Փ 䇈ᯢк ষ㜨ކ⋫఼ EW-DJ40
Փ 䇈ᯢк ষ㜨ކ⋫఼ EW-DJ40
Փ⫼䇈ᯢк Operating Instructions ষ㜨఼⋫ކ Rechargeable Oral Irrigator ൟো EW-DJ40 Model No. Ё᭛ 2 English 11 Փ⫼ᴀѻકࠡˈ䇋Ҩ㒚䯙䇏ᴀ䇈ᯢкᑊཹֱㅵˈҹᇚᴹখ㗗DŽ Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely and save them for future use. ⽕ℶ • ఼⬉ܙᏆᤳണϢ⬉⑤ᦦᑻⱘ䖲ᵒࡼᯊˈ䇋࣓Փ⫼ᴀ ᴀ㡖ᦤկⱘ᠔ֵ᳝ᙃ䛑ᰃЎњᣛᇐᙼℷ⹂ǃᅝܼഄՓ⫼ ఼DŽ ᴀ఼ˈҹ䙓ᙼܡ㞾ᏅঞҪҎফࠄӸᆇ䋶ѻᤳ༅DŽ ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈㾺⬉ǃⷁ䏃䍋☿DŽ • 䇋࣓ᤳണǃᬍ䗴ǃᔎ㸠ᔃᡬǃᢝᡃᡁ᳆⬉⑤㒓DŽℸˈ ŶՓ⫼ϡᔧ᠔㟈ⱘӸᆇᤳᆇߚ㉏䇈ᯢབϟDŽ 䇋࣓⬉⑤㒓Ϟ䴶ᬒ㕂䞡⠽།㋻⬉⑤㒓DŽ ॅ䰽 ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈㾺⬉䍋☿DŽ 㸼⼎Āᵕ᳝ৃ㛑䗴៤⅏ѵϹ䞡ӸᆇⱘݙᆍāDŽ 䙓∈⊒ܡʽ • 䇋࣓ᇚ఼⬉ܙ⍌≵Ѣ∈Ёˈ㗙⫼∈⏙⋫DŽ 䄺ਞ ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈㾺⬉ⷁ䏃DŽ 㸼⼎Āৃ㛑䗴៤⅏ѵϹ䞡ӸᆇⱘݙᆍāDŽ 䇋࣓⫼㾺 • 䇋࣓⫼⬉⑤ᦦᑻϞᦦᢨ఼⬉ܙDŽ ⊼ᛣ ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈㾺⬉DŽ 㸼⼎Āৃ㛑䗴៤Ӹᆇ䋶ѻᤳ༅ⱘݙᆍāDŽ ࡵᖙ䙉ᅜʽ Ŷᖙ乏䙉ᅜⱘݙᆍ⫼ҹϟᷛ㸼⼎DŽ ˄ҹϟᰃᷛⱘ⼎՟˅ • 䇋ཹ໘⧚ᴀѻકⱘࣙ㺙㹟ˈ䙓ܡ၈ᑐܓてᙃㄝᛣথ⫳˗ ߦ᭰㒓ⱘҷ㸼⽕ℶⱘࡼ㸠ЎDŽ 䇋㕂Ѣܓス㾺ᩌϡࠄⱘഄᮍˈ䙓ܡ၈ᑐܓϡᜢ৲亳䰘ӊ ᅲᖗҷ㸼ᔎࠊᗻᮑҹঞЎ⹂ֱᅝܼ᪡㗠ᖙ ᢚߚ䳊䚼ӊDŽ 乏䙉ᅜⱘ䇈ᯢDŽ • 䖯㸠㓈ᡸᯊˈ䇋Ң⬉⑤ᦦᑻϞᢨߎ఼⬉ܙDŽ ॅ䰽 ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈㾺⬉DŽ ⽕ℶ • ᅮᳳ⏙⋕⬉఼ᦦ༈ˈ఼⬉ܙҹ⿃ܡ㘮♄ᇬDŽ • ᴀ఼᳝ݙ㕂∴⬉⬉ܙDŽ ৺߭ˈ⿃㘮ⱘ♄ᇬফ╂Ӯᇐ㟈㒱㓬ϡ㡃ˈҢ㗠ᓩথ☿♒DŽ 䇋࣓ᇚ݊ᡩܹ☿Ёǃࡴ⛁ǃ㗙催⏽໘⬉ܙǃՓ⫼ • ࡵᖙϢ݊乱ᅮ⬉य़Ⳍヺⱘ⬉⑤Ϟ᪡ᴀ఼DŽ ᬒ㕂DŽ ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈㾺⬉䍋☿DŽ ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈䖛⛁ǃ䍋☿⟚⚌DŽ ⽕ℶᢚौʽ • ߛ࣓ᬍ㺙ᴀ఼DŽℸˈ䇋࣓ᢚौׂ⧚DŽ 䄺ਞ ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈䍋☿ǃ㾺⬉Ҏ䑿ӸᆇDŽ㓈ׂᯊ˄՟བᤶ 䇋࣓⍈ᅸݙᨁ䜡Փ⫼ᴀ఼Ϣ఼⬉ܙDŽ ⬉∴˅ˈ䇋Ϣᙼ䌁фᴀ఼ⱘଚᑫ 3DQDVRQLF ᅶ᠋᳡ • ఼⬉ܙӮ䎠㨑㹿ᢪܹ⍈Ⲛǃ∈ῑ偀Ṋⱘԡ㕂ˈ䇋 ࡵЁᖗ㘨㋏DŽ ࣓ᬒ㕂ᄬᬒ఼⬉ܙDŽ ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈㾺⬉䍋☿DŽ 2 ᅝܼ⊼ᛣџ乍 Ё᭛ ⽕ℶ • ၈ᑐܓǃ᮴᪡㛑㗙ǃষ㜨ᛳ㾝䖳䩱㗙ϡᕫՓ⫼ᴀ఼ DŽ ৺߭ӮফࠄӸᆇDŽ • 䰸ষ㜨⏙⋫ˈϡᕫᇚᴀ఼⫼Ѣӏԩ݊Ҫ⫼䗨DŽ ৺߭ˈⴐǃ唏ᄤǃ㘇ᴉଢ଼੭∈ᯊӮফࠄӸᆇDŽ བᵰᙼℷফষ㜨⊏⭫ᙷ᳝Ϲ䞡ⱘ⠭਼⮙ˈ䇋䆶 ⠭⾥ए⫳DŽ • 䇋࣓∈ㆅ⊼☠ݙ催Ѣ ćⱘ∈DŽ ৺߭Ӯ㹿⚿ӸDŽ • ϡৃᩩ↕⬉∴ֱᡸ㝰DŽ ҹܡ䗴៤ⓣ∈DŽ 䋷ӏDŽ • ⬉⑤䕃㒓ϡ㛑ᤶˈབᵰ䕃㒓ᤳണˈℸ఼ᑨᑳᓗDŽ Ё᭛ ⊼ᛣ ࡵᖙ䙉ᅜʽ • ᢨߎ఼⬉ܙᯊˈ䇋ࡵᖙᤣԣᦦ఼⬉ܙ༈㗠䴲⬉⑤㒓DŽ ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈㾺⬉ⷁ䏃ˈᓩথ☿♒DŽ • ֱᣕᴀ఼ⱘि⫳ˈՓ⫼⌕ࡼⱘ㞾ᴹ∈⏽∈⏙⋫ষ㜨DŽ • Փ⫼ৢࡵᖙ∈ߎצㆅݙ䚼ⱘ∈ˈ✊ৢ䖤㸠ᴀ఼ 㟇 ⾦ᇚ∈ᥦᑆDŽ ৺߭ˈ఼ϡि⫳ⱘᚙމϟՓ⫼ᯊˈӮ⬅Ѣ䳝㦠㒚 㦠ⱘ⒟⫳㗠ᇐ㟈ᙼⱘعᒋফࠄᤳᆇDŽℸˈ䖬ৃ㛑ѻ⫳ ᓖੇᬙ䱰DŽ • ϡՓ⫼ᯊˈ䇋Ң⬉⑤ᦦᑻϞᢨߎ఼⬉ܙDŽ ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈㾺⬉⬅Ѣ㒱㓬ᗻ㛑ϟ䰡㗠ᓩথ⬉⇨☿♒DŽ ⊼ᛣ • ᴀકϡᅰկ㙶ԧǃᛳᅬ㊒⼲Ϟ᳝⅟⮒㗙ǃ㔎У㒣偠 ⶹ䆚㗙˄ࣙᣀܓス˅Փ⫼ˈ䰸䴲᳝Ҏᇍℸ㉏Ҏࡴҹⲥⴷ 㗙ᇍᴀકⱘՓ⫼ࡴҹᣛᇐˈϨᇍՓ⫼㗙ⱘᅝܼ㛑ᡓᢙ 3 ᖗعᒋ䯂乬DŽ 䚼ߚⱘৡ⿄ Ё᭛ Ź Փ⫼ᴀ఼Пࠡ ेՓᰃعᒋⱘ⠭啜ϔᓔྟгৃ㛑Ӯߎ㸔DŽ䖭ᰃЎ⠭啜 䖬ϡдᛃ䖭⾡ࠎ▔䗴៤ⱘˈߎ㸔ϔ㠀 ਼ ਼ذݙℶDŽ བᵰߎ㸔ᣕ㓁ᯊ䯈䍙䖛 ਼ˈ߭ৃ㛑ᰃ⠭啜᳝䯂乬˄⠭ ਼⮙ㄝ˅DŽ䖭⾡ᚙމϟˈᑨذℶՓ⫼ᴀ఼ᑊ䆶⠭⾥ ए⫳DŽ Ў఼⬉ܙ • 䇋 ࠄ ćⱘᅸ⏽ᴵӊϟᇍᴀ఼⬉ܙDŽ • Ԣ⏽ᴵӊϟ˄ԢѢ ć˅⬉ܙᯊˈՓ⫼ᯊ䯈ৃ㛑Ӯ 㓽ⷁDŽℸˈ⏽ᑺ䖛Ԣᯊ˄ćҹϟ˅ˈৃ㛑᮴⊩⬉ܙDŽ ˄ৢ˅ ˄ࠡ˅ ᴀԧ ⬉ܙᣛ⼎♃ ఈᦦܹᄨ ఈ䞞ᬒ䪂 ᓔ݇ Փ⫼㒓˄ ᷛ䆄˅ ∈ㆅ կ∈Ⲫ ఼ᦦষ ⬉∴ֱᡸ㝰 ఈټᄬ㠅 ∈ㅵ ఈ˄h˅ ఼⬉ܙ Ź ⊼ᛣ Џ఼∈˄ㆅǃ∈ㅵㄝ˅ⱘݙ䚼ৃ㛑ᄬ᳝ϔѯ⎆ԧˈ 䖭ᰃ⫼Ѣᗻ㛑˄∈⌕˅⌟䆩࠽ϟⱘ㪌佣∈ˈℸϡᖙᢙ 4 1 ݇䯁ᓔ݇DŽ 2 ᬊಲᴀԧDŽ 3 ᇚᦦ఼⬉ܙᄨ⠶ᦦ఼ܹᦦষDŽ • ᪺ᥝᦦষϞৃ㛑⅟⬭ⱘ∈ӑПৢˈᮍ ৃᦦܹᦦ఼⬉ܙᄨDŽ 4 ᇚ఼⬉ܙ⠶ᦦܹ⬉⑤ᦦᑻDŽ • ܙ⒵ϔ⬉ৃ䖲㓁Փ⫼㑺ߚ䩳DŽ • ᇚᴀԧ㒻㓁⬭䖲㟇⬉⑤ᦦᑻⱘ఼⬉ܙϞϡӮᕅડ ᗻ㛑DŽ ˄ϔ㠀ᚙމϟˈབᵰՓ⬉∴ডܙᬒ⬉㗠ϡ⫼ᅠ᠔ܙ ⱘ⬉䞣ˈᇚӮѻ⫳䆄ᖚᬜᑨˈᇐ㟈Փ⫼ᯊ䯈ޣᇥᬒ ⬉⬉य़ϟ䰡DŽ㗠ᴀ఼㒣䖛њ⡍⅞䆒䅵ˈϡӮᕅડՓ ⫼DŽ˅ • བᵰϔᓔྟՓ⫼ᯊ˄߮䌁фৢ Ͼ᳜ҹϞ㒣Փ ⫼Пৢ˅Փ⫼఼ⱘ䖛Ё᪡ذℶˈ䇋ࡵᖙ⬉ܙ ᇣᯊҹϞDŽབᵰᦦܹᴀԧᯊ⬉ܙᣛ⼎♃ϔᓔྟϡ ҂ˈ䇋ㄝ⠛ࠏˈⳈ㟇ᣛ⼎♃҂䍋DŽ • ⬉ܙᯊˈᴀԧӮ⬹ᖂব⛁ˈ䖭ᑊϡᰃᬙ䱰DŽ • 5(఼⬉ܙা㛑Ϣᴀѻક䜡ড়Փ⫼ˈϡ㛑⫼Ѣ݊ᅗ ⱘѻક⫼䗨DŽ • བᵰℷ⹂ⱘ⬉ܙᚙމϟՓ⫼ᯊ䯈ҡ✊㓽ⷁˈ߭ৃ㛑 ᰃ⬉∴ᇓੑᏆሑDŽ ˄⬉∴ⱘ乘䅵Փ⫼ᇓੑЎ ᑈˈԚᰃˈḍ݊Փ⫼ ᄬᬒᮍᓣⱘϡৠˈՓ⫼ᇓੑӮথ⫳ᰒ㨫ⱘᬍবDŽ˅ Փ⫼ᴀ఼ Ё᭛ 5 ⹂䅸⬉ܙᣛ⼎♃҂䍋DŽ ⬉ܙᇚ㑺 ᇣᯊݙᅠ៤DŽ • Փ⫼⌕ࡼⱘ㞾ᴹ∈⏽∈DŽ • ᇚఈᬒܹষЁПࠡˈ䇋࣓ᓔਃᓔ݇DŽ 1 ᠧᓔկ∈ⲪDŽ 2 ᇚᴀԧⱘⱑ㡆䚼ߚ Ϟᢨߎ㟇Փ⫼㒓 3 ˄ ᷛ䆄˅DŽ • կ∈Ⲫ݇䯁ᯊˈৃ㛑 䲒ҹᢨߎᴀԧDŽ • া᳝ᇚᴀԧᢨߎ㟇Փ ⫼㒓ˈ∈य़ᠡӮछ催DŽ • ℸᯊˈఈৃ㛑ӮҢ ټᄬ㠅ݙᔍߎˈℸ ᑨᇣᖗ᪡DŽ 2 4 3 ᦵԣᴀԧⱘⱑ㡆䚼 ߚˈᇚఈ㺙ܹఈ ᦦܹᄨDŽ • ⠶ᦦܹⳈ㟇݊থߎ ੨દໄDŽ 5 1 4 ⊼ܹ∈DŽ • ᓎ䆂Փ⫼⌕ࡼⱘ㞾ᴹ∈DŽ • བᵰᛳ㾝∈⏽ԢˈৃՓ⫼ϡ䍙䖛 ćⱘ⏽∈DŽ • 䇋࣓⊼ܹⲤǃ⠭㝣࣪ᄺࠊકDŽ • Ў⹂ֱ䖲㓁Փ⫼ˈ䇋݇䯁ᓔ݇DŽ 5 Ё᭛ 5 ݇䯁կ∈ⲪDŽ • ⊼ܹ∈ৢˈ݇㋻կ∈ⲪDŽ 6 ᇚఈᬒܹষЁDŽ • བᵰ఼ؒ᭰䖛ᑺˈ∈ㆅⱘݙ ⱘᙼ⋫⏙ߚܙষ㜨 • Փ∈⌕ሑৃ㛑ൖⳈ⠭啓П䯈⠭啓Ϣ⠭啜П䯈ⱘ䖍 㓬DŽ • ⊓⠭啓᜶᜶⿏ࡼDŽ • ᑨḐ⬭ᛣ⠭啓П䯈⠭༫਼ೈऎඳDŽ ⠭啓ⱘࠡջ • ᇍ⠭啓ൖⳈ∈DŽ • ᑨḐ⬭ᛣ⠭啓П䯈⠭啓Ϣ ⠭啜П䯈ⱘ䖍㓬DŽ 6 ∈ㅵৃ㛑Ӯ㜅⾏∈䴶㗠ᇐ㟈∈⌕ ذℶDŽ 7 ᓔਃᓔ݇DŽ • ⒵ㆅৃՓ⫼㑺 ⾦DŽ ৃҹ䗝ᢽᓣ˄ᔎᑺ˅DŽ ˄ᷛ˅ޚ • ⫼Ѣℷᐌ⏙⋫ ˄䕏ᶨ˅ • ᇍᙼⱘ⠭啜ϡᬒᖗᯊ • ᛳ㾝 ˄ᷛ˅ޚᓣᔎᯊ &+$5*( 7 • 䇋࣓Փఈⱘ乊ッ㋻䌈⠭啓⠭啜DŽ • ᇍѢ၈ᑐܓㄝ㞾Ꮕ᮴⊩᪡ᴀ఼ⱘҎˈষ㜨䕗 ЎᬣᛳⱘҎˈᑨḐᇣᖗDŽ • 䇋࣓䎠㨑㉫ᲈᇍᕙᴀ఼DŽ • 䰸఼ᥦ∈ˈ䇋࣓ぎㆅ᪡DŽ ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈ᬙ䱰DŽ Ź ᦤ⼎ • オⳈᦵԣ఼ˈՓఈᳱϞDŽ • ᇚ㜌⿏ࠄ∈ῑϞᮍDŽ • ᇚఈᬒܹষЁDŽ • ⬹ᖂড়ᢶఈҹ䰆ℶ∈DŽ 6 ⠭啓ⱘৢջ Ϟ⠭ • ᇚఈⱘ㾦ᑺ䇗ᭈЎᳱϞⱘᮍ ˈᇍ⠭啓ൖⳈ∈DŽ 4 ᣝԣఈ䞞ᬒ䪂প ߎఈˈᇚ݊ᬒࠄ 5 • 䇋࣓Ⳉ⠭਼㹟ݙ∈DŽ Ё᭛ ϟ⠭ • 䰡Ԣϟ乮ˈᇍ⠭啓ൖⳈ∈DŽ ټᄬ㠅ЁDŽ ᬊಲᴀԧDŽ • ᣝय़ᴀԧˈⳈ㟇݊থ ߎ੨દໄDŽ • ᇣᖗϡ㽕䅽∈ㆅⱘϞ 䚼ӸᣛDŽ 4 4 6 ݇䯁կ∈ⲪDŽ 5 Փ⫼఼Пৢ • Փ⫼఼ПৢˈӮ᳝㒚㦠⒟⫳ⱘॅ䰽ˈℸᑨᕏᑩ⏙ ⋫ᑊᑆ➹ПৢݡᄬᬒDŽ 1 ᠧᓔկ∈Ⲫˈ∈ߎצㆅЁⱘ∈DŽ 6 • 䇋ᇚ݊㻍ᑆ↯ޔᏒㄝ⠽કЁৃᬊԭⱘ∈ߚৢˈ ✊ৢᇚ݊ᄬᬒࣙ㉏ݙԐ⠽કЁDŽ 2 ᓔਃᓔ݇ˈᇚ఼ݙ䚼ⱘ∈ᥦ ᑆDŽ • Ў䰆ℶ㒚㦠⒟⫳ˈᑨሑᮽҢࣙЁপߎ఼Փ݊ᑆ➹DŽ • 䖤㸠఼ 㟇 ⾦ˈⳈ㟇ϡݡ᳝ ∈ᥦߎDŽ 3 ݇䯁ᓔ݇DŽ 7 㓈ᡸ Ё᭛ ∈ㆅ ఈ পϟկ∈Ⲫⱘᚙމϟ⫼ᢨЏԧ ˄ᣝԣఈ䞞ᬒ䪂ˈপߎఈDŽ˅ ᯊˈ∈ㆅӮ㜅㨑ˈҢ㗠ৃҹ䖯㸠ݙ䚼 ⫼∈⏙⋫ˈ✊ৢ⫼Ꮧ᪺ᑆDŽ • ↣ Ͼ᳜䇋ᤶఈDŽབᵰఈⱘ 㓈ᡸDŽ 乊ッᏆবᔶˈ䇋ᤶϔϾᮄⱘఈDŽ ⫼∈⏙⋫ˈ✊ৢ⫼Ꮧ᪺ᑆDŽ • ⫼ࠋᄤП㉏ⱘ⠽ક⋫ᥝݙ䚼ⱘ∵൶ˈ ৺߭ˈӮᇐ㟈ᬙ䱰DŽ ✊ৢ⫼Ꮧ᪺ᑆޔDŽ ᴀԧ • 䭓ᯊ䯈ϡՓ⫼ᯊˈᑨ᱒ᑆ∈ㆅDŽ ⫼㰌᳝⎆ԧ㙹ⱖⱘᏗ䰸এ∵൶ˈ✊ৢ կ∈Ⲫ ⫼ݡᑆ➹ⱘᏗ᪺ᑆޔDŽ ᪺ᥝ∵൶DŽ བᵰᴀԧᕜ㛣ˈৃ⫼∈⏙⋫DŽ • 䇋࣓Փ⫼⿔䞞ࠖǃ≑⊍ǃ䜦㊒ㄝ᪺ • ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈ⓣ∈DŽ ఼⬉ܙ ᣁᴀ఼DŽ • ৺߭Ӯᇐ㟈ᬙ䱰ˈ䚼ӊᓔ㺖㻾㡆DŽ ↣ Ͼ᳜⫼ᑆ➹ⱘᏗ᪺ᑆᦦ఼⬉ܙޔ ༈ⱘ䞥ሲ䚼ߚDŽ • 䇋࣓Փ⫼催Ѣ ćⱘ⛁∈⏙⋫DŽ • 䇋࣓ᇚ఼⍌≵Ѣ∈ЁDŽ • Փ⫼⏙⋕ࠖᯊˈ䇋Փ⫼ᶨⱘ⏙⋕ࠖDŽ • ⫼∈⏙⋫ৢˈ䇋᪺ᥝ∈ߚDŽ ∈ㅵ • ߛ࣓Փ⫼⿔䞞ࠖǃ≑⊍䜦㊒ˈЎ ⫼∈⏙⋫ˈ✊ৢ⫼Ꮧ᪺ᑆDŽ 䖭ѯ⠽䋼ৃ㛑Ӯᇐ㟈ᬙ䱰䚼ӊᓔ㺖 • 䇋࣓ᔃᡬ∈ㅵDŽ 㻾㡆DŽ ৺߭ˈӮᇐ㟈∈ㅵ᪡Ёᮁㄝᬙ 䱰DŽ 8 Ё᭛ བᵰᙼ䅸Ў఼⋫ކথ⫳ᬙ䱰 䇋䖯㸠ҹϟẔᶹDŽ ⦄䈵 ৃ㛑ⱘॳ ⬉∴ᇓੑᏆሑ˄㑺 ᑈ˅ ेՓ⬉ܙПৢгা㛑Ꮉ ߚ䩳 ఼ϡ䖤㸠 ᮑ Ϣଚᑫ 3DQDVRQLF ᅶ᠋᳡ࡵЁᖗ㘨㋏DŽ ˄ϡ㛑᪙㞾ᤶ⬉∴ˈЎ䖭ৃ㛑ᇐ㟈䰆∈ ᗻ㛑ϟ䰡ᬙ䱰˅ ⬉ܙᯊ䯈ⷁDŽ ᇍ఼䖲㓁 ⬉ܙᇣᯊҹϞҹ▔⌏⬉∴ ߮䌁фПৢᏆ᳝ Ͼ᳜Փ⫼ 䖲㓁 ⬉ܙᇣᯊҹϞҹ▔⌏⬉∴DŽ ఈݙฉา∵൶ ∈य़Ԣ ᤶఈ ఈষ㹿य़ണ ఼Փ⫼ᯊؒ᭰䖛ᑺ オⳈՓ⫼ᴀ఼ ᴀԧߚܙᢨߎ ᅠܼᢨߎᴀԧ ᮴∈⌕ߎ བᵰᇍ఼䖯㸠Ẕᶹᑊ䞛পⳌᑨᮑৢᬙ䱰ձ✊ᄬˈ䇋ذℶՓ⫼ҹ䰆ℶথ⫳џᬙˈࠄଚᑫ㽕∖ẔׂDŽ 9 পߎݙ㕂ⱘ∴⬉⬉ܙ 㾘Ḑ Ё᭛ ఼ݙ㮣᳝ৃ∴⬉ⱘ⬉ܙ⍜䌍㗙އᅮᑳᓗ఼ˈࠡ䇋 ࡵᖙᇚ⬉∴Ң఼ЁপߎDŽ ߚ㾷఼ˈপߎ⬉∴ࠡˈϔᅮ㽕ᮁᓔ⬉⑤DŽ 哧ࢅ⍜䌍㗙އᅮᑳᓗ఼ˈࠡџܜᕕ∖㒣䫔ଚᴀ݀ ৌᣛᅮ㓈ׂ⚍ⱘᛣ㾕ˈሑ䞣ᓊ䭓఼ⱘՓ⫼ᇓੑDŽ ᔧ⍜䌍㗙އᅮᑳᓗ఼ জϡᛇ㞾㸠ߚ㾷఼প ߎ⬉∴ᯊˈ哧ࢅ⍜䌍㗙 ᇚ఼䗕ᕔᴀ݀ৌᣛᅮ ⱘ㓈ׂキˈ⬅㓈ׂᑫᇍ ⬉∴䖯㸠ߚ㾷ಲᬊDŽ ⬉∴ࡵᖙᑳᓗѢᬓᑰ 㾘ᅮⱘഄᮍಲᬊ໘ ⧚ऩԡDŽ ᣝে᠔⼎ ~ ⱘ乎ᑣᢚᓔᴀԧˈ ौϟ⬉∴DŽ ƽ ƽ ƽ ƽ ѻકৡ⿄ ѻકൟো ఼⬉ܙ乱ᅮ䕧ܹ ఼⬉ܙ乱ᅮ䕧ߎ 偀䖒⬉य़ ⬉ܙᯊ䯈 䞡䞣 ॳѻഄ ⫳ѻ᮹ᳳ ᠻ㸠ᷛޚ ƽ ষ㜨఼⋫ކ (:'- 9 P$ 9 㑺 ᇣᯊ ᴀԧ˖㑺 J ˖఼⬉ܙ㑺 J Ё 䇋㾕ଚકϞࠏॄ *% 䰘ᔩ % *% 46;'*:% 㾘Ḑབ᳝বˈᘩϡ㸠䗮ⶹDŽ ᴀѻકҙ䗖ড়ᆊᒁՓ⫼DŽ 䰘ӊ Ўњ⦃๗ֱᡸॳᴤ᭭ⱘಲᬊ ᴀ఼᳝䬡⇶⬉∴DŽ བᵰ䌉᳝ᅬᮍᣛᅮⱘ໘⧚ഄ⚍ˈ䇋ࡵᖙࠄ䆹ഄ⚍໘ ⧚ᑳᮻ⬉∴DŽ 10 䇋⌑䆶ህ䖥ⱘଚᑫDŽ 䌁фᯊˈ䇋ḌᇍĀ⬉఼ѻક㓪ো (:'-āĀ᳓ᤶ ఈѻક㓪োāDŽ ᳓ᤶఈ˄䰘 Ͼ˅ (: ᏺ᳝䕼䅸⦃ All information in this section is provided to instruct you in the correct and safe operation of this appliance so that you can avoid injuries to yourself and others as well as damage to property. ŶThe harm or damage that is caused by improper use is described in categories. Danger This indicates “content that may very likely cause death or severe injury”. Warning This indicates “content that may cause death or severe injury”. Caution This indicates “content that may cause injury or damage to property”. ŶContent to be observed is described with the following icons. (The following are examples of icons) A circle and slash symbolizes prohibited actions and behaviors. A solid circle denotes mandatory actions and instructions to be followed for safe operation. Danger Prohibited • This appliance has built-in rechargeable batteries. Do not throw into a ſTe, heat, or charge, use, or leave in a hot location. Doing so could result in ovGTJGCVKPIſTe, or explosion. Warning Do not use this appliance with the charging adaptor in the bath or shower room. • Do not place or store the charging adaptor where it can fall or be pulled into a tub, sink or toilet. Doing so could result in electric shocMQTſTe. Prohibited • Do not use the appliance when the charging adaptor is damaged or the connection to the power outlet is loose. Doing so could result in electric shock, shorting, or ſTe. • Do not damage, destroy, modify, forcefully bend, pull, or twist the power cord. Also, do not place heavy objects on or clamp the power cord. Doing so could result in electric shocMQTſTe. Avoid water contact! • Do not immerse the charging adaptor in water, or wash with water. Doing so could result in electric shock or shorting. Do not touch with wet hands 11 English Safety Instructions • Do not insert or pull the charging adaptor from the power outlet with wet hands. Doing so could result in electric shock. Mandatory! • Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Keep these operating instructions in a safe place. • Remove the charging adaptor from the power outlet when performing maintenance. Failure to do so could result in electric shock. • Clean the appliance plug and the charging adaptor periodically in order to prevent dust build up. FCKNWTGVQFQUQEQWNFTGUWNVKPCſTe, due to insulation failure caused by humidity on the built-up dust. • Always ensure the appliance is operated on an electric power source matched to its rated voltage. Failure to do so could result in electric shocMQTſTe. Do not dismantle! • Never alter the appliance. Also, do not disassemble or repair it. &QKPIUQEQWNFTGUWNVKPſTe, electric shock, or injury. Contact the store where you purchased the appliance or Panasonic customer center for repair (such as battery change). English 12 Caution Prohibited • Toddlers, infants, people who are unable to operate and people with weak oral senses should not use this appliance. Failure to do so could result in injury. • Do not use for any purpose other than oral cleaning. Doing so could result in injury when the stream of water is pointed toward the eyes, nose, ears, or throat. Consult the dentist if you are receiving oral treatments or have severe periodontal disease. • Do not ſNN the tank with water warmer than 40 °C. Doing so could result in burns. Mandatory! • Always hold the power plug instead of the power cord when removing the charging adaptor. Failure to do so could result in electric shock or shorVKPITGUWNVKPIKPſTe. • Keep the appliance sanitized and use fresh tap water or warm water when cleaning the mouth. • Make sure to throw out the water inside the tank, and run the appliance for 2 to 3 seconds to drain the water after usage. Failure to do so could result in damage to your health if used without keeping it sanitized due to propagation of mold and bacteria. It may also result in odor and malfunction. • Remove the charging adaptor from the power outlet when it is not to be used. Failure to do so could result in electric shock or electrical fire due to insulation degradation. Caution English • This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. • The supply cord cannot be replaced. If the cord is damaged, the appliance should be scrapped. 13 remaining distilled water that was used for the performance (wCVGTƀow) test, so there are no health concerns. Parts KFGPVKſECVKQP Ź BefQTG using the CRRNKCPEG Initially bleeding may occur even with healthy gums. This is caused because the gums are not used to such stimulation. The bleeding will normally stop within 1 or 2 weeks of use. There may be a problem with the gums (periodontal disease, etc.) if the bleeding continues for over 2 weeks. In such cases, stop using the appliance and consult the dentist. Charging the CRRNKCPEG (Back) English (Front) Main unit Charging indicator lamp Nozzle socket Nozzle release button " Switch Usage line ( mark) Tank Water supply cap Appliance socket Battery protection film Nozzle storage compartment Water suction tube Nozzle (x1) Charging adaptor Ź 0QVG There may be some liquid remaining inside the main appliance (tank, water suction tube, etc.), but this is 14 • Charge the appliance at 15 to 35 °C room temperature. • Usage time may be shorter when charging in lower temperatures (under 15 °C). Also, it may not charge in very low temperatures (under 0 °C). 1 Turn the switEh VQ OFF. 2 5VQTG the main unit. the appliance plug 3 Insert securely into the appliance socket. • Insert the appliance plug after wiping any water that may be on the socket. the charging adaptor securely into 4 Insert the power outlet. that the charging 5 Check indicator lamp glows. Charging is completed in approx. 8 hours. • It can be used for 15 minutes with 1 full charge. • If operation stops at the start of usage (immediately after purchase or after not using for 3 months or more) or while using the appliance, be sure to charge it for 16 hours or more. If the charging indicator does not glow initially when the main unit is plugged in, wait for a short while until it does. • The main unit will become slightly warm while charging, but this is not a malfunction. • Do not use any charging adaptor other than one URGEKſECNN[FGUKIPGFfor this model (RE7-46). • If the usage time gets short even if charged properly, it could be that the battery is worn out. (Expected life of the battery is 3 years, but it can change greatly depending on how it is used and stored) English • Leaving the main unit continuously on the charging adaptor connected to the power outlet does not affect performance. (In general, repeatedly charging and discharging the battery without fully using up the charging capacity will cause a memory effect, which decreases the usage and lowers the discharge voltage. However this appliance has been devised in such a way that it will not affect the usage.) 15 Using the appliance • Use with tap water or lukewarm water. • Do not turn the switch to ON before placing the nozzle in your mouth. the water 1 Open supply cap. out the white 2 Pull part of main unit 3 up to the usage line ( mark). • It may be hard to pull out the main unit with the water supply cap closed. • Water pressure will not rise unless the main unit is pulled out to the usage line. • Be careful since the nozzle might pop out from the storage compartment at this time. 4 1 English the nozzle into the nozzle socket 3 Insert holding onto the white part of the main unit. • Insert it securely until it clicks. 16 • If the water feels cold, use lukewarm water of up to 40 °C. • Do not pour in salt, toothpaste, or chemicals. • To continuously use, make sure the switch is set to OFF. the water supply cap. 5 Close • Securely close after pouring in water. the nozzle in your 6 Place mouth. 2 5 in water. 4 Pour • Always use fresh tap water. 6 • The water suction tube inside the tank may come out from the wCVGTCPFVJGƀow of the water may stop when the appliance is tilted too much. the switch to ON. 7 Turn • It can be used for approximately &+$5*( 7 40 seconds with a full tank. Mode (strength) can be selected. 2 (Normal) • For normal cleaning 1 (Soft) • When you are worried about your gums • When you feel 2 (Normal) is too strong • Do not press the tip of the nozzle hard against the teeth or gums. • Be extra cautious with those who cannot operate the appliance by themselves, such as infants or toddlers, or people with high oral sensitivity. • Do not drop or handle it roughly. • Do not operate when the tank is empty except to drain the water from the appliance. Doing so could result in malfunction. Ź Tips • Hold the appliance vertically with the nozzle upward. • Move your face above the sink. • Place the nozzle in your mouth. • Close your mouth slightly so the water will not splatter. Back side of the teeth... For the upper teeth • Adjust the angle of the nozzle to face upward, and apply the stream perpendicular to the teeth. For the lower teeth • Pull your chin down, and apply the stream perpendicular to the teeth. Cleaning your mouth well • Do not apply the stream directly into the periodontal pockets. English • Aim the stream as perpendicular as possible between the teeth or the edge between the teeth and gums. • Move slowly along the teeth. • Take extra care between the teeth and around braces. Front side of the teeth... • Apply the stream perpendicular to the teeth. • Take extra care between the teeth and the edge between the teeth and gums. 17 After using the appliance • There is a risk of bacteria propagating, so wash thoroughly and dry before storing. the nozzle 4 Press release button, the water supply cap and 1 Open dispose of the water in the tank. 5 the switch to ON, and 2 Turn drain the water inside the appliance. • Run the appliance for 2 to 3 seconds until no water comes out. 3 Turn the switch to OFF. remove the nozzle and place it in the storage compartment. Store the main unit. 4 4 • Press it in until it clicks. • Watch out not to clamp your fingers in the upper part of the tank. the water 6 Close supply cap. 5 6 • To store in a bag or similar after using the appliance, wrap it in a towel or similar to absorb any excess water. • To prevent bacteria propagating, take it out from a bag or similar as soon as possible to dry. English 18 Maintenance ! " # " Tank It will come off when the body is pulled hard while the water supply cap is removed, so perform maintenance of interior as well. Wash with water and wipe with a cloth. • Wash the dirt off from inside using a brush or similar, and wipe off with a cloth. • Dry the tank when not using for a long period. # Water supply cap Wipe off any grime and dirt. • Failure to do so could result in water leakage. Charging adaptor Wipe the metal part of the power plug with a dry cloth once every 6 months. • Only use mild detergent. • Never use thinners, benzine, or alcohol since it may cause malfunction or cracking / discoloration of the parts. English Nozzle (Remove it while pressing the nozzle release button.) Wash with water and wipe with a cloth. • Please replace the nozzle about once every 6 months. If the tip of nozzle gets deformed, please replace with a new nozzle. Failure to do so could result in malfunction. Main unit Remove the dirt by wiping using a cloth with liquid soap, and wipe off using a dry cloth. Wash with water if it is very dirty. • Do not wipe the appliance with thinner, benzine, alcohol, etc. • Doing so could result in malfunction, cracking or discoloration of the parts. • Do not wash using hot water of over 50 °C. • Do not leave the appliance submerged in water. • Dry after washing with water. ! Water suction tube Wash with water and wipe with a cloth. • Do not bend the water suction tube. Failure to do so could result in malfunction such as disruption in the operation of the water suction tube. 19 If you think it is malfunctioning Check the following. Symptom It only works for a few minutes even after charging It does not operate Probable Cause Action Battery is worn out (approximately 3 years) Contact the store or Panasonic Customer Center. (You cannot change the battery yourself because it may cause degradation of water proof performance or malfunction) Charging time is too short Charge the appliance continuously for 16 hours or more to activate the battery It is immediately after purchase or has been left unused for 3 months Charge continuously for 16 hours or more to activate the battery. There is dirt stuck in the nozzle Replace the nozzle Water pressure is low Mouth of the nozzle is squashed Water does not come out English The appliance is tilted too much while in use Use with the appliance in a vertical state The main unit is not fully extended. Pull out the main unit all the way If the problem remains even after the appliance is checked and action is taken, terminate usage to prevent any accidents, and request checkup and repair at a store. 20 For environmental protection and recycling of materials This appliance contains Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries. Please make sure that the batteries are disposed of at an QHſEKCNN[ assigned location, if there is one in your country. 5RGEKſECVKQPU Product name Product model Rated input Rated output Motor voltage Charging time Weight Place of origin Date of production Execution standard Rechargeable Oral Irrigator EW-DJ40 9 P$ 9 approx. 8 hours Main unit: approx. 265 g Charging adaptor: approx. 145 g China Please engraving on the commodity. GB4706.1 appendix B GB4706.59 Q/SXDGWB 10 5RGEKſECVKQPUCTGUWDLGEVVQEJCPIGYKVJQWVPQVKEe. This product is intended for household use only. 21 English Removing the built-in rechargeable batteries Accessories Contact the stores close to you. Check the “appliance product number (EW-DJ40)” and the “replacement nozzle product number” when purchasing. Replacement nozzle (2 included) EW0955 With identification ring English 22 MEMO MEMO EW-DJ40 EW-DJ40 EW-DJ40 EW-DJ40 EW-DJ40 EW-DJ40 ᳓ᤶఈㄝ䰘ӊǂǂǂǂǂǂǂ᳝ٓᦤկ MEMO ᵒϟ⬉Ꮉgϛᅱ⬉఼˄ᑓᎲ˅᳝䰤݀ৌ(PEWWBG) Panasonic Electric Works Wanbao (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Ꮉॖഄഔ˖ᑓᎲᏖ⬾⾎ऎᏖᑓ䏃ϛᅱഄ (Address): Wanbao Base, Shiguang Road, Panyu District, Guangzhou ⬉䆱(Tel)˖(020)84770333 Ӵⳳ(Fax)˖(020)84773033 䚂ᬓ㓪ⷕ (Post Code)˖511495 ॳѻഄ˖Ё Ёॄࠋ Printed in China EW9700DJ400405 S0709-0 থ㸠˖ᑈ᳜