The Food Additives Market


The Food Additives Market
A BCC Research Food & Beverage Report
The Food Additives Market
November 2009 • FOD009E
Use this report to:
• G
ain an overview of the changing U.S. food industry market and its business climate,
including data and discussion of the American diet and food distribution systems
• R
eview market analyses and growth forecasts the base year of 2009 and a forecast to 2014;
segmented for food additives both by type of additive product (e.g., acidulants) and by
food product application groupings (e.g., bakery goods)
• U
nderstand the competitive atmosphere among food additive suppliers, both basic
producers and formulators/distributors, including their relationships with end-user food
processor companies
• S ee how stakeholders – industry, government, investors and end users – view the
important factors in the marketing of food additives, including distribution channels,
impact of large food processors, and end-user selection criteria.
T: 866-285-7215, 1-781-489-7301 • F: 781-489-7308 •
Overall sales in the
U.S. market for food
additives were nearly
$6.2 billion in 2009. By
2014, it is projected to
increase to $6.7 billion,
for a 5-year compound
annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 1.5%.
Food additives are defined as direct and nonnutritive materials that are deliberately added to
foods. Direct food additives, which means those intentionally added to food, as opposed to
chemicals that, for example, can migrate into food from packaging materials; the latter are called
indirect food additives. Nonnutritive food additives as opposed to food ingredients. The simplest
way to differentiate food additives from food ingredients is that additives tend to improve the
food but do not add nutritional value.
This study covers food additive markets in the United States, and all forecasts are for U.S. sales.
This report is concerned with food additives rather than food itself. However, to understand and
appreciate the markets for food additives, an introduction to the food industry in the United
States (the industry that buys and incorporates food additives into its products) is not only
helpful but necessary.
In this report food additives categorized into six major classes and one final catchall category.
These categories are acidulants, calorie-reduction (CR) agents, food colorants and adjuvants, food
flavorings and flavor enhancers, formulation aids, preservatives, processing aids and others.
This study can be useful particularly for a) marketing and management personnel in companies
that produce, market, and sell foods and food additives, as well as those in organizations serving
these industries. This latter group includes those who produce and install food processing
equipment and parts, components, maintenance materials, and chemicals for cleaning and other
uses, b) financial institutions that supply money for such facilities and systems, including banks,
merchant bankers, venture capitalists, and others c) personnel in end-user food companies,
communities, and industries who purchase and use food additives d) government personnel,
since food additives are deliberately incorporated into foods, they are watched and regulated by
governments at all levels, from federal to local.
To place an order for
The Food Additives
call 866-285-7215
November 2009
Report ID: FOD009E
Price: $4850 (PDF)
Scope of Study
The scope of this report is broad and includes:
• Analysis of the market’s trends, with data for 2008, estimates for 2009, and projections,
including 5-year compound annual growth rates (CAGRs), through 2014
• Discussion of major classes of food additives and technically describes the most important
individual products that compete for places in the market
• Description of food additives both by type of product (e.g., acidulants) and by food product
application groupings (e.g., bakery goods)
• Focus on influential factors, such as patents and company profiles.
Table of Contents
The largest segment
flavors and enhancers
market was nearly
$1.9 billion 2009; this
projected to reach
$2 billion in 2014, for a
5-year CAGR of 1.5%.
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The Food Additives
call 866-285-7215
November 2009
Report ID: FOD009E
Price: $4850 (PDF)
Chapter One: Introduction
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing The Study
Intended Audience
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Related BCC Reports
BCC Online Services
Chapter Two: Summary
Summary Table Overall U.S. Market for Food Additives
By Types And Materials, Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Summary Figure Overall U.S. Market for Food
Additives By Types and Materials, 2009 and 2014
($ Millions)
Chapter Three: Industry and Products Overview
U.S. Food Markets, Diet, and Food Distribution
Table 1 Source and Percentage of Fat in the Food
Supply (%)
Table 2 Per-capita U.S. Meat Consumption, 1960-2006
(Annual Pounds Per Person)
Food Markets and Distribution Systems
Consumer Food Markets
Table 3 Number of Retail Food Stores in the U.S.,
Institutional Food and Food Service
Food Additives
Foreign Definitions
Food Additive Types
Table 4 Common Terms Used to Classify Food
Food Additive Classifications
Flavors and Flavor Enhancers
Processing Aids and Others
Food Additive Suppliers
Food Additive User Companies
Some Factors Influencing The Food Additives
Microwave Ovens
Trends in New Food Introductions
Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
Table 5 Some Compounds with Alleged Nutraceutical
Consumer Opinions, Perceptions, Habits, and
Food Safety and Consumer Confidence
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
Chapter Four: Food Additive Markets By Types
and Materials
Overview and Overall Market Tables
Table 6 Major U.S. Food Additives Used, with their
Primary Applications
Table 7 Overall U.S. Food Additives Market, By Types
and Materials, Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Market Evaluation and Forecast
Table 8 U.S. Market for Acidulants, Through 2014
($ Millions)
Citric Acid
Lactic Acid
Malic Acid
Phosphoric Acid
Other Acidulants
Acetic Acid
Adipic Acid
Fruitaric Acid
Fumaric Acid
Glucono Delta Lactone
Sorbic Acid
Succinic Acid
Tannic Acid
Tartaric Acid
Calorie-reduction (CR) Agents
Market Evaluation and Forecast
Table 9 U.S. Market for Calorie-reduction Agents,
Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Fat Replacers
Fat Reduction Factors
Carbohydrate-based Fat Replacers
Cellulose Products
Hydrocolloid Gums
Modified Food Starches
Dietary Fibers
Total Dietary Fiber
Soluble Fibers
Insoluble Fibers
Other Fiber Sources
Oat-bran Fiber Products
Other Bran Fiber Products
Fat-based Fat Reducers
Esterified Propoxylated Glycerols (EPGs)
Salatrim and Other Triglyceride Products
Table of Contents, continued
Sales in the formulation
aids additive market
amounted to $1.3 billion
in 2009 which projected
to increase to $1.4 billion in 2014, for a 5-year
CAGR of 1.5%.
To place an order for
The Food Additives
call 866-285-7215
November 2009
Report ID: FOD009E
Price: $4850 (PDF)
Sucrose Polyester (Spe, Olestra)
Developmental Fat-based Fr Products
Protein-based Fat Replacers
Soy Protein Products
Combinations and Other Products
Nonnutritive (High Intensity) Sweeteners
Table 10 Comparative Parameters of Nonnutritive
Reb-A (Stevia-derived)
Natural, Organic, or Both?
Other Nonnutritive Sweeteners
Left-handed Sugar
Neohesperidin Dihydrochalcones
Food Colorants
Market Evaluation and Forecast
Table 11 U.S. Market for Food Colorants, Through
2014 ($ Millions)
Federal Regulation of Food Colors
Natural (Uncertified) Colors (21 CFR Part 73)
Table 12 Natural (Uncertified) Food Colorants for
Human Foods
Annatto Extract (Part 73.30)
Dehydrated Beets (Beet Powder, Part 73.40)
Canthaxanthin (Part 73.75)
Caramel (Part 73.85)
Beta-apo-8’-carotenal (Part 73.90) and Betacarotene (Part 73.95)
Toasted Partially Defatted Cooked
Cottonseed Flour (Part 73.140)
Ferrous Gluconate (Part 73.160) and Ferrous
Lactate (Part 73.165)
Grape Color (Part 73.169) and Grape Skin (Part
73.170) Extracts
Fruit Juice (Part 73.250)
Vegetable Juice (Part 73.260)
Paprika (Part 73.340) and Paprika Oleoresin
(Part 73.345)
Riboflavin (Part 73.450)
Saffron (Part 73.500)
Titanium Dioxide (Part 73.575)
Tomato Lycopene Extract and Concentrate
(Part 73.585)
Turmeric (Part 73.600) and Turmeric Oleoresin
(Part 73.615)
Synthetic (Certified) Colors (21 CFR Parts 74
and 82)
Table 13 Synthetic (Certified) Food Colorants for
Human Foods
Flavors and Flavor Enhancers
Market Evaluation and Forecast
Table 14 U.S. Market for Food Flavors and Flavor
Enhancers, Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Flavor Classifications
Natural Vs. Artificial Flavors
Classification By Processing Method
Blends and Compounds
Chemicals and Isolates
Essential Oils
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Proteins (HVPs)
Reaction Flavors
Flavor Enhancers
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Maltol and Ethyl Maltol
Formulation Aids
Market Evaluation and Forecast
Table 15 U.S. Market for Food Formulation Aids,
Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Table 16 HLb* Ranges for Common Food
Glycerides (Mono-, Di-) and Esters
Table 17 Typical Lecithin Solubilities
Sorbitan Esters/Polysorbates
Sodium Stearoyl-2-lactylate
Sucrose Esters
Hydrocolloid Gums
Table 18 Typical Water Solution Viscosities of
Botanical-source Hydrocolloid Gums (Centipoises)
Natural Products
Fruit and Vegetable Extracts: Pectin
Plant or Tree Exudates
Gum Arabic (Acacia Gum)
Gum Ghatti
Gum Karaya
Gum Tragacanth
Larch Gum or Arabinogalactan
Seaweed Gums
Seed Gums
Guar Gum
Locust Bean Gum (Gum Carob)
Fermentation Products
Xanthan Gum
Gellan Gum
Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives
Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC)
Powdered Cellulose
Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)
Methylcellulose Ethers
Market Evaluation and Forecast
Table 19 U.S. Market for Food Preservatives, Through
2014 ($ Millions)
Table of Contents, continued
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call 866-285-7215
November 2009
Report ID: FOD009E
Price: $4850 (PDF)
Benzoic Acid and Benzoates
Parahydroxybenzoic Acid Esters (Parabens)
Propionic Acid and Propionates
Sorbic Acid and Sorbates
Other Antimicrobials
Ascorbic Acid and Sodium Ascorbate
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)
Erythorbic Acid and Sodium Erythorbate
Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA)
Propyl Gallate (PG)
Tertiary Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)
Other Antioxidants
Processing Aids and Others
Market Evaluation and Forecast
Table 20 U.S. Market for Food Processing Aids and
Others, Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Anticaking Agents
Antifoams and Defoamers
Bleaching/Maturing Agents and Dough
Clarifying Agents and Decolorizers
Edible Coatings
Food Additive Enzymes
Gelling Agents
Leavening Agents
Release Agents
Sequestrants and Chelating Agents
Water-correcting Agents
Chapter Five: Food Additive Markets By Major
Overview and Overall Market Tables
Table 21 Overall U.S. Market for Food Additives
By Food Group Applications, Through 2014
($ Millions)
Bakery Goods
Table 22 U.S. Market for Food Additives: Bakery
Goods, Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Table 23 U.S. Market for Food Additives: Beverages,
Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Table 24 U.S. Market for Food Additives:
Confectionery, Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Dairy Products
Table 25 U.S. Market for Food Additives: Dairy
Products, Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Table 26 U.S. Market for Food Additives: Meats and
Seafood, Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Snack Foods
Table 27 U.S. Market for Food Additives: Snack Foods,
Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Other Food Industry Segments
Table 28 U.S. Market for Food Additives: Other Food
Industry Segments, Through 2014 ($ Millions)
Summary Market Matrices
Table 29 Summary Matrix of U.S. Food Additive
Markets: Products, Chemicals and Materials Versus
Applications Markets in Base Year 2009 ($ Millions)
Table 30 Summary Matrix of U.S. Food Additive Markets:
Products, Chemicals and Materials Versus Applications
Markets in Forecast Year 2014 ($ Millions)
Chapter Six: Technology
Important Current and New Technologies
Food Additive Stability
Encapsulation and Microencapsulation
Freeze-thaw Stability
Table 31 Flavors Produced By Microorganisms
Separation Technologies
Food Preservation By Irradiation and Other
Novel Methods
Mechanical and Material Handling
Food Safety Testing Systems
Competitive Processes, Methods and Products
Calorie-reduction Agents
Fat Replacers
Nonnutritive Sweeteners
Formulation Aids
Processing Aids and Others
Customer Technical Service
Research and Development
The Doctrine of Equivalents
Chapter Seven: Industry Structure and
Competitive Factors
Chemical Raw Material and Food Additive
Horizontal Integration
Product Integration
Market Integration
Vertical Integration
Industry Concentration
Consolidation and Restructuring
Product Choice and Use Factors
Degree of Product Differentiation
Ease of Market Substitution
Dual Functionality
Market Entry Barriers
Importance in The Marketplace
Position in The Product Chain
Horizontal Integration
Marketing Principles
Commodity Vs. Specialty Products
Distribution Channels
Direct Sale
Marketing Agreements
Impact of Large Food Processors
End-user Selection Criteria
Replacement of Other Food Additives
New Applications or New Procedures
Performance Standards
Potential Adverse Interactions
Potential Contamination or Toxicity From
Other Materials
Effect of Packaging
Imported Products
End-user Purchasing Practices
Some International Aspects
Chapter Eight: Environmental, Legislative, and
Regulatory Factors
Federal Laws and Regulatory Process
Responsible Federal Agencies
Gras Status
Food Additive Petitions
Premarket Approval Process for “Food
Contact Substances”
The Delaney Clause
Table of Contents, continued
State and Local Regulations
The Nutritional Labeling & Education Act of 1990
Principal NLEA Stipulations
Nutritional Descriptors
Implementation of NLEA
Packaging and Disposal
Public Perceptions and Policy
Food Safety Concerns
Chapter Nine: Supplier Company Profiles
Food Additive Supplier Companies
Aceto Corporation
Ajinomoto USA, Inc.
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Ashland Aqualon Functional Ingredients
Avebe Corp, The Netherlands
Avebe America, Inc.
Glucona America, Inc.
Balchem Corporation
Bartek Ingredients, Inc.
Basf Corporation
Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.
Blue California
Blue Pacific Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.
Cargill, Incorporated
Celanese Corporation
Nutrinova, Inc.,
Central Soya Company, Inc.
The Coca-cola Company
Cognis USA
Colloides Naturels, Inc.
Comax Manufacturing Corporation
Corn Products International, Inc.
CP Kelco US Inc.
Cumberland Packing Corporation
Stadt Corporation
Cyanotech Corporation
Danisco USA Inc.
The Dow Chemical Company
DSM Food Specialties USA, Inc
Eastman Chemical Company
Edlong Dairy Flavors
Emerald Hilton Davis, LLC
Emerald Kalama Chemical, LLC
Erie Foods International, Inc.
Firmenich Inc.
Flavor Dynamics, Inc.
Flavor Systems International, Inc.
FMC Corporation
Frutarom Incorporated
Gadot Bio-chem (USA) Inc.
Gallard-schlesinger Industries, Inc.
Givaudan Flavors Corporation
GLG Life Tech Corporation
Grain Processing Corporation
Griffith Laboratories Worldwide, Inc.
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The Food Additives
call 866-285-7215
November 2009
Report ID: FOD009E
Price: $4850 (PDF)
Gum Technology Corporation
Chr. Hansen, Inc.
T. Hasegawa USA Inc.
ICL Performance Products LP
International Bioflavors, Inc.
International Fiber Corporation
International Flavors and Fragrances, Inc.
International Specialty Products, Inc.
Jungbunzlauer Inc.
Kalsec, Inc.
Kerry Incorporated
Lonza, Inc.
Mane USA
Mccormick & Company, Inc.
Mcneil Nutritionals, LLC
Merisant Company
Whole Earth Sweetener Company Llc
Merisol Antioxidants LLC
David Michael & Co., Inc.
National Starch, LLC
Novozymes North America Inc.
The Nutrasweet Company
Ottens Flavors
Penford Food Ingredients Company
Pepsico, Inc.
PMC Specialties Group, Inc.
PMP Fermentation Products, Inc.
Polarome International
The Procter & Gamble Company
Purac America
Pure Circle USA
Red Arrow Products Co LLC
Roquette America, Inc.
Sensient Technologies Corporation
Sethness Products Company
Solae LLC
Spherix Incorporated
SPI Polyols, Inc
Symrise, Inc.
Takasogo International Corp. (U.S.A.)
Tate & Lyle Plc
TIC Gums Inc.
Virginia Dare
Wild Flavors, Inc.
D.D. Williamson & Co. Inc.
Appendix: Glossary of Important Terms,
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Glossary of Important Terms, Abbreviations …
Table 32 Glossary of Important Terms, Abbreviations,
and Acronyms
339 pages
32 tables
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