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nbc news personal e-mail notifications - gti-news-photo
to'bv to: Subjecl: Attachments: gonzo.rojas@nbcuni com Tampering CoverUp Oceanside PoliceEvidence UNIONTRIB_224UG09.tif ; NCTIMES_18MAY0e.pdf Gonzolao, the SanDiegoDAandthe oceansidePDabout18 monthsago,when| sawa patternof mutual I startedinvesti8ating protection,corruption,andcoverup of the criminalinsurance fraudof citizenfor money.Theobstructionofjusticeis grant moneyto districtattorneys,from the stateandthe CaliforniaOept.of Insurance.The fundedthroughspecial or prosecution, is passeddownto localpolice,andthey blockall citizencriminal illegalpolicyof no investigation insurancefraudht[ . at LrltpfTlww gtinewsp]roto corn/pub_1lc complaintsat the locallevel. Documentation leadto the discovery Theaboveinvestigation of the OfficerDamonSmith8 yearlongevidencetamp€ring,discussed in the attachedNorthCountyTimesMay2009article.Thecoverup,and protectionofOfficerSmithfrom arrestand prosecution, by OPDandthe DA'soffices,is connected to the protectionof about100milliondollarsin policeunion financialassets,policedepadmentfinancialassets,anddistrictattorneyfinancialassets,including10'sof millionsof dollarsin civilliabilityfor the OPDand the DA'soffice,connectedto the potentially10O'sof corruptedcriminalcases, oneofwhichwasthe murderof a cop. Thecareersand reputations ofChiefofPolice Mccoy,MayorWood, Councilmember Sanchez, andDADumanisallhinge on suppressing attorneynotifications,limiting theinvestigation andnumberof contaminated criminalprosecutions, and keepingOfficerSmith'smouthshutaboutthe identityof other policeofficersthat knewaboutthe secretaudiotapes overthe 8 yearperiod.Theonlywayto keepOfficerSmith'smouthshutis to protecthim from arrestandprosecution. lf he is evenfired,he becomessmokinggunevidencefor tensof millionsin civilliability.Protectionofthe policeunion moneyis alsodirectlyconnectedto the chiefof Policeand the two councilmembefs. A criminalinvestigation of Ol{jcerSmith,andthe coverup by OPD,muchlessthe involvementofother policeofficers, andthe associated civilliability, wouldhavemajoradverse impacts on the publicimageof the policeDept.andit's union'sabilityto negotiations for a newcontractwith expandedbenefitssetfor Januaryof 2010.TheUnionTribune editorialattached discovered a covertrecallcampaign from the policeandfire fightersunionto get rid ofa councilmember Kernbeforethe Januarycontractnegotiationbegin,because he wastalkingaboutprivatizingunionjobs to savetax dollars.Thisrecallwouldalsobe placedinjeopardyby anycriminaI investigation of OfficerSmithandthe policedepartment,because ofthe policeunionmoneyand it's connectjonto the reca-. (wlthpoliceunioncampaign councilmember sanchez moneyandpoliceendorsements) wasalsoa criminal defense attorney, in thesamePublicDefenders officethatwashandling allof thecorrupted cases, for 7 out ofthe eightyears that OfficerSmithwastamperingwith evidence.I gavepublicnotifications aboutOfficerSmithandthe evidence tampering, to the cooncilin publicsession to evaluate sanchez's response. shekeptquietandjoinedinonthecover up. Shehada legalandprofessional responsibility asan Officerof TheCourt,anda PublicDefenderCriminalDefense Attorneyto protectthe integrityofthe pD'scases,andthe.ight to a fair trial,andshedid nothing. I canfindno evidence of anycriminal investigation ofofficersmithby opD,andthe chiefofpoliceMccov,under pressurefrom my publicnoticesin councilmeetings,hasnow goneon the recordstatingthat officersmith has committed no criminal or illegal acts(videoavajlable), andthatthe issueisstrictlyan internalpersonnel matter.This prrblicstatementwasmadeon August12,eventhoughthe Dcs investi8ation is statedas,on going,and no commentby DAGunn.Thishasbeenthe casefor the pastfive mohths. TheDAs officeshouldnot evenbe investigating the evidencetampering,asthey havea majorconflictof interest.lt is in publicimageinteresttominimize the DA'sfinancialand the number of corrupted criminalprosecution, andthe associated noticesto defenseattorneys.Theinvestigation shouldhavebeenleft in the publicDefenders areaof with an ihdependent investi€ation, responsibility, as mostof the coduptedcrseswhenthru the PD office.This is not the protecting first documentedcaseofthe DA& OPD eachother from criminalcomplaints and investigations. Officehavestatedtheykhownothingaboutanyevidence Sourcesin the PublicDefender's tamperinginvestigation, or anynotifications of corruptedcriminalcases.80 to 90%ofthe caseshandledby OfficerSmithwould havebeenhandled by the PublicDefende/sOffice.somesmallerpercentage of criminalcasesoveran 8 yearperiodgenerallyinvolvesome Contactswith the FBIandthe USAttorney'soffiaedisclosed federalprosecutions. no knowledge of the OfficerDamon Smithevidencetampering,otherthana memoryof a newspaperarticle. Thereis eitheroutsideindependentreportin&or writtendocumentation with signedreceipts,or publicnotice with videoand sound,on allofthe above. documentation I don't knowhow manypeoplemightbe in jailthat shouldnot be,andthe only realhopeofexposingthisextensive publiccorruptionisthe involvement of the majoamediagroups.I will provideinformation,documentation, sourceinfo, contacts,etc.to anyindividualorgroupin the media. publicatthe Oct.14 CitVCouncilmeeting. lwill betakingmy investigation GTINEWSPHOTO BUREAU woodrow L.Higdon 760-754-4423 www.gtinewsphoto.com woodv(agtinewsohoto.com 0'H-ot jw_august@10new8. gonzo.rojae@nbcuni.chris.moore@sandlego6.com OceansklePD Officer 6entlemen, I haveconfirmationthat otherOceanside PoliceOfflcersknewaboutOfflcerDamonSmithsecretlyrecordlng Investitations.oPDofficerstatedto an attorneyconnectedwith oneof the casesthat it wascommonknowledge amongOPDofflcersthat u/orkedwith OfficerDamonSmith. lam waitingtor addltionalrecords requestedunderthe publicrecordsactfrom OPD,ThePubllcDefender's Office,and the DA'sofice relatedto differentelementsofOPDcorruptionandcoveruD, WoodyHigdon GTINEWSPHOTO EUREAU WoodrowL.Higdon 760-754-8423 www.glin('wsphol0 !orn \,vgrrdy@BtiDcwsl)hoto-c(Jrn (-z't-/) Woody To: Subject: dick.kelley@nbcuni.com NEWSI\4EDIA PAYOFF CORRUPTION - PUBLICUNION$84,OOO.OO+ Mr. Kelley, Belowis a linkto the fi6t articlein a series,on the involvementof the newsmediain coveringpolice,fire, and DApublic and obstructionofjustice. lwould likeinterviewswithyou and unionevidencetampering,electionfraud,conspiracy, NgC reporters regarding 739 avoidance of stories on publicunioncriminalcorruption, Allofthe someofyour posted wasgivento information, docomentation, andlocation ofevidence on the articles at www.Ftinewsohoto.com your reporters,and I neversawanyevidenceoffollow up, investigation, or reporting. Higdon woodrow{woody) BREAKING NEWS_PARTI in morethan584,000 for publishinBand delivering TheSanDiegoNorthCountyTimesadvertisingdepartmenttook Police fraudulentelectioncampaignliterature,that they knewwasfraudulent.Themoneywaspaidby the Oceanside pay were fraud who Conspiring to TamperWithAn Election, to increase their andbenefits. Theelection andFireL,nions partlybecause the NewsMediaavoidedinvestigating andpublishing on the publicunions. wa' a success, 1l!p:/1wq]!s!!!\u.gb-s1a!9idNE]ry5-%@ PHOTO BUREAU GTINEWS conl !{Wly,qtinewspholo !4sdv@g!!4!]!5plqla.qorrl CA. Oceanside, 760 754-4423 html 1, WOODY Tol Subiectl Krueger, Paul(NBCUnivers€|, KNSD) RE:YourInvestigalions Mr Krueger, Thc Dumanisarticlehashot Inks to the othercurrentlypublishedevidencetrmperingand electionfraudarticles.The campnignfinancerecordsare inkedto the poLiceand co!rrtcaseiilesare linkedto the Dumanisart cle,Jnd the fa sifierd flre electionfraudartices,as well as the NorthCountyTim€spayoffarticle.CynthraSommeris not the only innocent Youwili find someof that rnfounderthe OfficerJonDomoflique,DDARod.iguez vrctrmof falseprosecutions. evidence pro5ecution tanrpering.Anotherone i5lhe f ric Lido Thc corruptlonweb i5 cxtensive.rndprotect€d Thereare loo manypeoplcw(h too muchto loseinvolvedIn this. Someof the protectronis sclf prok'ction,other pror'ction isjusl blindfnith prote.tionof thc ElueW.rll A! part of settirg up publicrecordfiotlficrtions,havefilpdmorc than a dozcnwrittcn fclonycr minalcomplaints, w th on wlth arlda!l.rinstpoliccoffLcers, docunrcniirt DA's,Ocean5rdo PublicOfticrals, and ev.n thc AttorncyGencral'sOIljcc, and Jhirvebeenthreatenedby all to stopinveslrgatrng nnd not pub/i5h.I r:venhdd MayorWood orderpoliccollicerto for.e m€ out ot thc city councilch nb(l b('cau!cI wa5irskingquestion.rboU1 the Miryorand DcputyM;yor's involvemcntin the cvidcnc(.tar)pcringcovcr. As r fonner policcolflcer,I cr,rn't renrcmberhow fitirnyp('opc I .rrfested {or filintjfalsccomplaint!,or giv ng {.r15{r nfo to ,r.op or a DA. Makc no mi5tnko,if nny of thc written .omiriainl5| filed ov{rth.'p<rstlwoyearwe(rLrlsc,lwouldhnvebcorrnrreslcdnndprolcculcdalooUlinrL'nlto. n.ourtof l.iwisthf nsi pcoplc pl:rcethat rny of thcsc or aljencrL's want to 5e. nre,cspocially w th rll ol Lhf documcntirtion I put into thc p!bLiL rccordsto protcctrnyscltafd nry frm ly. Yourbcst gcneralovefvrewof thc corrupnoni! dircctInked irom the llrL'akrng N€w! Pnnelon llre r {tht\lde of lhc wcb indcxpagc. I hc 5 tc Map labs wii guidcyoLrilrroughthe s te lf you hlv.: lroublelindingrnythine,ju5t pickup the phoncor drop rnc 0n c mnil will flivoyrJusorrc tirnc to rr.vicwbcforoTfol o\/ Up. Woodrow(WoodV)Higdon GTI NEWS PHOTO www.otinewsohotocom woodv@otinewsohoto.com 760-154-4423 Frcm: Krueger,Faul(NBcuni\€rsal, KNSD)lmailto:Paul.Krueoer@nbcuni.com] Sent Friday,Sepbember 23, 2011 10:39AM Toi woodv@qtinewsDhoto.con Cci DaMrson, Greg(NBq.hiversal) Subjectr YourInv€stigations Mr, Higdon, newsdireclorat NBC7 SanDiego,hasaskedmcto lookintosomeofthe infbrmationyouhavecollectedabourlaw GrcgDawsoo, enfbrc€ment andetectedofficialsin SanDiegoCounty. Wet€p.nicularlyintercstcd in theinformalionyouhavegathercd aboutpo$ible iregularitiesby pros€cntoB in theCynthia Sommermurd€rprosecudoD. I did lollow thalcasea,ldtheappeal,andwill readrheinformationonyourwebsit€-Ifyou havcany additioninformationthatyou'dlike mcto rcvi€w,pleaseemailit lo me. 'll|ar*s in advance for yourhelp. Sincerely, PaulKrueger SeniorProclucer NBC 7 NewsSanDiego SanDiego,CA 92101 desk:619-578-0269 cell:619-250-3887 WOODY Toi Subrecu Krueger,Paul(NBcuniversal, KNSD) SanDiegoPubllcCorruption Mr, Krue8er, I am followingup on our conversatiohs regardingreportingon publiccorruptionby NBC739. I wouldliketo hearyour viewson th€seissues,and if NBCisgoingto reporton anyof it. WoodyHi8don GTI NEWSPHOTO www.qtanewsohoto.com woodv@qtinewsphoto.com 760-754-8423 WOODY Frcm: Sent: To: Subiect: f{u€er, Paul(NBCUnivE6al, KNSD)lPaul.Krueger@nbdni.coml Thursday, November 03,20114:08PM woody@geo-tech-imagery.com RE:SanDiegoPublicConuption I mjammedwirh rhc AnthonyArevalos( fornrcrSDI,Dotlicer)courtcasc. ; , r\\o uccl' u rll ||ro$ InorcdboLr]our i."Lre. !v[r]t 1o lind orl more about l-alrm I do C flo- From: WOODYImailto:woodv@qeo-tech-imaoerv.com ] Sen* Thursda, Not/ember03i 2011 3:07 PM KN5D) To: Krueg€r,Paul(NBcuniversal, Subj€ct SanDiegpPublkCorruptbn Mr. Krueger, upon ourconversations regarding reportinS I amfollowing on publiccorruption byNBC739.I wouidliketo hearyour viewsontheseissues, anditNBCisgoingto reporton anyofit. WoodyHlgdon GTINEWSPHOTO www.otrnewsphoto.com woodv@otinewsohoto.com 760-754-8r'.23 WOODY To: Subject: Krue€er,Paul{NBcunive$al,KNSD) RE:SanDiegoPublicCorruption P a u, lf youwantthe dates,times,documentation, andspecifics obstruciion of Gunn's ofjusticeandevidence tampering and to the Cynthia Sommer howit connects coverupjustgiveme a call,or let me knowwhenyouwantmeto callyoLr.I set up a stingon Gunn,Durnanis, andthe Oceanside PDspecifically designed to verifyanddocument theevidence tampering coverup. From: Krueger,Pa{l (N8cuni\€rsal,KNSD)lmailto:Paul.Kruecer@nkuni.coml 03, 20114:08PM Sentr Thursday,November To: woodv@ceo-tech-imaoerv.com Subject: RE: SanDiegoPublicCorruption (lbnnerSDPDolllcer)courtcase. Arevalos Iln iammed withth€Anthony Will knowmoreaboulyourissuctin lwo lveeks I do wanlto find oLrtmoreaboulL,aura Gunn. Prul From: WOODYImailto:woody@oeo-tech-imaqerv.coml Senti Thursday,llovernber03, 2011 3:07 PM lor Krueger,Paul(NBcuniversal, KNSD) Subject SanDiegoPublicCorruption Mr, Krueger, I am followingup on our conversations regardingreportingon publiccorruptionby NBC739. I wolld liketo hearyour viewson theseblues, andif NBCis goingto reporton anyofit. woody Higdon GTI NEWSPHOTO $/ww.qtinewsphoto.com woodv@otinewsphoto.com 760-754-4423 !i'"j-!' WOODY To: Subl€ct: Krueger,Paul(NBCUniveFal, KNSD) RE:SanDiegoPublicCorruption - MoreInforelatedto LauraGunn Pa u , tamperingnvestigation in theOfficerDamonSmth evidence New nfore atedto LauraGunn WhenGunDsuppressed andherselfkom theSomn)er crimrna(harges, I filedthecrimlnal lawsurl andpo5sible 2009,to protectDumanis withthe DA'sOffice.I tollowedthaicomplaint up withfulldocumentation and against GunnandDumanis complaint andthc copies, to GarVSchons of the5anDiegoAttorneyGcneral s Offico,on theevidence tampering, complaint supprcsscd tho DAs coverup. .ll of the investrgatronr andsupported electon lraud.AGschons Septembcr 2011,withreqLrest tor intcrvicws WhenI provlded that documerntation 1oAG (amaa HarfisrnAugLrst.nd invovementln thc publlccorrupliorr 5uddcnly submits hisresgnation, a|ld regarding CarySchons covcrup,Schons goes Jor relircslron theOfficeof thcAtto l|l'yGcncral effective Nov.I5th,2011.OnNov.18Schons to wofk l)A withdocumenlaliori whencrinrinal compldints, nrc Dumanis 0s.rDDA.Onceagan, .s wrthGunnandDDARodr4lucz, hcreisSchon5 isqujcklybroutsht irrlothc nndtheromplaint\burrod. Iheexcepiion trlcd,bothworequietlytcrminatcd, for an inlfrviewon Schons sudden DA'sOJlicc.I stillhaverequcstIn withAGKamala Harnss nrcdirsupervisor r{-trrement, .rndthe lackof fo lowup by AGHarri5 on thc .omplnrnts GTI NEWSPHOTO www.otinewsphotocom woodv@qtinewsphoto.com 160 754-8423 Paul(NBCUnlversal, KNSD) From:Krueger, htailte:P_eul.(rucScr@nbe!lieoql Thursday, November 03, 2011 4:08PM Srene Tor woody@oeo-tech-imagerv.com Sobject RE:SanDieToPublicOorruption l l n i rrt lnr c dwit h t hc An th o n yA re v n b s(l i )rn rc rs D P D oi i ccr) coun casc. $ l l kn u$ n] , ' f r , , buu )l o t f r-u (' i r' l s , $ c L k ' . I do walr lo llnd our nroreaboul t,aum (iunn. F om: WOODYlnaillqiwaadylQg@llC!,L!!0agerye4] s€ntl Thursday,Novefiber 03, 2011 3:07 PM To: Krueger,Paul(NBcuni\€rsal,KNSD) Subjed: SanDiegoPublicCorruption Mr. Krueger, I am followingup on our conversations regardingreportlngon publiccorruptionby NBC739. I wouldliketo hearyour going and if to reporton anyof it, viewson theseissues, NBCis woody Higdon WOODY To: Subj€ct: Krueger, Paul(NBCUniverBal, KNSD) RE:Uodate Mr. Krue8er, Thetwo primaryprotectorsof the citizensin this countryis supposeto be law enforcement, and a free press.The problem s too manyp(ropleln law en{orcementhaveforgottentheiroath,and fesponsibillties in exchange for personal just advancement,or financialbenefjt. The News Media cannot avoid its responsibilitiesto investigateflrst responders, and repoft on all pub ic corrupton, evcn n a post911 world. I believ€the newsgroupsneedto re-thlnktheif prioritles, rnd get backto the ideathat their firsrlob is to protectthe citizensfrom all publiccorruption.Thatis the primary mandateof a free oress. For more than a year, i have made over 5000 phone 0nd email contactswith reporters,and every rnajor news group in SanDhgo County,and Cdlifornia.I huveprovidedhardpublicand court recordevidence,that largenumbersof police officersand districtattorneysare conspiring 1oobstructjusticeby hiding,and destroyingevidencein lar8enumbersof prosecution, Polic.r;rndDA'sare Jctivelycoveringup that evidencetamperinB, criminalarrestand whil€ innocent peopleare pros.rcuted andjailedfor felonycrimesthey dld not commii.Thc evidencetampcrlngand its coverup ls drrectlyconnectedby unionrnoney,to criminalconspiricies bythe samelaw enlorcementagencics, to manipulate | {rctionsand enhanccunionpayrnd bcnefitt.lt is alsodlrcctlVconnectedto proiectlngmultipieDDAs, includingOA l)Lrmanjs, from a 520 ,nilliondollarscivjlhabjlity,not to menlroncriminalprosecutions for dozen5ot felonycrimes,if any of theseagencicswerc pushedto followthe law Irocthe ticketfixingby copsand DAsrsjusr nnothercxampleol wide spreadpubliccorruptionfor moncy,howcver,it doegnot evenbeginto compareln seriousncss, or ufgencylo thc abovc. fhe tic(et lix ng,likeall othcr intefna crimlnrl (orruptionin law cnfor.ementgroupsdoesnot orrur in a vacuum.'lickellixinB,likcaudiotapc evidenccrecordinB, ciinflotbe hiddenfrom all the otflcoror DA'sthat you work with, or coveredup wilhout the helpof other off cersand DA s Themotivcscanvaryfronrono groupto the ncxt, bu1thayarc collectively refcrredto as the BlueWall Protcction, gotten it has out of control with no re.rl fronr .rnd ovcrsightor investigation thc media As I havebeendlonein thesecorrupiioninvcstigation5 tor nrorethan two ycdrs,I havehadto conccntrateon the more public thLr nteresl lw sh serou5dangersto I hadthc time to investigate the ticketfixingcorruptlon.lf I did investigite, iind providedhardevidencelo the new5organizatrons, wouldthey take nore noticeol ticketfixing,as opposedto (rvrdence tampcring/or electionfraud. and fuil publication A realinvestigation would put any newsgroupon the Nationalstage.lf your newsgrouprcally wantsto do its job, and go aftrlrall of lhis corruptionwith both feel, I will giveyo(leverythingI h:rve,and supportyour ciforts. However,if the newsmediawill not go aftcr real,€'xtensive, dangcrouspubliccofruptio^,evenwhen il could impacttheir advert'zing income,then I will .nakeit my job to comeafterthe newsmedia,for as longas I am alive. Woodrow Higdon Publisher Edltor GTI NEWSPHOTO www.qtinewsDhoto-com woodv@qtinewsohoto. com 7A0-754-4423 Paul(NBcuni\€rsal/ F orn! Krueger, KNSD) fmarlto:Paul,Kriteoer@nbcuni.coml February 03,20126:56PM SenttFriday, To: vloodv@otinewsphoto.com subj€ctr Update 1 I havebeentotallyburiedin storiesforthe pastmonth,and havebeenunableto work on anythingrelatedtothe North sto.y. Countyf raud/abuse/DAy'PD I undeGtandandacceptthatyou areworkingwith othermediaoutlets,andthatthey mightrun a storybeforewe do. ljust haven'thadthe time to do anythingwith the info you'vesent. Still,l'm wonderingifyou haveanythoughtsaboutthe recentcriminalcharges filedatainstthe DeputyDAandSDPD trafficSgt.for allegedticketfixing? Sincerely, PaulKrueger NBC7 5anDiego WOODY To: Subject: Krueger, Paul(NBCUniversal, KNSD) SDPD- DATicketFixinghasa lotofthesamebadplayermaklng thesamebadpromises I did a little researchon yourticketfiringquestion. It seemwe aretalkingaboutthe sameDADumanisandsameDA'sofficethat obstructedcrilninalcomplaintsand investigations of evidencetamperingby DDADanielRodriguez and DDALauraGunn,Bothof whomwerequietly terminatedwhenthis reportedstarteddumpinBdocumentation on Dumanis, and requestinginterviewson the public covelup. corruDtron ThesameDDAGunn,thatwasDumanis's co-defenda0t in the Sommer MurderCaseevidence tampering 520million dollarlawsuit. ThesameDDAGunnthat wasappointedto headup the Oceanside OfficerDamonSmithEvidence policeofficers,in temperinginvestigation, andpromptlysuppressed a witnessto the involvementof otherOceanside moreevidencetampering,likeOfficer.ionDomonique.Thisisthe DA'sofficethathasa zerotolerancepolicyonpublic corruptionaccordingto Dumanis. And,the sameSanOiegoAGoffice,whichunderAAGGaryS€hons, obstructedallcomplaintsandinvestigations ofthe DA'sofficefor publiccorruptionin obstructingjustice,evidencetampering,andcoveringup the Oceanside Policeand FireDept.eledionfraud- TheSameAAGS€hons that suddenlyresignedfrom the AG'<ofii.F in NovcmhFr7o11whFD this reporterstartedaskingfor interyiewawith AG KamalaHarrisaboutthe coverup ofpubliccorruptionby MG Schone.ThesameAAGSchonsthat went to workfor DADumanisasa DDAthreedaysafter resignlng from the AG's office And,AAGGlenhill,who hasbeenavoidingallrequestforinterviewsfrom this reporterfor weeks,regarding the police involvementof AAGSchons. and the A6'sofficein cove.ingup DAOfficePubliccorruptionwith local Thesearethe publicagencies that are promisinS newsreporters,that promptandfull investigatjons will be conducted. I haveheardit all betore. WoodyHigdon GTI NEWS PHOTO www qtrnewsphoto.com woodv@otinewsohoto. com 760-754-U23 WOODY To: Subiect; ABC 10 NEWS( l0news@kgtv.com); ABCNEWSSD BG (bill-grifrith@1onews.com); ABC NEWSSD GJ (Jennifer*Jensen@lonews.com); ABCNEWSSD KH (kimbe.ly_hunt@ lonews.com); ABC NEWSSD (michael_chen@1onews.com); (robertlawrence@ 1onews-com); ABC NEWSSD SA (sleve-atkinson@1onews.com); ABCNEWSSD SF (stephen-fiorina@1onews.com)i (hal_clement@1onews.com); ABCSD HALCLEMENTE Nb6739(nbc73gdesk@nbcuni.com); NEWS8 CASGEN.NEWS(news8@kfmb.com); (crimetracker@kfmb.com)t NBCNews(nightly@news.nbc.com); ABC NEWSDY MGEDITOR (dyrrcholt@ibsys.com)t NBCNews(nightly@news.nbc.com); (ioeLdavis@1onews.com); NEWSI CBSGEN.NEWS(news8@kfmb.com); Uw_august@1onews.com); gonzo.fojas@nbdnui.com; (j€ff_block@10news com);jesse.garcia@nbcuni.com; Krueger, Paul{NBCUniversal. KNSD) NETWORKNEWSPUBLICCORRUPTION 'lNCEST'& REPORTIANG BIASWITHFIRST UNIONS RESPONDER REOUEST -INTERVIEW PUBLICATIONS LEADON UPCOMING hrtpr?!.lwy.stl!('!v!Atta!Q {o0r/N [!MS N] TWORKSlNClII w Ill I Ili\l rlLslONl l:&!lNOlLS.Ilrni /+t!fcw-s![q-to.ci]!r/NcwsM!d .rlJubli(Urri('nCr)r ul)l _qr.lrir r1lp.1^ryWt VIA PHONE,AND E"MAITTO ABC,CBS,AND NBCREPORTERS I HAVEMADEMULTIPLEREQUEST AND NEWSDIRECTORS TO GO ON THERECORD BCFORE FULLPUELICATION, ALLREQUEST TO THISPOINTHAVE TO GIVEYOUIHE OPORTUNITY OR IGNORTD. YOURNEWSREPORTTRS HAVEBEENACTIVELY AVOIDINGINVEsTIGATIONS AND BEENDELICNED, REPORTING, ON FIRSTRESPONDER PUBTICCORRUPTION FORAI LEASTTHRETYEARS-IT APPEARS THATNETWORK LOVEAND EXPECT INVOLVEPUBLIC NEWSREPORTERS INVERVIEWS ON DEMAND,EXC€PT WHENINTERVIEWS THE COVERUP 8Y NEWSSTAFFAND NEWSDIRECTORS, YOUBECOMTVERYOFFENDED AND RESENTFUL. CORRUPTION OCCURWHITEHUNDREDS OF MITLIONSOF DOLTARS FLOWFROMTH€ UNIONSINTOTHEADVERTISING OUECTIONS OF NEIWORKN€WS, REPORTERS ARI PROTECTING THEIRNEWSACCESS TO DA'SAND POLICE . DEPARTMENTS AREBEINGJAILEDAND PROSECUTED FORCRIMES D[PARTMENT' WHILETARGENUMBERSOF INNOCENT CITIZENS COVER IHEYDIDNOTCOMMIT,TO PROCECITHI UP. UP LIK[TO HEARAN IXPLANATION FORYOURR€PORTERS CONDUCT IN 16NORING ANDCOVERING I WOUID REALTY AN EXPLANATION THATGOESBEYOND, TO BUSY, ORWE DON'THAVI PUBLIC CORRUPTION. MY REPORTERS AREREAILY ORIUSTSENDME AN E MAII ANDMAYEEI'LLGETBACKTO YOIJ, THERESOURCES, WORSE THANFIRST AROUND, SUTIAM HONEST ANDIMPARTIAL, THERE ISNOTING I MAY NOTBETHESESTREPORTER PUBLIC CORRUPTION, AND I IAKI MY RESPONSIBILITIES TOTHEPUBLIC V€RYSERIOUSLY. RESPONDER L. HIGDON WOODROW PHOTO JOURNALISI\,1 lNVESTIGATIVE GTINEWSPHOTO .v_c,wry..lllutsw!pl1ol9.!:9!ll w9!dy@qrrl!re!!sp[9.lq.aq!1 760-754-8423