Media Kit - Meredith Agrimedia
Media Kit - Meredith Agrimedia
Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast ® Successful Farming Media Kit Media Kit Editorial Contacts EDITORIAL CONTENT DIRECTOR Dave Kurns | 515-284-3735 | ART & PRODUCTION CREATIVE DIRECTOR Matt Strelecki | 515-284-2815 | COPY AND PRODUCTION MANAGER Janis Gandy | 515-284-2187 | MACHINERY & TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE EDITOR Dave Mowitz | 515-284-3287 | ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY EDITOR Laurie Bedord | 515-284-2853 | INNOVATIONS EDITOR Jessie Scott | 515-284-2965 | CROPS CROPS TECHNOLOGY EDITOR Gil Gullickson | 515-284-2687 | ASSISTANT AGRONOMY EDITOR Kacey Birchmier | 515-84-2587 | COMMUNITIES EXECUTIVE EDITOR Betsy Freese | 515-284-2184 | CONTENT EDITOR Paula Barbour | 515-284-2852 | MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Jodi Henke | 515-284-3571 | MARKETING & RISK MANAGEMENT MARKETING EDITOR Mike McGinnis | 515-284-2848 | BUSINESS EDITOR Dan Looker | 515-284-3872 | RISK MANAGEMENT EDITOR Cheryl Tevis | 515-284-2825 | VIDEO EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Jason Meeker | 515-284-2210 | MULTIMEDIA PRODUCER Dave Ekstrom | 515-284-3345 | DIGITAL DIGITAL ENGAGEMENT DIRECTOR Courtney Yuskis | 515-284-3240 | NEWS EDITOR Jeff Caldwell | 515-284-3076 | DIGITAL CONTENT EDITOR Jordan Anderson | 515-284-2710 | Delivering together on the promise of success T rue to our name, Successful Farming magazine is all about success. Farmers don’t need more information about problems, but they do need and seek ideas that provide solutions. The goal of our editors is to help farmers make money, save time, and grow their satisfaction in the challenging business of farming. That’s why we pack every issue of Successful Farming with ideas that farmers can take right to the field, barn, shop, grain center, office or home and put to work. ® I salute and thank the advertisers in Successful Farming because you share our mission in serving farm families. Your products and services provide hardworking solutions to help farmers be more productive and to further enjoy their work and lifestyles. Thank you for being part of our great industry of agriculture and for choosing Successful Farming to communicate your message to America’s farm families. Together we deliver on the promise of success. Dave Kurns Editorial Content Director Successful Farming Twitter: @davekurns Strategic Marketing Solutions Successful Farming ® Successful Farming ® Magazine Weed, Disease & Bug Reference Guide ® • More than 80 grasses, grass-like weeds and broadleaf weeds. • More than 40 diseases affecting corn, soybeans and wheat. • Full-color photos of every weed, disease and insect. • Tips for scouting your crops and fields. The 2010 Successful Farming Weed, Disease & Bug Reference Guide is sponsored by BASF. Learn more about BASF’s innovative portfolio at REFERENCE GUIDE Meredith ® $9.95 SF_WID_Book_Wrap_BASF.indd 1 Weed, Disease & Bug Reference Guide • Over 50 insects, with information on different growth stages. 5/5/10 4:11:18 PM DATA SOLUTIONS EVENTS 2014-2015 Calendars EditorialPublishing Lead Buyers’ BeefIrrigation Closing Mailing Issue Features Guide Insider Digest Date Date 2014 August Last-Minute Tech Maneuvers Before Harvest, Beyond Tier 4 Final September October The New Corn Belt, Wildlife On The Farm, Your Farm In The Future, Pesticide Confidentiality Agreements Business Management Advice From The Pros, How To Roll With Volatile Weather November Mid-November December Soil Testers ■ ■ Air-Impact Wrenches Winter■ Footwear Jun. 13 Aug. 4 Jul. 18 Sep. 5 Aug. 18 Oct. 6 Robotic Revolution, Water Quality & Cover Crops, Tiling: Sure Way To Boost Productivity, Christmas Gift Guide Smartphones ■ ■ Sep. 16 Nov. 4 2014/2015 Marketing Issue Going Global No Buyers’ Guide Oct. 2 Nov. 18 Oct. 22 Dec. 8 Nov. 20 Jan. 14 Dec. 16 Feb. 3 Jan. 2 Feb. 17 Jan. 16 Mar. 5 Feb. 4 Mar. 21 Steel Deals This Season, They’re Here – They’re Here, Pork Powerhouses, Sustainable Solutions Half-Ton ■ Pickups 2015 January February Where Shoud You Spend Your Money?, Shop Shape Up Your Shop, Decisions, Decisions Vacuums Fixing The LP Industry BIG DATA Part 1: Tackling Big Data, 8 Ways To Cut Iron Costs, Terminating Cover Crops ■ Insulated ■ Outerwear Mid-February BIG DATA Part 2: Revolutionize Your Agronomic Plan, High-Speed Planting, Planter Checklist ChemicalResistant Gloves The State Of Drones, The Birds And The Bees And Seed Treatments, Pimp My UTV Seed Tenders Soil Special, Salute To Dr. Jonovic, Conduct Your Own Field Trial Zero-Turn Mowers Taking It To The Bank, Pre-Owned Precision, Biologicals Bloom Marketing Dashboards ■ ■ Feb. 18 Apr. 3 Cover Crops, 10 Things To Torque Off Landlords, Endangered Species – Farm Legislators, Who Pays For Your Congressman? Ergonomic Hand Tools Mar. 20 May. 7 March Mid-March April May Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast ■ ■ ■ Successful Farming Helps You Sell To Successful Farmers. Operation ® • Average farm size.......................................... 462 acres 500 – 999 acres........................................................ 33% 1,000 – 1,999 acres..................................................12% 2,000+ acres................................................................7% Readership • • • • • Median gross income.................................... $603,750 630,000 adult readers 1.5 readers per copy 30% pass along Average time spent with issue: 1.5 hours Circulation Quality • 72% average qualified non-paid circulation • 28% average paid circulation Reach Successful Farming readers are engaged • 88% of SF subscribers are corn producers • 78% of SF subscribers are soybean producers ® • Readers spend an average of 1.5 hours with each issue • Each issue is saved an average of 3.6 months • 88% of subscribers read 1/2 or more of each issue ® Profile • Average age of reader...............................................56 • Male......................................................................... 91% • Female.........................................................................9% Circulation Coverage National Circulation: 420,000 Northcentral...... 316,957 Illinois..................................43,658 Indiana................................23,709 Iowa.....................................45,159 Kansas.................................24,300 Michigan............................. 14,766 Minnesota...........................33,972 Missouri..............................23,635 Nebraska.............................25,865 North Dakota......................14,058 Ohio.....................................25,412 South Dakota.....................16,350 Wisconsin...........................26,073 Southern.............. 69,383 Alabama................................2,771 Arkansas...............................3,524 Delaware..................................493 District of Columbia................. 19 Florida...................................1,871 Georgia.................................4,367 Kentucky.............................10,580 Louisiana..............................1,903 Maryland...............................1,786 Mississippi............................2,566 North Carolina.....................8,737 Oklahoma.............................5,449 South Carolina.....................2,609 Tennessee.............................6,633 Texas................................... 11,069 Virginia..................................4,172 West Virginia...........................834 Western................ 20,975 Alaska......................................... 85 Arizona.....................................908 California.............................. 2,749 Colorado...............................4,583 Hawaii........................................ 24 Idaho.....................................2,415 Montana................................ 3,711 Nevada..................................... 276 New Mexico............................631 Oregon..................................1,687 Utah..........................................772 Washington..........................2,181 Wyoming.................................953 Eastern................ 15,307 Connecticut.............................312 Maine.......................................353 Sources:Alliance for Audited Media Statement, 6/30/14; SF Market Research Panel ® Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Massachusetts........................358 New Hampshire......................171 New Jersey.............................636 New York...............................5,520 Pennsylvania.........................7,364 Rhode Island............................. 31 Vermont...................................562 Other...................... 1,486 Tested and Proven Content S uccessful Farming® magazine’s cutting edge design creates the most effective communication vehicle in ag publishing. In today’s world of increasing competition for farmers’ time and attention, Successful Farming continually reinvests in our media vehicles to ensure they are right for readers. And, if it’s right for readers, it’s right for advertisers. Call To Action Covers Covers designed to get the farmers’ attention and inside the magazine Easy Access Articles written to give busy farmers access to the information they need ... quickly Award-Winning Design Hard-Working Visuals Photography, illustrations and graphics that invite them into the article Proven Features Some of agriculture’s most trusted features like: • Machinery Pete • All Around the Farm® • Can Their Problem Be Solved? • Managing Your Farm • Healthy Manager • Business Partners • Precision in Practice Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Connecting With Beef Producers Online At www. beefinsider Beef Insider B eef Insider is a special editorial section within the pages of Successful Farming® magazine which provides in-depth coverage of the beef industry. Each 8-16 page section of Beef Insider is selectronically delivered to any Successful Farming reader who raises beef and/or hay/ alfalfa. Livestock coverage is critical to the Successful Farming® subscriber. Total Circulation: 307,745 122,832 Beef Cow Owners 78,699 Fed Cattle Owners 56,668 Dairy Owners Editorial focus: Health, Products, Markets Each section contains: • • • • Lead-in feature Health and research digest New product gallery Cattle market news 293,980 Hay/Alfalfa Growers • Targeted editorial features • Home page link • Producer interaction • Engaged audience Beef Insider E-newsletter • Delivered monthly to opt-in subscribers • Current industry news • Featured editorial from Gene Johnston and the Beef Insider team • Beef health tips Publishing Schedule The trusted authority on antique equipment restoration D elivered bi-monthly to approximately 30,000 dedicated restoration enthusiasts, Ageless Iron Almanac has provided valuable brand, pricing and how-to information throughout its eight-year history to become the #1 resource for antique equipment collectors. Now, the Almanac is elevating that leadership position with a new design and 16-page format, containing proven reader favorites, expanded familiar features and an array of fresh new editorial content. And, marketers can now position their message within the pages of the Almanac, utilizing up to two full pages. ® Available Positions Issue Ad Close Mailing Date August 2014 October 2014 December 2014 February 2015 April 2015 June 2015 August 2015 October 2015 December 2015 Jun 17 Aug 15 Oct 13 Dec 18 Feb 14 Apr 15 Jun 17 Aug 15 Oct 13 Jul 18 Sep 17 Nov 14 Jan 17 Mar 19 May 16 Jul 18 Sep 17 Nov 14 Growers First Ageless Iron Almanac ® Average Age................................................................ 65 Average Gross Farm Income.............................$564,612 Average Corn Acres...................................................316 Average Soybean Acres..............................................289 Average Beef Cows.....................................................170 Many of your best customers enjoy collecting antique equipment. Almanac Marketplace Page (Net) Six Time.......$2,700 ($500 per 3" ad insertion) A page devoted to suppliers of restoration materials and services – with turnkey execution. 1.Provide your logo. your logo. Logo 2.Provide a headline – up to 10 words. Headline headline head line headline headline headline headline head 3.Provide up to 25 words of text. Almanac Marketplace Page MARKETPLACE Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text ( Faces inside back cover) Back Cover (Net) OCTOBER 2011 APRIL 2014 WAS THIS THE FIRST GARDEN TRACTOR? Back Cover Issue An Al New Lo l ok & More Pages! One Time.................................................. $5,000 Six Time................................................... $24,000 Back Cover Combo Package (One Time)....................... $9,000 Photograph: John Schultz GREATEST TRACTORS OF ALL TIME Combo includes: • One print ad • :30 TV spot for two weeks • Website button for one month 1926 Centaur 2G Farmall’s Enduring Appeal I CovernStory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 AIA Anniversaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 the .early 1950s Farmall faced tractors for all farms and every • Power-Farming Pygmy Pioneer Steel, Mycrop. Story . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 one of the most daunting My chalRustoration . . . . . . . . . .that . . . . 4-5 A Wizard Working In Boilergo-to Iron guy was engiWiman lenges101 to .assault firm•dur• Looks Can their Be Deceiving neer Theo Brown who had been ing history. What's It Worth? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 working on an advanced tractor The Great Depression Pretty Boys Product Test Team . . . . . . . . . . . had . . . . 6 • Values For Deere line. since the introduction of the assaulted Farmall’s salers. While . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Tool Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Auction Action Farmall. Brown knew that Deere’s not financially strapped, Farmall State Of The Industry . . . . . . . . . . . 13 The faced Iron Agea. .funding . . . . . . . . . . . shortfall . . . . . . . . .8 next tractors not only had to meet still • Farmer-Born Planter US Revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . but 14 surpass it conAIA Mercantile the .competition, from the failing bank system. vincingly. Farmall’s President had worked Mystery Tractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Wit & Wisdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Brown and his braintrust of engitirelessly to elevate the importance neers set out to not only create a of tractors in their product line successor to the GP that could combefore taking over the reins of the IRON ALMANAC RIL 2014 1 to APstart pete with AGELESS the Deere but also firm in 1928. He wanted a line of AIA0414_01.indd 1 Inside: Older tractors see a rise in interest among collectors. p. 8 3/5/14 2:35 PM Production Specifications Trim Size Non-Bleed 8 1/4" x 10 7/8"7 3/4” x 10 3/8” Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Bleed Bleed Live Area 8” x 10 5/8”7 3/4” x 10 3/8” Proven Favorites From the Tractor Seat Editor Dave Mowitz provides unique observations into the life of agricultural equipment collecting and the history of tractors. State of the Industry The latest equipment introductions from farm machinery manufacturers familiar to antique tractor collectors. Wit & Wisdom from Roger Welsch Former CBS Sunday Morning correspondent and author of 32 books – including eight devoted to antique tractors – shares humorous observations on collecting and restoring antique tractors. Expanded Features Greatest Tractors of All Time The Almanac’s major feature and cover story will be expanded to two pages with a continued emphasis on showcasing the 36 greatest tractor models of all time as selected by editor Dave Mowitz. Focus is on the history of the development and introduction of each tractor model and its impact on agriculture. New Content Production Test Team Almanac readers will be invited to test a product (receiving, testing and then keeping that tool or supply product) and then provide their opinions of its qualities, or lack thereof. New Products Each issue will feature three to four new tools or innovative restoration products. Machinery Show Feature Tractor Rustoration 101 This how-to feature, providing tips and illustrating techniques to improve collectors’ tractor restoration skills, will be expanded to two pages. This new format will provide opportunities for additional photography and illustrations. My Steel, My Story Expanded to two pages, this article emphasizes the collector and their family, illustrating their experiences with collecting tractors and antique farm machinery. Mystery Tractor You Know You’re A Tractor Nut When... Paul Fell provides a cartoonist’s perspective to collecting antique equipment This reader favorite poses a challenging photo to identify and reveals the solution in the following issue. Ageless Anniversaries A look back in time, celebrating major historic anniversaries of farm equipment introductions or manufacturer news from 25, 50, 75 100 – even 125 years ago. The tractors featured at the end of our weekly television program – Machinery Show presented by Successful Farming – will be illustrated in this half page article. ® Timeless Trucks This article features the history of famous pickups and farm trucks. Production Specifications MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Trim Size: 7-7/8” x 10-1/2” BLEED UNIT SIZE NON BLEED BLEED TRIM Width x Length Width x Length Width x Length Width x Length Spread Page 2/3 Vertical 2/3 Horizontal Digest ½ Vertical ½ Horizontal ½ Horz Spread 1/3 Vertical 1/3 Square 1/3 Horizontal 1/6 Vertical 1/6 Horizontal 1/12 3” 2” 1” 15-1/4” x 10” 16” x 10-3/4” 15-1/4” x 10” 15-3/4” x 10-1/2” 7-3/8” x 10” 8-1/8” x 10-3/4” 7-3/8” x 10” 7-7/8” x 10-1/2” 4-3/4” x 10” 5-1/4” x 10-3/4” 4-1/2” x 10” 5” x 10-1/2” 7-1/4” x 6-1/2” 8-1/8” x 7” 7-1/4” x 6-1/4” 7-7/8” x 6-3/4” LIVE AREA 4-3/4” x 7” 5-1/4” x 7-1/2” 4-1/2” 6-3/4” 5” x 7-1/4” 3-1/2” x 10” 4-1/8” x 10-3/4” 3-3/8” x 10” 3-7/8” x 10-1/2” 7-1/4” x 4-7/8” 8-1/8” x 5-3/8” 7-1/4” x 4-5/8” 7-7/8” x 5-1/8” 15-1/4” x 4-7/8” 16” x 5-3/8” 15-1/4” x 4-5/8” 15-3/4” x 5-1/8” 2-1/4” x 10” 2-7/8” x 10-3/4” 2-1/8” x 10” 2-5/8” x 10-1/2” 4-3/4” x 4-7/8” 5-1/4” x 5-3/8” 4-1/2” x 4-5/8” 5” x 5-1/8” 7-3/8” x 3-1/4” 8-1/8” x 3-3/4” 7-3/8” x 3/1/8” 7-7/8” x 3-1/2” 2-1/4” x 4-7/8” Not Available 4-5/8” x 2-3/8” Not Available 2-1/4” x 2-3/8” Not Available 2-1/4” x 3” Not Available 2-1/4” x 2” Not Available 2-1/4” x 1” Not Available Material Requirements: Digital (see next page) Proof Requirements: See next page. Submit FILES via MEREDITH AD EXPRESS powered by SendMyAd. To Join go to: NOTE: When establishing an account please observe the Minimum Requirements to avoid processing errors. • Create an account if you have not already done so. • Choose: “Send My Ad”. • Choose Publication: Successful Farming • Choose Issue: i.e. March • Send Color Proofs to Jessica Stites at the address below. For Material Extensions or Production Questions Contact: Jessica Stites Meredith Content Center 1716 Locust Street, LS227 Des Moines, IA 50309 Phone: Email: 515-284-3643 Fax: 515-284-2709 02.11.12 Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Digital Ad Specs File Formats: • • Preferred format: PDF/X-1A Acceptable format: PDF For instructions on how to create a PDF go to – – under HOME - select DASHBOARD – select VIEW FAQs. • Submit FILES via Meredith Ad Express To Join go to: File Resolution Requirements: • File Submission Site: • • Vector (PDF/X-1A, PDF) 300 dpi/2400 dpi for Line Work 1. 2. 3. 4. Retention of Materials: Materials for all processes will be held for one year then destroyed, unless otherwise notified. Rotogravure Titles: Live Matter Requirements: • • • • • • Set the offset setting to .167 when creating PDF/X-1A files so the standard trim, bleed and center marks are included but not in the “live” image area or “bleed” area. Single page ads should be built to 100% trim size with the marks & bleeds option turned on. If ad bleeds, extend bleed a minimum of 1/8” beyond trim. Keep live matter in a minimum of ¼” inside trim dimensions. Partial page ads should be build to 100% of their actual trim size with the marks & bleeds option turned on. If ad bleeds, extend bleed a minimum of 1/8” beyond trim. Keep live matter a minimum of ¼” inside trim dimensions. All non-bleeds ads should be built to 100% of the non-bleed specs. All Bleed Ads – Keep live matter a minimum of 3/8” inside the bleed dimensions on all four sides. Spread Ads: Keep live matter ¼” away from either side of center or ½” total across the gutter. For spread ads with a headline crossing over the gutter, contact production department if the visual spacing between words or letter is critical. NOTE: Better Homes & Gardens, Ladies Home Journal & More magazines will require a 5% minimum dot to print the highlight areas & square-up on edges. Fade off dot is 3% Proof Requirements: Advertiser understands that if they do not supply a SWOP certified color proof with color bars or if they supply a color laser proof that Meredith cannot guarantee a color match to the supplied proof and will print to the supplied file. • • • • • • File specifications/General Guidelines: • • • • • • • • • • • • Do not apply style attributes to basic fonts. Include and/or embed all fonts, images/scans, logos and artwork. Do not nest PDF files in other PDF files. Do not nest EPS files in other EPS files. Use of illegal characters in file names will not be accepted. 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All supplied materials intended for use in Meredith publications must be properly trapped and, when possible, image trapping should be represented in the accompanying SWOP proofs. 09.02.2010 Supply a minimum of TWO composite SWOP certified proofs for color – American Baby requires THREE. Proofs must be made from supplied file. Proofs must be 100% of size. Proofs must be SWOP certified. For an up-to-date list of SWOP approved color proofs, please visit: • New files are required for ads that need type changes such as key-codes, addresses, phone numbers, etc. A corresponding color contract proof is required to show these changes. • Foxfire browser is recommended. When establishing an account please observe the Minimum Requirements to avoid processing errors. Create an account, if not already established. Choose: “Send My Ad” Choose the publication: i.e. More Magazine Choose the issue: i.e. October or Fall • • • Color bars are required on all analog or digital halftone proofs. Color bars should be include: − SWOP color bars at 100% size as found on SWOP website (above). − A solid and 25%, 50% and 75% tints of each process color. − Solid overprint. − At least one gray balance patch (cyan-50%, magenta and yellow 39%). − Two-color overprints at 25%, 50% and 75% as also recommended. − The color bar can be a GCA/GATF Proof Comparator, or a GATF/SWOP Proofing Bar or digital equivalent. Proofs must indicate the proofing product or system used, prepress supplier contacts and information showing conformance to the Manufacturer’s Application Data. Ad should be proofed on Publication grade stock except for More, Traditional Home, Special Interest Magazine Bookazines and commercial work which should be proofed on Commercial grade stock. Proofing systems requiring line screens: − Publication Grade Stock – use 133 line − Commercial Grade Stock use 150 line If the above guidelines are not met, the color and quality of print reproduction may vary. Proofs that are not SWOP compliant will be referenced for content only. Meredith will try to achieve a reasonable match to the supplied proof. Meredith Corporation is a member of DDAP Association and subscribers to and supports all digital exchange standards developed by CGATS/SC6, the accredited graphic arts standards committee. The #1 Digital Brand in Agriculture A® is a fully interactive community designed specifically for the farmer and marketer to engage in conversation with customers, peers and editorial staff. Providing An Interactive Spectrum For Growers: Agrimarketer • • • • • • The [A] List Classifieds Ag Directory Forums Persona Comments • • • • • Product Reviews Story Sharing/photo sharing Mobile AgPoll Mobile Sharing Social Mobile (Lithium/FFF) Total User Control Not only are there more ways to interact, but we have put the user in control of the content with enhanced social networking tools and content sharing. Farmer Sharing with the World: Ag This 268 social media avenues to share information Elevated Expertise Farmer Publisher Content expertise has never been greater with additional contributors in all digital formats. A Multimedia Explosion The new Media Center is the hub for ag-related audio, video and photography. Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Audience Traffic • 361,496 unique visitors per month* • 6.67 minutes per user session • 2,738,283 page views per month* Visitor Profile • Most frequently visited on Tuesdays and Thursdays • Most frequently visited between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. • 60% of visitors either type in the URL or have it bookmarked on their computer • Besides the homepage, Markets is the most visited category • 56% of users return to the site more than once per day • iPhone and iPad are top mobile devices used to access site • 85% of users are from non-mobile devices * 6-month average Omniture scores from December 2013 to May 2014 Maximize Your Interaction with Your Best Customers A offers many proven opportunities for positioning your marketing message in front of growers, including: B • High-impact marketing tools • Unique, high-exposure packages • Content sponsorships • Integrated social media and marketing tools Display Advertising Units E F A Top Leaderboard................................(728 x 90 pixels) B Medium Rectangle......................... (300 x 250 pixels) C 1/2-Page Ad..................................... (300 x 600 pixels) C D Bottom Leaderboard........................(728 x 90 pixels) E Wallpaper I......................................(130 x 1500 pixels) (Non-clickable. Impact Unit only. Subject to availability restrictions) F Wallpaper II....................................(130 x 1500 pixels) (Non-clickable. Impact Unit only. Subject to availability restrictions) D Sponsor News Search Sponsorship M Y ake your ad message pop with text and a graphic prominently displayed on the following category pages: • • • • • • our company logo will appear by the search bar at the bottom of every page and at the top of the search results page. News Machinery Livestock Crops Farm Management Family Headline Headline Text text text text text text text text Sponsor News Graphic: 120 x 60 pixels + 20 character headline and 40 character text Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Search Sponsorship Ad 88 x 31 Pixels [A] List Page [A] List Sponsorship B e seen with the top news from across the Web with the [A] List Sponsorship. Homepage [A] List Sponsorship Ad 190 x 35 Pixels [A] List Sponsorship Ad 200 x 40 Pixels [A] List Category Page Categories Include: • News • Machinery • Livestock • Crops • Farm Management • Family [A] List Sponsorship Ad 88 x 31 Pixels Additional Sponsored Site Object Opportunities One 88 x 31 pixel unit each • Agriculture Search • AgPoll • Weather • Markets • News • Livestock • Family Ag Poll Sponsorship Y our company will receive exposure across the site. Purchased by the month, it is tied to all polls running on Agriculture. com. This is the farmers’ lowest-risk method of interacting on Poll Sponsorship Ad 88 x 31 Pixels Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Video Sponsorships P lace your video marketing message in this high-interest environment with a sponsored video or a pre-roll in Media Center videos. Sponsored Video Up to 5:00 minutes Video Pre-Roll :15 seconds E-Newsletters Express • Distribution: 42,798 • Frequency: Weekly Friday bulletin of the most important news of the week, ideas from site visitors and new features on the site Special Reports Leaderboard 728 x 90 (30K max file size) Vertical In-Text 200 x 150 max image (30K max file size) Up to 50 words Horizontal In-Text Up to two images (30K max COMBINED file size) 1 – 200 x 150 image or 2 – 200 x 75 images Up to 100 words Medium Rectangle 300 x 250 (30K max file size) Optional Vertical In-Text Optional Horizontal In-Text Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Exclusive Sponsorships Available Additional E-Newsletter Opportunities Women in Ag • Distribution: 9,857 • Frequency: Monthly Update on issues relevant to women either operating or part of an ag operation, ranging from business management to safety and recipes. Sent monthly. Machinery Insider • Distribution: 4,083 • Frequency: Monthly The breaking news in farm machinery and technologies. Beef Insider • Distribution: 4,570 • Frequency: Monthly Current industry news and beef health tips. Additional ag emails for marketing purposes • Distribution: 240,000 • Frequency: On Demand Total ag email addresses on file: 301,308 Available Units: 728 x 90 Leaderboard In-Text (100 words + graphic) Traffic • 55,330 unique visitors per month* • 6.12 minutes per user session • 392,570 page views per month* * 6-month average Omniture scores from December 2013 to May 2014 Easy Grower Access C onnect with your best customers wherever they are. Mobile Agriculture. com gives growers the tools to access content while on the move, which means your marketing message can reach them as immediate action is required. Placements Banner Ads Banner ads appear at the top and bottom of all mobile site pages. These ads utilize the largest, standard mobile size: 305 x 64. (It is possible to run ads at smaller standard sizes in these locations, but not recommended. See available smaller sizes below.) Section Headings Our mobile homepage features six sections. For each section‘s header we offer a small banner or sponsor logo. Sizes for these units are: • 215 x 34 (recommended) • 167 x 30 • 112 x 20 The six feature sections are: • Machinery • Livestock • Crops • Farm Management • Family • Product News Mobile Commerce Messaging M obile shopping is trending quickly up, and we are excited to announce a new marketing technology that delivers that expanding audience. Our new Agriculture. com Mobile Commerce Messaging is a suite of marketing tools designed to exploit the medium’s immediacy and allows you to provide growers with special offers 24/7. In this environment, your deal is the content. User Experience: • Immediate [A] Deals engagement on home page • Quick sign up • Easy navigation of [A] Deals • [A] Deals are sortable by “Most Recent” and “Most Viewed” • Printable couponing • Geolocation tool • Social media sharing of [A] Deals via Facebook, Twitter and email Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Insight Industry-leading research tools to better understand your audience Q uality customer insight is the foundation to successful marketing efforts. The best insight often includes research, but it does not end there. Finding the right customers (or insights) involves combining objective research with knowledge and experience to paint a picture of the situation. At Successful Farming®, we tap into as many sources as possible to gain the most current and cutting edge insight about farms and farmers. As part of one of the most respected media companies in the world, Meredith Corporation, Successful Farming is able to tap into a full library of proprietary and syndicated research. Key consumer insight findings are then applied to the farm audience to show similarities to and differences from the general population. Library of studies includes: • • • • • Seed and Agronomic Study Farmers’ Use of Media Tires, Batteries and Accessories Farm Equipment Trucks, ATVs and Side-by-Sides • Established in 1980 • Comprised of nearly 1,000 active farmersubscribers (who agree to answer up to twelve surveys each year) • Survey questions come from the magazine’s marketing staff, editors and advertising customers • Directional research with a quick turnaround • Panel members register, provide their demographic profile information and agree to participate in regular surveys • Panel provides advertisers with proprietary research opportunities, pre- and post-ad campaign research Meredith Consumer Insights Meredith Consumer Insights is tasked with identifying and disseminating information on social, cultural and market trends affecting consumers. The group provides both strategic and tactical research information to support sound business decisions, develop content, new products, and answer the following questions: • Who are our consumers? • What do they want? • Where are the opportunities? Meredith Consumer Insights also mines industry, consumer, and proprietary data to uncover insights and trends in key categories and markets. In doing so, we better understand the challenges and identify key implications and opportunities of our customers. Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Custom Email Solutions T he Successful Farming®/Meredith Digital Audience Selector provides reach and targeting to help you retain and find new prospects online. The breadth and depth of the data Meredith has on our consumers provides marketers with over 4,000 data variables covering a wide range of demographics, lifestyles, lifestages, and purchase behaviors. Through Meredith’s data partner, Take 5 Solutions, Meredith’s clients have access to 40 million double opt-in and certified email addresses for consumers and over 200,000 farmers/acreage owners. Plus, you can create email campaigns for: brand awareness, generating website traffic, product sales, couponing, increasing retail traffic, consumer email registration/ collection, and multi-channel promotions. The email is 100% client-dedicated content, and we do the final push. We can accept creative in HTML format or help facilitate the creative design. Demographic Selections (Call for latest counts.) Total Acres Hogs or Sows Head Corn Acres Children Soybean Acres Grandparent Corn and Soybean Combined Acres Age Wheat Acres Corn, Soybean and Wheat Combined Acres Total Livestock Head Beef Cows Only Head Actively Farm SF® Active Own But Rent Out Employed On Farm Agri-Business Dairy Only Head Crop Brand Preference Soybean Seed – Brand Used/Number of Acres Planted Corn Seed – Brand Used/Number of Acres Planted Soybean Herbicide – Brand Used/Number of Acres Planted Corn Seed – Herbic ide Used/Number of Acres Planted Fungicide – Brand Used/Number of Acres Planted Crop Practice Biotech Corn Borer/Corn Rootworm Acres Round Up Ready® Corn/Soybean Acres Corn Stacked Acres Each Purchase Includes: • Creative setup charge Corn No Till/Conservation Till/Conventional Till Acres Soybean No Till/Conservation Till/Conventional Till Acres Soybean Cyst Nematode Acres • CAN-SPAM Act compliance Other Crops • Metered deployment (to avoid spam filters) Other Livestock • Suppression of opt-out names • Up to 5 geographic and/or demographic cuts (i.e.: 250+ corn, 250+ soybean, 1+ beef, active farmer, Iowa) Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Truck, Tractor & Automotive Consumer & Lifestyle Audience Profile Total Audience Full time producer/farmer 58.7% Agribusiness (non-producer) 8.4% Other32.9% M achinery Show by Successful Farming® is now enjoying its sixth year of overwhelming popularity. Programming – and 2011 marketing opportunities – Telly Award are available 52 weeks Winner each year. Machinery Show transforms all the best-read sections of the magazine into a 30-minute, feature television show. The show is filmed on location at agricultural trade shows, farm equipment auctions, machinery sheds, featured farm shops and other unique locations. Half-Hour Program Hosted by Dave Mowitz, Successful Farming Machinery Director Of Full-Time Farmers Acreage < 50 Acres 8.9% 50-250 Acres 36.3% 250-999 Acres 35.6% 1000+ Acres 21.5% Row Crops Corn68.9% Soybeans63.7% Wheat38.5% Grain Sorghum 2.2% Alfalfa/Hay45.9% Other Crop 27.4% Livestock Cow/Calf40.0% Feeder Cattle 25.2% Hogs12.6% Other Livestock 19.3% Source: Machinery Show Feedback Survey, March 2010 ® Features • Farm shops • New machinery technology • Farmer innovations • Machinery auction news with Machinery Pete Nielson Rated Audience Machinery Show • Averaging 180,000 weekly viewers • Averaging 129,000 weekly households • Averaging 118,000 weekly adults Advertising Benefits • Reaches more than 180,000 adults weekly, according to Nielsen Ratings • Consistently a top 10 program on RFD-TV • Consistently among the network’s top rated ag programs • Cross promotional opportunities between Web site and TV show Source: Nielsen 6-month average scores from December 2013 to May 2014 Advertising Opportunities • 30-second commercials • 60-second commercials • 7- or 15-second billboards • SF Showcase Source: Successful Farming Magazine Companion Study, January 2010 ® Do You Watch Machinery Show By Successful Farming®? Of Successful Farming Subscribers Yes, every week Yes, about once a month Yes, occasionally 38.3% 8.8% 34.1% THURSDAYS at 9:00 pm SUNDAYS at 10:00 pm All times Eastern on RURAL-TV/FAMILYNET. and Found on DISH Network, DIRECTV and most major cable systems. Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast Promotion Features In Conjunction With • In Successful Farming® magazine • Online at® • Express e-newsletter SF Showcase is a sponsor-driven advertorial platform produced and distributed by Successful Farming®. SF Showcase sponsors choose what to feature – the company, demonstrate products, explain services or share a customer success story. As featured this month in As featured this month in New Season Will your nitrogen ~ Now Showing last until harvest? Discover why record numbers of farmers are turning to the Machinery Show crew each week for the latest in farm shops, new machinery technology, DuPont™ Realm™ Q herbicide delivers farmer innovationsmore and, ofcontrol under more conditions. course, machinery auction news To help corn growers maximize yields and achieve cleaner with Machinery Pete. fields from planting to harvest, DuPont Crop Protection has Defend the N is a fun, educational interactive introduced DuPont™ Realm™ Q postemergence herbicide. game to help growers understand the Realm™ Q provides contact plus residual control of lateTHURSDAYS at 9:00 pm emerging weeds. Multiple modes of action deliver exceptional important role of fertilizer with the most control of hard-to-manage broadleaf weeds and grasses, FRIDAYS at 11:00 am advanced nitrogen manager on the market – including waterhemp, lambsquarters, giant ragweed and SUNDAYS at 10:00 pm glyphosate- and ALS-resistant weeds. many other NutriSphere-N. ® With a built-in crop safener, Realm™ Q can be applied in Play today at diverse All times Eastern onmore RFD-TV . weather conditions, giving growers more control more conditions Found on DISH Networkinchannel 231, across more hybrids. DIRECTV channel 345, andRealm most DuPont Q may not be registered for sale or use in all states. Sponsored by ™ ™ ShowcaseInPrint_MidMarch2011Composite.indd 1 A turnkey solution, the Successful Farming marketing team will help produce the video and print companion piece. Your SF Showcase feature will be distributed via the Successful Farming family of brands. SF Showcase Package ® • Two-minute broadcast quality video advertorial • In-program placement during one episode of the Machinery Show • 1⁄4 page feature in SF® Showcase promotion feature in Successful Farming® magazine • One insertion in Express e-mail • Online placement of the video on for 30 days • Sponsor’s rights to repurpose the video through self-driven distribution • Access to video assets for alternative purposes. Package Replay • Increases size of feature in SF Showcase print to 1 ⁄2 page • 1x insertion in Express Publishing Interactive Insight Broadcast ™ See your local DuPont retailer or representative for details and availability in your state. major cable systems. A leading industry innovator, solving some Always read and follow all label directions and precautions for use. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont , The miracles of science and Realm of agriculture’s long-standing challenges registered trademarks of DuPont or its affiliates. ™ ™ are trademarks or 3/3/11 11:02 AM OptRx : It’s Time to Rethink How You Apply Nitrogen TM Even if your fields are table-top flat, significant variations in nitrogen availability exist due to denitrification, excess moisture and leaching. With seed costs high, the timing and placement of applied nitrogen has never been more important. OptRx crop sensors sense crop vigor and apply the right amount of nitrogen to the right plants in real time. What does that mean for you? Better yield, improved land stewardship and more efficient use of nitrogen. Learn more at ShowcaseInPrint_March2011.indd 1 2/8/11 1:30 PM SF® Showcase Package Upgrades These options can be discussed and priced with your video producer/consultant. • Self-Branded Direct Marketing Video(s) • Self-Branded Web Video Portal and Video(s) • Video Library Services Production Specifications • Each story is allowed one day of video production on location. • Additional production days are $600 per half day and $1,000 per full day. • Each story is narrated by the voice of the Machinery Show. • Each story is limited to three minutes in length. • Travel and accommodations for up to two people are in addition to the package price. Successful Farming Radio Magazine T ® Demographic Coverage For The Successful Farming Radio Magazine Network he Successful Farming Radio Magazine airs every weekday on 132 farm radio stations in the Midwest. The show is based on the latest stories from Successful Farming magazine and ® ® If your company has a new product to announce, please contact Darrell Anderson of Successful Farming Radio Magazine at For advertising information, please contact Mike Elbe at ® Number of farms.................................................... 746,618 Cropland acres.................................................210,228,298 Production expenses...............................$95,223,227,000 Number of cattle/calves....................................42,909,886 Number of dairy cows........................................2,401,844 Number of hogs/pigs...................................... 106,710,956 Corn acres..........................................................55,331,725 Soybean acres...................................................35,880,724 Wheat acres.......................................................32,481,173 Forage acres....................................................... 23,469,114 Total farms 500-999 acres....................................... 76,246 Total farms 1,000+ acres.........................................90,304 Total market value of agricultural products sold................. $119,678,707,000 As of 9/13. Census of Agriculture Includes only counties with 90% geographic coverage The Successful Farming Radio Magazine Coverage Map ® 132 stations as of 6/2014 To learn more, contact your Successful Farming® sales executive or Josh Riessen at 515-284-2214 or 10.6.14
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