Discover the complete list of DVD films available at the
Discover the complete list of DVD films available at the
Olympic Studies Centre DVDs List Discover the complete list of DVD films available at the IOC library. April 2011 © IOC / Juilliart List 1. Olympic Movement ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. Olympic Games ................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 2.10. 2.11. 2.12. 2.13. 2.14. 2.15. 2.16. 2.17. 2.18. 2.19. 2.20. 2.21. 2.22. 2.23. 3. Art and culture ........................................................................................................................ 17 Environment ........................................................................................................................... 17 Education ................................................................................................................................ 17 Ethics ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Women ................................................................................................................................... 18 Disability ................................................................................................................................. 18 Medicine and health ............................................................................................................... 18 Philosophy .............................................................................................................................. 18 Athletes ............................................................................................................................................ 20 4.1. 4.2. 5. Sochi 2014 ................................................................................................................................ 4 London 2012 ............................................................................................................................. 4 Vancouver 2010 ....................................................................................................................... 5 Beijing 2008 .............................................................................................................................. 6 Torino 2006 .............................................................................................................................. 8 Athens 2004 ........................................................................................................................... 10 Salt Lake City 2002 ................................................................................................................ 10 Los Angeles 1984 ................................................................................................................... 10 Lake Placid 1980 .................................................................................................................... 11 Montreal 1976 ......................................................................................................................... 11 Munich 1972 ........................................................................................................................... 11 Mexico 1968 ........................................................................................................................... 12 Grenoble 1968 ........................................................................................................................ 12 Tokyo 1964 ............................................................................................................................. 12 Melbourne 1956 ...................................................................................................................... 12 Cortina d’Ampezzo 1956 ........................................................................................................ 12 Berlin 1936 ............................................................................................................................. 13 Paris 1924............................................................................................................................... 13 Athens 1896 ........................................................................................................................... 13 Modern Olympic Games ......................................................................................................... 13 Ancient Games ....................................................................................................................... 15 Youth Olympic Games............................................................................................................ 15 Other International Games ..................................................................................................... 16 Sports themes ................................................................................................................................. 17 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 4. Olympic Congresses ................................................................................................................ 2 Olympism .................................................................................................................................. 2 IOC Presidents ......................................................................................................................... 3 Biographies ............................................................................................................................. 20 Psychology ............................................................................................................................. 22 Sports ............................................................................................................................................... 23 5.1. 5.2. By countries ............................................................................................................................ 23 By disciplines .......................................................................................................................... 23 Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 1/27 List 1. Olympic Movement 1.1. Olympic Congresses Comité International Olympique Copenhagen 2009: 121st IOC Session & XIII Olympic Congress [Lausanne] : CIO, 2009 Class. : 327:061"2009" Cote : DA 124 DVD fourni avec la Revue olympique no 73(2009) 1.2. Olympism International Olympic Committee Celebrate Humanity [Lausanne] : Comité international olympique, 2006 Class. : 327(04) Cote : DA 77 International Olympic Committee Bringing the Olympic values to life: excellence, friendship and respect - how they are brought to life Lausanne: CIO, 2007. Class. : 327:01 Cote : DA 40 DVD included with Olympic Review issue no. 63(2007). Produced by the IOC, this film illustrates the programmes developed by the IOC to promote the Olympic values: development through sport, Olympic Solidarity, women and sport, sport and peace, athletes’ career programme, sport for all, sport and the environment, and culture and Olympic education. Musée Olympique 25e semaine olympique 9-13 octobre : 1981-2005 Lausanne : CIO, 2005 Class. : 327(494) Cote : DA 26 Montage of photos and clips filmed during the Olympic Weeks from 1981 to 2005. Children from all kinds of backgrounds running, jumping, throwing, shooting, sailing and dancing. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 2/27 List 1.3. IOC Presidents International Olympic Committee Meeting with IOC President Jacques Rogge : "the heart of the Games, and the heart of a life" Lausanne : CIO, 2005 Class. : 327:92 ROG Cote : DA 29 On 14 June 2005, IOC President Jacques Rogge was a guest at the Olympic Museum for the quarterly Agora. A discussion programme on topical issues for the Olympic Museum and sport in general, Agora is a forum open to the public, offering a chance to meet different guests for a lively and interactive exchange on sport and society. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 3/27 List 2. Olympic Games 2.1. Sochi 2014 International Olympic Committee PyeongChang 2014 candidate city: Guatemala 2007, 119th IOC Session Lausanne : CIO, 2007 Class. : 730.22 PYE Cote : DA 42 Presentation of PyeongChang’s candidature to the IOC members ahead of the final vote to select the host city for the Olympic Winter Games in 2014. International Olympic Committee Salzburg 2014 candidate city: Guatemala 2007, 119th IOC Session Lausanne : CIO, 2007 Class. : 730.22 SAL Cote : DA 43 Presentation of Salzburg’s candidature to the IOC members ahead of the final vote to select the host city for the Olympic Winter Games in 2014. International Olympic Committee Sochi 2014 candidate city: Guatemala 2007, 119th IOC Session Lausanne : CIO, 2007 Class. : 730.22 SOC Cote : DA 44 Presentation of Sochi’s candidature to the IOC members ahead of the final vote to select the host city for the Olympic Winter Games in 2014. 2.2. London 2012 International Olympic Committee London 2012 candidate city presentation & announcement: Singapore 2005 117th IOC Session Lausanne : CIO, 2005 Class. : 730 LON Cote : DA 22 Presentation of London’s candidature to the IOC members ahead of the final vote to select the host city of the Games of the Olympiad in 2012, followed by the vote in which the IOC members chose London 2012. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 4/27 List International Olympic Committee Madrid 2012 candidate city presentation: Singapore 2005 117th IOC Session Lausanne : CIO, 2005 Class. : 730 MAD Cote : DA 19 Presentation of Madrid’s candidature to the IOC members ahead of the final vote to select the host city of the Games of the Olympiad in 2012, followed by the vote in which the IOC members chose London 2012. International Olympic Committee Moscow 2012 candidate city presentation: Singapore 2005 117th IOC Session Lausanne : CIO, 2005 Class. : 730 MOS Cote : DA 20 Presentation of Moscow’s candidature to the IOC members ahead of the final vote to select the host city of the Games of the Olympiad in 2012, followed by the vote in which the IOC members chose London 2012. International Olympic Committee NYC2012 candidate city presentation: Singapore 2005 117th IOC session / [Lausanne] : CIO, 2005 Class.: 730 NEW Cote : DA 23 Presentation of New York’s candidature to the IOC members ahead of the final vote to select the host city of the Games of the Olympiad in 2012, followed by the vote in which the IOC members chose London 2012. International Olympic Committee Paris 2012 candidate city presentation: Singapore 2005 117th IOC Session / Lausanne : CIO, 2005 Class.: 730 PAR Cote : DA 21 Presentation of Paris’s candidature to the IOC members ahead of the final vote to select the host city of the Games of the Olympiad in 2012, followed by the vote in which the IOC members chose London 2012. 2.3. Vancouver 2010 Canada's Olympic Network XXI Olympic Winter Games Vancouver: CTV/RDS, 2010. Class.: 729.21(086) Cote : DA 136/1-5 Commemorative set of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games. This collection includes : DVD 1: Cérémonies et célébrations = Ceremonies and celebrations. DVD 2: Tournoi de hockey hommes et femmes = Men's and womens' hockey. DVD 3: Olympiens sur la glace = Olympians on ice. DVD 4: Jusqu'au bout = On the edge. DVD 5: Plus vite, plus haut, plus fort = Faster, higher, stronger. Canada's Olympic Network Golden Hockey 2010: the official commemorative set of the men's and women's hockey tournament from the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games Vancouver: CTV/RDS, 2010. – 5 DVD Class.: 729.21(086) Cote : DA 135/1-5 Voici l'histoire des équipes masculine et féminine du Canada qui, en 2010, deviennent les champions olympiques en titre en remportant l'or au hockey. Les disques 1 et 2 contiennent les deux finales de hockey précédées de chapitres examinant comment le Canada a battu ses adversaires respectifs en route vers la grande finale. Les disques 3 à 5 contiennent tous les matchs de l'équipe masculine canadienne dans leur intégralité. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 5/27 List This is the 2010 story of Canada’s men’s and women’s players who are Team Canada’s reigning Olympic gold medal champions in hockey. Discs 1 and 2 contain both gold medal games that are introduced with chapters of how Canada defeated its respective opponents enroute to the final. Discs 3 – 5 contain every Canadian men’s game in their entirety. International Olympic Committee Best of Vancouver 2010 [Lausanne] : CIO, 2010 Class. : 729.21:0 Cote : DA 123 DVD included with Olympic Review issue no. 74(2010). VANOC Official results book: Vancouver 2010 / Vancouver : VANOC, 2010 Class. : 729.21(04) Cote : DA 122 The DVD includes the results of all the disciplines, including a history of each sport, the material, the venues. VANOC Official results book: Vancouver 2010 / Vancouver : VANOC, 2010 Class. : 729.21(04) Cote : DA 132/1-7 DVD 1: Biathlon 13-26 February = février. - DVD 2: Bobsleigh 20-27 February = février ; Skeleton 18-19 February = février. - DVD 3: Curling 16-27 February = février. - DVD 4: Ice hockey 13-28 February = Hockey sur glace 13-28 février. - DVD 5: Luge 13-17 February = février. - DVD 6: Skating 13-27 February = Patinage 13-27 février. - DVD 7: Skiing 12-28 Februray = Ski 12-28 février VANOC VANOC 2005 year in review: presented to the International Olympic Committee 118th Session Vancouver : VANOC, 2006 Class.: 729.21(04) Cote : DA 39 Presentation and promotional film on the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver. 2.4. Beijing 2008 Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Beijing 2008 Beijing : BOCOG, 2006 Class. : 729(04) Cote : DA 46/1-2 Very beautiful film produced by the Beijing Organising Committee (BOCOG) with traditional Chinese aestheticism which tells how China was chosen to embark on the great adventure that is the Olympic Games. Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games: Beijing 2008 : BOCOG special collector's edition Beijing : BOCOG, 2008 Class. : 729-05 Cote: DA 59 Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 6/27 List Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Opening ceremony of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Beijing 2008 : BOCOG special collector's edition Beijing : BOCOG, 2008 Class.: 729(04) Cote: DA 58/1-2 Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Beijing : BOCOG, 2008 Class. : 729(04) Cote : DA 103/1-2 Both DVD are in chinese, with english subtitles. The Opening Ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, a magnificent show, directed by world-famous director Zhang Yimou, includes more than 20,000 performers and demonstrates 5,000 years of Chinese history, culture, and modern advances. Feng, Goo... [et al.] ; International Olympic Committee Dream weavers Beijing 2008: China central newsreel & documentary Beijing : Beijing Massweg Film Distribution, 2008 Class. : 729(086) Cote : DA 69 A documentary about China's preparation for the Olympics: Filming of Dream Weavers – Beijing 2008 began shortly after China won the bid for the Olympics in July 2001, making the documentary the result of seven years of work. International Basketball Federation Beijing basketball celebration: one world, one dream Vernier : FIBA, 2008 Class. : 729(04) Cote : DA 118 A souvenir film from the Beijing 2008 basketball tournament. International Olympic Committee Best of Beijing 2008 [Lausanne] : CIO, 2010 Class. : 729:0 Cote: DA 126 DVD included with Olympic Review issue no. 682008). International Olympic Committee Beijing 2008: countdown to the Olympic Games Lausanne : IOC, 2008 Class.: 729(086) Cote: DA 65 Olympic education Beijing in action Beijing: Beijing General Education Electronic & Audiovisual Press, [2008?] Class. : 729(04) Cote : DA 76 The DVD is in chinese, with a part in English. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 7/27 List Schaub, Christoph; Schindhelm, Michael Bird’s nest: Herzog & de Meuron in China Zürich: T&C Film, 2008 Class.: 729(086) Cote: DA 50 This documentary retraces the enormous Olympic Stadium project in Beijing, which was designed by architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron from Basel (Switzerland), from its design to its realisation. In parallel, the duo designed a whole district in Jinhua, a provincial town in the south west of Shanghai. USOC ; NBC Beijing 2008 Highlights: the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Etats-Unis] : Ten Mayflower, 2008 Class. : 729(086) Cote : DA 134 2.5. Torino 2006 Acquarone, Michele... [et al.] Torino 2006 XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali : il film Torino: La Gazzetta dello Sport, 2006 Class.: 728.20(086) Cote : DA 41 The 2006 Olympic Winter Games in Turin: Opening and Closing Ceremonies, with a focus on the Italian athletes. Città di Torino Torino: passion lives here Torino: Città di Torino, 2006. Class. 728.20 (086) Cote : DA 48 Emotional images and highlights, including the Relay and Olympic flame-lighting ceremony, of the Turin Winter Games in 2006. Comitato per l'Organizzazione dei XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali Torino 2006 Kit didattico multimediale Torino 2006 : scuole medie Torino: TOROC, [2003?] Class.: 728.20(04) CIO DA 144 Comitato per l'Organizzazione dei XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali Torino 2006 Kit didattico multimediale Torino 2006 : scuole elementari Torino: TOROC, [2003?] Class.: 728.20(04) CIO DA 145 Ce DVD Alla scoperta delle olimpiadi, fait partie d'un coffret multimédia comprenant également des livres, des posters, autocollants et cartes des sites. Comitato per l'Organizzazione dei XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali Torino 2006 Neve & Gliz: the cartoon Torino : TOROC, 2006 Class. 728.20(04) Cote : DA 128 Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 8/27 List Comitato per l'organizzazione dei XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali Torino 2006 Opera: preparing for the XX Olympic Winter Games Torino 2006 Torino : TOROC, 2005 Class. : 728.20(04) Cote : DA 27 This film shows the preparations for an opera production as part of the cultural programme of the Olympic Winter Games in Turin. Comitato per l'Organizzazione dei XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali ; Varnier, Andrea In a different light : the Torino 2006 Olympic torch relay Torino : TOROC, 2006 Class. : 728.20(04) Cote : DA 1 This film presents the journey of the Olympic flame and features some archive images from the 1956 Olympic Games in Cortina and those in Rome in 1960. The high point of the film is the flame’s arrival in Turin. Ebersol ,Dick ; Michaels, David ; United States Olympic Committee Torino 2006 Olympic Winter Games: figure skating [Etats-Unis]: NBC Universal, 2006 Class. : 728.20(086) Cote : DA 37 Two DVDs (Men's & ice dancing and Ladies' and pairs) to relive the highlights of the figure skating at the Olympic Games in Turin. The combination of athletic strength and elegance of movement on the ice provide a feast for the eyes. Nichetti, Maurizio Le aventure di Neve & Gliz: 52 cartoon per raccontare i XX Giochi Olimpici invernali di Torino 2006 Torino : La Stampa, 2005 Class. : 728.20(086) Cote : DA 14 Neve, the snowball, and Gliz, the ice cube, were the two mascots of the Turin 2006 Olympic Winter Games. Follow all their adventures in this book! For all ages. Programma di educazione olimpica: raccolta video Torino : Torino 2006, 2006 Class.: 728.20(04) Cote : DA 78 Torino 2006 ISM Games Torino 2006 Turin : ISM, 2005 Class. : 728.20 Cote : DA 45 Virtual presentation of the venues of each sport at the Turin 2006 Olympic Winter Games. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 9/27 List 2.6. Athens 2004 International Olympic Committee ; TWI 2004 Athens Olympic highlights Australie: Warner Vision Australia, 2004 Class. : 728(086) Cote : DA 12 Athens, 2004 - The Olympic Games return to their starting point as the Games to be hosted by their long time friends in Greece. From the magic of the Opening ceremony to the excitement of the competitions, these Games having captured some of the most precious visual images. International Olympic Committee ; TWI Athens: 2004 Australian Olympic Highlights Australie: Warner Vision Australia, 2004 Class. : 728(086) Cote : DA 13 In 2004, at the Olympic Games in Athens, the Australian team, who won gold in several disciplines, made their mark on history. Relive the magic of the win by Thorpe, Hackett, Thomas and Henry. See the emotion of Ryan Bayley and the cycling team, and watch the gold medalmakers in diving, hockey, rowing and shooting. International Olympic Committee ; OTAB Athens 2004 Olympic Games Athens: Victory Media, 2004 Class. : 728 (086) Cote: DA 51/1-5 Through these four DVDs, relive the highlights of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, such as its Opening and Closing Ceremonies in full. 2.7. Salt Lake City 2002 Ebersol, Dick… [et al.] ; NBC The 2002 Olympic Winter Games: Olympic highlights Etats-Unis: National Broadcasting Company, 2002 Class. : 727.19(086) Cote : DA 34 Two hours of emotion await those who watch this film: the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and images of athletes like Sarah Hughes (figure skating), Jim Shea (Skeleton) and Apolo Anton Ohno (speed skating). Salt Lake Organizing Committee Salt Lake 2002: remember the journey Salt Lake City : SLOC, 2002 Class. : 727.19(04) Cote : DA 15 Commemorative film of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City. 2.8. Los Angeles 1984 Hoffman, David Olympics challenge: behind the scenes of the 1984 Olympic Games Etats-Unis: CustomFlix, 2004 Class.: 723(086) Cote : DA 30 The 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles are remembered for their spectacular Opening Ceremony. This film offers an intense and emotional look behind the scenes and at the thousands of people who helped to make this such a memorable event. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 10/27 List 2.9. Lake Placid 1980 O'Connor, Gavin Miracle [S.l.] : Buena Vista, 2004 Class.: 077.1 Cote: DA 60 How at the Winter Olympics Lake Placid 1980, the American hockey team won the gold medal against the invincible Soviet team. 2.10. Montreal 1976 Hilliard Stern, Steven Running: courir pour vaincre, courir pour vivre [Etats-Unis]: [s.n.], 1979 Class. : 721(086) Cote : DA 111 American marathon runner Michael Andropolis sets his heart on representing his country at the Olympic game Montréal 1976s. Meanwhile his marriage has fallen apart and his children have no respect for him. He sets out on his task with determination and hope that his success will resolve his personal problems. 2.11. Munich 1972 Huismann, Wilfried Munich 72: the secrets behind the 1972 Olympic terrorist attack Los Angeles, CA : Fabulous Films, 2006 Class.: 720(086) Cote : DA 95 This insightful documentary looks at the secrets surrounding the 1972 attack, looking at the negotiations, the rescue attempt, the aftermath and inevitable backlash from Israel. Featuring an exclusive interview with the sole remaining terrorist Palestinian Jamal Chashi, along with the widow of hostage Andre Spitzer and several leading members of the crisis team. MacDonald, Kevin ... [et al.] One day in September M6 Vidéo : Warner Home Vidéo, 2006 Class. : 711(086) Cote : DA 3 1972: Olympic Games in Munich. For the first time, the whole world’s television channels were there to broadcast the event live. Millions of viewers were soon to discover the unthinkable: a group of Palestinian terrorists had just taken 11 Israeli athletes hostage, demanding the release of 200 political prisoners. Thirty years later, numerous witnesses, including one of the escaped terrorists, throw new light on the event. Spielberg, Steven Munich Boulogne-Billancourt: Universal Pictures Video, 2006 Class. : 077.1 Cote : DA 2 This film is based on actual events. During the night of 5 September 1972, a group from the Black September Palestinian terrorist organisation entered the Olympic Village in Munich, forced their way into the Israeli house, killed two of the occupants and took the nine others hostage. Twentyone hours later, they were all dead, and 900 million television viewers watched live coverage of the new face of terrorism. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 11/27 List 2.12. Mexico 1968 Isaac, Alberto ; Organizing Committee of the 19th Olympic Games The Olympics in Mexico Lausanne : CIO, 2005 Class.: 719(04) Cote : DA 133 Official film of the Mexico 1968 Olympic Games. 2.13. Grenoble 1968 Lelouch, Claude ; Reichenbach, François ...[et al.] 13 jours en France Paris : Les Films 13, 2008 Class.: 077 Cote: DA 67. Famous report directed by Claude Lelouch on the Olympic Winter Games, Grenoble 1968. 2.14. Tokyo 1964 Shirasaka, Yoshio ...[et al.] Tokyo Olympiad 1964 [S.l.] : The Criterion Collection, cop. 2002 Class.: 718:0 CIO DA 147 Official film of the Olympic Games Tokyo 1964. A spectacle of magnificent proportions, Kon Ichikawa’s Tokyo Olympiad ranks among the greatest documents of sport ever committed to film. Utilizing glorious widescreen cinematography, Ichikawa examines the beauty and rich drama on display at the 1964 Summer Games in Tokyo, creating a catalogue of extraordinary observations that range from the expansive to the intimate. The glory, despair, passion, and suffering of Olympic competition are rendered with lyricism and technical mastery, culminating in an inspiring testament to the beauty of the human body and the strength of the human spirit. 2.15. Melbourne 1956 Lucot, René The Melbourne rendez-vous Lausanne : CIO, 2010 Class. : 716:0 CIO DA 148 Official film of the Melbourne 1956 Olympic Games. 2.16. Cortina d’Ampezzo 1956 Bettamo, Renato Vertigine bianca: 1956 le olimpiadi di Cortina [Italie] : Luce, 1956 Class. : 716.7(086) CIO DA 119 Official film of the Olympic Games Cortina d’Ampezzo 1956, in collaboration with the CONI.. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 12/27 List 2.17. Berlin 1936 Riefenstahl, Leni Olympia 1936 Leipzig: Kinowelt Home Entertainement, 2006 Class.: 711(086) Cote: DA 84/1-2 Teil 1: Fest der Völker (115 min.) Teil 2: Fest der Schönheit (89 min.) Official film of the Olympic Games Berlin 1936. 2.18. Paris 1924 Hudson, Hugh Chariots of fire Bruxelles : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2005 Class. : 077.1 Cote : DA 36 The film is based on the true story of two British athletes competing at the 1924 Games in Paris. 2.19. Athens 1896 Rakoff, Alvin The first Olympics Athens 1896: let the Games begin Washington : SonyPictures, 2008 Class.: 700 (086) Cote: DA 79/1-2 Five Emmy nominations went to the two-part TV drama. The story begins in 1894, when Baron Pierre de Courbetin (Louis Jourdan) announces his intention to stage the first Olympic games of the Modern Era within two years in Athens, and heads to the US to recruit an athletic team. Despite disinterest, opposition and spotty funding, de Coubertin assembles his team with the help of Princeton professor William Sloane. The thirteen chosen Americans have a pretty bumpy time of it, but most survive to the final Olympic contest: the grueling Marathon. 2.20. Modern Olympic Games Columbia Tristar Home Vidéo Les Jeux olympiques: la véritable histoire des Jeux olympiques 1896 – 2000 Etats-Unis : Gaumont, 2004 Class. : 7:93 Cote : DA 31 This film traces the history of the modern Olympic Games up to the 2000 Games in Sydney. International Olympic Committee ;TWI Golden moments: 1920 – 2002 London: TWI, 2003 Class. : 7:93 Cote : DA 35 DVD 1: Supreme achievements ; Crossing the line ; Closeness the victory DVD 2: Closeness the victory ; Breaking the record ; Personal achievement DVD 3: Emotional celebrations ; Rivalry ; National pride DVD 4: National pride ; Olympic spirit ; The medal ceremony DVD 5: Winter superstars ; A Winter's tale ; Winter heroes DVD 6: Winter heroes ; Sydney 2000 ; Salt Lake City 2002 The highlights of the Olympic Games since 1920 are combined to form a collection of six DVDs, including the portraits of Olympic athletes. The great names featured include Jesse Owens, Sonja Henie and Emil Zatopek. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 13/27 List International Olympic Committee ; SEA multimedia Olympic century: 100 years of Summer Olympic Games highlights Lausanne: CIO, 1997 Class. : 7:93 Cote : DA 9 The history of the modern Olympic Games is told here in images. There is a reference to their founder, Pierre de Coubertin who, based on the Olympic ideal of the ancient Games, wanted sport to provide: “harmony and peace between peoples”. Interviews with Olympic athletes such as Emil Zatopek, who says that he is “proud to be part of the Olympic family”. Musée Olympique Aux racines du sport: origines, rites, identités: programme éducatif Lausanne : CIO, 2005 Class. : 7:93(075) Cote : DA 5 Produced by the Olympic Museum, this film offers a compilation of clips showing various combat rites from different countries: the Naadam Games (Mongolia), Capoeira (Brazil), Sumo (Japan), traditional Senegalese wrestling (Senegal) and traditional Swiss wrestling (Switzerland). Traditional music and national costumes combine to offer a colourful introduction to these activities. Objectif Pékin 2008: toute l’histoire olympique, des anciens jeux à aujourd’hui Editions RH Prod, 2008 Class. : 7 :93 Cote : DA 56 From the ancient Games to the preparations for Beijing 2008, this previously unreleased and exclusive documentary retraces the saga of the Olympic Games: the sporting achievements, the athletes who marked their sport and their era, the records, the evolution of the events, the ceremonies, the anecdotes, and the role of politics and the media, not forgetting the problem of doping. With many archived images, this documentary covers more than a century of Olympism. Victory ; in assoc. with the International Olympic Committee and OTAB Olympic Games Athens : Victory, 2008 Class. : 7:93 Cote : DA 54/1-16 This box set of The Olympic Series collection, made up of 16 DVDs, retraces the Olympic Games from London 1948 to Sydney 2000. Two films on the city and the Athens Acropolis complete the series by offering an historic and architectural view of the “City of the Gods”. Victory media ; in association with the IOC Snow passion: the Olympic Winter Games Athens : Victory media SA, 2005 DVD 1: 1948 St.Moritz, 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo (120 min) DVD 2: 1960 Squaw Valley, 1964 Innsbruck (175 min) DVD 3: 1972 Sapporo (100 min) DVD 4: 1976 Innsbruck, 1980 Lake Placid (100 min.) DVD 5: 1988 Calgary (200 min.) Class. : 7:93 Cote : DA 28 This series of DVDs offers us images of the Olympic Winter Games from 1948 to 1988. These include unforgettable moments from Alpine skiing, ice hockey and speed skating. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 14/27 List 2.21. Ancient Games Forestier, François ; Langmann Thomas Astérix aux jeux olympiques [Paris] : Pathé!, 2008 Class. : 077.1 Cote : DA 127/1-2 Gédéon Programmes Les champions d'Olympie: la véritable histoire des premiers Jeux France] : Gédéon Programmes, 2004 Class. : 7:938 Cote : DA 85/1-2 DVD 1 : Olympie - Vaincre pour Zeus (100') DVD 2 : Quand les Dieux couronnaient les hommes (52') ; Sur la route d'Olympie (26') ; Les disciplines des Jeux Antiques The first Olympics: blood, honor and glory: the ultimate challenge of champions Etats-Unis: The History Channel, 2004 Class. : 7:938 Cote : DA 33 This DVD contains three documentaries which explore the origins and culture of the Games through the major sports events: The first Olympics; Blood and honour at the first Olympics; The Greek gods. The Olympics through time: the history of the Olympic Games Amersham : Pickwick Group, 2004 Class.: 7:93 Cote : DA 96 Exclusivement en anglais. In English only. Revived in 1896 by the prompting of Baron de Coubertin, the Olympic Games have become the largest sporting occasion in the world. From a nine sport Olympiad attracting 241 athletes, the Games have grown into a 28 sport spectacular attracting over 10,000 competitors. From Spiridon Louis triumph in the first marathon to Mark Spitz and Carl Lewis multi-medal efforts, this is the ultimate history of more than one hundred years of sporting endeavours. A fascinating documentary detailing the history of the Olympic Games from their origin to the present day. Thomas, Antony The real Olympics: a history of the ancient and modern Olympic Games Etats-Unis: Carlton TV, 2004 Class. : 7:938 Cote : DA 32 This film traces the history of the ancient and modern Olympic Games. Reconstructions give an accurate idea of the ancient Games and help to identify the contrasts and similarities between the two sports events. 2.22. Youth Olympic Games Comité international Olympique Best of Singapore 2010 [Lausanne] : CIO, 2010 Class. : 753.6S1 Cote : DA 131 DVD est fourni avec la Revue olympique no 76(2010) DVD included with Olympic Review issue no. 76(2010). Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 15/27 List 2.23. Other International Games Hilfiker, Roland The World Games: fascinations worldgames Catalonia : Support Air International, 2005 Class. : 796(1) Cote : DA 16 Official film of the Seventh World Games. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 16/27 List 3. Sports themes 3.1. Art and culture Olympic Museum (Lausanne)... [et al.] Olympic short film contest Lausanne 2009: from May 15th to September 21st, 2009 in Brazil, China, Spain and Switzerland Lausanne : Base Court, 2009 Class.: 327 :01 Cote : DA 120 The contest is organized by the Olympic Museum (Lausanne) and Base-Court, together with the Museu Olimpic i de l'Esport (Barcelona), the Xiamen Olympic Museum (Xiamen, People's Republic of China) and the Cultural Department of the Brazilian Olympic Committee (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Sasakawa Sports Foundation One moment in time: SSF World sports photo contest 2004 Tokyo: Sasakawa Sports Foundation, 2004 Class. : 077 Cote : DA 25 This is a selection of the 111 best photographs from the 9,500 received for the Sasakawa Sports Foundation photo competition in 2004. 3.2. Environment International Cooperation and Development Department 8th World Conference on sport and the environment: "innovation and inspiration harnessing the power of sport for change”: 29 to 31 March 2009, Vancouver, Canada Lausanne : CIO, 2009 Class. : 091 Cote : DA 105 3.3. Education Singapore Ministry of Education Living olympism: primary, secondary, pre-university olympic education resource pack [Singapore] : Singapore Ministry of Education, 2008 Class.: 7:93(075) Cote: DA 108 Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 17/27 List Gasser, Andreas... [et al.] ; Swiss Olympic L'esprit olympique à l’école: idées de cours pour l'application des valeurs olympiques dans les classes de 4e-6e années Bern: Swiss Olympic Association, 2004 Class.: 7:93(075) Cote : DA 129 3.4. Ethics Olympic Academy ; Callis, Charles ... [et al.] Ethics through sport: olympic education teacher resource : a resource supporting year 13 physical education Athens : Olympic Academy, 2009 Class.: 01 Cote : DA 110 CD-Rom with the following : Printable worksheets, Teaching notes with learning activities, Editable assessment task for Achievement Standard PE 3-5, PowePoint for classroom use, Posters 3.5. Women Croatian Olympic Committee, Commission for Women in Sport … [et al.] Sportswoman: from results to career in sports : international seminar / Croatian Zagreb: Croatian Olympic Committee, 2007 Class.: 03-054 Cote : DA 109 The DVD contains video abstract in coratian of the confidences, within english sub-titles. 3.6. Disability Brockport physical fitness test DVD Champaign, Ill : Human Kinetics, 2011 Class.: 03-056 Cote : DA 112 A documentary which describes the benefits of physical activity and explains what the Brockport physical fitness test involves. 3.7. Medicine and health Wada/Ama Video Level the playing field Lausanne: Wada/Ama, 2007 Class. : 061.5 Cote : DA 48 This two-minute video gets the heart of the topic – that Clean Athletes are the real heroes who make brave choices everyday by not doping. They deserve competition that is safe and fair. They deserve a level playing field. 3.8. Philosophy Berthoz, Alain Alain Berthoz Paris : INSEP, 2007 Class.: 01 Cote : DA 93 Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 18/27 List Comte-Sponville, André André Comte-Sponville Paris : INSEP, 2009 Class.: 01 Cote : DA 91 Kahn, Axel Axel Kahn Paris : INSEP, 2007 Class.: 01 Cote : DA 87 Picq, Pascal Pascal Picq Paris : INSEP, 2007 Class.: 01 Cote : DA 88 Queval, Isabelle Isabelle Queval Paris : INSEP, 2009 Class.: 01 Cote : DA 90 Vigarello, Georges Georges Vigarello Paris : INSEP, 2009 Class.: 01 Cote : DA 92/1-2 Yonnet, Paul Paul Yonnet Paris : INSEP, 2009 Class.: 01 Cote : DA 89 Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 19/27 List 4. Athletes 4.1. Biographies Alenius, Marianne (prod.) Niels Bukh: a visual documentation on gymnastics and politics : 1912-1952 Copenhagen : Museum Tusculanum Press, 2006 Class. : 079:92 BUK Cote : DA 8 Niels Bukh (1880-1950), founder of the Danish school of modern gymnastics. His private life and fascination with the Nazis make him a controversial character, even 50 years after his death. This DVD contains 131 clips in Danish, English and Japanese. Curtiz, Michael Jim Thorpe, all American Burbank Calif. : Warner Home Video, cop. 1992 Class. : 077 Cote : DA 68 The stirring life story of the American Indian who overcame personal and professional struggles to become one of the world's greatest athletes. Ebersol, Dick (prod.) Michael Phelps: inside story of the Beijing Games : Beijing 2008 Etats-Unis: Ten Mayflower Prod., 2008 Class.: 079:92 PHE Cote: DA 70 With exclusive interviews and commentary, Michael takes us on his personal journey to Olympic stardom. Includes all his races and special behind-the-scenes footage. Léonard, Maire-France The champions' zone France : Balestra, 2004 Class. : 079:92 Cote : DA 11 Fifteen (world or Olympic) champions from the five continents describe their moment of glory when they entered the Zone. Jurkovič, Ivan Dražen [S.l.] : Positiv Film, 2006 Class. : 079 :92 DRA Cote : DA 49 Profile of Croatian basketballer Dražen Petrovič (1964-1993), bronze medallist at the Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games and silver medallist in Seoul and Barcelona. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 20/27 List Kohler, Yvan Hans Leutenegger: sport, affaires et cinéma: la success story d'un Suisse parti de rien Bienne : Canal 1, 2009 Class. : 079 :92 LEU Cote : DA 104 Hans Leunenegger won the golf medal in four-man bobsleigh at the Olympic Games Sapporo 1972. Kusturica, Emir Maradona par Kusturica [Zürich] : Frenetic Films, 2008 Class. : 079:92 MAR Cote : DA 99 Loach, Ken Looking for Eric [Chartres]: Diaphana Ed. Vidéo, 2010. Class. : 077 Cote : DA 143 Eric a football fanatic postman whose life is descending in to crisis receives some life coaching from the famously philosophical Eric Cantona. Mann, Michael Ali [S.l.] : Columbia Pictures, 2001 Choix de langue: anglais, français. Sous-titres: anglais, français, espagnol. Class. : 079 :92 ALI Cote : DA 100 A biography of sports legend, Muhammad Ali, from his early days to his days in the ring. Müller, Patrick (prod.) Replay: Roger Federer: his story [S.l.] : Condor, 2005 Class. : 079:92 FED Cote: DA 62 This film combines the glance of Roger on its career, its greatest moments but also interviews with his family, his friends and legendary champions like John McEnroe or Boris Becker. Smaragdis, Yiannis Spyros Louis Amaroussion: Municipality of Amaroussion, 2004 Class. : 701(086) Cote : DA 7 This film tells the story of Spiridon “Spiros” Louis (1873-1940), who won the first marathon in the 1896 Olympic Games. Yiannis Smaragis, the producer, explains that he wished to dedicate his work to a man who, through his victory and his life, enabled Greece to dream again. The flying Scotsman [S.l.] : Twentieth Century Fox, 2007 Class.: 077.1 Cote : DA 117 Greame Obree took part at the Olympic Games of Altanta 1996 in track cycling, sprint individual (rank 11). Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 21/27 List 4.2. Psychology Simasotchi, Serge-Alain Le doute: Didier Cuche [Lausanne] : Mahopictures, 2007 Sous-titres: allemand, italien, anglais Class. : 079 :92 CUC DA 72 Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 22/27 List 5. Sports 5.1. By countries Mitchell & Kenyon Edwardian sports [London] : BFI, 2007 Class.: 079(410) Cote : DA 121 More than 100 years ago, Filmmakers Sagar Mitchell and James Kenyon journeyed across Britain capturing the everyday lives of regular people. For the best part of 70 years, this film sat in barrels before being discovered and ultimately restored. This collection features a selection of sporting highlights, including professional football, cricket and rugby. Eastwood, Clint Invictus [Neuilly-sur-Seine]: Warner Home Video, 2010. Choix de langues: Français, anglais. Sous-titres: Français, anglais, néerlandais Class. : 077 Cote : DA 142 Nelson Mandela, in his first term as the South African President, initiates a unique venture to unite the apartheid-torn land: enlist the national rugby team on a mission to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup. Battanta, Peter ; Frutiger, Christoph Office fédéral du sport Macolin : office, école, institut de recherche et centre d'entraînement sous un seul et même toit Magglingen : Bundesamt für Sport, 2001 Class. : 079(494) Cote : DA 6 Presentation of the Federal Office for Sport in Macolin. 5.2. By disciplines Athletics IAAF 80 years women athletics at the Olympic Games Monaco: IAAF, [2008?] Class. : 079.32.09 Cote: DA 66 This DVD celebrates the 80th anniversary of the first participation of women athletes at the Olympic Games. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 23/27 List Towne, Robert Personal best [S.l.] : Warner Bross, 2008 Class. : 077 Cote : DA 71 The crossing lifes of tree great athletes. Vernon, Alain ; Boisse, Christian Légendes du marathon: de Phidippides aux Jeux olympiques d'Athènes France : France2, 2004 Class. : 079.322.06 Cote : DA 17 History of the marathon and its origins: from Ancient Greece to the present day, including the first Olympic marathon instituted by Pierre de Coubertin in 1896. Warlop, Dominik Toute l'histoire de l’athlétisme S.l.] : [s.n.], 2007 Version française sous-titrée Class. : 079.32 Cote : DA 135 Basketball Reitman, Yvan.. [et al.] Space Jam Hamburg: Warner Bros, 1998 Class. : 079.23 Cote : DA 101 Warlop, Dominik Toute l’histoire du basketball [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2008 Version française sous-titrée Class.: 079.23 Cote : DA 146 Boxing Baglioni, Renato Histoire de la boxe Zürich : Ascot Elite, 2006 Class. : 079.53.06 Cote : DA 52 This DVD tells the story of boxing using previously unreleased images of the most spectacular and often tragic fights of the greatest boxers of the noble art. In this documentary, you can rediscover the main protagonists of this sport: Jack La Motta, Rocky Marciano, Marcel Cerdan, Foreman Tyson and, of course, Cassius Clay who, above all, used boxing as a means of expression, rebellion and social claim. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 24/27 List Scorsese, Martin Raging Bull [S.l.]: Metro-Goldwin-Mayer Studios, cop. 2006 Class.: 077.1 Cote : DA 140 An emotionally self-destructive boxer's journey through life, as the violence and temper that leads him to the top in the ring, destroys his life outside it. Eastwood, Clint Million dollar baby Zürich : Ascot Elite Entertainment Group, 2006 Choix de langues: Anglais, français. Sous-titres: Français Class.: 077 Cote : DA 141 A hardened trainer/manager works with a determined woman in her attempt to establish herself as a boxer. Cycling Valerio, Ferruccio Histoire du cyclisme [S.l.]: Janus Ddiffusion, 2008 Class. : 079.42.06 Cote : DA 55 Relive the first races of the beginning of the last century on the chequered roads, as well as the greatest achievements of its legendary heroes, namely Fausto Coppi. A spectacular film, full of original and previously unreleased images. Football FIFA A world united memories of the FIFA centennial Zurich : FIFA, 2004 Class. : 079.25.06 Cote : DA 4 FIFA celebrated its centenary in 2004. This film offers a summary of the various events held to mark the occasion around the world. FIFA FIFA fever: special limited edition celebrating 100 years of FIFA Zurich: FIFA, 2004 Class. : 079.25.06 Cote : DA 18 This DVD includes several hours of images of footballers of all ages and nationalities at the peak of their form. FremantleMedia L’histoire du football: the beautiful game [S.l.]: FremantleMedia, 2002. Class. : 079.25.06 Cote : DA 53/1-7 The History of Football plunges you into all aspects of the game, with the most stunning goals and the best clips of matches. On and off the pitch, in the corridors of power, the six parts of this box set reveal the whole history of football, from its modest beginnings to the industry that it has become. All aspects of football are covered, with exclusive clips, interspersed with interviews with the big names in football – both past and present – explaining the reasons for which this game stirs up so much passion across the world. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 25/27 List Hinant, Yves ; Cardot, Eric Les arbitres [S.l.] : W. Lugeon, 2010 Class.: 079.25 Cote : DA 125 Golf Warlop, Dominik Toute l'histoire du golf S.l.] : [s.n.], 2007 Class. : 079.262 Cote : DA 137 Ice Hockey Twits, Peter Complete conditioning for hockey Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2007 Class. : 079.66 Cote : DA 38 This DVD was produced to accompany a manual on ice hockey. Rugby Toute l’histoire du rugby [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2007 Class. : 079.253 Cote : DA 139 Version française sous-titrée. Skiing Ritchie, Michael Downhill racer [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 2007 Class. : 077 Cote : DA 116 Quietly cocky Robert Redford joins U.S. ski team as downhill racer and clashes with the team's coach. Lots of good skiing action leading to an exciting climax. Surfing Brown, Bruce The endless Summer [S.l.] : Image Entertainment : Warner Vision France, cop. 1990 Class.: 079.77 Cote : DA 102 Choix de soux-titres: Français, espagnol, allemand The crown jewel to ten years of Bruce Brown surfing documentaries. Brown follows two young Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 26/27 List surfers around the world in search of the perfect wave, and ends up finding quite a few in addition to some colorful local characters. Swimming Catteau, Raymond La natation de demain: une pédagogie de l'action: l'activité natatoire...conquête, réussite, progrès: outil multimédia à l'intention des éducateurs, entraîneurs, animateurs… Biarritz : Atlantica, 2008 Class. : 079.781 Cote : DA 73 Die Geschichte des Schwimmens in zwei Teilen Bergisch-Gladbach : Dream Team Medienproduktion, 2004 Choix des langues: Allemand, anglais et français Class.: 079.781.06 Cote : DA 74 In Zusammenarbeit mit dem WDR und arte sind zwei unterhaltsame Dokumentarfilme über die Geschichte einer beeindruckenden Leidenschaft entstanden. Die ungewöhnlich gute Presse und Resonanz als auch die Unterstützung des DSV und der DLRG ermutigten uns, mehr aus diesen beiden Filmen zu machen. So ist zusammen mit vielen Extras (u.a. 13 kurze Bonusfilme) eine DVD entstanden, die zur Geschichte und Aktualität des Schwimmens einzigartig ist. Aber das testen Sie am besten selbst... FINA Fina centenary: 1908-2008 Lausanne : FINA, 2008 Class.: 079.781.06 Cote : DA 75 Tennis Trovo, Claude Histoire du tennis [Italie] : Janus Diffusion, [2006?] Class. : 079.24.06 Cote : DA 80 Volleyball USA Volleyball Volleyball systems & strategies Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, 2009 Class.: 079.21 Cote : DA 81 Build a successful team around the strength of your players. Volleyball Systems & Strategies is your guide to implementing the world's top systems and strategies for consistent execution and superior team play. With this special book and DVD, you'll identify the offensive and defensive systems best suited to your team's talents, in-game situations, and your opponent's style of play. Last update: mars 11 Olympic Studies Centre / p 27/27