
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Government of the Future Centre
21st April 2010
Employment Case Study
Final report and recommendations
Employment case study final report and
Academic Year 2009/2010
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Accenture/Lisbon Council project
College of Europe 2009/2010
Assistants: Elisa MOLINO and Pascal FENDRICH
Employment team
Background and contact info
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Age: 27
Nationality: Polish
Email: karolina.krzystek@coleurope.eu
Karolina Krzystek obtained in 2005 a Master's Degree in sociology at the Jagiellonian University of
Krakow, where she worked for two years as a teaching assistant and a researcher in the Department
of Population and Migration Studies. Prior to her studies at the College of Europe she worked for over
a year in the European and International Relations Department of the French High Authority against
Discrimination and for Equality – la HALDE – in Paris and did a traineeship at the European
Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit of Social Protection and
Social Services. She specializes in the area of migration and anti-discrimination policies and she is
currently finishing a doctoral dissertation on the subject of the 'Integration of Female Immigrants'.
Age: 24
Nationality: Italian
Email: riccardo.mezzasalma@coleurope.eu
Riccardo Mezzasalma is currently attending a master course in European Political and Administrative
Studies at the College of Europe (academic year 2009-2010, Charles Darwin Promotion). He already
has a MA degree in Political Sciences (specialisation in European Studies) and a BA degree in
International Studies from the University of Turin. He has worked for almost a year (2009) in Turin in
the regional Socio-Economic Research Institute (IRES) of the Italian General Confederation of Labour
(CGIL), the biggest trade union organisation in Italy. He has worked for a year, between 2008 and
2009, as a intern in the workers' organisation department (ACTRAV) of the International Labour
Organisation, dividing my work between the International Training Centre of the ILO, in Turin, and the
International Labour Office in Geneva. Finally, he has worked for four years (2904-2008) as a journalist
for a local weekly newspaper in Italy (Turin).
Anne-Sophie MICHEL
Age: 24
Nationality: French
Email: anne-sophie.michel@coleurope.eu
After five years of studies at the Institute for Political Science of Lyon, Anne-Sophie Michel graduated
from the diploma of the school in September 2009. At the same time she got her master in European
Affairs with first class honours. Before becoming a student at the College of Europe, she worked seven
months at the European Parliament. As an intern in the office of a French Member of the European
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Parliament, she was entrusted with the task of following the legislative work in the Employment and
Social Affairs committee.
Roxanne RUA
Age : 26
Nationality : French
Email: roxanne.rua@coleurope.eu
After completing a Bachelor in European studies in 2005, Roxanne Rua obtained a Master of Business
Administration at the University of North Florida (2006), followed by a Master en Gouvernance et
intégration européennes, at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble (2007) and a Master en
Economie internationale at the University of Grenoble II (2008). Before becoming a College of Europe
student, she carried out various traineeships in the public sector: at the French Embassy to Portugal
(Sept. – Dec. 2007), at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union - DG External
Affairs (Sept. 2008 – Jan. 2009) and at the European Commission - DG Development (March – July
2009). Throughout her postgraduate studies, she wrote two theses more specifically related to
employment policies.
Hanna SVAE
Age: 23
Nationality: Danish
Email: hanna.svae@gmail.com
Hanna Svae was born in Tønsberg Norway, but is a Danish citizen. She has a Bachelor of Science in
International Business and Politics from Copenhagen Business School, and is currently completing a
double degree combining a Master of Science from Copenhagen Business School & Copenhagen
University's Law Faculty in International Law, Economics and Management and a Master of Arts in
European Political and Administrative Studies from College of Europe. During her studies she has
worked as an executive assistant for the Danish Shipowners’ Association in Copenhagen, as well as for
the European Community Shipowners’ Associations in Brussels.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Employment Case Study
ince August 2008, the economic and
financial crisis has resulted in a global
unemployment. Consequently, employment
agencies in developed economies have faced
growing pressure to develop solutions aimed
at better matching jobseekers with the
positions available and at increasing the
number of job offers collected. This mission is
particularly difficult to pursue for the French
historical public employment service, which
has been subject to a merger in January 2009
and thus has had to tackle some specific
internal difficulties resulting from this major
re-organisation. Although this internal change
has resulted in temporary obstacles to be
overcome, it also represents a valuable
opportunity to modernise the internal culture
of Pôle emploi and adjust it to a changing
global environment.
As far as the services offered to enterprises are
concerned, Pôle emploi seems to lag behind
some of its European counterparts, especially
Scandinavian ones, both in terms of quality
and of quantity of the services provided. Our
objective is therefore to design a strategy that
would allow Pôle emploi to improve its
existing service offer and to create a whole
range of innovative services to better answer
the expectations of its client enterprises.
In order to achieve this goal, we first
conducted a thorough study of the range of
services currently offered by Pôle emploi, as
well as an analysis of the needs and
expectations of client enterprises and an
assessment of Pôle emploi’s performance in
that regard. Following this first phase where
Pôle emploi was our main focus, we extended
the scope of our analysis to examine the
services offered by public employment services
abroad and by private agencies in France. We
then tested the first conclusions drawn from
this benchmarking exercise by means of
interviews conducted with a whole range of
Building on the results of our analysis, we
elaborated some policy recommendations
aiming at helping Pôle emploi address better
the needs of its client enterprises. Those
recommendations take the form of two
alternative scenarios:
-the first scenario is one of continuous
improvement relying on the consistent
deepening of the service offer, with jobseekers remaining Pôle emploi’s prime clients;
-the second scenario advocates a much more
radical reform, which would entail a rupture
with current practices and sets service
provision to enterprises at par with service
provision to job-seekers.
recommendations can fit into a broader
European framework and the extent to which
they are in line with the recently-launched EU
2020 Strategy.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Employment team........................................................................................................... 1
Background and contact info .......................................................................................... 1
Abstract........................................................................................................................... 4
Contents .......................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 6
Overview of Pôle emploi ....................................................................................... 8
Missions and core objectives ............................................................................. 8
Internal organisation ......................................................................................... 8
Main interactions with other institutions ........................................................ 10
Methodology, situation analysis ......................................................................... 11
Our mission and methodology ......................................................................... 11
Existing services offered by Pôle emploi .......................................................... 14
Pôle emploi’s performance assessment ........................................................... 15
Analysis of users’ needs and expectations ....................................................... 16
Policy recommendations ..................................................................................... 17
Strategy for implementation of recommendation ........................................... 19
Recapitulating tables ....................................................................................... 28
Relevance of our findings for the EU level .......................................................... 32
Annexes......................................................................................................................... 34
Overview of the benchmarking exercise with Public Employment services ..... 34
Overview of the benchmarking exercise with private agencies ....................... 43
Overview of the new services and measures proposed ................................... 47
Employment case study final report and recommendations
imed to build a competitive
sustainable and inclusive society, the
new European strategy “EU 2020”
provides the European member states with
guidelines so they can face the challenges
ahead in a more coherent and efficient way.
What is at stake, as José Manuel Barroso
claims in this introduction to the strategy, is
the creation of new sustainable jobs.
challenges in terms of organisation and
culture, which are even more complex given
the huge external challenge that has emerged
at the same time.
Indeed, the crisis in which we, as
Europeans, are embedded since 2008, has lead
to a rising of unemployment: 7 millions of jobs
have been lost during 2008 and 2009. In March
2010 the 1999 10% level of unemployment has
been reached in
the job issue is
“Europe needs to get back on track. Then it must
the task of Pôle
stay on track. That is the purpose of Europe 2020.
Addressing the job
It's about more jobs and better lives. It shows how
issue is thus a
Europe has the capability to deliver smart,
sustainable and inclusive growth, to find the path to
not only to face the
service. Given
create new jobs and to offer a sense of direction to
its important
our societies.” (EU 2020 introduction by JM Barroso)
challenges, but also
role in this key
It's about more jobs and how Europe has the
aspect for the
capability to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive
path to create
new unemployment
jobs and to
is not only due to the
Europe, it has been chosen
as to
of the four
of direction
crisis. It is also related to the growing
case studies developed
by athe
Council to our societies.”
in partnership with Accenture and the College
of Europe. Interested by the reform of the
public sector in Europe and especially by
employment and social affairs, we have been
entitled with the task of improving the range
and quality of services provided to enterprises
by Pôle emploi.
Pôle emploi is an interesting case study as it is
a completely new structure, founded through
the merger between the former placement
agency (ANPE) and the benefit networks
(ASSEDIC) in December 2008. In the midst of a
transition period, Pôle emploi is facing internal
discrepancy between the skills that people
have today and the skills needed in the future.
In order to ensure a matching between the
demand and the offer there is a strong need
for the development of new skills for the new
jobs as the European Commission suggests in
its initiative1.
European Commission New Skills for New Jobs, Anticipating and
matching labour market and skills needs Communication,
Brussels, 16/12/1008, COM (2008) 868 final
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Dealing with a Public Employment Service
(PES) is timely in the sense that if we want to
achieve the objectives of the EU 2020 strategy
and have inclusive growth, we need to build a
society of employment2 in which the role of
the PES is crucial. The smooth operation of the
labour market depends, indeed, on the
matching between the demand and the offers
but also on the intermediation carried out by
the PES on the labour market. Similar
attention therefore has to be paid to the two
sides of the intermediation, namely the job
seekers and the enterprises.
Given that the traditional role of Pôle emploi
(I) is oriented towards job seekers our focus
will be on the improvement of Pôle emploi
services towards enterprises. In order to
accomplish our mission we have identified the
issues Pôle emploi is facing (part II) and
conducted a benchmark of the different PES in
Europe. Based on the results as well as our
interviews with enterprises in France, we have
developed a set of recommendations for our
client (part III) bearing in mind that some of
the ideas could also be implemented at a
European level (part IV).
Traduction de l’expression « société de l’emploi » in
BOULANGER, J-M, Contribution à la préparation de la convention
tripartite entre l’Etat, l’Unédic et la nouvelle institution créée par
la loi du 13 février 2008, Avril 2008
Employment case study final report and recommendations
1. Overview of Pôle emploi
Employment Service in France,
founded on the 19th of
December 2008 through the merger between
ANPE (Public recruitment agency) and ASSEDIC
(Unemployment benefits provider). This new
public administration provides recruitment
and insurance services to job seekers and
assistance services to enterprises.
1) Missions and core
The mission of Pôle emploi is a mission of
public service which answers a collective need
of national interest. Through the utilisation of
social engineering Pôle emploi aims at being a
tool of intermediation between the job
seekers and the employers. Its services are
available to all and are free of charge.
To provide its services and face the new
challenges in the labour market (geographical
mobility, youth unemployment, employment
of seniors, respecting diversity, sectors in risk
etc.) Pôle emploi rests on its core values
namely simplicity, equity and efficiency and
relies on its presence on all the French
territory as well as its central position in
networks of partners.
Pôle emploi’s first mission is to provide
assistance to the 6 312 650 job seekers and
employees in their job search, in their mobility
management and in the improvement of
working conditions. Its second mission deals
with the counselling and assistance to the
504 000 enterprises clients in all stages of
Contrary to some PES which see themselves as
the providers of information only, Pôle emploi
has a wider ambition, aiming to be the catalyst
of the relationship between the jobseeker and
the employer. Indeed, Pôle emploi intervenes
and even shapes the relationship in order to
improve the matching between the demand
and the offer.
Furthermore, in order to fulfil its public service
mission Pôle emploi has dedicated services for
identified “vulnerable” groups such as seniors
and people lacking professional or academic
2) Internal organisation
Pôle emploi’s headquarters are in Paris. The
organisation is then divided at a regional,
departmental and local level leading to more
than 950 agencies employing 47 000 staff
Employment case study final report and recommendations
1. Presentation of the project: scope/client/objectives
19 December 2008
through the merger
of ANPE and Assédic
950 local agencies
46 000 employees
840 000 candidate cvs
112 000 job offers online
Historical mission:
Assisting job seekers
in finding a job and
managing their allocations
New challenge:
Counselling enterprises in the
whole recruitment process
(from the needs’ assessment
up to the integration
into the enterprise
Our mission
Improving the range and quality of the services provided to enterprises
Develop Pôle Emploi’s
market share on job
vacancies’ collection by
improving current initiatives
Increase the number
of services offered
to enterprises
by Pôle Emploi
Extend the scope of services
offered to enterprises
to include
HR management activities
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
The agents in Pôle emploi are multi-taskers
and they rotate between different
desks. However one of the key principles is
also the personalisation of service: each job
seeker has one personal counsellor who
provides a range of services (insurance,
benefits, trainings, recruitment etc.) The idea
is to do the same for the enterprises through a
dedicated task force of agents called “force de
Agencies are specialised according to both a
geographical and sectoral division of work.
Furthermore, the provision of services is
organised through multiple channels (phone,
internet and face-to-face) and allows the
building of a “one-stop-shop” (one phone
number and a centralised website).
Employment case study final report and recommendations
3) Main interactions with
other institutions
Pôle emploi is at the core of the network of the
organisations dealing with the job issue both in
France and in Europe.
In order to ensure a smooth functioning on the
ground, Pôle emploi aims at being the leader
of a network which connects the non state and
social actors such as the trade unions, the
professional organisations and the business
chambers with the local PES providers such as
“les maisons de l’emploi” and “les missions
locales” and the private actors like the
temporary work agencies and the subcontracting companies.
Pôle emploi is also connected at a European
level with the other PES to exchange best
understanding of the challenges and the
answers needed.
Finally, in order to ensure efficient governance
Pôle emploi has signed a three-party
convention with the French government and
Unedic3. This convention defines the strategic
position taken by Pôle emploi. One of the key
lines is, for instance, to increase the market
share of Pôle emploi. Our mission, in line with
this objective, is explained in the next part
Union nationale Interprofessionnelle pour l’emploi dans
l’industrie et le commerce
Employment case study final report and recommendations
2.2. General
situation analysis
approach and methodology
Brainstorming and
preliminary research
and final
Study of the
websites of Public
Services (PESs) in
Examining of
EURES system
Definition of
methodology and
approach with
into Pôle Emploi
Data collection
and strategy
Field research
and interviews
Phase1 - Step 1
Phase 1 - Step 2
Phase 2
Analysis of
provided by Pôle
Interview with
Director of
Department Annie
Preparation of
table of PESs in
Analysis of private
agencies in France
Preparation of 1st
• Detailed planning
of future steps
Action plan
Benchmarking Table
1st entity visit:
interviews with
Pole Emploi
Contacts with HR
departments in
private enterprises
of possible
Phase 3
Analysis of data
• Elaboration of final
Elaboration of the
draft report
Testing of
identified with PE
Visit to EURES,
2nd entity visit
Examination of
data collected
Draft report
• Final report
and powerpoint
Final presentation
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Methodology and situation analysis adopted in order to come up with recommendations:
1) Our mission and methodology
Our mission appears to be twofold:
Improvement of existing initiatives
Extension of the range of services offered
Our objective must therefore be both of a qualitative and quantitative nature
and the end result we aim at is to increase Pôle emploi’s market share in the
collection of job offers.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
In order to achieve our mission, we developed the following three-phase methodology:
 Getting to know the client better and define the problem was our first objective
To do so, we conducted:
An analysis of the documents provided by Pôle emploi
An analysis of the range of services offered to enterprises by Pôle emploi
An analysis of the needs and expectations Pôle emploi’s client enterprises
A performance assessment of the provision of services by Pôle emploi
Based on this fourfold analysis, we developed the second phase of our approach which
consists in developing new ideas
To do so, we relied on different instruments:
A benchmarking exercise with Public Employment Services (PES) across Europe (see
annex 5.1 for an overview of our results)
A benchmarking exercise with private agencies in France (see annex 5.2)
Thanks to these two phases, we developed the third phase, namely the finding of the
recommendations for our clients
3. Main actions taken
for theSPEs
a. Benchmarking
and FR privateexercise:
Services Offered
Recruitment services
 CV database/Offer database
 Access (to candidates and enterprises)
 Size
 Quality
 Counselling on recruitment needs
 Candidate pre-selection
 Interviews
 Compatibility tests
 Simulation
 Post-recruitment follow-up
 Segmentation
 Based on qualifications
 Based on industry sector
 Based on contract/time-frame
 Other
Training Services
Vocation/professional training
Enhancing qualifications
Language training
Group-targeted programmes (youth, seniors,
long term unemployed)
Further Services
Preventive Services
Managing public subsidies
Legal counselling
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Points of special interest
 Internet
 Website accessibility
 Navigation
 Availability of information
 Direct client-agency interaction
 Single contact point
 Interaction time frames
 Organization of work
 Functioning of particular services
and special aspects
 For example:
 Norwegian Job-rotation
service where short term
recruitment and training
programmes are merged
into a job-rotation service
 English try-before you-hire
-Public Employment
=> 14 PES across Europe
+ Canada and Québec
for their innovative
- Private agencies:
=> 6 agencies selected
according to their
positioning on the web
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Interviews conducted with a variety of stakeholders:
3. Main actions taken
b. Interviews conducted
Interviews with FR enterprises – non-clients of PE
Interviews with FR enterprises – clients of PE
Small enterprises:
1. Le Vieux Plongeur: selling of diving items (Marseille)
2. Mise en scène: selling of decoration equipment
3. Micro-ouest: computer equipment (Brest)
La Poste
Société Générale
Medium enterprises:
Mathez: transportation (Nice)
Chaud devant: delivery of ready meals (Paris)
Acadomia: home services (Paris)
Symphonia: home services (Paris)
Acta-voyages: travel agency (Rennes)
Thermes de Saint-Malo: leisure (Saint-Malo)
Savéol: fruit production (Brest)
Financo: insurance (Rennes)
Interviews with providers of employment services in Europe
1. NL:
NL: Employment
Employment project
project coordinator
coordinator at
at Care
Care at
at turn,
turn, Association/Health
Association/Health Care
Care Sector
Sector (Sustainable
(Sustainable employability)
2. DK:
DK: 33 Enterprises
Enterprises Counselors
Counselors in
in Danish
Danish Public
Public Employment
Employment Agencies
Agencies in
in Arhus,
Arhus, Odense
Odense and
and Alborg
3. NL:
NL: Moderator
Moderator of
of the
the Innovative
Innovative Ideas
Ideas in
in Sustainable
Sustainable Employability
Employability Working
Working Group,
Group, Employment
Employment Agnecy
Agnecy (Work
(Work Ability
Ability Index)
4. IT:
IT: Counselor,
Counselor, Italian
Italian Public
Public Employment
Employment Agency
Agency –– Torino
Torino Region
5. NO:
EURES Representative
Representative in
in Norwegian
Norwegian Public
Public Employment
Employment Agency
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
2) Existing services offered by Pôle emploi
The range of services offered to enterprises by Pôle emploi can be synthesised as follows:
As it appears in the table, the services offered by Pôle emploi are much more developed in the prerecruitment and recruitment phases than in the post-recruitment one. Moreover, all services offered
fit into a specific category and there are no real links between services belonging to different
categories. If Pôle emploi intends to improve and increase its range of services to enterprises, it needs
to follow a twofold strategy:
- broaden the range of services offered by focusing more on the post-recruitment phase
- integrate the whole range of services into a more global approach in order to better suit the needs of
client enterprises.
Pre-recruitment phase
Information to enterprises
o Evolution of the labour
o Legal information
o Available financial and
technical assistance
 Assistance in formulating
and editing job offers
 Counselling in the
recruitment process
 Organisation of employment
 Counselling in business
Recruitment phase
Assistance in recruitment
o Free consultation of
online CV-bank
o Candidate preselection
o Méthode de recrutement
par simulation(MRS)
o Sectoral specialisation
 Temporary measures to
encourage recruitment of young
people and long-term
Post-recruitment phase
 Stable partnerships with
client enterprises
 Follow-up of recruited
Employment case study final report and recommendations
3) Pôle emploi’s performance assessment
Pôle emploi’s performance assessment is synthesised in the SWOT analysis below:
Wide range of services offered to
Proximity with customer ensured
through strong regional implantation
Long-dating experience and expertise
Synergies expected from the recent
merger of ANPE and ASSEDIC
Development of a European network
of employment agencies, which could
foster exchange of experience and best
Image to be improved
Organisational difficulties linked to the
Change of culture needed:
- greater service-oriented attitude
- new focus on enterprises rather than
jobseekers only
Limited flexibility resulting from the
size of the agency
Lengthy procedures
Economic and financial crisis putting PE
personnel under pressure
Rising unemployment for unskilled
labour force and vulnerable groups
(young people, seniors, long-term
Diminishing number of offers collected
Employment case study final report and recommendations
4) Analysis of users’ needs and expectations
In order to define better the nature of the
problem at stake, we interviewed the end
beneficiaries of our mission, namely
As revealed by the interviews carried out,
enterprises’ needs can be defined as follows:
- Enterprises emphasize the need for a qualitybased relationship with Pôle emploi. They
need to deal with skilled agents who know
about the job market dynamics, the different
sectors but also enterprises’ specific activities.
PE agents should also be expert in legal
The needs and expectations expressed by
enterprises were the basis of our broader
reflection on how Pôle emploi could improve
its provision of services. According to the
interviewees, Pôle emploi should be more
proactive by anticipating the skills which will
be needed in the future, by developing
segmented services in order to better match
enterprises’ needs, by creating a file for each
enterprise in order to gather all the useful
information on the client, and keeping it
updated, among others.
counselling (providing information on the
measures implemented by the government in
the employment field).
- Enterprises insist on the importance of having
a personal counsellor who can show
proactivity as well as readiness to quickly meet
their expectations.
The aim is therefore to develop the quality and
coherence of Pôle emploi’s relationship with
its client enterprises. Pôle emploi is expected
to establish regular contacts with its clients, in
order to build a long-term relationship. Finally,
Pôle emploi should take the initiative to launch
networks and foster interaction between
enterprises facing similar challenges.
- The service itself has to be coherent and
efficient. For instance, enterprises need
applications which are adapted to their needs.
They would also appreciate follow-up
measures once the service has been provided.
- Both PE agents and the services they propose
should be adaptable: there is a strong need for
The identification of possible solutions
constitutes the third phase of our project. On
the basis of the different analyses conducted,
the benchmarking exercises, the interviews
with enterprises and numerous team
brainstorming sessions, we have elaborated
the recommendations presented in the
following part.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
3. Policy recommendations
In line with our objective/mission, our recommendations follow a two-stringed logic:
1) how to improve the quality of services offered to enterprises by Pôle emploi.
2) how to increase the range of services offered by Pôle emploi.
1)Improvement of the
provision of services
Three principles have been identified as
essential in improving the provision of
services offered to enterprises by the
Firstly, it is necessary to establish a
clientrelationship with enterprises, which
would allow for a pro-active interaction
with enterprises aiming at job-creation
rather than job-collection.
Secondly, the provision of services to
enterprises should be personalized to
ensure the most effective, efficient and
sustainable service provision.
Lastly, improve the communication of
the service offer internally and
2) New Services to
enterprises to be
developed/Increased Range
of Services offered to
Our second set of recommendations are
that the range of services offered by Pôle
emploi has to go beyond a narrow focus
on matching job-seekers with vacancies.
Rather it seems that a significantly more
efficient way to reduce unemployment is
to take an integrated approach to
employers’ needs and develop Pôle
emploi’s service offer on the basis of the
employers’ entire Human-ResourceManagement cycle.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
On the basis of this model we have developed a fan of new services to be proposed to enterprises in
three phases:
1) The pre-recruitment phase where future enterprise human resource needs are defined or
anticipated and the appropriate skills of the labour force developed.
2) The recruitment phase where individual job-seekers capabilities and the enterprise
requirements are matched.
3) The post-recruitment phase where employment is sustained and exit from the labour market
Employment case study final report and recommendations
1) Strategy for implementation of recommendation
Against the background of the client's assessment, the recommendations proposed are organised in
two clusters based on two following criteria regarding the strategy of implementation (a) the
recognition that our client’s raison d’être is to intermediate between job-seekers and employers, thus
job-creation is a necessary precondition for successful placements; and (b) the recognition of
budgetary, political and resource constraints, especially in the context of the current crisis:
A scenario of continuous
improvement in which the
widened and deepened, but the
job-seeker remains the prime
A scenario of radical reform,
which entails a rupture with
current practices and sets service
provision to enterprises at par
with service provision to jobseekers.
Although these scenarios represent two alternative approaches to achieving our twofold objective,
the outcome is a different level of services to enterprises. The implementation of each scenario will be
elaborated below. For a detailed description of each proposed measure we refer to Annex X.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Scenario 1: Continous Improvement
Healthy Working Envi.
Follow-Up Services
Single Contact Point
Couns. on Business Creation
Sectoral Enterprise Network
Facilitation of Temporary
Internal Training Programme
Electronic Tool
Flexiblity of Services
Labour Market Database
Enterprise Consultants
Code Of Conduct
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Scenario 2: Radical Reform
Social Dimension
Regional Sectoral
Counselling on
HRM/Business Creation
Healthy Working Env. Hotline
Healthy Working
Environment Partnership
Consultancy for enterprises
in difficulty (expr.)
Sectoral Enterprise Networks
Generalization of Work
Ability Index
Scheduling Tool Temp.
Single Contact Point
Flexibility of Services
Advanced Electronic Tool
Internal Training Programme
Work-Ability Index (expr.)
Online Idea-Bank
Mentor Function
Labour Market Database
Code Of Conduct
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Continuous improvement
In this scenario Pôleemploi is expected to deepen the existing services offer by improving the
quality of service provision and develop the services it currently offers to enterprises. In this
approach the implementation of each measure is phased according to its immediate feasibility,
starting from the ones that will have the smallest impact on the current organisational
structure and are relatively easy to implement up to those that will bring about a broader
change to the working culture of Pôleemploi or require more time for technical development.
Firstly, in order to establish a stronger and more personalized client-relationship with
enterprises in the immediate time horizon, we recommend the following four measures 4:
Short Term
The implementation of a Common Code of Conduct, which guides agents in their interaction
with enterprises. The code could, for instance, indicate with what frequency client
enterprises should be contacted and provide a check-list of standard actions/questions
local agents should ask in order to ensure a smooth follow-up of the employer's job offers
(e.g. briefing on the status of pending offers, monitoring of already-placed candidates).
Better and Systematized Communication of existing services offer internally and externally.
This internal communication about the service offer to enterprises is strengthened, to
ensure consistent and proactive communication externally.
Categorization of Clients according to different functional criteria, such as their size, the
existence of a HR department, the frequency with which they use Pôle emploi's services,
the typical professional profiles they look for, etc. This segmentation facilitates swift
adaptation of the service offer to the specific current and future needs of the enterprise,
thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the Pôle emploi's agents in relation to
For further details on each measure and service proposed throughout scenarios 1 and 2, please refer to the synthetic sheets
provided in annex 5.3.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Specialized Full-Time Enterprise Consultants. This entails the generalization of the
experimentation that Pôle emploi already has in place in the area and entails a
distribution of enterprise portfolios to agent to provide client enterprises with a clearly
recognizable interlocutor on the side of the PES throughout the recruitment process. In
the long term consultants could specialize for increased efficacy.
Secondly, in order to broaden the scope of services provided to enterprises towards the prerecruitment phase suggest that some services, which are currently or partially in place, be significantly
strengthened and better communicated:
User-friendly Labour Market Information Database for client enterprises who need to rapidly
access to systematized sector-specific labour market information to draw up their job
Sectoral-regional cooperation in which Pôle emploi acts as a moderator and facilitator of
networks to anticipation of long term labour market needs and identify future challenges.
In this way sustainable employment is supported especially in sectors expected to face
labour-shortage in the future.
Medium Term
In a medium term time span, it is possible to further strengthen the quality of the service provision
and broaden the range of offered services. With respect to improving the quality, we propose the
The strengthening of Pôle emploi's internal electronic system to include the development of
an automatic alert system for enterprise consultants. This new tool keeps track of the status
of each enterprise’s dossier and notifies consultants in timely manner before an action needs
to be taken towards an enterprise client.
The adaptation of services offered to enterprises to grant more flexibility to the
agents/consultants in tailoring the services offered depending on the needs. Examples are the
definition of time spans, coverage percentages or possibility to combine multiple measures.
Lastly, an internal training programme of Pôle emploi agents is set in place in collaboration
with professional organisations, to provide enterprise consultants a with state-of-the-art
knowledge and understanding of the requirements of the labour market.
Secondly, we propose that the provision of services in the more immediate pre-recruitment phase be
further strengthened by the following measures:
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Simplification of administrative procedures for short term contract workers. This measure
allows job-seekers to stay in touch with the labour market while unemployed, upgrade skills
and gives access to informal recruitment channels.
Sectoral Enterprise Networks organized by Pôle emploi to facilitate informal meetings and
exchanges of best practices between enterprises within the same sector. This gives Pôle
emploi access to informal networks, which results in better collection of job offers and
consequently better placement of job seekers.
Counselling on Business Creation. Broadening of current counselling and support services to
target recently established enterprises.
Long Term
In the long term, it is possible to capitalize on the already quite developed client relationship with
enterprises, which makes a final move towards personalized and tailor-made services possible:
The assignment of each Pôle emploi agent to a segmented portfolio of clients, to provide a
single contact point in Pôle emploi. This further facilitates a pro-active relationship, which
fosters efficient offer collection and creation.
In addition it allows for the building of a role of Pôle emploi in the post-recruitment phase:
Post-recruitment follow-up services. This service builds on the previously established tools,
such as the code of conduct and the electronic alert tool to allow for a close follow-up on
recruited candidates to ensure their successful integration into the enterprise. It allows an
agent to tackle any potential problems up-front as well as obtain feedback on recruitment
A healthy working environment specialization among enterprise consultants. The service aims
at helping enterprises to create a better working environment for the benefit of both jobseekers and employers. Vulnerable employees, e.g. seniors, mothers or employees developing
work-related health problems are less easily expulsed from the job-market, whereas
employers avoid high costs of turnover and loss of experienced employees.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Radical reform/Rupture
This scenario entails a more ambitious reform strategy, in which Pôleemploi profoundly
deepens the existing service offer by revolutionizing the quality of service provision as well
as expands its services offer to enterprises by reinforcing particularly the pre- and postrecruitment phases of the Human-Resource Management Cycle. The scenario aims at a
fundamental re-balancing of priorities in terms of services offered to enterprises. This is
based on the full recognition that the ultimate pre-condition for a successful placement of
a job seeker is the establishment of a corresponding vacancy and the ability to meet the
requirements of the labour market. This in turn requires a fundamental change of culture
both in Pôleemploi internally and externally among employers.
Short Term
Firstly, we propose that the same four measures as described above (see Scenario 1, short term)
aiming at establishing a stronger and more personalized client-relationship with enterprises are
implemented immediately5:
Code of Conduct
Better and Systematized Communication
Categorization of Clients
Specialized Enterprise Consultants
In addition the client should immediately establish services in both the pre- and post-recruitment
User-Friendly Labour Market Information Database
Throughout scenario 2, all the services and measures already mentioned in scenario 1 are identified with the same
number as in scenario 1. For further details on each service, please refer to the synthetic sheets provided in annex 5.3.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Online Idea Bank on healthy working environment and HRM consists in a web site through
which Pôle emploi communicates examples of implementation of HRM-measures, innovative
services, state-of-the-art knowledge and expertise in the field.
Work Ability Index is an electronic tool used for the assessment of employees' ability to
perform their duties. Pôle emploi can offer the software and its customisation, initially on the
basis of experimentation in two selected sectors. Eventually it could constitute an integral
part of the offer to all sectors and types of enterprises.
Mentor-function is a service addressed particularly at SMEs who do not have HR services. The
role of Pôle emploi is to finance either the release from other duties of a current employee to
act as a mentor in integrating a new employee into the work-place. For very small enterprises
or in case of large-scale hiring, an external consultant could fulfil the role of mentor.
Medium Term
In a medium term time span, the final quality improvement measures are implemented. Although the
measures are based on the same tool as in Scenario 1, the service level is significantly expanded:
Strengthening of the internal electronic system through a more advanced and further reaching
version of the alert tool described above.
Tailor-made services/flexibility
Internal training programmes
Single contact point in Pôle emploi
The range of services is also broadened to comprise more advanced services in the pre-recruitment
and post recruitment phase:
Sectoral Enterprise Network: Entails the measures described in Scenario 1, medium term, but
entails further collection of information, capitalisation of the results and effective
communication of best practices to the enterprises.
Scheduling tool in temporary work services, a more advanced and further reaching version of
the measure aiming at facilitating short-term contract work for job seekers (See Scenario 1),
and similarly aims at preventing vulnerable workers from being kept out of the labour market
for an excessively long time.
Experimentation with personal consultant for enterprises in difficulty, who makes on sitevisits to support employees in risk of lay-off. This measure, after having been tested in this
particular area is to be generalised for all customers of Pôle emploi.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Long Term
Finally the services to be implemented In the long term are conditioned upon a prior quality
improvement; strengthening of capabilities of the enterprise counsellors; reliant upon a change in the
internal culture of Pôle emploi; reliant on a changed perception of Pôle emploi externally; or have
specifically long implementation horizons:
Generalization of the Work Ability Index
Healthy Working Environment Partnership in which the the HWE consultant assists the
enterprise in developing binding working environment goals to be achieved by the enterprise.
Healthy Working Environment Hotline: A services which helps solve conflicts and difficulties at
work and prevent expulsion form the labour market through a hot line staffed with trained
consultants in the field of HRM. Employers (and employees) can call and ask questions about
difficult work-related situations.
Counselling on HRM/Business Creation. Broadening of current counselling and support
services for business start-ups to focus more on their sustainability in the long term i.e. the
initial 5-year life span of the enterprise to support job-creation.
Regional- Sectoral Cooperation. Further development of the cooperation proposed in Scenario
1, but in which the role of Pôle emploi also includes an active role in promoting certain
educations where there is a risk of labour shortage, through a partnership with the Ministry of
Services with a social dimension aims at facilitating the access of the most vulnerable workers
to the labour market through a Match Group Assessment System. This mechanism allows to
evaluate working capacities of job seekers and to identify training needs in view of matching
the skills with the requirements of the labour market. This activity should then be awarded a
particular recognition by Pôle emploi in the form of a “social branding”, that could be
advertised as a CSR tool by the client enterprises.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
2) Recapitulating tables
Time horizon
Trans Common Code of Conduct
Trans Better and Systematized Communication of existing
Trans Categorization of Client Groups
Trans Specialised Enterprise Consultants
of current
User-friendly Labour Market Information Database
Sectoral-regional network for the anticipation of
long term labour market needs
Trans Strengthening Pôle emploi's internal electronic
Trans Adaptation and flexibility of services provided by
local agents
Trans Internal training programme of PE agents
of current
During Simplification of administrative procedures for
short term contract workers
Sectoral networks between client enterprises,
professional organisations and public labour
market institutions
Broadening of current counselling and support
services for business start-ups
Trans Assignment of each PE agent to a limited portfolio
of clients
Employment case study final report and recommendations
of current
Post-recruitment follow-up services
Healthy Working environment specialisation
among enterprise consultants
Pre: pre-recruitment phase
During: recruitment phase
Post: post-recruitment phase
Trans: transversal
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Time horizon
service offer
Trans Common Code of Conduct
Trans Better and Systematized Communication of existing
Trans Categorization of Client Groups
Trans Specialised Enterprise Consultants
User-friendly Labour Market Information Database
Sectoral-regional network for the anticipation of
long term labour market needs
Trans Better communication of follow-up services
service offer
service offer
Online Idea bank on healthy working environment
and HRM
Work Ability Index
Mentoring for candidates placed in client
Trans Strengthening Pôle emploi's internal electronic
Trans Adaptation and flexibility of services provided by
local agents
Trans Internal training programme of PE agents
Trans Assignment of each PE agent to a limited portfolio
of clients
service offer
service offer
During Scheduling tool in temporary work services
Personal consultant for enterprises in difficulty
Regional/sectoral partnership with Ministry of
Education to anticipate long term labour market
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Healthy Working environment consultant
Healthy Working Environment hotline
Counselling on HRM/Business creation and
sustainability of start-ups
Services with a social dimension (Match Group
Assessment System and Social Branding)
Pre: pre-recruitment phase
During: recruitment phase
Post: post-recruitment phase
Trans: transversal
Employment case study final report and recommendations
4. Relevance of our findings for the
EU level
n the context of the current financial crisis,
the integrated economies of Europe are
facing a significant number of common
challenges and problems. Unemployment has
risen in all Member States, reaching
dramatically high levels in some countries, e.g.
Lativa (21,7%) and Estonia (19%). Those figures
are expected to rise even further in the coming
Unemployment can quickly lead to poverty,
social exclusion, homelessness or mental
health problems related to stress or
indebtedness. There is thus an urgent need to
solve this problem, and the instruments at the
disposal of the European Union in the area of
employment are limited. In the absence of
legally binding instruments at the European
level, the EU2020 targets of increasing
employment rates and tackling the risk of
poverty, the primary responsibility relies in the
Public Employment Services providers on the
national level.
Our benchmarking exercise identified several
common problems shared among the
European Public Employment Services (PES).
Most notably, the disconnection of the Public
Employment Services from one of their two
client segments, the employers. Few of them
are able to build stable relationships with the
employers, they suffer from a poor image and
a lack of recognition among the enterprises,
both to the detriment of the ability of Public
Employment Services to find stable
employment for job seekers. The model
recommended (see figure below) to our client,
the French Public Employment Agency,
proposes a solution to this problem. It outlines
a way in which to strengthen the Public
Employment Services’ relationship with
employers, while placing the Public
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Employment Agencies' raison d’être at its
centre: to ensure increased employment rates
by effectively intermediating between supply
and demand of labour. The mission of the
Public Services is to serve the people and
therefore the leading principles behind their
work should be promotion of equal
opportunities in all phases of recruitment,
promotion of Healthy Working environment
and Active Inclusion.
Although our analysis draws extensively on
European best practices identified by our
benchmarking exercise, the recommendations
and implementation strategy are developed on
the basis of the French institutional context,
the French labour market situation and French
employers needs. This implies that although
the basic principles of our model is estimated
to be of value to European PES’ in solving
implementation strategy containing different
concrete measures to achieve the final
objective would have to be development for
the very heterogeneous national contexts.
Figure: Unemployment rates in EU Member
States in March 2010, Source: Eurostat
Employment case study final report and recommendations
1) Overview of the benchmarking exercise with Public Employment
Countries covered:
Brussels region
United Kingdom
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Belgium – Brussels region - Actiris
Services offered
before recruitment
On labour market;
On government subsidies
On recruitment needs
Legal advice
Support in HRM
Advice on editing Job add
Language training
Skills training in enterprises
Services related to
Services offered
after recruitment
CV Data Base – 85 000 CVs on
Online matching of CVs and
Pre selection of candidates
Based on screening of CVs and
personal Interviews
Segmentation of services:
Focus on low skilled jobs
Focus on recruitment of
foreigners (BIJOB international
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Belgium – Wallonia - Forem
Services offered
before recruitment
On obtaining scarce labour
Individual counselling on
launching and developing a
Labour Market Statistics and
Strong focus on training:
Online catalogue of training
Training in centres, enterprises or
online – a range of possibilities
Training in case of
restructuration or economic
Language training
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services related to
Online CV data base
Online diffusion of job offers
Segmentation of services
according to contract (temporary
workers, interns, young
graduated people)
Services offered
after recruitment
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Services offered
before recruitment
Legal counseling to entreprises
HR, insurance conditions,
employment of people with
disabilities or benefirciaries of
group-targeted programmes
Employment enhancing services:
Canada Business –platform for
regional, trans-sectoral
cooperation btw companies to
create jobs
Employment Roadmap – tool for
employers to in SME wanting to
hire internationally
Canada summer jobs – platform
Temporary Foreign Worker
Services related to
Job bank – CV/Offers Database:
Repartition through sectors,
group tailored, online tools:
resumé builder, career navigators
Employment Assistance Service:
comprehensive recruitment
assistance: pre-selection of
candidates, interviews,
Small Business Internship
Job Creation Partnerships
Employment Fora: sectorial,
Group targeted programmes:
Aboriginal people, Disabled
people, Immigrants, Youth and
Students, Veterans
Service Canada centres for Youth
Services offered
after recruitment
Post-recruitement follow-up:
Part of the Employment
Assistance Services
Work force reduction programme:
Service for companies planning
to downsize, assistance in
accomodating the emplyees
Work sharing programmes:
Adjustment programmes –
income support to workers to
avoid layoffs, reduced time work
Recorda of employment:
Database of information re
wages, labour shortages, supply,
working conditions
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services offered
before recruitment
Apprenticeships for jobseekers
<25. Partially subsidized
Job Rotation Unemployed work
as substitute for current
employees in in-service training.
Subsidized 20€ per Hour.
Targeted upgrading of skills e.g.
use of excel or driving licence for
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services related to
CV/Offer Database. Post adds or
search. Save CVs, manage e-mail
communication, establish search
criteria template, receive alerts
when new CVs matches template.
International recruitment (EURES)
Counselling on editing adds and
interview technique & evaluation
Services offered
after recruitment
Measures to keep physically
disabled in work incl. adaptation
of work place or personal
Measures to keep employees
prone to sick-leave at work incl.
round-table dialogues, flex job
Candidate proposals
Counselling on sick-leave policy
and experience sharing
Emergency Recruitment for
urgent short term jobs
Requalification in connection
with large firing rounds
Employment case study final report and recommendations
France - POLE EMPLOI -
Services offered
before recruitment
Services related to
Services offered
after recruitment
Legal counselling
CV database (801 842 CVs)
Personalized integration plan
Up-grading of qualifications to
meet enterprise requirements
Personalized web account for
Counselling on introductory
training for newly recruited
Candidate pre-selection after first
direct job interviews
Partnerships with local and
national media /institutions (ex.
les Missions Locales jeunes, Cap
Emploi pour les personnes
handicapées, l'Apec pour le
recrutement des cadres)
Recruitment by simulation
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services offered
before recruitment
On labour market;
On organisation of working time
and conditions;
On vocational training and
lifelong learning;
On integration of trainees and
On professional promotion.
Counselling on enterprise
individual, qualified service to
suit the client’s needs, a.o. in the
case of restructuring or social
Strong focus on vocation /
professional training; grouptargeted programmes (senior,
long- term unemployed, etc.)
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services related to
CV database:
Easy access (specific tab on
homepage for direct access to job
stock exchange)
Over 3.870.000 candidate profiles,
350.000 offers and 165.000
Job stock exchange search page
available in various languages:
Candidate pre-selection through
interviews with a strong focus
on psychology in order to
the integration of the new
Counselling on public subsidies
Services offered
after recruitment
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Services offered
before recruitment
Legal counselling
Huge focus on training:
Specially designed training
programs allow Apprentices to
qualify as craftspeople.
Training to assist re-entry into the
labour market: Courses, such
as Specific Skills Training and
Traineeships, evening classes,
online courses…
Services related to
CV / Job offers data base
An online market
Segmentation of services:
Towards young graduates
People who want to re entry the
Labour market
Services offered
after recruitment
Human Resources
Management :
« Excellence through People »
national quality standard.
Aims at providing a HRframework for enterprises to
enhance performances by
conceptualizing people as a key
source of competitive advantage.
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services offered
before recruitment
Legal counselling
Audit of enterprises' needs
Services related to
CV database w/ newsletter on
selected CV profiles
Online forum for enterprises
Job placement for imprisoned
people (in partnership with social
enterprises and cooperatives)
Candidate pre-selection from CV
Specialized job counsellor
according to sector of activity
Job placement of people with
Placement of highly-skilled
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services offered
after recruitment
Control and feedback on
candidates provided to
Monitoring of candidates during
the first stages of job placement
Regional Database of vocational
training courses and institutes
Subsidy for retraining of
dismissed workers (max 85% of
the cost of the training)
Employment case study final report and recommendations
The Netherlands
Services offered
before recruitment
Decentralised system: UWV
employment agency provides
counseling to companies re legal
conditions of employment,
insurance conditions,
employment of disabled people
UWV carries out preliminary
interviews to direct a job seeker
to an appropriate “re-integration
Training: carried out by partners
through outsourcing. UWV
reimbourses the costs of training
if applicable
Sectorial regional partnerships
ie. Health care, Retail Business
Services related to
Re-integration programs
Core of the Dutch employment
system. PES agency certifies
private companies which are in
charge of carrying out the entire
recruitment process. Their
services are reimboursed by the
Sectoral segmentation of the Reintegration companies
Employment counselor –
independant body, not related to
the Public Employment Agency;
Confidential interviews and
assistance in identifying a
suitable re-integration company
Services offered
after recruitment
Evaluation of the Re-integration
companies - possibility to assess
the effectivness of the companies
through a global website given to
job seekers
Conditional reimboursement of
the re-integration services – reintegration companies are
subjected to evaluation by the
UWV and cost reimboursement
depends on the success of the
recruitment – full reimboursement
only in case of stable
Sustainable employability
scheme – cooperation between
different actors to adopt a longterm strategy
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services offered
before recruitment
Internship for work experience.
Flexible duration, partially
Testing of work capacity under
adapted conditions
Services offered during
Services offered
after recruitment
CV/Offer Database. Post adds or
search. Save CVs, manage e-mail
communication. Online userguide.
Support in integrating vulnerable
new employees in up to 3 years
Substitute database for
employers and employees w/info
on schedules
International recruitment (EURES)
with full time travelling
Candidate proposals
Job forums for large-scale
recruitments (seasonal/short term
and permanent)
Targeted upgrading of skills
Flex Job
Subsidized salary
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Courses for employers in
psychological health and good
work environment
Idea Bank – inter-enterprise
platform for exchange of good
Inclusive Working Life
Partnership w/ an individual
consultant and financial tools for
the establishment of dialogues,
adaptation of tasks and working
environment, development of
sick-leave policy, subsidized
psychological treatments,
physiotherapist or other expert
evaluation of work place etc.
Requalification and rehabilitation
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Services offered
before recruitment
Counseling to entreprises
Human Resources management,
legal counseling, insurance
conditions, group targeted
Services related to
Services offered
after recruitment
Assisted recruitement services
Candidate pre-selection,
Interviews, skills assesment
Employment Fora
Professional and vocational
Skill enhancing trainings
Programs enhancing professional
activity – group tailored in
partnership with training
companies, NGOs and local
Labour market analysis
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services offered
before recruitment
No counseling re HR
management and recruitement,
information available re
recruitment procedures, tips,
legal conditions of employment,
disabled workers (possibility to
accomodate the work post)
With private companies in
Slovakia and abroad, particularily
with regard to seasonal workers
Vocational and professional
trainings – in partnerships with
secondary and post-secondary
E-learning tools also available
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services related to
CV/Offers database and notice
boards in local agencies
Assisted recruitement:
Candidate pre-selection, both at
the initiative of employers and
Interviews and skills assesment
Services offered
after recruitment
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Services offered
before recruitment
Vocational training: regional list
of training institutes available on
Legal counselling
Services related to
Services offered
after recruitment
Online CV database. 1433 job
offers on RedTradaj@
Video tutorials to assist
enterprises on using the CV
Database and recruitment
Assistance and legal counselling
on recruitment of non-national
Candidate selection
Job placement of people with
Web application to notify
employment contracts (Contrat@)
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services offered
before recruitment
Internship. Max 6 months. Not
Work training for max 6 moths.
Enterprise helps training jobseeker to fulfil tasks against
Services related to
CV/Offer Database. Post adds or
search among 150.000 CVs.
Upload logo, manage e-mail
communication, see no of add
Internship for employees in
danger of being fired.
Substitute database
Support in adaptation of work
tasks for employees with reduced
working capacity
Keep in touch programmes.
Enterprise offers temporary place
to jobseeker to prevent exclusion
from labour market. Subsidized.
Max. 6 months.
Culture and Event database
Testing of work capacity under
adapted conditions. Subsidized.
Max 12 months.
International Recruitment
Sector-targeted education if
scarce labour. Enterprise can
chose candidates if guaranteed
Arts and Graphics database
Shipping/Offshore database
Job Forums general or with w/
preselected candidates
Subsidized salary for jobseekers
that have been unemployed more
than 12 moths
Flex job and subsidized salary
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services offered
after recruitment
Requalification in connection
with large firing rounds
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Services offered
before recruitment
Legal counselling
Apprenticeships organised by
Placement of candidates on trial
period (6 months)
Services related to
Services offered
after recruitment
CVthèque (5395 offers). Regional
Placement Offices: handling of
job offers published by
Specialized counsellors
segmented according to job
profile qualification; sector of
activity; duration of employment
Cash incentive to enterprises to
hire workers (max 6 months, 40%
of the salary paid by the Region
on a regressive basis)
Placement of short term
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
The United Kingdom
Services offered
before recruitment
on recruitment need
on legal matters
Training support : NEW DEAL
The employee has a personal
adviser who provides support
until he is ready for work.
The adviser assesses the skills
and experience and provides
career advice and practical help.
The aim is to ensure he is
employable, motivated and right
for the job
Services related to
CV/Job offer data base
1,500,000 job searches/ day
An enterprise can advertise its
job offer through internet with
“employer direct online” or the
phone. The employer has the
total control of his offers.
Cash incentive depending on the
sector: adult social care and
hospitality, leisure and tourism,
and retail.
Special services directed to help
with redundancies
Try before you hire: The UK has a
system of work trial – The
employer can try an employee for
a month before deciding to hire
him or not
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services offered
after recruitment
Local Employment
A deal between Government and
business to tackle the increasing
recruitment needs and skills
challenges of the labour market
and economy
Employment case study final report and recommendations
2) Overview of the benchmarking exercise with private agencies
Private agencies covered:
Services proposés
en amont du recrutement
Services liés
au recrutement
CVthèque CVaden
regroupant l’ensemble des
CV de demandeurs d’emploi
déposés sur Cadremploi.fr
et Keljob.com (àpd 390€ pour
50 CV)
Dépôt d’offre en ligne
(annonce express : 820€ HT)
Multidiffusion: toute offre
publiée sur Cadremploi.fr est
diffusée dans la rubrique
Emploi de sites partenaires
(LeFigaro.fr, LExpress.fr, etc.)
Diffusion régionale ou
E-mailing ciblé
Assistance aux recrutements
internationaux grâce à un
réseau de sites partenaires
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services proposés
en aval du recrutement
Service d’assurance de la
période d’essai du candidat
nouvellement recruté contre
une éventuelle rupture de
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Services proposés
en amont du recrutement
Services liés
au recrutement
Services proposés
en aval du recrutement
Après inscription, accès gratuit
à 400 000 profils de candidats à
travers l’Europe
Profils de haut niveau: cadres,
managers, ingénieurs…
(rémunération espérée par le
candidat: minimum 50K€/an)
Diffusion d’offres d’emploi sans
frais à l’échelle nationale et
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services proposés
en amont du recrutement
Moteur de recherche des
offres de formation, 40000
formations disponibles (Site lié
au Keljob)
- Formation initiale
- Formation continue
- Formation en alternance
Listes des organismes de
formation, écoles et
universités, centres
Services liés
au recrutement
Dépôt d'offre en ligne, prix
variables selon les conditions
d'accès (offres spéciales pour
grande nombre des offres)
Multidiffusion – keljob.fr et les
sites partenaires (media
électronique, papier etc.)
Consultation de CVs – l'accès
varie selon le prix (890 –
Communication des offres.
Diversifié selon des modalités
Kelstage.fr – site spécialisé
dans les offres de stage
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services proposés
en aval du recrutement
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Services proposés
en amont du recrutement
Services liés
au recrutement
Manpower Professional
Égalité des chances:
Accompagnement des personnes
éloignées de l'emploi
Recrutement par approche
directe de cadres supérieurs:
Nouvelles compétences:
Développement des compétences
par la formation:
Formations packagées
Formations spécifiques
Formations personnalisables
Formations d'intégration
Formations d'évaluation
Services proposés
en aval du recrutement
Manpower Right Management:
Outplacement et
Reporting hebdomadaire de
l’avancée de la recherche
Développer les compétences
présentes et futures
Alignement stratégique
Pilotage de la stratégie de
recherche ajustable à tout
Optimiser l'adhésion,
l'engagement et l'efficacité des
Orientation & Transition
Séminaire de développement
personnel pour les candidats
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services proposés
en amont du recrutement
Gestion des candidatures
Gestion de carrière
Données du marché du
Services liés
au recrutement
Accès à la Cvthèque national et
Outils de classification des offres
dans les dossiers et sousdossiers
Audience+ - diffusion des
offres auprès d'audience ciblée
Gestion de RH, guides en ligne
Méthode de teste d'évaluation
des compétences
Travail des handicapés
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Services proposés
en aval du recrutement
Gestion de RH
Guides en ligne
Conseil légal en cas de
Employment case study final report and recommendations
Services proposés
en amont du recrutement
Services liés
au recrutement
Audit des besoins de recrutement
de l'entreprise
Consultants spécialisés par
métier ou par secteur d'activité
Conseils sur méthode pour un
recrutement optimisé
Annonce, approche directe ou
exploitation de Cvthèque
Pack Sourcing (=gamme
complète de supports presse et
Internet régionaux ou nationaux,
pour attirer les meillleurs
candidats + support à la
rédaction de l'annonce par un
spécialiste du sourcing)
Rapport hebdomadaire écrit de
l'état d'avancement de la mission
Pilotage multi-sites
(=Centralisation des commandes
en un point de traitement unique
suivi par une équipe dédiée)
Services proposés
en aval du recrutement
Controle du bon déroulement de
l'intégration du nouveau
collaborateur à travers des points
réguliers avec lui et avec
Accompagnement des
entreprises dans l'évaluation de
leurs collaborateurs dans le cadre
de mobilité interne
E-flex (=gestion en ligne du
recrutement des intérimaires)
Copyright © 2009 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Employment case study final report and recommendations
3) Overview of the new services and measures proposed
MEASURE: Common Code of Conduct & Electronic tool for internal use
Scope: Transversal.
Source and rationale: Seminars on Services to Enterprises organised in the framework
of Working Group of PES by the European Commission in 2008 and 2009. The need was
identified to improve and strengthen the relations and communication between clients
and PESs in view of professionalization (commercialization) of relations with the client
through continuous communication and follow-up.
Enterprise benefit:
- Stable and continuous contact with Pôle emploi
- Benefit from follow-up checks-up of the job seekers placed
- Access to competitive free-of-charge services
PES benefit:
- Improvement of the image and legitimacy among enterprises to create/collect more
- Better implementation of services
- Avoiding redundancies and inefficiencies in the work of various PES consultants
- Building and maintaining long-term and stable relationships with clients/better
access to informal networks
Details and Tools:
- Common code of conduct for counsellors in their relations with the clients. The code
should provide a common framework for all Pôle emploi employers in all of their
undertakings with the enterprises and at all stages of services they offer
Electronic tool for internal use – to be filled in along the contacts
Each enterprise has one file, very detailed with:
o Knowledge on the sector and specific facts on the enterprise
o List of all the contacts / name of counsellor in charge / what has be done
o After a recruitment: A reminder to tell the counsellor that he has to call the
client back in order to do the follow up and few months later another
reminder in order to keep the link with the enterprise (know about the
perspective of recruitment) by e mail or phone call
Feasibility/time horizon: Short term for code of conduct – Medium/Long term for
electronic tool (need for developing a new tool)
Employment case study final report and recommendations
MEASURE: Better and Systematized Communication of existing services
Scope: Transversal.
Source and rationale: Measure developed to respond to one of the biggest challenges
of the Pôle emploi – negative image and insufficient communication of the services
Enterprise benefit:
- recognition and better awareness of the offer of services constitutes an incentive for
enterprises to use free of charge services offered by Pôle emploi
PES benefit:
- Improvement of the image and legitimacy among enterprises to create/collect more
- Gaining a larger share of the market
- More effective collection of offers
Details and Tools:
- Better communication of actually service offer to agents internally, production of
clear manuals which gives a clear overview, and allows to study the detailed
modalities of individual services.
- Strengthening of the marketing and communication strategy externally via a
multichannel strategy. 1) agents are aware of the service offer and can communicate
it consistently and proactively in person and via phone 2) a clear presentation of the
services on the webpage 3) more pro-active measures as brochures/posters etc.
- Development of sustainable networks between employers
Feasibility/time horizon:
Implementation starting from short term, but mainstreaming through medium and longterm
Employment case study final report and recommendations
MEASURE: Categorization of client groups
Scope: pre-recruitment, recruitment phase and post-recruitment
Source and rationale: Based on findings from the Seminars on Services to Enterprises
organised in the framework of Working Group of PES by the European Commission in
2008 and 2009. The need was identified take into account for all services offered to
enterprises specific needs: categorization going beyond the industry sector in which they
operate and to tailor them accordingly.
Enterprise benefit:
- Services offered better adapted to the specific needs of the enterprise
- Anticipation of future employment and training needs
PES benefit:
- Increased efficiency in service provision/job-collection
- Expertise building
- Better anticipation of the labour-market needs → better effects in fighting
unemployment and preventing lay-offs
Details and Tools:
Segmentation based on e.g. following criteria:
- Size /existence of an HRM- department
- Reach-out (nationwide operating employers vs. local employer,
- Frequent users vs. potential customers
- The labour market situation (sufficient skilled supply versus shortage of skilled
Feasibility/time horizon:
Medium term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
MEASURE: Flexibility of agents and tailor-made tools
Scope: Transversal.
Source and rationale: General practice in Scandinavian countries.
Enterprise benefit: Access to tailor-made, effective and relevant services.
PES benefit:
- Attract enterprises and job-offers for all groups of job-seekers
- Ensure effective use of resources
Details and Tools:
- PES consultants have autonomy in adapting time-lines, amount of subsidies within
predefined ranges, amount of follow up towards specific enterprises, combining
various types of services in tailor-made programmes etc.
Feasibility/time horizon:
Medium term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
MEASURE: Specialized Full-Time Enterprise Consultants
Scope: Transversal.
Source and rationale: Danish and Norwegian PES put in place mobile teams dedicated
exclusively to dealing with enterprises.
Enterprise benefit:
- Increased efficiency and speed in contacts with PES
- Access to more relevant services
- Better understanding of recruitment and other needs in PES
- Employers prefer a fixed contact person within the PES - offering account managers
on regional and/or sectoral level
PES benefit:
- Better efficiency
- Focus on collection of offers
- Assures that the enterprise-service function is not crowded out by provision of
services to job-seekers
Details and Tools:
- Enterprise Consultants dedicated to servicing enterprises on a full time basis
- Consultants coached in enterprise relationships (and possibly sectorspecifically)/recruited with private sector background
- Assignment of consultants to related sectors according to demand/regional
presence (in charge of both incoming offers/requests and contacting “Entreprises
- Personalization of enterprise relationship as far as possible – assignment of a main
responsible consultant for each enterprise.
- Launching of a “Force de prospection” which supports sector specialization and a
regional reach e.g. mobile enterprise-consultants who visit enterprises to propose
services/establish contacts or partnerships/collect offers/place the job seekers (CVs
provided by local agencies according to sector)/promote poleemploi.
- Possibility to allocate personalised consultants to the enterprises in difficulty
Feasibility/time horizon:
Medium term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
MEASURE: Internal Training Programmes for Counsellors by Professional Organizations
Scope: Pre-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale: Need for specialization of the counsellors and of increasing their
knowledge of different professions across sectors in the feature of the Dutch
employment services. It's one of the findings of the two Seminars on Services to
Enterprises organized in the framework of Working Group of PES by the European
Commission in 2008 and 2009.
Enterprise benefit:
- Counsellors who “speak the language of the enterprises”
- Better matching of the skills of the job-seekers and those sought for by the
- Better matching of the trainings and re-skilling offered by the Pôle emploi
PES benefit:
- Better understanding of the specific sector requirements → more successful and
sustainable placement
- Improvement of credibility and legitimacy of Pôle emploi → development of more
sustainable contacts with enterprises
- Increasing market share
Details and Tools: Trainings for the counsellors of Pôle emploi on the different
professions to be provided for by the Professional Organizations or Chambers de Métiers
Feasibility/time horizon:
Short term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: User-Friendly Labour Market information Database
Scope: Pre-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale: Inspired byemploi Québec online service.
Enterprise benefit:
- Enterprises are able to more easily formulate their job offer and stipulate
requirements based on available skills information
- Enterprises can better determine the salary to offer
- Enterprises can easily verify the formal requirements to exercising a given profession
- Enterprises can easily find out about training opportunities in their region
PES benefit:
- One stop shop – good quality of information provided makes provision of services
more efficient and saves time of counsellors
- Better informed employers post offers which match better the profiles of jobseekers
- Preventive measure
Details and Tools:
- An online database bringing together, in a user-friendly, aggregated and
systematized way all data on the labour market
- E.g. demographic information; labour-force information; skills and educational
information; formal and professional requirements for a given profession/ region
- Data available is presented in an accessible way to non experts and is up to date.
Feasibility/time horizon:
Link with sectoral platforms – short term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Organization of Regional-Sectoral Cooperation for Sustainable Employment and
Anticipation of Long-Term Labour Market Needs
Scope: Transversal with emphasis on pre-recruitment.
Source/rationale: Idea based on local/sectoral cooperation initiatives in the
Enterprise benefit:
- Access to high-quality labour market analyses on employment situation, conditions
and prospects in a given region
- Network building with other actors concerned, fostering agency of employers
- Possibility to identify and make the employment and training needs be heard and
- Enterprises benefit from adjustment and training measures offered
PES benefit:
- Sustainable employment, particularly in sectors expected to face labour-shortage in
the future
- Development of client networks in a locality
- Gaining expertise in the labour market sector
- Strengthening of local presence
Details and Tools:
- PES acts as organizer and moderator of cooperation between all actors concerned
from one sector in a given region
o E.g. Health care, Retail etc.
o E.g. local PES agency, local employers, professional organisations, chambers
of commerce, educational facilities and statistical offices
- The appropriate unit carries out research: gathers statistics, demographic analyses,
organizes focus groups with employers to identify their needs, organizes focus
groups with employers, professional organisations and training facilities to establish
a common strategy.
- Based on research HRM counselling could be developed
PES also works in partnership with the ministry of education in order to think about
the qualifications needed in the future. PES intervenes in schools
(secondary/professional level) with enterprises to provide information on the labour
market needs.
Feasibility/time horizon:
Need to develop partnerships – Medium term (long term for partnership with the
ministry of education)
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Sectoral Enterprise Network
Scope: Pre-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale: Several enterprises identified this as potentially benefiting,
especially SMEs who do not have an HR-department.
Enterprise benefit:
- Network for exchange of best practices and expertise
- Access to qualified labour via informal channels
PES benefit:
- Organisation of platforms for enterprises gives Pôle emploi access to networks and
results in better collection of offers and consequently better placement of job
- Fostering of pro-activity and agency of job-seekers by promoting development of
social networks
Details and Tools:
- Organize meetings on a sector basis / Seminars to bring the employers together
- Developing tools on internet: JOB FORUMS on internet for young people and SMEs
which don’t have a website
- Offer a page for enterprises on the PE website – give the possibility for the
enterprise to present themselves, what they are doing, maybe describe the jobs they
Feasibility/time horizon:
Enhance PE ability to be a group moderator -Short term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Simplification of administrative procedures for short term contract workers or
substitutes to enterprises
Scope: Pre-recruitment phase/Recruitment phase.
Source and rationale: Many PMEs identify temporary work agencies as their main
recruitment channel. Similar services are provided in Denmark and Norway.
Enterprise benefit:
- Support to cover temporary labour needs
- A flexible and highly valued recruitment channel, which allows for an authentic
assessment of a potential employee.
PES benefit:
- Jobseekers maintain contact with the labour market
- Jobseekers can improve their qualifications/ experience and collect
recommendations while looking for a permanent job (incl. students with relevant
education but no working experience)
- Jobseekers get access to the informal recruitment channel
Details and Tools:
Simplification and rationalisation of the procedures for temporary workers in specific
sectors in which urgent recruitment is needed such as the building and the hospitality
Improve the communication on the existing simplified service and develop it with tools
like texts sent by mobile phone in order to alert the job seeker of a new offer.
Feasibility/time horizon:
Short term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Provision of online scheduling tool for employers of substitutes, temporary and
part-time workers
Scope: Pre-recruitment phase/Recruitment phase.
Source/Rationale: A service provided in Norway.
Enterprise benefit:
- Support to anticipate and prevent temporary labour needs
- Easy access to pool of qualified temporary workers
- Reduction of work load of current employees
PES benefit:
- Jobseekers maintain contact with the labour market
- Jobseekers can improve their qualifications while looking for a permanent job (incl.
obtain recommendations)
- Jobseekers get access to the informal recruitment channel
Details and Tools:
- Provision of online scheduling system for sectors with a high degree of part-time
workers or rota systems where full time employees, part time employees and
qualified job-seekers get access to fill in availabilities/book working hours.
- Especially suitable for the health-sector, retirement homes, kindergartens etc.
Feasibility/time horizon:
Problematic for specific sectors - Medium term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Pro-active follow-up and support services
Scope: Post-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale: Services provided in Scandinavian countries.
Enterprise benefit:
- Reduced costs by ensuring fast and successful integration of new employee
(especially for SMEs)
PES benefit:
- Ensures sustainable recruitment – helps retaining newly employed in work.
- Prevents weakening of job-seekers self-confidence by fast return to unemployment.
- A feedback mechanism for future recruitments.
Details and Tools:
- Follow-up is planned depending on individual needs of employer/employee.
- Consultant contacts enterprise on the second working day; on this basis further
follow-up is planned.
- PES consultant is proactive in solving any emerging problems and provides needbased assistance in various forms (see Financial and Support Services for vulnerable
groups for a fan of tools)
- Consultant contacts enterprise 3-6 months after successful follow-up period is
Feasibility/time horizon:
Budget and time (need to redefine counsellors’ tasks) constraints – skills updatedeveloping new tools - Long term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Mentor function
Scope: Post-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale: Service provided in Denmark.
Enterprise benefit:
- Reduced costs of ensuring fast and successful integration of new employee
(especially for SMEs)
- Ensures sustainable recruitment – helps retaining newly employed in work.
- Prevents weakening of job-seekers self-confidence by fast return to unemployment.
PES benefit:
- Ensures sustainable recruitment – helps retaining newly employed in work.
- Prevents weakening of job-seekers self-confidence by fast return to unemployment.
Details and Tools:
- PES covers expenses of assigning an internal mentor or hiring an external consultant
(especially for PMEs with few free hands) who assists in integration and training of a
new employee beyond what is normally expected by the enterprise.
Feasibility/time horizon:
Fewer constraints than in the previous one- Medium term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Work Ability Index - Online survey on working conditions, perspectives, problems
Scope: Post-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale:
Sustainable employment measure first created in Finland. Work Ability Index is in use in
the Netherlands, particularly in the sectors with labour market shortage and applied to
Enterprise benefit:
- Better management of HR and improvement of working conditions, efficiency in
view of achieving sustainable employment
- Quick identification of training and re-organisational needs
- Conflict solving measure and internal communication tool, anonymous and easy and
- Doesn't require additional financial or staff resources
PES benefit:
- cheap and easy to adapt tool which could lead to lay-off prevention, sustainable
employment → lower unemployment (preventive measure)
Details and Tools:
Online survey tool easily accessible, anonymous and open to all employees. Tool has to
be adapted to the conditions and needs of employer generates reports on training and
accommodation needs especially re seniors employers or in dynamic labour sectors.
Feasibility/time horizon:
PE non legitimate to act alone: has to lead a network of partners - Short term for
experimentation in two sectors having difficulties and medium/long term for
generalization –
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Online idea bank on state of the art HRM and Healthy Working Environment
Scope: Post-recruitment phase (with indirect pre-recruitment benefits)
Well developed initiative from Norway. Guided tour: www.idebanken.org
Enterprise benefit: A service to help enterprises (especially SMEs) create a better
working environment and thereby:
- avoid loss of experienced employees
- avoid costs of high turnover
- increase productivity of employees
- improve their CSR image
Details and Tools:
- An online site and search engine, which gives enterprises access to experience based
and research based knowledge on HRM and how to create an inclusive working life
in the form of best practices, fact sheets, research reports, enterprise examples and
implementation plans. Systematized according to:
o Sectors w/ enterprise examples  links to related research, themes, other
similar projects etc.
o Regions w/enterprise examples  links to related research, themes, other
similar projects etc.
o General themes (working environment; ethnical plurality; physical activity;
pregnancy; psychological health; disabilities; senior policy; sick leave) –> links
to related research, themes, enterprise examples etc.
- PES is responsible for
o Collecting the experience and research based knowledge via visits to
enterprises, internet search, publications, information and reporting systems
of the social partners,, reports from experiments and research projects
o Evaluating and systematizing the experience and research based knowledge
o Communicating the experience and research based knowledge via internet,
conferences and seminars, industry magazines, e-mails
Feasibility/time horizon:
Short term but need for enterprises’ involvment
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: “Personal” consultants in Healthy Working Environment Partnerships
Scope: Transversal.
Source/Rationale: Successful partnership agreement from Norway. 58 % of all
Norwegian employees work for a partnership-enterprise, 36% in the private sector.
Personalization of consultants can also be found in Denmark w/o partnership
Enterprise benefit: A service to help enterprises (especially SMEs) create a better
working environment and thereby:
- avoid loss of experienced employees
- avoid costs of high turnover
- increase productivity of employees
- improve their CSR image
PES benefit:
- A service which helps prevent expulsion from the labour market
- Improvement of tangible macro-economic goals
- Vulnerable groups are kept in the labour market incl. physically/mentally ill,
disabled, employees with reduced working capacity, seniors etc.
- Flexible solutions and support for current employees might reduce barriers to hiring
new employees with similar « compensated disadvantages
Details and Tools:
All partnership enterprises get an individual consultant from a specialized regional PES
center for Healthy Working Environment who:
- assists the enterprises in defining individual goals and action plans to achieve a
better and more inclusive working life
- organizes and follows up on any initiative taken within the framework of the
partnership e.g. developing a senior policy for senior employees, hiring employees
from vulnerable groups etc.
Feasibility/time horizon:
Need for change of culture - Medium/long term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Healthy Working Environment Hot Line
Scope: Post-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale: A service provided in Norway.
Enterprise benefit:
- Immediate access to professional advice on difficult situations in the enterprise.
- Helps enterprises avoid loosing experienced employees, avoid costs of high
turnover, and improve employee satisfaction/productivity.
PES benefit: A service which helps solve conflicts and difficulties at work and prevent
expulsion from the labour market.
Details and Tools:
- A hot Line staffed by trained consultants with professional experience (possibly
outsourced service
- Targets employers (and employees) with questions about difficult situations relating
to e.g. conflicts or harassment among employee; employees with psychological or
health issues, employees who suffer from burn-out, employees who are late or
unreliable; firing rounds, etc.
- Counselling on daily situations or more generally about rules and legislation.
- Extensive opening hours e.g. all Monday - Thursday
Feasibility/time horizon:
Need for skills update - Medium term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Counselling and support services for business start-ups
Scope: Pre-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale:emploi Québec (Coaching de gestion). Help future employers to
start their own enterprise and devise it in a sustainable way. The idea is for it to survive
the 5 years average life period of start-ups.
Enterprise benefit:
- The entrepreneur can benefit from counselling provided on how to streamline the
organization of their enterprises and ensure their sustainability;
- Access to multidimensional experience of Poleemploi counsellors and PES's
information resources on the local labour market.
PES benefit:
- Achievement
unemployment/increased employment
Details and Tools:
- Counselling to candidates who want to set up their own enterprise (i.e. assistance in
the development of a business plan)
- Counselling to employers who face organizational problems threatening the long
term sustainability of the company (eg. Counselling on RH, strategic planning)
- Create partnerships between employers to overcome temporary difficulties (eg.
foster contacts and exchange of experiences between self-employed entrepreneurs)
Feasibility/time horizon:
Need for skills update and new tools – Medium/long term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Counselling on Human Resources Management
Scope: Post-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale:emploi Québec . Establish trusty and durable relationship with the
client enterprises.
Enterprise benefit: The enterprise is being helped in developing a strategic
organizational plan to manage its workforce and ensure the current employees stay in
the company.
PES benefit: PE makes sure already placed employees keep their jobs, thus improving
the public image of the organization (both in the face of candidates and client
Details and Tools:
Service primarily targeted to SMEs that do not have a RH department. It can be divided
in the following:
- enterprise assessment
- strategic planning
- design of implementation plan
The expertise provided by PES counsellors should revolve around the following themes:
- work organization (description of job profiles, the relationships between them and
their structure; roles and responsibilities; leadership and decision-making)
- improve work performance (management of workload, working teams cohesion,
motivation of the workforce)
- planning and delivery of recruitment procedures (needs assessment, long-term HR
management, integration in the workplace, provision of training, planning of
- improve working conditions (work environment, communications to employees)
This service can expand to providing assistance on how to set up a HR department (or a
Head of HR) within the enterprises
Feasibility/time horizon:
Need for skills update and new tools – Medium/long term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Match group assessment system - financial and support services to enterprises
hiring or retaining “vulnerable” employees
Scope: Recruitment- phase/ Post-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale: Services provided in Scandinavia.
Enterprise benefit:
- Logic of compensation: making the « worth » of hiring a vulnerable employee on par
or above that of hiring a « normal » employee.
- Marketing, branding and CSR value for the enterprise by facilitating a socially
responsible hiring policy
PES benefit:
- Preventing exclusion from the labour market and ensuring sustainable recruitment
of vulnerable employees, i.e. physically/mentally ill, disabled, employees with
reduced working capacity, seniors etc.
- Improvement of tangible macro-economic goals
- Flexible solutions and support for current employees might reduce barriers to hiring
new employees with similar « compensated disadvantages
Details and Tools:
- PES guarantees coverage of any costs and the provision of necessary assistance to
compensate any « mismatch « between an employee and the requirements of the
labour market.
- ONE contact person responsible for the tailor-made preparation and follow up
- Based on a systematic identification and assessment of a job-seekers’ working
capacity and need for assistance to obtain/retain sustainable employment.
o Match-Group Assessment System : how well does the job-seeker match the
labour market and what is needed to create a match ?
- A tailor made programme which combines flexible tools adjusted towards individual
needs is designed:
o Financing of adaptation of physical environment
o Coverage of all expenses and organization of medical treatment or
rehabilitation, internal or external mentor, and of occupational therapist
making workplace visits and assessing potential adaptation measures,
preparatory coaching, job training, qualification training in work-related and
social skills, language courses, etc.
o Advice and guidance to employer
o Gradated or active sick leave pay
o Grants for coaching for companies in restructuring or structural problems
Feasibility/time horizon: Emphasizing the existing services and a change of scope – Long term
Employment case study final report and recommendations
SERVICE: Financial and support services to enterprises providing temporary jobs for
“vulnerable” employees
Scope: Pre-recruitment phase.
Source and rationale: Services provided in Scandinavia.
Enterprise benefit:
- « Cheap labour »
- CSR, Marketing and Branding value of participating in social programmes
- Possibility to « test » before hiring
PES benefit:
- Enable vulnerable job-seekers to better match labour market by obtaining
experience and/or recommendations, improving qualifications, gaining selfconfidence at work etc.
- Access to informal recruitment networks
- Allows vulnerable job-seekers to test their working capacity
Details and Tools:
- Organization of various types of temporary jobs for job-seekers or employees on
o Internships, Apprenticeships, Test places etc.
- Development of a tailor-made plan for the learning objectives of the temporary
employee with the assistance of a PES consultant.
- The PES consultant evaluates and ends any collaboration with an enterprise if there
are signs of abuse.
- A tailor made programme is designed combining flexible tools adjusted towards
individual needs:
o For example of tools see “Financial and support services to enterprises hiring
or retaining “vulnerable” employees”
Feasibility and time horizon:
Emphasizing the existing services but also a change of scope – Long term