investment bank prospectus - Texas ACG Capital Connection
investment bank prospectus - Texas ACG Capital Connection
INVESTMENT BANK PROSPECTUS MARCH 9-‐10, 2016 INVESTMENT BANK CHAIR: STEVEN GEUTHER SGEUTHER@MAINSTCAPITAL.COM 713.350.6035 INVESTMENT BANK LIAISON: SARAH CAIN SARAH.CAIN@RIVERONCONSULTING.COM 713.714.3936 2016 TEXAS ACG CAPITAL CONNECTION George R. Brown Conven.on Center and Hilton Americas March 9-‐10, 2016 Houston, Texas The Texas ACG Capital Connec2on (“TACC”) is the most significant private equity and debt capital event in Texas and the Southwest. As one of the largest ACG Capital Connec:ons in the country, TACC brings more than 100 of the na-on’s leading private equity and mezzanine firms to Texas represen-ng more than $100 billion of capital available for investment. TACC creates an outstanding networking opportunity among merger and acquisi2on professionals, business owners and execu2ves serving the middle market. HISTORICALLY MORE THAN 1,300 ATTENDEES 450+ leading owners, buyers and sellers of middle market businesses 100+ private equity groups, hedge funds, subordinated debt funds and senior debt lenders Leading CEOs, CFOs and corporate development officers Business owners, entrepreneurs and senior execu%ves • • • 850+ intermediary and service provider a4endees from a na6onal perspec6ve Investment banks, business brokers, development officers Accountants, lawyers, execu1ve search firms, transac1on service providers • • AGENDA Wednesday, March 9, 2016 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Women’s Forum Luncheon | Brennan’s of Houston 1:00 – 6:00 pm Registra)on | Hilton Americas | 1st Floor -‐ East Lobby 2:00 – 5:30 pm DealSource | Hilton Americas | 3rd Floor 2:00 – 6:00 pm Exhibitor Move-‐In | George R. Brown Conven,on Center 5:30 – 7:00 pm Opening Recep*on | Hilton Americas | 3rd Floor 6:00 – 9:00 pm VIP Party | Minute Maid Park Thursday, March 10, 2016 George R. Brown Conven.on Center 7:30 am – 2:00 pm Registra)on 8:30 am – 10:00 am Breakfast, Opening Remarks, Keynote Speaker 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Capital Connec,on 12:00 –1:30 pm Lunch, Texas ACG Cup Awards, Keynote Speaker 1:30 – 3:30 pm Capital Connec,on 3:30 – 5:00 pm Closing Recep-on OVERVIEW OF EVENTS WOMEN’S FORUM LUNCHEON The ACG Women’s Forum luncheon will take place in downtown Houston at Brennan’s of Houston. A"endees will enjoy networking and a high impact speaker to kick off TACC. DEALSOURCE DealSource consists of pre-‐arranged 20-‐minute private mee,ngs between the private equity exhibitors and investment banking sponsors. DealSource will take place at the Hilton Americas in rooms 338-‐340. OPENING RECEPTION The opening recep,on will take place on the 3rd floor of the Hilton Americas. All TACC a5endees are invited to a*end. Cocktails and appe2zers will be served. VIP PARTY (INVITATION ONLY) The VIP Party enables investment banks to network directly and exclusively with the private equity groups in an informal and fun environment. This event is limited to private equity exhibitors, investment banking sponsors and TACC event sponsors. The VIP Party will be hosted at Minute Maid Park where guests will enjoy dinner, drinks, games and other fun surprises. CAPITAL CONNECTION The Capital Connec.on will take place in the George R. Brown ballroom and will include two separate two-‐hour sessions, each following the breakfast and lunch events. The Capital Connec.on will provide an open format for exhibitors and sponsors to network with, and have informal discussions with, private equity and mezzanine firms. CLOSING RECEPTION A"er a long day of networking, all a'endees are invited to unwind and enjoy cocktails, music and light appe$zers. INVESTMENT BANK SPONSORSHIPS VIP PARTY -‐ EVENT UNDERWRITERS $5,000 | LIMITED TO 2 SPONSORS – SOLD OUT • • • • • Two complimentary conference registra3ons [$1,100 value] A"endance for four at the Texas ACG Capital Connec2on VIP Recep2on [$1,000 value] Company name included in adver1sing and conference literature Prominent logo recogni-on on signage at VIP Party Networking table at the VIP Party VIP PARTY – SPONSORSHIP $3,500 | LIMITED TO 20 SPONSORS • • • • • • Two complimentary conference registra3ons [$1,100 value] A"endance for four at the Texas ACG Capital Connec2on VIP Recep2on [$1,000 value] Company name included in adver1sing and conference literature Prominent logo recogni#on on signage at VIP Party Networking table at the VIP Party Table at DealSource REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE. PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK PROVIDED TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR CHECK. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR EVENT CHAIR OR LIAISON.