Mid-American Racquetball Classic
Mid-American Racquetball Classic
SALINA FAMILY YMCA 2016 MID-AMERICA RACQUETBALL CLASSIC Name: Email: Street Address: City: Zip: Day Phone: Evening Phone: SINGLES DIVISION: (Please Check) Mens: Open A B C D Womens: Open A B C D Juniors: Boy Girl Age Open/A Women’s A/A AS B/C AM AL AXL AXXL Shirts will be given to all participants Mixed Partner’s Name: Your availability to play Friday evening will assist the directors in scheduling matches for the entire weekend. Please list the earliest time you can play on Friday evening: $ Men’s Open ($45) $ First Event (Adults $35; Juniors $25) $ Second Event (Adults $20; Juniors $10) $ Guest Saturday dinner only ($13) CARD: Mastercard $ Guest breakfast, lunch, and dinner ($20) Acct #: $ Total Payment Expiration Mo/Yr: *NO REFUNDS AFTER TUESDAY, JANUARY 5TH 2016 Check Money Order (See side panel for more info) Credit Card (Fill information below) Signature: Mail payment (payable to “Salina Family YMCA”) and this entry form to: 2016 MID-AMERICA RACQUETBALL CLASSIC c/o Kathy Nelson 570 YMCA Dr., Salina KS 67401 Visa Floor-to-ceiling glass walls for all four racquetball courts on main floor, additional spectator viewing also available on upper floor through large waist-to-ceiling glass windows the length of each court (games will be refereed from there). Facilities available to tournament participants: Steam room, whirlpool, showers and lockers available in both Men’s and Women’s Fitness Centers. Bring own padlock for locker use. PLEASE NOTE: Food and drinks are restricted to lobby area and room designated for breakfast/lunch for tournament participants. 50+ T-SHIRT SIZE (CIRCLE): DOUBLES DIVISION: Mens: 35+ Tournament Information Date: January 8th, 9th & 10th Location: Salina Family YMCA Entry Fee: Men’s Open - $45.00 Adult - $35.00 for first event; $20.00 for second event Juniors - $25.00 for first event; $10.00 for second event (Must play 1 Juniors division for discount) HOTEL INFORMATION: Candlewood Suites (785) 823.6939 2650 Planet Avenue, Salina KS 67401 YMCA rate $62.00 Single/Double Queen Suite All Suites - Full Kitchen, High Speed Internet, Fitness Center. Located 3 Miles from YMCA. Please mention tournament to receive special pricing. Entry Deadline: Postmark deadline of Wednesday, December 30th (or by 9:00 pm on January 4th if delivered to the YMCA). A late fee of $10.00 will apply if entry is received after January 4th. Only entries with checks, money orders, or credit card information will be accepted. After brackets are established, no entries will be accepted or refunds given. Absolutely no phone entries. Playing Times: Playing times will be available after 6:00 pm on Thursday, January 7th, 2016. Please call (785)825.2151. GET IN THE GAME Official Ball: ProPenn ® Racquetball Awards & Money: - In a division of eight or more: Entry fee returned to 1st place winner certificates for 2nd & consolation. - Divisions less than eight will receive another form of prize. - Men’s Open Only: Prize money for 1st, 2nd & Consolation - Men’s Doubles: Prize money for 1st & 2nd SALINA FAMILY YMCA USRA SANCTION TOURNAMENT 2016 MID-AMERICA RACQUETBALL CLASSIC Souvenir: T-Shirt (please indicate size on entry form) Hospitality: Breakfast Saturday and Sunday, Lunch Saturday, Dinner Saturday evening at Martinelli’s (158 N. Santa Fe.) Guests pay to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner ($20.00) or just dinner ($13.00). Great door prizes will be awarded at dinner, must be present to win. Rules: USRA rules apply. Eye protection is mandatory and is enforced; please bring your own. Play 2 games to 15 points each; tie breaker to 11 points. Consolation game 3 to 11 points each, except for finals. Men’s and Women’s Singles Open division will play 3 out of 5 games to 11 points each, win by 2 points and 1 serve. All winners must referee the following match, find their own acceptable substitute or forfeit their next round. Directors reserve the right to transfer players to an appropriate division and combine divisions (if less than five). Thank You to Our 2015 Tournament Sponsors: ADVANTAGE FUTURE INC. CANDLEWOOD SUITES CONKLIN CARS DINO’S WOODS JOHNSONS COMPANIES SPEAKEASY KANSAS RACQUETBALL ASSOCIATION Directors: Kathy Nelson, Sports Director, Salina Family YMCA (785)825.2151 knelson@salinaymca.org Alex Andresen (785)826-0001 alex@wdmatrix.com DATE: JANUARY 8TH, 9TH, & 10TH
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