australian army cadets victoria australian army cadets


australian army cadets victoria australian army cadets
Simpson Barracks, Greensborough Highway, MACLEODVIC 3085. Telephone: 03 8481 7073
See distribution
EXERCISE EMU 2011 - 29 AUG 11 TO 05 AUG 11
A. Cadet Forces Regulations 1977
B. CA Directive 16110 Australian Army Cadets, dated 13 Jul 10
C. Australian Army Cadets Policy Manual 2004 (POLMAN 2004)
D. HQ VIC AAC/OUT/OPS/260/10 201 1 - Ex EMU 11 - 29 Aug 11 to 05 Oct 11 dated
12 Aug 11
1. VIC AAC BDE is to conduct the 201 1 Annual Cadet Camp, Exercise EMU 201 1 (EX
EMU1 I), in the Puckapunyal area over the period 29 Aug 11 - 05 Oct 11 in accordance with
the listed references.
The aim of this instruction is to assist you to prepare for your attendance at EX EMUl 1.
Annex C contains a suggested pers equipment list. Attached at annex D is a checklist to assist
you in ensuring that you meet all preparatory requirements to attend EX EMUl 1. You are to
read it thoroughly and alert your chain of command to any shortfalls in equipment or doubtful
points fiom this instruction immediately.
Reporting & Dismissal
Intake One (SBU) 02-24 Sep 11. All cadets and staff are to report, in uniform (DPCU)
with personal equipment, to their home unit locations at a time to be advised by their Unit
Commander. All cadets and staff will be dismissed fiom their home unit locations at a time to
be advised by their Unit Commander.
Intake Two (CBU) 25 Sep 11 - 02 Oct 11. All cadets and staff are to report, in uniform
(DPCU) with personal equipment, to their home unit locations at a time to be advised by their
Unit Commander. All cadets and staff will be dismissed fiom their home unit locations at a
time to be advised by their Unit Commander.
Reporting areas and drop-off locations will be prepared by HQ Vic AAC Bde and will
be located at the following locations:
Intake 1: SBUs
Mentone Grammar ACU (MTGACU) - National Service Lines (NSL)
Camberwell ACU (CGSACU) - Colston Hill Hard Stand (CHHS)
Scotch College ACU (SCACU) - CHHS 1Lake Eppalock 1
Tallarook State Forest
The Peninsula School (TPSACU) I Beaconhills College ACU
(BCCACU) - Colston Hill Hard Stand
Intake 2: CBUs
Stage 1 - Arrival
6. National Service Lines (MTGACU, 33AACBN): On arrival at PMA, buses will follow
the entry route as indicated in annex A and park within the assigned drop-off area, parallel to
but off the road. Staff and cadets will debus and move to the Bn holding area staying within
their unit grouping. Once all personnel are clear of the bus the bus will depart.
Colston Hill Hard Stand (CGSACU, SCACU, TPSACU, BCCACU, 32 & 34
AACBN). On arrival, busses will follow the entry route as indicated in annex B and park
within the assigned drop-off area on the hard stand. Staff and Cadets will debus and move to
the BN holding area staying with their unit grouping. Once all personnel are clear of the bus
the bus will depart.
8. Wet Weather. In the event of wet weather the process will remain the same; however,
the location of the march-in centres may be changed. Units will be directed to the revised
reception centre on arrival. Buses will still drop off passengers at the locations detailed in
Attachment 1 and personnel will be marched to the new reception centre area.
Stage 2 Processing
9. The unit OC (or hisher representative) will report to the BN march-in centre and
provide their BN staff with the following:
A confirmed and accurate nominal roll.
Information about any medical issues which require resolution.
Information about any other issue which may be relevant
to the safety and well
being of participants or the conduct of the exercise.
10. Medical issues which require resolutionlclarification are to be referred to the Bde
processing area for review by medical staff. The Bde processing will be located to the rear of
the Bn processing areas.
11. A cadet may only be returned to unit by the authority of the Bde COMD.
Stage 3 - Movement
12. Movement to accommodation at NSL (MTGACU, 33AACBN). Once cleared for
movement to the NSL by the AACBN HQ, under the direction of the BN HQ, the ACU group
will move to the NSL in a formed group and occupy their assigned ac~ommodationbuildings.
Once this has occurred the march-in process will have been completed and the ACU will be
under the direct control of their Bn HQ/ SBU OC for all further instructionlactivity.
13. Movement from CHHS to respective AOs (32 & 34AACBN). Once cleared for
movement by the march-in centre, under the direction of the AACBN HQ Staff / SBU OC, the
ACU group will be transported to the respective AOs.
Stage 4 - Post March In Action
14. As a minimum, the following activities are to be conducted by the AACBN / SBU HQ
after march-in:
Delivery of the Exercise Safety Brief to all AACBN /SBU personnel. Each
AACBN / SBU is to determine its own suitable venue to conduct this brief.
33AACBN / SBU is to conduct of a fire drill for all personnel accommodated in
the NSL. This is to be conducted after the delivery of the Safety Brief but prior to
2000 hr and must be during daylight.
Coordinate movement of personnel to assigned locations in accordance with the
ration plan.
March-in responsibilities
Unit OC1 COs are to ensure that all cadets participating in this activity arrive with all
of the required documentation completed appropriately.
16. Bde HQ will establish and maintain a march-in centre and coordinate the reception
17. AACBN 1 SBUs who will march-in at the NSL will be responsible for:
Staffing and administering their AACBN /Unit march-in centres.
Allocating personnel to accommodation.
Providing a bedding plan to Bde HQ (OB) by NLT 252000 SEP 11.
Conducting a fire drill for all their personnel located at the NSL.
Delivering the Exercise Safety Brief to all personnel simultaneously.
18. AACBN 1 SBUs who will march-in at CHHS will be responsible for:
Staffing and administering their BN 1Unit march-in centres.
Co-ordinating transport priority fiom CHHS to respective AOs within PTA.
Delivering the exercise safety brief to all personnel.
19. In accordance with ref D, Unit Commander's are to ensure ACS, cadets and VAS
attending EX EMU1 1 have complete and current personal documentation.
20. All ACS, cadets and VAS are reminded that a copy of their NOK, HealthIMedical
Statement and AMP (if required) is to be carried in the Top Left-hand Pocket in a waterproof
bag (plastic bag).
21. ParentsIGuardians are asked to read and sign the
ParentlGuardian consent form (annex
E) and return it as advised by the Unit Commander.
22. Any changes to the NOK or medical information must be supplied to the SBUI BN
Admin O f i upon march-in. Any member who fails to complete this documentation will not
be allowed to march-in and participate in the activity. Individual UnitsParents will be
responsible for return movements under these circumstances.
23. ADF staff are to complete the NOK form only and submit to the Admin Offr upon
march in.
Action Management Plans
24. The AAC Management of Health Conditions policy requires that any AAC member,
who has a diagnosed healthlmedical conditionls where they are at risk of sudden
incapacitation or worsening of their condition and/ or requires treatment by medication, must
declare the condition and be in possession of an Action Management Plan (AMP) signed by
the parentlguardian and medical practioner. If an AMP is required by the Policy but not
provided or is incomplete, then the member will not participate in the activity.
25. In the event that an AAC member requires emergency medical treatment beyond initial
fist aid, they will be taken to the nearest civilian medical facility in accordance with ref D.
26. ADF, ACS, Cadets and VAS are to bring their own supply of band-aids, sun-cream,
insect repellent, foot powder, etc.
27. Medication. Cadets on prescribed medication are to bring sufficient medication for the
duration of the activity. Medication and relevant documentation is to be submitted at march-in
where a logbook will be kept that details the administration of all medications. AlI cadet
medications are to be provided in 'blister-packs9/ 'webster packs' with the member's
name and dosage clearly labelled.
28. No private vehicle will be allowed to enter the PMTA. Any member who travels to Ex
EMU1 1 using hisher private vehicle is to park hisher vehicle in the assigned parking area at
the NSL. Transport of these members from the N$L to CHHS is a SBU / M C B N
29. All personnel movement has right of way at all times, vehicle speed within 50 m of
pedestrian movement is restricted to 10 km/h.
30. Vehicle movement within the NSL fenced area is 10 km/h at all times.
3 1. There is to be no non essential vehicle movement within the NSL fenced area. Any such
movement will result in the vehicle being banned from the NSL area.
Transport arrangements
32. Coach timings from respective ACU locations to Puckapunyal are stipulated in annex F.
These timings are fixed and not negotiable. POC for any coach arrangements is the OPSWO,
W02 T. Anderson at 03 8481 7045 or
33. Cadets and staff should bring sufficient food (suggested cut lunch) for their first meal on
their march-in days. The majority of rations provided will be Civilian 'Hunger Buster' ration
packs and with some fresh meals provided by PMA messes.
34. Special Dietary Requirements. BN and unit staff are to identify any members with
Special Dietary Requirements (SDR) and manage these IAW the AAC policy on Management
of Health Conditions and AAC SOP Management of Special Dietary Requirements on AAC
35. Any cadet or staff member who is unable to consume the contents of a Hungerbuster
Cadet Ration Pack due to SDR is to provide their own rations for the duration of the exercise.
SDRs will only be considered when members are consuming meals prepared by PMA messes.
36. ADF staff will have a mixture of CRP and fresh rations. The issue and consumption of
ADF CRP by members of the ADFC has been banned by CDF and CA.
AAC and ADF personnel participating in EX EMU1 1 are to note the following:
"The Australian Defence Force (ADF)is unable to provide a severe food allergy
free environment (such as from peanuts) in relation to the consumption of food
during cadet activities. Such a risk may be life threatening for people who sufler
from a severe food allergy. Parents may consider it is in their child's best interest
not to allow participation of their child in the proposed activity. In the event that
the child is allowed to attend a catered cadet activity, the parents may choose to
provide, at their own expense, suflcient food to cover the duration of the
Dress and equipment
38. All cadets and staff must be appropriately dressed for all activities conducted within the
exercise. The dress order for all members is Field Dress IAW AAC Dress Policy or Army
Standing Order of Dress.
A personal equipment list is at annex C.
40. The carriage of personal effects, e.g. cameras, iPods, etc, is permitted however the AAC
or ADF will not accept responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal equipment not on
the personal equipment list. Cadets will not be permitted to carry mobile phones during
the exercise. If mobile phones are brought by cadets, they will be confiscated and held in a
secure container under BNI Unit arrangements. Mobile phones will be returned after the
It is the responsibility of each cadet to ensure the security of their personal equipment
and belongings. Cadets are not to bring more than $50 cash. The AAC or ADF will not accept
responsibility for the loss or damage of any items that are not on the personal equipment list.
Alcohol and tobacco
Any cadet or who brings, supplies, uses or is found in possession of alcohol, cigarettes,
tobacco or any form of narcotic drug will be withdrawn from all activities immediately and
dismissed from the activity at the earliest opportunity. A formal report will be made to their
parents and unit commander at the earliest opportunity. Kit checks may be conducted.
43. Adult staff (ACS, ADF and volunteers) are to note that there is to be no carriage or
consumption of alcohol for the duration of this activity, and that smoking of tobacco is not to
take place in the presence of Cadets.
Behaviour and discipline
44. If a cadet is to be dismissed from the activity on any grounds, a formal report will be
made to their parentslguardians and unit commander at the earliest opportunity. Under these
circumstances the member is to be collected from PMA by their nominated Next of Kin.
45. Given the location and tempo of activity during the conduct of EX EMUl 1 there will be
no provision for the pick up or delivery of mail.
EX EMU11 T-shirts
46. An EX EMUl 1 T-shirt will be made available for purchase by individuals during the
conduct of the activity. The cost for the T-shirt is $15 and payment is to be made upon
collection at EX EMUl 1.
Emergency Contacts
Emergency contact during Ex EMU 11 can be made using the following numbers:
HQ Vic AAC Bde (Simpson Barracks)
(Business Hours only)
HQ Vic AAC Bde Duty Officer
Exercise Control - Puckapunyal
03 84817073
The following information must be given by the caller:
name of parent or guardian/ person making the call;
name of member1 cadet and name of their unit;
details of the emergency; and
caller's return contact details.
Advance / Rear Party
49. There is a requirement for manpower assistance fkom SBUI BNI ACU during both the
Advance and Rear Parties. Nominations fiom ADF, ACS and Cadets are requested fiom SBU
and BN to assist Bde HQ in various tasks including, collection of stores, washing, non-tech
inspections and returning loan stores and vehicles. Nominations should be sent through
respective SBUI BN HQ to the OIC Advance/Rear Party CAPT(AAC) Adrian Pearse at 0428
605 295 or adrian.pearse@,