WORTH SEEING M OM A N TICU *ThRe multimedia Rhthinee ROMANTICUM IN THE FORUM CONFLUENTES ADVERTS ADVERTS ROMANTICUM an interactive journey through time oug h voyage thr Wor ld UNESCO ite. Her it age s o a r d! Come on b Welt · Mythos Rhein Faszination . Interaktion KUltUr Mythos Rhein FASZINATION � INTERAKTION 1 2 3 4 Rathaus town hall Schängelbrunnen fountain Citykirche am Jesuitenplatz church Vikariehaus mit Glockenspiel 21 Brunnenhof Königspfalz place 22 Bürresheimer Hof place 23 Altes Kauf- und Danzhaus und Augenroller building 24 „Unterm Stern“ building 5 Johannes-Müller-Denkmal 25 Altes Hafenamt building 26 Florinskirche church, monument 6 Michaelskapelle chapel Florinsgarten garden 7 Drouven´sches Haus building 27 Dreikönigenhaus building 8 Geburtshaus von Henriette Sontag 28 Deutscher Kaiser building 29 Peter-Altmeier-Denkmal birthplace of Henriette Sontag 9 Brunnen auf dem Plan fountain monument 10 Alte Feuerwache former fire brigade 30 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal house monument 11 Vier Türme building 31 Deutsches Eck German Corner 12 Geburtshaus von Fritz Zimmer 32 Ludwig Museum museum 33 Deutschherrenhaus building birthplace of Fritz Zimmer 13 Torbogenfresco frescos 34 Blumenhof flower court 14 Altes Münzmeister Haus building 35 Kastor-Brunnen fountain 15 Haus Metternich building 36 Basilika St. Kastor church 16 Portal des ehemaligen 37 Altes Rheinmuseum building 38 St. Jakobus Kapelle chapel Dominikaner-Klosters ruin 17 Balduinbrücke bridge, 39 Koblenzer Hof court 40 Historiensäule fountain Balduin-Denkmal monument 18 Alte Burg building 41 Görreshaus building 19 Liebfrauenkirche church 42 Von-Lassaulx´sches Haus 20 Peter-Friedhofen-Kapelle/Haus building chapel COME ON BOARD and embark on a virtual boat journey through the Upper Middle Rhine Valley! Experience the myths, art, culture and history of the Rhine Valley, then as now, with over 70 interactive stations. Romanticum Koblenz – the multi-media exhibition experience. Take a look (Rh)inside! All information in the Romanticum are available in English and German Language. 1 Schiffsbrücke bridge Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein 2 Pegelhaus water level station Karte 8-12_Layout 1 09.08.12 11:23 Seite 1 Opening hours: daily open at 360 days! Daily 10.00 a.m. – 06.00 p.m. For closed days please see our homepage. Prices Romanticum Single person/adults Reduced rate Group tickets from 20 persons p.p. 6,00 € 4,00 € 3,00 € Family ticket 1-2 adults + max. 4 children up 16 years Other Sights 1 Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung 11 Fort Konstantin fortress museum 12 Rheinisches Fastnachtsmuseum 2 Feste Franz / Franzosenfriedhof museum 13 Hauptfriedhof museum French cemetery 3 Luisenturm tower 14 Christuskirche church 4 Ehem. Fort Asterstein fortress 15 Friedrich-Mohr-monument 5 St. Peter und Paul Kirche church 16 Herz-Jesu-Kirche church 6 a Kaiserin-Augusta-monument 17 St. Elisabeth Kirche church b Prinzessin-Luise-Tempel 18 Jüdischer Friedhof Jewish cemetery 19 Synagoge monument 7 Peter-Josef-Lenné-monument 20 Mosellum museum 8 Fritz-Michel-monument 21 DB Museum museum 9 Kirche St. Josef church 22 Barbara-Denkmal monument 10 Schloss Stolzenfels castle HIGHLIGHTS Disabled toilets fully accessible for wheelchair users Disabled toilets with limited accessibility for wheelchair users Emergency defibrillator Former Federal Horticultural Show site Reservierung unter 02 61 / 1 00 58 33 oder info@adaccio.de D e i n E rl ebni s - m e i n Kobl e nz Ob im Dunkeln oder bei Licht… genießen Sie besondere Geschmackserlebnisse in unserem Restaurant. Auch Geburtstagsfeiern, Hochzeiten oder Firmenevents bis 50 Personen werden bei uns unvergesslich. KOBLENZ „ROMANTICUM“ 1 x B&B in a 3* Hotel, Koblenz Information package of Koblenz 24 hours KoblenzCard (free public transport; discount on admission to museums, e.g. the romanticum, boat trips, cable car rides etc.) Regional meal in a selected restaurant Guided citytour in English language on Saturdays at 3:00p.m. or daily in German language at 10:30 a.m. (part of the KoblenzCard) Bookable period: daily from April to October, on request Minimum 2 participants Single room supplement from € 23,00 p.p. from 87 € p.p. dbl sharing For more offers please visit our homepage: www.koblenz-touristik.de Seilbahn • Festung Ehrenbreitstein • Koblenz ERHOLUNG KULTUR GENUSS MITTELRHEIN MUSIK FESTIVAL Schweben Sie mit der Seilbahn über den Rhein und erobern Sie die Festung Ehrenbreitstein. May/June MITTELRHEIN MARATHON Festung Ehrenbreitstein • 56077 Koblenz • Tel. +49(0)261 6675-4000 www.diefestungehrenbreitstein.de • www.seilbahn-koblenz.de June KAISERIN AUGUSTA - DAS FEST Wir machen Geschichte lebendig. June/July ALTSTADTFEST July WELTKULTURFESTIVAL HORIZONTE July/August INTERNATIONALES GAUKLERUND KLEINKUNSTFESTIVAL second weekend in August RHEIN IN FLAMMEN MIT KOBLENZER SOMMERFEST September LANGE NACHT DER MUSEEN September KOBLENZER SCHÄNGELMARKT November–December KOBLENZER WEIHNACHTSMARKT www.koblenz-touristik.de sTaunen und enTspannen! Von Koblenz ins Tal der loreley. ich GoeTHe tägl ab Koblenz! Ob Burgenfahrt, Loreley-Tour oder KD Nostalgie-Route mit der GOETHE – genießen Sie einen Tag Urlaub an Bord der KD. KD-Agentur Koblenz · T. 02 61/3 10 30 · www.k-d.com · info@k-d.com Öffnungszeiten: Mo.-So.: 11.00 - 23.00 Uhr Besuchen Sie uns Online: www.mein-koblenz.com EINFACH DEN SOMMER GENIESSEN DIREKT AM DEUTSCHEN ECK AUF ÜBER 800 SITZ PLÄTZEN IN GEMÜTLICHER BIERGARTEN ATMOSPHÄRE • Cocktailbar an warmen, sonnigen Tagen • LED Großbildleinwand (Tatort, Formel 1 usw.) • „Happy Evening“ ab 18.00 Uhr (vergünst. Preise) • An 7 Tagen die Woche geöffnet • Öffnungszeiten (bei gutem Wetter bis 2 Uhr) • leckere Speisen und Getränke Wissen was los ist: www.facebook.com/KoenigsbacherBiergarten oder www.koenigsbacher-biergarten.de May–August INFORMATION: Jetzt auch in ach Ransbach-Baumb Firmungstraße 2 � 56068 Koblenz www.adaccio.de Karte 8-12_Layout 1 09.08.12 11:23 Seite 1 Docks 1-10 Knusprig dünne Pizzen | Salate hausgemachte Pasta | saftig gegrillte Steaks Livecooking | Tolle Mittagsangebote Firmungstr. 31 - 56068 Koblenz - Tel.: 0261 98303697 monument 14 Deinhard-Kellermuseum museum 15 Obelisk 16 Theater Koblenz municipal theatre Historic building Telefon (0261) 129 2840 ∙ www.theater-koblenz.de For more information: www.romanticum.de . Fon: 0261-1291610 . info@romanticum.de 1 Coene´sche Haus building 2 Kapuziner Kirche church, Kapuziner Kloster monastery 3 Konrad Haus building ehemaliger Rheinkran 3 Max-von-Schenkendorf-monument 4 Mutter-Beethoven-Haus 4 Ehemaliges Regierungsgebäude building 5 Rhein-Museum museum former government building 6 Kreuzkirche church 5 Skulptur von Lucien Wercollier 7 Dähler Born fountain monument 8 Schrägaufzug lift 6 Görres-Denkmal monument 9 Ehrenmal des Heeres 7 Gedenktafel memorial military memorial Hans-Wilhelm-Mutzbauer 10 Festung Ehrenbreitstein fortress 8 Königshalle building mit Landesmuseum museum 9 Coblenzer Rheinbrücke bridge, und DJH Jugendherberge Eisenbahndenkmal monument youth hostel 10 Hochwassersäule flood-level 11 Archäologische Sammlung 11 Weindorf with traubenträger museum fountain 12 Fort Helfenstein fortress 12 Kurfürstliches Schloss building 13 Pagerie with Grand Café 14 Dikasterialgebäude building 13 Vater Rhein und Mutter Mosel Pedestrian area Seit 228 Jahren das Theater an Rhein und Mosel 10,00 € Karte 8-12_Layout 1 09.08.12 11:23 Seite 1 Koblenz Tourist Information Centres erbe Sights Sights · Sights KOBLENZ ON RHINE AND MOSEL Discover Koblenz, with its wealth of cultural attractions, its numerous museums, its historic squares, the little boutiques, and large shopping arcades. There is a lot to see and experience. Here a few suggestions for your stay: GUIDED WALKING TOUR OF THE CITY ROMANTIC OLD TOWN Get to know one of Germany‘s oldest cities on a tour of the historic city centre. ENGLISH April to October Saturday 3.p.m. April to October daily 10.30.a.m. GERMAN additionaly Saturday 3.p.m. DURATION approx. 2 hours MEETING POINT AND TICKETS: Tourist-Information Forum Confluentes 7,00 € price per person The point at which the winding courses of the Rhine and the Moselle meet is the world-famous Deutsches Eck (German Corner), the location of one of Germany‘s oldest and most beautiful cities: Koblenz, city of the Federal Horticultural Show 2011. Koblenz has always been a popular place. This is where emperors, kings, and princes built their residences, and where many artists have sought inspiration from the unique landscape. Today, Koblenz attracts visitors from all around the world. The reasons for this are as diverse as the city itself. 1 5,50 € child without Cappuccino FORTRESS EHRENBREITSTEIN & CABLE CAR The breathtaking ride on the aerial cable car across the river Rhine up to the Fortress Ehrenbreitstein is one of the highlights of a visit to Koblenz. The Fortress Ehrenbreitstein has been completely refurbished in 2011 and attracts with varied exhibitions and presentations. Tickets are available at the valley and mountain station or via www.seilbahn-koblenz.de. CLASSIC GUIDED TOUR OF THE FORTRESS From the feudal fortresses of the Romans, the castles of the knights up to the Prussian fortress grounds. This tour will bring history to life. DATES April until October every Saturday and Sunday in German language TIME DURATION 11:00 a.m. approx. 1 hours MEETING POINT Entrée-building Fortress Ehrenbreitstein TICKETS at the meeting point 9 BOAT TRIPS ON THE RHINE & MOSEL All aboard! Experience the UNESCO world heritage site of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley or the precipices of the Mosel valley from a special vantage point. Choose one of the comfortable ships awaiting you all around the Deutsches Eck area. Tickets are available at the docks. Ticket combination KD & Romanticum Save your expenses by using the KD-Combination-Ticket boat trip and Romanticum www.k-d.com WINE Haus Metternich on the Münzplatz The name of the square, Münzplatz (Mint Square) commemorates the former mint of the prince-electors of the German First Reich. The Münzmeisterhaus (Mint Master‘s House) is still preserved, and dates back to 1763. Prince Metternich was born in the Metternich House, in 1773. He went on to become the foreign minister and federal chancellor of the Austrian Empire. He led the Congress of Vienna of 1814/15, which resulted in Koblenz becoming the seat of government for the Prussian Rhine Province. 18 The most lasting gift the Roman city founders made to Koblenz is certainly the art of winegrowing. Today the regional wines are considered to be among the best wine products worldwide by connoisseurs. Plan square For centuries, this has been the city‘s most important centre of communication. It was used as a market and jousting ground, and for events and executions. The fountain commemorates the construction of Koblenz‘s first water supply line. Up until 1973, the building on the north side of the square, now home to restaurants, was used as a fire station by the professional fire brigade. 15 6,00 € p.p. entrance fortress Schängelbrunnen This fountain was designed in 1941 by Carl Burger and features a statue of the Kowelenzer Schängel, or ‘naughty boy of Koblenz’. Today, the term ‘Schängel’ denotes a native citizen of Koblenz, but it originates in a corruption of the French name ‘Jean’, which was pronounced Schang’ and used in a somewhat derogatory fashion to describe the little boys born to Koblenz women by French men during the many French occupations through the ages. The ‘Schängel’ is known for his wit and repartee. This guided tour can be booked for groups in English language: +49 261 30388-14 5,00 € p.P. guided tour The Rathaus (town hall) on the Jesuitenplatz The two town hall buildings were once a Jesuit cloister with grammar school. Building II was built in 1582-1670, the town hall building I in 1694-1701. Since 1895, the building complex has served as the Koblenz Town Hall. The difference between the late Renaissance and early Baroque facade designs is clearly visible. The frescoes by the Italian master Lucaes above the stairway in building I are well worth a look. 2 Extend the guided city tour with the visit of the interactive exhibition experience ROMANTICUM and enjoy a Cappuccino. 12,00 € price per person The historic centre Alte Burg Heinrich von Finstingen, princeelector of Trier, erected this Trutzburg, or ‚castle of defiance‘, in the 13th century to subdue the citizens of Koblenz, who were seeking independence at the time. The castle was originally the home of the von der Arkens, a ministerial family. Today it is where the city archive is located. ROCK-CELLAR TOUR including wine tasting Learn about the myths of wine creation during the guided tour in the tank and barrel storage. Enjoy a visit to the cellar and have all your senses stimulated at the wine tasting in Koblenz. DATES Start every Saturday 3pm (November-March 5pm) or Groups of 15 by appointment Reservations required, including full name and cell phone number DURATION about 90 minutes MEETING POINT Winery Schwaab, In der Laach 93, 56072 Koblenz, +49 261 4030840 Wardrobe Jacket or jersey (temperature of rock-cellar 12°C) 10,00 € price per person We invite you to experience an unforgettable visit. The historic city with its idyllic squares and secretive lanes is wonderful for exploring. Enjoy the varied cuisine at one of the dining venues in the picturesque old town, or wander through the many large and small shops in the city centre. Special highlights include travelling on the state-of-the-art aerial cable car over the Rhine to the Ehrenbreitstein fortress, or a boat tour through the “Upper Middle Rhine Valley” UNESCO World Heritage site, between Koblenz und Bingen. 44 Forum Confluentes An impressive highlight in the centre of the city – the new Forum Confluentes brings together art, culture and education under one roof and invites you to rediscover Koblenz. That’s because this architecturally exciting building is more than just a home for the Middle-Rhine Museum, Romanticum and the municipal library. The forum also contains an attractive cultural café and the tourist information centre. 3,00 € children from 8-16 years Children with grape juice: up to 8 years free entry SHOPPING & TASTE SENSATIONS Plan your shopping experience at www.koblenz-branchen.de or with the Koblenz shopping guide, available at the Tourist Information Centre. 19 Liebfrauenkirche Galleried basilica with 5 axes. Construction lasted from 1180 to approximately 1250. The new construction of the Gothic chancel began in 1404, while the Baroque onion towers date from 1693. The Liebfrauenkirche (Church of Our Beloved Lady), stands on the highest point of the historic centre, and is known as the church of the Koblenz citizenry. 44 A place rich in history. Consecrated in 836, this church is where the negotiations between the sons of Ludwig the Pious took place in 842. These led to the division of the Frankish empire. The building as it stands today was constructed predominantly in the 12th century. It was raised to the status of a basilica minor by Pope John Paul II in 1991. 23 Old Kauf- and Danzhaus This ensemble is one of the city‘s most attractive groups of structures. Some buildings well worth seeing are the Schöffenhaus, with its beautiful oriel window facing the Mosel, and the Kauf- und Danzhaus, which was the home of the Mittelrheinmuseum until 2012 (now located in the Forum Confluentes). According to legend, the ‘Augenroller’ (eye-roller), commemorates the robber Baron Johann Lutter von Kobern, who was executed in 1536. 26 Florinskirche The triple-naved, galleried basilica dates from the 12th century and is today a Protestant church. The remains of a Roman guard-tower are located beneath the Gothic apse. the vicarage of Liebfrauenkirche situated opposite marks the spot where the core of a 6th-century palace of the Frankish kings once stood. 31 Deutsches Eck The Deutsches Eck (German corner), received its name in 1216 when the Teutonic Order settled here at the confluence of the Rhine and the Mosel. In 1888, the idea was hatched to erect a monument to Kaiser Wilhelm I. In order to create room for the monument, a spit of land was created, which represents the Deutsches Eck of today. The original statue of Kaiser Wilhelm I on horseback, erected in 1897, was destroyed in 1945, shortly before the end of the war. A replica was placed on the plinth on 2 September 1993, and has been a magnet for visitors from around the world ever since. 33 Deutschherrenhaus home of the Ludwig Museum Following an eventful history, since 1992 the Ludwig Museum has been located within this building on the Rhine. This surviving part of the building complex belonging to the Teutonic Knights, who established themselves in 1216 on the confluence of the Rhine and the Mosel. The museum focuses on modern artworks, particularly French. The art collector Peter Ludwig (1925-96) was born in Koblenz. Together with the neighbouring basilica of St. Castor, the former religious building shelters the idyllic Blumenhof area, an oasis of peace within the bustling Deutsches Eck. 16 Koblenz Theatre The only surviving classicist theatre on the Middle Rhine. It was commissioned by Prince-Elector Clemens Wenzeslaus and built by Hofrat F.-J. Schmitz in 1786/87. It was completely renovated in 1984/85. The obelisk commemorates the inauguration of the Clemensbrunnen (Clemens Well) by its sponsor, Prince-Elector Clemens Wenzeslaus. MUSEUMS 32 40 Historiensäule at the Görresplatz At the centre of the Görresplatz stands a fountain with the approx. 10-metre-high ‘Historiensäule’ (history pillar). It was a gift from the state of Rhineland-Palatinate to the city of Koblenz on the occasion of its 2,000 year anniversary in 1992. The artist and sculptor Jürgen Weber, depicts the history of Koblenz, from the Roman era to the present day, using 10 three-dimensional scenes stacked on top of one another. 6a Rhine promenades and castle The 3.5 km-long Rhine promenades, on the left bank of the Rhine consist of the Konrad Adenauer Bank and the Empress Augusta Gardens. Augusta, the Prussian queen and later empress, created the beautiful promenades together with Prince Pückler-Muskau and the brilliant landscape architect Peter Joseph Lenné (the creator of Sanssouci, the Pfaueninsel, and many other gardens) during the mid-19th century. The Rhine promenades were restyled as part of the Federal Horticultural Show 2011. A splendid shoreline boulevard has been created, lined with important sights, from the 17thcentury Rhine crane and the Electoral Palace, with its generously proportioned steps directly by the Rhine, to the Empress Augusta monument, a tribute to Augusta. 4 Former Prussian government building The former Prussian government building is part of an ensemble of structures planned in 1902/1903. The building embodies one of the main examples of the neo-Romanesque style. Kaiser Wilhelm II used his personal influence and gave his consent for construction to begin. Immediately next to the building complex stands an imposing structure, originally a luxury hotel. Today both building complexes are used as administration centres. 6 Empress Augusta Promenade and Görres Monument Ehrenbreitstein Ehrenbreitstein, situated at the foot of the fortress bearing the same name, is a former cultural centre and residency city of the Prince-Electors. It delights with buildings from a glorious era, including the house in which Ludwig van Beethoven‘s mother was born; old timber-framed and Baroque buildings; the Capuchin cloister, and the dicasterial building designed by Balthasar Neumann. Ehrenbreitstein is also where the Rhine museum is located, which features exhibits on and artworks relating to the Rhine. This is where La Roche, privy councillor to the Prince-Elector, and his wife Sophie, herself a well-known writer, held an open salon, whose guests included Goethe, Basedow, Lavater, and Brentano, among others. 10 14 The promenades along the Rhine are amongst the most beautiful between Basel and Rotterdam. On the tree-dotted lawns stands the monument to Joseph Görres, the founder of the ‘Rheinischer Merkur’ newspaper. One can also find other gems here, such as the Luisentempel and, above all, the Empress Augusta monument. 11 Weindorf The Weindorf (wine village), was created in 1925 on the occasion of the Reich exhibition on German wine. It is situated directly by the shore of the Rhine and has been a meeting place for sociable types from around the world ever since it was constructed. Today people can sample a good drop of wine and eat regional specialities in the four typical vintners‘ houses, which are re-constructions of the sort of buildings typically found in German wine-making regions. 12 Electoral Palace „Kurfürstliches Schloss“ Prince-Elector Clemens Wenzeslaus had this building erected in 17771786 as Germany‘s first neoclassical castle. From 1850 to 1857, the castle was the seat of the Prussian military governor Prince Wilhelm, the later Kaiser Wilhelm I. It was rebuilt after being destroyed in the Second World War. In these days, the Electoral Palace is used as a conference and event venue. The Grand Café keeps its doors open to the public. It is also possible to walk through the palace to the Rhine enclosures when coming from Schloßstraße street. A superb terraced garden was built leading down to the Rhine. TIP:m O U R an ti cu Th e Rom in th e Fo ru m C on fl ue nt es Mittelrhein-Museum Koblenz Forum Confluentes Zentralplatz 1 56068 Koblenz Fon: +49 (0)261 12925-20 www.mittelrhein-museum.de 44 Romanticum Exhibition experience, interactive river Rhine tour through the UNESCO world heritage. Forum Confluentes Zentralplatz 1 56068 Koblenz Fon: +49 (0)261 1291610 www.romanticum.de 10 Landesmuseum Koblenz Permanent archaeological exhibition with historic roof gardens; photography gallery; wine cultivation themes. Festung Ehrenbreitstein 56077 Koblenz Fon: +49 (0)261 6675-0 (Zentrale) www.landesmuseum-koblenz.de 4 Mutter-Beethoven-Haus The birth house of Anna-Maria Keverich, mother of Beethoven www.koblenz-touristik.de Wambachstraße 204 56077 Koblenz Fon: +49 (0)261 12925-11 www.mittelrhein-museum.de/mutterbh.html 5 Rhein-Museum Koblenz e.V. Technology and artefacts from the Rhine region Charlottenstraße 53 a 56077 Koblenz Fon: +49 (0)261 703450 www.rhein-museum.de 21 DB-Museum History of the German railway with exhibits Schönbornsluster Straße 3 56070 Koblenz-Lützel Fon: +49 (0)261 3961339 www.dbmuseum-koblenz.de Dikasterialgebäude The so-called Dikasterium was built in the mid-18th century at the foot of the Ehrenbreitstein using plans by the famous master builder Balthasar Neumann. The PrinceElector of Trier‘s administration building was home to the PrinceElector’s court, among other things. nominal charge 0,50 € The Middle-Rhine Museum unites over 2,000 years of art and cultural history Fortress Ehrenbreitstein The present-day fortress, part of a large defensive works encircling the city, was built by the Prussians between 1817 and 828, and was Europe‘s largest historical fortress complex after Gibraltar. A defensive works existed on this plateau 118 metres above the Rhine as early as 1000 B.C. It was later the site of a Roman military post, a medieval castle, and a fortress for the Electors of Trier. The Ehrenbreitstein Fortress was the largest main site for the Federal Horticultural Show in 2011 and offers next to varied exhibitions and presentations a unique view over the Rhine, the Mosel, and the city. and Sights Ludwig Museum Koblenz Danziger Freiheit 1 (am „Deutschen Eck“) 56068 Koblenz Fon: +49 (0)261 3040412 www.ludwigmuseum.org Kaiserin-Augusta-Denkmal Am At the end of the Rhine promenades stands the Empress Augusta monument. It was built by Bruno Schmitz in 1895/96 to complement the Emperor Wilhelm monument. It is a sign of gratitude from Koblenz‘s citizens towards their benefactress: Augusta not only gifted the city with the Rhine promenades and money for their upkeep, but also supported charitable institutions. Since 2006, the first Sunday in June is the day of the ‘Augusta Fest’ celebrations as part of the UNESCO commission’s and the German World Heritage Sites Association, World Heritage Day. CITY MAP KOBLENZ Art after 1945 and international exhibitions of period art 43 Romanticum The new interactive exhibition. Over more than 800 m² you can experience a fantastic journey through time along the Upper Middle Rhine Valley UNESCO World Heritage site as a virtual passenger on a steamboat. Along the way you will encounter famous landmarks, impregnable castles and the peculiar cliff landscape all along the way from the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress to the Lorelei. The Rhine romanticism of the 19th century is brought to life along your imaginative journey and you will learn all about the river and its fascinating legends and fairytales. You can save all the myths, art, culture and history that you experience using a QR code on your admission ticket and recreate it at home on your computer. 32 St. Kastor Basilika NE W m in th e F o ru s C o n fl u e n te 3,50 € children up to 12 years ROMANTIC OLD TOWN PLUS 36 20 Tourist-Informationen TOURIST-INFORMATION Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer opening hours: april – october friday: 01.00 p.m. - 04.00 p.m. saturday, sunday and bank holidays: 10.00 a.m. - 04.00 p.m. TOURIST-INFORMATION Forum Confluentes Zentralplatz 1 · 56068 Koblenz Fon: +49 (0)261-19433 info@koblenz-touristik.de opening hours: daily open at 360 days from 10.00 a.m. - 06.00 p.m. INFOPUNKT KOBLENZ Bahnhofplatz 7, vis-à-vis central station, next to the bus station Opening hours: monday to friday 09.00 a.m. - 05.00 p.m. Mosellum Information centre take a journey of discovery through the Moselle’s biotope or you explore the tensions between economic and environmental interests on the Moselle Moselstaustufe Pastor-Klein-Straße 56068 Koblenz Fon:+49 (0) 261 95234030 www.mosellum.rlp.de 10 12 Castle Stolzenfels The castle is situated approx. 5 km south of the city centre. The former customs castle (1250) was destroyed during the Nine Years‘ War in 1689. The ruin was given to the Prussian Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm in 1823, and restored 15 years later using plans by Schinkel, the Berlin master builder. Expensive furniture and a collection of armoury and weaponry can be seen inside. The castle‘s facade shines anew following renovation work. The historic park and garden complex is once more open to the public, with some areas accessible for the first time. 11 Rhine Carnival Museum “Kehlturm” Tower at Fort Konstantin Simmerner Straße 56075 Koblenz Fon: +49 (0)261 43291 www.fastnachtsmuseum-koblenz.de 1 Collection of Historical Objects Technology, weapons and uniforms Mayener Straße 87 56070 Koblenz Fon: +49 (0)261 4001423 www.bwb.org Fort Konstantin Alongside the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, Koblenz‘s great defensive works include several fortress complexes, including Fort Konstantin on the left bank of the Rhine. It was built between 1821 and 1832 on the site of the medieval Carthusian cloister. The fort was named after Grand Duke Konstantin, the brother of the Russian tsar. Access and group tours are possible on request. The cultural events held in the summer months are especially recommended. Koblenz Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung Heimatmuseum Güls Gulisastraße 4 Fon: +49 (0)170 3406496 www.heimatfreunde-guels.de Ortsmuseum Horchheim Alte Heerstraße 14 Fon: +49 (0)261-71345 www.heimatfreunde-horchheim.de Museum Moselweiß Gülser Str. 34 Fon: +49 (0)261-409279 (Vorsitzender) www.museum.moselweiss.de KOBLENZCARD experience more – pay less Available in the Tourist-Information 24 hours public transport Guided city tour 50% discount on regular admission prices to museums 20% to many services in the city of Koblenz for example cable car, boat trips, theatre... from 9,80€ Single ticket Stand 5/2015 IMPRESSUM: Herausgeber: Koblenz-Touristik Änderungen vorbehalten. Explore the city