The-Media-Agenda_201.. - Westmount Municipal Association
The-Media-Agenda_201.. - Westmount Municipal Association
ORDRE DU JOUR / AGENDA SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT LE 1er JUIN 2015 à 20 h – JUNE 1st, 2015 - 8:00 p.m. Ouverture de la séance / Opening of Meeting Rapport du maire et des conseillers / Mayor’s & Councillors’ Reports Première période de questions / First Question Period 1 Adoption de l’ordre du jour / Adoption of the Agenda 2 Approbation des procès-verbaux / Confirmation of Minutes 3 Rapports au conseil / Reports to Council Conseillère/Councillor SAMIOTIS Conseillère/Councillor SAMIOTIS Maire/Mayor TRENT 4 4.1 AGGLOMERATION / AGGLOMERATION Orientation du conseil sur les sujets devant être présentés au conseil d'agglomération de Montréal / Adoption of the Council’s position on the items to be submitted to the Montreal Agglomeration Council 6 6.1 DÉCLARATIONS / DECLARATIONS Rapport du maire – contrat accordé dans un cas de force majeure / Tabling of Mayor’s Report – Contract for case of irresistible force 7 7.1 ENTENTES / AGREEMENTS Entente avec le Westmount Chabad Organization – prolongement de l’Eruv / Agreement with Westmount Chabad Organization – Eruv Extension 8 8.1 RESSOURCES HUMAINES / HUMAN RESOURCES Nomination – chef de division, Technologies de l’information Appointment – Division Head - Information Technologies Conseillère/Councillor SMITH 12 TRAVAUX PUBLICS – APPELS D’OFFRES / PUBLIC WORKS – CALL FOR TENDERS Réfection de trottoirs à divers endroits / Reconstruction of sidewalks at various locations Conseiller/Councillor MARTIN 12.1 Conseillère/Councillor SAMIOTIS Maire/Mayor TRENT Conseillère/Councillor SMITH 12.2 Réhabilitation des conduits d’eau potable par gainage structural sur l’avenue Prince Albert / Water main rehabilitation by structural lining on Prince Albert Conseiller/Councillor MARTIN 12.3 Achat d’une voiturette-aspirateur Madvac neuve 2015 / Purchase of one new 2015 Madvac vacuum cart Conseiller/Councillor MARTIN 13 13.1 TRAVAUX PUBLICS – APPELS D’OFFRES PAR INVITATION / PUBLIC WORKS – CALL FOR TENDERS BY INVITATION Fourniture de deux (2) nouveaux véhicules Ford utilitaire Police Conseiller/Councillor Intercepteur 2016 / Supply of two (2) new 2016 Ford Utility MARTIN Police Interceptor vehicles 13.2 Fourniture d’une camionnette cabine Crew Sierra K2500 HD Conseiller/Councillor 2015 (4X4) / Supply of one (1) 2015 Sierra Heavy Duty pickup MARTIN truck K2500 (4X4) 13.3 Fourniture d’un véhicule Toyota RAV4 2015 neuf / Supply of Conseiller/Councillor one (1) new 2015 Toyota RAV4 vehicle MARTIN 14 14.1 TRAVAUX PUBLICS – GÉNÉRAL / PUBLIC WORKS – GENERAL Étude de caractérisation du sol nécessaire sur les avenues Conseiller/Councillor Brooke, Roxborough et Shorncliffe – contrat additionnel / MARTIN Soil characterization work required on Brooke Avenue, Roxborough Avenue and Shorncliffe Avenue – additional contract 14.2 Analyse additionnelle du sol sur l’avenue Westmount / Conseiller/Councillor Additional soil analysis work on Westmount Avenue MARTIN 14.3 Autorisation de dépenses additionnelles : services de dégel Conseiller/Councillor d’eau pour la saison d’hiver 2014-2015 / Authorization of MARTIN additional expenditures : thawing of water services for the 20142015 Winter season 15 HYDRO WESTMOUNT – APPELS D’OFFRES / HYDRO WESTMOUNT – CALLS FOR TENDERS Reconstruction du réseau électrique souterrain de distribution Conseiller/Councillor électrique / Reconstruction of underground distribution network DRURY on Prince Albert Avenue 15.1 16 16.1 19 19.1 HYDRO WESTMOUNT – APPELS D’OFFRES PAR INVITATION / HYDRO WESTMOUNT – CALLS FOR TENDERS BY INVITATION Mise à niveau de plusieurs feux de circulation aux intersections Conseiller/Councillor de la rue Sherbrooke, entre les avenues Claremont et Greene / DRURY Upgrading of several traffic lights at intersections on Sherbrooke St. West, between Claremont and Greene Avenue FINANCE – LISTE DE COMPTES / FINANCE – LIST OF ACCOUNTS Liste de comptes – avril 2015 / List of accounts – April 2015 Conseiller/Councillor DRURY 21 21.1 AMÉNAGEMENT URBAIN – PERMIS / URBAN PLANNING – PERMITS Approbation des plans d’implantation et d’intégration Conseillère/Councillor architecturale / Site Planning and Architectural Integration SAMIOTIS Programmes Approval 22 22.1 AMÉNAGEMENT URBAIN – GÉNÉRAL / URBAN PLANNING – GENERAL Construction au delà de l’alignement de construction – 215, Conseillère/Councillor avenue Redfern / Building over the building line – 215 Redfern SAMIOTIS Avenue 22.2 Construction au delà de l’alignement de construction – 3298, Conseillère/Councillor avenue Cedar / Building over the building line – 3298 Cedar SAMIOTIS Avenue 24 RÈGLEMENTS – AVIS DE MOTION / BY-LAWS – NOTICE OF MOTION Règlement 1484 visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement 1387 Conseillère/Councillor sur le bruit – avis de motion / By-law 1484 to further amend By- LULHAM law 1387 concerning noise – Notice of motion 24.1 24.2 Règlement 1486 visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement Conseillère/Councillor 1318 sur les tarifs – avis de motion / By-law 1486 to further SAMIOTIS amend By-law 1318 on tariffs - Notice of motion 25 25.1 RÈGLEMENTS – ADOPTION / BY-LAW – ADOPTION Règlement 1485 visant à modifier le règlement 1475 Conseiller/Councillor concernant les nuisances et l’ordre public – adoption / CUTLER By-law 1485 to amend By-Law 1475 concerning nuisances and good order- Adoption 25.2 Adoption d’une modification au Code de construction Conseillère/Councillor (Règlement de construction 1391) / Adoption of amendment to SAMIOTIS Code de construction (Building By-law 1391) 26 26.1 JURIDIQUE – GÉNÉRAL / LEGAL – GENERAL Recours judiciaire contre Postes Canada / Legal action against Canada Post 28 AFFAIRES NOUVELLES / NEW BUSINESS Deuxième période de questions / Second Question Period Levée de la séance / Adjournment of Meeting Conseillère/Councillor SMITH COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 OPENING OF THE MEETING The Mayor calls the meeting to order. MAYOR’S AND COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MOVER ITEM No. 1 Councillor Samiotis Councillor Samiotis THAT the agenda of the regular Council meeting of June 1st, 2015 be, and it is hereby, adopted. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES MOVER ITEM No. 2 Councillor Samiotis Councillor Samiotis THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held on May 4, 2015 and of the special Council meeting held on May 19, 2015 be, and they are hereby, approved. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent PROCÈS-VERBAL DE LA SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT TENUE DANS LA SALLE DU CONSEIL DE L'HÔTEL DE VILLE LE 4 MAI 2015 À 20 h 05 À LAQUELLE ASSISTAIENT : Le maire / The Mayor : Les conseillers / Councillors : MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL ON MAY 4, 2015 AT 8:05 P.M., AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: P. F. Trent, président / Chairman P. A. Cutler R. Davis V. M. Drury N. Forbes C. Lulham P. Martin T. Samiotis C. Smith Formant le conseil au complet. / Forming the entire council. Également présents /: Also in attendance : S. Michael Deegan, directeur général / Director General Nicole Dobbie, greffière adjointe / Assistant City Clerk L. Angers, préposée à la rédaction / Recording Secretary OUVERTURE DE LA SÉANCE OPENING OF THE MEETING Le maire déclare la séance ouverte. The Mayor called the meeting to order. À moins d’indication à l’effet contraire dans le présent procès-verbal, le maire se prévaut toujours de son privilège prévu à l’article 328 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C19) en s’abstenant de voter. Unless otherwise indicated in these minutes, the Mayor always avails himself of his privilege provided for in section 328 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19) by abstaining from voting. RAPPORT DU MAIRE MAYOR’S REPORT Le maire Trent fait un bref compte-rendu au sujet d’une probable réorganisation du transport collectif régional de Montréal, incluant les autobus, le métro et train. Il mentionne que bien que Québec a plutôt tendance à créer plus de structures, dans ce cas-ci, la proposition entraînerait l'élimination de la Conférence régionale des élus (CRÉ) de Montréal et de l'Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT). Cette nouvelle structure serait mieux contrôlée par les élus locaux au lieu du gouvernement du Québec. Lorsque l'AMT a été créée en 1985, le ministre des Transports, Jacques Léonard opta Mayor Trent reported briefly on the possible reorganization of the Montreal regional public transit, that includes bus, metro and train. He mentioned Quebec’s tendency to create more structures while in this case, the proposal would lead to the elimination of the Conférence régionale des élus (CRÉ) de Montréal and l’Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT). The new structure would be better controlled by local elected officials instead of by the Quebec Government. When the AMT was created in 1985, the Minister of Tranports, Jacques Leonard, -22015-05-04 pour un conseil d'administration principalement composé de personnes nommées par Québec avec seulement quelques maires. Une telle structure est devenue une manière pour des expoliticiens de faire une transition facile, ce qui avait comme résultat la nomination de certaines personnes n’ayant aucune connaissance du transport. Le maire souligne que, comme d'autres grandes villes, la région de Montréal n’a besoin que d'une agence pour gérer le transport en commun, réduisant le nombre d'intervenants. Quant à la planification, l'Agence sera mise en place avec six représentants de Québec, six maires et un président suggéré par les élus locaux et nommé par Québec. Certaines municipalités craignent que cela puisse conduire à un gel de la prise de décision. Le maire explique comment la Rive-Sud et Laval ont été privilégiées lorsque certaines circonscriptions ont menacé de voter contre le parti au pouvoir ; c’est la raison pour laquelle Montréal ne détient pas de pouvoir politique à Québec en raison de la cohérence politique de 28 circonscriptions. À son avis, c’est une bonne nouvelle. Il mentionne que le maire de Montréal, Denis Coderre est en faveur de cette proposition et qu'il apprécie sa coopération. Cette nouvelle structure devrait avantager tout le monde, surtout que Montréal a désespérément besoin d’une mise à niveau du transport en commun. opted for a Board of directors primarily composed of Quebec appointees with only a few mayors. Such a structure was a way for politicians leaving office to make an easy transition but it resulted in some appointees having no knowledge about transportation. The Mayor pointed out that, like in other big cities, the greater Montreal only needs one agency to run public transit, reducing the number of intervening parties. On the planning side, the Agency would be set up with six Quebec representatives, six local mayors and a Chairman suggested by local elected officials and appointed by Québec. Some municipalities outlined that it might lead to a freeze in decision making. The Mayor explained how the South Shore and Laval received special treatment when some ridings threatened to vote against the party in power; this is why Montreal does not hold any political power in Quebec given the 28 ridings’ political consistency. In his opinion, it is moving in the right direction. He mentioned Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre’s agreement with such proposal and that he appreciated his cooperation. This new structure should benefit all parties, as Montreal desperately needs an upgraded public transit. RAPPORTS DES CONSEILLERS COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS La conseillère Smith fait un bref compte-rendu au sujet du problème de bruit provenant du CUSM. Elle a continué à exercer une pression sur SNC- Lavalin afin d’obtenir le rapport qui devait être présenté au mois de mars. Attendus depuis longtemps, les résultats devraient être disponibles vers le 20 mai. Dans l'intervalle, les patients et le personnel ont emménagé. Elle demeure optimiste pour l'été. Councillor Smith reported on the noise issue coming from the MUHC at the Glen. She has continued to put pressure on SNC-Lavalin to obtain the report that was supposed to be submitted in March. Long overdue, she expects the results by May 20th. In the meantime, the patients and employees have moved in. She remains hopeful for the summer. -32015-05-04 La conseillère Davis annonce la présentation d’un avis de motion à cette séance pour adopter les nouveaux tarifs des activités automne/hiver. Elle explique que la Ville a devancé la période d'inscription au 9 juin pour les joueurs de hockey afin de pouvoir organiser les équipes avant le début de la saison. Elle annonce que la nouvelle brochure sera disponible sous peu. Councillor Davis announced that a notice of motion is being submitted at this meeting to adopt the new tariffs for the Fall/Winter activities. She explained that the City has moved up the registration period to June 9th for hockey players in order to be able to organize the teams before the start of the season. She announced that the new brochure will be available soon. Le conseiller Cutler rappelle que la saison migratoire des oiseaux entraîne l’obligation de tenir les chiens en laisse en tout temps au Bois-du-Summit jusqu'à la mi-juin. Jusqu'ici, les agents de la sécurité publique remettaient des avertissements, mais dorénavant les contrevenants recevront un billet d’infraction. Councillor Cutler reported on the migratory season for birds meaning that all dogs must be leashed at Summit Woods until mid-June. So far, Public Security Officers have issued warnings but from now on, tickets will be issued to all offenders. Le conseiller Martin annonce la mise en chantier des nouveaux projets ce printemps: • Centre Greene - remplacement du toit et les réparations d'urgence à un prix raisonnable malgré qu'il n'y avait qu'un seul soumissionnaire; • Victoria Hall - réfection de maçonnerie et réparations du plafond à suivre ; • Réfection routière : Dorchester, Roxborough et Shorncliffe; • Les nids de poule et les fissures : un hiver long et plus froid que d’habitude a causé de nombreux nids de poule et des fissures sur des rues reconstruites récemment. Il a demandé au Service des travaux publics de se pencher sur ces problèmes puisque les travaux de revêtement bitumineux sont couverts par une garantie de 3 ans; • Le Square Prince Albert : les fissures seront évaluées puisque les dalles sont garanties pour 5 ans. Councillor Martin announced the new projects starting in the Spring season: • Centre Greene - roof replacement and emergency repairs at a reasonable price considering that there was only one bidder; • Masonry repairs at Victoria Hall, with ceiling repairs to be done later; • Road work on Dorchester, Roxborough and Shorncliffe; • Potholes and cracks: the longer and colder than usual winter has contributed to many potholes and a lot of cracks on recently rebuilt streets. He has asked Public Works to look into these issues as asphalt resurfacing is covered by a 3-year warranty; PREMIÈRE PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS FIRST QUESTION PERIOD La première période de questions se tient de 20 h 16 à 20 h 56. The first question period took place from 8:16 p.m. to 8:56 p.m. • Prince-Albert Square: cracks to be assessed as the slabs are covered by a 5-year warranty. -42015-05-04 1. ADOPTION DE L’ORDRE DU JOUR 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2015-05-102 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, appuyé par la conseillère Forbes 2015-05-102 It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, seconded by Councillor Forbes QUE l’ordre du jour de la séance ordinaire du conseil du 4 mai 2015 soit adopté, sous réserve de l’ajout du point suivant à la rubrique « Affaires nouvelles »: • Réfection de maçonnerie - Phase II Victoria Hall (appel d’offres n° PW-2015945). THAT the agenda of the regular Council meeting of May 4, 2015 be adopted with the addition of the following item under “New Business”: • Masonry restoration - Phase II Victoria Hall (Tender PW-2015-945). ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. ADOPTION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX 2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 2015-05-103 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2015-05-103 It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE les procès-verbaux de la séance ordinaire du conseil tenue le 7 avril 2015 et de la séance extraordinaire tenue le 20 avril 2015 soient adoptés. THAT the minutes of the regular Council meeting held on April 7, 2015 and of the special Council meeting held on April 20, 2015 be approved. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. RAPPORTS AU CONSEIL 3. REPORTS TO COUNCIL A) CORRESPONDANCE A) CORRESPONDENCE Aucun rapport n’est déposé. B) COMITÉ PLÉNIER PROCÈS-VERBAL No report filed. DU CONSEIL – B) GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL – MINUTES Les procès-verbaux des réunions du comité plénier du conseil tenues les 2 et 16 mars 2015 sont déposés par la présente. The minutes of the meetings of General Committee of Council held on March 2 and 16, 2015 are submitted herewith. C) C) EMBAUCHE D’EMPLOYÉS Le rapport d’embauche du mois de mars 2015 est déposé par la présente. HIRING OF EMPLOYEES Manpower Report for the month of March 2015 is submitted herewith. -52015-05-04 4.1 ORIENTATION DU CONSEIL SUR LES SUJETS DEVANT ÊTRE PRÉSENTÉS AU CONSEIL D'AGGLOMÉRATION DE MONTRÉAL 4.1 ADOPTION OF THE COUNCIL'S POSITION ON THE ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE MONTREAL AGGLOMERATION COUNCIL 2015-05-104 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2015-05-104 It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE le maire soit autorisé à prendre toutes décisions qu’il jugera opportunes à l’égard des sujets inscrits à l’ordre du jour de l'assemblée régulière du conseil d’agglomération de Montréal devant se tenir le 28 mai 2015, et ce, dans le meilleur intérêt de la Ville de Westmount et de ses citoyens. THAT the Mayor be authorized to make any decisions he deems necessary and in the best interest of the City of Westmount and its citizens regarding the items on the agenda of the Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting to be held on May 28th, 2015. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5.1 NOMINATION - SOCIÉTÉ DE DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE VILLEMARIE (SDÉVM) 5.1 APPOINTMENT - SOCIÉTÉ DE DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE VILLE-MARIE (SDÉVM) ATTENDU QUE la conseillère Nicole Forbes a été nommée à titre de membre avec droit de vote au conseil d'administration du Centre local de développement (CLD) Les 3 Monts, conformément à la résolution n° 2013-11-27 adoptée par le conseil lors de la séance ordinaire tenue le 18 novembre 2013; WHEREAS Councillor Nicole Forbes was appointed as a voting member to the Board of Directors of the Centre local de développement (CLD) Les 3 Monts, as per resolution No. 2013-11-27 adopted by Council at its regular sitting held on November 18, 2013; ATTENDU QU'en vertu de la nouvelle structure de développement économique local à l'échelle du territoire de l'agglomération de Montréal, le mandat de l'ancien CLD Les 3 Monts a été transféré sous la responsabilité de la Société de développement économique Ville-Marie (SDVÉM); WHEREAS according to the new structure of local economic development on the territory of the Montreal Urban Agglomeration, the mandate of the former CLD Les 3 Monts has been transferred under the responsibility of the Société de développement économique Ville-Marie (SDÉVM); ATTENDU QUE la SDÉVM prévoit qu'un membre du conseil doit être nommé au conseil d'administration. WHEREAS the SDÉVM provides that one Council member must be appointed to its Board of Directors. 2015-05-105 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, appuyé par la conseillère Samiotis 2015-05-105 It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Samiotis -62015-05-04 QUE la conseillère Nicole Forbes soit désignée à titre d'administrateur avec droit de vote au conseil d'administration de la Société de développement économique Ville-Marie. THAT Councillor Nicole Forbes be designated a voting administrator to the Board of Directors of the Société de développement économique Ville-Marie. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7.1 RENOUVELLEMENT DE LA COUVERTURE D'ASSURANCES COLLECTIVES 7.1 RENEWAL OF THE GROUP INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR THE EMPLOYEES ATTENDU QU’à la suite d’un appel d’offres en vue d’obtenir les services d’analyse d'assurances collectives pour les employés des villes reconstituées de l’île de Montréal, le contrat pour la couverture d’assurances collectives des employés de la Ville de Westmount a été adjugé à SSQ Groupe financier pour la période s’étalant du 1er avril 2014 au 31 mars 2019, conformément à la résolution n° 2014-05-108 adoptée par le conseil lors de la séance ordinaire du 5 mai 2014; WHEREAS following a call for tenders for group insurance services for employees of the reconstituted cities of the Island of Montreal, the contract for the Employees Group Insurance Coverage of the City of Westmount was awarded to SSQ Groupe financier for the period of April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2019, as per resolution No. 201405-108 adopted by Council at its regular sitting held on May 5, 2014; ATTENDU que le contrat prévoit le renouvellement annuel des taux pour la durée du contrat; WHEREAS a provision provides for the annual renewal of the rates for the duration of the contract; ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du consultant en assurances collectives sont soumises à l'approbation du conseil. WHEREAS the recommendations of the consultant in group insurance is submitted for Council's approval. 2015-05-106 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, appuyé par la conseillère Forbes 2015-05-106 It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Forbes QUE le paiement des primes au montant de 550 842 $, toutes taxes comprises, soit autorisé pour la période du 1er avril 2015 au 31 mars 2016, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2015-05-02 délivré le 4 mai 2015; THAT payment of the premiums in the amount of $550,842, all applicable taxes included, be authorized for the period of April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-05-02 issued on May 4, 2015; QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer, pour et au nom de la Ville, tous les autres documents nécessaires ou requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution, for and on behalf of the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY -72015-05-04 8.1 NOMINATION ADJOINTE SUBSTITUT GREFFIÈRE 8.1 APPOINTMENT ASSISTANT CITY CLERK SUBSTITUTE ATTENDU QU'en vertu de l'article 85 de la Loi sur les cités et villes, le conseil doit toujours avoir un fonctionnaire ou employé de la municipalité préposé à la garde de son bureau et de ses archives. Ce fonctionnaire ou employé est appelé greffier; WHEREAS according to section 85 of the Cities and Towns Act, the Council shall always have an officer or employee of the municipality as keeper of its office and archives. Such officer or employee shall be styled the clerk; ATTENDU QUE le directeur général recommande qu'un cadre soit nommé pour remplacer la greffière adjointe en son absence afin d'assurer le cours normal des opérations de la Ville. WHEREAS the Director General recommended that a manager be appointed to replace the Assistant City Clerk in her absence in order to ensure the normal course of operations of the City. 2015-05-107 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2015-05-107 It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE Me Cassandra Comin Bergonzi soit nommée à titre de greffière adjointe substitut et, qu'en l'absence du greffier et de la greffière adjointe, elle soit autorisée à exercer les mêmes pouvoirs et privilèges de signature normalement accomplis par la greffière adjointe. THAT Me Cassandra Comin Bergonzi be appointed as substitute Assistant City Clerk and, in the absence of both the City Clerk and the Assistant City Clerk, be authorized to execute the authority and signing privileges of those regularly performed by the Assistant City Clerk. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11.1 APPELS D'OFFRES – TECHNOLOGIES DE L’INFORMATION 11.1 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES ATTENDU QUE le système de pondération et d'évaluation des offres proposé dans le document préparé par le Service de l'aménagement urbain a été approuvé dans le cadre d’un appel d’offres relatif à la fourniture et l'implantation d'un logiciel de gestion des permis, conformément à la résolution n° 2015-03-68 adoptée par le conseil lors de la séance ordinaire tenue le 2 mars 2015; WHEREAS the system of bid weighting and evaluating proposed in the document prepared by the Urban Planning Department was approved within the framework of a call for tenders for the supply and implementation of a software for the management of permits, as per resolution No. 2015-03-68 adopted by Council at its regular meeting held on March 2, 2015; ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique présidée par le directeur général de la Ville, Sean Michael Deegan, a eu lieu dans la salle WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on April 15, 2015 for the opening of tenders for the PROFESSIONAL - -82015-05-04 du conseil le 15 avril 2015 pour l'ouverture des soumissions pour les SERVICES PROFESSIONNELS - FOURNITURE ET IMPLANTATION D'UN SYSTÈME INFORMATISÉ DE GESTION DES PERMIS POUR LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres no PUR-2015-008), et que des rapports écrits préparés par la greffière adjointe le 20 avril 2015 et par le chef de division, approvisionnement le 22 avril 2015, sont déposés lors de cette séance. SERVICES - SUPPLY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPUTERIZED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR PERMITS FOR THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PUR-2015-008) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on April 20, 2015 and by the Purchasing Manager on April 22, 2015 are submitted to this meeting; 2015-05-108 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2015-05-108 It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE la soumission de PG Solutions inc. soit acceptée pour la fourniture et l'implantation d'un système informatisé de gestion des permis pour la Ville de Westmount (appel d’offres no PUR-2015008) y compris un contrat d’entretien de cinq ans, et que le contrat soit accordé au montant total de 169 809,46 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of PG Solutions Inc. be accepted for the supply and installation of a computerized Management System for permits for the City of Westmount (Tender PUR-2015-008), including a fiveyear maintenance contract and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $169,809.46, all applicable taxes included; QU’une dépense de 91 853,12 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte n° 03-310-15-044 pour un montant de 76 402 $ et compte n° 03-31015-047 pour un montant de 15 451,12 $ pour l’exercice financier 2015, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2015-05-04 délivré le 4 mai 2015; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $91,853.12 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-31015-044 for an amount of $76,402, and Account No. 03-310-15-047 for an amount of $15,451.12 in fiscal year 2015, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-05-04 issued on May 4, 2015; QUE le maire et la greffière adjointe soient autorisés à signer le contrat; et THAT the Mayor and the Assistant City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tous les autres documents nécessaires ou requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY -92015-05-04 13.1 APPROBATION D'ACHATS - TRAVAUX PUBLICS/ APPROVISIONNEMENT 13.1 TENDERS BY INVITATION - PUBLIC WORKS/PURCHASING 2015-05-109 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par la conseillère Davis 2015-05-109 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Davis QUE la soumission de Entreprises J. Veilleux & Fils inc. soit acceptée pour la fourniture de la main d'œuvre et des matériaux pour l'installation d'un nouveau toit et d’autres travaux connexes au Centre Greene (Q2015-018) et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 89 623,01 $, toutes taxes comprises, conformément au rapport du chef de division, approvisionnement du 17 avril 2015; THAT the quotation of Entreprises J. Veilleux & Fils Inc. be accepted for the supply of all labour and material for the installation of a new roof at Centre Greene and related works (Q-2015-018), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $89,623.01, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated April 17, 2015; QU’une dépense de 81 837,75 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte n° 03-310-15-004 pour un montant de 49 254,37 $ et 03-310-15-006 pour un montant de 32 583,38 $, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2015-05-05 délivré le 4 mai 2015 ; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $81,837.75 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-31015-004 for an amount of $49,254.37 and 03310-15-006 for an amount of $32,583.38, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-05-05 issued on May 4, 2015; QUE les bons de commande soient émis, au besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmentionnées et que le directeur général soit autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and is hereby, authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14.1 PLAN D’INTERVENTION DES INFRASTRUCTURES POUR 2015-2018 14.1 TECQ INFRASTRUCTURE INTERVENTION PLAN FOR 2015-2018 ATTENDU QU’afin d’être admissible à l’aide gouvernementale par le biais de l’entente fédérale-provinciale sur le transfert d’une partie des revenus de la taxe fédérale d’accise sur l’essence et de la contribution 2015-2018 du gouvernement du Québec (TECQ), un nouveau plan d’intervention des infrastructures (PII) couvrant les besoins d'investissements prioritaires en travaux WHEREAS in order to qualify for the new governmental financial assistance through the federal-provincial agreement on the transfer of a portion of federal gasoline excise tax revenues and the Quebec government's contribution (TECQ) 20152018, a new Infrastructure Intervention Plan (IIP) covering priority investment needs for the municipal infrastructure for drinking - 10 2015-05-04 d'infrastructures d'eau potable, d'eaux usées et de voirie doit être soumis au ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Occupation du territoire; water, wastewater and local road must be submitted to the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Occupation du territoire; ATTENDU QU'un contrat relatif aux services professionnels pour le développement d'un Plan d'intervention des infrastructures (PII) pour la Ville de Westmount a été adjugé à Aqua Data inc., conformément à la résolution n° 2014-07-174 adoptée par le conseil lors de la séance ordinaire tenue le 7 juillet 2014; WHEREAS a contract was awarded to Aqua Data inc. for the professional services for the development of the Infrastructure Intervention Plan (IIP) for the City of Westmount, as per resolution No. 2014-07-174 adopted by Council at its regular sitting held on July 7, 2014; ATTENDU que le Plan d'intervention des infrastructures préparé par le consultant et le Service des travaux publics, conformément au Guide d'élaboration d'un plan d'intervention pour le renouvellement des conduites d'eau potable, d'égouts et des chaussées, est soumis à l'approbation du conseil. WHEREAS the Infrastructure Intervention Plan drawn up by the consultant and the Department of Public Works in accordance with the Guide d'élaboration d'un plan d'intervention pour le renouvellement des conduites d'eau potable, d'égouts et des chaussées is submitted for Council's approval. 2015-05-110 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par la conseillère Davis 2015-05-110 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Davis QUE le Plan d'intervention des infrastructures 2015-2018 ci-joint soit accepté et transmis au Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Occupation du territoire avec tous les autres documents requis afin de recevoir la contribution du gouvernement qui a été confirmée dans une lettre du ministre des Affaires municipales et de l'Occupation du territoire à cet effet. THAT the 2015-2018 Infrastructure Intervention Plan submitted herewith be accepted and transmitted to the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Occupation du territoire along with all other documents required in order to receive the governmental contribution which was confirmed in a letter from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy to that effect. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 15.1 APPEL D'OFFRES HYDRO WESTMOUNT PUBLIC - 15.1 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS HYDRO WESTMOUNT ATTENDU QUE le système de pondération et d'évaluation des offres proposé dans le document préparé par Hydro Westmount a été approuvé dans le cadre d’un appel d’offres relatif à des services professionnels WHEREAS the system of bid weighting and evaluating proposed in the document prepared by Hydro Westmount was approved within the framework of a call for tenders for the professional services of a - 11 2015-05-04 d'un cabinet conseil pour préparer une étude spéciale en vue de proposer pour la Ville une stratégie de mise à niveau et de synchronisation des feux de circulation sur les artères principales, conformément à la résolution n° 2014-07-176 adoptée par le conseil lors de la séance ordinaire tenue le 7 juillet 2014; consulting firm to prepare a special study for the City to propose an upgrade and synchronization strategy for the traffic lights on main arteries, as per resolution No. 201407-176 adopted by Council at its regular meeting held on July 7, 2014; ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, présidée par le directeur général de la ville, Sean Michael Deegan, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 15 avril 2015 pour l'ouverture des soumissions pour les SERVICES PROFESSION- WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on April 15, 2015 for the opening of tenders for the PROFESSIONAL NELS - ÉTUDE SUR L'AMÉLIORATION DE LA FLUIDITÉ DE LA CIRCULATION SUR LA RUE SAINTE-CATHERINE OUEST ENTRE LES AVENUES LANSDOWNE ET CLARKE DANS LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT (appel d’offres no PUR2015-007), et que des rapports écrits préparés SERVICES - STUDY ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ON SAINTECATHERINE STREET WEST BETWEEN LANSDOWNE AND CLARKE AVENUES IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. par la greffière adjointe et par le directeur adjoint d’Hydro Westmount le 20 avril 2015, sont déposés lors de cette séance. PUR-2015-007) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk and by the Assistant Director of Hydro Westmount on April 20, 2015 are submitted to this meeting. 2015-05-111 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par la conseillère Davis 2015-05-111 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Davis QUE la soumission de Stantec Expertsconseil ltée soit acceptée pour les services professionnels - étude sur l'amélioration de la fluidité de la circulation sur la rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, entre les avenues Lansdowne et Clarke dans la ville de Westmount (appel d’offres no PUR-2015007) et que le contrat soit accordé au montant total de 36 941,47 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of Stantec Experts-conseil Ltée be accepted for the professional services - Study on the improvement of traffic circulation on Sainte-Catherine Street West, between Lansdowne and Clarke AvenueS in the City of Westmount (Tender PUR-2015-007), and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $36,941.47, all applicable taxes included; QU’une dépense de 35 334,97 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte n° 03-310-15-063, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2015-05-03 délivré le 4 mai 2015; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $35,334.97 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-15-063, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-05-03 issued on May 4, 2015; QUE le maire et la greffière adjointe soit autorisés à signer le contrat; et THAT the Mayor and the Assistant City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and - 12 2015-05-04 QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tous les autres documents nécessaires ou requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 16.1 APPEL D'OFFRES PAR INVITATION - HYDRO WESTMOUNT 16.1 CALL FOR TENDERS INVITATION - HYDRO WESTMOUNT 2015-05-112 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par la conseillère Davis 2015-05-112 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Davis QUE la soumission de Transformateurs Pionner ltée soit acceptée pour la fourniture de deux (2) transformateurs de distribution sur socle, triphasé, 1500 KVA, 12470V/600y/347V et que le contrat soit adjugé au montant total de 82 483,06 $, toutes taxes comprises, conformément au rapport du chef de division, approvisionnement du 17 avril 2015; THAT the quotation of Transformateurs Pionner Ltée be accepted for the supply of two (2) padmount distribution transformers, 3 phases, 1500 KVA, 12470V/600y/347V and that the contract be awarded for the total amount of $82,483.06, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated April 17, 2015; QUE la dépense de 71 740 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soit imputée à la dépense en capital, compte n° 03-310-15-057, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2015-05-01 délivré le 4 mai 2015; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $71,740 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03310-15-057, the whole as indicated on Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-0501 issued on May 4, 2015; QUE les bons de commande soient émis, au besoin, pour couvrir les dépenses susmentionnées et que le directeur général soit autorisé à les signer, pour et au nom de la Ville. THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 18.1 RÉGLEMENTATION DE STATIONNEMENT 18.1 ATTENDU QUE les recommandations du comité consultatif sur les transports sont soumises à l'approbation du conseil. WHEREAS the recommendations of the Transportation Advisory Committee are submitted for Council's approval. BY PARKING REGULATION - 13 2015-05-04 2015-05-113 Il est proposé par le conseiller Cutler, appuyé par la conseillère Davis 2015-05-113 It was moved by Councillor Cutler, seconded by Councillor Davis QUE l'espace de stationnement pour handicapé situé du côté est de l'avenue Greene soit déplacé du côté ouest de la rue, directement au nord de l'entrée du stationnement du 1250, avenue Greene. THAT the handicap parking space on the east side of Greene Avenue, be moved to the west side of the street, directly north of the 1250 Greene parking entrance. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 19.1 19.1 LISTE DES COMPTES LIST OF ACCOUNTS 2015-05-114 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par la conseillère Davis 2015-05-114 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Davis QUE soit autorisé et confirmé le paiement des déboursés suivants effectués au cours de la période se terminant le 31 mars 2015 : THAT payment be authorized and confirmed of the following disbursements made during the period ending March 31, 2015: PERIODE SE TERMINANT / PERIOD ENDING 6 mars / March 6, 2015 13 mars / March 13, 2015 20 mars / March 20, 2015 31 mars / March 31, 2015 Sub- total : 1er paiement / 1st payment Agglomération de Montréal 1er mars / March 1, 2015 Paiement à / Payment to HQ Le 9 Mars 2015 Total : FACTURES / INVOICES TOTAL 1 259 210,96 $ 803 770,54 $ 1 679 979,04 $ 610 824,48 $ 4 353 785,02 $ 559 684,04 $ 154 951,85 $ 525 659,64 $ 889 681,62 $ 2 129 977,15 $ 1 818 895,00 $ 958 722,39 $ 2 205 638,68 $ 1 500 506,10 $ 6 483 762,17 $ 25 661 897,11 $ 0 25 661 897,11 $ 3 169 949,04 $ 0 3 169 949,04 $ 33 185 631,17 $ 2 129 977,15 $ 35 315 608,32 $ ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ 21.1 APPROBATION D’IMPLANTATION ET ARCHITECTURALE LISTE DE PAIE & REMISES GOUVERNEMENTALES/ PAYROLL & GOVERNMENT REMITTANCES CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DE PLANS D’INTÉGRATION 21.1 SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMS APPROVAL ATTENDU QU’en vertu du Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, la délivrance de certains permis de construction est assujettie à l’approbation préliminaire des plans par le comité consultatif d’urbanisme; WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programme, the issuance of some building permits, are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; - 14 2015-05-04 ATTENDU QU’en vertu de l’article 3.2.2 de ce règlement, le conseil doit se prononcer par résolution sur ces recommandations du comité. WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this by-law, Council must decide on the recommendations of the Committee by way of resolution. 2015-05-115 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2015-05-115 It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE, conformément aux recommandations du Comité consultatif d’urbanisme lors de la réunion tenue le 21 avril 2015, la liste des demandes de permis de construction, révisée conformément au Règlement 1305 concernant les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale soit approuvée. THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meeting held on April 21, 2015, the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 24.1 RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1387 CONCERNANT LE BRUIT - OPÉRATIONS DE DÉNEIGEMENT - AVIS DE MOTION 24.1 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND BY-LAW 1387 CONCERNING NOISE – SNOW REMOVAL OPERATIONS NOTICE OF MOTION Des copies du projet de règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. AVIS DE MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION La conseillère Lulham donne avis de l’intention de soumettre pour adoption à une séance ultérieure du conseil le « Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement 1387 concernant le bruit – opérations de déneigement ». Councillor Lulham gave notice of the intention to submit for adoption “By-law 1484 to further amend By-law 1387 concerning noise – Snow removal operations" at a subsequent meeting of this council. OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Lulham explique que ce règlement vise à: Councillor Lulham explained that the object of this draft by-law is to: i) modifier l'article 33 afin d'interdire les opérations de déneigement entre 23 h et 5 h; i) modify section 33 in order to prohibit snow removal operations between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.; - 15 2015-05-04 ii) modifier l'article 36 afin d'accorder à la Ville le droit de permettre les opérations de déneigement des entrepreneurs privés pour des travaux ou les services que la Ville détermine comme étant de nature essentielle ou urgente et qui sont exécutés dans le but principal d'assurer la santé, la sécurité et le bien-être des habitants de la Ville ; et iii) modifier l'article 36 afin d'exempter les opérations de déneigement dans les entrées résidentielles. ii) modify section 36 in order to grant the City the right to allow snow removal operations by private contractors for work or services which the City determines to be of an essential or emergency nature and that is being conducted for the primary purpose of ensuring the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City; and iii) modify section 36 to exempt snow removal operations on residential driveways. 24.2 RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER LE RÈGLEMENT 1475 CONCERNANT LES NUISANCES ET L'ORDRE PUBLIC - AVIS DE MOTION 24.2 BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 1475 CONCERNING NUISANCES AND PUBLIC ORDER- NOTICE OF MOTION Le conseiller Cutler donne avis de l’intention de soumettre pour adoption à une séance ultérieure du conseil le Règlement visant à modifier le règlement 1475 concernant les nuisances et l'ordre public. Councillor Cutler gave notice of the intention to submit for adoption “By-law to amend By-law 1475 concerning nuisances and public order at a subsequent meeting of this council. OBJET OBJECT Le conseiller Cutler règlement vise à: • • • • explique que ce modifier ou ajouter certaines dispositions au règlement 1475 afin de les rendre conformes aux anciens textes des règlements 257 et 196 et des pouvoirs conférés par la législation municipale concernant les graffitis, les animaux sauvages, la sollicitation porte-à-porte, la possession de boissons alcoolisées et l'entretien des immeubles; modifier la section des définitions ; établir des règles spécifiques concernant le comportement dans les édifices municipaux, y compris l'interdiction d'utiliser des cigarettes électroniques et de perturber le cours normal des activités; et corriger certains écarts de traduction et de vocabulaire. Councillor Cutler explained that the object of this by-law is thus: • to modify or add certain provisions to bylaw 1475 to correspond with the former texts of by-laws 257 and 196 and the powers granted by municipal legislation, namely in regard to graffiti, feeding wild animals, door-to-door solicitation, possession of alcoholic beverages and the maintenance of immovables; • • to amend the definition section; to establish specific rules regarding behaviour in Municipal buildings including prohibiting the use of the ecigarette and disrupting the normal course of operations; to correct some translation and vocabulary discrepancies. • - 16 2015-05-04 24.3 RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1318 SUR LES TARIFS - AVIS DE MOTION 24.3 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND BY-LAW 1318 ON TARIFFS - NOTICE OF MOTION Des copies du projet de règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. AVIS DE MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION La conseillère Davis donne avis de l’intention de soumettre pour adoption à une séance ultérieure du conseil le « Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement 1318 sur les tarifs ». Councillor Davis gave notice of the intention to submit for adoption “By-law to further amend By-law 1318 on Tariffs" at a subsequent meeting of this council. OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Davis explique que ce règlement vise à: Councillor Davis explained that the object of this draft by-law is to: • augmenter les frais de location des patinoires et des salles d'exercice ou salles polyvalentes au Centre des loisirs de Westmount, ainsi que pour l'utilisation des terrains de jeux dans le parc Westmount; • augmenter les frais de laissez-passer donnant accès à la piscine, aux courts de tennis et à la patinoire pour le hockey et le patinage pour les non-résidents; • mettre à jour la liste des tarifs des activités pour la session automne / hiver décrite à l'annexe I; et • ajouter les modalités relatives à la politique de remboursement en annexe. • • • • increase the fees for the rental of ice rinks and the exercise or multipurpose rooms at the Westmount Recreation Centre, as well as for the use of playing fields in Westmount Park; increase the fees of guest passes for non-residents giving access to the pool, the tennis courts and the ice rink for hockey and skating; update the list of activity fees for the Fall/Winter session described in Annex I; and add the terms and conditions relating to the refund policy in annex. 25.1 RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 742 PRÉVOYANT L'ÉTABLISSEMENT DE TARIFS ET CERTAINES CONDITIONS APPLICABLES À L'APPROVISIONNEMENT D'ÉLECTRICITÉ - ADOPTION 25.1 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND BY-LAW 742 TO ESTABLISH RATES AND CERTAIN CONDITIONS FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY - ADOPTION La greffière adjointe signale que toutes les formalités requises pour la dispense de lecture de ce règlement ont été respectées et que des copies du règlement ont été remises The Assistant City Clerk reported that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been - 17 2015-05-04 à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference. Déclaration de la part de chaque membre du conseil présent à l’effet qu’il (elle) a lu le règlement et que la lecture en est dispensée. Declaration by each member of Council present that he (she) has read the by-law and that reading is waived thereof. OBJET OBJECT Le conseiller Drury explique que l'objet de ce règlement vise à refléter une augmentation moyenne de 2,9 %, tel que déterminée par la Régie de l'énergie dans sa décision rendue le 6 mars 2015. Ces nouveaux tarifs sont en vigueur le 1er avril 2015. Councillor Drury explained that the object of this by-law is to reflect an average increase of 2.9% as determined by La Régie de l'Énergie in its decision rendered on March 6, 2015. These new rates are effective April 1, 2015. 2015-05-116 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par la conseillère Davis 2015-05-116 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Davis QUE le règlement 1482 intitulé « Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement 742 prévoyant l'établissement de tarifs et certaines conditions applicables à l'approvisionnement d'électricité » soit adopté. THAT by-law 1482 entitled “By-law to further amend By-law 742 to establish rates and certain conditions for the supply of electricity” be, and is hereby, adopted. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DÉCLARATION DECLARATION Le maire signale que le règlement 1482 intitulé « Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement 742 prévoyant l'établissement de tarifs et certaines conditions applicables à l'approvisionnement d'électricité » ayant été dûment adopté, il est ordonné que les avis soient donnés conformément à la loi. Mayor Trent reported that By-law 1482 entitled “By-law to further amend By-law 742 to establish rates and certain conditions for the supply of electricity” having been duly adopted, it is ordered that notices be given as required by law. 25.2 RÈGLEMENT MODIFIANT DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1273 VISANT À ÉTABLIR LES CONDITIONS DE FOURNITURE D'ÉLECTRICITÉ - ADOPTION 25.2 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND BY-LAW 1273 TO ESTABLISH THE CONDITIONS OF GOVERNING THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY - ADOPTION La greffière adjointe signale que toutes les formalités requises pour la dispense de lecture de ce règlement ont été respectées et The Assistant City Clerk reported that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed - 18 2015-05-04 que des copies du règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference. Déclaration de la part de chaque membre du conseil présent à l’effet qu’il (elle) a lu le règlement et que la lecture en est dispensée. Declaration by each member of Council present that he (she) has read the by-law and that reading is waived thereof. OBJET OBJECT Le conseiller Drury explique que ce règlement a pour objet l'intégration des conditions de services demandées par la Régie de l'énergie en 2015, tel qu'indiqué dans le document soumis par Hydro Québec, notamment: • l'obligation pour le client d'aviser en cas d'erreur; • les responsabilités du propriétaire (pour les locataires); • l'interdiction pour les usagers de louer ou vendre l'électricité; • le délai pour transmettre la facture finale; • les corrections des erreurs de facturation; • les conditions spécifiques suite au refus ou à l'interruption de service; • les conditions régissant la fourniture d'électricité par Hydro Westmount. Ces modifications entrent en vigueur le 1er avril 2015. Councillor Drury explained that the object of this by-law is to integrate the updated conditions of services requested by the Régie de l'énergie in 2015, as indicated in the document submitted by Hydro-Québec, namely: • The obligation for the customer to advise in case of error; • The responsibilities of the owner (for tenants); • The prohibition for users to rent or resell electricity; • The delay to send the final bill; • The corrections of billing errors; • The specific conditions following a refusal or the interruption of service; • The conditions governing the supply of electricity by Hydro Westmount. These modifications came into effect as of April 1st, 2015. 2015-05-117 Il est proposé par le conseiller Drury, appuyé par la conseillère Davis 2015-05-117 It was moved by Councillor Drury, seconded by Councillor Davis QUE le règlement 1483 intitulé « Règlement modifiant de nouveau le règlement 1273 visant à établir les conditions de fourniture d'électricité » soit adopté. THAT By-law 1483 entitled "By-law to further amend by-law 1273 to establish the conditions of governing the supply of electricity" be, and is hereby, adopted. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DÉCLARATION DECLARATION Le maire signale que le règlement 1483 intitulé « Règlement modifiant de nouveau le règlement 1273 visant à établir les Mayor Trent reported that By-law 1483 entitled "By-law to further amend by-law 1273 to establish the conditions of - 19 2015-05-04 conditions de fourniture d'électricité » ayant été dûment adopté, il est ordonné que les avis soient donnés conformément à la loi. governing the supply of electricity" having been duly adopted, it is ordered that notices be given as required by law. 26.1 VENTE À L'ENCAN D'OBJETS NON RÉCLAMÉS 26.1 AUCTION OBJECTS ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l'article 461 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C-19), la municipalité peut faire vendre à l'encan, par ministère d'huissier, sans formalité de justice et après les avis requis en vertu du Code civil, les meubles perdus ou oubliés qu'elle détient et qui ne sont pas réclamés dans les 60 jours, ceux visés à l'article 943 du Code civil qu'elle détient et les meubles sans maître qu'elle recueille sur son territoire. WHEREAS according to section 461 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19), the municipality may cause to be sold at auction, by a bailiff, without judicial formalities and after giving the notices required by the Civil Code, any lost or forgotten movables it holds which have not been claimed within 60 days, any movables it holds which are referred to in article 943 of the Civil Code, and any movables without an owner which it collects in its territory. 2015-05-118 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2015-05-118 It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE la greffière adjointe soit autorisée à procéder à une vente à l'encan par huissier des objets non réclamés le 30 mai 2015, conformément à la liste des articles joints à la présente résolution. THAT the Assistant City Clerk be authorized to proceed with a sale at auction by bailiff on May 30, 2015 of the unclaimed movables as per the list of movable items attached to the present resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 26.2 AUTORISATION DE SE JOINDRE AU RECOURS COLLECTIF CONTRE HONDA CANADA INC. 26.2 AUTHORIZATION TO JOIN THE CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINST HONDA CANADA INC. ATTENDU QU’en 2012, la demanderesse, Mme Courtemanche, a intenté un recours collectif contre Honda Canada inc. (Courtemanche c. Honda Canada inc et al.) en raison de la publicité fausse ou trompeuse relative à l'économie d’essence des modèles 2003 à 2009 de la Honda Civic hybride; WHEREAS a class action suit was undertaken in 2012 by the petitioner Mrs. Courtemanche against Honda Canada Inc. (Courtemanche vs. Honda Canada Inc. et al.) for false or misleading advertising regarding the fuel economy of the 20032009 Honda Civic Hybrid models; ATTENDU QUE la Ville de Westmount est propriétaire d'une Honda Civic hybride 2008 et est insatisfaite de l'économie d’essence. WHEREAS the City of Westmount is the owner of a 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid and is dissatisfied with its fuel economy. OF UNCLAIMED - 20 2015-05-04 2015-05-119 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2015-05-119 It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE la Ville de Westmount se joigne au recours collectif contre Honda Canada inc en raison de la publicité fausse ou trompeuse relative à l'économie d’essence des modèles 2003 à 2009 de la Honda Civic hybride; THAT the City of Westmount join the class action suit against Honda Canada Inc. for false or misleading advertising regarding the fuel economy of the 2003-2009 Honda Civic Hybrid models; QUE le formulaire de réclamation soit soumis indiquant l'intention de la Ville de Westmount de se joindre, ainsi que son choix de l'option B - certificat de rabais rachetable; et THAT the claim form be submitted indicating the City of Westmount's intention to join as well as its choice of Option B Redeemable Rebate Certificate; and QUE la greffière adjointe soit autorisée à signer tous les documents nécessaires pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Assistant City Clerk be authorized to sign any and all documents required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 28.1 AFFAIRES NOUVELLES : APPELS D'OFFRES PUBLICS- TRAVAUX PUBLICS 28.1 NEW BUSINESS: CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS ATTENDU QU’une assemblée publique, présidée par le directeur général, Michael Deegan, a eu lieu dans la salle du conseil le 18 mars 2015 pour l'ouverture des soumissions pour la RÉFECTION DE MAÇONNERIE PHASE II - VICTORIA HALL (appel d’offres no PW-2015-945), et que des rapports écrits préparés par la greffière adjointe le 19 mars 2015 et par la directrice du Service des travaux publics le 23 mars 2015, sont déposés lors de cette séance. WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on March 18, 2015 for the 2015-05-120 Il est proposé par le conseiller Martin, appuyé par la conseillère Davis MASONRY RESTORATION – PHASE II VICTORIA HALL (Tender No. PW-2015-945) chaired by Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on March 19, 2015 and by the Director of Public Works on March 23, 2015 are submitted to this meeting. 2015-05-120 It was moved by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Davis - 21 2015-05-04 QUE la soumission de Atwill-Morin inc soit acceptée pour la réfection de maçonnerie - Phase II - Victoria Hall (appel d’offres n° PW-2015-945) et que le contrat soit accordé au montant total de 319 630,50 $, toutes taxes comprises; THAT the tender of Atwill-Morin Inc. be accepted for the Masonry restoration Phase II - Victoria Hall (Tender PW-2015945) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $319,630.50, all applicable taxes included; QUE la dépense de 291 865,25 $, incluant le crédit de taxe, soient imputée à la dépense en capital, compte n° 03-310-15002, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier n° CTW-2015-04-08 délivré le 25 mars 2015; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $291,865.25 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03310-15-002, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-0408 issued on March 25, 2015; QUE le maire et la greffière adjointe soient autorisés à signer le contrat; et THAT the Mayor and the Assistant City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tous les autres documents nécessaires ou requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DEUXIÈME PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS SECOND QUESTION PERIOD La seconde période de questions se tient de 21 h 30 à 21 h 35. The second question period took place from 9:30 p.m. to 9:35 p.m. LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING La séance est ensuite levée à 21 h 35. The meeting thereupon adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Nicole Dobbie Greffière adjointe / Assistant City Clerk ANNEXE/APPENDIX "A" PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS DES CITOYENS SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU 4 MAI 2015 QUESTION PERIOD OF CITIZENS REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 4, 2015 Début de la première période des questions: 20 h 16 Beginning of the First Question Period: 8:16 p.m. NOM /NAME SUJET DE L’INTERVENTION / QUESTION SUBJECT Richard Locke À l’égard des fissures et des nids-de-poule sur le chemin Glen, il demande combine de kilomètres de rails de tramway sont encore ensevelis sous les rues de Westmount. / In regard to the cracks and potholes on Glen Road, he asked how many kilometers of tram tracks are still buried under the streets in Westmount. Il se plaint au sujet de la circulation sur l’avenue Lansdowne depuis l’ouverture du CUSM et demande si les travailleurs ont été avisés de la meilleure façon d’y accéder. / He complained about the traffic on Lansdowne Avenue since the opening of the MUHC Hospital and asked if the workers were advised of the best route to use. Susan Kazenel Elle s’inquiète au sujet du danger et des problèmes de sécurité incendie qui peuvent arriver lorsque les mégots de cigarettes sont lancés à partir des balcons. / She expressed concerns about safety and fire security issues that may arise when cigarette butts are being thrown from balconies. Gary Ikeman (ex-Councillor) Il demande si le conseil a été consulté avant l’achat des lumières pour les courts de tennis. / He asked if Council was consulted before the tennis court lighting was purchased. Sam Berliner À titre de représentant de plusieurs propriétaires de l’avenue Mount Stephen, il demande de rencontrer le comité consultatif sur les transports, de même que la mise en place de mesures intérimaires afin de permettre aux résidents d’utiliser leurs permis de stationnement jaune dans la zone orange créée récemment. / As the representative of many homeowners of Mt. Stephen Avenue, he requested a - 23 2015-05-04 meeting with the Traffic Advisory Committee as well as interim measures to allow the residents to use their yellow parking permits in the Orange Zone established recently. Michael Starr Il se plaint de l’absence de communication de la part du comité consultatif sur les transports. À son avis, l’invitation envoyée au mois de janvier pour l’assemblée de consultation publique n’a pas bien expliqué les modifications proposées aux régulations de stationnement sur l’avenue Mount Stephen. Il remercie le conseiller Cutler et le directeur général pour leurs réponses. / He complained about the lack of communications from the Traffic Advisory Committee. In his opinion, the invitation to the January public consultation meeting did not properly outline the proposed changes to parking regulations on Mount Stephen Avenue. He thanked Councillor Cutler and the Director General for their answers. Paul Marriot À son avis, la Ville de Westmount devrait être félicitée d’avoir installé des traverses pour piétons protégées. Il demande que l’on contacte le maire d’arrondissement de NDG pour améliorer les traverses de piétons près de l’hôpital CUSM. / In his opinion, Westmount should be praised for its protective crossings for pedestrians. He asked that the NDG Borough Mayor be contacted to improve the crosswalks near the MUHC Hospital. Paul Marriott (as the co-president of the WMA) Il réitère sa question à l’égard des revenus provenant de la vente de licences pour chien et demande quand le nouveau parc canin sera construit. Quelles mesures d’atténuation seront prises pour la piste cyclable et piétonnière dans ce secteur? / He reiterated his questions about the dog licenses revenue and asked when the Westmount Park dog run will be built. What kind of mitigation measures will be taken for the bicycle and the pedestrian paths in this sector? Sedone Kerr Elle demande que les arbres plantés au coin de l’avenue Greene et le boulevard de Maisonneuve soient protégés afin d’éviter que les cyclistes les utilisent comme support à vélos. / She requested that the recently planted trees at the corner of Greene Ave. and De Maisonneuve Blvd. be protected from cyclists using them as a bike rack. - 24 2015-05-04 Maureen Kiely Elle demande de vérifier l’adresse courriel du comité consultatif sur les transports étant donnée l’absence de réponse. / She requested that the Transportation Advisory Committee email address be verified given the lack of response. Jessica Nelligan, Contactor À titre de représentante d’une compagnie d’horticulture faisant affaire à Westmount, elle demande si elle peut éviter d’enregistrer tous ses camions conformément à la réglementation. / As a representative of a horticultural company operating in Westmount, she asked about the possibility of avoiding having to the register all of her 60 trucks as required under the regulations. 20 h 56 / 8:56 p.m. ANNEXE/APPENDIX "B" PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS DES CITOYENS SÉANCE ORDINAIRE DU 4 MAI 2015 QUESTION PERIOD OF CITIZENS REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 4, 2015 Début de la seconde période des questions: 21 h 26 Beginning of the second Question Period: 9:26 p.m. NOM /NAME SUJET DE L’INTERVENTION / QUESTION SUBJECT Maureen Kiely Elle annonce la tenue de l’assemblée annuelle générale de l’AMW le 6 mai 2015 à 19 h à Victoria Hall avec le conférencier invité, le Dr. Mark Roper, qui parlera au sujet de l’accessibilité aux médecins de famille. / She announced that the WMA Annual General meeting will be held on May 6th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at Victoria Hall with guest speaker Dr. Mark Roper to talk about accessibility to medical family practitioners. Elle fait des observations à propos des travaux de restauration des portraits dans la salle du conseil et remercie le conseil pour les travaux de réfection et du plafond du vestibule à Victoria Hall. / She commented on the restoration of the Council Chamber’s portraits and expressed gratitude for the masonry works at Victoria Hall and on its entrance ceiling. Elle demande des clarifications au sujet de la modification des opérations de déneigement qui interdit des opérations entre 23 h et 5 h à l’exception des entrées résidentielles. / She asked for clarification about the amendment to snow removal regulations, prohibiting any operations between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. except for residential driveways. Paul Marriott Il remercie le directeur général pour le suivi qu’il lui a fourni suite à sa demande et il reconnait l’amélioration significative du site Web de la Ville. Il remercie également Maureen Lafrenière, du service des Communications pour avoir mis en evidence les announces concernant l’AMW. / He thanked the Director General for following up on his request and he acknowledged the significant improvement of the City’s Website. He also thanked Maureen Lafrenière, from the City’s Communications Department for improving the - 26 2015-05-04 visibility of the WMA announcements. Il demande des explications au sujet de l’étude sur l’amélioration de la circulation sur la rue Ste-Catherine Ouest / He asked for clarification on the study on the improvement of traffic circulation on Sainte-Catherine Street West. Il demande si les nouveaux feux de circulation seront munis d’un dispositif pour les aveugles. / He asked if the new traffic lights will include the visually impaired device. 21 h 35 / 9:35 p.m. PROCÈS-VERBAL DE LA SÉANCE EXTRAORDINAIRE DU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DE LA VILLE DE WESTMOUNT TENUE DANS LA SALLE DU CONSEIL DE L'HÔTEL DE VILLE LE 19 MAI 2015 À 17 h 02 À LAQUELLE ASSISTAIENT : Le maire / The Mayor : Les conseillers / Councillors : MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF CITY HALL ON MAY 19, 2015 AT 5:02 P.M., AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: P. F. Trent, président / Chairman R. Davis V. M. Drury N. Forbes C. Lulham P. Martin T. Samiotis C. Smith Formant quorum. / Forming a quorum. Également présents /: S. M. Deegan, directeur général / Director General Also in attendance : N. Dobbie, greffière adjointe / Assistant City Clerk L. Angers, préposée à la rédaction / Recording Secretary OUVERTURE DE LA SÉANCE OPENING OF MEETING Le maire déclare la séance ouverte. The Mayor called the meeting to order. À moins d’indication à l’effet contraire dans le présent procès-verbal, le maire se prévaut toujours de son privilège prévu à l’article 328 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C-19) en s’abstenant de voter. Unless otherwise indicated to the contrary in these minutes, the Mayor always avails himself of his privilege provided for in article 328 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19) by abstaining from voting. 1. ADOPTION DE L’ORDRE DU JOUR 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2015-05-121 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2015-05-121 It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE l’ordre du jour de la séance extraordinaire du conseil du 19 mai 2015 soit adopté. THAT the agenda of the special Council meeting of May 19, 2015 be, and is hereby, adopted. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY -2– 2015-05-19 DÉMISSION – TRÉSORIÈRE DIRECTRICE DES FINANCES ET RESIGNATION – TREASURER AND DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ATTENDU QUE Mme Annette Dupré a été nommée au poste de trésorier et directeur du Service des finances pour un contrat d’une durée de cinq ans, à compter du 8 mai 2012, conformément à la résolution n° 2012-05-98 adoptée par le conseil lors de la séance ordinaire du 7 mai 2012; WHEREAS Ms. Annette Dupré was appointed to the position of Treasurer and Director of Finance on a contractual basis for a 5 year period effective May 8, 2012 as per resolution No. 2012-05-98 adopted by Council at its regular meeting of May 7, 2012; ATTENDU QUE la Ville de Westmount a reçu une lettre de démission prenant effet à compter du 4 mai 2015; WHEREAS a letter of resignation effective May 4, 2015 was received by the City of Westmount; ATTENDU QU’en conformité à l’article 477.1 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C‑ 19), le trésorier adjoint atteste de la disponibilité des crédits nécessaires pour couvrir cette dépense, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier no CTW-2015-05-07 délivré le 13 mai 2015; WHEREAS according to Section 477.1 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19), the Assistant Treasurer has certified that sufficient funds are available to cover this expense, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer's Certificate No. CTW-2015-05-07 issued on May 13, 2015; ATTENDU QU’un rapport a été donné par le directeur général et que la Ville doit officiellement accepter la démission de Mme Dupré en tant que trésorière et directrice des finances. WHEREAS a report has been given by the Director General and the City must officially accept the resignation of Ms. Dupré as the Treasurer and Director of Finance. 2015-05-122 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, appuyé par le conseiller Drury 2015-05-122 It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Drury QUE le conseil prenne acte et accepte la démission de Mme Annette Dupré à titre de trésorière et directrice des finances et à titre de membre de tous les comités auxquels elle avait été nommée à compter du 4 mai 2015; THAT the resignation of Ms. Annette Dupré as Treasurer and Director of Finance and as a member of all of the committees to which she was appointed, be acknowledged and accepted, effective May 4th, 2015; QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à verser à Mme Annette Dupré tous les montants qui lui sont dus à la suite de la fin de son emploi avec la Ville; THAT the Director General be authorized to give Ms. Annette Dupré all amounts due to her following the end of her employment with the City; QUE le directeur général soit autorisé à signer tous les documents requis pour donner plein effet à la présente résolution. THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing resolution. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY -3– 2015-05-19 NOMINATION – DIRECTRICE DU SERVICE DES FINANCES ET TRÉSORIÈRE PAR INTÉRIM APPOINTMENT – INTERIM DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND TREASURER ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l’article 97 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C-19), le conseil doit avoir un fonctionnaire ou employé de la municipalité, appelé trésorier, qui est le percepteur et le dépositaire de tous les deniers de la municipalité; WHEREAS in accordance with section 97 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C19), the council shall have an officer or employee of the municipality, called the treasurer, who shall be the collector and depositary of all the moneys of the municipality; ATTENDU QU’à la suite de la démission de l’actuelle trésorière et directrice du Service des finances, le directeur général et le comité plénier du conseil recommandent la nomination intérimaire d’un directeur du Service des finances et trésorier; WHEREAS following the resignation of the current Treasurer and Director of Finance, the Director General and General Committee of Council recommended the appointment of an Interim Director of Finance and Treasurer; ATTENDU QU’en conformité à l’article 477.1 de la Loi sur les cités et villes (RLRQ, chapitre C‑ 19), le trésorier adjoint atteste de la disponibilité des crédits nécessaires pour couvrir cette dépense, le tout conformément au certificat du trésorier no CTW-2015-05-08 délivré le 14 mai 2015. WHEREAS according to Section 477.1 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19), the Assistant Treasurer has certified that sufficient funds are available to cover this expense, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer's Certificate No. CTW-2015-05-08 issued on May 14, 2015. 2015-05-123 Il est proposé par la conseillère Smith, appuyé par le conseiller Drury 2015-05-123 It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Drury QUE Mme Jocelyne Dragon soit nommée à titre de directrice du Service des finances et trésorière par intérim jusqu’à la nomination d’un nouveau directeur des finances et trésorier, tout en conservant ses responsabilités à titre de directrice du Service des ressources humaines, conformément aux modalités de l’addenda dans le contrat offert par la Ville. THAT Ms. Jocelyne Dragon be appointed as Interim Director of Finance and Treasurer until such time as a new Director of Finance and Treasurer be nominated, all while retaining her responsibilities as Director of Human Resources, in accordance with the terms of the addendum to the contract offered by the City. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY -4– 2015-05-19 3. APPROBATION CONSTRUCTION DES PERMIS DE 3. BUILDING PERMIT APPROVAL APPLICATIONS - ATTENDU QU’en vertu du Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale, la délivrance de certains permis de construction est assujettie à l’approbation préliminaire des plans par le comité consultatif d’urbanisme; WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, the issuance of some building permits, are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; ATTENDU QU’en vertu de l’article 3.2.2 de ce règlement, le conseil doit se prononcer par résolution sur ces recommandations du comité. WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this by-law, Council must decide on the recommendations of the Committee by way of a resolution. 2015-05-124 Il est proposé par la conseillère Samiotis, appuyé par la conseillère Lulham 2015-05-124 It was moved by Councillor Samiotis, seconded by Councillor Lulham QUE, conformément aux recommandations du Comité consultatif d’urbanisme lors des réunions tenues les 5 et 12 mai 2015, la liste des demandes de permis de construction, révisée conformément au Règlement 1305 sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale soit approuvée. THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meetings held on May 5 and 12, 2015, the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RÈGLEMENT 1486 VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1318 SUR LES TARIFS - ADOPTION BY-LAW 1486 TO FURTHER AMEND BY-LAW 1318 ON TARIFFS ADOPTION La greffière adjointe signale que toutes les formalités requises pour la dispense de lecture de ce règlement ont été respectées et que des copies du règlement ont été remises à tous les membres du conseil et mises à la disposition du public. The Assistant City Clerk reported that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference. Déclaration de la part de chaque membre du conseil présent à l’effet qu’il (elle) a lu le règlement et que la lecture en est dispensée. Declaration by each member of Council present that he (she) has read the bylaw and that reading is waived thereof. -5– 2015-05-19 OBJET OBJECT La conseillère Davis explique que ce règlement vise à: • augmenter les frais de location des patinoires et des salles d'exercice ou salles polyvalentes au Centre des loisirs de Westmount, ainsi que pour l'utilisation des terrains de jeux dans le parc Westmount; • augmenter les frais des laissez-passer donnant accès à la piscine, aux courts de tennis et à la patinoire pour le hockey et le patinage pour les non-résidents; • mettre à jour la liste des tarifs des activités pour la session automne / hiver décrite à l'annexe I; et • ajouter les modalités relatives à la politique de remboursement en annexe. Councillor Davis explained that the object of this by-law is to: - increase the fees for the rental of ice rinks and the exercise or multipurpose rooms at the Westmount Recreation Centre, as well as for the use of playing fields in Westmount Park; - increase the fees of guest passes for non-residents giving access to the pool, the tennis courts and the ice rink for hockey and skating; - update the list of activity fees for the Fall/Winter session described in Annex I; and - add the terms and conditions relating to the refund policy in annex.” 2015-05-125 Il est proposé par la conseillère Davis, appuyé par le conseiller Drury 2015-05-125 It was moved by Councillor Davis, seconded by Councillor Drury QUE le règlement 1486 intitulé « Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement 1318 sur les tarifs » soit, et il est par les présentes, adopté. THAT By-law 1486 entitled “By-law to further amend By-law 1318 on Tariffs” be, and is hereby, adopted. ADOPTÉ À L’UNANIMITÉ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Le maire signale que le règlement 1486 intitulé « Règlement visant à modifier de nouveau le règlement 1318 sur les tarifs » ayant été dûment adopté, il est ordonné que les avis soient donnés conformément à la loi. Mayor Trent declared that By-law 1486 entitled “By-law to further amend By-law 1318 on Tariffs” having been duly adopted, it is ordered that notices be given as required by law. PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS QUESTION PERIOD Aucune question n’est posée. No question was asked. LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING La séance est ensuite levée à 17 h 08. The meeting thereupon adjourned at 5:08 p.m. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Nicole Dobbie Greffière adjointe / Assistant City Clerk COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ITEM No. 3 REPORTS TO COUNCIL A) CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Trent The following resolutions are available for consultation at the City Clerk's Office: • • Resolution adopted by the City of Pointe-Claire regarding its support of the City of Rigaud within the scope of the Enbridge project to inverse pipeline 9B; Resolution adopted by the City of Côte Saint-Luc to change RadioCommunication Systems. B) GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL - MINUTES Councillor Samiotis The minutes of the meeting of General Committee of Council held on April 7, 2015 are submitted herewith. C) HIRING OF EMPLOYEES The Manpower Report for the month of April 2015 is submitted herewith. Councillor Smith GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 1 OF 15 PUBLIC MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT HELD AT CITY HALL ON APRIL 7, 2015 AT 5:11 P.M. AT WHICH WERE PRESENT: Chair Nicole Forbes Mayor Peter F. Trent Councillors Rosalind Davis Victor M. Drury Patrick Martin Theodora Samiotis Christina Smith Absent Philip A. Cutler Cynthia Lulham Administration Sean Michael Deegan, Director General Nicole Dobbie, Assistant City Clerk Recording Secretary Andrew Brownstein GENERAL COMMITTEE AGENDA Adoption of the General Committee Agenda of April 7, 2015 It was agreed that the Agenda of the April 7, 2015 meeting of the General Committee of Council be adopted with the addition of the following items under New Business: WRC Guest Pass Rates (Councillor Davis); Update on Victoria Village Street Festival (Councillor Smith); Greene Avenue Parking Lot (Councillor Samiotis); and Administration of General Committee Minutes (Councillor Samiotis). GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 2 OF 15 Confirmation of March 16, 2015 Minutes of the Meeting of General Committee Held on The Minutes of the General Committee of Council’s meeting held on March 16, 2015 were adopted with corrections. Business Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting of General Committee held on March 16, 2015 Councillor Smith inquired as to whether the Mayor had contacted Russell Copeman, Côtedes-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grace Borough Mayor, regarding the Le Groupe MauriceProvigo project. Mayor Trent explained that he will send a letter to Borough Mayor Copeman once Council discusses the matter in light of LeChasseur Avocats’ legal opinion. Items from Council Agenda to be discussed in General Committee Councillor Davis noted that under Item 5.1, the acting Mayor mandate, which will be given to Councillor Samiotis, mistakenly indicates under “Recommendation” that Councillor Lulham will fill this role. Mayor Trent responded that on the motion, the Councillor to be given the mandate is correctly identified as Councillor Samiotis. Councillor Smith inquired as to the Mayor’s opinion on the appropriate mover and seconder for Item 8.2. He recommended that Councillor Samiotis act as the mover and Councillor Smith the seconder. Councillor Drury agreed with Councillor Smith’s suggestion for him to introduce the item dealing with parking on De Lavigne (Item 18.1) in Councillor Cutler’s absence. Mayor Trent directed Council’s attention to Item 13.1. He questioned the decision to give a three-year contract to Paysagiste NRC S.E.N.C. for the lawn mowing of various places in the City at a price that is to increase by 4% annually. The Mayor explained that this is roughly two to three times the rate of inflation. Mayor Trent recommended granting Paysagiste NRC S.E.N.C. the contract for a one-year term and seeking more bids for the following years. Councillor Samiotis informed Council that Councillor Lulham requested that she relay a similar concern regarding this contract and her recommendation to seek other bids. In order to do so, Councillor Martin recommended broadening the City’s scope in its seeking of bids. Director General Deegan suggested advertising the tender in more newspapers. It was agreed that the City will grant a one-year contract to Paysagiste NRC S.E.N.C. for the lawn mowing of various places in the City. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 3 OF 15 Councillor Samiotis directed Council’s attention to the project that is to be prospectively carried out at 58 Chesterfield Avenue, which has been submitted for Council’s approval. The plan constitutes building a large extension on a Category I building with the crux of the issue being the addition of a garage that would require access from the adjacent lane. Councillor Samiotis explained that the presence of a fence at the end of the lane for the past 30 years demonstrates that the property owners of 58 Chesterfield Avenue have not used the lane for access throughout this period. The owner’s neighbours are affirming that the owners of 58 Chesterfield Avenue have not exercised a right of access through this lane in 45 years. Council Question Period Follow-up Councillor Davis informed Council that the boys who inquired as to the possibility of creating a skateboard park in Westmount at a Council meeting in Fall 2014 are returning that evening to inquire as to the City’s progress in relation to their request. She explained that the City has not proceeded with examining the feasibility of this project, adding that the selection of its location would be highly contentious given the noise it would create. Councillor Davis explained a prospective skateboard park would need to remain visible and be constructed in a manner such that it can be locked up overnight. Councillor Smith informed Council that she is in favour of the creation of a skateboard park. She explained that the presence of skateboarders on the street is dangerous and the installation of a park would curb such presence. Director General Deegan pointed out that Montreal has closed the skateboard park located on Cavendish Boulevard between Monkland Avenue and Terrebonne Avenue due to the vandalism that it attracted. The Director General proposed designating the pond in Westmount Park that is adjacent to Melville Avenue as a temporary skateboard park until Saint Jean Baptiste weekend. It was agreed that the City will designate the pond in Westmount Park that is adjacent to Melville Avenue as a temporary skateboard park until Saint Jean Baptiste weekend. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION / DECISION INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL PROJECT SHERBROOKE AND COTE ST. ANTOINE – PRINCE ALBERT BETWEEN Copies of the following documentation were distributed: Memorandum from Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, to the General Committee of Council, dated April 2, 2015. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 4 OF 15 Mr. Patrick Raggo, Director of Public Works, and Ms. Elisa Gaetano, Assistant Director – Engineering and Infrastructure (Public Works) joined the meeting at 5:57 p.m. Ms. Gaetano informed Council that her memorandum outlines the work that must be undertaken for the renewal project planned for Prince Albert Avenue between Sherbrooke Street and Cote St. Antoine Road. She explained that Bell Canada’s underground infrastructure upgrade, paired with a prolonged thaw period, will have the effect of delaying the beginning of the sidewalk and road work, which will compromise the work’s quality. Ms. Gaetano therefore recommended that all Bell Canada, Hydro Westmount, and aqueduct work, along with the necessary temporary repairs, be carried out in 2015 while the replacement of the street lighting as well as the sidewalk and roadway reconstruction be deferred until 2016. She noted, however, that in the event that the other work is expedited during the summer months, the City can proceed with a call for tenders for the sidewalk reconstruction in July/August. Mayor Trent inquired as to the road’s and sidewalk’s appearance until the work is carried out. Ms. Gaetano responded that the road will have a temporary asphalt surface. Councillor Martin asked whether the funds budgeted for the roadway and sidewalk reconstruction will be redirected towards another infrastructure project. Ms. Gaetano replied that the work that the City wishes to carry out on Dorchester Boulevard could replace this project for 2015, particularly for the section between Greene Avenue and Atwater Avenue. She informed Council that with its approval of her recommendation, she will submit a formal list of potential works that can replace the roadway and sidewalk reconstruction for 2015. Mayor Trent relayed Councillor Lulham’s two concerns: Firstly, as the raised sidewalks that were planned for Prince Albert Avenue between Sherbrooke Street and De Maisonneuve Boulevard were not installed, she is concerned that such raised sidewalks will not be put in place for Prince Albert’s northern portion. Ms. Gaetano explained that the roadway’s reconstruction was carried out prior to that of the sidewalk on the section of the street south of Sherbrooke Street, which caused this outcome. However, she confirmed that for the portion of the street north of Sherbrooke Street, the City will install raised sidewalks with no depressions. Secondly, regarding the paving of Sainte Catherine Street, Councillor Lulham pointed out that the seams in the portion that was done in 2014 between Park Place and Lansdowne Avenue have become cracks and potholes. She inquired as to whether the work between Park Place and Clarke will be executed differently in order to avoid the same outcome. Ms. Gaetano explained that the work on the portion between Park Place and Lansdowne Avenue was delayed last year due to Montreal’s work on its sewers. Carrying out the work late in the season caused the emergence of these cracks and potholes. Such will not be the case this year, Ms. Gaetano affirmed, as the work is scheduled to be done during the months of July and August. Mayor Trent noted that the seams in the roadway of Grenville Avenue, which was worked on in 2011, have opened up in a few locations. Ms. Gaetano explained that in 2011, Grenville Avenue was repaved as opposed to reconstructed. Mayor Trent inquired as to GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 5 OF 15 whether Public Works should focus on installing reinforced concrete bases as opposed to concentrating on flexible pavements. Ms. Gaetano responded that flexible pavements hold up well on many streets. She explained that Grenville Avenue’s slope may make it a poor candidate for flexible pavement. She noted that a flexible pavement’s surface typically lasts 10 to 15 years. Mayor Trent recommended establishing a methodical approach to improving the state of the City’s roads. He explained that this involves ascertaining the appropriate roadwork techniques for the specific circumstances of the City’s various streets while instituting more durable construction methods along with rigorous quality control. The Mayor explained the cost of carrying out this analysis should be capitalized as an investment in effectively undertaking this unprecedented rebuilding of the City’s roads. At the same time, the Mayor emphasized the importance of considering the “aggravation factor”: the impact that repeated roadwork has on neighbouring residents. Ms. Gaetano noted that rigid road surfaces still require maintenance every 15 years. The Mayor explained that the frequency of the required maintenance work for each type of roadway construction should be considered for the effect it will have on disturbing neighbouring residents. Councillor Martin pointed out that Sunnyside Avenue was repaired recently and its surface is already cracked in numerous locations. Ms. Gaetano agreed that the most effective methods for roadway reconstruction and maintenance must be established. She inquired as to whether the City must accept the lowest bid for the execution of roadway work or whether it can give greater weight to the contractors’ qualifications in the selection process. Councillor Samiotis asked whether the landscaping on Bruce Avenue is scheduled to begin shortly. Ms. Gaetano confirmed that this work will be carried out after the ground has fully thawed. Councillor Smith inquired as to when landscaping on Prince Albert Avenue is set to begin. Ms. Gaetano responded that it will commence at the beginning of the summer. In accordance with Councillor Davis’ request, Ms. Gaetano made a note to leave the ornaments on the tree. Councillor Samiotis pointed out that the bollards on Greene Avenue are excessively bright. She inquired as to whether the bollards that are to be installed on Sherbrooke Street will be as bright. Ms. Gaetano replied that she will ask Hydro Westmount whether the bollards can be made less bright at both locations. Councillor Davis reported that a public information meeting will be held on April 16 th to outline the details of the Prince Albert Avenue infrastructure renewal project. Residents of Prince Albert Avenue, Chesterfield Avenue, Windsor Avenue, and Côte Saint-Antoine Road, as well as a representative of the merchants’ association have been invited. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 6 OF 15 Councillor Samiotis expressed her support for the organization of a public information meeting. She recommended that the City emphasize its intention to carry out all of the necessary construction work on the area in the same period in order to avoid repeated periods of construction. Ms. Gaetano informed Council that the representatives of the City’s concerned departments will be participating in a coordination meeting on April 10th. This meeting will serve to establish the traffic and parking issues that will stem from this infrastructure renewal project, as well as the City’s plans for managing these issues. LEAD SERVICES Copies of the following documentation were distributed: Memorandum from Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, to the General Committee of Council, dated April 1st, 2015; Notice to residents where the copper level in the drinking water is below the Quebec norm and the lead level after 5 minutes of flow is also below the norm; Notice to residents where the copper level of the drinking water is well below the Quebec norm and the result of lead level after 5 minutes of flow shows a potential source of lead may exist; and Notice to residents where the level of copper is well below the Quebec norm and the lead level after 5 minutes of flow is slightly above the Quebec norm. Ms. Gaetano reported to Council that as requested at the March 16th General Committee meeting, the notices that are to be sent to the residents who participated in the water analysis study have been reworked. She explained that Public Works is hoping to work with Council in order to establish an action plan for the gradual replacement of the City’s lead services. Ms. Gaetano informed Council that when a water main qualifies for subsidy from the provincial government, the replacement of the City’s lead services linked to said water main likewise qualify for subsidy. Ms. Gaetano informed Council that four of the six addresses at which readings above the government’s new level of acceptability for lead content in drinking water were recorded are located on Somerville Avenue, Blenheim Place, Abbott Avenue, and Claremont Avenue. These streets are all scheduled for intervention. However, the other two homes that showed readings above the level of acceptability are located on Upper Lansdowne Avenue and Grosvenor Avenue between Sherbrooke Street and De Maisonneuve Boulevard. These streets have not been scheduled for intervention. Ms. Gaetano expressed the need to assess the extent to which these streets’ services are made up of lead in order to establish the City’s long-term intervention plan. She proposed analyzing the water of all the homes on these two streets in order to assess this. However, Ms. Gaetano pointed out that without excavating, it is impossible to know whether any lead that is detected is coming from public lead services, private lead services, or both. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 7 OF 15 Ms. Gaetano explained that the City will examine its records to assess whether work has been carried out by the City or by a homeowner that involved the replacement of lead services. Councillor Martin asked Ms. Gaetano when she recommends proceeding with the water analyses. She responded that September-October is the ideal time to carry out these tests in order to obtain the most accurate readings. However, she noted that she would prefer to conduct these tests sooner if it is feasible to do so. Regarding the City’s long-term intervention plan, Ms. Gaetano recommended beginning with the streets for which the City can obtain provincial subsidies. Councillor Martin inquired as to whether the City would seek to replace any potential lead services existing on Dorchester Boulevard in the event that it is repaved this year. Ms. Gaetano explained that the gas lines and Bell Canada lines that run below Dorchester Boulevard would be at a high risk of damage. She continued that the replacement of any potential lead services on Dorchester Boulevard will be carried out as part of a more extensive project than the street’s repaving Noting the improvement of the letters destined to be sent to the residents who participated in the water analysis study, Councillor Samiotis inquired as to Ms. Gaetano’s recommendations for communication of this issue to the City’s residents. Ms. Gaetano explained that Mr. Cristian Sipos will return from vacation on April 20th, at which point, the letters will be sent out. She recommended that residents who call City Hall with questions regarding this issue be redirected to Mr. Sipos, as the information they will be seeking is sensitive and therefore must be conveyed accurately. Ms. Gaetano suggested attaching a covering letter to the letters that will be sent to the residents who participated in the study that will invite residents to contact Mr. Sipos with any questions. Councillor Samiotis noted that the government’s modification of its level of acceptability, rendering it much stricter, is the key aspect to understanding the study’s findings in context. Mr. Raggo and Ms. Gaetano left the meeting at 6:38 p.m. SNOW REMOVAL – MODIFICATIONS TO BY-LAW 1387 CONCERNING NOISE Copies of the following documentation were distributed: Memorandum from Me Nicole Dobbie, Assistant City Clerk, to the General Committee of Council, dated March 31, 2015; and Consolidation of By-law 1387. Me Dobbie informed Council that she discussed the proposed modifications to By-law 1387 with the Director of Public Safety, Greg McBain and with the Assistant Director, Kim Colquhoun. These modifications constitute altering the hours of the restriction on overnight snow removal, currently 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., to 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Additionally, this restriction will no longer apply to residential driveways. Me Dobbie informed Council that Mr. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 8 OF 15 McBain and Ms. Colquhoun recommended extending this restriction to include residential parking lots. The directors of Public Safety affirmed that the department only receives complaints regarding the removal of snow in residential parking lots for one elderly residence.1 Councillor Smith stated that the inclusion of residential parking lots is contrary to Council’s reasoning in its elaboration of the proposed modifications. She suggested that Councillor Lulham may be of the same opinion. As the City’s snow removal operations are not subject to the restriction on overnight snow removal, Councillor Martin raised the issue of the City’s approach to cleaning its parking lots on Tupper Avenue. He explained that it could displease the public if the City’s snow removal operations on its parking lots cause excessive noise at hours when the cleaning of private parking lots is prohibited. Councillor Smith, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Samiotis cautioned that extending the exemption to include residential parking lots could cause an influx of requests for other privately-owned parking lots to be included in this exemption. Mayor Trent recommended that the exemption for overnight private snow removal operations be limited to residential driveways. It was agreed that the exemption for overnight private snow removal operations will be limited to residential driveways. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE NUISANCE BY-LAW Me Dobbie briefed Council on the proposed amendments to By-law 1475, “Nuisances and Public Order.” She noted that the restriction on possessing an alcoholic beverage in public must be modified to specify an open alcoholic beverage. She added that the definition of “municipal officers” should include the police officers of the SPVM. She continued that “rôder” will be replaced with “flâner,” and a new section will be added to prohibit “prowling/rôder.” She explained that in the French version, the prohibition on “quémander” will be specified to apply only to door-to-door solicitation. Additionally, the prohibitions against graffiti and feeding wild animals on public property will be extended to apply to private property as well. Councillor Martin questioned whether it is suitable to prohibit feeding wild animals on private property. Mayor Trent suggested using a more general phrasing that would prohibit feeding wild animals in the City without further specifying a location. Me Dobbie responded that this prohibition could be placed in the by-law’s general section. Councillor Martin inquired as to the City’s power with regards to owners who neglect to maintain their property. Me Dobbie explained that the City can fine owners who act in this 1 There was some disagreement as to the title of this residence for the elderly. Château Westmount is located at 4860 De Maisonneuve Boulevard, and Manoir Westmount is located at 4646 Sherbrooke Street. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 9 OF 15 manner. However, if it wishes to intervene by carrying out the work needed in these situations, and obtain reimbursement for this work from the property owner, it must seek this power through the adoption of a charter for the City. Mayor Trent suggested seeking a private members’ bill in order for the City to be granted this power. Councillor Martin pointed out that the City does not necessarily need to proceed with carrying out work on the property of neglectful owners in these situations. He explained that the City’s possession of this power will likely be sufficient to prompt owners to carry out the work on their own. Me Dobbie informed Council of her proposal to include provisions that regulate behaviour in municipal buildings. She suggested prohibiting behaviour that disrupts the normal course of operations in a City building and banning the use of electronic cigarettes. Me Dobbie added that she is proposing to prohibit leaving any tree on one’s property that is infested by the Emerald Ash Borer. Councillor Martin noted that a $100 fine does not serve as an adequate deterrent when the cost of the tree’s removal is $800. Me Dobbie specified that the Zoning By-law deals with a property owner’s failure to remove an infested tree. This by-law would target the neglect to promptly remove the infested trees from one’s property that have already been felled. Councillor Martin recommended that in either case, the fine should be equal to the cost of the tree’s removal. It was agreed that fine associated with the failure to remove a tree infested by the Emerald Ash Borer from one’s property, still rooted in the ground or already felled, will be equal to the cost of the tree’s removal. LE GROUPE MAURICE/PROVIGO PROJECT Mayor Trent briefed Council on LeChasseur Avocats’s legal opinion regarding the City’s power to refuse the direction of traffic onto its streets that will emanate from this project. The Mayor noted that a large portion of the legal opinion deals with the City’s power to restrict the circulation of trucks on its roads, as opposed to vehicular traffic in general. Regarding this broader question, the legal opinion explains that the City has the power to regulate in this manner. While Montreal believes that the Agglomeration can oblige Westmount to absorb the traffic that will emanate from this establishment, LeChasseur Avocats asserts that the Agglomeration returned the power over this issue to Westmount in 2008, withholding no residual power for itself. The Mayor explained that he understands this to mean that the City is not even obliged to create a depression in its sidewalk on Sainte Catherine Street. However, he acknowledged that this would cause the City to be perceived as highly uncooperative. Regardless, he expressed the empowering nature of this information in terms of its impact on the City’s bargaining position with Montreal on this issue. Councillor Martin pointed out that if medical offices were to occupy the space instead of a Provigo, it would cause the City more issues than a supermarket would. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 10 OF 15 Councillor Smith noted that Russell Copeman, Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grace Borough Mayor, publicly announced that he would ask for all traffic to enter from and exit onto Sainte Catherine Street. She pointed out that he did not overtly take this approach when speaking to Mayor Trent. Councillor Drury inquired as to whether the project’s required zoning modification is subject to the application/referendum process. Mayor Trent responded affirmatively. Councillor Drury inquired as to whether the City will ask Borough Mayor Copeman if Montreal plans to delay its decision to approve the project until the new schéma d’aménagement comes into effect. Mayor Trent responded that as the developers submitted their project for approval prior to the new schéma d’aménagement’s coming into effect, the project is not subject to its provisions. Furthermore, until Montreal enacts local zoning legislation in virtue of the new schéma d’aménagement, it will have no practical effect. Mayor Trent informed Council that he will write the letter that is to be sent to Minister of Transport Robert Poëti supporting Mayor Copeman regarding the opening of Pullman. ERUV Copies of the following documentation were distributed: Memorandum from Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, to the General Committee of Council, dated March 31, 2015; Letter from Rabbi Yossi Shanowitz, Director of the Chabad of Westmount Educational Centre, dated April 1st, 2015; and Map of the new proposed eruv. Mayor Trent informed Council that he met with Rabbi Yossi Shanowitz to discuss his request for an extension to the eruv that is currently in place around most of the City. The Mayor briefed Council on his discussion with Rabbi Shanowitz. Firstly, he explained that he pointed out that Westmount Square, the location of the Chabad of Westmount Educational Centre, is not zoned for a house of worship. Rabbi Shanowitz explained that the Chabad of Westmount Education Centre is in fact an educational institution, which the location’s zoning permits. Secondly, Mayor Trent informed Rabbi Shanowitz that he must obtain the Shaar Hashomayim’s permission to link the Chabad eruv extension to the Shaar’s existing eruv. Thirdly, the Mayor affirmed the City’s concern for its trees, explaining that no branches may be cut in the mounting of this prospective eruv. Mayor Trent directed Council’s attention to the map of the proposed new eruv. He explained that it is a small addition. The Mayor stated that if the Shaar is willing to cooperate with Chabad on this issue and the latter is capable of proceeding in a manner that will not harm the City’s trees, he is not opposed to the installation of this eruv. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 11 OF 15 Council members examined the map that demonstrates the requested extension of the eruv. Councillor Forbes inquired as to whether Chabad will be obliged to maintain its prospective eruv. Mayor Trent responded affirmatively. Mayor Trent requested that Director General Deegan prepare a letter asking the Shaar if it will be willing to cooperate with Chabad in the linking of their eruvim. The Mayor requested that the Director General and Me Dobbie draft a letter outlining the conditions by which the City will be willing to grant Chabad the privilege of this eruv’s installation. It was agreed that the City will send a letter to the Shaar Hashomayim synagogue asking if it will be willing to cooperate with Chabad in the linking of its eruv to Chabad’s prospective eruv. It was agreed that the City will send a letter to the Chabad of Westmount Educational Centre outlining the conditions by which the City will be willing to grant it the privilege of this eruv’s installation. MONTREAL GENERAL HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Mayor Trent informed Council that he met with Scott Jones and the President of the Montreal General Hospital Foundation. He explained that they initiated this meeting in order to outline the role that the Montreal General Hospital (MGH) will continue to serve. Specifically, while a number of its services are being transferred to the new super-hospital, the MGH will still operate various departments. In particular, the MGH’s highly-developed trauma centre will remain in function in its current location. COUNCIL OBJECTIVES FOLLOW-UP TRAFFIC Director General Deegan reported to Council traffic conference that Councillor Cutler attended in Chicago. The Director General informed Council that some individuals representing Redfern may be attending that night’s Regular Sitting of Council. Mayor Trent added that Greg McBain, Director of Public Safety, will be meeting with them the following day (April 8th). VARIA: MODIFICATION OF WESTMOUNT–SAINT-LOUIS THE PROVINCIAL ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF Mayor Trent distributed a map that demonstrates the current delimitation of the provincial electoral riding within which Westmount is located and another map that displays the GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 12 OF 15 proposed modification to this electoral district. He explained that the proposed modification includes Griffintown in the riding of Westmount–Saint-Louis. INFRASTRUCTURE AND PARKS This item was not discussed. HYDRO WESTMOUNT The Director General informed Council that he will be meeting with Hydro Westmount the following day (April 8th). COMMUNICATIONS This item was not discussed. URBAN PLANNING Councillor Samiotis informed Council that she met with Tom Flies, the City’s new Assistant Director of Urban Planning. She spoke highly of his qualifications and relayed that he appears to have strong public relations skills. Councillor Samiotis thanked the Director General for efficiently coordinating the appointment of an Assistant Director of Urban Planning. ONGOING ITEM: COMMUNICATIONS ACTION PLAN This item was not discussed. ONGOING ITEM: MUHC Councillor Smith reported that there were no updates to be given on this issue. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m., at which point Council held its Regular Sitting. The meeting was reconvened at 9:07 p.m. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 13 OF 15 NEW BUSINESS: WRC GUEST PASS RATES Councillor Martin inquired as to whether the City charges taxes on its guest passes. He noted that if the City does so and indicates the amount of taxes separately from the amount that it is to receive, the amount of taxes charged can be balanced against the taxes that the City already pays. The Mayor explained that the services must qualify as part of a commercial operation in order for this to be possible. The Director General informed Council that Raymond Chabot, financial advisors, determined that the City’s recreation services and programs do not qualify as a commercial operation. However, the rental contract with Selwyn House, the pro shop, and the café can qualify as a commercial operation. Councillor Martin suggested that the City further examine this issue in order for it to benefit from any tax rebate to which it could be entitled. Councillor Davis outlined the administration’s proposed fee increases for guest passes to the City’s pool, tennis courts, and skating rinks. A guest pass to the pool is recommended to be increased from $5 to $8. A guest pass to the tennis courts is recommended to be increased from $5 to $8 for the hard surface courts, and from $7 to $10 for the clay courts. A guest pass to the skating rinks is recommended to be increased from $5 to $8 for a session of general hockey, and to remain at the same rate for a session of general skating at $5. Mayor Trent expressed his support for the proposed fee increases; however, he recommended that the City follow a methodical approach when increasing these rates in the future. The Mayor explained that such proposals should be based upon and accompanied by information regarding the rates that other municipalities on the Island of Montreal charge for these services. Councillor Drury noted that the proposed increases appear reasonable given the City’s new facilities. However, he questioned whether the City’s current rates for guest passes to its tennis courts, which have not been modified, merit being increased. He inquired as to whether other municipalities charge more than the City’s current rates for access to their tennis courts. The Director General responded affirmatively. Councillor Davis informed Council that the administration has proposed to increase the fee for a booklet of ten guest passes to the pool, hard surface tennis courts, or general hockey from $40 to $70. She explained that the current and proposed rates for this booklet gives a discount of $1 for each guest pass. She questioned why the City is offering this discount. Mayor Trent inquired as to whether this discount benefits residents. Councillor Smith responded that she purchases the booklet of ten guest passes in order for her to bring guests. The Director General added that other residents do the same. Researching comparative figures on the internet, Councillor Samiotis informed Council of the rates charged for the use of tennis courts in Montreal, which are higher than what Westmount is currently charging. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 14 OF 15 It was agreed that the City will adopt the proposed increases for guest passes to its recreation facilities with the modification of the proposed rate for a booklet of ten guest passes to the pool, hard surface tennis courts, or general hockey from $70 to $80. NEW BUSINESS: UPDATE ON VICTORIA VILLAGE STREET FESTIVAL Councillor Smith informed Council that the individuals organizing this year’s Victoria Village Street Festival, to be held on the second weekend of June, are requesting that the City sponsor the event. Specifically, they are requesting a donation of $250 to $5000. Councillor Forbes inquired as to the uses for which these donations are being sought. Councillor Smith explained that they wish to hire a band, pay for food trucks to be present, and have a beer tasting event. Councillor Smith informed Council that the event’s organizers are requesting that the City prohibit vehicular traffic on a portion of Sherbrooke Street, Victoria Avenue, or Somerville Avenue during the event. Councillor Forbes recalled a year when this was done on Somerville Avenue for the City’s art show. Councillor Davis noted the plan to extend the street festival farther west on Sherbrooke Street to Marlowe Avenue in order to include more retail stores. Councillor Smith informed Council that the area’s merchants are enthusiastic about the event and are each contributing $250 in order to be permitted to display their wares on the sidewalk. Regarding the request for the City’s sponsorship, Councillor Samiotis pointed out that the City supported Greene Avenue’s street festival by assisting in the event’s coordination and organizing a Christmas tree lighting. She noted the distinction between contributing in this manner as opposed to a financial contribution. She suggested sponsoring the Victoria Village Street Festival in the same manner by offering the City’s resources to help coordinate the event. Mayor Trent informed Council that a merchant in Westmount pays roughly four times the tax rate that a resident pays while the City’s services and events are geared towards benefiting residents. From this perspective, the City should consider offering more support to its two merchants’ associations, either in kind or financially. In the case of the latter, the Mayor explained that the City would specify the matters towards which its financial donations would be allocated. Councillor Martin expressed his agreement, noting that he is in favour of donating $1000 to both merchants’ associations. Councillor Drury agreed that the City should support its retail sector; however, he suggested doing so in kind, as financial contributions will set a precedent for other groups to make similar requests. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 15 OF 15 Councillor Forbes expressed her opposition to paying for food trucks to be present at the event. She explained that instead, the restaurants in the area could set up booths outside in order to draw pedestrians into their establishments. NEW BUSINESS: GREENE AVENUE PARKING LOT Councillor Samiotis reported to Council on the possibility of creating a parking lot on Greene Avenue. She explained that a traditional underground parking lot with ramps would not be feasible given the space that a ramp would occupy. With the limited space available in the area, Councillor Samiotis recommended that Council consider the construction of an underground parking lot that would function by driving one’s car onto a platform, which would then automatically lower and park the vehicle. Councillor Martin expressed his support for considering this model. Mayor Trent agreed, noting the impracticality of a parking lot with ramps. Councillor Martin pointed out that the ground floor of this prospective parking lot could be occupied by a retail store. It was agreed that if the right model can be built at a reasonable cost, the City will consider the construction of a parking lot that would function with an elevator and automatic parking system. NEW BUSINESS: ADMINISTRATION OF GENERAL COMMITTEE MINUTES Councillor Samiotis explained that while past Council agendas are archived on the Council’s Dropbox, General Committee agendas are removed in the days subsequent to the meeting. She recommended that past General Committee agendas and the final versions of the General Committee’s minutes be archived on Dropbox. Mayor Trent agreed. He added that if there is insufficient space for archiving the General Committee agendas, at least the final versions of the General Committee’s minutes should be archived in order for them to be available as a resource. ABSENCES Council members were requested to submit their absence sheets to the Assistant City Clerk. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Nicole Forbes Chair Nicole Dobbie Assistant City Clerk Ville de Westmount Rapport mensuel de la main d’œuvre Avril 2015 A - Embauche - non permanent Nom Fonction Date d’embauche Statut Catégorie Weigel Phillips, Lisha Trineer-Roberts, Hannah Romary, Rebecca Perlman, George Paul-Hus, Adrienne Parmar, Maya Martone, Kimiko Loewen, Allison Kreuzer, Devin Konz, Morgan Iarrera, Daniel Capriolo-Morris, Daniel Bourdeau-Lévesque, Béatrice Beinaraviciute, Adele Stock-Rabbat, Liam Duncan, Warren Butters, Meagan Barrera, Javier Hales, Lindsay E. Panaritis, Dimitra Laverdure, Olivia Menezes, Nicole-Ann Larsen, Farren Sauveteur chef Sauveteur Sauveteur Sauveteur Sauveteur chef Sauveteur Sauveteur Sauveteur chef Sauveteur Sauveteur Sauveteur Sauveteur chef Sauveteur chef Sauveteur chef Assistant Pool Manager Pool Manager Assistant Pool Manager Journalier Aide-bibliothécaire Instructeur Instructeur Instructeur Instructeur 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 22 avril 2015 13 avril 2015 13 avril 2015 13 avril 2015 13 avril 2015 27 avril 2015 13 avril 2015 17 avril 2015 17 avril 2015 18 avril 2015 Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant Étudiant auxiliaire Auxiliaire Temporaire Temporaire Temporaire Temporaire Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col blanc Col bleu Col Blanc Aucun Aucun Aucun Aucun Fonction Commis au support administratif Date d’embauche 7 avril 2015 Statut Permanent Catégorie Col blanc Fonction Chef de groupe – Monteur jointeur Chef de groupe – Monteur jointeur Date d’embauche 20 avril 2015 20 avril 2015 Statut Permanent Permanent Catégorie/Commentaires Col bleu Col bleu Fonction Date d’embauche Statut Catégorie B - Embauche - permanent Nom Duffin, Melanie C - Promotion Nom McCarragher, Richard Roy, Denis D – Changement de position Nom COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ADOPTION OF THE COUNCIL'S POSITION ON THE ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE MONTREAL AGGLOMERATION COUNCIL MOVER ITEM No. 4.1 Councillor Samiotis Councillor Samiotis THAT the Mayor be authorized to make any decisions he deems necessary and in the best interest of the City of Westmount and its citizens regarding the items on the agenda of the Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting to be held on June 18, 2015. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 TABLING OF MAYOR’S REPORT – CONTRACT FOR CASE OF IRRESISTIBLE FORCE ITEM No. 6.1 Mayor Trent According to section 573.2 of the Cities and Towns Act (RLRQ, chapter C-19), the mayor must make a report to Council on his decision made on or about May 14, 2015 to authorize expenditures for the company Dassyloi to remove the liner over a length of 28 metres in the sewer on Mountain Avenue between Rosemount Crescent and Anwoth Road. As this constituted a case of irresistible force of such a nature as to imperil the life or health of the population or seriously damage the equipment of the municipality, the Mayor had no other choice but to order the expenditures and award the contracts to remedy the situation. A quote for the above mentioned work was received in the amount of $68,007.71, all applicable taxes included. The expenditure in the amount of $62,100.11 (including tax credits) will be made from Departmental Expense, Account No. 23-010-14-009. [NO RESOLUTION REQUIRED] COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 AGREEMENT WITH WESTMOUNT CHABAD ORGANIZATION – ERUV EXTENSION ITEM No. 7.1 Councillor Smith WHEREAS an Eruv is a virtual, symbolic boundary around a given area allowing residents of the Jewish faith to observe the spirit of the Sabbath and permit them to carry items within its boundaries; WHEREAS in 2008, the City entered into an agreement with the Congregation Shaar Hashomayim to install an Eruv on its territory as per resolution no 2008-05116; WHEREAS the Westmount Chabad Organization has recently requested the City's authorization to extend the existing Eruv and the Congregation Shaar Hashomayim has given its consent. MOVER Councillor Smith THAT the City be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Westmount Chabad Organization regarding the extension of the existing Eruv within the City's territory, the whole according to the terms of the agreement; and THAT the Mayor and the Assistant City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement and any and all documents necessary to give effect to the foregoing resolution, for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 APPOINTMENT — DIVISION HEAD - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES ITEM No. 8.1 Councillor Smith WHEREAS Mr. Claude Vallières was appointed as the Division Head - Information Technologies on a three-year contract, effective October 7, 2013, as per resolution No. 2013-10-232 adopted by Council at its regular sitting held on October 1st, 2013; WHEREAS according to Section 477.1 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, chapter C-19), the Treasurer has certified that sufficient funds are available to cover this expense, as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-06; WHEREAS the recommendation of the Director General to appoint Mr. Vallières on a permanent basis is submitted for Council approval. MOVER Councillor Smith THAT Mr. Claude Vallières be appointed as the Division Head - Information Technologies on a permanent basis effective June 1st, 2015. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ITEM No. 12 (Resolutions are attached) CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS Councillor Martin It is recommended that the resolutions be summarized as follows: I MOVE THAT THE TENDERS OF: - TGA Montréal Inc. be accepted for the reconstruction of sidewalks at various locations in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2015-948) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $786,842.91, all applicable taxes included; - Sanexen Services Environnementaux Inc. be accepted for the water main rehabilitation by structural lining on Prince Albert, Sherbrooke to Côte St. Antoine, in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2015-949) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $366,293.10, all applicable taxes included; - Exprolink Inc. be accepted for the purchase of one (1) new 2015 Vacuum Cart, four wheel drive Madvac LR-50 (Tender PUR-2015-009) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $82,539.40, all applicable taxes included; AND THAT THE USUAL SIGNING AUTHORITY BE GIVEN. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS ITEM No. 12.1 Councillor Martin WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on May 13, 2015 for the opening of tenders for the RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2015948) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on May 13, 2015 and by the Director of Public Works on May 19, 2015 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the tender of TGA Montréal Inc. be accepted for the reconstruction of sidewalks at various locations in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2015948) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $786,842.91, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $718,492.46 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-15-065 for an amount of $49,475.36, Account No. 03-310-15-011 for an amount of $175,486.61 and from Loan By-law 1480, Account No. 23-010-15-001 for an amount of $493,530.49, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-04 issued on May 20, 2015; THAT the Mayor and the Assistant City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS ITEM No. 12.2 Councillor Martin WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on May 13, 2015 for the opening of tenders for the WATER MAIN REHABILITATION BY STRUCTURAL LINING ON PRINCE ALBERT, SHERBROOKE TO COTE ST. ANTOINE IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PW-2015-949) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on May 13, 2015 and by the Director of Public Works on May 19, 2015 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the tender of Sanexen Services Environnementaux Inc. be accepted for the water main rehabilitation by structural lining on Prince Albert, Sherbrooke to Côte St. Antoine, in the City of Westmount (Tender PW-2015-949) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $366,293.10, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $334,474.43 (including tax credit) be made from Loan By-law 1480, Account No. 23-010-15-006 for an amount of $157,901.20 and Account No. 23-010-15-007 for an amount of $176,573.23, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-03 issued on May 20, 2015; THAT the Mayor and the Assistant City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 CALL FOR PUBLIC TENDERS - PUBLIC WORKS ITEM No. 12.3 Councillor Martin WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on May 13, 2015 for the opening of tenders for the PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW 2015 VACUUM CART FOUR WHEEL DRIVE MADVAC LR-50 OR EQUIVALENT (Tender No. PUR-2015-009) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on May 13, 2015 and by the Purchasing Manager on May 14, 2015 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the tender of Exprolink Inc. be accepted for the purchase of one (1) new 2015 vacuum cart four wheel drive Madvac LR-50 (Tender PUR-2015-009) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $82,539.40, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $75,371.28 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-15-021, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-10 issued on May 21, 2015; THAT the Mayor and the Assistant City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent REFERENCE: TENDER NO: PUR-2015-009 PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW 2015 MADVAC VACUUM LITTER COLLECTOR, ALL-WHEEL DRIVE, MODEL LR-50. As per attached specifications Thursday, May 14th, 2015 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, As result of a notice calling for public tenders for the purchase of one (1) new 2015 Madvac vacuum litter collector, all-wheel drive, model LR-50, tenders were opened publicly by the Assistant City Clerk, Nicole Dobbie in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13th, 2015. Tenders were opened in the presence of Mike Deegan, Chairman, Salah Bouziane, Assistant Director of Hydro Westmount, John Camia, Purchasing Manager, Robert Talarico, Fleet Superintendent and others. PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW 2015 MADVAC VACUUM LITTER COLLECTOR, ALL-WHEEL DRIVE, MODEL LR-50. No: Tendered Tender Price 1 Exprolink Inc. $82,539.40 As per the only tender received of the publication on SEAO (the government public electronic tendering system) for this type of specialized equipment, I recommend that this tender from Exprolink Inc. be accepted. The total amount of the contract is $82,539.40 all applicable taxes included and that council authorizes the issuing of a purchase order. John Camia Purchasing Manager /2015/PUR-2015-009 ACHAT D’UNE VOITURETTE-ASPIRATEUR MADVAC LR-50 QUATRE ROUES MOTRICES COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ITEM No. 13 (Resolutions are attached) TENDERS BY INVITATION - PUBLIC WORKS Councillor Martin It is recommended that the resolutions be summarized as follows: I MOVE THAT THE QUOTATIONS OF: - Le Circuit Ford Lincoln Ltée be accepted for the supply of two (2) new 2016 Ford Utility Police Interceptor vehicles and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $72,131.08, all applicable taxes included; - Bourassa Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltée be accepted for the supply of one (1) 2015 Sierra Heavy Duty pickup truck K-2500 (4X4) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $55,544.42, all applicable taxes included; - Toyota Président be accepted for the supply of one (1) new 2015 Toyota RAV4 vehicle and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $28,283.85, all applicable taxes included; AND THAT THE USUAL SIGNING AUTHORITY BE GIVEN. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 TENDERS BY INVITATION - PUBLIC WORKS MOVER ITEM No. 13.1 Councillor Martin Councillor Martin THAT the quotation of Le Circuit Ford Lincoln Ltée be accepted for the supply of two (2) new 2016 Ford Utility Police Interceptor vehicles and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $72,131.08, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated May 15, 2015; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $64,020.81 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-15-026 in the amount of $50,717.39 and Account No. 03-310-15-027 for an amount of $13,303.42, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-11 issued on May 22, 2015; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign, for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent WESTMOUNT BUREAU DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT PURCHASING OFFICE May 15th, 2015 The following report, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), is submitted for Council approval. SUPPLIER AMOUNT CIRCUIT FORD LINCOLN LTÉE. $72,131.08 To supply two (2) new 2016 Ford Utility Police Interceptor. The price includes the trade in value of 2 vehicles (replacement vehicle for Public Security Dept.). As per City of Westmount specifications. Other Quotes LASALLE FORD INC. $73,618.49 FORTIER AUTO MONTREAL LTEE. $83,791.48 CHARTRAND FORD (VENTES) INC. (Cannot respect the delivery schedule) Unable to quote FORD LINCOLN GABRIEL INC. No reply MONTMORENCY FORD LINCOLN INC. No reply JACQUES OLIVIER FORD INC. No reply John Camia Chef de Division – Division de l’approvisionnement Purchasing Manager /2015/Q-2015-031 DEUX FORD UTILITAIRE POLICE INTERCEPTEUR 2016 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 TENDERS BY INVITATION - PUBLIC WORKS MOVER ITEM No. 13.2 Councillor Martin Councillor Martin THAT the quotation of Bourassa Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltée be accepted for the supply of one (1) 2015 Sierra Heavy Duty pickup truck K-2500 (4X4) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $55,544.42, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated April 17, 2015; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $50,720.67 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-15-024, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-09 issued on May 21, 2015; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign, for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent WESTMOUNT BUREAU DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT PURCHASING OFFICE May 15th, 2015 The following report, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), is submitted for Council approval. SUPPLIER AMOUNT CIRCUIT FORD LINCOLN LTÉE. $72,131.08 To supply two (2) new 2016 Ford Utility Police Interceptor. The price includes the trade in value of 2 vehicles (replacement vehicle for Public Security Dept.). As per City of Westmount specifications. Other Quotes LASALLE FORD INC. $73,618.49 FORTIER AUTO MONTREAL LTEE. $83,791.48 CHARTRAND FORD (VENTES) INC. (Cannot respect the delivery schedule) Unable to quote FORD LINCOLN GABRIEL INC. No reply MONTMORENCY FORD LINCOLN INC. No reply JACQUES OLIVIER FORD INC. No reply John Camia Chef de Division – Division de l’approvisionnement Purchasing Manager /2015/Q-2015-031 DEUX FORD UTILITAIRE POLICE INTERCEPTEUR 2016 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 TENDERS BY INVITATION - PUBLIC WORKS MOVER ITEM No. 13.3 Councillor Martin Councillor Martin THAT the quotation of Toyota Président be accepted for the supply of one (1) new 2015 Toyota RAV4 vehicle and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $28,283.85, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated May 13, 2015; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $25,827.54 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-15-023 for an amount of $23,800 and from Account No. 03-310-15-027 for an amount of $2,027.54, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-08 issued on May 21, 2015; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign, for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent WESTMOUNT BUREAU DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT PURCHASING OFFICE th Mai 13 , 2015 The following report, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), is submitted for Council approval. SUPPLIER AMOUNT TOYOTA PRÉSIDENT $28,283.85 For the purchase of one (1) new vehicle 2015, Toyota RAV4. As per City of Westmount specifications. Other Quotes WOODLAND TOYOTA No reply CHASSÉ TOYOTA No reply TOYOTA GABRIEL No reply SPINELLI LEXUS TOYOTA No reply ST-LÉONARD TOYOTA No reply Important Note : Request for quotes were send out to 6 Toyota dealer in the Montreal region. Only one (1) bid was received which represents the consumer market price for this type of vehicle ($28,283.85). It is important to note that the dealer is the one located closest to the City of Westmount. It is my recommendation that council approve the contract and that a purchase order be issued to Toyota Président. John Camia Chef de Division – Division de l’approvisionnement Purchasing Manager /2015/ Q-2015-020 TOYOTA RAV4 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ITEM No. 14 (Resolution is attached) ADDITIONAL CONTRACT - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR SOIL CHARACTERIZATION STUDY It is recommended that the resolution be summarized as follows: I MOVE THAT THE QUOTATION OF: - Le Groupe Solroc be accepted for the soil characterization work required on Brooke Avenue, Roxborough Avenue and Shorncliffe Avenue and that an additional contract be awarded for a total amount of $8,910.56, all applicable taxes included; AND I MOVE THAT: - A purchase order be issued to Le Groupe Solroc for the additional soil analysis work required on Westmount for a total amount of $9,772.88, all applicable taxes included; AND THAT THE USUAL SIGNING AUTHORITY BE GIVEN. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ADDITIONAL CONTRACT - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR SOIL CHARACTERIZATION STUDY ITEM No. 14.1 Councillor Martin WHEREAS Council approved the system of bid weighting and evaluating proposed by the Public Works Department within the framework of a call for tenders for the professional services of a consulting firm to perform a soil characterization study on different streets in Westmount, as per Council resolution No. 2015-02-28 adopted at its regular meeting held on February 2, 2015; WHEREAS the proposal submitted by Le Groupe Solroc was approved for an environmental characterization study of soil (Quotation No. Q-2015-005) in the amount of $31,215.71, all applicable taxes included, as per resolution No. 2015-0350 adopted by Council at its regular meeting held on March 2, 2015; WHEREAS further to recent water main breaks that occurred since April 2015, Public Works recommended an additional soil characterization study to classify the soil as part of the water main replacement on Roxborough, Shorncliffe and Brooke Avenues. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the quotation of Le Groupe Solroc be accepted for the soil characterization work required on Brooke Avenue, Roxborough Avenue and Shorncliffe Avenue and that an additional contract be awarded for a total amount of $8,910.56, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $8,136.54 (including tax credits) be made from Loan By-law 1480, Account No. 23-010-15-006 for an amount of $6,509.23 and from Account No. 23-010-15-007 for an amount of $1,627.31, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-07 issued on May 20, 2015; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign, for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR SOIL CHARACTERIZATION STUDY ITEM No. 14.2 Councillor Martin WHEREAS Council approved the proposal submitted by Le Groupe Solroc for an environmental characterization study of soil (Quotation No. Q-2015-005) in the amount of $31,215.71, all applicable taxes included, as per resolution No. 2015-0350 adopted at its regular meeting held on March 2, 2015; WHEREAS based on the results of a soil characterization study carried out on Westmount Avenue, and in an effort to reduce the excavation costs and disposal costs, Public Works recommended additional analysis of soil samples. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT a purchase order be issued to Le Groupe Solroc for the additional soil analysis work required on Westmount Avenue for a total amount of $9,772.88, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $8,923.94 (including tax credits) be made from Loan By-law 1480, Account No. 23-010-15-006 for an amount of $5,205.63 and from Account No. 23-010-15-007 for an amount of $3,718.31, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-05 issued on May 27, 2015; and THAT the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign the purchase order, for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ITEM No. 14.3 (Resolution is attached) AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES Councillor Martin It is recommended that the resolution be summarized as follows: I MOVE THAT: The expenditures payable to Brault Drain Inc., for additional supply of labour and equipment for the thawing of water services for the 2014-2015 Winter season be authorized for a total amount of $89,300, all applicable taxes included; AND THAT THE USUAL SIGNING AUTHORITY BE GIVEN. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES ITEM No. 14.3 Councillor Martin WHEREAS the quotation of Brault Drain Inc. was accepted for the supply of labour and equipment for the thawing of water services as requested for the winter season 2014-2015 (approximately 225 hours) for a total amount of $55,946.84, all applicable taxes included, as per resolution No. 2014-12-303 adopted by Council at its special meeting held on December 15, 2014; WHEREAS the cost was estimated based on the previous year experience, but due to the extreme 2014-2015 winter season, unexpected additional thawing services were required. MOVER Councillor Martin THAT the expenditures payable to Brault Drain Inc., for additional supply of labour and equipment for the thawing of water services for the 2014-2015 Winter season be authorized for a total amount of $89,300, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $81,543 (including tax credits) be made from Departmental Expense, Account No. 02-412-00-521, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-12 issued on May 22, 2015; THAT the purchase order be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ITEM No. 15.1 (Resolution is attached) TENDERS - HYDRO WESTMOUNT Councillor Drury It is recommended that the resolution be summarized as follows: I MOVE THAT THE TENDER OF: - Systèmes Urbain Inc. be accepted for the reconstruction of the electrical underground distribution network on Prince Albert Avenue (between Sherbrooke Street West and Côte St. Antoine Road) in the City of Westmount (Tender No. PUR-2015-010) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $331,019.93, all applicable taxes included; AND THAT THE USUAL SIGNING AUTHORITY BE GIVEN. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 TENDERS - HYDRO WESTMOUNT ITEM No. 15.1 Councillor Drury WHEREAS a public meeting was held in the Council Chamber on May 13, 2015 for the opening of tenders for CIVIL ENGINEERING WORKS CATEGORY III RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ELECTRICAL UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ON PRINCE ALBERT AVENUE (BETWEEN SHERBROOKE STREET WEST AND COTE SAINT-ANTOINE ROAD) IN THE CITY OF WESTMOUNT (Tender No. PUR-2015-010) chaired by Sean Michael Deegan, Director General, and that written reports prepared by the Assistant City Clerk on May 13, 2015 and by the Purchasing Manager on May 19, 2015 are submitted to this meeting. MOVER Councillor Drury THAT the tender of Systèmes Urbain Inc. be accepted for the reconstruction of the electrical underground distribution network on Prince Albert Avenue (between Sherbrooke Street West and Côte St. Antoine Road) in the City of Westmount (Tender No. PUR-2015-010) and that the contract be awarded for a total amount of $331,019.93, all applicable taxes included; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $316,624.62 (including tax credit) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-15-059, the whole as indicated on the Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-02 issued on May 19, 2015; THAT the Mayor and the Assistant City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract; and THAT the Director General be authorized to sign any and all other documents necessary and/or required to give effect to the foregoing resolution. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent REFERENCE: TENDER NO: PUR-2015-010 RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ELECTRICAL UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ON PRINCE ALBERT AVENUE (BETWEEN SHERBROOKE STREET AND CÔTE SAINT-ANTOINE ROAD) (as per City of Westmount specification HWSP1501-06) Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 TO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, As result of a notice calling for public tenders for the reconstruction of the electrical underground distribution network on Prince Albert Avenue, tender were opened publicly be the Assistant City Clerk, Nicole Dobbie in the Council Chamber at 12:05 p.m. on Wednesday May 13th 2015. Tender were opened in the presence of Mike Deegan, Chairman, Salah Bouziane, Assistant Director of Hydro Westmount, John Camia, Purchasing Manager, Robert Talarico, Fleet Superintendent and others which resulted as follows: FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ELECTRICAL UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ON PRINCE ALBERT AVENUE (BETWEEN SHERBROOKE STREET AND CÔTE SAINTANTOINE ROAD). No: Tendered Sub-total Tendered price (Tax Included) 1 Systèmes Urbain Inc. $287,906.00 $331,019.93 2 Transelec/Common Inc. $339,553.00 $390,401.06 3 Environnement Routier NRJ Inc. $446,595.00 $513,472.60 4 Construction N.R.C. Inc. $479,350.00 $551,132.66 As per lowest conforming tender, I recommend that the tender submitted by Systèmes Urbain Inc. be accepted for reconstruction of the electrical underground distribution network on Prince Albert as indicated in tender PUR-2015-010, for a total amount of $331,019.93 G.S.T. and P.S.T. included and that Council authorize the contract and that a purchase order be issued to the supplier. John Camia Purchasing Manager /2015/rapport au Conseil/PUR-2015-010 Travaux civils de reconstruction réseau électrique de distribution ANALYSE DE SOUMISSIONS: Projet No HW1501-06 Reconstruction Prince Albert Phase II 5/15/2015 Travaux de génie civil Catégorie III , Puits d'accès, Massifs de conduits, Bases et conduits - travaux souterrains DEMANDE DE SOUMISSION: DATE: FOURNISSEUR Nom Article PUR-2015-010 Friday, May 15, 2015 A Friday, May 15, 2015 D Friday, May 15, 2015 B Friday, May 15, 2015 C Systems Urbains inc. Transelec-Common Env. Routier NRJ Inc. Construction NRC inc Prix de base (tnip) TPS @ 5% TVQ @ 9,975% Total 287,906.00 $ 14,395.30 $ 28,718.62 $ 331,019.92 $ 339,553.00 $ 16,977.65 $ 33,870.41 $ 390,401.06 $ 446,595.00 $ 22,329.75 $ 44,547.85 $ 513,472.60 $ 479,350.00 $ 23,967.50 $ 47,815.16 $ 551,132.66 $ Termes de paiement net 30 jours net 30 jours net 30 jours net 30 jours N/A N/A N/A N/A CONFORMITÉ TECHNIQUE Choix d'Hydro Westmount Par: Salah Bouziane ing. Page 1 de 1 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ITEM No. 16.1 (Resolution is attached) TENDERS BY INVITATION - HYDRO WESTMOUNT Councillor Drury It is recommended that the resolution be summarized as follows: I MOVE THAT THE QUOTATION OF: - Michel Guimont entrepreneur électricien ltée be accepted for the supply of all work as required for the upgrading of several traffic lights at intersections on Sherbrooke St. West, between Claremont and Greene Avenue and that the contract be awarded for the total amount of $46,268.58, all applicable taxes included; AND THAT THE USUAL SIGNING AUTHORITY BE GIVEN. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 TENDERS BY INVITATION - HYDRO WESTMOUNT MOVER ITEM No. 16.1 Councillor Drury Councillor Drury THAT the quotation of Michel Guimont entrepreneur électricien ltée be accepted for the supply of all work as required for the upgrading of several traffic lights at intersections on Sherbrooke St. West, between Claremont and Greene Avenue and that the contract be awarded for the total amount of $46,268.58, all applicable taxes included, the whole as indicated on the Purchasing Manager’s report dated April 23, 2015; THAT the expenditure in the amount of $44,256.47 (including tax credits) be made from Capital Expense, Account No. 03-310-15-063, the whole as indicated on Treasurer’s Certificate No. CTW-2015-06-01 issued on May 11, 2015; THAT purchase orders, if necessary, be issued to cover the above-mentioned items and that the Director General be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent WESTMOUNT BUREAU DE L’APPROVISIONNEMENT PURCHASING OFFICE rd April 23 , 2015 The following report, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), is submitted for Council approval. SUPPLIER AMOUNT MICHEL GUIMONT ENTREPRENEUR ELECTRICIEN LTEE $46,268.58 To provide all work as required for the upgrading of traffic lights at several intersections on Sherbrooke St. West, between Claremont and Greene Avenue. As per City of Westmount specifications. Other Quotes NEOLECT $68,335.39 SYSTÈMES URBAINS $84,230.69 TELTECH TÉLÉCOMMUNICATION Unable to quote ELECTRICITE GRIMARD No reply CONSTRUCTION N R C INC. No reply John Camia Chef de Division – Division de l’approvisionnement Purchasing Manager /2015/Q-2015-022 travaux de mise aux normes des intersections trafic de Sherbrooke ANALYSE DE SOUMISSIONS: Projet No HW1401-01 Contrat general de travaux sur deux de circulation DATE: 4/27/2015 10 intersections sur sherbrooke DEMANDE DE SOUMISSION: DATE: FOURNISSEUR Q-2015-022 4/27/2015 A 4/27/2015 B 4/27/2015 C Michel guimont entrepreneur electricien ltée Gille Viau Neolect Systemes Urbains Inc. Prix de base (tnip) TPS @ 5% TVQ @ 9,975% Total 40,242.30 $ 2,012.12 $ 4,014.17 $ 46,268.58 $ 56,235.00 $ 2,811.75 $ 5,609.44 $ 64,656.19 $ Termes de paiement net 30 jours N/A Nom 4/27/2015 D 4/27/2015 E 73,260.00 $ 3,663.00 $ 7,307.69 $ 84,230.69 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ net 30 jours net 30 jours net 30 jours net 30 jours N/A N/A N/A N/A Article CONFORMITÉ TECHNIQUE Choix d'Hydro Westmount Par: Salah Bouziane ing. Page 1 de 1 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ITEM No. 19.1 LIST OF ACCOUNTS Councillor Drury List of particulars of invoices in excess of $5,000. and resolution submitted herewith. MOVER Councillor Drury THAT payment be authorized and confirmed of the following disbursements made during the period ending April 30, 2015: LISTE DE PAIE & REMISES GOUVERNEMENTALES/ PAYROLL & GOVERNMENT REMITTANCES TOTAL $ 746,210.68 $ 663,983.36 $1,410,194.04 April 17, 2015 $ 236,219.82 $ 514,184.75 $ 750,404.57 April 24, 2015 $ 340,985.53 $ 155,923.99 $ 496,909.52 April 30, 2015 $ 348,047.30 $1,236,626.02 $1,584,673.32 Sub- total $1,671,463.33 $2,570,718.12 $4,242,181.45 Paiement électronique à HQ Le 7 avril 2015 $2,723,875.77 0 $2,723,875.77 Total $4,395,339.10 $2,570,718.12 $6,966,057.22 PERIODE SE TERMINANT PERIOD ENDING FACTURES / INVOICES April 10, 2015 SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent PARTICULARS OF INVOICES IN EXCESS OF $ 5,000.00 FOR THE PERIOD ENDED April 30, 2015 254637 Sheiner Gerald $ 5,289.05 254649 Bank National Credit Card $ 6,947.60 254666 Aqua Data Inc. $ 17,649.24 Refund / Tax revision Directors Credit card payment Professional fees / putting in place an intervention plan for potable water conducts 254677 SCFP #429 $ 6,558.91 254678 SCFP #301 $ 10,249.36 Blue Union dues / March 2015 White Collar union dues / March 2015 254679 Syndicat des Cols Blues $ 19,977.95 Employer / Employee contributions /March2015 254689 Enlevement de Dechets Bergeron $ 93,704.63 Collection of refuse / March 2015 254691 Fonds de Secours SFMM $ 21,745.87 White Collar insurance premiums / employee-employer portion / March 2015 254693 General Pension Fund $ 262,652.77 254724 SSQ Societe d'assurance-vie $ 69,990.07 254734 Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton $ 8,372.19 Professional fees 254747 Mines Seleine $ 32,269.51 Purchase of salt 254749 Sciage de Beton 2000 $ 41,866.61 Snow removal / lanes / March 2015 254813 Silverstone Jane $ 20,121.63 Overpayment Municipal taxes 254814 S.O Freedman $ 5,709.42 254825 Les Entreprises Norlap Inc. $ 5,052.87 254833 KPMG $ 20,695.50 Professional fees for pension audit GPP & audit P&F 254835 Lechasseur Avocats $ 27,265.67 Professional fees / City Clerk 254852 Normandin Beaudry $ 23,312.83 Professional fees 254857 NRJ Environnement Routier $ 19,587.56 Collection of secondary recycling materials / March 2015 254863 Les Entreprises J. Piccioni Inc. $ 5,516.20 254872 9270 - 7074 Quebec Inc. $ 6,413.72 254873 EMD Construction $ 33,052.16 Employer/Employee contribution / March 2015 Premium group insurance / April 2015 Hydro Westmount refund Drain holdback refund Drain holdback refund /4920 Sherbrooke W. Drain holdback refund /4922 Sherbrooke W. Drain holdback refund / 175 Metcalfe 254901 Joan McCordick $ 6,785.38 254938 RNR Systems Inc. $ 11,958.55 Purchase of software and supplies / IT Refund Hydro 254952 Les Petroles Parkland $ 17,386.88 Purchase of bio diesel 254956 Police & Fireman's Pension Fund $ 25,780.00 Actuarial deficit / March 2015 254961 RBC Dexio Investor Services Trust $ 5,511.57 254967 Orange Traffic $ 18,154.56 Painting and replacing of box after accident / Hydro Westmount 254969 TGA Inc. $ 12,152.87 Final release of holdback / PW-2013-909 254984 Normandin Beaudry $ 19,515.57 Professional fees / Human Resources 254991 Gftec (Les Distributeurs) Inc. $ 5,518.80 Purchase of Itron computers and readers / Hydro Westmount WRC janitorial fee / March 2015 Professional fees / February 2015 254993 Le Sextant Inc. $ 5,650.55 254996 Andre Filion & Associes Inc. $ 5,622.28 254999 Advanced Utility Systems $ 41,391.00 Implementation of project MP6 & 11 / Hydro Westmount 255000 Mines Seleine $ 28,499.44 Purchase of salt 255018 Lyreco (Division de Novexco Inc.) $ 6,320.40 255036 Royal Bank of Canada $ 10,252.53 Termination benefit / A. Racine 255065 Canbec Inc. $ 16,578.51 Snow removal /Parking lots / March 2015/ PW-2012-904 Canbec Inc. Evaluations of potential and selection / Human Resources Purchase of recycled paper / Inventory $ 101,938.51 Aqueduct repairs / Lansdowne at Ste-Catherine / PW-2011-892 255087 Ministere du Reveu Quebec $ 147,404.30 255099 Cain Lamarre Casgrain Wells $ 8,951.19 Professional fees 255106 D'Energie Valero Inc $ 9,775.65 Purchase of bio diesel 255120 Double G Electrique $ 13,153.14 $ 2,723,875.77 PPA Hydro Quebec TVQ & TPS remittance / March 2015 Purchase of electrical supplies Purchase of electricity / April 2015 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/2/2015 A 254628 DIVERS ABRY, VINCENT 184.55 4/2/2015 A 254629 DIVERS ABRY, VINCENT 355.59 4/2/2015 A 254630 DIVERS ABRY, VINCENT 4/2/2015 A 254631 DIVERS GROSSBAUM, WENDY 4/2/2015 A 254632 DIVERS GROSSBAUM, WENDY 46.83 4/2/2015 A 254633 DIVERS GROSSBAUM, WENDY 1,648.10 4/2/2015 A 254634 DIVERS LE FORESTIER DE QUILLIEN, EMMANUE 4/2/2015 A 254635 DIVERS LE FORESTIER DE QUILLIEN, EMMANUE 32.08 4/2/2015 A 254636 DIVERS LE FORESTIER DE QUILLIEN, EMMANUE 381.04 4/2/2015 A 254637 DIVERS SHEINER, GERALD 5,289.05 4/2/2015 A 254638 DIVERS SHEINER, GERALD 1,372.53 4/2/2015 A 254639 DIVERS SHEINER, GERALD 115.58 4/2/2015 A 254640 10013 DOMINIC AGOSTINO 4/2/2015 A 254641 10056 BANQUE NATIONAL 4/2/2015 A 254642 10064 BETONEL 4/2/2015 A 254643 10091 GIOVANNI CAMIA 4/2/2015 A 254644 10134 LA COMPAGNIE ROBERT BURY CANADA LTEE 4/2/2015 A 254645 10260 MARC GONIN 196.00 4/2/2015 A 254646 10593 TECHNIPARC 7,346.17 4/2/2015 A 254647 11189 ANDRY RAFOLISY 4/2/2015 A 254648 11201 MINISTRE DES FINANCES 1,655.56 4/2/2015 A 254649 11212 BANK NATIONAL CREDIT CARD 6,947.60 4/2/2015 A 254650 11485 LES ENTREPRISES LE GUERRIER 4/2/2015 A 254651 11488 PETER F. TRENT 4/2/2015 A 254652 10804 SIMPLY WONDERFUL 4/9/2015 A 254653 DIVERS ABRY, VINCENT 4/9/2015 A 254654 DIVERS DUQUETTE, EMMANUELLE 252.98 4/9/2015 A 254655 DIVERS DUQUETTE, EMMANUELLE 1,281.44 4/9/2015 A 254656 DIVERS DUQUETTE, EMMANUELLE 4/9/2015 A 254657 DIVERS GROSSBAUM, WENDY 4/9/2015 A 254658 DIVERS LE FORESTIER DE QUILLIEN, EMMANUE 4/9/2015 A 254659 DIVERS POLACHEK, WENDIE 160.47 4/9/2015 A 254660 DIVERS POLACHEK, WENDIE 1,867.51 4/9/2015 A 254661 DIVERS SHEINER, GERALD 1,823.61 4/9/2015 A 254662 DIVERS TAKHMIZDJIAN, HOVSEP 45.16 4/9/2015 A 254663 DIVERS TAKHMIZDJIAN, HOVSEP 2,732.66 4/9/2015 A 254664 DIVERS TAKHMIZDJIAN, HOVSEP 525.41 5/6/2015 10:33:11 Montant 15.54 556.17 995.61 145.19 2,012.01 48.37 198.74 19.48 116.25 982.00 36.00 3,354.97 600.79 21.75 1,234.05 978.95 Page 1 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/9/2015 A 254665 10016 ALGON 2000 ISOLATION 4/9/2015 A 254666 10024 AQUA DATA INC 4/9/2015 A 254667 10033 ASSOCIATION HOCKEY MINEUR VERDUN 1,748.75 4/9/2015 A 254668 10049 LIVRES BABAR INC. 1,025.05 4/9/2015 A 254669 10053 TECHMIX 1,381.46 4/9/2015 A 254670 10056 BANQUE NATIONAL 4/9/2015 A 254671 10058 BELL CANADA 85.37 4/9/2015 A 254672 10061 BELL CANADA 4,402.45 4/9/2015 A 254673 10088 MIROMEDIA 2,073.00 4/9/2015 A 254674 10089 C.V.S. MIDWEST TAPE LLC 122.71 4/9/2015 A 254675 10092 CAMIONS INTERNATIONAL WEST ISLAND 611.13 4/9/2015 A 254676 10097 AMARO EAU DE SOURCE NATURELLE 4/9/2015 A 254677 10100 SCFP #429 6,558.91 4/9/2015 A 254678 10101 SCFP #301 10,249.36 4/9/2015 A 254679 10102 SYNDICAT DES COLS BLEUS 19,977.95 4/9/2015 A 254680 10112 LE GROUPE J.S.V. INC. 1,012.95 4/9/2015 A 254681 10124 CLIFFORD UNDERWOOD HYDRAULIQUE LTEE 2,459.91 4/9/2015 A 254682 10131 COMMISSION SPORTIVE MONTREAL-CONCORDIA 4/9/2015 A 254683 10154 R. CORTECANS & FILS INC 4/9/2015 A 254684 10157 CREUSAGE RL 4/9/2015 A 254685 10172 MIKE DEEGAN 4/9/2015 A 254686 10191 DISTRIBUTION PIERRE LAROCHELLE 1,019.60 4/9/2015 A 254687 10199 THOMAS & BETTS 2,640.75 4/9/2015 A 254688 10201 ELECTROMEGA LTD 4/9/2015 A 254689 10203 ENLEVEMENT DE DECHETS BERGERON INC. 4/9/2015 A 254690 10233 FOLIERA 4/9/2015 A 254691 10234 FONDS DE SECOURS SFMM 4/9/2015 A 254692 10236 FORD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD 4/9/2015 A 254693 10252 GENERAL PENSION FUND 4/9/2015 A 254694 10261 GOUVERNEMENT DU QUEBEC/CARRA 3,330.29 4/9/2015 A 254695 10271 LE GROUPE SPORT INTER PLUS 3,045.39 4/9/2015 A 254696 10274 GUILLEVIN INTERNATIONAL INC 2,529.41 4/9/2015 A 254697 10284 HONEYWELL LIMITED 5,087.65 4/9/2015 A 254698 10345 GLOBOCAM 4/9/2015 A 254699 10351 LE GROUPE GUY INC. 4/9/2015 A 254700 10358 LIBRAIRIE MONET INC. 4/9/2015 A 254701 10360 LIBRAIRIE PARAGRAPHE 5/6/2015 10:33:11 Montant 1,437.19 17,649.24 149.03 150.98 74.30 189.71 3,182.31 638.43 333.43 93,704.63 1,028.69 21,745.87 3,775.55 262,652.77 501.28 461.27 1,719.30 751.27 Page 2 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/9/2015 A 254702 10361 LIBRAIRIE CLIO 685.27 4/9/2015 A 254703 10362 LIBRAIRIE RENAUD-BRAY 106.57 4/9/2015 A 254704 10368 LOVELL LITHO & PUBLICATIONS INC 4/9/2015 A 254705 10377 LYS AIRMECANIC INC. 1,086.52 4/9/2015 A 254706 10406 ANDREW MERRY 1,224.00 4/9/2015 A 254707 10422 CIMCO REFRIGERATION 613.97 4/9/2015 A 254708 10433 NELCO INC. 274.03 4/9/2015 A 254709 10442 P.E. BOISVERT AUTO LTEE 4/9/2015 A 254710 10443 OBJECTIF LUNE CANADA 4/9/2015 A 254711 10451 ORDRE DES TECHNOLOGUES PROFESSIONNELS 4/9/2015 A 254712 10464 PAVAGES CHENAIL INC 1,630.12 4/9/2015 A 254713 10470 V2V TECHNOLOGIES INC. 2,345.49 4/9/2015 A 254714 10471 PROCONTACT INFORMATIQUE 1,149.47 4/9/2015 A 254715 10478 CARQUEST MONTREAL-OUEST #6811 4/9/2015 A 254716 10492 JOANNE POIRIER 4/9/2015 A 254717 10508 QUINCAILLERIE NOTRE-DAME INC. 4/9/2015 A 254718 10515 J.CARRIER 4/9/2015 A 254719 10532 RENO-DEPOT INC. 4/9/2015 A 254720 10542 LES SABLES DE JOLIETTE INC 4/9/2015 A 254721 10543 SAFETY-KLEEN CANADA INC. 326.85 4/9/2015 A 254722 10560 SHERBROOKE-VALOIS INC. 256.39 4/9/2015 A 254723 10565 ERIKS INDUSTRIAL SERVICES LP 100.03 4/9/2015 A 254724 10576 SSQ SOCIETE D'ASSURANCE-VIE 69,990.07 4/9/2015 A 254725 10577 SPPMM 4/9/2015 A 254726 10579 NAPA/CMAX LASALLE DIV. UAP INC. 4/9/2015 A 254727 10594 ORANGE TRAFFIC 4/9/2015 A 254728 10609 UNION DES MUNICIPALITES DU QUEBEC 152.35 4/9/2015 A 254729 10641 XEROX CANADA LTEE 367.31 4/9/2015 A 254730 10695 KELVIN INFRAROUGE 4/9/2015 A 254731 10710 VICTORIA LEBLANC 4/9/2015 A 254732 10731 SAFETY FIRST 4/9/2015 A 254733 10738 REGIE DU BATIMENT DU QUEBEC 4/9/2015 A 254734 10743 RAYMOND CHABOT GRANT THORNTON 4/9/2015 A 254735 10829 ANNETTE DUPRE 206.37 4/9/2015 A 254736 10857 JAMES SUGDEN 341.00 4/9/2015 A 254737 10928 ATELIER DE RADIATEURS BERNARD INC. 4/9/2015 A 254738 10931 BERGOR PIECES D`EQUIPEMENT 5/6/2015 10:33:11 Montant 108.52 473.96 2,386.11 458.36 257.18 1,174.30 816.56 1,290.02 301.72 1,454.23 751.55 849.20 4,662.24 56.34 1,120.00 183.39 570.99 8,372.19 126.47 1,222.04 Page 3 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/9/2015 A 254739 10987 CARMICHAEL ENGINEERING LTD 4/9/2015 A 254740 11020 MPAEVUM MULTIMEDIA INC. 4/9/2015 A 254741 11086 SOFTCHOICE LP 4/9/2015 A 254742 11095 ELLIOTT GRENIER 4/9/2015 A 254743 11119 FERNANDO PEREDES 103.20 4/9/2015 A 254744 11162 SPI SECURITE INC. 764.41 4/9/2015 A 254745 11205 OBURO 460.87 4/9/2015 A 254746 11245 CUMMINS EST DU CANADA SEC 4/9/2015 A 254747 11324 MINES SELEINE UNE DIVISION DE K+S WINDSOR LTEE 4/9/2015 A 254748 11336 NICHOLAS SUGDEN 4/9/2015 A 254749 11352 SCIAGE DE BETON 2000 4/9/2015 A 254750 11388 KROWN MERCIER 4/9/2015 A 254751 11417 BRANDEN HANG 4/9/2015 A 254752 11418 KIERAN HAMILTON 106.00 4/9/2015 A 254753 11419 EMMA WESTENBERG 174.00 4/9/2015 A 254754 11420 NICHOLAS POTHIER 284.00 4/9/2015 A 254755 11421 WESLEY OSTERLAND 126.00 4/9/2015 A 254756 11422 PAUL WESTENBERG 306.00 4/9/2015 A 254757 11423 SAM LEE-HOWES 250.00 4/9/2015 A 254758 11424 EMILY EILEY 264.00 4/9/2015 A 254759 11425 ZACKARY GILMORE 296.00 4/9/2015 A 254760 11426 BECKET OSTERLAND 144.00 4/9/2015 A 254761 11428 ELI DANNENBAUM 450.00 4/9/2015 A 254762 11429 EMMANUEL ELIE 289.00 4/9/2015 A 254763 11430 JACOB LEE-HOWES 174.00 4/9/2015 A 254764 11431 ETHAN HANG 573.00 4/9/2015 A 254765 11432 RICHARD HELLER 328.00 4/9/2015 A 254766 11433 JEAN WESTENBERG 476.00 4/9/2015 A 254767 11434 STEFAN ROBB 406.00 4/9/2015 A 254768 11435 JUSTIN MCMANUS 288.00 4/9/2015 A 254769 11490 ANDREW BROWNSTEIN, LLB 750.00 4/9/2015 A 254770 11523 CAMINS VOLVO MONTREAL (9093451 CANADA INC.) 4/9/2015 A 254771 11524 STRONE RENOVANEUF 4/9/2015 A 254772 11558 BRENTECH 4/9/2015 A 254773 11565 AVENTURE TECHNIQUES ILLIMITÉE - 9122-8080 QUÉBEC INC 4/9/2015 A 254774 11568 GROUPE ARCHAMBAULT INC. 313.04 4/9/2015 A 254775 11577 PRONTO DRAIN 620.87 5/6/2015 10:33:11 Montant 2,086.03 293.19 3,615.30 76.00 121.94 32,269.51 106.00 41,866.61 558.78 44.00 512.51 1,573.42 729.91 2,944.50 Page 4 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/9/2015 A 254776 11584 FILGO ÉNERGIE - PHILIPPE GOSSELIN & ASS. LTÉE 4/9/2015 A 254777 11585 DIVISIONS 9 & 10 INC. 2,368.49 4/9/2015 A 254778 11586 NEWSAM CONSTRUCTION 3,437.75 4/9/2015 A 254779 11587 LE GROUPE ADE INC. 4/9/2015 A 254780 11588 EXCA-VAC (9265-0662 QUEBEC INC.) 2,051.15 4/9/2015 A 254781 11594 K. MALDE INGENIEUR-CONSEIL 3,139.97 4/9/2015 A 254782 11607 LESLIE KATZ 4/9/2015 A 254783 11608 REVENUE CANADA 928.24 4/9/2015 A 254784 11609 REVENUE QUEBEC 2,074.31 4/9/2015 A 254785 11610 NICOLE ANN MENEZES 4/9/2015 A 254786 11611 MATTHEW LITWILLER 60.00 4/9/2015 A 254787 11612 JOSH DANNENBAUM 120.00 4/9/2015 A 254788 11613 NICOLAS ROMARY 192.00 4/9/2015 A 254789 11614 MICHAEL ROBB 336.00 4/9/2015 A 254790 11615 MATTHEW LAWTON 135.00 4/9/2015 A 254791 11616 ELI ZUCKERMAN 30.00 4/9/2015 A 254792 11617 CRE-MONTREAL 600.00 4/9/2015 A 254793 10572 SOQUIJ 4/9/2015 A 254794 11436 GABRIEL DANNENBAUM 525.00 4/9/2015 A 254795 11518 ANGELA PATRICIA HERNANDEZ 630.00 4/9/2015 A 254796 11610 NICOLE ANN MENEZES 365.41 4/15/2015 A 254797 DIVERS CONSTANCE SHORE 65.00 4/15/2015 A 254798 DIVERS CULLEN PILOT 40.00 4/15/2015 A 254799 DIVERS DOMINIQUE TARDIF 45.00 4/15/2015 A 254800 DIVERS DONNA COFFIN 65.00 4/15/2015 A 254801 DIVERS ELISABETH PATTERSON 4/15/2015 A 254802 DIVERS ESTATE OF MRS. PEARL DEUTSCH TOBIA 4/15/2015 A 254803 DIVERS GLORIA STERNTHAL 4/15/2015 A 254804 DIVERS ISABELLE THORÉ & EDWARD PALMER 4/15/2015 A 254805 DIVERS JESSIE TARAS 4/15/2015 A 254806 DIVERS LEI CHEN 65.00 4/15/2015 A 254807 DIVERS MICHELLE MARIN 24.11 4/15/2015 A 254808 DIVERS MIGLENA GRIGOROVA 4/15/2015 A 254809 DIVERS PATRICIA CONROD 4/15/2015 A 254810 DIVERS PAULA HOW-HARDING 36.01 4/15/2015 A 254811 DIVERS RICHARD ROSE 96.04 4/15/2015 A 254812 DIVERS SANDIE ALBERS 65.00 5/6/2015 10:33:11 Montant 892.05 771.48 200.94 201504 525.00 34.49 35.00 3,854.04 35.00 49.84 150.00 26.29 170.00 Page 5 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/15/2015 A 254813 DIVERS SILVERSTONE, JANE 4/15/2015 A 254814 DIVERS S.O. FREEDMAN 5,709.42 4/15/2015 A 254815 DIVERS SOPHIE CORAD 60.00 4/15/2015 A 254816 DIVERS SUIZI ZHANG 40.00 4/15/2015 A 254817 10040 ATLAS TAXI INC 4/15/2015 A 254818 10056 BANQUE NATIONAL 4/15/2015 A 254819 10058 BELL CANADA 4/15/2015 A 254820 10064 BETONEL 1,234.36 4/15/2015 A 254821 10076 BRODART 620.47 4/15/2015 A 254822 10088 MIROMEDIA 4/15/2015 A 254823 10092 CAMIONS INTERNATIONAL WEST ISLAND 4/15/2015 A 254824 10154 R. CORTECANS & FILS INC 4/15/2015 A 254825 10200 LES ENTREPRISES NORLAP INC. 4/15/2015 A 254826 10214 EQUIPEMENTS JKL INC 106.65 4/15/2015 A 254827 10221 9196-3819 QUEBEC INC. 402.41 4/15/2015 A 254828 10244 LOCATION D`OUTIL GAMMA 4/15/2015 A 254829 10284 HONEYWELL LIMITED 4/15/2015 A 254830 10292 ICUBIC ENSEIGNES 4/15/2015 A 254831 10296 IMAGINE CANADA 4/15/2015 A 254832 10307 INFORMATIQUE ST-HUBERT INC. 4/15/2015 A 254833 10322 KPMG 4/15/2015 A 254834 10344 RESSORTS LASALLE INC 4/15/2015 A 254835 10352 LECHASSEUR AVOCATS LTEE 4/15/2015 A 254836 10377 LYS AIRMECANIC INC. 4/15/2015 A 254837 10378 M.DRIVESHAFT INC (ATELIERS) 4/15/2015 A 254838 10403 KC INDUSTRIEL 4/15/2015 A 254839 10436 NEOPOST 4/15/2015 A 254840 10451 ORDRE DES TECHNOLOGUES PROFESSIONNELS 458.36 4/15/2015 A 254841 10471 PROCONTACT INFORMATIQUE 365.34 4/15/2015 A 254842 10486 PLANT-PROD QUEBEC 4/15/2015 A 254843 10488 PLOMBERIE MCHENRY PLUMBING INC 4/15/2015 A 254844 10532 RENO-DEPOT INC. 373.79 4/15/2015 A 254845 10568 SOCIETE CANADIENNE DES POSTES 150.62 4/15/2015 A 254846 10594 ORANGE TRAFFIC 505.89 4/15/2015 A 254847 10620 VINCO INC. 224.15 4/15/2015 A 254848 10623 VITRERIE LEON CHARLEBOIS 4/15/2015 A 254849 10636 WESTMOUNT PLOMBERIE & CHAUFFAGE INC 5/6/2015 10:33:11 Montant 20,121.63 97.05 292.16 245.34 538.08 1,497.39 581.77 5,052.87 623.04 1,021.80 92.84 815.00 261.57 20,695.50 1,731.68 27,265.67 2,644.43 336.85 402.41 9,198.00 322.06 2,424.94 96.58 13,155.79 Page 6 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/15/2015 A 254850 10681 MAI JAY 4/15/2015 A 254851 10735 TOWN & COUNTRY 4/15/2015 A 254852 10764 NORMANDIN BEAUDRY 4/15/2015 A 254853 10792 SANIVAC 850.82 4/15/2015 A 254854 10824 VILLE DE MONTREAL 206.96 4/15/2015 A 254855 11056 PRIVAL 4/15/2015 A 254856 11092 TTI ENVIRONNEMENT INC 4/15/2015 A 254857 11113 NRJ ENVIRONNEMENT ROUTIER 4/15/2015 A 254858 11123 SUE ANN PUDDINGTON 4/15/2015 A 254859 11135 CENTRE DE SERVICES PARTAGES DU QUEBEC 1,660.20 4/15/2015 A 254860 11180 FIBRENOIRE INC. 1,006.03 4/15/2015 A 254861 11261 GCR CENTRES DE PNEUS 4/15/2015 A 254862 11331 BLEU PELICAN STE-THERESE 1,332.93 4/15/2015 A 254863 11374 LES ENTREPRISES J. PICCIONI INC. 5,516.20 4/15/2015 A 254864 11378 PHILIP A. CUTLER 2,337.61 4/15/2015 A 254865 11448 E-SUMMUM INC 689.85 4/15/2015 A 254866 11498 PARAGRAPH 293.19 4/15/2015 A 254867 11536 CT-PAIEMENT INC. 108.57 4/15/2015 A 254868 11538 TRAITEUR M.A.D. CATERING & CAFE 233.40 4/15/2015 A 254869 11540 JASON WYNARCZUK 4/15/2015 A 254870 11588 EXCA-VAC (9265-0662 QUEBEC INC.) 4/15/2015 A 254871 11595 PLOMBERIE LEVINE BROS 4/15/2015 A 254872 11620 9270 - 7074 QUEBEC INC 4/15/2015 A 254873 11621 EMD CONSTRUCTION 4/15/2015 A 254874 11624 CAREMENT TARTE INC. 4/15/2015 A 254875 11625 BENOIT MORIN 4/16/2015 A 254876 DIVERS ALBERS SANDIE 4/16/2015 A 254877 DIVERS FERNANDEZ-BUSTO JOSÉ MIGUEL 4/16/2015 A 254878 DIVERS SUE ANN PUDDINGTON 4/16/2015 A 254879 DIVERS ZHANG SUIZI 4/16/2015 A 254880 10022 APPETITE FOR BOOKS 4/16/2015 A 254881 10088 MIROMEDIA 286.29 4/16/2015 A 254882 10130 COMAQ 201.21 4/16/2015 A 254883 10156 COURRIER MESSAGEX 4/16/2015 A 254884 10237 OCLC INC. 4/16/2015 A 254885 10267 GROUPE AST (1993) INC. 1,923.53 4/16/2015 A 254886 10404 DOMINIC AGOSTINO-PETTY CASH 1,505.42 5/6/2015 10:33:12 Montant 787.69 402.41 23,312.63 627.76 2,237.04 19,587.56 276.00 231.04 125.00 2,307.55 536.41 6,413.72 33,052.16 459.90 94.20 201504 65.00 201504 45.00 104.00 65.00 69.25 45.43 86.24 Page 7 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/16/2015 A 254887 10629 WENDY WAYLING 822.88 4/16/2015 A 254888 10645 CATHERINE SWIFT 166.43 4/16/2015 A 254889 10724 ROY MEISELBACH 206.22 4/16/2015 A 254890 10856 QUEBEC MUNICIPAL 689.85 4/16/2015 A 254891 11152 JASON DIXON 4/16/2015 A 254892 11153 PABLO ST-ANDRE-KARASS 4/16/2015 A 254893 11398 CATHERINE LAROSE 4/16/2015 A 254894 11417 BRANDEN HANG 168.00 4/16/2015 A 254895 11428 ELI DANNENBAUM 216.00 4/16/2015 A 254896 11526 TROY LIPENSKY 132.00 4/22/2015 A 254897 DIVERS BELINDA TAKAHASHI 60.00 4/22/2015 A 254898 DIVERS GIBBYS YOUVILLE 73.71 4/22/2015 A 254899 DIVERS HOYES VENESSA 4/22/2015 A 254900 DIVERS JEAN LECLAIRE 4/22/2015 A 254901 DIVERS JOAN MCCORDICK 4/22/2015 A 254902 DIVERS JOHN D. MORGAN 4/22/2015 A 254903 DIVERS KATHERINE EHLERDING 4/22/2015 A 254904 DIVERS LE JOALLIER 4/22/2015 A 254905 DIVERS MARIE DAMIAN 4/22/2015 A 254906 DIVERS RONALD MAYERS 4/22/2015 A 254907 DIVERS SIDDIQI KALEEM 4/22/2015 A 254908 10007 GUARD-X INC 969.35 4/22/2015 A 254909 10032 ASCENSEUR INDEPENDANT ELEVATOR 343.49 4/22/2015 A 254910 10038 ASSOCIATION DE TAXI DIAMOND LTEE 4/22/2015 A 254911 10049 LIVRES BABAR INC. 1,655.89 4/22/2015 A 254912 10053 TECHMIX 1,190.87 4/22/2015 A 254913 10062 BELL MOBILITY 4/22/2015 A 254914 10064 BETONEL 4/22/2015 A 254915 10074 BRAULT & BOUTHILLIER 368.63 4/22/2015 A 254916 10082 BUREAU SYSTEMA INC. 2,173.81 4/22/2015 A 254917 10088 MIROMEDIA 2,500.71 4/22/2015 A 254918 10089 C.V.S. MIDWEST TAPE LLC 370.10 4/22/2015 A 254919 10097 AMARO EAU DE SOURCE NATURELLE 169.85 4/22/2015 A 254920 10112 LE GROUPE J.S.V. INC. 4/22/2015 A 254921 10126 CMG COMMUNICATIONS INC. 1,400.40 4/22/2015 A 254922 10136 TRANSELEC - COMMON INC. 1,470.88 4/22/2015 A 254923 10138 COMMUNICATION DEMO 5/6/2015 10:33:12 Montant 42.00 132.00 84.00 45.00 489.41 6,785.38 55.36 60.00 356.22 45.00 911.00 60.00 22.03 197.10 1,279.04 497.05 382.64 Page 8 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/22/2015 A 254924 10154 R. CORTECANS & FILS INC 750.22 4/22/2015 A 254925 10162 4246543 CANADA INC. 272.66 4/22/2015 A 254926 10179 LES DISTRIBUTIONS TRO-PLAK INC 844.97 4/22/2015 A 254927 10198 EDITIONS YVON BLAIS 121.75 4/22/2015 A 254928 10201 ELECTROMEGA LTD 4/22/2015 A 254929 10207 ENTRETIEN PREVENTIF RONDEAU ENR 4/22/2015 A 254930 10211 EQUIFAX CANADA INC. 4/22/2015 A 254931 10216 EQUIPEMENT DE SECURITE UNIVERSEL 4/22/2015 A 254932 10229 GICLEURS ALERTE INC. 4/22/2015 A 254933 10236 FORD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD 4,661.04 4/22/2015 A 254934 10244 LOCATION D`OUTIL GAMMA 1,270.36 4/22/2015 A 254935 10271 LE GROUPE SPORT INTER PLUS 4/22/2015 A 254936 10326 KLODA FOCUS GROUP 4/22/2015 A 254937 10347 GANTS LAURENTIDE LTEE 4/22/2015 A 254938 10356 RNR SYSTEMS INC. 4/22/2015 A 254939 10358 LIBRAIRIE MONET INC. 1,015.61 4/22/2015 A 254940 10360 LIBRAIRIE PARAGRAPHE 2,299.55 4/22/2015 A 254941 10361 LIBRAIRIE CLIO 1,333.17 4/22/2015 A 254942 10371 NADEAU FORESTERIE URBAINE 2,205.23 4/22/2015 A 254943 10372 LUBRI-EXPERT 789.19 4/22/2015 A 254944 10376 LUMEN 303.53 4/22/2015 A 254945 10377 LYS AIRMECANIC INC. 367.92 4/22/2015 A 254946 10378 M.DRIVESHAFT INC (ATELIERS) 4/22/2015 A 254947 10395 MARTECH SIGNALISATION 4/22/2015 A 254948 10419 MONTREAL HYDRAULIQUE 4/22/2015 A 254949 10422 CIMCO REFRIGERATION 776.09 4/22/2015 A 254950 10432 NEDCO,DIV DE REXEL CDA ELECT.INC 363.75 4/22/2015 A 254951 10436 NEOPOST 4/22/2015 A 254952 10444 LES PETROLES PARKLAND 4/22/2015 A 254953 10453 OTIS CANADA INC. 4/22/2015 A 254954 10455 PTS ELECTRIQUE LTEE 4/22/2015 A 254955 10464 PAVAGES CHENAIL INC 4/22/2015 A 254956 10493 POLICE & FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 4/22/2015 A 254957 10494 LES PORTES DE GARAGE OLYMPIQUE INC 231.45 4/22/2015 A 254958 10508 QUINCAILLERIE NOTRE-DAME INC. 971.79 4/22/2015 A 254959 10531 REMORQUAGE BURSTALL-CONRAD 4/22/2015 A 254960 10532 RENO-DEPOT INC. 5/6/2015 10:33:12 Montant 264.44 1,201.49 160.97 1,843.07 557.53 257.08 574.88 2,674.41 11,958.55 215.03 1,005.46 36.92 923.40 17,386.88 336.13 1,126.09 3,510.46 25,780.00 74.73 347.46 Page 9 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/22/2015 A 254961 10537 RBC INVESTOR SERVICES TRUST 4/22/2015 A 254962 10541 LABORATOIRES D'ANALYSES S.M. INC. 4/22/2015 A 254963 10544 ACKLANDS-GRAINGER INC 4/22/2015 A 254964 10545 SERVICORP 4/22/2015 A 254965 10571 SOLUTIONS GRAFFITI 4/22/2015 A 254966 10582 STOCKMEDIA 4/22/2015 A 254967 10594 ORANGE TRAFFIC 4/22/2015 A 254968 10595 TENNIS SERVICES 4/22/2015 A 254969 10598 TGA INC 4/22/2015 A 254970 10605 TUMBLEWEED PRESS INC 4/22/2015 A 254971 10609 UNION DES MUNICIPALITES DU QUEBEC 172.46 4/22/2015 A 254972 10615 W. VACHON & FILS INC. 120.67 4/22/2015 A 254973 10616 VANHOF & BLOKKER LTD 701.66 4/22/2015 A 254974 10626 VULCAIN ALARME INC 4/22/2015 A 254975 10631 WESTERN VALET SERVICE 4/22/2015 A 254976 10636 WESTMOUNT PLOMBERIE & CHAUFFAGE INC 4/22/2015 A 254977 10641 XEROX CANADA LTEE 4/22/2015 A 254978 10651 REGIE DE L'ENERGIE 4/22/2015 A 254979 10657 SHRED-IT INTERNATIONAL ULC 4/22/2015 A 254980 10680 PETER MATVIJ 1,505.00 4/22/2015 A 254981 10694 GRAY FOURNISSEURS ELECTRIQUES 2,931.86 4/22/2015 A 254982 10695 KELVIN INFRAROUGE 1,070.42 4/22/2015 A 254983 10747 ART-EN-CIEL 4/22/2015 A 254984 10764 NORMANDIN BEAUDRY 4/22/2015 A 254985 10805 CEDROM / SNI 4/22/2015 A 254986 10813 STEVENSON & WRITERS INC 196.61 4/22/2015 A 254987 10820 R.JAMES AITKEN ARCHITECTE 574.88 4/22/2015 A 254988 10826 8313784 CANADA INC. 4/22/2015 A 254989 10839 MICHEL BEAUMIER 4/22/2015 A 254990 10861 CLAUDE LADOUCEUR 4/22/2015 A 254991 10990 GFTEC (LES DISTRIBUTEURS) INC. 4/22/2015 A 254992 11091 UNIFORMES MODERNA 4/22/2015 A 254993 11143 LE SEXTANT INC. 5,650.55 4/22/2015 A 254994 11179 COMMUNICATIONS MICHEL FILION INC. 3,449.25 4/22/2015 A 254995 11182 BROSSARD FRERES INC. 4/22/2015 A 254996 11244 ANDRE FILION & ASSOCIES INC. 4/22/2015 A 254997 11261 GCR CENTRES DE PNEUS 5/6/2015 10:33:12 Montant 5,511.57 936.36 576.05 3,071.52 534.63 655.36 18,154.56 1,354.40 12,152.87 1,311.45 348.37 1,299.22 500.14 5,145.84 956.00 361.20 169.45 19,515.57 2,465.93 40.24 3,680.00 35.62 5,518.80 661.69 145.66 5,622.28 609.87 Page 10 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/22/2015 A 254998 11302 CMD SIGNALISATION ARCHITECTURALE 4/22/2015 A 254999 11314 ADVANCED UTILITY SYSTEMS 41,391.00 4/22/2015 A 255000 11324 MINES SELEINE UNE DIVISION DE K+S WINDSOR LTEE 28,499.44 4/22/2015 A 255001 11338 C.C. AIR INC. 4/22/2015 A 255002 11349 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 160.35 4/22/2015 A 255003 11417 BRANDEN HANG 264.00 4/22/2015 A 255004 11421 WESLEY OSTERLAND 4/22/2015 A 255005 11424 EMILY EILEY 4/22/2015 A 255006 11425 ZACKARY GILMORE 270.00 4/22/2015 A 255007 11430 JACOB LEE-HOWES 180.00 4/22/2015 A 255008 11433 JEAN WESTENBERG 4/22/2015 A 255009 11434 STEFAN ROBB 4/22/2015 A 255010 11436 GABRIEL DANNENBAUM 4/22/2015 A 255011 11485 LES ENTREPRISES LE GUERRIER 4/22/2015 A 255012 11492 LOUIS STOCK-RABBAT 4/22/2015 A 255013 11532 GRENIER & ASSOCIES, HUISSIERS 4/22/2015 A 255014 11538 TRAITEUR M.A.D. CATERING & CAFE 186.72 4/22/2015 A 255015 11559 LUKE RORLICK 560.00 4/22/2015 A 255016 11568 GROUPE ARCHAMBAULT INC. 353.69 4/22/2015 A 255017 11581 PGVMEDIA 4/22/2015 A 255018 11592 LYRECO (DIVISION DE NOVEXCO INC.) 6,320.40 4/22/2015 A 255019 11603 PRODUCTIONS PM 1,083.52 4/22/2015 A 255020 11614 MICHAEL ROBB 4/22/2015 A 255021 11615 MATTHEW LAWTON 4/22/2015 A 255022 11634 MARIA A. GRECO 4/22/2015 A 255023 11635 LANGUES PRODUCTIONS SERVICES LIMITEE 4/22/2015 A 255024 11636 MARTIN GERMAIN 4/22/2015 A 255025 11637 ALEX KELEMEN 4/22/2015 A 255026 11638 SKYLER WITTMAN 4/23/2015 A 255027 DIVERS ALEXANDRE RACINE 4/23/2015 A 255028 DIVERS ANDREW GERTLER 95.00 4/23/2015 A 255029 DIVERS BELINDA TAKAHASHI 60.00 4/23/2015 A 255030 DIVERS BROOKE LATULIPPE 74.07 4/23/2015 A 255031 DIVERS DAVID EILEY 4/23/2015 A 255032 DIVERS ESTATE BRUCE BUCKLEY 4/23/2015 A 255033 DIVERS JUN JIE ZHANG 310.00 4/23/2015 A 255034 DIVERS MARY GALLERY 45.00 5/6/2015 10:33:12 Montant 143.72 1,024.52 30.00 45.00 15.00 480.00 330.00 1,755.76 435.00 29.75 260.99 30.00 140.00 14.50 3,360.00 401.75 1,050.00 840.00 3,291.12 45.00 2,601.90 Page 11 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/23/2015 A 255035 DIVERS QIXIA ZHOU 4/23/2015 A 255036 DIVERS ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 4/23/2015 A 255037 10063 BELL MOBILITE (ST-LAURENT) 4,634.55 4/23/2015 A 255038 10110 CASAVANT MERCIER, AVOCATS 4,009.76 4/23/2015 A 255039 10661 MARIANNE ZALZAL 4/23/2015 A 255040 10713 ANDREW MAISLIN 500.00 4/23/2015 A 255041 10859 EMILE MURCIANO 1,155.00 4/23/2015 A 255042 10861 CLAUDE LADOUCEUR 4/23/2015 A 255043 11298 NICOLE DOBBIE 186.90 4/23/2015 A 255044 11561 HEC MONTREAL 830.71 4/23/2015 A 255045 11640 AUTOBUS GALLAND LTEE 4/23/2015 A 255046 11641 GREGORY MCBAIN 4/24/2015 A 255047 11648 LUIGI EVANGELISTA 4/30/2015 A 255048 DIVERS BONNIE BARNETT 50.00 4/30/2015 A 255049 DIVERS CAROLINE GIROUARD 80.00 4/30/2015 A 255050 DIVERS CATHERINE FORBES 70.00 4/30/2015 A 255051 DIVERS EMILY CARSON 4/30/2015 A 255052 DIVERS ESTATE OF GEOFFREY SACHS 4/30/2015 A 255053 DIVERS ESTATE OF JUDITH MAPPIN 21.36 4/30/2015 A 255054 DIVERS FLAVIA CANALI VILLANUEVA 85.00 4/30/2015 A 255055 DIVERS IVAN GREENSTEIN 4/30/2015 A 255056 DIVERS NADER CHAABAN & MARTA KORWIN-SZYMAN 4/30/2015 A 255057 DIVERS SOFIA ROMANELLI 4/30/2015 A 255058 DIVERS SUZANNE VAILLANCOURT & BRENT RICHARDS 4/30/2015 A 255059 10022 APPETITE FOR BOOKS 4/30/2015 A 255060 10089 C.V.S. MIDWEST TAPE LLC 4/30/2015 A 255061 10119 CHAMPION INC 4/30/2015 A 255062 10134 LA COMPAGNIE ROBERT BURY CANADA LTEE 4/30/2015 A 255063 10135 CSST 4/30/2015 A 255064 10179 LES DISTRIBUTIONS TRO-PLAK INC 4/30/2015 A 255065 10204 CANBEC INC. (LES ENTREPRISES) 4/30/2015 A 255066 10216 EQUIPEMENT DE SECURITE UNIVERSEL 4/30/2015 A 255067 10221 9196-3819 QUEBEC INC. 4/30/2015 A 255068 10236 FORD ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD 1,545.87 4/30/2015 A 255069 10242 ACCEO SOLUTIONS INC. 4,228.21 4/30/2015 A 255070 10284 HONEYWELL LIMITED 2,673.17 4/30/2015 A 255071 10307 INFORMATIQUE ST-HUBERT INC. 5/6/2015 10:33:12 Montant 790.00 10,252.53 150.44 43.12 592.12 1,079.01 130.00 60.00 214.56 60.00 713.26 99.00 678.86 33.60 113.34 13.58 99.89 378.56 169.63 118,562.02 195.46 465.65 448.40 Page 12 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 Dt. pmt. M/A #Chèque Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/30/2015 A 255072 10324 ATAKI INC (LES ENTREPRISES) 4/30/2015 A 255073 10356 RNR SYSTEMS INC. 4/30/2015 A 255074 10358 LIBRAIRIE MONET INC. 4/30/2015 A 255075 10362 LIBRAIRIE RENAUD-BRAY 106.89 4/30/2015 A 255076 10369 LOUISE LEGAULT, TRANSALATION 227.69 4/30/2015 A 255077 10375 CYNTHIA LULHAM 110.50 4/30/2015 A 255078 10380 MP REPRODUCTIONS INC 4/30/2015 A 255079 10395 MARTECH SIGNALISATION 4/30/2015 A 255080 10422 CIMCO REFRIGERATION 4/30/2015 A 255081 10455 PTS ELECTRIQUE LTEE 4/30/2015 A 255082 10464 PAVAGES CHENAIL INC 4/30/2015 A 255083 10471 PROCONTACT INFORMATIQUE 4/30/2015 A 255084 10492 JOANNE POIRIER 4/30/2015 A 255085 10506 PUROLATOR COURIER 4/30/2015 A 255086 10508 QUINCAILLERIE NOTRE-DAME INC. 4/30/2015 A 255087 10513 MINISTERE DU REVENU 4/30/2015 A 255088 10560 SHERBROOKE-VALOIS INC. 4/30/2015 A 255089 10572 SOQUIJ 34.49 4/30/2015 A 255090 10575 STANWAY SIGNS LTEE 91.98 4/30/2015 A 255091 10579 NAPA/CMAX LASALLE DIV. UAP INC. 71.74 4/30/2015 A 255092 10589 SUTTON FOURNITURES DE PLOMBERIE 69.05 4/30/2015 A 255093 10596 TENAQUIP LTEE 4/30/2015 A 255094 10641 XEROX CANADA LTEE 1,792.79 4/30/2015 A 255095 10694 GRAY FOURNISSEURS ELECTRIQUES 2,143.13 4/30/2015 A 255096 10697 EATON ELECTRICAL/CUTLER HAMMER 4/30/2015 A 255097 10761 PIERRE CHARTIER 4/30/2015 A 255098 10764 NORMANDIN BEAUDRY 5,967.21 4/30/2015 A 255099 10830 CAIN LAMARRE CASGRAIN WELLS 8,951.19 4/30/2015 A 255100 10843 GOLF WESTMOUNT 1,000.00 4/30/2015 A 255101 10862 SOCIETE DE GESTION COGIR 4/30/2015 A 255102 10866 HONG YING LI 4/30/2015 A 255103 10924 A.K.A NEW MEDIA INC. 4/30/2015 A 255104 11020 MPAEVUM MULTIMEDIA INC. 4/30/2015 A 255105 11026 MICROMATT CANADA LTEE 4/30/2015 A 255106 11112 ENERGIE VALERO INC. 4/30/2015 A 255107 11123 SUE ANN PUDDINGTON 228.00 4/30/2015 A 255108 11125 SYSTEMATIX 255.82 5/6/2015 10:33:12 Montant 79.33 738.14 2,250.69 31.19 97.16 2,462.20 388.35 634.45 2,852.53 701.35 14.77 484.58 147,404.30 412.76 72.43 758.84 213.08 287.91 51.94 1,614.25 293.19 283.76 9,775.65 Page 13 Ville de Westmount REGISTRE DES CHÈQUES Du: 4/1/2015 Au: 4/30/2015 Compte de banque : 54-112-00-002 M/A #Chèque Dt. pmt. Mode pmt. #Fourn. Nom du fournisseur Mnt. chèque Pér.ann. 4/30/2015 A 255109 11144 KOLOSTAT INC. 4/30/2015 A 255110 11152 JASON DIXON 84.00 4/30/2015 A 255111 11153 PABLO ST-ANDRE-KARASS 66.00 4/30/2015 A 255112 11172 JULIE-ANNE CARDELLA 4/30/2015 A 255113 11349 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 4/30/2015 A 255114 11398 CATHERINE LAROSE 4/30/2015 A 255115 11408 LES AVOCATS LE CORRE & ASSOCIÉS S.E.N.C.R.L 4/30/2015 A 255116 11417 BRANDEN HANG 168.00 4/30/2015 A 255117 11428 ELI DANNENBAUM 156.00 4/30/2015 A 255118 11440 AIGUISAGE BOOMERANG 4/30/2015 A 255119 11490 ANDREW BROWNSTEIN, LLB 4/30/2015 A 255120 11517 DOUBLE G ELECTRIQUE 4/30/2015 A 255121 11526 TROY LIPENSKY 4/30/2015 A 255122 11544 NORTRAX QUÉBEC INC. 4/30/2015 A 255123 11568 GROUPE ARCHAMBAULT INC. 4/30/2015 A 255124 11586 NEWSAM CONSTRUCTION 4/30/2015 A 255125 11622 PLOMBERIE BERNARD 4/30/2015 A 255126 11652 MICHAEL WYNARCZUCK 147.60 4/30/2015 A 255127 11653 DROIT-INC.COM LTEE 402.41 4/2/2015 A 255128 10536 G.M. DE LASALLE Chèques générés 5/6/2015 10:33:12 501 Montant 3,828.38 57.44 424.26 42.00 4,210.79 95.06 750.00 13,153.14 132.00 34.01 213.46 50.00 20.00 201504 Total : 1,671,463.33 18.80 653.80 Page 14 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAMMES APPROVAL ITEM No. 21.1 INTEGRATION Councillor Samiotis WHEREAS according to By-Law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, the issuance of some building permits, are subordinated to the prior approval of plans by the Planning Advisory Committee; WHEREAS according to section 3.2.2 of this by-law, Council must decide on the recommendations of the Committee by resolution. MOVER Councillor Samiotis THAT, according to the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meeting held on May 20, 2015, the attached list of building permit applications, reviewed under By-law 1305 on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes, be approved. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent WESTMOUNT LIST OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS REVIEWED UNDER BY-LAW 1305 ON SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRATION PROGRAMMES File no. & Category Address Description of Project Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation 13-842 32 Summit Crescent To add a storey, modify openings and install windows and doors. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 14-518 3298 Cedar To build an underground garage in the front yard in advance of the 40’ building line on Cedar. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 14-049 Surrey Gardens Lot #1 583 299 To build a new residence At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 14-612 Cat. II-E 531 Grosvenor To rebuild the stone retaining walls and stairs in the front yard and modify the width of the garage door opening. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application provided the garage door is wood. 14-847 Cat II-E 76 Arlington To rebuild the rooftop terrace at the rear. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 14-855 Cat. III 30 Stanton Afin de remplacer les garde-corps des balcons. À sa réunion du 20 mai 2015, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande. Presented at the meeting of Council held on June 1st, 2015 Prepared on May 20th, 2015 File no. & Category Address 14-861 Cat. II 4322 Montrose 14-887 Cat. III 11 Willow 2015-045 Cat. II 3001 St-Antoine 2015-100 Cat. II-E 55 Sunnyside 2015-118 Cat. I 65 Forden 2015-196 Cat. II 51 Hallowell 2015-221 Cat. II 2 Braeside Place 2015-222 Cat. II 463 Mount-Stephen 2015-227 Cat. II 597 Argyle Description of Project Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation To replace some windows. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. To build a new addition and do some exterior modifications At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. To replace the windows. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. To do landscaping work at the rear. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. To demolish an existing greenhouse on the south elevation and build in its place a new garage addition on the south elevation. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. To build an addition at the rear and rebuild the front stairs. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. Afin de remplacer le revêtement de la toiture et de la véranda et remplacer les soffites, fascias et gouttières. À sa réunion du 20 mai 2015, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande. Afin d’aménager la cour arrière et d’installer une clôture. À sa réunion du 20 mai 2015, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande à la condition que la nouvelle clôture réplique l’existante. To do landscaping work at the front, sides and rear of the property. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application provided the railing is wrought iron. Presented at the meeting of Council held on June 1st, 2015 Prepared on May 20th, 2015 File no. & Category Address Description of Project Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation 2015-229 Cat. II-E 4342 Montrose To do landscaping work in the front yard. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 2015-234 Cat. II-E 537 Lansdowne To demolish a balcony and to rebuild it in a new location, to replace some windows and to modify door and window openings. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 2015-252 Cat. III 4306 Montrose To do landscaping work in the rear and side yards, including modifications to the rear terrace. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 2015-283 Cat. III-E 352 Lansdowne To widen existing openings on the rear wall to install a new window and two French doors. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 2015-296 Cat. II 451 Clarke To modify window and door openings at the rear and side and build a new basement access at the rear. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 2015-302 Cat. II-E 783 Upper Lansdowne Afin de faire des travaux d’aménagement paysager dans les cours avant et latérales. À sa réunion du 20 mai 2015, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver la demande. To replace a window in the existing accessory building. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 76 Arlington To install a new fence. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 1113 Greene Afin de remplacer une porte sur la façade principale. À sa réunion du 20 mai 2015, le Comité consultatif d’urbanisme a recommandé favorablement au Conseil d’approuver l’option 2 en bois de la demande. 2015-307 Cat. II 640 Murray Hill 2015-321 Cat. II-E 2015-322 Cat. I-E Presented at the meeting of Council held on June 1st, 2015 Prepared on May 20th, 2015 File no. & Address Description of Project Planning Advisory Committee Recommendation 2015-323 Cat. II-E 584 Lansdowne To block an existing window opening on the lateral facade and create a new window opening on the rear facade. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application provided the new lintel is arched to match the existing openings. 2015-325 Cat. II 32 Edgehill To demolish a secondary nonstructural chimney. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 2015-327 Cat. I-E 63 Chesterfield To replace a door, install a new railing in the front and demolish a shed on the upper balcony in the rear and continue the existing railing. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 2015-335 Cat. II 4 Grenville To repave the driveway and walkway and rebuild the retaining wall. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application provided the retaining wall is made with cut stone of smaller dimensions. 2015-350 Cat. II-E 625 Lansdowne To replace a side door. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 2015-361 Cat. I 619 Clarke To replace a rear door. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application provided the leading is applied on the exterior of the glass. 2015-372 Cat. II 36 Roxborough To build an extension to the kitchen in the rear yard and rebuild the rear deck, replace and install windows and doors. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. 2015-379 Cat. II-E 539 Lansdowne To rebuild a balcony in the rear yard. At its meeting of May 20th, 2015, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably recommended to Council to approve the application. Category Presented at the meeting of Council held on June 1st, 2015 Prepared on May 20th, 2015 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 BUILDING OVER THE BUILDING LINE - 215 REDFERN AVENUE ITEM No. 22.1 Councillor Samiotis The following documents were submitted herewith: - DMS file and recommendation - Data Sheets and plans WHEREAS Section 5.2.4 of Zoning By-law 1303 stipulates that notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law, in accordance with the By-law on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes (PIIA) and subject to the approval of Council, a modification to the siting of a building may be permitted by reason of the excessive slope or configuration of the lot or land or by reason of the location of one or more existing buildings on adjacent lots or parcels of lands; WHEREAS the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meeting held on May 20, 2015 are submitted for Council approval. MOVER Councillor Samiotis THAT permission be granted to the owner of the property located at 215 Redfern Avenue to install the canopy as built over the main entrance facing Redfern Avenue, in advance of the 15 feet building line on Redfern Avenue, the whole as indicated in the Data Sheet and plans submitted. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 BUILDING OVER THE BUILDING LINE - 3298 CEDAR AVENUE ITEM No. 22.2 Councillor Samiotis The following documents were submitted herewith: - DMS file and recommendation - Data Sheet and plans WHEREAS Section 5.2.4 of Zoning By-law 1303 stipulates that notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law, in accordance with the By-law on Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programmes (PIIA) and subject to the approval of Council, a modification to the siting of a building may be permitted by reason of the excessive slope or configuration of the lot or land or by reason of the location of one or more existing buildings on adjacent lots or parcels of lands; WHEREAS the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee at its meeting held on May 20, 2015 are submitted for Council approval. MOVER Councillor Samiotis THAT permission be granted to the owner of the property located at 3298 Cedar Avenue, to build an extension to the existing house for an underground garage, in advance of the 40 feet building line on Cedar Avenue, the whole as indicated in the Data Sheet and plans submitted. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND NOISE BY-LAW 1387 - NOTICE OF MOTION ITEM No. 24.1 Councillor Lulham Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Lulham I hereby give notice of the intention to submit for adoption “By-law 1484 to further amend By-law 1387 concerning noise" at a subsequent meeting of this council. OBJECT Councillor Lulham to read the following: "THAT the object of this draft by-law is to: i) modify section 33 in order to prohibit snow removal operations between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.; ii) modify section 36 in order to grant the City the right to allow snow removal operations by private contractors for work or services which the City determines to be of an essential or emergency nature and that is being conducted for the primary purpose of ensuring the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City; iii) modify section 36 to exempt snow removal operations on residential driveways; and iv) clarify the wording of section 27 regarding the periods during which the use of power equipment is prohibited." [NO RESOLUTION REQUIRED] CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 1484 BY-LAW 1484 Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le ________ 2015 et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on __________, 2015, at which were present: Le maire / The Mayor Les conseillers - Councillors P. F. Trent, président/Chairman P. A. Cutler R. Davis V. M. Drury N. Forbes C. Lulham P. Martin T. Samiotis C. Smith ATTENDU QU’un avis de motion se rapportant à la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 1er juin 2015; WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this By-law having been given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on June 1st , 2015; Il est ordonné et statué par le Règlement no 1484 intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1387 SUR LE BRUIT – ACTIVITÉS DE DÉNEIGEMENT ET ÉQUIPEMENT ÉLECTRIQUE » que : It is ordained and enacted by By-law 1484, entitled “BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND BY- Le Règlement 1387, adopté le 7e jour de juin 2010, modifié par le règlement 1444, est par les présentes modifié comme suit : By-law 1387, adopted on the 7th day of June 2010, as amended by by-law 1444 is hereby amended as follows: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 LAW 1387 CONCERNING NOISE – SNOW REMOVAL OPERATIONS AND POWER EQUIPMENT " that: L’article 33 est remplacé par ce qui suit : The Section 33 is replaced by the following : «Sous réserve de l’article 36, aucune personne ne doit utiliser ou faire fonctionner, ni permettre d'utiliser ou de faire fonctionner, “Subject to section 36, no person shall use or operate or cause to be used or operated any snow removal vehicle or related Page 1 un véhicule de déneigement ainsi que l’équipement connexe pour les activités de déneigement entre 23 h et 5 h » equipment for any snow removal operations between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.” ARTICLE 2 SECTION 2 L’article 36 est remplacé par ce qui suit : The Section 36 is replaced by the following : « a) Les dispositions du présent règlement ne s'appliquent pas aux agents, aux fonctionnaires, employés ou entrepreneurs de la ville, à d'autres services publics ou à des entrepreneurs privés en déneigement participant à des travaux ou dispensant des services que la Ville détermine comme étant essentiels ou ayant un caractère urgent et qui ont pour but premier d'assurer la santé, la sécurité et le bien-être des résidents de la ville. “a) The provisions of this by-law shall not apply to agents, servants, employees or contractors of the City, other public utilities authorities or private contractors for snow removal operations who are engaged in work or services which the City determines to be of an essential or emergency nature and which work is being conducted for the primary purpose of ensuring the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City. b) Nonobstant l’article 33, les activités de déneigement seront permises sur les entrées résidentielles en tout temps. » b) Notwithstanding section 33, snow removal operations shall be permitted on residential driveways at all times.” ARTICLE 3 SECTION 3 L’article 27 est remplacé par ce qui suit : The Section 27 is replaced by the following: « Malgré les dispositions de l’Article 26, aucune personne ne doit utiliser ou faire fonctionner, ni permettre d’utiliser ou de faire fonctionner, un équipement électrique : “Notwithstanding Section 26, no person shall use or operate or cause to be used or operated any power equipment: i. le dimanche ; ii. lors d’une fête légale ou d’un jour férié; ou iii. avant 8 h ou après 20 h le samedi. » i. on a Sunday; ii. on a statutory or public holiday; or iii. before 8:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. on a Saturday.” Page 2 ARTICLE 4 SECTION 4 Le présent règlement entre en vigueur conformément à la loi. This by-law comes into force according to law. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor Nicole Dobbie Greffière adjointe/ Assistant City Clerk Page 3 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND BY-LAW 1318 ON TARIFFS NOTICE OF MOTION ITEM No. 24.2 Councillor Samiotis Copies of the draft By-law are submitted to all members of Council and to the public present. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor Samiotis I hereby give notice of the intention to submit for adoption “By-law 14xx to further amend By-law 1318 on Tariffs" at a subsequent meeting of this council. OBJECT Councillor Samiotis to read the following: "THAT the object of this draft by-law is to reduce the price of certificates for temporary use of the public domain by a café-terrace from 1,82 $/m2 (0.17$/ sq. ft) per day to $1.15/m2 (0.11$/ sq. ft) per day and to correct a translation discrepancy in the table." [NO RESOLUTION REQUIRED] CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 14XX BY-LAW 14XX Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le _________ 2015, et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on ____________ 2015, at which were present: Peter F. Trent, président – Chairman Le maire / The Mayor Les conseillers - Councillors Philip A. Cutler Rosalind Davis Victor M. Drury Nicole Forbes Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Theodora Samiotis Christina Smith ATTENDU QU’un avis de motion se rapportant à la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 1er juin 2015; WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this by-law was given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on June 1st , 2015; Le règlement 1318, adopté le 21 décembre 2005 et modifié par les règlements nos 1334, 1342, 1372, 1408, 1415, 1441, 1470, 1476 et 1486 est de nouveau modifié comme suit : By-law 1318, adopted on December 21, 2005, and as amended by by-laws No. 1334, 1342, 1372, 1408, 1415, 1441, 1470, 1476 and 1486 is hereby further amended as follows: Il est ordonné et statué par le règlement 14XX intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À MODIFIER DE NOUVEAU LE RÈGLEMENT 1318 SUR LES TARIFS » que : It is ordained and enacted by By-law 14XX, entitled “BY-LAW TO FURTHER AMEND BYLAW 1318 CONCERNING TARIFFS” that: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 L’article 6.5.3 est modifié en diminuant le tarif pour un certificat d’occupation pour l’usage périodique du domaine public par un caféterrasse de 1,82 $ /m2 (0,17 $/ pi2) par jour à 1,15 $ /m2 (0,11 $/ pi2) par jour. Section 6.5.3 is amended by reducing the tariff for a Certificate of authorization for temporary use of the public domain by a caféterrace from $1.82/m ($0.17/sq.ft.) per day to $1.15 /m2 ($ 0.11/sq.ft.) per day. Page 1 ARTICLE 2 SECTION 2 L’article 6.5.3 est également modifié en remplaçant la version anglaise de l’expression « Certificat pour tout autre usage temporaire de la propriété publique » par celle-ci : « Certificate for any other temporary uses of publicly owned property ». Section 6.5.3 is also amended by replacing the English version of the expression « Certificat pour tout autre usage temporaire de la propriété publique » by the following: “Certificate for any other temporary uses of publicly owned property”. ARTICLE 3 SECTION 3 Le présent règlement entre en vigueur conformément à la loi. This by-law comes into accordance with the law. Peter F. Trent Maire / Mayor force Nicole Dobbie Greffière adjointe de la Ville / Assistant City Clerk Page 2 in COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 1475 ON NUISANCES AND PUBLIC ORDER - ADOPTION ITEM No. 25.1 Councillor Cutler Assistant City Clerk The Assistant City Clerk to report that all formalities required for dispensing with the reading of this by-law have been observed and that copies of the by-law have been remitted to all members of Council and are available for public reference. Declaration by each member of Council present that he (she) has read the bylaw and that reading is waived thereof. OBJECT Councillor Cutler to read the following: "THAT the object of this by-law is thus: - to modify or add certain provisions to by-law 1475 to correspond with the former texts of by-laws 257 and 196 and the powers granted by municipal legislation, namely in regard to graffiti, feeding wild animals, door-to-door solicitation, possession of alcoholic beverages and the maintenance of immovables; - to amend the definition section; - to establish specific rules regarding behaviour in Municipal buildings including prohibiting the use of the e-cigarette and disrupting the normal course of operations; - to correct some translation and vocabulary discrepancies.” MOVER Councillor Cutler That By-law 1485 entitled “By-law to amend By-law 1475 on Nuisances and Public Order” be, and it is hereby, adopted. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent DECLARATION Mayor Trent THAT By-law 1485 entitled “By-law to amend By-law 1475 on Nuisances and Public Order” duly adopted, it is ordered that notices be given as required by law. CANADA PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE WESTMOUNT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC CITY OF WESTMOUNT RÈGLEMENT 1485 BY-LAW 1485 Lors d’une séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue à l'hôtel de ville le 1er juin 2015 et à laquelle assistaient : At a regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held at City Hall on June 1st, 2015, at which were present: Le maire – Mayor Les conseillers - Councillors Peter F. Trent, président – Chairman Philip A. Cutler Rosalind Davis Victor M. Drury Nicole Forbes Cynthia Lulham Patrick Martin Theodora Samiotis Christina Smith ATTENDU qu’un avis de motion se rapportant à la présentation du présent règlement a été donné au cours de la séance ordinaire du conseil municipal de la Ville de Westmount, dûment convoquée et tenue le 4 mai 2015; WHEREAS Notice of Motion of the presentation of this By-law was given at the regular sitting of the Municipal Council of the City of Westmount, duly called and held on May 4, 2015; Il est ordonné et statué par le Règlement nº 1485 intitulé « RÈGLEMENT VISANT À It is ordained and enacted by By-law No.1485, entitled "BY-LAW TO AMEND BY- MODIFIER LE RÈGLEMENT 1475 SUR LES NUISANCES ET L’ORDRE PUBLIC » que : LAW 1475 ON NUISANCES AND PUBLIC ORDER", that: er st Le Règlement 1475, adopté le 1 jour de décembre 2014 est par les présentes modifié comme suit : By-law 1475, adopted on the 1 day of December 2014, is hereby amended as follows: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 L’article 1 est modifié comme suit : Section 1 is amended as follows : i) i) La définition du mot « animal » est remplacée par la suivante : « Animal sauvage (Wild Animal) – l’animal qui vit dans la nature tels que les écureuils, les lapins ou lièvres, les moufettes, les oiseaux, les ratons laveurs, les rats ou les souris. » Page 1 The definition of the word “animal” is replaced by the following: “Wild Animal (Animal sauvage) – all animals that live in the wild such as squirrels, rabbits or hares, skunks, birds, raccoons, rats, or mice.” ii) La définition de l’expression « officier municipal » est remplacée par la suivante : ii) The definition of the expression “Municipal officer” is replaced by the following: « Employé municipal (Municipal officer) – tout employé de la Ville, y compris les agents du Service de police de la Ville de Montréal. » “Municipal officer (employé municipal) – any City employee, including police officers of the City of Montreal (Service de police de la Ville de Montréal).” iii) La définition du mot « flâner » est ajoutée dans la version française comme suit : iii) The definition of the word “flâner” is added in the French version as follows: « Flâner (Loiter) – se dit de l’action d’être présent, sans raison légitime ou sans l’autorisation expresse ou tacite du propriétaire, dans un bâtiment, un abri, un terrain privé ou un endroit public, une rue, une école ou sur tout autre espace du domaine public. » “ Flâner (Loiter) – se dit de l’action d’être présent, sans raison légitime ou sans l’autorisation expresse ou tacite du propriétaire, dans un bâtiment, un abri, un terrain privé ou un endroit public, une rue, une école ou sur tout autre espace du domaine public.” iv) La définition du mot « Loiter » est remplacée dans la version anglaise comme suit : iv) The definition of the word “Loiter” is replaced in the English version as follows: «Loiter (Flâner) - to hang about or linger idly for no legitimate reason or without the owner’s explicit or implicit authorization in any building, shelter, private land or public space, road, school, or on any other space on the public domain. » “Loiter (Flâner) - to hang about or linger idly for no legitimate reason or without the owner’s explicit or implicit authorization in any building, shelter, private land or public space, road, school, or on any other space on the public domain.” v) La définition du mot « injurier » est remplacée par la suivante : v) The definition of the word “Insult” is replaced by the following: « Insulter (Insult) – se dit de l’action d’insulter, d’offenser, par des paroles, des actes ou des gestes, ou de provoquer, un ou des employés municipaux. » “Insult (Insulter) – to insult with speech, actions, or behaviour, or to provoke one or more municipal officers.” vi) La définition du mot « rôder » est remplacée dans la version française par la suivante : vi) The definition of the word “rôder” is replaced in the French version by the following: « Rôder (Prowl) – se dit de l’action d’errer avec une intention suspecte ou hostile. » “Rôder (Prowl) – se dit de l’action d’errer avec une intention suspecte ou hostile.” Page 2 vii) La définition du mot «Prowl » est ajoutée dans la version anglaise comme suit : vii) The definition of the word “Prowl” is added in the English version as follows: « Prowl (Rôder) – to roam in a suspicious or hostile manner. » “Prowl (Rôder) – to roam in a suspicious or hostile manner.” ARTICLE 2 SECTION 2 L’article 2.2 est modifié en remplaçant l’expression « officiers de la Sécurité publique » par « agents de la Sécurité publique » dans la version française. Section 2.2 is amended by replacing the expression “officiers de la Sécurité publique” with “agents de la Sécurité publique” in the French version. ARTICLE 3 SECTION 3 L’article 3.1.5 est remplacé par ce qui suit : Section 3.1.5 is replaced by the following : «3.1.5 de recueillir ou de conserver des matières putrides ou nauséabondes d’origine animale, végétale ou autre, en contravention du Règlement concernant la gestion des matières résiduelles (1425) lors de l’exploitation de services liés à l’alimentation;» “3.1.5 keep or collect any putrid or fetid matter, animal or vegetable or otherwise in contravention of the Waste Management By-law (1425), while operating food-related services;” ARTICLE 4 SECTION 4 L’article 3.1.8 est renuméroté 6.1.7 remplacé par ce qui suit : et Section 3.1.8 is renumbered 6.1.7 and replaced with the following: «6.1.7 crache, urine ou défèque auprès des immeubles, sur le domaine public ou dans tout lieu non conçus à cet usage ; » “6.1.7 spits, urinates or defecates against a building, on the public domain or anywhere not designed for such purpose;” ARTICLE 5 SECTION 5 L’article 3.1.9 est remplacé par ce qui suit : Section 3.1.9 is replaced by the following: « 3.1.9 de ne pas ramasser et disposer dans une poubelle les excréments d’un animal domestique, en contravention du Règlement concernant les chiens et les permis s’y rapportant (535) ; » “3.1.9 fail to pick up the excrement of a pet and deposit it in a garbage bin, in violation of By-law concerning dogs and the licensing thereof (535);” Page 3 ARTICLE 6 SECTION 6 L’article 3.1.10 est renuméroté 6.1.8 et remplacé par ce qui suit : Section 3.1.10 is renumbered 6.1.8 and replaced with the following: « 6.1.8 nourrit les animaux sauvages. » “6.1.8 feeds wild animals.” ARTICLE 7 SECTION 7 L’article 3.1.12 de la version française est modifié en remplaçant le mot « ligoter » par « lier ». The French version of Section 3.1.12 is amended by replacing the word “ligoter” par “lier”. ARTICLE 8 SECTION 8 L’article 4.1.5 est remplacé par le suivant : Section 4.1.5 is replaced by the following: « 4.1.5 de laisser et permettre de croître sur sa propriété tout buisson, arbre, arbuste ou mauvaise herbe qui représente en tout ou en partie un danger pour le public ou une nuisance ; » “4.1.5 grow on one's property, or allow to grow thereon, any bush, tree, shrub or noxious weeds that in whole or in part represents a public danger or a nuisance;” ARTICLE 9 SECTION 9 L’article 4.1.6 est remplacé par le suivant : Section 4.1.6 is replaced by the following: « 4.1.6 de laisser et permettre que continue de croître tout buisson, arbre, arbuste ou mauvaise herbe atteint d’une maladie contagieuse, ou de ne pas abattre tout arbre mort ; » “4.1.6 grow or allow to continue to grow, any bush, tree, shrub or noxious weeds infected with a transmissible disease, or fail to cut down a dead tree; ” ARTICLE 10 SECTION 10 L’article 4.1.8 est remplacé par le suivant : Section 4.1.8 is replaced by the following: « 4.1.8 de nourrir les oiseaux autrement qu’à l’aide d’un maximum de deux mangeoires installées dans la cour arrière ou sur le balcon de la propriété. “4.1.8 to feed birds otherwise than by means of more than two feeders installed in the backyard or the balcony of one’s property. Les mangeoires d’oiseaux à plate-forme ou de type ouvert, qui permettent que la Open or platform feeders permitting food to be extended on a board or on the ground, Page 4 nourriture soit étendue sur une planche ou sur le sol, sont interdites. » are prohibited.” ARTICLE 11 SECTION 11 L’article 4 est modifié par l’ajout de l’article 4.1.9 comme suit : Section 4 is amended by adding Section 4.1.9 as follows: « 4.1.9 d’apposer un ou des graffiti sur les immeubles ou la propriété privés ; » “4.1.9 affix graffiti to private buildings or property;” ARTICLE 12 SECTION 12 L’article 4.2 est remplacé par le suivant : Section 4.2 is replaced by the following: « 4.2 Nonobstant les pénalités rattachées aux infractions stipulées à l’article 4 : “4.2 Notwithstanding the penalties related to the infractions stipulated in this Section 4: 4.2.1 le propriétaire, tout personne responsable agissant en son nom, ou l’occupant d’un immeuble, est tenu de faire le nécessaire pour maintenir la propriété en bon état de propreté et de fonctionnement, incluant la cour et tout terrain relié audit bâtiment; 4.2.1 the owner, any responsible person acting on his or her behalf, or the occupant of an immovable must do what is necessary to ensure the property, including any yards and land related to the building, is kept in a good state of cleanliness and is being regularly maintained; 4.2.2 quiconque contrevient aux dispositions de cet article est tenu de nettoyer sa propriété, ou d’atténuer ou de corriger la situation qui résulte d’une nuisance ou d’une obstruction, dans les 48 heures suivant la réception de l’avis écrit de la Ville ci-haut mentionné. » 4.2.2 any person who contravenes the provisions of this Section shall be required to clean up his or her property, or mitigate or rectify the situation causing a nuisance or obstruction, within 48 hours following receipt of the aforementioned written notice from the City.” ARTICLE 13 SECTION 13 L’article 5.1 est remplacé par le suivant : Section 5.1 is replaced by the following: « 5.1 Quiconque, à l’exception d’une personne autorisée en vertu de la Loi sur la conservation et la mise en valeur de la faune (RLRQ, chapitre 61.1), dérange, piège, attrape, blesse ou tue un animal de quelque manière que ce soit, ou tente de déranger, piéger, attraper, blesser ou tuer un animal de quelque manière “5.1 Any person, with exception of a person authorized under An Act respecting the Conservation and Development of Wildlife (CQLR, Chapter 61.1) who disturbs, traps, catches, injures, or kills an animal, in any manner whatsoever, or who attempts to disturb, trap, catch, injure, or kill an animal Page 5 que ce soit, commet une infraction et est passible de la pénalité énoncée dans ce règlement. » in any manner whatsoever, commits an infraction and is liable to the penalty provided for in this By-law.” ARTICLE 14 SECTION 14 L’article 6.1.1 est remplacé par le suivant : Section 6.1.1 is replaced by the following: « 6.1.1 est en possession d’une boisson alcoolique ou alcoolisée ouverte sur le domaine public, ailleurs que sur la terrasse d’un établissement détenant un permis d’alcool ; » “6.1.1 is in possession of an open alcoholic beverage on the public domain, other than on the terrace of an establishment with a liquor license;” ARTICLE 15 SECTION 15 L’article 6.1.3 de la version française est modifié par le remplacement du mot « quémander » par « solliciter ». The French version of Section 6.1.3 is amended by replacing the word “quémander” by “solliciter”. ARTICLE 16 SECTION 16 L’article 6.1.4 est remplacé dans la version française par ce qui suit : Section 6.1.4 is replaced in the French version by the following: « 6.1.4 flâne, obstrue, dérange les passants ou perturbe l’ordre public, et refuse de circuler lorsqu’elle est enjointe de le faire ; » “6.1.4 flâne, obstrue, dérange les passants ou perturbe l’ordre public, et refuse de circuler lorsqu’elle est enjointe de le faire ; ” ARTICLE 17 SECTION 17 L’article 6.1.5 de la version française est remplacé par le suivant : The French version of Section 6.1.5 is replaced by the following: «6.1.5 insulte les employés municipaux ; » “6.1.5 insulte les employés municipaux;” ARTICLE 18 SECTION 18 L’article 6.1.6 de la version française est modifié par le remplacement du mot « officier » par « employé ». The French version of Section 6.1.3 is amended by replacing the word “officier ” by “employé ”. Page 6 ARTICLE 19 SECTION 19 L’article 6.1.9 est ajouté comme suit : Section 6.1.9 is added as follows: «6.1.9 perturbe délibérément le cours normal des activités dans tout édifice municipal ; » “6.1.9 deliberately disrupts the normal course of operations in a municipal building” ARTICLE 20 SECTION 20 L’article 6.1.10 est ajouté comme suit : Section 6.1.10 is added as follows: «6.1.10 fait l’utilisation d’une cigarette électronique ou d’une vapoteuse dans un édifice municipal; » “6.1.10 makes use of an electronic cigarette or a vaporizer in a municipal building; ” ARTICLE 21 SECTION 21 L’article 6.1.11 est ajouté comme suit : Section 6.1.11 is added as follows: «6.1.11 rôde dans un bâtiment, un abri, une école ou sur un terrain privé, un endroit public, une rue, ou tout autre espace du domaine public ; » “6.1.11 prowls in any building, shelter, school or on any private land, public space, road, or any other space on the public domain; ” ARTICLE 22 SECTION 22 Le présent règlement entre en vigueur conformément à la loi. This by-law comes into force in accordance with the law. Page 7 COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO CODE DE CONSTRUCTION ITEM No. 25.2 Councillor Samiotis WHEREAS in accordance with section 118 of An Act respecting Land Use Planning and Development (CQLR, Chapter A-19.1), the Council may order in the building by-law that all or part of an existing code of building standards constitutes all or part of the by-law and prescribe that amendments to that code or a relevant part of it made after the coming into force of the by-law is also part of it without having to pass a by-law to prescribe the applicability of every amendment made; WHEREAS section 1.2 of By-law 1391 entitled "Building By-law" provides for such a power; WHEREAS such an amendment comes into force in the territory of the municipality on the date fixed by a resolution of the Council; WHEREAS according to decree 857-2012, the section of 214 of the Building Act regarding the Act respecting the conservation of energy in buildings (CQLR, c. E-1.1), was amended and came into force on August 30, 2012; WHEREAS according to decree 858-2012, the Construction Code was also amended to promote energy efficiency in August 2012. MOVER Councillor Samiotis THAT the amendment of section 214 of the Building Act set forth in decree 8572012 regarding the Act respecting the conservation of energy in buildings and the amendments to the Construction Code to promote energy efficiency set forth by decree 858-2012 constitute part of By-law 1391 entitled "Building By-law" as of June 1st, 2015. SECONDER CALL FOR THE VOTE Mayor Trent © Éditeur officiel du Québec, 2012 Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Coming into force of Acts Gouvernement du Québec O.C. 857-2012, 1 August 2012 Building Act (1985, c. 34) — Coming into force of section 214 An Act respecting the conservation of energy in buildings (R.S.Q., c. E-1.1) — Coming into force of section 214 COMING INTO FORCE of section 214 of the Building Act in respect of the Act respecting the conservation of energy in buildings WHEREAS the Building Act (1985, c. 34) was assented to on 20 June 1985; WHEREAS section 214 of the Act provides that it replaces the Act respecting the conservation of energy in buildings (R.S.Q., c. E-1.1); WHEREAS it is expedient to set the date of coming into force of that section as regards the Act respecting the conservation of energy in buildings, in respect of buildings and facilities intended for use by the public to which Part 11 of the Code adopted by Chapter 1 of the Construction Code applies; IT IS ORDERED, therefore, on the recommendation of the Minister of Labour: THAT 30 August 2012 be set as the date of coming into force of section 214 of the Building Act (1985, c. 34) as regards the Act respecting the conservation of energy in buildings (R.S.Q., c. E-1.1), in respect of buildings and facilities intended for use by the public to which Part 11 of the Code adopted by Chapter 1 of the Construction Code applies. GILLES PAQUIN, Clerk of the Conseil exécutif 2234 2613 © Éditeur officiel du Québec, 2012 Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 THAT the Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the issuance of competency certificates, attached to this Order in Council, be approved. 4. GILLES PAQUIN, Clerk of the Conseil exécutif 2233 2617 This Regulation comes into force on the fifteenth day following the date of its publication in the Gazette officielle du Québec. Gouvernement du Québec Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the issuance of competency certificates O.C. 858-2012, 1 August 2012 An Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and workforce management in the construction industry (R.S.Q., c. R-20, s. 123.1, 1st par., subpars. 6 and 7, and 2nd par.) Construction Code — Amendment 1. The Regulation respecting the issuance of competency certificates (c. R-20, r. 5) is amended in section 1.2 (1) by adding “or an equivalent course according to the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail” at the end of the first paragraph; (2) by replacing “, specialty or, as the case may be, skills for which the qualification certificate or attestation of experience” in the second paragraph by “or specialty for which the qualification certificate”. 2. Section 1.3 is amended by replacing “, by an agency empowered to do so under the Statutes of Québec or issued in accordance with the provisions of the Interprovincial Standards Red Seal Program” by “or by an agency empowered to do so under the Statutes of Québec “. 3. The following is inserted after section 4.3: “4.4. The Commission issues, upon application, an occupation competency certificate to a person who meets the following requirements: (1) the person holds a Red Seal qualification certificate, issued in accordance with the provisions of the Interprovincial Standards Red Seal Program, or holds a qualification certificate issued by a regulatory authority recognized under an intergovernmental agreement in a trade considered to be an occupation in Québec; (2) the person has successfully completed the safety course required by the Safety Code for the Construction Industry or an equivalent course according to the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail.”. Building Act (R.S.Q., c. B-1.1) Regulation to amend the Construction Code WHEREAS, under section 173 of the Building Act (R.S.Q., c. B-1.1), the Régie du bâtiment du Québec by regulation adopts a building code containing building standards for buildings, facilities intended for use by the public, installations independent of a building and petroleum equipment installations or their vicinity; WHEREAS, under section 189 of the Act, every code or regulation of the Board is subject to approval by the Government which may approve it with or without amendment; WHEREAS the Board adopted the Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the Construction Code to promote energy efficiency; WHEREAS, in accordance with sections 10 and 11 of the Regulations Act (R.S.Q., c. R-18.1), a draft of the Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the Construction Code to promote energy efficiency was published in Part 2 of the Gazette officielle du Québec of 22 February 2012 with a notice that it could be approved by the Government with or without amendment on the expiry of 45 days following that publication; WHEREAS the comments received have been examined; WHEREAS it is expedient to approve the Regulation with amendments; IT IS ORDERED, therefore, on the recommendation of the Minister of Labour: THAT the Regulation to amend the Construction Code attached hereto, be approved. GILLES PAQUIN, Clerk of the Conseil exécutif 2618 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Regulation to amend the Construction Code Building Act (R.S.Q., c. B-1.1, ss. 10, 173, 176, 176.1, 178, 185, 1st par., subpars. 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) 1. Division II of Chapter I Building of the Construction Code (c. B-1.1, r. 2) is replaced by the following: "DIVISION II APPLICATION 1.02. Subject to the exemptions in section 1.022, this Chapter applies to all construction work that is performed on a building to which the Building Act (R.S.Q., c. B-1.1) applies and to any facility intended for use by the public designated in section 1.021 and to the vicinity of that building or facility. For the purposes of this Division, the definitions set out in the Code apply, unless otherwise provided. 1.021. The following facilities are intended for use by the public for the purposes of section 10 of the Act: (1) stands, grandstands or exterior terraces whose highest point, above the ground, is more than 1.2 m and whose load capacity is more than 60 persons, (2) tents or air-supported structures to which Chapter I of the Code applies and used (3) (a) as dwellings or care or detention occupancies whose floor area is 100 m2 or more, or (b) as assembly occupancies or mercantile occupancies whose floor area is more than 150 m2 and whose load capacity is more than 60 persons, and belvederes built with materials other than backfill and constituted of horizontal platforms linked by their construction elements whose total area is more than 100 m2 or whose load capacity is more than 60 persons including access facilities. Part 2 Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 1.022. The following buildings, if used solely for one of the major occupancy provided for in the Code, are exempted from the application of this Chapter: (1) an assembly occupancy not covered by paragraph 6 that accommodates not more than 9 persons, (2) a care or detention occupancy which constitutes (3) (a) a prison, (b) a supervised education centre with or without detention facilities used to shelter or accommodate not more than 9 persons, or (c) a convalescence home, a care occupancy or assistance occupancy or a rehabilitation centre used to shelter or accommodate not more than 9 persons; a residential occupancy which constitutes (a) a rooming house or an outfitter offering no lodgings that has not more than 9 rooms, (b) a single-family dwelling in which a bed and breakfast is operated by a natural person, which is also used as the person's residence, having not more than 5 bedrooms offered for rent, (c) a single-family dwelling in which a school that accommodates less than 15 students at a time is operated by a natural person, which is also used as the person's residence, (d) a monastery, a convent or a novitiate whose owner is a religious corporation incorporated under a special Act of Québec or the Religious Corporations Act (R.S.Q., c. C-71), where that building or part of the building divided by a firewall is occupied by not more than 30 persons and has not more than 3 storeys in building height, (e) a shelter used to shelter or accommodate not more than 9 persons, or (f) a building used as a dwelling unit having 2619 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 2620 i. not more than 2 storeys in building height, or ii. not more than 8 dwelling units; (4) a business and personal services occupancy having not more than 2 storeys in building height, (5) a mercantile occupancy having a total floor area of not more than 300 m2, (6) a day care centre used to shelter or accommodate not more than 9 persons, (7) a subway station, (8) an agricultural facility, and (9) an industrial occupancy. Despite the exemption provided for in the first paragraph, the energy efficiency requirements contained in Part 11 of the Code apply to the construction work performed on every building 2. having a building area of not more than 600 m2, (2) having a building height of not more than 3 storeys, and (3) of Group C major occupancy and housing only dwelling units.". Section 1.04 is amended by replacing Sentence (1) by the following: "(1) 3. (1) by adding the following in the Table of Contents of Volume 1 after Part 9, Division B: Part 10 Existing Buildings under Alteration, Maintenance or Repair Part 11 Energy Efficiency". Section 1.05. is amended (1) by replacing Article in Sentence (4) by the following: " Application of Parts 1, 7, 8, 10 and 11 Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Part 2 (2) (1) Parts 1, 7 and 8 of Division B apply to all buildings covered by the NBC. (See Article (2) Part 10 of Division B applies to every building under alteration, maintenance or repair that has been built for not less than 5 years, in accordance with section 1.02. (3) Part 11 of Division B on energy efficiency applies to the construction and addition work of all buildings covered by the NBC (see Article and Appendix A) (a) having a building area not more than 600 m2, (b) having a building height of not more than 3 storeys, and (c) having a Group C major occupancy and housing only dwelling units."; by adding the following after Sentence (4): "(4.1) by replacing "9" in Sentence (3) of Article by "11""; (3) in Sentence (5) (a) by inserting the following after Clause (b): "(b.1) by inserting the following in alphabetical order: Overall thermal transmittance (U-value) means the rate at which heat is transferred through a building assembly that is subject to a temperature difference. It represents the amount of heat transferred through a unit area in a unit of time induced under steady-state conditions by a unit temperature difference between the environments on its two faces. The Uvalue reflects the capacity of all elements to transfer heat through the thickness of the assembly, as well as, for instance, through air films on both faces for above-ground components."; 2621 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 2622 (b) by inserting the following after Clause (d): "(d.1) by inserting the following in alphabetical order: Thermal bridge means a heat conductive member that results in a reduction of the total thermal resistance of a separation or as part of the building envelope."; (c) by inserting the following after Clause (f): "(f.1) by inserting the following in alphabetical order: Effective thermal resistance (RSIE value) means the thermal resistance of a separation calculated as equal to the weighted average of the total thermal resistance RSIT values of each of the separation surfaces having a separate total thermal resistance RSIT value, so as to allow for the effect of thermal bridges. Thermal resistance (RSI value) means the inverse of the overall thermal transmittance (see Appendix A). Total thermal resistance (RSIT value) means the thermal resistance of a separation equal to the sum of the thermal resistance of all the layers of material or little or unventilated air composing the separation, calculated through the insulated portion of the separation (see Appendix A). "; (4) 4. by adding the following after Sentence (5): "(6) in Article, by replacing "in this Code" in Clause (a) of Sentence (1) by "in this Code except those that are intended to meet the requirements of Part 11 for the purposes of that Part only"; (7) in Article, by replacing "in this Code" in Clause (a) of Sentence (1) by "in this Code except those that are intended to meet the requirements of Part 11 for the purposes of that Part only".". Section 1.06. is amended (1) by inserting the following before Sentence (1): "(0.1) by replacing "9" in Sentence (3) of Article by "11""; Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Part 2 (2) in Sentence (1) (a) by inserting the following after Clause (a): "(a.1) by inserting the following reference: ANSI/AHRI 1060-2011 Performance Rating of Air-toAir Exchangers for Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment "; (b) by inserting the following after Clause (b): "(b.1) by replacing the reference: CAN/CSA A-440-00 Windows Table "; by the following reference: " CAN/CSA A-440-00 Windows Table "; (b.2) by inserting the following reference: " CAN/CSA A-440.2-09/A440.3-09 Fenestration energy performance/User guide to CSA A440.2-09, Fenestration energy performance "; (c) by inserting the following after Clause (d): 2623 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 2624 "(d.1) by replacing the reference: " CAN/CSA C439-00 Standard laboratory methods of test for rating the performance of heat/energyrecovery ventilators by the following reference: " CAN/CSA (3) C439-09 Standard laboratory methods of test for rating the performance of heat/energyrecovery ventilators "; by replacing Sentence (7) of paragraph 82 of Article by the following: "(7) The main ventilation system of dwelling units must include (a) an exhaust air outlet located inside the dwelling unit, (b) air outlets that allow the supply of outdoor air to the dwelling unit, and (c) for buildings having a building area not more than 600 m², a building height not more than 3 storeys, and whose major occupancy is Group C, housing dwelling units only, a ventilator that is a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) i. having sensible heat recovery efficiency certified by the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) according to ANSI Standard ANSI/AHRI-1060, Rating Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers for Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment, or by the Home Ventilating Institute (HVI) according to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-C439, Standard laboratory methods of test for rating the performance of heat/energy-recovery ventilators, Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Part 2 (4) having sensible heat recovery efficiency (SRE) of at least 54% for a building located in a municipality whose number of degree-days below 18°C is less than 6,000 and of 60% for a building located in another municipality, iii. having sensible heat recovery determined at a dry temperature of appliances certified by the AHRI, or appliances certified by the HVI (see A), and iv. whose operating and de-icing cycles do not generate air circulation between the dwelling units."; efficiency 1.7°C for -25°C for Appendix by inserting the following after paragraph 92: "(92.1) (5) ii. by revoking Sentence (2) in Article"; by replacing paragraph 116 by the following: "(116) in Article, (a) by striking out "except as permitted by Article" in Clause (1)(b)"; (b) by replacing Sentence (2) by the following: "(2) The principal ventilation fan shall (a) be capable of operating at an exhaust capacity complying with Table, referred to hereinafter as the "normal operating exhaust capacity" (see Appendix A), (b) include, in buildings whose major occupancy is Group C, housing dwelling units only, a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) 2625 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 2626 (6) i. having sensible heat recovery efficiency certified by the Home Ventilating Institute (HVI) according to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-C439, Standard laboratory methods of test for rating the performance of heat/energy-recovery ventilators, and ii. having sensible heat recovery efficiency (SRE) of at least 54% for a building located in a municipality whose number of degree-days below 18°C is less than 6,000 and of 60% for a building located in another municipality and determined at a dry temperature of -25°C (see in Appendix A)."; by adding the following after paragraph 121: "(122) by adding the following after Part 10: PART 11 Energy Efficiency 11.1. 11.1.1. General Scope and Definitions 11.2. 11.2.1. 11.2.2. 11.2.3. Thermal Insulation General Thermal Resistance Thermal Bridges Part 11 Energy efficiency Section 11.1. General 11.1.1. Purpose and Definitions Purpose Part 2 Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 (1) (1) The purpose of this Part is as described in Subsection 1.3.3. of Division A. Defined Terms Terms that appear in italics are defined in Article of Division A. Section 11.2. Thermal Insulation 11.2.1. General Scope of Application (1) This Section applies to all walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors and skylights separating heated space from unheated space, the exterior air or ground of a building that is to be heated during the winter (see Appendix A). General Requirements (1) Windows and skylights must conform to Section 9.7. (2) Foamed plastic must be protected in accordance with Article (3) Walls, floors and roofs in contact with the ground must conform to Subsections 9.13.2. and 9.13.3. (4) Crawl spaces must conform to Section 9.18. (5) Roof spaces must conform to Section 9.19. (6) Thermal insulation and measures to control heat transfer, air leakage and condensation must conform to Section 9.25 (see Appendix A). (7) Cladding must conform to Section 9.27. (8) Ventilation must conform to Section 9.32 (see Appendix A). 2627 2628 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 11.2.2. Thermal Resistance Thermal Resistance of Building Components (1) Subject to Sentences (2) to (4) of Articles to and Subsection 11.2.3., the total thermal resistance of a building component must have a value (a) at least equal to those in Table for a building located in a municipality whose number of degree-days below 18ºC is less than 6,000, or (b) at least equal to those indicated in Table for a building located in a municipality whose number of degree-days below 18ºC is at least 6,000. (See Appendix A.) Table Total thermal resistance of buildings located in a municipality whose number of degreedays below 18ºC is less than 6,000 Forming part of Sentence Building component Total thermal resistance (RSIT) roof or ceiling separating heated space from unheated space or exterior air 7.22 wall above ground level, other than a foundation wall, separating heated space from unheated space or exterior air 4.31 foundation wall¹ separating heated space from unheated space, exterior air or adjacent ground 2.99 floor separating heated space from unheated space or exterior air 5.20 (1) A foundation wall having more than 50% of its surface exposed to exterior air, and the portion of a foundation wall that incorporates wood stud framing elements must have a total thermal resistance equal to that required for a wall above ground level. Part 2 Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Table Total thermal resistance of buildings located in a municipality whose number of degreedays below 18ºC is at least 6,000 Forming part of Sentence Building component Total thermal resistance (RSIT) roof or ceiling separating heated space from unheated space or exterior air 9.00 wall above ground level, other than a foundation wall, separating heated space from unheated space or exterior air 5.11 foundation wall¹ separating heated space from unheated space, exterior air or adjacent ground 2.99 floor separating heated space from unheated space or exterior air 5.20 (1) A foundation wall having more than 50% of its surface exposed to exterior air, and the portion of a foundation wall that incorporates wood stud framing elements must have a total thermal resistance equal to that required for a wall above ground level. (2) The total thermal resistance required by Sentence (1) for flat roofs may be reduced by not more than 20% at its lowest point if the drainage slopes are created by insulating materials, provided that the total thermal resistance of the roof is increased so that the heat loss calculated through the roof is not greater than the heat loss that would result if the thermal resistance of the roof were conform to Sentence (1). (3) The total thermal resistance required for roofs, ceilings and walls above ground level indicated in Tables and may be reduced if (a) the annual energy consumption of the proposed construction does not exceed that of the reference construction that is conform to the requirements of Part 11, and 2629 2630 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 (b) the only components the total thermal resistance of which may be upgraded are roofs, walls above ground level, doors, windows and skylights. (See Appendix A.) (4) The total thermal resistance of heated garages must have a value of not less than (a) 5.2 for the floors and ceilings adjacent to the dwelling unit, (b) 3.5 for the walls adjacent to the dwelling unit, or (c) 2.99 over the entire vertical surface of the foundation wall between the garage and the dwelling unit. (See Appendix A.) Thermal Resistance of Slabs-on-Ground Other Than a Garage Floor (1) The thermal resistance of material insulating a slabon-ground must have a value of not less than (a) 1.32 for a slab-on-ground located above the ground or not more than 600 mm below the adjacent ground level, (b) for a slab-on-ground located more than 600 mm below the adjacent ground level, i. 0.88, or ii. 1.32 and installed around the slab-onground over a width of at least 1.2 m, Part 2 Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 (c) 1.76 in the following situations: i. heating pipes, tubes, ducts or cables are buried under the slab-on-ground and the insulating material is installed under the heating pipes, tubes, ducts or cables, or ii. heating pipes, tubes, ducts or cables are contained in the slab-on-ground and the insulating material is installed under the slab-on-ground. Thermal Resistance near Eaves (1) The total thermal resistance indicated in Table or for a roof or ceiling may be reduced near eaves if the roof slope and necessary ventilation clearances so require, provided that the value is not less than the value required by Table or for a wall above ground level. Thermal Performance of Windows, Doors and Skylights (1) The thermal characteristics of windows, doors and skylights must (a) be determined in accordance with CAN/CSAA440.2/A440.3, "Fenestration energy performance/User guide to CSA A440.2-09, Fenestration energy performance", and (b) conform to the values indicated in Table (See Appendix A.) 2631 2632 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Table Maximum overall thermal transmittance (U) and minimum energy rating (ER) of windows, doors and skylights Forming part of Sentence Building component Building located in a municipality whose number of degree-days below 18ºC is less than 6,000 Building located in a municipality whose number of degree-days below 18ºC is of at least 6,000 Maximum overall thermal transmittance (U) of doors without glazing 0.9 0.8 Maximum overall thermal transmittance (U) or Minimum energy rating (ER) of glazed doors 1.8 or 21 1.6 or 25 Maximum overall thermal transmittance (U)/Minimum energy rating (ER) of windows 2.0 / 21 or 1.8 / 13 2.0 / 25 or 1.6 / 17 Maximum overall thermal transmittance (U) of skylights 2.85 2.7 (2) Windows and skylights including glazed doors must have a minimum airtightness rating of A2 according to Section 10.2 of CAN/CSA A440, "Windows". (3) The total area of rough openings in building components, that is to receive windows, doors, skylights and other similar components, must not be greater than 30% of the area of walls above ground level (see Appendix A). (4) The thermal performance required in Sentence (1) and the maximum area described in Sentence (3) may be different from the following conditions: (a) the annual energy consumption of the proposed construction does not exceed that of the reference construction that is conform to the requirements of Part 11, and (b) the only components that may be altered in addition to those referred to in Sentence (4) are those described in Sentence (See A- in Appendix A.) Part 2 Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 11.2.3. Thermal Bridges Thermal Bridges in Walls (See Appendix A.) (1) Building components constituting a thermal bridge must be covered in insulating material having a thermal resistance (a) (b) for a wood frame, of i. at least 0.7 if the frame members are spaced less than 600 mm c/c, or ii. at least 0.53 in all other cases, for a metal frame, of i. at least 1.76 if the frame members are spaced less than 600 mm c/c, or ii. at least 1.32 in all other cases, (See Appendix A.) (c) for a concrete frame, of i. at least 0.88 in all cases. (2) The insulating material must cover the building components constituting the thermal bridge, on the outside, on the inside or a combination of both. (3) A wall between two heated spaces that incorporates a thermal bridge must be covered with insulating material to obtain a total thermal resistance of not less than 2.20 on each side of the wall over a minimum distance of 1.2 m from the exterior side of the exterior wall (see Appendix A). (4) Subject to Sentence (5), the header must be insulated so as to have a total thermal resistance value equivalent to that required for a wall above ground level. 2633 2634 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 (5) (1) In the case of a concrete construction where the header may only be insulated on the outside, the total thermal resistance value may be lower than that required in Sentence (4) as long as the insulating material covering that component has a thermal resistance of at least 1.76. Thermal Bridges in Floors The thermal resistance of insulating material covering thermal bridges in floors must have a minimum value of 1.32 in the following areas: (a) cantilevered above-ground floors, and (b) floors above unheated spaces. Thermal Breaks in a Foundation Wall in Contact with a Slab-on-Ground other than a Garage Floor (1) The insulating material between the foundation wall and the slab-on-ground must have a thermal resistance (a) of not less than 1.32 for a slab-on-ground located above ground level or not more than 600 mm below ground level to a depth of 600 mm below ground level, (b) for a slab-on-ground located more than 600 mm below ground level of not less than i. 1.32 if heating pipes, tubes, ducts or cables are buried under or are contained in the slab-on-ground, or ii. 0.7 for other slabs-on-ground. Insulation of the Foundation Wall of a Heated Garage (1) The insulating material installed on the foundation wall of a heated garage must have a thermal resistance of not less than 1.76 and be installed not more than 600 mm below ground level. Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Part 2 5. Section 1.07. is amended by inserting the following before Sentence (1): "(0.1) by replacing "9" in Sentence (3) of Article by "11"". 6. Section 1.08. is amended (1) by inserting the following after Sentence (1): "(1.1) by inserting the following after Note A- A- Application of Part 11. Part 11 applies to the construction of new buildings having a building area not more than 600 m², a building height not more than 3 storeys and housing dwelling units only. Part 11 also applies to the addition work of existing buildings to the extent where the building area, after the addition work, is not more than 600 m², the building height is not more than 3 storeys and the building houses dwelling units only. Part 11 does not apply to the installation of new ventilation appliances in existing buildings or to opening replacements. It does not apply to renovation of existing buildings."; (2) by replacing Clause (a) of Sentence (2) by the following: "(a) by inserting the following in alphabetical order: "Residential Board and Care Occupancies In this Code, (a) "rest home", "rehabilitation centre" or "residential and long-term care centre" means a residential and longterm care centre (CHSLD) within the meaning of section 83 of the Act respecting health services and social services (R.S.Q., c. S-4.2), (b) "lodge persons" means residence and other services provided to persons by a care occupancy, 2635 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 2636 (c) "personal-support services" means services to compensate a temporary or permanent disability related to hygiene, food, maintenance, use of personal goods, movement of a person or rehabilitation and services for supervising medication or managing a possible crisis, emergency or evacuation of the building, and (d) "be assisted" means direct support to a person physically or mentally unable to move or direct himself or herself in case of evacuation. Note: A building or part of building is considered to be a residential board and care occupancy when the occupancy occupies more than 10% of the floor area and becomes, as provided in, a major occupancy. Thermal Resistance To convert RSI value (metric unit) into R value (imperial unit), the RSI value is multiplied by 5.678263. Total Thermal Resistance The method for calculating the total thermal resistance of a component of the building envelope having a wood frame, for example, consists in determining the thermal resistance of the various materials as part of the component along a line crossing the insulated part and in adding the values obtained. The interior and exterior surface air film of the envelope are part of the building assembly.". 7. Section 1.09. is amended (1) by inserting the following after paragraph 1: "(1.1) by inserting "ASHRAE 140-2007 Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs A-" after "ASHRAE 62.1-2004 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality A-" in the list of documents in Table A1.3.1.2.(1); Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Part 2 (1.2) by inserting "CAN/CGSB-149.10-M86 Determination of the Airtightness of Building Envelopes by the Fan Depressurization Method A-" after "CAN/CGSB93.2-M91 Prefinished Aluminum Siding, Soffits and Fascia, for Residential Use" in the list of documents in Table A1.3.1.2.(1);"; (2) by inserting the following after paragraph 11: "(11.1) by inserting the following after Note A- "A- Heat Recovery Ventilation. For the purposes of Part 11, sensible heat recovery efficiency from the heat recovery ventilation (HRV) must be determined with a flow rate equal to or greater than the expected flow rate for the normal operation at low speed of the HRV."; (3) by replacing paragraph 19 by the following: "(19) by adding the following after Note A-9.34.2.: A- Major or Minor Alteration. The concepts of major or minor alteration are used for retrofitting. The term "retrofitting" means all the alteration work carried out in view of a different occupancy of the altered part. Alteration types, such as addition, change of major occupancy, alteration of the envelope or exterior elements, increase in occupant load, construction of or modification to a mezzanine or interconnected floor space, or the addition or modification of a vertical transportation facility are not governed by this type of alteration since they are already governed by other requirements of Part 10. A- Capacity of Exits Serving an Altered Part. Even if the exits must have a minimum width of 760 mm, the exits must comply, for the altered part they serve, with the minimum capacity prescribed by Article, calculated according to the occupant load under Subsection 3.1.17. of this Code. If the calculation of the capacity results in the exits having a width larger than 760 mm, they should be modified or another exit should be added. This provision refers to an alteration, other than a minor alteration, that does not include an exit. 2637 2638 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 A. Exemptions. Buildings that are not intended to be heated are exempt from the energy efficiency requirements. This could apply to storage and parking garages as well as small service buildings or service rooms and areas in larger buildings, where those buildings or spaces are not heated. A- Air Barrier Systems. To measure the air infiltration rate of a construction, it is recommended that it be determined in accordance with CAN/CGSB-149.10, "Determination of the Airtightness of Building Envelopes by the Fan Depressurization Method". A- Ventilation Requirements. The ventilation requirements with which new constructions must comply also include the requirements of Article on carbon monoxide alarms. A- Building Components. For the purposes of Part 11, wall assemblies inclined less than 60° from horizontal are considered to be roof assemblies, and roof assemblies inclined 60° or more from horizontal are considered to be wall assemblies. Except for tubular daylighting devices, the effective thermal resistance for walls required in Table or also applies to shafts for skylights. A- Performance Benchmark by Comparison of the Annual Energy Consumption. The concept of measuring performance by comparing the annual energy consumption of a reference construction to a proposed construction is one way to benchmark the performance of a proposed construction to Part 11 requirements. The performance requirements of this Code are consistent with an objective-based code of demonstrating a similar level of performance regardless of the path used. The term "reference construction" means a hypothetical replica of the proposed construction design using the same energy sources for the same functions and having the same environmental requirements, occupancy and climate data, but made to comply with all applicable prescriptive requirements of Part 11. The term "construction energy target" means the annual energy consumption of the reference construction. Part 2 Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 The term "annual energy consumption" means the annual sum of heating energy consumption and space conditioning energy consumption of the proposed construction design. It must be noted that the annual energy consumption is not the real consumption but rather that provided by energy simulation. The calculation procedure must determine the annual energy consumption for the proposed construction and a construction energy target for a reference construction. The annual energy consumption of the proposed construction must not exceed the construction energy target of the reference construction. Proof of those results must be available on request. If a computer program is used to carry out the compliance calculations, the calculation methods shall be computed for both the referenced and the proposed construction models, and be tested according to ASHRAE 140, "Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs", and variations of the computer program from the recommended different values must be calculated. Where construction techniques or components used for construction are more energy efficient than those prescribed by the prescriptive requirements, performance compliance calculations are permitted to take this increased performance level in the determination of the annual energy consumption, provided it can be quantified and is not dependent on occupant interaction. The energy model calculations must account for the annual energy consumption of facilities and equipment required for space heating and conditioning and for ventilation. The energy model calculations must account for heat transfer through wall assemblies, roof-ceiling assemblies and exposed floor assemblies due to thermal characteristics of the particular assembly and thermal bridging. The roof-ceiling assembly includes the attic. The building envelope assemblies and components required to be addressed are assemblies above and not in contact with the ground (walls and roof-ceiling assembly), assemblies in contact with the ground (floors and walls), and doors, windows and skylights. Where the energy model calculations account for the effect of thermal mass, that thermal mass must exclude the contents of the construction. Where skylights are installed in the roof, the gross roof area does not exclude the gross roof area of skylights. 2639 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 2640 The calculation procedure for the reference construction must include the same values as those used for the proposed construction with regards to the floor area, the heated volume, and the number and type of rooms. The calculation procedure for the proposed construction must be consistent with the proposed construction specifications with regards to fenestration and opaque envelope assembly type, effective thermal resistance and areas but more specifically to - the area of above ground portion of basement walls, - thermal resistance of walls, below ground walls, ceiling below attics, roof assemblies and header joists , - maximum overall thermal transmittance for doors, - total thermal resistance of below ground walls and floors on ground, - exterior walls, roof-ceiling assemblies, exposed floors, doors, walls and floors in contact with the ground, - configuration of insulation in assemblies in contact with the ground, and - thermal resistance of foundation walls. The drawings and specifications provided for the proposed construction must include information to analyze construction compliance with regulations. It is suggested to include the following information: - the values of thermal resistance and their respective areas for all opaque building envelope assemblies which includes all roof/ceiling, wall, and floor assemblies, above and below ground, - the overall thermal transmittance of all fenestration and door components and their respective areas, - the ratio of total fenestration and door area to exterior wall area, - the design basis for the ventilation rates, and Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Part 2 - any additional features used in the compliance calculation that account for a significant difference in the proposed construction energy performance. A proposed construction energy performance compliance calculation report must be provided for each proposed construction design that does not comply with the requirements of Part 11. In addition to the information of the drawings and specifications, the registration of which is suggested, the proposed construction performance compliance calculation report must contain - a project information section consisting of - project description, - project address, - name and version of the calculation tool, - geographic region in which proposed construction is to be built; - a summary of proposed construction envelope, HVAC characteristics, - an energy performance data summary containing - - the annual energy consumption of all energy sources calculated for the proposed construction, - the energy target of all energy sources calculated for the reference construction, and where a software calculations - program is used for compliance the software program used. A- Thermal Resistance of Garages. This Sentence seeks to mitigate discomfort in spaces adjacent to a garage. Despite the presence of a heating system in the garage, the temperature is sometimes lowered to save on heating costs because the garage is seldom used or the garage door does not close tightly or is left open for extended periods. This causes discomfort in the rooms above, below or adjacent to the garage. 2641 2642 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 A- Windows. For the purposes of Part 11, sliding doors must comply with the requirements on windows. Not more than 1.85 m2 of glass block may be installed in the same construction where glass block has a maximum overall thermal transmittance equivalent to that of skylights as indicated in Table The overall thermal transmittance of doors may be obtained by the door or door assembly / storm door or door assembly / unheated vestibule enclosure panels. A garage door giving access to vehicles need not comply with the values indicated in Table even if that door has windows. To minimize surface condensation on the warm side of windows, doors or skylights, it is recommended to install those components inside the insulation or near the vertical axis of the centre of the RSI value of insulating material. That recommendation does not apply to openings in foundation walls. A- Rough Openings. The area of rough openings includes the area occupied by frame openings. The term "opening" means windows, doors and other similar components such as glass blocks, clerestories, skylights, translucent wall panels, transoms or sidelights. Despite the foregoing, openings occupied by garage doors giving access to vehicles even if those doors have windows may be excluded in calculating the total area of openings. Despite the fact that Part 11 does not contain requirements to minimize overheating that may be caused by translucent openings according to their size and direction, it is recommended to take it into consideration in order to minimize the energy load that would be needed to condition certain spaces. A- Thermal Bridges. Minor penetrations such as ties, shims or any similar fastener such as members that may constitute a thermal bridge need not be taken into account. Insulation of thermal bridges excludes the interior and exterior finishes of all construction and surface air films behind those finishes. A- Thermal Bridge of Metal Frame Walls. In the case of a metal frame, the thermal resistance of insulating material covering a thermal bridge may be less than that set out in Sentence as long as it is high enough to ensure efficient thermal resistance value equivalent to similar composition made of wood. Part 2 GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, August 15, 2012, Vol. 144, No. 33 Part 2 2643 A- Thermal Bridge in a Wall Between Two Heated Spaces. A portion of a wall between two heated spaces incorporating a thermal bridge must be covered with insulating material to obtain a total thermal resistance of not less than 2.20 on each side of the wall over a minimum distance of 1.2 m from the exterior side of the exterior wall. 8. Section 3.3 and paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of section 3.4 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Building Act (c. B-1.1, r. 1) are struck out. 9. This Regulation comes into force on 30 August 2012. Despite the foregoing, the provisions of the Regulation respecting energy conservation in new buildings (c. E-1.1, r. 1) may be applied to the construction and enlargement of a building having a building area not more than 600 m2, a building height not more than 3 storeys and whose major occupancy is Group C and housing only dwellings, on the following conditions: (a) the plans and specifications are filed with a municipality for the purpose of obtaining a construction permit before 30 August 2012; and (b) work begins before 28 November 2012. 2235 M.O., 2012 Order number AM 2012-002 of the Minister of Labour dated 1 August 2012 An Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and workforce management in the construction industry (R.S.Q., c. R-20) Recognized clients that must be consulted by certain sector-based employers’ associations pursuant to section 42 of the Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and workforce management in the construction industry (R.S.Q., c. R-20) THE MINISTER OF LABOUR, CONSIDERING section 42 of the Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and workforce management in the construction industry, which provides that, upon receiving or sending a notice for the negotiation of a collective agreement, the sector-based employers’ association for the institutional and commercial sector, the industrial sector or the civil engineering and roads sector must consult the recognized clients in order to obtain their comments and suggestions on the renewal of the collective agreement; CONSIDERING subparagraph i.1 of the first paragraph of section 1 of the Act, which defines “recognized client” as an enterprise that is the client of an employer, or an association of such enterprises, recognized by the Minister of Labour for the purpose of the consultation held under section 42 of the Act, after consultation with the Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade; CONSIDERING that the consultation required by the Act has been held; ORDERS AS FOLLOWS: In the civil engineering and roads sector, the following are recognized as recognized clients for the purposes of the consultation provided for in section 42 of the Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and workforce management in the construction industry: — the Fédération québécoise des municipalités; COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 NEW BUSINESS ITEM No. 28 PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS QUESTION PERIOD PROCÉDURES POUR S'ADRESSER AU CONSEIL PENDANT LA PÉRIODE DE QUESTIONS PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW IN ADDRESSING COUNCIL DURING PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD Chaque séance du conseil comprend deux périodes au cours desquelles les personnes présentes peuvent poser des questions orales au maire. Every Council meeting includes two periods during which the persons present may address verbal questions to the Mayor. Les rapports du maire et des conseillers précèdent la première période de questions. Mayor’s and Councillors’ Reports will precede the first Question period. Le maire ou le membre qui préside la séance annonce le début et la fin de la période de questions. Le temps venu, il accorde la parole aux personnes qui désirent poser des questions en donnant préséance aux résidents de la ville. The Mayor or the presiding member announces the beginning and the end of question periods. At the appointed time, he hands over to the persons wishing to ask a question, giving precedence to residents of the City. La première période de questions est d’une durée maximale de 45 minutes, laquelle peut être prolongée à 60 minutes par le président. The first question period is of a maximum length of 45 minutes, which may be extended to 60 minutes by the chair. La seconde période de questions est d’une durée maximale de 30 minutes. The second question period is of a maximum length of 30 minutes. Présentez-vous au microphone et indiquez clairement votre nom et votre adresse au greffier. Speak directly into the microphone and state your name and address clearly to the City Clerk Chaque résident de Westmount présent peut poser une question, en français ou en anglais, précédée d’un très court préambule, le cas échéant. Each Westmount resident in the audience may ask one question, in French or in English, preceded (if desired) by a very short preamble. À la fin de la réponse, une question de suivi sur le même sujet est permise, mais sans préambule. Une fois que tous les résidents désireux de poser une question ont eu l’occasion de le faire, et si le temps le permet, une deuxième question est autorisée. After receiving a reply, a follow-up question on the same subject is permitted, but without a preamble. Once all residents desirous of asking a question have taken their turn, and time permitting, a second question is allowed. Les questions des non-résidents autorisées à la discrétion du président. Questions from non-residents are allowed at the discretion of the chair. Merci sont Thank you COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 1st, 2015 ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING