July/August 2015 - Salem Area Chamber of Commerce


July/August 2015 - Salem Area Chamber of Commerce
The positive voice for business
July/August 2015
Salem Chamber creates partnership
with Latino Business Alliance
In an effort to strengthen the business community, the
Salem Area Chamber of Commerce has partnered with the
Latino Business Alliance (LBA) to offer programs that will
better connect segments of the Salem community.
Latino-owned businesses are the fastest growing sector
of the U.S. economy, creating jobs and economic growth
across the country. According to the 2007 U.S. Census,
Latinos account for nearly 44 percent of the population
growth in Oregon alone. By 2012, Latinos represented over
$4.5 billion in purchasing power for the state, and $881 million in the Salem Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).
“As business owners, we want to serve all members
of our community,” said Maria Palacio, owner of Olson
Florist and Salem Chamber Board member. “This diversity
is calling us to shift paradigms and to embrace our diversity
to ensure a stable economic future for our communities.”
With the continued growth of the Latino community,
it’s important that these businesses have the resources that
allow them to be successful. The partnership between LBA
and the Salem Chamber will allow for more educational
opportunities and mentoring between Latinos and nonLatinos, leading to a stronger, more unified, business comBusiness leaders connected with Latino community at last year’s Expo Negocio event. Photo courtesy of Latino Business Alliance
at a different level.
“It’s about proper outreach, but also proper engagement,” said Jose Gonzalez,
“It’s about economic development,” he said, “and that benefits everyone.”
president of LBA and owner of Tu Casa Real Estate, who has seen first-hand the
Gonzalez agrees. “The more [Latinos] grow their sales and employees, it really
challenges presented by language barriers and cultural differences. For example,
does benefit the whole community.”
in Spanish, there is no word for ‘networking’. Also, in Latin American countries,
Partnerships like this are unique. Arreola said that in many communities,
Chambers of Commerce are only for the elite, and other organizations are not welcultural groups are segmented and don’t work together. This is a way not only to
come. Education on both sides will go a long way in breaking down barriers, which
provide leadership in the Salem community, but to set an example as well.
will allow for greater business growth.
“We can be a role model for other cities for collaboration,” said Arreola. “We
Marin Arreola with Advanced Economic Solutions Inc., who also serves as a
are one Salem community.”
Salem Chamber Board member, said the partnership will encourage entrepreneurship by providing opportunities to connect and build new relationships between
For details on the Salem Chamber’s partnership with LBA, go to salemchamber.org/lba
businesses, helping them step outside their comfort zone and grow their business
Workforce development
by the numbers effort sees record impact
workforce development
507 guest speakers
438 mock interviews
1,603 business interactions
resulting in 40,924 student
Volunteers provided
4,386 hours of service
Business leaders throughout the community are
giving their time and expertise to help prepare
students for the world outside of the classroom,
and students in the Salem-Keizer area are reaping
the benefits.
During the 2013-14 school year, volunteers
provided over 4,300 hours of service, allowing
nearly 41,000 experiences with students. These
experiences were driven by volunteer efforts from
the business community, including guest speakers,
mock interviews, job site tours, and mentoring.
Their efforts are helping students connect what
they are learning in the classroom with what lies
ahead in the workforce.
Students take a worksite tour through Garten.
“We continue to hear from the business
community that they have jobs, but lack qualified applicants to fill them,” said Kathy Moore, interim CEO of
the Salem Chamber. “By sharing their knowledge, businesses can have a direct impact on our future workforce.”
Ready to Learn Ready to Work is a partnership with Salem and Keizer Chambers of Commerce, the Salem-Keizer School
District, and E3: Employers for Education Excellence. To get involved, contact Grace Geddes, grace@salemchamber.org
Business Voice
July/August 2015
Executive Team
Chamber plays a central
role in community
Brent DeHart
Northwestern Mutual
President, Salem Area
Chamber of Commerce
My passion for leading this organization is partly fueled by its detractors. With first-hand knowledge
of, and participation in, so many
quality of life efforts supported by
the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce, I take umbrage at anyone
attempting to imply what we stand
for is not in the best interests of
the community.
Communication of our
history, mission, and goals will
be my effort to define ourselves
in the public square in our own
words. When people hear “business advocacy” as a mission, it is
understandable that many don’t
envision the breadth of concern.
The strong, diverse leadership on
the Board of Directors all have
passion and love for their community and its quality of life. We can
stand on a 20 year run of holistic
local leadership and promotion.
Lest anyone forget, the Salem
Chamber brought the Crystal
Apple Awards to Salem, demonstrating the business community
values education as essential to a
healthy economic sector. Leadership Salem, and subsequently
Leadership Youth, encourage
can point to success in visibly
proclaiming our values with support of: public safety with the Fire
Bond; infrastructure by supporting
the “Streets and Bridges” bond
measure; and education, with successful leadership of Chemeketa
Community College and SalemKeizer school’s measures to build
I take pride in the Salem Area
Chamber of Commerce, and in
leadership will defend and define it.
and enable people to be rooted,
invested, and knowledgeable about
the area in order to serve it. Even
the short-lived “Kids and Cops”
campaign - an effort to raise funds
for after school youth programs
and also for public safety - further
established our central role. The
effort was led by the Chamber’s
CEO and opened up partnerships
and communication with organizations that previously had a different perspective of us.
In the last fifteen years, we
more educational facilities and
capacity. We are a non-profit Salem
advocate that understands that
we cannot have a healthy business
sector without the quality of life
attributes that make people want
to live and invest here.
To some we are all about
money and politics. It’s a shame
that’s the perception. Salem area
residents want opportunity to support a family, put down roots, and
have the pride of self-accomplishment. The jobs that provide those
opportunities only come (or stay)
in Salem if people and companies
are willing to take economic risk.
The more successful they are, the
healthier the community is. That
leads to fewer needs for social
service programs and lower crime
So we, as agents of collaboration, will continue to forge open
communication with leaders in
the nonprofit, educational, civic,
and political arenas. And we do so
unapologetically as advocates for
a healthy business sector full of
I take pride in the Salem Area
Chamber of Commerce, and in
leadership will defend and define
it. The Board of Directors, the
staff, and our 1,250 members have
passion for our community, and
are entrenched socially, economically, and emotionally. I am honored and humbled to spend a year
at the front of the room where so
many respected predecessors have
served. The job, the organization,
and the mission are very important, and in the stable continuance
of our work we will lead.
Salem Chamber announces 2015-2016
Board of Directors
Brent DeHart
Past President
Barb Hacke Resch
Summit Wealth
President Elect
Jim Bauer
Vice President Vice President Vice President Business Advocacy Events & Programs
Bruce Anderson
LeAnn Keim
TJ Sullivan
NW Natural
Columbia Bank Huggins Insurance
Ryan Allbritton
U.S. Bank
Brent DeHart
Northwestern Mutual
Past President
Barb Hacke-Resch
Summit Wealth Management
President Elect
Jim Bauer
Willamette University
Vice Presidents
Bruce Anderson
Northwest Natural
LeAnn Keim
Columbia Bank
TJ Sullivan
Huggins Insurance in
partnership with Bliss Sequoia
Ryan Allbritton
U.S. Bank
Marin Arreola III
Advanced Economic Solutions Inc.
Curt Arthur
Sperry Van Ness Commercial Real Estate Advisors
Cort Garrison
Salem Health
Abby Heppner, DC
Heppner Chiropractic, LLC
Terry Horne
Statesman Journal
Eric Jamieson
Garrett Hemann Robertson P.C.
Terry Kuenzi
Kuenzi & Company, LLC
Maria Palacio
Olson Florist
John Pataccoli
Redhawk Vineyard & Winery
Cory Redding
CD Redding Construction, Inc.
Evann Remington
Fresh n’ Local Foods
Selma Moon Pierce, DDS
Wendy Veliz
Portland General Electric
Caleb Williams
Saalfeld Griggs PC
503-581-1466 plus extension
Kathy Moore, #316
Interim CEO
CEO, The Inspire Foundation
Madeline Nowell, #303
Executive Assistant to the CEO
Chris Phipps, #301
Customer Service Specialist
Chandra Andersen, #309
Director of Digital
Innovation & Technology
Jessica Chambers, #307
Director of Communications
Grace Geddes, #308
Workforce Development Specialist
Kim Leighty, #306
Director of Member Services
Marla McColly, #310
Director of Events and Programs
Tristin Sornson, #313
Events & Programs/
Administrative Assistant
JD Shinn, #312
Business Liaison
Nick Williams, #311
Director of Public Affairs
Marin Arreola III
Solutions Inc.
Curt Arthur
Sperry Van Ness
Advisors, LLC
Cort Garrison
Salem Health
Terry Horne
Abby Heppner, DC
Statesman Journal
Chiropractic, LLC
Eric Jamieson
Garrett Hemann
Robertson P.C.
Terrence Kuenzi
Kuenzi &
Company, LLC
Business Voice is the official
bimonthly publication of
the Salem Area Chamber
of Commerce, a privately
funded business and professional membership organization.
3,000 are printed and distributed throughout the Salem area
through direct mail to members.
The deadline to submit news is
the 15th of the month for the
coming month’s issue.
Salem Area Chamber of Commerce
1110 Commercial St NE
Salem, OR 97301 503-581-1466
Maria Palacio
Olson Florist
John Pataccoli
Redhawk Vineyard
& Winery
Selma Moon
Pierce, DDS
Cory Redding
CD Redding
Construction, Inc.
Evann Remington
Fresh n’ Local
Wendy Veliz
Portland General
Caleb Williams
Saalfeld Griggs PC
Jessica Chambers
Business Voice is printed locally
by Select Impressions
©2015 All rights reserved
The positive voice for business
Last year’s efforts result in
healthier community
Jim Bauer
Willamette University
President Elect, Salem Area
Chamber of Commerce
Greetings and thanks to all who have
joined together as the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce. Together, we are
making Salem a great place to live and a
productive place to conduct business.
This past year combined the talents of
CEO Jason Brandt, the competence and
enthusiasm of our Chamber staff, the
passion and dedication of our volunteers, and the Board leadership of Barb
Hacke Resch. I’m pleased to report that
the results were a symphony of great
programs, all making Salem a better place
for doing business and for finding community.
In business advocacy, the Chamber
supported and encouraged pro-business
candidates who sought election for City
Council, Transit Board, County Commission, Legislative races, and School Board.
The Chamber continues our support for
the Salem River Crossing. We believe it
will improve livability and spur economic
investment in the Salem area.
The Chamber spurred community
discussions through 17 Public Policy
sessions. Nick Williams, our director of
public affairs, pulled together a portfolio
of topics, including candidates for public
office, medical marijuana dispensaries,
Marion County Commissioners, Eastside
Marion County freight rail, the Transit
District, and the Career Technical Educa-
sadors, Young Professionals, Chamber
Business Women, Past Presidents,
Leadership Youth, Leadership Salem, and
We enjoyed time together by showing record participation in a great year of
events, from the McLaran Golf Classic
to Vision Initiative. The Forum Speaker
Series offered the community inspiring presentations, from Dave Metzger,
Together, we are making Salem a great
place to live and a productive place to
conduct business.
tion Center (CTEC).
The Salem Chamber was represented on the Police Facility Blue Ribbon
Task force as well. This assembly was
chaired by Chamber Board member TJ
Sullivan. The Task Force concluded that
a levy to support building a new facility is an important community need and
The Salem Chamber is effective in
part because of the energy and enthusiasm of many groups: Greeters, Ambas-
Mountain West Investments
named Business of the Year
Brian Moore with Mountain West Investments accepts the Business of the Year award.
The Salem Chamber named Mountain West Investments the 2015 Business of
the Year. The company was recognized for its redevelopment of the former Boise
Cascade site, as well as the Career Technical Education Center (CTEC) at the Vision
Initiative event on June 9th.
“No business has had a greater impact on the future well-being of Salem than
Mountain West Investments this year,” said Curt Arthur with Sperry Van Ness.
“From constant interaction with City staff, key leaders in the community, and heads
of virtually every non-profit in the region, Mountain West Investments constantly
has its finger on the pulse of the community because they are always reaching out.”
Grammy-winning musical arranger for
Disney’s Frozen, to Kerry Tymchuk,
executive director of Oregon Historical
Society. The Forum Speaker Series celebrates the assets inside our community.
Expect more great Forum Series speakers in the year ahead.
We experienced record participation
in the Leadership Youth program, Leadership Salem, Salem Young Professionals,
and in education and workforce development. Through The Inspire Founda-
tion, led by CEO Kathy Moore, our
community saw an extraordinary year of
programs, opportunities, and productive
effort. The leadership potential of Salem
area students and business professionals come to life through these important
educational programs and events. More
is planned and more is needed. We appreciate the support you have all given to
make this a success for Chamber members and the Salem community.
To conclude, let me make tribute to
Jason Brandt who has accepted a new
position of leadership with the Oregon
Restaurant and Lodging Association.
Jason has been a passionate and dedicated leader for our staff, a consummate
Chamber of Commerce professional, a
champion of the Salem community, a
bridge builder, and a listener who places
a high value on consensus and collaboration. Jason deployed these strengths and
attributes in ways that made us all stronger. We offer thanks to Jason, who leaves
a portfolio of success for the Salem Area
Chamber, and a great foundation for our
next Chamber CEO to build on.
Again, our thanks to all of you! You
enabled the Salem Area Chamber of
Commerce to be a catalyst of encouragement and support for the Salem community.
Roles evolve for Chamber
Two staff members receive new roles at the Chamber
Two staff members at the Salem Chamber are taking their positions to the
next level.
Chandra Andersen is now the director of digital innovation
and technology. She was previously the IT & database coordinator. In her new role, Chandra will provide leadership,
direction, and management for digital innovation activities.
Her position will also help create operational efficiencies
that will allow the Chamber to improve its value proposition.
Nick Williams is the director of public affairs. Previously,
he was the public policy and membership manager. In his
new role, Nick will be focusing on the public policy efforts
of the Chamber, as well as acting as administrator of the
Create Jobs PAC.
“Time spent in my previous role refined my passion for moving the needle in favor of private sector job
creation in our region on behalf of our members,” said
Williams. “This next professional step makes it possible to continue serving
our members and our community at a high level to fulfill the Salem Chamber’s
organizational mission.”
brought to you by
Business Voice
Faces of the Chamber
Diversified Financial Benefits
102 Liberty St NE #140, 97301
July/August 2015
Members making news
ABC Window Cleaning & Building Maintenance has developed
a whole new division: Construction Cleaning for Commercial
and Residential projects. While we have been doing construction
cleaning for years, we have a new division just for large and small
projects and contractors. Our team is well versed in safety and
effectively working in and around your other subs and getting
it done on time and within budget, we are licensed, bonded and
insured, so the next time you need Construction Cleaning call:
503-363-4457. ABCwindowsOR.com
game and bringing my experience and expertise to Creative Company clients. I’m certain I can help current clients discover new
strategies and help the company explore new markets,” said Graff.
Creative Company is expanding their work in web-centered
marketing with four new website projects for clients in Portland
and McMinnville. Brand positioning and messaging for the City
of Estacada, and an integrated online and offline campaign for
wine and culinary tourism for McMinnville are also in the works.
AKS Engineering & Forestry Salem-Keizer,
LLC recently announced the addition of
Andrew Leisinger, RLA to the AKS team.
He will be working out of the Salem-Keizer
Andrew Leisinger brings over 40 years
of landscape architecture experience to the
AKS team. Leisinger will serve as the landscape architect lead for
the AKS Salem-Keizer office. aks-eng.com.
Dale’s Remodeling was honored in several categories in the yearly
Statesman Journal’s Best of Mid-Valley People’s Choice Awards,
including the best window installer and backyard contractor
categories. In addition, Becky Olsen, interior designer with Dale’s
Remodeling, received a gold medal as best interior decorator.
Dale’s Remodeling has won Best of Mid-Valley awards three years
in a row.
“We’re especially proud of Becky’s win,” said Kayla Van
Lydergraf, vice president of Dale’s Remodeling. “She was the
designer on many of our projects in 2014, two of which won
national recognition for the company. Her work is incredible, and
she deserves this award.”
Earlier this year, Dale’s was honored with a Best of Houzz
2015 award for Customer Service, and won a 2015 Contractor
of the Year award by the National Association of the Remodeling Industry for a residential kitchen remodel completed in 2014.
Allied Video Productions was
recently honored with four
Communicator Awards, an
international competition
honoring excellence in marketing
and communications. The firm
was one of only two Oregon
companies recognized with an Award of Excellence, the highest
honor. In addition, they received three Awards of Distinction for
work produced for a variety of organizations around the region.
Budget Blinds offers consumers the convenience of shopping for
window coverings and home décor items at home. Please call
our office today to schedule your free in-home consultation at
The Lock Guy
Café Yumm! Released their first ever Benefit Company Report in
April. The Report consists of 24 pages of data, inspiring stories,
photos, and explanation of how our Triple Bottom Line efforts
are being carried out. It is organized into three categories: Healthy
Food, Healthy People, and Healthy Environments. cafeyumm.
Capitol Auto Group (CAG), in Oregon’s
Mid-Willamette Valley, has been named one
of the Best Places to Work for Millennial
Employees in America. The list, which
comes on the heels of news that Millennials
are now the largest workforce in America, is
the first of its kind to identify companies
that excel at recruiting, developing and retaining top millennial
Scott Casebeer, President of CAG, said, “We care about our
employees and the environment. It is an honor to be named as a
Best Place to Work for Millennials.” capitolauto.com
Capstone Wealth Advisors
2005 Madrona Ave SE, 97302
Centurion Real Estate Management, LLC is
proud to announce the addition of Jesse
Barnes as the Business Development and
Marketing Manager. Jesse graduated from
Oregon State University in Marketing and
Speech Communications in 2012. Jesse also
teaches guitar and piano and in his spare
time enjoys basketball and going on trips with his wife Alli and
boxer Emma. Mendell Gosnell and his team at Centurion are
thrilled to utilize Jesse and his skills in Business Development/
Marketing and relationship management. c-rem.com
Claire Oliveros, PhD is the new executive
dean of student development and learning
resources at Chemeketa Community
College. In that role, she will lead the
departments that provide student support
services like enrollment, counselling and
financial aid. Vice President Jim Eustrom
announced the hire, “Claire is a great match for our division, our
college and community.” She begins August 1, 2015. chemeketa.edu
New Horizons In-Home Care
200 Hawthorne Ave SE, Suite E510, 97301
COUNTRY Financial® awarded $325,000 through its 2014-2015
Count on COUNTRY Financial grant program. Funds were
awarded to 18 organizations offering financial educational opportunities and resources to single parent families in the Atlanta,
Chicago, Minneapolis/St. Paul and Portland/Salem areas. MOMs
Plus Program is this year’s Salem grant recipient.
MOMs Plus was created by the Medical Foundation of
Marion & Polk Counties to provide long-term peer support after
women successfully complete intensive programming during their
pregnancy. Grant funds will help support life-skills classes for
mothers. countoncountryfinancial.com.
Creative Company has added a new creative
director to its team. Aaron Graff will lead
the creative work and be responsible for
defining the brand vision for clients.
“I’m looking forward to elevating our
Epic Fitness has added two trainers to its staff.
Jessica Keudell has received a Bachelor
of Science, Exercise and Sport Sciences
from OSU, is an American College of
Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certified Exercise
Specialist and is CPR Certified. She also
works for Silverton Health as an Exercise
Physiologist in Cardiac Rehabilitation. Her
special interest is in the 50+ population. She will be available for
personal training Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings.
Jared Wagoner is working on a bachelor’s
degree in Health Science at Corban
University, is also a, ACSM Certified
Personal Trainer and CPR Certified. His
goal as a trainer here at Epic is to educate
those that he is personally training.
Family Building Blocks is launching a Summer Sustainer Challenge. The challenge runs from June through September 2015.
The goal is to double Family Building Blocks’ monthly giving base
through the addition of 300 new monthly donors. A successful
Summer Sustainer Challenge will result in $125,000 of revenue
annually supporting over 1,000 local children. A generous grant
from the Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund will double the donation of any new or increased current monthly donation.
Executive Director Patrice Altenhofen said, “Monthly donations are critical to sustaining our preventative programs. This
is reliable, consistent revenue that helps transform the lives of
young children and their parents in our local community. By signing up to become a monthly donor you are saying ‘Yes’ to keeping
children safe and families together every day of the year. Right
now is a great opportunity to double the impact of your investment.” familybuildingblocks.org/everystep
Dr. Kent Zerr owner and founder of Lakeview
Dental Center is celebrating his 35th year anniversary
July 18th. Dr. Zerr is a graduate of Oregon Health
Science University. He has been a dentist for over 35
years, and completed several post graduate courses in
specialized fields of dentistry since receiving his
D.M.D. and M.A.G.D. degrees.
His emphasis is on patient comfort and maintaining the
latest advancements in dentistry which enable him to provide
patients with the best quality of care in dentistry. Dr. Zerr has a
wide range of experience in dentistry including general dentistry,
periodontics, root canal therapy, crowns, implants, oral surgery,
cosmetic and full mouth restoration dentistry.
LCG Pence Construction is excited
to announce our partnership with
Salem Keizer Education Foundation
to remodel the Starkey-McCully
Building in Historic Downtown
Salem. Company Principal, Dave
Hays, will act as Project Manager
for the improvement of the buildings, which will house SKEF
programs like the Mike McLaran Center for Student Success.
In June, LCG Pence Construction will begin work for Salem
Keizer School District on 15 playgrounds and four elementary
LCG Pence Construction has been active in local not-forprofits with employees spending time at Marion Polk Food Share
helping pack food items and setting up for the Santiam Canyon
Father Daughter Ball in Stayton. lcgp.com
Oregon State Credit Union opened its new construction of a North
Albany Village branch on April 20th.
The positive voice for business
Credit union executive Rachel Pross has accepted the
position of Assistant Vice President for Risk
Management at Oregon State Credit Union.
Parr Lumber donated $2,500 in tools to replace those stolen from
a Habitat for Humanity jobsite in Gresham.
Over $3,000 worth of tools and construction materials were
stolen from the home construction non-profit agency Habitat for
Humanity. The theft was discovered as workers came to the Glisan
Gardens project at Northeast 165th Avenue and Glisan Street, said
agency spokeswoman Sasha Davis. When completed, the Glisan
Gardens project will provide homes for 25 families. parr.com
The Oregon RAM Restaurants have been busy giving back to the
local community while putting smiles on kid’s faces! The Wilsonville RAM hosted Boones Ferry Primary and the Clackamas RAM
hosted Happy Valley Elementary and Sojourner School recently
in conjunction with the RAM’s wildly successful School Takeover
Fundraising Nights.
Schools taking part in this program choose an evening to
invite family and friends to dine out at the RAM. Teachers and staff
team up with RAM servers to take orders and provide a fun and
interactive event paired with great RAM food. The school receives
a percentage of the sales from their event to be put toward their
special programs. Please contact your local RAM for additional
information. theram.com
For the second consecutive year, the Salem Art Association (SAA)
has received a $10,000 grant from the National Endowment for
the Arts (NEA). The grant will support SAA’s High School Arts
Mentorship Program for teens in area high schools and the Hillcrest Arts & Learning Program for incarcerated youth.
SAA also received a $5,000 grant from the PGE Foundation
to support its Community Arts Education Program in providing
diverse ongoing arts education and offering arts opportunities to
improve the lives of people of all ages.
SAA received a $25,000 grant from the James F. & Marion
L. Miller Foundation to support SAA’s core programs, as well
as a $10,000 grant from the Harvest Foundation to support its
Artists in the Schools and the Hillcrest Arts & Learning Program.
including the CEO, attended an assembly at the school to judge
the new flavors created by the students. The prize to be awarded
was an actual production run of the winning cookie, which will
be served at Leslie Middle School. After careful deliberation, the
judges selected Nutella as the winner of the first annual Otis
Spunkmeyer cookie contest. salkeiz.k12.or.us
Strategic Economic Development Corporation (SEDCOR) held
its Annual Honors Luncheon at the Salem Convention Center to
acknowledge the outstanding achievements of local businesses.
The awards honored the following outstanding companies
and individuals: Community Service: Withers Lumber; Business
Partner of the Year: Rich Duncan Construction; Outstanding
Public/Private Partnership: Salem-Keizer Schools and Mountain
West Investment Corporation; Agri-Business of the Year Award:
Wilcox Farms; Outstanding SEDCOR Construction Alliance
Member: Todd Londin, ABC Windows & Building Maintenance;
Manufacturer of the Year: Garmin AT. sedcor.com
Jim Toporek has joined Studio 3 Architecture as an architectural intern.
Toporek received his bachelor’s degree
from the University of Oregon School
of Architecture and Allied Arts in 2014.
Growing up in the Midwest, he worked as a
carpenter while studying at Gateway Technical College in Racine, Wisconsin, where he earned an Associate
Degree in Civil Engineering Technology. Toporek holds LEED
(Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) accreditation and is
committed to sustainability through design. studio3architecture.com
Owners Gary & Patti Williamson have changed the name of Williamson Legacy Real Estate to TurnKey & Truss! We have a new
name & new look and would love for you to check out our new
website location at turnkeyandtruss.com
At the Salem Electric Annual Meeting,
Board President Jerry Berger recognized the
cooperative’s ten $1,000 scholarship
recipients, congratulating them on their
accomplishments and wishing them the best
in their future endeavors.
This year’s scholarship recipients are:
Rachel Culpovich, Jenny Guov, Melody Morrison, Rhoda Morrison, McKayla Ruettgers, Jeffrey Tran, Emily Axtell, Jacob Beach,
Gabriel Jonas, and Nizhoni Garcia.
At Salem Electric’s Annual Membership Meeting, Jeff Anderson and Joe Van Meter were re-elected to three-year terms on the
board of directors.
At the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Directors,
the following officers were elected to serve for 2015-2016: Jerry
Berger,President; Joe Van Meter, Vice-President; and Jeff Anderson, Secretary-Treasurer. Other members of the Board are: Dave
Bauer, Carl Beach, Alicia Bonesteele, and Paul Ennor. salemelectric.com
U.S. Bank is offering all online banking customers free access to
their credit score, plus an online simulator that tells them how the
financial choices they make today may affect their score and their
ability to access credit in the future. The service, CreditView, is
provided by TransUnion. CreditView appears as a custom dashboard with the customer’s TransUnion credit score, factors that
are influencing that score and variables that can simulate what may
happen to that score if, for example, the customer paid off his
or her credit card, or applied for a loan. The tool provides added
information as consumers think through how to best position
themselves financially. usbank.com
When Otis Spunkmeyer heard that Leslie Middle School in Salem
was using their cookies as part of a Career Exploration elective
class, they wanted to get involved immediately. In the class, 45 6 –
8th grade students learn about entrepreneurship, sales, conflict resolution and general business skills in the class, including through
the sale Otis Spunkmeyer cookies.
In an effort to reward the students’ hard work, dedication
and entrepreneurial spirit, three representatives from the company,
Members connect at SHOWBIZ held May 15.
An independent report recently released by Dean Runyan Associates shows that travel spending, employment and earnings reached
an all-time high in the Mid-Willamette Valley (Marion and Polk
Counties) in 2014. The study also shows that visitor spending in
the Mid-Willamette Valley region increased for the fifth year in a
row since 2010.
The report, which provides detailed statewide, regional and
county travel impact estimates, found that: Visitors to the MidWillamette Valley generated $548.4 million in revenue in 2014.
This 2.1 percent increase over 2013 marks the fifth consecutive
year of growth; Visitors generated $3.4 million in local tax revenue
in 2014 – an 8.9 percent increase over 2013. travelsalem.com
The Salem Contractors Exchange - in partnership with Advantage
Precast, K&E Excavating, Pro-Tint Window Tinting and What If
USA Inc. - had the opportunity to honor quality craftsmanship at
the 2015 Annual SCE Awards Banquet. Award winners included:
Cherry City Electric – Matt Jones; Oregon Cascade Plumbing and Heating – Nate Foster; Martin Brothers Inc. – Mathew
Pratt; Thomas Kay – Cheryl Bohannon; Pacific Painting – Dave
Ruddiman; LP Company – Franto Sternot; Santiam Heating and
Sheet Metal – Larry Brown; NorthWest Millwork – Gary Kohler;
Nugent Masonry – James Nugent; Advantage Precast – Rick Day;
and Rich Duncan Construction – Dan Ashby/Nate Cooke. The
People’s Choice Award was presented to Scott Champion from
CD Redding Construction for the work on the Roths and McGilchrist Building located in downtown Salem. A silent auction raised
over $1,200 for the SCE scholarship fund. sceonline.org
The West Valley Hospital Foundation announces 23 students in
medically related fields will receive scholarships for the 2015 to
2016 school year. A total of $20,000 in scholarships was awarded
to students pursuing degrees in a variety of programs. Scholarship
recipients: Dallas: Mitchell Bollman, Hayden Broadus, Leslie Classen, Amanda Dankenbring, Christina Feil, Brenda Hess, Shaymarie
Parker, Danielle Remington, Isaak Tichenor, Kristi Tichenor,
and Savannah Williams; Monmouth: Ty Whittemore and Ashley
Wiens; Salem: Brooke Arceneaux, Jill Cohen, Kyle Lenz, Usborn
Ocampo, Emma O’Neal, Stephanie Rodriguez, McKayla Ruettgers, and Michelle Slattum; Sheridan: Tyler Heidt and Kaci Jones.
This is the eighth year that the West Valley Hospital Foundation
has awarded scholarships. salemhealth.org
Faces of the Chamber
800 people came to the Salem Convention Center
to support local business at SHOWBIZ.
Union Gospel Mission of Salem has announced the appointment
of Bruce Bailey as the new President/CEO. Bailey will officially
assume leadership of the day-to-day operations of the organization when he arrives in Salem the final week of June this year.
Bailey comes to Salem from the Chicago metropolitan area
where he has lived for the past nine years. He has extensive experience in the nonprofit field; he has served with national Christian
nonprofit organizations for the majority of his career. Bailey’s
experience includes serving The Salvation Army as the district
executive for a statewide region in the Midwest. ugmsalem.org
Jared Montgomery, Financial Advisor, has
been named a Waddell & Reed Pacesetter in
recognition of his accomplishments within
the last year. Serving businesses, individuals
and families throughout the Salem area,
Montgomery earns a distinction that carries
significant meaning as the Pacesetter Award
represents a commitment to exceptional customer service.
Montgomery has been a professional in the financial services
industry for three years, counseling clients in Salem on their financial goals and helping them pursue financial success. “Building
high-quality relationships throughout the community is a very high
priority for me, so being named a Waddell & Reed Pacesetter is an
honor that means a great deal,” said Montgomery. wradvisors.com
White Oak Construction (WOC) has
started work on a 78,739 square feet,
six-floor interior remodel and six floor
exterior addition on Park Center South.
Park Center is a six-story, low-rise
building, located at 201 High Street SE in
downtown Salem. The building was most
recently the home of Regence BlueCross
BlueShield which left the region last year.
The offices will now be home to three
state agencies: The Oregon Department of Human Services
(DHS), the Oregon Public Utility Commission (OPUC) and the
Oregon Construction Contractors Board.
The project is expected to be completed before fall 2015.
Ryan Allbritton, left, and Jason Brandt, right,
present Barb Hacke Resch a gift for her service
as Salem Chamber president.
President and CEO of Century 21 Real Estate LLC
urged businesses to position themselves to remain nimble in the marketplace at this year’s
Vision Initiative held June 9th.
Business Voice
New Members
We are pleased to welcome our
newest investors in the Salem
Chamber who joined between
April and June
Edis Jurcys Photography
Northwest School of Music
Every Watt Matters
NW Aerial Cinematics
Grace House
Patriot Plumbing &
Mechanical, Inc.
(CCB# 205069)
ADP - Payroll and HR
Infidel Armory
Aguilas R.E. Painting LLC
Joe Peterson Insurance
Agency | Oregon
Airboat Tours Northwest
Capitol Pro Wash, LLC
The Lock Guy
Maya Maya Pacific Grill
Cravinho & Jaeger Financial
Services, Inc.
Mid-Valley Communications
CSG Media NW
Mix Bistro & Bar
The Drunken Paintbrush
Northwest Benefit
Strategies LLC
ABC Printers Inc............................. 1957
AccurAccounts, Inc........................ 1997
Adam’s Rib Smoke House............. 2008
Advantage Window Cleaning, LLC
........................................................... 2014
All Around Movers LLC................ 2010
Allied Building Products Corp...... 2011
Alzheimer’s Network of Oregon
(AlzNet)............................................ 2011
AmeriTitle........................................ 1983
Ankeny Lakes / St. Marie’s Wild Rice
Co...................................................... 2013
Assistance League of Salem Keizer
........................................................... 1986
Atkinson Graduate School of
Management..................................... 1992
Bank of the Cascades Hawthorne Ave............................... 1998
Bankers Life and Casualty Company
........................................................... 2013
BAR Industries, Inc........................ 2002
Best Little Roadhouse..................... 2003
Blue Star Gas Salem Co................. 2011
Brenner & Company, LLP CPA’s.. 1955
Broadway Coffeehouse.................. 2011
Bureau of Land Management....... 1989
Cherry City Metals.......................... 2007
Class Act, Event Coordinators, Inc.
........................................................... 1999
The Cleanery Salem, Inc.............. 2001
Clear Channel Outdoor.................. 2010
Continu Inc...................................... 2013
Creative Company........................... 2000
Creative Conflict Solutions............ 2009
DoubleTree by Hilton - Salem, OR
........................................................... 1998
du JOUR Consignment Couture.. 2014
Employers Overload....................... 2014
Energy Trust of Oregon............... 2011
Evolution Pervious......................... 2010
Express Employment Professionals
........................................................... 1989
Gallatin Public Affairs.................... 2012
Gamberetti’s..................................... 2010
July/August 2015
Gerry Frank’s Konditorei.............. 1982
Golden Rule Remodeling
& Design Inc.................................... 1999
Great Oak Financial Group.......... 1995
Green Thumb Flower Box Florist
........................................................... 1965
HDR Engineering Inc.................... 2009
Home Builders Association
of Marion & Polk Counties........... 1992
Home Instead Senior Care............ 2008
Hoots, Baker & Wiley, P.C............ 1970
Hospice Care of the Northwest... 2012
Interstate Crane Rental, Inc........... 2014
Jackson’s Body Shop, Inc............... 2011
James M. Eyre Jr. DMD, MD........ 2000
John L Scott Real Estate
WSL & Property Management..... 1986
Keizer Chamber of Commerce
& Visitor Center.............................. 2012
Keudell/Morrison Wealth
Management..................................... 2012
Kraft Custom Construction, Inc.. 1999
Landmark Professional Mortgage
Corporation...................................... 2001
LegalMatch....................................... 2013
Les Schwab Tire Center Lancaster........................................... 1978
Little Lois Café................................ 1997
Madrona Hills Retirement Center.. 1993
McDonald’s Restaurant.................. 1973
McKinley Landscape
Maintenance LLC, LCB#9309...... 2013
McNary Golf Club......................... 2012
Mood Media..................................... 2011
MSC Engineers, Inc........................ 1986
Ned Baker Real Estate.................... 1973
Norpac Foods, Inc.......................... 1974
Northwest Aquatics........................ 2013
NW Family Chiropractic................ 2010
Office Depot.................................... 1990
Oregon Community Credit Union
........................................................... 2005
The Oregon Community Foundation,
North Willamette Valley Region... 2008
Earn rewards when
you recommend the
Two simple steps to
recommend a business:
1. Tell someone you’d like to
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PURE Architecture, AIA
2. Tell the chamber who
you’ve recommended
Each time a business joins
because of your recommendation,
you receive a $40 check.
Sugar Sauce Band
For details go to:
Welcome Wagon Myron Musick
*Referring member’s membership account
must be current and in good standing.
Previous members within the last year
are not eligible as new member referrals. Subject to change. Other restrictions
Western Construction
For a complete list of members, go to
SalemChamber.org and click on
‘Find a business.’
Snap this QR Code to
download the Chamber
app or go to
Oregon Crêpe Cafe & Bakery....... 2014
Oregon Department of Public
Safety Standards & Training.......... 2005
Oregon Employment Department
........................................................... 2013
Oregon Entrepreneurs Network.. 2012
Oregon Paralyzed Veterans of
America............................................. 2001
Oregon Restaurant and Lodging
Association....................................... 2001
PageWorks Graphic Design........... 2000
Panasonic Eco Solutions Solar
America, LLC.................................. 2010
Parks, Bauer, Sime, Winkler &
Fernety LLP..................................... 1989
Phoenix Inn Suites South.............. 1990
Phoenix RV Park............................. 2011
Physicians Building Pharmacy...... 2013
Porth & Unrein, PC........................ 1979
Power Fleet & Commercial Sales.. 2012
Print Specialties............................... 2005
Quality Suites & Conference Center
........................................................... 1998
R & R Tree Service, Inc................. 2006
Jim Rabe........................................... 1992
Reliant Communications................ 1995
Residence Inn by Marriott............. 2001
Rheinholdt Insurance Agency,
Farmers Insurance.......................... 2013
Salem Association of Realtors...... 2002
Salem Chamber Orchestra............. 2000
Salem Keizer Transit....................... 1989
Salem SCORE Chapter 460.......... 1996
Salem Scottish Rite Center............ 2006
Salem Summit Company................ 2012
Salem Tire Auto Service................. 1992
Salem Trophy Company................. 1961
SalemPROS...................................... 2012
Shryock’s Apparel............................ 1977
Siamak’s Car Company LLC.......... 2014
SODEXO......................................... 1998
South Salem Ace Hardware........... 2008
Spinnaker Pediatric Dentistry, P.C.
........................................................... 2010
Thank You
Special thanks to all our renewing
members from April - June
The Springs at Sunnyview............. 2000
Stacey Griffin Photography........... 2014
Strategic Economic Development
Corp. (SEDCOR)............................ 1983
Supra, a UTC Company................. 1968
tableFive 08...................................... 2014
Talecris Plasma Resources............. 2008
Janet Taylor...................................... 2012
Teresa M. Lulay Insurance Agency, Inc.
State Farm Insurance...................... 2002
Today’s Hair Salon & Day Spa...... 1999
Total Comfort Weatherization, Ltd.
........................................................... 2011
Trademark Enterprises, LLC......... 2008
Travel Salem..................................... 1989
TurnKey & Truss............................ 2010
Ulmer Graphic Design................... 2012
Umpqua Bank Candalaria............ 1999
Unitus Community Credit Union.2004
Valley Recycling & Disposal, Inc..1984
Valley Specialists Inc....................... 1999
Walmart Supercenter - Lancaster.. 1992
Walmart SuperCenter Mission Lakes
........................................................... 2006
West Salem Business Association.2011
Willamette Heritage Center........... 1987
Willamette Master Chorus............. 2001
Willamette Valley Wellness............ 2013
Willoughby Hearing Aid Center... 2008
Windermere Pacific West
Properties, Inc.................................. 1999
Withers Wealth Management,
Travis Withers, AAMS®................ 2012
The positive voice for business
Program develops confidence,
knowledge in young adults
have gone through the Leadership Youth program.
The program - designed to build bridges between
our youth and their community - cultivates and
nurtures the hidden leadership qualities in our
youth. The result is confident students who are
committed to having a positive leadership role
within their schools and community.
Patterned after Leadership Salem, the two-
year program introduces students to the realities,
opportunities and challenges facing our region. The
knowledge and experience that youth gain impacts
their lives and enables them to grow and become
involved in helping shape a positive future for our
We caught up with past graduates of Leader-
ship Youth and asked them what the lasting impact
of the program was on their lives. We were amazed
at the results. These young adults are continuing to
pursue their passion and give back to their community. We are proud of their accomplishments and
excited for their futures.
This year, 40 students graduated from the
program, and 40 more have been selected to start
the program in September.
Leadership Youth is a program under The
Inspire Foundation.
My experience with the
Leadership Youth impacted
my career by providing me
with confidence to approach
employers without being scared. Getting to interact
with the business world at a young age set the stage for
me to be able to approach the workforce with more
My biggest take away from the program is that you
can become successful. It does not matter what you
want to become successful in, as long as you are willing
to do the work needed, you can become successful.
I also think a second take away that is just important
as the first one, is the importance of surrounding
yourself with good people. The mentors a part of the
Leadership Youth program are good adults who are
wanting to help shape the lives of others. As you travel
down your career path, having the right people alongside you will make all the difference.
My advice for anyone, both for careers and personal lives, is to never stop trying. Surround yourself
with the people who will support you no matter what
and always believe in yourself. Lastly, keep going and
until you find what drives you and take the passion and
let it soar like the wings of an eagle.
Andrew Fudge
Class of 2006
Current: Morrow
Equipment Company, L.L.C.
My biggest take away from
participation in Leadership
Youth was probably the importance of developing and
maintaining both professional and other networks.
While there are many opportunities one can seek out
or volunteer for, I have found that the best opportunities are those which present themselves to the individual, and these tend to come from one’s networks.
I think my experience with Leadership Youth really solidified in my mind the career path I was thinking
about throughout high school, and this gave me further motivation to succeed in my college admissions
applications, to complete four years of undergraduate
studies at Boston College, and to eventually become
a CPA. In addition, my participation in the program
really gave me an appreciation of the community, and
the importance of family, both of which in large part
have led me back to the Salem, Oregon area.
So much in life is about the journey and how
unique experiences can shape one’s goals and aspirations, even values. I would offer the advice to embrace those experiences and learn from them. In the
words of a beloved New England poet, “I took the
one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”
Marlee Reznicsek
Class of 2011
Current: Creating
Opportunities Family
Joseph Taussig
Class of 2010
Current: Peppermill
Casino, Spa and Resort
Since its inception in 1999, hundreds of students
During my second year of
Leadership Youth I was able
to attend Liberty House Board of Directors Meetings. Upon graduating from Leadership Youth, I was
offered a summer internship at Liberty House. Many
doors were opened for me because of the valuable
skills I learned and the professional network that I was
able to build.
The internship, Board experience, and each Leadership Youth class showed me that even at a young
age, I could make a difference and act in a professional
manner. I built confidence in myself and my abilities
that has continued through today.
In addition to learning professionalism, gaining valuable experiences, and learning more about
the community in which I live, I was able to develop
friendships that will last a life time.
I believe that this experience truly changed my
life. I speak very highly of this program and would
encourage all students given the opportunity to be a
part of Leadership Youth to take it.
Allyssa Cole
Class of 2007
Current: Salvation Army
White Shield Residential
Treatment Center
Ashley Buckle
Class of 2010
Current: Clear Lake
Elementary Instructional
My Leadership Youth experience impacted my career
path by giving me the skills
to be successful. Some of these tools are communication skills, confidence, and organizational skills. I’m
not a shy person, but meeting successful people in the
community intimidated me. I learned to be myself and
use the skills I was taught. I graduated from Oregon
State University and now work at an Elementary
School. I am able to use the skills I learned in my
everyday life to help me be successful while working
with children and adults.
My biggest take away from the program was to be
confident in everything I do. While trying to change
an Oregon law I have had to be confident and not be
afraid to speak out. I have to ask many questions and
be open to learning new things. Also, I learned to not
be afraid to be a leader and role model.
My experience shaped my future by allowing me
to stand up for what I believe in. While in Leadership
Youth I met many people, business owners, and community members who worked hard and stand up for
what they believed in. I now am standing up for what
I believe in by trying to change an Oregon law. I’m in
the process of trying to pass House Bill 2356.
I am currently working as a
Case Manager for a residential treatment center for teen girls who are pregnant
and parenting. Leadership Youth was where I realized I wanted to do more for my community and the
people in it. Leadership Youth developed my passion
to help build a strong community and provided me
with excellent role models.
Each and every Leadership Youth outing taught
me so much about the diverse and important role each
person and agency played in the Salem community, I
vividly remember the people and agencies we came in
contact with and the wealth of knowledge and skills I
gained every month of Leadership Youth.
My Leadership Youth experience made me the
person I am today. I was able to major in Family and
Human Services at the University of Oregon and
work within my community, helping others because
Leadership Youth guided me to my passion.
My advice for others is to be sure to take every
opportunity Leadership Youth gives and develop relationships with your community members.
Board of Directors
President: Scott Sadler - Creative Conflict Solutions | Chief Executive Officer: Kathy Moore
Jason Brandt
Oregon Restaurant and Lodging
Ryan Collier
Collier Law
Patricia Callihan-Bowman
Express Employment Professionals
Tom Hoffert
Don Pancho Authentic Mexican
Foods, Inc
Gayle Caldarazzo-Doty
Gayle’s Italian Market
Selma Pierce, DDS
Sharron Seideman
Marisa Chen
Leadership Youth
Gabrielle Shoop
Leadership Youth
Business Voice
July/August 2015
Looking ahead
Learn more about upcoming events
at calendar.salemchamber.org
McLaran Classic Golf
Tournament - September 21
presented by Columbia Bank
Great Salem Race - August 8
1110 Commercial St NE
Salem, OR 97301-1020
Season tickets available
beginning in August
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