Jack Jackter Intermediate School 2015 2016
Jack Jackter Intermediate School 2015 2016
Jack Jackter Intermediate School 2015 2016 Summer Parent/student WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL PACKET DM/F/SPNC 1 Jack Jackter Intermediate School PARENT SUMMER PACKET Table of Contents (2015 - 2016) DOCUMENTS Page A “Note to School” Form After School Club Sessions/Dates Attendance Guidelines Automated Phone System Instructions Birthday Books Form/JJIS Library Bus Emergency Medical Information Digital Backpack Hard Copy Request form Health Information Page Informational Items Instrumental Music Night (Grade 4) Invitation JJIS OPEN HOUSE Invitation JJIS Photo Opportunity JJIS Snapshot News from the Cafeteria News from the Nurse Parent Letter Please Remember to Call! PTO Membership Form Sneakers! Student Drop-off/Pick-Up Guidelines Student Letter Summer Homework Assignment Table of Contents Town Meeting, Enrichment & ROCKS Rally Dates Town Meeting/Concert/Assembly/Whole School Event Sign-In & Student Pick-up Instructions (September Lunch/Breakfast Menus and District School Calendar located in the digital backpack) DM/F/PSMTOC 2 32 13 11 3 23 30 28 19-20 7-10 28 26 22 14-15 29 18 4 12 31 21 16-17 5 6 2 24 25 MEMORANDUM FROM THE PRINCIPAL Jack Jackter Intermediate School TO: FROM: RE: Jack Jackter Intermediate School Parents Deborah T. Sandberg, Principal AUTOMATED PHONE SYSTEM Once you have dialed the school’s phone number (537-9421), you will then be given the following prompts: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Press 1 Press 2 Press 3 Press 4 Press 5 Press 7 Press 8 Press 9 Press 0 Report an absence Nurse’s Station Custodian Office To connect with a staff member Lunch Menu Bus Information Assistant Principal Principal Office 3 Learning is a Treasure Dear Parents, In less than one week, we will be welcoming 532 students and 92 staff members to Jack Jackter th Intermediate School. It’s hard to believe that when we open our doors on August 26 , 2015 JJIS will be celebrating its tenth year as an intermediate school. Our mission statement is as valid now as it was when it was created: JJIS is a safe, respectful learning community where educators, parents, and students collaborate to ensure every child’s wellbeing, continuous growth and educational excellence. We address the needs of the whole child through the use of an arts infused, academic curriculum, multiple intelligences and the celebration of student voice. Student success is reflected by performance standards and authentic work. Together, we provide responsive, comprehensive support systems to ensure every child succeeds and thrives. Colchester’s Theme this year is “ Dream Big ” and that is exactly what we have done! We will be working hard to make our dream a reality and this is the perfect year to do so! For the first time in many years, JJIS does not have new state mandates, new standards, new high stakes testing, new curricula or new initiatives to learn and implement. This year, we will continue to monitor and adjust our teaching to ensure that every child learns and succeeds, but with a focus on making lessons fun and engaging. We will teach and students will learn like pirates! PIRATE….. Passion, Immersion, Rapport, Ask & Analyze, Transformation. In his book “Teach Like a Pirate”, author, Dave Burgess wrote, “Pirates are daring, adventurous and willing to set forth into uncharted territories... they take risks and travel to the ends of the earth for what they value. Although fiercely independent, they travel with and embrace a diverse crew. If willing to live by the code, commit to the voyage and pull their share of the load, they are ready to set sail.” This spirit is what we need in our students and staff. We need to spark creativity, foster inquiry and provoke critical thinking needed to solve challenging problems. To address Colchester’s recently adopted Strategic Plan, our district and school goal will be: Every student will use critical and creative cognitive practices to identify and communicate ageappropriate problems and solutions. To help us implement this challenging goal, teachers and administrators will keep you informed throughout the school year using a variety of social media, phone calls and face to face meetings. Please consider following me on Twitter @jjisprincipal or read information posted in our Digital Backpack. Also, do not hesitate to call when you have a question, concern or suggestion. This is our school and we need and value student/parent voice. This spring and summer, we hired six highly qualified staff to join our talented crew. Research is clear that teacher and administer effectiveness have a significant impact of student achievement. Please join me in welcoming Mary Wilson, Mariah Lipscomb and Holly Sasman as paraprofessionals in Special Education, Laura McGuire, a fourth grade teacher, as well as Jill Thompson and Sara Kidwell, fifth grade teachers. We’d like to welcome back Erin Mucciacciaro who will be our ELL teacher. In addition, we welcome Carletta Benjamin, a paraprofessional transferring from CES. We are looking forward to seeing you at our annual “Meet and Greet” on Monday, August 24, 2015 from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM and to welcoming your child back to school on the 26th of August. Respectfully, Deborah T. Sandberg, Principal and Jennifer Reynolds, Assistant Principal Jack Jackter Intermediate School 4 JACK JACKTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Ahoy JJIS Students! Are you ready to sail into new learning adventures this year? It’s almost time to climb aboard! We are looking forward to welcoming you back to school on August 26, 2015. Our “ ship ” has been thoroughly cleaned and the third grade classrooms repainted, thanks to the hard work of our custodial staff. Supplies have been purchased and stored, and we are ready to go! Hope you are too! Everybody loves the spirit of a Pirate! We don’t mean their actions of robbing ships or attacking others. Oh no, not that! We mean their spirit! Pirates are curious and self-directed. They are confident risk takers who make bold decisions and explore their passions. They take responsibility for daily tasks, work together while traveling with a diverse crew and have fun creating memorable experiences. Pirates strive to be their best! This year, your teacher will be helping you to learn like a pirate while following our ROCKS expectations. Are you ready for the adventure? We hope you enjoy the last few days of summer and we hope to see some of you at our Meet and Greet on Monday, August 24th from 2:30-3:30 PM. If you are not able to attend, please do not worry. We will see all of you at our annual “ Welcome Back Assembly ” on the first day of school. We know that our fourth and fifth grade students will welcome and assist our new students as they enter the halls of JJIS! See you soon! From Your Ship Captains, Mrs. Sandberg, Principal and Mrs. Reynolds, Assistant Principal 5 ATTENTION STUDENTS! HERE IS YOUR SUMMER ASSIGNMENT! Select a recent picture of yourself. Place your teacher’s name and your name below and then write a little bit about what you did this summer. Then, attach your picture in the box below. We will place your submissions on our “What I did this summer” bulletin board! ☺ Student Name Teacher Grade What I did this summer : Place picture here. 6 JACK JACKTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL INFORMATIONAL ITEMS SCHOOL DAY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: Full School Days Shortened School Days - AUGUST 26, 2015 Classes begin 8:35 AM /Classes end 3:15 PM Classes begin 8:35 AM /Classes end 12:55 PM It is important that students arrive to and from school on time each day .School tardiness and early dismissals have a negative impact on students’ learning and organizational skills. IMPORTANT ATTENDANCE NOTICE: Regular attendance is very important to your child’s success in school. ABSENCE : If your child is going to be absent due to illness or family emergency, please call the school to notify us by 9:00 AM. SCHOOL MESSENGER: THE DISTRICT WILL UTILIZE A SYSTEM ENTITLED, SCHOOL MESSENGER, WHICH IS A PARENT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM TO ALERT YOU OF EARLY SCHOOL RELEASES, CRISIS SITUATIONS AND/OR OTHER URGENT MESSAGES THROUGH RECORDED IN ADDITION, WHEN YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT FROM SCHOOL AND Y OU HAVE NOT CALLED THE SCHOOL T O INFORM THEM OF 8:45 AM , YOU WILL RECEIVE A CALL FROM THIS AUTOMATED DIALING SYSTEM TO INQUIRE ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S ABSENCE. THIS SYSTEM WILL ALSO BE UTILIZED TO INFORM YOU BY EMAIL WHEN NEW NOTIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN DIGITALLY DOWNLOADED ONTO OUR WEBSITE. TELEPHONE MESSAGES. THE ABSENCE BY BUS SCHEDULES Bus schedules will be posted in newspapers sometime during the second or third week of August. Because of necessary changes in transportation, your bus arrival time may have changed from last year. Please check pick-up times carefully and call M & J Bus, Inc. at 537-2622 if you have any questions or concerns. Please be aware that throughout the first two weeks of school bus routes may be adjusted to better accommodate schedules. Should alterations be necessary, you will be notified if changes affect your child(ren). We appreciate your patience during this initial time of evaluating and adjusting bus routes. K-5 students will be riding the bus together. Half of the buses will drop students off first at CES and then proceed to JJIS. The remaining buses will drop off students first at JJIS and then proceed to CES. The same procedure will be followed for pick-up of students at the end of the day. This system has improved the safety and efficiency in the transportation of students. PLEASE NOTE: For the safety of all children, district policy does NOT allow students in grades K-5 to walk nor bike to or from school. 7 STUDENT ARRIVAL & DISMISSAL When dropping your child off at school in the morning (between 8:20 and 8:35 AM)or when picking him/her up from school, you must comply with the following procedures to assure the safety of all students : STUDENT DROP-OFF PROCEDURES Upon arriving to school (by car) at 8:20 AM, ALL students must enter the JJIS building through the FRONT ENTRANCE of the school only . Therefore, when driving your child to school in the morning, to insure the safety of all students being dropped off and to also ease traffic congestion, please pull your car forward (beyond the front doors) before letting your child out of the car. Staff members will monitor the walkway as children approach and enter the building. IMPORTANT : It is critically important that you wait until you see the staff on the sidewalk before dropping off your child. Additionally, always have your child exit your car from the passenger side only . IMPORTANT NOTE: SAFETY FIRST Please be sure that students DO NOT arrive at school prior to 8:20 AM, as adult supervision is not available before that time. STUDENT PICK-UP PROCEDURES When picking your child up from school, it is imperative that you park your vehicle in the outlined parking spaces only. To ensure the safety of all students, you may NOT park along the curb and/or in the fire lanes . PHOTO I.D. is required when you enter the lobby as you sign-out your child(ren) on the sign-out sheets which will be located in the JJIS lobby. Once you have signed your child out, you will receive a pass for each child with you that day. Proceed to room 120 to pick up your child and give the pass(es) to the attending staff member as you exit the building. REMINDER : Please remember that parents must present photo identification when picking up their child. ( Please call before 2:00 PM if there is a change in your child’s dismissal arrangement.) Additional Student Pick-up & Drop-off Instructions Whenever possible, please complete the JJIS dismissal form (a copy is enclosed with this packet and is also located on our website). Please be sure to include all pertinent information on the note i.e., name of student, date, specific request, name of the adult who will be picking up your child, teacher’s name, etc. TRANSPORTATION All students will be transported by bus to and from their home unless you completed a transportation form indicating your child is going to daycare. The buses will NOT drop any student off at unauthorized stops and parents will not be allowed to make bus changes for after school and social activities. Bus passes will be issued ONLY for emergency situations, or for your child to get off at a different stop, however, from the SAME bus only. If there is a family emergency that necessitates a bus change, please call the school office immediately and they will issue a bus pass for that unique situation. SNACK PROGRAM A voluntary morning snack break is scheduled. We have found that snack time to be a great benefit to students. We encourage students to bring a healthy snack , which can be easily eaten during a brief “working snack” session. 8 The actual snack time will be determined by each teacher, and will also be dependent upon each classroom’s schedule. Only nutritional foods can be consumed during this time . Students will not be allowed to eat candy or desserts. Healthy snacks include, but are not limited to: nuts, raisins, crackers, granola bars, muffins, fresh fruit, dried fruit, bread with jam/peanut butter, and vegetable sticks. NOTE:Due to severe allergies, several classrooms have been deemed a nut free class. Your child’s teacher will bring this matter to your attention and request that you do not send food which contains nuts or products that contain peanut butter to the class. NOTE: PLEASE REMIND YOUR CHILD THAT THEY ARE NOT TO USE THEIR LUNCH MONEY TO PURCHASE SNACKS IN LIEU OF A HOT LUNCH. Should you wish to do so, we encourage parents to send a check made out to the JJIS Cafeteria for any amount (when possible), which will then be placed in the student’s account to be utilized for the purchase of lunch and/or snack. RECESS Students will have a 25-minute daily recess before their lunch period. They are encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather (i.e., boots, hats, and mittens or gloves) as necessary for cold weather. All children are expected to participate in outdoor recess. The administration will call for indoor recess in the event of rain and/or a temperature or wind-chill factor of 20 degrees or below. Students may select and create their own safe activities during outdoor recess. They are provided with the use of outdoor basketball hoops, swing set, horizontal ladder, and parallel bars in our play area. Four-square and hopscotch areas are also available. In addition, students will have continued use of the interior field areas. They may bring balls and/or jump ropes, however, TOYS are NOT allowed in school even during recess. This includes all electronic devices (i.e., cell phones, Game-boys, Webkinz, Ipods, radios, Walkman, electronic games, etc.). For more details, please see your child’s student agenda. SCHOOL SUPPLIES / HOMEWORK Students have a large number of belongings to bring back and forth to school. We suggest a book bag or backpack for this reason. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE A BAGPACK CONTAINING WHEELS AS THIS CAUSES A MAJOR SAFETY CONCERN FOR OTHERS AND THEY DO NOT FIT INTO STUDENT LOCKERS . We also recommend that each student bring a sturdy pocket folder for transporting important papers to and from school. Teachers recommend that families put together a home study kit (to be kept at home) that contains the following supplies, which are needed to complete homework: compass glue or glue stick dictionary colored pencils dictionary thin markers colored pencils crayons pencils with erasers scissors pencil sharpener ruler (metric and standard) The school supplies each student with pencils, erasers, paper, crayons, markers and a ruler for use at school. Homework completion is a requirement for which very few exceptions are made . Homework assignments can be accessed through the parent portal section of Power School. We strongly encourage your child to develop the habit of bringing home all notices. Please make it a responsibility early on as essential communications are sent home in this manner. STUDENT AGENDAS All JJIS students are presented with a student agenda on the first day of school. We urge you to take a few minutes to read through the beginning portion of each agenda to familiarize yourself with its contents. These assignment books will be very helpful to keep track of regularly assigned homework and we encourage parents to review daily entries with their child. 9 The table of contents located in the front of the book details a wide range of important issues, policies, pledges, etc. Students will be required to complete the assignment notebook page as well as the “Student Personal Page”. We ask that you assist your child in completing the personal page with important parent contact numbers, etc. Additionally, parents are asked to sign the assignment notebook indicating you have read through the agenda with your child and the Internet access page regarding the rules and regulations of computer use during school hours. STUDENT BELONGINGS We strongly suggest that all outerwear, backpacks, INSTRUMENTS , and lunch boxes be labeled so that ownership is easily determined . LOST AND FOUND Please encourage your child to check the JJIS Lost & Found bins (located in the cafeteria and main lobby) periodically throughout the year for lost belongings. All items remaining in the lost and found bins will be donated to the Colchester Social Service department at the end of each trimester. AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Jack Jackter Intermediate School will be offering three six-week sessions of after school clubs throughout the upcoming school year. These clubs have always been tremendously supported and well received by students. Our clubs offer the opportunity for all 3rd , 4th& 5thgrade students to develop and pursue a variety of interests. In addition, it is our hope that students have the opportunity to enhance their social and intellectual development while participating in any of the clubs offered. There are many activities to choose from which challenge critical thinking, along with diverse athletic and artistic abilities. Should you have a special talent that you would like to share with our students, please be sure to sign-up to be an instructor. Watch for the After School Club Brochure coming out soon! POWER SCHOOL In 2009, the district began to utilize a program entitled, Power School . This program allows parents to obtain daily bulletins, your child’s attendance and grades, benchmark assessments each trimester, and homework assignments. Parents may access a Power School navigational guide by logging onto www.colchesterct.org and clicking on the Parent Portal file. We are pleased to report that parents will now be able to use a “single sign on” utilizing the confidential ID and password given to you, which remains the same from year to year. DIGITAL BACKPACK : In an ongoing effort to continue to reduce printing/paper costs, so much information is available to all parents/guardians within the Colchester Schools with just a click of a button through the www.colchesterct.org website. Each Friday, all notices and informational items collected throughout the given week will be downloaded to the digital backpack. Additionally, with the assistance of parent feedback, instead of creating a lengthy monthly newsletter, we will include newsworthy updates and notices from our specialists throughout the month in an effort to make our digital backpack more “ reader friendly ”. (Please see the attached Digital Backpack notice for more information). We hope this information is helpful to you as you prepare for a new and successful school year filled with exciting learning adventures. We look forward to a wonderful school year. If you have any other questions, please call the school at 537-9421. DM/LS/IL 10 JACK JACKTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL August 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians, Per the Connecticut State Board of Education, a student’s absence from school will be deemed excused up to and including the ninth absence only if written documentation that lists/explains the reason for the absence has been submitted when the student returns to school. Upon the tenth absence and any thereafter, a student’s absence(s) from school are considered excused for the following reasons only: 1. Student illness (Note: all student illness absences must be verified by an appropriately licensed medical professional to be deemed excused, regardless of the length of absence); 2. Student’s observation of a religious holiday; 3. Death in the student’s family or other emergency beyond the control of the student’s family; 4. Mandated court appearances (additional documentation is required); 5. Lack of transportation that is normally provided by a district other than the one the student attends (no parental documentation is required for this reason); or 6. Extraordinary educational opportunities that are preapproved by district administrators and in accordance with Connecticut State Department of Education guidance. A student’s absence from school will be considered unexcused unless one of the following criteria is met: 1. The absence meets the definition of an excused absence (including documentation requirements); or 2. The absence is the result of school or district disciplinary action. As always, we strive to create a partnership with our students and their families. Please know that we are available to discuss thoughts, questions, or concerns. Your partner in education, Deborah T. Sandberg, Principal DM/LP/APL 11 Please remember to call the school by 8:45 AM (8605379421) when your child is going to be late or absent from school to avoid receiving automated calls regarding their absence. Thank you. DM/F/RTC 12 JJIS AFTER SCHOOL CLUB DATES – 2015 - 2016 FIRST SESSION MONDAYS (3:30 TO 4:15 pm) THURSDAYS (3:30 TO 4:15 pm) OCTOBER 5, 2015 OCTOBER 19 OCTOBER 26 NOVEMBER 2 NOVEMBER 9 NOVEMBER 16 OCTOBER 8, 2015 OCTOBER 22 OCTOBER 29 NOVEMBER 5 NOVEMBER 12 NOVEMBER 19 SECOND SESSION MONDAYS (3:30 TO 4:15 pm) THURSDAY (3:30 TO 4:15 pm) JANUARY 4, 2016 JANUARY 11 JANUARY 25 FEBRUARY 1 FEBRUARY 8 FEBRUARY 22 JANUARY 7, 2016 JANUARY 14 JANUARY 28 FEBRUARY 4 FEBRUARY 11 FEBRUARY 25 THIRD SESSION MONDAYS (3:30 TO 4:15 pm) THURSDAYS (3:30 TO 4:15 pm) APRIL 4, 2016 APRIL 11 APRIL 25 MAY 2 MAY 9 MAY 16 APRIL 7, 2016 APRIL 14 APRIL 28 MAY 5 MAY 12 MAY 19 DM/ASC/D15-16 13 Jack Jackter Intermediate School Snapshot 2015-2016 Enrollment: Grades: Age of Students: Classrooms: Average Class Size: 533 (as of August 20, 2015) 3rd , 4th and 5th Grades 8 - 11 years old Grade 3 / 8 Classroom / 164 students Grade 4 / 9 Classrooms / 166 students Grade 5 /10 Classrooms / 213 students 20 - 21 Grade 3 & 4 Classes 22 - 23 Grade 5 Classes Total Staff: 92 JJIS School Overview Jack Jackter Intermediate School opened in September, 2006 to educate the third, fourth and fifth graders of the Colchester Community. As our motto states, we believe JJIS students are “Powerful Learners Achieving Excellence” through arts integration, technology and service learning. School procedures, routines and expectations are developed collaboratively by our staff to ensure the well being and academic success of our students in a positive environment. JJIS is a CT HOT (Higher Order Thinking) School , a name given to us by the State Department of Economic and Community Development, Offices of Culture and Tourism. The HOT School Program works with select CT schools to promote teaching and learning in, about and through the arts in a democratic setting. The core components of an effective HOT school are strong arts, arts integration and democratic practice. Teachers integrate the arts into their instruction, creating a rich environment that develops students’ multiple intelligences and educates the whole child. Students express themselves through movement, music, visual arts, creative writing, theatre, and technology. In addition, students and staff benefit from the work of many gifted teaching artists each year. Students gain an understanding about different ways of learning that are happening in different classrooms at our monthly, student-run, Town Meetings. Each week, during our enrichment block, students participate in a Production Company of their choosing. Production Companies are the direct result of our involvement in the HOT School Program. Some Production Companies provide a service to the school or Colchester community and others offer a performance that occurs during our Town Meetings. JJIS provides strong arts programs . Each week, students participate in music, technology, art, health and physical education classes. We believe that the arts are rigorous academic subjects, with their own sequential curriculum, conveying knowledge not learned through the other academic disciplines. Students may also elect to participate in chorus, concert and/or jazz band. JJIS values student voice . Students are actively involved in many aspects of school life. From running monthly events, choosing our mascot, logo and motto, designing our student agenda covers to serving as tour guides for various events throughout the year, student voice is always valued. 14 Student tour guides welcome and explain the “JJIS ROCKS” expectations as they give new families a tour of their school. “ROCKS Patrol” students recognize and reward positive hallway behavior. Our active Student Council identifies, develops and implements many important community service initiatives, helps solves school issues and creates school spirit days for the entire school body. These initiatives have historically raised funds and items forlocal families, developed relationships with the elderly in the community and beyond, along with honoring American service men and women. JJIS is also proud to be a PBIS school. PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Intervention Support which means that all staff recognizes positive school behavior. Research has found that the more often positive behavior is acknowledged and recognized, the greater chance that it will continue and influence the actions of others. However, we hold high expectations for proper behavior and if a student breaks a school rule, an office referral will be submitted and administration will take disciplinary action to correct the problem so that it does not happen again. For minor infractions (level I), students are given white cards which classroom teachers address. Three white cards in one trimester will then become an office referral. Only students with one or no office referrals are invited to our ROCKS Rallies. ROCKS Rallies are held at the end of each trimester to recognize and thank all students for the positive school behaviors. JJIS offers rich curricula , which includes a core reading program that promotes independent reading, hands-on math, inquiry-based science and social studies activities. The newly adopted Common Core State Standards are being incorporated into our curricula to ensure that all students will be “college or career ready” when they graduate from high school. Special Education, Title I and school-wide enrichment opportunities are available for students. Students have the opportunity to participate in Math Olympiad, Lego Robotics, Junior Achievement, and our annual Invention Convention. We are proud to say that JJIS students are learning the st skills/content necessary to meet the demands of the 21 century: communication, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity & innovation, and problem solving . Learning experiences also extend beyond the school day through a very successful After School Clubs Program. Over 250 students participate in high interest clubs ranging from cooking to chess and chess and drawing to basketball three times per year. The JJIS staff recognizes the importance of strong home-school-community relationships . A very active PTO supports our school by sponsoring cultural assemblies or ROCKS Rallies, resident artists, field trips and our annual Math and Literacy Nights. We welcome all parent and community volunteers who want to work in the classrooms, copy &/or writing center, library and school office. In addition, we welcome those who would like to share their special talents or interests with the students as Production Company leaders and/or after school club advisers. We always work to develop strong bonds with community organizations. The Colchester Historical Society sponsors a tour of Colchester as a culmination of the third grade students’ study of their community. We work collaboratively with the local Senior Citizen Center to provide holiday baskets to many senior citizens who cannot get out themselves or who have no family. In addition, we collaborate with the American Legion & Antique Veterans of Colchester to present an outstanding tribute to all veterans each year. The JJIS staff members collect and make considerable donations to the Social Service Department in Colchester to help the families who need it the most. Please follow us on Twitter at JJIS PRINCIPAL and feel welcome to contact administration at anytime to share your thoughts, questions or concerns. We value parental and community feedback and are always willing to discuss the role that JJIS plays in the lives of our students. DM/F/JJISS 15 For the safety of all students , please remember to follow the guidelines listed below when dropping and/or picking up your child(ren) to/from school: STUDENT DROPOFF PROCEDURES Upon arriving to school (by car), ALL students must enter the JJIS building through the FRONT ENTRANCE of the school only . Therefore, when driving your child to school in the morning, to insure the safety of all students being dropped off and to also ease traffic congestion, please pull your car forward (beyond the front doors) before letting your child out of the car. Staff members will monitor the walkway as children approach and enter the building. IMPORTANT : It is critically important that you wait until you see the staff on the sidewalk before dropping off your child. Additionally, always have your child exit your car from the passenger side only . IMPORTANT NOTE: SAFETY FIRST Please be sure that students DO NOT arrive at school prior to 8:20 AM, as adult supervision is not available before that time. NOTE: FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR CHILD , when bringing your child to school AFTER 8:35 AM, PLEASE ESCORT YOUR CHILD INTO THE OFFICE . The building doors are locked after that time. STUDENT PICKUP PROCEDURES When picking your child up from school, it is imperative that you park your vehicle in the parking spaces only. Again, to ensure the safety of all students, you may NOT park along the curb and/or in the fire lanes . Student sign-out sheets will be located in the JJIS lobby. Once you have signed your child out, you will receive a pass for each child with you that day. Proceed to room 120 to pick up your child and give the pass(es) to the attending staff member as you exit the building. Please remember that parents must present photo identification when picking up their child. Please make every effort possible to call the school office before 2:00 PM if there is a change in your child’s dismissal arrangements. Additional Student Pick-up & Drop-off Procedures Whenever possible, please complete the JJIS dismissal form (a copy is enclosed with this packet and is also located on our website) when writing a note indicating your child’s dismissal/absence requests, etc. It is important that you include all pertinent information on the note i.e., FIRST AND LAST name of your child, date, specific request, teacher’s name, and FIRST AND LAST name of the person responsible for picking up your child. 16 To pick up your child at the end of the school day (3:15 PM), please enter the building lobby and follow the procedures listed below: ● Provide your ID to the staff member sitting at the student sign-out table. ● Sign your child out – collect a dismissal card pass for each child you are picking up and/or have brought into the building with you. ● Once the lobby doors are open, report directly to room 120 to pick-up your child. ● Re-enter the lobby and EXIT the building through the front lobby doors only. * ● Hand your dismissal pass(es) to the staff member waiting next to the exit doors. (* Should you have a need to re-enter the building for any reason, please report to the office to sign-in and receive a pass.) NOTE : Once the dismissal announcement has been made, teachers and faculty members are assisting with student dismissal and/or often attending meetings. Should you need to speak to your child’s teacher or to go to their classroom, please wait in the main office until an office staff member is able to reach the person you wish to see. Typically, teachers will not be available until after 3:35 PM due to dismissal, etc. BUILDING ENTRANCE PROCEDURES WHEN ATTENDING TOWN MEETINGS, CONCERTS, PERFORMANCES, WHOLESCHOOL ASSEMBLIES! When visiting guests arrive to JJIS to attend any/all Town Meetings, Concerts, WholeSchool Assemblies, Performances, etc., entrance to the building will be through the gymnasium doors located to the rear of the building on the left. You will be required to signin once you have entered the gym lobby. SPECIAL NOTE: Should you wish to pickup your child after any of the above events, please send a note to school with your child in the morning. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation in keeping all our students safe. DM/LP/PUSG 17 JACK JACKTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL NEWS FROM THE NURSE Welcome to the 2015 2016 school year. We would like to take this opportunity to share some important school health information and policies with you. ❖ Student Agendas : Located in the front section of the agenda you will find important health information regarding gym excuses, health screenings, medication policy etc. Please use as a reference. ❖ Student Information Form: If you have not completed and returned your child’s student information form, please do so as soon as possible. It is important that we are able to contact parents promptly in the event of an illness, accident or emergency. Please send in any change of information to the main office throughout the school year should they occur. It is always important to send any medical changes or updates to the nurse as well. Confidential information can be discussed with the school nurse at any time. ❖ Medications : Parents/guardians are responsible for bringing medication to and from school. Absolutely no medication (prescription or non-prescription) can be given for any reason without the doctor’s authorization stating the name of the drug, dosage, method, and time the medication is to be given. This is a state law, which must be strictly enforced. If your child is taking any medication (on a regular or temporary basis, prescription or non-prescription) at home, the school nurse should be informed in writing of the drug name and dosage. This information is critical so that personnel can be alert for potentially harmful drug interactions or reactions. ❖ Medical Conditions : Please inform the nurse’s office of any medical condition your child may have been diagnosed with. Please have your child’s physician document any specific treatment, medications and plan to be in place for school. Please bring documentation to the nurse’s office to keep in your child’s medical record. ❖ Screenings : Throughout the fall/winter all children will be screened for vision and hearing. In the early spring, fifth grade students will be screened for scoliosis. Should your child fail to pass any screening procedure, a referral letter will be sent home. Please be prompt in followup on the referral. If students have a visual or hearing problem, it may adversely impact their education. ❖ Health Office Visits : During the school year, the nurse’s office is staffed by one full time and one paraprofessional. If your child visits the health office during the day and it warrants further assessment at home, you will receive a phone call and/or note home. ❖ Change of clothing : All students should have a change of clothing in their locker in case of emergency. The office does not have clothing and a phone call home will be made, if necessary. As always, please feel free to call with any concerns or questions regarding your child. 8605379421 ext. 2 Tammy VanLanen, RN Kim McLaughlin, Health Paraprofessional 18 DM/LP/NSL1516 HEALTH INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINE: DO NOT SEND MEDICATION TO SCHOOL WITH CHILDREN. PARENTS/GUARDIANS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING MEDICATION TO AND FROM SCHOOL. ABSOLUTELY NO MEDICATION (PRESCRIPTION OR NON-PRESCRIPTION) CAN BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT THE DOCTOR’S AUTHORIZATION STATING THE NAME OF THE DRUG, DOSAGE, METHOD, AND TIME THE MEDICATION IS TO BE GIVEN. THE MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM IS LOCATED ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE. THIS IS A STATE LAW, WHICH MUST BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. IF YOUR CHILD IS TAKING ANY MEDICATION (ON A REGULAR OR TEMPORARY BASIS, PRESCRIPTION OR NON-PRESCRIPTION) AT HOME, THE SCHOOL NURSE SHOULD BE INFORMED IN WRITING OF THE DRUG NAME AND DOSAGE. THIS INFORMATION IS CRITICAL SO THAT PERSONNEL CAN BE ALERT FOR POTENTIALLY HARMFUL DRUG INTERACTIONS OR REACTIONS. HEALTH CONDITIONS/ALLERGIES: THE COLCHESTER SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIRES THAT PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF CHILDREN WITH A LIFE-THREATENING FOOD ALLERGY OR CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITION NOTIFY THE SCHOOL NURSE OF THE CONDITION IMMEDIATELY, PROVIDING MEDICALLY DOCUMENTED INFORMATION ABOUT THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CONDITION. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES: THE SPREAD OF ANY COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CAN BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM THROUGH THE COMBINED COOPERATION OF PARENTS, TEACHERS AND THE MEDICAL STAFF. THE PARENT AND TEACHER MUST BE ALERT TO THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS: RASH ON FACE/BODY PUSTULES COUGHING RED OR DISCHARGING EYES LICE OR NITS SORE THROAT FEVER IMPETIGO HEADACHE WITH FEVER NAUSEA/VOMITING EARACHE SCABIES RINGWORM UNUSUAL PALLOR FLUSHED FACE CHILDREN WITH SKIN ERUPTIONS SUCH AS IMPETIGO, RINGWORM OR SCABIES, OR SYMPTOMS SUSPICIOUS OF A COMMUNICABLE DISEASE SUCH AS CHICKEN POX, STREP THROAT, INFLUENZA, VOMITING OR DIARRHEA WILL BE SENT HOME. PARENTS MAY BE ADVISED TO CALL THEIR CHILD’S MEDICAL PROVIDER AND OBTAIN A NOTE FOR CLEARANCE TO RETURN TO SCHOOL. ANTIBIOTICS FOR A CONTAGIOUS ILLNESS SUCH AS, STREP THROAT SHALL BE GIVEN AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO STUDENT’S RETURN TO SCHOOL. CHILDREN WILL NEED TO BE PICKED UP FROM SCHOOL DUE TO: FEVER ABOVE 100 F INJURIES REQUIRING ADDITIONAL MEDICAL EVALUATION AND/OR VOMITING AND/OR DIARRHEA TREATMENT, OR IF THEY ARE TOO ILL TO COMFORTABLY REMAIN IN THE Nosebleed at dismissal CLASSROOM 19 EYE CONDITIONS: IF THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS (DISCHARGING EYES), THE CHILD WILL BE DISMISSED FROM SCHOOL AND REFERRED TO A PHYSICIAN. PRIOR TO RE-ENTRY TO SCHOOL, THE STUDENT NEEDS TO PRESENT A DOCTOR’S NOTE. PEDICULOSIS (HEAD LICE) : ANY STUDENT AND THEIR SIBLINGS FOUND TO HAVE PEDICULOSIS WILL BE DISMISSED FROM SCHOOL. THE STUDENT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO RETURN TO SCHOOL OR USE SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION UNTIL HE/SHE HAS BEEN TREATED WITH APPROPRIATE MEDICATED SHAMPOO AND HAS BEEN EXAMINED BY THE SCHOOL NURSE. THE SCHOOL POLICY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. IMMUNIZATION RECORD: STATE STATUES MANDATE A CHILD CANNOT BE ADMITTED INTO A SCHOOL SYSTEM WITHOUT PROPER HEALTH/IMMUNIZATION RECORDS. VISION, HEARING AND POSTURAL SCREENING: VISION AND HEARING SCREENING IS DONE ANNUALLY ON ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN. RETESTS SHALL BE GIVEN TO THOSE STUDENTS FAILING THE INITIAL HEARING AND/OR VISION TEST. REFERRALS IN WRITING SHALL BE SENT TO PARENTS OF ALL STUDENTS FAILING THE RE-SCREENING EXAMINATION. THE SCHOOL HEARING/VISION TESTING IS A BASIC SCREENING PROCEDURE. FOR SPECIFIC CONCERNS AND IN-DEPTH EVALUATION, PLEASE CALL YOUR CHILD’S PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN. PLEASE RETURN REFERRAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO THE NURSE, SO ANY ACCOMMODATIONS CAN BE TH IMPLEMENTED. POSTURAL SCREENING IS DONE ON ALL 5GRADERS. A LETTER WILL BE SENT HOME INFORMING YOU OF THE SCREENING. P.E. EXCUSE: AN EXCUSE FROM PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAY BE AUTHORIZED BY THE SCHOOL NURSE FOR ONE DAY WITH A PARENT’S NOTE. AN EXCUSE FOR MORE THAN ONE DAY MUST BE WRITTEN BY REQUEST OF A PHYSICIAN. CASTS, CRUTCHES, SPLINTS, GLUE, ACE BANDAGES, SLINGS, STITCHES, STAPLES AND CONCUSSION ARE REASONS FOR STUDENTS TO REQUIRE A DOCTOR’S NOTE FOR PE EXCLUSION. A NOTE ALLOWING THEM TO SAFELY RETURN TO PE IS ALSO REQUIRED. ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S HEALTH CAN BE DISCUSSED CONFIDENTIALLY WITH THE SCHOOL NURSE. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL: 860-537-9421 EXT 2 20 Physical Education Sneakers The JJIS Physical Education Staff would like to make you aware of the proper sneakers that need to be worn during Physical Education classes. Acceptable sneakers should be normal gymnasium athletic footwear that has laces or Velcro straps that secure the ankle and foot. All sneakers must be tied tightly (Laces tied on top of the tongue of the shoe). Safety is a major concern; therefore, sneakers geared more towards fashion than function create a safety concern for your child. Examples of fashion sneakers include: platform, slip-on, Heelys, and strap-heeled sneakers. These shoes are designed more for fashion and are not appropriate for vigorous activity and could cause injury to your child. Below are some examples of sneakers that will not be acceptable in Physical Education class. Platform - These sneakers have thicker than normal soles, with the foot sitting on top for the purpose of adding height. These sneakers have been known to cause lower leg injuries. Slip-on - These sneakers are designed to be easily slipped on and off, and have an open heel to allow this. These sneakers have been known to come off during class activities. Strap heeled - These sneakers have a single strap that takes the place of a full heel. These sneakers often do not provide enough support and stability for the foot. Heelys – These sneakers are designed similar to roller skates. If the wheel is not taken out of the sneaker balance can be lost resulting in possible injury. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. JJIS Physical Education Staff Mr. Eric Shane and Miss Anne DiFranco DM/SPP/S 21 JACK JACKTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL PHOTO OPPORTUNITY! As you know, JJIS proudly presents various concerts, assemblies, ROCKS Rallies, special events and more. Throughout the year, pictures are taken of these events which are often included in any of the following publications and/or displays: School Bulletin Boards Classrooms Local Newspapers School Hallways Digital Backpack Colchester/JJIS websites School Yearbook JJIS Student Newsletters Classroom pictures If you would prefer that your child’s picture NOT be included in any displays, articles, newsletters, yearbooks, etc., please write a brief letter and return it to our office indicating your wishes. Thank you. As always, should you have any questions, please feel free to call us (860-537-9421). DM/F/DNP 22 23 J ack Jackter Intermediate School 2015 ~ 2016 Birthday Books! Please consider supporting our school library through…… We would like to invite you to participate in a program offered again this year at Jack Jackter Intermediate School. The Birthday Book Club is a way to honor your child’s birthday in a special way and help our library collection continue to grow. A $15.00 donation includes the following: ➢ Your child will select a book from a special collection located in the library media center. This book will be dedicated to the library in honor of your child’s birthday. ➢ A special name plate with your child’s name and age will be placed in the book. Your child will be the first student to sign the book out of the library. You can also send in a small photo of your child to be placed beside the name plate if you wish. ➢ A photo of your child with the book will be placed on the Birthday Book bulletin board and/or in a Birthday Book journal. Should you have any questions, please contact JJIS Librarian Barbara Johnson @bajohnson@colchesterct.org. Please fill out the information below and return with your minimum donation of $15.00. Make checks payable to Jack Jackter Intermediate School and indicate “birthday book” on your check. DM/F/BB 24 Jack Jackter Intermediate School Town Meeting Dates 2015 2016 Wednesday / 2:15 PM October 7, 2015 November 4, 2015 January 6, 2016 February 3, 2016 March 2, 2016 March 30, 2016 May 4, 2016 June 8, 2016 Enrichment Block Select Wednesdays 2:27 3:07 PM 12:55 PM Dismissal – 12:24 12:45 September 16, 23, 30 December 2, 16 March 9, 16, 23 June 1, 2016 October 14, 21, 28 January 20, 27 April 6, 13, 27 November 18 February 10, 17, 24 May 11, 18 ROCKS RALLIES 2:00 PM December 4, 2015 (Fri) March 10, 2016 (Th) June 3, 2016 (Fri) DM/F/TMERD1516 25 JACK JACKTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL TOWN MEETING/CONCERT/ ASSEMBLY/WHOLESCHOOL EVENTS VISITOR SIGNIN AND/OR STUDENT PICKUP PROCEDURES =================================================== When visiting guests arrive to Jack Jackter Intermediate School to attend any/all Town Meetings, Concerts, WholeSchool Assemblies, Performances, etc., entrance to the building will be through the gymnasium doors located to the rear of the building on the left. You will be required to signin once you have entered the gym lobby. SPECIAL NOTE: Should you wish to pickup your child after any of the above events, please send a note to school with your child in the morning. Parents/visitors will be allowed to enter the gym 15 minutes prior to the designated start time of the event. PARKING/ENTRANCE/SIGN-IN/STUDENT PICK UP GUIDELINES In order to ensure a safe and expedient student dismissal at the end of each Town Meeting and/or concert, parents are asked to adhere to the following procedures : ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● NEVER park in the designated BUS parking spaces. All parents (adults) attending events should enter the building through the gym lobby doors ONLY . Please sign in at the desk stationed in the gym lobby. Whenever possible, please send a notice of your intent to pick up your child from a town meeting/concert, etc. the morning of the presentation. If you did not send in a note prior to the event, please sign the student “pick up” list, which will be located next to the visitor sign-in book as you enter the building and sign in. Out of respect for the performers, please turn off your cell phones. As you arrive, we ask that you remember to be respectful role models as you enter the gymnasium quietly. All visitors should sit in chairs (not bleachers) provided. At the end of each assembly, all parents (adults) will be dismissed and exit the building through the gym doors located on the ground level ONLY. To pick up your child, you must exit the building first and re-enter through the front of the building and foyer area of the school only. Follow standard procedure for student pick up. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation in helping to keep the safety of all children our top priority. DM/LP/TMSISPUPP 26 Jack Jackter Intermediate School students and their families are invited to our annual… OPEN HOUSE!! September 17, 2015 GRADE 3 – 6:00 – 6:45 PM GRADES 4 & 5 – 7:00 – 7:45 PM We hope you can join us. ● Meet our teachers and staff ● Tour our facility We look forward to seeing you on this special evening! Available Parking Areas: JJIS Parking Lot, Blacktop, Front of building, Lion’s Pond Parking Lot, CES, WJJMS DM/F/OH1516 27 The Jack Jackter Intermediate School Grade 4 Instrumental Music Night is: September 9, 2015 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM / JJIS Band Room Please join us to learn all about the JJIS Band program, as well as to hear about various instrumental rental/purchase options. There will be rental forms available from various music dealers. Please Note: *Instrument rental/purchases are between you and the rental company. JJIS will not be able to accept returned instruments at any time. I look forward to seeing you!! Paul Coyle, Band Director DM/M/IMNI 15-16 28 JACK JACKTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 860-537-9421 (FAX) 215 HALLS HILL ROAD, COLCHESTER, CT 06415 860-537-0349 WEBSITE: WWW.COLCHESTERCT.ORG DEBORAH T. SANDBERG/PRINCIAPL JENNIFER REYNOLDS/ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL To the Parents/Guardians of JJIS Students: In our ongoing effort to reduce printing/paper costs, all school/district information is available to all parents/guardians within the Colchester Schools with just a click of a button through the www.colchesterct.org website. Each Friday, all notices and informational items collected throughout the given week will be downloaded to the digital backpack. Additionally, per parent requests, instead of creating a lengthy monthly newsletter, we will include newsworthy updates and notices from our specialists throughout the month in an effort to make our digital backpack more “ reader friendly ”. Should you prefer to receive hard copies of these documents on a weekly basis, please complete the form below and return it to our office the first week of school . We hope you will agree that through modern technology, it has become a more cost effective and efficient means by which to share information with the parents/guardians of students within our schools. Respectfully Yours, Deborah T. Sandberg, Principa l ================================================================================================ = Jack Jackter Intermediate School HARD COPY OF ANNOUNCEMENTS/NOTICES, ETC. (to be completed and returned the first week of school) STUDENT NAME: Street Address: TEACHER: GRADE: Yes, I would like to receive a hard copy of weekly notices each Friday. DM/LP/HCDB 29 JJIS News from the Cafeteria I hope everyone enjoyed their summer vacation and is now ready to return to school for another exciting year. I’d like to share some important information regarding our cafeteria. Prices: Lunch $ 2.55 (Reduced Lunch is 40 cents) Breakfast 1.55 (Reduced Breakfast is 30 cents) Milk .55 Ice Cream .75 Snacks .75 Small Water .50 Any child eligible for free/reduced meals at the end of the school year in June will be allowed to continue that status only until October 7, 2015. New forms MUST be submitted and approved by the Cafeteria Supervisor, Sharon Floyd, prior to October 7, 2015. Breakfast and Lunch are available to all students starting on the first day of school and are offered daily including shortened days. On a healthy note, we use wheat and multigrain rolls in our lunch program. We also offer fresh fruit and vegetables and a variety of lowfat and nofat milk choices every day. In Colchester, all of our public schools participate in the Healthy Snack Program through the State of Connecticut; all snacks offered in our snack bar meet the Healthy Snack Guidelines established by the State of Connecticut. It is strongly recommended parents/guardians take advantage of our prepay system as it helps to deter students from using their breakfast/lunch money for the snack bar. To prepay your student’s account please send a check made payable to JJIS Cafeteria with your student’s first and last name on the memo line ; you may also send in cash with your student to apply to his/her account. Please note only payment of your student’s breakfast or lunch may be taken from the account; snacks, ice cream, and milk may not be purchased from the student’s account. Although we do allow charging on an emergency basis, payment to bring the meal account current is expected the following day . Once the charge limit of (3) lunches has been reached, a cheese sandwich will be given to your child until the account is current. If this occurs on a regular basis the administration will be notified and a call home will be placed. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your student’s account you may send in a note, send an email, or place a call and I will be happy to discuss it with you. My email address is: lcafro@colchesterct.org and my phone number is 8605379421 x 381 from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Sincerely, Leanne Cafro, JJIS Cafeteria Manager DM/LP/SLL1516 30 COLCHESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION FOR BUS DRIVERS If your child has a medical condition that could potentially cause a life threatening emergency while he/she is begin transported by the school bus, please advise the bus company by completing the form below. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide the bus company with this information . If applicable, please complete the form below and return it to: M&J Bus, Inc. P.O. Box 908 Colchester, CT 06415 Or Fax to M & J Bus: 860-537-2625 The information will be relayed to your child’s bus driver by the bus company. ================================================================= Student Name School Date of Birth: Grade Bus # Home Address Medical Condition Potential emergency/expected symptoms or observations: Please understand that the driver’s primary responsibility is to safely transport students. Bus drivers do not provide first aid or medical treatments. The purpose of this document is to provide the bus drivers with information which would assist them to identify emergency situations as early as possible so that appropriate medical assistance can be contacted in a timely manner. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Parent phone/cell phone# DM/F/BED 15-16 Office Use Only/Date Received 31 The Jack Jackter Intermediate School PTO strives to foster open communication among parents, teachers and school administrators. We sponsor fundraising activities that provide important programs and enhancements for the students and staff of Jack Jackter Intermediate School. Annual membership fee is $5.00 per family. Make checks payable to JJIS PTO Membership . PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM ALONG WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEE TO THE JJIS OFFICE: Parent/Guardian/Teacher Name : _________________________________________________________________________ Email Address & Cell Phone (for text alerts): __________________________________________________________________________________________ □ I’m interested in volunteering! By providing an email address, you will receive relevant and timely information regarding upcoming events, meetings, volunteer opportunities (within JJIS and for JJIS PTO committees/activities), town and BOE information relating to education. This information is available to all members of the JJIS PTO and does not obligate you to participate in events or activities. The JJIS PTO will not share or sell your information. you! Without your support, our accomplishments would not be possible. Please address any questions to membership@jjispto.org Like us on Facebook at Jack Jackter Intermediate School Your child may submit your membership form and membership fee to his/her teacher or to the JJIS office. Thank you. Without your support, our accomplishments would not be possible! Please address any questions to membership@jjispto.org . 32 Jack Jackter Intermediate School A Note to School Jack Jackter Intermediate School A Note to School Name of Student Name of Student Teacher Teacher Date(s) Absence/Dismissal Applies Please check the applicable line(s) below : Date(s) Absence/Dismissal Applies Please check the applicable line(s) below: Was absent on Was absent on Date Date Reason Reason Will be picked up early: Will be picked up early: TIME TIME BY BY Will be picked up from room 120 at dismissal Will be picked up from room 120 at dismissal BY BY Will be late on Will be late on Date Date Reason Reason Will be absent on Will be absent on Date Date Reason Reason Will be taking his/her regular bus to the following location for day care purposes: Will be taking his/her regular bus to the following location for day care purposes: List name & address of drop-off List name and address of drop-off Other Other PARENT SIGNATURE / DATE PARENT SIGNATURE / DATE 33