Newsletter 1 - SA Miniature Horse.
Newsletter 1 - SA Miniature Horse.
DIE SUID AFRIKAANSE MINIATUURPERD TELERS GENOOTSKAP NUUSBRIEF 1 / 4 2016. NEEM VAN FOTOS van PERDE - vir Registrasie of sommer net vir die LEKKER : Die begin van enige goeie foto is om te weet hoe om die foto te neem. Wanneer jy fotos neem van perde vir welke rede ookal is dit altyd belangrik om die volgende in ag te neem : Agtergrond – gee genoegsame aandag aan die agtergrond. Maak seker dat daar geen leë sakke, ou trekkerparte of enige gemors in die agtergrond lê nie. Gebruik verkieslik ‘n ander kleur as die kleur van die perd, sodoende staan die perd uit en is duidelik sigbaar. Bome is altyd ‘n goeie keuse. ‘n Ligter muur indien jou perd donker van kleur is mag ook ‘n goeie keuse wees. HOOP STROOI IN DIE AGTERGROND Beligting : Gebruik oggend- of middagson indien jy kan. Die goue sonlig maak dat jou perd se vel blink voorkom en die langer skaduwees is altyd nostalgies en half misterieus. VAN BO NA ONDER GENEEM Perspektief : Neem die foto van ‘n padda perskektief, sak af op jou knieë en kry jou kamera op dieselfde hoogte as omtrent die middel van die skouer van die perd. Distorsie is op ‘n minimum indien jy af sak tot op jou perd se hoogte. Moet nooit van bo na onder neem nie. Dit laat die perd se bene baie korter as normaal vertoon. Van onder na bo sal 1 die perd se bene weer langer vertoon as normaal. Positionering van die bene : Wees altyd bewus van jou perd se bene wanneer jy ‘n foto neem. Die voorbeen naaste aan jou moet of gelyk met die ander voorbeen staan of voor die voorbeen verste van jou af wees om die balans reg te kry. Die agterbeen verste van jou af weg moet voor die agterbeen naaste aan jou wees om goeie balans te weerspieël en die beste konformasie foto te verkry. Perde wat strek se agterstewe vertoon platter en swakker as wat dit werklik is. KORREKTE POSISIONERING VAN DIE PERD – let op die “oop” houding van die perd na die kamera KOP NAASTE AAN KAMERA Indien die perd se kop na jou gedraai is, vertoon die kop groter. Indien jy die perd se bles of gesigsmerke wil wys in die foto moet jy effe voor die perd staan sodat jy die kop en lyf op die foto kan inpas sonder dat die kop groter vertoon. Vir ‘n foto van die kant af moet die perd reguit staan en na vorentoe kyk, andersins lyk die perd weereens uit balans uit. Neem baie, baie, baie fotos. Neem die foto uit verskeie hoeke en kante af en neem fotos uit elke hoek. Na die tyd sal jy baie fotos hê om van te kies. 2 UPCOMING EVENTS. Pretoria ( Tswabac ) Nationals 2016 24th to 28th August 2016 EquidomE September 2016 WHY IS MY HORSE PENDING? There are numerous reasons why a horse can be Pending on the Studbook Logix system. Pending means that its birth has been recorded but the horse’s registration is pending finalisation. All Birth Registrations are pending till the Horses first Inspection at two and a half years. By this time the Maternal DNA Paternal DNA and the DNA of the foal being registered must have been submitted by a recognised laboratory. This needs to be done either before or after the Birth Notification submitted together with a photo for identification purposes which shows markings and colour. CEM status from the sire which was current at the time of the foal’s birth also needs to have been received by the SAMHBS. A foal cannot be registered if either of its parents is Pending. These documents will only be processed if the Breeder registering the foal is in good standing with both the Breed Society and SA Stamboek. Please draw the list of Pending horses for your stud. If you have horses that are to be cancelled because you no longer wish to register them please advise Ronandé at If there are horses you wish to register and they remain Pending please ensure that the required documentation has been submitted. STILGEWACHT AND GUESTS AUCTION BETHLEHEM. Royal Oaks Platinum Pleasure (Imp.) sold for a record R240 000. Congratulations to Andre and Evi van Dyk from Vygeboom Miniatures, the new owners and to Abrie and Betsie Beukes from Stilgewacht Miniatures, the sellers. 3 Stilgewacht Jabulani Valvet the top priced mare was sold by Stilgewacht Miniatures, belonging to Abrie and Betsie Beukes for R55 000 to Kobus Human and Lilia Franca. Congratulations to both sellers and buyers. NATIONAL BREED AUCTION / NASIONALE RAS VEILING. The Top priced horse and mare at The Equidome National Auction was MMC PH Pretty Miss Dotty West sold by Chris and Marina van der Merwe from MMC and bought by Scott and CarIn Moffatt from Tylucas Equine Stud for R32 000. Congratulations to both the sellers and buyers. 4 The Top priced Stallion at The Equidome National Auction was Eduans Vindicators Rebel sold by Gawie and Willem Naude from Eduan Miniature Horses and bought by Tokka van den Hever from Chargo Trust for R17 000. Congratulations to both the sellers and buyers. PER CAPITA Die genootskap sukkel nog met die inhaal van agterstallige werk en die administrasie van nuwe versoeke. Ons vra dat lede hulle per capita lyste (kuddelyste) sal trek en ons attent maak op enige foute en/of agterstallige werk wat ingehaal moet word. Maak ook asseblief seker dat alle instruksies wat julle deurstuur vergesel word van die nodige dokumentasie. As julle nie julle Per Capita lyste ontvang het nie, of daar is foute op, trek dit deur Logix of kontak asseblief vir Ronandé Wiese by : 051 4100974 of per epos by ARE YOU A BREEDER OR A MULTIPLIER A Breeder is someone who specifically mates a stallion to a mare in order to achieve a specific predetermined end result in terms of conformation, type, temprament, size, colour, or a combination of these. The objective of a breeder must be to produce a foal that is better than the Dam of that foal. If you don’t qualify as a breeder you become a multiplyer of horses. 5 Remember that you have a 50% chance to produce either a colt or filly foal. If what you produce is not a sellable horse, no matter the sex of the foal, you should reasses whether you should be breeding. Miniature Horses are very seldom ridden and as a result we don’t have riding or sporting horses as a market available to sell our male animals. As a breed we are challenged with a market where we can sell our male progeny. Our female progeny is easier to sell assuming they are quality horses. Not all colts will grow up to be herd sires so you need to be sure that those colts that don’t make the grade as herd sires, and very few do, will find homes as geldings. A responsible Breeder will geld colts that are not destined to breed so they can be sold as maneagable, tame and educated horses to people who will want to own them in the long term. A Miniature foal is cute, especially if it’s tame and maneagable. A colt that is not tame and sold as a utility horse or for purposes of a companion or pet is condemned as a horse if it’s not maneagable and a pleasure to handle. That cute colt grows up to become a Stallion and if its not a stallion with a purpose and a reason to be a stallion he often becomes an unwanted horse. As a breeder your responsibility does not end with producing a desirable foal but with producing a horse out of that foal that is desirable. INSPEKSIES. Inspeksies moet op twee en n half jaar plaasvind en dan weer op vyf jaar. Net ‘n lid van die genootskap kan ‘n inspeksie aanvra. Dit word gedoen deur vir Ronandé Wiese by die Genootskap se Kantoor in Bloemfontein te kontak. Sy sal dan die nodige gekwalifiseerde inspekteurs kontak om die inspeksie te rëel. Die inspekteur sal jou kontak om die nodige rëelings te tref. Die koste van n inspeksie is R450 tot en met 30 Junie 2016. Vanaf 1 Julie 2016 is een inspeksie per jaar gratis aan elke telers, inspekteursfooi is huidiglik R75 per perd (R80 in die nuwe boekjaar) en die inspekteur se reiskostes is R3. 50 per Kilometer. INSPEKTEURS OPLEIDING SEMINAAR Asook ‘n OPKNAPPINGS KURSUS vir BESTAANDE INSPEKTEURS DATUM : 24 & 25 JUNIE 2016 PLEK: Die plaas Beka Idube van Chris Erasmus, De Wagensdrift. AANBIEDING : Marina van der Merwe. DATUM EN AANVANGSTYD. om 10h00 op die Vrydag 24 Junie beginnende met lesings. Praktiese sessies sal op beide die Vrydag asook die Saterdag plaasvind. ‘n Geskrewe eksamen tesame met ‘n praktiese eksamen sal op die Saterdagmiddag die seminaar afsluit. Slaagsyfer van 80% word vereis om aanvaar te word as ‘n Junior Inspekteur. Daar word van ‘n Junior inspekteur verwag om 30 6 inspeksies te doen, tesame met ‘n senior inspekteur alvorens hy/sy as ‘n Senior Inspekteur aanvaar te kan word. KOSTE: R 450.00 per persoon vir nuwe kandidate. R300.00 vir bestaande inspekteurs wat die opknappingskursus doen. (Alle inspekteurs wat vir langer as 5 jaar gekwalifiseer is word verwag om ‘n opknappingskursus te doen). Die fooi van R450.00 / R300.00 sluit ‘n ligte middagete Vrydag, teetyd verversings asook middagete op Saterdagmiddag in. Akkommodasie is nie ingesluit by bg fooi nie. AKKOMMODASIE. Elke kandidaat is verantwoordelik vir hul eie verblyf. Leeuwkloof Valley Conservancy Area is geskik vir naby gelee akkommodasie. Besonderhede van Gastehuise in hierdie area. Beka Idube Luxury Tented Accommodation: wheretostay / Beka Idube. of 084 2511 838 Barbets Nest Bushveld Retreat : of 076 569 1471 Kohande tented camp: of 082 806 5903 KwaThabisile Game Lodge : wheretostay/KwaThabisile of 082 560 1454 Stumble Inn Game Lodge : 072 808 2058 SLUITINGSDATUM VIR INSKRYWINGS. 3 Junie 2016. Geen inskrywigs sal aanvaar word sonder bewys van betaling vir die volle bedrag van R450 (nuwe kandidate) of R300 (opknappings kursus) in die volgende bankrekening: SA Miniatuurperd Telers Genootskap Standard Bank Rekening Nr : 041232615 Takkode : 055534, Brandwag Verwysing : Jou naam /24 Junie Bewys van betaling aan KONTAk: Marina van der Merwe 0828901703 of Coralezet Erasmus 0842511838 Suid-Afrikaanse Miniatuurperd Telersgenootskap South African Miniature Horse Breeders’ Society Posbus 9777 Bloemfontein 9300 P O Box 9777 Bloemfontein 9300 Tel (051) 4100955 Faks (051) 4484220 of 0866670294 e-pos Tel (051) 4100 955 Fax (051) 4484220 or 0866670294 e-mail KEURDERS / INSPECTORS Naam / Name Abadi EC (Mev) Beukes AJ (Mnr) Adres Address 215 Deneen Str, Annlin, Pretoria, 1082 Buitestraat 42, Bethelehem 9700 Tel Inspeksie nommer 0825698165 660415 058-3032221 058-3032157(f) 0721782432 508856 7 Naam / Name Beukes S (Mej) Crous CI (Mev) Adres Address Buitestraat 42, Bethlehem, 9700 Joubert C (Mnr) Chris Posbus 90, Viljoenskroon, 9520 PO Box 179, Amersfoort, 2490 Posbus 257, Kroondal, 0350 Doringkruin, Posbus 5163, Klerksdorp, 2576 Doringkruin, Posbus 5163, Klerksdorp, 2576 Posbus 323, De Wagensdrift, 1002 Posbus 35044, Faunasig, Bloemfontein, 9325 Posbus 9, Riversdal, 6670 Joubert J (Mev) Marina Posbus 9, Riversdal, 6670 Le Roux T (Mnr) Tertius Posbus 195, Riversdal, 6670 Posbus 25205, Monumentpark, 0105 Posbus 105, Barkly-Oos, 9786 Couzyn P (Mnr) Du Bruyn HMJ (Mev) Ernst A (Mev) Ernst MJ (Mnr) Erasmus C (Mev) Fourie R (Mev) Marais A (Mev) Naude G Mnr (Gawie) Naude M (Mev) Posbus 418, Aliwal-Noord, 9750 Naude WC (Mnr) Posbus 418, Aliwal Noord, 9750 Steyl C. (Mej) Posbus 17242, Bainsvlei, 9338 Posbus 54, Greylingstad, 2415 Reyneke D (Mnr) Tel Inspeksie nommer 058-3032221 058-3032157 056-3431461 0829261116 0825722907 564960 0823048048 655566 018-4681874(t & f) 0827534821 564917 018-4681874(t & f) 0827434122 564904 0842511838 604327 0866054156 (f) 0836800033 657738 028-7132542 028-7133688 (f) 0828405566 028-7132542 028-7133688 (f) 0828405566 028-7131154 028-7132268 0833801359 012-8092569 012-3470874(f) 0829239235 045-9710498 0866478513(f) 0828979555 – Gawie 051-6331792 051-6331789(f) 0823227949 051-6331792 051-6331789(f) 0824547531 051-4512175 0824442055 606626 565364 639369 565615 606613 564823 606448 564929 564932 087-6250391/2 0866524690(f) 0824506196 8 Naam / Name Reyneke, B (Mev) Van Aswegen JE (Mev) (Ina) Van der Merwe M (Mev) Van Niekerk M (Mev) Machael Van Vuuren Marike Mej. Adres Address Posbus 54, Greylingstad, 2415 Posbus 172, Petrusburg, 9932 Tel Inspeksie nommer 087-6250391/2 0866524690(f) 0824506186 0829206378 614681 Posbus 1842, Potchefstroom, 2520 Posbus 532, Upington, 8800 Posbus 531, Riversdal, 6670 018-2909881 018-2946076(f) 0828901702 054-8330201 0731679119 028-7132349(t & f) 0725452967 559272 525456 606435 606600 RESULTS - RIVERSDAL REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS RESULTS – HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW. RESULTS - BLOEMFONTEIN REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. AFRICAN HORSE SICKNESS Many of us welcome winter because it reduces the chance of AHS in our horses. The effectiveness of vaccination and what vaccine to use is a debate that rages on. Whether we are required to vaccinate is also debated. Many breeders have difficulty in vaccinating pregnant mares as the vaccine is counter indicated in mares in their first trimester at the time when vaccinations are recommended. It remains fact that African Horse sickness is a cruel unforgiving disease that complicates Horse ownership in Southern Africa. We each owe it to the industry to be responsible with regard to vaccinations and the actions we take to minimise the outbreak and spread of African Horse Sickness. The following has been gazetted. “ IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEPTH OF AGRICULTURE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE DOC NO. R. 885 & ANIMAL DISEASES ACT 1984 (ACT 35 OF 1984) “ALL EQUINES IN THE REPUBLIC EXCEPT EQUINES IN THE AFRICAN HORSE SICKNESS FREE ZONE AND SURVEILLANCE ZONE, AS DESCRIBED IN ANNEXURE 4, SHALL BETWEEN THE AGES OF 6 AND 9 MONTHS, THEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 12 AND 15 MONTHS AND THEN AGAIN ONCE EVERY YEAR THEREAFTER BE IMMUNISED WITH AN EFFECTIVE REMEDY BY THE RESPONSIBLE PERSON: PROVIDED THAT THE DIRECTOR IN A PARTICULAR CASE MAY DETERMINE THAT SUCH IMMUNISATION MUST BE CARRIED OUT BY AN OFFICER OR VETERINARIAN” 9 CEM. DNA Both paternal and maternal DNA is now a requirement for the registration of a foal. This requirement has been implemented over a period of years starting with the DNA of stallions being a requirement and later introducing the DNA of mares. This gives certainty as to the genetic makeup of a foal and is important in giving buyers of horses the comfort of knowing what they are procuring. More importantly it adds value to our registration papers and ultimately to the value of our horses. 10 If foal recordals are not accompanied by DNA results from a recognised lab then the registration will become pending and will not be completed till the required results are received. Parental verification is essential and it is advised that this be done the same time as your DNA is submitted. This is done at no extra cost. There are three laboratories from which the results are recognised. 1. UNISTEL – Unistel Geneeskundige Laboratoriums, Post Net Suite 13, Privaatsak X22, Tygervallei, 7536 - Tel: (021) 9389213, Fax: (021) 9320065 – epos: (Dr Munro Marx) 2. LNR – P/Sak X 2, Irene, 0062 - Pranisha Soma - Tel 012 6729218, Faks: 012 6729214 3. ONDERSTEPOORT. – Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, P/Bag X04, Onderstepoort, 0110. Telno: 012-5298240, Fax: 012-5298310 DIE RAAD VANAF JANUARIE 2016 Die lede hieronder gelys is die raad wat by die 2015 algemene jaarvergadering verkies is. Die mense is deur die lede verkies om op die raad te dien om die belange van die ras en die lede in geheel te verteenwoordig. Ons versoek dat julle vrylik met raadslede kommunikeer en julle gedagtes deel en laat weet waar julle te hulp gestaan kan word. Name Address Telephone Coralezet Erasmus President Posbus 323, De Wagensdrift, 1002 084 251 1838 Welma Joubert Vise President Posbus 31005, Totiusdal, Pretoria, 0132 082 416 1641 012 333 3755 (f) Marina van der Merwe Raadslid Posbus 1842, Potchefstroom, 2520. 082 890 1703 018 294 6076 (f) Ina van Aswegen Raadslid Posbus 172, Petrusburg, 9932 082 920 6378 Paul Couzyn Raadslid 246 Arathorn Estate 53 Leander Rd Faere Glenn Pretoria East 0041 082 572 2907 11 Scott Moffatt Raadslid Posbus 196, Moedwil, Rustenburg, 0315 083 267 4290 NEW LOOK WEBSITE The SAMHBS Website has been updated and modernised. We invite members to send photos of miniatures or any relevant information To Ronandé at Also remember you can create a link to your own Stud web-site via the society website or place adverts of horses for sale. The link to our Breed Society web site is SA MINIATUURPERDGENOOTSKAP SA MINIATURE HORSE BREEDERS SOCIETY FOOIESTRUKTUUR / FEE STRUCTURE 2015 / 2016 Intreefooi / Entry Fee Ledegeld / Membership fee Geboortekennisgewing / Birth notification Per Kapita fooi / Per Capita fee (per perd / per horse) Per kapita fooi - Basis diere / Per Capita fee – Basic animals Per kapita fooi – Reunperde / Per Capita fee – Geldeings Oordrag / Transfer Herinstelling / Re-Instatement Keurdersfooi / Inspectors Fee Keuring per perd / Inspection per horse Reiskoste vir keurders / Travel Fee for inspectors 5 jaar keuring / 5 year inspection Kansellasies / Cancellations Laat geboortes / Late Birth notification 2 – 3 maande / months 3 – 6 maande / months 6 – 12 maande / months 1 – 2 jaar / year (DNS toetse / DNA Tests) 2 – 3 jaar / year (DNS toetse / DNA Tests) 3 – 4 jaar / year (DNS toetse / DNA Tests) 4 jaar en ouer / 4 years and older – (DNS toetse / DNA Tests) Oordrag van Nie-Lede / Transfers – Non-members R700.00 R1300.00 R80.00 R75.00 R0.00 R0.00 R75.00 R200.00 R450.00 R80.00 R3.50 per km Gratis / Free R100.00 R0.00 R130.00 R195.00 R390.00 R390.00 R390.00 R390.00 R120.00 FUN QUIZ : 1. What is the normal pulse / heartrate for an adult horse at rest? 2. What is the normal temperature for a horse? 3. What is the percentage food that your horse need per day? 12 4. A horse that is collected is soft and light – True or False 5. What colour trousers should you preferably wear when showing a dark coloured horse in hand? 6. Match the beats / footfalls to the associated gate : Walk 3 beats Canter 2 beats Trot 4 beats 7. What is the difference between a snaffle bit (trens) and a curb bit (stang)? 8. How many bones does a horse have in his body? 9. What animal has the largest eyes of all land mammals? 10. Can horses burp? 11. How do you get that extra white on your horse’s white spots or even on a complete white horse? 12. How do horses communicate? 13. How do you stop that nasty tail itch that causes your horse to rub his precious tail away? 14. What shampoo should you use on your horse’s face to stop it from burning their eyes? 15. How can you make your horse’s eyes look bigger for the show ring? 16. Which side of the horse’s neck should the mane lie? ANSWERS AT END OF NEWSLETTER. COMPLAINTS. ARE YOU UNHAPPY? DO YOU WANT TO SHARE AN IDEA? All complaints, ideas, and expressions of dissatisfaction or opinions or praise is welcome. The board does request that for them to be progressed they must be submitted in writing to Ronande Wiese at or our President Coralezet Erasmus. Our society prides itself on the open door policy and culture of inclusion we have. KENNISGEWINGS NOTICES. Hierdie is ‘n paar punte wat ek dink onder die telers se aandag moet kom: Geboorte kennisgewings moet vergesel word MET foto’s en die foto’s moet klaar genommer wees en in PJEG gestuur word, NIE IN ‘n “WORD” dokument NIE. Alle name insluitend die voorvoegsel mag nie meer as 30 karakter spasies oorsky nie, Dekkingsertifikate moet met ELKE geboorte ingestuur word al word die vul eers 8 maande daarna opgeneem. Geen onvolledige werk sal meer aanvaar word nie. Alle Pending werk in die kantoor sal slegs vir 3 maande gehou word en oorstaan tot terugvoering. Indien geen terugvoering of navraag gedoen word nie, sal die onafgehandelde werk teruggestuur word. 13 Alle korrespondensie na moet onmiddelik gestaak word en gestuur word na Die raad vra dat lede kennis neem van die volgende. Die versoek word gerig weens die administratiewe en kontant vloei druk / The board requests that members please note the following. These requests are made due to administrative and cash flow pressures. Dienste sal opgeskort word van enige persoon wat gelde verskuldig is aan genootskap. Dit beteken geen skou inskrywings sal toegelaat word nie, geen keurings mag plaasvind by so ‘n persoon nie. / Services will be suspended from any person who owes money to the society. This means that no show entries will be accepted and that no inspections may take place of such a person’s horses. Geboorte kennisgewings nie korrek ingevul nie – word terug gestuur / Birth Notifications not filled in correctly will be send back to be corrected Geen kleredrag wat jou stoet adverteer mag in arena gedra word nie / No branded clothing that promotes your stud allowed in arena while showing your horse. If anyone has any content to submit to this newsletter they are welcome to contact Paul Couzyn at Quiz Answers : 1. Normal pulse rate for adult horse at rest is 30 to 40 beats per minute Foals it is 70 – 120 beats per minute Yearlings it is 45 – 60 beats per minute. Remember that lub-dub counts as one beat. Temperature: 37.2-38.3°C. A healthy horse’s temperature may vary somewhat depending on the heat of the day. 2. A typical horse needs around 1,5% to 3,5% of its body weight in food per day. Racehorses or working horses may need more than a pet pony. 3. True - A horse that is collected is soft supple and light. True collection is a way of working your horse that teaches him to round his back, lower his croup and travel with his hocks farther under his body. When done correctly, collection also teaches a horse to flex at the poll, relax his lower jaw and become soft, supple and light. 4. When showing a dark horse in hand it is good practise to wear lighter coloured trousers, beige, khaki or camel, never white. This enables the judge to see your horse’s movement clearly. 5. The walk is a slow, natural, flat footed, four beat gait. Each foot takes off from and strikes the ground independently of the other three feet. It is known as the foundation gait. The trot is a rapid two beat diagonal gait. The forefoot on one side and the opposite hind foot take off and strike the ground at the same time. The canter is an easy rhythmical three beat gait. It is not a straight forward gait as the walk, but is a slight diagonal movement, either right or left. It is executed with either a right or left “lead”. The independent moving front leg is the "lead". The horse has a hind lead that corresponds to the front lead. 6. Most people assume that because the snaffle is usually a jointed bit and the curb usually is not, the mouthpiece is what determines whether a particular bit is a snaffle or a curb. However, the difference between snaffles and curbs has nothing to do with the mouthpiece. The difference between the two types of bit is that the snaffle is a non-leverage bit and the curb is a leverage bit. 7. The skeletal system of the horse has three major functions in the body. It protects vital organs, provides framework, and supports soft parts of the body. Horses typically have 205 bones. The pelvic limb typically contains 19 bones, while the thoracic limb contains 20 bones. 14 IF THERE IS ANYBODY YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE AN ELECTRONIC COPY OF THIS NEWSLETTER PLEASE ADVISE US OF THE E MAIL DETAILS. 15