SPRING 2008 Please Support ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK 29th March - 5th April lebrating 30 Y e C ea r s 197 8-200 8 IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION, DONOR HOUSE, BLOCK 43A, PARK WEST, DUBLIN 12. Phone: 01-6205306. Fax: 01-6205366 Lo-Call: 1890-KIDNEY (1890-543639) EDITORIAL M ay I begin by thanking over 550 of you for taking the time to complete and return our Patient Questionnaire. We are busy processing the data which we know will make interesting reading when completed. World Kidney Day has been an interesting time and the reports in the magazine will bring you up to speed on these early detection ideas which the UK health service are taking very seriously. The UK General Practitioners are now conducting tests on all people who could potentially develop high risk chronic kidney disease (CKD). There is strong proof that early detection of CKD can lead to treatment that will slow the progression of the disease leading to kidney failure. Hopefully, our small initiative will highlight the prospects for the health systems potential to further explore screening programmes for kidney disease. SPRING 2008 Please Support ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK l 29th March - 5th Apri lebrating 30 Yea Ce rs 197 8-200 8 R HOUSE, CIATION, DONO IRISH KIDNEY ASSO WEST, DUBLIN 12. BLOCK 43A, PARK 01-6205366 Phone: 01-6205306. Fax: (1890-543639) DNEY 1890-KI Lo-Call: FRONT COVER: Ryan Tubridy, RTE’s popular TV and radio presenter, has kindly offered his services once again (free gratis) to front our Organ Donor Awareness Week 2008 campaign. 2 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 There seems to be little if any money about in the HSE to expand and improve dialysis services in 2008. So much for the planned approach imbedded in the National Renal Review. The fire fighting approach to exhausted dialysis centres seems destined to continue. The HSE have delivered commercial dialysis units in a confusing manner. None of the five commercial units are working from the tender process. All are working on temporary contracts (Service Level Agreements). Staffing of the hospital units is now the biggest problem across the country. The capacity of a dialysis unit can be determined in a number of ways. The amount of stations is an obvious way, but without adequate staff you cannot maximise how often you can use the stations. Along the west coast from Tralee to Letterkenny, employing trained Renal Staff is clearly the biggest problem. In Limerick they have exhausted the unit’s capacity altogether and the HSE are confident they will have extra capacity in a new commercial unit which they say will be up and running in Limerick by the end of the year. This is a year too late for all the new patients who have to travel to Galway from the Limerick catchment area. The embargo on employment is over but it has been replaced by, what in reality is, the same result by a different name. As many patients are travelling from the Midlands to Dublin as are travelling from Limerick to Galway. Letterkenny is now sending patients across the border to Omagh - fine if it is their nearest dialysis unit. Six of the Limerick patients are travelling together in a mini bus. One gentleman’s dialysis day is now twelve hours long by the time he is collected and has criss-crossed the highways and byways. He receives a sandwich before and after dialysis treatment. This is simply unacceptable. Many more ridiculous patient travel stories are emerging. In this “patient centred” Health Service Executive, that now controls all things renal, nothing, it seems, matters more now than the “budget”. This is evident in all parts of the HSE although you will see only a small increase in dialysis patients for 2007, 2.5%, there is no increase in the Renal Budgets to cope with this rise of about 40 dialysis patients. Minister for State in the Department of Health and Children, Pat ‘The Cope’ Gallagher will represent the Minister for Health at the launch of Organ Donor Awareness Week in the Mansion House on Tuesday 25th March, 2008. Congratulations to Deborah Lynch, Holiday Co-ordinator in Donor House, on her recent engagement to her long-time boyfriend Mark. We wish them every happiness in their future together. Shortly I will be sending every branch raffle tickets for a car which has been donated to the Association via Monica Finn, Roscommon branch. The draw will take place on Friday 31st October, 2008 and we hope that every branch will participate in selling tickets. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us throughout Organ Donor Awareness Week and many thanks, in advance, to all of you who volunteer to help us during the week. NEW IKA LOGO Dr. George Mellotte, Nephrologist, St. James’s and Tallaght hospitals, and President of the Irish Nephrology Society, has been a wonderful ally to the IKA over the last year. He has given of his time extensively, from World Kidney Day, a year ago in Buswells, to the Associations’ Conference at the AGM in June, Chairing the European Day for Organ Donation & Transplantation in October, including writing an article for SUPPORT magazine, to World Kidney Day, once again this year. George, the Board and staff are most grateful for your ongoing support and encouragement in our joint advocacy of kidney patients. lebrating 30 Y e C ea r s 197 8-200 8 We have developed this special logo to mark our celebration of 30 years, since our foundation in 1978 at a meeting in Jervis Street Hospital. If you would like a printable version of the logo for branch use please contact the office and we will forward it to you. IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 3 CAR MAGNET FORGET-ME-NOT BROOCH FORGET-ME-NOT FLOWER ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK 29TH MARCH-5TH APRIL O ften new patients and predialysis patients don’t know how to get involved in Organ Donor Awareness Week. The message we need to get to people is primarily “Please choose to Carry the Organ IRISH DONOR NETWORK Donor Card and talk to your family IKA, Donor House, Park West, Dub lin 12. Phone: 1890-543639. about it.” We have been promoting organ donor awareness for the last 30 years and, somewhere along the way, people also wanted to donate money to the Association when we were distributing donor cards. As a result we chose to sell items of organ awareness significance. It started with the ‘Forget-Me-Not’ flower (€2.00) which is now a national symbol for organ donation. The brown stick of wood represents the failed organ, the bandage on the graft with the new flower symbolises the transplanted life-giving organ. The ‘keyring’ donor card (€2.00) was the second item introduced. The €3.00 small metal brooch came next and after a pilot last year we have the €3.00 magnetic car ribbon available nationwide. Green is the international colour for organ donation on ribbons and plastic wristbands so it was a natural choice for us. The Branch Secretaries would love to hear from patients, carers, family and friends of patients who would be willing to give up some part of the week to help us distribute organ donor cards and to promote our merchandise. This is our only national fundraising event so please do consider volunteering your time. All names and phone numbers for Branch Secretaries are listed on Page 31 of this magazine 4 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 WORLD KIDNEY DAY Report by ALISON LARKIN National Development Officer, IKA W orld Kidney Day took place on Thursday 13th March 2008. In Ireland, we have adopted a ‘Wellness/Know Your Kidney’ project to mark World Kidney Day. The focus of this early detection campaign is to highlight the increasing global pandemic of kidney disease and emphasise the importance of early detection in slowing the progress of kidney diseases. It is estimated that approximately 10% of the Irish population have some form of kidney disease. In advance of the event this year, the Irish Kidney Association and the Irish Nephrology Society jointly hosted a pilot scheme of screening clinics for the staff in South Dublin County Council and RTE over four days. Participating employees had their age, height, weight and blood pressure recorded along with a finger prick blood test for creatinine to establish their estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR). The confidential results were available, within five minutes of the blood test, to all those who availed of the free screening, due to our use of a new creatinine testing machine. The World Kidney Day screening crew at the end of the day in RTE Studios, Montrose The testing was supervised by Dr. George Mellotte, President of the Irish Nephrology Society and Renal Consultant at Tallaght and St. James' Hospitals along with members of his team. The whole testing process takes only a few minutes. It is hoped that the results will be included (anonymously) in a group statistical analysis of all the tests undertaken. Without the co-operation of South Dublin County Council and RTE we could not have undertaken this pilot scheme. IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 A big thank you to all those who participated especially the nurses from Tallaght Hospital, Valerie, Maura, Glenda, and Fiona, from St. Vincent’s Hospital, Emer, and from the Mater Hospital, Lhamotsering, Emmanuel and Mary Corliss from Unitech, without whose most grateful assistance we in Donor House could not have managed such a venture. To one and all my sincere thanks. 5 WORLD KIDNEY DAY T he European Kidney Patients’ Federation (CEAPIR) has formed an alliance with the Nephrologists from the European Renal Association (ERA) with the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the European Renal Nurses & Allied Renal Professionals (EDTNA/ERCA). The co-operation is called the European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA) 6 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 and was formed to promote kidney health in the European Union. I wrote about this in last Summers edition of SUPPORT. To promote and launch World Kidney Day in Europe the Alliance held a Symposium on March 4th, 2008, in the European Parliament, entitled ‘Chronic Kidney Disease - Europe’s Silent Epidemic - A Wake Up Call’. European Launch I represent the European patients as CEAPIR’s representative in the Alliance and was proud and delighted to put forward our own VALERIE TWOMEY, from Cork, to speak for renal patients, at the Symposium. Valerie spoke at the IKA’s Annual General Meeting in June ‘07. She is a former manager in the hotel industry. Valerie was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Failure in 2003 after living with diabetes for over 25 years. Valerie underwent both peritoneal and haemodialysis and in June 2006 was given a life-saving gift of a kidney transplant. Valerie is actively involved with the Cork Branch of the IKA and will be representing Ireland at the 5th European Transplant and Dialysis Games in September 2008. Valerie was in some very distinguished company and the testament of the success of her presentation at the Symposium is the follow-on invitations she is receiving to speak at more conferences around Europe. Other speakers were: PROFESSOR ANDREW REES, Chairman of the European Kidney Health Alliance since its inception is currently Marie Curie Professor at the Institute of Clinical Pathology, Medical University of Vienna. FRIEDA BREPOELS, MEP, is currently working as EPP-ED shadow rapporteur on ‘Organ Donation and Transplantation: Policy Actions at EU level’. KAREN JENKINS, Renal Nurse is Past President and founding member of ANSA (Anaemia Nurse Specialist Association). She is a founding member of the CKD forum, a project group of the British Renal Society and is current chair of EDTNA/ERCA CKD interest group. PROFESSOR PAUL E. DE JONG, Professor in Nephrology, University Medical Center, Groningen, Netherlands is head of the department of Nephrology of the Groningen University Medical Center in the Netherlands. He is the co-ordinator of the PREVEND study, running in Groningen, in which a large cohort of subjects is followed for the development of renal and cardiovascular diseases. DR. DONAL O’DONOGHUE, was appointed as National Clinical Director for Kidney Care in the UK in January 2007. He has been on numerous kidney service advisory groups and has championed the integration of kidney care into general vascular risk reduction strategies and care plans. Above: Valerie Twomey and Dr. Donal O’Donoghue. Right: Dr. Donal O’Donoghue, Professor Paul E. de Jong, Karen Jenkins, Valerie Twomey, Frieda Brepoels and Professor Andrew Rees 10 II K KA A SS U U PP PP O O R R TT SS PP R R II N N G G 2 20 00 08 8 7 CHRONIC DIALYSIS CAPACITY AND ACTIVITY - 31/12/07 HSE AREA Hospital and Dialysis Centre DUBLIN NORTH Mater Beaumont Cavan Northern Cross Newry DUBLIN MID-LEINSTER Tallaght St. Vincent’s Beacon Tullamore SOUTH Cork Tralee Wellstone Kilkenny Waterford WEST Sligo Letterkenny Galway Wellstone Galway Mayo Limerick Omagh ADULT TOTALS F irstly may I thank Fidelma McHale, of the HSE, for providing us with the most up-to-date statistics for dialysis patients. 1520 adult patients were receiving dialysis treatment on the 31st of December, the smallest yearly rise that we have seen in a long time 2.5%. There has been a 15% drop in patients on peritoneal dialysis which is also surprising. The PD patients now represent only 12.6% of all dialysis patients. My question is, is No. of haemodialysis patients 74 182 54 31 6 103 68 86 57 142 42 50 96 44 60 79 16 50 87 1 1328 No. of peritoneal patients 15 44 0 0 0 49 19 0 0 23 0 0 12 0 0 16 0 0 14 0 192 Total dialysis patients 89 226 54 31 6 152 87 86 57 165 42 50 108 44 60 95 16 50 101 1 1520 this reflecting patients’ or Consultants’ choices? The debate on that subject is always interesting. There are 8 hospital centres offering PD. There are now 20 haemodialysis centres available to treat our patients. 16 are hospital based, of which two are in the North and four commercial facilities which treat 183 patients or 13.8% of all haemodialysis patients. The only development evident on the radar screens is the commercial NO. OF PATIENTS ON DIALYSIS No. of dialysis stations 12 24 9 14 N/A 12 16 30 10 17 12 11 13 9 9 12 14 9 11 N/A 237 No. of isolation stations 1 2 1 2 N/A 2 0 1 2 1 0 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 N/A 28 Haemo patients per station 5.69 7.00 5.40 1.94 N/A 7.36 4.25 2.77 4.75 7.88 3.50 4.16 5.65 4.00 5.45 5.64 1.00 4.55 7.25 N/A facility in Limerick. No precise news is available about it yet but a planning application is expected any day now. The second dialysis unit, in Kilkenny, has now received planning permission and you can expect an interesting contest to see who manages to secure the long-term business there. Hopefully, the patients will be consulted as part of this process. The big development in Cork is not expected until 2009. 2001 TO 2007 1750 No. of Patients 1500 1522 1540 1500 1429 1313 1250 1364 1210 1106 1043 1000 966 925 893 750 Feb. ‘02 July ‘02 June ‘03 Dec. ‘03 June ‘04 Dec. ‘04 June ‘05 Dec ‘05 June ‘06 Dec ‘06 June ‘07 Dec ‘07 8 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 There is no doubt that the days of having 9 or 10 patients per station are behind us. Frustrations are running high over long journey times for some, but others have seen their times dramatically shortened, particularly by the development in Kilkenny. The figures never tell us how many new patients commenced dialysis in the year. These types of figures will be available someday - when we have a renal registry. There is no doubt the growth in the amount of people on dialysis has slowed down. I have no explanation for this. I am reminded by some that we have the youngest population in Europe, because of our emigration in the 50’s-70’s, which would affect our comparisons with our European neighbours. The paediatric patient figures were not available when going to press so I am going to use the figure ‘20’ as my guestimate of the paediatric patients in order to complete my yearly graph of patients. A ‘mixed year’ for organ transplants The liver transplant numbers were down slightly by 6 on the previous year. This is after 3 successive record breaking years of transplantation. St. Vincents carried out its 500th liver transplant during the course of 2007. Heart transplantation at 7 was half of the 2006 figure and lungs went from 9 in 2006 – to 4 in 2007. Heart and lungs are the hardest organs to match. They have to be absolutely perfect before a transplant can be carried out. The first Cystic Fibrosis lung transplant, carried out in Ireland, was one of the 4 lung transplants in 2007. The UK still conduct lung transplants on behalf of Irish patients. In total 214 people received organ transplants in 2007 in Ireland, of which 7 had two organs transplanted at the same time. W e had an above average year for organ donors with 88 families who gave the ‘gift of life’ from their loved ones. Seven of the donors were not of Irish origin which reflects our now multicultural society. This generosity transferred into 141 deceased donor kidney transplants, 59 liver, 7 heart and 4 lung transplants. There were 5 pancreas transplanted simultaneously with a kidney transplant. Two of the liver transplants were also conducted simultaneously with a kidney transplant. Five more kidney transplants were conducted via living donors making a total of 146 kidney transplants in Ireland in 2007, the same numbers as 2006. The ORGAN DONOR Consent Debate – ‘Informed’ versus ‘Presumed’ – This statement was issued to the Press in January by the Irish Kidney Association to address the recent media coverage on a statement by the UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown who advocates ‘presumed consent’ for Organ Donation. the Spanish Model of transplantation he Irish Kidney Association wish as a basis for its arguments. to clarify and explain its stance When you look at the Spanish that ‘informed consent’ should Model for Organ Donation you see the remain as the Irish position for organ best figures in the world. The Spanish donation with modifications and have a presumed consent law – but investment in donor co-ordinators. they do not use it in practice. This is Since Gordon Brown’s announcethe reality on the coalface in all ment in January, the UK Department European countries with ‘presumed of Health published a report from their consent’ laws. It is unworkable and no Organ Donation taskforce with 16 intensivists (people working in recommendations for changes to intensive care units) are prepared to go improve Organ Donation in the UK by against the wishes of the next of kin, 50% over the next five years. These regardless of the laws of the land. The changes do not include moving to Spanish have a similar “refusal to ‘presumed consent’ which the donate” rate of 15% to Ireland. What taskforce will now examine and report they have that we do not have, is fully on in the summer of 2008. trained “Donor Co-ordinators” in Imbedded in this report are every acute hospital. These people are changes and improvements for the active in looking for organ donor UK, many of which could be adopted opportunities throughout their by the Irish Health Service. hospital, not just the Intensive Care The lobby debate in Ireland on Unit but also the Accident and ‘presumed consent’ is incorrectly using T IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 Gordon Brown Emergency, high dependancy and other departments. The Spanish know that this is what is making their donor rates the largest in the world – not the unworkable law. The other good donating countries, Austria and Belgium, have also adopted the Spanish Model of Organisation. Their people equally agree that it is not the change in the law rather the change in Clinical Practice that has made the difference in improving organ donor numbers. MARK MURPHY CHIEF EXECUTIVE 9 NEWS...NEWS...NEWS...NEWS...NEWS...N Irish Kidney Association receives donation from Hospital Saturday Fund T he Irish Kidney Association was the beneficiary of a donation from The Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust at an event in the Mansion House recently. National Development Officer, Alison Larkin (pictured right) received donation of €1,500 for the IKA, from Vice-President of the Fund and The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Cllr Paddy Bourke. Alison welcomed the donation as a valuable contribution to the IKA. HSF Health Plan, the trading company of the Hospital Saturday Fund, is Ireland’s leading health cash plan operator, providing over 100,000 Irish contributors with cash towards everyday medical costs, including routine GP, dental and optical visits, hospital admissions, complementary medicine and personal injury. Over 500 organisations, in Ireland, from the voluntary, public and private sectors, offer HSF Health Plan to their staff. As a not-for-profit organisation, any surplus funds from HSF Health Plan are returned to the community through the Charity. HOLIDAYS ‘08 TRAMORE HOLIDAY DIALYSIS ABROAD S pring is upon us once again and the Tramore holiday season is soon to commence. Our four holiday apartments will be available from May to October. Tramore application forms have been sent out to CAPD Units, Social Workers and Branch Secretaries. There is a huge demand for holidays every year that far exceeds the supply so could I please ask you to complete the form and return it to Donor House, Block 43A Parkwest, Dublin 12 as soon as possible. If you are considering a holiday in foreign parts it is vital that arrangements for your dialysis treatment are made well in advance of booking your flights and accommodation. Your first port of call should be either to contact a member of staff in your dialysis unit or you can contact me directly at Donor House. I’ll be delighted to advise you on what needs to be done and I will help with making arrangements for your dialysis treatment. Please ensure that you DO NOT book a holiday before making arrangements for your dialysis treatment. Any patients, who would like advice or assistance in organising holiday dialysis abroad, can contact me at Donor House on 01-6205306 / Lo-Call: (1890-543639) or at DEBORAH LYNCH TRALEE HOLIDAY HOME The Irish Kidney Association will be providing a 7 night haemodialysis holiday break in Tralee, Co. Kerry. Haemodialysis treatment will be provided by Kerry General Hospital and we thank them for providing this most necessary service. The application forms have been sent to Dialysis Units, Social Workers and Branch Secretaries. Please complete the form and return to Donor House as soon as possible. 10 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 ‘DOORWAYS’ By MIKE KELLY H ave you ever thought about doorways? You, like me, probably have not given it much thought. Yet if we spend a moment thinking about it, part of every day is spent going through doorways. When we leave the house we leave by the door. When we get to our place of work, or our destination, we enter the building through the door and perhaps have to go through several doors to reach our office or place of work. Going home we repeat the process. Each day doorways provide us with an entrance to, and an exit from, places we need to be. Think for a moment about the image of a door. One way to think about it is to see it as allowing us access to somewhere yet, at the same time, blocking that access. To gain access we must open the door. Sometimes we walk away from the door. At other times we may linger at the door, hand on the handle apprehensive about opening it as if we fear something on the other side. Or we may open the door with ease knowing that what is behind the door is welcomed. The door can also be thought about as marking the end of one thing and the beginning of another. Someone once said that it is at doorways that the truth is told. This may seem quite puzzling, but give it some thought and it makes quite a bit of sense. This thought and image is particularly apt if we think about it in the context of the traumas and challenges we face in life. None of us are immune from trauma. Whether that trauma is, the loss of someone close and dear, a threat to life or health, loss of livelihood or a shattering of our dreams and hopes. At some point in our lives all of us have to face a challenge, a trauma, something that will stop us in our tracks. At this moment we are faced with a choice. How we respond to what is happening? This moment is our lingering at the door. Do we stay put, try to ignore or deny it? Do we place our hand on the handle wanting to turn it but afraid of what lies beyond? Or do we firmly take the handle; go through the door in the knowledge that we have to face what is there. All of us face these choices. How we respond will, in part, be dependent on who we are, how we view ourselves, whether we believe we have the confidence or strength to face what needs to be faced and whether we are open enough to receive the support and strength of others. Each one of us is unique. We each have our own personality and character which may have similarities to but never be the same as another’s. We each have a history, again unique to each one. Our history is as much a part of our today as it is our yesterday. It is, along with the experiences gathered through life, the lens through which we view the world, and it is this that will in many ways dictate how we will respond to or avoid the traumas and challenges life presents to us. The doorways we encounter are both physical and psychological. They offer both challenge and opportunity. The challenge is; what to do? Do we linger hand on the handle unsure whether to risk opening the door. Opening the door provides the opportunity, entering into something new, different, perhaps difficult and demanding but ultimately something that will - often with help - lead to a more integral sense of self, to renewed relationships with others and with strength to face the challenges life brings. IKA COUNSELLING SERVICE T he Irish Kidney Association provides a free and confidential counselling service to patients, their families and carers, either through their Counsellor Mike Kelly, based at Donor House, or through a national network of registered local counsellors. If, as a patient, family member or carer, you feel it would be of benefit to you to speak to a counsellor or if you would like a referral to a counsellor in your local area contact Mike at Donor House on Lo-Call 1890-543639 or by e-mail: IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 11 IKA Renal Support Centre I hope everyone is keeping well and to those I met over the past few months that received transplants I trust you are living life to the full. Refurbishment work is continuing throughout the Support Centre. It started with the bedrooms, and will continue throughout the rest of the building as the year goes by. We remain opened and I hope disturbance has been kept to a minimum for our existing residents and patients. May I take this opportunity to thank all the families and patients who fundraised on our behalf last year, and who continue to do so, it truly is appreciated. We are still having on-going problems with car parking and we are trying to help and deal with as many queries as possible daily. We try to ensure that residents and patients are prioritised first. May I just remind people that ‘NO’ swipe cards are issued for parking only. May I wish all the newly transplanted patients best wishes and to all those newly diagnosed patients who called into the Centre, it was lovely to meet you. All renal patients, their families and carers, who are attending outpatient appointments in any Dublin hospital should note that the Centre is opened Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm (closed for lunch). Please do call in for a tour and a cuppa you will be most welcome. Best wishes to all. MARGARET O’CONNOR Manager Michael Fitzgibbon – An Appreciation BY RAY RYAN W hen you first met Michael, you saw this tall, Bandon man with a broad smile, and when he shook your hand you knew that the warmth of his smile came straight from the heart. Michael’s involvement with the dialysis movement came about as his late wife “Nellie” was a home dialysis patient. He was the first Chairman of the “Artificial Kidney Patients’ Association” which was founded in Cork, in the early seventies, primarily to cater as a social outlet for patients attached to St. Finbarr’s Hospital Dialysis Unit, later to become the Cork branch of the Irish Kidney Association on its formation. Michael brought with him his managerial expertise and it was not long before a wide range of activities were being catered for to improve the life of dialysis patients. He was always willing to give his hard pressed time whilst having to care for his wife as well as looking after his young family. You could say of Michael that it was “What can I do for the Association rather than what the Association can do for me.” This attitude earned him many friends, not only in Cork and Munster, but also at national level. This was evident when he was elected as the second National Chairman of the IKA. As a result of Michael’s involvement, at all levels, our Association now stands on a very firm footing and the benefits to patients are many and varied. Michael will be missed by his many countless friends around the country but those who will miss him most are his wife and family, and it is to them we extend our condolences and deepest sympathies. Michael you may be gone but not forgotten. A raibh de dheis a anim dhilis. 12 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICER My First Six Months... W hat a year it has been so far. Firstly, I would like to thank those Branches that invited me to meet them over the last few months. It has been great to meet members around the Country, to get to know everyone a bit better, putting names to faces and helping out where asked. I look forward to meeting more of you during 2008 and to receiving some more invites to branch meetings. As you can see from the Sports Section I started off the year by bringing a team (which included myself) to ‘Nice’ to participate in the 10k Prom Classic in Nice, France on the 6th January this year. An invitation was extended to the Irish Kidney Association by Georges Marioli of the Association International Des Lions Clubs. It was not one of my best runs but the atmosphere and meeting the other teams definitely made the event worth participating in and I hope to get the opportunity to do it again. Following Nice I found myself in Vienna in February, presenting on behalf of the European Kidney Patients’ Federation (CEAPIR), to kidney and heart transplant surgeons and doctors. I spoke from the patient perspective on ‘Life After Renal Transplant - Expectations & Experiences’, which was well received by all who attended. The last number of weeks my focus has been on ‘World Kidney Day’ which you can read about in this issue and which was very successful. I would like to thank those Branches who put in a lot of hard work and effort into writing pieces about their branch for the IKA Website. Much work is involved in setting up these links and is being worked on at present. Hopefully, all going to plan you will see your Branch links up on the web before the next issue of SUPPORT. Congratulations to the Cork branch on their Information Day held in ‘Nemo Rangers’ on Saturday 8th March. Guest speakers included our own Mike Kelly and Colin White along with Mr. David Hickey (Director of Kidney & Pancreas Transplantation, Beaumont Hospital), Dr. Liam Plant (Consultant Nephrologist, Cork University Hospital), Aileen Counihan (Transplant Co-ordinator), Peter Cox and Hilary Scanlon (Carers Associations). The day, which I also attended, was very informative for all those present. Once again a lot of hard work by the Cork branch went into the preparations which led to this very successful day. Over the last six weeks I have also been attending a Patient Education Course which I hope to tell you more about in the near future. As you can see my job is wide and varied. However, without your support and feedback, I cannot fully complete certain goals which we all want to achieve. As always, I look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy the Easter Break. ALISON LARKIN AT THE CORK INFORMATION DAY WERE COMMITTEE MEMBERS (L-R): Michael Costello (Secretary,), Mary McCarthy (Treasurer), Val Twomey (Asst Secretary), Stella Costello, Teddy O’Neill (Board of Directors), Mr. David Hickey (Transplant Surgeon, Beaumont Hospital), Aileen Counihan (Transplant Co-ordinator, Beaumont Hospital), Margaret O’Leary (Chairperson) and June O’Neill. IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 13 Anne McCahill, HSE Dublin North East demonstrating the cross border renal information system to (l-r): Dr. Kieran Hannan, Cavan General Hospital, Dr. Donal Reddan, Merlin Park Hospital, Galway and Karl Cronin, Irish Kidney Association HOSPITAL SHARING INFORMATION ACROSS THE BORDER C ross border co-operation in health and social care has taken another step forward with the sharing of results from a collaborative hospital project designed to improve safety and quality of patient care for people with kidney disease who live in the border region. Representatives from health service providers, kidney disease specialists and voluntary groups from across the island of Ireland attended the North / South event in Fermanagh to hear the findings from the cross border renal project and to discuss future developments. Funding from the European Union INTERREG IIIA programme, secured by the cross border health services partnership Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT), has supported six hospitals to install common specialised information systems so that they can share data to assist them in the treatment and care of patients with kidney disease. The hospital partners are: Cavan General Hospital; 14 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G Sligo General Hospital; Letterkenny General Hospital; Altnagelvin Hospital, Derry; Tyrone County Hospital, Omagh and Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry. With Ireland’s aging population, both North and South and increasing rates of other diseases that affect renal function, it can be anticipated that there will be a continued demand for dialysis services. The project recognises that although the renal units individually gather data, there is a lack of information sharing between the various units on the whole island which is hindered by the use of different information systems in different units. The common information system has allowed the six partner hospitals, in the project to share information actively for the benefit of patients. This sharing of information highlights issues and areas for improvement that can be addressed from an all island perspective. Project chair, Dr Peter Garrett from the 2008 Western Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland, emphasised the importance of taking a strategic approach for the whole island. “The project has demonstrated the value of collaboration by revealing good practice as well as areas for improvement that can now be addressed, enhancing the quality of patient care. The potential of further benefit can be realised by extending the project, beyond the border region, with the aim of achieving an all-island renal registry,” he said. Also speaking at the event Dr Austin Stack from the Health Service Executive West, outlined some implications of the project findings. He said:” the CAWT Renal Project has provided a new approach to managing patients with kidney disease in the border region. We have successfully implemented a renal information system that can track the patient journey on dialysis and transplantation. It allows us monitor the clinical health of the patient through their period on dialysis, evaluate the quality of care provided to patients and identify barriers or areas for improvement in care delivered. For instance we have found that there is a trend of increasing demand for haemodialysis services with a 6.2 % increase in numbers over the past year. This is consistent with national trends and has obvious implications for future capacity provision and workforce planning. We hope it will serve as the seed project for a comprehensive all-Ireland renal registry in the very near future. Indeed the benefits of such an approach have already been realised by many countries including our neighbours in Northern Ireland and also in Scotland, Wales and England. Chief Executive of the Special EU Programmes Body, Pat Colgan commented on the success of the project. “This project signifies what the European Union’s INTERREG programme is all about; cross border co-operation to improve services to people living in the border region. The project has involved the sharing of information between health professionals in both jurisdictions for the benefit of patients. It is very encouraging to hear about the good work completed and that the hospitals involved will continue to work together.” An interesting discussion on vascular access for haemodialysis patients took plce, highlighting the under provision or availability of surgeons willing to perform these simple - but skilled operations. – Ed. Speakers at the conference included Prof Neil Turner, Consultant Nephrologist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh; Prof Peter Maxwell, Consultant Nephrologist, Belfast City Hospital; Dr Liam Plant, Consultant Nephrologist, Cork University Hospital; Dr Donal Reddan, Consultant Nephrologist, Merlin Park Hospital, Galway; Mr Karl Cronin, Secretary Cavan / Monaghan Branch, Irish Kidney Association; Dr Paul McKeveney, Consultant Nephrologist, Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry; Dr Kieran Hannan, Consultant Nephrologist, Cavan General Hospital, HSE DNE; Anne McCahill, Acting ICT Project Manager, HSE DNE; Dr Austin Stack, Consultant Nephrologist, Regional Kidney Centre, HSE West and Joe Lusby, Deputy Chief Executive, Western Health and Social Care Trust. SUPPORT THE WORK OF THE IKA Many people have asked us for a standing order form because they wish to contribute to the Association’s work. ✄ REQUEST FOR A STANDING ORDER To: The Manager (Your bank's name and address) I/We hereby authorise you to set up a Standing Order on my/our account as specified below: Signed: Date: Address: PLEASE CHARGE TO MY / OUR ACCOUNT: Amount - € Monthly Quarterly Yearly Start Date: (Tick as appropriate) Name of Account: AND CREDIT TO THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT: Name of account: IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION at Bank of Ireland, 2 College Green, Dublin 2. Bank Account No: Bank Account No: 90-00-17 17193435 Sort Code Account Number Please tick if you are a PAYE taxpayer. If you donate €250 or more, in a year, the Revenue Commissioners will match your donation at your current tax rate. This will increase your donation to the IKA, at no extra cost to you. PLEASE POST TO: THE IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION, DONOR HOUSE, BLOCK 43A, PARKWEST, FREEPOST, DUBLIN 12. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 15 A New and Imaginative Life Giving Project A new and very imaginative project for the benefit of all involved in the organ donation movement will be launched on the LATE LATE SHOW on Friday, 4th April. Entitled ‘Strange Boat’, this project will raise awareness of the need for organ donation, and will help meet the humanitarian and personal needs of donor families and transplant recipients as well as remembering and celebrating the lives of all organ donors. The project is being initiated by Denis and Martina Goggin whose son, Éamonn, died tragically in a road traffic accident in the Summer ’06. As were Éamonn’s wishes his organs were donated, making the greatest possible act of generosity by giving the ‘gift of life’ to others. The name chosen for this project ‘Strange Boat’ is borrowed from the title of The Waterboys’ song recorded over twenty years ago and which has now been recorded on CD/single specially for the purpose of organ donation awareness. It features Eleanor Shanley, Mike Scott of The Waterboys, Sharon Shannon, Alec Finn, Eddi Reader and Paul O’Driscoll, all of whom are extraordinarily supportive of the project and gave unselfishly of their time and talent to the recording. The CD/single also includes a tune called ‘Sound Man Éamonn’, composed by Charlie Lennon and named in memory of Éamonn who had worked as sound engineer with Charlie in his recording studio in Spiddal. The recording and release of this CD/single have become the inspiration and catalyst for the setting up of website which will help promote organ donation through focusing on people and their stories – donors, their families, transplant recipients and those people awaiting organ transplantation. It is also hoped that considerable benefits will be derived from such a dedicated website, providing a forum which will further the aims and aspirations of all involved in the organ donation movement. ‘Strange Boat’, the song, and ‘Strange Boat’ the website are being launched simultaneously on 4th April, ‘08. The project has been sponsored by Hibernian Insurance with the support and backing of the National Organ Procurement Service at Beaumont Hospital and the Irish Kidney Association. 16 IKA S U P P O R T Ann Murphy with the cheque Heart of Gold A s a family, my mother Ann, father Larry, sister Tina and I decided to donate Noel's organs. My brother Noel passed away in 2007 in Beaumont Hospital after a fall in our mother's house. Even though he didn't carry a donor card we knew this is what he would have wanted as he had said it on many occasions. Noel absolutely loved music and was a fantastic singer and guitar player (thought he was Neil Young!). Noel livened up every occasion with his music and sense of humour, so we decided that every year we would pay tribute to Noel by having a musical night while fundraising for different charities. It is a way for us, Noel's family, and his many, many friends, to all get together again and remember the good times. We are from Rathdrum in Co. Wicklow, which is a small town, and Noel was very well-known and loved here. We organised the venue and then the work began. We have a lot of talented people in Rathdrum so we asked each of them to come along on the night and sing a couple of songs (we had a long list by the end) we also had a DJ between songs provided by a good friend of Noel's, and of course we had a raffle. We have named the event ‘Heart of Gold’ which we thought was very appropriate not only because Noel had one but it is also one of his favourite Neil Young songs. The night was a huge success and everyone really enjoyed it. We held it this year to coincide with Noel's 40th birthday which would have been the 7th January. We raised €1,500, which was not bad going for a week after Christmas. In future we will be holding the ‘Heart of Gold’ event on the May bank holiday weekend. SAMANTHA MURPHY S P R I N G 2008 INTERNATIONAL FED E OF KIDNEY FOUNDATRATION IONS 9th Annual Meeting 6TH – 9TH MAY 2 008 NOVOTEL HO TEL, MAINZ, GERMANY For Registration co ntact the hosts: CEAPIR, Donor Hou se, Park West, Du blin 12, Ireland. Email: ashling@ika. ie The IFKF is the organisation that cleverly developed the idea of ‘World Kidney Day’. The IKA have represented Ireland at this world organisation since 2001. The topics discussed at these meetings vary from early detection programmes to fundraising for kidney foundations. The participants are from some of the poorest to the richest countries in the world. I would encourage all renal organisations to consider attending the IFKF’s Annual Meeting this year - which for the first time is hosted by a patient organisation - CEAPIR. IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 17 1 Matchmaker’s Ball T he Matchmaker's Ball took place on Saturday, February 16th in the glorious setting of the Great Hall of the O'Carroll's in Kinnitty Castle. The resident Matchmaker, Tommy Buckley, spent the evening diligently pairing up potential couples and he certainly had more than a few successes! During the sumptuous banquet, prepared by Head Chef Nigel Johnston, guests were entertained by harpist Kathleen Loughnane and members of the Encore Chamber Choir, singing romantic numbers to get people in the mood. Afterwards the auction commenced, under the direction of local auctioneer Ivan Sheppard, who was kindly assisted by Anne Bergin. A variety of prizes were auctioned, including the owner of the Castle Cornelious G Ryan, who received bids in excess of €600! In total, the generous attendees to the Matchmakers Ball helped to raise €5700. The money raised on the night will go the Offaly Branch of the Irish Kidney Association. 18 IKA S Present on the night, representing the Offaly branch IKA were Richie Young and Jerome Burke, who spoke of the benefits that the monies raised will bring to patients and families in the local area. Jerome sincerely thanked Mr. Ryan for holding the event and those who dug deep into their pockets to support the worthy cause. Kinnitty Castle would like to thank the kind sponsors who donated items to be auctioned on the night as without them the auction would not have been such a huge success. Sponsors included: Skin Health Care, Richmond Marketing, Pharmacy Plus, Hodson Bay Hotel, Tullamore Golf Club, Laois Angling Centre, Kinnitty Castle, Riverbank Restaurant, Bridge House Hotel, Birr Golf Club, O'Tooles Londis Birr, Kabelo, Birr Equestrian Centre, Peter Fox Pharmacy, Kinnitty Castle Equestrian Centre, The Highpoint Group, County Arms Hotel, Timac Agri Business, Shop and Hotel Supplies, Pallas Foods, House of Beauty, Ritzy's Hampers and RJ Barbers & Sons. U P P O R T ©Reprinted courtesy Offaly Express S P R I N G 2008 2 Pictured at the Matchmaker’s Ball held in Kinnity Castle were: 1. Trudy Shepherd, Tom Buckley, Official Matchmaker, Grace McRedmond and Con Ryan. 2.Mairead Delaney, Natalia Campbell and Sinead and Roisin Crowe. 3. Ina Kearney, Etain Kett and Elma Fenton. 4. David Mannion, Ronan Mooney and Tim Maher. 5. Orlagh Murphy, Stephen Brown and Paul O’Reilly 6. Wayne Byrne, Michael O’Shea, Pat Kennedy and John O’Driscoll. N O I T AUC 3 4 Photographs by KEVIN BYRNE PHOTOGRAPHY Leinster Express 5 6 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 19 Spring • It’s Springtime and with Easter around the corner, why not try these seasonal recipes for lamb, and these delicious desserts as springtime treats 1 tbsp flour Black pepper Mixed herbs to taste RACK OF LAMB WITH HERB CRUST Serves 4 2 racks of lamb, trimmed (your butcher will do this for you) 2oz/50g breadcrumbs Small bunch of basil, mint and parsley 1 spoon wholegrain mustard 1 tsp olive oil 1oz/25g butter 8 fresh chives for garnish Preheat oven 180°C/350°F/Gas 4 Blend the breadcrumbs with the fresh herbs in the food processor for 2-3 minutes. Brush lamb flesh with the mustard and then press the herb crumbs onto the mustard side of the lamb. Heat the olive oil in a frying-pan, put the lamb in and seal it on all sides for about 2 minutes. Place on a roasting dish. Put in the oven for 8-10 minutes if you like your lamb pink in the middle. If you want it well done, leave it in for 15-20 minutes. SHEPHERD’S PIE Serves 4 1lb/450g minced lamb 1 tbsp polyunsaturated oil 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, if liked Small tin tomatoes, drained 3 ⁄4pt/450ml water or 3⁄4pt chicken stock cube with 3⁄4pt/450ml water 1 onion 1 clove garlic 1-2 tbsp oil 20 11⁄2 / 700g potatoes, double boiled and mashed with margarine, 1 tbsp milk and a little salt In a large heavy saucepan, heat the oil and fry the onion until it turns colour. Crumble in the mince and stir frequently. Fry briskly. Drain off the fat. Draw the pan off the heat. Add the flour and half the stock or water. Add in the tin of tomatoes. Season. Cover and simmer for about an hour or until the mince is tender. As the mince thickens, add the rest of the liquid. Place the mixture into an ovenproof dish and cover with the mashed potato, forking it neatly or piping it. Bake in a moderate oven for 25-30 minutes or until the top is crisp and golden. Serve with carrots and runner beans or other seasonal vegetables. PINEAPPLE SLICE Serves 8 For the crumble 8oz/225g plain flour A pinch of salt 4oz/100g margarine 6 oz/175g caster sugar Filling 1lb/450g tin pineapple slices or 12oz/450g cooked apples or 1 large tin blueberries 2oz/50g caster sugar Finely grated rind of 1 lemon IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 By LOUISE WALSH, Renal Dietitian, Cork University Hospital • • into Easter Sift the flour and salt into a basin and rub in the margarine until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar. Divide the mixture into two portions. Line a 9’’/23cm loose-based flan tin with baking parchment and grease the sides of the tin. Press one half of the mixture into the base of the lined flan tin using a potato masher. Cover with a layer of broken-up pineapple slices or other fruit as listed above. Sprinkle with sugar and lemon rind. Spread the remaining crumble mixture on top. Tap the base of the tin to settle the crumbs but do not press down. Place the tin on a baking sheet. Bake at 190°C/375°F/ Gas Mark 5 for 45-55 minutes, until golden brown. Allow to cool slightly before loosening. (To use as a pudding, serve hot or cold, sliced, with double cream or custard.) and base, then chill for half an hour. Meanwhile, beat the cheese, sugar, lemon juice and zest in a bowl until smooth. Put the water into a small saucepan, sprinkle on the gelatine and leave until it turns spongy. Place over a low heat, stirring all the time until the gelatine has dissolved. Strain the gelatine into the cheese mixture, stirring constantly. Whip the double cream until it is just stiff and fold this into the cheese mixture. Turn it all into the crumb-lined tin and chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Note: Count one portion of the slice as one fruit portion. Some of the recipes use margarine but butter can be used instead. If cholesterol is raised, you should choose a polyunsaturated margarine or monounsaturated margarine eg. Olive oil spread. LEMON CHEESECAKE Serves 6 2oz/50g margarine 4oz/100g digestive biscuits(crushed) 1oz/25g granulated sugar For the filling 12oz/350g Philadelphia cream cheese 3oz/75g caster sugar Juice of 2 large or 3 small lemons (6 tbsp) Grated zest of 1 lemon 2 tbsp cold water 1 ⁄3oz/10g gelatine 1 ⁄4pt/150ml double cream Melt margarine in a saucepan. Remove from heat and add the crushed biscuits and sugar. Mix well and turn into a 7’’/18cm flan tin or dish 11⁄2 / 4cm deep. Press the mixture firmly around the sides It can be very hard to escape all the chocolate that is in the shops for the Easter season. Chocolate is both high in potassium and phosphate and is not recommended as part of the renal diet. It is best to try to avoid it but if you can’t resist; Turkish delight, crunchie, milky way or twix are the best choices especially the mini ones if you want to taste the chocolate without doing too much damage to your potassium and phosphate levels. The allowance would be one bar only over the Easter period. Sweets such as mints, boiled fruit sweets, marshmallows and fruit chews are all suitable alternatives to chocolate. I am very thankful for the kind permission to use some of the recipes above from The Renal Patients Cookbook. It is possible to purchase the cookbook by sending a cheque or postal order in sterling for £9.50 Southern Ireland available from: Mrs. M.E. Hale, 92, Kingsley Road, Kingsley, Northampton, Northamptonshire. U.K. NN2 7BY or simply to e-mail for further information. 10 I IKKAA SSUUP PP POOR RT T SSP PR RI INNGG 22000088 21 Bernard Cooke Retires fr T he IKA is 30 years old this year and to mark the occasion the board of the IKA are travelling the country to meet the branches. The inaugural meeting corresponded with the celebration, in Galway, of the 30 years service to the organisation, of Bernard Cooke, husband of Angeline Cooke. Bernard has decided to retire from the board of the Association and concentrate on local activities in the future. Patricia Doherty and Lorraine Costello were Bernard’s guests of honour past Chairman Úna de Bréadun and past board member Bernadette Munnelly travelled to share the occasion with the board and the Galway branch. Many warm tributes were made to Bernard and Angeline on this milestone occasion in the Association. They have both been extremely active in the Association and the cornerstone of the Galway branch for more than the 30 years of the Association. It was extremely appropriate to have Senior Renal Nurse, Peggy Higgins from Merlin Park, providing the musical entertainment on the night. Paul Donohoe, Chairman, IKA, led the tributes to Bernard and Angeline and Mark Murphy presented a slideshow of archive photographs of Bernard and the Galway branch. Patricia Doherty, Úna de Bréadun, Bernadette Munnelly and Elizabeth Malone, amongst others, made warm tribute speeches on the night. Bernard, as usual, stood up to the occasion on the night and indeed was delighted with the turnout of all his IKA friends. 22 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 Above: Bernard and Peggy Higgins. Below left: One of the earliest pictures of Bernard on the front of the SUPPORT magazine, 23 years ago. Below right: Patricia Doherty and Paul Whelan with Bernard at the Opening of Donor House, Park West. Opposite page: Bernard and Angeline at his retirement party in the Menlo House Hotel, Galway. rom GALWAY WELLSTONE CLINIC The Board took the opportunity of visiting the Galway Wellstone Clinic in Ballybrit while they were so nearby attending Bernard’s retirement party. The Unit is very like the Wellstone Unit in Kilkenny. The facilities that Wellstone provide are a pleasure to visit. Many thanks to all the staff for the warm welcome they provided to the Board. IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 23 TACKERS SKI CAMP 5th – 12th January 2008 By COLIN WHITE ALL THE PARTICIPANTS AT TACKERS 2008: THE IRISH AT TACKERS: (back) Colin White, Jurgen Schuttke (front) Peter Fahy, Sara Keogh, Baebhen Schuttke, Jaydon Brittion, and Marie O’Connell. 24 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 Dog sledding Peter Fahy, Snowboarding T Left inset: Jaydon Brittion Below: Aziz (Tunisia), Sara Keogh, Jaydon Brittion and Peter Fahy ACKERS (Transplant Adventure Camp for Kids) is an annual event for children from all over the world that takes place in the ski resort of Anzère in Switzerland. The common factor that brings all these children together is the fact that they have all had an organ transplant. As part of developing our under 18’s sports programme, it was decided that we would facilitate some Irish children to attend. In Peter Fahy, (Sligo), Sara Keogh, (Clare) and Jaydon Brittion, (Carlow) we found excellent ambassadors. They are all 16 years old and were at the centre of most things the older participants were involved in and they certainly took full value from the trip – it was hard to get them off the stage during the karaoke! Baebhen Schuttke, a wonderfully confident young lady from Ireland, also attended the Camp with her German father, Jurgen. They had both attended TACKERS before. Marie O’Connell, from Temple Street Hospital, and I travelled with our participants and we attended the Camp as volunteers. Marie worked on the nursing side of things whilst I was a general volunteer, as was Jurgen. It was an amazing week with kids, 6-18 years old, from all over the world, (New Zealand, Tunisia, Israel, Canada, etc.), coming together to celebrate life! The Camp organiser, Liz Schick, an English lady who married a local Swiss resident, and a transplant recipient herself, pulled together a great team of volunteers that gave all the participants a week they won’t forget for a long time. A testimony to the quality of the Camp is the fact that there were participants and volunteers there who had attended a number of the Camps over the years. I know that all five of us who travelled together this year would be thrilled to get the opportunity to go again! I personally have come away with so many stories and happy memories from the trip and I would highly recommend it to people who are 18 and under who have had a transplant. That’s enough from me, let me share with you the impressions that Sara, Jaydon, Peter and Baebhen had of their week in Switzerland. I have compiled their thoughts below. “ The ski trip was a fantastic opportunity and it’s all thanks to my transplant donor. It gave me a real sense of independence as we had no parents or siblings with us! I was not sure about going as I had never skied or snowboarded before but now that I have been, I can definitely say that it was worth it. I was so excited about going I couldn't sleep the night before, it was better than Christmas day! ” “ The days started early and ended late and were full of activity. We were all staying together in a very big chalet. There were Camp Counsellors who led all the activities and volunteers who also helped out. There was skiing or snowboarding in the mornings, followed by a choice of activities in the afternoons that included dog sleds, ice skating, arts & crafts, dance etc. You have so much fun at TACKERS, you don’t have time to miss anybody! It actually makes you feel much more grown up. ” “ The evening activities ranged from Karaoke to a fancy dress disco in the local nightclub and were great fun. Along with learning how to snowboard, dressing up as ‘Action Man’ himself and singing my heart out with ‘Team Ireland’, I made some friends I will never forget. It was an amazing feeling to be among people who had also been through what I have experienced. It was a great chance to improve my communication skills with individuals and groups. Being in my Leaving Cert. year, it gave me the opportunity to practise my foreign languages! “ ” ” I thought that TACKERS 2008 was a great experience and one never to be forgotten. IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 25 SPORTS ROUND-UP... ALSAA SPORTS COMPLEX 10th February 2008 W e had a good turn out for this training session and it always impresses me when people who live a long way from ALSAA show up. I am looking forward to the day when our numbers involved in sports build to a sufficient level that we can have regional days of sports / events and thus cut down on the travel. You can help make it a reality. If you are not already involved in the sports programme, sign up today!! We had badminton, swimming, darts and the ever popular ten pin bowling. People are getting psyched up for the forthcoming sports events, with some preparing for the Racquet Sports Tournament in London in April whilst others are looking forward to the European Transplant & Dialysis Games in Germany in September. Our lane, in the swimming pool, was actually quite busy. Our bowlers are improving all the time. After an amazing medal haul in the bowling at last year’s World Games, we now have a reputation to maintain!! Paul Donohoe, Vera Frisby and Peter Heffernan Harry Ward NATIONAL TRANSPLANT & DIALYSIS GAMES (DUBLIN) 13th – 15th June 2008 LIMERICK SPORTS WEEKEND 11th – 13th April 2008 T his year we are again going to Limerick for our sports training and social weekend. People can travel there on the Friday at a time of their own choosing. We will be staying in Jurys Inn. On the Saturday, we will have golf early in the morning and we will spend the day at the University making use of their excellent sports facilities. On Saturday night we will have dinner together in the hotel. On Sunday there will be ten-pin FUNDRAISING CYCLE: 12th July 2008 IKA S U P P O R T T his year’s Games are again planned for June. There is organised competition across a broad range of sports and plenty of fun for all the family mixed throughout. Registration forms should be available in the second half of April. Contact Colin in Donor House. Michael Lydon with Monica Finn at the European Games 2006) Michael Lydon from Galway, who represented Ireland in the 2006 European Transplant & Dialysis Games, is taking on an epic challenge in July. He is joining a friend and together they are going to cycle from the Spanish border up along the west coast of France. They will take a flight back to Shannon and as it stands, they are due to arrive there in time for a cycle from Shannon to Galway city on the 12th of July. They are raising funds for the IKA and the National Council for the Blind (NCBI). If you would like to find out more, and especially if you would like to join them on the cycle from Shannon to Galway, (you don’t have to do the full distance!), contact Colin in Donor House. 26 bowling in a local bowling alley and we will all disperse after lunch. If you want to join the fun, you MUST GET REGISTRATION FORMS FROM COLIN. Be warned! Unlike the days in ALSAA, there will be nothing in place for you if you turn up unannounced! S P R I N G 2008 SPORTS ROUND-UP... EUROPEAN TRANSPLANT & DIALYSIS GAMES 30th August – 7th September Registration forms are available now! We made a visit to Wurzburg, the host city, recently to meet the Chairman of the Local Organising Committee and to see the facilities. I am pleased to report that preparations are in good shape. The setting is very beautiful (it is a wine growing region) and the sports facilities look very suitable. The Opening Ceremony sounds like it is going to be great fun! If you have not got your registration form, get one now. It’s your chance to find out what the European Games are all about before they come to Dublin in 2010. Are you on dialysis? These Games are your chance to travel. We visited one of the haemodialysis units that will be used during the Games and it looks very efficient. If you are on peritoneal dialysis, Baxter have proved themselves reliable in the past when it comes to arranging delivery of your supplies to the team hotel. Sign up today! COLIN’S CORNER Colin White, Rachel Eagleton and Michael Dwyer H ave you set yourself a goal as to what you are going to achieve in terms of exercise or sports in 2008? Remember, set your goal according to your abilities. Make it challenging but not impossible. Could you aim to walk in a 5km or 10km event, plenty of people do. I can let you know when events are on in your area. The buzz of being involved in these occasions is addictive. Adapt as your circumstances change and remember to have days off and enjoy them! Enjoy your exercise and don’t treat it as a chore. My wife Chico and I had the pleasure of attending the Drogheda Independent Sports Personality of the Year (2007) awards on Friday 29th February. Michael Dwyer and his wife Bernadette also attended, as did Agnes Matthews. Rachel Eagleton was one of the monthly winners after her exploits in the World Transplant Games in Bangkok. It was a fabulous evening and with Michael O’Muiricheartaigh as compere, we were all kept enthralled. It was great recognition for Rachel. Other members of our national team have received similar recognition in their local communities. It was also great for transplant sports as it really helps to put us on the sporting map and great for the cause of organ donation and transplantation as it conveys such a positive message. UK TRANSPLANT GAMES: 7th – 10th August We are recruiting an under 18’s team to attend this event and there is a lot of early interest. We also have a number of adults who have expressed an interest in attending. If you are under 18 and you have received a transplant and you (and your family) would be interested in being part of Team Ireland, contact Colin. For more information about the Games go to 2010 EUROPEAN TRANSPLANT & DIALYS IS GAMES: SPONSORSHIP Come join the fun at the European Transplant & Dialysis Games! Would your company or someone you know be interested in sponsoring the 2010 Games? We are putting togethe r different potential packages such as being an overall Games sponsor, a single sport sponsor, a social event sponsor, a product sponsor, etc. If you think that you have a pot ential contact, let me know. IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 27 SPORTS ROUND-UP... LIFECYCLE: Northern Ireland 25th June – 4th July W illiam Johnston from the Northern Ireland Kidney Patient Association (NIKPA) is organising a tandem cycle event, on a route joining all the dialysis units in Northern Ireland, to raise funds for, and awareness of, organ donation and transplantation. William has been on dialysis for many years and has been inspired to this endeavour by the exploits of the late Jane Tomlinson. She was a cancer patient who was determined not to let her illness rule her life. She completed numerous marathons but will probably be best remembered for her cycle across the United States. The LIFECYCLE will be divided into 10 mile stages with different people manning the tandem. The participants so far include doctors, nurses, dialysis patients, transplanted patients, friends and relatives of patients. The final stage proposed for July 4th is at Daisy Hill Hospital, (Newry) to Belfast City Hospital, a total distance of 37 miles. If you would like to join in this unique experience and ride on the tandem or if you would like to cycle alongside on your own bicycle, contact Colin for more details. Bridie Nicholson and Monica Finn, participating in the World Transplant Games 2007 Petanque Doubles PETANQUE: All Ireland National Finals Y ou may even have seen this game at last year’s National Transplant & Dialysis Games. Hopefully you have heard that the Irish team came away from the World Transplant Games with five medals in Petanque including two gold medalllists - Bridie Nicholson and Hugo Boyce. You now have a chance to see the best players in the world. The National Petanque finals will be held in Sligo over the weekend of September 20th and 21st. This will be an excellent opportunity to see what is a new game for most people and to pick up tips from top players. If you are interested in attending or simply want to know more about Petanque, (how do you pronounce it?!!), contact Bridie on 087-6390355. OTHER EVENTS O ur team for the Winter World Transplant Games has reduced to one but I firmly believe that it will be a very worthwhile venture. It is people like Stephen O’Gorman, who will be going to the Games, who challenge the rest of us to try out new things and expand our horizons. I am delighted to say that we have 6 people registered to represent Ireland in a transplant racquet sports tournament in London at the beginning of April and we have 7 golfers registered to represent Ireland in the 5 Nations Golf Tournament in England at the end of May. 5 Nations Golf Tournament 2007: John Barnes (Eng), Maureen O’Brien (Ire), Helen Haynes (Eng), Terry Mangan (Ire). 28 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I UK Transplant Badminton Tournament 2007: Michael O’Dwyer, Sandra Doyle, Lavinia Flynn, Rosie Fitzgerald, Colin White and John Cormican N G 2 0 0 8 NICE PROM CLASSIC 10KM 6TH JANUARY 2008 Pictured left after the race: Ornesto, Alison, Tony and John I n my role of supporter, I was delighted to travel to Nice with John Moran for the Prom Classic. At our arrival in Dublin airport, we hooked up with Tony Gartland and Alison Larkin. We were greeted in Nice by a member of the Lions Club who, very kindly, drove us to our hotel. The weather was fantastic and we soon realised just why they call this area the ‘Cote d’Azur’! The incredible blue sea simply sparkled in the sunlight. The hotel was lovely and we were free to tour Nice until evening time. We met Ornesto Antoni who was the fourth Irish transplant participant, together with his wife, Kate. John and Alison represented kidney transplant recipients whilst Tony and Ornesto represent liver and heart recipients – so the Irish representatives had both variety as well as skill. We were delighted to meet other athletes from Britain, France and Germany for dinner which was organised by the By ANGELA MORAN Lions Club. A great evening was had, by all, and then off to bed so the athletes could get their rest! Sunday morning saw us up bright and early and off we headed to the starting line. I could feel the excitement and anticipation mounting as the start of the race approached. Even the weather joined in, giving of its best with clear blue skies and beautiful sunshine. Nice was buzzing as athletes, everywhere, limbered up for the race. I was delighted to see our athletes looking so fit and well and was proud of them all – for the work they had put into being fit enough to take part in this event. Kate and I found ourselves a terrific viewing position to watch the race. There was huge excitement as we tried to spot the Irish team amongst the thousands of runners. We were IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 delighted that they all did so well. The four of them finished with times to be proud of and they are excellent ambassadors for what can be achieved after organ transplantation. We got together that evening for dinner with athletes and supporters from Ireland, England and Germany and, as they say, great craic was had by all! In conclusion, well done to Alison, Tony, John and Ornesto. 29 TAX RELIEF ON EXPENSE INCURRED BY KIDNEY PATIENTS 3. CHRONIC AMBULATORY PERITONEAL DIALYSIS (CAPD) Where the patient has treatment at home without the use of a dialysis machine, relief under the heading of health expenses may be allowed in respect of the following expenditure: T he following are the figures for 2007 in respect of kidney patients, received from the Revenue Commissioners in January of this year. 1. HOSPITAL DIALYSIS PATIENTS Where the patient attends hospital for treatment, relief under the heading of health expenses may be allowed in respect of expenditure incurred travelling (unlimited journeys) to and from hospital at the following rate: 2007 Electricity €1235 Telephone €300 €0.36 per mile/ €0.26 per km Travel to & from the hospital 2007 €0.36 per mile/€0.23 per km You can claim Income Tax Relief if you pay the monthly fee of €90 for medicines to your pharmacist and also on any fees that you pay your doctor. 2. HOME DIALYSIS PATIENTS Where the patient uses a dialysis machine at home, relief under the heading of health expenses may be allowed in respect of the following expenditure: The Income Tax Relief allowed is dependent on the rate at which you normally pay Income Tax. 2007 Electricity €1565 Laundry €1950 Telephone €300 If you require any additional information, you can contact Donor House, or an explanatory leaflet on health expenses is available on the Revenue website: €0.36 per mile/ €0.23 per km You can also call Revenue direct at the LoCall number for your area (see table below). Travel to & from the hospital PAYE LO-CALL CONTACT NUMBERS AREA LO-CALL TEL BORDER MIDLANDS WEST REGION Cavan, Monaghan, Donegal, Mayo, Galway, Leitrim, Longford, Louth, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo, Westmeath. 1890 777 425 DUBLIN REGION Dublin (City and County) 1890 333 425 EAST & SOUTH EAST REGION Carlow, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Meath, Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow 1890 444 425 SOUTH WEST REGION Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick 1890 222 425 OUTSIDE THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND 30 IKA 00-353-1-647 4444 S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION, DONOR HOUSE, BLOCK 43A. PARKWEST, DUBLIN 12. TEL: 01-6205306. FAX: 01-6205366. LO-CALL: 1890-KIDNEY (1890-543639) EMAIL: - WEB: RENAL SUPPORT CENTRE, BEAUMONT HOSPITAL, DUBLIN 9. TEL: 01-8373952 LOCAL BRANCH SECRETARIES CARLOW DUBLIN EAST + WICKLOW KILDARE Liam Lally, 2 Maddenstown, Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare. Phone: 045-441975/ 087-2249876. Gertrude McCann Pollerton Big, Carlow Phone: 087-7809481 Ted Morrissey, 203 Barton Rd. East Dundrum, Dublin 14. Phone: 01-2985998. CAVAN/MONAGHAN DUBLIN NORTH Karl Cronin, 65 Blackwood Ave, The Gallops, Latt, Co. Cavan. Phone: 086-8513173. Patricia Mackenzie, 49 Martello Court, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. Phone: 01-8462320. Anne Brennan, Ballyhendricken, Co. Kilkenny. Phone: 056-22846. DUBLIN SOUTH LAOIS CLARE Mary Abbott, 22 Deilginis, Shannon, Co. Clare. Phone 061-472932. CORK Geraldine Quigley, Mary Bowe, 1 Watermeadow Dr., Bordwell, Ballacolla, Old Bawn Portlaoise,Co. Laois. Dublin 24. Phone: Phone: 0502-38506/ 01-4620612. 086-3167727. GALWAY Michael Costello, Sean Buckley, 20 Glenwood Court, 39 Camillaun Park, Carrigaline, Newcastle, Co. Cork. Galway. Phone: Phone: 087-4189817. 087-6760287. DONEGAL Siobhan Bates, Bunagee View, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. Phone 074-9122271/ 086-2390275. KILKENNY LONGFORD John Devine, 13 Ardnacassa Lns, Dublin Road, Co. Longford. Phone: 043-46231. LOUTH/MEATH SLIGO Mary Kearns, 63 Crozon Downs, Co. Sligo. Phone: 071-9169324. TIPPERARY Michelle Traynor, 9 Blackhill Crescent, Donnacarney, Co. Meath. Phone: 041-9827836. Kay O’Connell, 17 Ard na Criose, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Ph: 087-9224403. MAYO WATERFORD Maureen Bourke, Mrs. Vera Frisby “St. Anthonys’, 59 Sweetbriar Lawn, Carrowcushlaun, Tramore, Ballina, Co. Mayo. Co. Waterford. Phone: Phone: 087-6604133. 086-8372442. LEITRIM OFFALY WESTMEATH Ellie McConnell, Doogarry, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan. Phone: 049-4333378. Maureen Allen, St. Mary’s Road, Edenderry, Co. Offaly. Phone: 046-9731826. Deirdre Piggott 10 Ardnaree, Ardcadia, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Phone: 087-6763535. KERRY LIMERICK Patsy Kelleher, Grenagh, Fossa, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Phone: 087-7447134. Pat OBrien, 24 Aspen Gardens, St. Patrick’s Rd., Limerick. Phone: 085-7250022. ROSCOMMON Caroline Kennedy, Tulsk, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon. Phone: 086-8243198. WEXFORD Dora Kent, Newtown, Ramsgrange, Co. Wexford. Phone: 086-3745788. Galway the BRANCHES H appy New Year all. We have had a busy time since the last issue. The Branch Christmas party was a great success with our ‘guest of honour’ Mayor Tom Costello in attendance. Our star attraction on the night was 92-year-old Edward Ward who would put many a younger man to shame! He looked so sprightly. Peter O’Connell and his wife Jane completed the Dublin City Marathon and raised a massive €2,500 which was presented to the Branch by Peter’s father Liam, a transplant recipient and member of the branch. Peter and Jane live in Scotland. Well done and many thanks to all three of you and your sponsors for your efforts. If you thought it was cold on Christmas Day spare a thought for the Clarke family. Carmel Clarke organised a swim in the lake in Loughrea, Co. Galway, which was undertaken by members of the extended family. Together they raised 32 By SEAN BUCKLEY THE CLARKE FAMILY: Together they raised a staggering €8,000 for the IKA and Unit 7 in Merlin Park. Special mention to Sinead, Lisa and Fintan Clarke who, along with Derek Hoban, took to the icy waters on the 25th. Congratulations to all concerned for a tremendous effort. a staggering €8,000 for the IKA and Unit 7 in Merlin Park. Special mention to Sinead, Lisa and Fintan Clarke who, with Derek Hoban, took to the icy waters on the 25th. Congratulations to all concerned for a tremendous effort. The money raised by the swim will be added to the €11,000 that was raised at the Woodford Music Festival in October and used to purchase 14 state-of-the-art televisions for Unit 7. They will replace the existing ten and add to the four new stations coming on-stream in the ongoing refurbishment in the Unit. Well done to the organising committee of the Sunday afternoon tea dance in the West Wing in Tuam and in particular to Margaret Monaghan who raised €1,740. Bernard and Angeline attended a reception in the west wing and accepted the cheque on behalf of the branch. Thanks to all involved especially Margaret, Anne O Brien, James Kildea and Della Dolan. Congrats to our Chairman, Bernard Cooke, who received a nomination recently for the Mayor’s Awards 2007. The awards are presented annually to IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 Galway people who have made a special contribution in their particular field. Bernard got his nomination for his work with the IKA at both local and national level over the last thirty years. By the time you read this Bernard will have retired from the National Board of the IKA a milestone which was marked at a special Dinner in the Menlo Park Hotel on Friday 29th February. Many years of happy retirement Bernard and a huge thank you from all in the Galway branch for your trojan work through the years. Keen cyclist and Galway branch member Mike Lydon will be taking part in what has been named “the Spain to Spanish Arch Cycle” from the 5th to 12th July 2008. Together with Mickey Kelly of the National Council for the Blind, the tandem cycle will see them encounter one of the Tour de France time trials on their way. A lot of work needs to be done if the lads are to reach their target of €50,000. So, if you would like to sponsor them or get involved in another way do let us know. All help and donations gratefully received! Organ Donor Awareness Week is nearly upon us again and we would ask you to give us a hand, if you can, during the week. We will have a number of events including the Donor Mass, information stands and people selling Forget-Me-Not emblems and distributing organ donor cards. If you can give us even an hour please contact us as soon as possible. All the launch details and the timetable of events for the week will be sent to you in the next week or two. Our AGM is being held on 17 April 2008, details to follow. The branch is Donegal growing all the time and the workload is growing faster. If you or any member of your family would like to get involved in the running of the branch don’t be shy. Have a think about it and let us know. Come to the AGM if you can. Finally, many thanks again to all of you who were involved in any of the events mentioned above in any way. If you have anything to tell us or indeed ask us don’t hesitate to contact any committee member. By SIOBHAN BATES F irstly, a very happy new year to everyone. Our meetings resumed again on Monday the 4th February 2008 with a very good turnout. Our weather had been atrocious previous to this date so a meeting to gather all our Donegal patients/members together was not possible. May I say thank you to all those people that sent money for the Donegal Branch/IKA in lieu of stamps for Christmas. Plans are underway for our Organ Donor Awareness Week (Saturday 29th March-Saturday 5th April 2008) and all sellers/collectors are asked to ring me with their order as soon as possible. Churchgate collections for all parishes in Donegal are earmarked for the 19th-20th April 2008. Our Annual General Meeting for our Donegal branch is being held on Monday 14th April at the Donegal Creameries Offices, Letterkenny at 8pm. As this is a very important meeting I urge you to mark down this date as your presence is needed. Good luck now to all our branches during Organ Donor Awareness Week and hopefully all hands on deck/all help greatly appreciated and we get the good weather. Any queries or fundraising issues or snippets you want forwarded into our SUPPORT Magazine, please e-mail me to Slan go foil. Dear Donegal Members, I was made aware, at the beginning of the year, that many of you did not receive the Christmas issue of SUPPORT. I immediately shipped a stock of magazines to Siobhan Bates but unfortunately the magazine did not reach everyone. I have been in contact with the distribution company airing our concerns and enquiring as to how the problem arose. They have assured me that it would not happen again and on their behalf can I apologise to all members who didn’t receive the magazine. If you would still like a copy please contact me. ALISON LARKIN Mayo By MAUREEN BOURKE W e held our Annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving with a Celebration of Mass in the Church of the Holy Rosary, Castlebar, 24th November which was celebrated by Fr. Joe Gilmartin. Fr. Joe is a haemodialysis patient in Castlebar and he put an enormous effort into the event which made it a very meaningful and moving ceremony. Fr. Joe composed a prayer for renal patients. Copies were distributed to all. Refreshments were served afterwards in the Welcome Inn Castlebar. We offer our congratulations to all who were transplanted during 2007. We hope that you are all keeping well and continue to celebrate good health. Preparations are in place for the Annual Forget-Me-Not and Organ Donor Awareness Week. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of all our renal patients who passed away during last year. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 A R O U N D the BRANCHES EXTRACT FROM FR. JOE GILMARTIN’S Prayer for Renal Patients Lord thank you for being the source of my life and love and for dying for love of me on Calvery. May your trial; your journey to Calvery, your death on the cross give me the courage to face my trials in life with perseverance, patience and generosity. May the ticking of the dialysis machine remind me of the many people who stand by me; nurses, doctors, all ward staff, carers, taxi-drivers, friends and family. Your spirit is alive in them, continue to sustain each one of them in their work of the Good Samaritan and bless them in their homes. May I always receive with gratitud e and generosity my kidney treatment and be mindful that there are many other afflicted people. May my suffering help them. Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted and Health of the Sick, comfort me and all my fellow patients when we are in pain, frightened, lonely or frustrated. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 33 A R O U N D Cork By MICHAEL COSTELLO the BRANCHES S pringtime, looks like it has arrived at last. Great to see the stretch in the evenings, the renewal of nature in the garden and looking forward to sunnier days ahead, giving us a chance to get out and enjoy the fresh air. The Branch Social was held on Saturday 16th February at the Rochestown Park Hotel here in Cork. A most enjoyable night out for all who attended including patients, their families and friends. A very nice meal The Lawless family and friends before their ‘Annual Christmas Day Swim, in aid of the Cork branch, Irish Kidney Association. served in such beautiful ambiance by friendly staff. Later we put on our dancing shoes and danced the night away to the sound of the group ‘Instinct’. Special thanks to all those who gave us spot prizes for the evening - these were very well received by those lucky enough to win them. Since the evening was such a success we hope it will become an annual event. We were fortunate that a reporter and a photographer, from the local Evening Echo newspaper, were at hand. Subsequently, we got some good publicity including some nice photographs. INFORMATION DAY Our Information Day took place this year on Saturday March 8th starting at 9.30 am. Finishing at 4.30pm. We obtained the services of some eminent Speakers such as Mr. David Hickey, Dr. Liam Plant, and The Carer Group co-ordinator from the HSE and Peter Cox from the Cork CORK BRANCH COMMITTEE MEMBERS: (l-r): Stella Costello, Noirín Murphy, Margaret O'Leary (Chairperson), Mary Foley, Teddy O'Neill (PRO and Board Member), Gobnet Gleeson, Mary McCarthy (Treasurer), Kieran O'Leary, June O'Neill and Michael Galgey. 34 IKA SUPPORT SPRING 2008 Cork By MICHAEL COSTELLO A R O U N D the (l-r) Cathleen Cronin, Mary McCarthy (Treasurer, Cork branch, IKA), Aisling Cronin, John Wall and Margaret O’Leary (Chairperson, Cork IKA). branch of the Carers Association, staff members from Donor House and one member of the Transplant Coordinators team. ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK We are busy making plans for another “Organ Donor Awareness Roscommon Campaign.” Special request - We would like to request anybody who may have some time to spare (even one hour) and are prepared to help, if they could get in touch with me or with any of the officers (Margaret O’Leary or Mary McCarthy) we would be most grateful. T We all wish Board member Monica Finn a speedy recovery from her recent unexpected spell in hospital. – Ed. OTHER NEWS We would like to express our sincere thanks to Claire Lawless for organising another successful Christmas day swim. Our monthly meetings are still held on the first Tuesday of each month at 8.00pm in the “Doughcloyne Hotel” in Togher. New members welcome. Waterford By CAROLINE KENNEDY he branch here in Roscommon hold meetings from September to June in the Abb ey Hotel. Our branch AGM will be held in April this year. We are always looking for new members and your support in any form would be appreciated. If you are interested in joining the branch or you would like some information or somebody to talk to please do not hesitate to contact us. UPCOMING EVENTS Organ Donor Awareness Week: 29th March-5th April 2008. Churchgate collecti ons in June and September all over the County. You can contact the secretary Car oline Kennedy on 086-8243198 or any of our committ ee. Looking forward to hearing from you. BRANCHES By VERA FRISBY O ur last branch meeting was well attended and arrangements were made for Organ Donor Awareness Week. We will be selling the Forget-Me-Not flowers, brooches, key-rings and car magnets at the local Supermarkets in Waterford City, Tramore and Dungarvan from the 1st April to 5th April. We are very short of volunteers, if you or a friend can spare an hour or two during this week please contact Vera at 051-381032 or mobile 086-8372442. We would like to thank all our helpers in advance and we hope the weather will be kind to us this year. We would like to thank everyone who purchased IKA Christmas cards especially patients and staff at the Dialysis Unit WRH. Tramore ICA donated the proceeds of their recent ‘bring & buy’ sale to the IKA. We would like to say a very special thank you to the ladies for their generosity on this occasion. FOR ORGAN DONOR CARDS FREETEXT THE WORD ORK IRISH DONOR NETW k West, Dublin 12. IKA, Donor House, Par Phone: 1890-543639. DONOR TO 50050 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 35 Dublin North A R O U N D By PATRICIA MACKENZIE the BRANCHES Tony Hughes (Treasurer and Board Member, Dublin North), Vera Frisby, National Treasurer, IKA, Ted Goodman (Vice-President, Bohemians) and Jack Morrissey (Treasurer, Bohemians). Frank O’Brien (singer), Phyllis Brant, Dublin North IKA and Bryan Hoey, (tenor) at the Bohemians Charity Night Concert. (L-R): Jim Byrne, Tony Hughes, Paula Mackenzie, Vera Frisby, Ted Goodman, Phyllis Brant and Harry Ward, (kneeling): Colin Mackenzie. H ello to everyone and good wishes to you all for 2008. We hope you are all in good spirits and looking forward to a great 2008. SYMPATHY Dublin North branch would like to express our deepest sympathy to the families of three members of our branch who were recently deceased Martha Glynn, Ann Patricia Burgess and Colette Mulvaney. May they rest in peace. FUNDRAISING CONCERT A Bohemians Charity Night Concert, in aid of the IKA Tramore Holiday Fund, was held in the Red Cow Moran Hotel on Monday 19th November 2007 under the direction of President Tom Moran. A wonderful evening’s entertainment followed 36 Colin Mackenzie and Nyle Wolfe. Nyle was one of the performers on the night of the concert and donated half of the funds from the sales of his CD’s, on the night, to the IKA Fund. IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 featuring among many others - Tenors Edmund Browne and Bryan Hoey, Sopranos Celine Byrne and Claudia Boyle, Pianist Anthony Byrne, Comedian Joe Cuddy and singers Frank O’Brien and Nyle Wolfe. Our thanks to Patricia Mackenzie’s brother-in-law Bryan Hoey, Committee Member of the Bohemians, for sponsoring the IKA application for support. All funds from the Concert go to the Tramore Holiday Fund. Vera Frisby our National Treasurer, together with Mark Murphy, CE, IKA, met the Bohemians Vice-President Ted Goodman, Hon. Treasurer Jack Morrissey and Hon. Secretary Brian Hogan to accept a cheque for €5,800 on behalf of the IKA, in the Renal Transplant Support Centre, Beaumont Hospital. Our very special thanks once Dublin North By PATRICIA MACKENZIE A R O U N D the At the Bohemians Charity Night were: Colin Mackenzie (Chairperson, Dublin North, IKA), Tony Hughes (Treasurer and Board Member, IKA), Patricia Mackenzie (Secretary, Dublin North, IKA), Bryan Hoey (famous Dublin tenor and who was instrumental in bringing this concert to fruition) and Mary Hoey (Bryan’s wife). (L-R): Jimmy and Orla Greene, Jack and Nuala Kearney, Dublin North branch members, at the Christmas Party in the Skylon Hotel again to all involved and the generous members of the Bohemians Society. DUBLIN NORTH XMAS PARTY Our Christmas Party took place on Monday 3rd December 2007 in the Skylon Hotel. We had a very good turnout for the occasion and everyone had a great night. A big ‘thank you’ to Paul Fitzpatrick of the Skylon Hotel for providing the supper very promptly which was very nice. There was a terrific raffle and everyone at the party went home with something. Then we all enjoyed a sing along and many at the party contributed. We were delighted that some new members to Dublin North attended which was great. This was a very nice evening to finish off with after a very busy 2007 for Dublin North. BRANCHES Above (l-r): Maureen O’Rourke and Philomena Brant and below: Noel Brant also enjoying the Christmas Party in the Skylon Hotel. ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK 2008 We hope that the weather will hold up for Organ Donor Awareness Week and that we will have plenty of collectors for all our venues. We need all the help we can get this year as we have secured more shopping centres. A NOTE FOR NEW MEMBERS We hope that, as Dublin North is such a big branch, that some of the new members might consider coming on a Monday evening, meet the members and have a cuppa. We would love to meet you some time. All meetings take place in the Beaumont Renal Transplant Support Unit (near the top of the main driveway to the hospital after the 1st roundabout, take the next left through the barrier). IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 37 Louth/Meath A R O U N D By MICHELLE TRAYNOR the BRANCHES Members of the Louth/Meath branch after a recent meeting. S Irene Kelly (founding secretary, Louth/Meath branch, IKA) and Tom Geary (founding chairman, Louth/Meath branch, IKA) cutting the cake at the Louth/Meath 20th Anniversary Celebrations. Martin Wallace, Bellurgan Point, Dundalk, presenting a cheque for €3,700 to Tom Geary, Treasurer, Louth/Meath branch. This was the proceeds of a tractor run held in October. 38 IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 ince the last edition of SUPPORT we have had our Annual Christmas Party. It was held on Friday 30th November in the Conyingham Arms Hotel, Slane, Co. Meath. There were over 120 guests in attendance on the night. Music was by the very talented Terry McMullen. Terry organised a Mr & Mrs competition during the night. Three couples took part and the craic between them was just mighty. Thank you Terry for a wonderful job. Everyone, who was in attendance on the night, had great praise for the staff of the hotel, for putting up a superb meal and for Terry, for his great music. Tom and Valerie thanked Mary and Michelle Traynor for all their help in organising the night. Everyone had a brilliant night and said that they are looking forward to attending next year. BRANCH 20TH ANNIVERSARY The Louth/Meath Branch recently celebrated their 20th Anniversary. On the night there was a presentation to our Treasurer, Tom Geary, for his hard work and dedication to the Branch for the past 20 years. Well done Tom and thank you very much. Your help, support and kindness are much appreciated by everyone. FUNDRAISING Margaret Hanratty raised an incredible €2,000. This was the proceeds of a Tractor Run which Margaret had organised with the support of her partner Tommy Louth/Meath By MICHELLE TRAYNOR A R O U N D the Rita Flanagan, Margaret Hanratty, Tommy McDonnell and Agnes Molloy presenting a cheque for €2,000 to Tom Geary (Treasurer, Louth/Meath branch, IKA), proceeds of a tractor run held in October, organised by Margaret, with help from Tommy McDonnell. Unavoidably missing from photo was Rose Clarke. McDonnell from the Wee County Vintage Club. Margaret always wanted to do something for the IKA since her daughter Denise became unwell, needing a kidney transplant. Thankfully, Denise is doing well since receiving her transplant last year. Martin Wallace, a transplant recipient of 10 years also took part in a Tractor Run in October 2007 and raised an incredible €3,700. Well done to you both. Keep up the hard work, it is much appreciated. A donation of €1,000 was made by Donnelly Providers, Ratoath, Co. Meath at Christmas. This was proceeds in lieu of gifts to clients. A donation of €500 was made by Sean Kerr Providers, Ardee, Co. Louth at Christmas which was proceeds in lieu of gifts to clients. Many thanks for your kind gesture, it was greatly appreciated. DONOR WEEK At the moment, we in the Louth/Meath branch, are busy preparing for Organ Donor Awareness Week. We hope it will be as successful as past years. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 8th April at 8.30pm in the Conyingham Arms Hotel, Slane, Co. Meath. May I take this opportunity to thank the wonderful committee members for all their hard work and dedication to the Branch over the BRANCHES Terry McMullan, Rachel Eagleton with the medals she won at the Transplant Games in Bangkok last August, and Tom Geary, at our Christmas party. past 12 months. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE & THANKSGIVING We are holding our Annual Mass of Carlow By GERTRUDE McCANN BRANCH MEETING The next Carlow branch meeting will be held in the Seven Oak’s Hotel, Carlow, on Tuesday 18th March 2008 at 8.30pm. As usual all members and their family and friends are most welcome to attend, we would be delighted to see you there. ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK With the week fast approaching we are busy organising distribution of Forget-Me-Nots and organ donor IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G Remembrance and Thanksgiving on Tuesday 6th May in the Conyingham Arms Hotel, Slane, Co. Meath. It will commence at 8.00pm. 2008 cards throughout the county. Our collection day will be held on Saturday 5th April. If anyone would have a few hours to spare, on the day, we would be most grateful for your help. Please contact Gertrude on 0877809481. TRAMORE AND KERRY HOLIDAYS Anyone wishing to apply for the Tramore or Kerry Holidays can obtain application forms from Gertrude at 087-7809481 for same, or contact Deborah at Head Office direct. 39 Cavan/Monaghan A R O U N D By KARL CRONIN the BRANCHES O ur Annual Christmas Party was held on Sunday 2nd December in the Hillgrove Hotel, Monaghan. Once again, it was very well attended with many new patients attending for the first time. It was a fantastic day out and a great opportunity for friends and patients to meet up outside of the hospital environment. After a sumptuous four-course lunch, we had a very enjoyable evening of entertainment, dancing and music. There was also a raffle held throughout the evening with a fine array of spot prizes on display. It took a lot of organisation, and in that regard, we extend our deepest gratitude to the organising committee, those who helped out on the day and those who donated and collected spot prizes. 40 Entertainment at this year’s Annual Christmas Party included a comedy act and a traditional Irish music group from Monaghan, as well as local singers and musicians. The newly expanded Renal Low Clearance Clinic is now fully operational at Cavan General Hospital. We congratulate Dr. Kieran Hannon, the driving force behind the expansion of this facility and also Susan McKenna, the Renal Clinical Nurse Specialist and wish them every success with the clinic, which will be of huge importance and benefit to patients in our branch. The Renal Dialysis Unit, in Cavan General Hospital, has also introduced the twilight shift on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays due to the increased number of patients needing dialysis treatment. Our Branch meetings recommenced in February in our new venue, The Errigal House Hotel, Cavan Road, Cootehill, Co. Cavan. If you wish to attend these meetings, but currently do not receive notification about them, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will add your details to our contact list. You can text your details to 086-8513173. We are currently making arrangements for Organ Donor Awareness Week 2008 and need as much help as possible to make it a success in both counties. Many of our branch members have received successful kidney transplants over the last 12 months, a testament to the work of the IKA’s organ donation campaigns. If you have an hour or two to spare on Saturday 29th March and would be willing to help out, selling the IKA emblems and promoting Organ Donor Awareness Week in Cavan and Monaghan, please get in touch with us. As they say, many hands make light work!! Cavan/Monaghan branch members enjoying the Annual Christmas Party IKA SUPPORT SPRING 2008 Clare By MARY ABBOTT A R O U N D the On behalf of the Woodstock Set Dancers, Mary Lynch presents Peggy Eustace, Clare branch Treasurer, with a cheque for €7,960, proceeds from the Wren on St. Stephen’s night (front row, l-r): Mary Hogan, Peggy Eustace, Mary Lynch (Chairperson, Clare IKA), Carmel McCormack and Bridie Frawley with the Woodstock Set Dancers in the background. G reetings to all our patients, members family and friends of our branch, and hope 2008 will be a good year for you all. Our annual Christmas social was held in the West County Hotel, Ennis on Sunday 2nd December. Our guests on the night were Paul Donohue IKA National Chairman, Ritchie and Mary Young, Offaly branch, Fr. Tom Hogan, Ennis and members from Limerick, Merlin Park and Wellstone Dialysis Units. Our music was supplied by Patsy Downes, who gave a superb performance which really added to the enjoyment of the evening. It is well-known the power music has to lift our spirits. Paul Donohue, National Chairman, also entertained us with his music and song. We would like to say a very sincere ‘thank you’ to all who gave generous donations, sponsored hampers, spot prizes, and prizes for the raffle. Your generosity is very much appreciated. The evening was enjoyed by all and brought a pleasant close to the activities of the branch for 2007. The sale of Christmas Cards went very well this year. Thank you to everyone involved in this worthwhile venture. Sincere thanks to the Woodstock Set Dancers who took part in the Wren on St. Stephen’s Night, on behalf of the IKA. Many thanks to all who supported them and helped raise €7,670. Organ Donor Awareness Week, this Matt McCormack, transplant recipient, pictured with renal nurse Mairead Monahan, Merlin Park Dialysis Unit, at the Clare branch Christmas social. year, runs from the 29th March to 5th April. This is a very busy time for our branch. We are very short on volunteers to sell emblems etc, so we would appreciate help from family and friends. Their help would be much appreciated. Collection dates during Organ Donor Awareness Week have been arranged for Ennis and Kilrush on Saturday 29th March and Skycourt Shannon on Thursday 3rd April 2008. Our mass of Remembrance and Thanksgiving is arranged for Sunday March 30th at 11oc in Ennis Cathedral. The West Clare Kidney Support IKA S U P P O R T S P R I N G 2008 BRANCHES Group Walk is on Sunday 4th May. The proceeds, this year, will go towards the Renal Support Centre. This is now an annual event and continues to grow each year. It’s a 10k walk from Kilrush to Cooraclare commencing at 3p.m. Sponsorship Cards for the walk are available from Committee members. We look forward to seeing many of you there; your support is greatly appreciated. Congratulations to Marie O’Connor, transplant recipient, from Lahinch, on winning the Clare Community Sports award in recognition of her achievements at the World Transplant Games in Bangkok. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Tommy Joe Sheedy after his recent transplant and to anyone who is in hospital at this time or recovering at home. May we send condolences to all those who lost a loved one recently especially to Marie O’Brien and family on the death of Donal who died before Christmas, RIP. Donal was gentle and kind and an active member of our branch. We extend sincere sympathy to Bridget Wickham and family on the death of her husband Mark. Mark had a great sense of humour and was also an active member of our branch. Also, we extend sympathy to the family of the late Michael McInerney. They were an example to us all and will be sadly missed. May their gentle souls rest in peace. 41 Limerick A R O U N D the BRANCHES Sean Guinan, Kildimo, Co. Limerick (transplant recipient since July 1999), presented a cheque for 2000, to Pat O’Brien (Secretary, Limerick, IKA). This was the proceeds from a table quiz held in O’Dea’s Bar, “De Bucket”, Ferrybridge, Kildimo, Co. Limerick, in November 2007. Pictured from (l-r): Martin O’Dea, proprietor, Pat O’Brien (IKA), Sean Guinan, Siobhan Guinan, and Ger O’Brien. Sean would like to thank all who contributed and supported the fundraiser on the night. A special word of thanks to all who helped to make it such a huge success. Leitrim By PAUL DONOHOE W e held our annual Christmas dinner in the Abbey Manor Hotel Dromahaire on Sunday 16th December. It was an very enjoyable occasion many thanks to the management and staff of the hotel for their hospitality. Our thanks also goes to all who brought spot prizes for the raffle. A great night was had at our Annual Shrove Tuesday outing in the Bush Hotel, Carrick-on- Shannon. We are looking forward to this years annual Organ Donor Awareness Week campaign. We are confident we can rely on the goodwill and dedication of our loyal supporters throughout Leitrim to help make this years campaign a great success. Good luck to all participating in this years Dublin City Mini-Marathon on the Associations behalf. Sr Emer Melvinm Renal Dialysis Unit, Sligo General Hospital and Terry Keaveney, Manorhamilton enjoying our annual Christmas Dinner (L-R): Patty McGowan, Frank McGowan, Kathleen McTeague and John McTeague enjoying our Annual Christmas Dinner. 42 IKA S U P P O R T S P Pictured at our Annual Shrove Tuesday outing are Teresa Davitt and Mary Flynn from Drumkeeran. R I N G 2 0 0 8 BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS PLEASE: Mr. Mrs. Ms. FIRST NAME: INITIAL: SURNAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: MOBILE NO: EMAIL: ARE YOU A RENAL PATIENT: YES NO IF YES, PLEASE INDICATE YOUR PRE DIALYSIS CURRENT PATIENT STATUS HAEMODIALYSIS Please update our records when / if APD Status changes. CAPD TRANSPLANT HOSPITAL YOU ARE ATTENDING: IF YOU ARE NOT A PATIENT, PLEASE INDICATE INTEREST IN MEMBERSHIP RELATIVE OF PATIENT: FRIEND OF PATIENT: GENERAL INTEREST: I AM OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE: YES NO I AM UNDER 35 YEARS OF AGE: YES NO AS A MEMBER YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY RECEIVE OUR “SUPPORT MAGAZINE”. ARE THERE ANY OTHER ASSOCIATION MEMBERS AT YOUR ADDRESS? YES NO WOULD YOU LIKE CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE BRANCH WITHIN YOUR LOCAL AREA? YES NO WOULD YOU LIKE CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE YOUTH SECTION OF THE IKA YES NO TO BECOME A VOTING MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION YOU MUST SUBSCRIBE TO THE MEMORANDUM & ARTICLES (Rules & Regulations) OF THE ASSOCIATION (COPY AVAILABLE ON REQUEST). I SUBSCRIBE TO (SIGNED UP TO AND ACCEPT) THE MEMORANDUM & ARTICLES OF THE IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION LIMITED. SIGNATURE: DATE: Please return the completed, signed form to the Irish Kidney Association, Donor House, Block 43A, Park West, Dublin 12. There is no subscription charge. MEMBERSHIP FORM IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM
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