1 - City of Laguna Beach
1 - City of Laguna Beach
CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: No. 1 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION CASE: Conditional Use Permit 08- 16 APPLICANT: Emporio Optic LOCATION: 263 Forest Avenue APN: 641-25 1-03 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: PREPARED BY: DATE: 6/25/08 Categorically Exempt, Class 1 Martina Speare, Planning Technician (949) 464-6629 REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant requests an amendment to Condition No. 16 of Conditional Use Permit 04-02. BACKGROUND: In 1998, an application was submitted for Conditional Use Permit 98-03 to allow a retail store selling designer frames, prescription lenses and sunglasses and a lens manufacturing service. Conditional Use Permit 98-03 was denied by the Planning Commission on January 28, 1998, based on the incremental and cumulative effect of similar uses. The 1/28/98 Planning Commission Staff Report and Minutes are attached in Exhibit B. The decision by the Planning Commission was appealed to the City Council and the City Council upheld the appeal and overturned the Planning Commission denial. The City Council approval resolution required among other things that 60% of the merchandise be designed, manufactured and distributed only at the project site; 40% of the merchandise to be from sources that are exclusive to the applicant, and verification of sales records should be provided. Additional conditions required onsite lens manufacturing equipment and weekend hours. City Council Resolution 98.019 approving Conditional Use Permit 98-03 is attached in Exhibit C. On January 28, 2004, the Planning Commission considered a request to amend several conditions of approval of Resolution 98.019 (No.'s 10, 11 12, and 13) relating to exclusivity of the eyewear, display of sunglasses or tinted lenses and onsite lens manufacturing. After hearing public testimony, the Commission voted to modify the resolution and included conditions that required: 1) At least 60% of the eyewear merchandise display at the Laguna Beach location shall be designed, produced and distributed by the applicant. (The condition that 40% of the merchandise be obtained by sources specific to the applicant); 2) Specified that a maximum of 20% of the displayed eyewear merchandise may be sunglasses, defined as eyewear which has UV coating andlor is polarized and limited window display to no more than 20% sunglasses, as defined above; 3) Added a requirement that the applicant install and maintain all onsite lens manufacturing equipment that is necessary to provide same day service for a majority of prescription lenses and allowed the applicant to send out for prescription services; and 4) Conditional Use Permit 08-16 June 25,2008 Page 2 Modified the hours of operation. The 1/28/04 Planning Commission Staff Report and Minutes are attached in Exhibit D. On February 4, 2004, an appeal was filed by the applicant regarding the Planning Commission requirement to install and maintain all onsite lens manufacturing equipment to provide same day service for prescription lenses. The applicant stated that many prescription glasses require a week or longer to produce due to coating and tinting processes. The applicant requested and the City Council agreed to uphold the appeal and modify the condition at its March 16, 2004 meeting. The amended condition required the applicant to maintain all equipment onsite to produce many prescriptions on the same day for emergencies or if requested by the patient. Resolution 04.022 is attached in Exhibit E and is the current approval resolution the business is operating under. STAFF ANALYSIS: Condition No. 16 of Conditional Use Permit 04-02 (Resolution 04-022) requires the following: "A maximum of 20% of all displayed eyewear may be sunglasses, defined as eyewear which has UV coating and/or is polarized. Window display shall contain no more than 20% sunglasses, as defined above." The applicant has proposed three different options to amend Condition No. 16 of Resolution 04.002; 1. '%int 16 of Conditional Use Permit No. 04-02 shall be stricken in its entirety, and Emporio Optic may display sunglasses and eyeglasses in conformity with its boutique atmosphere. " 2. "A maximum of 70% of all displayed eyewear may be sunglasses, defined as eyewear compromised of frames having darkly colored lenses wherein the dark coloring substantially covers the entire lens. Window displays shall contain no more than 70% sunglasses, as defined above. " 3. ' A minimum of 10% of displayed eyewear must be prescription eyeglass frames. A maximum of 30% of displayed eyewear may be mainstream fashion sunglasses. A maximum of 20% of displayed eyewear may be sport-oriented sunglasses. A maximum of 50% of displayed eyewear may be classis/luxury mainstream fashion sunglasses. Window displays shall contain the same percentages as above. " The original application was approved as a retail store selling designer frames, prescription lenses and sunglasses, including a lens manufacturing service. The intent of the store was to provide prescription glasses and a small amount of ready-to-wear glasses. The subject business was never approved as a "sunglass store" as stated on page 2 of the applicant's addendum under the heading "Eyewear in Laguna Beach" Sunglass sales was ancillary to the business and limited to 20% of the merchandise displayed. Retail uses that contribute to the diversity and character of the downtown are allowed in the CBD-2 Downtown Commercial Zoning District subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. All of the proposed amendment options would change the use to a sunglass shop selling ancillary Conditional Use Permit 08-16 June 25,2008 Page 3 optical lenses. Currently there are 39 shops that carry sunglasses in the downtown, of the 39 shops, nine carry sunglasses that cost over $100 (See chart below and attached survey). Table I . I Sunglasses Price Ranges The applicant is proposing to carry higher-end or mainstream sunglasses. Currently, 20.5 1% of the shops selling sunglasses sell sunglasses in the same category. Furthermore, four other downtown businesses operate primarily as optical stores, which carry a large selection of highend sunglasses. Allowing an increase in the amount of sunglasses sold would change the use to a sunglass store which creates an incremental effect of similar uses that would be detrimental to the character of the downtown. There are only three shops within the downtown that offer prescription eyeglasses; however, none offer onsite manufacturing. Remaining an optical store with a focus on prescription glasses would continue to contribute to the diversity and character of the downtown. Staff cannot make the findings that the proposed amendments would maintain a balanced mix of uses within the downtown. Additionally, the increase of sunglasses sales would further deteriorate the diversity of uses in the downtown. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission deny Conditional Use Permit 08- 16 subject to the findings outlined in the attached resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Application Exhibit B: 1/28/98 PC Staff Report and Minutes Exhibit C: 2/24/98 CC Agenda Bill, Minutes and Resolution Exhibit D: 1/28/04 PC Staff Report and Minutes Exhibit E: 3116/04 CC Agenda Bill, Minutes and Resolution Exhibit F: Survey of stores selling sunglasses Resolution CITY OP LAI3UNA BEACH COND~TIONALUSE PERMIT APPLlCATlON 1 ;prj gltaguna 3es;k zofiin~Division A ~ ~ T ~1S9S ( . a Fairdawn, Irvine, C A 9 2 4 1 4 ,Tcle@bne 9 4 9 - 4 6 4 - 3 9 3 3 App]imf Emporio Optic ~ d 2 d6 3 Forest ~ ~ Ave., ~ ~ Laguna Reach,,, CA 9 2 6 5 1 PROPERTY mORhZATToN:, Location 2 6 3 Forest .Avenue Ass6sor Parcel ?4mbcf 6 4 1 2 5 1 0 3 PIU 9 5 6 . Emporio-Optic Eyeglass Shop Duild;ng/Suire sqrn Footage n /a ( contact 'ow~ a r Ill. , PROPOSED USE: Suite C m ~ e v i o u Use s Briefly describe the s ~ i f i us+) c Parking Spaces Provided none , proposed. Incl\lde infom~ttion about proposed lnerchandise and senices, menu items, p r o m business hours, etc. Sale of-prescriptioneyewear and sungl~sses. lmporio Optic respectfully requests an amendment to Point 1 6 of 'ConditionalUse. 'behit 04-02. The proposed amendment . and reasoning is set forth in'accompanling Addendum NO. 1 . Similnr Businesses Owned OT 0pmte.d by the Applicant: N. JUSTI%ICATJ.QN: 1. Is this site npproptiolr for thc proposed use in terms of size parking, s~o%c,trash, etc.? n/a 2. Docs this site hove adequate strm ncccss and on-site parki to handle b e traffic generated by the proposed use? n /a 3. Is the proposed use cornpan'blewith tlhe sumomding lmd u&? Explain. Yes. Please see accompanying Addendum. 4. Is the proposed use consistent with the goals and policies of :he Dowtltclwn Specific Plan rind the City's Genml Plm? Explain. Yes. Please see accompanying Addmdum. I hueby c ~ r l i l yhat all of me above informarion ~ o n i n c din #is applicadon is, to the b a of my linowlcdgc and belief, true an a A 1 hap* 25.0.5:Ch of the lagma Beach Municipal code.. ' ADDENDUM NO. 1 Emporio Optic respectfully submits the proposed amendment below to point 16 of Conditional Use Permit 04-02, which modifies conditional use permit 98-03. Emporio Optic respects the city of Laguna Beach's efforts to strive to ensure differentiation of services that keep the downtown area unique. Moreover, it is important to ensure that there is not an oversaturation a particular service. Like the City, Emporio Optic has an interest in servicing the needs of both tourists and residents in a unique way. Consequently, Emporio Optic believes it is important to understand the industry, the representation of similar businesses within the city, and how Emporio Optic offers an unique boutique atmosphere to the tourists and residents of Laguna Beach. Industry Perspective The eyeglass industry is made up of several categories of eyeglasses, only a portion of which are sunglasses. Industry data indicates that the major growth within the eyewear market rests in sunglasses generally, and particularly fashion sunglasses. Consequently, a further understanding of the sunglass category is significant, especially where it has caused the confusion leading to the plea to amend the use permit at issue. From a functional point of view, eyewear is compromised of a innumerous frames with particular lens types, including: Prescription Eyeglasses (eyeglasses having an individual prescription); Countertop Reading Glasses (eyeglasses having a non-prescription magnifying lens for reading); and Plano Eyeglasses (eyeglasses not incorporating a corrective prescription).' All of these types of lenses could fall within the meaning of the definition of "sunglasses," as that term is defined in point 16 of the use permit. All of these glasses can have lenses with UV protection andtor polarization, which can be characteristics of any eyeglass lens. Each of lens type can also be differentiated by the various color or tints on the lenses. The following are characteristic of the types of coverings on any given lens, which affects the visual darkness of the lenses. Uniform Density Lenses ("a lens whose luminous transmittance" - the amount of light transmitted through the lens - "does not vary significantly over the area of the lens "); ' See ANSI 287.1 - 2003. section 4. Gradient Density Lenses ("a lens whose luminous transnzittalzce varies siglzificantly across the lens "); Polarized Lenses ( " a lens whose lumirzous tralzsl~zitralzcevaries with the amount and orientatiorz of the polarizatiolz in the incident light"); and Photochromic Lenses ("a lens wlzose luminous tralzsmittalzce or color, or both, depends olz the recent exposure lzistory of the lens", or "which darkens when exposed to, and faces when removed front, ultraviolet radiation andor sunlight ").2 Typically, however, eyeglasses are not characterized by these technical features. The current use of technical language within Point 16 of Conditional Use Permit 04-02 causes confusion and ambiguity in attempting to apply these characteristics to the many types of eyewear carried within Emporio Optic. Instead, eyeglasses are better viewed by their market segment. As a market segment, eyeglasses are viewed on their styling/consumer demand and their price point. The market segment is represented by a myriad of brand names, which attract particular customers based on their styling appeal and price point. The sunglass category can generally be differentiated by "lifestyle" and "price" segments. Within the lifestyle segment there are sport, mainstream fashion, and classic/luxury/jewel styles. Any retail business markets to some cross section of lifestyle and price point, as illustrated more fully below. Evewear In Laguna Beach The City of Laguna Beach has optical stores and two sunglass stores. The primary focus of optical stores is to meet the needs of the each optometrist's customers. The sunglass stores, such as Sunglass Gallery and Emporio Optic, cater to the residents and tourists of Laguna Beach. The following represents the current market segments served by stores other than Emporio Optic, excluding locations that sell rack glasses. See ANSI 280.3 - 2003, section 3.5, and ANSI 287.1 - 2003, section 4. Dr. Cler & Dr. Cook Price $400 + $200-$400 *Nike *Adidas $100-$200 *Fendi *Escada *Silhouette *Ray Ban (Sun and h) Sport Tech *Jimmy Choo (Sun and Rx) *Prada *Paul Smith *Armani (Sun and Rx) *Gucci * Dior *Fish & Click *O & X *Maui Jim (Sun only) *Nine West Sport Fashion Sport Classic Sport Street Mainstream Progressive Fashion Luxury Fashion Leisure Chic Mainstream/ProgressiveFashion Classic/Luxury Jeweled SUNGLASS GALLERY Price $400 + *Maui Jim "Persol $200$400 $100$200 *Oakley *Salt *Dior *Gucci *Tom Ford *Bvlgari *Juicy *Cavalli *Marc Jacobs *D&G *Michael Korsn *Burberry *Coach *Fendi *Ray Ban *Vogue *Ralph Lauren Sport Tech Sport Sport Street Mainstream Progressive Fashion Leisure Chic Fashion Fashion S ort Classic Luxury 1 As is seen from the petitions submitted with this application, none of the optical stores in Laguna Beach object to Emporio Optic's petition to amend the conditional use permit. In fact, they all favor the amendment. Therefore, it is meaningful to understand how Emporio Optic serves a different market and customer than other stores. Emporio Optic's Business Emporio Optic is a boutique eyeglass store that has been doing business at this location on 263 Forest Avenue in Laguna Beach since September 1998. Since commencing business at this location in Laguna Beach, Emporio Optic has sold both prescription and sunglass eyewear. Emporio Optic displays both prescription frame and sunglass frames at its location. Emporio Optic also has prescription lens cutting tools at the back of its location to fill prescription lenses for customers. The Laguna Beach Emporio Optic store takes on a true boutique approach in its design to reflect the ambiance of its location. The current store design utilizes an eclectic array of materials, from slate and concrete to green granite and used brick to mahogany and antique rosewood fixtures. The overall environment that is created is a modem, inviting feel. The store also strives to contribute to the lifestyle and feel of Laguna Beach such as by displaying artwork of local artists and retailers, helping to promote and maintain the ambiance of Laguna Beach. Emporio Optic is owned by The Optical Shop of Aspen ("OSA"), which has every intention of operating Emporio Optic as a boutique eyeglass store rather than in conformity with OSA's general business pattern. Due to the unique resident and tourist needs in Laguna Beach, the collection and sale of eyewear at this location differs from OSA's general business. Generally, the Optical Shop of Aspen is a high-end optical retailer of luxury fashion eyewear and sunglasses, whose stores tend to be situated in the most upscale and exclusive markets in the country. Revenue mix consists of 60% frame sales and 40% lab/lens/accessories. Within the frame category, 75% of sales are from the sunglass segment, whereas 25% arise from the prescription eyewear segment. The product lines focus on high-end fashion, as illustrated below. At the Laguna Beach Emporio Optic, however, 85% of sales arise from the sunglass segment and 15% arises from prescription eyewear. As is clearly evident from the chart below , sales at the Laguna Beach Emporio Optic reflect more of the high-end lines than other store locations in Laguna Beach. Distinct from all other retailers in Laguna Beach, Emporio Optic carries the following lines: Persol, Blinde, Mosley Tribes, Dita, Chanel, Caviari Cazal, Christian Roth, Prada, Chloe, Versace, Ic Berlin, Kieselstein-Cord, Cartier, Gold & Wood, Retro Specs, Lunor, Alain Mikli, Bellinger, Lindberg, Robert Marc, Paul Smith, Face a Face, Tiffany, Oliver Peoples, Kawasaki, 2.5, Infinity, Rainbow, and Chrome Hearts. This represents almost 30 lines of glasses that are not carried by other stores in Laguna Beach. The store is also priced on the higher price-point scale than other stores in town. Ten of the lines carried by Emporio Optic are priced at more than $400, which price point others stores in town do not address. Accordingly, Emporio Optic believes that it represents an unique, boutique store in Laguna Beach to cater more to the luxury, high-end consumers. EMPORIO OPTIC LAGUNA BEACH Price Cartier KieselsteinCord I 1 Chrome Hearts Cartier Gold &Wood Kieselstein-Cord Retro Specs Alain Mikli Bellinger Maui Jim Persol Readers REM Scojo Maui Jim Persol Maui Jim Persol Oakley Ray Ban Von Zipper Revo SPY Smith Oakley Blinde Mosley Tribes Dita Chanel Gucci Dior Tom Ford Bvlgari Marc Jacobs CaviarICazal Lindberg Robert Marc Paul Smith Face a Face Tiffany Oliver Peoples Kawasaki 2.5 Infinity Rainbow Swissflex Christian Roth Prada Roberto Cavalli Chloe Dolce & Gabbana Versace I I ! Classic Sport Sport Sport Street Mainstream Progressive Fashion Luxury Tech Fashion Leisure Chic Fashion Readers Sport MainstreamlProgressive Fashion ClassidLuxury Jeweled I I I Pending Citation Recently, a complaint was made against Emporio Optic alleging that it was not in compliance with Point 16 of its Conditional Use Permit No. 04-02. Point 16 reads: "A maximum of '20%' of all displayed eyewear may be sunglasses, defined as eyewear which has UV coating andlor is polarized. Window display shall contain no more than 20% sunglasses, as defined above." The first issue with this limitation is the vague nature of the definition of sunglasses. As illustrated by the industry perspective presented above, the term "sunglasses" is vague. This misunderstanding led to confusion as to the application of this term to the business of Emporio Optic. I The second concern with the display limitation of Point 16 is that it does not comport with the commercial realities of Emporio Optic's business. In addition to the growth of the sunglass category industry-wide, after years of business in Laguna Beach, the 20 percent limitation does not allow Emporio Optic to conduct business as it could to best serve the desires of its customers. As expressed above, between 75-85% of Emporio Optic's actual sales fall within the broad, traditional definition of sunglasses. Emporio Optic believes that its business presents a unique boutique option to customers looking for high-end fashion glasses. To subsist as a business, Emporio Optic needs to continue to sell this volume of sunglasses, which is integrally linked to the display of products. Accordingly, Emporio Optic requests an amendment to its Conditional Use Permit. Any of the alternate amendments set forth below will allow for clarity and simplicity in configuring designs, while also allowing Emporio Optic to more effectively conduct business by satisfying the needs of residents and tourists in its shop. Proposed Amendment: Emporio Optic proposes one of the following alternatives to amend Point 16 of Condition Use Permit 04-02, which modified Condition Use Permit 98-03. Proposed Amendment No. 1: Point 16 of Conditional Use Permit No. 04-02 shall be stricken in its entirety, and Emporio Optic may display sunglasses and eyeglasses in conformity with its boutique atmosphere. Proposed Amendment No. 2: A maximum of 70% of all displayed eyewear may be sunglasses, defined as eyewear comprised of frames having darkly colored lenses wherein the .lark coloring substantially covers the entire lens. Window displays shall contain no more than 70% sunglasses, as defined above. Proposed Amendment No. 3: A minimum of 10% of displayed eyewear must be prescription eyeglass frames. A maximum of 30% of displayed eyewear may be mainstream fashion sunglasses. A maximum of 20% of displayed eyewear may be sportoriented sunglasses. A maximum of 50% of displayed eyewear may be classic/luxury mainstream fashion sunglasses. Window displays shall contain the same percentages as above. CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: No. 2 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION CASE: Conditional Use Permit 98-03 APPLICANT: Larry Sands LOCATION: 263 Forest Avenue DATE: 1/28/98 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: Categorically Exempt, class' 1 PREPARED BY: Kathryn Lottes, Principal Planner REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant requests approval to establish nod operate a retail use that includes sales of eyeglass w e s , prescription lenses and sunglasses; also, a l a manufacturing service will be provided onsite with same &y service for most prescriptions. Extended business horn are proposed as follows: 10 AM to 9 PM Monday through Saturday and 1 1AM to 5 PM on Sunday. ' BACKGROUND: The proposed site is located within the CBD-2 Downtown Commercial Zoning District of the Downtown Specific Plan. Parking is legal, nonwnforming. STAFF ANALYSIS: Retail uses that contribute to the diversity and character of the downtown are allowed in the CBD-2Zoning District, subject to a conditional use permit. In the downtown area, there are a number of optical shops and also, a number of retail stores that include ancillary sales of sunglasses (see Exhibit C). Furthermore, on May 14, 1997, the Planning Commission denied a request for an optical shop based on the incremental and cumulative effect of similar uses that would be detrimental to the City. There has been no change in the number or location of stores carrying eyewear since that decision. Although the proposed use includes an onsite lab service that is unique to the downtown and resident-serving, the primary use appears to be the sale of eyewear, including sunglasses. Therefore, the addition of another eyewear shop represents an incremental effect of similar uses that would be detrimental to the downtown. RECOMMENDATION: Staff fecommends that the P l e g Commission deny Conditional Use P d t 98-03subject to the findings outlined in the attached resolution. itional Use Permit 98-03 January 28,1998 Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Application Exhibit B: Location MapISite Plan Exhibit C:. Downtown Businesses with Optical Sales Resolution c .a FLACUNA BEACH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPJXATION See reverse side for fliing ihsi mctiom 1. PROPERTY rn PROPOSED USE Briefly describe tbe speelflc u ~ s ( s )proposed. hclude infomation about proposed merchandise and services, menu e* posed use coosheat with the goals and policies of the Downtown Specific Plan a 4. 1hereby certify that all ofthe above information contained in his Appplication is, lo the best d my knoddge and belief, tnre andncorroctly represeatedand tbrt Ihave read and understand Chapter 25.05.030 of tbh Laguna Beach Municipal Code. -- Owner's Sfgnaturn,if other tbao Applicmt. Byron and Ann Barker 811 Wendt Terrace Laguna Beach, CA 92651 8 I ~LANNINODM6YIN CITY OF LAGUNA W C A h January 27, 1998 VIA FACSIMlLE AND MAIL Planning Commission City of Laguna Beach 505 Forest Avenue Laguna Beach, CA 9265 1 . _ _ I ) . - Re: Emporio.Optics Conditional Use Permit: 263 Forest Avenue - - . . -- To the ~ e m d e r of s the City Planning commission: n a for over 25 years, this letter is to express our support for As residents of ~ a ~ u Beach the Conditional Use Permit that has been requested by Emporio Optics for the location of an optical shop at 263 Forest Avenue in Laguna Beach. Emporio Optics is a store that provides high quality service and products, will reputably serve the residents of Laguna Beach and will be an integral part of the city business. At the proposed location, Emporio Optics will provide an extensive line of optical fiarnes and service that is currently not available in Laguna Beach. As a part of its unique service, the store will be open seven (7) days a week, evenings, and will offer the availability of eyeware within one hour and prescription lens within 24 hours. .. . . - The high quality merchandise and services offered by Ernporio Optics will be mutually beneficial to the businesses, as well as residents of Laguna Beach. We ask that the members of the-Planning-~mmission-suppo~-the-appl~tion-otl-Empono-Opti-fr-a-nditional-UsePermit. Very truly yours, -- Byron ~ark; . . Kyle Butterwick Director of Community Development City Hall 550 Forrest Avenue Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Re: C. U.P. 98-03 263 Forrest Avenue Dear Mr. Butterwick What I will offer at 263 Forrest Avenue is much more than "retail sales of evewear". Anyone could do that. I will be offering thefollowing: I. High end, highfashion eyewear not presently found in Laguna Beach. 2. 1 hour to 24 hour Optical service on lenses. This is not presently ofered in Laguna Beach. 3. Convenient weekend and evening hours, including Sundays. Currently, this is not ofered in Laguna Beach. 1do not examine eyes, 1strictlyfill prescriptiom and duplicate lenses. Requestsfor eye examinations would be referred to local doctors. Yours Truly, 515firtmoor Laguna Beach a. l(43 F $ ~ r s 3d ~ w 01 6 JAN. 1 4 ' 9 8 .. .. (WED) 1 1 : 5 3 COhlh4UNICATION No:41 PACE. 3 BHB lT l B . - .. - . JAN. 14 ' 98' (WED) 1 1 :5 3 COMMUNI CAT LOtj #o :4 1 PAGE. 4 DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES WITH PRIMARY OPTICAL SALES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Drs. Cler and Cook Dr. Harrison Laguna Eyes Dr. Hartley - Laguna Visions Eye to Eye Boutique Sunglasses Gallery - 265 Laguna Avenue 540 South Coast Highway 330 Park Avenue 384 Forest Avenue 205 Ocean Avenue DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES WITH ANCILLARY SUNGLASSES SALES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Boardriders Club Bushard's Pharmacy Chiemsee USA Hobie Sports McCalla Pharmacy 255 Forest Avenue 244 Forest Avenue 225 Forest Avenue 294 Forest Avenue 292 Forest Avenue RECORDING REQUESTED BY CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH 505 FOREST AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH, CA E651 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDING RESOLUTION NO. 98-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98-03 WHEREAS, an application has been filed by the prospective tenant of property located at 263 Forest Avenue requesting a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 25.05.030 to establish a use that includes the retail sale of designer frames, prescription lenses and sunglasses, as well as an ancillary lens manufacturing service; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Laguna Beach, acting in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 25.05.030, conducted a legally noticed public hearing regarding this proposal on January 28, 1998; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission carefully considered the oral and documentary evidence and arguments presented at the hearing; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made the following findings: 1. The granting of a Conditional Use Permit will contribute to an incremental and cumulative effect of similar uses which would be detrimental to the City in that the use does not contribute to the diversity of uses in the downtown area. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that Conditional Use P d t 98-03 is hereby denied. Conditional Use Permit 98-03 January 28,1998 Page 2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the above decision was rendered on January 28, 1998 and is subject to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 as adopted by Municipal Code Section 1.06.010, including the time limits for seeking judicial review of the decision. ADOPTED this 28th day of January, 1998. AYES: Commissioner(s) NOES: Commissioner(s) ABSENT: Commissioner(s) ATTEST: Chairperson, Planning Commission L a p Beach, California DirectorICommunity Development Laguna Beach, California Vote: Kinsman 1 Vail 1 Chapman Y_ Grossman Y_ Pearson _Y 2. Conditional Use Permit 98-03 to allow retail sales of eyewear at 263 Forest Avenue. Cheryl Kinsman excused herself from hearing the project because of a possible conflict of interest because she owned property within the noticing area. Kyle Butterwick summarized the staff report. Public Testimony in Support of the Project: Larry Sands, the applicant, said that he provided more than one-day or one-hour service as well as after hours emergency services. The caliber of the frames he cames is different than those found anywhere else in Laguna Beach. He would offer good service and eyewear that would be unique to the town. Everything is very nature oriented. He doesn't examine eyes and would refer such business to local optometrists or ophthalmologists. He would display between 3,000 and 4,000 fiarnes. In reply to Commissioner Pearson's question, Mr. Sands said that only 10% of the glasses would be sunglasses and he would have someone on site at all times to grind lenses. Commissioner Vail wanted to know what was the market need or niche projected for this eyeglass store. Mr. Sands said that 80% of the glasses would be prescription. Even though the sales would be mainly for prescription use, he wanted to locate on Forest Avenue because he felt a lot of business would come from tourists walking by. In response to Commissioner Pearson's question as to whether his store target the residents or tourists, Mr. Sands said that it would be good for the residents. Commissioner Grossman said that since the zone for the location is a balanced mix between tourists and residents, how would it be good for tourists. Mr. Sands felt that his business would attract both tourists and residents alike. Commissioner Chapman wanted to know if the applicant would agree to limit the percentage of sunglasses to be sold. The applicant said that since his sunglasses are approximately $500 per pair, it would not be a problem to satisfy such a condition. He prefers to be in the optician business rather than sunglasses and he felt his use would be unique. In reply to Commissioner Chapman's question as to what would make it unique, he replied that the price point is expensive and the service level is not readily available in Laguna Beach. Lucille Begin, a resident of Laguna Beach, said that because of her work hours, she would like to have an optical store open on evenings and weekends to purchase eye glasses. She said the other local places don't grind the lenses in as short a period of time that the applicant would. She felt that tourists would generate a lot of business. / Bill Barton, with OSA the distributor for the applicant's eyewear, said the quality of the does is fill prescriptions and applicant's eyewear is better. He said all that -the applicant -- - _ _ _ i' c PC Minutes 2 ..i ;< f? 9 1- - - January 28, 1998 make glasses. He said it is a unique optical operation in the United States and they have stores in other tourist areas, such as Scottsdale and Aspen. He said they would offer a level of quality not currently available in Laguna Beach. Public Testimony in Opposition to the Project: Dr. Michael Cook, an optometrist located in town, said that a dispensing optician can only conduct business based on a current prescription from an optometrist or ophthalmologist. He said emergency service was not called for often. He was opposed to the application because he felt there were already too many optical stores in town and that statistically, only one doctor is needed for every 7,000 people. He said there are currently five offices in town that do lens grinding. He felt the applicant would really be selling to tourists and he would be taking business fiom the other merchants. He said tourists don't come fiom out of town to get prescription eyewear. In response to Commissioner Pearson's question, Dr. Cook said that in addition to his office, Dr. Harrison's office is open seven days a week. Dr. Bill Harrison said that Laguna Beach currently has more optometrists and ophthalmologists than the area needs. He said his current location is open seven days a week except in the winter; they have night hours available if a customer wishes to make an appointment. He said his office offers a full range of service and repair as do the other optician stores. He carries 1,500 frames that include a wide variety of price ranges and that the applicant's eyewear line is available to any of the local stores who wish to sell it. He noted that all optical eyewear could be made into sunglasses. He said that the Downtown Specific Plan supports ownerloperated businesses and urged the Commission to deny the application. Dr. Hartick, a local optician, said there are enough eyewear stores already in town and any additional eyewear stores would force an existing store out of business. He said his business would be impacted the most by a new sunglass store, because that's all that he sells. He urged the Commission to be careful in making its decision. Dave Claire testified on behalf of Marty Kawecki, a local optical merchant who was unavailable for the meeting. Mr. Claire said the merchant provides lab service. Rebuttal: The applicant stated that he wasn't aware that European Optical was also located in the downtown of Laguna Beach, but didn't feel it was relevant to the proposed downtown location. He said he presently lives in Laguna Beach and would work at the Laguna location. He said that all lenses have to meet certain standards and his would be to the same specifications as the other stores. Commissioners' Comments: Commissioner Grossman stated that the tradeoff between diversity and stifling competition was difficult, but he was not in favor of the application at this location. He said the Downtown Specific Plan's intent is for diversity and felt the applicant's intent was to cater to tourists. Commissioner Pearson was not opposed to competition, but agreed with Commissioner Grossman that the applicant was trylng to establish a retail 'store that y ~ u l dappeal i PC Minutes ? .-.fin Januarv 28.1 998 -, b'f primarily to tourists. She felt the applicant would be better served on a street other than Forest Avenue. 1 Commissioner Chapman felt there would be a redundancy with other eyewear currently available. He said the applicant's merchandise would have a higher price point line and fashion, but it was not uniquely different enough from the others. He felt it would conflict with the Downtown Specific Plan, with respect to variety for that type of use on Forest Avenue. 1 1 Commissioner Vail was impressed with the quality of the applicant's eyewear, but was concerned about the location of the proposal. He was opposed to the application because once the use was approved for that location there wouldn't be any control in the future of similar uses in that location. .. Motion e Permit 98-03 based on the use . . Second NG Action Deny Conditional ITS contnbuhng to an incremental and cumulative effect of similar uses detrimental to the downtown in that the use does not contribute to the diversity of uses in the downtown. Motion carried 4-0. - Vote: Kinsman Abstain Vail 1 Chapman 1 Grossman Y Pearson Y 3. Treasure Island Destination Resort Community Local Coastal Program (LCP) and Environmental Impact Report at 30801 Coast Highway. Height Limits (Condition #9) - Staff Report: John Montgomery summarized the staff report for height limits and noted that a list of the conceptually agreed upon heights by the Planning Commission at the January 21, 1998 meeting was attached to the Agenda for this meeting. He said the proposed modifications to section 11.3 of the LCP would also apply to the balance of the provisions in that section also. He stated that Moms Skenderian, the single-family residential architect for the project, was available to answer questions about the staking that was done since the last meeting and that some of the Commissioners had been to the site to see the staking. Commissioner Grossman sought clarification from staff as to the height limitation of 36 feet measured from Coast Highway and the limit from finished grade. He noted that the centerline of Coast Highway is higher than the property all along the property. Mr. Montgomery said the height restriction would basically follow two axes, one down Coast Highway and the other down towards the beach. The height limit would be the combination of the two. Commissioner Grossman wanted to be sure that it was the more restrictive of the two. In response to Commissioner Vail's question, Mr. Montgomery said that there weren't any heights on the conceptual development plan that were above 36 feet. Morris Skenderian, one of the project architects, said that n~..portionof the hotel's design extends higher than 36 feet above Coast Highway. PC Minutes January 28,1998 City of Laguna Beach AGENDA BILL No. Meeting Date: SUBJECT: 5 2/24/98 APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL .OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98-03 TO ALLOW RETAIL SALES OF EYEWEAR AT 263 FOREST AVENUE - SUMMARY OF THE MATTER: The applicant is proposing to establish a retail eyewear shop at 263 Forest Avenue that will include the sale of eyeglass frames, prescription lenses and sunglasses. The applicant also plans to include a lens manufacturing lab in the store and will provide same day service for most prescriptions. The project site is located in the CBD-2 Downtown Commercial Zoning District of the Downtown Specific Plan. The applicant'stated that his proposed eyewear store was distinctive because it would offer high end, high fashion eyewear not presently found in Laguna Beach; also, the store would offer same day optical service on lenses and it would maintain weekend and evening hours. At its meeting on January 28, 1998, the Planning Commission denied the Conditional Use Permit on a 4-0 vote. The Commission felt that the applicant was establishing a store that would appeal primarily to tourists and that the merchandise was not significantly different from what was already available. A survey conducted by staff shows that there are five downtown businesses with primary optical sales and an additional five businesses with ancillary sunglasses sales. The Commission based its denial on a finding that the use would contribute to an incremental and cumulative effect of similar uses that would be detrimental to the City. Approximately eight months ago, the Commission also denied a request for an optical shop at another location on Forest Avenue based on a similar finding. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Planning Commission that the City Council: Adopt the attached Resolution which denies the appeal and sustains the denial of Conditional Use Permit 98-03 at 263 Forest Avenue. Appropriations Requested: $ Submitted by: Fund: Coordinated with: Attachments: PC staff report 1/28/98; PC Minutes 1/28/98; Resolution Approved: City Manager City of Laguna Beach No* Meeting Date: /3/17/98 9 CONSENT SUBJECT: RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98-03 TO ALLOW RETAIL SALES OF EYEWEAR AT 263 FOREST AVENUE SUMMARY OF THE MATTER: At its meeting on February 24, 1998, the City Council voted to overturn the Planning Commission denial and approve Conditional Use Permit 98-03 to allow an optical shop with a lens-manufacturing lab, subject to certain conditions. These conditions included a requirement to design, manufacture and distribute 60% of the merchandise at the one location with the remaining 40% to be from exclusive sources; the applicant must maintain records to verifL compliance. In addition, onsite lens manufacturing equipment must be provided and the business must operate with evening and weekend hours. The City Council requested the City Attorney to draft a resolution of approval to be presented on the Consent Calendar at a later meeting. In the attached resolution, a condition has been added that limits the display of sunglasses to 20% of the displayed merchandise. This condition will ensure that the business does not evolve into a retail store that primarily sells sunglasses. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: Adopt the attached Resolution to uphold the appeal and overturn the denial of Conditional Use Permit 9803 at 263 Forest Avenue. Appropriations Requested: $ Submitted by: Fund: Coordinated with: Attachments: Resolution 1 Approved: City Manager Commission and Chamber of Commerce to 1) consider whether some or all of the two hour meters in the downtown area should be extended to three or more hours for residents, 2 ) consider whether some meters might be extended up to three hours for those paying to park, and 3) report back to the Council by June 1998. I I I PUBLIC HEARINGS ' ******************* m & ' A L L -0O W RETAIL SALES OF EYEWEAR AT 263 FOREST AVENUE 0VERTURNF.n: CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A RESOJ ,UTION CONDITIONING APPROVAL ON 60% OF MER CHANDISE BEING DESIGNEiD. MA.NUFACTUREJ3 AND DISTlUBUTEQ , WAT ~ L Q REcoms C TO. BE MAINTAINEn TO VERIFY CONDITIONS. ON-SITE LENS-G EOUIPMENT. WEEKEND HOURS AND APPROPRIATE COMMISSlON CONDITIONS INCLUnED (43) Councilmember Blackburn stated that she was abstaining from this appeal because her family is closely involved with the sunglasses industry. Community Development Director Butterwick reported that the Planning Commission had denied this application based on the finding that the use would contribute to an incremental and cumulative effect of similar uses that would be detrimental to the City. They felt that the applicant was establishing a store that would appeal primarily to tourists and that the merchandise was not si,pificantly different from what was already available. Public Testimony Rich Words, attorney representing the applicant, said that there is a meaningful distinction from what his client was merchandising and what was now available in town. 60% of the eyewear sold at this location would be designed, manufactured and distributed by his client and 95% of what they well is not sold in town or in South Orange County. It is both a resident and visitor serving business. He said his client was willing to have restrictions placed on the Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Bill Barton, applicant, said he was particular in the locations chosen for their business. He felt that Laguna Beach was appropriate because of the art and gallery influence as he sold original designs in eyewear. H e said his business is a fashion business. The other lines will be exclusive to their operation. He agreed that they would sell 100% products that were not represented in Laguna Beach. Dr. Michael Cook was concerned that the store would not cany exclusive designs. He had contacted the editors of eyewear fashion magazines and they had informed him that there was not the market for that. He said that tourists do not purchase eyewear on vacation and that the City had enough facilities to serve the local population. All of the t February 24, 1998 . . -- - r. City Council Minutes I existing facilities provided lab work. He believed it would end up as a non-prescription eyewear shop. He said most of what they were offering was not unique. Astrid Stepman, European Optical Shop, said the applicant had two stores that were close, one at Fashion Island. Her business has contracts with some of the same eyewear lines that the applicant wants to represent and there would not be a way to confirm the business was exclusive. She was concemed that the business would not be able to make it. Dr. Bill Harrison, Optometrist, said this store would be similar to a factory outlet. He felt those type of businesses had ruined Solvang. He encouraged owner-occupied businesses. A resident expressed concern with the Downtown Specific Plan and said that an optical store cannot survive without a doctor. The result would be a fashion sunglasses shop and there are too many of this type of store in the area. He said that quality lenses could not be made in one hour. Rich Words said this would be unique in the downtown area. He -said those opposed did not design their eyewear and the lines this store carried would not be sold at existing local stores. He said that this is not a chain store, there are eight stores and this would be the second emporium store. All of the stores are successful and it is not a factory outlet. He said there will be designs that are unique to the Laguna Beach store and his client will comply with any conditions placed on the CUP. Lucille Begin said that her client was under time constraints and must give the property owner final notification. Councilmember Comments Mayor Pro Tern Baglin felt a competitive business environment was healthy but he also was concemed with the Downtown Specific Plan and wanted to encourage diversity. He said a CUP with conditions based on percentages was unenforceable. He agreed with a condition that 60% of the frames meet all three criteria of being designed, produced and distributed at the Laguna Beach location. Mayor Dicterow favored structuring the CUP to be sure that the store would be unique. He understood the positions taken by other eyewear businesses. He believed in a free market system. Councilmember Peterson favored the CUP with conditions of at least 50% of the product being designed, produced and distributed at the store location. He said that anyone who would take over that location in the future would have to agree to the same conditions. 1 Councilmember Freeman favored a condition requiring 100% original product at the store. He said that a 60%-40% split was impossible to enforce and a condition should be more constraining. February 24, 1998 City Council Minutes 1 11 Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Baglin, seconded by Councilmember Peterson and camed 3/1/1 to overturn the denial and ask the City Attorney to draft a resolution to be presented on the Consent Calendar that conditions the approval on 60% of the sales merchandise being designed, manufactured and distributed in this location, 40% of the sales merchandise is to be from sources exclusive to the applicant and not available to other retailers in town, maintenance of records to verify the conditioned sales records, on-site lens manufacturing equipment, weekend hours and appropriate Commission conditions. ROT ,L CALL 6. AYES: Peterson, Baglin, Dicterow NOES: Freeman ABSTAINING: Blackburn RESOLUTION N0.98-011 APPROVING HEFUTAGE TREE APPLICATION FOR THREE EUCALYPTUS TREES AT 675 BLUEBIRD CANYON DRIVE (67) . Community Development Director Butterwick reported Council was to consider an application to place three Eucalyptus trees on the Heritage Tree list. Staff determined the trees met the criteria of the ordinance and qualified at Heritage Trees. He said trees on the list could not be removed or substantially altered with out a permit from the Director of Community Development. An application to trim a Heritage Tree may be made by the property owner or any other member of the community. He said the City does not photograph trees as part of the application process but photos submitted with the application are retained in the property file. He did not know if these trees blocked existing ocean views. I Public Testimonv Dave Cormell was concerned that a public notice concerning this application was not sent to the neighboring property owners. He felt a heritage tree should have special significance. Frank Visca requested this application be tabled and a moratorium be placed on listing Heritage Trees until the Heritage Tree Ordinance is resolved. He said standards are vague and Heritage Trees should not be alien vegetation. He said they are tall trees and block views. He was concerned with how the regular maintenance of the trees would be monitored. He said the trees were not listed on the Candidate Heritage Tree list and are not worthwhile candidates. Dr. Atherton said trees have significance to neighborhoods. I:-;..,-. . . . . . . . . ....... \k.-:,.> February 24,1998 .. . ,-.---.-. . . . . . r.- -. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... I . ,..w.;;,- . % .. - ,. ! . . . . . . . . L. . . , , '.:, , ?---a .. : .-,--, ..: ,'\. ! ULL; City Council Minutes I RECORDING REQUESTED BY CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF%AGT;TNA BEACH- 505 FOREST AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 - THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDING RESOLUTION NO. 98.019 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TO UPHOLD THE APPEAL AND OVERTURN THE DENTAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98-03. WHEREAS, an application was filed by the owner of property located at 263 Forest Avenue requesting Conditional Use Permit 98-03 to establish a use that includes the retail sale of designer fiames, prescription lenses and sunglasses, and a lens manufactwing service in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, on January 28, 1998, the Planning Commission conducted a legally noticed public hearing and, after reviewing all documents and testimony, voted to deny Conditional Use Permit 98-03; and WHEREAS, an appeal of the Planning Commission denial was filed by the applicant; and .-'-.. 1 WHEREAS, on February 24, 1998, the City Council conducted a legally noticed' public hearing and considered all of the evidence and arguments presented in support of and in opposition to the application; and 1 WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings: 1. The site for the proposed use is adequate in size to accommodate said use and parking is legal, nonconforming with no intensification of use proposed. I The site for the proposed use has access to streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated by the proposed use in that no additional traffic will be generated and existing conditions are adequate. The proposed use will have no substantial adverse effect upon abutting property in that the operation of the use has been conditioned to mitigate any such effect. The proposed use is consistent with the objectives and policies of the City's General Plan in that the use supplements the present diversity of land use within the Zoning District. The Conditions stated in the decision are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare in that provisions have been included to ensure continued land use compatibility. The proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses and is consistent with the intent and purpose established for the Zoning District in that the use contributes to the range of resident-and visitor-serving businesses in the downtown area. The proposed use does not conflict with the City's goals to establish and maintain a balanced mix of uses that serves the needs of both local and non-local populations in that the use offers merchandise to both residents and visitors. The granting of the Conditional Use Permit will not produce an incremental or cumulative effect of similar uses which would be detrimental to the City in that the use is a specialized optical shop with an on-site lens manufacturing service and merchandise not available in other optical shops, which contributes to the diversity of uses in the downtown area. The proposed use will not generate excessive litter or further impact circulation patterns in the downtown area in that the use will not generate significant additional trafic nor will it utilize a significant amount of paper products. -2-. 030 10. The use will contribute to the unique character of Laguna Beach and the qualities that provide the community a sense of identity in that the optical shop will provide optical merchandise and services that are not currently found in the downtown. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH does RESOLVE and ORDER as follows: SECTION l.. Conditional Use Permit 98-03 is hereby granted to allow an optical shop that includes retail sales of designer frames, prescription lenses and sunglasses, and a lens manufacturing service. SECTION 2. The following conditions are set forth to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community and to assure the intent and purpose of the regulations: 1. The Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to review if written complaints are received, and shall be subject to administrative review one (1) year after issuance of the certificate of use to determine if the approved conditions of approval are in compliance. These reviews may result in a formal noticed public hearing before the Planning Commission. After the public hearing on the matter, the Planning Commission may require immediate condition compliance, amend the conditions of approval or proceed with revocation oi the Conditional Use Permit as specified in Municipal Code Section 25.05.075. 2. It is understood that the conditions of approval apply herein to any future owners 01 lessees operating under this Conditional Use Permit. This means in legal terms that the conditions of approval for the Conditional Use Permit shall be and hereby are obligations of and binding upon the applicant and hisher heirs, successors, assigns, agents and representatives. The conditions shall constitute a covenant running with and binding the land in accordance with the provisions of California Civil Code Section 1468. Failure to comply with such conditions, and each of them, and any other related federal, state and local regulations may be grounds for revocation of the Conditional Use Permit, in addition to other remedies that may be available to the City. 3. This Conditional Use Permit shall not become effective until any required Design Review Board review and approval has been obtained. 4. The business or use shall not open, inaugurate or commence until after the City has issued a Certificate of Use and Occupancy; and such Certificate shall not be issued until after the City staff has verified compliance with all applicable conditions of approval. 5. If the use authorized under this Resolution and Conditional Use Permit is abandoned or terminated for any reason for a period of at least one year, the Conditional Use Permit shall automatically expire and become void. 6. No additions, enlargements or modifications of uses or structures upon property for which this Conditional Use Permit has been granted shall be allowed except pursuant to a subsequent Conditional Use Permit or Variance as might otherwise be required or granted pursuant to the terms of Title 25 of the City of Laguna Beach Municipal Code. 7. The sale of tee-shirts, bathing suits, jewelry and ivory of any kind shall be prohibited. 8. Outdoor display or outside seating of any kind shall be prohibited, unless approved as an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit. Application for such an amendment may only be accepted for processing, if outdoor display andlor outside seating are permitted uses(s) in the applicable zoning district. 9. A City business license shall be obtained prior to the operation of any business use permitted by this Conditional Use Permit. 10. At least 60% of the eyewear merchandise displayed at the Laguna Beach location shall be designed, produced and distributed by the applicant; the remaining 40% of the eyewear merchandise shall be obtained from sources exclusive to the applicant and shall not be available to other retailers in town. The applicant shall maintain business records sufficient to verify that the store is being operated in compliance with these requirements. Such records shall be available to city staff in conjunction with the annual administrative review of the Conditional Use Permit. 11. A maximum of 20% of the displayed eyewear merchandise may be sunglasses. 12. The applicant shall install and maintain all onsite lens manufacturing equipment that is necessary to provide same day service for prescription lenses. I 13. Business hours shall include evening and weekend hours and shall be maintained fiom 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Monday through Saturday, and from 1lA.M. to 5 P.M. on Sunday. ADOPTED this 17th day of March, 1998. cf/ steven M. Dicterow, Mayor ATTEST: city Clerk 0 I, VEFWA L. ROLLINGER, City Clerk of the City of Laguna Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 98.019 was duly adopted at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of said City held on March 17, 1998 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER(S): Peterson, Baglin, Dicterow NOES: COUNCILMEMBER(S): None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER(S): None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER(S): Blackburn, Freeman City Clerk of the City of ~ a g & aBeach, CA II I CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: No. 4 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION CASE: Conditional Use Permit 04-02 APPLICANT: Emporio OpticILarry Sands LOCATION: 263 Forest Avenue ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: Categorically Exempt, Class 1 PREPARED BY: Kathryn Lottes, Principal Planner DATE: 1/28/04 REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant requests an amendment to previously approved Conditional Use Permit 98-03; as proposed, Conditions of Approval #lo, #11, #12 and #13 would be modified or eliminated. BACKGROUND: The business is located within the CBD-2 Downtown Commercial Zoning District of the Downtown Specific Plan. Conditional Use Permit 98-03 was initially denied by the Planning Commission on January 28, 1998 based on concerns about an incremental and cumulative effect of similar uses. The Planning Commission decision was appealed to the City Council on February 24, 1998; City Council upheld the appeal and overturned the denial by the Commission. The City Council approved CUP 98-03 provided that several conditions be placed on the proposed use. These conditions included: 1) 60% of the sales merchandise to be designed, manufactured, and distributed at 263 Forest Avenue; 2) 40% of the sales m'erchandise to be from sources exclusive to the applicant and not available to other retailers in town; 3) applicant to maintain records that verify the conditioned sales record; 4) applicant to install and maintain onsite lens manufacturing equipment; 5) hours to include evening and weekend hours; and 6) other appropriate Planning Commission conditions. STAFF ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting to modify or eliminate the following Conditions of Approval that currently apply to the use under the approved Conditional Use Permit (98-03): #I 0. At least 60% o f the evewear merchandise displayed at the Laauna Beach location shall be designed, prodzrced and distribtrted bv the applicant: the remainin* 40% o f the evewear mercharldise sllall be obtuined from sources exclusive to the applicant and shall not be Conditional Use Permit 04-02 January 28,2004 Page 2 available to other retailers in town. The applicant shall maintain business records suficient to veri_flthat the store is being operated in compliance with these requirements. Such records shall be available to city staff in conjunction with the annual administrative review of the Conditional Use Permit. The applicant requests that the bolded, underlined wording either be modified or eliminated. The applicant is particularly concerned that the 40% requirement is not feasible. Emporio Optic seeks out hard-to-find vendors and eyewear that is not found at other locations in town, but there are no prohibitions against that same vendor selling to other retailers in town or against other retailers fiom seeking out the same vendors. The 40% requirement is extremely difficult to enforce and staff agrees with the request to eliminate that provision. However, staff believes the 60% requirement should be retained in order to ensure that the "look and feel" of the store remain distinctive from other eyewear stores in Laguna Beach. #11. A maximum o f 20% o f the disvlaved evewear merchandise ma-vbe sunalasses. The applicant states that their merchandise includes clear glasses, tinted lenses and sunglasses, and further, that fashion tints comprise a large part of their business. Because it is difficult to separate tinted eyeglasses h m sunglasses, the applicant requests to either change the percentage allowed for sunglasses (that would include tinted eyewear), redefine sunglasses and tinted glasses, or eliminate the condition. It appears that approximately 60% of the merchandise displayed in the store is sunglass wear. Due to the original concern about the incremental and cumulative effect of another sunglass store in the downtown, staff does not recommend modification of the 20% limit on sunglasses. Although one optical sales store has recently moved out of the downtown, a recent survey shows that approximately 10 shops offer sunglasses as ancillary merchandise. #12. The avplicant shall install and maintain all onsite lens manufacturina euuiument that LV necessarv to provide same dqv service for prescri~tionlenses. The applicant says that they can provide the same day service for single prescription lenses, but that if a pair of glasses is ordered with special coatings, it will have to be done offsite. The applicant states that they have two licensed opticians onsite who can cut and tint lenses. The applicant would like the condition to require same day service for emergency replacement for most prescription lenses. One of the primary restrictions on the use, as approved by the City Council in 1998, was that the business was required to have onsite lens manufacturing. This restriction was seen as appropriate since the applicant represented the proposed use as an optical shop rather than a sunglass shop. To maintain the diversity of uses in the downtown, staff does not recommend alteration of Condition #12. a Conditional Use Permit 04-02 January 28,2004 Page 3 #13. Business hours shall include evening and weekend hours and shall be maintained fiom 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Mondav through Saturdav, and fiom I 1 A.M. to 5 P.M.on Sundav. The applicant would like to stay open later on Sunday and has proposed the following hours: 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sunday through Thursday, and 10 A.M. through 10 P.M. Friday and Saturday. Staff supports the suggested change in hours of operation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit 04-02, as modified, subject to the conditions in the attached resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Resolution Application 1/28/98 PC Minutes (re: CUP 98-03) 2/24/98 CC Minutes (re: CUP 98-03) Location MapISite Plan Survey of Downtown Eyewear ' I CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION CUPNumber I. 11. Emporio Optid Lany Sands Address 26 Lagunita Aliso Vieio, CA 92656 Telephone 949-376-9 187 Lamna Beach, CA 92651 PROPERTY INFORMATION: Lot 7 & 8 Block H Rogers Addition Suite 641-25103 Assessor Parcel Number Retail eyewearAens production BuildinglSuite Square Footage m. 949-83 1-9441 Telephone Location- Current/Previous.Use q8a DATE: 01-05-04 PROPERTY OWNERIAPPLICANT INFORMATION: Legal Owner Abby Hall/. Address 263 Forest ~ v e . 7 28 County Walk Dr. Applicant - B+O+ See reverse sidefor filing instructions 1350 Parking Spaces Provided civ _parkin? PROPOSED USE: See attached letter Briefly describe the specific use(s) proposed. Include information about proposed merchandise and services, menu items, proposed business hours, etc. Hi& end prescription eyewear and sunwear, lens m a n u f a d a emergency service. Amended hours: see attached letter - - --- - - Similar Businesses Owned or Operated by the Applicant: w. JUSTIFICATION: 1. Is this site appropriate for the proposed use in terms of size, parking, storage, trash, etc? Store s i n is adequate, parking provided, ample storwe available. and trash cans behind store - 2. - Does this site have adequate street access and on-site parking to handle the traffic generated by the proposed use? 3. Is the proposed use compatible with the surrounding land uses? Explain. lens service, There are no surroundinp:uses that provide our combinations of services. including: ememncy high-end and luxury lines, keep weekend hours, and carry frames desimed and m a n u f a d bv the owner. 4. ! L V. Is the proposed use consistent with the goals and policies of the Downtown Specific Plan and the City's Geocral Plan? Explair This is a unique and beautifully designed high-end optical shop. It brings a service to Lamma Beach that compIiments the other businesses. We have licensed opticians serving;customers and makin?their lenses. Over 50% of our business is for local residents. AFFIDAVIT: I hereby certify that all of the above information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correctly represented and that I bye read and understand Chapter 25.05.030 of the Laguna Beach Municipal Code. .) 037 A -,&&&5 1/5/04 - PROPERTY OWNER'SIGN January 5,2004 City of Laguna Beach Community Development Planning Division 505 Forest Avenue Laguna Beach, California 92651 Re: Amending the Conditional Use Permit for Emporio Optic, 263 Forest Avenue Dear Planning Division: The purpose of this request is to modify and update portions of Section 2 of our Conditional Use Permit (C.U.P.) approved February 24,1998. Technology in eyeglass wear has changed dramatically in the past few years. "Frame-less" lenses, thin titanium frames, and a wide variety of W and tint coatings are now more available to the general public. This same technology has brought with it a new complexity in stocking and displaying our merchandise as well as affecting the time required to prepare lenses to the customer's specifications. We are requesting the Planning Commission consider the following changes to our C.U.P. Section 2. item 10: "At least 60% of the eyewear merchandise displaved at the L a m a Beach location shall be designed. uroduced and distributed bv the auulicant: the remaining 40% shall be obtained from sources exclusive to the applicant and shall not be. available to other retailers in town. The auulicant.. .." The difficulty with the underlined phrase is defining "source". Ha "source" is a major national or international manufacturer that carries several lines of frames it is not reasonable to expect that only one store in the city should be able to carry their products. If, on the other hand, a store owner selects a new line of h e s that no one else is carrying, should that then preclude any other store h m carrying the same line? Emporio Optic is very particular about the frame selection and quality of lines we present in our store. Because of our reputation in the industry as the leader of high end fashion eyewear, every vendor in the industry wants to represent their eyewear in ~ ustore. r Our stores are always the first to receive a new eyewear line and then the competition will shop us out and seek out our new vendors. We have no legal control of the vendor selling to other retailers. For example, Oakley may be carried in multiple locations in town but you will only receive the vast selection of Oakley at one location and that is at Emporio Optic; you will only find the exclusive, one of a kind $15,000 build out designed and paid for by Oakley at one location in town, Emporio Optic; you will only find one location listed on Oakley's website, Emporio Optic; this is exclusivity. EXHIBIT D Emporio Optic January 5,2004 Attachment to Conditional Use Permit Application +id Nwlot plan or floor plans are being submitted since no structure or floor plans are being amended. The original plans as approved in our prior CUP are in existence. Please refer to our prior file for this information. C e y l ~ j "~ T T # U ~ O ) The plot plan drawings will not be changing fiom the original drawings. The displays will be incorporating a greater number of sunglasses then the past. However, there will be a greater percentage of ophthalmic displayed than sun. Ophthalmic should be defined as including tinted or clear lenses. We apologize that we cannot give you a specific drawing of exactly where each of our eyeglass lines will be placed in our store as we do move them around fiom time to time due to seasonal retail marketing. Chanel is also carried in multiple locations in town. Emporio Optic was the first location to have it and we also have the largest selection in town. Chanel also did a $5,000 national ad paid for in full for one location in Laguna, Emporio Optic. This was not available to other retailers in town, this is exclusivity. We are the leaders and the other retailers follow what'we do. That is life. That is competition. We sell the most beautiful eyewear in the world and we' pride ourselves on that. We believe the condition was put on our C.U.P. because the Planning Commission was concerned about too many sunglass stores. After five years in business we have a track record that will show our primary business is in high quality, original frames. Virtually all of the lenses have a combination of tinting or coatings to meet the customer's specifications. If the current underlined wording is to remain the Planning Commission will need to determine which store has acquired a particular product line first to determine who will be allowed to cany it. Our preference would be to simply remove the wording and allow any store to carry what they believe their customers want to purchase. Section 2, item 11: "A maximum of 20% of the displayed evewear merchandise ma$ be sunalasses." Technology has changed the eyewear industry over five years to great heights. Fashion has also played a huge factor in today's market. Today it is cool and hip to wear glasses. At Emporio Optic we do not just sell clear glasses or sunglasses, this would limit our business and not allow us to sell in other categories to the customer. Fashion tints are a huge part of our business today. Our clients want glasses for evening events, daytime looks, movie premieres, etc. Tints are a wardrobe and makeup addition, we do not sell them to block the sun. Emporio Optic is a fashion house, we need to evolve as the trends do. In order to sell the wide variety of tints and treatments in today's market, we must display them properly to better communicate to our customers. Over $77,000 has been spent on designing and building our display cases. Many of the " h e - l e s s " lenses and lightweight frames do not display well when they are colorless. They also do not carry the same appeal to the purchaser. The City's Zoning Code Enforcement Officer seems to have a difficulty in differentiating between tinted glasses and sunglasses. Based upon the above, we would ask that you change the percentage, re-define sunglasses and tinted glasses, or remove the condition. . Section 2, item 12: "The applicant shall install and maintain all onsite lens manufacturine:equipment that is necessary to provide same dav service - --for ~rescri~tion lenses." We do meet this condition, however the Zoning Code Enforcement Officer has determined that the condition must apply to ALL frames and lenses sold. When we have a customer who has lost or broken their glasses we can replace single prescription lenses the same day. If the request for tinting and coating then more time is requires. This is simply part of the complexity in creating the modem pair of eyeglasses. We ask that you consider "same day emergency service for most prescription lenses." Section 2. item 13: "E3usiness hours shall include eveninn and weekend hours and shall be maintained fiom 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.Monday through Saturday, and fiom 11 A.M. d& P.M. on Sundav." While this i s exactly what we had put in ourariginal application, it && probably naive of us to think that it meant that on a warm Sunday afternoon we would have to lock our door and turn customers away because we were not permitted to remain open an hour longer. We also failed to include Hospitality Night, special Christmas hours, and that summer and winter shopping are very d i f f m t , unless we have an Indian summer, heavy rains, etc. etc. Attached is a schedule for "normal" store hours. We request, however, that there be some flexibility built in. If there is a convention at the Surf & Sand or the Montage, do you want us to close up on schedule, or stay open on a balmy evening with lots of potential customers with money to spend walking around downtown waiting for their reservation at Five Feet? In conclusion, we opened our location in fall 1998 and our business has increased over 100% in troubled economic times. We enjoy being a part of the Laguna Beach community and look forward to increasing to the growth of the city. We will be calling each of you to invite you to our store to see the issues first hand and to answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, if you have any questions please feel fi-ee to contact Lany at 949-290-4603 or Michelle at 949-290-4606. ' ~ e d s C 'ef Executive Officer Michelle Arena General Manager - \ Emporio Optic Normal Hours of Operation September through March Sunday through Thursday Friday and Saturday 1Oam - 6pm loam - 9pm April through August Sunday through Thursday Friday and Saturday 1Oam - 7pm loam- lOpm Some Exceptions: Summer hours may be continued through Labor Day weekend. Early spring "Indian Summer" weather may require longer days. Easter week may require an extension of hours on weekdays depending on weather and crowds. Special events that may require extending evening hours, e.g. First T h u ~ d a ~ , Hospitality Night (for Santa Claus), special events or conventions. DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES WITH PRIMARY OPTICAL SALES 1. Drs. Cler and Cook 2. Dr. Hartley - Laguna Visions 3. Eye to Eye Boutique 4. Sunglasses Gallery 265 Laguna Avenue 330 Park Avenue 384 Forest Avenue 205 Ocean Avenue DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES WITH ANCILLARY SUNGLASSES SALES 1. Boardriders Club Bushard's Pharmacy Hobie Sports Fresh Produce Things & Carats Sutton Place (Peppertree Lane) 7. lvee Boutique 8. Chantel Beauty 9. Big Dog 10. Ropage 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 255 Forest Avenue 244 Forest Avenue 292-294 Forest Avenue 240 Forest Avenue Park Avenue/South Coast Highway 448 South Coast Highway 540 South Coast Highway 244 Coast Highway 222 Ocean Avenue 435 Ocean Avenue RECORDING REQUESTED BY ClTY OF LAGUNA BEACH AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ClTY CLERK CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH 505 FOREST AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDING RESOLUTION NO. 04-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE ClTY OF LAGUNA BEACH APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 04-02 (AMENDING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98-03) WHEREAS, an application has been filed by the tenant of property located at 263 Forest Avenue requesting a Conditional Use Permit to amend CUP 98-03 in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 25.05.030 for retail sales of designer frames, prescription lenses and sunglasses, and a lens manufacturing service in accordance with provisions of the Municipal Code ; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Laguna Beach, acting in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 25.05.030, conducted a legally noticed public hearing regarding this proposal on January 28,2004; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission carefblly considered the oral and documentary evidence and arguments presented at the hearing; WHEREAS, the proposed project is exempt h m the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made the following findings: 1. The site is adequate to accommodate the use without adverse impact on abutting property or on Conditional Use Permit 04-02 January 28,2004 Page 2 parking or traffic circulation in the downtown area in that parking is legal, nonconforming with no intensification of use proposed. 2. The proposed use will maintain a balanced mix of uses that serves the needs of both local and non-local populations in that the use offers merchandise to both residents and visitors. 3. The granting of the Conditional Use Permit will not produce an incremental effect of similar uses that would be detrimental to the City in that the use is a specialized optical shop with an onsite lens manufacturing service and merchandise not available in other optical shops and contniutes to the diversity of uses in the central business area. 4. The proposed use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the District, in which it is located, and the goals and policies of the Downtown Specific Plan and the City's General Plan in that the optical shop will provide optical merchandise and services that are otherwise not available in the downtown. 5. The Conditions stated in the decision are necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare to assure continued land-use compatibility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Conditional Use Permit 04-02 is hereby granted to the following extent: Approval for retail sale of designer frames, prescription lenses and sunglasses, and a lens manufacturing service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following condition(s) are set forth to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community and to assure the intent and purpose of the regulations: 1. The Conditional Use Pennit shall be subject to review if written complaints are received, and Conditional Use Permit 04-02 January 28,2004 Page 3 shall be subject to administrative review one (1) year after issuance of the certificate of use to determine if the approved conditions of approval are in compliance. These reviews may result in a formal noticed public hearing before the Planning Commission. After the public hearing on the matter, the Planning Commission may require immediate condition compliance, amend the conditions of approval or proceed with revocation of the Conditional Use Permit as specified in Municipal Code Section 25.05.075. 2. It is understood that the conditions of approval apply herein to any future owners or lessees operating under this Conditional Use Permit. This means in legal terms that the conditions of approval for the Conditional Use Permit shall be and hereby are obligations of and binding upon the applicant and histher heirs, successors, assigns, agents and representatives. The conditions shall constitute a covenant running with and binding the land in accordance with the provisions of - California Civil Code Section 1468. Failure to comply with such conditions, and each of them, and any other related federal, state and local regulations may be grounds for revocation of the Conditional Use Permit, in addition to other remedies that may be available to the City. 3. This Conditional Use Permit shall not become effective until any required Design Review approval by the Planning Commission has been obtained. 4. This Conditional Use Pennit shall lapse and automatically become void two years following the effective date unless: a) the privileges authorized are established, or b) a building permit is issued and construction is begun and diligently pursued to completion; or c) an extension of time is granted pursuant to Municipal Code Section 25.05.030 (I). 5. In the absence of specific provisions or conditions herein to the contrary, the application and all Conditional Use Permit 04-02 January 28,2004 Page 4 plans or exhibits attached to the application are relied upon, incorporated and made a part of this resolution. It is required that such plans or exhibits be complied with and implemented in a consistent manner with the approved use and other conditions of approval. Such plans and exhibits for which this Conditional Use Permit has been granted shall not be changed or amended except pursuant to a subsequent Conditional Use Permit or Variance as might otherwise be required or granted pursuant to the terms of Title 25 of thecity of Laguna Beach Municipal Code. 6. The business or use shall not open, inaugurate or commence untiI after the City has issued a Certificate of Use and Occupancy; and such Certificate shall not be issued until after City staff has verified compliance with all applicable conditions of approval. 7. If the use authorized under this Resolution and Conditional Use Pennit is abandoned or terminated for any reason for a period of at least one year, the Conditional Use Permit shall automatically expire and become void. 8. No additions or enlargements of structures upon property for which this Conditional Use Permit has been granted shall be allowed except pursuant to a subsequent Conditional Use Pennit or Variance as might otherwise be required or granted pursuant to the terms of Title 25 of the City of Laguna Beach Municipal Code. 9. The sale of tee-shirts, bathing suits, jewelry and ivory of any kind shall be prohibited. 10. Outdoor display or outside seating of any kind shall be prohibited, unless approved as an amendment to this Conditional Use P m i t . Application for such an amendment may only be accepted for processing, if outdoor display and/or outside seating are permitted use(s) in the applicable zoning district. * Conditional Use Permit 04-02 January 28,2004 Page 5 11. A City business license shall be obtained prior to the operation of any business use permitted by this Conditional Use Permit. 12. No proposed change or modification to the specifically permitted use of retail sales of design frames, prescription lenses and sunglasses, and lens manufacturing service shall be allowed except pursuant to a subsequent or amended Conditional Use Permit granted pursuant to the terms of Title 25 of the City of Laguna Beach Municipal Code. 13. The applicant shall not allow, act, cause or permit any lessee, agent, employee, exhibitor or concessionaire any "prohibited discharge" (as defined in Municipal Code Section 16.01.020) into the City's stom water drainage system. 14. At least 60% of the eyewear merchandise displayed at the Laguna Beach location shall be designed, produced and distributed by the applicant. 15. A maximum of 20% of the displayed eyewear may be sunglasses. 16. The applicant shall install and maintain all onsite lens manufacturing equipment that is necessary to provide same day service for prescription lenses. 17. The hours of operation shall be limited to 10 AM through 9 PM Sunday through Thursday, and 10 AM through 10 PM Friday and Saturday. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the above decision was rendered on January 28,2004. ADOPTED this 28th day of January, 2004. AYES: Cornmissioner(s) NOES: Commissioner(s) Conditional Use Permit 04-02 January 28,2004 Page 6 ABSENT: Cornmissioner(s) AT-TEST: Chairperson, Planning Commission City of Laguna Beach, California Director/Comunity Development City of Laguna Beach, California 4. Conditional Use Permit 04-02 to amend conditions of approval for a retail eyewear store at 263 Forest Avenue. As proposed, Conditions #lo, 11,12 and 13 of the previously approved Conditional Use Permit 98-03, relating to exclusivity of the eyewear, display of sunglasses or tinted lenses, and onsite lens manufacturing, are requested to be modified or eliminated. John Montgomery summarized the staff report. Public Testimony in Support of the Project: Lany Sands, owner of Emporio Optic and resident of Laguna Beach, said that his store is an optical dispensary that is governed by the medical board for filling prescriptions for eyeglasses. He said they are not a sunglass shop, but sell prescription sunglasses; very few are non-prescription sunglasses. He is asking to change the Conditional Use Permit to allow more flexibility than the percentage of sunglasses listed in the conditions. He said they make glasses, tints and dark sunglasses for people who have had laser surgery and that everythmg is manufactured by him and exclusive to the store. He said that some of his exclusive items have ultimately appeared in other stores. They only carry about five lines. 1 In response to Commissioner Johnson Mr. Sands stated that 60% of the exclusive eyewear are fiarnes that he designs and the other 40% are exclusive lines that are not designed by him. He said there are only two licensed opticians in the downtown. Commissioner Dietrich confirmed that all of the tinted lenses could be made into prescription lenses as well. Mr. Sands stated that every one is a prescription fi-ame that could have a prescription put in. Commissioner Johnson confirmed that every fi-ame that is designed could be made into prescription lenses. Commissioner Grossman confirmed that 60% of the fi-ames are designed by the store owner and they are also produced and distributed by him. Commissioner Grossman wanted to lcnow the difference between the definition of tinted glasses and sunglasses. would be that sunglasses are polarized. Mr. Sands stated that a possible distinction would be if the customer can see at night through the glasses. Sunglasses would have a W coat andlor be polarized to give 100% protection; most fashion tints do not. Commissioner Grossman wanted to know the applicant's rationale in increasing the percentage of sunglasses. Mr. Sands said that he has an obligation to tell people who get prescription glasses that sunglasses are also available. In response to Commissioner Zur Schmiede, Mr. Sands stated that any customer could come into the store without a prescription and purchase sunglasses and tinted glasses and that he keeps a stock of tinted lenses. He could also make up a pair in another color in one hour if the customer wanted them. Roger Toniero was in support of the applicant's request. The lasik surgery for his eyes failed and he is now required to wear glasses. He has become vain about getting fashionable glasses, including tinted fashion glasses that he would not consider to be sunglasses. He illustrated the range of products provided by the applicant that he uses. He is a resident in town and also has a business in town. He believes in supporting the community. PC Minutes 3 January 28,2004 Peter Freeman, resident in town, was in support of the application. He is a customer of the shop and is pleased with the selection of optical lenses in sunglasses form as well as reading and visual glasses. Diane Debilsen, who has a gallery in town, thinks the store is beautiful and she was in support of the application. Michele Arena, who works at the applicant's store, distributed letters in support of the application, including two fiom eyeglass stores that are now in support of the applicant. She reviewed the applicant's request to change the percentage of sunglasses and other issues as outlined by Mr. Sands. Matt Winters, who works at the store, stated that he takes care of the ophthalmic prescriptions. He said that the difference between tinted glasses and sunglasses is very hard to describe. They offer services to fill prescriptions and he takes it very seriously. In response to Commissioner Grossman's question to define the difference between tinted glasses and sunglasses, Mr. Winters stated that it would be based on what the prescription is written for. Commissioner Johnson clarified that a customer doesn't need a prescription to purchase sunglasses. Vicki Davis, CPA for the applicant's store, stated that over 75% of the lenses sales are prescription; 50% of the sales are to residents or nearby communities. The applicant has been in business for five years and the sales have increased 100%. She said that that he supports the community in numerous ways. Mark Thompson stated that he is a resident and has been a customer since the applicant opened for business; he has filled all of his prescription needs at the applicant's store and has purchased and uses different types of lenses fi-om the applicant. Public Testimony in Opposition to the Project: Ajrharjib Bagga said that he is a resident in Laguna Beach and has a sunglass store in town. He distributed a letter to the Planning Commission stating his objection to the proposal. He doesn't think the applicant's lines are exclusive and that the definition of sunglasses is wrong. The difference between eyeglasses and sunglasses is that eyeglasses are specifically designed for a prescription fkom an eye doctor. Eyeglasses are nontaxable and prescription sunglasses can be nontaxable. Any glasses with tint that are considered sunglasses, and are ready to wear, are all taxable. He said that eyeglasses fiarnes have a designer logo in the kame and that any glasses with tint are considered sunglasses. He distributed a list that itemized the lines that he carries that are the same as applicant's lines. He thinks that the applicant should carry 80% eyeglasses fi-ames. He said that the applicant does not have a manufacturing lab and can only cut the lenses to the point of "edging" and would have to special order the lenses fiom a manufacturing lab. He said that the lightly tinted glasses would not work for people who have had lasik surgery, in contrast to what the applicant stated, because the eyes are very sensitive after such surgery. He said that the applicant started displaying more sunglasses than eyeglasses fiom the first day that they opened business. He noted that the applicant has over 500 sunglasses and only 250 eyeglass fiames displayed; they have 80% sunglasses and it should be the other way around. The applicant is also selling watches. He b Minutes urged the Planning Commission to make the applicant comply with the original Conditional Use Permit. Brett Blackburn said that he works for the Sunglass Gallery. He thinks that the applicant is trying to blur the line of the difference between sunglasses and eyeglasses. He said that sunglasses are ready to wear off the shelf, and a lot of the applicant's merchandise is ready to wear. Peter Wall said that he works for the Sunglass Gallery and he thinks that the applicant should follow through with what they were originally approved to sell. He urged the Planning Commission to deny the application. Rebuttal: Lany Sands stated that technology has changed where prescriptions can be stocked and finished in the store for the customer. He said that the light tints are obviously not sunglasses, and the very dark glasses are sunglasses. Commissioners' Comments: Commissioner Zur Schmiede thought that the issue to be decided is what constitutes sunglasses, because the original Conditional Use Permit was in place to control the sale of sunglasses and the ready to wear aspect of the merchandise. He had no problem with a limit of the sale of sunglasses. He thought that if they were allowed a maximum of 20% of non-prescription eyewear, it would be easy to determine. Commissioner Grossman thought that the issue was the display of eyewear. Commissioner Zur Schmiede had no problem with the display being a wide range. He thought that the concern should be what percentage of sales is ready to wear sunglasses. He had no problem with the requested hours of operation. Regarding an exclusivity percentage, he agreed with the applicant's comment about procuring an exclusive line and then it is carried elsewhere and is no longer exclusive. Regarding Condition #16, he agreed with the applicant's proposal. He thought that the applicant should have the capacity to do some of the fabrication on the premises, but had no problem with some of the work being sent out. Commissioner Johnson agreed that, if a simple grinding of the lenses were required, the applicant should do it on the premises in an hour, but more complex prescriptions would be more difficult and would need to be sent out. Commissioner Grossman thought that Condition #16 should state that "a 'majority' of the prescription lenses shall be manufactured on site." After further discussion regarding Condition #16, the Commissioners were in agreement with Commissioner Grossman. Commissioner Dietrich agreed that there should be some kind of distinction between sunglasses and tinted eyeglasses. She thought that tinted glasses are mostly prescription lenses. I Commissioner Grossman thought that the prescription lenses could be any percent and that they could &lany amount of the sunglasses, but there should be a limit on what is being dimlaved. He didn't think it mattered how many sunglasses they sell as long as it doesn't look like a sunglasses store. January 28,2004 Minutes . rYUiar7 r Commissioner Johnson agreed that the display window shows all sunglasses and she wanted a condition in the Conditional Use Permit that would limit the amount of sunglasses being displayed. Commissioner Zur Schmiede said that he had no problem with limiting the display of sunglasses to 20%, but he thought the Council wanted to be sure that the optical store was only selling a small percentage of sunglasses. He thought that Condition #15 should state that a maximum of 20% of eyewear sold may be sunglasses. Commissioner Grossman would define sunglasses and limit the display of sunglasses to 20%. He thought it should be clear that it is an optical store and not a sunglasses store and that the Commission needs to define the difference. Commissioner Dietrich agreed that there should be a distinction between sunglasses and eyeglasses. After discussion, a majority of the Commission was in agreement that sunglasses would be defined as UV coated and/or polarized and to revise Condition #16 to state "a majority of the prescription lenses" and Condition #15 to state "a maximum of 20% of displayed eyewear.. ." Commissioner Johnson wanted an additional condition that the window display shall reflect Conditions #14 and #15. Second JJJ Action Approve Conditional Use Permit 04-02. subject to conditions Motion as amended bv the Commission. Motion carried 3-1. Vote: Zur Schmiede N Grossman Y Chapman Absent Dietrich Y Johnson Y - 5. General Plan Amendment 03-02 - An update of the Noise Element of the General Plan that includes an inventory of existing noise sources, projections of future noise levels, and goals, policies and implementation actions for controlling noise within the City. Ann Larson summarized the staff report. She noted that Vince Mestre, with Mestre, Greve Associates, would be making a presentation regarding the role of the Noise Element, the Noise Ordinance, preemption and local noise control. Questions of Staff: In response to Commission Grossman, Vince Mestre stated that the usual inconsistencies with the Noise Ordinance, after revising the Noise Element, would be with other Elements of the General Plan and not the Noise Element. He said that the differences between a noise element and a noise ordinance is that an element is part of a general plan used to guide land use decisions and set overall goals for the city, while an ordinance sets noise limits for citywide application, which applies to noise sources that are not preempted by federal or state regulations. With respect to general plan requirements, he noted that each agency is required to prepare a long-term general plan. A noise element shall identify and appraise noise problems in the community, and shall analyze and quantify current and projected noise levels for sample sources such as: 1) highways; 2) primary arterials and major local streets; 3) passenger and fieight online railroads; and 4) military installations. Preemption issues would be when federal regulations tnunp state and local regulations. He noted that aircraft are under the control of the federal PC Minutes January 2 City of Laguna Beach AGENDA BILL No. Meeting Date: SUBJECT: c2-&L 3/16/04 APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 04-02 TO AMEND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A RETAIL EYEWEAR STORE AT 263 FOREST AVENUE SUMMARY OF THE MATTER: In 1998, a Conditional Use Permit 98-03 to allow retail sales of eyewear was approved by the City Council. The Council required 60% of the merchandise to be designed, manufactured and distributed only at the project site, 40% of the merchandise to be from sources that are exclusive to the applicant, and verification of sales records. Additional conditions required onsite lens manufacturing equipment and weekend hours. On January 28,2004, the Planning Commission considered a request fi-om the applicant to amend several conditions of approval. After the public testimony, the Commission decided to modify the conditions. The modifications, as indicated by either a strikethrough or by underlining, read as follows: #14. At least 60% of the eyewear merchandise display at the Laguna Beach location shall be designed, .. 0 produced and distributed by the applicant. .. .. (Condition #10 under Conditional Use Permit 98- 03) #15. A maximum of 20% of the displayed eyewear merchandise may be sunglasses, defined as evewear which has UV coating andlor is ~olarizei3;-.-windowdisday shall contain no more than 20% sundasses, as defined above. (Condition #11 under conditional Use Permit 98-03). #16. The applicant shall install and maintain all onsite lens manufacturing equipment that is necessary to provide same day service for a maioritv of prescription lenses. (Condition #12 under Conditional Use RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: Adopt the Resolution denying the appeal and upholding the Planning Commission approval of Conditional Use Permit 04-02. Appropriations Requested: $ Fund: Attachments: Appeal; 1/28/04 PC Minutes; 1/28/04 PC Staff Report; 1/28/98 CC Minutes; Letters from HariitBagga; Resolution Approved: -. 054 March 16,2004 Page 2 Permit 98-03). . . #17. The hours of operation shall . + , <a D* . . be limited to 10 A.M. through 9 P.M. Sunday through Thursdav. and 10 A.M. through 10 P.M. Friday and Saturday. (Condition #13 under Conditional Use Permit 98-03). 11 A I '&. Lw An appeal has been filed by the applicant regarding the modification of Condition #16. The applicant states that many prescription glasses require a week or longer to produce due to coating and tinting processes. The applicant suggests the following language for Condition #16. #16. The applicant shall ii&dhd maintain all . . . . equipment onsite-&&& to produce many prescri~tions in the same dav for emergencies or if requested bv the patient. Condition #16 was discussed at length by the Planning Commission. The Commission felt that the applicant should be able to fabricate lens onsite, but should also be able to send out the more complex lens work. In fact, the original approval for the eyewear store included specific direction fiom Council to require onsite lens manufacturing. The modification requested by the applicant is very broad and not consistent with the intent of the Planning Commission approval. The attachments include letters fiom Harjit Bagga, owner of the Sunglass Gallery, who opposes Conditional Use Permit 04-02. 22. GRANTED APPEAL OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 04-02 TO AMEND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A RETAIL EYEWEAR STORE AT 263 FOREST AVENUE WITH MODIFIED CONDITIONS (43) Mayor Kinsman recused herself due to conflict of interest. Director of Community Development Montgomery said that the Council approved a CUP on appeal in 1998 to allow retail sale of eyewear and placed several conditions on the approval. In January 2004 the owner of the store applied to amend four of the conditions. The Planning Commission amended all of the conditions proposed to be amended, but the applicant appealed Condition #16 whch specified that he install and maintain all onsite lens manufacturing equipment necessary to provide same day service for (a majority of) prescription lenses. The applicant was concerned because the condition included a same day turnaround and prescription glasses may now take a week or more because of coating and tinting processes that take place off site. Montgomery said there was strong opposition fi-om sunglass stores in the downtown. Public Testimony: Larry Sands, applicant, said he operated a prescription pharmacy that was licensed by the state medical board and he employed licensed opticians. He protested that his establishment was not a sunglass shop. Sands said that 68% of prescription glasses used to be produced on site, but with changes in technology and the development of thinner, high index prescription lenses, less than 37% can now be produced on site with the same equipment. Whereas once a prescription lens could be produced in about an hour, it can now take four days to a week. He noted that Lens Crafiers, which once advertised one-hour service, now takes up to three weeks. Sands said he was asking for the amendment to conditions because so much had changed in the past five years. He asked that the word majority be stricken from Condition #16. Councilmember Dicterow commented that he imagined one reason the Planning Commission wanted same day service was to insure the glasses were produced on site. He asked what had changed. Sands said that the lenses could still be made on site, but he had to send some glasses out for coatings and it took longer than a day. Peter Freeman said it was not possible to produce his high index, anti-reflective coated, progressive lens glasses on a same day turnaround. He noted that it takes about a week at Emporio Optic, but it can take two to three weeks at Lens Grafters. He said that simple sunglasses could be produced in a matter of hours without the coatings. He supported the appeal. Jerry Thornhill explained how technology had made the process more complex. Keith Wisbalm said the applicant provided a good quality product and good sewice. He wanted to shop locally. Scott Sanders, attorney representing the owner of Sunglass Gallery, said his client filed an objection in October that the applicant was not adhering to the CUP conditions, and code enforcement had found four violations. Sanders maintained that it was not possible to make a living selling prescription glasses on Forest Avenue. He said that 40% of the merchandise was supposed to be exclusive, yet three other stores sell virtually the same stock. Brad Charlton said the applicant was presenting h s store as an optical establishment, but it was actually a sunglass store. City Council Minutes March 16, Peter Wall said that at the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant was given more time to make his case than the opposition. He also said his remarks had been misrepresented in the record. He charged that the applicant was receiving positive reinforcement for negative behavior. He asked that the CUP be denied altogether. Harjit Bagga said that the intention of Emporio Optic five years ago was just to get into the City. He noted that the applicant also had an optical shop in Newport Beach. Bagga did not think the stock had been checked. He thought the 98-03 conditions should apply. Amanda Prader said the issue was not so much about the optical end as it was about noncompliance with the CUP which stated that a certain percentage was to be sunglasses and a certain percentage optical. She said the sunglasses were wall-to-wall, whereas the only optical glasses were the ones at the counter. She felt that the competition was unfair and damaging to Sunglass Gallery. Brett Blackburn said the issue was not how fast Emporio Optic could make glasses but that they cany sunglasses almost exclusively. Rebuttal: Sands said he agreed with the Planning Commission action except for the word majority in Condition #16, as it was impossible for him to know what prescriptions they would fill each week. He said the mix of merchandise was the same as in all his stores. He distinguished between fashion tints and sunglasses. Councilmember Comments: Councilmember Iseman said she had spent the better part of an hour in the store before she was aware of the controversy. She saw a very substantial selection of glasses that were not sunglasses and she did not feel she was in a sunglass store. She said the patrons she observed were interested in trying on frames for prescription lenses, not looking for sunglasses. She agreed that with the contemporary standards for eyeglasses, much of the work could not be done on site. She supported the applicant's suggestion. Councilmember Dicterow largely agreed. He did not think the matter of competition was relevant and in fact, he thought competition should be promoted. He said that what the Council was trying to achieve in 1998 was a sense of uniqueness and add to the diversity of the downtown area. He wanted to keep the requirement for same day service for single prescription lenses in Condition 16, because he thought the applicant should do as much manufacturing on site as possible. He could support the other conditions. His concern was in monitoring and enforcement of the 60% of merchandise that was supposed to be unique to the store. Sands said the store was primarily an outlet for his own product. He could only be exclusive with new products as long as someone else did not order it. In response to Councilmember Baglin, Montgomery said the Code Enforcement Officer found it very difficult to walk into a store and determine whether 60% of eyewear displayed was designed, produced and distributed by the applicant. Councilmember Iseman suggested that since the applicant realized his business was dependent on being special, he would find it to his benefit to maintain his exclusive eyewear. The Council discussed the conditions of approval. Councilmember Baglin suggested support for Conditions 14, 15, and 17 as approved by the Planning Commission, City Council Minutes ii modification of 16 using the applicant's wording and monitoring so that everyone felt comfortable that the conditions were being adhered to. Moved by Councilmember Baghn, seconded by Councilmember Dicterow and camed unanimously 410 to adopt Resolution No.04.022 entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA, SUSTAINTNG THE APPEAL AND MODIFYING THE PLANNING COMMLSSION APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE P E R h a 04-02 WHICH MODIFlES CONDITIONAL USE PERMlT 98-03." There being no finther business, Mayor Kinsman adjourned the meeting Tuesday, March 16, 2004, at 11:24 p.m. to Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 505 Forest Avenue, Laguna Beach, California. City Clerk Approved April 6,2003 Cheryl Kinsman, Mayor City Council Minutes March 16. 2004 RECORDING REQUESTED BY CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Tom Daly, Clerk-Recorder Y l llllll~l~\~\llll~ll~~~lllllll\~\l~ll~ llY11lYNO FEE 2004000386941 01:22pm 05/04/04 CITY CLERK CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH 505 FOREST AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH, CA 9265 1 107 23 ~ 2 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I TW SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDING RESOLUTION NO. 04.022 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA SUSTAINING THE APPEAL AND MODIFYING THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 04-02 WHICH MODIFIES CONDITIONAL USE PEFWIT 98-03. g<! lJ I in WHEREAS, an application was filed by the tenant of property located at 263 Forest Avenue requesting a Conditional Use Permit to amend Conditional Use Permit 98-03 accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 25.05.030, which allows the retail sale of designer fi-arnes, prescription lenses and sunglasses, and a lens manufacturing service; and WHEREAS, on January 28, 2004, the Planning Commission conducted a legally I I I I I noticed public hearing and, after reviewing all documents and testimony, voted to approve Conditional Use Permit 04-02, subject to conditions; and I WHEREAS, on March 16,2004, the City Council conducted a legally noticed public hearing of the appeal of the Planning Commission approval of January 28,2004; and . - . I WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Laguna Beach considered 'all of the evidence and arguments presented in support of and in opposition to the application; WHEREAS, the proposed project is exempt fi-om the provisions of the California I Environmental ~ u a i t Act y it1 accordance with Section 1530 1; and WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings: I - Cbnditional Use Permit 04-02 March 16,'2004 Page 2 11 2 11 4 1. The site is adequate to accommodate the use without adverse impact on' abutting property or on parking or traffic circulation in the downtown area in that parlung is legal, a I( nonconforming with no intensification of use proposed. 5 2. The proposed use will maintain a balanced mix of uses that serves the needs of both local' 6 7 and non-local populations in that the use offers merchandise to both residents and visitors. 8 3. 91 1 10 The granting of the Conditional Use Permit will not produce an incremental effect of similar uses that would be detrimental to the City in that the use is a specialized optical shop 1 with an onsite lens manufacturing service and merchandise is not available in other optical 11 12 131 shops and the use contributes to the diversity of uses in the central business area. I1 141 15 11 4. The proposed use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the District, in which it is located, and the goals and policies of the Downtown Specific Plan and the City's General Plan in that the optical shop will provide optical merchandise and services that are otherwise 141 not available in the downtown. l7 5. The Conditions stated in the decision are necessary to protect the public health, safety and 11 II I 18 general welfare to assure continued land-use compatibility. 19 201 221 23) 24 1 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH does RESOLVE and ORDER that Conditional Use Permit 04-02 is hereby granted to the ( following extent: 1 Approval for retail sale of designer fiames, prescription lenses and sunglasses, and a lens 11 manufacturing service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following condition(s) are set forth to protect 271 ( I 281 1 the health, safety and welfare of the community and to assure the intent and purpose of the regulations : I I I I Conditional Use Permit 04-02 March 16,'2004 Page 3 1. The Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to review if written complaints are received, and shall be subject to administrative review one (1) year after issuance of the certificate of use to determine if the approved conditions of approval are in compliance. These reviews may result in a formal noticed public hearing before the Planning Cbmmission. After the' public hearing on the matter, the Planning Commission may require immediate condition compliance, amend theconditions of approval or proceed with revocation of the Conditional Use Permit as specified in Municipal Code Section 25.05.075. 2. It is understood that the conditions of approval apply herein to any future owners or lessees operating under this Conditional Use Permit. This means in legal terms that the conditions of approval for the Conditional Use Permit shall be and hereby are obligations of and binding upon the applicant and hisfher heirs, successors, assigns, agents and representatives. The conditions shall constitute a covenant running with and binding the land in accordance with the provisions of California Civil Code Section 1468. Failure to comply with such conditions, and each of them, and any other related federal, state and local regulations may be grounds for revocation of the Conditional Use Permit, in addition to other remedies that may be available to the City. 3. This Conditional Use Permit shall not become effective until any required Design Review approval by the Planning Commission has been obtained. 4. This Conditional Use Permit shall lapse and automatically become void two years following the effective date unless: a) the privileges authorized are established; or b) a building permit is issued and construction is begun and diligently pursued to completion; or c) an extension of time is granted pursuant to Municipal Code Section 25.05.030 (I). I Conditional Use Permit 04-02 March 16,2004 Page 4 5. This Conditional Use Permit shall not become effective until the owner of the subject property has signed an affidavit in the form attached to this Resolution, whereby the property owner acknowledges and consents to the imposition of the conditions set forth in this Resolution, and agrees that such conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land I I and shall be binding upon the property owner and their heirs, successors and assigns. If the applicant is different than the owner o'f the subject property, then this Conditional Use Permit I I shall also not become effective until the applicant has signed an affidavit in the form attached I to this Resolution, whereby the applicant acknowledges and consents to the imposition of the conditions set forth in this Resolution, and agrees that such conditions shall be binding upon I I the applicant and their heirs, successors and assigns. 6. In the absence of specific provisions or conditions herein to the contrary, the application and all plans or exhibits attached to the application are relied upon, incorporated and made a I I part of this resolution. It is required that such plans or exhibits be complied with and implemented in a consistent manner with the approved use and other conditions of approval. Such plans and exhibits for which this Conditional Use Pennit has been granted shall not be changed or amended except pursuant to a subsequent Conditional Use Permit or Variance ai might otherwise be required or granted pursuant to the terms of Title 25 of the City of Laguna I Beach Municipal Code. 7. The business or use shall not open, inaugurate or commence until after the City has issued a Certificate of Use and Occupancy; and such Certificate shall not be issued until after City staff has verified compliance with all applicable conditions of approval. I Conditional Use Permit 04-02 March 16,2004 Page 5 8. If the use authorized under this Resolution .and.Conditional Use Permit is abandoned or terminated for any reason for a period of at least one year, the Conditional Use Permit shall automatically expire and become void. 9. No additions or enlargements of structures upon property for which this Conditional Use Permit has been granted shall be allowed except pursuant to a subsequent Conditional Use Permit or Variance as might otherwise be required or granted pursuant to the terms of Title 25 of the City of Laguna Beach Municipal Code. 10. The sale of tee-shirts, bathing suits, jewelry and ivory of any kind shall be prohibited. 11. Outdoor display or outside seating of any kind shall be prohibited, unless approved as an amendment to this Conditional Use Permit. Application for such an amendment may only be accepted for processing, if outdoor display and/or outside seating are permitted use(s) in the applicable zoning district. 12. A City business license shall be obtained prior to the operation of any business use permitted by this Conditional Use Permit, 13. No proposed change or modification to the specifically permitted use of retail sales ol design frames, prescription lenses and sunglasses, and lens manufacturing service shall be allowed except pursuant to a subsequent or amended Conditional Use Permit granted pursuanl to the terms of Title 25 of the City of Laguna Beach Municipal Code. 14. The applicant shall not allow, act, cause or permit any lessee, agent, employee, exhibit01 or concessionaire any "prohibited discharge" (as defined in Municipal Code Sectio~ 16.01.020) into the City's storm water drainage system. 15. At least 60% of the eyewear merchandise displayed at the Laguna Beach location shall bc designed, produced and distributed by the applicant. Conditional ~ss'Permit04-02 March 16,2004 Page 6 16. A maximum of 20% of all displayed eyewear may be sunglasses, defined as eyewear which has W coating andlor is polarized. Window display shall contain no more than 20% sunglasses, as defined above. 17. The applicant shall maintain all equipment on-site to produce many prescriptions on the * same day for emergencies or if requested by the patient. 18. The hours of operation shall be limited to 10 AM through 9 PM Sunday through Thursday, and 10 AM through 10 PM Friday and Saturday. 1 c ADOPTED this 16" day of March, 2004. Cheryl ATTEST: nsman, Mayor I, VERNA L. ROLLMGER, City Clerk of the City of Laguna Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 04.022 was duly adopted at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of said City held on March 16,2004 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER(S): Dicterow, Baglin, Iseman, Pearson NOES COUNCILMEMBER(S): None ABSENT COUNCILME City Clerk of the City of Laguna Be& CA Survey of Shops Carrying Sunglasses Shop 1 Sunglasses Sunnlass Hut l ~ e n e and s Women's Stores selling Hobie Menes and Women's more than 100 Cook and Cler Menes and Women's pairs of high Dr. Harrison Menes and Women's end sunglasses Eye to Eye Boutique Menes and Women's Toes on the Nose Menes and Women's Boardriders Menes and Women's Anciliary Coast Hardware Menes and Women's Sunglasses Sales Laguna Toys Menes, Women's, Kids Lanuna T-shirt Menes and Women's Village Mart Menes and Women's Suttons Place Women's Satisfy my Soul Menes and Women's Things and Carats Menes and Women's l~aaunaBooks l ~ e n e and s Women's Bubbles Menes and Women's Mobil Mart Menes and Women's Bambini Kids Main Beach Outlet Women's Chantel Menes and Women's l~uchards l ~ e n e and s Women's Women's Diane's Laguna Drug Menes and Women's Laguna Beach Wear Menes and Women's Soul to Sole Menes and Women's l ~ i o l e t sFashions Iwomen's I ~ e n e and s Women's Whole Foods Two Fifty Four Women's Menes and Women's Laguna Village Women's Havoc Design Women's Muse Giorgio Women's Laura Downing Women's Envy Women's Chicos Women's ILF Iwomen's women's Laguna Supply Maxeline Iwomen's I Eyeglasses I I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 Price Range Number Carried $25-12001> 200 airs $15-200 > 200 pairs All Prices > 200 pairs All Prices > 200 pairs All Prices > 200 pairs $15-175 150-200 c airs $25-200 100-150 pairs $5-$15 10-25 pairs $7.99-12.99 100-150 pairs $9.99 25-50 airs $9.99 50-100 pairs $10.00 10-25 pairs $10.00 50-100 pairs $10 -20 100-150 airs 510-520125-50 airs $10.99 100-150 pairs $10.99 25-50 pairs $12.00 1-10 pairs $12.99 10-25 pairs $12.99 > 200 airs 512-$151> 200 airs $15-22 50-100 pairs $15-25 100-150 pairs $14.00 25-50 pairs $14.00 50-100 w airs $15.001 10-25 w airs $17.991 1-10 airs $18.00 25-50 pairs $18.99 100-150 pairs $19.99 25-50 pairs $20.00 25-50 airs $25-50 25-50 pairs $22.00 25-50 pairs $28-$50 25-50 pairs $28.00 25-50 airs $45.001 10-25 w airs $100-250110-25 pairs 5150-22511-10 w airs I I I I I I RESOLUTION NO. 08-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 08-16 AT 263 FOREST AVENUE WHEREAS, an application has been filed by the existing tenant of property located at 263 Forest Avenue requesting a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 25.05.030 to amend condition No. 16 of Resolution 04.022 that approved a retail store specializing in the sale of designer frames, prescription lenses and sunglasses, and a lens manufacturing service; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Laguna Beach, acting in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 25.05.030, conducted a legally noticed public hearing regarding this proposal on June 25,2008; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission carefully considered the oral and documentary evidence and arguments presented at the hearing; and WHEREAS, the proposed project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act in accordance with Class 1, Existing Facilities; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made the following Conditional Use Permit findings: 1. The proposed application to amend Conditional Use Permit 04-02 to allow the increased sale and display of sunglasses would be detrimental to the City in that there is a sufficient number of establishments offering sunglasses for sale within the Downtown Specific Plan area that accommodate the need of residents and visitors. 2. The proposed amendment proposes sunglass sales and display that is not consistent with the intent and purpose of the CBD-2, Downtown Commercial Zoning District, and the goals and 067 Conditional Use Permit 08-16 June 25,2008 Page 2 policies of the Downtown Specific Plan and the City's General Plan in that this amendment does not contribute to the diversity of merchandise and uses within the Downtown which is detrimental to the village character. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Conditional Use Permit 08-16 is hereby denied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the above decision was rendered on June 25, 2008. ADOPTED this 25th day of June, 2008. AYES: Commissioner(s) NOES: Commissioner(s) ABSENT: Commissioner(s) ATTEST: Bob Chapman, Chairperson Planning Commission City of Laguna Beach, California - - John Montgomery, Director Community Development City of Laguna Beach, California
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