E picur E anist
E picur E anist
E p i c u r e a n i s t Bar Accessories 6 Wine charms 7 Bevware organizers 8 Corkganizers 10 bottle stoppers 11 Corkscrews 14 hosting helpers 17 Chopping blocks 22 W i n e Ba g s 23 travel enhancers 24 w i n e a e r at o r s 25 wine accents 26 wine chillers 27 wine decanters 29 wine glassware 30 Cleaning products 31 mood lighting 32 cork furniture 33 bar accessories baraccessories Un l ea s h y o u r i nn e r b arte n d e r! Alcohol Breath Tester Pop Top Stopper EP-ALCOHOLTEST EP-STOP10 1"W x 3/4"D x 2"H 1-1/2"D x 3-1/4"H 1 Ounce Measured Pour Spout 1-11/25"W x 1-3/4”D x 2/5”H EP-MPOUR Top View Built-in measuring cup and mixing mechanism Metallic Bottle Opener with Grip Automatic Cocktail Mixer EP-BTLOPEN01 EP-MIXER01 4-7/8”W x 3/4”D x 1/2”H 6 800.777.8466 4-3/4”Diameter x 9”H Cap aci t y : 2 1 oz. Ice Shooter Tray 10”W x 2-1/4”D x 2-1/2”H EP-SHOT001 Foil Cutter 2-3/10"W x 3/5"H EP-FOIL001 w i n e cha r m s w i n e c h a r m s A c o l o r f u l s o l u t i o n t o e ns u re g u e sts never l os e tra ck of their g l a s s es a g a in Multicolor Wine Glass Charms 1-1/8" W x 1/8"H ( Se t o f 6 ) EP-CHARMS1 Charms can be fitted onto any of your drinkware Stemware Plate Clips 1-7/8"W x 3-1/8"D x 5/8"H (Set o f 6) EP-GLASSHOLD Sea Buddies Glass Charms 1/4"W x 1/4"H ( Se t o f 1 2) EP-CHARMS2 Silicone Swirl Grip Coaster Wine Charms 3-1/4”Diameter (Set o f 6) EP-GRIPCO002 Silicone Wax Seal Set 1-3/4” Diameter x 1/4"D ( Se t o f 8 ) EP-CHARMS4 www.epicureanist.com 7 o rg a n i z at i o n Wine Rack Sticks Eco-friendly wine racks bevwareorganizers Artfully display and serve your best glassware, bottles, and stoppers. Ceramic Wine Bottle Rack 8"W x 4/5"D x 6-1/4"H Horseshoe Wine Bottle Rack Silicone Tabletop Wine Rack EP-CERRACK 9-3/4"W x 4-1/2"D x 9-5/8"H Wine Bottle & Glass Holder Wine Bottle & Glass Holder Modern Peg Racking EP-GLHOLDER02 (Set o f 2) 12”W x 3-1/5”D x 4-1/4”H EP-GLHOLDER01 EP-HRACK 9-3/4”W x 1/5”D x 9-3/4”H 11.5"W x 4"H EP-SILRACK Bottle Bing EP-BTLBING Maximize vertical or horizontal display areas with this space saver Wood Panel Wine Rack 10-1/4"W x 1/2" Diameter EP-PEG1S Fleur De Lis Wine Rack 10-3/4”W x 5”D x 5-1/4”H EP-RACK007 Swirl Wine Rack Abstract Wine Rack Sectional Wine Glass Hanger Wine Glass Hanger EP-RACK006 EP-RACK004 EP-RACK002 EP-RACK005 9"Diameter x 11"H 8 800.777.8466 11-1/4"W x 7-22/25"D x 15-5/8"H 13"W x 10-1/8"D x 1-1/2"H 12-1/4"W x 17-3/4"D x 2-1/4"H Add extra security for your wine with these flexible bottle straps! Rack Labeling Clips-Fits on Cellar Trellis Style Racking Reusable Wine Tags Wine Rack Grips Wine Bottle Stability Straps EP-TAG001 (50 Tags) EP-TAG002 (100 Tags) EP-RACKGRIPB - Black EP-RACKGRIPC - Clear EP-RACKSTRAPB (Available in 18, 35, 54 Packs) Stackable Wine Glass Rack 12-Bottle Stackable Wine Rack 15-Bottle Stackable Diamond Wine Rack 9-Bottle Wine Bottle Display Rack EP-STACK12DIA EP-TDISPRACK 2"W x 3-1/4"D x 1"H (Se t of 1 8 ) EP-STACK12G 19-3/32"W x 10-11/16"D x 15-3/4"H EP-STACK12 19-3/32"W x 10-11/16"D x 15-3/4"H Grips & Straps Grips & Straps Grips & Straps Separately Separately Separately Sold Sold VT-RACKCLIPS (12 Clips) o rg a n i z at i o n 19-3/32"W x 10-11/16"D x 15-3/4"H 8"L x 1/8"D 37"W x 12-3/4"D x 3"H Sold 9-Bottle Metal Wine Rack 18-Bottle Metal Wine Rack 27-Bottle Metal Wine Rack 5-1/4”W x 12-3/4”D x 35-3/4"H 180-Bottle Island Display Rack EP-WIRE1N : Nickel Finish EP-WIRE1B : Black Finish EP-WIRE1S : Stainless Finish EP-WIRE2N : Nickel Finish EP-WIRE2B : Black Finish EP-WIRE2S : Stainless Finish EP-WIRE3N : Nickel Finish EP-WIRE3B : Black Finish EP-DISPRACKB 81-Bottle Floor to Ceiling Frame 45-Bottle Grapevine Wine Jail 60-Bottle Grapevine Wine Jail 90-Bottle Grapevine Wine Jail EP-RACKFC-B EP-GRPWNJL01 EP-GRPWNJL02 EP-GRPWNJL03 5-1/4”W x 5-1/4”D x 35-3/4”H 5-1/4”W x 9”D x 35-3/4”H 41-1/2"W x 45-1/2"H Grips & Straps Sold Separately 8-3/4"W x 2"D x 60"H 16”W x 15-3/10”D x 48-1/10”H 19-9/10”W x 15-2/5”D x 52-1/10”H 25”W x 15-2/5”D x 69-3/10”H www.epicureanist.com 9 o rg a n i z at i o n corkganizers Organize and display your favorite corks. Swirl Wine Bottle Stopper Rack 9-1/2"Diameter x 9-3/4"H EP-STPRACK Cork Catcher 2-3/4”W x 2-1/2”D x 9-5/8”H EP-CORKRET Wine Cork Trivet Kit Easily removes stray corks from inside any wine bottle 10-2/5”W x 8-3/5”L EP-TRIVET These servers are here to help you enjoy your wine! Fleur De Lis Cork Jail 4"Diameter x 13"H EP-FDLCKJL02 10 800.777.8466 Large Decorative Wine Glass 8"D x 20"H EP-LGGLS01 Sommelier Cork Holder Waiter Wine Bottle Cover EP-CKCG01 EP-WBCVR01 5-1/2"W x 4-1/2"D x 8-3/4"H 6"W x 3-1/2"D x 16-3/8"H s t o p p e r s bottlestoppers Thwart the oxidization of your wine and preserve flavor with stoppers from Epicureanist. Ceramic Wine Stopper Ceramic Wine Stopper Ceramic Wine Stopper Ceramic Wine Stopper EP-CRSTOP01 EP-CRSTOP02 EP-CRSTOP03 EP-CRSTOP04 Ceramic Wine Stopper Ceramic Wine Stopper Ceramic Wine Stopper Ceramic Wine Stopper EP-CRSTOP05 EP-CRSTOP06 EP-CRSTOP07 EP-CRSTOP08 2"D x 2-1/2"H 2"D x 2-1/2"H 2"D x 2-1/2"H 2"D x 2-1/2"H 2"D x 2-1/2"H 2"D x 2-1/2"H 2"D x 2-1/2"H 2"D x 2-1/2"H Writeable surface! Ceramic Wine Stopper Ceramic Wine Stopper Ceramic Wine Stopper Ceramic Wine Stopper EP-CRSTOP09 EP-CRSTOP10 EP-CRSTOP11 EP-CRSTOP12 2"D x 2-1/2"H 2"D x 2-1/2"H 2"D x 2-1/2"H 2"D x 2-1/2"H www.epicureanist.com 11 s t o p p e r s Decanter Stopper Balls EP-STOP004 : Large 2-17/100”Diameter EP-STOP005 : Small 1-77/100”Diameter Screw Top Bottle Stoppers Red Silicone & Metal Stopper EP-SCREWSTOP EP-STOP007 1-1/2"D x 1-1/2"H (Set of 2) Flexible Wine Bottle Stopper 3/4"Diameter x 2-7/8"H (Set of 4) 1"W x 1"D x 2-3/5"H (Set of 2) EP-STOPSWIRL (RD, OR) EP-STOPSWIRL2 (BL, RD, OR, GN) Drip Ring, Wine Thermometer, and Stopper in One! Wine Bottle Stopper 1-2/8"Diameter x 1-1/4"H (Set of 2) EP-STOP006 1-3/4"W x 2-1/4"H EP-STOP002 Wine Bottle Stopper 3-in-1 Wine Bottle Stopper EP-STOP001 EP-STOPTHERM 7/10"W x 1-9/10"H 1-3/4”W x 2-1/4”D x 1-1/4”H Chrome Wine Stopper & Cork Holder Champagne Bottle Stopper Champagne Bottle Stopper Stainless Champagne Stopper EP-CKSTOP01 EP-CHASTOP02 EP-STOP003 EP-CHASTOP 1-1/4"D x 2-1/2"H 12 Wine Bottle Stopper 800.777.8466 3”W x 1/2”D x 2”H 1-1/4"W x 1-7/10"H 2-1/8”H x 1-3/8”W x 1-1/2”D s t o p p e r s Black Pop Champagne Bottle Stopper 2"W x 1-1/2"D x 3"H EP-STOP008 Padlock Stopper 2"W x 1-3/4"D x 2-3/4"H EP-PLSTOP Sip Fresh Vacuum Lid 4-3/16"W (tab) x 3-3/4"D EP-VACLID01 Pourer & Stopper 1"D x 3-1/4"H (Set of 2) Throttle Wine Bottle Stopper Fleur De Lis Bottle Stopper EP-STOP009 EP-FDLBS01 Vacuum Wine Stopper Automatic Vacuum Seal 1-1/2"D x 4"H EP-POUR004 Vacuum Pump Bottle Stopper 1"D x 3-1/4"H 1-3/4"W x 1-3/4"D x 2-3/8"H EP-VACSTOP003 EP-VACSTOP002 3"W x 22/25"D x 6-19/50"H 3”W x 1-1/8”D x 2-3/4”H EP-VACSEAL4 Wine Bottle Vacuum Pump Electric Wine Preserver VT-VINOVAC02 EP-VACSEAL2 EP-VACSTOP001 : Stopper Set 1-1/4"W x 2-1/8"D x 6-1/8"H With 2 Stoppers 3-1/2"W x 3-3/4"D x 8-7/8"H www.epicureanist.com 13 corkscrews corkscrews Our wide variety of corkscrews help you open bottles with ease. Pocket Corkscrew 3/4"W x 3/4"D x 4-1/4"H EP-CKPKT01 Cork Puller 2-3/4"W x 5"L EP-CKPULL 14 800.777.8466 Sonoma Valley Corkscrew EP-CORKSNMA - Black EP-CORKSNMA2 - Burgundy Keep your corks intact! 4-3/10"W x 1-3/5"D x 3/5"H Dark Wood DoubleHinged Corkscrew 2-in-1 Corkscrew & Foil Cutter EP-CORK003 - Bone EP-CORKDW - Dark Wood EP-CORKDW02 EP-CORK007 Waiter’s Corkscrew 2-in-1 Corkscrew & Foil Cutter 5-3/4"W x 5/8"D x 1-5/8"H EP-CORK005 4-3/4"W x 1/2"D x 1"H 4-3/4"W x 1/2"D x 1"H Winged Corkscrew Vintage Corkscrew EP-CORKW01 EP-CORKW02 2-3/4”W x 1-7/8”D x 7-1/4”H 2-7/8"W x 1-1/2"D x 7-1/2"H corkscrews Ratchet Corkscrew King Corkscrew EP-CKRCHT EP-CKKING Wall Mounted Corkscrew Table Mounted Corkscrew Connoisseur Wine Opener & Stand EP-CORK-WM EP-CORK-TM Wine Corkscrew Set Includes: • Corkscrew • Foil Cutter 3-1/4"D x 6-3/4"H 3"W x 2-3/8"D x 7-3/8"H 1-6/8"W x 4-3/8"D x 6"H EP-CORK006 10-1/2"W x 3-1/4"D x 12-3/4"H 11-1/2"W x 3-1/4"D x 12-3/4"H 6-7/10"W x 11-2/5"D x 24-2/5"H EP-CORK002 www.epicureanist.com 15 corkscrews electric corscrews & gift sets Pe r f e c t f o r d i s c r i m i n a t i n g w i n e l o v e r s Electric Wine Opener Electric Corkscrew Wine Bottle Opener & Preserver EP-CORKEL3 EP-CORKEL1 EP-CORKEL4 Electric Corkscrew & Wine Preserver Set Wine Set Premium Wine Set 4-9/10"W x 3-1/2"D x 10-9/10"H 7-7/8”W x 3-9/10”D x 10-5/8”H EP-CKVAC MF 3”W x 3”D x 11”H (with stand) Includes: • Vacuum Pump with 2 Stoppers • Wine Pourer • Waiter’s Corkscrew EP-WINESET01 16 800.777.8466 3-4/5”W x 4-7/10”D x 12”H Includes: • Bottle Stopper • Wine Collar • Wine Pourer • Waiter’s Corkscrew EP-WINESET02 EP-CHALKPEN Great for writing on slate! hostinghelpers hosting helpers Chalk Pen Make your next party memorable with these entertaining must-haves. Slate Cheese Markers with Tray Ceramic Cheese Markers 2-1/2"W x 3"H (Set o f 6) Markers: 3-1/4"W x 3"D x 1/4"H Tray: 11-7/8" Diameter EP-CHMKRW6 EP-SLTCHMKR Help your guests identify cheeses with these fun, rewritable, bubble-shaped ceramic markers Slate Lazy Susan Bistro Lazy Susan Lazy Susan Cork Display Kit EP-SLLZSUSAN EP-LZSUSAN EP-LZTRIVET 15-3/4"Diameter x 1"H 20"Diameter x 1"H 21-1/2”W x 21-1/2”D x 2-1/2”H www.epicureanist.com 17 hosting helpers Acrylic Cheese Grips EP-ACRCHGR hostinghelpers Entertain in style with these great wine accessories. Have your oil and vinegar in one place Eat and drink freely with this cocktail tray. The specially designed cut-out will safely hold your wine glass while you mingle. Oil & Vinegar Cruet 4-3/8"W x 4"D x 7-3/8"H EP-OILVGR Vineyard Cocktail Tray & Wine Glass Holder 8"D (Set of 4) EP-GRMBP02 Wine Bottle Cheese Board 4-7/8”W x 12"D x 5/8"H EP-CHWBT01 Appetizers and serving utensils are all in one place with this multi-functional serving set. Sonoma Cheese Tray Serving Set 10”W x 13-1/2”D x 2-3/4”H EP-CHTRAY01 18 800.777.8466 Bamboo & Slate Serving Tray 11-7/8"W x 5/8"D x 15-3/4"H EP-BBSLTRY Chicken Roaster 11-1/2"W x 12"D x 3"H EP-GRMCR01 hosting helpers Rustic Cheese Fork Marker Set 1-5/16"W x 1/2"D x 3"H (Each) EP-CHEESEFORK01 Vineyard Cheese Spreaders Vineyard Cheese Knives EP-CHSPREAD01 EP-CHSKNIVES01 3/5"W x 1/10"D x 4-3/5"H (Set of 4) 2-7/10"W x 0-1/10"D x 7-1/10"H (Set of 4) Cheese Knives with Cork Handles 6"W x 8-3/4"H x 1-1/2"D (Set of 4) EP-CKKNIVES Sonoma Cheese Spreaders Sonoma Cheese Knives EP-VCCHS02 EP-VCCHS01 3/4"W x 1/2"D x 5-1/4"H (Each) (Set of 4) 1"W x 1/2"D x 5-1/4"H (Each) (Set of 4) Cheese Spreaders with Cork Handles 3/4"W x 1/2"D x 5-3/8"H (Set of 4) EP-CKSPREAD www.epicureanist.com 19 hosting helpers These double wall tumblers are great for coffee or wine! Hammered Copper Tumblers 11-1/2"H x 8"D ( S et o f 2 ) EP-TMBL01 Duo Salt & Pepper Mill 2-5/8"D x 7-1/2"H Moscow Mule Mug Coffee Pod Holder (Se t of 2 ) EP-CFHOLD01 8-1/2"H x 4-3/4"W x 9-1/2"D 10"W x 7-1/2"D x 7-3/4"H EP-MMULE01 EP-SPMILL 2-5/8"W x 3-3/4"D x 8-1/2"H Magnetic Knife Barrel Kitchen Caddy 800.777.8466 3-3/4”D x 4-7/8”H (Set o f 2) EP-DBLGLS Electronic Cheese Grater EP-CHGRATE1 6-1/2"W x 2-3/4"D x 8-3/5"H EP-KCAD01 20 Double Wall Tumblers Adjustable Coffee Maker & Dispenser 14-1/4"W x 14-3/4"D x 44-3/8"H EP-COFCOM1 Clip these to the bottom of your tablecloth to prevent it from blowing away. EP-FDLCLIP01 (Set of 4) Vineyard Tablecloth Weights EP-VINCLIP01 (Set of 4) Cork Place Card Holder Set 2-1/8"W x 1"D x 1"H (Set of 8) EP-CKHOLDER Wine Label Coasters 3-7/8"W x 3-7/8"D x 1/8"H (Set of 4) EP-CSTWL01 Cast Iron Bottle Opener EP-BTLCSTI Wall-Mounted Bottle Opener EP-BTLMET Silicon Splat Coasters 4"W x 1/8"D x 4"H EP-SPWGC01 (Set of 4) EP-SPWGC01 (Set of 2) Cork Party Napkins Fleur De Lis Napkins Vineyard Napkins EP-CKNAP01 EP-FDLNAP01 EP-VINNAP01 9-4/5"W x 9-4/5"H (Unfolded) 9-4/5"W x 9-4/5"H (Unfolded) hosting helpers Fleur De Lis Tablecloth Weights 9-4/5"W x 9-4/5"H (Unfolded) Conveniently keep snacks on top of wine glasses! EP-HYDR8 detects the moisture, oil, and softness of your skin! Wooden Wine Glass Appetizer Lids 12 Piece Wine Essence Kit EP-APPLT01 (Set of 4) EP-12AROMATW 4-2/5"Diameter x 3/5"H 10-3/10"W x 7-3/10"H x 1-3/10"D Digital Skin Analysis System EP-HYDR8 www.epicureanist.com 21 custom blocks on the chopping block B e a u t i f u l CUSTOM SOLID WOOD c h o p p i n g b l o c k s a n d t r a y s Custom Butcher End Block Chopping Block Doubles as Serving Tray! Custom Butcher Corner Block Saves counter space! Call for a Quote Sturdy, solid wood construction, easily attaches to edges and table ends. Call for a Quote Portable chopping block attaches to any corner! M a d e t o yo u r s p e c i fi cat i ons Custom Wine Barrel Tray Call for a Quote 22 800.777.8466 Ma de to yo ur specificatio ns Bring a little vineyard charm into your home with these wine barrel serving trays manufactured locally in our California facility. wine bags winebags Surprise them with a delicious bottle of wine concealed in a stylish gift bag. Fleur De Lis Gift Bag 14”W x 5”H x 4”D EP-FDLPBG01 Writable with chalk! Vineyard Gift Bag Corks Gift Bag Chalk Bottle Gift Bag EP-VCG01 EP-CKBG01 EP-CHLKBG01 14-1/4”H x 4-1/2”W x 3-1/2”D 14-1/4”H x 4-1/2”W x 3-1/2”D 14-1/4”H x 4-1/2”W x 3-1/2”D Fleur De Lis Linen Napkin Fleur De Lis Linen Cocktail Napkin EP-JTNAP001 EP-JTNAP002 7-17/20"W x 7-17/20"H (folded) Tall Corkscrew Jute Tote Corkscrew Jute Wine Bag Chalk Jute Wine Bag EP-JTTOTE001 EP-JTBAG001 EP-JTCHLK001 3-9/10"W x 3-9/10"D x 13-4/5"H ( S et o f 2) 13-2/5"H x 3-15/100"W (Se t of 4 ) Writable with chalk! 13-2/5"H x 6-3/10"W (Set o f 4) 5"W x 5"H Fleur De Lis Jute Placemats 12"H x 18"W (Set o f 4) EP-JTMAT001 www.epicureanist.com 23 travel 6-Pack Chiller Bag Keep your drinks chilled t rav e l enhancers Ta k e y o u r w i n e t o - g o ! Wine Bottle Bubble Bag On-The-Go Tote Bag EP-BUBBAG EP-BAG001 6-1/2"W x 1/20"D x 7-1/4"H Cork Flask EP-FLKSCK 3-13/100"W x 10-1/2"H Fleur de lis design on tabletop Wine Bottle & Glass Holding Stakes 3-1/8"D x 10-1/2"H EP-RACK003 24 800.777.8466 Portable Outdoor Wine Table 15-9/10"W x 8"H (tabletop) EP-BBTBLW Life Preserver Wine Bottle Jacket Ski Bunny Wine Bottle Jacket EP-WRAP003 EP-WRAP002 5-1/2"W x 1/4"D x 10-1/2"H 5"W x 1-1/2"D x 12"H Flask stored in leather pouch Flask with Leather Pouch EP-FLSKSS Designer Wine Tote Bag 14"W x 4-1/4"D x 4-1/4"H EP-DSNBG01 Wine Carrier 9-1/2"W x 3-1/2"D x 14-3/4"H VT-WINECARRIER (Faux Leather) VT-WINECARRIERL (Leather) wine aerators wineaerators Aerating wine will help mellow its natural flavor, improving the taste and natural bouquet of your vintage. No-Drip Plate Protects From Spills Oxygenating Wine Pourer Glass Aerating Pourer Trilux Wine Aerator (Patented) EP-POUR002 EP-AERATOR G EP-AERATOR001 1-13/16”D x 3-7/8”H 2-69/100"D x 4-1/10"H 3-3/5”D x 5-1/8”H Filter Screen Fits Inside Funnel Aerating Funnel Set Classic Wine Funnel with Filter EP-FUNNEL1 EP-FUNNEL2 3-3/8”D x 5-5/8”H 4-3/4"W x 3"D x 5-3/4"H www.epicureanist.com 25 w i n e accen t s wineaccents Keep your entertaining seamless with these wine helpers. Vineyard Drip Stop Ring 1”H x 1-5/8” Diameter EP-DRIP002 Drip Stop Ring Infrared Wine Thermometer Temperature Humidity Gauge VT-THERMORED EP-COLLARTHERM 3"L x 1/2" Diameter 3"W x 3/4"D x 4"H 1 -1 1 / 2 0" W x 3 / 4 " H Wine Bottle Thermometer Clip 1-1/2"H x 2-1/4" Diameter EP-BOTTLETHERM2 (Celsius) VT-BOTTLETHERM (Fahrenheit) EP-DRIP001 Pour wine with ease! Chill and pour your wine at the same time! Wine Bottle Collar Thermometer 3"W x 3"D x 1-3/5"H EP-COLLARTHERM 26 800.777.8466 Wine Pourer Foldable Wine Pourer EP-POUR001 (Set of 3) 1-1/4"W x 2-3/4"H 14"W x 4-1/4"D x 4-1/4"H EP-FLPOUR Wine Chilling Stick with Pourer 1-1/4”W x 15/16”D x 12-3/4”H EP-CHILLPOUR w i n e chi ller s winechillers Enhance the flavor of your favorite drinks by chilling them to the perfect temperature. Stainless Ice Cubes 1”H x 1”W x 1”D ( S e t o f 6) EP-SIMPLEICE01 Stainless Ice Sphere 2-1/4”D EP-SIMPLEICE02 Silicone Ice Sphere Large: 3”D x 2-33/100”H Small: 2-1/8”D x 1-7/8”H (Set o f 2) EP-ICESPHERE Illuminate your party with changing lights while your bottle of wine is chilled to perfection! Chilling Glass Tumblers 3”D x 7-1/10”H (Set of 2) EP-FRZGLS01 Quick Chill Ice Bucket Silver Ice Bucket EP-WBCHL01 EP-ICEBKT01 7-1/2”D x 10-1/2”H 15”D x 17”H www.epicureanist.com 27 w i n e chi llers Wine Bottle Chilling Wrap 5-1/2”D x 6-1/4”H EP-WRAP001 Tall Wine Cooler 24-1/2”H x 9-1/4”Diameter EP-ICEBKT04 28 800.777.8466 Wine Bottle Chiller Wine Chiller Coaster EP-CHILLER03 EP-COOLDISC 7-63/100”H x 4-69/100”Diameter Double Wall Wine Cooler with Stand 26"H x 12"Diameter EP-ICEBKT02 1-5/8”H x 5-1/8”Diameter Wine Display Chiller 5-1/4”D x 14-9/20”H EP-CHILLER01 wine decanters Metallic Bottle Markers (Set of 2) EP-BOTMARKER winedecanters Br i n g o u t y o u r w i ne ’s b e s t q ual i ti e s an d fu l l f l a vor with thes e du ra bl e a n d el eg a n t win e decant ers. Decanter Stopper 1-9/16” Diameter x 1-3/4”H EP-DCSTOP Mini Decanter Wine Flight 3-63/100”D x 4-1/4”H (Se t of 4 ) EP-DECFLT4 Illuminati Wide Base Decanter 8-5/8”H x 8-1/2"Diameter EP-DECAN002 Decanter Stopper Balls EP-STOP004 : Large EP-STOP005 : Small Classic Wine Decanter Wine Chilling Decanter with Ice Cup EP-DECANF EP-DECAN001 8-1/2”D x 9-13/100”H 5-9/10”D x 13-3/5”H www.epicureanist.com 29 wine glassware wineglassware Choos e t h e pe r f e c t w i ne g l ass f o r y o ur p e rson a l or en terta in in g n eeds . Acrylic Wine Glasses Double Wall Tumblers Stemless Chalkboard Wine Glasses EP-ACRWG01 EP-DBLGLS EP-SLWGSP4 3-1/16”D x 4-1/4”H ( S et o f 8 ) 3-3/4”D x 4-7/8”H (Se t o f 2) 3-13/20”D x 4-1/4”H (Set o f 4) Glass rotates on base! Grape & vine detail Break Resistant Glasses! Illuminati Wine Glasses 4”D x 8-5/8”H (Se t of 6 Re d W i ne Gl asses) Helix Whiskey Glass 30 EP-GLASS001 4"H x 3"Diameter 3-1/2”D x 8-11/16”H (Se t of 6 W h i t e W i ne Gl a sses) EP-GLSTRWL EP-GLASS002 800.777.8466 Champagne and Flute Holder 8"H x 9-3/4" Diameter EP-CHGLHOLD Base c l e a n i n g cleaningproducts Get your glassware sparkling clean! Decanter Cleaning Beads Microfiber Glassware Cloth Decanter Drying Rack & Tray EP-DECBALLS EP-DRYCLOTH EP-RACK001 Stemware Cleaning Brush Wine Decanter Cleaning Brush Silicone Splat Drying Mat EP-BRUSH001 EP-BRUSH002 EP-SPDRYMAT01 2”W x 2”D x 1”H 2-1/4”W x 1”D x 10-1/4”H 23-3/4”W x 18-3/8”H 1”D x 16”H 8”W x 9”D x 8”H 15”W x 16”H x 1/8”D www.epicureanist.com 31 l i g h t i n g moodlighting Decorate and illuminate your space with stylish lighting products that show off your love of wine. Wine Cork Candles 1"D x 3"H (Set of 4) Champagne Cork Candles 1-1/8"D x 3"H (Set of 4) EP-CKCDL CH EP-CKCDL W Recycled Wine Bottle Candle Holders 5-1/2"D x 14-1/2"H (Set of 3) EP-CNDWB3 32 800.777.8466 Wine Bottle Candle Kit Wine Bottle Candelabra EP-CANDLE002 EP-CANDLE001 2-1/2"D x 5-1/4"H 7-1/4"W x 7-1/4"D x 6-3/4"H Vine & Wine Bottle Sconce Vine & Wine Bottle Lights EP-SCONCE01 EP-LIGHT01 4"W x 3-1/4"D x 14"H 4"D x 28-1/4"H cork furniture furniture cork furniture corkfurniture Inspire a fresh look in any room with these quality imported cork furniture pieces. Top View for EP-CKSTL01 & EPCKTBL01 Top View for EP-CKTBL02 Top View for EP-CKSTL02 Your wine cork has come to life with this beautiful and whimsical champagne cork table! Champagne Cork Stool Champagne Cork Table EP-CKSTL01 EP-CKTBL01 13-1/2”W x 13-1/2”D x 18-1/2”H 17”W x 17”D x 24”H Wine Cork Stool EP-CKSTL02 Champagne Cork Table - Metal 21-4/5”W x 22-1/10”D x 21-9/10”H EP-CKTBL02 www.epicureanist.com 33
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