Happenings at the Flying R


Happenings at the Flying R
Newsletter Title
HC 64 Box 6015
March 2013
West Plains, MO 65775
Volume 1, Issue 3
Happenings at the Flying R
Greetings from the Flying R Ranch!
We are spotting more and more signs of spring each
day. Leaves are appearing on bushes, spring flowers
are blooming, the grass is growing, animals are
shedding and buds on the trees are ready to burst
open. Eagles who overwinter here have left for their
summer homes. Many more baby animals are being
seen in the fields, forsythias are opening, and pussy
willows are out.
 Many special
activities planned for
Our new chef Chris has joined our team, and we are
now able to serve meals on a regular basis. We
anticipate having the restaurant open Wednesday
through Sunday morning, and will offer both meal
 New Trails Open
packages and individual meals.
 Meal Packages now
We have recently had campers in from states as far away as
Minnesota and Nebraska,
and each weekend the
campground is busier. All of our guests have been excited to
see the improvements we made this past winter. We are
looking forward to a great 2013 and to seeing old friends
again and meeting many new ones.
 Open Year Round
 Permanent Sites
coming this spring
Spring Peeper
Pam & Terry
EquiFest of Kansas Winner
As we announced last
month, we had a booth at
the 2013 EquiFest of Kansas
Premier All-Breed Horse Fair
and Exposition held February
8-10 in Wichita, Kansas, which
was a great success.
Once again we held a drawing
for a free weekend stay at the
Flying R Ranch, and the winner
was Waynetta Hall of Wichita,
Our congratulations to
Waynetta! We look forward
to meeting her and her aunt
this year.
St. Patrick’s Day Pot of Gold Ride
“Believe you can and
you’re halfway
Theodore Roosevelt
Our St. Patrick’s Day Pot of
Gold Ride was a huge
success! Everyone had lots
of fun, and enjoyed riding
the trails in search of
shamrocks and pots of
March 15-17
musical entertainment in
the lodge was enjoyed by
all on Saturday evening.
Thanks to all the guests
who participated in the first
event of the year.
The grand prize was a free
weekend stay for 2 at the
Flying R Ranch, and was
won by one of our younger
campers, Doss Clayton of
Paragould, Arkansas.
Congratulations to Doss,
and we hope to see you
and your family again soon.
Our new chef served some
fantastic meals, and the
Look for Flying R at HorseFest
We had a booth at the 2013
HorseFest held this past
weekend in Springfield,
Missouri. We saw lots of
familiar faces and met
many new friends. Even
though the weather could
have cooperated a bit
more, attendance was
overall good.
Once again we had an
entry box for a drawing for
a free weekend stay for
two people and two horses
at the Flying R Ranch.
The winner of this fantastic
prize will be announced in
“Your present
circumstances don’t
determine where you can
go; they merely determine
where you start.”
Nido Qubein
Trail Riding at its Best!
Flying R Ranch
HC 64 Box 6015
Phone: 417-469-2267
E-mail: info@flying-t-ranch.com
Page 2
Newsletter Title
HC 64, West Plains, MO, 65775, 417-469-2267 or 417-204-2267/ info@Flying-RRanch.com
Friday, Apr. 12:
April 12-14, 2013
Set up camp and get acquainted
with the Ranch. Trail Orientation
ride at 4:00 p.m.
Dinner is served at 6:00 followed
by a special documentary showing
of old west cowgirls.
Put on your dancing shoes and join
us for entertainment and dancing in
the Lodge.
Saturday, Apr. 13:
Breakfast is served at 8:00 in the
We invite you to join us for a 3 day weekend featuring the Great
American Cowgirl Spirit. Enjoy the Ranch in springtime as you
ride the trails. Dress as your favorite cowgirl, and enter the
costume contest. Photographer TJ Piker will be on hand to take
photos of your special moments. Massages and other exciting
activities are planned. Our Cowgirl entertainment will help you
get in the spirit of the old west. If you fancy yourself an entertainer
at heart, join in with a song or a special cowgirl poem.
Group ride at 9:30 – meet us at
the Hangin’ Tree or explore the
trails and ride at your leisure.
Scheduled massages available in
the afternoon. Call to reserve
your spot, $50.00 for one hour.
Costume judging and photo
shoots starting at 4:00.
Dinner is served at 6:00 in the
Special cowgirl entertainment by
Cindy Roberts at 7:00 followed
by music and dancing.
Sunday, Apr. 14
Breakfast is served at 8:00 in the
Enjoy the trails on your own.
Of course, cowboys are welcome to join us. Bring your photos of
yourself as a little cowpoke or cowgirl to share as well. We’ll be
watching for your reservation and hope you’ll be part of something
special. If you want us to do the cooking, sign up for the Friday/
Saturday meal package for only $35.00 each, which includes two dinners, breakfast buffet and lunch.
Please call for details and to make your camping and meal reservations.