Midwest Civil Rights Highlights-10-09
Midwest Civil Rights Highlights-10-09
Midwest Civil rights highlights Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia & Wisconsin America’s Journey For Justice (AJFJ) Cornell William Brooks, President & CEO (center), Senator Bernie Sanders, Jonathan McKinney, Regional Field Organizer march into Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC, at the end of America’s Journey for Justice march Sept. 15, 2015. See the video of Cornell William Brooks, President & CEO address to AJFJ advocacy day rally Washington, DC, Sept. 16, 2015:http://www.naacp.org/news/entry/naacp-president-ceoaddresses-advocacy-day-rally NAACP MIDWEST REGIONIII NAACP Regional Office 530 S. Pine St. Lansing, MI 48933 JOIN THE NAACP NOW!!! MEMBERSHIP IS POWER!!!!!!!!!! Vol. VII No. 10 October, 2015 (L-r) Kamilia Landrum, Advisor, Y & C, Rev. Wendell, Anthony, President, Donell White, Ex. Dir. and Heaster Wheeler, Ex. Comm. with the Detroit Branch NAACP’s contingent at America’s Journey for Justice Legislative Advocacy Day, Sept. 16, 2015, Washington, DC. http://detroitnaacp.org/detroit-branch-naacp-leads-the-way-during-thenaacps-americas-journey-for-justice-advocacy-day/ 1 Dr. Jerome Reide Regional Field Director www.naacp.org 517-371-2199 NAACP ADVOCACY DAY WASHINGTON, DC US Senator Debbie Stabenow discusses raise the wage act and other civil rights policy issues with Detroit NAACP advocates at NAACP Advocacy Day Sept. 16, 2015 Washington, DC. The (L-r) Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, President, Detroit delegation was lead by Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, Branch, Cornell William Brooks, President & CEO, (r) President. Detroit Branch. Roslyn M. Brock, Chairman, Donell White, Ex. Dir., Detroit Branch prepare to present issue briefs on the End Racial Profiling Act, Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2015, Raise the Wage Act and Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to federal policy makers at NAACP Advocacy Day Sept. 16, Washington, DC. Member of Congress Brenda Lawrence discusses the Voting Rights Advancement Act with Detroit NAACP activists at NAACP Advocacy Day Sept. 16, 2015 Washington, DC. The delegation was lead by Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, ( r) President. Detroit Branch. US Senator Gary Peters discusses sentencing fairness and criminal justice reform with Detroit NAACP activists at NAACP Advocacy Day Sept. 16, 2015 Washington, DC. The delegation was lead by Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, ( r ) President. Detroit Branch. (L-r) Greg Moore, Ex. Dir., NAACP National Voter Fund, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Derrick L. Foward, President, Dayton Branch NAACP discuss the NAACP's civil rights agenda at NAACP Advocacy Day Sept. 16, 2015, Washington, DC. 2 MEMORIAL SERVICE HELD FOR CHAIRMAN EMERITUS JULIAN BOND Heather Booth, Director of the National Vote Fund in 2000, speaks during the memorial service for the late civil rights leader Julian Bond, Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015, at Lincoln Theater in Washington. Friends and family of Julian Bond remembered the deceased civil rights leader as a man who left a lasting “invaluable imprint” on not only the civil rights movement but on people around the United States and the globe. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) http://www.wsbtv.com/ap/ap/georgia/friends-family-admirersremember-bond-in-dc-memori/nnwrW/ MEMORIAL SERVICE SET FOR MIDDLE PASSAGE The NAACP remembers fallen America’s Journey for Justice marcher--details of the Memorial Service celebrating the life of Middle Passage are as follows: Thursday, October 29th, 6:00 P.M/ MST A d ams St at e U ni ve r s it y, St ud e nt Un i o n Alamosa, CO https://donate.naacp.org/page/contribute/HonoringMiddle-Passage WI SUPPORTS AJFJ IN MADISON Wisconsin State Conference NAACP activists gather at the State Capitol in Madison, WI Sept. 16, 2015 in support of NAACP Advocacy Day in Washington DC the culmination of America’s Journey for Justice march from Selma, AL to DC. “Our lives, our votes, our jobs and our schools matter.” EVANSTON, IL CANDLE LIGHT VIGIL FOR AJFJ A “Candle Light Vigil” was conducted by the Evanston/North Shore Branch, NAACP, Sept. 15, 2015, in conjunction with Zeta Phi Beta’s local chapter, with 100 people. The vigil was in support of the “America’s Journey for Justice” (AJFJ) and in recognition of the historic and arduous journey from Selma to Washington. Those gathered were led by 11 year old Alexis in singing “Lift Every Voice and Sing”. Reverend Doctor Michael Nabors and Reverend Debra Bullock led prayers for justice. George Mitchell, President, Evanston/North Shore Branch, and Illinois State Conference NAACP spoke on the purpose of AJFJ followed by a candle lighting ceremony and freedom songs. 3 MIDWEST NAACP UNITS IN ACTION HOME FIRE CAMPAIGN, SPRINGFIELD, IL Springfield, IL NAACP joined with the American Red Cross Home Fire Campaign and the Springfield Fire Department to install smoke alarms in the minority community with the highest census track for fires in Springfield. (L-r) Executive Committee members James Bass – IT Chair, Donald Mayes – Religious Chair, Teresa Haley - President, University of Illinois Nakeya Thompson, Springfield student and Springfield Firefighter Chris Cole carry their tools and smoke detector supplies to begin installing free smoke detectors in area homes Sept. 26, 2015. HEALTH FAIR AND EDUCATIONAL FORUM Springfield, IL NAACP Health Committee hosted a Health Fair and Educational Forum titled "BE HIV SURE" on Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015. Teresa Haley, President, Springfield Branch receives flu and phenomena shots that Walgreens provided free to all participants. ECONOMIC RESOURCE FAIR Rockford, IL NAACP held an Economic Resource Fair, at Ellis Arts Academy Oct. 3, 2015. Financial literacy, mortgages, credit and economic resources were topics covered. Representatives from ComEd, Nicor, Supplement Energy Assistance, Lifescape, Habitat for Humanity, LiHeap were available to participants. BACK TO SCHOOL /STAY IN SCHOOL Women in the NAACP (WIN), Fort Wayne, IN Branch hosted a Back to School/Stay in School event Aug. 1, 2015 at Hanna Homestead Park. The 70th Marjorie D Wickliffe Freedom Fund Banquet Sept. 10, 2015, Ft. Wayne, IN. (L-r) Robert Abercrombi, Jr., President, Ft. Wayne, Youth Council, Sheila Campbell, Leroy Jackson, Phebe Poydras, Representative for John Pierce, Marc Levy, Dr. Rae Pearson, Larry Gist, President, Ft. Wayne, Atty,. Barbara Bolling Williams, President, IN State Conference NAACP, Hilary Shelton, Director, Washington Bureau, NAACP, Erma Belt, Jasmyn Durham-MC, Linda Brooks, Dr. Ruby Cain, Sharon Tucker, Foundation One, Representative from Parkview Hospital, Rev Dr. Bill McGill and Rev. Dr. JB Pressey. 4 KENTUCKY STATE NAACP CONVENTION IN GEORGETOWN Gerald Neal, State Senator, KY, discusses civil rights policy challenges at the NAACP Kentucky State Conference Convention in Georgetown, KY , Sept 26, 2015. Dr. Jerome Reide, Regional Field Director, conducts Voter Empowerment training at Kentucky State Conference NAACP Convention, Georgetown, KY, Sept. 26, 2015 The Voter Activation Network VAN) can find the people that you want to engage, and then help you make phone calls, knock on doors, or send mail, and then track the results .for Get-out-the-vote operations. (L-r), Tracy Curtis, Ex. Comm. Lexington, Raoul Cunningham, President, Kentucky State Conference, Sheron Jackson, Ex. Comm., Frankfort, JoJuana Greene, Ex. Comm. Lexington at the Kentucky State C o nf e r en c e NAACP C o n ve n t i o n , Georgetown, KY, Sept. 26, 2015. Kentucky NAACP activists in civil rights advocacy training session at Kentucky State Conference NAACP Convention, Georgetown, KY, Sept. 26, 2015. Rev. Jonathan Lott, Second Vice President, Kentucky State Conference NAACP outlines timeline for NAACP activities 20152016 at Kentucky State Conference NAACP Convention, Georgetown, KY, Sept. 26, 2015. (Standing l-r) Vador Warfield, Secretary, KY State Conference, NAACP, Marcus Ray, President, Hardin County, (seated l-r) Janice Harris, President, Shelbyville, Aaron Cole, Treasurer, KY State Conference, at Kentucky State Conference NAACP Convention, Georgetown, KY, Sept. 26, 2015. 5 MICHIGAN STATE NAACP CONVENTION IN LANSING Michigan Youth & College Division leaders at Michigan State Conference NAACP Convention, Sept. 26, 2015, Lansing, MI. (L-r) Nina Turner, State Senator, Ohio, Yvonne White, President, Michigan State Conference, Kamilia Landrum, Youth Advisor, Michigan State Conference , KJ Tucker, College Advisor Grand Valley State, MI, at panel discussion Michigan State Conference NAACP Convention, Sept. 26, 2015, Lansing, MI. Nina Turner, State Senator, OH, encourages NAACP activists to press the civil rights agenda at the Michigan State Conference NAACP Convention, Sept. 26, 2016, Lansing, MI. Nina Turner, State Senator, OH, and Jonathan McKinney, Regional Field Organizer, NAACP at the Michigan State Conference NAACP Convention, Sept. 26, 2016, Lansing, MI. Lorenzo Shaw Brown, (center), President, Michigan Youth and College with Executive Committee members at Michigan State Conference NAACP Convention, Sept. 26, 2015, Lansing, MI. 6 OHIO STATE NAACP CONVENTION IN LEWIS CENTER (Center), Billy Ray Taylor, Director, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company receives plaque from NAACP members at the Ohio State Conference , NAACP Convention Sept. 12, 2015, Lewis Center, OH. Billy Ray Taylor, Director, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company motivated NAACP members with his testimony on selfdevelopment at the Ohio State Conference, NAACP Convention Sept. 12, 2015. Lewis Center, OH. NAACP activists at the 85th the Ohio State Conference , NAACP Convention Sept. 12, 2015, Lewis Center, OH. 7 VOTER ACTIVATION NETWORK (VAN) The Voter Activation Network (VAN), is an online interface where organizers can access data about registered voters, unregistered community members, volunteers and supporters. Finding the people you want to talk to (your targets) and using their contact information for voter engagement is the focal point of any electoral, civic engagement or issue campaign. The VAN can be used to find the people that you want to engage, and to then help you make phone calls, knock on doors, or send mail, and then track the results. Please contact Jonathan McKinney, Regional Field Organizer for training and access to the Voter Activation Network (VAN) : jmckinney@naacpnet.org (517) 371-2199 Kankakee County NAACP Education Committee hosted the Kankakee County School Administrators Forum, Sept. 29, 2015. The forum’s goals are to strengthen the relationships between the community, school districts, and the Kankakee Branch. To ensure that there is collaboration among all parties to resolve issues and meet the needs of students, families and our communities. The Forum address the financial challenges schools are facing, provides legislatives updates , address the impact of the budget impasse in Springfield and facilitates discussion around creative solution to meet the needs of the students and families. 8
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