2012year end report - Spokane Public Facilities District
2012year end report - Spokane Public Facilities District
2012 year end report 2012 year end report Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena INB Performing Arts Center Spokane Convention Center i 2012 year end report Table of Contents Spokane Public Facilities District Spokane Convention Center Letter of Introduction1 District Revenues2 District Expenses3 Executive Summary: Spokane Arena 5 Executive Summary: INB Performing Arts Center 6 Executive Summary: Spokane Convention Center 7 Engineering Summary8 Technical Services Summary 9 Operations Summary10 Advertising Campaigns11 Statement of Operations: Revenues 82 Statement of Operations: Expenses 83 Revenues 201284 Revenues to Date 2008 - 2012 85 Expenses 201286 Expenses to Date 2008 - 2012 87 Operating Profit 2008 - 2012 88 Admission Taxes89 Lodging Tax89 Activity by Month90 Event Revenue by Month 98 Event Revenue by Event Type 98 Activity by Event Type 99 Event Revenue Comparison 103 Revenue History by Event Type 104 Attendance History by Event Type 105 Attendance/Revenue by Month 106 Attendance/Revenue by Event Type 107 Per Cap/Average Daily Revenue by Event Type 108 Top Ten Events by Attendance 109 Food and Beverage Report 110 Renewal and Replacement Projects 111 Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena Statement of Operations: Revenues 20 Statement of Operations: Expenses 21 Revenues 201222 Revenues to Date 2008 - 2012 23 Expenses 201224 Expenses to Date 2008 - 2012 25 Operating Profit 2008 - 2012 26 Admission Tax27 Event Revenue Comparison 2011 - 2012 28 Activity by Month29 Event Revenue by Month 39 Event Revenue by Event Type 39 Parking Report40 Activity by Event Type 41 Attendance/Revenue by Month 42 Revenue History by Event Type 43 Attendance History by Event Type 44 Top 15 Events by Attendance 45 Renewal and Replacement Projects 46 Merchandise Report47 Food and Beverage Report 48 Revenues from Spokane Chiefs 49 Revenues Paid to Spokane Chiefs 50 Revenues from Spokane Shock 51 Revenues Paid to Spokane Shock 51 INB Performing Arts Center Statement of Operations: Revenues 54 Statement of Operations: Expenses 55 Revenues 201260 Revenues to Date 2008 - 2012 57 Expenses 201258 Expenses to Date 2008 - 2012 59 Operating Profit 2008 - 2012 60 Admission Taxes61 Event Revenue Comparison 2011 - 2012 62 Activity by Month63 Event Revenue by Month 68 Event Revenue by Event Type 68 Activity by Event Type 69 Attendance/Revenue By Month 70 Revenue History by Event Type 71 Attendance History by Event Type 72 Attendance/Revenue By Event Type 73 Per Cap/Average Daily Revenue by Event Type 74 Top Ten Events by Attendance 75 Food and Beverage Report 76 Merchandise Report76 Parking Report77 Renewal and Replacement 78 iii 2012 year end report Letter of Introduction 2012 was full of experiences that made us say WOW! The year got off to a good start with the Chiefs on a winning streak, Beauty and the Beast in the INB and the Society for Range Management returning to the Convention Center 17 years after their first visit. The year was a whirlwind of great events. Ag Expo, Monster Jam, State B, PNQ Sweet Adelines, WWDB, Jason Crawford Wrestling, In the Heights, Shock games, Graduations, WEA, Nickleback, Square Dancers, Mary Poppins, National Auctioneers, Women of Faith, WWE, the Foresters, Jersey Boys, Disney on Ice, School Directors, and NW Mining. Lots of great events resulted in strong attendance numbers, coupled with a significant staff effort to manage costs through sustainable practices made the whole thing work. I want to acknowledge and compliment the efforts of the District Management Team, our employees and exceptional contract services, for their integral part in making 2012 another successful year. I want to specifically recognize the contributions of AMR, Centerplate, Diamond Parking, ISS Services, Staff Pro, and Ticketswest. In April, the District received voter approval of Measure One. This enabled a ten year extension of the original tax revenues that funded the Arena in 1992 and the CC Exhibit Hall in 2002. The extension will allow the District to proceed with $65 million worth of projects that will help us remain competitive and create jobs in the Spokane Community. I truly appreciate the support and trust of the District Boars, without whom we could not focus on the tasks at hand. We have adopted the Board Vision and live it every day: We create experiences that make our guests say WOW! In 2012, the Spokane Arena hosted 112 major events and 451 minor events with 601,206 guests attending. A net operating profit of $1,094,469 was generated by events at the Arena. The INB Performing Arts Center welcomed 173,567 guests to 181 major and 33 minor events, generating a net operating profit of $565,822. The Spokane Convention Center continued to exceed expectations with 284,556 guests attending 353 major and 109 minor events. The Convention Center was responsible for 48,044 hotel room nights and generated $68,381,939.00 of economic impact for the Spokane Community. Facility improvements completed in 2012 included a complete new lighting and control system at the Arena which includes new catwalks and shutters that allow for the even lights to be on or off almost instantly. At the INB, all of the food and beverage service areas were upgraded in one of the most significant and successful projects in recent years. We added new wireless camera capability at the Arena and new audio mixers in the CC and the INB. In a continuing effort to provide more content, the Art Committee commissioned a new piece for the CC Ballroom lobby by Gay Waldman. As always, our venues are the single focus of the District Board and its employes. Thank you for spending some time with our 2012 year-end report. Kevin Twohig, CFE Chief Executive Officer, Spokane Public Facilities District 1 year end report SPOKANE PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS SPOKANE PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT 2012 District Revenues 2012 OF OPERATIONS COMBINED STATEMENT 2012 REVENUES Combined Statement of Operations Description Facilities Rental Description Concessions Facilities Rental Catering Concessions Merchandise Catering Parking Merchandise Event Parking Parking Daily Parking Event Parking Box Office Daily Parking Suite Income Box Office - Contracts Advertising Suite Income Ad Agency Advertising - Income Contracts Membership Ad Agency Club Income Membership Income Misc Event Revenue Club Income Cleaning Fees Misc Event Revenue Electrical Fees Cleaning Fees Set-up Fees Electrical Fees Equipment Rental Set-up & Fees Phone Internet EquipmentService Rental Technical Phone & Internet Ushering Revenue Technical StagehandService Revenue Ushering Revenue Event Insurance Revenue Stagehand Revenue Show Promote Revenue Event Insurance Revenue Forfeited Deposits / Liquidated Damages Show Promote Revenue Recycling Revenue Forfeited Deposits / Liquidated Damages Other Miscellaneous Recycling Revenue AR Admission Tax Other Miscellaneous CC Admission Tax AR PACAdmission AdmissionTax Tax CC Admission Lodging Tax Tax PAC Admission Tax Total Lodging Tax Total Description 2 Salaries & Wages Description Benefits & Expense Salaries & Wages Office Supplies Benefits & Expense Chemical/Lab Supplies Office Supplies Clothing Chemical/Lab Supplies Operating Supplies Clothing Publications Operating Supplies Software Publications Meals Software Fuel Meals Equipment Minor Fuel Professional Services Minor Equipment Directors Compensation Professional Services State Audit Charges Directors Compensation Legal Services State Audit Charges Contract Services Legal Services Contract Labor Contract Services Reimbursed Event Ushering Contract Labor Reimbursed Stagehands Reimbursed Event Ushering Hockey Reimbursed Stagehands Football Hockey Co-Promote Football Club Seat Commissions Co-PromoteCommissions Advertising Club SeatServices Commissions Contract CVB Advertising Commissions Contractual Services SRSC Contract Services CVB Telephone Contractual Cell Phone Services SRSC Telephone Postage Cell Phone Cable Tv Postage Travel Cable TvAdvertising Building TravelAdvertising Event BuildingAdvertising Advertising Chiefs Event Advertising Advertising ChiefsMarketing Advertising Other Advertising Hosting Promotional Other Marketing Promotional Hosting REVENUESConvention Approved Budget Arena Revenues Center Revenues Convention $ 2,145,000.00 826,100.06 $ 935,532.20 $ Approved Budget $Arena Revenues 1,205,000.00 1,032,151.26 Center Revenues 175,817.19 $ $ $ 2,145,000.00 455,000.00 1,205,000.00 125,000.00 455,000.00 69,745.00 125,000.00 820,000.00 69,745.00 475,000.00 820,000.00 441,500.00 475,000.00 547,252.00 441,500.00 627,130.00 547,252.00 3,000.00 627,130.00 18,800.00 3,000.00 485,450.00 18,800.00 36,750.00 485,450.00 70,000.00 36,750.00 210,000.00 70,000.00 120,300.00 210,000.00 161,000.00 120,300.00 46,250.00 161,000.00 58,500.00 46,250.00 260,000.00 58,500.00 5,000.00 260,000.00 5,000.00 2,700.00 16,730.00 2,700.00 500,000.00 16,730.00 13,000.00 500,000.00 325,000.00 13,000.00 1,159,327.00 325,000.00 10,402,434.00 1,159,327.00 10,402,434.00 - $ $ $ 826,100.06 64,528.66 $ 1,032,151.26 88,683.30 64,528.66 36,315.55 88,683.30 517,440.62 36,315.55 121,644.42 517,440.62 265,518.63 121,644.42 537,439.00 265,518.63 478,470.00 537,439.00 12.75 478,470.00 15,550.00 12.75 480,462.50 15,550.00 27,302.78 480,462.50 64,857.44 27,302.78 70,371.14 64,857.44 1,080.96 70,371.14 13,183.46 1,080.96 13,924.18 13,183.46 33,435.48 13,924.18 33,435.48 4,202.96 8,705.59 4,202.96 420,865.48 8,705.59 420,865.48 5,122,246.22 $ 5,122,246.22 $ EXPENSES 935,532.20 410,924.98 175,817.19 500.00 410,924.98 500.00 16,613.28 3,605.11 16,613.28 3,605.11 6,724.43 6,724.43 135,596.71 119,853.00 135,596.71 150,678.40 119,853.00 23,516.95 150,678.40 9,111.80 23,516.95 271,257.89 9,111.80 12,041.00 271,257.89 12,041.00 565.00 348.00 565.00 7,451.12 348.00 7,451.12 9,282.02 9,282.02 1,257,669.63 3,547,088.71 1,257,669.63 3,547,088.71 - $ $ $ EXPENSES Convention Approved Budget Arena Expenses Center Expenses Convention $ 1,892,941.00 775,062.68 $ 1,085,940.81 $ Approved Budget $Arena Expenses 726,881.00 278,348.26 Center Expenses 401,088.99 $ 1,892,941.00 14,500.00 726,881.00 3,500.00 14,500.00 19,195.00 3,500.00 159,200.00 19,195.00 2,910.00 159,200.00 13,000.00 2,910.00 1,400.00 13,000.00 7,800.00 1,400.00 180,385.00 7,800.00 38,725.00 180,385.00 38,725.00 582,250.00 1,280,000.00 582,250.00 170,000.00 1,280,000.00 4,500.00 170,000.00 300,000.00 4,500.00 53,000.00 300,000.00 150,000.00 53,000.00 53,400.00 150,000.00 186,583.00 53,400.00 807,761.00 186,583.00 76,160.00 807,761.00 91,000.00 76,160.00 4,428.00 91,000.00 6,700.00 4,428.00 16,400.00 6,700.00 72,221.00 16,400.00 84,500.00 72,221.00 13,000.00 84,500.00 33,264.00 13,000.00 300.00 33,264.00 9,000.00 300.00 2,000.00 9,000.00 2,000.00 $ 775,062.68 6,192.43 278,348.26 6,192.43 3,664.14 62,440.84 3,664.14 62,440.84 4,474.74 492.67 4,474.74 5,343.55 492.67 28,333.41 5,343.55 11,482.22 28,333.41 11,482.22 352,620.27 592,077.03 352,620.27 592,077.03 348,192.73 33,633.45 348,192.73 71,045.46 33,633.45 52,850.88 71,045.46 164,717.20 52,850.88 164,717.20 41,840.96 1,362.96 41,840.96 2,259.99 1,362.96 10,991.41 2,259.99 21,238.49 10,991.41 55,860.52 21,238.49 12,230.90 55,860.52 33,296.00 12,230.90 112.74 33,296.00 2,128.49 112.74 248.58 2,128.49 248.58 $ 1,085,940.81 5,013.11 401,088.99 1,412.50 5,013.11 4,032.90 1,412.50 38,835.89 4,032.90 38,835.89 28.05 316.89 28.05 1,548.85 316.89 46,809.92 1,548.85 11,753.63 46,809.92 11,753.63 98,381.94 510,846.67 98,381.94 212,085.71 510,846.67 10,406.00 212,085.71 10,406.00 826,230.57 69,456.53 826,230.57 39,073.41 69,456.53 2,097.59 39,073.41 1,076.93 2,097.59 2,135.03 1,076.93 29,418.66 2,135.03 30,733.28 29,418.66 1,701.49 30,733.28 1,701.49 61.50 5,303.25 61.50 724.15 5,303.25 724.15 $ INB PAC Total Revenues Revenues INB PAC 332,937.61 $ Total Revenues 2,094,569.87 $ Revenues 54,637.40 1,262,605.85 332,937.61 16,855.72 54,637.40 30,667.47 16,855.72 30,667.47 103,518.86 383,066.32 103,518.86 129,867.34 383,066.32 129,867.34 153,360.00 1,601.66 153,360.00 1,601.66 126.00 1,075.92 126.00 13,459.89 1,075.92 604.00 13,459.89 1,526.00 604.00 5,063.59 1,526.00 5,063.59 2,800.00 2,800.00 1,754.34 1,754.34 214,675.81 214,675.81 1,447,597.93 1,447,597.93 - $ $ $ $ 2,094,569.87 492,309.36 $ 1,262,605.85 119,850.77 492,309.36 36,315.55 119,850.77 620,959.48 36,315.55 521,324.02 620,959.48 398,991.08 521,324.02 537,439.00 398,991.08 631,830.00 537,439.00 1,614.41 631,830.00 15,550.00 1,614.41 480,462.50 15,550.00 34,027.21 480,462.50 64,857.44 34,027.21 206,093.85 64,857.44 122,009.88 206,093.85 177,321.75 122,009.88 38,045.13 177,321.75 44,073.28 38,045.13 276,321.48 44,073.28 12,041.00 276,321.48 12,041.00 3,365.00 4,550.96 3,365.00 17,911.05 4,550.96 420,865.48 17,911.05 9,282.02 420,865.48 214,675.81 9,282.02 1,257,669.63 214,675.81 $ 10,116,932.86 1,257,669.63 0.00 10,116,932.86 (0.00) $ 0.00 (0.00) INB PAC Total Expenses Expenses INB 245,984.28 PAC $ Total Expenses 2,106,987.77 $ Expenses 79,755.88 759,193.13 245,984.28 2,665.01 79,755.88 182.46 2,665.01 1,588.94 182.46 17,144.78 1,588.94 17,144.78 672.10 22.03 672.10 22.03 30,682.45 3,468.60 30,682.45 3,468.60 113,311.91 121,812.94 113,311.91 3,232.82 121,812.94 3,232.82 11,181.45 11,181.45 22,500.00 22,500.00 6,055.56 899.00 6,055.56 989.46 899.00 3,195.72 989.46 7,227.14 3,195.72 4,376.82 7,227.14 391.32 4,376.82 391.32 14.07 1,333.10 14.07 239.55 1,333.10 239.55 $ 2,106,987.77 13,870.55 759,193.13 1,594.96 13,870.55 9,285.98 1,594.96 118,421.51 9,285.98 118,421.51 5,174.89 831.59 5,174.89 6,892.40 831.59 105,825.78 6,892.40 26,704.45 105,825.78 26,704.45 564,314.12 1,224,736.64 564,314.12 215,318.53 1,224,736.64 10,406.00 215,318.53 348,192.73 10,406.00 33,633.45 348,192.73 82,226.91 33,633.45 52,850.88 82,226.91 187,217.20 52,850.88 826,230.57 187,217.20 69,456.53 826,230.57 86,969.93 69,456.53 4,359.55 86,969.93 4,326.38 4,359.55 16,322.16 4,326.38 57,884.29 16,322.16 90,970.62 57,884.29 14,323.71 90,970.62 33,296.00 14,323.71 188.31 33,296.00 8,764.84 188.31 1,212.28 8,764.84 1,212.28 $ Unrealized Revenues Unrealized 50,430.13 Revenues (57,605.85) 50,430.13 (37,309.36) (57,605.85) 5,149.23 (37,309.36) 33,429.45 5,149.23 199,040.52 33,429.45 (46,324.02) 199,040.52 42,508.92 (46,324.02) 9,813.00 42,508.92 (4,700.00) 9,813.00 1,385.59 (4,700.00) 3,250.00 1,385.59 4,987.50 3,250.00 2,722.79 4,987.50 5,142.56 2,722.79 3,906.15 5,142.56 (1,709.88) 3,906.15 (16,321.75) (1,709.88) 8,204.87 (16,321.75) 14,426.72 8,204.87 (16,321.48) 14,426.72 (7,041.00) (16,321.48) (7,041.00) (3,365.00) (1,850.96) (3,365.00) (1,181.05) (1,850.96) 79,134.52 (1,181.05) 3,717.98 79,134.52 110,324.19 3,717.98 (98,342.63) 110,324.19 285,501.14 (98,342.63) 285,501.14 Unrealized Expenses Unrealized (214,046.77) Expenses (32,312.13) (214,046.77) 629.45 (32,312.13) 1,905.04 629.45 9,909.02 1,905.04 40,778.49 9,909.02 2,910.00 40,778.49 7,825.11 2,910.00 568.41 7,825.11 907.60 568.41 74,559.22 907.60 12,020.55 74,559.22 12,020.55 17,935.88 55,263.36 17,935.88 (45,318.53) 55,263.36 (5,906.00) (45,318.53) (48,192.73) (5,906.00) 19,366.55 (48,192.73) 67,773.09 19,366.55 549.12 67,773.09 (634.20) 549.12 (18,469.57) (634.20) 6,703.47 (18,469.57) 4,030.07 6,703.47 68.45 4,030.07 2,373.62 68.45 77.84 2,373.62 14,336.71 77.84 (6,470.62) 14,336.71 (1,323.71) (6,470.62) (32.00) (1,323.71) 111.69 (32.00) 235.16 111.69 787.72 235.16 787.72 Club Income Electrical Fees Misc Event Set-up FeesRevenue Cleaning Fees Equipment Rental Electrical Fees Phone & Internet Set-up Fees Technical Service EquipmentRevenue Rental Ushering Phone & Internet Stagehand Revenue Technical ServiceRevenue Event Insurance Ushering Revenue Show Promote Revenue Stagehand Revenue Forfeited Deposits / Liquidated Damages Event Insurance Revenue Recycling Revenue Show Revenue Other Promote Miscellaneous Forfeited Deposits AR Admission Tax / Liquidated Damages Recycling Revenue CC Admission Tax Other Miscellaneous PAC Admission Tax AR Admission Lodging Tax Tax CC Admission Tax Total PAC Admission Tax Lodging Tax Total 2012 485,450.00 210,000.00 36,750.00 120,300.00 70,000.00 161,000.00 210,000.00 46,250.00 120,300.00 58,500.00 161,000.00 260,000.00 46,250.00 5,000.00 58,500.00 260,000.00 5,000.00 2,700.00 16,730.00 500,000.00 2,700.00 13,000.00 16,730.00 325,000.00 500,000.00 1,159,327.00 13,000.00 10,402,434.00 325,000.00 1,159,327.00 10,402,434.00 - year end report District Expenses $ $ $ $ 480,462.50 70,371.14 27,302.78 1,080.96 64,857.44 13,183.46 70,371.14 13,924.18 1,080.96 33,435.48 13,183.46 13,924.18 33,435.48 4,202.96 8,705.59 420,865.48 4,202.96 8,705.59 420,865.48 5,122,246.22 $ 5,122,246.22 $ EXPENSES - Combined Statement of Operations $ $ 1,892,941.00 $ 775,062.68 14,500.00 1,892,941.00 3,500.00 726,881.00 19,195.00 14,500.00 159,200.00 3,500.00 2,910.00 19,195.00 13,000.00 159,200.00 1,400.00 2,910.00 7,800.00 13,000.00 180,385.00 1,400.00 38,725.00 7,800.00 180,385.00 38,725.00 582,250.00 1,280,000.00 170,000.00 582,250.00 4,500.00 1,280,000.00 300,000.00 170,000.00 53,000.00 4,500.00 150,000.00 300,000.00 53,400.00 53,000.00 186,583.00 150,000.00 807,761.00 53,400.00 76,160.00 186,583.00 91,000.00 807,761.00 4,428.00 76,160.00 6,700.00 91,000.00 16,400.00 4,428.00 72,221.00 6,700.00 84,500.00 16,400.00 13,000.00 72,221.00 Approved33,264.00 Budget 300.00 Approved84,500.00 Budget 9,000.00 Approved13,000.00 Budget 15,876.00 33,264.00 2,000.00 15,876.00 95,000.00 300.00 15,876.00 95,000.00 9,000.00 95,000.00 127,000.00 2,000.00 127,000.00 885,000.00 127,000.00 885,000.00 45,000.00 885,000.00 45,000.00 240,000.00 45,000.00 240,000.00 93,450.00 240,000.00 93,450.00 296,500.00 93,450.00 296,500.00 68,123.00 296,500.00 68,123.00 62,000.00 68,123.00 62,000.00 211,484.00 62,000.00 211,484.00 8,430.00 211,484.00 8,430.00 24,930.00 8,430.00 24,930.00 13,000.00 24,930.00 13,000.00 39,000.00 13,000.00 39,000.00 8,750.00 39,000.00 8,750.00 8,750.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 -16,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 325,000.00 15,000.00 325,000.00 $ 9,646,447.00 325,000.00 $ 9,646,447.00 9,646,447.00 $$ 755,987.00 $ 755,987.00 $ 755,987.00 $ (1) $ (1) $ (1) $ 10,116,932.86 $ 10,116,932.86 9,193,789.47 $ 10,116,932.86 9,193,789.47 $ 923,143.39 9,193,789.47 $ 923,143.39 $ 923,143.39 $ 2012 2012 2012 1,059,329 1,059,329 1,059,329 $ $ 1,085,940.81 Convention 401,088.99 6,192.43 Center Expenses 5,013.11 726,881.00 278,348.26 Approved Budget Arena Expenses 775,062.68 278,348.26 3,664.14 6,192.43 62,440.84 3,664.14 4,474.74 62,440.84 492.67 5,343.55 4,474.74 28,333.41 492.67 11,482.22 5,343.55 28,333.41 11,482.22 352,620.27 592,077.03 352,620.27 592,077.03 348,192.73 33,633.45 71,045.46 348,192.73 52,850.88 33,633.45 164,717.20 71,045.46 52,850.88 164,717.20 41,840.96 1,362.96 2,259.99 41,840.96 10,991.41 1,362.96 21,238.49 2,259.99 55,860.52 10,991.41 12,230.90 21,238.49 33,296.00 Arena Expenses 55,860.52 112.74 Arena Expenses 12,230.90 2,128.49 Arena Expenses 6,217.61 33,296.00 248.58 6,217.61 29,138.23 112.74 6,217.61 29,138.23 1,000.00 2,128.49 29,138.23 1,000.00 45,014.54 248.58 1,000.00 45,014.54 416,357.28 45,014.54 416,357.28 18,125.61 416,357.28 18,125.61 89,584.66 18,125.61 89,584.66 34,420.44 89,584.66 34,420.44 73,896.60 34,420.44 73,896.60 28,049.86 73,896.60 28,049.86 16,047.92 28,049.86 16,047.92 196,771.00 16,047.92 196,771.00 3,314.75 196,771.00 3,314.75 5,536.56 3,314.75 5,536.56 11,737.91 5,536.56 11,737.91 2,371.40 11,737.91 2,371.40 2,382.78 2,371.40 2,382.78 2,382.78 2,854.98 2,854.98 363.65 2,854.98 363.65 363.65 72,048.80 72,048.80 $ 4,027,777.58 72,048.80 $ 4,027,777.58 (87,151.86) 4,027,777.58 (87,151.86) $$ 1,094,468.64 (87,151.86) $ 1,094,468.64 $ 1,094,468.64 $ $ $ - $ 1,085,940.81 1,412.50 401,088.99 4,032.90 5,013.11 38,835.89 1,412.50 4,032.90 28.05 38,835.89 316.89 1,548.85 28.05 46,809.92 316.89 11,753.63 1,548.85 46,809.92 11,753.63 98,381.94 510,846.67 212,085.71 98,381.94 10,406.00 510,846.67 212,085.71 10,406.00 826,230.57 69,456.53 39,073.41 826,230.57 2,097.59 69,456.53 1,076.93 39,073.41 2,135.03 2,097.59 29,418.66 1,076.93 30,733.28 2,135.03 1,701.49 Convention 29,418.66 Convention Center Expenses 30,733.28 61.50 Convention Center Expenses 1,701.49 5,303.25 3,528.50 Center Expenses 724.15 3,528.50 44,294.35 61.50 3,528.50 44,294.35 5,303.25 44,294.35 36,635.84 724.15 36,635.84 418,927.13 36,635.84 418,927.13 12,764.51 418,927.13 12,764.51 78,992.75 12,764.51 78,992.75 23,756.45 78,992.75 23,756.45 110,693.02 23,756.45 110,693.02 12,617.61 110,693.02 12,617.61 24,925.83 12,617.61 24,925.83 24,925.83 3,795.11 3,795.11 8,210.94 3,795.11 8,210.94 1,813.23 8,210.94 1,813.23 23,552.37 1,813.23 23,552.37 906.94 23,552.37 906.94 906.94 1,189.58 1,189.58 9,884.70 1,189.58 9,884.70 9,884.70 31,232.74 31,232.74 $ 4,284,235.85 31,232.74 $ 4,284,235.85 410,073.27 4,284,235.85 410,073.27 $$ (737,147.14) 410,073.27 $ (737,147.14) $ (737,147.14) $ $ $ - 126.00 1,075.92 13,459.89 126.00 604.00 1,075.92 1,526.00 13,459.89 5,063.59 604.00 1,526.00 5,063.59 2,800.00 1,754.34 2,800.00 1,754.34 214,675.81 1,447,597.93 214,675.81 1,447,597.93 - INB PAC Expenses Center Expenses Salaries & Wages Benefits & Expense Description Office Supplies Salaries & Wages Chemical/Lab Supplies Benefits Clothing & Expense Office Supplies Operating Supplies Chemical/Lab Publications Supplies Clothing Software Operating Supplies Meals Publications Fuel Software Minor Equipment Meals Professional Services Fuel Directors Compensation Minor Equipment State Audit Charges Professional Services Legal Services Directors Compensation Contract Services State Audit Charges Contract Labor Legal Services Reimbursed Event Ushering Contract Services Reimbursed Stagehands Contract Labor Hockey Reimbursed Event Ushering Football Reimbursed Stagehands Co-Promote Hockey Club Seat Commissions Football Advertising Commissions Co-Promote Contract Services CVB Club Seat Commissions Contractual Services SRSC Advertising Telephone Commissions Contract Services CVB Cell Phone Contractual Services SRSC Postage Telephone Cable Tv Cell Phone Travel Postage Building Advertising Cable Tv Event Advertising Travel Chiefs Advertising Description Building Advertising Advertising Description Event Advertising Other Marketing Description Operating Rentals Chiefs Advertising Promotional Hosting Operating Rentals Insurance AdvertisingClaims Operating Rentals Insurance Other Marketing Insurance Claims Water & Sewer Promotional Hosting Insurance Claims Water & Sewer Electricity Water & Sewer Electricity Refuse Electricity Refuse Gas Refuse Gas Exterior Repairs & Maintenance Gas Exterior Repairs & Maintenance Bldg Repairs & Maintenance Exterior Repairs & Maintenance Bldg Repairs Equip Repairs&&Maintenance Maintentance Bldg Repairs & Maintenance Equip Repairs & Maintentance Repair & Maintenance Supplies Equip & Maintentance Repair&Repairs &Club Maintenance Supplies Suite Tickets Repair &Club Maintenance Suite &Subs, Tickets Supplies Dues, Memberships Suite Club & Tickets Dues,&Subs, Memberships Registration Schooling Dues, Subs, Memberships Registration & Schooling Laundry & Sanitation Registration & Schooling Laundry Sanitation Permits, & Other Fees Laundry Sanitation Permits, Fees Printing &&Other Copying Permits, Fees Printing &Other Copying Tuition Reimbursement Printing & Copying Tuition Reimbursement Awards TuitionCharges Reimbursement Awards Bank Awards Bank Charges Other Misc Charges Bank Charges Other Misc Reserve ForCharges Budget Adjustment Other Misc Reserve ForCharges Budget Adjustment Taxes Reserve For Budget Adjustment Taxes Total Taxes Total Total Operating Profit/(Loss) Operating Profit/(Loss) Operating Profit/(Loss) Attendance Attendance Attendance $ EXPENSESConvention Approved Budget Arena Expenses Description Revenue Revenue Expenses Revenue Profit/Loss Expenses Operations Expenses Operations Profit/Loss Operations Profit/Loss 135,596.71 6,724.43 119,853.00 150,678.40 135,596.71 23,516.95 119,853.00 9,111.80 150,678.40 271,257.89 23,516.95 12,041.00 9,111.80 271,257.89 12,041.00 565.00 348.00 7,451.12 565.00 348.00 9,282.02 7,451.12 1,257,669.63 9,282.02 3,547,088.71 1,257,669.63 3,547,088.71 - $ $ 245,984.28 INB PAC 79,755.88 Expenses 2,665.01 245,984.28 182.46 79,755.88 1,588.94 2,665.01 17,144.78 182.46 1,588.94 672.10 17,144.78 22.03 672.10 30,682.45 22.03 3,468.60 30,682.45 3,468.60 113,311.91 121,812.94 3,232.82 113,311.91 121,812.94 3,232.82 11,181.45 22,500.00 11,181.45 22,500.00 6,055.56 899.00 989.46 6,055.56 3,195.72 899.00 7,227.14 989.46 4,376.82 3,195.72 391.32 INB PAC 7,227.14 INB PAC Expenses 4,376.82 14.07 INB PAC Expenses 391.32 1,333.10 2,472.72 Expenses 239.55 2,472.72 12,568.39 14.07 2,472.72 12,568.39 1,333.10 12,568.39 8,993.01 239.55 8,993.01 59,636.23 8,993.01 59,636.23 4,382.76 59,636.23 4,382.76 18,716.24 4,382.76 18,716.24 7,481.05 18,716.24 7,481.05 38,794.12 7,481.05 38,794.12 5,682.97 38,794.12 5,682.97 8,233.93 5,682.97 8,233.93 8,233.93 1,286.29 1,286.29 2,230.28 1,286.29 2,230.28 1,813.25 2,230.28 1,813.25 6,353.63 1,813.25 6,353.63 589.57 6,353.63 589.57 589.57 713.74 713.74 7,683.20 713.74 7,683.20 7,683.20 15,217.27 15,217.27 $ 881,776.04 15,217.27 $ 881,776.04 (79,966.04) $ 881,776.04 (79,966.04) $ 565,821.89 (79,966.04) $ 565,821.89 $ 565,821.89 $ $ $ Revenue Revenue Expenses Revenue Profit/Loss Expenses Operations Expenses Profit/Loss Operations Operations Profit/Loss Attendance Attendance Attendance $ $ $ $ 480,462.50 206,093.85 34,027.21 122,009.88 64,857.44 177,321.75 206,093.85 38,045.13 122,009.88 44,073.28 177,321.75 276,321.48 38,045.13 12,041.00 44,073.28 276,321.48 12,041.00 3,365.00 4,550.96 17,911.05 3,365.00 420,865.48 4,550.96 9,282.02 17,911.05 214,675.81 420,865.48 1,257,669.63 9,282.02 $ 10,116,932.86 214,675.81 0.00 1,257,669.63 (0.00) 10,116,932.86 $ 0.00 (0.00) Total Expenses $ 2,106,987.77 759,193.13 Total Expenses $ Total Total Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13,870.55 2,106,987.77 1,594.96 759,193.13 9,285.98 13,870.55 118,421.51 1,594.96 9,285.98 5,174.89 118,421.51 831.59 6,892.40 5,174.89 105,825.78 831.59 26,704.45 6,892.40 105,825.78 26,704.45 564,314.12 1,224,736.64 215,318.53 564,314.12 10,406.00 1,224,736.64 348,192.73 215,318.53 33,633.45 10,406.00 82,226.91 348,192.73 52,850.88 33,633.45 187,217.20 82,226.91 826,230.57 52,850.88 69,456.53 187,217.20 86,969.93 826,230.57 4,359.55 69,456.53 4,326.38 86,969.93 16,322.16 4,359.55 57,884.29 4,326.38 90,970.62 16,322.16 14,323.71 57,884.29 33,296.00 Expenses 90,970.62 188.31 Expenses 14,323.71 8,764.84 Expenses 12,218.83 33,296.00 1,212.28 12,218.83 86,000.97 188.31 12,218.83 86,000.97 1,000.00 8,764.84 86,000.97 1,000.00 90,643.39 1,212.28 1,000.00 90,643.39 894,920.64 90,643.39 894,920.64 35,272.88 894,920.64 35,272.88 187,293.65 35,272.88 187,293.65 65,657.94 187,293.65 65,657.94 223,383.74 65,657.94 223,383.74 46,350.44 223,383.74 46,350.44 49,207.68 46,350.44 49,207.68 196,771.00 49,207.68 196,771.00 8,396.15 196,771.00 8,396.15 15,977.78 8,396.15 15,977.78 15,364.39 15,977.78 15,364.39 32,277.40 15,364.39 32,277.40 3,879.29 32,277.40 3,879.29 3,879.29 4,758.30 4,758.30 17,931.55 4,758.30 17,931.55 17,931.55 118,498.81 118,498.81 9,193,789.47 118,498.81 9,193,789.47 9,193,789.47 923,143.39 923,143.39 923,143.39 (0) (0) 2011 (0) 2011 2011 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,987.50 3,906.15 2,722.79 (1,709.88) 5,142.56 (16,321.75) 3,906.15 8,204.87 (1,709.88) 14,426.72 (16,321.75) (16,321.48) 8,204.87 (7,041.00) 14,426.72 (16,321.48) (7,041.00) (3,365.00) (1,850.96) (1,181.05) (3,365.00) 79,134.52 (1,850.96) 3,717.98 (1,181.05) 110,324.19 79,134.52 (98,342.63) 3,717.98 285,501.14 110,324.19 (98,342.63) 285,501.14 Unrealized Expenses (214,046.77) Unrealized (32,312.13) Expenses 629.45 (214,046.77) 1,905.04 (32,312.13) 9,909.02 629.45 40,778.49 1,905.04 2,910.00 9,909.02 7,825.11 40,778.49 568.41 2,910.00 907.60 7,825.11 74,559.22 568.41 12,020.55 907.60 74,559.22 12,020.55 17,935.88 55,263.36 (45,318.53) 17,935.88 (5,906.00) 55,263.36 (48,192.73) (45,318.53) 19,366.55 (5,906.00) 67,773.09 (48,192.73) 549.12 19,366.55 (634.20) 67,773.09 (18,469.57) 549.12 6,703.47 (634.20) 4,030.07 (18,469.57) 68.45 6,703.47 2,373.62 4,030.07 77.84 68.45 14,336.71 2,373.62 (6,470.62) 77.84 (1,323.71) Unrealized 14,336.71 (32.00) Unrealized Expenses (6,470.62) 111.69 Unrealized Expenses (1,323.71) 235.16 3,657.17 Expenses (32.00) 787.72 3,657.17 8,999.03 111.69 3,657.17 8,999.03 (1,000.00) 235.16 8,999.03 (1,000.00) 36,356.61 787.72 (1,000.00) 36,356.61 (9,920.64) 36,356.61 (9,920.64) 9,727.12 (9,920.64) 9,727.12 52,706.35 9,727.12 52,706.35 27,792.06 52,706.35 27,792.06 73,116.26 27,792.06 73,116.26 21,772.56 73,116.26 21,772.56 12,792.32 21,772.56 12,792.32 14,713.00 12,792.32 14,713.00 33.85 14,713.00 33.85 8,952.22 33.85 8,952.22 (2,364.39) 8,952.22 (2,364.39) 6,722.60 (2,364.39) 6,722.60 4,870.71 6,722.60 4,870.71 4,870.71 (4,758.30) (4,758.30) (1,931.55) (4,758.30) (1,931.55) (1,931.55) 15,000.00 15,000.00 206,501.19 15,000.00 206,501.19 452,657.53 206,501.19 452,657.53 452,657.53 (167,156.39) (167,156.39) (167,156.39) 9,989,116.81 9,989,116.81 8,950,834.10 9,989,116.81 8,950,834.10 1,038,282.71 8,950,834.10 1,038,282.71 1,038,282.71 1,039,882 1,039,882 1,039,882 3 2012 year end report Executive Summary Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena It is our commitment that through teamwork we will operate the Spokane Arena with a continuing effort to provide with pride the highest quality of Guest services and a safe, comfortable environment for all events, in a fiscally responsible manner. Reporting Period: January 1 - December 31, 2012 Number of Major Events: 112 Number of Minor Events: 451 Total Events:563 Total Attendance:601,206 Largest Attendance by Event Type: Arena Concert: Family Show: Sporting Event: Community Event: Meeting: Financial Information: Rock & Worship Road Show Disney on Ice WIAA State B Basketball World Wide Dreambuilders City of Spokane Revenues: Expenses: Net: March 4, 2012 November 11, 2012 March 2, 2012 March 19, 2012 July 19, 2012 11,177 Guests 27,518 Guests 10,812 Guests 15,937 Guests 204 Guests $ 5,122,246.22 $ 4,027,777.58 $ 1,094,468.64 5 year end report 2012 Executive Summary INB Performing Arts Center It is our mission to operate as a community facility - providing first class performing and meeting surroundings, with excellent service, at affordable use rates to local performing arts groups, event presenters, meeting planners and school districts, thereby enhancing the quality of life for all citizens and serving the economic well-being of the community. Reporting Period: January 1 - December 31, 2012 Number of Major Events: 181 Number of Minor Events: 33 Total Events:214 Total Attendance:173,567 Largest Attendance by Event Type: Broadway: Convention: Other Entertainment: Community Event: Financial Information: Revenues: Expenses: Net: 6 Jersey Boys Square Dancer Mythbusters First Night $ 1,447,597.93 $ 881,776.04 $ 565,821.89 October 14-29, 2012 June 25-30, 2012 January 20, 2012 December 31, 2012 24,630 Guests 21,588 Guests 2,513 Guests 8,016 Guests 2012 year end report Executive Summary Spokane Convention Center It is our mission to provide excellent physical surrounding, equipment and support service to our conventions, trade shows, consumer shows, events and local celebrations - striving toward a balance of all, but maintaining a thrust toward attracting out-of-town visitors, thereby maximizing community economic impact. Reporting Period: January 1 - December 31, 2012 Number of Major Events: 353 Number of Minor Events: 109 Total Events:462 Total Attendance:284,556 Largest Attendance by Event Type: Convention/Trade Show: Square Dance June 25-July 1, 2012 Consumer Show: Bloomsday May 2-6, 2012 Community Event: First Night December 31, 2012 Meeting: Republican Conv. April 14, 2012 Sporting Event: PNQ Volleyball March 22-April 1, 2012 Entertainment: Financial Information: Revenues: Expenses: Net: 20,937 Guests 50,576 Guests 9,496 Guests 1,689 Guests 13,738 Guests $ 3,547,088.71 $ 4,284,235.85 $ (737,147.14) 7 year end report 2012 Engineering Summary The Engineering staff operates and maintains all HVAC, life safety systems, plumbing, structural and electrical systems for the Spokane Arena, INB Performing Arts Center, and Spokane Convention Center. Listed below are major improvements to our facilities for this year. Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena • We completed an in-house project, upgrading the lighting fixtures in the parking lot, with electronic ballast a metal halide bulbs. Have reduced our electrical usage by nearly 50 percent. • Upgraded the lighting fixtures in the Swale area, from 250 watt metal Halide to 65 watt Led. We have reduced our energy usage by more than 60 percent. INB Performing Arts Center • Worked closely with contractors in the permanent construction of new bars and coffee stand. This has greatly enhanced the functionality and appearance of this facility. • Changed light bulbs in the auditorium seating area lights from 65 watt incandescent to 11 watt Led, reducing our energy usage by more than 75 percent. Spokane Convention Center • Upgraded the lighting fixtures in the exhibit halls and ballrooms with electronic ballast and lower wattage metal halide bulbs. We have realized a savings of our electrical usage by 35 percent. 8 •Added several power outlets and data for the addition of several monitors throughout the campus, providing our patrons with valuable information about their events. 2012 year end report Technical Services Summary The Technical Department consists of four full-time employees who are assisted by several part-time camera operators and sports event technicians. Casey Booey III and Monte Koch are based in the Spokane Arena while Mike Tucker and Ryan Wilson are at the INB Performing Arts Center and Spokane Convention Center. We cross-train our part-time employees several times a year to ensure all aspects of production are covered thoroughly. The Technical Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of many components of venue operation: sound systems, closed circuit TV systems, Arena video wall, scoreboard system, exterior marquees, indoor electronic message centers and advertising panels, portable sound and visual presentation systems, event lighting systems, computer network, phone system, wireless networking and ongoing remodel and update projects throughout the facilities. Our facilities went through a variety of improvements in 2011: Spokane Convention Center • 20 Rental laptops were added at the Convention Center and were completely paid for by the first event to use them. This has improved our capabilities to be a true one-stop shop for convention AV and IT requirements. • Centerplate was integrated into Ungerboeck, consolidating the invoice for our Convention Center customers and streamlining the payment and billing process. Spokane Arena • The access control system was upgraded to bring it in line with the rest of the district. An access reader was added to the back stage elevator so that it could be kept operational during events. District-wide • Continued the virtualization of our server and workstation load. This initiative makes maintaining our IT resources much more efficient and extends the life of existing hardware, improving ROI on workstation hardware. It also improves our remote access capabilities, truly allowing our staff to “work from anywhere”. 9 year end report 2012 Marketing Summary 2012 was another fantastic year for the District and an exciting one for our marketing endeavors! With an ever changing marketing landscape, our team was able to successfully adapt and creatively integrate new means of communication and event promotion to an already strong marketing mix. Social marketing continued to be a force of change in the industry as Facebook and Twitter introduced new content that allowed more interactive and engaging communication between fans and businesses. We continued to be an industry leader in this form of interactive communication, being asked to share our experiences and success stories on national webinars and on panels at industry conferences, as well as being featured in numerous conference presentations. We continued to experiment with various mobile media opportunities that included interactive ticket contests, QR codes and texting. Our facilities hosted a number of high-profile events throughout 2012. The Spokane Convention Center remained busy with annual events like the popular Ag Expo and Pacific Northwest Qualifier Volleyball event, and continued to bring in a number of local and national meetings that resulted in thousands of room nights, restaurant visits and shopping experiences. The INB Performing Arts Center was once again home to WestCoast Entertainment’s Best of Broadway Series that brought Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, The New Shanghai Circus, In the Heights, Pop Goes the Rock by Cirque du Soleil, Mary Poppins and Jersey Boys. The INB Performing Arts Center also hosted a number of concerts and events including, MythBusters: Behind the Myths Tour, Grease Sing-a-Long and the Sound of Music Sing-a-Long that allowed our marketing department to get creative. We were able to successfully conceptualize, plan and execute a variety of secondary event experiences around these events that included the sold-out Molecular Mixology and Gastronomy experience in support of MythBusters. The Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena had an exciting run of successful concerts and events that included Brad Paisley, Monster Jam, Dierks Bentley, Jeff Dunham, Blake Shelton, Nickelback, Trans-Siberian Orchestra and Cirque du Soleil’s Quidam. In November, the Spokane Arena was also selected as a host site for the 2014 NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Championship – Second & Third Rounds. We are very fortunate to be able to work with fine groups such as Live Nation, AEG Live and many other agents and promoters. These relationships, along with our key role with the ArenaNetwork, make it possible to provide the absolute best entertainment for Spokane and the Inland Northwest. Our Member Services programs including Hot Tickets, the Suites and the Kalispel Club continue to be successful and are expertly handled by Stephanie Huff. Becca Watters oversees the marketing of the District, manages all media buying, public relations and social media activity for events. WestCoast Entertainment’s Mike Durfee and Will Clossey are responsible for our Group Sales department and have continued to improve the number of Groups that get to see our shows. 10 2012 year end report Marketing Summary Pollstar/Billboard Ad 11 year end report Marketing Summary Promotional Glasses Package 12 2012 2012 year end report Marketing Summary Pollstar/Billboard Ads 13 year end report Marketing Summary Pollstar/Billboard Ads 14 2012 2012 year end report Marketing Summary Pollstar/Billboard Ad 15 year end report Marketing Summary Thanksgiving Ad 16 2012 2012 year end report Marketing Summary Valentine’s Day Card SPIN BOT T LE THE e fac Send flowers Send chocolates Sing to me Tell all your friends about me book me 509.279.7000 the .com/spokane a book r e na me some lov e show ask me out let ’s ta l k 17 2012 year end report year end report SPOKANE ARENA STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 2012 2012 Statement of Operations Revenues REVENUES Description Approved Budget Facilities Rental Concessions Catering Merchandise Parking Event Parking Daily Parking Box Office Suite Income Advertising Contracts Ad Agency Membership Income Club Income Misc Event Revenue Cleaning Fees Electrical Fees Equipment Rental Phones & Internet Set Up Fees Technical Service Ushering Show Promote Revenue Forfeited Deposits Recycling Revenue Other Miscellaneous AR Admission Tax Total $ $ 800,000.00 1,025,000.00 70,000.00 85,000.00 44,745.00 700,000.00 125,000.00 300,000.00 547,252.00 473,770.00 3,000.00 18,800.00 485,450.00 30,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 15,000.00 18,000.00 42,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 500,000.00 5,429,517.00 - Unrealized Revenues YTD Revenues $ 826,100.06 1,032,151.26 64,528.66 88,683.30 36,315.55 517,440.62 121,644.42 265,518.63 537,439.00 478,470.00 12.75 15,550.00 480,462.50 27,302.78 64,857.44 70,371.14 13,183.46 13,924.18 1,080.96 33,435.48 4,202.96 8,705.59 420,865.48 5,122,246.22 $ $ $ (26,100.06) (7,151.26) 5,471.34 (3,683.30) 8,429.45 182,559.38 3,355.58 34,481.37 9,813.00 (4,700.00) 2,987.25 3,250.00 4,987.50 2,697.22 5,142.56 (371.14) 1,816.54 4,075.82 (1,080.96) 8,564.52 (2,702.96) (3,705.59) 79,134.52 307,270.78 EXPENSES Description Salaries & Wages Benefits & Expense Office Supplies Chemical/Lab Supplies Clothing Operating Supplies Publications Software 20 Meals Fuel Approved Budget $ 746,854.00 267,239.00 7,000.00 2,000.00 9,405.00 83,725.00 2,610.00 11,000.00 1,000.00 4,250.00 YTD Expenses $ 775,062.68 278,348.26 6,192.43 3,664.14 62,440.84 4,474.74 492.67 5,343.55 $ Unrealized Expenses (28,208.68) (11,109.26) 807.57 2,000.00 5,740.86 21,284.16 2,610.00 6,525.26 507.33 (1,093.55) 2012 year end report Arena Expenses 2012 Description Approved Budget Reimbursed Event Stagehands Hockey Football Co-Promotes Club Seat Commissions Advertising Commissions Contract Services Cvb Telephone Cell Phone Postage Cable Tv Travel Building Advertising Event Advertising Chiefs Advertising Advertising Other Marketing Promotional Hosting Operating Rentals Insurance Insurance Claims Water & Sewer Electricity Refuse Gas Exterior Repairs & Maintenance Bldg Repairs & Maintenance Equip Repairs & Maintentance Repair & Maintenance Supplies Suite & Club Tickets Dues, Subs, Memberships Registration & Schooling Laundry & Sanitation Permits, Other Fees Printing & Copying Tuition Reimbursement Awards Bank Charges Other Misc Charges Reserve For Budget Adjustment Taxes Total $ Operating Profit/(Loss) $ Revenue Expenditures Operations Profit/Loss $ Attendance $ 300,000.00 53,000.00 150,000.00 53,400.00 164,083.00 42,000.00 1,296.00 3,000.00 11,000.00 26,040.00 61,000.00 12,600.00 33,264.00 2,500.00 750.00 9,056.00 30,000.00 70,000.00 425,000.00 26,000.00 110,000.00 42,500.00 130,000.00 31,050.00 33,500.00 211,484.00 3,616.00 11,061.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 5,200.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 175,000.00 4,477,663.00 1.00 951,854.00 2012 5,122,246.22 4,027,777.58 1,094,468.64 601,206 Unrealized Expenses YTD Expenses $ 348,192.73 33,633.45 71,045.46 52,850.88 164,717.20 41,840.96 1,362.96 2,259.99 10,991.41 21,238.49 55,860.52 12,230.90 33,296.00 112.74 2,128.49 248.58 6,217.61 29,138.23 1,000.00 45,014.54 416,357.28 18,125.61 89,584.66 34,420.44 73,896.60 28,049.86 16,047.92 196,771.00 3,314.75 5,536.56 11,737.91 2,371.40 2,382.78 2,854.98 363.65 72,048.80 4,027,777.58 $ (48,192.73) 19,366.55 78,954.54 549.12 (634.20) 159.04 (66.96) 740.01 8.59 4,801.51 5,139.48 369.10 (32.00) (112.74) 371.51 501.42 2,838.39 861.77 (1,000.00) 24,985.46 8,642.72 7,874.39 20,415.34 8,079.56 56,103.40 3,000.14 17,452.08 14,713.00 301.25 5,524.44 (1,737.91) 628.60 2,817.22 (2,854.98) 636.35 5,000.00 102,951.20 449,885.42 $ 1,094,468.64 $ (142,614.64) $ $ 2011 6,827,413.30 4,592,938.25 2,234,475.05 % 75% 88% 49% 879,813 68% 21 year end report 2012 SPOKANE ARENA Arena Revenues REVENUES 2012 2012 Description Facilities Rental Concessions/Catering Event Parking Merchandise Event Miscellaneous Advertising - Building Suite Income Club/Membership Box Office Daily/Pass Parking Miscellaneous Admission Tax Total $ Amount $ Miscellaneous Daily/Pass Parking 0% 3% Box Office 5% % 826,100 16% 1,096,680 21% 517,441 10% 88,683 2% 224,168 4% 478,470 9% 537,439 10% 496,013 10% 265,519 5% 157,960 3% 12,909 0% 420,865 8% 5,122,246 100% Facilities Rental 16% Admission Tax 8% Club/ Membership 7% Concessions/ Catering 21% Suite Income 11% Advertising - Building 9% 22 Event Parking Event Miscellaneous Merchandise 10% 4% 2% 2012 year end report SPOKANE ARENA REVENUES Arena Revenues to1996 Date - 2012 2008-2012 Facilities Rental Concess/Cater/Beverage Event Parking (as of 2011) Advertising Contracts Suite Income Ad Agency/Group Sales Merchandise Event Miscellaneous Club/Membership Box Office Daily Parking (as of 2011) Miscellaneous Admission Tax R&R Transfer 2009 808,878 1,111,573 753,294 466,133 461,750 4,254 87,525 214,751 470,238 209,186 2010 $ 1,223,162 1,423,369 879,840 456,045 527,000 11,015 152,774 384,844 485,200 423,878 11,678 15,648 $ 5,181,499 $ 4,603,230 17,584 842,702 $ 6,827,413 $ 2008 823,899 1,203,778 746,965 432,602 489,250 2,994 617,893 227,853 456,490 168,097 $ 2011 826,371 1,142,959 564,091 435,106 539,110 11,645 84,268 252,779 450,035 293,437 168,785 6,895 492,493 $ 5,267,974 $ $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $- 23 year end report 2012 SPOKANE ARENA Arena Expenses EXPENSES 2012 2012 Description Amount Salaries & Benefits Supplies Contractual Services Commissions Hockey/Football/Co-Promotes Utilities Insurance Advertising/Marketing Repairs & Maintenance Suite & Club Tickets Other Services & Charges Taxes Total Suite & Club Tickets Repairs & 4% Maintenance 5% Advertising/ Marketing 2% Insurance 1% Utilities 14% Hockey/Football/ Co-Promotes 9% 24 % $ 1,053,411 26% 110,942 3% 944,697 23% 217,568 5% 452,872 11% 569,082 14% 29,138 1% 103,629 3% 152,415 4% 196,771 5% 125,204 3% 72,049 2% $ 4,027,778 100% Other Taxes 2% 2% Salaries & Benefits 26% Supplies 3% Commissions 5% Contractual Services 23% 2012 year end report S Arena Expenses to Date 2008-2012 Description Salaries & Benefits Supplies Contractual Services Merchandise Commissions Chiefs Shock Co-Promotes Utilities Insurance Advertising/Marketing Repairs & Maintenance Suite & Club Tickets Other Services & Charges Taxes Interfund Costs PFD Scoreboard/Suites/Club Operating Transfers Total 2008 $ 1,056,146 109,399 911,963 446,656 197,118 334,279 26,459 2009 $ 1,070,760 153,297 958,972 199,377 310,377 46,941 587,651 34,109 94,664 179,807 202,656 106,903 174,007 $ 4,461,817 597,782 28,892 95,345 193,759 186,496 102,396 162,084 $ 4,106,478 2010 $ 1,146,190 293,932 1,126,847 197,757 270,801 51,924 106,403 570,107 29,071 102,904 226,952 182,416 100,387 187,247 $ 4,592,938 2011 983,410 114,499 920,622 201,228 336,333 32,724 182,135 569,370 29,376 101,476 173,472 197,476 117,388 155,421 $ 4,114,929 $ $ $ 2012 1,053,411 110,942 944,697 217,568 348,193 33,633 71,045 569,082 29,138 103,629 152,415 196,771 125,204 72,049 4,027,778 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 Series1 400000 Series2 200000 Series3 0 Series4 Series5 25 year end report 2012 Operating Profit 2008-2012 Description Revenues Expenses Operating Profit 2008 $ 5,181,498.97 4,461,817.14 $ 719,681.83 $ $ Revenues 2009 4,603,230.10 4,106,478.17 496,751.93 Expenses $ $ 2010 6,827,413.30 4,592,938.25 2,234,475.05 2011 5,267,973.97 4,027,777.58 1,240,196.39 $ $ 2012 $ 5,122,246.22 4,027,777.58 $ 1,094,468.64 Operating Profit $8,000,000.00 $7,000,000.00 $6,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $2008 26 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 year end report SPOKANE ARENA TAX Admission ADMISSION Tax 2012 Date Jan 4-Feb 9-Feb 19-Feb 22-Feb Feb 3-Mar 4-Mar 8-Mar 12-Mar 25-Mar 30-Mar Mar 14-Apr 18-Apr Apr 11-May 18-May 1-Jun 9-Jun 16-Jun 24-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun 21-Jul 18-Aug 16-Sep Sep 7-Oct Oct 18-Nov 23-Nov 30-Nov Nov Dec Event Spokane Chiefs WWE Brad Paisley Monster Jam Globetrotters Spokane Chiefs State B Basketball Rock & Worship Road Show Blake Shelton Shock vs Iowa Jeff Dunham Shock vs San Jose Spokane Chiefs Shock vs Milwaukee Dierks Bentley Spokane Chiefs Shock vs New Orleans Shock vs Philadelphia LMFAO Spokane Shock v Kansas City Command Spokane Shock v Utah Blaze Nickelback Spokane Shock v Arizona Rattlers Jamal Crawford A Plus Charity Classic Spokane Shock v Tampa Bay Storm Women of Faith Cirque du Soleil: Quidam Spokane Chiefs WWE Raw Spokane Chiefs Disney on Ice Trans-Siberian Orchestra Life in Color Spokane Chiefs Spokane Chiefs Total Amount $ $ 23,506.32 4,060.24 25,118.70 13,302.62 4,933.23 18,137.42 8,832.29 4,956.10 16,082.04 7,943.28 15,009.57 6,767.99 17,161.43 7,480.54 6,111.43 11,887.14 6,972.66 6,891.08 13,107.02 6,492.53 6,453.54 29,087.17 6,544.14 3,620.76 6,468.45 14,373.50 26,430.44 4,484.33 5,866.43 14,722.82 25,376.03 11,638.40 7,817.10 19,283.19 13,945.54 420,865.48 27 year end report 2012 SPOKANE ARENA Event Revenue Comparison EVENT REVENUE COMPARISON 2012/2011 Event Type Family Shows Community Events Hockey Football Concerts Sports Other Total $ 2012 2011 391,054 14% 307,565 11% 1,008,877 37% 270,077 10% 534,947 19% 204,353 7% 31,374 1% $ 2,748,248 100% $ 483,292 17% $ 319,658 11% $ 991,588 34% $ 262,255 9% $ 335,254 12% $ 476,750 17% $ 8,123 0% $ 2,876,920 100% 2011 2012 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $Family Shows Community Events 28 Hockey Football Concerts Sports Other 2012 year end report Activity By Month SPOKANE ARENA 2012 ACTIVITY BY MONTH January 2012 Date 5-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 10-Jan 11-Jan 11-Jan 11-Jan 11-Jan 11-Jan 11-Jan 11-Jan 11-Jan 12-Jan 14-Jan 14-Jan 14-Jan 14-Jan 14-Jan 14-Jan 14-Jan 16-Jan 16-Jan 16-Jan 16-Jan 16-Jan 17-Jan 18-Jan 18-Jan 19-Jan 21-Jan 21-Jan 21-Jan 21-Jan 21-Jan 21-Jan 21-Jan 22-Jan 22-Jan 22-Jan 22-Jan 22-Jan 27-Jan 22-Jan 27-Jan 22-Jan 27-Jan 24-Jan 27-Jan 24-Jan 27-Jan 24-Jan 28-Jan 26-Jan 28-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 30-Jan Event Chief's Practice Chiefs v Moose Jaw Chief's Practice ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Vera Water & Power Chiefs - Becca Delong Family Chiefs - Ron Johnston Chief's Practice Inland Empire Chapter of ASHRAE Chief's Practice Chiefs v Everett TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - IPFS Chiefs - Swinging Doors Chiefs - Edge Construction Supply Chief's Practice Chief's Practice Chiefs v Tri-City SPFD Holiday Reception Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Chris Prater Chiefs - Coldwell Banker Chiefs - Aaron Mallon Chiefs v Seattle TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Pack 590 Chiefs - Mary Cayer Chief's Practice Chief's Practice Spokane Federal Credit Union Chief's Practice Chief's Practice Chiefs v Portland ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Reamer Family Dentistry Chiefs - Testcomm Chiefs - Merle Norman Cosmetics Chief's Practice Chiefs v Portland Charitable Suite Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs -v VEBA Portland Chiefs ISS - Rob Hubof Chiefs - Best Western Inn Season TicketCDA Holders SPFD Meeting Chiefs Board - SRSC Chief's Chiefs -Practice Radio Spokane Spokane Chiefs Team Meal Chief's Practice Chief's Chiefs vPractice Kootenay Chief's Practice TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Ken Slininger Chiefs - Rainbow Electric Chiefs - Ken Sharp Chief's Practice Total Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Mtg N Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Mtg N & S Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Arena Crease Arena Suite Party Pod Spotlight Board Corner Arena Crease Mtg A Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena JANUARY Attend 35 6418 35 * * * * * 35 32 35 3754 * * * * * 35 35 9669 * * * * * 4243 * * * * 35 35 45 35 35 8468 * * * * * 35 4315 * * * 6243 * * 20 * 35 * 35 35 8412 35 * * * * * 35 52,214 Rental $ 4,998.22 Food & Bev Net $ 150.00 200.00 $ 2,607.85 150.00 7,497.26 150.00 2,742.34 150.00 300.00 6,222.23 150.00 2,978.73 150.00 4,598.91 150.00 5,964.58 150.00 39,310.12 $ 13,812.49 235.98 7,743.89 21,327.77 6,526.68 247.22 18,818.40 6,777.92 13,880.71 18.40 75.90 16,607.76 106,073.12 Merch Net $ $ - Parking Net $ $ 4,701.01 2,069.92 8,158.23 2,780.13 6,704.69 2,483.90 5,289.79 6,807.73 38,995.40 Other $ $ 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 184.00 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 1,214.40 Total $ $ 23,640.52 150.00 435.98 12,550.46 150.00 37,112.06 150.00 12,177.95 150.00 731.22 31,874.12 150.00 12,369.35 150.00 23,898.21 150.00 18.40 75.90 29,508.87 150.00 185,593.04 Rental Exceptions: None FEBRUARY Date 2-Feb 2-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 4-Feb 4-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb Event GSL Groovy Shoes Basketball TicketsWest Chiefs v Victoria ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Oral Surgery Plus Chiefs - Bantam Bruins Chiefs - Keith Shalock Chiefs Practice WWE Smackdown Live Event TicketsWest Chiefs v Seattle Charitable Suite Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Kelly Brady Advertising Chiefs - BOMA Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Attend 3020 * 7705 * * * * * 35 2879 * 3506 * * * * Rental $ 9,500.00 4,323.38 150.00 18,083.85 2,279.04 150.00 - Food & Bev Net $ 3,471.69 16,175.60 6,208.98 5,615.71 - Merch Net $ 3,949.53 - Parking Gross $ 2,263.11 6,320.15 3,852.81 1,904.32 - Other $ 128.80 4,415.82 128.80 - Total $ 15,234.80 26,947.93 150.00 36,510.99 9,927.87 150.00 - 29 27-Jan 27-Jan 27-Jan 27-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 30-Jan Chiefs v Portland ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - SRSC Chiefs - Radio Spokane Chief's Practice Chiefs v Kootenay TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Ken Slininger Chiefs - Rainbow Electric Chiefs - Ken Sharp Chief's Practice Total Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena 6243 * * * * 35 8412 * * * * * 35 52,214 Activity By Month $ 4,598.91 150.00 5,964.58 150.00 39,310.12 13,880.71 16,607.76 106,073.12 - year end report $ $ $ 2012 5,289.79 6,807.73 38,995.40 $ 128.80 128.80 1,214.40 23,898.21 150.00 - $ 29,508.87 150.00 185,593.04 Rental Exceptions: None February 2012 FEBRUARY Date 2-Feb 2-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 4-Feb 4-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb 6-Feb 7-Feb 7-Feb 8-Feb 8-Feb 9-Feb 9-Feb 10-Feb 10-Feb 10-Feb 10-Feb 10-Feb 10-Feb 10-Feb 11-Feb 11-Feb 11-Feb 11-Feb 11-Feb 11-Feb 11-Feb 13-Feb 14-Feb 14-Feb 15-Feb 15-Feb 15-Feb 15-Feb 15-Feb 15-Feb 15-Feb 16-Feb 17-Feb 17-Feb 18-Feb 18-Feb 18-Feb 18-Feb 19-Feb 19-Feb 22-Feb 22-Feb 22-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 28-Feb Event GSL Groovy Shoes Basketball TicketsWest Chiefs v Victoria ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Oral Surgery Plus Chiefs - Bantam Bruins Chiefs - Keith Shalock Chiefs Practice WWE Smackdown Live Event TicketsWest Chiefs v Seattle Charitable Suite Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Kelly Brady Advertising Chiefs - BOMA Chiefs - Mary Cayer Chiefs Practice GSL Stinky Sneaker Basketball TicketsWest GSL Rubber Chicken Basketball ISS Brad Paisley ISS Chiefs v Seattle TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Moss Adams Chiefs - Trans Canada Chiefs - Kim Bonner Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Tri-City ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Kevin Drohan Chiefs - Chiefs Sponsors Chiefs - Merle Norman Cosmetics Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs v Vancouver TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Veba Chiefs - H2E Chiefs - Edge Construction Chiefs Practice Monster Jam MI Monster Jam ISS Monster Jam ISS Monster Jam TicketsWest Monster Jam TicketsWest Inland Empire Subsection Truck Rodeo Harlem Globetrotters TicketsWest Chiefs v Tri-City TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Incyte Pathology Chiefs - Spokane Oldtimers Chiefs - Heiskell MacGillivay Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Total Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Board Room Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Mtg Rms N&S Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Board Room Attend 3020 * 7705 * * * * * 35 2879 * 3506 * * * * * 35 4228 * 5062 * 10361 * 7810 * * * * * 35 9519 * * * * * 35 35 35 20 4011 * * * * * 35 14 4305 * 7090 * 5323 * 5878 * 80 4190 * 10367 * * * * * 35 20 95,668 $ $ Rental Food & Bev Net 9,500.00 4,323.38 150.00 18,083.85 2,279.04 150.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 29,822.67 4,853.24 150.00 7,456.16 150.00 2,666.62 150.00 41,931.48 450.00 14,949.18 7,691.43 150.00 163,907.05 $ $ 3,471.69 16,175.60 6,208.98 5,615.71 5,523.23 5,140.75 20,471.11 15,637.83 22,171.24 18.40 7,512.83 6,015.49 15,746.23 6,873.00 435.39 5,535.61 21,350.85 18.40 163,922.34 Merch Net $ $ 3,949.53 10,438.14 3,475.06 17,862.73 Parking Gross $ $ 2,263.11 6,320.15 3,852.81 1,904.32 3,946.64 3,742.41 9,782.89 5,648.57 7,955.84 2,246.55 4,388.22 5,806.81 5,236.43 5,159.15 4,097.52 8,163.75 80,515.17 Other $ $ 128.80 4,415.82 128.80 4,277.83 128.80 128.80 128.80 14,489.42 689.97 3,219.88 128.80 27,865.72 Total $ $ 15,234.80 26,947.93 150.00 36,510.99 9,927.87 150.00 18,969.87 18,383.16 74,792.64 26,268.44 150.00 37,712.04 150.00 18.40 12,554.80 150.00 10,403.71 5,806.81 35,472.08 54,653.60 885.39 31,277.25 37,334.83 150.00 18.40 454,073.01 Rental Exceptions: Brad Paisley MARCH Date 30 1-Mar 1-Mar 2-Mar 2-Mar 3-Mar 3-Mar 4-Mar Event WIAA State B Basketball ISS WIAA State B Basketball TicketsWest WIAA State B Basketball ISS Rock & Worship Road Show Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Attend 10144 * 10812 * 10306 * 11177 Rental $ 18,547.80 12,505.51 Food & Bev Net $ 13,577.23 14,404.30 13,938.59 10,967.36 Merch Net $ 8,323.14 5,305.92 Parking Gross $ 11,895.12 11,365.23 11,310.02 9,917.20 Other $ 276.00 19,024.02 4,277.83 Total $ 34,071.49 25,769.53 62,820.43 42,973.82 18-Feb 18-Feb 18-Feb 18-Feb 19-Feb 19-Feb 22-Feb 22-Feb 22-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 25-Feb 28-Feb Monster Jam ISS Monster Jam TicketsWest Monster Jam TicketsWest Inland Empire Subsection Truck Rodeo Harlem Globetrotters TicketsWest Chiefs v Tri-City TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Incyte Pathology Chiefs - Spokane Oldtimers Chiefs - Heiskell MacGillivay Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Total 2012 Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Mtg Rms N&S Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Board Room 7090 * 5323 * 5878 * 80 4190 * 10367 * * * * * 35 20 95,668 year end report Activity By Month $ 41,931.48 450.00 14,949.18 7,691.43 150.00 163,907.05 15,746.23 6,873.00 435.39 5,535.61 21,350.85 18.40 163,922.34 $ Rental Food & Bev Net $ 3,475.06 17,862.73 $ 5,806.81 5,236.43 5,159.15 4,097.52 8,163.75 80,515.17 $ 14,489.42 689.97 3,219.88 128.80 27,865.72 $ 5,806.81 35,472.08 54,653.60 885.39 31,277.25 37,334.83 150.00 18.40 454,073.01 Rental Exceptions: Brad Paisley March 2012 MARCH Date 1-Mar 1-Mar 2-Mar 2-Mar 3-Mar 3-Mar 4-Mar 4-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 8-Mar 8-Mar 9-Mar 9-Mar 9-Mar 9-Mar 9-Mar 9-Mar 9-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar 10-Mar 10-Mar 10-Mar 10-Mar 10-Mar 10-Mar 12-Mar 12-Mar 12-Mar 13-Mar 14-Mar 14-Mar 14-Mar 14-Mar 14-Mar 14-Mar 14-Mar 14-Mar 15-Mar 16-Mar 16-Mar 16-Mar 16-Mar 16-Mar 16-Mar 16-Mar 16-Mar 20-Mar 21-Mar 22-Mar 25-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar Event WIAA State B Basketball ISS WIAA State B Basketball TicketsWest WIAA State B Basketball ISS Rock & Worship Road Show TicketsWest Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Kelowna ISS Chiefs - Right Systems Chiefs - Camp Good Times Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Home Street Insurance Chiefs - Goodrich Chiefs - Right Systems Blake Shelton ISS Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Tri-City TicketsWest Chiefs - YMCA Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - At Home Care Chiefs - CMN Chiefs - Windermere Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Kootenay ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Teck American Chiefs - Thrivent Chiefs - Devin McKinney Spokane Shock v Iowa Barnstormers Shock Shock SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Kamloops ISS Chiefs - F5 Networks Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - WA State Council Chiefs - Goodrich Chiefs - G&A Wheel & Frame Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Seattle TicketsWest Chiefs - First Tee Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Don Bolling & Friends Chiefs - Keller Williams Realty Chiefs - St Joseph Youth Group Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Jeff Dunham TicketsWest Chiefs Practice YMCA Meeting Chiefs Practice Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game A ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Well Seating Chiefs Practice Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game B TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Rainbow Electric Chiefs - Well Seating Chiefs Team Meal Spokane Shock v San Jose SaberCats Shock Shock Total Rental Exceptions: None APRIL Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Arena Suite Integra N Integra S Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Arena Suite Integra Rms Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Board Arena Arena Arena Suite Integra Rms Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Integra Rms Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Party Pod Meeting Rm Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Attend 10144 * 10812 * 10306 * 11177 * 35 4108 * * * * * * * 8066 * 35 9234 * * * * * * 35 8783 * * * * * 7575 * * 20 35 4530 * * * * * * 35 35 9103 * * * * * * 35 35 35 7395 * 35 67 35 3919 * * * 35 4468 * * * * 35 8830 * * 118,992 $ $ $ 18,547.80 12,505.51 2,526.19 150.00 250.00 150.00 16,846.38 6,276.84 250.00 150.00 5,636.07 150.00 (512.22) 150.00 2,675.32 250.00 150.00 4,854.87 450.00 150.00 34,022.48 200.00 2,607.24 150.00 2,881.75 150.00 (384.04) 150.00 111,384.19 $ 13,577.23 14,404.30 13,938.59 10,967.36 8,610.76 23,398.43 19,870.15 19,128.56 20,724.12 18.40 8,928.70 18,515.45 88.55 13,141.00 377.78 8,017.54 9,110.82 69.00 22,134.27 225,021.01 Merch Net $ 8,323.14 5,305.92 - Parking Gross $ 10,613.20 - 7,321.07 - 352.27 - 6,689.97 7,996.32 - - 2,770.93 - - 6,675.25 - 8,581.42 - - - - 2,848.21 - - 3,229.07 - 310.98 29,164.35 Other $ 2,472.86 9,153.63 - 4,258.84 - $ 11,895.12 11,365.23 11,310.02 9,917.20 - $ 7,942.96 110,169.26 $ 276.00 19,024.02 4,277.83 128.80 4,277.83 128.80 128.80 3,325.68 128.80 128.80 4,277.83 128.80 128.80 3,410.32 39,771.11 Total $ $ 34,071.49 25,769.53 62,820.43 42,973.82 13,738.61 150.00 250.00 150.00 64,289.47 33,596.86 250.00 150.00 31,583.40 150.00 31,886.17 150.00 18.40 14,503.75 250.00 150.00 30,174.37 450.00 150.00 88.55 64,281.57 577.78 13,601.79 150.00 15,350.44 150.00 69.00 33,414.49 150.00 515,509.92 31 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar TicketsWest Chiefs Practice YMCA Meeting Chiefs Practice Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game A ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Well Seating Chiefs Practice Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game B TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Rainbow Electric Chiefs - Well Seating Chiefs Team Meal Spokane Shock v San Jose SaberCats Shock Shock Total Arena Suite Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Party Pod Meeting Rm Arena Arena Suite Spotlight * 35 67 35 3919 * * * 35 4468 * * * * 35 8830 * * 118,992 Activity By Month $ 200.00 2,607.24 150.00 2,881.75 150.00 (384.04) 150.00 111,384.19 $ 377.78 8,017.54 9,110.82 69.00 22,134.27 225,021.01 - - - 2,848.21 - - 3,229.07 - year end report $ $ 577.78 13,601.79 150.00 15,350.44 150.00 69.00 33,414.49 150.00 515,509.92 2012 - 310.98 29,164.35 128.80 128.80 3,410.32 39,771.11 7,942.96 110,169.26 $ $ Rental Exceptions: None April 2012 APRIL Date 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 1-Apr 9-Apr 10-Apr 10-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 12-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 19-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 24-Apr 24-Apr Event Chiefs Practice Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game C ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Spencer Jackson's Birthday Chiefs - Joe Mueller Chiefs - Well Seating Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Allied Fire & Security Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 2 - Game D TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - King Beverage Chiefs - Well Seating Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 2 - Game E ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Mueller Party Bleeding Disorder Foundation of Washington Spokane Shock v Milwaukee Mustangs Shock Shock Chiefs Practice Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 2 - Game F TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - CDAHA Pee Wee Chiefs - Well Seating Dierks Bentley ISS World Wide Dreambuilders MI World Wide Dreambuilders World Wide Dreambuilders World Wide Dreambuilders SPFD Board Meeting Moloney + O'Neill Meeting Total Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Board Arena Champions Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Champions Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Arena Arena Board Mtg Rm N Attend 35 5521 * * * * * 35 35 20 35 175 4742 * * * * 35 35 7520 * * * 62 9786 * * 35 4927 * * * * 4334 * 50 4800 5900 5187 20 8 53,297 Rental $ $ Food & Bev Net $ 4,439.47 150.00 350.00 3,888.69 150.00 6,695.01 150.00 400.00 (189.84) 150.00 3,996.27 150.00 27,630.60 45,000.00 200.00 93,160.20 $ 12,037.68 18.40 1,067.09 11,100.07 19,926.12 356.41 22,603.95 12,065.21 14,793.72 4,284.98 11,249.61 5,904.84 18.40 64.40 115,490.88 Merch Net $ - Parking Gross $ - $ 4,770.93 - Other $ - - 4,237.35 - 355.20 - 7,221.71 8,579.58 - 4,857.35 - 4,095.68 4,925.48 - 5,212.55 4,139.83 7,595.21 5,862.01 51,427.78 $ $ 128.80 128.80 128.80 184.00 2,996.32 128.80 4,277.83 11,747.92 92.00 19,813.27 Total $ $ 21,376.88 150.00 18.40 1,417.09 19,354.91 150.00 33,971.64 150.00 940.41 34,345.21 150.00 20,285.96 150.00 56,484.98 65,172.73 18,844.82 11,766.85 18.40 356.40 285,104.68 Rental Exceptions: Dierks Bentley MAY Date 1-May 3-May 8-May 9-May 11-May 11-May 11-May 13-May 13-May 16-May 17-May 18-May 18-May 18-May 21-May 22-May 22-May 32 Event Shock Practice Moloney + O'Neill Meeting SPFD Board Meeting SPFD Employee Meeting Spokane Shock v New Orleans Voodoo Shock Shock Gonzaga Graduation Whitworth University Commencement Taking A Bite Out Of Hunger Priority Associates of Spokane Spokane Shock v Philadelphia Soul Shock Shock Band and Strings MI Band and Strings Rehearsal SPFD Board Meeting Arena Arena Mtg Rm N Board Grill Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Arena Arena Arena Champions Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Arena Arena Board Attend 35 28 20 * 7133 * * 8233 4009 868 48 7156 * * 30 850 20 Rental $ Food & Bev Net $ 350.00 (386.16) 150.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 5,500.00 200.00 (237.57) 150.00 - 187.57 18.40 80.50 20,177.06 7,795.56 767.42 127.90 19,358.05 18.40 Merch Net $ 169.66 142.67 - Parking Gross $ 7,481.14 7,904.32 5,172.03 1,181.23 7,898.80 - Other $ 92.00 2,996.32 8,338.95 6,747.01 1,563.97 276.00 2,995.59 - Total $ 629.57 18.40 80.50 30,438.02 150.00 33,538.83 22,186.46 8,245.20 603.90 30,157.54 150.00 18.40 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 19-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 24-Apr 24-Apr Bleeding Disorder Foundation of Washington Spokane Shock v Milwaukee Mustangs Shock Shock Chiefs Practice Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 2 - Game F TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - CDAHA Pee Wee Chiefs - Well Seating Dierks Bentley ISS World Wide Dreambuilders MI World Wide Dreambuilders World Wide Dreambuilders World Wide Dreambuilders SPFD Board Meeting Moloney + O'Neill Meeting Total 2012 Champions Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Arena Arena Board Mtg Rm N 62 9786 * * 35 4927 * * * * 4334 * 50 4800 5900 5187 20 8 53,297 year end report Activity By Month $ 400.00 (189.84) 150.00 3,996.27 150.00 27,630.60 45,000.00 200.00 93,160.20 $ 356.41 22,603.95 12,065.21 14,793.72 4,284.98 11,249.61 5,904.84 18.40 64.40 115,490.88 $ 355.20 - 8,579.58 - 4,857.35 - 4,095.68 4,925.48 - 5,212.55 4,139.83 7,595.21 5,862.01 51,427.78 $ $ 184.00 2,996.32 128.80 4,277.83 11,747.92 92.00 19,813.27 $ 940.41 34,345.21 150.00 20,285.96 150.00 56,484.98 65,172.73 18,844.82 11,766.85 18.40 356.40 285,104.68 Rental Exceptions: Dierks Bentley May 2012 MAY Date Event Arena 1-May Shock Practice 3-May Moloney + O'Neill Meeting 8-May SPFD Board Meeting 9-May SPFD Employee Meeting 11-May Spokane Shock v New Orleans Voodoo 11-May Shock 11-May Shock 13-May Gonzaga Graduation 13-May Whitworth University Commencement 16-May Taking A Bite Out Of Hunger 17-May Priority Associates of Spokane 18-May Spokane Shock v Philadelphia Soul 18-May Shock 18-May Shock 21-May Band and Strings MI 22-May Band and Strings Rehearsal 22-May SPFD Board Meeting 22-May Band and Strings 23-May Market Vision Auto Sale MI 24-May Market Vision Auto Sale 25-May Market Vision Auto Sale 26-May Market Vision Auto Sale 27-May Market Vision Auto Sale 28-May Market Vision Auto Sale 29-May Market Vision Auto Sale MO 22-May Band Total and Strings 23-May Market Vision Auto Sale MI 24-May Market Vision Auto Sale Rental Exceptions: 25-May Market Vision Auto Sale None 26-May Market Vision Auto Sale 27-May Market Vision Auto Sale 28-May Market VisionJUNE Auto Sale 29-May Market Vision Auto Sale MO Total Date Event Arena Mtg Rm N Board Grill Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Arena Arena Arena Champions Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Arena Arena Board Arena Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Arena Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Parking Lot Rental1-Jun Exceptions: LMFAO None 1-Jun TicketsWest 1-Jun ILF Film Shoot 2-Jun Spokane-Limerick Sister City Society JUNE 9-Jun Spokane Shock v Kansas City Command 9-Jun Shock 9-Jun Shock Date Event 10-Jun Ferris HS Graduation 1-Jun LMFAO 10-Jun LC HS Graduation 1-Jun TicketsWest 13-Jun Shock Practice 1-Jun ILF Film Shoot 16-Jun Spokane Shock v Utah Blaze 2-Jun Spokane-Limerick Sister City Society 16-Jun Shock 9-Jun Spokane 16-Jun Shock Shock v Kansas City Command 9-Jun Shock 17-Jun Pinnacle Church 9-Jun Shock 21-Jun Jersey Boys Reception 10-Jun HS Graduation 24-Jun Ferris Nickelback 10-Jun 24-Jun LC ISSHS Graduation 13-Jun Practice 24-Jun Shock Pinnacle Church 16-Jun Spokane Shock v Utah Blaze 26-Jun SPFD Board Meeting 16-Jun Spokane Shock Shock v Arizona Rattlers 29-Jun 16-Jun Shock Shock 29-Jun 17-Jun Shock Pinnacle Church 29-Jun 21-Jun Jersey Boys Reception 30-Jun Jamal Crawford A Plus Charity Classic 24-Jun TicketsWest Nickelback 30-Jun 24-Jun Total ISS 24-Jun Pinnacle Church 26-Jun SPFD Board Meeting Rental Exceptions: 29-Jun Spokane Shock v Arizona Rattlers LMFAO 29-Jun Shock Nickelback 29-Jun Shock JULY 30-Jun Jamal Crawford A Plus Charity Classic 30-Jun TicketsWest Total Date Event Arena Arena Suite Champions Pub Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Champions Arena Pub Arena Suite Arena Spotlight Arena Suite Champions Spotlight Lobby Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Champions Arena Board Arena Suite Arena Spotlight Arena Suite Champions Spotlight Lobby Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Suite Champions Board Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Arena Arena Suite Rental8-Jul Exceptions: Pinnacle Church LMFAO 15-Jul Pinnacle Church Nickelback 17-Jul SPFD Board Meeting 19-Jul City Of Spokane Meeting JULY 21-Jul Spokane Shock v Tampa Bay Storm 21-Jul Shock 21-Jul Shock Date Event 22-Jul Pinnacle Church 8-Jul Pinnacle Pinnacle Church Church 29-Jul 15-Jul Total Pinnacle Church 17-Jul SPFD Board Meeting 19-Jul City Of Spokane Meeting Rental Exceptions: 21-Jul Spokane Shock v Tampa Bay Storm 21-Jul Shock 21-Jul Shock 22-Jul Pinnacle Church Champions Champions Board Champions Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Arena Champions Champions Champions Champions Board Champions Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Champions June 2012 Arena Arena Attend 35 28 20 * 7133 * * 8233 4009 868 48 7156 * * 30 850 20 7648 10 50 50 50 50 50 10 7648 36,348 10 50 50 50 50 50 10 36,348 Attend $ 6691 * 12 52 6453 * * Attend 3249 6691 3976 * 35 12 6587 52 * 6453 * * 40 * 156 3249 9550 3976 * 35 40 6587 20 * 8946 ** 40 * 156 2293 9550 * * 48,100 40 20 8946 * * 2293 * 48,100 Attend $ 40 40 20 204 5860 * * Attend 40 40 40 40 6,244 20 204 5860 * * 40 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Rental Food & Bev Net 350.00 (386.16) 150.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 5,500.00 200.00 (237.57) 150.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 42,726.27 8,000.00 42,726.27 Rental $ 34,513.71 500.00 (321.58) 150.00 Rental 34,513.71 15,500.00 -500.00 (375.30) -(321.58) 150.00 700.00 150.00 30,119.40 15,500.00 700.00 (375.30) (349.48) 150.00 700.00 150.00 17,500.00 30,119.40 98,936.75 700.00 (349.48) 150.00 17,500.00 98,936.75 Rental $ 12,138.46 401.22 18,018.24 Food & Bev Net $ 12,138.46 1,436.08 -17,574.21 401.22 18,018.24 -901.51 35,079.51 1,436.08 -17,574.21 18.40 17,144.58 --901.51 3,307.91 35,079.51 $ 106,020.12 18.40 17,144.58 3,307.91 $ 106,020.12 Food & Bev Net $ 700.00 700.00 (85.14) 150.00 Rental 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 2,864.86 (85.14) 150.00 700.00 $ $ 187.57 18.40 80.50 20,177.06 7,795.56 767.42 127.90 19,358.05 18.40 2,054.52 2,054.52 $ 50,585.38 $ 50,585.38 Food & Bev Net 18.40 16,803.38 Food & Bev Net $ -$ 16,821.78 18.40 16,803.38 - Merch Net $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Parking Gross Other 169.66 142.67 312.33 312.33 Merch Net $ 7,481.14 7,904.32 5,172.03 1,181.23 7,898.80 6,020.24 6,020.24 $ 35,657.76 $ 35,657.76 Parking Gross $ 9,896.94 78.51 Merch Net9,896.94 -166.16 -78.51 --11,009.25 --166.16 140.95 --921.36 11,009.25 22,213.17 140.95 921.36 22,213.17 Merch Net $ 5,639.37 7,344.99 Parking Gross 4,128.79 $ 5,639.37 4,222.63 -6,620.06 -7,344.99 --4,128.79 8,529.90 4,222.63 -6,620.06 7,639.37 --2,086.48 8,529.90 $ 46,211.59 7,639.37 2,086.48 $ 46,211.59 Parking Gross $ 108.98 Merch Net-108.98 108.98 - $ $ 5,992.64 Parking Gross $ -$ 5,992.64 5,992.64 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total 92.00 2,996.32 8,338.95 6,747.01 1,563.97 276.00 2,995.59 3,477.46 919.12 3,477.46 27,406.42 919.12 27,406.42 Other $ 4,277.83 2,996.33 Other 4,277.83 321.99 -2,996.32 -2,996.33 -257.60 4,277.84 321.99 -2,996.32 2,996.31 --257.60 5,287.95 4,277.84 23,412.17 2,996.31 5,287.95 23,412.17 Other $ 184.00 2,996.32 Other -3,180.32 184.00 2,996.32 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 629.57 18.40 80.50 30,438.02 150.00 33,538.83 22,186.46 8,245.20 603.90 30,157.54 150.00 18.40 21,552.22 8,919.12 21,552.22 156,688.16 8,919.12 156,688.16 Total 66,466.31 500.00 401.22 28,116.49 150.00 Total 4,128.79 66,466.31 21,480.70 -500.00 26,981.45 401.22 28,116.49 150.00 700.00 150.00 1,159.11 4,128.79 89,015.90 21,480.70 700.00 26,981.45 18.40 27,571.73 150.00 700.00 150.00 1,159.11 29,103.70 89,015.90 296,793.80 700.00 18.40 27,571.73 150.00 29,103.70 296,793.80 Total 700.00 700.00 18.40 184.00 25,816.18 150.00 Total 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 28,968.58 18.40 184.00 25,816.18 150.00 700.00 33 9-Jun 10-Jun 10-Jun 13-Jun 16-Jun 16-Jun 16-Jun 17-Jun 21-Jun 24-Jun 24-Jun 24-Jun 26-Jun 29-Jun 29-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun 30-Jun Shock Ferris HS Graduation LC HS Graduation Shock Practice Spokane Shock v Utah Blaze Shock Shock Pinnacle Church Jersey Boys Reception Nickelback ISS Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Spokane Shock v Arizona Rattlers Shock Shock Jamal Crawford A Plus Charity Classic TicketsWest Total Spotlight Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Champions Lobby Arena Arena Suite Champions Board Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Arena Arena Suite * 3249 3976 35 6587 * * 40 156 9550 * 40 20 8946 * * 2293 * 48,100 Activity By Month $ 150.00 15,500.00 (375.30) 150.00 700.00 30,119.40 700.00 (349.48) 150.00 17,500.00 98,936.75 $ 1,436.08 17,574.21 901.51 35,079.51 18.40 17,144.58 3,307.91 106,020.12 166.16 11,009.25 140.95 921.36 22,213.17 4,128.79 4,222.63 6,620.06 8,529.90 7,639.37 2,086.48 46,211.59 $ 150.00 4,128.79 21,480.70 26,981.45 150.00 700.00 1,159.11 89,015.90 700.00 18.40 27,571.73 150.00 29,103.70 296,793.80 2012 year end report $ 321.99 2,996.32 257.60 4,277.84 2,996.31 5,287.95 23,412.17 $ $ Rental Exceptions: LMFAO Nickelback July 2012 JULY Date 8-Jul 15-Jul 17-Jul 19-Jul 21-Jul 21-Jul 21-Jul 22-Jul 29-Jul Event Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting City Of Spokane Meeting Spokane Shock v Tampa Bay Storm Shock Shock Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church Total Arena Champions Champions Board Champions Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Champions Champions Attend 40 40 20 204 5860 * * 40 40 6,244 Rental $ $ Food & Bev Net 700.00 $ 700.00 (85.14) 150.00 700.00 700.00 2,864.86 $ 18.40 16,803.38 16,821.78 Merch Net $ $ 108.98 108.98 Parking Gross $ $ 5,992.64 5,992.64 Other $ $ 184.00 2,996.32 3,180.32 Total $ $ 700.00 700.00 18.40 184.00 25,816.18 150.00 700.00 700.00 28,968.58 Rental Exceptions: August 2012 None AUGUST Date 5-Aug 6-Aug 12-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 19-Aug 21-Aug 22-Aug 23-Aug 24-Aug 25-Aug 26-Aug 26-Aug 28-Aug 29-Aug Event Pinnacle Church CTA Training Pinnacle Church Women Of Faith MI Women Of Faith TicketsWest Women Of Faith ISS Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Camp Chiefs Camp Chiefs Camp Chiefs Camp Red/White Game Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Total Arena Champions Mtg Rm N Champions Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Champions Board Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Champions Arena Arena Attend 55 18 58 45 3722 * 3330 * 54 20 550 750 750 900 2877 55 35 35 13,254 Rental $ $ 700.00 700.00 7,000.00 37,000.00 700.00 700.00 46,800.00 Food & Bev Net $ $ 1.44 3,376.16 9,131.38 23.00 291.66 998.03 800.10 803.11 2,101.84 17,526.72 Merch Net $ 5,000.00 Parking Gross $ $ 5,000.00 4,717.57 5,085.56 Other $ $ 9,803.13 $ 9,590.62 177.10 9,767.72 Total $ $ 700.00 700.00 7,001.44 8,093.73 65,807.56 700.00 23.00 291.66 998.03 800.10 803.11 2,278.94 700.00 88,897.57 Rental Exceptions: None SEPTEMBER Date 34 2-Sep 5-Sep 9-Sep 11-Sep 11-Sep 12-Sep 12-Sep 13-Sep 13-Sep 14-Sep 14-Sep 15-Sep 15-Sep 15-Sep 15-Sep 16-Sep 16-Sep 16-Sep 16-Sep 16-Sep 20-Sep 21-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep 24-Sep 25-Sep 25-Sep 26-Sep 27-Sep Event Pinnacle Church Spokane Chiefs Booster Club Pinnacle Church Cirque du Soleil: Quidam MI SPFD Board Meeting Cirque du Soleil: Quidam Vacant Cirque du Soleil: Quidam TicketsWest Cirque du Soleil: Quidam ISS Cirque du Soleil: Quidam ISS Cirque du Soleil: Quidam TicketsWest Cirque du Soleil: Quidam ISS Cirque du Soleil: Quidam Vacant Pinnacle Church Chiefs Section Leader Training Chiefs Practice Jeremey Brown Memorial Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Spokane County Arena Champions Mtg Rms N&S Champions Arena Board Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Champions Arena Arena Grill Champions Arena Board Arena Arena Champions Attend 73 25 74 75 20 1250 * 1507 * 1716 * 1309 * 1556 * 1490 * 1211 * 60 75 35 200 81 35 20 35 35 69 Rental $ 700.00 450.00 700.00 16,642.27 700.00 700.00 300.00 Food & Bev Net $ 16.10 1,837.81 2,027.29 2,588.58 4,160.88 4,202.98 18.40 330.74 Merch Net $ 1,833.18 - Parking Gross $ 1,527.14 1,536.34 1,793.93 1,681.69 1,354.19 1,744.25 1,245.63 - Other $ 22,171.11 92.00 Total $ 700.00 450.00 700.00 16.10 3,364.95 3,563.63 4,382.51 1,681.69 5,515.07 1,744.25 46,095.17 700.00 700.00 18.40 722.74 5-Aug 6-Aug 12-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 19-Aug 21-Aug 22-Aug 23-Aug 24-Aug 25-Aug 26-Aug 26-Aug 28-Aug 29-Aug Pinnacle Church CTA Training Pinnacle Church Women Of Faith MI Women Of Faith TicketsWest Women Of Faith ISS Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Camp Chiefs Camp Chiefs Camp Chiefs Camp Red/White Game Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Total 2012 Champions Mtg Rm N Champions Arena Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Champions Board Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Champions Arena Arena 55 18 58 45 3722 * 3330 * 54 20 550 750 750 900 2877 55 35 35 13,254 $ year end report Activity By Month $ 700.00 700.00 7,000.00 37,000.00 700.00 700.00 46,800.00 $ $ 1.44 3,376.16 9,131.38 23.00 291.66 998.03 800.10 803.11 2,101.84 17,526.72 $ 5,000.00 $ $ 5,000.00 4,717.57 5,085.56 $ $ 9,803.13 $ 9,590.62 177.10 9,767.72 $ $ 700.00 700.00 7,001.44 8,093.73 65,807.56 700.00 23.00 291.66 998.03 800.10 803.11 2,278.94 700.00 88,897.57 Rental Exceptions: None September 2012 SEPTEMBER Date 2-Sep 5-Sep 9-Sep 11-Sep 11-Sep 12-Sep 12-Sep 13-Sep 13-Sep 14-Sep 14-Sep 15-Sep 15-Sep 15-Sep 15-Sep 16-Sep 16-Sep 16-Sep 16-Sep 16-Sep 20-Sep 21-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep 24-Sep 25-Sep 25-Sep 26-Sep 27-Sep 27-Sep 28-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 30-Sep Event Pinnacle Church Spokane Chiefs Booster Club Pinnacle Church Cirque du Soleil: Quidam MI SPFD Board Meeting Cirque du Soleil: Quidam Vacant Cirque du Soleil: Quidam TicketsWest Cirque du Soleil: Quidam ISS Cirque du Soleil: Quidam ISS Cirque du Soleil: Quidam TicketsWest Cirque du Soleil: Quidam ISS Cirque du Soleil: Quidam Vacant Pinnacle Church Chiefs Section Leader Training Chiefs Practice Jeremey Brown Memorial Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Spokane County Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Tri-City TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Charlies Produce Chiefs - Cricket Wireless Chiefs - Manor Care Pinnacle Church Total Arena Champions Mtg Rms N&S Champions Arena Board Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Champions Arena Arena Grill Champions Arena Board Arena Arena Champions Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Champions Attend 73 25 74 75 20 1250 * 1507 * 1716 * 1309 * 1556 * 1490 * 1211 * 60 75 35 200 81 35 20 35 35 69 35 35 35 8867 * * * * * 108 20,031 Rental $ $ 700.00 450.00 700.00 16,642.27 700.00 700.00 300.00 7,174.93 150.00 700.00 28,217.20 Food & Bev Net $ $ 16.10 1,837.81 2,027.29 2,588.58 4,160.88 4,202.98 18.40 330.74 22,327.34 37,510.12 Merch Net $ - Parking Gross $ - $ 1,833.18 1,833.18 $ 1,527.14 1,536.34 1,793.93 1,681.69 1,354.19 1,744.25 1,245.63 7,479.30 18,362.47 Other $ $ 22,171.11 92.00 128.80 22,391.91 Total $ $ 700.00 450.00 700.00 16.10 3,364.95 3,563.63 4,382.51 1,681.69 5,515.07 1,744.25 46,095.17 700.00 700.00 18.40 722.74 37,110.37 150.00 700.00 108,314.88 Rental Exceptions: None OCTOBER Date 1-Oct 2-Oct 2-Oct 3-Oct 4-Oct 5-Oct 5-Oct 5-Oct 5-Oct 5-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 7-Oct 7-Oct 7-Oct 9-Oct 9-Oct 9-Oct 11-Oct 12-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 14-Oct 14-Oct 15-Oct 17-Oct 18-Oct Event Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice ILF Film Shoot Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Victoria Royals ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Dana Kangas Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Lethbridge Hurricanes Vacant Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - McGregor Company Chiefs - Charlie's Produce Pinnacle Church WWE Raw ISS SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Pinnacle Church College Night APWA Equipment Roadeo SPFD Employee Meeting Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Vancouver Giants ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - LMAC Chiefs - Kathy White Chiefs Practice Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Arena Arena Arena Champions Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Champions Arena Arena Suite Board Arena Champions Prkg Lot/Meeting Rm N Meeting Rm N Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Arena Champions Arena Arena Arena Attend 35 35 10 35 35 35 4617 * * * 35 5342 * * * * 95 3481 * 20 35 26 50 * 35 5957 * * * * 35 93 35 35 35 Rental $ 500.00 3,458.38 75.00 4,091.07 75.00 700.00 20,521.53 3,050.00 4,753.16 75.00 700.00 - Food & Bev Net $ 9,977.26 12,151.87 7,209.55 18.40 117.76 86.94 14,443.29 - Merch Net $ 4,941.96 - Parking Gross $ 3,258.51 3,676.17 3,869.37 4,395.58 - Other $ 128.80 128.80 4,428.57 128.80 - Total $ 500.00 16,822.95 75.00 20,047.91 75.00 700.00 40,970.98 18.40 3,167.76 86.94 23,720.83 75.00 700.00 - 35 27-Sep 28-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 30-Sep Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Tri-City TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Charlies Produce Chiefs - Cricket Wireless Chiefs - Manor Care Pinnacle Church Total Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Champions 35 35 35 8867 * * * * * 108 20,031 Activity By Month $ 7,174.93 150.00 700.00 28,217.20 year end report $ 22,327.34 37,510.12 $ 1,833.18 $ 2012 7,479.30 18,362.47 $ 128.80 22,391.91 $ 37,110.37 150.00 700.00 108,314.88 Rental Exceptions: None October 2012 OCTOBER Date 1-Oct 2-Oct 2-Oct 3-Oct 4-Oct 5-Oct 5-Oct 5-Oct 5-Oct 5-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 7-Oct 7-Oct 7-Oct 9-Oct 9-Oct 9-Oct 11-Oct 12-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 14-Oct 14-Oct 15-Oct 17-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 19-Oct 19-Oct 19-Oct 19-Oct 19-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct 21-Oct 22-Oct 23-Oct 28-Oct 28-Oct 29-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 31-Oct Event Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice ILF Film Shoot Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Victoria Royals ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Dana Kangas Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Lethbridge Hurricanes Vacant Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - McGregor Company Chiefs - Charlie's Produce Pinnacle Church WWE Raw ISS SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Pinnacle Church College Night APWA Equipment Roadeo SPFD Employee Meeting Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Vancouver Giants ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - LMAC Chiefs - Kathy White Chiefs Practice Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Spokane Federal Credit Union Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Seattle Thunderbirds TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - WANG Chiefs - Gary Franz Spokane Federal Credit Union Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Prince George Cougars ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - WIPFLI LLC Chiefs - WANG Chiefs - Freedom Party Chiefs Practice Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Seattle Thunderbirds Charitable Suite - Red Cross Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Right Systems Chiefs - Custom Thread Chiefs - CH2M Hill Chiefs Practice Total Arena Arena Arena Champions Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Champions Arena Arena Suite Board Arena Champions Prkg Lot/Meeting Rm N Meeting Rm N Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Arena Champions Arena Arena Arena Meeting Rm N Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Party Pod Meeting Rm N Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Champions Arena Board Arena Champions Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Attend 35 35 10 35 35 35 4617 * * * 35 5342 * * * * 95 3481 * 20 35 26 50 * 35 5957 * * * * 35 93 35 35 35 41 35 4813 * * * * 13 35 7713 * * * * * 35 127 35 20 35 131 35 35 3524 * * * * * 35 36,773 Rental $ $ Food & Bev Net 500.00 3,458.38 75.00 4,091.07 75.00 700.00 20,521.53 3,050.00 4,753.16 75.00 700.00 200.00 3,692.62 75.00 200.00 5,136.47 75.00 700.00 700.00 2,424.78 75.00 - $ 51,278.01 $ 9,977.26 12,151.87 7,209.55 18.40 117.76 86.94 14,443.29 231.04 10,198.05 78.20 17,347.41 18.40 6,576.06 78,454.23 Merch Net $ $ 4,941.96 4,941.96 Parking Gross $ $ 3,258.51 3,676.17 3,869.37 4,395.58 4,088.32 6,505.98 2,145.35 27,939.28 Other $ $ 128.80 128.80 4,428.57 128.80 92.00 128.80 128.80 128.80 5,293.37 Total $ $ 500.00 16,822.95 75.00 20,047.91 75.00 700.00 40,970.98 18.40 3,167.76 86.94 23,720.83 75.00 700.00 523.04 18,107.79 75.00 278.20 29,118.66 75.00 700.00 18.40 700.00 11,274.99 75.00 167,906.85 Rental Exceptions: None NOVEMBER Date 36 1-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov Event Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Red Deer ISS Chiefs - SHBA Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - SHBA Chiefs - Chris Haase Chiefs - Danica Griffin Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Meeting Rms Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Attend 35 35 5118 * * * * * * Rental $ 3,753.60 250.00 75.00 - Food & Bev Net $ 11,163.24 - Merch Net $ - Parking Gross $ 3,396.51 - Other $ 128.80 - Total $ 18,442.15 250.00 75.00 - 20-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct 21-Oct 22-Oct 23-Oct 28-Oct 28-Oct 29-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 30-Oct 31-Oct ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - WIPFLI LLC Chiefs - WANG Chiefs - Freedom Party Chiefs Practice Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Seattle Thunderbirds Charitable Suite - Red Cross Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Right Systems Chiefs - Custom Thread Chiefs - CH2M Hill Chiefs Practice Total 2012 Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Champions Arena Board Arena Champions Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena * * * * * 35 127 35 20 35 131 35 35 3524 * * * * * 35 36,773 year end report Activity By Month $ 75.00 700.00 700.00 2,424.78 75.00 51,278.01 $ 18.40 6,576.06 78,454.23 $ 4,941.96 $ 2,145.35 27,939.28 $ 128.80 5,293.37 $ 75.00 700.00 18.40 700.00 11,274.99 75.00 167,906.85 November 2012 Rental Exceptions: None NOVEMBER Date 1-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 3-Nov 3-Nov 3-Nov 3-Nov 3-Nov 3-Nov 3-Nov 4-Nov 5-Nov 6-Nov 6-Nov 6-Nov 6-Nov 6-Nov 6-Nov 7-Nov 8-Nov 8-Nov 8-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 10-Nov 10-Nov 10-Nov 10-Nov 10-Nov 10-Nov 11-Nov 11-Nov 13-Nov 13-Nov 14-Nov 14-Nov 15-Nov 15-Nov 16-Nov 16-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 18-Nov 18-Nov 18-Nov 18-Nov 18-Nov 20-Nov 21-Nov 21-Nov 21-Nov 21-Nov 21-Nov 21-Nov 21-Nov 23-Nov 23-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 25-Nov 26-Nov 27-Nov 27-Nov 28-Nov 30-Nov 30-Nov Event Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Red Deer ISS Chiefs - SHBA Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - SHBA Chiefs - Chris Haase Chiefs - Danica Griffin Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Everett Silvertiips TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Eljay Oil Chiefs - Dr Anderson & Dr Reamer Chiefs - Extra Tech & Well Seating Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Everett Charitable Suite - Junior Achievement Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Joe Mueller YMCA Meeting Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice ILF Film Shoot Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Kamloops ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Lewiston High School Chiefs - Shani Hergert Chiefs - Spokane Hardware Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Portland TicketsWest Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Rainbow Electric Chiefs - Wells Fargo Veterans Day Ceremonies Pinnacle Church Disney On Ice MI SPFD Board Meeting Disney On Ice TicketsWest Disney On Ice Vacant Disney On Ice ISS Disney On Ice TicketsWest Disney On Ice ISS Disney On Ice Vacant Disney On Ice ISS Disney On Ice Vacant Pinnacle Church Tom's Turkey Drive Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Everett Silvertips Vacant Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Art of Wellness Chiropractic Chiefs - Leanne Dixon Chiefs - Jennifer Mallery Trans-Siberian Orchestra TicketsWest Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Tri-City ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Argonne Insurance Chiefs - Pit Party Chiefs - G & A Wheel Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Dayglow Life In Color: END 2012 ISS Total Rental Exceptions: Disney On Ice Trans-Siberian Orchestra Dayglow Life In Color: END 2012 Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Meeting Rms Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Champions Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Champions Arena Arena Arena Champions Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Crease Party Pod NE Lobby Champions Arena Board Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Suite Champions Lobby Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Champions Arena Arena Board Arena Arena Arena Suite Attend 35 35 5118 * * * * * * 35 7024 * * * * * 136 35 35 3260 * * * 113 35 35 35 12 35 5242 * * * * * 35 7855 * * * * 250 96 50 20 5345 * 2737 * 3939 * 2944 * 3698 * 3216 * 2525 * 3064 * 95 9908 35 4714 * * * * * 5491 * 35 8310 * * * * * 81 35 35 20 35 4421 * 90,209 $ $ Rental Food & Bev Net 3,753.60 250.00 75.00 5,659.10 75.00 700.00 2,187.56 75.00 200.00 500.00 3,848.57 75.00 5,471.15 75.00 700.00 31,222.92 700.00 6,500.00 3,226.72 75.00 30,795.02 6,856.40 75.00 700.00 15,956.50 119,752.54 $ $ 11,163.24 15,531.47 6,051.22 704.38 11,097.59 16,256.88 18.40 3,257.48 1,983.46 2,710.96 7,524.07 4,454.25 9,832.62 5,210.61 18,559.23 16.10 2,837.54 117,209.50 Merch Net $ $ 1,596.76 437.29 2,034.05 Parking Gross $ $ 3,396.51 5,409.38 1,567.62 3,532.66 5,816.01 5,396.50 3,142.59 4,745.17 3,308.19 4,380.86 3,777.37 2,728.61 3,839.93 2,927.32 6,699.17 6,890.52 2,621.90 70,180.31 Other $ $ 128.80 128.80 128.80 184.00 128.80 128.80 276.00 26,862.93 128.80 4,461.82 128.80 6,025.76 38,712.11 Total $ $ 18,442.15 250.00 75.00 26,728.75 75.00 700.00 9,935.20 75.00 1,088.38 500.00 18,607.62 75.00 27,672.84 75.00 700.00 276.00 18.40 8,653.98 5,126.05 7,456.13 3,308.19 4,380.86 11,301.44 2,728.61 66,380.03 700.00 6,500.00 16,115.46 75.00 48,763.38 32,434.95 75.00 700.00 16.10 27,878.99 347,888.51 37 23-Nov 23-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 24-Nov 25-Nov 26-Nov 27-Nov 27-Nov 28-Nov 30-Nov 30-Nov Trans-Siberian Orchestra TicketsWest Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Tri-City ISS Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Argonne Insurance Chiefs - Pit Party Chiefs - G & A Wheel Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Dayglow Life In Color: END 2012 ISS Total Arena Arena Suite Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Champions Arena Arena Board Arena Arena Arena Suite 5491 * 35 8310 * * * * * 81 35 35 20 35 4421 * 90,209 Activity By Month $ 30,795.02 6,856.40 75.00 700.00 15,956.50 119,752.54 5,210.61 18,559.23 16.10 2,837.54 117,209.50 1,596.76 437.29 2,034.05 6,699.17 6,890.52 2,621.90 70,180.31 year end report $ $ $ 4,461.82 128.80 6,025.76 38,712.11 48,763.38 32,434.95 75.00 700.00 16.10 27,878.99 347,888.51 2012 $ $ Rental Exceptions: Disney On Ice Trans-Siberian Orchestra Dayglow Life In Color: END 2012 December 2012 Date 2-Dec 9-Dec 10-Dec 11-Dec 12-Dec 12-Dec 13-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 15-Dec 15-Dec 15-Dec 15-Dec 15-Dec 15-Dec 15-Dec 16-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec 23-Dec 27-Dec 29-Dec 29-Dec 29-Dec 29-Dec 29-Dec 29-Dec 29-Dec 30-Dec 30-Dec Event Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs Youth Hockey Photo Shoot Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Seattle Vacant Chiefs - Dr Engen Chiefs - Intrinium Security Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Rob Hubof Chiefs - Cricket Wireless Chiefs - Dr Engen Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Tri-City Vacant Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Chris Haase Chiefs - Control Freak Chiefs - G & A Wheel Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice SPFD Board Meeting Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Portland Charitable-Womens & Children's Free Restaurant Chiefs - Country Homes Supply Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Wells Fargo Chiefs - Old European Chiefs - Spokane Regional Marcom Association Pinnacle Church Chiefs Practice Chiefs Practice Chiefs v Kootenay Best Western Peppertree Inn Chiefs - Season Ticket Holders Chiefs - Vera Water & Power Chiefs - River City Animal Hospital Chiefs - Andy Hodl Chiefs Practice Pinnacle Church Total DECEMBER Arena Champions Champions Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Meeting Rm N Meeting Rm S Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Champions Arena Board Arena Arena Arena Suite Meeting Rms Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Champions Arena Arena Arena Arena Suite Spotlight Corner Crease Party Pod Arena Champions Attend Rental 118 104 35 35 35 450 35 35 5626 * * * * * * * 35 10052 * * * * * 82 35 20 35 4619 * * * * * * 76 35 35 8469 * * * * * 35 75 30,076 $ 601,206 Food & Bev Net 700.00 700.00 4,109.33 150.00 300.00 75.00 7,994.34 75.00 700.00 $ Merch Net $ 3,111.99 250.00 75.00 700.00 7,097.21 950.00 75.00 700.00 27,762.87 $ 13,002.84 20,574.39 18.40 10,053.68 18,395.79 62,045.10 $ 826,100.06 $ 1,096,680.30 - $ $ - $ Parking Gross $ $ 4,425.02 8,253.91 3,194.11 6,312.79 22,185.83 $ 517,440.62 Other $ Total 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 515.20 $ $ 700.00 700.00 21,665.99 150.00 300.00 75.00 36,951.44 75.00 700.00 18.40 16,488.58 250.00 75.00 700.00 31,934.59 950.00 75.00 700.00 112,509.00 $ 219,343.72 $ 2,748,248.00 $ Rental Exceptions: None * Included in Event Total Total Jan-Dec 88,683.30 Total January - December 38 Date Attend Rental Food & Bev Net Merch Net Parking Gross Other Total Total Jan-Dec 601,206 $ 826,100.06 $ 1,096,680.30 $ 88,683.30 $ 517,440.62 $ 219,343.72 $ 2,748,248.00 2012 year end report Event Revenue SPOKANE ARENA EVENT REVENUE 2012 By Month By Month Date January February March April May June July August September Date October November January December February Total March April May June July August September Type October November Hockey December Football Total Family Shows Concerts Community Events Sports Meetings Total By Month By Event Type Attend Rental 52,214 9% $ 95,668 16% 118,992 20% 53,297 9% 36,348 6% 48,100 8% 6,244 1% 13,254 2% 20,031 3% Attend 6% 36,773 90,209 15% 52,214 9% $ 30,076 5% 95,668 16% 601,206 100% 118,992 20% $ 53,297 9% 36,348 6% 48,100 8% 6,244 1% 13,254 2% 20,031 3% Attend 6% 36,773 90,209 15% 282,294 47% $ 30,076 5% 68,396 11% 601,206 100% $ 70,792 12% 67,486 11% 62,531 10% 45,865 8% 3,842 1% 601,206 100% $ By Event Type By Event Type Type Hockey Football Family Shows Concerts Community Events Sports Meetings Total Attend 282,294 68,396 70,792 67,486 62,531 45,865 3,842 601,206 39,310 5% $ 163,907 20% 111,384 13% 93,160 11% 42,726 5% 98,937 12% 2,865 0% 46,800 6% 28,217 3% Rental 51,278 6% 119,753 14% 39,310 5% $ 27,763 3% 163,907 20% 826,100 100% 111,384 13% $ 93,160 11% 42,726 5% 98,937 12% 2,865 0% 46,800 6% 28,217 3% Rental 51,278 6% 119,753 14% 206,280 25% $ 27,763 3% (1,491) 0% 826,100 100% $ 143,351 17% 232,212 28% 156,550 19% 64,548 8% 24,650 3% 826,100 100% $ Rental 47% $ 11% 12% 11% 10% 8% 1% 100% $ 206,280 (1,491) 143,351 232,212 156,550 64,548 24,650 826,100 Concession Net Merch Net 98,900 156,325 212,440 106,962 48,552 101,541 15,998 13,220 35,616 Concession 74,431 111,275 98,900 56,892 156,325 1,032,151 212,440 106,962 48,552 101,541 15,998 13,220 35,616 Concession 74,431 111,275 553,602 56,892 168,180 1,032,151 79,043 133,932 39,903 57,277 215 1,032,151 Catering Net SPOKANE ARENA 10% $ 7,173 11% $ 17,863 29,164 5,213 312 22,213 109 5,000 1,833 Merch 4,942 2,034 17,863 88,683 29,164 5,213 312 22,213 109 5,000 1,833 Merch 4,942 2,034 1,825 88,683 14,200 58,414 5,000 9,245 88,683 EVENT REVENUE 15% 7,598 12% 21% 12,581 19% 2012 10% 8,529 13% 5% 10% 2% 1% 3% Net 7% 11% 10% 6% 15% 100% 21% 10% 5% 10% 2% 1% 3% Net 7% 11% 54% 6% 16% 100% 8% 13% 4% 6% 0% 100% $ $ $ $ $ Concession Net 25% $ 0% 17% 28% 19% 8% 3% 100% $ 553,602 168,180 79,043 133,932 39,903 57,277 215 1,032,151 54% $ 16% 8% 13% 4% 6% 0% 100% $ 2,034 4,479 824 4,306 1,894 Catering 4,023 5,935 7,173 5,153 7,598 64,529 12,581 8,529 2,034 4,479 824 4,306 1,894 Catering 4,023 5,935 36,437 5,153 6,357 64,529 3,294 4,106 7,119 2,087 5,129 64,529 3% 7% 1% 7% 3% Net 6% 9% 11% 8% 12% 100% 19% 13% 3% 7% 1% 7% 3% Net 6% 9% 56% 8% 10% 100% 5% 6% 11% 3% 8% 100% $ $ $ $ $ Catering Net 36,437 6,357 3,294 4,106 7,119 2,087 5,129 64,529 56% $ 10% 5% 6% 11% 3% 8% 100% $ 0% 20% 33% 6% 0% 25% 0% 6% 2% Net 6% 2% 0% 0% 20% 100% 33% 6% 0% 25% 0% 6% 2% Net 6% 2% 0% 0% 2% 100% 16% 66% 6% 10% 0% 100% Parking Net $ $ $ $ $ $ Merch Net 1,825 14,200 58,414 5,000 9,245 88,683 0% $ 2% 16% 66% 6% 10% 0% 100% $ 38,995 80,515 110,169 51,428 35,658 46,212 5,993 9,803 18,362 Parking 27,939 70,180 38,995 22,186 80,515 517,441 110,169 51,428 35,658 46,212 5,993 9,803 18,362 Parking 27,939 70,180 206,843 22,186 67,496 517,441 74,613 65,851 56,029 46,609 517,441 8% 16% 21% 10% 7% 9% 1% 2% 4% Net 5% 14% 8% 4% 16% 100% 21% 10% 7% 9% 1% 2% 4% Net 5% 14% 40% 4% 13% 100% 14% 13% 11% 9% 0% 100% Other $ $ $ $ $ $ Parking Net 206,843 67,496 74,613 65,851 56,029 46,609 517,441 40% $ 13% 14% 13% 11% 9% 0% 100% $ Total Revenues 1,214 1% $ 27,866 13% 39,771 18% 19,813 9% 27,406 12% 23,412 11% 3,180 1% 9,768 4% 22,392 10% Other 5,293 2% 38,712 18% 1,214 1% $ 515 0% 27,866 13% 219,344 100% 39,771 18% $ 19,813 9% 27,406 12% 23,412 11% 3,180 1% 9,768 4% 22,392 10% Other 5,293 2% 38,712 18% 5,716 3% $ 515 0% 27,710 13% 219,344 100% $ 76,554 35% 40,432 18% 42,965 20% 24,588 11% 1,380 1% 219,344 100% $ Other 5,716 27,710 76,554 40,432 42,965 24,588 1,380 219,344 185,593 7% 454,073 17% 515,510 19% 285,105 10% 156,688 6% 296,794 11% 28,969 1% 88,898 3% 108,315 4% Total Revenues6% 167,907 347,889 13% 185,593 7% 112,509 4% 454,073 17% 2,748,248 100% 515,510 19% 285,105 10% 156,688 6% 296,794 11% 28,969 1% 88,898 3% 108,315 4% Total Revenues6% 167,907 347,889 13% 1,008,877 37% 112,509 4% 270,077 10% 2,748,248 100% 391,054 14% 534,947 19% 307,565 11% 204,353 7% 31,374 1% 2,748,248 100% Total Revenues 3% $ 13% 35% 18% 20% 11% 1% 100% $ 1,008,877 270,077 391,054 534,947 307,565 204,353 31,374 2,748,248 37% 10% 14% 19% 11% 7% 1% 100% 39 year end report 2012 Parking Reports Monthly Parking Report Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Event Cars 6,488 13,165 19,024 8,852 6,160 7,782 979 1,566 2,885 4,565 11,261 3,666 Premier Cars 346 853 561 279 180 354 64 126 265 298 872 212 Vip Passes 676 1,183 1,218 896 141 405 52 140 458 585 1,110 351 Hockey Passes 1,226 885 910 145 779 920 570 Total 86,393 4,410 7,215 5,435 Total Cars Parked 8,736 16,086 21,713 10,027 6,481 8,541 1,095 1,832 3,753 6,227 14,163 4,799 Event Revenue $ 38,928.00 78,990.00 114,144.00 53,112.00 36,960.00 46,692.00 5,874.00 9,396.00 17,310.00 27,390.00 67,566.00 21,996.00 103,453 $ 518,358.00 Premier Revenue $ 3,460.00 8,530.00 5,610.00 2,790.00 1,800.00 3,540.00 640.00 1,260.00 2,650.00 2,980.00 8,720.00 2,120.00 Daily Revenue $1,946.73 2,534.24 12,445.35 6,486.86 16,478.69 19,308.31 15,739.03 5,796.97 5,537.63 5,374.53 6,745.92 9,205.49 Total Revenue $ 40,942.13 83,049.42 122,614.63 57,914.65 52,136.47 65,519.90 21,731.67 15,600.10 23,900.09 33,313.81 76.926.23 31.391.32 $ 44,100.00 $107,599.76 $ 625,040.42 Amt Pd Chiefs $12,716.40 10,513.20 10,437.60 6,628.20 2,439.00 7,849.20 9,633.00 7,234.80 Amt Pd Diamond $ 9,454.80 13,497.30 16,595.15 10,390.12 8,404.36 9,557.96 5,388.20 5,800.92 6,876.68 8,262.12 12,706.28 7,462.44 Balance To Arena $ 18,770.93 59,038.92 95,584.88 40,896.33 43,732.11 55,961.94 16,343.47 9,799.18 14,584.41 17,202.49 54,586.95 16,694.08 $ 67,451.40 $ 114,393,33 $ 443,195.69 The above report reflects Diamond Parking revenues only. Reconciliation to General Ledger Daily Parking Breakdown Description Ag Expo Buyout YMCA/YWCA Parking NSF’s/Canadian Discounts/ Other Adj’s Prepaid Parking Passes Suite/Hot Ticket Extra Passes Chiefs Season Passes City Ticket Program: January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Event Parking (7.77) 2,681.69 7,562.10 26,071.76 - Diamond Total Total Parking Revenues Daily Parking Other Parking $ 5,979.76 8,072.68 $ 14,044.66 517,440.66 107,599.76 $ 517,440.62 $ 121,644.42 $ 36,315.55 $ 36,315.55 - $ 4,284.00 4,158.00 4,431.00 4,557.00 4,431.00 4,567.50 4,609.50 4,525.50 4,473.00 4,452.00 4,315.50 4,315.50 $ 53,119.50 Non-Arena Special Events: 40 Ag Expo Buyout Hockey Bus St Patrick’s Day Bloomsday Jr Lilac Parade Windermere Marathon Lilac Parade Hoopfest 4th of July Pig Out in the Park Total $ 5,979.76 55.20 1,192.27 6,485.74 1,032.20 568.54 1,992.64 21,659.61 2,826,13 132.47 $ 41,924.56 YMCA/YWCA Parking $ 8,072.68 Violations $ 865.23 Other Daily Parking $ 17,662.45 Total Daily Parking Less Monthly Fee To Diamond Less Special Events To Diamond Net to Arena $ 121,644.42 (56,925.00) (3,644.46) $ 61,074.96 2012 year end report Activity By Event Type Date Event Concerts 9-Feb 4-Mar 8-Mar 25-Mar 18-Apr 1-Jun 24-Jun 23-Nov 30-Nov Brad Paisley Rock & Worship Road Show Blake Shelton Jeff Dunham Dierks Bentley LMFAO Nickelback Trans-Siberian Orchestra Dayglow Life In Color: END 2012 Subtotal Family Events 4-Feb 2/16-19 22-Feb 9/11-16 7-Oct 11/13-18 WWE Smackdown Live Event Monster Jam Harlem Globetrotters Cirque du Soleil: Quidam WWE Raw Disney On Ice Subtotal Sports Events 2/2,7,8 GSL High School Basketball (3 Games) 3/1-3 WIAA State B Basketball 30-Jun Jamal Crawford A Plus Charity Classic Subtotal Community Events 4/19-22 13-May 13-May 16-May 5/21-22 5/23-29 10-Jun 10-Jun 21-Jun 8/16-18 11-Oct 11-Nov 20-Nov World Wide Dreambuilders Gonzaga Graduation Whitworth University Commencement Taking A Bite Out Of Hunger Band and Strings Market Vision Auto Sale Ferris HS Graduation LC HS Graduation Jersey Boys Reception Women Of Faith APWA Equipment Roadeo Veterans Day Ceremonies Tom's Turkey Drive Subtotal TurnStile Inland Empire Chapter of ASHRAE Spokane Federal Credit Union SPFD Board Meeting SPFD Board Meeting Inland Empire Subsection Truck Rodeo SPFD Board Meeting SPFD Board Meeting YMCA Meeting SPFD Board Meeting Allied Fire & Security Bleeding Disorder Foundation of Washington SPFD Board Meeting Moloney + O'Neill Meeting Moloney + O'Neill Meeting SPFD Board Meeting SPFD Employee Meeting Priority Associates of Spokane SPFD Board Meeting ILF Film Shoot Spokane-Limerick SisterEvent City Society Pinnacle Church Other Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting City Of Spokane Meeting Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church CTA Training Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Pinnacle Church Jeremey Brown Memorial Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Spokane County Pinnacle Church ILF Film Shoot Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Pinnacle Church College Night SPFD Employee Meeting Pinnacle Church Spokane Federal Credit Union Spokane Federal Credit Union Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church YMCA Meeting ILF Film Shoot Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church SPFD Board Meeting Pinnacle Church Pinnacle Church 2012 Catering Net Alcohol Net Grill Net 29,822.67 12,505.51 16,846.38 34,022.48 27,630.60 34,513.71 30,119.40 30,795.02 15,956.50 232,212.27 6,236.45 10,658.85 5,199.09 7,167.30 2,336.12 4,462.63 8,323.32 2,951.99 2,813.68 50,149.43 412.76 161.24 403.30 388.41 206.31 418.79 802.02 226.29 13,424.38 17,462.59 5,448.40 12,050.20 7,195.12 25,479.35 2,013.96 110.19 141.91 99.52 107.42 35.26 61.92 133.67 18.37 3,019.12 83,074.00 708.26 2,879 22,610 4,190 10,114 3,481 27,518 70,792 18,083.85 41,931.48 14,949.18 16,642.27 20,521.53 31,222.92 143,351.23 4,271.11 19,189.55 4,509.76 10,043.48 5,414.24 18,021.68 61,449.82 103.65 853.50 212.87 798.88 46.69 1,188.72 3,204.31 1,817.14 8,382.15 738.16 3,774.70 1,713.85 554.28 16,980.28 12,310 31,262 2,293 45,865 28,500.00 18,547.80 17,500.00 64,547.80 13,520.50 38,106.09 2,160.36 53,786.95 508.50 1,417.15 136.56 2,062.21 15,937 8,233 4,009 868 8,528 270 3,249 3,976 156 7,097 50 250 9,908 62,531 45,000.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 5,500.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 15,500.00 44,000.00 3,050.00 6,500.00 156,550.00 16,298.39 7,059.32 767.42 2,048.82 - 32 45 20 20 80 20 20 67 20 175 62 20 8 28 20 200.00 300.00 450.00 200.00 350.00 400.00 200.00 350.00 200.00 500.00 Rental700.00 * 48 20 12 Turn52 Stile40 24-Jun Pinnacle Church Concerts 26-Jun SPFD Board Meeting 8-Jul 15-Jul 17-Jul 19-Jul 22-Jul 29-Jul 5-Aug 6-Aug 12-Aug 19-Aug 21-Aug 26-Aug 2-Sep 9-Sep 11-Sep 16-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep 25-Sep 27-Sep 30-Sep 2-Oct 7-Oct 9-Oct 9-Oct 12-Oct 14-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 21-Oct 23-Oct 28-Oct 4-Nov 6-Nov 8-Nov 11-Nov 13-Nov 18-Nov 25-Nov 27-Nov 2-Dec 9-Dec 16-Dec 18-Dec 23-Dec 30-Dec Concess Net 10,361 11,177 8,066 7,395 4,334 6,691 9,550 5,491 4,421 67,486 Meetings 11-Jan 18-Jan 24-Jan 14-Feb 22-Feb 28-Feb 13-Mar 27-Mar 10-Apr 11-Apr 14-Apr 24-Apr 24-Apr 3-May 8-May 9-May 17-May 22-May 1-Jun 2-Jun Date 17-Jun Rental * 40 20 40 40 20 204 40 40 55 18 58 54 20 55 73 74 20 60 200 81 20 69 108 10 95 20 26 Subtotal 93 41 13 127 20 131 136 113 12 96 20 95 81 20 118 104 82 20 76 75 3,842 Hockey Football Total 282,294 68,396 601,206 206,280.09 (1,491.33) 826,100.06 Other Total 23.86 1,086.93 9,782.89 9,917.20 9,153.63 8,581.42 4,925.48 5,639.37 8,529.90 6,699.17 2,621.90 65,850.96 4,277.83 4,277.83 4,277.83 4,277.83 4,277.83 4,277.83 4,277.83 4,461.82 6,025.76 40,432.39 74,792.64 42,973.82 64,289.47 64,281.57 56,484.98 66,466.31 89,015.89 48,763.38 27,878.99 534,947.05 9.50 179.54 70.05 200.48 26.50 126.54 612.61 7.58 29.98 4.77 8.27 39.00 89.60 3,949.53 3,475.06 1,833.18 4,941.96 14,199.73 3,852.81 20,590.61 4,097.52 10,883.17 3,869.37 31,319.22 74,612.70 4,415.82 15,179.39 3,219.88 22,171.11 4,428.57 27,138.93 76,553.70 36,510.99 106,336.20 31,277.25 66,347.27 40,970.98 109,611.29 391,053.98 889.34 889.34 106.67 2,396.88 97.24 2,600.79 24.41 24.41 8,323.14 921.36 9,244.50 9,952.16 34,570.37 2,086.48 46,609.01 19,300.02 5,287.95 24,587.97 52,587.83 122,661.45 29,103.70 204,352.98 3,726.32 506.46 - - 1,414.72 229.78 5.70 - - 10,180.46 857.79 1,618.71 117.76 43.72 - 418.23 291.58 5,000.00 37,790.49 6,827.04 43.72 2,068.43 291.58 5,000.00 17,597.05 7,904.32 5,172.03 1,181.23 6,020.24 4,128.79 4,222.63 9,803.13 56,029.42 11,747.92 8,338.95 6,747.01 1,563.97 3,477.46 919.12 321.99 257.60 9,590.62 42,964.64 95,784.40 33,538.83 22,186.46 8,245.20 21,552.22 8,919.12 4,128.79 21,480.70 1,159.11 80,902.73 3,167.76 6,500.00 307,565.32 235.98 247.22 18.40 18.40 435.39 18.40 18.40 377.78 18.40 1,067.09 356.41 18.40 64.40 187.57 18.40 80.50 127.90 18.40 - ParkingGross - 184.00 184.00 92.00 92.00 276.00 Other- 435.98 731.22 18.40 18.40 885.39 18.40 18.40 577.78 18.40 1,417.09 940.41 18.40 356.40 629.57 18.40 80.50 603.90 18.40 500.00 401.22 Total 700.00 - 184.00 92.00 92.00 184.00 1,380.00 700.00 18.40 700.00 700.00 18.40 184.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 23.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 16.10 700.00 700.00 18.40 722.74 700.00 500.00 700.00 18.40 86.94 700.00 523.04 278.20 700.00 18.40 700.00 700.00 1,088.38 500.00 700.00 18.40 700.00 700.00 16.10 700.00 700.00 700.00 18.40 700.00 700.00 31,373.96 5,715.50 27,709.51 219,343.71 1,008,877.42 270,077.28 2,748,247.99 1,436.08 - Concess 2.44 Net 2012 Catering 186.46 Net Alcohol 212.32 Net - Grill Net 287.33 5.36 233.93 29.47 165.83 Parking Gross 10,438.14 5,305.92 10,613.20 4,258.84 4,857.35 9,896.94 11,009.25 1,596.76 437.29 58,413.69 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 300.00 700.00 500.00 700.00 700.00 200.00 200.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 200.00 500.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 24,650.00 BS Cater Net Merch Net 341.15 - BS Cater Net Merch Net - 18.40 18.40 23.00 16.10 18.40 330.74 18.40 86.94 231.04 78.20 18.40 704.38 18.40 16.10 18.40 2.44 5,129.20 212.32 276,371.79 83,009.50 562,560.42 36,437.07 6,357.44 63,036.39 268,385.23 83,549.71 453,134.60 - 8,845.07 1,621.21 16,456.37 - 1,492.52 - 1,825.38 88,683.30 - 206,842.67 67,495.86 517,440.62 41 year end report SPOKANE ARENA Attendance/Revenue By Month ATTENDANCE / REVENUE BY MONTH 2012 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Attend 52,214 95,668 118,992 53,297 36,348 48,100 6,244 13,254 20,031 36,773 90,209 30,076 601,206 % 9% 16% 20% 9% 6% 8% 1% 2% 3% 6% 15% 5% 100% Attendance 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 - Revenue $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $- 42 $ Revenue $ 185,593 454,073 515,510 285,105 156,688 296,794 28,969 88,898 108,315 167,907 347,889 112,509 2,748,248 % 7% 17% 19% 10% 6% 11% 1% 3% 4% 6% 13% 4% 100% 2012 2012 year end report SPOKANE ARENA REVENUE COMPARISON RevenueEVENT Comparison By Event Type 2012/2011 2012/2011 Event Type Family Shows Community Events Hockey Football Concerts Sports Other Total $ 2012 2011 391,054 14% 307,565 11% 1,008,877 37% 270,077 10% 534,947 19% 204,353 7% 31,374 1% $ 2,748,248 100% $ 483,292 17% $ 319,658 11% $ 991,588 34% $ 262,255 9% $ 335,254 12% $ 476,750 17% $ 8,123 0% $ 2,876,920 100% 2011 2012 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $Family Shows Community Events Hockey Football Concerts Sports Other 43 $600,000 $400,000 year end report $200,000 $Family Shows 2012 Community Events Ho Attendance History By Event Type 2008-2012 Hockey Community Events Family Shows Football Sports Concerts Other Total 2008 310,835 93,767 83,775 98,730 69,465 60,081 6,511 723,164 2009 279,677 84,882 89,916 95,731 75,541 51,978 7,363 685,088 2010 243,202 116,482 102,789 95,371 229,824 87,869 4,276 879,813 2011 285,142 77,888 76,646 63,497 92,356 42,524 1,028 639,081 2012 282,294 62,531 70,792 68,396 45,865 67,486 3,842 601,206 350,000 300,000 250,000 2008 200,000 2009 2010 150,000 2011 100,000 2012 50,000 Hockey 44 Community Events Family Shows Football Sports Concerts Other 2012 year end report SPOKANE ARENA Top 15 Events By Attendance TOP 15 EVENTS BY ATTENDANCE 2012 Attendance 11,177 10,812 10,361 10,306 10,144 9,908 9,786 9,550 8,946 8,830 8,609 8,518 8,413 8,258 8,233 1513Dec 25-Feb 14-Jan 11-Feb May Event Rock & Worship Road Show WIAA State B Basketball Brad Paisley WIAA State B Basketball WIAA State B Basketball Tom's Turkey Drive Spokane Shock v Milwaukee Mustangs Nickelback Spokane Shock v Arizona Rattlers Spokane Shock v San Jose SaberCats Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Tri-Cities Chiefs v Tri-City Chiefs vs Tri-Cities Gonzaga Graduation Gonzaga Graduation 8,233 Chiefs vs Tri-Cities 8,258 20304-Mar 2-Mar 9-Feb 3-Mar 1-Mar Nov 14-Apr 24-Jun 29-Jun Mar Date 4-Mar 2-Mar 9-Feb 3-Mar 1-Mar 20-Nov 14-Apr 24-Jun 29-Jun 30-Mar 15-Dec 25-Feb 14-Jan 11-Feb 13-May Spokane Shock v San Jose SaberCats Chiefs v Tri-City 8,413 Chiefs vs Tri-Cities 8,518 Chiefs vs Tri-City 8,609 Spokane Shock v Arizona Rattlers Nickelback Spokane Shock v Milwaukee Mustangs Tom's Turkey Drive WIAA State B Basketball 8,830 8,946 9,550 9,786 9,908 10,144 WIAA State B Basketball 10,306 Brad Paisley 10,361 WIAA State B Basketball Rock & Worship Road Show 10,812 11,177 45 year end report SPOKANE ARENA 2012 Renewal and Replacement Renewal & Replacement Project Summary 2012 Description Budget Carpet Replacement 50,000.00 Mechanical Plant Repairs 60,000.00 Asphalt Repairs 50,000.00 Concrete Repairs 10,000.00 Exterior Lighting Retrofit 30,000.00 Restroom Upgrade 150,000.00 Marquee 150,000.00 Graphics (Signage) 250,000.00 Vari-rise Replacement 350,000.00 Retractable Seats Maintenance 15,000.00 Hockey Tunnel Fill In Seating (2) 50,000.00 Stage Replacement Decks 10,000.00 Homasote 65,000.00 Re-Rock/Bark Planting Beds 12,000.00 Landscape Renewal Phase 3 150,000.00 Concourse Speaker replacement 40,000.00 Speaker Chain Motor Controller 27,000.00 Bowl Lighting 730,000.00 LCD TV's 20,000.00 Fiber Jumpers at Camera Pods 10,000.00 Fiber Runs to TechWorld 15,000.00 Video wall signal & video processor update (2 items 20,000.00 x 2 each) Sound Creations "Blaze" Ribbon Controller replacement 30,000.00 Contingency 15,000.00 Lightning Strike Arena Access Control Replacement 2011 Landscape Renewal Phase 2 2,309,000.00 46 Actual 34,599.19 10,558.94 113,674.63 444,202.15 9,467.77 62,309.88 120,793.01 667,780.13 19,889.54 21,321.51 6,689.92 7,560.00 6,203.20 1,525,049.87 Difference 50,000.00 25,400.81 50,000.00 10,000.00 19,441.06 150,000.00 36,325.37 250,000.00 (94,202.15) 15,000.00 50,000.00 532.23 2,690.12 12,000.00 29,206.99 40,000.00 27,000.00 62,219.87 110.46 10,000.00 (6,321.51) 20,000.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 (6,689.92) (7,560.00) (6,203.20) 783,950.13 2012 year end report Merchandise Report SPOKANE ARENA 2012 MERCHANDISE REPORT Date 4-Feb 9-Feb 22-Feb 3-Mar 4-Mar 8-Mar 12-Mar 25-Mar 30-Mar 14-Apr 18-Apr 11-May 18-May 1-Jun 9-Jun 16-Jun 24-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun 21-Jul 18-Aug 16-Sep 7-Oct 23-Nov 30-Nov Event WWE Brad Paisley Globetrotters State B BB Rock & Worship Road Show Blake Shelton Shock Jeff Dunham Shock Shock Dierks Bentley Shock Shock LMFAO Shock Shock Nickelback Shock Jamal Crawford A Plus Classic Shock Women of Faith Cirque du Soleil: Quidam WWE Trans Siberian Orchestra Day Glow: Life in Color Cash Sales $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 21,672.00 60,832.00 13,840.00 60,315.00 40,391.00 2,423.00 15,812.00 2,826.00 2,451.00 12,799.00 1,664.00 1,271.00 42,145.00 942.00 1,141.00 55,771.00 1,605.00 3,852.00 1,234.00 9,380.00 24,617.00 6,700.00 2,025.00 CC Sales $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,213.00 39,988.00 10,155.00 29,919.00 5,807.00 18,073.00 4,408.00 5,847.00 12,551.00 2,277.00 2,049.00 22,098.00 874.00 2,741.00 48,579.00 1,659.00 1,290.00 12,337.00 10,713.00 6,875.00 975.00 Gross Sales $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 28,885.00 100,820.00 23,995.00 60,315.00 70,310.00 8,230.00 33,885.00 7,234.00 8,298.00 25,350.00 3,941.00 3,320.00 64,243.00 1,816.00 3,882.00 104,350.00 3,264.00 3,852.00 2,524.00 21,717.00 35,330.00 13,575.00 3,000.00 8.7% Sales Tax 4% CC Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,311.86 8,069.31 1,920.48 4,827.42 5,627.39 658.70 2,712.05 578.99 664.15 2,028.93 315.43 265.72 5,141.80 145.35 310.70 8,351.84 261.24 308.30 202.01 1,738.16 2,827.70 1,086.50 240.11 288.52 1,599.52 355.43 1,196.76 232.28 722.92 176.32 233.88 502.04 91.08 81.96 883.92 34.96 109.64 1,943.16 66.36 51.60 493.48 428.52 275.00 26.81 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Bootleg Security 1,100.00 - Net Sales $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 26,284.62 91,151.17 21,719.09 55,487.58 5,527.00 63,485.85 7,339.02 30,450.03 6,478.69 7,399.97 22,819.03 3,534.49 2,972.32 58,217.28 1,635.69 3,461.66 92,955.00 2,936.40 3,543.70 2,270.39 19,485.36 32,073.78 12,213.50 2,733.08 Terms 75/25 90/10 80/20 90/10 80/20 85/15 Buy Out 75/25 90/10 95/5 75/25 90/10 95/5 95/5 70/30 90/10 95/5 95/5 75/25 90/10 95/5 95/5 80/20 90/10 95/5 70/30 95/5 Buy Out 80/20 90/10 75/25 90/10 75/25 90/10 80/20 90/10 Due Seller $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,102.77 7,292.09 868.76 221.08 5,078.87 293.56 2,436.00 259.15 296.00 1,825.52 141.38 118.89 4,657.38 65.43 138.47 7,436.40 117.46 141.75 90.82 1,558.83 2,565.90 977.08 109.32 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Other Due Arena 8,323.14 5,000.00 - CP Due Arena Total Due Arena $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,949.53 10,438.14 3,475.05 5,305.92 10,613.20 352.27 4,258.84 310.98 355.20 4,857.35 169.66 142.67 9,896.94 78.51 166.16 11,009.25 140.95 921.36 108.98 1,833.18 4,941.96 1,596.76 437.29 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,949.53 10,438.14 3,475.05 8,323.14 5,305.92 10,613.20 352.27 4,258.84 310.98 355.20 4,857.35 169.66 142.67 9,896.94 78.51 166.16 11,009.25 140.95 921.36 108.98 5,000.00 1,833.18 4,941.96 1,596.76 437.29 47 year end report 2012 SPOKANE ARENA Food and Beverage Report FOOD & BEVERAGE REPORT 2012 Concessions Concessions Gross Sales PFD Comm Month January February March April May June July August Month September January October February November March December April Rounding May Total June July August September October November Month December Rounding January Total February March April May June July August Month September January October February November March December April Rounding May Total June July August September October November December Rounding Total SPOKANE ARENAGross Sales FOOD & BEVERAGE REPORT $ $ 2012 $ $ 125,413.66 $ 50,165.47 $ 226,405.62 90,562.25 $ 310,601.32 124,240.53 $ 135,009.38 54,003.75 $ 70,605.40 28,242.16 $ 103,568.39 41,427.36 $ 20,856.77 Concessions 8,342.71 $ 32,005.28 12,802.11 Gross Sales PFD Comm $ 50,685.87 20,274.35 $ 125,413.66 50,165.47 $ 97,322.99 $ 38,929.19 $ 226,405.62 90,562.25 $ 161,455.11 64,582.04 $ 310,601.32 124,240.53 $ 72,471.35 28,988.54 $ 135,009.38 54,003.75 $ 70,605.40 $ 28,242.16 $ 1,406,401.14 562,560.46 $ 103,568.39 41,427.36 $ 20,856.77 8,342.71 $ 32,005.28 12,802.11 $ 50,685.87 20,274.35 $ 97,322.99 38,929.19 Catering $ 161,455.11 64,582.04 Sales PFD Comm $ Gross72,471.35 28,988.54 $ 31,186.75 $ 7,172.95 $ 1,406,401.14 562,560.46 31,600.11 $ 7,268.02 $ 53,532.67 12,312.51 $ 36,362.75 8,363.43 $ 8,841.90 2,033.64 $ 17,885.45 4,113.65 $ 3,582.44 823.96 Catering $ 17,455.65 4,014.80 Gross Sales PFD Comm $ 8,234.90 1,894.03 $ 31,186.75 $ 7,172.95 $ 17,455.88 4,014.85 $ 31,600.11 7,268.02 $ 25,529.76 5,871.85 $ 53,532.67 12,312.51 $ 22,402.90 5,152.67 $ 36,362.75 8,363.43 $ 8,841.90 $ 2,033.64 $ 274,071.16 63,036.37 $ 17,885.45 4,113.65 $ 3,582.44 823.96 $ 17,455.65 4,014.80 $ 8,234.90 1,894.03 $ 17,455.88 4,014.85 $ 25,529.76 5,871.85 $ 22,402.90 5,152.67 $ 118,348.56 $ 47,339.42 $ 159,958.43 63,983.37 $ 209,050.56 83,620.22 $ 125,813.98 50,325.59 $ 49,296.89 19,718.76 $ 148,299.16 59,319.67 Concessions $ 18,737.86 7,495.14 Alcohol $ Gross Sales PFD Comm $ 37,155.91 14,862.36 $ 118,348.56 47,339.42 $ 85,818.27 $ 34,327.31 $ 159,958.43 63,983.37 $ 112,699.81 45,079.93 $ 209,050.56 83,620.22 $ 67,657.07 27,062.83 $ 125,813.98 50,325.59 $ 49,296.89 $ 19,718.76 $ 1,132,836.52 453,134.61 $ 148,299.16 59,319.67 $ 18,737.86 7,495.14 $ $ Catering 37,155.91 14,862.36 $ 85,818.27 34,327.31 Backstage $ 112,699.81 Catering 45,079.93 Sales PFD Comm $ Gross67,657.07 27,062.83 $ $ $ 1,132,836.52 453,134.61 6,592.97 $ 329.65 $ 5,375.19 268.76 $ 3,316.62 165.83 $ $ Catering 7,311.25 365.56 $ Backstage Catering $ 5,831.61 291.58 Gross Sales PFD Comm $ $ $ $ 165.42 8.27 $ 6,592.97 329.65 $ 1,257.28 62.86 $ 5,375.19 268.76 $ $ 3,316.62 165.83 $ $ 29,850.34 $ 1,492.52 $ 7,311.25 365.56 $ $ 5,831.61 291.58 $ $ 165.42 8.27 $ 1,257.28 62.86 $ - $ $ Catering 48 Concessions Alcohol Gross Sales PFD Comm 274,071.16 $ 63,036.37 29,850.34 $ 1,492.52 Grill PFD Comm Total PFD Comm 5,581.09 $ 1,395.27 $ 98,900.16 7,116.20 1,779.05 156,324.67 18,315.91 4,578.98 212,439.73 $ 10,529.15 2,632.29 106,961.63 $ 2,363.30 590.82 48,551.74 $ 3,175.56 793.89 101,540.91 $ 639.90 159.97 15,997.83 Grill Total $ 1,672.93 418.23 13,220.35 Gross Sales PFD Comm PFD Comm $ 1,917.42 479.36 35,616.07 $ 5,581.09 1,395.27 98,900.16 $ 4,698.40 $ 1,174.60 $ 74,431.10 $ 7,116.20 1,779.05 156,324.67 $ 6,451.35 1,612.84 111,274.81 $ 18,315.91 4,578.98 212,439.73 $ 3,364.29 841.07 56,892.44 $ 10,529.15 2,632.29 106,961.63 (0.18) $ 2,363.30 $ 590.82 $ 48,551.74 $ 65,825.51 16,456.38 1,032,151.26 $ 3,175.56 793.89 101,540.91 $ 639.90 159.97 15,997.83 $ 1,672.93 418.23 13,220.35 $ 1,917.42 479.36 35,616.07 Concessions/Catering $ 4,698.40 1,174.60 74,431.10 Total Combined 111,274.81 $ 6,451.35 1,612.84 Gross Sales PFD Comm $ PFD Comm 3,364.29 841.07 56,892.44 (0.18) $ 7,172.95 $ 280,530.07 $ 106,073.12 $ 65,825.51 16,456.38 $ 1,032,151.26 7,597.67 $ 431,673.33 163,922.34 12,581.27 596,875.65 225,021.00 8,529.26 311,031.88 115,490.89 2,033.64 131,107.49 50,585.38 4,479.22 280,239.82 106,020.13 Concessions/Catering 43,816.97 16,821.79 Total823.96 Combined 4,306.38 56,965.47 17,526.73 PFD Comm Gross Sales PFD Comm 1,894.03 97,994.11 37,510.10 $ 7,172.95 $ 280,530.07 $ 106,073.12 4,023.12 205,460.95 78,454.22 7,597.67 431,673.33 163,922.34 5,934.71 307,393.32 117,209.52 12,581.27 596,875.65 225,021.00 5,152.67 165,895.62 62,045.11 8,529.26 311,031.88 115,490.89 (0.22) (0.40) 2,033.64 $ 131,107.49 $ 50,585.38 $ 64,528.66 2,908,984.68 1,096,679.93 4,479.22 280,239.82 106,020.13 823.96 43,816.97 16,821.79 4,306.38 56,965.47 17,526.73 1,894.03 97,994.11 37,510.10 4,023.12 205,460.95 78,454.22 5,934.71 307,393.32 117,209.52 5,152.67 165,895.62 62,045.11 (0.22) (0.40) $ 64,528.66 $ 2,908,984.68 $ 1,096,679.93 2012 year end report Revenues From Spokane Chiefs SPOKANE ARENA REVENUE FROM SPOKANE CHIEFS ACTIVITIES 2012 Date 6-Jan 11-Jan 14-Jan 16-Jan 21-Jan 22-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 3-Feb 6-Feb 10-Feb 11-Feb 15-Feb 25-Feb 7-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar 14-Mar 16-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 1-Apr 11-Apr 13-Apr 16-Apr 29-Sep 5-Oct 6-Oct 13-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 30-Oct 2-Nov 3-Nov 6-Nov 9-Nov 10-Nov 21-Nov 24-Nov 14-Dec 15-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec Event Chiefs vs Moose Jaw Chiefs vs Everett Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Portland Chiefs vs Portland Chiefs vs Portland Chiefs vs Kootenay Chiefs vs Victoria Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Vancouver Chiefs vs Tri-Cities Chiefs vs Kelowna Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Kootenay Chiefs vs Kamloops Chiefs vs Seattle Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game A Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game B Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game C Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game D Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game E Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game F Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Victoria Chiefs vs Lethbridge Chiefs vs Vancouver Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Prince George Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Red Deer Chiefs vs Everett Chiefs vs Everett Chiefs vs Kamloops Chiefs vs Portland Chiefs vs Everett Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Portland Chiefs vs Portland Other * Total Less Team % Total Turnstile Attend Announced Attend 5,229 2,645 8,413 3,073 6,793 2,847 5,030 6,885 5,908 2,357 6,317 8,258 2,902 8,518 3,042 7,601 7,376 3,435 7,325 2,958 3,472 4,649 3,913 6,703 4,054 7,245 3,412 4,044 4,818 3,591 6,458 2,665 3,770 5,828 2,160 3,930 6,078 3,715 6,988 4,260 8,609 3,325 7,195 9,877 227,671 6,418 3,754 9,669 4,243 8,468 4,315 6,243 8,412 7,705 3,506 7,810 9,519 4,011 10,367 4,108 9,234 8,783 4,530 9,103 3,919 4,468 5,521 4,742 7,520 4,927 8,867 4,617 5,342 5,957 4,813 7,713 3,524 5,118 7,024 3,260 5,242 7,855 4,714 8,310 5,626 10,052 4,619 8,469 9,877 282,294 - - Rental 4,998.22 2,607.85 7,497.26 2,742.34 6,222.23 2,978.73 4,598.91 5,964.58 4,323.38 2,279.04 4,853.24 7,456.16 2,666.62 7,691.43 2,526.19 6,276.84 5,636.07 2,675.32 4,854.87 2,607.24 2,881.75 4,439.47 3,888.69 6,695.01 3,996.27 7,174.93 3,458.38 4,091.07 4,753.16 3,692.62 5,136.47 2,424.78 3,753.60 5,659.10 2,187.56 3,848.57 5,471.15 3,226.72 6,856.40 4,109.33 7,994.34 3,111.99 7,097.21 8,875.00 $ 206,280.09 Concession Gross $ $ $ 206,280.09 - $ $ 6,373.42 $ 3,096.86 9,919.61 4,114.02 8,852.11 3,455.84 6,320.60 8,033.00 7,590.96 2,614.71 8,318.80 10,456.95 3,303.62 10,549.82 3,653.41 9,362.79 8,821.85 3,688.99 9,456.16 3,717.19 4,167.21 5,911.36 4,648.60 8,527.36 5,265.84 10,230.88 4,630.21 5,710.23 6,619.74 4,724.24 8,929.23 2,901.30 4,650.58 7,192.74 2,735.12 4,935.19 7,915.16 4,573.91 8,791.99 5,436.21 10,851.72 3,872.47 8,828.14 2,621.65 276,371.79 $ (127,131.02) 149,240.77 $ - Catering Gross 721.54 $ 1,040.69 744.10 407.34 1,192.87 460.96 1,416.28 611.68 781.18 706.32 600.43 1,352.51 780.77 483.34 1,118.53 1,473.83 1,627.34 1,858.16 443.75 363.45 487.78 447.03 609.60 630.27 471.22 729.92 304.92 885.57 541.79 432.31 807.51 445.33 960.66 528.96 416.98 415.53 698.36 341.70 355.76 1,572.71 850.43 1,997.61 713.51 2,606.54 36,437.07 $ (18,218.54) 18,218.54 $ - Alcohol Gross Grill Gross 6,503.39 $ 214.14 $ 3,457.36 148.98 10,480.20 183.86 1,886.26 119.06 8,536.11 237.31 2,720.41 140.71 5,928.30 215.53 7,827.39 135.69 7,519.10 284.36 2,133.63 161.05 6,504.00 214.60 10,143.04 218.74 3,238.87 189.57 10,082.90 234.79 3,606.20 232.62 8,821.37 212.16 8,431.82 247.55 3,212.87 168.68 8,364.16 251.38 3,769.87 167.03 4,274.99 180.84 5,423.56 255.73 5,622.00 219.87 10,539.73 228.76 6,082.06 246.09 11,087.66 278.88 4,789.83 252.30 5,406.53 149.54 7,096.24 185.52 4,849.42 192.08 7,401.41 209.26 3,070.03 159.40 5,316.21 235.79 7,669.81 139.96 2,748.24 150.88 5,527.16 219.71 7,334.67 308.69 4,734.25 182.76 9,181.35 230.13 5,768.58 225.34 8,613.29 258.95 4,021.04 162.56 8,659.92 194.22 268,385.23 $ 8,845.07 $ (123,457.21) (4,422.54) 144,928.02 $ 4,422.54 $ - Parking Gross 4,701.01 $ 2,069.92 8,158.23 2,780.13 6,704.69 2,483.90 5,289.79 6,807.73 6,320.15 1,904.32 5,648.57 7,955.84 2,246.55 8,163.75 2,472.86 7,321.07 6,689.97 2,770.93 6,675.25 2,848.21 3,229.07 4,770.93 4,237.35 7,221.71 4,095.68 7,479.30 3,258.51 3,676.17 4,395.58 4,088.32 6,505.98 2,145.35 3,396.51 5,409.38 1,567.62 3,532.66 5,816.01 2,927.32 6,890.52 4,425.02 8,253.91 3,194.11 6,312.79 206,842.67 $ (74,963.39) 131,879.28 $ - Other Total 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 128.80 177.10 5,715.50 $ 5,715.50 - $ $ 23,640.52 12,550.46 37,112.06 12,177.95 31,874.12 12,369.35 23,898.21 29,508.87 26,947.93 9,927.87 26,268.44 37,712.04 12,554.80 37,334.83 13,738.61 33,596.86 31,583.40 14,503.75 30,174.37 13,601.79 15,350.44 21,376.88 19,354.91 33,971.64 20,285.96 37,110.37 16,822.95 20,047.91 23,720.83 18,107.79 29,118.66 11,274.99 18,442.15 26,728.75 9,935.20 18,607.62 27,672.84 16,115.46 32,434.95 21,665.99 36,951.44 16,488.58 31,934.59 14,280.29 1,008,877.42 (348,192.69) 660,684.73 - * “Other” includes hockey camp, hockey school, team meals, Spotlight Landing and the Crease * "Other" includes hockey camp, hockey school, team meals, Spotlight Landing and the Crease Notes: Rent: Arena Receives 8% of Net Sales Rent: Arena Receives 8% of Net Sales Concessions: Arena Receives 40% of Gross Sales after Taxes Chiefs Receive 46% of that figure Concessions: Receives 40% of Gross Sales Catering: Arena Receives Arena 23% of Gross Sales after Taxes Chiefs Receive 50% of that figure Chiefs Receive 46% of that figure Parking: Chiefs Receive 30% of Gross Parking after Taxes Catering: Arena Receives 23% of Gross Sales after Taxes Chiefs Receive 50% of that figure Parking: Chiefs Receive 30% of Gross Parking 49 year end report 2012 SPOKANE ARENA Revenues Paid to Spokane Chiefs REVENUES PAID TO SPOKANE CHIEFS 2012 Date 6-Jan 11-Jan 14-Jan 16-Jan 21-Jan 22-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 3-Feb 6-Feb 10-Feb 11-Feb 15-Feb 25-Feb 7-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar 14-Mar 16-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 1-Apr 11-Apr 13-Apr 16-Apr 29-Sep 5-Oct 6-Oct 13-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 30-Oct 2-Nov 3-Nov 6-Nov 9-Nov 10-Nov 21-Nov 24-Nov 14-Dec 15-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec Event Concessions Team% Chiefs vs Moose Jaw $ Chiefs vs Everett Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Portland Chiefs vs Portland Chiefs vs Portland Chiefs vs Kootenay Chiefs vs Victoria Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Vancouver Chiefs vs Tri-Cities Chiefs vs Kelowna Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Kootenay Chiefs vs Kamloops Chiefs vs Seattle Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game A Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game B Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game C Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game D Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game E Spokane Chiefs Playoffs Round 1 - Game F Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Victoria Chiefs vs Lethbridge Chiefs vs Vancouver Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Prince George Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Red Deer Chiefs vs Everett Chiefs vs Everett Chiefs vs Kamloops Chiefs vs Portland Chiefs vs Everett Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Seattle Chiefs vs Tri-City Chiefs vs Portland Chiefs vs Portland Other* Total $ Rounding Total $ $ Catering Team% $ Alcohol Team% 2,931.77 1,424.56 4,563.02 1,892.45 4,071.97 1,589.69 2,907.48 3,695.18 3,491.84 1,202.77 3,826.65 4,810.20 1,519.67 4,852.92 1,680.57 4,306.88 4,058.05 1,696.94 4,349.83 1,709.91 1,916.92 2,719.23 2,138.36 3,922.59 2,422.29 4,706.20 2,129.90 2,626.71 3,045.08 2,173.15 4,107.45 1,334.60 2,139.27 3,308.66 1,258.16 2,270.19 3,640.97 2,104.00 4,044.32 2,500.66 4,991.79 1,781.34 4,060.94 1,205.96 127,131.02 360.77 520.35 372.05 203.67 596.44 230.48 708.14 305.84 390.59 353.16 300.22 676.26 390.39 241.67 559.27 736.92 813.67 929.08 221.88 181.73 243.89 223.52 304.80 315.14 235.61 364.96 152.46 442.79 270.90 216.16 403.76 222.67 480.33 264.48 208.49 207.77 349.18 170.85 177.88 786.36 425.22 998.81 356.76 1,303.27 $ 18,218.54 2,991.56 1,590.39 4,820.89 867.68 3,926.61 1,251.39 2,727.02 3,600.60 3,458.79 981.47 2,991.84 4,665.80 1,489.88 4,638.13 1,658.85 4,057.83 3,878.64 1,477.92 3,847.51 1,734.14 1,966.50 2,494.84 2,586.12 4,848.28 2,797.75 5,100.32 2,203.32 2,487.00 3,264.27 2,230.73 3,404.65 1,412.21 2,445.46 3,528.11 1,264.19 2,542.49 3,373.95 2,177.76 4,223.42 2,653.55 3,962.11 1,849.68 3,983.56 $ 123,457.21 127,131.02 $ 18,218.54 $ 123,457.21 $ Grill Team% Notes: Does not include operating or staffing expenses Arena Receives 40% of Gross Sales after Taxes Arena Receives 40% of Gross Sales after Taxes Chiefs Receive46% 46%ofofthat thatfigure figure Chiefs Receive Catering: Arena Receives 23% of Gross Sales after Taxes Catering: Arena Receives 23% Gross Sales after Taxes Chiefs Receive 50% of of that figure Grill: Arena Receives Sales after Taxes Chiefs Receive25% 50%of ofGross that figure Chiefs Receive 50% of that figure Parking: Chiefs Receive 30% of Gross Parking Concessions: Concessions: Parking: 50 Chiefs Receive 30% of Gross Parking Total $ 107.07 74.49 91.93 59.53 118.66 70.36 107.77 67.85 142.18 80.53 107.30 109.37 94.79 117.40 116.31 106.08 123.78 84.34 125.69 83.52 90.42 127.87 109.94 114.38 123.05 139.44 126.15 74.77 92.76 96.04 104.63 79.70 117.90 69.98 75.44 109.86 154.35 91.38 115.07 112.67 129.48 81.28 97.11 4,422.54 1,533.00 675.00 2,660.40 906.60 2,186.40 810.00 1,725.00 2,220.00 2,061.00 621.00 1,842.00 2,594.40 732.60 2,662.20 806.40 2,387.40 2,181.60 903.60 2,176.80 928.80 1,053.00 1,555.80 1,381.80 2,355.00 1,335.60 2,439.00 1,062.60 1,198.80 1,433.40 1,333.20 2,121.60 699.60 1,107.60 1,764.00 511.20 1,152.00 1,896.60 954.60 2,247.00 1,443.00 2,691.60 1,041.60 2,058.60 7,512.00 $ 74,963.39 $ $ 4,422.54 $ $ * “Other” includes hockey camp, hockey school, team meals, Spotlight Landing and the Crease * "Other" includes hockey camp, hockey school, team meals, Spotlight Landing and Crease, parking pass commissions Rent: Arena Receives 8% of Net Sales $ Parking Team% 74,963.39 $ 7,924.17 4,284.78 12,508.29 3,929.93 10,900.07 3,951.91 8,175.40 9,889.47 9,544.40 3,238.92 9,068.00 12,856.02 4,227.32 12,512.32 4,821.40 11,595.11 11,055.73 5,091.88 10,721.71 4,638.09 5,270.72 7,121.24 6,521.01 11,555.38 6,914.29 12,749.93 5,674.43 6,830.06 8,106.40 6,049.28 10,142.08 3,748.78 6,290.55 8,935.23 3,317.48 6,282.30 9,415.05 5,498.58 10,807.68 7,496.23 12,200.19 5,752.70 10,556.97 10,021.23 348,192.69 0.04 348,192.73 0.00 2012 year end report Revenues From Spokane Shock SPOKANE ARENA REVENUE FROM SPOKANE SHOCK ACTIVITIES 2012 Date Event 12-Mar 30-Mar 14-Apr 11-May 18-May 9-Jun 16-Jun 29-Jun 21-Jul Shock v Iowa Shock v San Jose Shock v Milwaukee Shock v New Orleans Shock v Philadelphia Shock v Kansas City Shock v Utah Shock v Arizona Shock v Tampa Bay Other* Subtotal Less Team % Total Announced Attend 10,140 9,172 10,113 9,368 9,320 8,972 8,858 9,499 9,680 70 85,192 Turnstile Attend 7,575 8,830 9,786 7,133 7,156 6,453 6,587 8,946 5,860 70 68,396 Concession Gross Rental $ $ (512.22) $ (384.04) (189.84) (386.16) (237.57) (321.58) (375.30) (349.48) (85.14) 1,350.00 (1,491.33) $ $ (1,491.33) $ 9,651.73 $ 10,589.87 11,016.07 9,087.01 9,279.59 8,615.75 8,666.46 7,760.31 8,342.71 83,009.50 $ (16,116.40) 66,893.10 $ Catering Gross 978.93 $ 1,036.92 747.98 593.52 500.89 420.34 678.08 595.22 805.56 6,357.44 $ (472.19) 5,885.25 $ Alcohol Gross Grill Gross 9,906.68 $ 10,321.28 10,608.04 10,294.83 9,423.92 8,816.32 8,044.30 8,639.20 7,495.14 83,549.71 $ (16,720.41) 66,829.30 $ Merch Net Parking 186.78 $ 352.27 186.20 310.98 231.86 355.20 201.70 169.66 153.65 142.67 165.83 78.51 185.37 166.16 149.85 140.95 159.97 108.98 1,621.21 $ 1,825.38 (324.46) 1,296.75 $ 1,825.38 $ $ 7,996.32 7,942.96 8,579.58 7,481.14 7,898.80 7,344.99 6,620.06 7,639.37 5,992.64 67,495.86 $ 67,495.86 Other $ 3,325.68 3,410.32 2,996.32 2,996.32 2,995.59 2,996.33 2,996.32 2,996.31 2,996.32 $ 27,709.51 0.01 $ 27,709.52 Total $ 31,886.17 33,414.49 34,345.21 30,438.02 30,157.54 28,116.49 26,981.45 27,571.73 25,816.18 1,350.00 $ 270,077.28 (33,633.45) $ 236,443.83 - * "Other" includes Spotlight Landing and Foxx Hole game activity “Other” includes Spotlight Landing and Foxx Hole game activity. Notes: Rent: Arena Receives 12% of Net Ticket Sales, minimum $4,500 maximum $6,000 and is responsible for security/ushering services Concessions: Receives Arena 40% of Gross Sales after 12% Taxes of Net Ticket Sales, minimum $4,500 maximum Rent: Arena Receives Shock Receives 20% of that figure Catering: Arena Receives $6,000 23% of Gross Sales Taxes and isafter responsible for security/ushering services Shock Receives 20% of that figure Concessions: Arena Receives 40% of Gross Sales after Taxes Shock Receives 20% of that figure Catering: Arena Receives 23% of Gross Sales after Taxes Shock Receives 20% of that figure SPOKANE ARENA REVENUES TO SPOKANE SHOCK Revenues Paid to PAID Spokane Shock 2012 Date 12-Mar 30-Mar 14-Apr 11-May 18-May 9-Jun 16-Jun 29-Jun 21-Jul Event Shock v Iowa Shock v San Jose Shock v Milwaukee Shock v New Orleans Shock v Philadelphia Shock v Kansas City Shock v Utah Shock v Arizona Shock v Tampa Bay Rounding Total $ Concessions Team% $ 1,868.29 2,050.86 2,148.83 1,755.44 1,806.93 1,659.92 1,681.40 1,498.46 1,646.28 $ 16,116.40 $ * "Other" includes SpotlightLanding Landingand andFoxx FoxxHole Holegame gameactivity. activity “Other” includes Spotlight Notes: Rent: Arena Receives 12% of Net Ticket Sales, minimum $4,500 maximum $6,000 and 40% is responsible for security/ushering services Concessions: Arena Receives of Gross Sales after Taxes Catering Team% 57.35 122.99 49.75 64.33 13.62 13.62 36.17 44.05 70.31 $ 472.19 $ Alcohol Team% 1,981.34 2,064.26 2,123.48 2,062.20 1,885.84 1,763.26 1,608.86 1,727.84 1,503.34 $ 16,720.41 $ Grill Team% Total 37.36 37.24 46.41 40.40 30.75 33.17 37.08 29.97 32.09 $ 324.46 $ 3,944.33 4,275.34 4,368.48 3,922.37 3,737.13 3,469.97 3,363.50 3,300.32 3,252.02 (0.01) 33,633.45 0 Shcok Receives 10% of that figure Concessions: Arena Receives 40% of Gross after Taxes Catering: Arena Receives 23% of Gross SalesSales after Taxes Shcok Receives 10% 20% of that Shock Receives offigure that figure Catering: Arena Receives 23% of Gross Sales after Taxes 51 2012 year end report year end report INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 2012 2012 Statement of Operations Revenues REVENUES Approved Budget Description Facilities Rental Concessions Catering Merchandise Daily Parking Event Parking Box Office Advertising Contracts Ad Agency Misc Event Revenue Cleaning Fees Electrical Fees Set Up Fees Equipment Rental Phone & Internet Technical Service Ushering Revenue Stagehand Revenue Forfeited Deposits/Liquidated Damages Other Miscellaneous Pac Admission Tax Total $ $ 325,000.00 60,000.00 5,000.00 40,000.00 350,000.00 120,000.00 140,000.00 153,360.00 750.00 300.00 16,000.00 250.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 325,000.00 1,539,160.00 - $ $ EXPENSES Description Salaries & Wages Benefits & Expense Office Supplies Chemical/Lab Supplies Clothing Operating Supplies Publications Software Meals Fuel Minor Equipment Professional Services Directors Compensation State Audit Charges Legal Services 54 Contract Services Contract Labor $ Approved Budget 240,230.00 98,498.00 2,500.00 500.00 3,385.00 21,100.00 2,000.00 250.00 57,335.00 5,376.00 140,000.00 130,000.00 Unrealized Revenues YTD Revenues 332,937.61 54,637.40 16,855.72 30,667.47 383,066.32 103,518.86 129,867.34 153,360.00 1,601.66 126.00 1,075.92 13,459.89 604.00 1,526.00 5,063.59 2,800.00 1,754.34 214,675.81 1,447,597.93 0.00 $ $ YTD Expenses $ 245,984.28 79,755.88 2,665.01 182.46 1,588.94 17,144.78 672.10 22.03 30,682.45 3,468.60 113,311.91 121,812.94 $ (7,937.61) 5,362.60 (11,855.72) 9,332.53 (33,066.32) 16,481.14 10,132.66 (1,601.66) 750.00 (126.00) (775.92) 2,540.11 (354.00) (26.00) (5,063.59) (2,800.00) 245.66 110,324.19 91,562.07 Unrealized Expenses (5,754.28) 18,742.12 (165.01) 317.54 1,796.06 3,955.22 1,327.90 (22.03) 250.00 26,652.55 1,907.40 26,688.09 8,187.06 Catering Merchandise Daily Parking Event Parking Box Office Advertising Contracts Ad Agency Misc Event Revenue Cleaning Fees Electrical Fees Set Up Fees Equipment Rental Phone & Internet Technical Service Ushering Revenue Stagehand Revenue Forfeited Deposits/Liquidated Damages Other Miscellaneous Pac Admission Tax Total 2012 5,000.00 40,000.00 350,000.00 120,000.00 140,000.00 153,360.00 750.00 300.00 16,000.00 250.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 325,000.00 1,539,160.00 - 16,855.72 30,667.47 383,066.32 103,518.86 129,867.34 153,360.00 1,601.66 126.00 1,075.92 13,459.89 604.00 1,526.00 5,063.59 2,800.00 1,754.34 214,675.81 1,447,597.93 0.00 year end report (11,855.72) 9,332.53 (33,066.32) 16,481.14 10,132.66 (1,601.66) 750.00 (126.00) (775.92) 2,540.11 (354.00) (26.00) (5,063.59) (2,800.00) 245.66 110,324.19 91,562.07 Statement of Operations Expenses $ EXPENSES Description Salaries & Wages Benefits & Expense Office Supplies Chemical/Lab Supplies Clothing Operating Supplies Publications Software Meals Fuel Minor Equipment Professional Services Directors Compensation State Audit Charges Legal Services Contract Services Contract Labor Description Reimbursed Event Ushering Reimbursed Event Stagehands Hockey Football Co-Promotes Club Seat Commission Advertising Commissions Contract Services Cvb Telephone Cell Phone Postage Cable Tv Travel Building Advertising Event Advertising Chiefs Advertising Advertising Other Marketing Promotional Hosting Operating Rentals Insurance Insurance Claims Water & Sewer Electricity Refuse Gas Exterior Repairs & Maintenance Bldg Repairs & Maintenance Equip Repairs & Maintentance Repair & Maintenance Supplies Suite & Club Tickets Dues, Subs, Memberships Registration & Schooling Laundry & Sanitation Permits, Other Fees Printing & Copying Tuition Reimbursement Awards Bank Charges Other Misc Charges Reserve For Budget Adjustement Taxes Total $ Operating Profit/(Loss) $ Description Revenue Expenses Operations Profit/Loss Attendance $ $ $ $ Approved Budget YTD Expenses 240,230.00 $ 98,498.00 2,500.00 500.00 3,385.00 21,100.00 2,000.00 250.00 57,335.00 5,376.00 140,000.00 Approved 130,000.00 YTD Budget 22,500.00 7,000.00 940.00 1,500.00 3,200.00 9,570.00 4,000.00 400.00 1,500.00 500.00 2,528.00 15,000.00 12,000.00 55,000.00 6,000.00 25,000.00 7,200.00 40,000.00 13,350.00 8,000.00 508.00 4,071.00 1,500.00 8,000.00 750.00 7,000.00 5,000.00 55,000.00 1,018,191.00 $ (1.00) 520,969.00 $ 2012 1,447,597.93 881,776.04 565,821.89 173,567 $ $ $ $ Unrealized Expenses 245,984.28 79,755.88 2,665.01 182.46 1,588.94 17,144.78 672.10 22.03 30,682.45 3,468.60 113,311.91 121,812.94 Expenses 3,232.82 11,181.45 22,500.00 6,055.56 899.00 989.46 3,195.72 7,227.14 4,376.82 391.32 14.07 1,333.10 239.55 2,472.72 12,568.39 8,993.01 59,636.23 4,382.76 18,716.24 7,481.05 38,794.12 5,682.97 8,233.93 1,286.29 2,230.28 1,813.25 6,353.63 589.57 713.74 7,683.20 15,217.27 881,776.04 565,821.89 (5,754.28) 18,742.12 (165.01) 317.54 1,796.06 3,955.22 1,327.90 (22.03) 250.00 26,652.55 1,907.40 26,688.09 Unrealized 8,187.06 Expenses (3,232.82) (11,181.45) 944.44 41.00 510.54 4.28 2,342.86 (376.82) 8.68 (14.07) 166.90 260.45 55.28 2,431.61 3,006.99 (4,636.23) 1,617.24 6,283.76 (281.05) 1,205.88 7,667.03 (233.93) (778.29) 1,840.72 (313.25) 1,646.37 160.43 (713.74) (683.20) 5,000.00 39,782.73 $ 136,414.96 2011 1,505,012.55 961,742.08 543,270.47 % 96% 92% 104% 157,285 110% $ (44,852.89) 55 year end report 2012 ARTS CENTER RevenuesINB PERFORMING REVENUES 2012 2012 Description Facilities Rental Concessions/Catering Event Parking Merchandise Event Miscellaneous Daily Parking Box Office Advertising Miscellaneous Admission Tax Total $ $ Amount 332,938 71,493 103,519 30,667 23,457 383,066 129,867 153,360 1,754 214,676 1,447,598 % 23% 5% 7% 2% 2% 26% 9% 11% 0% 15% 100% Admission Tax, 15% Facilities Rental, 23% Miscellaneous, 0% Advertising, 11% Concessions Catering, 3% Box Office, 9% Event Parking, 7% Merchandise, 2% Daily Parking, 26% 56 Event Miscellaneous, 2% 2012 year end report INB PERF Revenues to Date 2008-2012 Description Facilities Rental Concessions/Catering Event Parking Merchandise Event Miscellaneous Parking Box Office Advertising Forfeited Deposits / Liquidated Damages Miscellaneous Admission Tax Lodging Tax Grant R&R Transfer Total $ 2008 398,277 67,952 48,876 25,440 252,505 152,594 151,200 6,075 492 328,179 $ 1,431,590 $ 2009 380,001 68,953 72,420 44,591 119,559 253,189 201,394 153,360 500 3,112 339,288 $ 1,636,367 $ 2010 257,383 36,716 89,805 24,704 40,433 330,325 74,898 153,360 500 6,434 133,884 $ 1,148,442 $ 2011 303,962 51,402 131,135 28,334 23,587 357,368 109,959 153,360 70,039 275,866 $ 1,505,013 $ 2012 332,938 71,493 103,519 30,667 23,457 383,066 129,867 153,360 2,800 1,754 214,676 $ 1,447,598 450000 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 57 year end report 2012 ARTS CENTER ExpensesINB PERFORMING EXPENSES 2012 2012 Description Salaries & Benefits Supplies Contractual Services Utilities Insurance Advertising / Marketing Repairs & Maintenance Other Services & Charges Taxes Total Repairs & Maintenance, 7% $ $ Amount % 325,740 37% 52,958 6% 241,826 27% 91,728 10% 12,568 1% 6,115 1% 60,192 7% 75,431 9% 15,217 2% 881,776 100% Other Services & Taxes, 2% Charges, 9% Salaries & Benefits, 37% Advertising / Marketing, 1% Insurance, 1% Utilities, 10% Contractual Services, 27% 58 Supplies, 6% 2012 year end report INB P Expenses to Date 2008-2012 Description Administrative Costs* Salaries & Benefits Supplies Contractual Services Utilities Insurance Advertising / Marketing Repairs & Maintenance Other Services & Charges Taxes Interfund Costs Total $ 2008 257,344 45,946 207,036 95,857 12,336 63,416 69,041 35,459 $ 786,435 $ 2009 284,207 25,238 230,167 93,669 11,747 30 58,128 161,338 34,997 $ 899,521 $ 2010 238,658 88,546 210,255 82,533 11,825 100 56,186 79,222 48,583 $ 815,907 $ 2011 358,956 53,461 233,524 116,273 12,137 702 48,464 83,324 54,903 $ 961,742 $ 2012 325,740 52,958 241,826 91,728 12,568 6,115 60,192 75,431 15,217 $ 881,776 * Prior to 2001 admin costs were broken out separately; distributed here at CC 50%, PAC 30% 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 59 year end report 2012 Operating Profit to Date 2008-2012 Revenues Expenses Operating Profit $ $ $ 2008 1,431,590 786,435 645,155 $ $ $ 2009 1,636,367 899,521 736,846 2010 1,148,442 815,907 332,534 $ $ $ Revenues Expenses $ $ $ 2011 1,505,013 961,742 543,270 $ $ $ 2012 1,447,598 881,776 565,822 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $2008 60 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 year end report INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER ADMISSION TAX Admission Tax 2012 Date Event 14-Jan 20-Jan 29-Jan 3-Feb 6-Feb 17-Feb 18-Feb 25-Feb 24-Mar 15-Apr 22-Apr 28-Apr 29-Apr 18-May 17-Jun 2-Sep 3-Oct 13-Oct 29-Oct 9-Nov 29-Dec The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Mythbusters: Behind the Myths Disney's Beauty And The Beast Lisa Lampanelli Wilco George Lopez New Shanghai Circus The Revolve Tour - Dream On Sweet Adelines - Region 24 In the Heights Celtic Woman Sweet Adelines - Region 13 Pop Goes the Rock by Cirque Dreams Grease Sing-a-Long Mary Poppins Bonnie Raitt Newsboys Brian Regan Jersey Boys The Fresh Beat Band Sound of Music Sing-A-Long Total $ 2,161.57 6,140.48 39,614.38 1,572.92 2,563.43 2,090.60 2,442.14 5,615.05 100.48 16,483.71 5,983.48 150.95 1,632.95 748.33 38,968.76 4,909.83 1,317.38 4,199.52 73,111.92 3,552.45 1,315.48 214,675.81 61 year end report 2012 INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Event Revenue Comparison EVENT REVENUE COMPARISON 2012/2011 Description Broadway Shows Other Entertainment Community Events Conventions Total $ $ 2012 251,915 45% 139,743 25% 101,741 18% 68,676 12% 562,074 100% $ $ 2011 327,389 61% 93,316 17% 85,786 16% 31,929 6% 538,420 100% 2012 2011 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $Broadway Shows 62 Other Entertainment Community Events Conventions 2012 year end report Activity By Month INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 2012 ACTIVITY BY MONTH January 2012 Date 14-Jan 20-Jan 26-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 29-Jan 29-Jan 30-Jan Date 14-Jan 20-Jan 26-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 29-Jan Date 29-Jan 3-Feb 30-Jan 6-Feb Date 17-Feb 14-Jan 18-Feb 20-Jan 23-Feb 26-Jan 24-Feb 27-Jan 25-Feb 28-Jan 28-Jan Date 29-Jan 29-Jan 3-Feb 30-Jan 6-Feb Event The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Mythbusters: Behind the Myths Disney's Beauty And The Beast Disney's Beauty And The Beast Disney's Beauty And The Beast Disney's Beauty And The Beast Disney's Beauty And The Beast Disney's Beauty And The Beast Society for Range Management Event Total The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Mythbusters: Behind the Myths Disney's Beauty And The Beast Disney's Beauty And The Beast Disney's Beauty And The Beast Disney's Beauty And The Beast Disney's Beauty And The Beast Event Disney's Beauty And The Beast Lisa Lampanelli Society for Range Management Wilco Total Event George Lopez The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra New Shanghai Circus Mythbusters: Behind the Myths The Revolve Tour - Dream On Rehearsal Disney's Beauty And The Beast The Revolve Tour - Dream On Rehearsal Disney's Beauty And The Beast The Revolve Tour - Dream On Disney's Beauty And The Beast Total Disney's Beauty And The Beast Event Disney's Beauty And The Beast Disney's Beauty And The Beast Lisa Lampanelli Society for Range Management Wilco Total Lopez George February 2012 17-Feb 18-Feb Date 23-Feb 12-Mar 24-Feb 19-Mar 25-Feb 23-Mar 24-Mar Date 29-Mar 30-Mar 3-Feb 31-Mar 6-Feb 17-Feb Date 18-Feb 23-Feb 12-Mar 24-Feb 19-Mar 25-Feb 23-Mar 24-Mar Date 29-Mar 9-Apr 30-Mar 31-Mar New Shanghai Circus Event The Revolve Tour - Dream On Rehearsal Life Services Of Spokane The Revolve Tour - Dream On Rehearsal Bi-County Honors & Choir The Revolve Tour Band - Dream On Sweet Adelines - Region 24 Total Sweet Adelines - Region 24 Event EWGA - Spokane Dream Center Drama Lisa Lampanelli Dream Center Drama Wilco Total George Lopez Event New Shanghai Circus The Services Revolve Tour - Dream On Rehearsal Life Of Spokane The Revolve Tour Band - Dream On Rehearsal Bi-County Honors & Choir The Revolve Tour - Dream Sweet Adelines - Region 24On Total Sweet Adelines - Region 24Event EWGA - Spokane WCE Season Dream Center Announcement Drama Dream Center Drama Total March 2012 Date 12-Mar 19-Mar 23-Mar Date 24-Mar 29-Mar 9-Apr 30-Mar 31-Mar JANUARY Space Attendance Food & Bev Rental Net INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER PAC 1,417 $ 2,593.89 $ 388.94 2012 ACTIVITY MONTH PAC 2,513 BY17,306.21 1,136.46 PAC 2,190 3,800.00 1,324.29 PAC 2,496 3,800.00 1,102.09 PAC 2,510 3,800.00 PAC 2,491 3,800.00 2,256.80 JANUARY PAC 2,492 3,800.00 PAC 2,438 3,800.00 2,239.31 Food & Bev PAC 827 2,000.00 Space Attendance Rental Net 19,374 $ 44,700.10 $ 8,447.89 PAC 1,417 $ 2,593.89 $ 388.94 PAC 2,513 17,306.21 1,136.46 2012 ACTIVITY BY MONTH PAC 2,190 3,800.00 1,324.29 FEBRUARY PAC 2,496 3,800.00 1,102.09 PAC 2,510 3,800.00 PAC 2,491 3,800.00 2,256.80 Food & Bev JANUARY PAC 2,492 3,800.00 Space Attendance Rental Net PAC 2,438 3,800.00 2,239.31 PAC 920 $ 3,000.00 $ 947.23 827 2,000.00 Food & Bev PAC 1,529 $ Rental 4,101.49 $ 1,524.05 19,374 44,700.10 8,447.89 Space Attendance Net PAC 1,085 3,344.95 1,644.30 PAC 1,417 2,593.89 388.94 PAC 2,196 $ 3,000.00 $ 846.81 PAC 2,513 17,306.21 1,136.46 PAC 20 1,800.00 46.95 FEBRUARY PAC 2,190 3,800.00 1,324.29 PAC 32 1,800.00 86.23 PAC 2,496 3,800.00 1,102.09 PAC 2,039 3,000.00 4,534.36 PAC 2,510 $ 3,800.00 $ 7,821 20,046.44 9,629.93 Food & Bev PAC 2,491 3,800.00 2,256.80 Space Attendance Rental Net PAC 2,492 3,800.00 PAC 2,438 3,800.00 $ 2,239.31 PAC 920 $ 3,000.00 947.23 MARCH PAC 827 2,000.00 PAC 1,529 4,101.49 1,524.05 19,374 44,700.10 8,447.89 PAC 1,085 $ 3,344.95 $ 1,644.30 INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER PAC Space PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Space PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Space PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Space PAC PAC PAC PAC 2,196 Attendance 3,000.00 Rental 20 1,800.00 799 3,000.00 32 $ 1,800.00 FEBRUARY 593 3,000.00 2,039 3,000.00 427 2,700.00 7,821 $ 20,046.44 116 2,700.00 Attendance Rental77 115 1,800.00 MARCH 920 $ 3,000.00 1,749 3,000.00 1,529 4,101.49 3,876 $ 16,200.00 1,085 3,344.95 Attendance Rental 2,196 3,000.00 20 $ 1,800.00 799 3,000.00 APRIL 32 1,800.00 593 3,000.00 2,039 3,000.00 427 2,700.00 7,821 20,046.44 116 $ Rental 2,700.00 Attendance 77 877 $ 115 1,800.00 1,749 3,000.00 MARCH 3,876 $ 16,200.00 Event Space Attendance Life Services Of Spokane Bi-County Honors Band & Choir Sweet Adelines - Region 24 Event Sweet Adelines - Region 24 EWGA - Spokane WCE Season Announcement Dream Center Drama Dream Center Drama Total PAC PAC PAC Space PAC PAC PAC PAC 3,000.00 593 3,000.00 427 2,700.00 Attendance Rental 116 2,700.00 77 $ 877 115 1,800.00 1,749 3,000.00 3,876 $ 16,200.00 APRIL 799 $ $ Food &846.81 Bev Net 46.95 55.44 86.23 4,534.36 161.75 $ 9,629.93 Food &203.33 Bev 518.14 Net $ 947.23 1,524.05 $ 938.66 Food 1,644.30 & Bev Net846.81 46.95 $ 55.44 86.23 4,534.36 161.75 $ Food 9,629.93 &203.33 Bev Net518.14 $ 6,104.49 $ 938.66 Rental $ Food & Bev Net 55.44 Food &161.75 Bev Net203.33 518.14 $ 6,104.49 $ 938.66 Merch Net $ 2,222.86 3,783.07 Merch Net $ 6,005.93 $ 2,222.86 Merch Net 3,783.07 $ 90.89 1,158.00 $Merch 6,005.93 Net 291.00 $ 61.00 2,222.86 -3,000.00 $ 4,600.89 Merch Net 3,783.07 $ 90.89 1,158.00 $ 6,005.93 291.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Merch61.00 Net $ 3,000.00 4,600.89 $ Merch Net Parking Gross 781.97 1,839.93 2,226.31 2,309.11 2,281.51 2,235.51 2,713.89 2,603.50 Parking Gross 16,991.73 781.97 1,839.93 2,226.31 2,309.11 2,281.51 2,235.51 Parking 2,713.89 Gross 2,603.50 1,122.36 Parking 597.98 16,991.73 Gross 1,876.72 781.97 1,090.16 1,839.93 2,226.31 2,309.11 1,453.54 2,281.51 6,140.76 Parking 2,235.51 Gross 2,713.89 2,603.50 1,122.36 597.98 16,991.73 1,876.72 Parking 1,090.16 Gross- 1,453.54 6,140.76 Parking Gross $ $ Other $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - Gross $ Merch Net Parking Gross Merch Net $ - $ - - Parking Gross $ - Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Other- 90.89 $ 1,122.36 1,158.00 597.98 $ 291.00 1,876.72 Parking Merch61.00 Net 1,090.16 Gross 3,000.00 1,453.54 $ 4,600.89 $ Parking 6,140.76 Merch Net 2,759.89 639.40 Other 3,399.29 2,759.89 Other575.00 639.40 3,399.29 Other 1,197.99 -2,759.89 -207.00 1,979.99 Other575.00 639.40 3,399.29 1,197.99 $ $ $ 506.00 125.00 207.00 1,979.99 Other575.00 631.00 1,197.99 Other506.00 125.00 207.00 1,979.99 Other -631.00 4,997.97 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Other $ 506.00 125.00 Other$ $ 631.00 3,764.80 25,265.35 7,350.60 7,211.20 6,081.51 8,292.31 6,513.89 12,425.88 2,639.40 Total 79,544.94 3,764.80 25,265.35 7,350.60 7,211.20 6,081.51 8,292.31 6,513.89 Total 12,425.88 5,735.48 2,639.40 7,381.52 79,544.94 Total 8,354.96 3,764.80 4,997.97 25,265.35 1,846.95 7,350.60 1,886.23 7,211.20 12,194.90 6,081.51 42,398.01 8,292.31 Total 6,513.89 12,425.88 5,735.48 2,639.40 7,381.52 79,544.94 8,354.96 1,846.95 3,561.44 1,886.23 3,125.00 12,194.90 2,861.75 42,398.01 2,903.33 Total 518.14 1,800.00 5,735.48 3,000.00 7,381.52 17,769.66 8,354.96 Total 4,997.97 1,846.95 3,561.44 1,886.23 3,125.00 12,194.90 2,861.75 42,398.01 2,903.33 Total 518.14 6,104.49 1,800.00 3,000.00 17,769.66 Total $ $ $ 3,561.44 3,125.00 2,861.75 Total 2,903.33 518.14 6,104.49 1,800.00 3,000.00 17,769.66 APRIL Date Event 9-Apr WCE Season Announcement Space PAC Attendance 877 Rental $ - $ Food & Bev Net 6,104.49 Merch Net $ - Parking Gross Other $ - Total $ 6,104.49 63 17-Feb 18-Feb 23-Feb 24-Feb 25-Feb George Lopez New Shanghai Circus The Revolve Tour - Dream On Rehearsal The Revolve Tour - Dream On Rehearsal The Revolve Tour - Dream On Total PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC 1,085 2,196 20 32 2,039 7,821 $ 3,344.95 3,000.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 20,046.44 12-Mar 19-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar Event Life Services Of Spokane Bi-County Honors Band & Choir Sweet Adelines - Region 24 Sweet Adelines - Region 24 EWGA - Spokane Dream Center Drama Dream Center Drama Total Space PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Activity By Month April 2012 Date Event WCE Season Announcement In the Heights In the Heights In the Heights In the Heights In the Heights In the Heights Time Out for Women Time Out for Women Race for the Cure Celtic Woman Sweet Adelines - Region 13 In the Heights Sweet Adelines - Region 13 In the Heights Pop Goes the Rock by Cirque Dreams In the Heights 14-Apr Total In the Heights 15-Apr In the Heights 15-Apr In the Heights 20-Apr Time Out for Women 21-Apr Time Out for Women 22-Apr Race for the Cure Date Event 22-Apr Celtic Woman 27-Apr Sweet Adelines - Region 13 4-May WSU Commencement 28-Apr Sweet Adelines - Region 13 5-May University of Phoenix Commencement 29-Apr Pop Goes the Rock by Cirque Dreams 18-May Grease Sing-a-Long Total 24-May GSI Business After Hours 27-May Gonzaga Prep Graduation Total May 2012 4-May Date 5-May 18-May 7-Jun 24-May 8-Jun 27-May 8-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun 9-Jun 9-Jun 9-Jun 10-Jun Date 11-Jun 12-Jun 7-Jun 13-Jun 8-Jun 14-Jun 8-Jun 15-Jun 8-Jun 16-Jun 8-Jun 16-Jun 9-Jun 17-Jun 9-Jun 17-Jun 9-Jun 18-Jun 10-Jun 21-Jun 11-Jun 21-Jun 12-Jun 22-Jun 13-Jun 23-Jun 14-Jun 23-Jun 15-Jun 25-Jun 16-Jun 26-Jun 16-Jun 27-Jun 17-Jun 17-Jun 18-Jun 21-Jun 21-Jun 22-Jun 23-Jun 23-Jun 25-Jun 26-Jun 27-Jun 64 799 593 427 116 77 115 1,749 3,876 $ Rental $ $ 1,876.72 1,090.16 1,453.54 6,140.76 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 16,200.00 $ $ Food & Bev Net 55.44 161.75 203.33 518.14 938.66 $ $ $ - $ 8,354.96 4,997.97 1,846.95 1,886.23 12,194.90 42,398.01 2012 Parking Gross Merch Net 1,197.99 207.00 1,979.99 - $ $ Other $ $ 506.00 125.00 631.00 Total $ $ 3,561.44 3,125.00 2,861.75 2,903.33 518.14 1,800.00 3,000.00 17,769.66 APRIL 9-Apr 12-Apr 13-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 15-Apr 15-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 27-Apr 12-Apr 28-Apr 13-Apr 29-Apr 14-Apr Date Attendance 291.00 61.00 3,000.00 4,600.89 year end report MARCH Date 1,644.30 846.81 46.95 86.23 4,534.36 9,629.93 Event WSU Commencement Event University of Phoenix Commencement Grease Sing-a-Long East Valley High School Graduation GSI Business After Hours Riverside High School Graduation Gonzaga Prep Graduation Lakeside High School Graduation Total Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Rehearsal West Valley High School Graduation - Rehearsal Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Rogers Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Shadle Spokane Public Schools Graduations - NC West Valley High School Graduation Event Mary Poppins MI Mary Valley Poppins East High School Graduation Mary Poppins Riverside High School Graduation Mary Poppins Lakeside High School Graduation Mary Poppins Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Rehearsal Mary Poppins West Valley High School Graduation - Rehearsal Mary Poppins Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Rogers Mary Poppins Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Shadle Mary Poppins Spokane Public Schools Graduations - NC Mary Poppins MOSchool Graduation West Valley High Spokane Community College Commencements Mary Poppins MI Spokane Falls Community College Commencements Mary Poppins Donna's School of Dance Rehearsals Mary Poppins Donna's School of Dance Mary Poppins Donna's School of Dance Mary Poppins 61st National Mary PoppinsSquare Dance Convention MI 61st National Mary PoppinsSquare Dance Convention MI 61st National Mary PoppinsSquare Dance Convention Mary Poppins Mary Poppins MO Spokane Community College Commencements Spokane Falls Community College Commencements Donna's School of Dance Rehearsals Donna's School of Dance Donna's School of Dance 61st National Square Dance Convention MI 61st National Square Dance Convention MI 61st National Square Dance Convention Space PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC South Block PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC South Block Space PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Attendance 877 1,248 1,001 859 1,261 1,305 896 2,656 2,637 7,511 1,945 647 1,248 533 1,001 1,121 859 24,497 1,261 Rental $ $ 3,487.66 3,290.11 3,000.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,000.00 2,987.50 2,987.50 1,650.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 3,487.66 3,000.00 3,290.11 3,000.00 3,000.00 47,002.77 3,800.00 1,305 3,800.00 896 3,000.00 2,656 2,987.50 MAY 2,637 2,987.50 7,511 1,650.00 Attendance Rental 1,945 10,000.00 647 3,000.00 1,991 $ 3,275.00 533 3,000.00 1,718 3,000.00 1,121 3,000.00 699 2,700.00 24,497 $ 47,002.77 112 2,205 3,000.00 6,725 $ 11,975.00 MAY Space PAC Space PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Space PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC $ $ 6,104.49 897.66 547.53 1,095.81 927.66 551.71 3,336.49 1,124.54 105.57 897.66 135.04 547.53 592.75 15,419.25 1,095.81 927.66 551.71 3,336.49 Food & Bev 1,124.54 Net105.57 $ 141.29 135.04 164.43 592.75 856.23 $ 15,419.25 156.73 320.39 $ 1,639.07 JUNE Rental Attendance 1,991 $ 3,275.00 Attendance Rental 1,718 3,000.00 699 2,700.00 2,507 $ 3,000.00 112 1,317 2,205 3,000.00 1,198 3,000.00 6,725 $ 11,975.00 866 1,800.00 204 1,800.00 2,468 JUNE 2,239 2,167 3,000.00 1,991 3,000.00 Attendance Rental80 1,466 $ 3,800.00 2,507 3,000.00 1,189 3,800.00 1,317 1,696 3,800.00 1,198 3,000.00 1,700 3,800.00 866 1,800.00 2,064 3,800.00 204 1,800.00 1,706 3,800.00 2,468 1,987 3,800.00 2,239 1,326 3,800.00 2,167 3,000.00 80 425.00 1,991 3,000.00 1,664 80 -1,898 3,000.00 1,466 3,800.00 781 1,600.00 1,189 3,800.00 1,441 1,696 3,800.00 1,916 2,400.00 1,700 3,800.00 73 2,064 3,800.00 874 3,000.00 1,706 3,800.00 3,610 3,520.00 1,987 3,800.00 1,326 3,800.00 80 425.00 1,664 1,898 3,000.00 781 1,600.00 1,441 1,916 2,400.00 73 874 3,000.00 3,610 3,520.00 Food & Bev Net $ $ Parking Gross Merch Net $ - 1,435.14 984.36 46.00 1,435.14 1,563.94 837.17 604.78 7,000.00 $ 1,141.70 ---8,746.48 - 2,373.51 $ 604.78 7,000.00 Merch Net 1,141.70 $ $ $ 8,746.48 - Other $ $ $ $ 1,435.14 984.36 1,002.76 46.00 9,678.02 1,435.14 1,563.94 837.17 Parking 2,373.51 Gross 1,002.76 662.37 9,678.02 64.40 1,283.35 2,010.12 $ Total $ 364.00 (9.20) 281.00 -32.00 -667.80 $ - 364.00 (9.20) 281.00 Other$ 392.00 $ 32.00 469.00 $ 667.80 $ 299.00 $ 1,160.00 $ Food & Bev Merch Net Parking Other Net Gross 141.29 $ $ $ 392.00 $ Food &164.43 Bev Merch Net Parking Other 469.00 Net856.23 Gross 662.37 - 89.25 156.73 320.39 64.50 $ 1,639.07 322.94 96.90 Food & Bev Net814.86 $ 89.25 504.51 1,091.09 64.50 875.87 -1,848.09 -1,438.24 322.94 42.20 96.90 -175.57 814.86 504.51 1,091.09 288.91 875.87 -1,848.09 6.08 1,438.24 42.20 175.57 288.91 6.08 $ - $ $ 1,338.55 1,379.94 1,200.55 1,306.35 Parking Merch Net $ 3,868.86 1,177.55 64.40 1,117.76 1,283.35 901.56 2,010.12 Gross 1,407.54 1,177.55 1,214.35 1,117.76 1,996.32 901.56 1,729.53 2,051.52 1,444.34 1,338.55 2,309.11 1,379.94 1,389.14 1,200.55 1,306.35 768.17 1,278.75 1,407.54 3,868.86 1,214.35 1,812.33 1,996.32 1,389.14 1,729.53 2,051.52 1,444.34 2,309.11 1,389.14 768.17 1,278.75 1,812.33 1,389.14 $ 299.00 276.00 $ 1,160.00 Other$ --276.00 -------46.00 --414.00 383.00 119.00 1,250.00 46.00 414.00 383.00 119.00 1,250.00 $ $ $ 6,104.49 5,820.46 4,822.00 3,046.00 6,330.95 5,363.94 5,369.61 3,903.21 13,314.79 1,931.00 14,639.75 3,105.57 5,820.46 3,167.04 4,822.00 4,595.51 3,046.00 81,514.32 6,330.95 5,363.94 5,369.61 3,903.21 13,314.79 1,931.00 Total 14,639.75 3,105.57 3,808.29 3,167.04 3,633.43 4,595.51 4,218.60 81,514.32 221.13 4,902.74 16,784.19 Total 3,808.29 Total 3,633.43 4,218.60 4,266.80 221.13 1,117.76 4,902.74 4,242.06 16,784.19 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,338.55 1,379.94 4,523.49 4,403.25 Total 6,022.40 4,266.80 5,518.86 1,117.76 6,887.41 4,242.06 6,405.40 1,800.00 5,851.52 1,800.00 7,092.43 1,338.55 6,109.11 1,379.94 10,496.24 4,523.49 467.20 4,403.25 768.17 4,500.32 6,022.40 1,600.00 5,518.86 1,812.33 6,887.41 4,492.05 6,405.40 383.00 5,851.52 3,119.00 7,092.43 4,776.08 6,109.11 10,496.24 467.20 768.17 4,500.32 1,600.00 1,812.33 4,492.05 383.00 3,119.00 4,776.08 20-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 27-Apr 28-Apr 29-Apr Time Out for Women Time Out for Women Race for the Cure Celtic Woman Sweet Adelines - Region 13 Sweet Adelines - Region 13 Pop Goes the Rock by Cirque Dreams Total 2012 Date 4-May 5-May 18-May 24-May 27-May PAC PAC South Block PAC PAC PAC PAC year end report Event WSU Commencement University of Phoenix Commencement Grease Sing-a-Long GSI Business After Hours Gonzaga Prep Graduation Total $ 2,987.50 2,987.50 1,650.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 47,002.77 $ 551.71 3,336.49 1,124.54 105.57 135.04 592.75 15,419.25 7,000.00 $ 1,141.70 8,746.48 2,373.51 $ 1,002.76 9,678.02 $ 364.00 (9.20) 281.00 32.00 667.80 $ 3,903.21 13,314.79 1,931.00 14,639.75 3,105.57 3,167.04 4,595.51 81,514.32 MAY Space PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Activity By Month June 2012 Date 2,656 2,637 7,511 1,945 647 533 1,121 24,497 Attendance 1,991 1,718 699 112 2,205 6,725 Rental $ $ 3,275.00 3,000.00 2,700.00 3,000.00 11,975.00 $ $ Food & Bev Net 141.29 164.43 856.23 156.73 320.39 1,639.07 Merch Net $ $ - $ $ Parking Gross 662.37 64.40 1,283.35 2,010.12 Other $ $ 392.00 469.00 299.00 1,160.00 Total $ $ 3,808.29 3,633.43 4,218.60 221.13 4,902.74 16,784.19 JUNE Event 7-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun 9-Jun 9-Jun 9-Jun 10-Jun 11-Jun 12-Jun 13-Jun 14-Jun 15-Jun 16-Jun 16-Jun 17-Jun 17-Jun 18-Jun 21-Jun 21-Jun 22-Jun 23-Jun 23-Jun 25-Jun 26-Jun 27-Jun 28-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun East Valley High School Graduation Riverside High School Graduation Lakeside High School Graduation Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Rehearsal West Valley High School Graduation - Rehearsal Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Rogers Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Shadle Spokane Public Schools Graduations - NC West Valley High School Graduation Mary Poppins MI Mary Poppins Mary Poppins Mary Poppins Mary Poppins Mary Poppins Mary Poppins Mary Poppins Mary Poppins Mary Poppins MO Spokane Community College Commencements Spokane Falls Community College Commencements Donna's School of Dance Rehearsals Donna's School of Dance Donna's School of Dance 61st National Square Dance Convention MI 61st National Square Dance Convention MI 61st National Square Dance Convention 61st National Square Dance Convention 61st National Square Dance Convention 61st National Square Dance Convention Total 28-Jun 29-Jun Date 30-Jun 26-Jul 27-Jul 28-Jul 29-Jul 29-Jul 61st National Square Dance Convention 61st National Square Dance Convention Event 61st National Square Dance Convention Total Steubenville Northwest Steubenville Northwest Steubenville Northwest Steubenville Northwest 34th Annual Royal Fireworks Festival Total 61st National Square Dance Convention Event 61st National Square Dance Convention 61st NationalNorthwest Square Dance Convention Steubenville Total Steubenville Northwest Steubenville Northwest Steubenville Northwest Event 34th Annual Royal Fireworks Festival Total 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Space PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Attendance 2,507 1,317 1,198 866 204 2,468 2,239 2,167 1,991 80 1,466 1,189 1,696 1,700 2,064 1,706 1,987 1,326 80 1,664 1,898 781 1,441 1,916 73 874 3,610 5,561 5,735 5,735 57,539 Rental $ $ 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 425.00 3,000.00 1,600.00 2,400.00 3,000.00 3,520.00 4,900.00 4,900.00 4,900.00 74,645.00 $ $ Food & Bev Net 89.25 64.50 322.94 96.90 814.86 504.51 1,091.09 875.87 1,848.09 1,438.24 42.20 175.57 288.91 6.08 111.00 111.00 136.62 8,017.63 Merch Net $ Parking Gross 1,177.55 1,117.76 901.56 Other $ 1,338.55 1,379.94 1,200.55 1,306.35 1,407.54 1,214.35 1,996.32 1,729.53 2,051.52 1,444.34 2,309.11 1,389.14 3,868.86 768.17 1,278.75 1,812.33 1,389.14 $ 3,868.86 $ 27,212.50 $ Total $ 276.00 46.00 414.00 383.00 119.00 1,250.00 300.00 631.00 300.00 3,719.00 $ 4,266.80 1,117.76 4,242.06 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,338.55 1,379.94 4,523.49 4,403.25 6,022.40 5,518.86 6,887.41 6,405.40 5,851.52 7,092.43 6,109.11 10,496.24 467.20 768.17 4,500.32 1,600.00 1,812.33 4,492.05 383.00 3,119.00 4,776.08 5,311.00 5,642.00 5,336.62 117,462.99 JULY July 2012 28-Jun Date 29-Jun 30-Jun 26-Jul 27-Jul 28-Jul 29-Jul Date 29-Jul 3-Aug 4-Aug Date 5-Aug 17-Aug 26-Jul 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Event 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Sellers - McFarlin Wedding and Reception Steubenville Northwest Total 27-Jul Steubenville Northwest 28-Jul Steubenville Northwest Date Event 29-Jul Steubenville Northwest 29-Jul 34th Annual Royal Fireworks Festival 3-Aug 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Total Wolgamott Family Reunion 4-Aug 2012 5-Aug 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Date 17-Aug Sellers - McFarlin WeddingEvent and Reception 2-Sep Total Bonnie Raitt 21-Sep Healing Rooms Total August 2012 Date 3-Aug 4-Aug Date 5-Aug 17-Aug 2-Sep Date 21-Sep 3-Oct 9-Oct 13-Oct 14-Oct 15-Oct 16-Oct Date 17-Oct Date 2-Sep 18-Oct 21-Sep 3-Oct Event 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Event 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Sellers McFarlin Wedding and Reception Bonnie -Raitt Event Total Healing Rooms Total Newsboys INB "Opening Night" Brian Regan Jersey Boys MI Jersey Boys MI Jersey Boys MI Event Jersey Boys Event Bonnie Raitt Jersey Boys Healing Rooms Newsboys PAC PAC Space PAC PAC PAC, MR PAC, MR PAC, MR MR PAC Space PAC PAC PAC, MR PAC, MR PAC, MR Space MR PAC, MR PAC, MR Space PAC, MR PAC PAC PAC, MR PAC, MR Space PAC, MR MRMR PAC, PAC, MR PAC, MR Space PAC PAC PAC Space PAC, MR PAC, MR Space PAC, MR PAC Space PAC PAC Lobby PAC PAC PAC PAC Space PAC Space PAC PAC PAC 5,561 4,900.00 5,735 4,900.00 Attendance Rental 5,735 4,900.00 57,539 $ 74,645.00 35 1,500.00 1,089 2,450.00 1,105 2,450.00 1,069 2,450.00 JULY 47 275.00 3,345 $ 9,125.00 5,561 4,900.00 Attendance Rental 5,735 4,900.00 5,735 4,900.00 35 $ 1,500.00 AUGUST 57,539 74,645.00 1,089 $ 2,450.00 1,105 2,450.00 1,069 2,450.00 Attendance Rental 47 275.00 JULY 3,345 9,125.00 20 $ $ 1,775.00 3,015 2,450.00 Attendance Rental 3,015 2,450.00 AUGUST 135 700.00 35 $ 1,500.00 6,185 $ 7,375.00 1,089 2,450.00 1,105 Attendance 1,069 2,450.00 Rental 2,450.00 47 $ 275.00 SEPTEMBER 20 1,775.00 3,345 $ 9,125.00 3,015 2,450.00 3,015 2,450.00 Attendance Rental 135 700.00 6,185 7,375.00 AUGUST 1,703 $ 7,500.00 195 2,000.00 1,898 $ 9,500.00 Attendance Rental SEPTEMBER 20 $ 1,775.00 OCTOBER 3,015 2,450.00 Attendance Rental 3,015 2,450.00 135 $ 700.00 1,703 7,500.00 Attendance Rental 6,185 7,375.00 195 $ 2,000.00 1,898 9,500.00 1,209 $ 2,600.00 66 2,023 6,500.00 SEPTEMBER 850.00 OCTOBER 23 850.00 92 850.00 Attendance Rental 1,496 3,606.11 Attendance Rental 1,703 $ 7,500.00 902 3,000.00 195 $ 2,000.00 1,209 2,600.00 111.00 $ Food &111.00 Bev 136.62 Net 8,017.63 91.08 172.04 29.90 $ 293.02 Food &111.00 Bev Net111.00 136.62 $ $ 8,017.63 91.08 172.04 Food & Bev 29.90 Net $ 293.02 $ - 105.80 $ $ Food & Bev 1,429.13 Net610.67 2,145.60 91.08 172.04 Food & Bev Net 29.90 $ $ 293.02 105.80 $ $ $ Food 1,429.13 & Bev 610.67 Net 2,145.60 1,541.95 734.19 2,276.14 Food & Bev Net Food &105.80 Bev 1,429.13 Net $ Food 1,541.95 &610.67 Bev $ 2,145.60 734.19 Net $ 2,276.14 558.78 4.95 929.88 Food & Bev Food &734.74 Bev Net $ 1,541.95 Net 1,773.85 734.19 $ 558.78 Merch Net $ $ $ 3,868.86 $ 27,212.50 Parking Merch Net Gross $ -$ $ $ 294.39 1,067.15 Parking Merch Net 735.97 Gross$ -$ $ $ 2,097.51 -- $ $ Merch Net $ 300.00 631.00 27,212.50 $ - $ 3,868.86 - Parking Gross Parking Gross $ $ - Merch Net - 294.39 1,067.15 735.97 Parking Merch Net Gross $ $ 2,097.51 377.00 1,646.73 $ $ $ -- Parking Gross- $ $ 377.00 $ Merch Net $ 377.00 Merch Net $ $ 377.00 687.94 Merch Net Merch Net $ 377.00 $ 687.94 $ Merch Net $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,646.73 Parking Gross 294.39 1,067.15 Parking 735.97 Gross 1,646.73 Parking 2,097.51 Gross 1,646.73 1,085.56 69.00 1,701.93 Parking Parking Gross 1,600.74 1,646.73 Gross 1,186.75 1,085.56 $ $ $ Other 300.00 3,719.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 116.00 2,876.00 300.00 Other 631.00 300.00 3,719.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 Other 116.00 2,876.00 152.00 212.00 Other 212.00 1,172.08 $ $ 1,748.08 920.00 5,311.00 5,642.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 920.00 116.00 152.00 2,876.00 212.00 212.00 Other 1,172.08 $ 1,748.08 823.67 138 $ 961.67 $ $ $ $ Other $ $ $ $ $ 152.00 212.00 Other 212.00 1,172.08 823.67 Other 1,748.08 138 961.67 207.00 1,343.00 OtherOther 823.67 138 207.00 117,462.99 1,500.00 3,461.08 3,542.04 3,370.00 420.90 12,294.02 5,311.00 Total 5,642.00 5,336.62 1,500.00 117,462.99 3,461.08 3,542.04 3,370.00 Total 420.90 12,294.02 2,221.39 3,834.95 Total 4,827.10 Other 920.00 $ $ Total 5,336.62 $ $ 2,482.75 1,500.00 13,366.19 3,461.08 3,542.04 Total 3,370.00 420.90 2,221.39 12,294.02 3,834.95 4,827.10 Total 2,482.75 13,366.19 11,889.35 2,872.19 14,761.54 Total 2,221.39 3,834.95 Total 4,827.10 $ $ $ $ $ 2,482.75 11,889.35 Total 13,366.19 2,872.19 14,761.54 5,139.28 73.95 10,474.81 850.00 850.00 850.00 Total 5,941.59 Total 11,889.35 5,960.60 2,872.19 5,139.28 65 Date 28-Jun 26-Jul 29-Jun 27-Jul 30-Jun 28-Jul 29-Jul 29-Jul Event 61st National Square Dance Convention Steubenville Northwest 61st National Square Dance Convention Steubenville Northwest 61st National Square Dance Convention Steubenville Northwest Total Steubenville Northwest 34th Annual Royal Fireworks Festival Total Date 26-Jul Date 27-Jul 28-Jul 3-Aug 29-Jul 4-Aug 29-Jul 5-Aug 17-Aug Event Steubenville Northwest Event Steubenville Northwest Steubenville Northwest 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Steubenville Northwest 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion 34th Annual Royal Fireworks Festival 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Total Sellers - McFarlin Wedding and Reception Total Space PAC PAC PAC PAC, MR PAC PAC, MR PAC, MR MR 3-Aug 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Date Event 4-Aug 2-Sep 5-Aug 21-Sep 17-Aug 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Bonnie Raitt 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Healing Rooms Sellers - McFarlin Wedding and Reception Total Total Rental $ $ $ Attendance PAC Space PAC, MR PAC, MR PAC, MR PAC, MR PAC, MR MR PAC, MR PAC 35 Attendance 1,089 1,105 20 1,069 3,015 47 3,015 3,345 135 6,185 Space PAC, MR Space PAC, MR PAC PAC, MR PAC PAC 4,900.00 1,500.00 4,900.00 2,450.00 4,900.00 2,450.00 74,645.00 2,450.00 275.00 9,125.00 $ $ 1,500.00 Rental 2,450.00 2,450.00 $ 1,775.00 2,450.00 2,450.00 275.00 2,450.00 $ 9,125.00 700.00 $ 7,375.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ AUGUST SEPTEMBER Attendance Rental 20 $ Rental 1,775.00 $ Attendance 3,015 1,703 3,015 195 135 1,898 6,185 $ $ $ Food & Bev Net111.00 111.00 91.08 136.62 172.04 8,017.63 29.90 293.02 Merch Net $ 3,868.86 - $ Parking Gross $ 27,212.50 $ - year end report AUGUSTRental Space September 2012 Event 5,561 35 5,735 1,089 5,735 1,105 57,539 1,069 47 3,345 JULY Activity By Month Date Attendance 2,450.00 7,500.00 2,450.00 2,000.00 700.00 9,500.00 7,375.00 $ $ $ $ $ Food & Bev Net Food & Bev Net105.80 1,541.95 1,429.13 734.19 610.67 2,276.14 2,145.60 $ $ $ - $ $ $ Merch Net $Merch Net $ 377.00 $ 377.00 $ - $ 300.00 631.00 920.00 300.00 920.00 3,719.00 920.00 116.00 2,876.00 Total $ 5,311.00 1,500.00 5,642.00 3,461.08 5,336.62 3,542.04 117,462.99 3,370.00 420.90 12,294.02 2012 Food & Bev Merch Net Parking Net Gross $ $ Food & Bev Parking 91.08 Merch Net Net172.04 Gross105.80 29.90 1,429.13 293.02 610.67 2,145.60 Other $ 294.39 1,067.15 735.97 2,097.51 Parking Gross Parking 294.39 Gross 1,067.15 $ 1,646.73 735.97 $ 1,646.73 $ 2,097.51 $ $ $ $ Other $ Other 920.00 920.00 $ 152.00 920.00 212.00 116.00 212.00 $ 2,876.00 1,172.08 $ 1,748.08 Total $ $ 3,542.04 2,221.39 3,370.00 3,834.95 420.90 4,827.10 12,294.02 2,482.75 13,366.19 $ 2,221.39 Total $ $ Other $ Other 152.00 212.00 $ 823.67 212.00 138 1,172.08 $ 961.67 $ 1,748.08 1,500.00 Total 3,461.08 Total $ $ $ 3,834.95 11,889.35 4,827.10 2,872.19 2,482.75 14,761.54 13,366.19 OCTOBER SEPTEMBER Date Date 3-Oct 2-Sep 9-Oct 21-Sep 13-Oct 14-Oct 15-Oct 16-Oct 17-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct Date 19-Oct 20-Oct 3-Oct 20-Oct 9-Oct 21-Oct 13-Oct 21-Oct 14-Oct 23-Oct 15-Oct Newsboys Bonnie Raitt INB "Opening Night" Healing Rooms Brian Regan Total Jersey Boys MI Jersey Boys MI Jersey Boys MI Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Newsboys Jersey Boys Night" INB "Opening JerseyRegan Boys Brian Jersey Boys MI Jersey Boys Jersey Boys MI Jersey Boys Event Event October 2012 16-Oct 17-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct 21-Oct 23-Oct 24-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct 28-Oct 29-Oct 24-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct Date 28-Oct 9-Nov 29-Oct 9-Nov 19-Nov 20-Nov Event Jersey Boys MI Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys MO Total Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Event Jersey Boys The Fresh Beat Band Jersey Boys MO The TotalFresh Beat Band VIP Event Festival of the Arts Festival of the Arts Total November 2012 Date 9-Nov 9-Nov Date 19-Nov 6-Dec 20-Nov 15-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 29-Dec 31-Dec Date 66 6-Dec 15-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 29-Dec 31-Dec Event The Fresh Beat Band The Fresh Beat Band VIP Event Event Festival of the Arts National of EWP & Scotch Client Event Festival the Meetings/Cigar Arts Inland Total Northwest Bank Holiday Party Ferris High School Winter Music Concert Executive Women International Holiday Meeting Sound of Music Sing-A-Long First Night Total Event National EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event Total Jan-Dec Inland Northwest Bank Holiday Party Ferris High School Winter Music Concert Executive Women International Holiday Meeting Sound of Music Sing-A-Long First Night Total Space Space PAC PAC Lobby PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Space PAC PAC PAC PAC Lobby PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Space PAC PAC PAC MR MR PAC Food & Bev Merch Net Food & Bev Merch Net Net Net558.78 $ 2,600.00 $ 687.94 $ Attendance Attendance Rental Rental 1,209 $ 1,703 $ 7,500.00 66 195 2,000.00 2,023 6,500.00 1,898 $ 9,500.00 850.00 23 850.00 92 850.00 OCTOBER 1,496 3,606.11 902 3,000.00 1,907 3,800.00 Attendance Rental 1,676 3,800.00 1,865 $ 3,800.00 1,209 2,600.00 1,895 3,800.00 66 1,897 3,800.00 2,023 6,500.00 1,618 3,800.00 850.00 1,211 3,800.00 23 850.00 92 850.00 1,496 3,606.11 902 3,000.00 1,907 3,800.00 1,676 3,800.00 1,865 3,800.00 1,895 3,800.00 1,897 3,800.00 1,618 3,800.00 1,211 3,800.00 1,208 3,800.00 1,458 3,800.00 1,337 3,800.00 1,491 3,800.00 1,643 3,800.00 1,429 3,800.00 1,386 3,800.00 96 850.00 27,928 $ 72,306.11 1,208 3,800.00 1,458 3,800.00 1,337 3,800.00 NOVEMBER 1,491 3,800.00 1,643 3,800.00 1,429 3,800.00 Attendance Rental 1,386 3,800.00 1,802 $ 5,683.92 96 850.00 158 450.00 27,928 $ 72,306.11 28 450.00 1,075 3,450.00 3,063 $ 10,033.92 NOVEMBER Space DECEMBER Attendance Rental PAC MR Space MR Lobby PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC 1,802 $ 5,683.92 158 450.00 Attendance Rental 28 450.00 193 1,075 3,450.00 166 $ 521.00 3,063 10,033.92 1,738 3,275.00 71 1,132 3,832.27 DECEMBER 8,016 2,400.00 11,316 $ 10,028.27 Space Attendance Lobby PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC 193 173,567 166 1,738 71 1,132 8,016 11,316 $ 1,541.95 4.95 734.19 929.88 $ 2,276.14 734.74 1,773.85 Food & Bev 962.78 Net 2,161.67 $ 558.78 4.95 1,758.14 929.88 -606.42 - 734.74 1,773.85 962.78 2,161.67 1,758.14 606.42 669.38 776.23 893.64 2,120.13 1,647.51 38.25 $ 15,636.35 669.38 776.23 893.64 2,120.13 Food 1,647.51 & Bev Net $ 863.66 38.25 $ 15,636.35 62.23 $ 925.89 $ 863.66 Food & Bev Net $ 3,509.28 62.23 1,099.47 $ 925.89 53.54 514.86 946.72 $ 6,123.87 Rental $ $ 332,937.61 521.00 3,275.00 3,832.27 2,400.00 10,028.27 Food & Bev Net $ $ $ Food & Bev Net 3,509.28 71,493.30 1,099.47 53.54 514.86 946.72 6,123.87 $ Parking Other Parking Other Gross Gross 1,085.56 $ 207.00 $ 377.00 $ 1,646.73 69.00 1,701.93 $ 377.00 $ 1,646.73 1,600.74 1,186.75 2,428.70 Parking Merch Net 2,290.71 Gross 2,299.91 $ 687.94 $ 1,085.56 2,382.70 -69.00 2,723.09 -1,701.93 -1,876.72 1,435.14 -1,600.74 1,186.75 2,428.70 2,290.71 2,299.91 2,382.70 2,723.09 1,876.72 1,435.14 1,545.54 1,830.73 1,720.33 2,171.11 1,600.74 2,115.92 4,347.75 1,425.94 $ 5,035.69 $ 33,491.26 1,545.54 1,830.73 1,720.33 2,171.11 1,600.74 Parking 2,115.92 Merch Net 4,347.75 1,425.94 Gross 2,032.62 $ 1,444.34 $ 5,035.69 $ 33,491.26 533.58 $ 2,032.62 $ 1,977.92 Parking Gross Merch Net 2,032.62 $ 1,444.34 Parking Merch Net Gross 533.58 $ 2,032.62 $ 1,977.92 818.77 1,453.54 $ - $ Merch Net 2,272.31 Parking Gross $ 30,667.47 $ 103,518.86 818.77 $ $ $ 823.67 $ 138 1,343.00 $ 961.67 $ Other$ 207.00 $ -1,343.00 --- $ $ $ $ 460.00 190.00 Other 176.00 292.84 167.00 161.00 $ 993.00 843.61 75.87 2,397.91 $ 3,771.23 2,272.31 Total $ $ $ $ Other $ $ 292.84 23,457.06 161.00 843.61 75.87 2,397.91 3,771.23 5,139.28 11,889.35 73.95 2,872.19 10,474.81 14,761.54 850.00 850.00 850.00 5,941.59 5,960.60 6,228.70 Total 7,053.49 8,261.58 5,139.28 6,182.70 73.95 8,281.23 10,474.81 5,676.72 850.00 5,841.56 850.00 850.00 5,941.59 5,960.60 6,228.70 7,053.49 8,261.58 6,182.70 8,281.23 5,676.72 5,841.56 6,014.92 6,406.96 6,413.97 8,091.24 5,400.74 7,563.43 9,573.69 888.25 $ 128,019.41 6,014.92 6,406.96 6,413.97 8,091.24 5,400.74 7,563.43 Total 9,573.69 $ 10,484.54 888.25 640.00 $ 128,019.41 626.00 4,212.81 $ 15,963.35 Other $ 1,453.54 - 1,550.00 Other460.00 190.00 1,550.00 176.00 167.00 993.00 Total Total 10,484.54 640.00 Total 626.00 3,802.12 4,212.81 1,781.47 15,963.35 4,990.92 590.73 6,232.53 4,797.91 22,195.68 Total $ $ $ 3,802.12 562,074.30 1,781.47 4,990.92 590.73 6,232.53 4,797.91 22,195.68 24-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct 28-Oct 29-Oct Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys MO Total 2012 Date 9-Nov 9-Nov 19-Nov 20-Nov PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC year end report Event The Fresh Beat Band The Fresh Beat Band VIP Event Festival of the Arts Festival of the Arts Total Space PAC MR MR PAC December 2012 6-Dec 15-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 29-Dec 31-Dec Event National EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event Inland Northwest Bank Holiday Party Ferris High School Winter Music Concert Executive Women International Holiday Meeting Sound of Music Sing-A-Long First Night Total $ 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 850.00 72,306.11 Attendance 1,802 158 28 1,075 3,063 Rental $ $ 5,683.92 450.00 450.00 3,450.00 10,033.92 Space Lobby PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Attendance 193 166 1,738 71 1,132 8,016 11,316 $ $ 173,567 Rental Food & Bev Net 1,545.54 1,830.73 1,720.33 2,171.11 1,600.74 2,115.92 1,425.94 $ 33,491.26 Merch Net 863.66 62.23 925.89 $ Food & Bev Net $ 2,032.62 2,032.62 $ $ $ Parking Gross 1,550.00 6,014.92 6,406.96 6,413.97 8,091.24 5,400.74 7,563.43 9,573.69 888.25 $ 128,019.41 Other 1,444.34 $ 533.58 1,977.92 $ Parking Gross Merch Net $ 521.00 3,275.00 3,832.27 2,400.00 10,028.27 $ 3,509.28 1,099.47 53.54 514.86 946.72 6,123.87 $ 332,937.61 $ 71,493.30 Total January - December Total Jan-Dec $ 4,347.75 5,035.69 460.00 190.00 176.00 167.00 993.00 Total $ $ 10,484.54 640.00 626.00 4,212.81 15,963.35 DECEMBER Total Jan-Dec Date $ 669.38 776.23 893.64 2,120.13 1,647.51 38.25 15,636.35 NOVEMBER Activity By Month Date 1,208 1,458 1,337 1,491 1,643 1,429 1,386 96 27,928 Other 818.77 2,272.31 $ 292.84 161.00 843.61 75.87 2,397.91 3,771.23 $ 103,518.86 $ 23,457.06 1,453.54 $ - $ 30,667.47 $ Total $ $ 3,802.12 1,781.47 4,990.92 590.73 6,232.53 4,797.91 22,195.68 $ 562,074.30 Attendance Rental Food & Bev Net Merch Net Parking Gross Other Total 173,567 $332,937.61 $71,493.30 $30,667.47 $103,518.86 $23,457.06 $562,074.30 67 year end report Event Revenue INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER EVENT REVENUE 2012 By Month Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 2012 BY MONTH Attendance 19,374 11% $ 7,821 5% 3,876 2% 24,497 14% 6,725 4% 57,539 33% 3,345 2% 6,185 4% 1,898 1% 27,928 16% 3,063 2% 11,316 7% 173,567 100% $ Rental 44,700 13% $ 20,046 6% 16,200 5% 47,003 14% 11,975 4% 74,645 22% 9,125 3% 7,375 2% 9,500 3% 72,306 22% 10,034 3% 10,028 3% 332,938 100% $ Concession Net Catering Net 7,897 14% $ 551 3% $ 9,283 17% 347 2% 457 1% 482 3% 8,588 16% 6,832 41% 1,329 2% 310 2% 7,003 13% 1,014 6% 0% 293 2% 1,327 2% 819 5% 1,465 3% 811 5% EVENT REVENUE 15,129 28% 507 3% 2012 70 0% 856 2% 1,304 2% 4,820 29% 54,637 100% $ 16,856 100% $ Merch Net 6,006 4,601 8,746 3,869 377 5,036 2,033 30,667 20% $ 15% 0% 29% 0% 13% 0% 0% 1% 16% 7% 0% 100% $ INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Event Parking Other 16,992 16% $ 3,399 14% $ 6,141 6% 1,980 8% 0% 631 3% 9,678 9% 668 3% 2,010 2% 1,160 5% 27,213 26% 3,719 16% 0% 2,876 12% 2,098 2% 1,748 7% 1,647 2% 962 4% 33,491 32% 1,550 7% 1,978 2% 993 4% 2,272 2% 3,771 16% 103,519 100% $ 23,457 100% $ Total Revenues 79,545 14% 42,398 8% 17,770 3% 81,514 15% 16,784 3% 117,463 21% 12,294 2% 13,366 2% 14,762 3% 128,019 23% 15,963 3% 22,196 4% 562,074 100% BY MONTH Month January February March Event Type April Broadway Shows May Other Entertainment June Conventions July Community Events August Total September October November December Total Attendance 19,374 11% 7,821 5% 3,876 2% Attendance 24,497 14% 59,988 35% 6,725 4% 23,543 14% 57,539 33% 33,874 20% 3,345 2% 56,162 32% 6,185 4% 173,567 1,898 100% 1% 27,928 16% 3,063 2% 11,316 7% 173,567 100% Rental 44,700 13% 20,046 6% 16,200 5% Rental 47,003 14% $ 137,209 41% 11,975 4% 82,213 25% 74,645 22% 52,145 16% 9,125 3% 61,371 18% 7,375 2% $ 332,938 9,500 100% 3% 72,306 22% 10,034 3% 10,028 3% $ 332,938 100% $ Concession Net Catering Net Merch Net 7,897 BY 14%EVENT $ 551 3% $ 6,006 TYPE 9,283 17% 347 2% 4,601 457 1% 482 3% Concession Net Catering Net Merch Net 8,588 16% 6,832 41% 8,746 $ 29,276 54% $ 7,977 47% $ 12,604 1,329 2% 310 2% 17,666 32% 904 5% 11,063 7,003 13% 1,014 6% 3,869 1,712 3% 5,300 31% 0% 293 2% -5,983 11% 2,675 16% 7,000 1,327 2% 819 5% $ 54,637 16,856 30,667 1,465 100% 3% $ 811 100% 5% $ 377 15,129 28% 507 3% 5,036 856 2% 70 0% 2,033 1,304 2% 4,820 29% $ 54,637 100% $ 16,856 100% $ 30,667 $ Event Revenue Event Parking 20% $ 16,992 16% 15% 6,141 6% 0% 0% Event Parking 29% 9,678 9% 41% 64,848 63% 0% $ 2,010 2% 36% 20,133 19% 13% 27,213 26% 0% 2,097.51 2% 0% 0% 23% 16,440 16% 0% 2,098 2% 100% 103,519 1% $ 1,647 100% 2% 16% 33,491 32% 7% 1,978 2% 0% 2,272 2% 100% $ 103,519 100% Other Total Revenues 3,399 14% $ 79,545 14% 1,980 8% 42,398 8% 631 3% 17,770 3% Other Total Revenues 668 3% 81,514 15% $ 1,160 0% $ 251,915 45% 5% 16,784 3% 7,764 33% 139,743 25% 3,719 16% 117,463 21% 7,421 32% 68,676 12% 2,876 12% 12,294 2% 8,272 35% 101,741 18% 1,748 7% 13,366 2% $ 23,457 562,074 962 100% 4% $ 14,762 100% 3% $ 1,550 993 3,771 $ 23,457 7% 4% 16% 100% $ 128,019 15,963 22,196 562,074 23% 3% 4% 100% Total Revenues 0% $ 251,915 33% 139,743 32% 68,676 35% 101,741 100% $ 562,074 45% 25% 12% 18% 100% By Event Type BY EVENT TYPE Event Type Broadway Shows Other Entertainment Conventions Community Events Total 68 Attendance 59,988 23,543 33,874 56,162 173,567 35% $ 14% 20% 32% 100% $ Rental 137,209 82,213 52,145 61,371 332,938 41% $ 25% 16% 18% 100% $ Concession Net 29,276 17,666 1,712 5,983 54,637 54% $ 32% 3% 11% 100% $ Catering Net 7,977 904 5,300 2,675 16,856 47% $ 5% 31% 16% 100% $ Merch Net 12,604 11,063 7,000 30,667 41% $ 36% 0% 23% 100% $ Event Parking 64,848 20,133 2,097.51 16,440 103,519 Other 63% $ 19% 7,764 2% 7,421 16% 8,272 100% $ 23,457 2012 year end report Activity By Event Type INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 2012 ACTIVITY BY EVENT TYPE Date Event Attendance Disney's Beauty And The Beast WCE Season Announcement In the Heights Mary Poppins Jersey Boys Total 14,617 877 6,570 13,294 24,630 59,988 Broadway Shows 1/26-29 9-Apr 4/12-15 6/11-18 10/14-29 Other Entertainment 14-Jan 20-Jan 3-Feb 6-Feb 17-Feb 18-Feb 2/23-25 22-Apr 29-Apr 18-May 2-Sep 3-Oct 13-Oct 9-Nov 9-Nov 29-Dec Conventions 30-Jan 3/23-24 4/27-28 6/25-30 7/26-29 8/3-5 21-Sep 6-Dec 12-Mar 19-Mar 29-Mar 3/30-31 4/20-21 22-Apr 4-May Date5-May 24-May 27-May 7-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun 9-Jun 9-Jun 9-Jun 10-Jun 21-Jun 21-Jun 22-Jun 23-Jun 29-Jul 17-Aug 9-Oct 19-Nov 15-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 31-Dec $ $ The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Mythbusters: Behind the Myths Lisa Lampanelli Wilco George Lopez New Shanghai Circus The Revolve Tour - Dream On Celtic Woman Pop Goes the Rock by Cirque Dreams Grease Sing-a-Long Bonnie Raitt Newsboys Brian Regan The Fresh Beat Band The Fresh Beat Band VIP Event Sound of Music Sing-A-Long Total 1,417 2,513 920 1,529 1,085 2,196 2,091 1,945 1,121 699 1,703 1,209 2,023 1,802 158 1,132 23,543 Society for Range Management Sweet Adelines - Region 24 Sweet Adelines - Region 13 61st National Square Dance Convention Steubenville Northwest 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Healing Rooms National EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event Total 827 543 1,180 21,588 3,298 6,050 195 193 33,874 $ 799 593 77 1,864 5,293 7,511 1,991 1,718 Attendance 112 2,205 2,507 204 866 1,317 1,198 2,468 2,239 2,167 1,991 1,664 1,898 781 3,357 47 135 66 1,103 166 1,738 71 8,016 56,162 $ 173,567 Community Events Life Services Of Spokane Bi-County Honors Band & Choir EWGA - Spokane Dream Center Drama Time Out for Women Race for the Cure WSU Commencement University of Phoenix Commencement Event GSI Business After Hours Gonzaga Prep Graduation East Valley High School Graduation West Valley High School Graduation - Rehearsal Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Rehearsal Riverside High School Graduation Lakeside High School Graduation Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Rogers Spokane Public Schools Graduations - Shadle Park Spokane Public Schools Graduations - North Central West Valley High School Graduation Spokane Community College Commencements Spokane Falls Community College Commencements Donna's School of Dance Rehearsals Donna's School of Dance 34th Annual Royal Fireworks Festival Sellers - McFarlin Wedding and Reception INB "Opening Night" Festival of the Arts Inland Northwest Bank Holiday Party Ferris High School Winter Music Concert Executive Women International Holiday Meeting First Night Total Grand Total Concess Net Rental $ $ $ 22,800.00 20,377.77 30,825.00 63,206.11 137,208.88 2,593.89 17,306.21 3,000.00 4,101.49 3,344.95 3,000.00 6,600.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 2,700.00 7,500.00 2,600.00 6,500.00 5,683.92 450.00 3,832.27 82,212.73 $ $ $ $ 2,000.00 $ 5,400.00 6,000.00 21,220.00 8,850.00 6,675.00 2,000.00 52,145.00 $ 4,729.44 1,850.92 4,602.93 5,166.09 16,349.38 227.39 730.16 202.64 211.38 302.41 655.62 4,425.60 675.49 360.85 315.32 378.31 511.33 160.73 793.55 390.10 10,340.88 224.09 161.32 1,326.78 1,712.19 55.44 8.93 3,634.79 BS Catering Net Catering Net Alcohol Net $ $ $ 391.58 6,104.49 306.71 422.63 404.34 7,629.75 - $ $ $ 202.46 1,717.20 1,305.75 1,384.38 8,519.66 12,926.99 127.86 365.01 737.47 1,235.58 1,326.86 185.33 372.99 225.52 338.45 1,087.11 $ 84.27 $ 5.28 204.92 52.65 347.12 $ $ $ 202.46 $ $ 140.99 79.29 333.00 263.12 208.15 734.19 3,509.28 5,268.02 $ $ $ 14,369.83 $ $ 6,301.75 13,541.85 30,634.77 64,848.20 $ $ 2,222.86 90.89 1,158.00 291.00 61.00 3,000.00 1,141.70 377.00 687.94 2,032.62 - $ $ 701.46 $ 11,063.01 $ - $ 31.70 - $ - $ - $ 31.70 $ - $ 556.62 7,325.04 $ 168.52 - $ $ 5,387.76 $ 2,647.36 $ 595.18 $ 28.01 $ 332,937.61 $ 33,790.21 $ 15,747.59 $ 20,847.21 $ 1,108.29 - 107.64 - BS Catering Net - 320.39 89.25 378.69 $ 3,201.47 - - 69.00 533.58 818.77 7,000.00 $ 30,667.47 2,639.40 5,765.08 6,272.61 24,567.70 11,873.12 10,883.44 2,872.19 3,802.12 68,675.66 23,457.06 - 136.17 $ 639.40 $ 32.00 2,983.00 2,760.00 576.00 138.00 292.84 7,421.24 $ $ 1,283.35 1,177.55 1,117.76 901.56 1,338.55 1,379.94 1,200.55 1,306.35 768.17 1,278.75 - 3,764.80 25,265.35 5,735.48 7,381.52 8,354.96 4,997.97 15,928.08 14,639.75 4,595.51 4,218.60 11,889.35 5,139.28 10,474.81 10,484.54 640.00 6,232.53 139,742.53 $ 103,518.86 - EventParking 64.40 - 6.00 $ 2,759.89 575.00 1,197.99 207.00 823.67 207.00 1,343.00 460.00 190.00 7,763.55 $ $ - 22.01 161.86 2,097.51 - Merch Net - 153.56 932.36 $ 2,097.51 $ 47,875.39 6,104.49 30,752.96 54,850.57 112,331.37 251,914.78 16,439.75 7,000.00 322.94 96.90 - $ - 506.00 125.00 354.80 281.00 392.00 469.00 Other 299.00 276.00 46.00 414.00 116.00 1,172.08 343.00 161.00 843.61 75.87 2,397.91 8,272.27 64.50 29.90 604.67 1,453.54 20,133.40 $ $ Concess 164.43 Catering Net Alcohol Net Net28.10 128.63 288.91 4.95 62.23 5.25 53.54 781.97 1,839.93 1,122.36 597.98 1,876.72 1,090.16 1,453.54 2,373.51 1,002.76 662.37 1,646.73 1,085.56 1,701.93 1,444.34 $ Total Revenue Other 3,783.07 604.78 3,868.86 4,347.75 $ 12,604.46 33.69 41.29 7.12 77.09 15.03 5.86 241.94 76.06 6.38 76.53 47.45 2.91 70.11 3,000.00 3,000.00 4,800.00 5,975.00 1,650.00 3,275.00 3,000.00 Rental 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,600.00 2,400.00 275.00 700.00 3,900.00 521.00 3,275.00 2,400.00 61,371.00 33.65 340.69 253.41 $ $ 766.24 $ Event Parking Merch Net $ $ 3,561.44 3,125.00 518.14 4,800.00 17,218.00 1,931.00 3,808.29 Total 3,633.43 Revenue 221.13 4,902.74 4,266.80 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,117.76 4,242.06 1,338.55 1,379.94 4,523.49 4,403.25 768.17 4,500.32 1,600.00 6,304.38 420.90 2,482.75 73.95 4,838.81 1,781.47 4,990.92 590.73 4,797.91 $ 101,741.33 $ 562,074.30 69 year end report INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Attendance/Revenue ATTENDANCE / REVENUE BY MONTHComparison 2012 By Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 70,000 60,000 50,000 Attendance Revenue 19,374 11% $ 79,545 14% 7,821 5% 42,398 8% INB PERFORMING ARTS17,770 CENTER 3,876 2% 3% 24,497 14% 81,514 ATTENDANCE / REVENUE BY MONTH15% 6,725 4% 16,784 3% 2012 INB PERFORMING ARTS117,463 CENTER 57,539 33% 21% 3,345 2% 12,294 2% ATTENDANCE / REVENUE BY MONTH Attendance Revenue 6,185 4% 13,366 January 19,374 2012 11% $ 79,5452%14% February 7,821 5% 1,898 1% 14,76242,3983%8% March 3,876 2% 17,770 3% 27,928 16% Attendance 128,01981,514 23% April 24,497 14% Revenue15% May 6,725 4% 16,784 3% 3,063 2% 15,963 January 19,374 11% $ 79,5453%14% June 57,539 33% 117,463 February 7,821 5% 42,3984%21% 8% 11,316 7% 22,196 July 3,345 2% 12,294 2% March 3,876 2% 17,770 3% August 6,185 4% 2% 173,567 100% 24,497 $ 562,07413,366 100% April 14% 81,514 15% September May October June November July December August Total September October 70,000 November December Total 60,000 1,898 6,725 27,928 57,539 3,063 3,345 11,316 6,185 173,567 1,898 27,928 3,063 11,316 173,567 1% 4% 16% 33% 2% 2% 7% 4% 100% 1% 16% 2% 7% 100% 14,762 16,784 128,019 117,463 15,963 12,294 22,196 13,366 562,074 14,762 Attendance $ $ 128,019 15,963 22,196 562,074 70,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 60,000 40,000 50,000 30,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 - $140,000 $120,000 $140,000 $100,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 70 $20,000 $- $120,000 $80,000 $100,000 $60,000 $80,000 $40,000 $60,000 $20,000 $40,000 $$20,000 $- 3% 3% 23% 21% 3% 2% 4% 2% 100% 3% Revenue 23% 3% 4% 100% 2012 2012 year end report INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER EVENT REVENUE COMPARISON Revenue History 2012/2011 By Event Type Description Broadway Shows Other Entertainment Community Events Conventions Total $ $ 2012 251,915 45% 139,743 25% 101,741 18% 68,676 12% 562,074 100% 2012 $ $ 2011 327,389 61% 93,316 17% 85,786 16% 31,929 6% 538,420 100% 2011 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $- Broadway Shows Other Entertainment Community Events Conventions 71 $100,000 year end report $50,000 $Broadway Shows Other Entertainment Attendance History Broadway Shows Other Entertainment Spokane Symphony Community Events Conventions Total 2008 111,204 24,838 24,939 43,266 5,676 209,923 Spokane Symphony ATTENDANCE By Event Type Event Type 2012 2009 102,466 28,149 17,732 38,753 14,404 201,504 2010 33,032 21,992 9,903 54,411 14,275 133,613 2011 82,566 14,736 50,643 9,340 157,285 2012 59,988 23,543 56,162 33,874 173,567 120,000 100,000 80,000 2008 2009 60,000 2010 2011 40,000 2012 20,000 Broadway Shows 72 Other Entertainment Spokane Symphony Community Events Conventions 2012 year end report INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER ATTENDANCE / REVENUE BY EVENT TYPE Attendance/Revenue Comparison 2012 By Event Type Event Type Attendance Broadway Shows Other Entertainment Community Events Conventions Total 59,988 23,543 56,162 33,874 173,567 Conventions, 20% Conventions, 20% 35% 14% 32% 20% 100% $ $ Revenue 251,915 139,743 101,741 68,676 562,074 45% 25% 18% 12% 100% Attendance Attendance Attendance Broadway Shows, 35% Broadway Shows, 35% Broadway Shows, 35% Conventions, 20% Community Events, 32% Community Events, 32% Conventions, 12% Conventions, 12% Other Entertainment, Other 14% Entertainment, 14% Revenue Revenue Broadway Shows, 45% Broadway Shows, 45% Community Community Events, 32% Events, 18% Community Events, 18% Other Entertainment, 14% Other Entertainment, Conventions, 12% Other 25% Entertainment, 25% Revenue 73 year end report 2012 INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Per Cap/Average Daily Revenue PER CAP / AVG DAILY REVENUE BY EVENT TYPE By Event Type Event Type 2012 INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Total BY EventEVENT Event TYPE PER CAP / AVG DAILY REVENUE Event Revenue Admission Tax Avg Daily Revenue Revenue Days 2012 59,988 $ 251,915 $ 168,179 $ 420,094 43 $ 9,770 Attend Broadway Shows Other Entertainment 23,543 Community Events 56,162 Event Type Attend Conventions 33,874 Total 173,567 Broadway Shows 59,988 Other Entertainment 23,543 $9.00 Community Events 56,162 Conventions 33,874 $8.00 Total 173,567 $7.00 $9.00 $6.00 $8.00 $5.00 $7.00 $4.00 $6.00 $3.00 $5.00 $2.00 $4.00 $1.00 $3.00 $$2.00 Broadway Shows 139,743 101,741 Event Revenue 68,676 $ 562,074 $ 251,915 139,743 101,741 68,676 $ 562,074 46,246 Admission Tax 251 $ 214,676 $ 168,179 46,246 251 $ 214,676 Per Cap 185,988 101,741 Total Event 68,927 Revenue $ 776,750 $ 420,094 185,988 101,741 68,927 $ 776,750 18 35 Event 20 Days 116 43 18 35 20 116 10,333 2,907 Avg Daily Revenue 3,446 $ 6,696 $ 9,770 10,333 2,907 3,446 $ 6,696 Per Cap Other Entertainment Community Events Conventions Total Conventions Total $1.00 $12,000 $Broadway Shows Average Daily Revenue Community Events Other Entertainment $10,000 $12,000 $8,000 Average Daily Revenue $10,000 $6,000 $8,000 $4,000 $6,000 $2,000 $4,000 $$2,000 Broadway Shows Other Entertainment Community Events Conventions Total Broadway Shows Other Entertainment Community Events Conventions Total $- 74 Per Cap $ 7.00 7.90 1.81 Per Cap 2.03 $ 4.48 $ 7.00 7.90 1.81 2.03 $ 4.48 2012 year end report INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER TOP 10 ENTERTAINMENT EVENTS BY ATTENDANCE 2012 Top Ten Events By Attendance 13-Oct Brian Regan 16-Jun Mary Poppins 26-Jan Disney's Beauty and the Beast 18-Feb New Shanghai Circus 29-Jan Disney's Beauty and the Beast 28-Jan Disney's Beauty and the Beast 29-Jan Disney's Beauty and the Beast 27-Jan Disney's Beauty and the Beast 28-Jan Event Mythbusters: Behind the Myths Disney's Beauty and the Beast Disney's Beauty and the Beast Disney's Beauty and the Beast Disney's Beauty and the Beast Disney's Beauty and the Beast New Shanghai Circus Disney's Beauty and the Beast Mary Poppins Brian Regan Disney's Beauty and the Beast 20-Jan Date 20-Jan 28-Jan 27-Jan 29-Jan 28-Jan 29-Jan 18-Feb 26-Jan 16-Jun 13-Oct Mythbusters: Behind the Myths - 500 Attendance 2,513 2,510 2,496 2,492 2,491 2,438 2,196 2,190 2,064 2,023 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 75 year end report 2012 INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Food and Beverage Report FOOD & BEVERAGE REPORT 2012 Concessions Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Rounding Total Gross Sales Catering PFD Comm Gross Sales Alcohol PFD Comm Gross Sales BS Catering PFD Comm Gross Sales PFD Comm $ 14,217.48 14,494.11 721.16 16,708.38 2,154.71 14,047.50 3,316.96 945.78 14,607.76 2,139.44 1,122.21 $ 5,686.99 5,797.65 288.46 6,683.35 861.89 5,619.00 1,326.78 378.31 5,843.10 855.78 448.89 $ 1,702.50 2,094.24 29,321.28 1,348.27 3,022.50 1,274.00 3,534.00 3,192.15 1,758.00 20,957.97 $ 391.58 481.68 6,743.89 310.10 755.63 293.02 812.82 734.19 404.34 4,820.33 $ 5,525.18 8,713.11 421.31 4,760.63 1,167.70 3,460.95 2,717.77 23,214.75 2,136.61 $ 2,210.07 3,485.25 168.52 1,904.25 467.08 1,384.38 1,087.11 9,285.90 854.65 $ 3,184.91 6,940.90 1,754.29 5,172.82 120.00 1,530.53 2,060.22 1,402.13 - $ 159.25 347.05 87.71 258.64 6.00 76.53 103.01 70.11 - $ 84,475.51 $ 33,790.20 $ 68,204.91 $ 15,747.58 $ 52,118.01 $ 20,847.20 $ 22,165.80 $ 1,108.29 Total Concess Cater Comm Comm $ 7,897.06 $ 550.82 9,282.89 347.05 456.99 481.68 8,587.61 6,831.61 1,328.96 310.10 7,003.38 1,014.27 293.02 1,326.78 818.82 1,465.42 810.72 15,129.00 507.35 855.78 70.11 1,303.53 4,820.33 (0.01) (0.15) $ 54,637.40 $ 16,855.72 Merchandise Report INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 2012 MERCHANDISE REPORT Date 20-Jan 29-Jan 3-Feb 6-Feb 17-Feb 18-Feb 25-Feb 15-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 17-Jun 2-Sep 3-Oct 28-Oct 9-Nov 76 Event Cash Sales Mythbusters $ 9,905.00 Beauty & the Beast Lisa Lampanelli $ 1,140.00 Wilco $ 3,017.00 George Lopez $ 239.00 New Shanghai Circus $ 305.00 The Revolve Tour - Dream On In the Heights $ 1,512.00 Time Out for Women $ Celtic Woman $ 5,540.00 Mary Poppins $ Bonnie Raitt $ 1,593.00 Newsboys $ 4,048.73 Jersey Boys $ 47,260.00 Fresh Beat Band $ 8,119.83 $ 82,679.56 CC Sales $ $ $ $ $ 3,969.00 1,341.00 - $ $ $ 2,165.00 4,560.00 $ $ $ $ $ 1,133.00 6,740.00 19,908.00 Gross Sales $ 9,905.00 $ 41,122.00 $ 1,140.00 $ 6,986.00 $ 1,580.00 $ 305.00 $ 3,677.00 $ $ 10,100.00 $ $ 2,726.00 $ 4,048.73 $ 47,260.00 $ 14,859.83 $ 143,709.56 8.7% Sales Tax $ 792.76 $ 3,291.27 $ 91.24 $ 559.14 $ 126.46 $ 24.41 $ $ 294.30 $ $ 808.37 $ $ 218.18 $ 324.05 $ 3,782.54 $ 1,189.33 $ 11,502.05 CC Fee $ $ $ $ 158.76 $ 67.05 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 228.00 45.32 337.00 836.13 Bootleg Security $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ Net Sales 9,112.24 37,830.73 1,048.76 6,268.10 1,386.49 280.59 $ 3,382.70 $ $ 9,063.63 $ 38,688.59 $ 2,462.50 $ 3,724.68 $ 43,477.46 $ 13,333.50 $ 170,059.97 Terms 75/25 90/10 90/10 70/30 90/10 80/20 90/10 80/20 90/10 80/20 90/10 Buy Out 80/20 90/10 Buy Out 85/15 90/10 90/10 80/20 90/10 80/20 90/10 90/10 80/20 90/10 Due Seller $ 83.90 $ 533.34 $ 617.24 Due From Other $ $ 3,783.07 $ $ 1,158.00 $ 291.00 $ 61.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 604.78 $ 7,000.00 $ 1,141.70 $ 3,868.86 $ 377.00 $ 687.94 $ 4,347.75 $ $ 26,321.10 Due From Centerplate $ 2,222.86 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 90.89 2,032.62 4,346.38 Total Due PAC $ 2,222.86 $ 3,783.07 $ 90.89 $ 1,158.00 $ 291.00 $ 61.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 604.78 $ 7,000.00 $ 1,141.70 $ 3,868.86 $ 377.00 $ 687.94 $ 4,347.75 $ 2,032.62 $ 30,667.47 2012 year end report Parking Report Month January February March April May June July August September October November December $5 Event Cars 237 293 2,276 15 116 178 $10 Event Cars 1,847 549 1,052 72 1,820 228 179 3,633 157 158 Total Cars Parked 1,847 786 1,052 365 4,096 228 179 3,648 273 336 Total Event Revenue $ 18,470.00 6,675.00 10,520.00 2,185.00 29,580.00 2,280.00 1,790.00 36,405.00 2,150.00 2,470.00 Daily Revenue $ 9,794.00 14,133.00 19,036.00 22,808.00 21,824.00 25,851.96 12,589.00 12,640.00 18,549.00 15,291.00 10,244.00 8,150.00 Monthly Revenue $ 19,073.95 15,882.72 18,848.51 19,260.82 19,228.10 18,578.73 18,436.22 18,264.62 18,367.52 18,184.55 18,424.58 18,132.83 Violations Revenue $ 91.00 121.00 170.00 86.00 177.50 178.00 112.50 214.00 96.50 136.00 49.00 107.50 Total Daily Revenue $ 26,641.17 27,724.67 35,008.75 38,780.88 37,929.71 41,038.35 28,645.56 28,627.99 34,050.62 30,921.39 26,419.12 24,278.13 Total Revenue $ 43,632.89 33,865.43 35,008.75 48,458.90 39,939.83 68,250.86 28,645.56 30,725.50 35,697.35 64,412.65 28,397.04 26,550.44 Paid To Diamond $ 6,670.33 6,257 5,950 6,567 6,278 7,845 6,125 6,221 6,200 7,657 6,240 6,266 Balance To PAC $ 36,962.56 27,608.89 29,058.75 41,892.06 33,661.53 60,405.54 22,520.56 24,504.74 29,497.17 56,755.49 22,157.38 20,284.32 3,115 9,695 12,810 $ 112,525.00 $ 190,909.96 $ 220,683.15 $ 1,539.00 $ 380,066.34 $ 483,585.20 $ 78,276.21 $ 405,308.99 Total The above report reflects Diamond Parking revenues only. Parking Reconciliation to General Ledger Event Parking Daily Parking 400.18 93.84 342.23 88.32 460.90 47.84 66.24 139.83 24.84 190.43 104.88 57.96 16.56 82.80 71.76 Description Boy Scout Breakfast Sysco Meeting Mine Safety Cerium Networks Sterling Savings Bank Meeting EWI Cerium Networks Sysco Banquet INB Meeting Northern Capital Management, Inc. Sellers-McFarlin Wedding The NEED Project Red Lion Corp Meeting Wells Fargo Meeting Bank of America Date 24-Feb 9-Mar 20-Mar 11-Apr 12-Apr 17-Apr 6-Jun 13-Jul 18-Jul 14-Aug 17-Aug 20-Sep 10-Oct 10-Oct 13-Oct Whitworth Auction 9-Nov 505.98 WSSDA 17-Nov 32.20 Keller Williams Realty Spokane 14-Dec 85.56 INB Holiday Party 15-Dec 187.67 Diamond Total $ 103,518.86 $ 380,066.34 Total Parking Revenues $ 103,518.86 $ 383,066.32 77 year end report 2012 INB PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Renewal Replacement Project Summary Renewal and &Replacement 2012 Description Mechanical Plant Repairs Planters/Trash Receptacles Buddy Bar Replacements House Lights Light Booth Upgrade Contingency Faucet Replacement 2011 Faucet Upgrade Total 78 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Original Budget 25,000.00 12,500.00 6,000.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 118,500.00 Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,355.13 6,633.96 (390.23) 16,598.86 Difference $ 25,000.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 39,644.87 $ 10,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ (6,633.96) $ 390.23 $ 101,901.14 2012 year end report 2012 year end report year end report SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER 2012 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 2012 Statement of Operations Revenues REVENUES Description Approved Budget Facilities Rental Concessions Catering Merchandise Parking Box Office Misc Event Revenue Ushering Revenue Stagehand Revenue Electrical Fees Set Up Fees Equipment Rental Phone & Internet Technical Service Forfeited Deposits/Liquidated Damages Recycling Other Miscellaneous Condo Salary Reimbursement CC Admission Tax Lodging Tax Total $ $ 1,020,000.00 120,000.00 380,000.00 25,000.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 260,000.00 5,000.00 140,000.00 120,000.00 130,000.00 28,000.00 15,000.00 1,200.00 7,000.00 2,730.00 13,000.00 1,159,327.00 3,433,757.00 YTD Revenues $ $ 935,532.20 175,817.19 410,924.98 500.00 16,613.28 3,605.11 6,724.43 271,257.89 12,041.00 135,596.71 119,853.00 150,678.40 23,516.95 9,111.80 565.00 348.00 4,721.12 2,730.00 9,282.02 1,257,669.63 3,547,088.71 $ $ Unrealized Revenues 84,467.80 (55,817.19) (30,924.98) (500.00) 8,386.72 (2,105.11) (724.43) (11,257.89) (7,041.00) 4,403.29 147.00 (20,678.40) 4,483.05 5,888.20 (565.00) 852.00 2,278.88 3,717.98 (98,342.63) (113,331.71) EXPENSES 82 Description Approved Budget Salaries & Wages Benefits & Expense Office Supplies Chemical/Lab Supplies Clothing Operating Supplies Publications Software Meals Fuel Minor Equipment Professional Services Contract Services Contract Labor Reimbursed Event Ushering Reimbursed Stagehands Contract Services CVB Contractual Services SRSC Telephone Cell Phone $ 905,858.00 361,144.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 6,405.00 54,375.00 300.00 400.00 3,300.00 87,100.00 20,369.00 95,000.00 450,000.00 170,000.00 4,500.00 807,761.00 76,160.00 42,000.00 2,192.00 YTD Expenses $ 1,085,940.81 401,088.99 5,013.11 1,412.50 4,032.90 38,835.89 28.05 316.89 1,548.85 46,809.92 11,753.63 98,381.94 510,846.67 212,085.71 10,406.00 826,230.57 69,456.53 39,073.41 2,097.59 Unencum Balance $ (180,082.81) (39,944.99) (13.11) (412.50) 2,372.10 15,539.11 300.00 (28.05) 83.11 1,751.15 40,290.08 8,615.37 (3,381.94) (60,846.67) (42,085.71) (5,906.00) (18,469.57) 6,703.47 2,926.59 94.41 Box Office Misc Event Revenue Ushering Revenue Stagehand Revenue Electrical Fees Set Up Fees Equipment Rental Phone & Internet Technical Service Forfeited Deposits/Liquidated Damages Recycling Other Miscellaneous Condo Salary Reimbursement CC Admission Tax Lodging Tax Total 2012 1,500.00 6,000.00 260,000.00 5,000.00 140,000.00 120,000.00 130,000.00 28,000.00 15,000.00 1,200.00 7,000.00 2,730.00 13,000.00 1,159,327.00 3,433,757.00 year end report 3,605.11 6,724.43 271,257.89 12,041.00 135,596.71 119,853.00 150,678.40 23,516.95 9,111.80 565.00 348.00 4,721.12 2,730.00 9,282.02 1,257,669.63 3,547,088.71 Statement of Operations Expenses $ Description Approved Budget $ Operating Profit/(Loss) $ Attendance $ EXPENSES Salaries & Wages Benefits & Expense Office Supplies Chemical/Lab Supplies Clothing Operating Supplies Publications Software Meals Fuel Minor Equipment Professional Services Contract Services Contract Labor Reimbursed Event Ushering Reimbursed Stagehands Contract Services CVB Contractual Services SRSC Telephone Cell Phone Postage Cable TV Travel Building Advertising Event Advertising Advertising Other Marketing Promotional Hosting Operating Rentals Insurance Water & Sewer Electricity Refuse Gas Exterior Repairs & Maintenance Bldg Repairs & Maintenance Equip Repairs & Maintentance Repair & Maintenance Supplies Dues, Subs, Memberships Registration & Schooling Laundry & Sanitation Permits, Other Fees Printing & Copying Awards Bank Charges Reserve For Budget Adjustment Taxes Total Description Revenue Expenses Operations Profit/Loss $ (2,105.11) (724.43) (11,257.89) (7,041.00) 4,403.29 147.00 (20,678.40) 4,483.05 5,888.20 (565.00) 852.00 2,278.88 3,717.98 (98,342.63) (113,331.71) $ $ $ 905,858.00 361,144.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 6,405.00 54,375.00 300.00 400.00 3,300.00 87,100.00 20,369.00 95,000.00 450,000.00 170,000.00 4,500.00 807,761.00 76,160.00 42,000.00 2,192.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 36,611.00 19,500.00 300.00 5,000.00 750.00 4,292.00 50,000.00 45,000.00 405,000.00 13,000.00 105,000.00 43,750.00 126,500.00 23,723.00 20,500.00 4,306.00 9,798.00 1,500.00 28,000.00 2,800.00 8,000.00 5,000.00 95,000.00 4,150,594.00 YTD Expenses $ $ (716,837.00) $ 2012 3,547,088.71 $ 4,284,235.85 (737,147.14) $ 284,556 1,085,940.81 401,088.99 5,013.11 1,412.50 4,032.90 38,835.89 28.05 316.89 1,548.85 46,809.92 11,753.63 98,381.94 510,846.67 212,085.71 10,406.00 826,230.57 69,456.53 39,073.41 2,097.59 1,076.93 2,135.03 29,418.66 30,733.28 1,701.49 61.50 5,303.25 724.15 3,528.50 44,294.35 36,635.84 418,927.13 12,764.51 78,992.75 23,756.45 110,693.02 12,617.61 24,925.83 3,795.11 8,210.94 1,813.23 23,552.37 906.94 1,189.58 9,884.70 31,232.74 4,284,235.85 Unencum Balance $ $ (737,147.14) $ 2011 3,216,130.29 3,874,162.58 (658,032.29) 243,516 (180,082.81) (39,944.99) (13.11) (412.50) 2,372.10 15,539.11 300.00 (28.05) 83.11 1,751.15 40,290.08 8,615.37 (3,381.94) (60,846.67) (42,085.71) (5,906.00) (18,469.57) 6,703.47 2,926.59 94.41 1,123.07 64.97 7,192.34 (11,233.28) (1,701.49) 238.50 (303.25) 25.85 763.50 5,705.65 8,364.16 (13,927.13) 235.49 26,007.25 19,993.55 15,806.98 11,105.39 (4,425.83) 510.89 1,587.06 (313.23) 4,447.63 1,893.06 (1,189.58) (1,884.70) 5,000.00 63,767.26 (133,641.85) 20,310.14 % 110% 111% 112% 117% 83 year end report 2012 SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER Revenues REVENUES 2012 2012 Description Facilities Rental Concessions/Catering Event Miscellaneous Parking Box Office Forfeited Deposits/Liquidated Damages Miscellaneous Admission Tax Lodging Tax Total $ $ Amount 935,532 586,742 729,280 16,613 3,605 565 7,799 9,282 1,257,670 3,547,089 % 26% 17% 21% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 35% 100% Facilities Rental, 26% Lodging Tax, 35% Admission Tax, 0% Box Office, 0% Miscellaneous, 0% Forfeited Deposits/Liquidated Damages, 0% Other, 2% Concessions/Catering, 17% Event Miscellaneous, 21% 84 2012 year end report SPOKA Revenues to Date 2008-2012 Description Facilities Rental Concessions/Catering Merchandise Event Miscellaneous Advertising Contracts Parking Box Office Forfeited Deposits/Liquidated Damages Miscellaneous Admission Tax Arena Admission Tax Lodging Tax Total $ $ 2008 925,686 541,443 4,277 649,040 50,000 27,565 1,480 3,480 12,038 21,640 502,617 1,021,859 3,761,125 $ $ 2009 959,210 502,786 710,226 50,000 28,268 1,263 64,595 10,348 15,852 453,823 901,750 3,698,122 $ $ 2010 942,868 495,122 720,670 50,000 23,270 1,150 42,046 8,481 13,514 953,363 3,250,484 $ $ 2011 916,241 502,473 500 732,717 34,297 19,531 2,507 2,800 83,795 11,369 909,901 3,216,130 $ $ 2012 935,532 586,742 500 728,780 16,613 3,605 565 7,799 9,282 1,257,670 3,547,089 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 2008 $200,000 2009 $- 2010 2011 2012 85 year end report 2012 SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER Expenses EXPENSES 2012 2012 Description Salaries & Benefits Supplies Contractual Services Utilities Insurance Advertising/Marketing Repairs & Maintenance Other Services & Charges Taxes Total Repairs & Maintenance, 4% Advertising/ Marketing, 0% Other Services & Charges, 5% $ Amount $ 1,487,030 97,998 1,657,951 547,320 44,294 37,800 171,993 208,617 31,233 4,284,236 % 35% 2% 39% 13% 1% 1% 4% 5% 1% 100% Taxes, 1% Salaries & Benefits, 35% Insurance, 1% Utilities, 13% Supplies, 2% Contractual Services, 39% 86 2012 year end report Expenses to Date 2008-2012 Description Salaries & Benefits Supplies Contractual Services Utilities Insurance Advertising/Marketing Repairs & Maintenance Other Services & Charges Taxes Total $ $ 2008 1,359,266 86,630 1,263,242 564,036 46,600 8,249 160,811 86,127 70,688 3,645,649 $ $ 2009 1,405,726 68,485 1,305,285 570,787 43,163 2,582 161,540 136,833 86,134 3,780,535 $ $ 2010 1,393,131 247,873 1,326,940 504,107 45,304 13,731 207,369 104,212 90,291 3,932,956 $ $ 2011 1,371,141 223,949 1,328,264 507,786 44,483 10,186 155,848 142,091 90,415 3,874,163 $ $ 2012 1,487,030 97,998 1,657,951 547,320 44,294 37,800 171,993 208,617 31,233 4,284,236 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 2008 $600,000 2009 $400,000 2010 $200,000 2011 $- 2012 87 year end report 2012 Operating Profit 2008-2012 Description Revenues Expenses Operating Profit Description Revenues Expenses Operating Profit $ $ $ $ 2008 3,761,125.37 3,645,648.72 115,476.65 2008 3,761,125.37 3,645,648.72 115,476.65 $ $ 2009 3,698,122.17 $ 3,780,534.86 (82,412.69) $ 2009 $ 3,698,122.17 $ 3,780,534.86 (82,412.69) $ $ 2010 3,250,483.94 $ 3,932,955.99 (682,472.05) $ 2010 3,250,483.94 $ 3,932,955.99 (682,472.05) $ 2011 3,216,130.29 $ 3,874,162.58 (658,032.29) $ 2012 3,547,088.71 4,284,235.85 (737,147.14) Revenues $5,000,000.00 Revenues Expenses 2011 2012 SPOKANE CONVENTION CENT 3,216,130.29 $OPERATING 3,547,088.71 PROFIT 3,874,162.58 4,284,235.85 2008 - 2012 (658,032.29) $ (737,147.14) Expenses Operating Profit Operating Profit $5,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 $1,000,000.00 $(1,000,000.00) $2008 $(1,000,000.00) 88 2009 2010 2012 year end report SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER ADMISSION TAX 2012 Admission Tax Date 8-Jan 4-Feb 19-Feb 9-Feb 18-Mar 22-Apr 29-Apr 29-Sep 30-Sep 10-Nov Event Amount Bridal Festival Lilac City Cheer Golf & Travel Show Ag Expo Home & Garden Show Women's Show Baby Fair Bridal Festival Sustainable Preparedness Snowlander Total Lodging Tax Revenues Received Earned Lodging Tax Mar-12 Jan-12 Apr-12 Feb-12 $ 96,378 995.90 453.57 2,337.71 2,575.81 1,506.29 168.81 149.05 262.14 456.67 376.07 9,282.02 - $ SPOKANE PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT LODGING TAX RECEIVED FROM CITY 2012 May-12 Mar-12 $ $ 122,759 Jun-12 Apr-12 $ 76,512 $ City of Spokane Allocations Bond Payment $ $ (103,951) (363,875) Gross To PFD $ (391,313) $ (294,935) $ (172,176) $ To CVB $ (52,500) $ (52,500) $ (71,335) $ To SRSC $ (18,500) Net To PFD $ (443,813) $ $ 856,231 $ $ (30,000) 826,231 - 185,725 Jul-12 May-12 $ 163,720 Aug-12 Jun-12 $ 179,854 Sep-12 Jul-12 $ 167,934 Oct-12 Aug-12 $ 178,046 Nov-12 Sep-12 $ 141,383 Dec-12 Oct-12 $ 180,769 Jan-13 Nov-12 $ 119,439 Total Feb-13 Dec-12 $ 112,975 $ 1,725,495 Expenses Adjusted Payment To CVB: Paid for 2012 Due PFD Sales Mgr Reim Net Paid to CVB $ $ $ (399,935) $ (348,511) $ 13,550 $ (71,335) $ 177,270 $ (71,335) $ (18,500) (234,120) $ 357,124 $ (71,335) $ $ (141,735) $ (33,216) $ 525,058 $ (71,335) $ 703,104 $ (71,335) $ 844,487 (71,335) $ (18,500) 63,383 $ 170,094 $ $ 240,142 1,025,256 $ (109,216) $ $ (13,957) $ 311,695 $ 1,144,694 $ (71,335) $ 359,799 $ 1,257,670 $ (103,951) (363,875) (71,335) $ (856,231) $ (69,457) $ 401,439 401,439 - 1,257,670 - 89 year end report 2012 SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER Activity By Month 2012 ACTIVITY BY MONTH January 2012 JANUARY Rooms SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER Hall Ball Bay Mtg Lob Out Attend Date Event 4-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 8-Jan 16-Jan 19-Jan Date 20-Jan 21-Jan 4-Jan 24-Jan 6-Jan 25-Jan 6-Jan 26-Jan 6-Jan 27-Jan 7-Jan 27-Jan 7-Jan 28-Jan 8-Jan 28-Jan 16-Jan 29-Jan 19-Jan 30-Jan 20-Jan 31-Jan 21-Jan 24-Jan 25-Jan 26-Jan 27-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan Date 28-Jan 29-Jan 1-Feb 30-Jan 2-Feb 31-Jan 3-Feb 3-Feb 4-Feb 4-Feb 5-Feb 6-Feb 7-Feb Date 7-Feb 8-Feb 1-Feb 8-Feb 2-Feb 9-Feb 3-Feb 9-Feb 3-Feb 10-Feb 4-Feb 10-Feb 4-Feb 11-Feb 5-Feb 14-Feb 6-Feb 15-Feb 7-Feb 15-Feb 7-Feb 16-Feb 8-Feb 16-Feb 8-Feb 17-Feb 9-Feb 17-Feb 9-Feb 17-Feb 10-Feb 18-Feb 10-Feb 18-Feb 11-Feb 19-Feb 14-Feb 22-Feb 15-Feb 22-Feb 15-Feb 23-Feb 16-Feb 23-Feb 16-Feb 24-Feb 17-Feb 24-Feb 17-Feb 25-Feb 17-Feb 28-Feb 18-Feb 29-Feb 18-Feb 19-Feb 22-Feb 22-Feb 23-Feb 23-Feb 24-Feb 24-Feb Date 25-Feb 2-Mar 28-Feb 29-Feb Dreamnight Banquet Ball AB Bridal Festival Hall AB 2 Executive Women International, Spokane Chapter--David BallHorsager C, 2 MR'sEvent Spokane Association of Realtors 2 MR's Bridal Festival Hall AB 2 Executive Women International, Spokane Chapter--David 2 MR's Horsager Event Bridal Festival Hall AB 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Parade Start Ball A-C Wilbur-Ellis Professional Technical Seminar Ball C, CT, 10 MR's Event Mixology & Gastronomy Rooms Hall Molecular Ball A STCU Annual Dinner Ball A-C Dreamnight Banquet Ball AB Bargreen Ellingson Hall A 1 Bridal Festival Hall AB 2 Bargreen Ellingson Hall A 1 Executive Women International, Spokane Chapter--David BallHorsager C, 2 MR'sEvent Bargreen Ellingson Hall A 1 Spokane Association of Realtors 2 MR's Bargreen Ellingson Hall A, Bays A-C 1 Bridal Festival Hall AB 2 Logos School Dinner with Friends 3 MR's Executive Women International, Spokane Chapter--David 2 MR's Horsager Event Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting Ball & Trade C, 2 Show MR's Bridal Festival Hall AB 2 Bargreen Ellingson Hall A, Bays A-C, 2 MR's 1 Martin Luther King Jr. Parade Start Ball A-C Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting Ball & Trade A-C,Show Bays A-C, CT, 19 MR's Wilbur-Ellis Professional Technical Seminar Ball C, CT, 10 MR's Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting Ball & Trade A-C,Show Bays A-C, CT, 19 MR's Molecular Mixology & Gastronomy Ball A Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting Ball & Trade A-C,Show Bays A-C, CT, 19 MR's STCU Annual Dinner Ball A-C Total 11 Bargreen Ellingson Hall A 1 Bargreen Ellingson Hall A 1 Bargreen Ellingson Hall A 1 Bargreen Ellingson Hall A, Bays A-C 1 Logos School Dinner with Friends 3 MR's Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting Ball & Trade C, 2 Show MR's Event Rooms Hall Bargreen Ellingson Hall A, Bays A-C, 2 MR's 1 Society & A-C, Bays Society for for Range Range Management's Management's 65th 65th Annual Annual Meeting Meeting Ball Ball & Trade Trade A-C,Show Show Bays A-C, A-C, CT, CT, 19 19 MR's MR's Society & A-C,Show Bays A-C, CT, 19 MR's Society for for Range Range Management's Management's 65th 65th Annual Annual Meeting Meeting Ball 16 & Trade Trade MR's Show Society Trade A-C,Show Bays A-C, CT, 19 MR's Society for for Range Range Management's Management's 65th 65th Annual Annual Meeting Meeting Ball 2& &MR's Trade Show Total - Lindaas Wedding and Reception Rehearsal 1 MR 11 Despain Lilac City Cheer & Dance Competition Hall B2,C Despain - Lindaas Wedding and Reception Bay A Ag Expo MI Hall A-D 4 Ag Expo MI Hall A-D 4 Ag Expo Hall A-D 4 Event Rooms Hall Go Red for Women Luncheon MI Ball AB Ag Expo Hall A-D 4 Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting Ball & Trade A-C,Show Bays A-C, CT, 19 MR's Go Red for Women Luncheon Ball AB, 4 MR's Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting 16 & Trade MR's Show Ag Expo Hall A-D 4 Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting 2&MR's Trade Show Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Conference Breakfast Bay C Despain - Lindaas Wedding and Reception Rehearsal 1 MR Ag Expo Hall A-D 4 Lilac City Cheer & Dance Competition Hall B2,C St. Charles Annual Dinner & Auction MI Bays A-C Despain - Lindaas Wedding and Reception Bay A St. Charles Annual Dinner & Auction Bays A-C Ag Expo MI Hall A-D 4 Spokane Regional Sports Commission Awards Luncheon BallDIA-C Ag Expo MI Hall A-D 4 Spokane Regional Sports Commission Awards Luncheon Ball A-C Ag Expo Hall A-D 4 Mutual Of Enumclaw 5 MR's Go Red for Women Luncheon MI Ball AB Spokane Golf & Travel Show DI Hall A 1 Ag Expo Hall A-D 4 SPFD Employee Meeting 2 MR's Go Red for Women Luncheon Ball AB, 4 MR's Spokane Golf & Travel Show MI Hall A 1 Ag Expo Hall A-D 4 Williams-Macsuga Wedding and Reception Rehearsal 3 MR's Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Conference Breakfast Bay C Ron Paul 2012 Rally Ball A-C Ag Expo Hall A-D 4 Spokane Golf & Travel Show Hall A 1 St. Charles Annual Dinner & Auction MI Bays A-C Williams-Macsuga Wedding and Reception 6 MR's St. Charles Annual Dinner & Auction Bays A-C Spokane Golf & Travel Show Hall A 1 Spokane Regional Sports Commission Awards Luncheon BallDIA-C 2012 Kids at Heart Luncheon Bay BC Spokane Regional Sports Commission Awards Luncheon Ball A-C World Wide Dreambuilders - SLM Meeting Ball A Mutual Of Enumclaw 5 MR's Spokane Internal Medicine MI Bay A Spokane Golf & Travel Show DI Hall A 1 Boy Scout Breakfast Ball BC SPFD Employee Meeting 2 MR's Spokane Internal Medicine Bays A-C, 3 MR's Spokane Golf & Travel Show MI Hall A 1 Boy Scout Breakfast Ball BC Williams-Macsuga Wedding and Reception Rehearsal 3 MR's Spokane Internal Medicine Bays A-C, 1 MR Ron Paul 2012 Rally Ball A-C Downtown Spokane Partnership Hall D, 2 MR's 1 Spokane Golf & Travel Show Hall A 1 Partnership in Employment Career Fair Bays A-C, 2 MR's Williams-Macsuga Wedding and Reception 6 MR's Total 29 Spokane Golf & Travel Show Hall A 1 2012 Kids at Heart Luncheon Bay BC World Wide Dreambuilders - SLM Meeting Ball A Spokane Internal Medicine MI Bay A Boy Scout Breakfast Ball BC Spokane Internal Medicine Bays A-C, 3 MR's Boy Scout Breakfast Ball BC Event Rooms Hall Spokane Internal Medicine Bays A-C, 1 MR Ron Paul 2012 RallyPartnership Ball Downtown Spokane Hall A-C D, 2 MR's 1 Partnership in Employment Career Fair Bays A-C, 2 MR's Total 29 February 2012 20122 ACTIVITY BY MONTH 1 2 2 JANUARY 2 3 1 Ball 1 3 2 11 Bay Mtg 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 21 Ball 1 3 3 3 3 21 2 3 3 3 3 15 Lob Out 2 2 3 2 2 2 20 11 20 20 84 - - 3 FEBRUARY 3 Bay 3 3 3 3 3 15 2 2 20 20 20 16 20 2 84 1 Mtg Lob - Out - 1 FEBRUARY Ball 2 Bay 3 2 Mtg 3 1 2 5 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 23 3 1 2 2 6 67 - - 2 MARCH 1 Bay 3 23 5 1 3 Ball 2 6 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 Out 3 1 3 3 3 23 Lob 20 4 16 2 1 3 3 3 23 Mtg 3 1 2 2 67 Lob - Out - 645 325 182 33 2,042 17 1,437 2,572 342 Attend 173 574 645 18 325 63 182 63 33 316 2,042 76 17 315 1,437 210 2,572 1,425 342 1,475 173 1,475 574 13,778 18 63 63 316 76 315 Attend 210 1,425 1,525 1,475 375 1,475 13,778 42 1,004 135 89 330 2,115 Attend26 3,853 1,525 411 375 2,257 137 42 1,004 42 135 335 89 16 330 936 2,115 53 26 45 3,853 * 411 187 2,257 23 137 2,577 2,795 42 149 335 1,651 16 330 936 448 53 26 45 22 * 215 187 645 23 156 2,577 225 2,795 560 149 23,735 1,651 330 448 26 22 215 645 Attend 156 1,051 225 560 23,735 Rental $ $ $ $ 213.00 2,000.00 239.19 3,828.80 68.66 3,828.80 400.00 3,131.50 Rental 387.40 213.00 500.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 239.19 4,500.00 3,828.80 68.66 746.26 3,828.80 1,264.75 400.00 11,812.06 3,131.50 11,970.46 11,970.46 387.40 60,261.34 500.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 4,500.00 746.26 Rental 1,264.75 11,812.06 11,301.30 11,970.46 4,192.06 11,970.46 60,261.34 2,940.00 700.00 2,120.12 4,267.95 8,304.03 Rental 1,000.00 8,524.25 11,301.30 1,755.75 4,192.06 8,524.25 65.00 4,000.00 2,940.00 700.00 782.25 2,120.12 4,267.95 1,414.20 8,304.03 281.00 1,000.00 500.00 8,524.25 1,755.75 1,341.55 8,524.25 65.00 2,671.29 4,000.00 3,068.25 1,200.00 782.25 3,068.25 1,414.20 900.00 281.00 175.00 500.00 1,500.00 2,190.37 1,341.55 595.26 2,200.00 2,671.29 3,068.25 2,357.60 1,200.00 81,939.73 3,068.25 900.00 175.00 1,500.00 2,190.37 595.26 Rental 2,200.00 2,700.00 2,357.60 81,939.73 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Food & Beverage 3,948.57 852.06 256.30 1,305.62 71.99 895.12 146.10 2,667.34 Food & 645.53 Beverage 7,816.87 3,948.57 852.06 953.58 256.30 3,426.25 1,305.62 431.51 71.99 239.66 895.12 2,772.65 146.10 1,540.94 2,667.34 7,861.72 645.53 8,705.27 7,816.87 44,537.08 953.58 3,426.25 431.51 Food 239.66 & 2,772.65 Beverage 1,540.94 6,096.80 7,861.72 113.85 8,705.27 44,537.08 2,004.07 1,088.89 51.20 235.53 3,606.02 Food & Beverage3,047.60 6,096.80 2,136.44 113.85 2,310.69 552.00 2,004.07 11.04 1,088.89 2,966.98 51.20 235.53 3,974.40 3,606.02 392.61 3,047.60 78.26 2,136.44 2,310.69 552.00 137.52 1,851.28 11.04 356.74 2,966.98 1,137.52 1,283.40 3,974.40 5.24 392.61 2,033.11 78.26 1,619.43 523.71 137.52 1,144.06 1,851.28 737.70 356.74 39,496.09 1,137.52 1,283.40 5.24 2,033.11 1,619.43 Food & Beverage 523.71 90.61 1,144.06 737.70 39,496.09 Other $ $ $ $ 919.97 5,930.73 648.58 73.60 1,662.85 73.60 1,554.75 804.97 1,169.50 Other 1,945.97 919.97 2,892.40 5,930.73 534.00 648.58 557.00 73.60 2,347.00 1,662.85 (31.27) 73.60 3,417.57 1,554.75 2,540.89 804.97 4,873.59 1,169.50 4,115.17 6,889.95 1,945.97 42,920.82 2,892.40 534.00 557.00 2,347.00 (31.27) 3,417.57 Other 2,540.89 4,873.59 5,083.17 4,115.17 3,336.37 6,889.95 2,927.58 42,920.82 3,763.50 699.88 6,669.59 1,777.50 2,887.25 Other 1,930.00 2,582.50 5,083.17 1,114.00 3,336.37 2,645.75 2,927.58 285.00 1,490.00 3,763.50 965.97 699.88 842.00 6,669.59 1,777.50 2,155.50 2,887.25 244.80 1,930.00 2,771.00 2,582.50 1,114.00 625.00 2,645.75 285.00 2,543.00 1,490.00 1,102.20 965.97 331.89 842.00 955.00 885.59 2,155.50 478.38 244.80 115.00 2,771.00 977.00 2,647.00 625.00 1,049.50 2,063.00 2,543.00 1,947.10 1,102.20 1,938.20 331.89 61,829.22 955.00 885.59 478.38 115.00 977.00 2,647.00 1,049.50 Other 2,063.00 2,776.00 1,947.10 1,938.20 61,829.22 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,081.54 7,930.73 1,500.64 569.09 6,797.27 214.25 6,278.67 1,351.07 6,968.34 Total 645.53 10,150.24 5,081.54 3,392.40 7,930.73 1,534.00 1,500.64 3,910.58 569.09 10,273.25 6,797.27 400.24 214.25 4,403.49 6,278.67 6,578.29 1,351.07 18,226.59 6,968.34 23,947.35 645.53 27,565.68 10,150.24 147,719.24 3,392.40 1,534.00 3,910.58 10,273.25 400.24 4,403.49 Total 6,578.29 18,226.59 22,481.27 23,947.35 7,642.28 27,565.68 2,927.58 147,719.24 8,707.57 2,488.77 8,840.91 6,280.98 14,797.30 Total 2,930.00 14,154.35 22,481.27 5,006.19 7,642.28 13,480.69 2,927.58 902.00 5,490.00 8,707.57 977.01 2,488.77 4,591.23 8,840.91 6,280.98 7,544.10 14,797.30 918.41 2,930.00 3,271.00 14,154.35 78.26 5,006.19 1,966.55 13,480.69 902.00 5,351.81 5,490.00 6,021.73 977.01 1,888.63 4,591.23 5,160.77 2,168.99 7,544.10 1,383.62 918.41 290.00 3,271.00 4,510.11 78.26 6,456.80 1,966.55 1,644.76 4,786.71 5,351.81 3,091.16 6,021.73 5,033.50 1,888.63 183,265.04 5,160.77 2,168.99 1,383.62 290.00 4,510.11 6,456.80 1,644.76 Total 4,786.71 5,566.61 3,091.16 5,033.50 183,265.04 MARCH Date Event 2-Mar Ron Paul 2012 Rally 90 Rooms Ball A-C Hall Ball Bay 3 Mtg Lob Out Attend 1,051 Rental 2,700.00 $ Food & Beverage 90.61 Other 2,776.00 Total $ 5,566.61 9-Feb 9-Feb 10-Feb 10-Feb 11-Feb 14-Feb 15-Feb 15-Feb 16-Feb 16-Feb 17-Feb 17-Feb 17-Feb 18-Feb 18-Feb 19-Feb 22-Feb 22-Feb 23-Feb 23-Feb 24-Feb 24-Feb 25-Feb 28-Feb 29-Feb Ag Expo Hall A-D Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Conference Breakfast Bay C Ag Expo Hall A-D St. Charles Annual Dinner & Auction MI Bays A-C St. Charles Annual Dinner & Auction Bays A-C Spokane Regional Sports Commission Awards Luncheon BallDIA-C Spokane Regional Sports Commission Awards Luncheon Ball A-C Mutual Of Enumclaw 5 MR's Spokane Golf & Travel Show DI Hall A SPFD Employee Meeting 2 MR's Spokane Golf & Travel Show MI Hall A Williams-Macsuga Wedding and Reception Rehearsal 3 MR's Ron Paul 2012 Rally Ball A-C Spokane Golf & Travel Show Hall A Williams-Macsuga Wedding and Reception 6 MR's Spokane Golf & Travel Show Hall A 2012 Kids at Heart Luncheon Bay BC World Wide Dreambuilders - SLM Meeting Ball A Spokane Internal Medicine MI Bay A Boy Scout Breakfast Ball BC Spokane Internal Medicine Bays A-C, 3 MR's Boy Scout Breakfast Ball BC Spokane Internal Medicine Bays A-C, 1 MR Downtown Spokane Partnership Hall D, 2 MR's Partnership in Employment Career Fair Bays A-C, 2 MR's Total 2012 4 1 4 year end report 5 1 2 1 3 3 1 6 1 2 1 2 1 29 1 2 Activity By Month March 2012 3 3 3 3 23 3 3 3 1 2 2 67 3 23 - - 2,257 137 42 335 16 936 53 45 * 187 23 2,577 2,795 149 1,651 330 448 26 22 215 645 156 225 560 23,735 $ 8,524.25 65.00 4,000.00 782.25 1,414.20 281.00 500.00 1,341.55 2,671.29 3,068.25 1,200.00 3,068.25 900.00 175.00 1,500.00 2,190.37 595.26 2,200.00 2,357.60 81,939.73 $ 2,310.69 552.00 11.04 2,966.98 3,974.40 392.61 78.26 137.52 1,851.28 356.74 1,137.52 1,283.40 5.24 2,033.11 1,619.43 523.71 1,144.06 737.70 39,496.09 $ 2,645.75 285.00 1,490.00 965.97 842.00 2,155.50 244.80 2,771.00 625.00 2,543.00 1,102.20 331.89 955.00 885.59 478.38 115.00 977.00 2,647.00 1,049.50 2,063.00 1,947.10 1,938.20 61,829.22 $ 13,480.69 902.00 5,490.00 977.01 4,591.23 7,544.10 918.41 3,271.00 78.26 1,966.55 5,351.81 6,021.73 1,888.63 5,160.77 2,168.99 1,383.62 290.00 4,510.11 6,456.80 1,644.76 4,786.71 3,091.16 5,033.50 183,265.04 MARCH Date 2-Mar 5-Mar 5-Mar 6-Mar 6-Mar 6-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 7-Mar 8-Mar 9-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar 10-Mar 12-Mar 13-Mar 14-Mar 14-Mar 15-Mar 15-Mar 16-Mar 16-Mar 17-Mar 17-Mar 18-Mar 19-Mar 19-Mar 20-Mar 22-Mar 22-Mar 23-Mar 23-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 24-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 31-Mar 31-Mar 31-Mar 31-Mar Event Rooms Hall Ball Ron Paul 2012 Rally Ball A-C URM Food Show Hall BC 2 URM Candy & General Merchandise Show Hall A 1 URM Food Show Hall BC 2 URM Candy & General Merchandise Show Hall A, D 2 Northwest Inland Writing Project CT, 4 MR's URM Food Show Hall BC 2 URM Candy & General Merchandise Show Hall A, D 2 Northwest Inland Writing Project 4 MR's BCIN Epiphany Session 2 MR's Spokane Shock Football Turf Repair Hall A 1 Sysco Business Meeting CT, 5 MR's Spokane Shock Football Turf Repair Hall A 1 World Wide Dreambuilders Ball A Spokane Shock Football Turf Repair Hall A 1 Girl Scouts Eastern WA & Northern ID Ball AB Spokane Home & Garden Show DI Halls A-D 4 Spokane Home & Garden Show MI Halls A-D 4 J C Wright Lighting Seminar 4 MR's Spokane Home & Garden Show MI Halls A-D 4 Mayor's Economic Policy and Forecasting Council 1 MR Spokane Home & Garden Show Halls A-D 4 Pacific Judo Academy's Inland Empire Classic MI Ball BC Spokane Home & Garden Show Halls A-D 4 Pacific Judo Academy's Inland Empire Classic Ball BC Spokane Home & Garden Show Halls A-D 4 Spokane Home & Garden Show Halls A-D 4 Sustainable Resources INW 2 MR's 6th Annual Mine and Construction Safety & Health Seminar Ball A Pacific Northwest Qualifier MI Halls A-C 3 Cornerstone Pentecostal Church 2012 Summit Bays A-C Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 Cornerstone Pentecostal Church 2012 Summit Bays A-C, 3 MR's Washington Dental Service Ball A Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 Cornerstone Pentecostal Church 2012 Summit Bays A-C DSHS - Care Provider and Parents Meeting 2 MR's Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 SPFD Board Meeting 2 MR's Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 SPFD Employee Meeting Hall D Mary Kay Multiple Career Conference MI Ball A-C, Lobby Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 Mary Kay Multiple Career Conference Ball A-C, Bay A, CT, Lobby Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 My Girlfriend's House and Room # 3 MR's Sharodan Products Show 2 MR's Lightning Tool & Manufacturing Inc. Product Showcase1 MR Galbraith Gathering 1 MR Mary Kay Multiple Career Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 8 MR's, Lobby Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 My Girlfriend's House and Room # 3 MR's Sharodan Products Show 2 MR's Lightning Tool & Manufacturing Inc. Product Showcase1 MR Total 72 Bay Mtg Lob Out 3 5 4 2 6 1 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 9 1 13 3 2 1 51 3 3 21 - Attend 1,051 18 78 182 98 111 1,015 380 67 31 12 86 12 479 12 292 27 195 48 215 37 1,584 18 2,984 410 2,683 87 52 108 159 546 2,400 546 149 2,400 575 8 2,400 20 * 37 379 1,267 2,400 * * * * 1,365 1,800 * * * 28,823 Rental $ 2,700.00 700.00 805.00 1,315.06 1,500.00 705.00 3,400.00 4,600.00 400.00 197.82 500.00 900.00 500.00 1,300.00 500.00 963.00 1,500.00 472.12 3,380.42 6,544.30 6,544.30 2,332.00 6,544.30 3,110.86 620.00 3,150.00 1,775.00 2,622.00 2,136.75 401.00 6,300.00 2,100.00 200.00 6,300.00 1,575.00 1,575.00 1,575.00 900.00 1,575.00 5,250.00 6,300.00 600.00 400.00 200.00 89.13 6,371.65 6,300.00 600.00 400.00 200.00 110,929.71 $ $ Food & Beverage 90.61 1,050.23 460.90 83.98 72.84 14.72 80.96 1,283.40 258.63 97.06 1,181.70 1,977.84 376.39 1,398.14 151.66 727.95 18.03 4,309.58 485.57 1,349.18 4,726.21 94.66 26.74 2,500.27 18.40 86.48 107.07 992.04 3,295.31 88.55 2,096.49 3,613.06 33,114.65 Other $ 2,776.00 9,804.14 515.18 1,035.50 1,299.74 324.00 1,727.60 358.92 148.00 101.00 207.00 645.00 207.00 474.20 207.00 1,715.65 7,531.59 1,450.00 234.25 1,450.00 166.72 2,935.00 2,191.50 958.50 1,276.73 1,450.00 1,026.38 10,228.80 2,581.50 1,945.00 465.00 1,542.00 76.00 2,532.08 4,017.37 175.00 217.00 121.00 4,624.11 152.00 102.00 52.00 71,047.46 Total $ $ 5,566.61 10,504.14 1,320.18 3,400.79 3,260.64 1,112.98 5,127.60 4,958.92 620.84 313.54 707.00 1,625.96 707.00 1,774.20 707.00 3,962.05 7,531.59 2,950.00 965.00 4,830.42 263.78 10,661.00 10,713.64 3,666.89 9,219.17 4,560.86 151.66 2,374.33 13,378.80 4,374.53 6,931.58 4,567.32 2,215.18 11,026.21 3,736.66 302.74 8,800.27 1,575.00 1,575.00 18.40 1,575.00 86.48 3,539.15 1,575.00 10,259.41 9,595.31 775.00 617.00 321.00 177.68 13,092.25 9,913.06 752.00 502.00 252.00 215,091.82 APRIL Date 1-Apr 2-Apr 3-Apr 4-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr 7-Apr 8-Apr 9-Apr 10-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 12-Apr 12-Apr 12-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 15-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 17-Apr Event Rooms Pacific Northwest Qualifier Northwest Indian Youth Conference Northwest Indian Youth Conference Northwest Indian Youth Conference Northwest Indian Youth Conference Jason Crawford Memorial Wrestling Tournament Jason Crawford Memorial Wrestling Tournament NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference Sterling Savings Bank-2012 Leadership Meeting Cerium Networks NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference Sterling Savings Bank-2012 Leadership Meeting Construction Specification Institute NCEES Exams Carrington College Graduation NCEES Exams Current Trends in Cardiovascular Disease Spokane County Republican Convention 2012 NCEES Exams Washington Educator Career Fair DI Harborview Medical Center Washington Educator Career Fair Hall A-C Hall C Hall BC Hall C Hall AC Hall A-C Hall A-C Hall AB Hall AB Hall AB Hall AB Ball BC, Bay AB, CT 2 MR Hall AB 6 MR 3 MR Bay AB, 2 MR Ball AB, Lobby Bay AB, 3 MR Ball A-C Hall BD, 4 MR, Lobby 1 MR Hall C 3 MR Hall C Hall Ball 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 Bay 2 Mtg 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 Lob 1 2 2 6 3 2 2 3 4 1 3 1 1 Out Attend 1,800 233 294 294 294 96 4,023 15 292 880 1,000 349 61 880 230 51 2 1,203 173 311 1,689 2 9 65 605 Rental 6,300.00 1,800.00 3,200.00 1,800.00 4,200.00 3,985.00 5,600.00 500.00 2,000.00 1,668.11 200.00 3,800.00 75.74 476.25 1,800.00 1,900.00 2,000.00 2,018.37 2,590.24 200.00 500.00 2,000.00 $ Food & Beverage 3,456.29 488.82 287.42 277.37 533.13 17,305.82 24.38 129.95 3,056.96 4,189.57 5,821.09 262.20 1,893.19 1,870.76 363.08 55.60 3,042.66 3,499.85 527.85 373.91 Other 2,115.95 1,263.50 925.00 1,493.50 5,528.56 2,198.50 11,258.40 917.50 1,377.50 1,153.25 4,263.20 281.00 1,791.50 1,249.00 222.99 1,116.00 1,785.00 907.00 2,310.77 5,411.14 92.50 214.00 516.39 3,065.65 Total $ 9,756.29 4,404.77 4,750.92 3,002.37 6,226.63 9,513.56 25,104.32 11,782.78 3,047.45 6,102.57 5,342.82 10,084.29 743.20 7,484.69 3,195.50 1,062.32 2,916.00 3,740.60 2,907.00 7,371.80 11,501.23 292.50 714.00 1,044.24 5,439.56 91 23-Mar 23-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 24-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 31-Mar 31-Mar 31-Mar 31-Mar Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 Cornerstone Pentecostal Church 2012 Summit Bays A-C, 3 MR's Washington Dental Service Ball A Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 Cornerstone Pentecostal Church 2012 Summit Bays A-C DSHS - Care Provider and Parents Meeting 2 MR's Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 SPFD Board Meeting 2 MR's Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 SPFD Employee Meeting Hall D Mary Kay Multiple Career Conference MI Ball A-C, Lobby Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 Mary Kay Multiple Career Conference Ball A-C, Bay A, CT, Lobby Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 My Girlfriend's House and Room # 3 MR's Sharodan Products Show 2 MR's Lightning Tool & Manufacturing Inc. Product Showcase1 MR Galbraith Gathering 1 MR Mary Kay Multiple Career Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 8 MR's, Lobby Pacific Northwest Qualifier Halls A-C 3 My Girlfriend's House and Room # 3 MR's Sharodan Products Show 2 MR's Lightning Tool & Manufacturing Inc. Product Showcase1 MR Total 72 3 April 2012 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 9 1 13 3 2 1 51 3 3 21 2,622.00 2,136.75 401.00 6,300.00 2,100.00 200.00 6,300.00 1,575.00 1,575.00 1,575.00 900.00 1,575.00 5,250.00 6,300.00 600.00 400.00 200.00 89.13 6,371.65 6,300.00 600.00 400.00 200.00 110,929.71 4,309.58 485.57 1,349.18 4,726.21 94.66 26.74 2,500.27 18.40 86.48 107.07 992.04 3,295.31 88.55 2,096.49 3,613.06 33,114.65 year end report 2 Activity By Month 2,400 546 149 2,400 575 8 2,400 20 * 37 379 1,267 2,400 * * * * 1,365 1,800 * * * 28,823 3 1 - $ $ 1,945.00 465.00 1,542.00 76.00 2,532.08 4,017.37 175.00 217.00 121.00 4,624.11 152.00 102.00 52.00 71,047.46 6,931.58 4,567.32 2,215.18 11,026.21 3,736.66 302.74 8,800.27 1,575.00 1,575.00 18.40 1,575.00 86.48 3,539.15 1,575.00 10,259.41 9,595.31 775.00 617.00 321.00 177.68 13,092.25 9,913.06 752.00 502.00 252.00 215,091.82 2012 $ $ APRIL Date 1-Apr 2-Apr 3-Apr 4-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr 7-Apr 8-Apr 9-Apr 10-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 11-Apr 12-Apr 12-Apr 12-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 14-Apr 15-Apr 16-Apr 16-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr 18-Apr 18-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 19-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 24-Apr 25-Apr 27-Apr 27-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 29-Apr 29-Apr 29-Apr Event Rooms Pacific Northwest Qualifier Hall A-C Northwest Indian Youth Conference Hall C Northwest Indian Youth Conference Hall BC Northwest Indian Youth Conference Hall C Northwest Indian Youth Conference Hall AC Jason Crawford Memorial Wrestling Tournament Hall A-C Jason Crawford Memorial Wrestling Tournament Hall A-C NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference Hall AB NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference Hall AB NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference Hall AB NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference Hall AB Sterling Savings Bank-2012 Leadership Meeting Ball BC, Bay AB, CT Cerium Networks 2 MR NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference Hall AB Sterling Savings Bank-2012 Leadership Meeting 6 MR Construction Specification Institute 3 MR NCEES Exams Bay AB, 2 MR Carrington College Graduation Ball AB, Lobby NCEES Exams Bay AB, 3 MR Current Trends in Cardiovascular Disease Ball A-C Spokane County Republican Convention 2012 Hall BD, 4 MR, Lobby NCEES Exams 1 MR Washington Educator Career Fair DI Hall C Harborview Medical Center 3 MR Washington Educator Career Fair Hall C Scholarship Reception and Executive Anniversary Dinner Bay A, CT Harborview Medical Center 3 MR Inland Northwest Dental Conference Ball BC, MR Harborview Medical Center 3 MR 2012 Women's Show MI Hall AB Inland Northwest Dental Conference Ball A-C, Bay A, 10 MR Race For The Cure MI Hall D, Lobby 2012 Women's Show Hall AB Inland Northwest Dental Conference Ball A-C, Bay A, 11 MR Time Out for Women Ball A, MR Race For The Cure Hall D, Lobby Peterson-Gonzalez Wedding and Reception RehearsalBay B 2012 Women's Show Hall AB Time Out for Women Ball A, 3 MR Race For The Cure Hall D, Lobby Peterson-Gonzalez Wedding and Reception Bay AB Heritage Makers Demonstration 2 MR 2012 Women's Show Hall AB Race For The Cure Hall D, Lobby Sysco Food Show Hall A-C Spokane Scholars Foundation 20th Annual Awards Banquet Ball A-C Sysco Food Show Hall A-C Sysco Food Show Hall A-C ISAGENIX 1 MR FortuneBuilders, Inc. Ball C, 2 MR Baby Fair Hall A Lakeside High School 2012 Prom Bay AB Lakeside High School (Idaho) Prom 3 MR Gonzaga University Senior Dinner and Dance Ball AB ISAGENIX 1 MR FortuneBuilders, Inc. Ball C, 2 MR Baby Fair Hall A ISAGENIX 1 MR FortuneBuilders, Inc. Ball C, 2 MR Total Hall Ball 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 Bay 2 Mtg 2 2 2 2 6 3 2 2 3 4 1 1 Attend 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 10 3 1 1 11 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 52 Out 1 2 2 3 Lob 1 25 1 2 72 14 1,800 233 294 294 294 96 4,023 15 292 880 1,000 349 61 880 230 51 2 1,203 173 311 1,689 2 9 65 605 81 65 132 65 37 711 42 729 711 467 1,096 15 2,863 478 2,763 128 50 1,510 1,440 249 750 249 1,428 84 249 10 249 47 682 84 249 721 84 249 33,618 Rental $ 6,300.00 1,800.00 3,200.00 1,800.00 4,200.00 3,985.00 5,600.00 500.00 2,000.00 1,668.11 200.00 3,800.00 75.74 476.25 1,800.00 1,900.00 2,000.00 2,018.37 2,590.24 200.00 500.00 2,000.00 472.12 1,300.00 600.00 1,000.00 6,750.64 298.08 3,800.00 6,275.00 1,400.00 1,117.80 3,800.00 1,600.00 1,117.80 1,400.00 200.00 3,800.00 1,117.80 1,359.00 5,210.00 5,800.00 115.00 1,500.00 500.00 995.00 600.00 290.00 395.00 1,600.00 2,400.00 395.00 1,600.00 107,421.95 $ $ Food & Beverage 3,456.29 488.82 287.42 277.37 533.13 17,305.82 24.38 129.95 3,056.96 4,189.57 5,821.09 262.20 1,893.19 1,870.76 363.08 55.60 3,042.66 3,499.85 527.85 373.91 706.03 535.33 422.05 2,300.62 248.45 1,088.63 993.73 999.50 429.48 3,942.78 874.75 250.55 126.50 6,948.14 213.14 616.95 216.18 68,372.71 Other $ 2,115.95 1,263.50 925.00 1,493.50 5,528.56 2,198.50 11,258.40 917.50 1,377.50 1,153.25 4,263.20 281.00 1,791.50 1,249.00 222.99 1,116.00 1,785.00 907.00 2,310.77 5,411.14 92.50 214.00 516.39 3,065.65 153.00 2,247.80 153.00 3,804.20 3,822.25 1,922.20 1,556.00 2,234.00 609.00 126.50 1,466.00 683.00 699.88 166.00 1,196.00 16,071.39 2,364.55 1,601.00 2,368.00 308.25 1,087.00 896.00 634.60 337.00 5,183.90 132.50 549.00 1,031.00 121.00 555.00 105,536.82 Total $ $ 9,756.29 4,404.77 4,750.92 3,002.37 6,226.63 9,513.56 25,104.32 11,782.78 3,047.45 6,102.57 5,342.82 10,084.29 743.20 7,484.69 3,195.50 1,062.32 2,916.00 3,740.60 2,907.00 7,371.80 11,501.23 292.50 714.00 1,044.24 5,439.56 706.03 1,160.45 3,547.80 1,175.05 4,804.20 12,873.51 2,220.28 5,604.45 9,597.63 2,009.00 1,244.30 6,259.73 2,283.00 1,117.80 3,099.38 366.00 5,425.48 1,117.80 16,071.39 7,666.33 7,685.75 8,168.00 423.25 2,837.55 1,396.00 1,629.60 1,063.50 12,422.04 527.50 2,362.14 4,047.95 516.00 2,371.18 281,331.48 MAY Date 92 2-May 3-May 3-May 3-May 4-May 4-May 4-May 4-May 4-May 5-May 5-May 5-May 6-May 7-May 8-May 8-May 9-May 9-May 10-May 11-May 11-May 12-May 12-May 12-May 13-May 15-May 16-May 16-May 16-May 17-May 17-May 18-May 18-May Event Rooms Hall Bloomsday Hall A-D 4 Bloomsday Hall A-D 4 AgForestry Leadership-- Launching your Leadership Resources 3 MR EHR Incentive Program Workshop 1 MR Bloomsday Hall A-D 4 AgForestry Leadership-- Launching your Leadership Resources 3 MR AgForestry Leadership - Graduation Banquet and Silent3Auction MR Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Pink Rose Formal Ball A, 1 MR, Roof WSU Coommencement Ball A Bloomsday Hall A-D 4 University of Phoenix Commencement CT North Central High School Senior Prom Ball A, 1 MR, Roof Bloomsday Hall A 1 International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference Hall A-C & Expo 3 International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference Hall A-D, Roof & Expo 4 Spokane Estate Planning Council Bay AB, CT International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference Hall A-D, 2&MR Expo 4 World Wide Dreambuilders - Second Look Meeting Ball A International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference Hall A-D, CT & Expo 4 International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference Hall AD & Expo 2 Move Productions Dance Competition Hall B-D 3 Move Productions Dance Competition Hall BC 2 Mead High School 2012 Senior Prom Ball C, 1 MR, Roof 1 First Presbyterian Christian School Annual Auction Bay AB Move Productions Dance Competition Hall BC 2 Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly Ball A-C,MIBay AB, 8 MR, Lobby Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly Ball A-C, Bay AB, 10 MR, Lobby Selway Machine Tool Equipment Show Hall AD 2 Visit Spokane Bring Home the Business Luncheon 2 MR Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 14 MR, Lobby Selway Machine Tool Equipment Show Hall D 1 Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly Hall C, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 13 MR, Lobby 1 Lilac Parade Command Center Hall B2 1 Ball Bay Mtg Lob Out Attend 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 8 10 1 1 3 2 2 14 1 3 2 13 1 25 696 29 51 22,260 45 166 120 234 24,377 314 400 3,218 32 147 125 495 361 654 32 25 2,066 382 162 2,106 56 48 9 41 1,364 87 1,364 1 Rental 1,572.00 3,138.00 126.55 361.00 6,086.20 595.00 1,700.00 1,300.00 6,086.20 400.00 1,950.00 2,400.00 1,100.00 3,345.00 1,440.00 1,672.50 900.00 6,875.00 1,000.00 840.00 1,680.00 1,950.00 1,680.00 3,918.00 7,190.00 9,310.00 222.76 8,497.60 - $ Food & Beverage 95.68 168.02 243.80 701.29 324.52 1,693.49 220.97 1,032.50 79.12 36.80 971.41 4,206.27 4,749.09 1,135.78 1,109.99 880.26 490.36 832.32 2,278.67 1,945.33 - Other 8,508.20 $ 1,618.00 135.00 171.00 1,932.00 126.00 321.82 456.00 373.00 1,932.00 79.00 323.00 598.00 6,234.15 1,246.00 832.00 2,206.50 478.20 2,325.75 1,431.00 2,488.98 960.25 324.00 228.90 1,471.75 6,975.00 388.00 (248.00) 2,440.00 1,145.00 3,997.00 - Total 10,080.20 4,851.68 429.57 775.80 8,719.49 1,045.52 2,015.31 2,376.97 1,673.00 9,050.70 479.00 2,352.12 3,034.80 7,334.15 4,591.00 3,243.41 8,085.27 1,378.20 13,949.84 2,431.00 3,328.98 3,776.03 2,274.00 1,338.89 4,032.01 10,893.00 8,068.36 (248.00) 12,582.32 3,646.43 14,439.93 - 20-Apr 20-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr 24-Apr 25-Apr 27-Apr 27-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 28-Apr 29-Apr 29-Apr 29-Apr Time Out for Women Ball A, MR Race For The Cure Hall D, Lobby Peterson-Gonzalez Wedding and Reception RehearsalBay B 2012 Women's Show Hall AB Time Out for Women Ball A, 3 MR Race For The Cure Hall D, Lobby Peterson-Gonzalez Wedding and Reception Bay AB Heritage Makers Demonstration 2 MR 2012 Women's Show Hall AB Race For The Cure Hall D, Lobby Sysco Food Show Hall A-C Spokane Scholars Foundation 20th Annual Awards Banquet Ball A-C Sysco Food Show Hall A-C Sysco Food Show Hall A-C ISAGENIX 1 MR FortuneBuilders, Inc. Ball C, 2 MR Baby Fair Hall A Lakeside High School 2012 Prom Bay AB Lakeside High School (Idaho) Prom 3 MR Gonzaga University Senior Dinner and Dance Ball AB ISAGENIX 1 MR FortuneBuilders, Inc. Ball C, 2 MR Baby Fair Hall A ISAGENIX 1 MR FortuneBuilders, Inc. Ball C, 2 MR Total 2012 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 year end report 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 52 1 2 3 Activity By Month May 2012 2 1 1 25 1 2 72 14 467 1,096 15 2,863 478 2,763 128 50 1,510 1,440 249 750 249 1,428 84 249 10 249 47 682 84 249 721 84 249 33,618 $ 1,400.00 1,117.80 3,800.00 1,600.00 1,117.80 1,400.00 200.00 3,800.00 1,117.80 1,359.00 5,210.00 5,800.00 115.00 1,500.00 500.00 995.00 600.00 290.00 395.00 1,600.00 2,400.00 395.00 1,600.00 107,421.95 $ 993.73 999.50 429.48 3,942.78 874.75 250.55 126.50 6,948.14 213.14 616.95 216.18 68,372.71 $ 609.00 126.50 1,466.00 683.00 699.88 166.00 1,196.00 16,071.39 2,364.55 1,601.00 2,368.00 308.25 1,087.00 896.00 634.60 337.00 5,183.90 132.50 549.00 1,031.00 121.00 555.00 105,536.82 $ 2,009.00 1,244.30 6,259.73 2,283.00 1,117.80 3,099.38 366.00 5,425.48 1,117.80 16,071.39 7,666.33 7,685.75 8,168.00 423.25 2,837.55 1,396.00 1,629.60 1,063.50 12,422.04 527.50 2,362.14 4,047.95 516.00 2,371.18 281,331.48 MAY Date 2-May 3-May 3-May 3-May 4-May 4-May 4-May 4-May 4-May 5-May 5-May 5-May 6-May 7-May 8-May 8-May 9-May 9-May 10-May 11-May 11-May 12-May 12-May 12-May 13-May 15-May 16-May 16-May 16-May 17-May 17-May 18-May 18-May 18-May 18-May 18-May 18-May 19-May 19-May 20-May 20-May 20-May 20-May 21-May 21-May 22-May 23-May 26-May 26-May 27-May 27-May 30-May Event Rooms Hall Ball Bloomsday Hall A-D 4 Bloomsday Hall A-D 4 AgForestry Leadership-- Launching your Leadership Resources 3 MR EHR Incentive Program Workshop 1 MR Bloomsday Hall A-D 4 AgForestry Leadership-- Launching your Leadership Resources 3 MR AgForestry Leadership - Graduation Banquet and Silent3Auction MR Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Pink Rose Formal Ball A, 1 MR, Roof WSU Coommencement Ball A Bloomsday Hall A-D 4 University of Phoenix Commencement CT North Central High School Senior Prom Ball A, 1 MR, Roof Bloomsday Hall A 1 International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference Hall A-C & Expo 3 International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference Hall A-D, Roof & Expo 4 Spokane Estate Planning Council Bay AB, CT International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference Hall A-D, 2&MR Expo 4 World Wide Dreambuilders - Second Look Meeting Ball A International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference Hall A-D, CT & Expo 4 International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference Hall AD & Expo 2 Move Productions Dance Competition Hall B-D 3 Move Productions Dance Competition Hall BC 2 Mead High School 2012 Senior Prom Ball C, 1 MR, Roof 1 First Presbyterian Christian School Annual Auction Bay AB Move Productions Dance Competition Hall BC 2 Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly Ball A-C,MIBay AB, 8 MR, Lobby Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly Ball A-C, Bay AB, 10 MR, Lobby Selway Machine Tool Equipment Show Hall AD 2 Visit Spokane Bring Home the Business Luncheon 2 MR Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 14 MR, Lobby Selway Machine Tool Equipment Show Hall D 1 Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly Hall C, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 13 MR, Lobby 1 Lilac Parade Command Center Hall B2 1 Windermere Marathon Expo Hall B1 1 Selway Machine Tool Equipment Show MO Hall D 1 CTA Training 1 MR Design Build Institute of America 2 MR Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly Ball A-C, Bay AB, 11 MR, Lobby Lilac Parade Command Center Lobby Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly Ball A-C, 4 MR Lilac Parade Command Center Hall A 1 Women Helping Women MI Hall BC 2 Goss-Urbano Wedding and Reception Bay AB, 2 MR, Roof Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly 1 MR Women Helping Women Hall B-D 3 Washington State Healthcare Association 2012 Conference Hall C 1 Washington State Healthcare Association 2012 Conference Hall BC, 2 MR 2 Haase Myotherapy Seminar 3 MR Alpha Omicron Pi Senior Dance-Red Rose 2012 Bay A, 1 MR, Roof Haase Myotherapy Seminar Hall A-C 3 Hicks - Kepka Wedding & Reception Bay AB, 2 MR, Roof Providence Employee Service Awards Reception Bay A-C Total 61 Bay Mtg Lob Out Attend 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 8 10 1 1 3 2 2 14 1 3 2 13 1 3 2 1 2 11 3 4 2 2 1 22 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 23 1 1 1 2 93 1 6 7 25 696 29 51 22,260 45 166 120 234 24,377 314 400 3,218 32 147 125 495 361 654 32 25 2,066 382 162 2,106 56 48 9 41 1,364 87 1,364 1 1,057 3 11 62 1,315 35 5 1 8 65 2 1,925 87 428 42 109 42 87 476 67,252 Rental $ 1,572.00 3,138.00 126.55 361.00 6,086.20 595.00 1,700.00 1,300.00 6,086.20 400.00 1,950.00 2,400.00 1,100.00 3,345.00 1,440.00 1,672.50 900.00 6,875.00 1,000.00 840.00 1,680.00 1,950.00 1,680.00 3,918.00 7,190.00 9,310.00 222.76 8,497.60 700.00 8,895.00 3,568.00 900.00 105.00 938.10 355.00 1,700.00 1,195.00 900.00 96,591.91 $ $ Food & Beverage 95.68 168.02 243.80 701.29 324.52 1,693.49 220.97 1,032.50 79.12 36.80 971.41 4,206.27 4,749.09 1,135.78 1,109.99 880.26 490.36 832.32 2,278.67 1,945.33 154.17 246.58 1,757.03 9,242.23 553.41 3,468.98 704.03 891.74 4,920.28 45,134.12 Other $ Total 8,508.20 $ 1,618.00 135.00 171.00 1,932.00 126.00 321.82 456.00 373.00 1,932.00 79.00 323.00 598.00 6,234.15 1,246.00 832.00 2,206.50 478.20 2,325.75 1,431.00 2,488.98 960.25 324.00 228.90 1,471.75 6,975.00 388.00 (248.00) 2,440.00 1,145.00 3,997.00 1,399.00 350.46 73.19 2,040.00 1,085.98 950.08 2,682.52 2,702.20 1,152.00 245.00 472.00 153.00 950.08 1,227.08 66,980.09 $ 10,080.20 4,851.68 429.57 775.80 8,719.49 1,045.52 2,015.31 2,376.97 1,673.00 9,050.70 479.00 2,352.12 3,034.80 7,334.15 4,591.00 3,243.41 8,085.27 1,378.20 13,949.84 2,431.00 3,328.98 3,776.03 2,274.00 1,338.89 4,032.01 10,893.00 8,068.36 (248.00) 12,582.32 3,646.43 14,439.93 2,253.17 350.46 319.77 12,692.03 3,568.00 10,328.21 2,403.49 105.00 2,682.52 2,702.20 5,559.08 600.00 2,876.03 1,348.00 2,741.82 6,147.36 208,706.12 JUNE Date 1-Jun 2-Jun 5-Jun 6-Jun 7-Jun 7-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun 9-Jun 9-Jun 10-Jun 12-Jun 13-Jun 14-Jun 15-Jun 18-Jun 20-Jun 21-Jun 24-Jun 25-Jun 25-Jun 26-Jun 26-Jun 27-Jun 28-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun Event Rooms Hall Ball Bay Mtg American Red Cross Fire on the Runway Hall ABD, Lobby 3 John R. Rogers High School Prom Bay AB, 2 MR, Roof 2 Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery Ball A-C 3 Cerium Networks 2 MR East Valley High School Graduation Line-up Ball A 1 Sterling Education Services, Inc Landlord Tenant Law 1 MR West Valley High School Senior Breakfast and Line-up Bay for Rehearsal A 1 Riverside-Lakeside High School Graduation Line-ups Bay A 1 North Central High School Senior Brunch Ball A 1 Rogers High School Senior Breakfast Ball B 1 Spokane Public Schools Graduation Line-ups Bay AB 2 World Wide Dreambuilders Ball A 1 West Valley High School Graduation Line-up Bay A 1 Inland Northwest Business Travel Association 3 MR, Lobby Fire Door Systems 3 MR, Roof Brurud-Wiegmann Rehearsal Roof Brurud - Wiegmann Wedding and Reception 8 MR, Roof Sustainable Resources INW 2 MR, Lobby Department of Enterprise Services CT, Roof Spokane Community College Commencements Ball A, Bay AB 1 2 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Ball BC, Bay A-C, 2 MR, Lobby 2 3 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall BD, Lobby 2 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 18 MR, Lobby 3 3 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 2 MR, Lobby 4 3 3 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Bay A-C, 19 MR, Lobby 3 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 16 MR,4Lobby, Prom, 3 Roof 3 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 16 4MR, Lobby, 3 Prom, Roof 3 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 17 4MR, Lobby, 3 Prom, Roof 3 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 19 4MR, Lobby, 3 Prom, Roof 3 Total 25 28 33 Lob 2 Out 1 Attend 1 2 1 3 3 8 2 1 2 18 2 19 16 17 18 20 134 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 16 1 1 1 1 9 173 120 585 41 284 18 156 272 174 113 854 844 211 37 30 25 98 34 187 1,019 840 73 977 787 977 3,423 5,561 5,548 5,528 28,989 Rental 1,700.00 1,950.00 16.25 1,300.00 200.00 700.00 1,400.00 1,300.00 500.00 200.00 $ 900.00 729.20 2,300.00 5,509.60 6,975.00 4,960.28 3,906.84 11,978.60 27,934.28 74,460.05 $ $ Food & Beverage 1,453.21 10.12 3,004.63 361.50 22.56 616.13 697.50 457.25 46.83 180.38 189.94 1,102.92 115.74 55.70 231.49 8,106.02 7,532.75 142.59 5,685.03 1,608.99 11,075.20 9,857.84 12,443.52 64,997.83 Other $ 1,418.05 324.00 1,333.63 382.00 373.00 125.00 18.00 281.00 51.86 143.86 562.00 474.20 285.00 18.00 52.00 1,074.08 179.00 1,013.00 5,035.69 400.65 5,220.87 3,951.15 3,458.36 3,219.15 1,468.25 1,004.15 21,312.15 53,178.10 Total $ $ 4,571.26 2,284.12 4,338.26 759.75 1,673.00 347.56 634.13 981.00 749.36 601.11 1,962.00 1,821.03 785.00 198.38 441.94 1,102.92 1,974.08 115.74 963.90 3,544.49 13,141.71 400.65 18,263.22 4,093.74 16,118.39 9,788.42 16,450.29 22,840.59 61,689.95 192,635.98 JULY 93 Date Event 1-Jul 61st National Square Dance Convention MO 2-Jul Langsfeld-Heath Wedding Reception 4-Jul SPD Command Center Rooms Hall BD, Prom 5 MR, Lob 1 MR, Lob Hall Ball 2 Bay Mtg Lob 5 1 1 1 1 Out Attend 17 56 11 Rental 600.00 $ Food & Beverage 428.76 - Other 552.00 - Total $ 1,580.76 - 93 year end report 23-May 26-May 26-May 27-May 27-May 30-May Washington State Healthcare Association 2012 Conference Hall BC, 2 MR Haase Myotherapy Seminar 3 MR Alpha Omicron Pi Senior Dance-Red Rose 2012 Bay A, 1 MR, Roof Haase Myotherapy Seminar Hall A-C Hicks - Kepka Wedding & Reception Bay AB, 2 MR, Roof Providence Employee Service Awards Reception Bay A-C Total 2 Activity By Month June 2012 23-May 26-May 26-May 27-May Date 27-May 30-May 1-Jun 2-Jun 5-Jun 6-Jun 7-Jun 7-Jun 8-Jun 8-Jun Date 8-Jun 1-Jun 8-Jun 2-Jun 9-Jun 5-Jun 9-Jun 6-Jun 10-Jun 7-Jun 12-Jun 7-Jun 13-Jun 8-Jun 14-Jun 8-Jun 15-Jun 8-Jun 18-Jun 8-Jun 20-Jun 9-Jun 21-Jun 9-Jun 24-Jun 10-Jun 25-Jun 12-Jun 25-Jun 13-Jun 26-Jun 14-Jun 26-Jun 15-Jun 27-Jun 18-Jun 28-Jun 20-Jun 29-Jun 21-Jun 30-Jun 24-Jun 25-Jun 25-Jun 26-Jun 26-Jun 27-Jun 28-Jun Date 29-Jun 30-Jun 1-Jul 2-Jul 4-Jul 5-Jul 6-Jul 7-Jul 7-Jul 8-Jul Date 9-Jul 1-Jul 11-Jul 2-Jul 12-Jul 4-Jul 12-Jul 5-Jul 13-Jul 6-Jul 13-Jul 7-Jul 14-Jul 7-Jul 15-Jul 8-Jul 15-Jul 9-Jul 16-Jul 11-Jul 17-Jul 12-Jul 18-Jul 12-Jul 18-Jul 13-Jul 18-Jul 13-Jul 18-Jul 14-Jul 19-Jul 15-Jul 20-Jul 15-Jul 20-Jul 16-Jul 21-Jul 17-Jul 21-Jul 18-Jul 22-Jul 18-Jul 23-Jul 18-Jul 24-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 19-Jul 26-Jul 20-Jul 26-Jul 20-Jul 26-Jul 21-Jul 26-Jul 21-Jul 27-Jul 22-Jul 23-Jul 24-Jul 25-Jul 26-Jul 26-Jul 26-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 27-Jul 28-Jul 29-Jul 29-Jul 30-Jul 31-Jul 3 61 22 1 2 3 1 2 3 23 93 1 2 Washington State Healthcare Association 2012 Conference Hall BC, 2 MR 2 2 JUNE 3 Haase Myotherapy Seminar 3 MR Alpha Omicron Pi Senior Dance-Red Rose 2012 Bay A, 1 MR, Roof 1 1 Haase Myotherapy Seminar Hall A-C 3 Event- Kepka Wedding & Reception Rooms Hall Ball Bay 2 Mtg 2 Hicks Bay AB, 2 MR, Roof Providence Employee Service Awards Reception Bay A-C 3 American Red Cross Fire on the Runway Hall ABD, Lobby 3 Total 61 22 23 93 John R. Rogers High School Prom Bay AB, 2 MR, Roof 2 2 Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery Ball A-C 3 Cerium Networks 2 MR 2 JUNE East Valley High School Graduation Line-up Ball A 1 Sterling Education Services, Inc Landlord Tenant Law 1 MR 1 West Valley High School Senior Breakfast and Line-up Bay for Rehearsal A 1 Riverside-Lakeside High School Graduation Line-ups Bay A Event Rooms Hall Ball Bay 1 Mtg North Central High School Senior Brunch Ball A 1 American Red CrossSenior Fire onBreakfast the Runway Hall B ABD, Lobby 3 Rogers High School Ball 1 John R. Rogers School Prom Line-ups Bay AB AB, 2 MR, Roof 2 2 Spokane Public High Schools Graduation Bay 2 Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery Ball A A-C 3 World Wide Dreambuilders Ball 1 Cerium Networks 2 MR 2 West Valley High School Graduation Line-up Bay A 1 East Valley High School Graduation Line-up Ball A Lobby 1 Inland Northwest Business Travel Association 3 MR, 3 Sterling 1 MR, MR Roof 1 Fire DoorEducation Systems Services, Inc Landlord Tenant Law 3 3 West Valley High School Senior Breakfast and Line-up Roof Bay for Rehearsal A 1 Brurud-Wiegmann Rehearsal Riverside-Lakeside School Bay A Roof 1 Brurud - Wiegmann High Wedding andGraduation ReceptionLine-ups 8 MR, 8 North CentralResources High School Senior Brunch Ball A Lobby 1 Sustainable INW 2 MR, 2 Rogers Highof School Senior Breakfast Ball Roof B 1 Department Enterprise Services CT, 1 Spokane Community Public Schools Graduation Line-ups Bay A, ABBay AB 2 Spokane College Commencements Ball 1 2 World Wide Dreambuilders Ball BC, A Bay A-C, 2 MR, Lobby 1 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Ball 2 3 2 WestNational Valley High School Graduation Line-up Bay A 1 61st Square Dance Convention Hall BD, Lobby 2 Inland Northwest Business Travel Association 3 MR, Lobby 3 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 18 MR, Lobby 3 3 18 Fire Door Systems 3 MR, Roof 3 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 2 MR, Lobby 4 3 3 2 Brurud-Wiegmann Rehearsal Roof AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Bay A-C, 19 MR, Lobby 3 19 Brurud - Wiegmann and Reception 8 MR, Roof 8 61st National SquareWedding Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 16 MR,4Lobby, Prom, 3 Roof 3 16 Sustainable INW Convention 2 MR, Lobby 2 61st NationalResources Square Dance Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 16 4MR, Lobby, 3 Prom, Roof 3 17 Department Enterprise Services CT, 1 61st NationalofSquare Dance Convention Hall Roof A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 17 4MR, Lobby, 3 Prom, Roof 3 18 Spokane Community Commencements Ball Bay ABA-C, Bay A-C, CT, 19 4MR, Lobby, 1 2 61st National Square College Dance Convention Hall A, A-D, Ball 3 Prom, Roof 3 20 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Ball BC, Bay A-C, 2 MR, Lobby 2 3 2 Total 25 28 33 134 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall BD, Lobby 2 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 18 MR, Lobby 3 3 18 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 2 MR, Lobby 4 3 3 2 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Bay A-C, 19 MR, Lobby 3JULY19 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 16 MR,4Lobby, Prom, 3 Roof 3 16 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 16 4MR, Lobby, 3 Prom, Roof 3 17 Event Rooms Hall Ball 3 Prom, Bay Mtg18 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 17 4MR, Lobby, Roof 3 61st National Square Dance Convention Hall A-D, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 19 4MR, Lobby, 3 Prom, Roof 3 20 61st Hall BD, Prom 2 TotalNational Square Dance Convention MO 25 28 33 134 Langsfeld-Heath Wedding Reception 5 MR, Lob 5 SPD Command Center 1 MR, Lob 1 3rd Annual USJF & USJA Grassroots Judo National Championships Hall A MI 1 JULY 3rd Annual USJF & USJA Grassroots Judo National Championships Hall AD 2 3rd Annual USJF & USJA Grassroots Judo National Championships Hall AD 2 Ortiz - Clausen Wedding Reception Bay AB, 2 MR, RD 2 2 3rd Annual USJF & USJA Grassroots Judo National Championships Hall AD Event Rooms Hall 2 Ball Bay Mtg 3rd Annual USJF & USJA Grassroots Judo National Championships Hall A MO 1 61st NationalFederation Square Dance Convention MOFly FishingHall Hall BD, PromLob 2 International of Fly Fishers 2012 FairBC, MI CT, 2 1 Langsfeld-Heath Wedding MR, LobCT, Arbor, Plaza 5 International Federation of Reception Fly Fishers 2012 Fly Fishing5 Hall Fair B-D, 3 1 SPD Command Center 1 1 Visit Spokane FAM Breakfast w/Speaker 2 MR, MR, Lob Roof 2 3rd Annual USJF & USJA Championships Hall MI 1 International Federation ofGrassroots Fly FishersJudo 2012National Fly Fishing Hall FairA BC, CT, Arbor, Plaza 2 1 3rd Annual & USJA Grassroots Judo National Championships Hall AB, AD CT, 3 MR, RD 2 Sysco SalesUSJF Meeting & Awards Banquet Bay 2 4 3rd Annual USJF & USJA Championships Hall 2 International Federation ofGrassroots Fly FishersJudo 2012National Fly Fishing Hall FairAD BC, CT, Arbor, Plaza 2 1 Ortiz Annual - Clausen Wedding MI Reception Bay 2 2 NAA Conference 1 MRAB, 2 MR, RD 1 3rd Annual USJF & USJA Championships Hall 2 International Federation ofGrassroots Fly FishersJudo 2012National Fly Fishing Hall FairAD C 1 3rd Annual & USJADIGrassroots Judo National Championships Hall A-C, A 1 NAA AnnualUSJF Conference Ball BayMO A-C, 3 MR, Lob 3 3 3 International Federation of Fly Fishers 2012 Fly FishingBall Hall FairA-C, BC, MI CT, 1 NAA Annual Conference BayLob A-C, 4 MR, Lob, RD 2 3 3 4 International Federation of Fly Fishers 2012 Fly FishingBall Hall FairA-C, B-D, Bay CT, Arbor, Plaza 1 NAA Annual Conference A-C, CT, 16 MR, 2 Lob3 3 3 17 Visit Spokane FAM Breakfast w/Speaker 2 MR, Roof 2 BN Builders Hall D, RD 1 International Federation of Fly Fishers 2012 Fly Fishing1 Hall Fair 2 1 Inland Northwest Bank Strategic Planning Meeting MRBC, CT, Arbor, Plaza 1 Sysco Employee Sales Meeting & Awards Banquet Bay AB, 2 4 SPFD Meeting Hall D CT, 3 MR, RD 1 International Federation of Fly Fishers 2012 Fly FishingBall Hall FairA-C, BC, CT, Plaza 2 RD 1 NAA Annual Conference BayArbor, A-C, CT, 16 MR, 2 Lob, 3 3 17 NAA Annual Conference MI 1 MR 1 NAA Annual Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 16 MR, 2 Lob 3 3 17 International of Class Fly Fishers 2012 Fly FishingHall FairC 1 North CentralFederation High School of 1982 Reunion Hall D, Prom, RD 1 NAA Annual Annual Conference Conference DI Ball 3 MR, 3 3 3 NAA Ball A-C, A-C, Bay Bay A-C, A-C, CT, 17Lob MR, 2 Lob, RD 3 3 18 NAA Ball Bay A-C, 3 3 4 NorthAnnual CentralConference High School Class of 1982 Reunion Hall A-C, D, Prom, RD 4 MR, Lob, RD 1 NAA Annual Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 16 MR, 2 Lob 3 3 17 WSBA Exams Lob BN Builders Hall A, D, 6RD 1 WSBA Exams Ball MR, Lob 1 6 Inland Northwest 1 MRA, 6 MR, Lob 1 WSBA Exams Bank Strategic Planning Meeting Ball 1 6 SPFD Hall D 6 MR, Lob 1 WSBAEmployee Exams Meeting Ball A, 1 6 NAA Annual Conference Ball A, A-C, Bay Lob A-C, CT, 16 MR, 2 Lob, RD 3 3 17 WSBA Exams Ball 6 MR, 1 6 NAA Annual Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 16 MR, 2 Lob 3 3 17 Steubenville Northwest Lob North Central High Association School ClassSpokane of 1982 Reunion Hall D, D, MR, Prom, RD 1 Community Health Hall RD 1 1 NAA Annual Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 17 MR, 2 Lob, RD 3 3 18 Conley-Bagge Rehearsal RD North CentralNorthwest High School Class of 1982 Reunion Hall A D, Prom, RD 1 Steubenville Bay 1 WSBA Exams Lob WSBA Exams Ball A, 6 MR, Lob 1 6 WSBA Exams Ball A, 6 MR, Lob 1 6 WSBA Exams Ball A, 6 MR, Lob 1 6 WSBA Exams Ball A, 6 MR, Lob 1 6 Steubenville Northwest Lob Community Health Association Spokane Hall D, MR, RD 1 1 Conley-Bagge Rehearsal RD Steubenville Northwest Bay A 1 Conley-Bagge Ball C, 2 MR, RD 1 2 Steubenville Northwest Bay AB 2 34th Annual Royal Fireworks Festival 1 MR, Lob, RD 1 Steubenville Northwest Bay A 1 WSNA 2012 Annual State Conference MI Hall A 1 WSNA 2012 Annual State Conference Hall AD 2 Total 28 23 26 124 July 2012 1 6 7 1 Lob Out1 1 6 Lob 7 1 Out 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 16 1 1 1 1 2 2 Lob2 2 1 16 1 1 Lob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 Out1 1 9 Out 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 19 428 42 109 42 87 476 67,252 428 42 109 42 Attend87 476 173 67,252 120 585 41 284 18 156 272 Attend 174 173 113 120 854 585 844 41 211 284 37 18 30 156 25 272 98 174 34 113 187 854 1,019 844 840 211 73 37 977 30 787 25 977 98 3,423 34 5,561 187 5,548 1,019 5,528 840 28,989 73 977 787 977 3,423 5,561 Attend 5,548 5,528 17 28,989 56 11 6 204 1,660 194 1,024 Attend 3 17 87 56 868 11 19 6 1,071 204 190 1,660 631 194 7 1,024 7 3 32 87 679 868 913 19 75 1,071 19 190* 631 932 7 932 7 71 32 729 679 50 913 2 75 15 19 118 117* 932 117 932 15 71 132 729 12 50 15 2 15 118 117 117 15 132 12 15 64 425 141 15 137 467 12,279 $ $ $ $ 938.10 355.00 1,700.00 1,195.00 900.00 96,591.91 938.10 355.00 1,700.00 1,195.00 Rental 900.00 1,700.00 96,591.91 1,950.00 16.25 1,300.00 200.00 700.00 Rental 1,700.00 1,950.00 1,400.00 1,300.00 16.25 500.00 1,300.00 200.00 200.00 700.00 900.00 -729.20 1,400.00 2,300.00 1,300.00 500.00 5,509.60 200.00 6,975.00 900.00 4,960.28 3,906.84 729.20 11,978.60 2,300.00 27,934.28 74,460.05 5,509.60 6,975.00 4,960.28 3,906.84 Rental 11,978.60 27,934.28 74,460.05 600.00 2,193.00 2,967.00 1,600.00 2,967.00 Rental 500.00 -600.00 4,510.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,595.00 2,193.00 524.00 2,967.00 4,595.00 1,600.00 2,967.00 1,000.00 500.00 873.50 -4,510.00 13,055.00 456.00 4,595.00 524.00 4,595.00 14,155.00 13,255.00 1,000.00 873.50 10,880.00 -13,055.00 456.00 1,850.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 14,155.00 2,500.00 13,255.00 318.00 10,880.00 1,850.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 318.00 - $ 1,143.50 14.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 93,151.00 $ 2012 3,468.98 704.03 891.74 4,920.28 45,134.12 3,468.98 704.03 Food & 891.74 Beverage 4,920.28 1,453.21 45,134.12 10.12 3,004.63 361.50 22.56 Food 616.13 & Beverage 697.50 1,453.21 457.25 10.12 3,004.63 46.83 361.50 180.38 22.56 189.94 616.13 1,102.92 -697.50 115.74 457.25 55.70 231.49 46.83 8,106.02 -180.38 7,532.75 189.94 142.59 1,102.92 5,685.03 1,608.99 115.74 11,075.20 55.70 9,857.84 231.49 12,443.52 8,106.02 64,997.83 7,532.75 142.59 5,685.03 1,608.99 11,075.20 Food & 9,857.84 Beverage 12,443.52 64,997.83 428.76 19.93 1,368.72 2,330.80 Food & 1,054.12 Beverage 17.44 -428.76 788.36 19.36 810.67 19.93 1,670.09 1,368.72 768.90 2,330.80 1,054.12 17.44 1,312.74 788.36 6,070.55 19.36 1,424.79 810.67 201.83 1,670.09 73.60 768.90 7,228.48 6,597.67 598.69 927.27 1,312.74 557.11 6,070.55 1,424.79 201.83 130.93 73.60 108.85 7,228.48 65.32 6,597.67 598.69 1,396.67 927.27 557.11 29.44 130.93 108.85 65.32 1,396.67 29.44 437.60 29.44 1,402.78 29.44 44.16 37,944.51 $ $ $ $ $ 1,152.00 245.00 472.00 153.00 950.08 1,227.08 66,980.09 1,152.00 245.00 472.00 153.00 Other950.08 1,227.08 1,418.05 66,980.09 324.00 1,333.63 382.00 373.00 125.00 18.00 Other281.00 51.86 1,418.05 143.86 324.00 562.00 1,333.63 474.20 382.00 285.00 373.00 18.00 125.00 52.00 18.00 281.00 1,074.08 51.86 143.86 179.00 562.00 1,013.00 474.20 5,035.69 285.00 400.65 18.00 5,220.87 52.00 3,951.15 3,458.36 1,074.08 3,219.15 1,468.25 179.00 1,004.15 1,013.00 21,312.15 5,035.69 53,178.10 400.65 5,220.87 3,951.15 3,458.36 3,219.15 1,468.25 Other 1,004.15 21,312.15 53,178.10 552.00 823.00 947.00 1,023.00 950.08 1,046.00 Other 134.00 1,817.21 552.00 1,437.02 -823.00 1,633.00 947.00 1,451.00 1,023.00 1,983.00 950.08 1,655.60 1,046.00 597.00 134.00 2,735.00 1,817.21 1,860.00 1,437.02 5,670.00 276.00 1,633.00 92.00 1,451.00 1,983.00 4,604.50 1,655.60 4,595.00 597.00 281.00 2,735.00 2,430.00 1,860.00 281.00 5,670.00 482.98 276.00 427.00 92.00 685.00 685.00 4,604.50 2,138.55 4,595.00 281.00 276.00 2,430.00 281.00 285.00 482.98 427.00 685.00 685.00 2,138.55 276.00 285.00 (153.92) 385.00 272.00 285.00 6,557.25 100.00 51,298.27 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,559.08 600.00 2,876.03 1,348.00 2,741.82 6,147.36 208,706.12 5,559.08 600.00 2,876.03 1,348.00 Total 2,741.82 6,147.36 4,571.26 208,706.12 2,284.12 4,338.26 759.75 1,673.00 347.56 634.13 Total 981.00 749.36 4,571.26 601.11 2,284.12 1,962.00 4,338.26 1,821.03 759.75 785.00 1,673.00 198.38 347.56 441.94 634.13 1,102.92 981.00 1,974.08 749.36 115.74 601.11 963.90 1,962.00 3,544.49 1,821.03 13,141.71 785.00 400.65 198.38 18,263.22 441.94 4,093.74 1,102.92 16,118.39 1,974.08 9,788.42 115.74 16,450.29 963.90 22,840.59 3,544.49 61,689.95 13,141.71 192,635.98 400.65 18,263.22 4,093.74 16,118.39 9,788.42 16,450.29 Total 22,840.59 61,689.95 192,635.98 1,580.76 823.00 3,159.93 5,358.72 4,880.88 5,067.12 Total 651.44 1,817.21 1,580.76 6,735.38 19.36 823.00 7,038.67 3,159.93 3,645.09 5,358.72 7,346.90 4,880.88 1,655.60 5,067.12 1,597.00 651.44 3,608.50 1,817.21 3,172.74 6,735.38 24,795.55 19.36 2,156.79 7,038.67 293.83 3,645.09 73.60 7,346.90 25,987.98 1,655.60 24,447.67 1,597.00 879.69 3,608.50 14,237.27 3,172.74 838.11 24,795.55 482.98 2,156.79 2,277.00 293.83 3,315.93 73.60 3,293.85 25,987.98 4,703.87 24,447.67 879.69 1,990.67 14,237.27 838.11 314.44 482.98 2,277.00 3,315.93 3,293.85 4,703.87 1,990.67 314.44 283.68 414.44 2,818.28 328.44 7,801.41 2,500.00 182,393.78 AUGUST 94 Date Event 3-Aug 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion 4-Aug 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion 4-Aug Haas - Nichols Wedding Reception Rooms Ball A-C, 3 Lobby Hall BC, Ball A-C, Lobby Bay AB, 2 MR, Lobby, RD Hall Ball 2 Bay 3 3 Mtg 2 Lob 2 3 1 1 Out Attend 1 1,450 2,658 156 Rental 900.00 $ Food & Beverage 375.90 18,614.51 1,702.39 Other 1,687.00 2,411.00 950.08 Total $ 2,062.90 21,025.51 3,552.47 2012 year end report Activity By Month 27-Jul 28-Jul 29-Jul 29-Jul 30-Jul 31-Jul Conley-Bagge Steubenville Northwest 34th Annual Royal Fireworks Festival Steubenville Northwest WSNA 2012 Annual State Conference MI WSNA 2012 Annual State Conference Total August 2012 Ball C, 2 MR, RD Bay AB 1 MR, Lob, RD Bay A Hall A Hall AD 1 2 28 27-Jul 28-Jul 29-Jul 29-Jul Date 30-Jul 31-Jul 3-Aug 4-Aug 4-Aug 4-Aug 5-Aug 10-Aug 11-Aug 12-Aug Date 14-Aug 15-Aug 3-Aug 15-Aug 4-Aug 16-Aug 4-Aug 17-Aug 4-Aug 17-Aug 5-Aug 18-Aug 10-Aug 20-Aug 11-Aug 21-Aug 12-Aug 21-Aug 14-Aug 22-Aug 15-Aug Conley-Bagge Ball C, 2 MR, RD Steubenville Northwest Bay AB 34th Annual Royal Fireworks Festival 1 MR, Lob, RD Steubenville Northwest Bay A Event Rooms Hall WSNA 2012 Annual State Conference MI Hall A 1 WSNA 2012 Annual State Conference Hall AD 3 Lobby 2 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Ball A-C, TotalWolgamott Family Reunion 28 2012 Hall BC, Ball A-C, Lobby 2 Haas - Nichols Wedding Reception Bay AB, 2 MR, Lobby, RD Lia Sophia 2 MR 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Hall BC, Ball A, 2 MR, Lobby, RD 2 Moody-Nightser Bay AB, Lobby Jensen-Williams Wedding Reception Bay A, 2 MR, Lobby, RD Ramm - Fiske Wedding and Reception Bay AB, 2 MR, Lobby, RD Event Rooms Hall Northern Capital Management, Inc. 1 MR, Lobby, RD Sterling Education Services, Inc. Employment Law Update 1 MRA-C, 3 Lobby 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Ball Roof Deck Rendezvous Bay A, 1 MR, Lobby, RD 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Hall BC, Ball A-C, Lobby 2 Inland Business Travel Assoc Auction Meeting/Membership 1 MR, Lobby, RD Haas - NW Nichols Wedding Reception Bay AB, 2Reception MR,Prom, Lobby, RD VanDitto - Lasley Wedding and Reception 4 Lia Sophia 2 MR MR WCE "War HorseFamily -Meet Reunion Joey" Event Ball Lobby 2012 Wolgamott Hall A, BC,2 Ball A, 2 MR, Lobby, RD 2 Combo-Doud Wedding and Reception Ball MR, Lobby, RD Moody-Nightser Bay A, AB,2 Lobby URM Candy and Wedding General Merchandise Hall BC2 MR, Lobby, RD 2 Jensen-Williams Reception Show Bay A, URM and Generaland Merchandise Hall BC 2 MR, Lobby, RD 2 RammCandy - Fiske Wedding Reception Show Bay AB, World Wide Dreambuilders Second Ball A Lobby, RD Northern Capital Management, Inc. Look Meeting 1 MR, URM Candy and General Merchandise Show Hall BC 2 Sterling Education Services, Inc. Employment Law Update 1 MR TotalDeck Rendezvous 10 15-Aug Roof Bay A, 1 MR, Lobby, RD 16-Aug Inland NW Business Travel Assoc Auction Meeting/Membership 1 MR, Lobby, Reception Prom, RD 17-Aug VanDitto - Lasley Wedding and Reception 4 MR 17-Aug WCE "War Horse -Meet Joey" Event Ball A, 2 Lobby 18-Aug Combo-Doud Wedding and Reception Ball A, 2 MR, Lobby, RD 20-Aug URM Candy and General Merchandise Show Hall BC 2 21-Aug URM Candy and General Merchandise Show Hall BC Date Event Rooms Hall 2 21-Aug World Wide Dreambuilders Second Look Meeting Ball A 22-Aug URM Candy Wedding and General Merchandise Show Hall BC, BC 2 MR, Lob, RD 2 2-Sep Riley-Harse Ceremony and Reception Bay Total 10 2-Sep Spokane Christian Church 10th Anniversary CelebrationBay A, 3 MR, Lob 2-Sep Crown West Realty Dinner with Friends 1 MR, Lob 2-Sep Dodd-Sellers Wedding Ceremony 2 MR 5-Sep Visit Spokane The Big Meeting Bay A-C 6-Sep Visit Spokane The Big Meeting Bay A-C 7-Sep Lilac City Rollergirls Hall A 1 7-Sep Degenstein - Sanson Wedding Ceremony & Reception Bay AB, 2 MR, RD Date Event Rooms Hall 2 8-Sep Lilac City Rollergirls Hall AD 9-Sep Riley-Harse Jensen Marketplace Hall BC, A-D 2 MR, Lob, RD 4 2-Sep WeddingMI Ceremony and Reception Bay 9-Sep Spokane Miller - Chak Wedding Ceremony & Reception 3 ay MR, RDLob 2-Sep Christian Church 10th Anniversary CelebrationB A,Lob, 3 MR, 10-Sep Jensen Marketplace MI Hall A-D 4 2-Sep Crown West Realty Dinner with Friends 1 MR, Lob 11-Sep Jensen Marketplace MICeremony Hall 4 2-Sep Dodd-Sellers Wedding 2 MRA-D, CT, 3 MR 11-Sep Greater Spokane Incorporated Annual Meeting Ball A-C 5-Sep Visit Spokane The Big Meeting Bay A-C 12-Sep Jensen Marketplace Hall A-C A-D, CT, 3 MR 4 6-Sep Visit Spokane The Big Meeting Bay 12-Sep Greater Incorporated Annual Meeting Ball A-C, MR 7-Sep Lilac CitySpokane Rollergirls Hall A 1 12-Sep The Governor's 7th Annual Aerospace Summit - Refueling Bay Washington's AB, 2 5 MR, MR RDEconomy 7-Sep Degenstein - Sanson Wedding Ceremony & Reception Bay AB, 12-Sep Department of Ecology 3 MR, Lob 8-Sep Lilac City Rollergirls Hall AD 2 13-Sep Jensen Marketplace Marketplace MI Hall A-D A-D 4 9-Sep Jensen Hall 4 13-Sep 7th Annual Aerospace Summit - Refueling Bay Washington's ABLob, RD Economy 9-Sep The MillerGovernor's - Chak Wedding Ceremony & Reception 3 MR, 14-Sep Jensen Jensen Marketplace Marketplace MI Hall A-D A-D 4 10-Sep Hall 4 14-Sep Jensen Watts-Hopkins Wedding Bay A 11-Sep Marketplace MI Reception Hall A-D, CT, 3 MR 4 14-Sep Greater Pierce - Spokane Perez Wedding Reception Bay A-C C, 2 MR, Lob, RD 11-Sep Incorporated Annual Meeting Ball 15-Sep Jensen World Wide Dreambuilders Ball A 12-Sep Marketplace Hall A-D, CT, 3 MR 4 15-Sep Greater Fleming Spokane - Lee Wedding Ceremony & Reception Bay A-C, AB, 2MR MR, Lob, RD 12-Sep Incorporated Annual Meeting Ball 17-Sep The Sustainable Resources INWAerospace Summit - Refueling 3 MR, Lob 12-Sep Governor's 7th Annual Bay Washington's AB, 5 MR Economy 18-Sep Department Thrivent Financial Services for Lutherans Bay A,Lob CT, MR, Lob, 2 RD 12-Sep of Ecology 3 MR, 20-Sep Jensen The NEED Project 2 MRA-D 13-Sep Marketplace Hall 4 20-Sep The BOMA 100 Year7th Anniversary Celebration Bay Washington's A, 2 MR, Lob,Economy 2 RD 13-Sep Governor's Annual Aerospace Summit - Refueling Bay AB 21-Sep Jensen Healing Marketplace Rooms Spiritual Hunger Ball A-C, 14-Sep Hall A-D 2 Lob 4 21-Sep Watts-Hopkins Carrington College Graduation Bay A A-C, Lob 14-Sep Wedding Reception Bay 21-Sep Pierce Graham- Perez - Hardin Reception 6 MR, RDLob, RD 14-Sep Wedding Reception Bay C,Lob, 2 MR, 22-Sep World HealingWide Rooms Spiritual Hunger Ball A A-C, 2 Lob 15-Sep Dreambuilders Ball 24-Sep Fleming Guest Services TrainingCeremony & Reception Ball AB, 5 MR 15-Sep - Lee Wedding Bay AB, CT, 2 MR, Lob, RD 24-Sep Sustainable Guest Services TrainingINW Ball AB, CT, 5 MR 17-Sep Resources 3 MR, Lob 25-Sep Thrivent Governor's Industrial Health for & Safety Conference Ball ABD, Lob 18-Sep Financial Services Lutherans Bay A, CT,CT, MR,MR, Lob, 2 RD 25-Sep Health Assn. Spokane Ball 20-Sep Community The NEED Project 2 MRBC 25-Sep of W 100 - AnYear Introduction to Process Safety Management 5 MR (PSM) 20-Sep U BOMA Anniversary Celebration Bay A, 2 MR, Lob, 2 RD 26-Sep Industrial Health & Safety Conference Hall ABD,2Ball 21-Sep Governor's Healing Rooms Spiritual Hunger Ball A-C, LobBC, Bay A-C, 13 MR,3Lob 26-Sep of Sharing MR 21-Sep Tree Carrington College Graduation Bay A-C, Lob 27-Sep Governor's Industrial Health & Safety Conference Hall ABD, Ball 21-Sep Graham - Hardin Reception 6 MR, Lob, RDA-C, Bay A-C, 14 MR3 28-Sep Festival Hall A 1 22-Sep Bridal Healing Rooms Spiritual Hunger Ball A-C, 2 Lob 28-Sep Barbershop Harmony 2012 Evergreen District Convention/Competition Bay A-C,CT, CT 5 MR 24-Sep Guest Services Training Ball AB, 29-Sep Hall A CT, 5 MR 1 24-Sep Bridal Guest Festival Services Training Ball AB, 29-Sep Harmony Health 2012 Evergreen District Convention/Competition Bay A-C CT, MR, Lob 25-Sep Barbershop Governor's Industrial & Safety Conference Ball ABD, 29-Sep Vocal Project/NW Sound 2 MRBC 25-Sep NW Community Health Assn. Spokane Ball 30-Sep Sustainable Preparedness Expo Hall BC, Lob 2 25-Sep U of W - An Introduction to Process Safety Management 5 MR (PSM) September 2012 26-Sep 26-Sep 27-Sep 28-Sep 28-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 29-Sep 30-Sep Governor's Industrial Health & Safety Conference Hall ABD, Ball BC, Bay A-C, 13 MR,3Lob Tree of Sharing MR Governor's Industrial Health & Safety Conference Hall ABD, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 14 MR3 Bridal Festival Hall A 1 Barbershop Harmony 2012 Evergreen District Convention/Competition Bay A-C, CT Bridal Festival Hall A 1 Barbershop Harmony 2012 Evergreen District Convention/Competition Bay A-C NW Vocal Project/NW Sound 2 MR Sustainable Preparedness Expo Hall BC, Lob 2 Total 37 1 2 2 1 1 124 23 19 1 1 1 23 1 26 2 AUGUST 2 Bay 1 Ball 3 23 3 1 Ball 3 3 1 1 1 1 Mtg Lob 124 2 2 2 AUGUST 2 1 2 2 2 Bay Mtg 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 10 Ball 1 1 3 23 1 1 26 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 Out 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 1 2 8 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 20 1 1 4 2 Bay Mtg 2 8 1 Lob 2 20 3 1 2 19 1 1 1 1 1 Lob1 SEPTEMBER 10 Out 1 1 1 Out 1 16 1 1 1 8 3 SEPTEMBER 3 Ball Bay 2 Mtg 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 3 5 2 3 2 2 1 1 6 2 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 6 2 6 3 2 2 2 5 2 13 1 14 6 3 1 6 6 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 5 13 1 14 3 1 3 30 1 4 1 5 2 3 1 4 2 2 3 Out 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 Lob 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 33 2 99 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 19 10 64 425 141 15 137 467 12,279 64 425 141 Attend15 137 467 1,450 12,279 2,658 156 68 1,850 133 125 105 Attend 173 14 1,450 138 2,658 21 156 47 68 161 1,850 134 133 47 125 73 105 349 173 423 14 8,125 138 21 47 161 134 47 Attend73 349 423 140 8,125 379 16 32 25 252 35 144 Attend 607 25 140 137 379 50 16 66 32 5 25 650 252 1,110 35 155 144 41 607 727 25 167 137 354 50 162 66 162 5 620 650 170 1,110 39 155 117 41 48 727 82 167 858 354 519 162 76 162 864 620 161 170 273 39 133 117 334 48 52 82 850 858 66 519 850 76 135 864 695 161 1,050 273 1,266 133 334* 1,591 52 850 66 850 135 695 1,050 1,266 * 1,591 16,290 - $ 1,143.50 14.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 93,151.00 $ - $ $ $ $ 1,143.50 Rental14.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 93,151.00 900.00 790.00 (803.92) 700.00 1,600.00 1,229.50 Rental 861.92 200.00 -900.00 565.41 790.00 (803.92) 900.55 700.00 2,000.00 1,600.00 2,000.00 1,229.50 900.00 861.92 1,900.00 200.00 13,743.46 565.41 900.55 2,000.00 2,000.00 Rental 900.00 1,900.00 439.95 13,743.46 660.00 100.00 1,175.00 900.00 Rental 2,000.00 439.95 900.00 660.00 2,000.00 100.00 -2,502.05 765.00 1,175.00 56.60 900.00 300.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 900.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 -900.00 1,299.55 2,502.05 1,600.00 765.00 56.60 400.00 300.00 520.00 8,000.00 700.00 6,900.00 8,000.00 1,600.00 900.00 900.00 3,900.00 1,299.55 1,600.00 -1,950.00 400.00 662.39 520.00 425.00 700.00 12,725.00 6,900.00 770.00 1,600.00 10,594.00 900.00 1,000.00 3,900.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 1,950.00 210.00 662.39 1,800.00 425.00 12,725.00 770.00 10,594.00 1,000.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 210.00 1,800.00 83,254.54 $ $ $ $ 437.60 29.44 1,402.78 29.44 44.16 37,944.51 437.60 29.44 1,402.78 Food & 29.44 44.16 Beverage 375.90 37,944.51 18,614.51 1,702.39 6,192.64 1,210.93 1,073.64 Food 832.41 & 1,285.06 Beverage 21.16 375.90 1,336.15 18,614.51 166.85 1,702.39 140.72 81.42 6,192.64 1,533.98 1,210.93 1,073.64 0.85 832.41 1,285.06 2,300.00 21.16 36,868.61 1,336.15 166.85 140.72 81.42 1,533.98 Food &0.85 Beverage2,300.00 $ 1,330.01 $ 36,868.61 36.00 200.16 955.79 Food & 1,622.83 863.38 Beverage $ 1,330.01 513.15 36.00 200.16 739.06 4,829.08 5,635.59 955.79 -847.49 1,622.83 76.13 863.38 9,772.70 1,290.87 513.15 4,929.59 768.13 739.06 860.38 4,829.08 5,635.59 1,479.65 125.85 847.49 478.27 76.13 413.99 9,772.70 1,129.47 1,290.87 4,929.59 156.74 768.13 554.16 860.38 377.11 1,479.65 125.85 478.27 2,885.87 413.99 367.08 1,129.47 1,103.49 14.08 156.74 2,053.13 554.16 377.11 161.53 559.20 433.46 2,885.87 879.17 367.08 $ 1,103.49 14.08 2,053.13 161.53 559.20 433.46 879.17 48,442.59 $ $ $ $ $ (153.92) 385.00 272.00 285.00 6,557.25 100.00 51,298.27 $ (153.92) 385.00 272.00 285.00 Other 6,557.25 100.00 1,687.00 51,298.27 2,411.00 950.08 212.00 1,331.00 699.90 1,104.00 1,732.08 Other272.00 125.00 1,687.00 2,411.00 950.08 533.91 212.00 354.00 1,331.00 950.08 699.90 745.00 1,104.00 1,595.75 1,732.08 478.20 272.00 1,343.00 125.00 16,524.00 533.91 354.00 950.08 745.00 1,595.75 Other 478.20 1,343.00 950.08 16,524.00 1,153.38 38.00 74.00 828.00 1,867.60 950.08 Other 248.00 950.08 950.08 1,153.38 9,976.20 2,220.00 38.00 74.00 3,127.50 828.00 2,275.00 1,867.60 1,374.00 950.08 341.00 2,443.00 248.00 386.00 950.08 2,821.00 9,976.20 782.00 2,220.00 950.08 474.20 3,127.50 950.08 2,275.00 1,374.00 152.00 341.00 240.00 2,443.00 513.00 386.00 1,934.50 2,821.00 1,602.00 782.00 1,055.87 950.08 1,428.50 474.20 950.08 -2,804.61 152.00 1,468.50 240.00 382.00 513.00 5,515.20 1,934.50 423.00 1,602.00 4,593.60 1,055.87 575.00 1,428.50 2,420.55 3,876.50 1,033.99 2,804.61 1,468.50 3,391.20 382.00 5,515.20 423.00 4,593.60 575.00 2,420.55 3,876.50 1,033.99 3,391.20 68,589.30 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 283.68 414.44 2,818.28 328.44 7,801.41 2,500.00 182,393.78 283.68 414.44 2,818.28 328.44 Total 7,801.41 2,500.00 2,062.90 182,393.78 21,025.51 3,552.47 1,002.00 6,719.72 2,610.83 3,777.64 3,793.99 Total 2,418.98 346.16 2,062.90 1,336.15 21,025.51 166.85 3,552.47 1,240.04 1,002.00 435.42 6,719.72 3,384.61 2,610.83 2,745.00 3,777.64 3,596.60 3,793.99 1,378.20 2,418.98 5,543.00 346.16 67,136.07 1,336.15 166.85 1,240.04 435.42 3,384.61 2,745.00 3,596.60 Total 1,378.20 5,543.00 2,720.04 67,136.07 1,849.38 200.16 138.00 74.00 1,783.79 3,042.60 3,472.91 Total 863.38 2,248.00 2,720.04 2,363.23 1,849.38 11,976.20 200.16 2,959.06 138.00 4,829.08 74.00 11,265.14 1,783.79 3,040.00 3,042.60 2,278.09 3,472.91 717.13 863.38 20,215.70 2,248.00 1,676.87 2,363.23 15,750.59 11,976.20 1,550.13 2,959.06 2,710.46 4,829.08 1,773.75 11,265.14 4,029.73 3,040.00 125.85 2,278.09 1,030.27 717.13 1,173.99 20,215.70 2,342.47 1,676.87 8,834.50 15,750.59 3,358.74 1,550.13 2,510.03 2,710.46 5,705.61 1,773.75 4,029.73 125.85 4,754.61 1,030.27 5,016.76 1,173.99 1,174.08 2,342.47 19,343.69 8,834.50 1,207.08 3,358.74 17,240.73 2,510.03 1,575.00 5,705.61 4,682.08 6,835.70 3,567.45 4,754.61 210.00 5,016.76 6,070.37 1,174.08 19,343.69 1,207.08 17,240.73 1,575.00 4,682.08 6,835.70 3,567.45 210.00 6,070.37 200,286.43 OCTOBER Date 1-Oct 2-Oct 3-Oct 4-Oct 5-Oct 6-Oct 9-Oct 10-Oct Event Rooms Red Lion Hotel Corporation Executive Meeting 2 MR WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition Ball A-C, 4 MR WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition Ball A-C, Bay A, 1 MR, 2 Lob WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition Ball A-C, CT, 5 MR, 2 Lob WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition Bay AB, 3 MR, 2 Lob Carpenter - Himmerich Wedding Ceremony & Reception Hall D Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane Plaza Wells Fargo Home Mortgage - Center Stage Ball A, Lob Hall Ball Bay 3 3 3 1 1 Mtg 1 2 Lob 2 4 1 6 3 Out Attend 2 2 2 1 1 12 268 383 383 97 154 75 106 Rental 104.20 735.00 2,851.57 1,854.00 2,400.00 500.00 715.57 $ Food & Beverage 149.27 1,845.98 7,785.38 4,225.15 1,612.76 1,593.09 797.07 Other 244.00 2,493.75 1,177.00 910.00 970.00 764.78 970.00 Total $ 497.47 5,074.73 8,962.38 7,986.72 4,436.76 4,757.87 500.00 2,482.64 95 year end report 2012 Activity By Month October 2012 Total 37 30 33 99 19 10 16,290 $ 83,254.54 $ 48,442.59 $ 68,589.30 $ 200,286.43 OCTOBER Date 1-Oct 2-Oct 3-Oct 4-Oct 5-Oct 6-Oct 9-Oct 10-Oct 10-Oct 11-Oct 11-Oct 11-Oct 12-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 14-Oct 14-Oct 14-Oct 15-Oct 15-Oct 15-Oct 16-Oct 16-Oct 17-Oct 17-Oct 17-Oct 17-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct 22-Oct 22-Oct 22-Oct 23-Oct 24-Oct 25-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 27-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct 28-Oct 29-Oct 29-Oct 30-Oct 31-Oct Event Rooms Hall Ball Red Lion Hotel Corporation Executive Meeting 2 MR WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition Ball A-C, 4 MR WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition Ball A-C, Bay A, 1 MR, 2 Lob WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition Ball A-C, CT, 5 MR, 2 Lob WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition Bay AB, 3 MR, 2 Lob Carpenter - Himmerich Wedding Ceremony & Reception Hall D 1 Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane Plaza Wells Fargo Home Mortgage - Center Stage Ball A, Lob WSU Pharmacy Career Day Bay A-C, 3 MR, 3 Lob Bank of America Bay A EWGA - Spokane Year End Party 2 Lob Women's Council of Realtors 1 MR Bank of America Bay A Bank of America Bay A Haase Myotherapy Seminar 3 MR GE Digital Energy Meeting RD Haase Myotherapy Seminar 3 MR Schweitzer Engineering Labs Ball B, 2 MR Design Build Institute of America Bay C, 1 MR GE Digital Energy Meeting 3 MR Schweitzer Engineering Labs Ball AB, Bay AB, 3 MR, Lob Western Protective Relay Ball A-C, CT, 1 MR, Lob Whitworth University President's Leadership Forum Hall D, Prom 1 Visit Spokane Training Session for National Preservation 1 MR Conference Volunteers Better Business Bureau Centennial Celebration Bay AB, 4 MR Inland Northwest Bank Dinner with Friends 3 MR, Lob Western Protective Relay Ball A-C, CT, 2 MR, Lob 125th Anniversary All Class Reunion Celebration Hall B-D, Lob 3 Armando Montelongo 1 MR Western Protective Relay Ball A-C, CT, 1 MR, Lob 125th Anniversary All Class Reunion Celebration Hall B-D, Lob 3 Pumpkin Ball Ball A-C, Lob Pumpkin Ball Ball A-C, 3 MR, Lob Pumpkin Ball Ball A-C Citywide Pre-Conference Meeting - Society of American3 Foresters MR Society of American Foresters National Convention Hall AB, 1 MR 2 Southern Wine and Spirit Show Bay A-C Society of American Foresters National Convention Hall A-C, Bay A, 2 MR, Lob 3 Society of American Foresters National Convention Hall A-C, Bay A-C, 8 MR, Lob 3 Society of American Foresters National Convention Hall A-D, Bay A-C, 17 MR, Lob 4 YWCA Women of Achievement Luncheon Ball A-C, Bay C NCEES Exams Bay A-C Society of American Foresters National Convention Hall ABD, Ball AB, 17 MR, Lob 3 NCEES Exams Bay AB, 2 MR Northwest Christian Schools Ball A-C, 2 MR Society of American Foresters National Convention CT, 16 MR, 2 Lob National Preservation Conference 1 MR NCEES Exams 1 MR Citywide Pre-Conference Meeting - National Preservation 1 MR Conference National Preservation Conference 3 MR National Preservation Conference Ball A-C, Lob National Preservation Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 15 MR, Lob Total 23 Bay 3 3 3 Mtg 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 1 4 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 45 3 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 Attend 2 3 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 1 3 3 1 3 Out 3 1 2 3 2 4 1 6 3 1 1 1 1 Lob 3 1 2 8 17 1 1 1 17 2 2 17 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 30 16 145 2 12 268 383 383 97 154 75 106 229 48 133 39 56 27 7 27 23 62 16 281 543 628 32 285 44 543 14 37 543 1,706 15 426 5 22 25 520 225 1,493 1,500 690 94 1,500 74 708 650 2 4 44 14 192 615 15,619 Rental 104.20 735.00 2,851.57 1,854.00 2,400.00 500.00 715.57 1,330.74 700.00 450.00 626.50 700.00 355.00 1,195.00 900.00 100.55 516.00 2,027.30 402.50 244.00 340.00 4,350.00 395.00 4,250.00 750.00 783.07 $ 789.00 510.00 9,815.00 4,404.90 1,846.35 1,400.00 13,230.00 1,600.00 4,100.00 6,306.00 200.00 6,126.44 79,903.69 $ $ Food & Beverage 149.27 1,845.98 7,785.38 4,225.15 1,612.76 1,593.09 797.07 867.26 423.45 780.99 146.22 138.58 235.29 233.91 4,213.60 3,929.72 2,572.32 1,074.66 659.76 3,317.64 44.16 2,623.55 8,972.49 12.88 6,806.71 2,010.20 103.04 6,024.81 3,575.86 3,325.11 6,347.29 2,393.38 809.58 151.51 247.09 654.02 80,703.77 Other $ 244.00 2,493.75 1,177.00 910.00 970.00 764.78 970.00 1,074.00 1,479.93 1,201.00 192.00 192.00 245.00 1,064.47 153.00 441.99 561.00 90.00 4,381.54 3,407.00 2,080.80 947.00 3,522.50 1,964.00 266.00 3,309.00 1,962.83 2,221.16 1,156.00 14,067.30 934.00 2,972.60 432.00 3,168.00 676.00 793.00 705.00 2,804.00 650.40 1,486.92 98.00 247.13 299.22 1,918.80 70,694.12 Total $ $ 497.47 5,074.73 8,962.38 7,986.72 4,436.76 4,757.87 500.00 2,482.64 3,272.00 2,179.93 423.45 2,431.99 964.72 1,030.58 600.00 1,064.47 1,348.00 1,341.99 896.84 839.91 10,622.44 7,739.22 4,897.12 2,361.66 659.76 11,190.14 1,964.00 705.16 10,182.55 10,935.32 2,984.04 8,745.78 14,067.30 3,733.20 3,585.64 16,271.81 7,980.76 8,339.46 2,076.00 20,370.29 2,305.00 9,297.38 7,765.98 1,486.92 298.00 398.64 546.31 8,699.26 231,301.58 NOVEMBER Date 1-Nov 2-Nov 3-Nov 5-Nov 6-Nov 6-Nov 7-Nov 7-Nov 8-Nov 8-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 10-Nov 11-Nov 13-Nov 13-Nov 14-Nov 14-Nov 15-Nov 96 Event Rooms Hall Ball National Preservation Conference Hall AD, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 15 MR, 2 Lob National Preservation Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 15 MR, Lob National Preservation Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 15 MR, Lob Spokane National College Fair Hall A 1 Spokane National College Fair Hall AD, CT, 6 MR 2 Greater Spokane Inc 15th Annual Economic Forecast MI Ball BC Epicurean Delight DI Hall AB 2 Greater Spokane Inc 15th Annual Economic Forecast Ball BC, Lob Epicurean Delight Hall AB 2 Snowlander Expo Ball A-C, Lob Epicurean Delight Hall AB, Prom 2 Snowlander Expo Ball A-C, 2 Lob Whitworth University Pirate Auction Bay A-C, Lob Snowlander Expo Ball A-C, Bay AB, MR, 2 Lob Logan Magazine - Logan's Winter Wishes Fashion Show Bay A-C WSSDA 2012 Conference MR T.R. Reid Presentation Ball AB WSSDA 2012 Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, MR, Lob Dealers Auto Auction Northwest Hall D, Prom 1 WSSDA 2012 Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 19 MR, 3 Lob Bay 3 3 3 Mtg 3 3 3 Lob 16 16 16 1 1 1 7 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 3 3 19 1 1 3 Out Attend 930 598 425 32 4,240 9 18 699 10 23 1,500 505 364 1,118 236 23 732 150 330 1,070 Rental 13,100.00 10,700.00 8,750.00 1,000.00 4,250.00 309.37 615.00 2,155.20 5,100.00 4,203.00 346.07 4,623.00 685.00 1,447.82 2,862.20 4,723.00 $ Food & Beverage 1,608.38 1,524.52 129.95 886.56 2,285.63 500.89 3,471.26 1,290.61 828.00 884.93 14.18 5,239.51 6,596.55 Other 3,938.22 3,605.72 2,159.50 575.00 1,432.80 4,457.35 1,896.00 230.00 4,492.20 5,078.47 554.50 1,537.28 1,149.00 2,723.44 1,672.50 1,607.51 6,056.00 Total $ 18,646.60 15,830.24 11,039.45 1,575.00 6,569.36 4,457.35 4,491.00 845.00 6,647.40 10,178.47 4,703.89 4,371.83 5,913.61 3,050.28 1,149.00 5,056.19 4,548.88 6,847.02 17,375.55 18-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct 22-Oct 22-Oct 22-Oct 23-Oct 24-Oct 25-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 27-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct 28-Oct 29-Oct 29-Oct 30-Oct 31-Oct 125th Anniversary All Class Reunion Celebration Hall B-D, Lob 3 Armando Montelongo 1 MR Western Protective Relay Ball A-C, CT, 1 MR, Lob 125th Anniversary All Class Reunion Celebration Hall B-D, Lob 3 Pumpkin Ball Ball A-C, Lob Pumpkin Ball Ball A-C, 3 MR, Lob Pumpkin Ball Ball A-C Citywide Pre-Conference Meeting - Society of American3 Foresters MR Society of American Foresters National Convention Hall AB, 1 MR 2 Southern Wine and Spirit Show Bay A-C Society of American Foresters National Convention Hall A-C, Bay A, 2 MR, Lob 3 Society of American Foresters National Convention Hall A-C, Bay A-C, 8 MR, Lob 3 Society of American Foresters National Convention Hall A-D, Bay A-C, 17 MR, Lob 4 YWCA Women of Achievement Luncheon Ball A-C, Bay C NCEES Exams Bay A-C Society of American Foresters National Convention Hall ABD, Ball AB, 17 MR, Lob 3 NCEES Exams Bay AB, 2 MR Northwest Christian Schools Ball A-C, 2 MR Society of American Foresters National Convention CT, 16 MR, 2 Lob National Preservation Conference 1 MR NCEES Exams 1 MR Citywide Pre-Conference Meeting - National Preservation 1 MR Conference National Preservation Conference 3 MR National Preservation Conference Ball A-C, Lob National Preservation Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 15 MR, Lob Total 23 2012 3 3 3 year end report November 2012 3 1 3 3 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 45 1 1 1 1 3 3 Activity By Month 1 1 2 3 3 33 3 1 2 8 17 1 1 1 17 2 2 17 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 30 16 145 2 14 37 543 1,706 15 426 5 22 25 520 225 1,493 1,500 690 94 1,500 74 708 650 2 4 44 14 192 615 15,619 395.00 4,250.00 750.00 783.07 $ 789.00 510.00 9,815.00 4,404.90 1,846.35 1,400.00 13,230.00 1,600.00 4,100.00 6,306.00 200.00 6,126.44 79,903.69 $ 44.16 2,623.55 8,972.49 12.88 6,806.71 2,010.20 103.04 6,024.81 3,575.86 3,325.11 6,347.29 2,393.38 809.58 151.51 247.09 654.02 80,703.77 $ 1,964.00 266.00 3,309.00 1,962.83 2,221.16 1,156.00 14,067.30 934.00 2,972.60 432.00 3,168.00 676.00 793.00 705.00 2,804.00 650.40 1,486.92 98.00 247.13 299.22 1,918.80 70,694.12 $ 1,964.00 705.16 10,182.55 10,935.32 2,984.04 8,745.78 14,067.30 3,733.20 3,585.64 16,271.81 7,980.76 8,339.46 2,076.00 20,370.29 2,305.00 9,297.38 7,765.98 1,486.92 298.00 398.64 546.31 8,699.26 231,301.58 NOVEMBER Date 1-Nov 2-Nov 3-Nov 5-Nov 6-Nov 6-Nov 7-Nov 7-Nov 8-Nov 8-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 10-Nov 11-Nov 13-Nov 13-Nov 14-Nov 14-Nov 15-Nov 16-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 19-Nov 19-Nov 20-Nov 21-Nov 28-Nov 16-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 19-Nov 19-Nov Date 20-Nov 21-Nov 1-Dec 28-Nov 1-Dec 2-Dec 3-Dec 4-Dec 5-Dec 5-Dec 6-Dec 6-Dec Date 7-Dec 1-Dec 7-Dec 1-Dec 8-Dec 2-Dec 12-Dec 3-Dec 13-Dec 4-Dec 14-Dec 5-Dec 14-Dec 5-Dec 15-Dec 6-Dec 15-Dec 6-Dec 31-Dec 7-Dec 7-Dec 8-Dec 12-Dec 13-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 15-Dec 15-Dec 31-Dec Event Rooms Hall Ball National Preservation Conference Hall AD, Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 15 MR, 2 Lob 3 National Preservation Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 15 MR, Lob 3 National Preservation Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, CT, 15 MR, Lob 3 Spokane National College Fair Hall A 1 Spokane National College Fair Hall AD, CT, 6 MR 2 Greater Spokane Inc 15th Annual Economic Forecast MI Ball BC 2 Epicurean Delight DI Hall AB 2 Greater Spokane Inc 15th Annual Economic Forecast Ball BC, Lob 2 Epicurean Delight Hall AB 2 Snowlander Expo Ball A-C, Lob 3 Epicurean Delight Hall AB, Prom 2 Snowlander Expo Ball A-C, 2 Lob 3 Whitworth University Pirate Auction Bay A-C, Lob Snowlander Expo Ball A-C, Bay AB, MR, 2 Lob 3 Logan Magazine - Logan's Winter Wishes Fashion Show Bay A-C WSSDA 2012 Conference MR T.R. Reid Presentation Ball AB 2 WSSDA 2012 Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, MR, Lob 3 Dealers Auto Auction Northwest Hall D, Prom 1 WSSDA 2012 Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 19 MR, 3 Lob 3 WSSDA 2012 Conference Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 19 MR, 3 Lob 3 WSSDA 2012 Conference Ball A-C, 7 MR, 3 Lob 3 World Wide Dreambuilders Bay AB Festival of the Arts Bay AC Sustainable Resources INW 2 MR, Lob Festival of the Arts Bay AC, CT Union Gospel Mission City-Wide Thanksgiving Dinner Ball A-C, 3 MR 3 SPFD Employee Meeting 2 MR Total 12 39 WSSDA 2012 Conference WSSDA 2012 Conference World Wide Dreambuilders Festival of the Arts Sustainable Resources INW Event of the Arts Festival Union Gospel Mission City-Wide Thanksgiving Dinner Scafco Holiday Party SPFD Employee Meeting The Exchange Club Annual Crab Feed and Auction Total NWMA 2012 Annual Convention NWMA 2012 Annual Convention NWMA 2012 Annual Convention NWMA 2012 Annual Convention National EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event NWMA 2012 Annual Convention National Event EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event NWMA 2012 Annual Convention Scafco Party NationalHoliday EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event The Exchange Club Annual Edward Jones Holiday PartyCrab Feed and Auction NWMA 2012 Annual Convention PFD Stakeholders and Community Meeting NWMAWarrior 2012 Annual Convention Winter Classic MI NWMAWarrior 2012 Annual Convention Winter Classic NWMAWilliams 2012 Annual Keller RealtyConvention Spokane National EWP Meetings/Cigar Scotch Client Event Inland Northwest Bank Holiday&Party NWMAWarrior 2012 Annual Convention Winter Classic National EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event First Night NWMA Total 2012 Annual Convention National EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event Edward Jones Holiday Party PFD Stakeholders and Community Meeting Winter Warrior Classic MI Total Jan-Dec Winter Warrior Classic Keller Williams Realty Spokane Inland Northwest Bank Holiday Party Winter Warrior Classic First Night Total December 2012 Total Jan-Dec Ball A-C, Bay A-C, 19 MR, 3 Lob 3 Ball A-C, 7 MR, 3 Lob 3 Bay AB Bay AC 2 MR, Lob Rooms Hall Ball Bay AC, CT Ball A-C, 3 MR 3 Hall D 1 2 MR Ball BC 2 12 39 Ball ABC, Bay ABC, CT, 5 MR, Lob 3 Ball ABC, Bay ABC, 14 MR, 2 Lob 3 Hall D, Ball ABC, Bay ABC, 14 MR, 12 Lob 3 Hall D, Ball ABC, Bay ABC, 18 MR, 12 Lob 3 MR Hall D, Ball ABC, Bay ABC, 18 MR, 12 Lob 3 MR Rooms Hall Ball Ball ABC, Bay ABC, 18 MR, 2 Lob 3 Hall 1 MR D Ball BCLob 2 3 MR, Ball ABC, Bay ABC, CT, 5 MR, Lob 3 MR Ball ABC, Bay ABC, 14 MR, 2 Lob 3 Hall A 1 Hall A-D D, Ball ABC, Bay ABC, 14 MR, 4 12 Lob 3 Hall Hall D,Lob Ball ABC, Bay ABC, 18 MR, 12 Lob 3 7 MR, MR A Ball 1 Hall A-C D, Ball ABC, Bay ABC, 18 MR, 3 12 Lob 3 Hall MR ABC, Bay A, CT, 5 MR, 5 Lob Ball 3 Ball ABC, Bay ABC, 18 MR, 2 Lob 12 3 24 MR 3 MR, Lob MR Hall A 1 372 311 Hall A-D 4 7 MR, Lob Ball A 1 Hall A-C 3 Ball ABC, Bay A, CT, 5 MR, 5 Lob 3 12 24 372 311 Bay Mtg 3 3 3 Lob 16 16 16 Out 1 1 1 7 1 3 2 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 19 19 7 2 2 2 32 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 111 1 23 19 7 3 3 DECEMBER 2 2 Bay 2 2 Mtg 1 1 Lob 3 2 32 111 23 3 6 1 3 14 2 3 14 2 DECEMBER 3 18 2 1 3 18 2 Bay Mtg 1 Lob 3 18 2 1 3 1 3 6 1 1 3 14 2 3 14 2 3 18 2 7 1 1 3 18 2 1 1 6 5 3 18 2 19 108 18 1 3 1 1 272 1,108 160 7 1 1 19 6 108 5 18 272 1,108 160 - Out - Out - 56 - 56 Attend 930 598 425 32 4,240 9 18 699 10 23 1,500 505 364 1,118 236 23 732 150 330 1,070 1,070 345 1,027 177 52 350 1,170 * 17,203 1,070 345 1,027 177 52 Attend 350 1,170 508 * 377 17,203 16 44 176 1,775 12 1,901 Attend12 2,074 508 12 377 70 16 87 44 26 176 576 1,775 82 12 166 1,901 1,435 12 9,496 2,074 18,845 12 70 87 26 284,556 576 82 166 1,435 9,496 18,845 284,556 Rental $ 13,100.00 10,700.00 8,750.00 1,000.00 4,250.00 309.37 615.00 2,155.20 5,100.00 4,203.00 346.07 4,623.00 685.00 1,447.82 2,862.20 4,723.00 11,937.20 4,348.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 2,050.00 1,300.00 87,304.86 $ 11,937.20 4,348.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 Rental 2,050.00 1,300.00 318.00 87,304.86 5,405.01 2,485.00 268.50 100.00 15,050.00 100.00 Rental 10,550.00 100.00 318.00 -5,405.01 2,485.00 268.50 100.00 15,050.00 5,767.00 100.00 6,426.45 10,550.00 46,569.96 100.00 935,532.20 5,767.00 6,426.45 46,569.96 $ 935,532.20 $ $ $ $ $ Food & Beverage 1,608.38 1,524.52 129.95 886.56 2,285.63 500.89 3,471.26 1,290.61 828.00 884.93 14.18 5,239.51 6,596.55 6,440.45 631.42 45.71 164.57 149.04 92.00 32,784.16 $ 6,440.45 631.42 45.71 Food 164.57 & 149.04 Beverage 5,810.99 92.00 3,665.15 32,784.16 9.20 447.35 3,346.87 13,029.82 11,960.43 Food & Beverage 4,978.17 5,810.99 3,665.15 756.94 9.20 447.35 3,346.87 481.74 13,029.82 1,122.43 1,414.04 11,960.43 2,865.58 1,895.34 4,978.17 51,784.05 756.94 584,180.19 481.74 1,122.43 1,414.04 2,865.58 1,895.34 51,784.05 $ 584,180.19 $ $ $ $ $ Other $ 3,938.22 3,605.72 2,159.50 575.00 1,432.80 4,457.35 1,896.00 230.00 4,492.20 5,078.47 554.50 1,537.28 1,149.00 2,723.44 1,672.50 1,607.51 6,056.00 5,727.00 2,584.75 662.38 707.00 650.00 1,042.00 54,538.62 $ 5,727.00 2,584.75 662.38 707.00 Other650.00 1,042.00 1,266.28 1,596.00 54,538.62 8,951.82 1,645.75 4,895.50 8,407.25 38.00 8,445.00 Other38.00 5,030.25 1,266.28 38.00 1,596.00 46.00 8,951.82 1,645.75 4,631.40 4,895.50 1,831.00 8,407.25 38.00 682.90 8,445.00 1,670.00 38.00 3,720.97 5,030.25 52,934.12 38.00 46.00 4,631.40 716,070.94 1,831.00 682.90 1,670.00 3,720.97 52,934.12 $ 716,070.94 $ $ $ Total $ $ 18,646.60 15,830.24 11,039.45 1,575.00 6,569.36 4,457.35 4,491.00 845.00 6,647.40 10,178.47 4,703.89 4,371.83 5,913.61 3,050.28 1,149.00 5,056.19 4,548.88 6,847.02 17,375.55 24,104.65 7,564.17 2,108.09 2,107.00 164.57 2,849.04 2,342.00 92.00 174,627.64 $ 24,104.65 7,564.17 2,108.09 2,107.00 164.57 Total 2,849.04 2,342.00 7,077.27 92.00 5,579.15 174,627.64 8,961.02 7,498.11 10,727.37 21,705.57 138.00 35,455.43 Total 138.00 20,558.42 7,077.27 138.00 5,579.15 802.94 8,961.02 7,498.11 4,631.40 10,727.37 2,312.74 21,705.57 1,122.43 138.00 2,096.94 35,455.43 10,302.58 138.00 12,042.76 20,558.42 151,288.13 138.00 802.94 4,631.40 2,235,783.32 2,312.74 1,122.43 2,096.94 10,302.58 12,042.76 151,288.13 $ 2,235,783.32 $ $ $ $ $ 97 year end report SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER Event Revenue By Month Date January February March April May June July Date August September January October February November March December April Total May June July August September October November December Total Date Conventions & Trade Shows Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events Entertainment Total Date Conventions & Trade Shows Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events Entertainment Total 98 EVENT REVENUE 2012 SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER BY MONTH Attendance 13,778 5% 23,735 8% 28,823 10% 33,618 12% 67,252 24% 28,989 10% 12,279 4% Attendance 8,125 3% 16,290 6% 13,778 5% 15,619 5% 23,735 8% 17,203 6% 28,823 10% 18,845 7% 33,618 12% 284,556 100% 67,252 24% 28,989 10% 12,279 4% 8,125 3% 16,290 6% 15,619 5% 17,203 6% 18,845 7% 284,556 100% Attendance 96,653 34% 82,570 29% 55,399 19% 20,872 7% 29,062 10% 0% 284,556 100% $ $ $ Rental Attendance 96,653 82,570 55,399 20,872 29,062 284,556 $ $ $ 34% $ 29% 19% 7% 10% 0% 100% $ EVENT REVENUE Concession 2012 Net 60,261 81,940 110,930 107,422 96,592 74,460 93,151 Rental 13,743 83,255 60,261 79,904 81,940 87,305 110,930 46,570 107,422 935,532 96,592 74,460 93,151 13,743 83,255 79,904 87,305 46,570 935,532 Rental 545,518 105,104 137,913 68,799 78,198 935,532 6% $ 11,443 7% 9% 16,697 10% 12% 25,300 15% 11% 31,730 18% 10% 7,684 4% BY MONTH 8% 33,085 19% 10% 12,344 7% Net 1% Concession 4,027 2% 9% $ 5,862 3% 6% 11,443 7% 9,049 5% 9% 16,697 10% 9% 6,396 4% 12% 25,300 15% 5% 10,198 6% 11% 31,730 18% 100% 173,814 100% 10% $ 7,684 4% 8% 33,085 19% 10% 12,344 7% 1% 4,027 2% 9% 5,862 3% 9% 9,049 5% BY EVENT TYPE 9% 6,396 4% 5% 10,198 6% 100% $Concession 173,814 100% Net 58% $ 79,266 46% 11% 17,255 10% 15% 20,366 12% 7% 6,798 4% 8% EVENT 50,129 BY TYPE29% 0% 0% 100% $ 173,814 100% 545,518 105,104 137,913 68,799 78,198 935,532 58% $ 11% 15% 7% 8% 0% 100% $ Event Revenue By Type 2012 Rental Concession Net 79,266 17,255 20,366 6,798 50,129 173,814 $ $ $ $ $ $ 46% $ 10% 12% 4% 29% 0% 100% $ Catering Net 33,094 8% $ 22,799 6% 7,815 2% 36,643 9% 37,450 9% 31,912 8% 25,600 6% Catering 32,841 Net 8% 42,581 10% 33,094 8% $ 71,655 17% 22,799 6% 26,389 6% 7,815 2% 41,587 10% 36,643 9% 410,366 100% 37,450 9% $ 31,912 8% 25,600 6% 32,841 8% 42,581 10% 71,655 17% 26,389 6% 41,587 10% 410,366 Net 100% $ Catering 222,657 54% $ 7,244 2% 104,769 26% 75,551 18% 144 0% 0% 410,366 100% $ Catering Net 222,657 7,244 104,769 75,551 144 410,366 54% $ 2% 26% 18% 0% 0% 100% $ Other 42,921 61,829 71,047 105,537 66,980 53,178 51,298 Other 16,524 68,589 42,921 70,694 61,829 54,539 71,047 52,934 105,537 716,071 66,980 53,178 51,298 16,524 68,589 70,694 54,539 52,934 716,071 Other 371,601 77,728 153,871 71,300 41,572 716,071 6% 9% 10% 15% 9% 7% 7% 2% 10% 6% 10% 9% 8% 10% 7% 15% 100% 9% 7% 7% 2% 10% 10% 8% 7% 100% 52% 11% 21% 10% 6% 0% 100% 371,601 77,728 153,871 71,300 41,572 716,071 52% 11% 21% 10% 6% 0% 100% Other $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Revenues 147,719 7% 183,265 8% 215,092 10% 281,331 13% 208,706 9% 192,636 9% 182,394 8% Total 67,136 Revenues 3% 200,286 9% 147,719 7% 231,302 10% 183,265 8% 174,628 8% 215,092 10% 151,288 7% 281,331 13% 2,235,783 100% 208,706 9% 192,636 9% 182,394 8% 67,136 3% 200,286 9% 231,302 10% 174,628 8% 151,288 7% 2,235,783 100% Total Revenues 1,219,042 55% 207,331 9% 416,919 19% 222,447 10% 170,044 8% 0% 2,235,783 100% Total Revenues 1,219,042 207,331 416,919 222,447 170,044 2,235,783 55% 9% 19% 10% 8% 0% 100% 2012 year end report Activity By Event Type Conventions & Trade Shows, Shows, Community Events SPOKANEConsumer CONVENTION CENTER 2012 ACTIVITY BY EVENT TYPE Date Total Attendance Event CONVENTIONS AND TRADE SHOWS Jan 24-28 Bargreen Ellingson Jan 28- 3 Feb Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting & Trade Show Feb 5-10 Ag Expo Mar 22-24 Cornerstone Pentecostal Church 2012 Summit Mar 29-31 Mary Kay Multiple Career Conference Mar 30-31 Sharodan Products Show Apr 2-5 Northwest Indian Youth Conference Apr 8-11 NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference 12-Apr NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference Apr 18-20 Inland Northwest Dental Conference May 7-11 International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference & Expo May 15-21 Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly May 22-23 Washington State Healthcare Association 2012 Conference Jun 24-26 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Jun 25- Jul 1 61st National Square Dance Convention Jul 11-15 International Federation of Fly Fishers 2012 Fly Fishing Fair Jul 15-21 NAA Annual Conference Jul 26-29 Steubenville Northwest Jul 30-31 WSNA 2012 Annual State Conference Aug 3-5 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion Sep 9-14 Jensen Marketplace Sep 21-22 Healing Rooms Spiritual Hunger Sep 25-27 Governor's Industrial Health & Safety Conference Sep 28-29 Barbershop Harmony 2012 Evergreen District Convention/Competition Oct 2-5 WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition Oct 16-18 Western Protective Relay Oct 22-27 Society of American Foresters National Convention Oct 28- 3 Nov National Preservation Conference Nov 13-17 WSSDA 2012 Conference Dec 2-7 NWMA 2012 Annual Convention Dec 5-7 National EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event Total CONSUMER SHOWS Jan 6-8 Bridal Festival Feb 16-19 Spokane Golf & Travel Show Mar 13-19 Spokane Home & Garden Show Apr 16-17 Washington Educator Career Fair Apr 19-22 2012 Women's Show Apr 28-29 Baby Fair May 2-6 Bloomsday Sep 28-29 Bridal Festival 30-Sep Sustainable Preparedness Expo 10-Oct WSU Pharmacy Career Day Nov 5-6 Spokane National College Fair Nov 8-10 Snowlander Expo 14-Nov Dealers Auto Auction Northwest Total COMMUNITY EVENTS 4-Jan Dreamnight Banquet Date Event 16-Jan Martin Luther King Jr. Parade Start 20-Jan Molecular Mixology & Gastronomy CONVENTIONS TRADE 27-Jan AND Logos SchoolSHOWS Dinner with Friends Feb 3-4 Despain - Lindaas Wedding and Reception Feb 7-8 Go Red for Women Luncheon Feb 10-11 St. Charles Annual Dinner & Auction Feb 14-15 Spokane Regional Sports Commission Awards Luncheon 17-Feb Ron Paul 2012 Rally Feb 17-18 Williams-Macsuga Wedding and Reception 22-Feb 2012 Kids at Heart Luncheon Feb 23-24 Boy Scout Breakfast Feb 23-25 Spokane Internal Medicine 29-Feb Partnership in Employment Career Fair 2-Mar Ron Paul 2012 Rally Mar 5-7 URM Food Show Mar 5-7 URM Candy & General Merchandise Show 12-Mar Girl Scouts Eastern WA & Northern ID Mar 30-31 Lightning Tool & Manufacturing Inc. Product Showcase 13-Apr Carrington College Graduation Apr 19-22 Race For The Cure Apr 20-21 Peterson-Gonzalez Wedding and Reception Apr 20-21 Time Out for Women 23-Apr Spokane Scholars Foundation 20th Annual Awards Banquet Apr 23-25 Sysco Food Show 28-Apr Gonzaga University Senior Dinner and Dance 28-Apr Lakeside High School (Idaho) Prom 28-Apr Lakeside High School 2012 Prom May 3-4 AgForestry Leadership-- Launching your Leadership Resources 4-May AgForestry Leadership - Graduation Banquet and Silent Auction 4-May Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Pink Rose Formal 4-May WSU Coommencement 5-May North Central High School Senior Prom 5-May University of Phoenix Commencement 12-May First Presbyterian Christian School Annual Auction 12-May Mead High School 2012 Senior Prom May 16-18 Selway Machine Tool Equipment Show 18-May CTA Training May 18-20 Lilac Parade Command Center 18-May Windermere Marathon Expo 20-May Goss-Urbano Wedding and Reception May 20-21 Women Helping Women 26-May Alpha Omicron Pi Senior Dance-Red Rose 2012 27-May Hicks - Kepka Wedding & Reception 670 6,590 8,644 1,667 2,669 * 1,115 2,187 880 1,554 1,360 4,154 515 2,794 20,937 2,664 4,224 470 604 5,958 1,872 1,722 1,833 1,961 1,131 1,629 5,393 2,776 2,658 5,986 36 96,653 Rental $ Concessions Net 9,664.75 51,992.60 35,740.60 6,011.75 12,521.65 800.00 11,000.00 4,168.11 3,800.00 14,325.64 13,992.50 41,483.60 938.10 12,484.60 48,780.00 14,700.00 52,218.50 14.00 3,600.00 (803.92) 22,502.05 10,800.00 25,269.00 4,200.00 5,440.57 9,002.50 34,265.90 38,676.44 23,870.40 33,758.51 300.00 545,517.85 $ Catering Net Alcohol Net 7,152.48 15,427.57 1,513.86 430.56 1,685.16 7,400.86 1,893.19 2,559.29 8,629.95 2,619.18 3,354.26 20,470.09 3,750.30 115.46 16,035.36 88.32 44.16 22,564.56 20,821.33 2,196.04 164.77 15,369.62 9,870.91 12,003.49 1,575.86 12,957.63 31,900.20 222,594.46 6,016.03 201.02 - - 374.51 3,952.91 383.48 739.37 11,667.32 59.86 2.75 62.61 3,114.64 7,536.16 167.70 1,510.44 1,586.74 829.96 325.41 2,405.86 114.72 479.20 31,317.97 2,252.47 2,148.44 2,618.49 255.61 374.36 960.58 430.22 99.65 4,473.61 2,739.61 724.97 1,132.27 67,599.08 $ 3,804 9,657.60 1,478.85 4,678 7,978.05 1,845.53 7,775 27,624.18 4,557.68 614 2,500.00 87.56 5,139 12,400.00 1,671.66 731 2,900.00 616.95 50,576 19,282.40 1,498.27 1,185 3,400.00 522.40 1,591 1,800.00 879.17 229 1,330.74 25.50 4,272 5,250.00 511.14 1,646 10,981.20 546.40 330 5.71 2012 ACTIVITY BY EVENT TYPE 82,570 $ 105,104 $ 14,247 $ $ 110.40 103.04 286.35 368.00 36.80 611.49 1,037.03 - 825.64 16.12 1,215.66 127.80 3,008 SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER 375.42 29.44 Total645 2,572 Attendance 173 76 177 437 377 952 2,577 172 330 667 397 560 1,051 1,215 556 292 * 1,203 5,341 143 945 750 1,926 682 47 249 74 166 120 234 400 314 162 382 99 11 37 1,057 65 1,933 109 87 213.00 Rental 400.00 700.00 2,755.75 782.25 1,414.20 2,671.29 1,200.00 2,095.26 4,565.37 2,357.60 2,700.00 5,415.06 6,905.00 963.00 400.00 1,900.00 3,651.48 1,400.00 3,000.00 1,359.00 11,010.00 290.00 600.00 995.00 721.55 1,700.00 1,300.00 1,950.00 400.00 1,950.00 222.76 700.00 900.00 1,700.00 900.00 Concessions Net146.10 13.96 56.60 50.52 133.03 8.30 41.60 86.13 55.60 42.54 2.04 2.09 5,106.00 7,241 3,948.57 Catering Net 645.53 431.51 730.67 1,917.51 1,559.63 3,974.40 4.49 322.15 1,283.40 2,033.11 2,143.14 696.10 4.48 1,050.23 460.00 1,283.40 889.56 3,942.78 874.75 3,542.00 126.50 492.54 1,166.98 144.44 $ Alcohol Net 341.06 162.33 1,367.87 - BS Catering $ $ 3 BS Catering 3.20 - - - 106.74 - 0.90 3.20 - 3,363.60 - 524.47 74.44 - 79.12 1,109.99 154.17 12.34 3.42 6.39 2,278.67 371.68 9,122.03 460.00 780.64 - - - - 163.39 116.78 244.03 98.71 8,871.29 30,643.40 18,052.59 6,068.50 11,173.56 319.00 5,797.95 14,706.65 1,791.50 8,304.05 13,443.40 15,840.00 3,854.20 13,714.92 31,355.50 7,467.23 23,550.10 955.00 6,657.25 5,429.00 20,835.70 3,363.00 12,913.41 3,454.54 5,550.75 10,238.50 18,915.30 13,655.51 17,189.25 37,375.57 114.00 $ 371,600.62 3.20 - 26.29 - Other 6.00 6.00 $ Total Revenue $ 25,688.52 107,194.24 63,044.23 12,678.51 26,890.81 1,119.00 18,384.69 26,275.62 7,484.69 26,018.94 36,391.26 62,348.64 8,261.28 47,523.32 115,263.63 24,535.16 97,905.31 1,057.32 10,301.41 29,808.13 64,414.69 14,540.11 41,339.03 8,249.53 26,460.59 29,111.91 70,041.78 56,647.42 54,742.25 104,905.92 414.00 1,219,041.94 9,148.33 5,453.20 18,284.82 3,279.65 8,022.20 1,927.00 14,588.20 4,451.50 3,391.20 1,074.00 2,007.80 4,492.20 1,607.51 77,728 21,006.67 16,420.05 50,466.68 6,153.56 22,093.86 5,443.95 35,736.87 8,410.70 6,070.37 3,272.00 8,144.36 17,264.90 6,847.02 207,330.99 919.97 Other 5,081.54 Total Revenue 804.97 (31.27) 699.88 3,044.00 1,807.97 2,155.50 2,543.00 331.89 885.59 2,026.50 4,825.00 1,938.20 2,776.00 12,567.24 2,173.84 1,715.65 173.00 1,785.00 2,048.70 699.88 1,292.00 2,364.55 20,040.39 5,183.90 337.00 634.60 261.00 321.82 456.00 373.00 323.00 79.00 228.90 324.00 1,247.46 1,399.00 950.08 3,768.50 472.00 950.08 1,351.07 645.53 400.24 2,488.77 7,936.19 5,568.24 7,544.10 5,351.81 1,888.63 2,168.99 6,154.87 11,533.51 5,033.50 5,566.61 19,032.53 9,539.74 3,962.05 573.00 3,740.60 5,700.18 3,099.38 4,292.00 7,666.33 31,925.14 12,422.04 1,063.50 1,629.60 1,475.09 2,015.31 2,376.97 1,673.00 2,352.12 479.00 1,338.89 2,274.00 3,748.89 2,253.17 2,403.49 13,010.73 2,876.03 2,741.82 99 Date Event Total Attendance Rental Concessions Net Catering Net Alcohol Net BS Catering CONVENTIONS TRADE 27-Jan AND Logos SchoolSHOWS Dinner with Friends 76 431.51 Feb 3-4 Despain - Lindaas Wedding and Reception 177 700.00 13.96 730.67 Feb 7-8 Go Red for Women Luncheon 437 2,755.75 56.60 1,917.51 Feb 10-11 St. Charles Annual Dinner & Auction 377 782.25 50.52 1,559.63 Feb 14-15 Spokane Regional Sports Commission Awards Luncheon 952 1,414.20 3,974.40 17-Feb Ron Paul 2012 Rally 2,577 2,671.29 133.03 4.49 Feb 17-18 Williams-Macsuga Wedding and Reception 172 1,200.00 8.30 322.15 22-Feb 2012 Kids at Heart Luncheon 330 1,283.40 Feb 23-24 Boy Scout Breakfast 667 2,095.26 2,033.11 Feb 23-25 Spokane Internal Medicine 397 4,565.37 2,143.14 29-Feb Partnership in Employment Career Fair 560 2,357.60 41.60 696.10 2-Mar Ron Paul 2012 Rally 1,051 2,700.00 86.13 4.48 Mar 5-7 URM Food Show 1,215 5,415.06 1,050.23 Mar 5-7 URM Candy & General Merchandise Show 556 6,905.00 460.00 12-Mar Girl Scouts Eastern WA & Northern ID 292 963.00 1,283.40 Mar 30-31 Lightning Tool & Manufacturing Inc. Product Showcase * 400.00 13-Apr Carrington College Graduation 1,203 1,900.00 55.60 Apr 19-22 Race For The Cure 5,341 3,651.48 Apr 20-21 Peterson-Gonzalez Wedding and Reception 143 1,400.00 889.56 Apr 20-21 Time Out for Women 945 3,000.00 23-Apr Spokane Scholars Foundation 20th Annual Awards Banquet 750 1,359.00 3,942.78 Apr 23-25 Sysco Food Show 1,926 11,010.00 874.75 28-Apr Gonzaga University Senior Dinner and Dance 682 290.00 42.54 3,542.00 28-Apr Lakeside High School (Idaho) Prom 47 600.00 126.50 2012 ACTIVITY BY EVENT TYPE 28-Apr Lakeside High School 2012 Prom 249 995.00 May 3-4 AgForestry Leadership-- Launching your Leadership Resources 74 721.55 492.54 4-May AgForestry Leadership - Graduation Banquet and Silent Auction 166 2.04 1,166.98 4-May Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Pink Rose Formal 120 1,700.00 2.09 144.44 Total Concessions 4-May WSU Coommencement 234 1,300.00 Date Event Rental Catering Net Attendance Net 5-May North Central High School Senior Prom 400 1,950.00 79.12 5-May University of Phoenix Commencement 314 400.00 CONVENTIONS AND TRADE SHOWS 12-May First Presbyterian Christian School Annual Auction 162 1,109.99 Jan 24-28 Bargreen Ellingson 670 9,664.75 7,152.48 12-May Mead High School 2012 Senior Prom 382 1,950.00 Jan 28- 3 Feb Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting & Trade Show 6,590 51,992.60 3,114.64 15,427.57 May 16-18 Selway Machine Tool Equipment Show 99 222.76 2,278.67 Feb 5-10 Ag Expo 8,644 35,740.60 7,536.16 1,513.86 18-May CTA Training 11 Mar 22-24 Cornerstone Pentecostal Church 2012 Summit 1,667 6,011.75 167.70 430.56 May 18-20 Lilac Parade Command Center 37 Mar 29-31 Mary Kay Multiple Career Conference 2,669 12,521.65 1,510.44 1,685.16 18-May Windermere Marathon Expo 1,057 700.00 154.17 Mar 30-31 Sharodan Products Show * 800.00 20-May Goss-Urbano Wedding and Reception 65 900.00 12.34 371.68 Apr 2-5 Northwest Indian Youth Conference 1,115 11,000.00 1,586.74 May 20-21 Women Helping Women 1,933 3.42 9,122.03 Apr 8-11 NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference 2,187 4,168.11 7,400.86 26-May Alpha Omicron Pi Senior Dance-Red Rose 2012 109 1,700.00 460.00 12-Apr NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference 880 3,800.00 1,893.19 27-May Hicks - Kepka Wedding & Reception 87 900.00 6.39 780.64 Apr 18-20 Inland Northwest Dental Conference 1,554 14,325.64 829.96 2,559.29 2-Jun John R. Rogers High School Prom 120 1,950.00 10.12 May 7-11 International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference & Expo 1,360 13,992.50 325.41 8,629.95 7-Jun East Valley High School Graduation Line-up 284 1,300.00 May 15-21 Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly 4,154 41,483.60 2,405.86 2,619.18 8-Jun North Central High School Senior Brunch 174 697.50 May 22-23 Washington State Healthcare Association 2012 Conference 515 938.10 114.72 3,354.26 8-Jun Rogers High School Senior Breakfast 113 457.25 Jun 24-26 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference 2,794 12,484.60 479.20 20,470.09 8-Jun West Valley High School Senior Breakfast and Line-up for Rehearsal 156 616.13 Jun 25- Jul 1 61st National Square Dance Convention 20,937 48,780.00 31,317.97 3,750.30 8-Jun Riverside-Lakeside High School Graduation Line-ups 272 700.00 Jul 11-15 International Federation of Fly Fishers 2012 Fly Fishing Fair 2,664 14,700.00 2,252.47 115.46 9-Jun Spokane Public Schools Graduation Line-ups 854 1,400.00 20124,224 ACTIVITY BY EVENT2,148.44 TYPE Jul 15-21 NAA Annual Conference 52,218.50 16,035.36 10-Jun West Valley High School Graduation Line-up 211 500.00 Jul 26-29 Steubenville Northwest 470 14.00 88.32 Jun 14-15 Brurud - Wiegmann Wedding and Reception 123 900.00 17.99 828.45 Jul 30-31 WSNA 2012 Annual State Conference 604 3,600.00 44.16 21-Jun Spokane Community College Commencements 1,019 2,300.00 231.49 Aug 3-5 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion 5,958 (803.92) 2,618.49 22,564.56 Total Concessions 2-Jul Langsfeld-Heath Wedding Reception 56 600.00 428.76 1,872 22,502.05 255.61 20,821.33 Date Sep 9-14 Jensen EventMarketplace Rental Catering Net 7-Jul Ortiz - Clausen Wedding Reception 194 1,600.00 6.53 2,017.22 Attendance Net374.36 Sep 21-22 Healing Rooms Spiritual Hunger 1,722 10,800.00 Jul 20-21 North Central High School Class of 1982 Reunion 121 2.51 509.63 Sep 25-27 Governor's Industrial Health & Safety Conference 1,833 25,269.00 960.58 2,196.04 CONVENTIONS TRADE Jul 22-26 AND WSBA ExamsSHOWS 369 9,350.00 305.10 Sep 28-29 Barbershop Harmony 2012 Evergreen District Convention/Competition 1,961 4,200.00 430.22 164.77 Jul 26-27 Conley-Bagge Wedding 76 431.60 Oct 2-5 WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition 1,131 5,440.57 99.65 15,369.62 29-Jul 34th Annual Royal Fireworks Festival 141 1,143.50 69.48 823.40 Oct 16-18 Western Protective Relay 1,629 9,002.50 9,870.91 4-Aug Haas - Nichols Wedding Reception 156 900.00 7.17 1,309.70 Oct 22-27 Society of American Foresters National Convention 5,393 34,265.90 4,473.61 12,003.49 10-Aug Moody-Nightser 133 700.00 0.87 918.87 Oct 28- 3 Nov National Preservation Conference 2,776 38,676.44 2,739.61 1,575.86 11-Aug Jensen-Williams Wedding Reception 125 1,600.00 0.82 947.02 Nov 13-17 WSSDA 2012 Conference 2,658 23,870.40 724.97 12,957.63 12-Aug Ramm - Fiske Wedding and Reception 105 1,229.50 4.13 685.97 Dec 2-7 NWMA 2012 Annual Convention 5,986 33,758.51 1,132.27 31,900.20 17-Aug VanDitto - Lasley Wedding and Reception 47 565.41 5.71 92.69 Dec 5-7 National EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event 36 300.00 17-Aug WCE "War Horse -Meet Joey" Event 161 81.42 Total 96,653 $ 545,517.85 $ 67,599.08 $ 222,594.46 18-Aug Combo-Doud Wedding and Reception 134 900.55 9.92 1,327.85 Aug 20-22 URM Candy and General Merchandise Show 543 5,900.00 2,300.00 CONSUMER SHOWS 2-Sep Dodd-Sellers Wedding Ceremony 32 100.00 Jan 6-8 Bridal Festival 3,804 9,657.60 1,478.85 110.40 2-Sep Riley-Harse Wedding Ceremony and Reception 140 439.95 3.00 1,261.67 Feb 16-19 Spokane Golf & Travel Show 4,678 7,978.05 1,845.53 103.04 7-Sep Degenstein - Sanson Wedding Ceremony & Reception 144 900.00 28.97 1,364.93 Mar 13-19 Spokane Home & Garden Show 7,775 27,624.18 4,557.68 9-Sep Miller - Chak Wedding Ceremony & Reception 137 900.00 507.15 Apr 16-17 Washington Educator Career Fair 614 2,500.00 87.56 286.35 14-Sep Pierce - Perez Wedding Reception 162 900.00 854.38 Apr 19-22 2012 Women's Show 5,139 12,400.00 1,671.66 14-Sep Watts-Hopkins Wedding Reception 162 20.75 437.58 Apr 28-29 Baby Fair 731 2,900.00 616.95 15-Sep Fleming - Lee Wedding Ceremony & Reception 170 1,600.00 12.21 1,278.89 May 2-6 Bloomsday 50,576 19,282.40 1,498.27 368.00 21-Sep Carrington College Graduation 519 1,600.00 156.74 Sep 28-29 Bridal Festival 1,185 3,400.00 522.40 36.80 21-Sep Graham - Hardin Reception 76 900.00 4.86 383.87 30-Sep Sustainable Preparedness Expo 1,591 1,800.00 879.17 6-Oct Carpenter - Himmerich Wedding Ceremony & Reception 154 2,400.00 7.94 1,142.53 10-Oct WSU Pharmacy Career Day 229 1,330.74 25.50 825.64 11-Oct EWGA - Spokane Year End Party 48 290.95 Nov 5-6 Spokane National College Fair 4,272 5,250.00 511.14 375.42 Oct 14-15 Schweitzer Engineering Labs 304 2,927.30 4,213.60 Nov 8-10 Snowlander Expo 1,646 10,981.20 546.40 29.44 16-Oct Whitworth University President's Leadership Forum 628 244.00 2,572.32 14-Nov Dealers Auto Auction Northwest 330 5.71 5,106.00 Oct 18-19 125th Anniversary All Class Reunion Celebration 1,720 108.83 7,774.00 Total 82,570 $ 105,104 $ 14,247 $ 7,241 Oct 19-21 Pumpkin Ball 446 1,533.07 23.64 4,974.60 22-Oct Southern Wine and Spirit Show 520 789.00 2,010.20 COMMUNITY EVENTS Nov 7-9 Epicurean Delight 1,528 5,715.00 4-Jan Dreamnight Banquet 645 213.00 3,948.57 9-Nov Whitworth University Pirate Auction 364 346.07 12.36 2,685.37 16-Jan Martin Luther King Jr. Parade Start 2,572 400.00 146.10 13-Nov T.R. Reid Presentation 732 1,447.82 884.93 20-Jan Molecular Mixology & Gastronomy 173 645.53 19-Nov Festival of the Arts 177 1,400.00 21-Nov Union Gospel Mission City-Wide Thanksgiving Dinner 1,170 1,300.00 1-Dec Scafco Holiday Party 508 54.85 5,096.92 1-Dec The Exchange Club Annual Crab Feed and Auction 377 318.00 7.82 2,130.72 8-Dec Edward Jones Holiday Party 70 5.30 492.66 15-Dec Inland Northwest Bank Holiday Party 166 1,414.04 31-Dec First Night 9,496 6,426.45 1,895.34 Total 55,399 $ 137,913.19 $ 3,282.57 $ 104,661.48 341.06 162.33 1,367.87 - 3.20 - year end report 26.29 - Activity By Event Type Community Events (continued) SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER MEETINGS Jan 6-7 6-Jan 19-Jan 21-Jan 9-Feb 15-Feb 16-Feb 22-Feb 28-Feb Mar 6-7 7-Mar Mar 8-10 9-Mar 10-Mar 100 Executive Women International, Spokane Chapter--David Horsager Event Spokane Association of Realtors Wilbur-Ellis Professional Technical Seminar STCU Annual Dinner Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Conference Breakfast Mutual Of Enumclaw SPFD Employee Meeting * World Wide Dreambuilders - SLM Meeting Downtown Spokane Partnership Northwest Inland Writing Project BCIN Epiphany Session Spokane Shock Football Turf Repair Sysco Business Meeting World Wide Dreambuilders 199 33 342 574 137 53 448 225 178 31 36 86 479 68.66 239.19 3,131.50 387.40 65.00 281.00 900.00 1,105.00 197.82 1,500.00 900.00 1,300.00 8.17 50.61 5.24 2.20 156.82 - 0.90 - 106.74 - 3.20 - 3,363.60 - 524.47 74.44 - Alcohol Net BS Catering 6,016.03 201.02 163.39 116.78 244.03 98.71 374.51 3,952.91 250.48 Alcohol Net 301.05 643.66 509.90 379.52 383.48 284.79 125.80 136.31 739.37 39.12 $ 11,667.32 190.21 - $ 611.49 59.34 1,037.03 222.93 309.80 182.55 159.43 436.62 16.12 132.50 1,215.66 127.80 1,089.66 3,008 1,821.35 773.53 - - 6.00 6.00 59.86 6.00 BS Catering 6.00 2.75 6.00 6.00 6.40 6.00 3.20 $ 62.61 6.00 0.85 $ 6.00 3.20 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 3 - 659.22 1,526.61 258.98 $ 17,083.07 890.92 256.30 2,667.34 5,883.40 552.00 392.61 78.26 24.96 1,882.86 1,119.99 14.72 80.96 - 21.87 - $ Total Revenue (31.27) 400.24 699.88 2,488.77 3,044.00 7,936.19 1,807.97 5,568.24 2,155.50 7,544.10 2,543.00 5,351.81 331.89 1,888.63 885.59 2,168.99 2,026.50 6,154.87 4,825.00 11,533.51 1,938.20 5,033.50 2,776.00 5,566.61 12,567.24 19,032.53 2,173.84 9,539.74 1,715.65 3,962.05 173.00 573.00 1,785.00 3,740.60 2,048.70 5,700.18 699.88 3,099.38 1,292.00 4,292.00 2,364.55 7,666.33 20,040.39 31,925.14 5,183.90 12,422.04 337.00 1,063.50 634.60 1,629.60 261.00 1,475.09 321.82 2,015.31 456.00 2,376.97 373.00 1,673.00 Other Total Revenue 323.00 2,352.12 79.00 479.00 228.90 1,338.89 8,871.29 25,688.52 324.00 2,274.00 30,643.40 107,194.24 1,247.46 3,748.89 18,052.59 63,044.23 6,068.50 12,678.51 11,173.56 26,890.81 1,399.00 2,253.17 319.00 1,119.00 950.08 2,403.49 5,797.95 18,384.69 3,768.50 13,010.73 14,706.65 26,275.62 472.00 2,876.03 1,791.50 7,484.69 950.08 2,741.82 8,304.05 26,018.94 324.00 2,284.12 13,443.40 36,391.26 373.00 1,673.00 15,840.00 62,348.64 51.86 749.36 3,854.20 8,261.28 143.86 601.11 13,714.92 47,523.32 18.00 634.13 31,355.50 115,263.63 281.00 981.00 7,467.23 24,535.16 562.00 1,962.00 23,550.10 97,905.31 285.00 785.00 955.00 1,057.32 1,074.08 3,077.00 6,657.25 10,301.41 1,013.00 3,544.49 5,429.00 29,808.13 552.00 1,580.76 20,835.70 64,414.69 Other Total Revenue 950.08 4,880.88 3,363.00 14,540.11 562.00 1,717.80 12,913.41 41,339.03 4,418.53 14,073.63 3,454.54 8,249.53 (153.92) 283.68 5,550.75 26,460.59 272.00 2,818.28 10,238.50 29,111.91 950.08 3,552.47 18,915.30 70,041.78 699.90 2,610.83 13,655.51 56,647.42 1,104.00 3,777.64 17,189.25 54,742.25 1,732.08 3,793.99 37,375.57 104,905.92 533.91 1,240.04 114.00 414.00 354.00 435.42 $ 371,600.62 $ 1,219,041.94 950.08 3,384.61 3,683.75 11,884.60 38.00 138.00 9,148.33 21,006.67 950.08 2,720.04 5,453.20 16,420.05 950.08 3,472.91 18,284.82 50,466.68 950.08 2,363.23 3,279.65 6,153.56 950.08 2,710.46 8,022.20 22,093.86 782.00 1,550.13 1,927.00 5,443.95 950.08 4,029.73 14,588.20 35,736.87 1,602.00 3,358.74 4,451.50 8,410.70 1,055.87 2,510.03 3,391.20 6,070.37 764.78 4,757.87 1,074.00 3,272.00 423.45 2,007.80 8,144.36 4,823.53 11,964.43 4,492.20 17,264.90 2,080.80 4,897.12 1,607.51 6,847.02 3,926.83 12,899.32 $ 77,728 207,330.99 3,377.16 11,729.82 934.00 3,733.20 9,765.82 15,480.82 919.97 5,081.54 554.50 4,371.83 804.97 1,351.07 2,723.44 5,056.19 645.53 707.00 2,107.00 1,042.00 2,342.00 1,266.28 7,077.27 1,596.00 5,579.15 46.00 802.94 682.90 2,096.94 3,720.97 12,042.76 $ 153,871.36 $ 416,919.42 2012 - - Other 107.75 - - 722.18 73.60 1,169.50 1,945.97 285.00 244.80 478.38 1,947.10 472.00 101.00 621.00 645.00 474.20 1,714.89 569.09 6,968.34 10,150.24 902.00 918.41 78.26 1,383.62 3,091.16 1,733.82 313.54 2,121.00 1,625.96 1,774.20 11-Aug 12-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug Aug 20-22 2-Sep 2-Sep 7-Sep 9-Sep 14-Sep 14-Sep 15-Sep 21-Sep 21-Sep 6-Oct 11-Oct Oct 14-15 16-Oct Oct 18-19 Oct 19-21 22-Oct Nov 7-9 9-Nov 13-Nov 19-Nov 21-Nov 1-Dec 1-Dec 8-Dec 15-Dec Date 31-Dec Jensen-Williams Wedding Reception Ramm - Fiske Wedding and Reception VanDitto - Lasley Wedding and Reception WCE "War Horse -Meet Joey" Event Combo-Doud Wedding and Reception URM Candy and General Merchandise Show Dodd-Sellers Wedding Ceremony Riley-Harse Wedding Ceremony and Reception Degenstein - Sanson Wedding Ceremony & Reception Miller - Chak Wedding Ceremony & Reception Pierce - Perez Wedding Reception Watts-Hopkins Wedding Reception Fleming - Lee Wedding Ceremony & Reception Carrington College Graduation Graham - Hardin Reception Carpenter - Himmerich Wedding Ceremony & Reception EWGA - Spokane Year End Party Schweitzer Engineering Labs Whitworth University President's Leadership Forum 125th Anniversary All Class Reunion Celebration Pumpkin Ball Southern Wine and Spirit Show Epicurean Delight Whitworth University Pirate Auction T.R. Reid Presentation Festival of the Arts Union Gospel Mission City-Wide Thanksgiving Dinner Scafco Holiday Party The Exchange Club Annual Crab Feed and Auction Edward Jones Holiday Party Inland Northwest Bank Holiday Party First Night Event Total 2012 125 1,600.00 105 1,229.50 47 565.41 161 134 900.55 543 5,900.00 32 100.00 140 439.95 144 900.00 137 900.00 162 900.00 162 170 1,600.00 519 1,600.00 76 900.00 154 2,400.00 48 304 2,927.30 628 244.00 1,720 446 1,533.07 520 789.00 1,528 5,715.00 364 346.07 732 1,447.82 177 1,400.00 1,170 1,300.00 508 2012 ACTIVITY BY 377 318.00 70 166 Total 9,496 6,426.45 Rental Attendance 55,399 $ 137,913.19 0.82 4.13 5.71 9.92 - year end report 3.00 28.97 20.75 12.21 156.74 4.86 7.94 - Activity By Event Type Meetings 947.02 685.97 92.69 81.42 1,327.85 2,300.00 108.83 23.64 12.36 125.80 136.31 39.12 6.00 3.20 190.21 - 6.00 0.85 1,261.67 1,364.93 507.15 854.38 437.58 1,278.89 59.34 222.93 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 383.87 1,142.53 290.95 4,213.60 2,572.32 7,774.00 4,974.60 2,010.20 2,685.37 884.93 159.43 436.62 132.50 1,089.66 1,821.35 773.53 5,096.92 2,130.72 492.66 1,414.04 659.22 1,526.61 258.98 309.80 182.55 6.00 6.00 6.00 - SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER 54.85 EVENT TYPE 7.82 5.30 Concessions 1,895.34 Net 3,282.57 $ Catering Net $ 104,661.48 CONVENTIONS AND TRADE SHOWS MEETINGS Jan 24-28 Bargreen Ellingson 670 9,664.75 7,152.48 Jan 6-7 Executive Women International, Spokane Chapter--David Horsager Event 199 68.66 8.17 890.92 Jan 28- 3 Feb Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting & Trade Show 6,590 51,992.60 3,114.64 15,427.57 6-Jan Spokane Association of Realtors 33 239.19 256.30 Feb 5-10 Ag Expo 8,644 35,740.60 7,536.16 1,513.86 19-Jan Wilbur-Ellis Professional Technical Seminar 342 3,131.50 2,667.34 Mar 22-24 Cornerstone Pentecostal Church 2012 Summit 1,667 6,011.75 167.70 430.56 21-Jan STCU Annual Dinner 574 387.40 50.61 5,883.40 Mar 29-31 Mary Kay Multiple Career Conference 2,669 12,521.65 1,510.44 1,685.16 9-Feb Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Conference Breakfast 137 65.00 552.00 Mar 30-31 Sharodan Products Show * 800.00 15-Feb Mutual Of Enumclaw 53 281.00 392.61 Apr 2-5 Northwest Indian Youth Conference 1,115 11,000.00 1,586.74 16-Feb SPFD Employee Meeting * 78.26 Apr 8-11 NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference 2,187 4,168.11 7,400.86 22-Feb World Wide Dreambuilders - SLM Meeting 448 900.00 5.24 2012 ACTIVITY BY EVENT TYPE 12-Apr NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference 880 3,800.00 1,893.19 28-Feb Downtown Spokane Partnership 225 2.20 1,119.99 Apr 18-20 Inland Northwest Dental Conference 1,554 14,325.64 829.96 2,559.29 Mar 6-7 Northwest Inland Writing Project 178 1,105.00 156.82 May 7-11 International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference & Expo 1,360 13,992.50 325.41 8,629.95 7-Mar BCIN Epiphany Session 31 197.82 14.72 May 15-21 Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly 4,154 41,483.60 2,405.86 2,619.18 Mar 8-10 Spokane Shock Football Turf Repair 1,500.00 Concessions Total 36 22-23 Washington State Healthcare Association 2012 Conference 515 938.10 114.72 3,354.26 Date May 9-Mar Event Rental Catering Net Sysco Business Meeting 86 900.00 80.96 Attendance Net479.20 Jun 24-26 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference 2,794 12,484.60 20,470.09 10-Mar World Wide Dreambuilders 479 1,300.00 Jun 25Jul 1 61st National Square Dance Convention 20,937 48,780.00 31,317.97 3,750.30 CONVENTIONS TRADE SHOWS 14-Mar AND J C Wright Lighting Seminar 48 472.12 258.63 Jul 11-15 International Federation of Fly Fishers 2012 Fly Fishing Fair 2,664 14,700.00 2,252.47 115.46 15-Mar Mayor's Economic Policy and Forecasting Council 37 97.06 Jul 15-21 NAA Annual Conference 4,224 52,218.50 2,148.44 16,035.36 19-Mar Sustainable Resources INW 52 151.66 Jul 26-29 Steubenville Northwest 470 14.00 88.32 20-Mar 6th Annual Mine and Construction Safety & Health Seminar 108 620.00 727.95 Jul 30-31 WSNA 2012 Annual State Conference 604 3,600.00 44.16 23-Mar Washington Dental Service 149 401.00 1,349.18 Aug 3-5 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion 5,958 (803.92) 2,618.49 22,564.56 24-Mar DSHS - Care Provider and Parents Meeting 8 200.00 26.74 Sep 9-14 Jensen Marketplace 1,872 22,502.05 255.61 20,821.33 27-Mar SPFD Board Meeting 20 18.40 Sep 21-22 Healing Rooms Spiritual Hunger 1,722 10,800.00 374.36 28-Mar SPFD Employee Meeting * 86.48 Sep 25-27 Governor's Industrial Health & Safety Conference 1,833 25,269.00 960.58 2,196.04 30-Mar My Girlfriend's House and Room # * 600.00 Sep 28-29 Barbershop Harmony 2012 Evergreen District Convention/Competition 1,961 4,200.00 430.22 164.77 30-Mar Galbraith Gathering * 89.13 88.55 Oct 2-5 WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition 1,131 5,440.57 99.65 15,369.62 31-Mar My Girlfriend's House and Room # * 600.00 Oct 16-18 Western Protective Relay 1,629 9,002.50 9,870.91 11-Apr Sterling Savings Bank-2012 Leadership Meeting 349 43.09 5,778.00 Oct 22-27 Society of American Foresters National Convention 5,393 34,265.90 4,473.61 12,003.49 11-Apr Cerium Networks 61 200.00 262.20 Oct 28- 3 Nov National Preservation Conference 2,776 38,676.44 2,739.61 1,575.86 12-Apr Sterling Savings Bank-2012 Leadership Meeting 230 75.74 1,870.76 Nov 13-17 WSSDA 2012 Conference 2,658 23,870.40 724.97 12,957.63 12-Apr Construction Specification Institute 51 476.25 332.01 Dec 2-7 NWMA 2012 Annual Convention 5,986 33,758.51 1,132.27 31,900.20 Apr 13-15 NCEES Exams 177 4,000.00 Dec 5-7 National EWP Meetings/Cigar & Scotch Client Event 36 300.00 14-Apr Current Trends in Cardiovascular Disease 311 2,018.37 38.51 3,004.15 Total 96,653 $ 545,517.85 $ 67,599.08 $ 222,594.46 14-Apr Spokane County Republican Convention 2012 1,689 2,590.24 1,754.15 1,745.70 Apr 16-18 Harborview Medical Center 195 1,072.12 1,485.23 CONSUMER SHOWS 17-Apr Scholarship Reception and Executive Anniversary Dinner 81 551.83 Jan 6-8 Bridal Festival 3,804 9,657.60 1,478.85 110.40 21-Apr Heritage Makers Demonstration 50 200.00 Feb 16-19 Spokane Golf & Travel Show 4,678 7,978.05 1,845.53 103.04 Apr 27-29 ISAGENIX 252 905.00 Mar 13-19 Spokane Home & Garden Show 7,775 27,624.18 4,557.68 27-Apr FortuneBuilders, Inc. 249 1,500.00 222.03 28.52 Apr 16-17 Washington Educator Career Fair 614 2,500.00 87.56 286.35 28-Apr FortuneBuilders, Inc. 249 1,600.00 180.48 32.66 Apr 19-22 2012 Women's Show 5,139 12,400.00 1,671.66 29-Apr FortuneBuilders, Inc. 249 1,600.00 182.99 33.19 Apr 28-29 Baby Fair 731 2,900.00 616.95 3-May EHR Incentive Program Workshop 51 361.00 243.80 May 2-6 Bloomsday 50,576 19,282.40 1,498.27 368.00 8-May Spokane Estate Planning Council 125 1,440.00 971.41 Sep 28-29 Bridal Festival 1,185 3,400.00 522.40 36.80 9-May World Wide Dreambuilders - Second Look Meeting 361 900.00 30-Sep Sustainable Preparedness Expo 1,591 1,800.00 879.17 16-May Visit Spokane Bring Home the Business Luncheon 41 10-Oct WSU Pharmacy Career Day 229 1,330.74 25.50 825.64 18-May Design Build Institute of America 62 246.58 Nov 5-6 Spokane National College Fair 4,272 5,250.00 511.14 375.42 May 26-27 Haase Myotherapy Seminar 84 1,550.00 Nov 8-10 Snowlander Expo 1,646 10,981.20 546.40 29.44 30-May Providence Employee Service Awards Reception 476 4,920.28 14-Nov Dealers Auto Auction Northwest 330 5.71 5,106.00 1-Jun American Red Cross Fire on the Runway 173 1,700.00 24.04 910.54 Total 82,570 $ 105,104 $ 14,247 $ 7,241 5-Jun Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 585 3,004.63 6-Jun Cerium Networks 41 16.25 361.50 COMMUNITY EVENTS 7-Jun Sterling Education Services, Inc Landlord Tenant Law 18 200.00 22.56 4-Jan Dreamnight Banquet 645 213.00 3,948.57 9-Jun World Wide Dreambuilders 844 1,300.00 46.83 16-Jan Martin Luther King Jr. Parade Start 2,572 400.00 146.10 12-Jun Inland Northwest Business Travel Association 37 180.38 20-Jan Molecular Mixology & Gastronomy 173 645.53 13-Jun Fire Door Systems 30 200.00 189.94 18-Jun Sustainable Resources INW 34 115.74 20-Jun Department of Enterprise Services 187 729.20 55.70 4-Jul SPD Command Center 11 12-Jul Visit Spokane FAM Breakfast w/Speaker 19 19.36 13-Jul Sysco Sales Meeting & Awards Banquet 190 524.00 1,670.09 18-Jul BN Builders 75 456.00 1,424.79 18-Jul Inland Northwest Bank Strategic Planning Meeting 19 201.83 18-Jul SPFD Employee Meeting * 73.60 26-Jul Community Health Association Spokane 132 318.00 1.48 1,382.24 2012 ACTIVITY BY EVENT TYPE 4-Aug Lia Sophia 68 790.00 14-Aug Northern Capital Management, Inc. 173 861.92 1,285.06 15-Aug Sterling Education Services, Inc. Employment Law Update 14 200.00 21.16 Total 138 Concessions 15-Aug Roof Deck Rendezvous 1.17 1,165.50 Date 16-Aug Inland Event Rental Catering Net NW Business Travel Assoc Auction Meeting/Membership Reception Attendance 21 112.93 Net 0.83 21-Aug World Wide Dreambuilders Second Look Meeting 349 900.00 CONVENTIONS TRADE SHOWS 2-Sep AND Spokane Christian Church 10th Anniversary Celebration 379 660.00 36.00 2-Sep Crown West Realty Dinner with Friends 16 200.16 Sep 5-6 Visit Spokane The Big Meeting 277 955.79 Sep 11-12 Greater Spokane Incorporated Annual Meeting 1,115 765.00 4,829.08 Sep 12-13 The Governor's 7th Annual Aerospace Summit - Refueling Washington's Economy 322 56.60 45.69 1,967.36 12-Sep Department of Ecology 41 300.00 76.13 15-Sep World Wide Dreambuilders 620 1,299.55 17-Sep Sustainable Resources INW 39 125.85 18-Sep Thrivent Financial Services for Lutherans 117 400.00 478.27 20-Sep The NEED Project 48 520.00 413.99 20-Sep BOMA 100 Year Anniversary Celebration 82 700.00 9.00 934.81 24-Sep Guest Services Training 434 25-Sep Community Health Assn. Spokane 334 662.39 2,885.87 25-Sep U of W - An Introduction to Process Safety Management (PSM) 52 425.00 367.08 26-Sep Tree of Sharing 66 770.00 14.08 29-Sep NW Vocal Project/NW Sound * 210.00 1-Oct Red Lion Hotel Corporation Executive Meeting 12 104.20 149.27 9-Oct Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane 75 500.00 10-Oct Wells Fargo Home Mortgage - Center Stage 106 715.57 797.07 Oct 11-13 Bank of America 95 2,026.50 284.80 11-Oct Women's Council of Realtors 133 450.00 713.69 Oct 13-14 Haase Myotherapy Seminar 54 1,550.00 Oct 14-15 GE Digital Energy Meeting 23 516.00 233.91 15-Oct Design Build Institute of America 62 100.55 235.29 17-Oct Visit Spokane Training Session for National Preservation Conference Volunteers 32 - Alcohol Net $ BS Catering $ 24.96 6,016.03 201.02 1,882.86 - SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER 17,083.07 107.75 - 21.87 Alcohol Net 374.51 3,952.91 383.48 31.07 739.37 $ 11,667.32 BS Catering 59.86 2.75 $ 62.61 154.20 611.49 1,037.03 - 3.20 - $ 16.12 1,215.66 127.80 518.63 3,008 - $ 3 - 12.95 169.48 Alcohol53.09 Net BS Catering 125.31 - 185.66 - - 67.30 - - 1,104.00 1,732.08 533.91 354.00 950.08 3,683.75 38.00 950.08 950.08 950.08 950.08 782.00 950.08 1,602.00 1,055.87 764.78 4,823.53 2,080.80 3,926.83 3,377.16 934.00 9,765.82 554.50 2,723.44 707.00 1,042.00 1,266.28 1,596.00 46.00 682.90 3,720.97 Other $ 153,871.36 3,777.64 3,793.99 1,240.04 435.42 3,384.61 11,884.60 138.00 2,720.04 3,472.91 2,363.23 2,710.46 1,550.13 4,029.73 3,358.74 2,510.03 4,757.87 423.45 11,964.43 4,897.12 12,899.32 11,729.82 3,733.20 15,480.82 4,371.83 5,056.19 2,107.00 2,342.00 7,077.27 5,579.15 802.94 2,096.94 12,042.76 Total Revenue $ 416,919.42 8,871.29 722.18 30,643.40 73.60 18,052.59 1,169.50 6,068.50 1,945.97 11,173.56 285.00 319.00 244.80 5,797.95 14,706.65 478.38 1,791.50 1,947.10 8,304.05 472.00 13,443.40 101.00 15,840.00 621.00 3,854.20 Other 645.00 13,714.92 474.20 31,355.50 234.25 7,467.23 166.72 23,550.10 955.00 1,026.38 6,657.25 465.00 5,429.00 76.00 20,835.70 3,363.00 12,913.41 175.00 3,454.54 5,550.75 152.00 10,238.50 4,263.20 18,915.30 281.00 13,655.51 1,249.00 17,189.25 222.99 37,375.57 2,115.50 114.00 2,310.77 $ 371,600.62 5,411.14 822.39 9,148.33 166.00 5,453.20 561.75 18,284.82 1,087.00 3,279.65 549.00 8,022.20 555.00 1,927.00 171.00 14,588.20 832.00 4,451.50 478.20 3,391.20 1,074.00 73.19 2,007.80 398.00 4,492.20 1,227.08 1,607.51 1,418.05 $ 77,728 1,333.63 382.00 125.00 919.97 474.20 804.97 18.00 52.00 179.00 1,451.00 276.00 92.00 276.00 212.00 272.00 125.00 Other 478.20 1,153.38 902.00 2,275.00 1,760.00 341.00 474.20 152.00 240.00 513.00 1,468.50 382.00 423.00 244.00 970.00 1,863.93 1,201.00 398.00 1,154.47 561.00 - 25,688.52 1,714.89 107,194.24 569.09 63,044.23 6,968.34 12,678.51 10,150.24 26,890.81 902.00 1,119.00 918.41 18,384.69 78.26 26,275.62 1,383.62 7,484.69 3,091.16 26,018.94 1,733.82 36,391.26 313.54 62,348.64 2,121.00 8,261.28 Total Revenue 1,625.96 47,523.32 1,774.20 115,263.63 965.00 24,535.16 263.78 97,905.31 151.66 1,057.32 2,374.33 10,301.41 2,215.18 29,808.13 302.74 64,414.69 18.40 14,540.11 86.48 41,339.03 775.00 8,249.53 177.68 26,460.59 752.00 29,111.91 10,084.29 70,041.78 743.20 56,647.42 3,195.50 54,742.25 1,062.32 104,905.92 6,115.50 414.00 7,371.80 $ 1,219,041.94 11,501.23 3,379.74 706.03 21,006.67 366.00 16,420.05 1,466.75 50,466.68 2,837.55 6,153.56 2,362.14 22,093.86 2,371.18 5,443.95 775.80 35,736.87 3,243.41 8,410.70 1,378.20 6,070.37 3,272.00 319.77 8,144.36 1,948.00 17,264.90 6,147.36 6,847.02 4,571.26 207,330.99 4,338.26 759.75 347.56 5,081.54 1,821.03 1,351.07 198.38 645.53 441.94 115.74 963.90 19.36 3,645.09 2,156.79 293.83 73.60 1,990.67 1,002.00 2,418.98 346.16 1,336.15 Total Revenue 166.85 1,378.20 1,849.38 200.16 1,857.79 7,869.08 3,954.96 717.13 1,773.75 125.85 1,030.27 1,173.99 2,342.47 5,016.76 1,174.08 1,207.08 210.00 497.47 500.00 2,482.64 4,175.23 2,431.99 1,948.00 1,904.38 896.84 - 101 2012 year end report SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER 2012 ACTIVITY BY EVENT TYPE Date Total Attendance Event Rental Concessions Net Catering Net Alcohol Net Activity By Event Type CONVENTIONS TRADE SHOWS 2-Sep AND Spokane Christian Church 10th Anniversary Celebration 379 660.00 36.00 2-Sep Crown West Realty Dinner with Friends 16 200.16 Sep 5-6 Visit Spokane The Big Meeting 277 955.79 Sep 11-12 Greater Spokane Incorporated Annual Meeting 1,115 765.00 4,829.08 Sep 12-13 The Governor's 7th Annual Aerospace Summit - Refueling Washington's Economy 322 56.60 45.69 1,967.36 12-Sep Department of Ecology 41 300.00 76.13 15-Sep World Wide Dreambuilders 620 1,299.55 17-Sep Sustainable Resources INW 39 125.85 2012 ACTIVITY BY EVENT TYPE 18-Sep Thrivent Financial Services for Lutherans 117 400.00 478.27 20-Sep The NEED Project 48 520.00 413.99 20-Sep BOMA 100 Year Anniversary Celebration 82 700.00 9.00 934.81 24-Sep Guest Services Training Total 434 Concessions Health Assn. Spokane 334 662.39 2,885.87 Date 25-Sep Community Event Rental Catering Net Attendance Net 25-Sep U of W - An Introduction to Process Safety Management (PSM) 52 425.00 367.08 26-Sep AND Tree TRADE of Sharing 66 770.00 14.08 CONVENTIONS SHOWS NW VocalEllingson Project/NW Sound * 210.00 Jan29-Sep 24-28 Bargreen 670 9,664.75 7,152.48 1-Oct Red Lion Hotel Corporation Executive Meeting 12 104.20 149.27 Jan 28- 3 Feb Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting & Trade Show 6,590 51,992.60 3,114.64 15,427.57 Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane 75 500.00 Feb9-Oct 5-10 Ag Expo 8,644 35,740.60 7,536.16 1,513.86 10-Oct Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Center Stage 106 715.57 797.07 Mar 22-24 Cornerstone Pentecostal Church 2012 Summit 1,667 6,011.75 167.70 430.56 Oct 29-31 11-13 Mary Bank Kay of America 95 2,026.50 284.80 Mar Multiple Career Conference 2,669 12,521.65 1,510.44 1,685.16 Women's Council Realtors 133* 450.00 713.69 Mar11-Oct 30-31 Sharodan ProductsofShow 800.00 Oct 13-14 Haase Myotherapy Seminar 54 1,550.00 Apr 2-5 Northwest Indian Youth Conference 1,115 11,000.00 1,586.74 -Oct GE Digital Energy Meeting 23 516.00 233.91 Apr14-15 8-11 NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference 2,187 4,168.11 -7,400.86 15-Oct Design Build Institute of America 62 100.55 235.29 12-Apr NWPPA Engineering & Operations Conference 880 3,800.00 1,893.19 Visit Spokane Training for National Preservation Conference Volunteers 32 Apr 17-Oct 18-20 Inland Northwest DentalSession Conference 1,554 14,325.64 829.96 2,559.29 17-Oct Better Business Bureau Centennial Celebration 285 340.00 6.10 1,019.36 May 7-11 International Association of Operative Millers' Annual Conference & Expo 1,360 13,992.50 325.41 8,629.95 Inland Northwest Bank Association's Dinner with Friends 44 659.76 May17-Oct 15-21 Washington Education Representative Assembly 4,154 41,483.60 2,405.86 2,619.18 Armando Montelongo 37 395.00 44.16 May18-Oct 22-23 Washington State Healthcare Association 2012 Conference 515 938.10 114.72 3,354.26 Citywide Pre-Conference Meeting - Society of American Foresters 22 Jun22-Oct 24-26 AWSP/WASA Summer Conference 2,794 12,484.60 479.20 20,470.09 25-Oct YWCA Women of Achievement Luncheon 690 1,846.35 3,325.11 Jun 25- Jul 1 61st National Square Dance Convention 20,937 48,780.00 31,317.97 3,750.30 Oct 26-28 International NCEES Exams 172 3,200.00 Jul 11-15 Federation of Fly Fishers 2012 Fly Fishing Fair 2,664 14,700.00 2,252.47 115.46 Northwest Christian Schools 708 4,100.00 2,393.38 Jul27-Oct 15-21 NAA Annual Conference 4,224 52,218.50 2,148.44 16,035.36 Citywide Pre-Conference 44 Jul29-Oct 26-29 Steubenville Northwest Meeting - National Preservation Conference 470 14.00 88.32 Nov 6-7 WSNA Greater2012 Spokane IncState 15th Annual Economic Forecast 708 309.37 2,285.63 Jul 30-31 Annual Conference 604 3,600.00 -44.16 11-Nov Logan Magazine Logan's Winter Wishes Fashion Show 236 685.00 828.00 Aug 3-5 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion 5,958 (803.92) 2,618.49 22,564.56 17-Nov World Wide Dreambuilders 1,027 1,400.00 45.71 Sep 9-14 Jensen Marketplace 1,872 22,502.05 255.61 20,821.33 Sustainable Resources 52 164.57 Sep19-Nov 21-22 Healing Rooms SpiritualINW Hunger 1,722 10,800.00 374.36 Festival of the Arts Health & Safety Conference 350 2,050.00 149.04 Sep20-Nov 25-27 Governor's Industrial 1,833 25,269.00 960.58 2,196.04 28-Nov SPFD Employee Meeting * 92.00 Sep 28-29 Barbershop Harmony 2012 Evergreen District Convention/Competition 1,961 4,200.00 430.22 164.77 12-Dec PFD Stakeholders and Community Meeting 87 Oct 2-5 WSSHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition 1,131 5,440.57 99.65 15,369.62 Keller Williams Realty Spokane 82 2.90 552.00 Oct14-Dec 16-18 Western Protective Relay 1,629 9,002.50 9,870.91 Total of American Foresters National Convention 20,872 68,798.99 $ 2,933.82 $ 75,550.75 Oct 22-27 Society 5,393 $ 34,265.90 4,473.61 12,003.49 BS Catering 125.31 Meetings (continued), Sporting Events,CENTER Combined Total SPOKANE CONVENTION Oct 28- 3 Nov National Preservation Conference SPORTING EVENTS Nov 13-17 WSSDA 2012 Conference 4-Feb Lilac City Cheer & Dance Competition Dec 2-7 NWMA 2012 Annual Convention Mar 16-17 Pacific Judo Academy's Inland&Empire Dec 5-7 National EWP Meetings/Cigar ScotchClassic Client Event Mar 22-Apr 1 Total Pacific Northwest Qualifier Apr 6-7 Jason Crawford Memorial Wrestling Tournament Mar 11-13 Move Productions Dance Competition CONSUMER SHOWS Jul 6-8 5-9 Bridal 3rd Annual USJF & USJA Grassroots Judo National Championships MO Jan Festival Sep 7-8 Spokane Lilac City Golf Rollergirls Feb 16-19 & Travel Show Dec 13-15 Winter Warrior Mar 13-19 Spokane HomeClassic & Garden Show Total Apr 16-17 Washington Educator Career Fair Apr 19-22 2012 Women's Show Apr 28-29 Baby Fair May 2-6 Bloomsday Sep 28-29 Bridal Festival 30-Sep Sustainable Preparedness Expo 10-Oct WSU Pharmacy Career Day Date Event Nov 5-6 Spokane National College Fair Nov 8-10 Snowlander Expo CONVENTIONS TRADE ENTERTAINMENT 14-Nov AND Dealers Auto SHOWS Auction Northwest Total COMMUNITY EVENTS Combined Total 4-Jan Dreamnight Banquet 16-Jan Martin Luther King Jr. Parade Start 20-Jan Molecular Mixology & Gastronomy 102 2,776 2,658 1,004 5,986 428 36 13,738 96,653 4,119 4,197 2,897 3,804 642 4,678 2,037 7,775 29,062 614 $ 38,676.44 23,870.40 2,940.00 33,758.51 2,332.00 300.00 43,572.00 545,517.85 9,585.00 4,200.00 8,627.00 9,657.60 1,175.00 7,978.05 5,767.00 27,624.18 78,198.00 2,500.00 $ 2,739.61 724.97 1,955.65 1,132.27 376.39 21,900.72 67,599.08 17,305.82 1,937.41 2,442.77 1,478.85 273.88 1,845.53 3,347.32 4,557.68 49,539.96 87.56 $ 1,575.86 12,957.63 48.42 31,900.20 -222,594.46 78.63 17.44 110.40 103.04 -144.49 286.35 $ $ $ SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER 5,139 12,400.00 1,671.66 731 2,900.00 2012 ACTIVITY BY EVENT 616.95 TYPE 50,576 1,185 1,591 Total229 Attendance 4,272 1,646 330 82,570 - 284,556 645 2,572 173 19,282.40 3,400.00 1,800.00 1,330.74 Rental 5,250.00 10,981.20 $ 105,104 $ - 1,498.27 522.40 879.17 Concessions 25.50 Net511.14 546.40 5.71 $ 14,247 $ - $ $ $ $ $ 935,532 213.00 400.00 - 137,602.26 146.10 - 185.66 - 375.42 29.44 5,106.00 7,241 - 410,192.26 3,948.57 645.53 - BS Catering 6,016.03 201.02 ------------59.86 ----- -67.30 ---49.20 - -374.51 --3,952.91 --- $ $ $ 368.00 36.80 825.64 Catering Net - Alcohol Net 567.53 3,864.11 383.48 739.37 -11,667.32 611.49 589.50 1,037.03 -589.50 - $ $ $ - Alcohol16.12 Net $ $ $ 1,215.66 127.80 3,008 - 36,212.10 - Other 2.75 -- -62.61 -3.20 --- $ 13,655.51 17,189.25 3,763.50 37,375.57 958.50 114.00 10,228.80 $ 371,600.62 7,727.06 4,920.98 3,973.00 9,148.33 1,867.60 5,453.20 8,132.40 18,284.82 $ 41,571.84 3,279.65 BS Catering - $ $ - 3 $ 173.56 1,153.38 902.00 2,275.00 1,760.00 341.00 474.20 152.00 240.00 513.00 1,468.50 Other 382.00 423.00 8,871.29 244.00 30,643.40 18,052.59 970.00 6,068.50 1,863.93 11,173.56 1,201.00 319.00 398.00 5,797.95 1,154.47 14,706.65 561.00 1,791.50 8,304.05 947.00 13,443.40 15,840.00 266.00 3,854.20 13,714.92 3,168.00 31,355.50 1,479.00 7,467.23 2,804.00 23,550.10 955.00 1,896.00 6,657.25 1,537.28 5,429.00 662.38 20,835.70 3,363.00 650.00 12,913.41 3,454.54 5,550.75 10,238.50 71,299.51 18,915.30 $ $ 8,022.20 1,927.00 14,588.20 4,451.50 3,391.20 1,074.00 Other 2,007.80 4,492.20 1,607.51 77,728 - $ 716,070.94 919.97 804.97 - Total Revenue 1,849.38 200.16 1,857.79 7,869.08 3,954.96 717.13 1,773.75 125.85 1,030.27 1,173.99 2,342.47 5,016.76 Total Revenue 1,174.08 1,207.08 210.00 25,688.52 497.47 107,194.24 500.00 63,044.23 2,482.64 12,678.51 4,175.23 26,890.81 2,431.99 1,119.00 1,948.00 18,384.69 1,904.38 26,275.62 896.84 7,484.69 26,018.94 2,361.66 36,391.26 659.76 62,348.64 705.16 8,261.28 47,523.32 8,339.46 115,263.63 4,679.00 24,535.16 9,297.38 97,905.31 1,057.32 4,491.00 10,301.41 3,050.28 29,808.13 2,108.09 64,414.69 164.57 14,540.11 2,849.04 41,339.03 92.00 8,249.53 26,460.59 1,122.43 29,111.91 $ 222,447.18 70,041.78 $ $ 56,647.42 54,742.25 8,707.57 104,905.92 3,666.89 414.00 75,701.52 1,219,041.94 34,617.88 11,137.02 15,060.21 21,006.67 3,905.98 16,420.05 17,246.72 50,466.68 170,043.79 6,153.56 22,093.86 5,443.95 35,736.87 8,410.70 6,070.37 3,272.00 Total Revenue 8,144.36 17,264.90 6,847.02 207,330.99 $ $ 2,235,783.32 5,081.54 1,351.07 645.53 2012 year end report SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER EVENTComparison REVENUE COMPARISON Event Revenue 2012/2011 Description Conventions & Trade Shows Consumer Shows Community Events Sporting Events Meetings Entertainment Total 2012 $ 1,219,042 55% 207,331 9% 416,919 19% 170,044 8% 222,447 10% 0% $ 2,235,783 100% 2012 2011 $ 1,253,890 59% 219,439 10% 244,508 11% 272,039 13% 135,347 6% 7,687 0% $ 2,132,911 100% 2011 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $- 103 year end report 2012 SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER Revenue History HISTORY BY EVENT TYPE 2003-2012 By Event Type Description Conventions & Trade Shows Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Description Sporting Events Entertainment& Trade Shows Conventions Total Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events $1,400,000 Entertainment Total SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER 2003 $446,552 154,289 217,813 2003 32,482 $446,552 $154,289 851,135 217,813 32,482 $851,135 $1,200,000 $ REVENUE HISTORY BY EVENT TYPE 2003-2012 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 603,265 346,354 $ 523,998 $ 817,778 165,222 193,002 234,321 329,568 REVENUE 96,426 139,525 214,395 224,204 113,378 176,732 149,053 254,683 2004200520062007 81,529 21,121 5,430 $ 817,778 4,084 $ 603,265 346,354 $ 523,998 $ 999,412 165,222 $ 855,613 193,002 $ 1,127,197 234,321 $ 1,711,846 329,568 96,426 139,525 214,395 224,204 113,3782004 176,732 2003 2005 2006 149,053 2007 2008 254,683 2009 81,529 21,121 5,430 4,084 $ 999,412 $ 855,613 $ 1,127,197 $ 1,711,846 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 $ 1,033,866 363,461 341,267 287,186 2008 74,644 $ 1,033,866 $ 2,100,423 363,461 341,267 2010287,186 2011 74,644 $ 2,100,423 2010 2011 2009 $ 1,203,504 319,883 372,316 118,246 2009 136,110 $ 1,203,504 $ 2,150,059 319,883 372,316 118,246 2012 136,110 $ 2,150,059 2010 $ 1,265,143 298,526 290,068 174,745 2010 107,711 $ 1,265,143 $ 2,136,193 298,526 290,068 174,745 107,711 $ 2,136,193 2011 $ 1,253,890 219,439 244,508 272,039 2011 135,347 7,687 $ 1,253,890 $ 2,132,911 219,439 244,508 272,039 135,347 7,687 $ 2,132,911 2012 $ 1,219,042 207,331 416,919 222,447 2012 170,044 $ 1,219,042 $ 2,235,783 207,331 416,919 222,447 170,044 $ 2,235,783 2012 $1,400,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $600,000 $800,000 $400,000 $600,000 $200,000 $400,000 $- $200,000 Conventions & Trade Shows Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events Entertainment ATTENDANCE $- Description Conventions & Trade Shows2003 Consumer 2004 2005 Community 2006 2007 Meetings 2008 Shows Events Conventions & Trade Shows 110,360 89,285 47,976 51,604 82,921 81,420 Consumer Shows 79,423 99,857 108,920 107,406 123,343 109,048 ATTENDANCE Community Events 48,862 17,400 22,094 34,223 30,189 35,343 Meetings 22,992 23,746 19,499 25,780 23,059 Description 2003 2004200520062007 2008 Sporting Events 28,578 20,503 Entertainment& Trade Shows 7,708 5,068 1,457 400 Conventions 110,360 89,285 47,976 51,604 82,921 81,420 Total 246,353 234,602 202,736 214,189 291,211 269,373 Consumer Shows 79,423 99,857 108,920 107,406 123,343 109,048 Community Events 48,862 17,400 22,094 34,223 30,189 35,343 Meetings 22,992 23,746 19,499 25,780 23,059 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Sporting Events 28,578 20,503 Entertainment 7,708 5,068 1,457 400 140,000 Total 246,353 234,602 202,736 214,189 291,211 269,373 120,000 140,000 100,000 120,000 80,000 100,000 60,000 80,000 40,000 60,000 20,000 104 40,000 - 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2009 2010 Sporting Events 85,505 100,971 45,965 12,590 2009 26,406 85,505 271,437 100,971 45,965 12,590 2012 26,406 271,437 2012 95,094 98,928 41,244 22,232 2010 16,924 95,094 274,422 98,928 41,244 22,232 16,924 274,422 2011 Entertainment 2012 71,734 86,148 39,466 21,910 2011 23,362 896 71,734 243,516 86,148 39,466 21,910 23,362 896 243,516 96,653 82,570 55,399 20,872 2012 29,062 96,653 284,556 82,570 55,399 20,872 29,062 284,556 $1,400,000 $1,000,000 2012 $1,200,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 year end report $600,000 $800,000 $400,000 $600,000 $200,000 Attendance History $400,000 $- By Event Type $200,000 Conventions & Trade Shows Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events ATTENDANCE $- Description Conventions & Trade Shows2003 Consumer 2004 2005 Community 2006 2007 Meetings 2008 Shows Events Conventions & Trade Shows 110,360 89,285 47,976 51,604 82,921 81,420 Consumer Shows 79,423 99,857 108,920 107,406 123,343 109,048 ATTENDANCE Community Events 48,862 17,400 22,094 34,223 30,189 35,343 Meetings 22,992 23,746 19,499 25,780 23,059 Description 2003 2004200520062007 2008 Sporting Events 28,578 20,503 Entertainment 7,708 5,068 1,457 400 Conventions & Trade Shows 110,360 89,285 47,976 51,604 82,921 81,420 Total 246,353 234,602 202,736 214,189 291,211 269,373 Consumer Shows 79,423 99,857 108,920 107,406 123,343 109,048 Community Events 48,862 17,400 22,094 34,223 30,189 35,343 Meetings 22,992 23,746 19,499 25,780 23,059 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Sporting Events 28,578 20,503 Entertainment 7,708 5,068 1,457 400 140,000 Total 246,353 234,602 202,736 214,189 291,211 269,373 2003 120,000 Entertainment 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2009 2010 Sporting Events 85,505 100,971 45,965 12,590 2009 26,406 85,505 271,437 100,971 45,965 12,590 2012 26,406 271,437 95,094 98,928 41,244 22,232 2010 16,924 95,094 274,422 98,928 41,244 22,232 16,924 274,422 2011 Entertainment 2012 71,734 86,148 39,466 21,910 2011 23,362 896 71,734 243,516 86,148 39,466 21,910 23,362 896 243,516 96,653 82,570 55,399 20,872 2012 29,062 96,653 284,556 82,570 55,399 20,872 29,062 284,556 2012 140,000 100,000 120,000 80,000 100,000 60,000 80,000 40,000 60,000 20,000 40,000 20,000 Conventions & Trade Shows Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events Entertainment Conventions & Trade Shows Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events Entertainment - 105 year end report Attendance/Revenue Comparisson SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER ATTENDANCE / REVENUE BY MONTH 2012 ATTENDANCE / REVENUE BY MONTH By Month 2012 Date January February March April May June July August September October November December Total ,000 Attendance % 13,778 23,735 28,823 33,618 67,252 28,989 12,279 8,125 16,290 15,619 17,203 18,845 284,556 5% 8% 10% 12% 24% 10% 4% 3% 6% 5% 6% 7% 100% 80,000 ,000 Revenue Date January February March April May June July August September October November December Total $ % 147,719 7% Attendance % 183,265 8% 13,778 5% 215,092 10% 23,735 8% 281,331 13% 28,823 10% 208,706 9% 33,618 12% 192,636 67,252 9% 24% 182,394 28,989 8% 10% 67,136 12,279 3% 4% 200,286 8,125 9% 3% 231,302 16,290 10% 6% 15,619 8% 5% 174,628 17,203 7% 6% 151,288 18,845 100% 7% $ 2,235,783 Attendance 284,556 Revenue $ 100% Attendance 70,000 ,000 60,000 ,000 50,000 ,000 40,000 30,000 ,000 20,000 ,000 10,000 ,000 - - $300,000 00,000 Revenue $250,000 50,000 $200,000 00,000 $150,000 50,000 $100,000 00,000 $50,000 50,000 $- 106 $- $ Revenue 147,719 183,265 215,092 281,331 208,706 192,636 182,394 67,136 200,286 231,302 174,628 151,288 2,235,783 % 7% 8% 10% 13% 9% 9% 8% 3% 9% 10% 8% 7% 100% 2012 2012 year end report SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER ATTENDANCE / REVENUE BY EVENT TYPE Attendance/Revenue By Event Type 2012 SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER ATTENDANCE / REVENUE BY EVENT TYPE Attendance % Revenue % 2012 34% Conventions & Trade Shows 96,653 $ 1,219,042 55% Description Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events Total 82,570 29% 207,331 9% % Revenue 55,399 Attendance 19% 416,919 19% Conventions & Trade Shows 20,872 96,653 34% 222,447 $ 1,219,042 7% 10% Consumer Shows 82,570 29% 29,062 10% 170,044 207,331 8% Community Events 55,399 19% 416,919 284,556 100% 100% Meetings 20,872 $ 7%2,235,783 222,447 Description Sporting Events Total Attendance Sporting Events, 10% Meetings, 7% 29,062 284,556 10% 100% $ 170,044 2,235,783 % 55% 9% 19% 10% 8% 100% Attendance Sporting Events, 10% Conventions & Conventions & Trade Shows, Trade Shows, 34% 34% CONVENTION CENTER Meetings, 7% SPOKANE ATTENDANCE / REVENUE BY EVENT TYPE 2012 Community Events, 19% Community Description Events, 19% Conventions & Trade Shows Attendance Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events Total % 96,653 34% 82,570 29% 55,399 19% 20,872 7% 29,062 10% Consumer 284,556 Shows, 29% 100% $ $ Revenue 1,219,042 207,331 416,919 222,447 170,044 2,235,783 % 55% 9% 19% 10% 8% 100% Consumer Attendance Revenue Revenue Shows, 29% Sporting Events, Sporting Events, Sporting Events, 8% 10%8% Revenue Meetings,10% 10% Meetings, Meetings, 7% Conventions & Trade Shows, 34% Sporting Events, 8% Meetings, 10% Conventions & Trade Shows, 55% Community Community Events, 19% Events, 19% Consumer Shows, 9% Consumer Shows, 29% 107 year end report 2012 Per Cap/Average Daily Revenue SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER By Event Type PER CAP / AVG DAILY REVENUE BY EVENT TYPE 2012 Attendance Description Conventions & Trade Shows Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events Total 96,653 82,570 55,399 20,872 29,062 284,556 Event Rev $ $ Adm Tax Total Event Rev 1,219,042 207,331 416,919 222,447 170,044 2,235,783 $ $ 2,576 6,253 454 9,282 $ $ 1,221,618 213,584 416,919 222,447 170,497 2,245,065 Event Avg Daily Rev Per Cap Days 130 37 135 131 29 462 $ $ 9,397 5,773 3,088 1,698 5,879 4,859 $ $ Per Cap $14.00 $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 $Conventions & Trade Shows Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings Sporting Events Total Sporting Events Total Average Daily Revenue $10,000 $9,000 $8,000 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $Conventions & Trade Shows 108 Consumer Shows Community Events Meetings 12.64 2.59 7.53 10.66 5.87 7.89 2012 year end report SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER Top 10 Events by Attendance TOP 10 CONVENTION & TRADE SHOWS BY ATTENDANCE 2012 Convention & Trade Shows Event 61st National Square Dance Convention Ag Expo Society for Range Management's 65th Annual Meeting & Trade Show NWMA 2012 Annual Convention Society of American Foresters National Convention NAA Annual Conference Washington Education Association's Representative Assembly 2012 Wolgamott Family Reunion AWSP/WASA Summer Conference National Preservation Conference Date Attendance Jun 25-1 Jul 20,937 Feb 5-10 8,644 Jan 28-Feb 3 6,590 Dec 2-7 5,986 Oct 22-27 5,393 Jul 15-21 4,224 May 15-21 4,154 Aug 3-4 4,108 Jun 24-26 2,794 Oct 28-Nov 3 2,776 SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER TOP 10 CONSUMER SHOWS BY ATTENDANCE 2012 Consumer Shows National Preservation Conference Oct 28Nov 3 Event AWSP/WASA Summer Conference Jun 2426 Bloomsday Spokane Home & Garden Show 2012 Women's 2012 Wolgamott FamilyShow Reunion Aug 3-4 Spokane Golf & Travel Show Spokane National College Fair Washington Education Association's Bridal Festival Representative Assembly May 15-21 Snowlander Expo Sustainable Preparedness Expo NAA Annual Conference Jul 15-21 Bridal Festival SPOKANE Baby Fair Date CONVENTION May 2-6 Mar 13-19 Apr 19-22 Feb 16-19 Nov 5-6 Jan 6-8 Nov 8-10 30-Sep Sep 28-29 CENTER Apr 28-29 Attendance 50,576 7,775 5,139 4,678 4,272 3,804 1,646 1,591 1,185 731 P 10 COMMUNITY, MEETING, SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EVENTS BY ATTENDANCE 2012 p Society of American Foresters National Convention Oct 22-27 Community, Meeting, Sporting and Entertainment Events NWMA 2012 Annual Convention Dec 2-7 Society for Range Management's 65th Event Date Attendance Annual Meeting & Trade Show Jan 28-Feb Pacific Northwest Qualifier Mar 22-Apr 1 13,738 3 First Night 31-Dec 9,496 Race For The Cure Apr 19-22 5,341 Ag Expo Feb 5-10 Move Productions Dance Competition Mar 11-13 4,197 Jason Crawford Memorial Wrestling Tournament Apr 6-7 4,119 3rd Annual USJF & USJA Grassroots Judo National Championships MO Jul 5-9 2,89761st National Square Dance Convention Jun 25-1 Jul Ron Paul 2012 Rally 17-Feb 2,577 Martin Luther King Jr. Parade Start 16-Jan 2,572 5,000Warrior Classic 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Winter Dec 13-15 2,037 Women Helping Women May 20-21 1,933 May irmen Nov 5-620-21 109 year end report 2012 Food and Beverage Report SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER FOOD & BEVERAGE REPORT 2012 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December 2013 Adjustments Total 110 Concessions Gross Sales $ $ Catering PFD Comm Gross Sales Alcohol PFD Comm Gross Sales BS Catering PFD Comm Non-Event Concessions Non-Event Catering Gross Sales PFD Comm Gross Sales PFD Comm Gross Sales PFD Comm 10,539 $ 30,579 62,649 70,786 16,155 79,854 17,309 6,623 10,069 12,631 10,697 16,114 4,216 $ 12,231 25,060 28,314 6,462 31,942 6,924 2,649 4,028 5,053 4,279 6,446 143,888 $ 99,098 33,975 159,302 162,774 127,748 111,105 142,664 184,964 311,517 114,733 180,811 33,094 $ 22,793 7,814 36,640 37,438 31,847 25,588 32,813 42,542 71,649 26,388 41,587 18,068 $ 11,164 9,139 3,055 2,859 13,551 3,446 4,586 9,991 5,292 9,379 7,227 $ 4,466 3,656 1,222 1,144 5,420 1,378 1,835 3,996 2,117 3,752 $ 128 18 64 240 1,317 240 569 775 120 - - $ $ 1,466 2,897 182 257 205 - $ 586 1,159 73 103 82 - $ 1,453 1,221 1,694 73 61 85 344,006 $ 137,602 $ 1,772,579 $ 410,192 $ 90,530 $ 36,212 $ 3,471 $ 174 $ 5,007 $ 2,003 $ 4,368 $ 218 Non-Event Comm 2013 Adjustments Event Comm - 6 1 3 12 66 12 28 39 6 2012 year end report SPOKANE CONVENTION CENTER Renewal and Replacement Renewal & Replacement Project Summary 2012 Description Mechanical Plant Repairs Asphalt Repairs Wood Door Refinish/Replace Expansion Joint (Division St) Exterior Lighting Retrofit (Avista) Marquee Planters/Trash Receptacles Buddy Bar Replacements Contingency Replace Failed Window Concrete Repairs Ballroom Lighting Retrofit Repair Track Wall System Lightning Strike ETC Relay 2011 CC Lighting Retrofit Rebate Total $ $ Original Budget 50,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 12,500.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 178,500.00 Actual $ 5,143.91 $ 9,739.52 5,143.92 10,130.79 14,239.70 11,431.66 23,696.51 (27,210.00) $ 52,316.01 $ Difference 44,856.09 5,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 12,500.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 (9,739.52) (5,143.92) (10,130.79) (14,239.70) (11,431.66) (23,696.51) 27,210.00 126,183.99 111
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