Rate Card 2015 - Spiegel-QC
Rate Card 2015 - Spiegel-QC
Rate Card 2015 No. 69, valid from 1st January 2015 www.spiegel-qc.de Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 1 Magazine profile 5 Advertisement rates and sizes 2 Details of publisher 6 Split run 3 Basic rates, discounts and technical base data 7 Loose inserts, stitched-in inserts, glued-on inserts 4 Closing dates 8 The digital SPIEGEL 1 Magazine profile Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 DER SPIEGEL – the German news magazine In Germany, DER SPIEGEL is justifiably considered to be synonymous with “investigative journalism”. The way in which the material is researched and the readers informed, this is what distinguishes it from all other media in the country. DER SPIEGEL is characterised by its in-depth information, sound research and reliable quality. The main emphasis of the magazine is on events affecting politics and society. The key points of the modern SPIEGEL concept are: • more background information • a balanced mixture of short and long articles • authors’ pieces stating pertinent points of view • initiation of discussion forums • in-depth treatment of the cover topic • reader-friendly layout DER SPIEGEL not only reaches its core target group with great accuracy, but also achieves maximum coverage in many target groups of marketing relevance: highly educated people in senior occupations and with purchasing power that makes refined consumer behaviour possible. The magazine’s unique concept and excellent journalistic reputation are reflected in the assessment of SPIEGEL readers. They confirm that SPIEGEL journalists have succeeded in developing an unmistakable style. 2 Details of publisher Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 Published by SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG Address Ericusspitze 1, 20457 Hamburg/Germany P.O. Box 11 04 13, 20404 Hamburg/Germany Telephone, fax and e-mail See representatives/last page Internet www.spiegel-qc.de Bank Commerzbank AG, Hamburg, A/c 6 181 986, Sort Code 200 400 00 Value added tax numberDE118922410 Terms Accounts are due on publication day, or by special agreement within 30 days from the date of publication. A prepayment 2 % discount is allowed if the invoice amount is credited to the publisher’s account not later than publication day and if no earlier invoices are due. General Terms of Business Advertisement orders will be processed exclusively in accordance with the publisher’s General Terms of Business. See www.spiegel-qc.de Technical specifications The current and binding specifications can be found on www.duon-portal.de Delivery of printing material Please find our valid technical specifications at www.duon-portal.de/info. Upload your ad material at www.duon-portal.de/jobs BIC COBADEHHXXX IBAN DE23 2004 0000 0618 1986 00 Frequency Weekly (see closing dates/point 4) Publication day Saturday (subject to alterations) The information contained in this rate card is subject to change during the course of the year. A currently binding rate card can be found under www.spiegel-qc.de PZN 528 956 Updated April 2015 Support is available at: support@duon-portal.de or by phone +49 40 374117-50 3 Basic rates, discounts and technical base data Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 Guaranteed paid circulation Basic rates 800,000 copies Process Total print run: Offset Split run: Offset Further details on www.duon-portal.de Binding Wire-stitching Support printing material www.duon-portal.de support@duon-portal.de Phone+49 40 374117-50 or ask the production department Phone+49 40 3007-2467 Fax +49 40 3007-852467 Person in charge Andrea Sielfeld Phone +49 40 3007-2543 andrea_sielfeld@spiegel.de 1/1 page coloured / b/w Rate zone 1 01.01.–28.02.15 01.06.–31.08.15 € 60,864 Rate zone 2 01.03.–31.05.15 01.09.–31.12.15 € 66,706 Ø Average rate € 64,272 Ø = average rates for the whole year, weighted on the basis of calendar months and, where appropriate, rounded for presentation reasons. These rates cannot be booked. The allocation of an issue to a rate zone depends on the first day of sale of the issue concerned. For premium position rate see advertisement rates/point 5. Discounts Volume discount 3 pages 3 % 6 pages 6 % 9 pages 9 % 12 pages 12 % The SPIEGEL discount (total circulation) may be applied to bookings in SPIEGEL SPECIAL, SPIEGEL WISSEN and SPIEGEL GESCHICHTE during the same contract year. 4 Closing dates Rate zone 1 January, February, June, July, August Rate zone 2 March, April, May, September, October, November, December Rate zone 1 January, February, June, July, August Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 Closing date for advertisements and copy, and last day for cancellation No. Publication date 02/15 03/15 04/15 05/15 06/15 07/15 08/15 09/15 10/15 05.01.15 10.01.15 17.01.15 24.01.15 31.01.15 07.02.15 14.02.15 21.02.15 28.02.15 17.12.14 22.12.14 29.12.14 05.01.15 12.01.15 19.01.15 26.01.15 02.02.15 09.02.15 11/15 12/15 13/15 14/15 15/15 16/15 17/15 18/15 19/15 20/15 21/15 22/15 23/15 07.03.15 14.03.15 21.03.15 28.03.15 04.04.15 11.04.15 18.04.15 25.04.15 02.05.15 09.05.15 16.05.15 23.05.15 30.05.15 13.02.15 23.02.15 02.03.15 09.03.15 16.03.15 23.03.15 30.03.15 02.04.15 13.04.15 20.04.15 27.04.15 04.05.15 11.05.15 24/15 25/15 26/15 27/15 06.06.15 13.06.15 20.06.15 27.06.15 18.05.15 22.05.15 01.06.15 08.06.15 The deadline for advertisements and cancellations is one week earlier for cover pages and placements subject to a surcharge. Subject to alterations. 4 Closing dates Rate zone 1 January, February, June, July, August Rate zone 2 March, April, May, September, October, November, December Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 Closing date for advertisements and copy, and last day for cancellation No. Publication date 28/15 29/15 30/15 31/15 32/15 33/15 34/15 35/15 36/15 04.07.15 11.07.15 18.07.15 25.07.15 01.08.15 08.08.15 14.08.15 22.08.15 29.08.15 15.06.15 22.06.15 29.06.15 06.07.15 13.07.15 20.07.15 24.07.15 03.08.15 10.08.15 37/15 38/15 39/15 40/15 41/15 42/15 43/15 44/15 45/15 46/15 47/15 48/15 49/15 50/15 51/15 52/15 53/15 05.09.15 12.09.15 19.09.15 26.09.15 02.10.15 10.10.15 17.10.15 24.10.15 31.10.15 07.11.15 14.11.15 21.11.15 28.11.15 05.12.15 12.12.15 19.12.15 24.12.15 17.08.15 24.08.15 31.08.15 07.09.15 11.09.15 21.09.15 28.09.15 05.10.15 12.10.15 19.10.15 26.10.15 02.11.15 09.11.15 16.11.15 23.11.15 30.11.15 04.12.15 The deadline for advertisements and cancellations is one week earlier for cover pages and placements subject to a surcharge. Subject to alterations. 5 Advertisement rates Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 Gross rates in Euro Standard sizes Rate zone 1 01.01.–28.02.15 01.06.–31.08.15 All colours / b / w Rate zone 2 01.03.–31.05.15 01.09.–31.12.15 All colours / b / w All colours / b / w Ø 2/1 1/1 1/1 2/1 1/1 1/3 1/3 page, 2 cover page + page 3 page, 2nd cover page page, 4th cover page page, 1st 2/1 page inside page, 1st 1/1 right hand page inside page, 1/3 next to editorial page, 1st page next to letter to the editor 170,906 70,602 73,645 133,901 68,776 31,771 30,950 187,311 77,379 80,714 146,753 75,378 34,821 33,920 180,476 74,555 77,769 141,398 72,627 33,550 32,683 2/1 1/1 3/6 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/4 1/6 page page junior page2 page page, across page, corner ad2 page, s/col or across page, across page, s/col1 or across 121,728 60,864 45,039 45,039 38,649 35,606 27,389 22,824 16,230 133,412 66,706 49,362 49,362 42,358 39,023 30,018 25,015 17,788 128,544 64,272 47,561 47,561 40,813 37,599 28,923 24,102 17,139 nd 1 Complemented by external advertisement to 1/3 or 2/3 page. 2 For technical reasons the number per issue is limited. 3 Surcharge for solus positioning 10%. Additional sizes upon request. Ad combination 5 % surcharge for two or more consecutive fractional page ads. Ø These rates cannot be booked Last-Minute Offer You want to place an ad just before printing? Call us, we make it possible! Tel. +49 40 3007-2474 5 Standard sizes Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 S: Type area (width x depth) A: Trim size (width x depth) Trimming allowances can be found on www.duon-portal.de 2/1 page S: 400 x 259 mm A: 424 x 280 mm 1/3 page, s/col S: 60 x 259 mm A: 72 x 280 mm 1/3 page, corner ad S: 124 x 128 mm A: 136 x 137 mm 1/1 page S: 188 x 259 mm A: 212 x 280 mm 2/3 page S: 124 x 259 mm A: 136 x 280 mm 1/2 page, across S: 188 x 128 mm A: 212 x 137 mm 3/6 page, junior page S: 124 x 173 mm A: 136 x 181 mm 1/3 page, across S: 188 x 84 mm A: 212 x 93 mm 1/4 page, across S: 188 x 62 mm A: 212 x 71 mm 1/6 page, d/col* S: 124 x 62 mm A: – 1/6 page, s/col* S: 60 x 128 mm A: – * The format is complemented by external advertisements of 1/3 or 2/3 page. 6 Split run Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 Advertisement options For technical reasons, only four 1/1 pages per issue are possible. Please see next page for dates. Glued-on inserts Upon request. Circulation Circulation includes single copy sales and subscriptions. Position No position guarantees can be given. Discounts Quantity discounts for split run orders 3 pages 3 % 9 pages 9% 6 pages 6 % 12 pages 12 % Discounting is separate for each split run region. Advertisers, who also book in DER SPIEGEL (total print run) during contract year may apply their discount to the split run advertisements. Technical data Printing proces Offset printing Printing material www.duon-portal.de The distribution areas may differ slightly from the Nielsen areas. Right of deferment Dates of publication can be deferred following consultation with the agencies and clients. Distribution areas Print run* Net paid circulation* Nielsen 1 Nielsen 2 Nielsen 3 a Nielsen 3 b Nielsen 4 Nielsen 5 Nielsen 6, 7 Nielsen 5, 6, 7 In-flight copies 167,000 171,000 121,000 115,000 128,000 52,000 63,000 115,000 80,000 154,378 155,025 111,356 108,638 119,251 52,264 60,394 112,658 79,880 Ø = Average rate, see point 3 Further information on split run ads is available at www.spiegel-qc.de Rate for 1/1 page in Euro All colours Rate zone 1 01.01.–28.02.15 01.06.–31.08.15 € € € € € € € € € 15,200 15,700 12,500 12,500 12,900 9,900 9,700 14,100 10,700 Ø Rate for 1/1 page in Euro All colours Rate zone 2 01.03.–31.05.15 01.09.–31.12.15 € € € € € € € € € 16,050 16,700 13,100 13,550 14,000 10,800 10,500 14,600 11,900 € € € € € € € € € 15,696 16,283 12,850 13,113 13,542 10,425 10,167 14,392 11,400 * 2nd Quarter 2014 6 Split run Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 No. Publication date Closing date for advertisement and cancellations Closing date for printing material Rate zone 1 January, February, June, July, August 2/15 4/15 6/15 8/15 10/15 05.01.15 17.01.15 31.01.15 14.02.15 28.02.15 03.12.14 15.12.14 29.12.14 12.01.15 26.01.15 10.12.14 22.12.14 05.01.15 19.01.15 02.02.15 Rate zone 2 March, April, May, September, October, November, December 12/15 14/15 16/15 18/15 20/15 22/15 14.03.15 28.03.15 11.04.15 25.04.15 09.05.15 23.05.15 09.02.15 23.02.15 09.03.15 23.03.15 02.04.15 20.04.15 13.02.15 02.03.15 16.03.15 30.03.15 09.04.15 27.04.15 Rate zone 1 January, February, June, July, August 24/15 26/15 28/15 30/15 32/15 34/15 36/15 06.06.15 20.06.15 04.07.15 18.07.15 01.08.15 14.08.15 29.08.15 04.05.15 18.05.15 01.06.15 15.06.15 29.06.15 10.07.15 27.07.15 11.05.15 22.05.15 08.06.15 22.06.15 06.07.15 17.07.15 03.08.15 Rate zone 2 March, April, May, September, October, November, December 38/15 40/15 42/15 44/15 46/15 48/15 50/15 52/15 12.09.15 26.09.15 10.10.15 24.10.15 07.11.15 21.11.15 05.12.15 19.12.15 10.08.15 24.08.15 07.09.15 21.09.15 05.10.15 19.10.15 02.11.15 16.11.15 17.08.15 31.08.15 14.09.15 28.09.15 12.10.15 26.10.15 09.11.15 23.11.15 Subject to alterations. 7 Loose inserts, stitched-in inserts, glued-on inserts Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 Loose inserts Loose inserts are printed matter enclosed in the magazine. Stitched-in inserts Stitched-in inserts are printed matter/ brochures which are firmly fixed to the magazine. Stitched-in inserts which, due to their design, are not recognisable as advertising must be marked with the word “ANZEIGE” in 8-point semibold print. Glued-on inserts Glued-on inserts are postcards and other printed matter which are glued on to a basic advertisement so that they can be removed and used by interested parties. Rate per thousand copies Extra weight on request. Rate per thousand copies Stitched-in inserts with a different volume on request. Rate per thousand copies Samples and glued-on inserts of a higher weight on request. Without subscription Subscription* Without subscription Subscription* Without subscription Subscription* Rate zone 1 01.01.–28.02.15 01.06.–31.08.15 up to 20 g € 97.– € 118.– 4 pages 8 pages 12 pages € 109.50 € 124.50 € 135.50 € 122.50 € 147.50 € 168.50 Postcards Booklet up to 20 g € 46.50 € 52.50 € 51.50 € 71.50 Rate zone 2 01.03.–31.05.15 01.09.–31.12.15 up to 20 g € 103.– € 124.– 4 pages 8 pages 12 pages € 115.50 € 130.50 € 141.50 € 128.50 € 153.50 € 174.50 Postcards Booklet up to 20 g € 52.50 € 58.50 € 57.50 € 77.50 Ø Average rate up to 20 g € 100.50 € 121.50 4 pages 8 pages 12 pages € 113.– € 128.– € 139.– € 126.– € 151.– € 172.– Postcards Booklet up to 20 g € 50.– € 56.– € 55.– € 75.– * For bookings in the subscription circulation only we levy a surcharge of € 28 per thousand copies. When booking split editions in areas smaller than Nielsen regions, a surcharge of € 11 per thousand copies will be levied. The basis for calculation is the current print run. Inserts containing the advertising of several advertisers are possible following special agreement. Rates upon request. For discounts see next page. Ø Average rate cannot be booked, see point 3. 7 Loose inserts, stitched-in inserts, glued-on inserts Loose inserts Sizes Minimum size 105 mm wide x 148 mm high Maximum size 192 mm wide x 260 mm high Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 Stitched-in inserts Sizes (page size/gutter) Bleed size 215/225 mm wide x 283 mm high (10 mm binding edge including trim top, bottom 3 mm and outside edge 3 mm) Trimmed size 212 mm wide x 277 mm high Glued-on inserts Sizes Minimum size 55 mm wide x 85 mm high Maximum size 150 mm wide x 200 mm high Basic advertisement Basis 1/1 page, smaller sizes after consultation. Charge according to rate card. Circulation Total print run or split runs (we reserve the right to defer the insert). Please consult us about the actual number of inserts required and the allocation of copies between the printers in Marienfeld and Pforzheim prior to the printing deadline. A surplus of 1 % should be produced. Circulation Total print run or split runs (we reserve the right to defer the insert). Please consult us about the actual number of inserts required and the allocation of copies between the printers in Marienfeld and Pforzheim prior to the printing deadline. A surplus of 3 % should be produced. Circulation Total print run or split runs (we reserve the right to defer the insert). Please consult us about the actual number of inserts required and the allocation of copies between the printers in Marienfeld and Pforzheim prior to the printing deadline. A surplus of 3 % should be produced. Closing date for orders and last day for cancellations 4 weeks before the first date of sale. Closing date for orders and last day for cancellations 6 weeks before the first date of sale. Closing date for orders and last day for cancellations 4 weeks before the first date of sale. Delivery of loose inserts, stitched-in inserts and glued-on inserts The inserts must be well packaged, fully machine-processable and are to be delivered carriage-paid 10 to 7 days before the first day of sale to: Pro Bind, Professional Binding GmbH, Bielefelder Straße 61, 33428 Marienfeld und/oder STARK Druck GmbH + Co. KG, Im Altgefäll 9, 75181 Pforzheim. The exact division of circulation and packaging standards are described in the order confirmation. Incoming goods cannot be checked (for quantity and quality) at the printing plant. Should any processing problems with ad specials arise, the completion of the SPIEGEL magazine takes priority. Samples The publishers require final samples 3 - 4 weeks before publication of the magazine. Ad specials must be checked by us for processability before the order is issued. The contents and design must be agreed with the publishers before going to press. Info sheets, specific dates and circulation requirements for ad specials: Please contact your local representative. We will be pleased to advise you regarding individual solutions. Detailed information on ad specials is also available on www.spiegel-qc.de 8 The digital SPIEGEL Creative advertising in digital SPIEGEL Digital SPIEGEL appears on various electronic devices (desktops, laptops, tablets, e-readers and smart phones). On the one hand, it corresponds completely to the printed edition and on the other hand it is enhanced with additional features such as videos, links to the topics pages of SPIEGEL ONLINE, interactive graphics, and films from SPIEGEL TV. At present, advertisements can be published on all electronic devices (iOS, Android, Windows 8, etc.). Digital technology provides advertising with many creative possibilities, resulting in higher advertising impact. For examples please check www.spiegel-qc.de/ medien/tablets/digitale-spiegel SPIEGEL advertisement customers profit from a reduced digital SPIEGEL ad rate. Ask for “SPIEGELplus”. Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 Representatives: Rate card 69, valid from 1st January 2015 Asia Mezzomedia Limited Matthew Farrar 904, Kinwick Centre 32, Hollywood Road Central Hongkong Tel. +852 25812991 Fax +852 25812239 mfarrar@mezzogroup.com Italy Mediart Anke Brockmeyer Via Costa dei Frati, 20 63017 Porto San Giorgio (AP) Tel. +39 07 3467 51 00 Fax +39 07 34676819 Mobil +39 347 2932531 info@mediartitalia.it Austria SPIEGEL QC Markus Spangler Schellingstraße 35 80799 Munich (Germany) Tel. +49 89 418004-19 Fax +49 89 418004-36 vb_muenchen@spiegel-qc.de Scandinavia International Media Sales Finn Greve Isdahl Postboks 44 FANTOFT 5899 Bergen Tel. +47 5 5925192 Fax +47 5 5925190 fgisdahl@mediasales.no Turkey Titajans Dis Tanitim Ltd. Sti. Hilmi Z. Erdem Nispetiye Cad. Ihsan Aksoy Sok. Modern Apt. No. 2D/21 80630 Etiler-Istanbul Tel. +90 212 2577666 Fax +90 212 2870099 titajans@titajans.com Belgium/Netherlands/Luxembourg IMS Gjalt Dijkstra Dwarslaan 51 1261 BB Blaricum Tel. +31 35 6859015 Fax +31 35 5421593 info@imsales.nl Spain/Portugal Heinrich Bauer Ediciones Stefanie Franck Calle Pedro Teixeira, 8–5° planta 28020 Madrid Tel. +34 91 5476800 Fax +34 91 5426196 Mobil +34 686411226 stefanie.franck@bauer.es United Kingdom/Ireland International Graphic Press Ltd. Carl Cullingford Talbert House 52A Borough High Street London SE1 1XN Tel. +44 20 74034589 Fax +44 20 74034590 info@igpmedia.com Switzerland SPIEGEL QC Markus Spangler Schellingstraße 35 80799 Munich (Germany) Tel. +49 89 418004-19 Fax +49 89 418004-36 vb_muenchen@spiegel-qc.de U.S.A. World Media Conover Brown 19 West 36th Street 7th Floor New York, N.Y. 10018 Tel. +1 212 24456-10 Fax +1 212 2445321 sales@worldmediaonline.com France Adnative S.A. Hildegard Addari 2, rue Fortuny 75017 Paris Tel. +33 1 53648891 Fax +33 1 45002581 hildegard.addari@adnative.net Greece A&O Media Worldwide Nikos Barbopoulos 11, Tzavella str. 152 31 Halandri Tel. +30 210 6742023 Fax +30 210 6771431 info@a-omedia.com Switzerland – West Publicitas International AG Oliver Michler Kornhausgasse 5/7 CH-4002 Basel Tel. +41 61 2754712 Fax +41 61 2754730 oliver.michler@publicitas.com www.spiegel-qc.de Addresses: As of April 2015 SPIEGEL QC Advertisement Sales International Miriam Weißenborn Ericusspitze 1 20457 Hamburg (Germany) Tel. +49 40 3007-3609 Fax +49 40 3007-853609 miriam_weissenborn@spiegel-qc.de