industrial parquetraw
industrial parquetraw
v1.1 140228 Nääs Fabriker Hotel. Smoked Oak. INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW PRODUCT INFORMATION 2 v1.1 140228 INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW Fredsgatan 12 restaurant, Stockholm - Wenge CONTENTS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRODUCT SPECIFICATION TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS 03 PROD. DESCRIPTION 04 OAK 06 PRECONDITIONS 05 SMOKED OAK 07 SUBSTRATE & STRUCTURES 09 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 10 SANDING & SURFACE FINISHING 11 CARE INSTRUCTIONS Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag | Tel: +46 31-15 00 66 | | 3 v1.1 140228 INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW Brand Design Center, Göteborg – Teak PRODUCT DESCRIPTION RAW Industrial Parquet is made of solid wood narrow strips in different wood species that are fully glued down to the substrate. After installation, the parquet must be sanded, fully coated with filler and surface finished on site. This traditional industrial parquet provides a somewhat more rustic and genuine feel because the surface can never be absolutely perfect. On the contrary, there are minor planer bites, knotholes, filler and flaws left when the floor is finished. Almedals RAW Industrial Parquet is supplied in slightly larger dimensions than normal: 14 x1 4 x approx. 250 mm. The larger dimension allows a significantly better installation surface against the parquet glue. The risk of strip separation is consequently very low compared with ordinary industrial parquet of small dimensions. DESCRIPTION The parquet is fully glued down to the substrate, which provides very good room acoustics. LENGTHS Supplied unfinished in sections taped together. WOOD SPECIES Oak, Smoked Oak THICKNESS 14 mm WIDTH 14 mm Approx. 250 mm MOISTURE CONTENT The parquet is laid descending in one direction. 8(±2)% GRADE Vertical and horizontal knots accepted. Very lively appearance with large variations in colour shades. Planer bites and damage are found. No quality rules. FIRE CLASSIFICATION Euroclass Cfl-s 1 (floors on escape routes, Class G) Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag | Tel: +46 31-15 00 66 | | 4 v1.1 140228 INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW PRODUCT SPECIFICATION OAK THE COMPANY COLOUR SHADING COMPOSITION Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag Storgatan 1, 434 30 Kungsbacka, Sweden T: +46 (0) 31–150066, F: + 46 (0) 300–18173 Yes, the natural colour variations of the wood, also discolourations and heartwood zones. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SAPWOOD OTHER SUBSTANCES Yes, unlimited. - PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Solid wood parquet strips WOOD SPECIES Oak COUNTRY OF ORIGIN DIMENSIONS THICKNESS 14 mm WIDTH 14 mm LENGTH 200-250 mm Central Europe SURFACE FINISHING MOISTURE CONTENT Must be sanded and surface finished after installation. Filler must be applied in connection with sanding. 8% (± 2 ) none INSTALLATION Fully glued down to the substrate. APPEARANCE Knots allowed. Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag | Tel: +46 31-15 00 66 | | 5 v1.1 140228 INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SMOKED OAK THE COMPANY APPEARANCE Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag Storgatan 1, 434 30 Kungsbacka, Sweden T: +46 (0) 31–150066, F: + 46 (0) 300–18173 Knots allowed. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Solid wood parquet strips WOOD SPECIES Oak, smoked COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Central Europe MOISTURE CONTENT COLOUR SHADING Yes, the natural colour variations of the wood, as well as discolourations and heartwood zones. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Ammonia in the manufacturing process OTHER SUBSTANCES - SAPWOOD Yes, unlimited. DIMENSIONS INSTALLATION Fully glued down to the substrate. THICKNESS 14mm WIDTH 14mm LENGTH 200-250 mm 8% (± 2 ) SURFACE FINISHING SMOKING Must be sanded and surface finished after installation. Filler must be applied in connection with sanding. Ammonia in a closed kiln. COMPOSITION Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag | Tel: +46 31-15 00 66 | | 6 v1.1 140228 INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW NK Department Store, Stockholm - Smoked oak TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS PRECONDITIONS SUB-FLOOR LEVELNESS Standard requirements as set forth in AMA Hus 11. SUB-FLOOR MOISTURE CONTENT Wood: Must not exceed moisture content of 12% or 65% RH. Concrete: Note that RH must always be measured in concrete substrates. This applies even to older concrete substrates. When fully gluing to concrete without cast substrate heating, the core test must be below 85% RH. When fully gluing to concrete with substrate heating, a moisture barrier must be installed over the concrete before gluing. SUB-FLOOR GENERAL CONDITIONS Clean, level, free of dust, grease and dirt. SUB-FLOOR TENSILE STRENGTH IN CONNECTION WITH FULL GLUING 1.5 MPa LEVELLING/LIQUID FILLER The levelling compound must be at least 2 mm thick and have a minimum tensile strength of 1.5 MPa. Normal drying filler and levelling compounds must be used. ROOM TEMPERATURE 18-22°C ROOM HUMIDITY 30-60% RH FLOOR HEATING Refer to Swedish Flooring Trade Association guidelines. USAGE VALUES Room temperature: 15-30°C Room humidity: 30-60% RH Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag | Tel: +46 31-15 00 66 | | 7 v1.1 140228 INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW Väla Business Centre TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS SUBSTRATES & STRUCTURES WOOD JOISTS PLYWOOD, FLOATING FULL GLUING ON CONCRETE Centre to centre distance 600 mm. Covered with 22mm particle board laid crosswise, glued and screwed down. RAW is fully glued down to the particle board in any direction. Poured concrete slab with max RH of 90% is covered with age-proof plastic laid with a minimum overlap of 20 cm. Birch plywood, min 9 mm, is laid floating against the substrate and covered with another layer of 9 mm birch plywood, which is glued flush to the first layer of plywood using parquet adhesive. The two layers should be installed with an overlap and screwed or stapled down. RAW is fully glued down to the plywood in any direction. See Hus AMA KEB.234, 2341, 2342 Note that RH must always be measured in concrete substrates. This applies even to older concrete substrates. EXISTING PLANK FLOOR Should be sanded level on the diagonal using a floor sanding machine and 16 grain sandpaper. Cover thereafter with birch plywood, min 4 mm, which is fully glued down flush against the substrate using parquet adhesive. The plywood must be fully glued down to the plank floor and either screwed down or stapled. RAW is fully glued down to the plywood in any direction. PARTICLE BOARD, FLOATING Poured concrete slab with max RH of 90% is covered with age-proof plastic laid with a minimum overlap of 20 cm. 22 mm flooring particle board is laid floating over the substrate. RAW is fully glued down to the particle board in any direction. See Hus AMA KEJ 234 MDF PANELS Must be fully glued down to the substrate to be used as a subfloor. RAW is fully glued down to the MDF board in any direction. When fully gluing to concrete without cast substrate heating, the core test must be below 85% RH. When fully gluing to concrete with substrate heating, a moisture barrier must be installed over the concrete before gluing. If the concrete floor is above warm or cool spaces such as a boiler room, sauna, or unheated garage, glue bonding cannot be performed. In these cases, ageproof plastic is required below floating particle board or plywood. See Hus AMA KEB.234, 2341, 2342 and KEJ 234 FULL GLUE-DOWN ON GROUND SLAB The RH of the concrete must not exceed 85%. The concrete must be protected against moisture migration from below. Contributing moisture is not allowed. Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag | Tel: +46 31-15 00 66 | | 8 v1.1 140228 INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW Grill restaurant, Stockholm - Wenge TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS SUBSTRATES & STRUCTURES FLOOR LEVELLED WITH LIQUID FILLER NEEDLEPUNCH OR WALL-TOWALL CARPET The levelling compound must be at least 2 mm thick and have a minimum tensile strength of 1.5 MPa. Normal drying filler and levelling compounds must be used. Not approved as a substrate for gluing. VINYL OR LINOLEUM FLOORING CELLULAR PLASTIC (EPS, EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE) IMPACT NOISE REDUCTION A specially designed cork-PU mat can be fully glued down to concrete, particle board, or plywood. RAW is thereafter glued to the mat. Impact noise improvement: EN ISO 140-8 17 dB. See floating particle board. Normally not approved as a substrate for gluing. GYPSUM ADHESIVE TYPE Not approved as a substrate for gluing. STONE OR TILE FLOOR HEATING General: The surface is sanded or roughened with sandpaper. Solvent-based parquet adhesive is used for gluing. If the stone/tile has been treated with polish or comparable, there is risk that the adhesive will separate from the substrate in spite of the sanding. NOTE In these cases, you should contact the adhesive manufacturer directly. There are no technical barriers to combining RAW with subfloor heating. The adhesive supplier should always be consulted about gluing down wood flooring to the substrate. EcoSimp Flooring (Swan eco-labelled) may be a suitable adhesive. VENTILATED SUBFLOOR (of the Granab and Nivell System types). One layer 22 mm flooring particle board, installed crosswise, glued together and attached to the studs to which RAW is glued. Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag | Tel: +46 31-15 00 66 | | 9 v1.1 140228 INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW Näas Fabriker Hotel - Smoked oak TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS You must read Almedals installation instructions before you begin the installation. If you are unsure about anything, you must contact Almedals before the work is begun. The floor is not limited as to the size of contiguous surfaces that may be installed. However, the floor should not be glued over any movement joints in the underlying concrete floor. Before the floor installation is begun, you must check that the substrate is level and meets standard requirements set out in AMA Hus 11. NOTE We recommend black parquet glue for the installation of smoked oak. Check that the temperature in the room is about 20 degrees Celsius at 30-60% relative humidity. Check that the packages are labelled with the right floor before they are opened. HANDLING PACKAGES RAW is delivered in sealed plastic packaging. STORAGE Store the packages unopened until they are installed. The parquet must have had enough time to adjust to the room temperature of approx. 18-22 degrees C before it is installed. INSTALLATION Installation direction: We recommend that the strips are laid crosswise to the source of natural light. Lay the parquet sections straight down on the glue - avoid pulling them sideways, because this can cause side gluing. Install the next row offset cm) to create a brickwork pattern. The parquet should not be installed side by side with no offset. The strips should not be laid so that they lie flush together. Snap out a start line approx. 50-100 cm from the wall. Thereafter, install a straight edge or starting board along the start line. Calculate the number of full parquet widths towards the wall and add a 1 cm expansion gap. When you have installed the entire start field, it is a good idea to lay a straight edge or straight board against the last row. Use a hammer and tap lightly on the board to push the rows together. Snap out another line 2 section widths away parallel to the start line. Remember that the line should be about 1cm inside the edge of the parquet row. If for example 2 parquet rows have a total width of 500 mm, the next line should be placed at 490 mm. This prevents the glue from being pressed out alongside the last row and drying. Continue gluing in fields of approx. 50 cm wide. Snap parallel lines with a chalk line to check the installation. Install the parquet sections parallel to the lines. Do not tap them together sideways - you must accept some gap formation between the rows. You may saw the parquet elements with either a circular saw with a guide bar or a bandsaw. No apply the parquet glue in the start field of approx. 50 cm. RAW can be rolled before the glue has dried, but this is not required. It is however important that the floor is pressed down into the glue and not only laid down. Open at least 2-3 packages and distribute the parquet before installation. This is done to ensure a correct result where the appearance of the parquet varies among the rows. Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag | Tel: +46 31-15 00 66 | | 10 v1.1 140228 INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW Väla Business Centre TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS SANDING & SURFACE FINISHING INSTRUCTIONS FOR SANDING & SURFACE FINISHING Almedals RAW INDUSTRIAL PARQUET must be sanded and surface finished on site. The floor must be fully coated with filler in connection with sanding. The floor can be sanded either with a traditional floor sander or with an orbital pad sander. The difference is that the orbital pad sander provides a more even result with no sanding lines and clearly accentuates the annual rings. Nor do any differences arise along the walls due to the different types of sanders. SANDING SURFACE FINISHING Choose one of the following alternatives to describe the sanding method. Almedals recommends hard wax oil, floor oil, or floor varnish. Almedals has no restrictions with regard to different manufacturers. Please refer to each manufacturer’s instructions. Alt. 1 The floor is sanded with a Bona Power Drive (rotary polisher) and 50/100 sandpaper. Alt. 2 The floor is sanded with a floor sander (belt drum) and 120 grain sandpaper. Preferably start with 24 grain or 36 grain, followed by 50/80. 80 grain for edge sanding. Thereafter, sand the floor with an orbital pad sander using a 100 grain sanding mesh. Examples of suppliers: LOBA Scandinavia ( ) Bona Kemi ( Welin & Co Golv AB ( Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag | Tel: +46 31-15 00 66 | | 11 v1.1 140228 INDUSTRIAL PARQUETRAW Garda School - Gotland TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS CARE INSTRUCTIONS RAW Industrial Parquet can be surface finished with floor oil, hard wax oil, or floor varnish. Almedals does not require the use of any specific products or manufacturers. Accordingly, follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. See the National Swedish Flooring Trade Association's standard formula for varnished: See OSMO Hard wax oiled wood floors: GENERAL ADVICE Stop the dirt at the entrance. For this reason, you should always have an effective doormat inside the exterior door and, if possible, outside as well. Keep the temperature and humidity as constant as possible to avoid excessive movements in the flooring material. Protect the wood floor against all types of liquids. Wipe up any spills immediately. Felt or Teflon (special) protective pads - but not metal - should be fitted to furniture. CLEANING Make it a regular routine to remove visible soiling such as dust, crumbs, gravel, etc. Vacuum cleaning, sweeping, or dry mopping will remove most dry particles. Damp mopping with a very lightly damp cloth or mop may be done as needed. Dry mop immediately afterwards! - Never leave a damp area on an oiled wood floor. When you are damp mopping an oiled floor, it is a good idea to add an oil-refreshing soap cleaner to the water. Oil-refreshing floor soap has an oil content of 20-30% and should not be compared to ordinary yellow or green soap. A pH neutral cleaning product should be used on varnished floors. MAINTENANCE OF OILED WOOD FLOORS Oil-finished floors should be regularly maintained. After thorough cleaning, supplement the base oil finish with another coat of oil that cleans and adds a new layer of protection to the floor. The first few times you clean and maintain the floor are very important in order to quickly achieve full protection of the floor. The frequency of maintenance varies considerably depending upon the use of the room. Various suppliers of floor oil offer different solutions for cleaning and maintenance oiling. In general, a brown polishing pad used when oiling with solvent-based maintenance oil is a very effective cleaning method, which polishes away any raised wood fibres while adding a new layer of floor oil. After the oil has dried, dry polish the floor with a white polishing pad. Varnished floors can be maintained with various types of varnish refreshers or parquet polish. In public spaces, combined sweeper/ scrubber/drier machines are often used to advantage with re-oiling wood floor soap. MAINTENANCE OF HARD WAX OILED WOOD FLOORS regularly maintained. After thorough cleaning, supplement the base finish with another coat of hard wax oil that cleans and adds a new layer of protection to the floor. The frequency of maintenance varies considerably depending upon the use of the room. Various suppliers of hard wax oil offer different solutions for cleaning and maintenance oiling. In public spaces, combined sweeper/ scrubber/drier machines are often used to advantage with re-oiling wood floor soap. SPOT REMOVAL Remove spots before they have dried into the floor. If necessary, wipe the area afterwards with clean water. Use a slightly damp cloth. Excess water, strong alkaline cleaning products and strong solvents damage wood floors. 1. Always try a weak soft soap solution first and rub the spot with a cloth or scouring pad. 2. If necessary, switch the soap solution for a cleaning product recommended by the supplier of the surface finishing system. DANGER OF FIRE! Organic materials such as cloths, paper polishing pads, etc. that have been in contact with floor oil based on linseed oil must always be placed in water immediately after use to prevent spontaneous combustion. A hard wax oil-finished floor should be Almedals Trägolvsaktiebolag | Tel: +46 31-15 00 66 | |
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