Malacca - Free Ebook


Malacca - Free Ebook
Historical Dates…………………….18
Malacca Today…………………….. 24
Places of Interest……………………29
Resort Hotels……………………….48
Hotels in Town……………………..51
Budget Hotels………………………54
Golf Resorts………………………...59
Other interesting places…………….61.
Would you like to buy these………. 67
Exotic foods……………………… .68
Sea travels…………………………..73
Land travels………………………...73.
Car rentals…………………………..74
Special Panorama Buses……………74.
Entry requirements…………………76
Working hours……………………..78
Phones and Internet services……….78
Map-Malacca town……………….80
Concierge Service…………………81
Malacca is situated in southern
Peninsular Malaysia and lies seven
degrees north of the equator. It lies
between the continent of India to the
West and China to the East.
The State of Malacca,(Melaka in Malay
language), one of the fourteen states
within Malaysia, is situated on the
South-Western Coast of Peninsular
Malaysia facing the Straits of Malacca
and sandwiched between the states of
Negeri Sembilan in the north and Johor
in the south. The area of Malacca state
is 1,658 square kilometers and is
divided into three smaller districts,
namely Melaka Tengah, Alor Gajah and
The North-South Expressway allows
easy access into Malacca from all states
of Malaysia. It takes about two hours of
travel by road (express bus) from the
capital, Kuala Lumpur to Malacca and
approximately three hours from
Singapore to the south.
Malaysia’s Location
Malacca also gives its name to the
narrow straits of water called the
Malacca Straits, where most of the ships
traversing between East Asia (China,
Japan) and the West (Europe, India and
Middle East) will have to pass. It is
therefore an important center for trade
and its history stretches from the
fourteen century onwards. It became a
prominent trading post when the
Portuguese began to reach to the east
for their supplies of silk and spices.
(including Java and Moluccas Island)
hinterlands was famous for its
cultivation of spice plants which at first
attracted the Indians, then the Arabs and
later the Europeans.
At its heyday during the occupation of
the Portuguese and later the Dutch,
Malacca was known as the ‘Venice of
the East.’ Malacca has so much history
that it has been declared a ‘historical
city.’ A look at its present population
will revealed that there are at least
seven major races of people living here,
in a harmonious fashion that is not
found any where else in the world. You
will really have to see it with your own
eyes to believe it.
There are Malays, Chinese, Indians, and
Eurasians of Portuguese decent, English,
Arabs and a small minority of Dutch.
The various races have differing
religions and they pray in different
places of worships. There are Muslim
temples, Taoist temples, Indian temples,
Sikh temples, Christian churches and
Buddhist temples scattered all over the
place. Here, everyone co-exists in
harmony. When you leave this
historical place, you will inevitably
wonder why other places which have
been strived-torn did not adopt the
wisdom of the people of this city!
Location of Malacca
Malacca is proud to offer you a mixture
of the cultures of East and the West in a
package that you can not find anywhere
else. Malacca has also evolved into a
city that has all the trappings of the
twenty first century, so the modern day
traveler, whether on leisure or business
will find themselves very much at home.
State of Malacca
(Scroll down to the end of page to
view a detailed usable map of
Malacca town)
Besides, there are so many historical
landmarks that the traveler will find it a
great discovery place for an insight into
the past, especially those forces that had
shaped the world from the fourteen
century onwards. For the avid traveler,
Malacca should be enjoyed and
discovered in a leisurely manner.
Most of the interesting places are
concentrated in the city, and you can
spend a whole week here and still
wanting for more. Life here is
absolutely leisurely, although there is a
bit of traffic congestion during working
hours. Just put on a pair of sandals and
walk to your hearts content. You don’t
need to take a cab to visit all the places.
Malacca is a must place for the
backpacker. Nowhere else will you find
that many haversack toting travelers
shooting off from their cameras! For the
budget traveler, this city will offer most
things at a very affordable price.
Accommodations, food, and services
are at the low end of things, as
compared to cities like Tokyo Shanghai,
Singapore, Bangkok and New Delhi.
For those who had retired, Malacca will
offer the best environment for them to
reminisce on their life. There is so much
history here, five hundred over years
and more. Not to be outdone, there are
many facilities here for the business
travelers as well. They can pack a
satisfying business cum leisure trip to
this most modern and cleanest of city.
Communication facilities are first rate.
You can get free wireless access (WiFi)
in most hotels, even budget ones.
Malacca state will be seventy five
percent covered by WiFi (cheap) access
by 2009 so all you have to do to stay
connected is to be equipped with a WiFi
enabled Pda phone.
Malacca can be easily accessed by land,
air and sea routes. You can make this
your first stop in this country and take a
side trip to the other cities. Everything
here is good and cheap. There is no rip
offs here. It also boasts of three first
class medical hospitals that have
attracted many medical tourists from
neighboring countries.
When you come here, you will be well
taken care of because you will find the
people here very friendly and courteous.
It has got something to do with the fact
that the people here have been mingling
with the people of the rest of the world
for five hundred over years. Take time
to enjoy your self. The friendliness of
the locals here will make you remember
them for a long time.
Malacca: History
Malacca a historical city
The first Sultanate, or Malay Kingdom
in Peninsular Malaya, started here in
Malacca. The story begins like this.
According to the 16th century Malay
Annals, the city was founded in 1400 by
Parameswara, a Srivijayan prince, who
was a Hindu and political fugitive from
nearby Java Island across the straits.
Fighting for control of territory was
common then.
Parameswara’s hunting trip
The legend goes that Paramswara who
later became Raja Iskandar Shah was
out on a hunt in the region and had
stopped to refresh himself near what is
now the Malacca River. Standing near a
melaka (Indian gooseberry) tree, he was
surprised to witness one of his hunting
dogs so startled by a mouse deer that it
fell into the river. Parameswara, who
was wondering what to do, took this as
a propitious sign of the weak
overcoming the powerful. He then
decided to build the capital of his new
kingdom where he stood, naming it for
the tree under which he had been resting.
It was important that he set up his base
so that he could at least regain part of
kingdom that he lost in the south.
Another account says Malacca is
derived from the Arabic word Malakat,
meaning market. The Arabs began to
use this half way house to trade with
China in silk and spices, and there were
the people who made Malacca known to
the Europeans, who were beginning to
explore the world outside their
homelands then. To them, this was the
'market' to be in as they came here to
source for luxurious items to sell to a
burgeoning market in Arabia and a
Europe that was eager to buy luxuries
like silk and spices.
Legendary Malay warrior Hang Tuah
Malacca as ‘the Venice of the East’
Malacca had a navigable harbor
sheltered by nearby Sumatra Island
across the narrow straits, ample supply
of fresh water, enjoyed a prime location
relative to the shifting monsoon winds,
and had a central location in regional
trade patterns. This soon made it a
prosperous trading center. Malacca was
the place to rest and replenish for food
and water for those indomitable sea
farers at that time. Its fortunes increased
with the sultan embracing Islam which
was introduced by Indian traders of
Gujarat in western India.
The Sultanate of Malacca was soon
attracting Arab traders from far afield.
However, Malacca continued to trade
with merchants of all races and
religions. After the visit of the Chinese
Muslim Admiral Zheng He in the mid15th century, contact between China
and Malacca intensified.
Chinese Admiral Zheng He
A Chinese Junk
At this time, there were many jealous
forces all eyeing Malacca’s prime
trading position. There were the
powerful Siam kingdom in the north
and the Majapahit Empire to the south.
Restored Malacca Sultanate Palace
The Malacca sultanate was therefore
worried about being attacked and taken
over by her neighbors. In exchange for
protection against Siam (Thailand)
Malacca became a vassal state to the
Ming Dynasty of China. The Chinese
were seen as more of a trader, and with
their large fleet of ships, was a good
reason to be friendly with.
In collaboration with allies from the
sea-people the wandering proto-Malay
privateers of the Straits, the Sultan
established Malacca as an international
port by compelling passing ships to call
there, and establishing fair and reliable
facilities for warehousing and trade.
Mass settlement of Chinese followed,
mostly from the imperial and merchant
fleet during the reign of Parameswara.
They were settled in the vicinity of the
Bukit Cina area.
Sultan Iskandar Shah died in 1424 and
was succeeded by his son, Sri Maharaja
also called Sultan Muhammad Shah.
The power of the Malays began to rise
through the 15th century. In the Malay
Annals, Sultan Mansor Shah was
mentioned as having 6 wives and the
fifth was stated to be a sibling of the
third Ming Emperor. However, in the
Chinese chronicles, no such event was
During its prime Malacca was a
powerful Sultanate which extended its
rule over the southern Malay Peninsular
and much of Sumatra. Its rise helped to
encroachment and arguably hasten the
decline of the rival Majapahit Empire of
Java in the south, which was in decline
Malacca Sultanate’s power base
Malacca was also central in the spread
of Islam in the Malay Archipelago,
Sumatra and Java islands. Malacca was
so coveted by the European powers that
the Portuguese writer Barbarosa wrote
"Whoever is Lord in Malacca has his
hand on the throat of Venice." It was a
major port along the spice-route, and its
harbor bristled with the sails and masts
of Chinese junks and spice-laden
vessels from all over the hemisphere.
Malacca as the trade center of Asia
Scene of early Malacca
Things started to change with the
arrival of the Portuguese in 1509. They
were at first welcomed, but Indian
traders incited the sultan to turn against
the Portuguese who were later driven
out. The Portuguese were infuriated and
in 1511 they returned, lead by Admiral
Afonso de Albuquerque who set sail
from Goa (the Portuguese base in the
coast of eastern India) to Malacca with
a force of some 1200 men and
seventeen battle ships. This time, they
were successful in wresting control.
The Malacca river bridge where many
battles took place as securing it will
mean the splitting up of the enemy
camps into two. Many Malay and
Portuguese died fighting here.
This gate wall is the only remaining
part of the great ‘A Formosa’ and is
today the most photographed monument
in Malacca.
Malacca in the early 16th century
Malacca became a strategic base for the
Portuguese expansion in the East Indies.
Sultan Mahmud Shah, the last Sultan of
Malacca took refuge in the hinterland,
but made intermittent raids both by land
and sea, causing considerable hardship
to the Portuguese. In the meantime the
Portuguese built a fort to defend
Malacca with its famous A Famosa
(also called Porta de Santiago) gate.
Finally in 1526, a large force of
Portuguese ships, under the command
of Pedro Mascarenhas, was sent to
destroy Bintan, where Sultan Mahmud
was based. Sultan Mahmud fled with
his family across the Straits to Kampar
in Sumatra, where he died two years
later. It soon became clear that
Portuguese control of Malacca did not
mean they now controlled the lucrative
Asian trade. Their Malaccan rule was
severely hampered by administrative
and logistical difficulties.
Portuguese booty ship Flo de La Mar
leaving Malacca with gold bullions. It
ultimately sank near the river mouth.
Rather than achieving their ambition of
dominating Asian trade, the Portuguese
had fundamentally disrupted the
organisation of the network. The
centralised port of exchange of Asian
wealth had now gone, as was a Malay
state to police the Striats of Malacca
that made it safe for commercial traffic.
Further more, trade was now scattered
over a number of ports amongst bitter
warfare in the Straits.
Portuguese invaders were constantly
harassed by local Malay fighters hiding
in the surrounding jungles.
The Jesuit missionary Fancis Xavier
spent several months in Malacca in
1545, 1546 and 1549. This marked the
start of the formation of a large
Eurasian community. The Portuguese
turned the city into a massive walled
fortress complete with a tower bristling
with cannons. It was believed that such
fortifications could withstand the
encroachments of other European
(Spanish and Dutch) powers eager for a
slice of the Asian luxury trades.
An alliance between the Dutch and the
Sultanate of Johor saw Malacca loose
much of its power. In 1641 the Dutch
navy put a blockade on Malacca and
they seized the city after six months.
During the siege much of the
Portuguese city was destroyed (many
died of starvation)
Early 16th century Dutch ship
Only after 150 years did the Dutch lose
their hold on Malacca. In 1795 The
Netherlands was conquered by the
French, and the British were keen to
take over the Dutch holdings in
Malacca. By that time, Malacca had lost
most of its former importance although
it remained an important part of Asian
trade routes. The A Famosa gate is all
that remains of the Old Portuguese and
Dutch forts.
As the Napoleonic Wars wound down
the British knew Malacca would be
returned to Dutch control. In order to
make the city indefensible the city walls
were blown down. A last minute
intervention by Stamford Raffles (the
founder of Singapore), a British officer
saved the gate. Shortly after its return to
Dutch rule, the Dutch and British
governments swapped colonies - British
Bencoolen in Sumatra for Dutch
Malacca. Malacca was ceded to the
British in the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of
1824 in exchange for Bencolen on
Studhuys-Dutch administrative centre
From 1826 to 1946 Malacca was
governed, first by the British East India
Company and then as a Crown Colony.
It formed part of the Straits Settlement
(later to become Malaya) together with
Singapore and Penang. After the
dissolution of this crown colony,
Malacca and Penang became part of the
Malayan Union which later became
Malacca is a center of Peranakan
originally came to Malacca as miners,
traders and coolies, they took local
brides ( Javanese, Batak, Achenese) and
adopted many local (malay) customs.
The result of this is an interesting mix
of local and Chinese cultures. The men
are addressed as Babas and the women
Nonyas by their servants meaning
Master and Mistress.
A small group of Eurasians of
Portuguese descent continues to live
and speak their unique Creole, known
as Cristao or Kristang. They became
fishermen and settled on a plot of land
called Portuguese Settlement. Although
cut off from their Portuguese
motherland, most of them still retain
some of their forefather’s culture.
These bullock carts were used in
the olden days for transport.
Historical Dates
15th Century
1403 The first Chinese envoy, Yin
Ching arrives in Malacca
The Chinese Imperial Fleet,
under Admiral Zheng He visits Malacca.
Parameswara visits the Ming
Emperor in China
Parameswara embraces Islam
and changes his name to Raja Iskandar
Parameswara's son, Seri
Maharaja, ascends the throne and later
assumes the title "Sultan", becoming the
first ruler to do so in this region. He
changes his name to Sultan Muhammad
Shah and rules according to the
principles of Islam, establishing palace
etiquettes and spreading Islam in this
1445 Raja Ibrahim, the youngest son of
Sultan Muhammad Shah becomes ruler
upon his father's death and
assumes the name, Sultan Abu Shahid.
1466 Sultan Abu Shahid's accidental
death results in Sultan Muzaffar Shah,
his elder brother, assuming the throne.
The first Siamese attack on
Malacca but repelled by Malacca fleet.
1456 Tun Perak was appointed as the
Bendahara, or Chief Minister, and
becomes the most well known of all the
Bendaharas responsible for the rise of
Sultan Mansor Shah succeeds
his father Sultan Muzaffar Shah.
1477 Sultan Mansor Shah passes away
and is succeeded by his son Sultan
Alauddin Riayat Shah.
1488 An enterprising and just ruler,
Sultan Alauddin dies of poisoning in
Pagoh. Sultan Mahmud Shah ascends
the throne due to the efforts of Tun
Perak and Hang Tuah (a famous
Tun Perak passes away
16th Century
Mutahir, the cousin of Tun
Perak, is appointed Bendahara
The first Portuguese trading
expedition, led by Diego Lopez de
Sequiera arrives in Malacca with a fleet
of ships becoming the first European to
reach this archipelago.
Bendahara Tun Mutahir is
murdered. Sultan Mahmud Shah
temporarily retires and is succeeded by
his son, Sultan Ahmad Shah1511 After
a 10 day siege, Malacca falls to the
Portuguese armada, led by Alfonso D'
Albuquerque. The Portuguese rule in
Malacca lasts over 130 years.
1512 Albuquerque returns to Goa in
January after completing the "A
Famosa" fortress that incorporated a
five storey tall tower. Sultan Mahmud
Shah attacks the Portuguese in Malacca
Patih Unus, a Javanese trader
later to become Sultan Demak of
Sumatra, attacks Malacca.
Laksamana (Admiral) Hang
Nadim, son of Hang Tuah attacks
Sultan Mahmud Shah's army
surrounds the city for three months
Sultan Mahmud Shah attacks
1524 Admiral Hang Nadim besieges
Malacca and cuts off its food supply
First Acehnese attack on
Portuguese in Malacca.
Fr. Francis Xavier arrives in
Malacca for the first time. He was to
visit Malacca five more times.
Combined forces of Johor,
Japara and Perak attack Malacca and
hold it under siege for three months.
1553 Fr. Francis Xavier, who dies in
Sanction Island, near Canton, China, is
buried in St. Paul's Church. After nine
months, his remains are moved to Goa.
With help from Johor, the
Acehnese attack Malacca again but are
1571 The Acehnese attempt an attack
on Malacca again but their invasion is
foiled by a storm
1575 Japara attacks Malacca
1585 Johor attacks Malacca
1588 The first English visitor, Ralph
Ritch, arrives in Malacca
The Dutch attack Malacca
1606 A combined Dutch and Johor
force attacks Malacca. The timely
arrival of Portuguese reinforcement
from Goa saves Malacca
The Acehnese mount another
attack on Malacca.
1628 Acehnese hold Malacca for eight
months before withdrawing.
1636 Dutch ships destroy Portuguese
ships off the harbour.
1641 Dutch and Johor Malays attack
After a fierce battle, the
Portuguese were forced to Surrender.
Dutch rule in Malacca lasts for 154
1645 Cheng Hoon Teng temple is
built by Chinese head man, Lee Wei
King. This is the oldest surviving
temple in Malaysia
1645/70 Dutch war with Naning in the
interior due to the locals not paying tax
1650 The Stadthuys or "State house",
the residence of the Dutch Governor, as
well as the administrative centre is built
18th Century
St.Peter's church, the oldest
functioning Christian Church in
Malaysia, is built by the Portuguese
descendents comprising an architectural
mix of Oriental and Occidental
1753 The Christ Church is completed
1756 The Bugis(from Moluccas) under
Daing Kamboja attack Malacca
Raja Haji lands in Malacca to
capture it but is killed
1795 The British take over Malacca
from the Dutch 19th Century
1806 The British begin the total
demolition of Portuguese fortress and
abandonment of Malacca. They planned
to transfer the trade and population to
Penang in order to weaken Malacca's
standing as a trading centre
1808 The timely arrival of Stamford
Raffles saves Malacca from total
1818 With the end of the Napoleonic
Wars, Malacca is returned to the Dutch
under the Treaty of Venice
Sultan Hussain Mohammad
Shah of Johor cedes Singapore to the
English East India Company. The
Sultan’s grave remained in Singapore.
By an Anglo-Dutch Treaty, or
Treaty of London, Malacca is firmly
placed under British rule. Along with
Penang and Singapore, Malacca is
incorporated into the Straits Settlement
in 1826
1867 The administration of the Straits
Settlements is transferred from The
Governor - General of India's Office to
the Colonial office in London and
Malacca becomes a British colony.
20th Century
1904 The Queen Victoria Fountain is
erected to commemorate Her Majesty's
Diamond Jubilee
1942 The Japanese Occupation forces
take over Malacca
Malacca is returrned to British
rule after the Japanese surrender to the
British in Singapore
A state of "Emergency" is
proclaimed as Malaya fights against
communist insurgency. Malacca joins
the Federation of Malaya
1956 The proclamation of the date of
independence by Tunku Abdul Rahman,
Malaysia's first Prime Minister takes
place at Padang Bandar Hilir (Padang
Pahlawan) in Malacca on 20th February
Independence on August 31st. Malacca's
last British Resident Commissioner H.G.
Hammet, hands the instrument of
independence to the first Local
1989 Malacca is declared a Historical
City on April 15th
Malacca Today
Today, you will be able to see a
progressive and clean city with a mix of
old and the new. You will see the
colonial influence in some older parts of
the city like the particularly narrow
width town houses along Tun Tan
Cheng Lock road. The new includes the
Malacca Tower.
During the Portuguese reign, it was the
rule to exact taxes on houses in
accordance with the widths of the
building. In order not to be heavily
taxed (even then) houses were built
with as narrow a width as possible. The
length of those houses was built
relatively long to compensate for space.
Most of them have high ceilings as well.
As Malacca grew bigger, there was a
distinct shortage of land for expansion.
There was a suggestion to acquire the
Bukit Cina for a new township. The
centuries old graves on it was to be
relocated to the outskirts. However, the
plan had to be abandoned due to
Chinese protest, and instead, a new plan
was hatched.
The new idea is to reclaim parts of the
shoreline and built a new commercial
annex over it. There are now many rows
of new buildings on top of the
reclaimed areas, a testimony to the
ingenuity of the people of this century
old city.
Here in Malacca, you will be able to
walk from the present to the past in just
twenty minutes! Malacca today is a city
that never rest, with tourists mingling
with the locals, from dawn to dusk. In
the day time, you can spend your leisure
time at the many historical sites, and at
night, you will find all sorts of
entertainments available.
When night falls, it is normal for
tourists to stroll leisurely along the sea
front in search of the many different
types of food and cooking, both east
and west. If you like, you can partake in
the many karaoke cafes and pubs where
sipping that glass of cool beer in front
of guitar strumming singer are the norm.
There are also many outlets that offer
good massages and you should try the
foot massage therapy that can restore
vitality after a full day of walking
around! The main languages spoken
here are English, Malay, Mandarin and
Tamil, with a little bit of others. As the
residents here have experienced over
five hundred years of exposures to
foreigners, their attitudes to tourist can
only be friendly. If your mastery of the
local languages is not so good, do not
despair as they will somehow be able to
understand you and will show you the
way. You can therefore assure yourself
of a very memorable time in this
historical city state. There are no rip
offs here as the residents here believed
they are a part of a global community
and will welcome you sincerely.
Money wise, most of the places will
accept credit cards. You can also
exchange for cash your traveler’s
cheque at many of the tourist spots,
even on a weekend. There are also
many money changers in the
commercial shopping malls and they
operate seven days a week. You can
also cash your credit cards at ATMs
operated by commercial banks here and
some of them are available twenty-four
Malacca has a population of 759,000 as
of 2007, being composed of Malays:
57%; Chinese: 32%, including the
including the Chitty people: a minority;
Kristang with partial Portuguese a
Malacca is the cultural mixing pot of
Asia, but food is its specialty. Most
notable of all is the Peranakan cuisine
which is a mixture of Chinese and
Malay cooking with most dishes being
spicy in nature. Interesting dishes of the
Peranakan include Itek Tim (a soup
containing duck and vegetables), Ayam
Pong (chicken casserole with salted
brown-bean sauce which is usually
served with potatoes) as well as the
famous Nyonya Laksa.
The Portuguese colonization of the
early 16th century also contributed
dishes like Devil's Curry and
Portuguese tart to the town's already
rich cuisine. The interesting Chinese
cuisine in Malacca includes the popular
Chicken Rice Ball as well as durian
dodol, a sort of solidified pudding
generally made with durian and coconut.
Ikan Bakar (baked fish) restaurants are
also popular in Malacca with places like
Umbai, Serkam and Alai being the
choice of the populace. The average
tourist can find most popular Malaccan
cuisine at the food courts or medan
selera as they are referred to in the local
Malay language. 'Medan means centre
and 'selera' means appetite.
Malacca's ethnic Portuguese population
is a unique cultural and historical legacy
of Portuguese colonization in the 16th
and 17th century. Even to this day,
many of the ancient traditions passed
down since the Portuguese occupation
are still practised, i.e. "Intrudu" (a water
festival that marks the beginning of the
Catholic fasting season, the season of
Lent), "branyu" (traditional dance),
"santa cruz" (a yearly Festival of street
Tampin, a town 30 km north of Malacca
town, is the nearest train station that
serves Malacca. There were railway
tracks from Tampin to Malacca before
World War 2, but was dismantled by
the Japanese invaders during the war for
the construction of the infamous
Burmese Death Railway. It was never
rebuilt after the war though traces of the
line remained.
Malacca has a bus station in Melaka
Central which has air-conditioned
waiting areas and separate areas for
buses plying the town routes and for
buses plying the inter-town routes with
regular bus services to Singapore, Johor
Baru, Kuala Lumpur and other places in
The Airpot in Batu Berendam mainly
serves chartered flights from around the
region. It also serves as a flying school
for Malaysia Flying Academy. The
Ayeh Keroh exit at the North South
Highway is the main entry to Malacca.
There are two additional exits along the
North-South highway, namely the Alor
Gajah and Jasin exits.
A decorated, music enabled trishaw
The tourism and manufacturing sectors
are the two most important sectors in
the state economy. Its rich cultural
heritage stretches from the fourteen
century and bears several places of
historical interest. Apart from tourism,
Malacca is also a manufacturing centre
for products ranging from food and
consumer products to electronic
Places of interest
A Formosa gate
Old plan with arrow showing the gate
‘A Formosa’ was built by the
Portuguese in 1511 after Admiral
Alfonso D' Albuquerque managed to
capture Malacca from the Malay
Sultanate. It was built like a fort and is
meant to prevent the Portuguese
garrison from being attacked by the
Sultan’s men. Some parts of the fort is
reputed to be fifteen feet thick and as
many feet down the ground as well! In
1641, the Dutch, with support from
Sultan of Johor forces, managed to
wrest control of the Portuguese fort.
Due to heavy bombardments, much of
the fort was destroyed.
The Dutch ruled the place for 150 years,
until they ceded it to the British in 1824.
The British forces then destroyed
whatever remains of the fort, except for
the gate, which had Dutch coats of arm.
The gate remains to this day. It is one of
the most photographed buildings in
Malacca today. Visitors should not miss
the chance of snapping a photo of this
remnant as it is a historical edifice that
is 500 years old.
It is speculated that the original size of
the fort is much bigger and in 2007, part
of the extended foundations was found
during some excavation work done on a
nearby proposed commercial building.
There is however no further excavation
of the site due to existing buildings that
cannot be removed.
How to go there
‘A formosa’ is situated right in the
middle of the town. It is also a walking
distance from most of the hotels. It is
situated next to the State Tourism
Centre and also close to the Studhuys.
Refer to section 3 of town map below
Bukit Cina
Bukit Cina
Bukit Cina or ‘Chinese Hill’ is the
largest graveyard outside of China. It
was originally a Chinese settlement area
arranged by Sultan Mansor Shah when
he took Hang Li Po as his firth wife.
When the Portuguese came, they took
over the hill as it was a strategic
location when they had to defend
themselves from the onslaught of the
Sultan’s forces who were trying to
retake Malacca. A Portuguese chapel
was even built on top of the hill. After
many years of fighting, the hill was
abandoned as a settlement area for
humans, and instead given to the
Chinese for burial purposes. Today, it is
an abandoned place as there are no
more spaces left for even the dead.
Some of the graves were of the Ming
period, and nowadays, people use it to
practice their mountain biking skills.
At the bottom of the hill is the Hang Li
Po well and its adjoining Sam Po Tong
How to go there:
It is sited on the outskirts of the main
tourist sites and a mere fifteen minutes
walk from the A Formosa gate.
Refer to section 2 of town map below.
Baba Nyonya Heritage house
House of Baba and Nonya
The Baba and Nyonya heritage house
is the place where you can view a part
of the Chinese culture that was current
when they first came to settle in
Malacca in the early 15th century. Their
culture is unique as they managed to
acquire and assimilate
some of the
Malay styles of living when they intermarried with the locals.
Although they more often speak the
Malay language, they however do not
embrace Islam. As a result, they wear
clothing’s that is different from the
Chinese who came later as tin miners
during the British rule. They also have
ornate heirlooms for their wedding
ceremonies and if you are here, do also
try their nyonya cooking, a unique
blend of Chinese and local Malay fare
that is not found in your local China
towns. Chinese from other parts of the
world come here to savor the special
There are 65 non air-conditioned rooms
for rental from Ringgit Malaysia 65
(about US$18) per night. Secured car
parks are available behind the building.
Refer to section 4 of town map below.
Zheng He Museum
paraphernalia’s of the Chinese Admiral
Zheng He. You will be able to see some
of the artifacts used during those times
when Zheng He made his many
exploratory trips to this part of the
world on behalf of the Ming Emperor.
How to go there.
It is sited in town, just next to Jonker’s
Refer to section 3 and look for L Hang
Jebat of the town map below.
Hokien Huay Kuan (clan house)
23 Jalan Hang Jebat
Most of the Chinese in Malacca belongs
to the Hokien clan and this clan house is
a testimony to their successes. The
house is a good showpiece of the
Hokien culture and their unique
architectural styles and cultures.
How to go there: look for J Hang Jebat
in section 1 of town map below.
The Baba House is at Tun Tan Cheng
Lock road right in town. It is a walking
distance from most hotels. Addressed at
125-127 Jalan Tan Cheng Lock, 75000,
Malacca. Teliphone:+606 281 1216. For
exact location, see section 1 of town
map below.
Christ church
Christ Church
The Dutch took twelve years to build
this church, in commemorating a
century of their rule. The building was
completed only in 1753. It was an
architectural wonder then, as it had a
ceiling beam constructed from a single
tree and without joints. You can also
see ‘the last super’ painting, in a glazed
form. Christ Church is also the longest
surviving Protestant church in Malaysia.
The bricks that were used were brought
in from Zeeland in Holland. The present
salmon red color of the building was
painted only recently, and was not the
original color. When it was built, it was
only brick faced and chiefly served as a
Dutch Lutheran Church.
From the wall plaques you will be able
to see inscriptions in memories of those
who died there during the Dutch
occupation. Many seems to have died
from those tropical diseases that the
occupiers did not have immunities from
There is also a wooden plaque in
memory of those who died there during
the Japanese occupation, believed to
have been put by the British.
An interesting feature found here is the
encasing of tombstones unto the floor,
some with Portuguese and Armenian
inscriptions. There are also Dutch tomb
stones, but only in the church
surroundings. There are no records as to
who have put them there, but it is
generally believed that these Portuguese
graves were originally from behind the
hill slop and were transplanted there by
the British. It was not likely to have
been the work of the Dutch simply
because as staunch Protestants, they
were not likely to have allowed the
Catholic Portuguese to be buried in
their church ground.
The Dutch buried their dead in the
surrounding cemetery, but today, you
will only find five of them here. The
rest of about thirty three are British
graves. It is speculated that the British
only moved into this compound later on
when they used it as their Anglican
How to go there
The church is located at Jalan Geraja.
You can call the people at the Malacca
Tourist Information Center at +606 283
6538 for additional information. It is
sited right in town, near the State
Tourism office. It adjoins the Studhuy
buildings and is just a walking distance
from most town hotels. For the exact
location, please refer to section 3 of
town map below.
Hang Li Po’s well
Hang Li Po’s well
This historical well was built by the
early Chinese who had settled around a
small hillock called Bukit Cina as a
source of water. It was built in 1459 and
named after the royal maiden Hang Li
Po from the Ming Dynasty who later
married the Sultan.
It is reputed to never dry up with water
as it is sited at the bottom of a hill.
During its early years, it served as an
important source of drinkable water,
both for the Chinese settlers and later
for the Portuguese and the Dutch. It was
a strategic facility for the settlers as
during the many battles that were
fought over Malacca, there were
attempts by enemy forces to first put
poison into the well so as to cut off the
supply of water. Today, this well no
longer serves the purpose of water
supply, but as a wishing well for those
who come from afar.
How to go there
The Hang Li Po well is sited at the
bottom of ‘Bukit Cina’ and is actually
in the fringes of the town. It is a
walking distance from most town hotels
and a five minute walk from the State
Tourism office. It is next to the Sam Po
Kong temple in Puteri Hang Li Po road.
Just ask for ‘Bukit Cina’ and the locals
will direct you there. For the exact
location, please refer to section 2 of
town map. It is next to Sam Po Kong.
Malacca Cultural Museum
Currently, the museum houses about
1,350 items in the form of artifacts,
prints, photographs and drawings which
represent the history and cultural
heritage of the Malay Sultanate of
Melaka and the various communities,
which came to settle in Melaka during
that period.
There are different chambers including
the Royal band, weaponry, decorative
arts, emissaries and gifts, a recreation
hall, an audience hall and an Islamic
The galleries depict the famous clash
between the legendary warriors Hang
Tuah and Hang Jebat. Exhibits include
prints and photographs of the Melaka
Sultanate, a model of the Sultan Mansur
Shah Palace, Malay weapons, Malay
traditional wedding dress, jewelleries
and brassware.
Opening Hours
Daily: 9am - 6pm
Closed on Monday
St Paul’s church
Saint Paul’s Church
A Portuguese Captain by the name of
Duarte Coelho built this chapel named
‘our lady of the hill’. It was later turned
into a church by the Dutch. When the
Portuguese missionary Saint Francis
Xavier died in China, his body was
brought back and was briefly buried
here before it was finally brought to
Goa in India for final burial. This is
however, not a functioning church.
How to go there
It is situated in the vicinity of the
Malacca river mouth, right in the
middle of town and next to the State
Tourism office. Nearby are the A
Formosa and the Studuys. It is also a
walking distance from most town hotels.
For exact location, refer to section 3 of
town map below.
Jonker Street
Jonker Street night scene
The ‘Antics Center of the East’, so they
say. Here you will find shops selling
antiques and art curios, some dating
back 250 years. Most of the wares have
a history to tell. You can spend the
whole afternoon here browsing over the
artifacts. They all have special
packaging services in case you want
them to ship it for you. On weekends,
from Friday to Sundays, after 6 pm, you
can walk care-freely here as it is turned
into a pedestrian shopping mall. You
will find curios, Victorian memorabilia,
handicrafts and exotic food galore here.
Europeans just love this place and it is
world renowned.
On the map, this road is known as Hang
Jebat road. Just one thing when you
come here. You will be tempted to at
least grab a piece of history. If you
don’t intend to buy, then browsing over
the many artifacts and souvenirs will
make you wondered why people from
the far corners of the world come here
to cart away the unique items! Most of
the old items were sourced from family
heirlooms of the locals. Some of course
are not so genuine, so buyers beware,
and if possible, haggle your way
Besides antiques, you will also find
goldsmiths, shops selling watches,
wooden clogs, beaded shoes, rattan
wares and Chinese medicine shops.
How to get there
Jonker street is just right in the middle
of town, a walking distance from most
town hotels. Just mention the name and
you will be directed to it by the locals.
Look for J Hang Jebat in section 1 of
town map below.
St Francis Xavier’s Church
St Francis Xavier’s Church
This church was built in memory to the
Catholic missionary Saint Francis
Xavier by a Frenchman Reverend Farve.
The Portuguese had in 1553 built a
church here before.
How to go there
See section 3 of town map.
Cheng Hoon Teng temple
Cheng Hoon Teng temple
This is the oldest Chinese temple in the
country, built in 1646 during the Dutch
occupation. As some of the Chinese
settlers who came later were successful
traders, they had wanted their own place
of worship. They then collected money
to build the temple. Most of the roof
tiles, figurines and wall glazing were
directly brought in from native Fukien
province. Special artisans were also
brought in from China to build the
temple. Today, you will be able to see
the many ornate figurines and deities of
Taoist culture doting both the facades
and roof tops of the temple. Although
some of them might have lost its
original colors, it is nevertheless a good
subject for avid photographers.
How to go there
It is sited in town, next to Jonker’s
street and a walking distance from most
town hotels. See section 1 of map.
Hang Tuah’s Mauseleum
Hang Tuah’s Mausoleum
Hang Tuah is one of the most famous
Malay warriors who lived during the
reign of Sultan Mansor Shah. He was
the commander of the king’s naval
forces and had defended the kingdom
from repeated attacks from the Siamese
and Archenese. The mausoleum was
built in memory of the great
contributions from this brave warrior.
How to go there:
The site is in Kledang and is about five
kilometers from the town center. You
can ask your hotel to arrange for a short
trip there.
St John’s Fort
Saint John’s fort was built by the Dutch
in the 18th century. It lies on top of a
small hill called St John’s hill, 3
kilometer from the town center. It was
dedicated to John the Baptist. You will
note that the gun embrasures are faced
inland instead of the sea. During the
Dutch occupation, most of the threats
came from the interiors and not from
the sea. Its location on top of the hill
means that enemy forces will be easily
How to go there
See section 3 of map below
St Peter’s Church
The Portuguese build this church in
1710, with a style that mixes the east
and west. It is also the only church in
the country that has a life-size statue of
the dead Lord before the Resurrection.
This is also the oldest functioning
Catholic church in the country.
How to get there:
See section 3 of map below.
St Paul’s church
St Paul’s Church with St Francis
Xavier’s statue in the foreground
Situated on a hillock behind the ‘A
Formosa’ fort, this chapel was built by a
Portuguese Captain named Duerte
Coelho. It was later converted into a
church by the Dutch. There are a few
tombstones behind it that have Latin
and Dutch inscriptions. Just beside it,
there is a statue of St Francis Xavier
whose dead body was briefly laid here
in an open grave before it was finally
sent to Goa in India for burial.
The body was put in a gold cast and
miraculously, it has not been corrupted
since. However, there is a missing right
hand. It was reported that the severed
hand was sent to Rome, on the Pope’s
order. There were reports that blood
flowed out of the wound for hundreds
of years but today it has withered. By
coincidence, the right hand of the
marble statue of St Francis here was
broken when a tree fell on it during a
storm. The statue was erected in 1952,
and today, the statue stands without the
right hand.
How to go there:
St Paul’s church is sited on a hillock
just behind the A Formosa gate. It is
right in the middle of town and is just a
walking distance from most town hotels.
See section 3 of town map below.
Independence Hall
Independence Memorial Hall
The building was built by the British
and used as their ‘Malacca Club’ house,
but it was later used as a memorial
building by the Malayan Government
after she gained independence in 1956.
This building was the backdrop for
Somerset Maugham’s 1927 novel,
‘Footprint in the Jungle’. It now houses
articles that were related to the
country’s gaining of Independence from
the British.
The Independence Building was used as
the place where the first Prime Minister
of then Malaya, Tunku Abdul Rahman
read out the historical document of
Independence from British rule in1956.
You will be able to view many exhibits
here that were related to the country’s
path to independence, including the car
that fetched the Tunku from the Batu
Berendam airport when he first landed
here after leaving London.
How to go there
The Independence Memorial Building
is site right in the middle of town, very
near the Studhuys and the State
Tourism office. It is also a walking
distance from most town hotels. See
section 3 of town map below.
Sam Poh Tong temple
This temple was built with dedication to
the great mariner Admiral Cheng He,
who was one of the early officials from
China to trade with Malacca. It is sited
at the bottom of Bukit Cina. It was
reputed that during one of Cheng He’s
trip to the area, there was a huge storm
that almost sank the Admiral’s ship. It
was told that a fish miraculously got
itself stuck onto a hole in the ship’s hull,
thus preventing water from seeping in.
How to go there
It is sited next to Hang Li Po’s well, at
the foot of Bukit Cina and a walking
distance from most of the town’s
historical sites like Studhuy and A
Formosa. See section 2 of map.
Portuguese San Pedro cerebrations
The only remaining large Portuguese
settlements (about 3000) outside
Portugal, named the ‘Portuguese
Settlement’. For over five hundred
years, these residents have evolved
from their Portuguese ancestry with
inter marriages with the local Malays,
but some of the earlier customs have
been retained, like the annual San Pedro
The feast of St John (celebrated in June)
is commemorated with the lighting of a
huge bonfire and dancing. Tourists
come to this place to savior the unique
food and singing and to see what the
Portuguese descendants look like. Most
of them have retained their Portuguese
surnames like Sequiera and Lopez. It is
a little Portuguese, a little Malay and
some other races mixed together. The
Portuguese settlement is a must visit
place. Come here at night and enjoy the
unique cuisines and dances. There is
even a three star hotel called Lisbon
How to go there:
The Portuguese settlement is about four
kilometers from the main historical
monuments like A Formosa. You can
take a leisurely walk there in the
evening, or you can take a short taxi trip
there. Ask around and most people will
show you the way. Your hotel staff can
also arrange a day trip for a small
number of people.
Victorian Fountain
Queen Victoria’s fountain was erected
in 1901 in commemoration of the
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. This is one
of the few remaining architectural
footprints left behind from the British
occupation. The fountain is still
functioning today and you can also find
many tourist trishaws resting there and
awaiting business. This is a good place
to snap your photos and to savor the
delights of human powered trishaws.
See section 3 of map.
Light and Sound display
The display is a light and sound
presentation of the many cultures that
made up Malacca. It is both educational
and entertaining. The site is situated at
Bandar Hilir, Padang Pahlawan on top
of St Paul’s Hill.
Tel:+606 230 7401
Malacca Clock Tower
Built in 1886 and donated by Tan Jiak
Kim to the townsfolk.
Maritime Museum
Maritime Museum
The museum is sited inside a life size
replica of the Portuguese warship Flor
De La Mar , parked beside a jetty along
the Malacca river mouth. You can view
past European shipping artifacts and
history here.
How to get there: section 3 of map
Resort Hotels
If you are calling from international
destinations, the country code is 60,
followed by the number of the hotel.
Hotel rates are subjected to change and
it is only an indication of the best off
peak season prices. Contact the hotel
for the current rates. Most of the hotels
offer online bookings and it is advisable
to do so before you come here so as not
accommodation when you arrive.
Where websites are not available, you
should use facsimile for your enquiries.
You can also book through fax.
A' Famosa Resort Melaka
Rooms: 221
Jalan Kemus, 78000 Alor Gajah,
Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-552 0555, Fax: 06-552 0811
Rates~ from US$43
Air Keroh Country Resort
Rooms: 49 Chalets: 15
Leboh Ayer Keroh, 74500 Melaka,
Tel: 06-232 5211, Fax: 06-232 0422
Rates~ from US$42
Ayer Keroh d'Village Melaka
Rooms: 240
Ayer Keroh, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-232 8000, Fax: 06-232 7541
Rates~ from US$ 23
Klebang Beach Resort
Chalets: 46
Km 9 Batang Tiga, Tanjung Kling
76400 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-315 5888, Fax: 06-315 1713
Pandanusa Resort
Rooms: 54 Chalets: 64
Pulau Besar, P.O. Box 504
75670 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-281 8007, Fax: 06-281 5941
Puteri Resort Ayer Keroh
Jalan Puteri Resort, 75450 Melaka,
P.O. Box 398, 75760 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-232 3333 / 231 5881, Fax: 06231 5868 / 231 5896
Riviera Bay Resort Melaka
Rooms: 420
10 Km Jalan Tanjung Kling, 76400
Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-315 1111, Fax: 06-315 3333
Rates~ from US$ 40
Samudera Bidara Beach Resort
Rooms: 28
Kg Balik Batu, Tg Bidara
78300 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-384 7587, Fax: 06-384 4172
Shah's Beach Resort
Chalets: 52
10Km Jalan Tanjung Kling
76400 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-315 2120, Fax: 06-315 2088
Tanjung Bidara Beach Resort
Rooms: 50 Chalets: 15
Tanjung Bidara
78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-384 2990/4, Fax: 06-384 2995
Rates~ from US$ 30
Upeh Island Resort
Chalets: 72
P.O. Box 200
757400Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-336 9999, Fax: 06-336 8999
Hotels in Town
Century Mahkota Hotel
Rooms: 617
Tel: 06-281 2828, Fax: 06-281 2323
Rates~ from US$ 50
Emperor Hotel Melaka
Rooms: 250
123 Jalan Munshi Adbullah
75100 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-284 0777, Fax: 06-284 0787
Rates~ from US$ 30
Garden City Service Apartments
Rates~ from US$50
Grand Hill Hotel Melaka
Rooms: 112
177 Jalan Tun Aali, 75300 Melaka,
Tel: 06-284 1377 / 282 7577, Fax: 06284 9133
Hallmark Hotel
68 Jalan Portugis,
Off Jalan Kubu, Malacca
Tel:606 281 2888
Fax:606 281 3409
Rates~ from US$30
Hotel Equatorial Melaka
Rooms: 496
Bandar Hilir, 75000 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-282 8333, Fax: 06-282 9333
Rates~ from US$65
Hotel Grand Continental
Rooms: 150
20 Jalan Tun Sri Lanang
75100 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-284 0088, Fax: 06-284 8125
Rtaes~ from US$43
Hotel Orkid Melaka
Rooms: 110
133 Jalan Bendahara, Daerah Melaka
75100 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-282 5555, Fax: 06-282 7777
Rates~ from US$43
Hotel Puri Melaka
Rooms: 50
118 Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, 75200
Melaka, Malaysia
Rates~ from US$30
Tel: 06-282 5588, Fax: 06-281 5588
Number Twenty Guesthouse
20, Jln Hang Jebat, 75200, M’cca
Tel:606 281 9761
Fax:606 281 9761
Rates~ from US$30
Hotel Seri Costa
Rooms: 93
146 Jalan PM 8, Plaza Mahkota
75000 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-281 6666, Fax: 06-286 4922
Rates~ from US$42
Holiday Inn Melaka
Jln Syed Abdul Aziz, 75000, M’cca
Tel:606 285 9000
Fax:606 285 9111
Renaissance Melaka Hotel
Rooms: 300
Jalan Bendahara, 75100 Melaka,
Tel: 06-284 8888, Fax: 06-284 9269
Rates~ from US$ 73
Straits Meridian Suite Apartment
Rooms: 57
1 Jalan Malinja, Taman Malinja, Bukit
75150 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-284 1166, Fax: 06-283 0030
Rates~ from US$37
The City Bayview Hotel - Melaka
Rooms: 182
Jalan Bendahara, 75100 Melaka,
Tel: 06-283 9888, Fax: 06-283 6699
Rates~ from US$65
The Golden Legacy Hotel
Rooms: 262
146 Jalan Hang Tuah, 75300 Melaka,
Tel: 06-281 6868, Fax: 06-281 9898
Rates~ from US$60
More Budget Hotels
Accordian Hotel
Rates~ from US$30
Aldy Hotel
27, Jln Kota 75000 Malacca
Tel: 06 283 3232
Fax 06 286 3236
Rates~ from US$40
Ambasador Hotel
Jln Melaka Raya 75000 Malacca
Tel: 06 282 2228
Rates~ from US$35
Atlantic Park Hotel
9830, Jln Bukit Baru, 75150 M’cca
Tel: 06 281 0989
Fax:06 281 5894
Baba Nonya Heritage
48, 50 Jln Tan Cheng Lock,
75200 M’cca
Tel: 06 283 1273
Rates~ from US$25
The Baba House
125-127, Jln Tun Tan Cheng Lock
Tel:606 281 1216
Fax:606 281 1217
Rate~ from US$35
Belmount Hotel
Jalan Portugis, 75200Malacca.
Tel: 06 281 8888
Rates~ from US$21
Bentona Hotel
174, Laksamana Cheng Ho, 75000
Tel: 06 284 3333
Fax:06 282 9899
Rates~ from US$17
City Theme Hotel
163, Laksamana Cheng Ho, 75000
Tel: 06 286 5855
Fax:06 286 5955
Coastal Park
533, Ujong Pasir,75050, M’cca
Tel: 06 282 9199
Fax:06 282 9193
Rates~ from US$27
Emperor Hotel
123, Munshi Abdullah, 75100, M’cca
Tel: 06 284 0777
Fax:06 283 8989
Rates~ from US$40
Fenix Inn
156, Jalan Merdeka,
Taman Melaka Raya, 75000, M’cca
Tel:606 281 5511
Fax:606 284 2581
Grande City Hotel
172 Laksamana Cheng Ho, 75000
Tel: 06 283 9800
Fax:06 283 9392
Grand Southern Hotel
172, Laksamana Cheng Ho, 75000,
5. Tel: 606 283 9800
6. Fax:606 283 9392
Rates~ from US$14
Habour Club
Melaka Raya 8, 75000, M’cca
Hotel Melia
4 & 6, Jln Tmn Melaka Raya 20,
75000, Malacca.
Rates~ from US$ 27
Hotel Seri Costa
Hotel Tropicaville
7,9,11, Jalan PM 15, Plaza Mahkota,
75000, Malacca.
Tel: 606 282 6311
Fax:606 286 6311
King’s Hotel
30, Lebuh Ayeh Keroh, 75450, M’ca
Tel: 06 231 3899
Fax:06 231 3803
Rates~ from US$ 37
Lotus Inn
2846 Jln Semambok, 75050, M’cca
Tel: 06 283 7211
Fax:06 283 7213
Rates~ from US$ 16
Malacca Straits hotel
72, Jln Chan Koon Cheng
75000, Malacca
Tel: 06 286 1888
Mahkota Guest House
1 to 5 Jln PM 13, Plaza Mahkota,
Bandar Hilir, 75000, Malacca.
Rates~ from US$ 50
The Metropole Hotel
Jalan Tun Ali,
75000, Malacca
Tel: 06 283 5322
Fax06 2835327
Rates~ from US$ 32
MITC Ancasa Hotel
Lot 15232 Jln Food City,75450
Tel: 06 231 7808
Fax:06 231 5808
Mimosa Hotel
108, Jln Bunga Raya, 75100 M’cca
Tel: 606 282 1113
Fax:606 281 9122
Rates~ from US$40
Naza Hotel
177 Jln Tun Ali, 75300, Ma’cca
Rates~ from US$38
Tel: 06 288 2288
Fax:06 288 2289
New Cathay Hotel
100-106, Jln Munshi Abdullah,75100,
Tel: 606 282 3337
New Regal Hotel
66, Jln Munshi Abdullah, 75100,
Tel: 606 283 5959
Ng Fook Hotel
10. 154-H1, Jln Bunga Raya, 75100,
11. Tel: 606 282 8055
Pacific Inn Hotel
377, Lot 98, Jln Tenquera 75200
Tel: 606 281 1199
Fax:606 281 1715
Rates~ from US$ 30
Palace Hotel
Jln Munshi Abdullah, 75100, M’cca
Tel: 06 282 5355
Fax:06 284 8833
Rates~ from US$ 30
QM Inn Hotel
210 Laksamana Cheng Ho, 75000
Tel: 06 288 1010
Shah’s Resort
9km Tanjung Kling, 76400, M’cca
Tel:606 315 3121
Fax:606 315 2088
Rates~ from US$40
Semabok Inn
396, Jln Semabok, 75050, M’cca
Tel: 06 283 8877
Fax:06 2827300
Rates~ from US$35
Seri Malaysia
Lot PT 12332, Jln Lebuh Ayeh Keroh,
75760, Malacca
Tel: 06 232 8460
Fax:06 232 8470
Tan Kim Hock Hotel
153, Laksamana Cheng Ho,
75000, Malacca
Tel: 06 283 5322
Rates~ from US$ 30
The Legacy
Ya Sher Hotel
Laksamana Cheng Ho, 75050, M’cc
Tel: 06 284 6076
GOLF Resorts
A'Famosa Golf Resort
Jalan Kemus, Simpang Empat, 78000
Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-552 0555, Fax: 06-552 7851
Ayer Keroh Country Club
Km 14.5 Jalan Ayer Keroh, 75450
Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-233 2000, 233 2001 Fax: 06232 3578
Golden Valley Golf & Country Club
KM 25 Air Panas, 77200 Bemban, Jasin,
Melaka, Malaysia Tel: 019-601 0333,
Fax: 019-601 0608 / 9
The Jasin Club (TJC)
P.O. Box 2, Jalan Rim
77000 Malacca
06-529 3758 / 353 3100,
Fax: 06-529 3758
Orna Golf & Country Club
Batu 16, Jalan Gapam Ladang, 77220
Jasin, Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 010-601 0888, 06-2420333, Fax:
06-242 0222
Pandanusa Golf Club
P.O. Box 504, Perjabat Pos Besar,
75670 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-281 5015, Fax: 06-281 5011
Tiara Melaka Golf & Country Club
Ayer Keroh, Jalan Gapam, Bukit Katil
P.O. Box 473, 75760 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel: 06-231 1111, 231 2366, Fax: 06231 4122
D-Paradise Tropical Fruit World
Rates~ from US$ 35
Jaya Jusco
Leboh Raya Ayer Keroh
Kota Mas Shopping Complex
Leboh Raya Ayer Keroh
Madam King's Departmental
Jalan Bunga Raya
Mahkota Parade
Jalan Bunga Raya
Plaza Hang Tuah
Jalan Hang Tuah
Plaza Soon Seng
Jalan Tun Ali
The Store
Jalan Kilang
Plaza Melaka Raya
Taman Melaka Raya
Carrefour Hypermarket
Bangunan Pahlawan,
Jalan Bunga Raya
Tesco Hypermarket
Giant Hypermarket
Other Interesting Places
You will find all sorts of insects and
butterflies like the rare Rajah Brooke
and Birdwing here.
Jalan Ayer Keroh
Tel: 6006-2030033 Fax: 606-2329977
Malacca Zoo
Malacca Zoo is the second largest zoo
in Malaysia and is located 12 km
outside town in Air Keroh. There are
about 1200 animals housed in this 54
acres enclosure. Two species that are
almost extinct are the Seladang (a wide
ox) and the Sumatran Rhino. Rated one
of the best zoo in this part of the world.
Opens daily from 9am to 6pm.
Recreational Forest
Here is an untouched and natural forest
with marked walkways and tress to give
you a feel of the Asian jungle
environment. You will be able to see
plenty of flora and fauna here. You can
spend a whole leisurely day here
jogging, jungle trekking, hiking and
cycling. It is sited in Air Keroh, along
with the zoo and other recreational sites.
Crocodile Farm
This is one of the largest farms in the
region with over 100 species including
Albino and hunchback. It is sited in Air
Keroh, near the zoo.
Set as close to its natural habitat as far
as possible, visitors will be able to see
crocodiles and reptiles in their natural
Ayer Keroh Recreational Centre
Jalan Ayer Keroh
Tel: 606-2322349/2322350
Fax: 606-2319136
Gadek Hot Spring
This hot spring is located about 30 km
from Malacca town in Alor Gajah. The
spring was discovered by some British
soldiers during the 2nd World War and it
is believed that its water have
therapeutic properties. There is also a
canteen available. If you have
problematic skins, dipping them in the
spring water might give you relief.
Operates daily from 7am to 9pm.
Pulau Besar
Pulau Besar
If you love sand and sea, this is the right
place to be. This small island off the
Malacca coast has chalets built on stilts
and its surrounding water is quiet clear.
If you have plenty of time, you can do
swimming, fishing and some snorkeling
here. This island used to be an
anchoring point during the period when
Malacca was a trading post. Chinese
junks and European ships rest here as it
is sheltered from stormy weather.
Cape Rachado (Tanjung Tuan )
Sited here is the country’s oldest light
house built by the Dutch in 1817. It is
now a gazetted forest reserve due to its
strategic location where birds used it as
a resting place during their winter
migration from the northern (Siberia) to
the southern hemisphere (Australia). It
January. This cape is also close to the
seaside resort of Port Dickson, where
you can also have fun, water and fresh
sea food.
A Famosa Water World is rated as the
largest theme park in Malaysia.
Especially designed for family recreation,
the 20-acre Water World is fully
equipped with international standard
facilities. Thrill seekers can check out
the high speed water slides and water
scooters. The Wave Pool gives a feeling
of a beach away from the beach. You
can also enjoy the longest Lazy River in
the world, the highly exciting High
Speed Slides and the Arabian Village.
Address: Jalan Kemus, Simpang
Empat,78000, Aloh Gajah, Melaka.
Tel:603 2781 8888
Fax:603 2781 8833
Peacock Paradise Bird Park
Peacock Paradise - The Bird Park of
Melaka (Taman Merak & Burung
Melaka) is the first bird park full of
peacocks in Malaysia. Set and located in
4.5ha of landscaped gardens with
streams and pathway, Peacock Paradise The Bird Park, Melaka is the world's
largest walk in aviary.
Situated within the Ayer Keroh - Durian
Tunggal Tourism area, it contains over
3,000 free flying birds from more than
100 species in a netted enclosure. The
park is also a destination for eco tourism and is one of the most unique
bird parks in Asia where visitors will
have a close encounter with flying birds.
Km 16.5 Kg. Padang Keladi, Durian
TunggalTel: 606-5534588 Fax: 6065534587
Opening Hours Daily: 9am - 6pm
Near Ayeh Keroh Exit
Tel:606 552 4588
Would you like to buy these?
Colorful wooden Clogs
These colorful wooden clogs are
individually designed and you can either
use them or put them up as decorative
items. It never fails to amaze people.
The Chinese used them during the olden
days, but they are now more often being
used at the kitchens. Here in Malacca,
you can even have your own design
motif painted on it.
Hand made shoes
These petite Chinese shoes are made for
Chinese ladies whose feet are bounded
from growing to their normal sizes. The
leg binding practice originated in China
during the Ming Dynasty and its purpose
was to keep the legs of well to do
daughters small size so that they can
walk in a graceful manner. The tradition
was brought to Malacca when the
Chinese came to settle and it continues
until the early 20th century.
There were cobblers who specialize in
this form of shoes and they still carry the
trade until these days. You can find
authentic petite shoes at some of the
shops in the town center. Although
ladies with bounded feet are no more
found, these shoes have become a
collector’s item of sorts.
Exotic Foods
You should try these!
Asam Laksa
What do you mix cucumber, lettuce,
pineapple, onion and mint garnishing
and hot spicy soup? Explosion! That’s it.
Mind you, the thick soup is a special
ingredient and it gives the whole thing a
‘fishy taste’ that you can’t get anywhere
else. Soft rice noodle is then added to
bring out the special taste. It is a bit on
the hot side, though. This dish is
available at most hotels, but if you ask
the locals, they might lead you to some
eating stalls that have this item as their
Assam Curry Fish head
Big salt water fish head cooked in
special curry gravy garnished with
shallots, garlic, and lemon grass and
other flowers and herbs. Add to it some
asam (local sour plum) and simmered
slowly in an earthen pot. Well, what you
get is hot and tasty fish that you would
want more. It is definitely hot! Normally
available at Indian Muslim restaurants
that you can easily find around town.
Look for the ‘fish head’ signature on
shop signboards to locate this dish, or
ask the locals.
Hainanese Chicken Rice Ball
Hainanese Chicken Rice ball
Steamed plain chicken pieces served
with special ‘rice balls’. Ah, when
people come to Malacca, they must not
leave without tasting this dish. The rice
ball is soft, aromatic, and not available
any where else. This dish is not hot, but
a special garlic-chilli source is available
for those who cannot live without chilli.
A Malaccan specialty, this Chinese
Hainanese concoction is not even
available in native Hainan Island in
China!. There are only a few shops
dishing out this specialty. Two of them
are right in the middle of town, located
near the OCBC bank. It is also available
at shopping complexes like Mahkota
Satay Celup
Satay celup is raw meat (some are precooked) threaded on a slim wooden stick,
then dunked into a pot of boiling water
and dipped into a special nutty source
(mainly satay peanut) for flavor. You
can get it at most food courts or they
sometimes come from mobile hawkers
on trishaw carts. Young people just love
to dip in the satay sticks.
Curry Debal (Portuguese slang
for devil’s curry)
Curry Debal or 'Devil's Curry is a fiery
hot dish that is unique to the Kristang
culture (Descendants of Portuguese
colonists who settled in Malacca). It is
indeed very spicy as the name implies.
The secret to the curry's delicious taste is
a blend of candlenuts, galangal and
vinegar. Curry Debal is often served
during special occasions among the
Portuguese community in Malacca but
most hotels also have it from their
This dish is also a dessert and is made
from greenish colored thick short pea
noodles served in brown coconut based
gravy. It has shaved ice added to give
you that ‘cooling’ effect, especially
useful in this hot tropical climate.
Originated from southern India, this
sweet concoction is a must try. It is
available in most eating outlets and
coffee houses of hotels.
Coconut House Studio
Here is a place for you to rest your tired
feet if you have been strolling along
town. It is situated at 128, Jalan Tun Tan
Cheng Lock and you can seep a cool
glass of beer accompanied by wooden
fired pizza in their courtyard with a two
century old well. There is also a grown
palm tree to boot!
Address: 128, Jln Tun Tan Cheng Lock
Tel:606 282 9328
Some other delicacies
* Baba and Nonya specialties.
* Malay ikan baker
* Indian Banana leave rice
* Chinese oyster omelette
* Chinese soft shelled crabs
* Chinese Popiahs
The local currency is called the ‘Ringgit’
and the approximate exchange rate is 3.3
Ringgit for 1 US dollar. You will need to
check the prevailing rate with your bank
or at the airport on arrival.
You can exchange for Malaysian
Ringgits at the airports, banks, and major
shopping malls. Traveler’s cheques are
accepted by banks and most tourist
shops. Most ATM (automatic cash
dispensers) at commercial banks also
dispenses local money from Visa and
Master card holders, and some operates
on a twenty four hour basis. If you need
specific advices on money matters, you
can ask your hotel people. Most
commercial outlets accept Visa and
Master cards, while some also accept
American Express. Foreign cheques are
however not accepted.
Hash House Harriers Kota Melaka
160-F, Jln Laksamana 12,
Taman Kota Laksamana, 75200,
Men’s only run every Friday 6pm.
Phone: 606 282 9835
P.O.Box 256, Melaka
Mixed Hash: 606 2326171
Airline Offices
Malaysia Airlines has an office in City
Bayview Hotel
Phone: 606 283 0654
& 606 282 9597
Pelangi Airways flies to Pekan Baru,
Sumatra on Tue, Thur, Fri and Sunday at
12.35 am
Phone:606 317 4685
& 606 317 4175
Sea Travels
Madai Shipping
Daily ferry to Dumai, Sumatra
Phone: 606 284 0671
Tunas Rapat
Daily ferry to Damai, Sumatra
Phone: 606 283 2506
Parameswara Tours
Operates a Malacca river cruise daily
from 10am, tide permiting.
Also available: boat trip to Pulau Besar,
Pulau Upeh
Phone: 606 286 5468
Land Travels
There are express buses that serves
outstation destinations like Kuala
Lumpur, Singapore, Johor Baru, Ipoh,
Penang, Kuantan and Kota Baru and it is
available regularly from the Melaka
Sentral bus stand opposite Tesco
supermarket off Jln Tun Abdul Razak.
Town buses also operate around city
areas on an hourly basis.
Taxi services: 606 288 2525
Car Rentals
In order to drive in Malaysia, you will
need an International Driving Liscence.
When you rent a car from bona fide car
renting firms, you are automatically
Avis Malaysia
Lot 0.4, Ground Floor, Angkasa Raya
Building, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala
Lumpur. Tel: 1800 88 1054
Counter B-16, Arrival Level, Main
Terminal, KLIA. Tel:603 8787 4087
Special Panorama Buses
Red liners
Hop on Hop off red double Decker air
conditioned buses where you pay
Ringgit Malaysia 5 and you are allowed
to stop and alight at 13 interesting places
in town. The route covers most of the
historic sites in the city. Tickets are
available at Melaka Central bus station.
Blue line bus operates around town and
outskirts. You can hop on and hop off as
well, but buses are non air conditioned
and the fare is only Ringgit Malaysia 2.
Tickets are available at Melaka Central
bus station as well.
There is no direct train service to
Malacca, but there is a station in Tampin,
about 15 miles away. There are however,
connecting taxi services from and to the
train stations. You may ask your hotel to
arrange for the trip.
Police HQ: 606 282 2222
Police (tourism): 606 270 3238
General Hospital: 606 282 2344
Putra Hospital
Pantai Specialist Hospital,
Lebuh Ayeh Keroh, Melaka.
Tel No. : 606-2319 999
Fax No.: 606-2313 299
Mahkota Medical Centre,
3, Mahkota Melaka, Jln Merdeka,
75000, Melaka.
Tel:606 258 2999
Fax:606 281 0560
Fire Brigade: 999
Immigration Office: 06 282 4958
Post Office: 06 283 3844
Telephone enquiry: 103
Entry Requirements:
* Visitors are required to have a valid
travel documents with a minimum
validity of 6 months beyond intended
Visa Requirements:
Commonwealth citizens do not need a
visa for entry with exceptions.
Nationals of ASEAN countries do not
need a visa for social and business stay
not exceeding a month.
Duty free items include:
Cameras, video equipments, radios, HiFi
sets, watches, pens and perfumed
Visitors on bringing in dutiable items
must pay a deposit which will be
refunded upon exit.
Airport tax
There is a departure tax of Malaysian
Ringgit 4 and 40 for both domestic and
international flights.
Drug trafficking in the country is
prohibited and you can be sentenced to
death if found guilty!!
Medicines for personal consumptions
should be accompanied with a certified
medical endorsement.
Office working hours
For Government offices:
From 8 am to 4.15 pm Monday to Friday
with an hour of lunch break at 1 pm for
states of Selangor, Kuala Lumpur,
Labuan, Negri Sembilan, Malacca, Johor,
Perak, Penang, Sabah and Sarawak
States of Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan,
Pahang and Trengganu works from
Saturday to Thursday.
Private sectors:
Normally works from 9am to 6 pm
Monday to Friday. Saturdays may be a
half-working day for some.
Bank’s working hour from 9.30am to
3.30 pm. Monday to Fridays.
ATM and cash dispensers are open
twenty four hours. Some banks in
tourist districts will open for half a day
on weekends as well.
Departmental stores are opened from
10am to 10pm everyday, including
public holidays.
Post offices work from 8.30 am to
4.30pm Monday to Saturday, with the
first Saturday of the month being a non
working day. Parcel services are
available to most countries at reasonable
Telephone and Internet
Talikoms Malaysia is the only land line
telephone service provider. There are
four operational wireless service
providers with GSM, GPRS, EDGE, 3G
and HSDPA services. Phone service
providers operate in the 900, 1800, 1900
and UMTS wavebands. Visitors can buy
local SIM cards for their cell phones at a
very reasonable rate. These prepaid
SIMs however need a simple process of
registration and is readily available at
most cell phone shops. Activations can
be effected within half a day in most
Land line internet service is provided by
Talikom Malaysia.
WiFi is available at most shopping malls.
Some are free, whilst others are paid.
You can buy a prepaid card for WiFi at
most shopping outlets. Most hotels have
internet services available either free or
for rent. Some have WiFi at their coffee
houses for free.
The Malacca state government has
started installing low cost WiFi access
points. By 2009, at least 75% of urban
areas will be able to enjoy this service
Low rate daily prepaid cards will be
available soon.
WiMax will be available by third
quarter of 2009.
Low broadband data post paid accounts
for cell phones are also available at the
offices of the four cell phone service
providers. Rates start at Malaysian
Ringgit 66(about USD 20) for a months
service. Daily data plans are also
available. Besides using your cell phone
to connect to the internet, there are also
many internet cafes available where you
can access the net. Charges range from
USD 2 per hour basis to USD 3.
However these places are a bit smoky as
there are often patronized by young
All said, visitors will be able to stay
connected at a very affordable rate. It is
advisable that they don’t use their
roaming rates as it is very expensive.
Facts on Malaysia My Second Home
The Malaysian Government welcomes
foreign nationals (except citizens of
Montenegro) to stay in Malaysia on a
long term Social Visit Pass under the
programe. The duration of stay is for a
period of 10 years with a Multiple Entry
Visa. This programme allows foreigners
to purchase up to two units of residential
premises costing more than RM150,
000.00 (approximately US$42,000) each.
However, it does not entitle participants
of the programme to permanent resident
* Malaysia
Visa, Pass and Permit Division
Level 3, Block 2G4 (Podium) Precinct 2
Federal Government Administration
Territory , Malaysia.
* All Malaysian Tourism Offices
* Immigration Department of Malaysia
Malacca Town Map
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time of publication and AirCoast
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Please enquire about our
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you need any assistance
what so ever. Have a good
and memorable trip.