the blue print - Elbert County Comprehensive High School


the blue print - Elbert County Comprehensive High School
The Blue Print
Volume 14, Issue 1
Elbert County Comprehensive High School
Dancing through prom safety
Pictured above is the new barn under construction for the FFA program at
ECCHS. The barn is expected to be completed this spring.
New barn constructed for FFA
Elbert County’s FFA program
experienced a tragedy through the
loss of their barn on August 31, 2013.
The barn was used for raising cattle
and for teaching purposes. This past
summer, construction on a new barn
began. The new barn will primarily
be used for the same purposes; to
house animal projects and for the
teaching of animal health. “Student
animal projects may be housed at
the barn along with school-owned
animals (hopefully) in the future.
Most of these will be of the showquality type. I’d like to see some
animals raised not for show, but for
real-life meat production,” stated
Mr. Bilow. He also stated, “With
live animals, students will be able
to give injections, take temperatures
and more, rather than just talking
about how to do those jobs. In
regards to how his Ag classes will
benefit from the new barn, Mr.
Bilow commented, “It will bring
back the ‘hands-on’ approach that
unfortunately has been missing for
almost two years. It has been very
tough teaching animal production
classes without much hands-on.
I know that students want handson, as I do too. This will make it
possible again.”
On the other hand, the Dairy
Show Team will benefit from the
new barn significantly as well. “At
the very least, the entire Dairy Show
Team will be housed on the new
farm. Mrs. McCarty, the middle
school Ag teacher, is speculating
about raising and showing dairy
goats. I support her in this 100%.
The new barn itself has a 50’ x 50’
demonstration area, which will
allow the team to practice indoors if
the weather doesn’t permit outdoors
practice, which will be awesome,”
Mr. Bilow commented. Several
different entities were a part of
building the new barn. The process
began this past summer when the
land was cleared of trees. From
there, the Elbert County Roads
Department cleared all the stumps
and slash from the logging operation.
March, 2015
The site was also graded during this
time. Around Thanksgiving, Danny
Craft of Elberton and his crew began
constructing the metal building.
Their part was done shortly after
the start of this semester. All of
the plumbing and electrical work
was done by Paul Paramore along
with Tony’s Electric Service. The
masonry and concrete block work
was done by retired construction
teacher Larry Brady. Mr. Bilow
iterated, “Some people think we
are building a show barn, which we
are not. The new barn is not large
enough for a show ring and room
for seating. There is enough land on
the site if the school wants to build
a show ring facility in the future.
Currently, the building’s block work
is being completed. After this, the
electrician and plumber will finish
their work, hopefully by the end
of February. “Once the contractors
leave, there will be a lot of work
for us (me, students, FFA members,
Alumni members, parents, etc.)
to do. There will be lots of fence
building, grass planting, and gate
hanging to do. I am hoping we will
have it ‘move-in ready’ by the end
of the school year in May,” stated
Mr. Bilow.
When asked what this barn
would mean for the future of FFA,
Mr. Bilow commented, “First off,
let me explain that the current and
past FFA members are the reason
why this new farm is becoming a
reality. I’ve been here for 16 years
now, and during that time, I have
had many students who put tons of
effort into this program. For the last
two years, those students haven’t
had a home so to speak. Or at least
they didn’t have a place to call
theirs. I hope that this new farm will
be a point of pride in the current
and future FFA members. There is
no doubt that it will be one of the
finest school farms in this part of
Georgia.” ECCHS is so excited for
our FFA program and wish them the
best of luck with their new facility!
Prom is a fun filled night that
can be turned into a bad situation
quickly. After prom, there are many
risks, and situations in which you can
be pressured into doing things you
may not have
a desire to
pressured to
drink, smoke,
do drugs, and
have sex on
prom night.
Violence also
occurs often
night. All of
those things hurt your judgment and
could result in harming yourself or
others. When making your plans for
after prom, make sure that parties are
adult supervised, be aware of your
surroundings, and let your parents
know where you are. It is also crucial
to have transportation ahead of time, so
you do not get in the car with someone
who has been drinking. If riding with a
fellow teenager, always wear a seatbelt.
Be aware of who you are riding with,
as teens are four times more likely than
older drivers
to crash. In
plans do not
have a family
member that
to come get
you if you call
There are
many activities you can go to or have
without these risks. You and a friend
could have a bonfire, or even have a
few more friends to spend the night.
Having fun on prom night does not
have to involve risky behavior which
could compromise your health or life.
Pictured above (L-R): Gino Saponari, Eva Schatz, Jacob Heydinger, and
Marjorie Hernandez.
Nominees prepare for GHP
The Governor’s Honors Program,
known as GHP, is a residential summer
program for gifted and talented high
school juniors and seniors. GHP is a
function of the Georgia Department of
Education and is held on the campus
of Valdosta State University. The
nominees from our school were Jacob
Heydinger and Gino Saponari for
Science, Eva Schatz for Mathematics,
and Marjorie Hernandez for Music.
These students attended the
state level interviews, on February
7th. There, they were to submit a
written application, and if chosen as a
semifinalist, they will participate in a
statewide interview. If these nominees
are to be chosen as a GHP finalist, they
will explore topics that are not normally
found in the high school classroom.
During the four weeks on the campus
of Valdosta State University, students
will spend the morning in their major
area of nomination, and during the
afternoons students can chose one
of the other areas to study in. The
curriculum in all areas is challenging
and engaging. Congratulations and
good luck to all of the nominees of
Elbert County Comprehensive High
Issue Highlights
Page 2.................. Art Narrative, Military Ball Information
Page 3.................. Spring Break, Dairy Team Steals State
Page 4.................. Tennis and Golf
Page 5.................. Basketball
Page 6 & 7........... Campus Candids
Page 8.................. Wrestling
Page 9.................. Track
Page 10................ Majorettes
Page 11................ Basketball and Wrestling Awards
The Blue Print
Page 2
March, 2015
For the love of art
high school and college are totally
Every kid has a type of music different. College courses are seriously
they love. Every artist has a favorite competitive. It’s great and awful at
color, media, or style. Every dancer the same time. There’s more pressure
has a signature move. Art takes as to perform in less amounts of time,
many forms as our imagination has which is stressful, and you’re held
directions, and in high school, nothing accountable for yourself. Unlike the
is more popular than taking art classes. softened critiques of high school, you
The Blue Print had the opportunity to can be ripped to shreds sometimes in
interview a previous art student, Brooke college. I never had divided interests in
Clark, a sophomore who is currently high school; most of the time, art was
the only thing
I was good at.
S t a t e
hate it
sometimes, and
College of the
Joe Jossey and
than happy to
answer all of
our questions,
and she gave
the art world for
her personal
me. Mr. Bennett
is someone I
the transition
still look up to
from taking
and think of as a
her love of
mentor. He taught
art from high
me to never give
up, and when
things get tough,
Emotion by Brooke Clark
to push yourself
stated, “In some
respects, art classes in high school to the limits. My favorite piece of
helped me level the ground with my my high school portfolio is “Magma
[college] peers, who range from never Mama”, and she hangs on my wall to
having had art classes, to having this day. Though I’m undecided for my
been prestigious students at advanced after-graduation career, I always like
art schools. Some of my peers were to focus on the human form and find
forced to practice one media for different ways to work with it in order
their high school years, such as to provoke emotions. Though I owe my
sculpture, photography, or ceramics. enrollment to my high school portfolio,
At E.C.C.H.S, this wasn’t the case; I find my perspective was changed by
however, you use charcoal so much my peers daily, and inspired by such
in your basic studio classes in college, artists like Agnes Cecile, Jennifer
it’s crazy. I took art as seriously as I Healy, and Picasso during his “Blue
could in high school, having had no Period.” I am currently searching for
idea what studying art as a profession different art galleries in the Atlanta
would be like. The atmospheres in area to sponsor my work.”
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Pictured above is The Blue Print staff for this semester. Members include the
following students.
Front Row (L-R): Madeline Daughtry, Dishae Blackwell, Emma Smith,
Addison Barker
Back Row (L-R): Katie Kubas (Junior Editor), Marlee Thomas (Senior Editor),
and Kimberly Dennis.
Military ball to be held April 11th
The season for end of the year
festivities is upon us, and that includes
this year’s military ball. The military
ball is held each year by the JROTC
department, and it spotlights the
achievements of the cadets throughout
the academic year. Along with the
cadets, parents and family members,
there are many other distinguished
people within the community who are
invited to attend the ball. During the
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military ball, the seniors are especially
spotlighted. The seniors are provided
an introduction through a saber arch,
then a special waltz follows. The
seniors also do a POW ceremony, where
prisoners of war are remembered.
Dinner is served, and is followed by
an awards ceremony. Following the
awards ceremony is a dance for all the
cadets. This year’s ball will be held on
April 11, 2015 from 6 to 11 p.m.
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Blue Print Staff
Spring 2015
Marlee Thomas (Senior Editor)
Katie Kubas (Junior Editor)
Addison Barker
Dishae Blackwell
Madeline Daughtry
Kimberly Dennis
Emma Smith
La Fogata
Mexican Restaurant
235 Elbert Street
Elberton, Georgia
The Blue Print
March 2015
Page 3
Give spring break- a break
Are you tired of hearing
instructions and seeing gray, bland
walls for eight hours, five days a week?
Everybody wants a change in scenery
after a week of staring at textbooks,
or touch screens, and it takes a lot for
every student to get to school in the
morning and stay all day, for every
class. Thankfully, we as students are
granted a week or two in the winter
and spring to relax and hang out with
friends outside of school. However, we
find ourselves bored out of our minds
in three days or less with no fresh ideas
for fun. This year, take a break from
your normal spring lapse and make it
We live in the boring, rock
infested hills of Elbert County, which
when you look at it that way, seems
like nothing exciting. But, when you
think about Elberton being close to
Athens, Anderson, Helen, and the
Appalachian Mountains, a few ideas
surface. Our own theatre has been
showing new movies like Taken Three
and Paddington in town for a great
price of seven dollars. Going to the
Athens Mall is a fun way to spend
a day with friends. The theaters in
Anderson never disappoint with the
best movies available for shows. Why
not go panning for gold, or sightseeing in Helen? Hike your way across
the mountain range if you feel like
challenging yourself this year. If that
is too lame, why not make your own
paintball, or free-for-all, tournament
in your backyard with a few friends?
A lot of people like to stay at home
and have a movie marathon, so put a
twist on that and have everyone bring
the strangest, weirdest movie they can
think of and watch them all in one
night. If movies are not your style, have
an online competition via your Xbox or
PlayStation, and challenge your friends
to see who can finish an entire game
in a week before the other. Parents
may nag you to get out and soak some
sun, so nothing is wrong with having
your own Sandlot, and taking a few
days to compete in a game of sports,
like baseball, with your own teams
and no referees. Of course, spending
time with family cannot be a waste
when you have as much free time as
a week without school and homework.
Families can go camping in the woods,
swimming at the lake, or spend a week
at a cabin in Pigeon Forge. Whatever
you decide, remember to have fun!
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Andy Dean
Members of the ECCHS Dairy Show team are pictured above. Members include:
Front Row (L-R): Leanna Fry, Johna Busby, Luke Butler
Back Row (L-R): Levi Garland, Tyler Lunsford, Camrye Powell
Dairy show team steals state
The Dairy Show Team is trotting
into 1st place. This year’s show team
consists of seniors Tyler Lunsford
and Johna Busby, junior Luke
Butler, sophomore Camrye Powell,
and freshmen Leanna Fry and Levi
Garland. In order to become a member
of the Dairy Show team, a student must
be a member of FFA. In order to be an
FFA member, a student has to take at
least one Ag class that year.
The team’s season began in
August, and will not end until around
the first week in March. Being a part
of the Dairy Show team may be a
huge commitment to some people,
but there are many positive things
that come with participating. Students
learn responsibility, and the students
are expected to be completely devoted
to the care of their animals. Also, with
such a long season the team forms
many tight friendships. “I am proud
to see these students interact together
and sacrifice for each other to the point
that they would just as soon see one of
their teammates do well as they would
like to see themselves do well in the
competitions,” says Mr. Bilow.
Many dairy shows require a two to
three hour drive just to get there, so the
competitors begin to prepare the day
before. At each show, each student will
show his or her heifer at least twice.
The first segment of the competition
is called Showmanship. The second
segment is called Confirmation. Also,
the first place from each segment enters
the ring once more to compete for the
ultimate title of Grand Champion. The
students’ and their heifers are criticized
on many different things including
cleanliness, willingness to walk with a
halter on, and the ability to smoothly
place the animal exactly where you
want her. However, Mr. Bilow says
that it is obvious to him and the judges
which students put the most effort into
their performances. “I have had a Dairy
Show team here at ECCHS for sixteen
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Page 4
The Blue Print
March, 2015
2015 ECCHS golf team schedule
March 17
4:00 p.m.
Hart County
Cateechee Golf Club March 19
4:00 p.m.
Stephens County Elberton Country Club March 23
3:00 p.m.
Big Red Shootout
(Boys Only)
Chattahoochee Golf Club March 24 4:00 p.m.
Washington Wilkes
Washington-Wilkes Country Club
April 4
9:00 a.m.
Lady Bear Invitational Waynesboro Country Club (Girls Only)
April 7 4:00 p.m.
Franklin County Elberton Country Club April 9
4:00 p.m.
Hart County Hartwell Golf Club April 13 9:00 a.m.
Boys Regional Double Oaks Golf Club April 20
Girls Regional Bennett for this article.
Coach David Bennett shed some
light on what he looks for in a key
player stating, “In tennis, you have to
have a cool head. Tennis is as much
mental as it is physical. A lot like
playing in a chess match. They move,
you countermove. A tennis player
doesn’t have to just have the skills to
make the shots, and the conditioning
to last an entire match (sometimes 2-3
hours per player), but they also have
to have the mental stability to stay
focused throughout the match for every
point played. A key tennis player must
have all these attributes. The mental
barrier can be the hardest trait to build,
especially at the high school level. All
key players have these qualities to do
well in tennis.” Coach Bennett also
expressed the team’s biggest strength
as a whole this year were the veterans
stating, “We have a lot of returning
players this year, especially on the girls’
team. Their experience and leadership
are extremely important to the team.
They often see or hear things that we
The Elbert County High School
coaches may miss. They are great at
working with other players. I have tried Golf Team is ready to “tee-off” this
to create a sense of “family” with the season! Although they are expecting
tennis teams. Being able to question tough competition from surrounding
others without fear is vital to the teams counties, Coach Baker believes that
being able to move forward in our this will be a great season for the team.
goal.” Coach Bennett’s goal for both The team’s biggest competition for this
teams this year is to make it to state and season is expected to be Oconee County.
have fun along the way. Coach Bennett Last year their boys’ team finished
also iterated there are many new second in the state and their girls’ team
players on the boys’ team, but he does made it to the state tournament. This
not consider this a weakness because season, the golf team will have matches
the group shows a lot of promise and against all surrounding counties. The
potential. In regards to weaknesses he boys’ and girls’ teams will make a trip
commented, “Our biggest weakness, to Waynesboro, GA for a tournament,
as a team, is the lack of facilities to and the boys will travel to Gainesville
See TENNIS TEAM p. 9 for a tournament. Tryouts for the golf
Hartwell Golf Club Pictured above is Katie Kubas during an ECCHS Tennis match.
Tennis team trains to win
The ECCHS tennis teams are
preparing to rack up the points this
season. Practicing Monday through
Friday for two hours a day, the team
held their first match February 10th at
Clark Central. Members of the boys’
team include Taylor Millard, Scott
Perrin, Demarryae Sapp, Garrett Ruff,
Lucas Vaughn, Cage Millard, Luke
Dunn, Peter Trang, Cody Cordell,
Dalton Cordell, Corwin Phelps,
Logan Vaughn, and Nick Evans. The
girls’ team includes Kaylee Kirby,
Katie Kubas, Logan Hagood, Allie
Brown, Anna Jaudon, Maureen
Truett, Michaela Brown, Nikki Willis,
Morgan Pless, Tamia Eberhardt, April
Roach, Emma Smith, Makala Scott,
and Zakeya Allen. Filling the top two
spots in singles for the girls’ team will
be Kaylee Kirby and Katie Kubas.
Several members of the girls’ team
are battling for the third spot. Coach
Bennett commented, “It is going to be
a tough battle for each of them. That
spot was our winningest spot last year
with Kaylee. They have some big shoes
to fill.”
For the boys’ side, the two most
experienced players are Taylor Millard
and Scott Perrin. Coach Bennett stated
they will most likely fill the top two
spots. However, he also stated there are
a couple of other players that may give
them a run for their money. “Demarryae
Sapp and Cage Millard are coming
on strong so far in early challenge
matches. Those two could make things
interesting to the other two. I can think
of a lot of worse things to deal with as a
coach though!” Doubles combinations
had not yet been decided when The
Blue Print staff interviewed Coach
Golf is in full swing
team were held February 16th and
17th at the Elberton Country Club. The
golf team’s coach, Jake Baker, looked
for players with experience at tryouts.
“Golf is not an easy sport,” says Coach
Baker, “We only had two weeks of
practice before matches started and
this game can’t be learned in that
amount of time.” The first match was
held on March 3rd against Madison
County. Many other exciting matches
are scheduled. Please come out and
support our golf team!
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The Blue Print
March, 2015
Page 5
Blue Devils balled hard
We all miss this… dunks, crowds
yelling, stands shaking, cheerleaders
cheering, and most of all our Blue
Devil varsity boys. The thirteen
wonderful players made the games
successful and each of the members
did something well on the court. The
players are Tim White, Lorenzo Tate,
Tyricus Huff, Tevin Harper, Antonio
Andrews, Devon Turman, Tra Blakely,
Mecole Hardman, Montavious Tinch,
John Cureton, Montrez Burton, Tanner
Mills, and our #1 Tarveil Fortson.
Varsity Boys always dominated
on the court because they worked hard
at practice and at games, and they
knew exactly what to do. Coach, Jeff
Bennum, made some good decisions
with the help of assistant coaches
Coach Hughes, Coach Downer, and
Coach Owens. They told the boys their
mistakes and made sure the mistakes
were fixed quickly.
Tevin Harper was nominated for
most improved this year by Coach
Bennum. We all could say the same
with him dunking this year. “He has
improved a lot from last season and
continues to get better every game,”
said Coach Bennum. Well Tevin
Harper, you continue to get better and
This year for the boys, we haven’t
had just one but two great leaders.
nominated by Coach Bennum. These
two leaders are Tim White and Devon
Turman. “Tim is a great leader on
and off the court and always gives
100% effort. Devon provided vocal
leadership on the court this season,”
Coach Bennum added. Great job
Devon and Tim! Don’t stop being
great leaders!
One of the greatest Blue Devil
strengths was getting the ball to the
post inside and being strong with the
ball. Being strong with the ball always
made points. We all loved to see that,
right? They also had perimeter boys
(guards) that could shoot the ball very
well to stretch the defense out. Most
of the players, on our team, are very
athletic and active. They knew how
to get up and down the court quickly.
They really pushed themselves to
accomplish a win.
The biggest challenge this season
was Morgan County. Morgan had a lot
of talented people returning. They were
the region champions and our boys did
an excellent job playing against them.
We just can’t wait until next season to
see our Devils back on the court. We
want to wish them the best of luck next
year because we all know our Blue
Devils can do it!
For the love of the game
Our Lady Devils had a great
season this year. They had the love
of twelve girls on the team. They are
Jimera Hill, Kaycie Oakley, Neesha
Hickmon, Angel McClary, Myia
Perrin, Shakira Harper, Tia Rucker,
Atira Fortson, Kiara Rollison, JaQonda
Cureton, Bella Fernandez, and Kaniya
Varsity girls were very talented
and confident about the things they
did on the basketball court. They could
not have done it without the help of
their head coach, Alton Smith, and
assistant coaches, Donald Bolton, Josh
Jones, and Mark Hood. They always
encouraged them to do their best and
work hard to get better. Whenever they
lost, heads were up and ready for the
next game.
Our wonderful three point shooter
Kaycie Oakley (Fantasic #4) was
nominated for most improved. “She
stepped up her game and was the
multi-dimensional player this year. She
did many more things as well to help
her team,” commented Coach Smith.
Congratulations, Kaycie Oakley!
Neesha Hickmon (The Hickmon
Show) was nominated as a great
leader by Coach Smith. He said,
“She understands the game so well,
especially on defense. She was always
telling people where they should have
been and tried to lead by example.”
Great job on being a leader Neesha!
Keep up the good work!
The greatest strength on the
team was their ability to interchange
positions. One game, nine players
scored between six-eleven points each,
and coach only played ten girls that
game. Because of their interchangeable
positions, they were able to change
places from time to time. That was a
big accomplishment for them. Most
teams do not have players who are
flexible enough to trade places with
each other like our Lady Devils.
However, it was not an easy road
for them. They had two big challenges
this year with Morgan and Jefferson.
Morgan County was region champs
last year and went to elite eight. They
had a lot of returning players that were
extremely talented. Jefferson was new
to their region this year, but last year
they went to elite eight in AA and a
lot of their players returned and were
very talented as well. We would like
to wish our Lady Devils the best of
luck next year because we know you
all can do great things for a winning
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Page 6
The Bl
Page 7
The Blue Print
Page 8
March, 2015
Wrestling wraps up wins
The wrestling team finished in 5th place at the AAA State Traditional
Wrestling Tournament in Macon. The team had five state placers: Jamarcus
Allen, 5th at 113lbs; Tysean Hall, 3rd at 160 lbs; AJ Edmond, 3rd at 195 lbs;
Kevin Almond, 2nd at 152 lbs; and Ken Allen, State Champion at 285 lbs. This
is the 5th year in a row of having a top ten team and three of the past five years
the team has finished in the top five in the state. Ken is our team’s three-time
state placer. He placed 6th as sophomore, 2nd as junior, and State Champ as a
senior. Ken is only the second three-time placer in our school’s history. Kevin
Almond is the first sophomore in school history that made the state finals and
finished as the state runner-up. Kevin lost a one point match in the state finals.
AJ Edmond placed 3rd after placing 4th last year. He beat the East Sectional
Champ from Lumpkin County in the quarters before losing a controversial match
in the semis. He then beat an AA 4th place finisher in the consolation semis and
ABOVE: Ken Allen receives the State Champion award at the Wrestling
Tournament in Macon
BELOW: Ken Allen in action at AAA Wrestling Tournament
then defeated the returning AAA State Champ from Dawson County by score
of 8-3 to place 3rd. AJ is now a two-time state placer. Jamarcus Allen beat the
AAA West Sectional 3rd place finisher in the first round from Westminster and
then defeated the AAA West Runner-up from Calhoun in the quarter by a major
decision. He then lost a very close match only down one point with 19 seconds
to the eventual state champion from Jefferson. He lost his consolation semis
match before beating the AAA East Sectional runner-up by a major decision to
take 5th place at state. Jamarcus is now a two-time state placer and is on track
to become the school’s first ever 4th time state placer. Tysean won two matches
before losing a two point match in the semis. He then won two overtime matches
to finish in 3rd place at state. Tysean finished with 50 wins this season and also
had 50 wins last season. Congratulations to the team for a great season!
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March 2015
The Blue Print
On your mark, get set, go!
Are you ready for the speed of
the Blue Devils? Yes, track is here and
coached by Coach Kesler and Coach
Carter with the help of Coach Pierce,
and Coach Bolton. They are ready for
whatever comes their way. They are
looking forward to winning Region
Championship again and also striving
to win the State
“Our expectation
and goals haven’t
changed much from
last year,” commented
Coach Kesler. Our
athletes and coaches
expect to be competing
Championship again,
and in May to be
competing for the State Championship.
Our Blue Devils track team won the
Region Championship last year, but
for the State Championship, they were
beat by Cedar Grove and Saint Pius.
St. Pius won the State Championship
in a dominating fashion, and they
have moved up to AAAA. Meanwhile,
Cedar Grove has not. The Blue Devils
lost a lot of seniors that were not only
leaders on the track, but also in the
locker rooms. They held the younger
guys accountable and hopefully the
seniors this year will step up and do the
“Track has changed so much in
the past 10 years,”
said Coach Kesler.
“Sprint teams are
having a hard time
winning state. The
reason why is because
St. Pius won the
State Championship
last year during field
events, a day before
running even started,
so that will be the
focus of this year’s team. To compete,
we have to work hard because running
fast, in sprints, no longer wins. Track
today needs to be more well-rounded
and good at everything versus just
being good in the sprints,” said Coach
Kesler. Good Luck this season Elbert
County Track Team!
Page 9
Elbert County Comprehensive High School
Track and Field Schedule 2015
March 17 Jackson County Jackson Co. High
March 21 Loch Johnson Invitational
Cedar Shoals High
March 24
Madison County Madison Co. High 4:00
March 28
Carrollton Invitational
Carrollton High 4:00
April 14
Hart/Franklin Co. Hart Co. High
April 18 Beef-O-Brady’s Dragon Invite Jefferson High
April 21/23
Region 8-AAA Championships Jefferson High
May 2
AAA Sectional B
East Jackson High
May 5-9
Girls State Championships Albany, GA
May 14-16 Boys State Championships Jefferson, GA
DAIRY TEAM from p. 3
TENNIS TEAM from p. 4
...I have to say that this year’s team is
one of the smaller teams we have had,
but they are also one of the best. These
guys just click. They help each other
without being asked, they get along,
and they really are all friends,” said
Mr. Bilow.
The last show of the year is being
held in Perry at the Georgia Agriculture
Center and Fairgrounds. Everyone is
invited to come out and support the
ECCHS Dairy Show Team!
...have tennis year round like some of our biggest competitors do. But that’s
something we’re working on. Not the facilities necessarily, though indoor courts
would be awesome, but getting players on the courts during other seasons to
work together on their own. We’ve had some success this year for the first time!”
Lastly, Coach Bennett would like to welcome the team’s interim assistant
coach, Jordan Berryman, who is filling in for Charmin Kesler this season. Coach
Kesler is sitting out this season due to the new addition to her family this past
Coach Berryman is an Elberton native, who played tennis for the middle
and high school during her time here. “Though we look forward to the return
of Coach Kesler, we do welcome Coach Berryman to the tennis family and
hope she’ll be able to continue to help us in the future if possible,” commented
Coach Bennett. The team will have eight home matches this season, the first
was held on February 12th against Franklin County. Coach Bennett would like
to invite everyone out to support the Blue Devil Tennis Players. Please check
the schedule and find a date(s) you can come out to cheer on our players! Good
Luck Tennis Team!
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The Blue Print
Page 10
Twirlers take titles
March 2015
ATTENTION SENIORS!! Have you checked out the ever-growing
scholarship webpage of the school website? Even if you already have, you need
to check it again. New scholarship opportunities are being added constantly!
They all have different deadlines, so if it's your first time to visit the page, scroll
through the entire list. Someone's going to win them, but it definitely won't be
you if you don't apply!
On Friday, March 20th, the
ECCHS Track Teams will be selling BBQ plates from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at
the Elbert County High School Track Fieldhouse. Each plate will cost $8.00 and
will consist of BBQ (not a BBQ Sandwich), slaw, and baked beans. Plates can be
purchased from any track team member or coach. Any questions can be directed
to Coach Kesler by email at Thanks for your support of
the Elbert County Track and Field Program.
Key Club applications and teacher recommendation forms are available for anyone interested in joining for the 2015-16 school
year in Room D-7 from Mr. Bohlen. They are also available on ELearn (clubs
and activities) and the school webpage. Deadline to return them is March 20th.
Members of the ECCHS Majorettes attend NBTA competitions to take twirling
team titles. Pictured are (Front Row L-R): Madesyn Rice, March Truett (Second
Row L-R): Angelina Ruffin, Gracie Page, AnsLee Jarvis, McKenzie Clark (Third
Row L-R): Eva Jourolmon, Emily Edwards
Members of the ECCHS Majorette team recently competed in two National
Baton Twirling Association competitions. The team won 1st place in the Senior
Small Dance Twirl category during the Showcase of the South competition in
Statesboro on March 7th. The team also placed 1st in the Senior Small Dance
Twirl title during the Bulldog Twirling Classic in Athens on March 14th.
Three of the high school twirlers also competed in individual titles as well.
At Showcase of the South, Mary Truett placed 1st in the Miss Basic Skills of
the South title (ages 13-15), and 1st in Open Strut (ages 13-15). Eva Jourolmon
placed 3rd in the Miss Majorette Queen of the South title (ages 13-15). Madesyn
Rice placed 1st in the Miss Majorette Queen of the South title (ages 16-24), 1st
in Modeling Queen of the South title (ages 16-24), 1st in Open Best Appearing
(ages 16-24), 1st in Open Strut (ages 16-24), and 1st in Open Solo (ages 16-24).
At the Bulldog Twirling Classic, Mary Truett placed 2nd in the Miss Bulldog Classic Twirling title (ages 13-15). Madesyn Rice placed 1st in the Miss
Bulldog Classic Model Queen title (ages 16-24), 1st in Open Best Appearing
(ages 16-24), 1st in Open Strut (ages 16-24), and 1st in Open Basic and Military
Marching (ages 16-24). Congratulations to the ECCHS Majorettes!
On March 26th, the FBLA
will be hosting the annual Powder Puff game at 6:30 pm in the Granite Bowl.
Girls sign up to play football....Guys sign up to cheer. All grades are eligible to
participate. See Mrs. Crook (E-9), Mrs. Starrett (E-3), or Mr. McCarty (E-2) to
sign up. Go Big Blue!
INTERACT CLUB NEWS!! The Interact Club is accepting applica-
tions for membership. Those interested should stop by Mrs. Hover’s room (C-3)
or Mr. Norman’s room (B-12) to get an application. Completed applications are
due by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7th.
The Headquarters
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The Blue Print
March, 2015
Page 11
Connie & Jerry Spivey presented the annual Kyle D. Wilhite Memorial
Wrestling Award to Senior Blue Devil wrestler Ken Allen tonight at our
Winter Sports Banquet. Congratulations, Ken!
Congratulations to Lady Devils Basketball Senior Jimera Hill who was
recently selected to play in the North Georgia All-star game in Gainesville
on March 28th! Way to go, Jimera! This is a big honor, and EC is SO proud
of you! GO BIG BLUE!
Special Thanks to:
Dot Rutherford &
ASI Photography
for photos used in this edition
Tim & Glenna Hamilton presented the 1st annual Tony Beahringer
Memorial Wrestling Scholarship to Senior Blue Devil wrestler Tysean Hall
tonight at our Winter Sports Banquet. Congratulations, Tysean!
The Blue Print
Page 12
March, 2015