2016 Boys Camps Flyer
2016 Boys Camps Flyer
BOYS’CAMP 2016 TWO GREATWEEKSOFSPI RI TUALLYPROFI TABLEACTI VI TI ES J ul y31 ‐ Augus t6 Di r ec t or :JakeSant os Regi s t r at i onbegi ns 2pmJ ul y31 Cl osi ngpr ogr am 1 0amAug6 BOYS Camp ( Ages815) Chal l enge W EEK ( Ages1015) BoysCampCost :$1 70*+$50deposi tpercamper Chal l engeWeekCost :$1 90*+$50deposi tpercamper Costf orbot hweeks:$335*+$50deposi tpercamper * A$1 5di sc ountwi l lbeappl i edt owar dyourcampf ee( notdeposi t ) i fr egi s t r at i onf or m anddeposi tar er ec ei vedbyJ ul y1 ,201 6 * Theabovecampc os t si ncl udeCount yHot elOc cupancyT ax Boyswi l ldevel opbot hphysi cal l yandspi r i t ual l yundert hecamp di r ect i onofJacobSant os.Jakeandhi sst af fwi l luset heweekt o pr esentt heGospelofJesusChr i standhel pyoungbel i ever sgr ow i n t heLor d.I naddi t i ont ospi r i t ualact i vi t i es,boyswi l lenj oyphysi cal act i vi t i esi ncl udi ngswi mmi ng,t enni s,ar cher y ,hi ki ng,canoei ng,and pr act i calsemi nar ssuchasengi ner epai r ,out door smanshi p,met al wor ki ng,andconst r uct i on. Formor ei nf oemai l j ak es ant os @gmai l . com orcal l 5085256092 Augus t6‐ 1 3 Regi s t r at i onbegi ns1 1 amAug6 Cl osi ngPr ogr am 1 0am Aug1 3 Di r ec t or :Br uc eHul shi z er AtChal l engeWeek,di r ect orBr uceHul shi z erandhi sst af fwi l lf ocus onhel pi ngboysgr ow spi r i t ual l y ,whi l epr esent i ngt hegoodnewsofsal vat i on. Thepr ogr am combi nesi ndept hBi bl est udyandmemor i z at i onwi t hcompet i t i ve act i vi t i essuchasar cher y ,canoei ng,t enni s,swi mmi ng,andbasket bal laswel las speci alchal l engi ngact i vi t i esandr esponsi bi l i t i esdesi gnedt ocul t i vat et eamwor k, di l i gence,sel fdi sci pl i ne,andr espectf oraut hor i t y .Att heweek’ send,t heyoung menwi l lcompet ei nt heSpi r i t ualOl ympi cs. Eachcamperr ecei vesaChal l engeWeekt shi r tuponcompl et i ngt hecamppr ogr am. Li mi t :80camper s Formor ei nf oemai l bahul s hi z er @hot mai l . com orcal l 7176911266 7062 Li ncol n WayEas t ,Fayet t ev i l l e,PA 17222 Li ke us on Facebook 7173522150 Fax:7173524844 Fol l ow us on Twi t t er Emai l :ms t oudt @gr eenwoodhi l l s . net www. gr eenwoodhi l l s. net GWH Boys' Camp Registration — 2016 Register online at www.greenwoodhills.net or by mailing in this form with payment. STEP 1: CAMPER INFORMATION Add me to the email mailing list New address Full name Nickname Age Birthdate (mm/dd/yy) School grade entering this fall # of previous years attending this camp Parents'/Guardians' names Name of Church Address City State Zip Phone Cell phone (for emergencies) Parents'/Guardians' email Health Concerns* (Please identify any medical, physical, or mental concerns) *Note: Severe medical concerns and/or dietary constraints (such as, but not limited to, behavioral issues or serious allergies to dust, bee stings, or food) cannot be handled by the camp staff. Please contact the Camp Director for approval before registering a camper with these issues. Cabin mate request** Age **Note: Cabin mates must request each other and be no more than one year apart in age. We can not guarantee that all requests will be fulfilled. STEP 2: BOYS' CAMP DATES: Please indicate which Boys' camp you will be attending. Choose only one option. Fill out a separate form for each camper. Camp Boys' Camp Both Weeks Challenge Week Dates July 31-August 6 July 31-August 13 August 6-13 Deposit Camp Fee $50 + $170 $50 + $335 $50 + $190 *Early Discount: $15.00 will be deducted from your camp fee if your completed registration form AND deposit are received by July 1, 2016. STEP 3: REGISTRATION PAYMENT: $50 No registration is final until GWH receives a $50 non-refundable deposit and a completed registration form for each camper. Balance is due upon arrival. Indicate your method of payment Check enclosed — payable to Greenwood Hills Credit Card — We accept MasterCard, Visa, and Discover Name as it appears on the card Number Expiration Date CCV Code I authorize GWH to charge my credit card for the non-refundable deposit of $50 per person. Signature Date Billing Address if different from above STEP 4: MAIL completed Registration form and deposit to the Boys’ Camps Registrar Mrs. Mandy Stewart The Registrar should receive your registration form and deposit at least one week before the start of camp. This allows for c/o Greenwood Hills proper planning and follow-up communication. 7062 Lincoln Way East Fayetteville, PA 17222 484-571-7753 boyscampchallengeweek@gmail.com STEP 5: ADDITIONAL CAMPER INFORMATION The following information will be sent to you after you register. 1. Health form 2. What to bring/not to bring list 3. Camper Information For additional information contact the camp director or visit our website at www.greenwoodhills.net