 118,1 66 327 97,6 Self-build homes 5 867 98,0 107,6 37 725 94,4 Homes built for sale (developers) 4 261 108,0 132,0 25 567 102,0 Homes built by housing associations 185 293,7 402,2 1 436 91,0 Homes owned by workplaces, council homes, affordable rental homes 248 51,1 115,9 1 599 122,3 2nd October 2014 19 Polish building sector Residential building January – June 2014 Source: Central Statistical Office (GUS) June Number of homes January – June June 2013 = 100 May 2014 = 100 Number of homes January-June 2013 = 100 Home starts Total 13 531 117,0 99,6 72 253 122,5 Self-build homes 7 576 102,0 101,8 38 502 105,4 Homes built for sale (developers) 5 733 147,9 97,3 31 804 151,3 Homes built by housing associations 61 469,2 254,2 509 78,2 Homes owned by workplaces, council homes, affordable rental homes 161 63,1 69,7 1 438 177,3 2nd October 2014 20 Polish building sector Residential building January – June 2014 Source: Central Statistical Office (GUS) June Number of homes January – June June 2013 = 100 May 2014 = 100 Number of homes January-June 2013 = 100 Home permits Total 14 625 105,0 112,1 76 480 112,8 Self-build homes 7 301 97,4 99,7 36 792 98,9 Homes built for sale (developers) 6 972 113,5 133,0 37 668 137,6 Homes built by housing associations 187 134,5 117,6 662 102,6 Homes owned by workplaces, council homes, affordable rental homes 165 107,8 50,8 1 358 53,2 2nd October 2014 21 Polish building sector – selected developers Reference address • Firmy wykonawcze Company name Firma Budowlana „Marek Antczak” Kalisz Novum Plus Sp. o.o. Osiedle Rozalin, Lusówko k. Poznania Archicom Sp. o.o. Olimpia Port, Wrocław MTG Agri-Rol S.A. Osiedle Książenice, Książenice Archicom Sp. o.o. Lofty Platinum, Wrocław Słowiańska NOVA, Poznań Masterm Investment Sp. o.o. Sp. k. Unidevelopment Sp. o.o. Praga Square, Warszawa 2nd October 2014 Picture 22 Polish building sector companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange Net profit of the companies from building sector listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (mln EUR) 200 44,8 9,6 4 0 Budimex Elektrobudowa Trakcja Erbud S.A. -3,3 Mostostal Warszawa -27 Polimex Mostostal PBG -200 2010 -299,5 2011 -400 2012 -600 -800 Exchange rate: EUR 1,- = 4,15 PLN -889,3 -1000 Source: ERBUD 2nd October 2014 23 Polish building sector Apartments completed in Poland between 2007 - 2013 (in thousands) 180 165,2 160 152,9 160 140 135,8 133,8 143,2 130,9 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2007 2nd October 2014 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 forecast 24 Polish building sector - residential buildings New residential buildings completed between January - September 2013 Dwellings in Wrocław 120000 97995 100000 80000 60000 56672 51658 55022 Buildings 41323 40000 Dwellings 20000 3364 0 Private Dwellings in Kraków Other than private Total New residential buildings completed between January - September 2013 120000 97995 100000 80000 Dwellings in Łódź 60000 57919 40000 20000 40076 37260 55022 Buildings Dwellings 17762 0 Urban areas Rural areas 2nd October 2014 Total 25 Polish building sector – flats on the primary market Average prices of flats (apartments) on the primary market (EUR/m²) 1506 Wrocław 1608 1852 Warszawa 1944 1476 Poznań 1629 1208 Łódź February 2013 1268 February 2012 1614 Kraków 1745 1209 Katowice 1157 1448 Gdańsk 1426 0 500 Source: otodom.pl, Bankier.pl 2nd October 2014 1000 1500 2000 2500 Exchange rate: EUR 1,- = 4,15 PLN 26 Polish building sector - Joinery Directions of Polish joinery sales in 2011 (%) Directions of Polish exports 30 % domestic market 70 % export Determinants of development woodwork in Poland state orders developers investment s in property development individual demand exports Source: Presentation „Branżowy Program Promocji Stolarki Okiennej i Drzwiowej” 2nd October 2014 27 Polish building sector - joinery The major joinery exporters in the EU in 2012 (mln EUR) Export of Polish joinery between 2004 - 2012 (mln EUR) 1200 Belgium Hungary Slovakia Portugal Sweden Czech… Denmark Netherlands Austria Italy Poland Germany 150 155 170 185 210 220 295 300 310 0 2nd October 2014 1070 955,7 1000 827,9 800 706,5 388,9 300 200 470 1070 1420 500 702,9 565,3 600 400 827,1 1000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1500 28 Polish export of doors and windows The major directions of Polish export of windows and doors in 2012 (mln EUR) 29 Sweden 37 Norway 50 Italy 54 Belgium 60 Slovakia 79 Czech Republic 96 France 117 Great Britain 122 Denmark 263 Germany 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Source: Ministry of Economy 2nd October 2014 29 Doors and windows General information (Source: Ministry of Economy) Number of producers 2.500 Production amount (pcs) 20 mln Polish share in the EU turnover 30% Value of annual export (mln EUR) 950 2nd October 2014 30 Doors and windows Structure of joinery in Poland in terms of sales (%) windows gateways 17,80 % covers 8,60 % 5,90 % 6,80 % 2nd October 2014 61 % aluminium construction doors 31 Selected doors and windows producers 2nd October 2014 32 Selected doors and windows producers 2nd October 2014 33 Polish building market distribution channels Distribution structure of the Polish building materials Supermarkets Warehouses Specialist shops Shares of the market 2006 2013 2006 2013 2006 2013 25% 38% 67% 54% 8% 8% • Castorama • Leroy Marlin • Obi have total of 75% share among supermarkets. Grupa Polskie Składy Budowlane has 20% of the segment. Other companies include: • Grupa Handlo-Budowlana • Saint Gobain Dystrybucja • Sieć budowlana pl. • Grupa ABG • Onninen • SIG • Składy Budowlane XOX • Grupa PHMB • 3W Dystrybucja Budowlana • OSHB • AB Bechcicki, and others have few percent share each In 2012 and 2013 the building materials market value amounted 10,29 and 11,18 billion EUR respectively Source: IBP Research 2nd October 2014 34 Polish building market – largest supermarkets and retail network No Name Points of sales Offer 1 AB BECHCICKI 11 Products, among others: Śnieżka, PPG, Tikkurila, Altax, Akzo Nobel, Atlas, Ceresit (Henkel), Rooflite, Isover, Rockwool, Ursa 2 MB WESOŁEK 350 Paints, among others: Dekoral, Cieszynka, Domalux, Sigma 3 BIMS PLUS 110 Heating, air conditioning and ventilation, and sanitary engineering (offer covers over 100 000 products) 4 BRICOMARCHE 35 „Home and Garden” supermarkets which has offer over 15 000 products 5 CASTORAMA* 67 Offers building materials, decoration materials, bathroom, kitchen, and electic equipment, metal products 6 ABG GROUP 6 Distributor of heating, air conditioning and ventilation, and sanitary engineering 7 PBS - MRÓWKA 8 JULA 9 LEROY MERLIN* 44 See below 10 NOMI 34 Offer over 30 000 products (among others: building materials, decoration materials, bathroom, kitchen, and electic equipment, metal products) 11 OBI* 43 See below 12 ONNINEN 33 electrical accessories, lighting, cables and wires, energy and infrastructure, engineering installation and heating, sanitary engineering 13 PRACTIKER* 24 See below 14 RCBM MAJSTER* 24 See below 15 SKŁADY BUDOWLANE VOX 60 exterior doors, interior, windows, wood flooring, laminate flooring, floorboards, wall finishes, construction chemicals, building materials. 420 See below tools, building materials, paint, lighting products and electrical, garden, workwear *curtains, paint, wallpaper, blinds, curtain rods, lamps, bedding, rugs, carpets, stoves, fireplaces, air conditioning, fittings, ceramics, tiles, building chemicals, building ceramics, dry lining, insulation, clinker, carpentry, fences, gates, roofs lighting, electrical items, bathroom accessories, paintings, pretty things, panels, power tools, tools, glass, furniture, a wide selection of art. zoos, aquariums, food - cat and dog accessories dog - cat, fishing, bird and rodent accessories, ponds, garden plants, garden chemicals, lawn mowers, tractors. Source: WPHI Helsinki 2nd October 2014 35 Polish building market POMERANIAN Sales of building materials in Poland in 2013 by provinces (%) West Pomeranian Greater Poland Warmian-Masurian Świętorzyskie Silesian Pomeranian Podlaskie Subcarphatian Opole Masovian Lesser Poland Łódź Lubusz Lublin Kuyavian-… 17 % 18,00 % 16,00 % 14,00 % 10,90 % 12,00 % 9,60 % 9,60 % 10,00 % 7,90 % 8,00 % 4,90 % 6,30 % 5,10 % 5,90 % 3,20 % 4,50 % 6,00 % 4,50 % 2,90 % 2,30 % 4,00 % 2,50 % 2,90 % 2,00 % 0,00 % Lower Silesian WARMIAN-MASURIAN WEST POMERANIAN KUYAVIANPOMERANIAN PODLASKIE MASOVIAN LUBUSZ GREATER POLAND ŁÓDŹ LOWER SILESIAN LUBLIN ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE OPOLE SILESIAN LESSER POLAND SUBCAPATHIAN Source: IBP Research 2nd October 2014 36 Furniture industry General information Source: Polish Furniture Association I-IX 2012 (thous. pcs) I-IX 2011 (thous. pcs) Chairs 1643 1688 Kitchen furniture 2247 1902 Wooden furniture (bedroom) 2224 2283 Wooden furniture (sitting room) 13759 13601 Production 2nd October 2014 37 Furniture industry Employment in the furniture industry I and II quarter 2012 (in thousands) I and II quarter 2011 (in thousands) Large, medium and small companies 127,4 133,5 Large and medium companies 101,2 105,0 Small companies 2nd October 2014 26,2 28,5 Definition of small and medium enterprises (SMEs)- categories of companies: 1. medium-sized enterprise: employs fewer than 250 employees and an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million; 2 . a small business: fewer than 50 employees and an annual turnover not exceeding € 10 million or annual balance sheet total not exceeding € 10 million; 3rd micro-enterprise: employs fewer than 10 employees and its annual turnover does not exceed EUR 2 million or an annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 2 million. 38 Furniture industry Amount of the companies in the furniture industry Category Large enterprise 2nd October 2014 Amount in 2013 100 Medium-sized and small companies 1 850 Micro-enterprises 22 050 39 Polish trade with Finland Polish trade with Finland between 2005 - 2013 (mln EUR) 3500 3000 2976,3 2756 2500 2305,8 2000 1500 1576,8 1298,7 1000 500 1065,8 558,8 943,4 595 2288 1423 1358 887 930 2685 1411 1366 2032,9 1893,7 1624,6 2310 2596 729 1579 1177 1185 1319 -47 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 -500 -1000 -507 -536 -703,7 -847,8 -1500 EXPORT 2nd October 2014 -428 -402 2013 -226 -1089,5 IMPORT TURNOVER BALANCE Source: Finnish Customs TULLI 40 Polish foreign trade Export of Polish furniture Export of Polish furniture between 2005 - 2013 (bln EUR) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 4,4 4,9 5,5 5,9 5 6,4 6,6 6,9 2011 2012 2013 5,6 1 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: Ministry of Economy 2nd October 2014 41 Polish foreign trade Export of Polish furniture to Finland Export of Polish furniture to Finland between 2008 - 2012 (mln EUR) 50 45 45 40 35 35,4 30,6 30 27,5 27,9 2009 2010 25 20 15 10 5 0 2008 2011 2012 Source: Ministry of Economy 2nd October 2014 42 Polish foreign trade Export of Polish building materials to Finland Polish export of building materials to Finland between 2010 - 2013 (mln EUR) 80 70 69,4 65,8 68,1 60 50 48,8 40 This statistic is subject of export of the following products: glaziers putty, particle board, oriented strand board (OSB), fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials, builders joinery and carpentery of wood, sections of iron or non-alloy steel, tubes and pipes, frames, doors, balustrades, pillars and columns, aluminium plates, sheets and strip, slaked lime and hydraulic lime, paints and varnishes based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers. 30 20 10 0 2010 2011 2012 I-XI 2013 Source: Ministry of Economy 2nd October 2014 43 Polish foreign trade Export of Polish building materials to the selected countries Polish export of the building materials to the selected countries between 2010 - 2013 (mln EUR) I-XI 2013 205,8 68,1 2012 206,8 69,4 155,2 186,2 65,8 111,3 2010 159,4 48,8 Source: Ministry of Economy 2nd October 2014 50 305,8 244,4 Norway Denmark 2011 0 318,6 224,2 100 150 Sweden 238,2 Finland 193,6 200 250 300 350 Above statistic is subject of export of the following products: glaziers putty, particle board, oriented strand board (OSB), fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials, builders joinery and carpentery of wood, sections of iron or non-alloy steel, tubes and pipes, frames, doors, balustrades, pillars and columns, aluminium plates, sheets and strip, slaked lime and hydraulic lime, paints and varnishes based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers. 44 Selected Finish companies in the Polish building sector Agrosec Polska Ensto Pol Gebwell GS Hydro Tecwill Polska Teknos Oliva Ramirent S.A. Caverion Paroc Polska Retting Heating Sanitec Koło Assa Abloy Poland Caverion Kiilto Polska Lemminkӓinen Polska Lieto Security Onninen Teknos Uponor Infra UPM Raflatac Findrewno Outokumpu Distribution Polska 2nd October 2014 Nordkalk 45 Polish building sector – the most promissing segments The most promising segments of the Polish construction market over the next two years Special construction 1% Warehouse construction 2% Public buildings 2% Office construction 3% Retail construction 8% Environmental construction 10 % Industrial construction 11 % Road construction 12 % Residential construction 12 % Railway construction 21 % Energy construction 38 % 0% 2nd October 2014 5% 10 % 15 % 20 % 25 % 30 % 35 % 40 % 46 EU Funds in Poland in 2014 – 2020 perspective The Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment (27 513,9 mln EUR) The Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment will support energy efficiency and low-carbon economy projects, in particular in cities. Its main beneficiaries will be public bodies (including local authorities), but also private companies. PRIORITIES reduction of emission (in the) economy environment protection, including adaptation to climate change development of transport infrastructure, environmental friendly and important in European scale increasing accessibility to European transport network improving of energy security protection and development of national heritage enhancement of strategic infrastructure in health protection technical assistance Warsaw 2nd October 2014 47 Polish certification system in building materials sector European Approval Body According to the Decree of the Minister of Infrastructure, dated 2nd December 2002, determining the Polish organizations authorized to issue the European Technical Approvals, the Building Research Institute is designated to perform the assessment of fitness for use of the innovative construction products and to grant the European Technical Approvals. This authorization has been notified to the European Commission and to the Member States of the European Union and provided ITB the status of EOTA full member. Since the 1st May 2004, the Institute as EOTA member, is within its rights to grant European Technical Approvals (ETA), which – like harmonized standards – are the reference documents in conformity assessment procedure, allowing for CE marking of construction products. European Notified Body No 1488 The Building Research Institute is the Notified Body to the European Commission and to the Member States of European Union, designated for the tasks concerning with the assessment of construction products conformity, according to the requirements of CPD. Implementation of these tasks is leading to CE marking of the construction products and is concerning with the activity in the following range:certification of products conformity, • certification of factory production control, • laboratory testing. • The ITB is registered in European Commission data base (NANDO CPD) under the number 1488. 2nd October 2014 48 Building Research Institute (ITB) ITB is the body authorized to issue the technical approvals in the range of following products: REQUIREMENTS FOR MANUFACTURERS OF CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS (concerning Factory Production Control - FPC) products for concrete, steel and ceramic structures, metal and plastic anchors, products for lightweight structures, casings and fillings, windows, doors, gates and associated products, products for moisture-proofing and water-proofing protection, products for thermal and acoustic insulations, products for building protection, products for fire protection, products for plastering, flooring, lining and facing, products for sanitary installations. 2nd October 2014 These requirements are designated for Manufacturers applying for the following certificates from the Certification Department of the Building Research Institute: a) Product conformity, b) Factory Product Control, c) A–ITB acoustic mark, d) Q–ITB quality mark, e) EKO–ITB environmental mark. 49 ITB International Cooperation (selected examples) 2nd October 2014 50 Useful links • • • • • • • • • Building Research Institute (ITB) http://www.itb.pl/en/ Institute of Hydroengineering of Polish Academy of Sciences (IBW PAN) http://www.ibwpan.gda.pl/index.php/en/ Road and Bridge Research Institute http://www.ibdim.edu.pl/eng/ Stowarzyszenie Kosztorysantów Budowlanych http://www.kosztorysowanie.org.pl/ (polish only) Polish Association of Houses Construction http://www.psbd.com.pl/ (polish only) Polish Cement Association http://www.polskicement.com.pl/ (polish only) Expanded Polystyrene Association http://www.styropiany.pl/ (polish only) Association of Concrete Producers http://www.stow-bet.com.pl/main_spb.php (polish only) National Union of Construction Materials Producers „CERBUD” http://www.cerbud.org.pl/ (polish only) 2nd October 2014 51 Useful links Selected wholesalers of building materials in Poland • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BROKER http://www.broker.stg.pl/#5 REALBUD http://www.realbud.pl GIEBEL http://giebel.com.pl HURTOWNIA BUDOWLANA24 http://hurtowniabudowlana24.pl FALCON http://www.falkon.elblag.pl ELBUDEX http://elbudex.com.pl MIXBUD http://www.mixbud.com.pl HMB MATERIAŁY BUDOWLANE http://www.hmb.com.pl DAK-BUD http://dak-bud.prv.pl BUD-MAT http://www.bud-mat.eu PIK MATERIAŁY BUDOWLANE http://www.pik.plo.pl CENTROBUD http://www.centrobud.pl BUTRANS http://www.butrans.com.pl EL-BAU http://www.elbau.com.pl CERBUD http://www.cerbud.pl 2nd October 2014 52 Useful links • • • • • • • • • • • Official Site of Poland www.poland.gov.pl President of the Republic of Poland www.president.pl Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland www.premier.gov.pl Ministry of Economy http://www.mg.gov.pl Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ) http://www.paiz.gov.pl/en Polish Agency for Enterprise Development www.parp.gov.pl Innovation portal for entrepreneurs and R&D Units http://innowacje.gov.pl Polish Export Promotion Portal http://www.eksporter.gov.pl Project Database, Project Private Partnership http://bazappp.gov.pl Trade and Investment Promotion Sections of Polish Embassies, Information Service http://polska.trade.gov.pl/en Trade and Investment Promotion Section, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Helsinki www.helsinki.trade.gov.pl 2nd October 2014 53 Thank you for your attention CONTACT Risto Rytin tie 7, Tel.: (+358) 9 686 00 60 Fax. (+358) 9 686 00 610 www.helsinki.trade.gov.pl E-mail: helsinki@trade.gov.pl 00 570 Helsinki, FINLAND 2nd October 2014 54
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