Upcoming Events - Tropical Fish Club of Erie County
Upcoming Events - Tropical Fish Club of Erie County
Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 1 November 2014 Upcoming Events Tuesday November 18 TFCEC Monthly Meeting at The Chicken Coop, VFW Post 8113, 299 Leydecker Road, West Seneca NY. Meeting Starts at 7:00 PM Office Elections Program: BAP/HAP/WAP 101 Bowl Show: Anabantids Mini Auction, Raffles http://www.tropical-fish-club-of-erie-county.com/home/ Photo by Donna Czarnecki October People’s Choice Award Red Ruby Dragonet By Nick Jensen November 21, 22, 23, 2014 Inside This Issue: Bowl Show Results Chairman’s Message Membership Report Note from the Editor BAP/HAP Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 WAP Rules Emersed Setup by Chris Hardy Picture Page Secretary Notes Classified Ads Pages 6,7 Pages 8,9 Pages 10,11 Page 12 Page 13 ~ Page 1 ~ Bowl Show October Results Fish of The Month(Saltwater) Entries 1st place: Goldflake Angelfish, Tom Mason 2nd place: Red Ruby Dragonet, Nck Jensen Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 2 November 2014 Fish of The Month(Plants) Entries 1st place: Anubias Nana Petite, Chris Hardy 2nd place: Mermaid Weed, Donna Czarnecki 3rd place: Anubias Barteri, Bill Wroblewski Any Other Variety Entries 1st place: Silver Angel, Bob Fessler 2nd place: Red Empress, Bill Wroblewski 3rd place: Steatocranus Tinanti, Peter Reukauf 4th place: Percula Clown, Nick Jensen Peoples Choice Award Red Ruby Dragonet by Nick Jensen Picture on cover page. Current Standings Fish of the Month Totals Bill Wroblewski Donna Czarnecki Peter Reukauf Josh Vito Nick Jensen Bonnie Gifford Bob Fessler Jason Nickaulus Renae Johnson Tom Mason John Buckaczeski 37 points 33 points 26 points 11 points 11 points 10 points 7 points 7 points 5 points 5 points 4 points Any Other Variety Totals Peter Reukauf Bob Fessler Bill Wroblewski Donna Czarnecki Nick Jensen Tom Heisler John Buckaczeski Tom Mason 27 points 21 points 18 points 16 points 14 points 9 points 7 points 6 points 2014 Bowl Show Classes November: Anabantids December: Red Fish And Green Fish * Every month, there is an ‘any other variety’ class as well as the class featured for the month ~ Page 2 ~ Chairman’s Message Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 3 November 2014 By Randy Seufert Been a busy few weeks, traveling to see our friends in Olean, Erie, PA and also Akron, Ohio. Always great to see many of our members attending these events, and helping out. There have been some nice fish and plants at the auctions, so our BAP and HAP Programs should show some flourishing. So this month’s Program should help answer those questions. What is expected, how do I get my credit and what are the goals I have. Many of us Old Timers, have had many fish spawn in our tanks, propagated many plants, and it is great to see so many new people joining in. Like in my Livebearer Program, many of the fish we had spawns of, we don’t see anymore. Hopefully we as Hobbyists can help out keeping some of the rare, endangered or extinct in the wild species going. This month we will elect our officers for 2015-16. It is important that members vote for the members that will make decisions on what way the club will go. I know many of you thought I should continue on as President, but after being at the helm for 25 years, I sure will enjoy, just attending a meeting without getting everything ready. We have a great group of members, and there are many new ideas to help make the club grow. I ask that everyone help out with club activities and keep TFCEC a strong club. See you at the meeting Randy Slate of Officers nominations from floor and elections at November meeting. President: Tom Heisler V President Tom Rizzo Secretary : Kim Ball Treasurer: Ed Osika Board of Directors (elect 4) John Bukaczeski John Williams Jack Mullen Chris Hardy Mike Culkowski Larry Gibbs Bob Fessler Peter Reukauf ~ Page 3 ~ Membership Report By Teri Seufert Welcome New Members! Colton Peterson, Matthew Weiglein, Johnny Newman, Jim Krywalski, and Joseph Skowronski Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 4 November 2014 Welcome Back: Vincent Pause Dues Now Due: Tom Rizzo, Jodi Ghiani, Nathan Pieroni, Tom Mason, James Mule, Tom Nuwer, Richard McEniry, Russ Arnst, John Gurbacki, Bonnie Gifford, Casey Newton, Brandon Vernon, and Brenda Tschetter Editor’s note By Tom Heisler Thanks for your patience on the new newsletter. Hopefully the wrinkles will have been ironed out as of this printing. Thanks to Chris Hardy for this month’s article on Emersed Growing. As you can see by his picture, he seems pretty excited about growing plants. Chris is very active in the hobby and is the founder of the WNY Tropical Fish and Aquarium Society Facebook page where he frequently promotes our club. I would also like to thank the members that are consistently providing pictures for the newsletter Donna Czarnecki (official photographer), Tom Rizzo, and Antonio Martina. This helps make the newsletter great. Last month, some members attended some auctions. Allegheny River Valley Aquarium Society (ARVAS) had good attendance and prices were at a premium for livebearers, plants, angel fish, and snails. I got some great bargains on tanks and cichlids. Erie Aquarium Society Auction had good attendance from our club. It was standing room only for a while. Prices were moderate and I didn’t find any bargains but I really wasn’t looking. I left early so I am not sure what happened at the end. I did manage to win some super red bushy nose plecos submitted by Ray. Wouldn’t it be great to have one of your pictures, works of art, or article featured in a publication? I need content for the newsletter. Participation from club members help to make this newsletter great. Please call me or send by email to TfcecTom@gmail.com In order to publish the newsletter in a timely manner, the deadline for each newsletter is the first of the month. ~ Page 4 ~ BAP Submissions for October 2014 Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 5 November 2014 Tom Rizzo Kimberly Ball Altolamprologus Calvus Ambystoma Mexicanum Hemichromis Bimaculatus BAP totals for some of our members Ed Osika 210 Josh Vito 170 Robert Fessler 140 Donna C 125 Kim Ball 45 John J Williams 40 HAP Submissions for October 2014 None reported for October BAP Milestones Congratulations to the following members for their achievements! Kim Ball Tom Heisler Teri Seufert Peter Ruekauf First target fish 2 target fish Target fish Achieved beginner Cichlid 200 points Achieved beginner Livebearer Regular barb and minnow Tom Heisler 300 points Beginner Catfish Josh Vito 100 points Donna Czarnecki 100 points Tom Rizzo 600 points WAP (writers award program) coming soon. WAP rules and points will be added to the member handbook. Starting January 2015 Two new programs will be put into place The first will be an annual award for BAP, HAP and WAP in addition to the personal lifetime achievement awards. This award will be based upon the total points earned in each program between January and December, and will be presented at the annual awards banquet. The second will be a monthly incentive where each entry for BAP, HAP, WAP and Bowl Show will earn a raffle ticket that will be put into a drawing and the prize will be given at the end of the night. ~ Page 5 ~ Writers Award Program Rules The TFCEC Writers Award Program Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 6 November 2014 The Writers Award Program (WAP) was created to encourage the writing of fish related articles for the newsletter and to disseminate information from people of knowledge in the club to other club members. The WAP program also exists to acknowledge the accomplishments of TFCEC members to the hobby through their writing and artistic efforts. Writers Award Program Rules 1. Points will be awarded based on the following schedule for articles first published in the newsletter, from January to December in the same year. 2. All point awards are at the sole discretion of the WAP committee. 3. Co-authored articles will have the points split evenly. 4. Members who are in default of dues will have their points put into an inactive list until such time membership is renewed. BASIC POINTS 10 pts. Required BAP or HAP articles.(see membership package) 10 pts. Short articles of 100 - 200 words. 20 pts. Any article not required (in HAP or BAP) of over 200 words. 20 pts. Original hand drawn artwork of fish or plants. 10 pts. Original drawings or cartoons, hand-drawn, or computer assisted. 40 pts. A monthly or semi-monthly article submitted to the newsletter in the time frame above. BONUS POINTS 10 pts. For any article or drawing reprinted in another club's newsletter. 40 pts. For any article or drawing reprinted in a "for profit" hobby publication or on line format. 10 pts. extra if original photo is submitted with an article. ~ Page 6 ~ Writers Award Program Rules continued The WAP committee will consist of the WAP chariman and the exchange editor and one other person appointed by the Board of Directors(BOD). The committee will meet during a BOD meeting as needed. The point total will be updated in each months newsletter. Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 7 November 2014 Awards In order to qualify for awards, submission of articles or drawings to the committee must qualify to be printed in the newsletter. Awards Classes Writer's Award: Participants must accumulate 50 pts. and 30 of which are from the basic point rules. Author's Award: Participants must achieve the Writer's Award level and accumulate 100 pts and 60 of which are from the basic point rules. Wordsmith Award: Participants must accumulate 200 pts. of which 120 are from the basic point rules. William T. Innes Award Must have achieved Wordsmith award and have accumulated 400 pts. and 240 of which are from the basic point rules. To complete the requirements needed to earn this award, one (1) of the following conditions must be met. 1. Participants must have at least (2) articles reprinted in another club's newsletter. 2. Participants must have at least (1) article reprinted in a "for profit" publication. ~ Page 7 ~ Emersed Plant Growing by Chris Hardy Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 8 November 2014 What is an emersed set up? Emersed plant growing involves growing plants in an aquarium above the water level that are normally aquatic and submerged but are grown with hydroponics and constant root immersion. A few members have been asking me about my emersed plant set ups, so I figured I’d put together an article explaining the how-to and the benefits of doing plants emersed. the tank, you can put around 2 inches of water in; you want to keep the water level below the top of the soil. As for lighting, I use shop lights hung over the tank. Two 6500K Daylight bulbs works well for me. however you can use more light if you want. I choose this option since the bulbs are cheap to replace, and using the 6500K lights provides the most usable lights for the plants. t Emersed means that the plants are growing above the water level, to set this up you will need the following supplies: 1. Tank and loose fitting glass lid 2. Plastic Container to fit in tank 3. Topsoil 4. Light 5. Spray Bottle 6. Drill with 1/8” drill bit Setup: When I set up my tanks I prefer a breeder style tank, either 30g or 40g. The reason I like these tank sizes is that is gives you plenty of space to work with. You can really use any size, but the more room you have, the more plants you can have. When I use my 30g Breeders, I can fit three 16-qt sterilite storage (Home Depot $5.47 each) containers in it. Before putting the plastic storage containers in the tank, you want to drill around 20 holes around the sides of it one inch off of the bottom. This allows for water to flow in and out of the containers without flooding them. Put around 2 inches of topsoil in the plastic containers, I use miracle-gro organic choice potting mix (Home Depot $9.97 for a large bag) because it contains only organic fertilizers and nothing that will be a risk if put in a tank with fish in the future. Once you have the containers in ~ Page 8 ~ Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 9 November 2014 Maintenance: Now that we’ve gone through all the supplies needed, it’s time to talk maintenance. This is the biggest reason I’ve chosen to have emersed set ups, typically you only need to change the water out once a month, no filters, no bubblers. Each day when I go downstairs to feed my fish, I take my spray bottle and spray the plants just enough to make the leaves moist. Some people use automatic terrarium foggers, yet I fell this is an expense that isn’t needed. The types of plants that can be grown emersed is a very long list, most anubias, crypts, swords and stem plants can be grown emersed. In nature, if the plants are typically found in shallow streams or on the edge where they are subject to changes in water level they can be grown emersed. Emersed setups mimic these conditions, high humidity, low water level and plenty of light. Another common problem is fruit flies and/ or gnats. These are attracted to the stagnant water and warm moist conditions. There are two solutions, best to be used together to prevent them. 1. Keep soil above water level 2. Use floating plants outside of the plastic containers to fill up any water space not being used So why do an emersed setup? Why is it any better than just growing plants in the tanks you have fish in? One of the biggest benefits to an emersed set up is that the plants have access to an unlimited amount of CO2, something that is typically lacking in large amounts in aquariums. Since the plants have access to plenty of CO2 (in the air), light (shop light) and nutrients (topsoil) the growth they experience is usually much faster than in a low-tech planted aquarium. This can lead to the plants propagating faster and will usually lead to plants flowering. Problems that may arise: A few problems that can arise while growing plants emersed are fungus, mold, plants dying off and bugs. Most of the time the problem comes from too much moisture at the surface. Fungus and mold will grow on the top of the soil, to treat this problem you can try one of the following measures after removing as much of the mold as you can: 1. Provide more openings in the lid – this allows for more air exchange which can dry the soil out a bit 2. Put java moss on the surface – the moss will use the excess moisture and form a moss carpet (win-win) 3. A new method I am trying is using baked clay substrate at the surface; this doesn’t hold as much moisture as the soil. So far it has worked well for me. ~ Page 9 ~ Picture Page Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 10 November 2014 Got a nice picture? Send it to TFCECTom@gmail.com Momma with baby. Photo by Peter Reukauf t Fish Advisors from left to right: Our V.P. Tom Rizzo, Ad Konings and Willem Heijns Steel Nebula guppy Photo by John J. Williams Jr. Red Shoulder Severum spawned on the outside and Nicaraguensis spawned on the inside. Photo by Peter Reukauf A spawn of gold gouramis by Kim Ball Photo by Antonio Martina “Go ahead human, make my day” ~ Page 10 ~ Pictures from October meeting Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 11 November 2014 Got a nice picture? Send it to TFCECTom@gmail.com Randy giving a presentation on livebearers Cichlid people not paying attention. t Fish Advisors from left to right: Our V.P. Tom Rizzo, Ad Konings and Willem Heijns Some photos from the bowl show Photo by Antonio Martina ~ Page 11 ~ Secretary Notes By Donna Czarnecki Board of Directors Meeting October 14, 2014 The meeting was called to order by President Randy Seufert at 7:18 pm Members Present Randy Seufert, Tom Rizzo, Bill Wroblewski, Tom Heisler, Peter Reukauf, Larry Gibbs, Josh Vito, Russell Arnst, Donna Czarnecki, Ed Osika. Auction Randy gave the statistics from our fall auction (see attached). The spring auction will be held at the Chicken Coop on Sunday February 15. There was a discussion regarding auction labels, Randy said that some of the seller initials are tongue twisters and said that he would like the club to assign letters and provide labels to avoid this. He asked board members to think about a better system, no decisions were made. Newsletter Thanks were given to Tom Heisler for taking over the newsletter. New members will receive the newsletter via email, current members that have been receiving via mail will be grandfathered in. Secretary Minutes Rather than reading the Secretary’s minutes, there will be a new column in the newsletter, Secretary Notes; which will re-cap the previous members meeting and highlight upcoming events. Meetings: Holiday Party & Speakers This year’s holiday party will be held during the December meeting 12/16 at the Chicken Coop, Rick the caterer will drop off food. A representative from Jack Watley Discus has been in contact with Randy and has agreed to come in and speak to club members in this spring. There is no fee for speaking however; he requested that we pay for hotel and airfare. Randy is going to try to schedule him for May 16, 2015. Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 12 November 2014 TFCEC Minutes of October 21, 2014 General Meeting The meeting was called to order at 7:18 pm by President Randy Seufert. New Members Matthew Weiglein, Vincent Pause, Johnny Newman, Jim Krywalski, Colton Peterson and Joseph & Eileen Skowronski were welcomed. Secretary’s Report It was decided by the Board that the previous month’s minutes will not be read at the meetings any longer. In the future, the Secretary will prepare a synopsis of the monthly meetings and forward it to Tom H. who will then put it in the following month’s newsletter. Treasurers Report The Treasurer’s Report was given by Ed Osika. Tom Heisler has TFCEC t-shirts for sale and can make arrangements for monogramming items brought in. He has about 10 shirts in stock. Interested members need to contact him for details. Randy informed members that he is working on lining up a speaker in May or June 2015. He is trying to set it up to be a whole day event that will start with a swap meet, then a local fish store tour and wrap up with the speaker presentation. More details to follow. Rob McCall is putting together another group order from Jack Watley Discus, who has fresh water wild caught Altum Angels available at this time also, see Rob if interested. BAP/HAP Tom Rizzo reported that there were three (3) entries this month. Chuck Mule reported that there were two (2) items turned in for HAP . Two new incentive programs will be put into place beginning in January 2015 to encourage participation in the HAP, BAP, WAP, and Bowl Show programs. The first will be an annual award for BAP, HAP and WAP in addition to the personal lifetime achievement awards. These awards will be based upon the total points earned in each category between January and December, in any given calendar year, and will be handed out at the annual awards banquet. The second will be monthly incentive where each entry for BAP, HAP, WAP and Bowl Show will earn a raffle ticket that will be put into a drawing for a prize at the end of the night. Ways & Means Russ Arnst reported that he has some new leads on vendor donations, letters will be mailed on Saturday 1025/14. As a primer, the program for the November meeting will be presented by the BAP, HAP, WAP, Bowl Show Chairman describing each program, and how they work. Bowl Show Larry Gibbs reported there was a good turn out for the Bowl Show and went over how the program works for the new members. This month’s FOM were Marine fish and Aquatic Plants. Up Coming Events: 10/26 Auction - (EAS) in Erie PA 11/2 Auction – (GAAS) Akron Ohio Newsletter Publication The deadline for the next publication of the newsletter will be November 1, 2014. Anyone who did not receive his or her newsletter was advised to see Tom Heisler or contact him at tfcectom@gmail.com . The Board decided that current members already receiving the newsletter via US Mail will be grandfathered in and all new members will receive the newsletter via email. Elections Elections will be held in November for the following positions, nominees are: President – Tom Heisler V. President - Tom Rizzo Secretary – Kim Ball Treasurer – Ed Osika Board of Directors – John Bakasewski, Jack Mullen, Mike Culkowski, Bob Fessler, John Williams, Chris Hardy, Peter Reukauf, Larry Gibbs. Auction Randy shared the statistics from last month’s auction. The spring auction will be held at the Chicken Coop February 15, 2015. Library Bill Wroblewski will continue to rotate the three totes of books in the clubs library.and bring them to the monthly meetings. A complete list of the books available are on the clubs website, if any member wants to borrow a specific book please contact Bill and he will bring it to the next meeting. Good of the Club Randy gave thanks to Bob Fessler for his efforts in picking up and transporting donated items to the auction. Program Randy did a presentation on “Livebearers”. Raffle/Mini Auction Fishy Fishy and Dry Goods Raffle were held prior to auctioning BAP, HAP and other items for sale. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 pm. ~ Page 12 ~ Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 13 November 2014 Book Order I am organizing a one time group order for the book The 101 Best Freshwater Nano Species which was written by a friend in the hobby, Rachel O’leary. If we get enough people to sign up, she will take off the shipping charge. I will also try to get her to autograph them. If you would like a copy of this book, I will have a signup sheet at the November meeting. You may also email me at TfcecTom@gmail.com by November 21, 2014 Live Black worm Group Order I am organizing a group order of live blackworms from Eastern Aquatics. If you would like to get in on the order, I will be collecting orders/money until the Wednesday before the next meeting. The worms will arrive and be delivered at the next meeting. Pricing: 1lb of worms = $24.00 0.5lb of worms = $13.00 0.25lb of worms = $7.00 If you are interested or have questions, send me an email, or leave a voicemail on my phone. 716-208-5596 Josh Vito Bags for Sale 3x10x2mil $5.00/100 5x15x2 mil $ 6.50/100 6 x 16 x 2mil $6.75/100 6 x 24 x 2 mil $9.75/100 8 x 15 x 2mil $8.50/100 10 x 20 x 2 mil $11.25/100 DECAPSULATED BRINE SHRIMP EGGS $16.00 PER POUND *Pricing subject to change. See Bill Duzen. ~ Page 13 ~ Tropical Fish Club of Erie County 5725 Herman Hill Road Hamburg NY 14075