Cherokee Presbytery
Cherokee Presbytery
Cherokee Presbytery gathers for worship and the stated meeting Tuesday, August 23, 2016 5:30pm Kirkwood Presbyterian Church 618 Acworth Due West Road Kennesaw, GA 30152 Contents Message from Stated Clerk/Mission Coordinator If this is your first presbytery meeting Message from our Hosts Proposed Docket Stated Clerk/Mission Coordinator Report Ministry Support Team Report Nominating Committee Report Committee on Ministry Report Committee on Preparation for Ministry Report Coordinating Team Report Financial Statements Elected Servants of Cherokee Presbytery David Jones Materials Cassie Waits Materials Congregational Care and Mission Report Providence Administrative Commission Report Proposed Bylaws Child Protection Policy Shaping a Relational Presbytery – Structure Proposal p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 7 p. 8 p. 9-10 p. 11 p. 12 p. 14-16 p. 17-19 p. 20-23 p. 24-25 p. 26 p. 27 p. 28-31 p. 32-41 p. 42-45 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 1 From your stated clerk and mission coordinator… Sisters and Brothers: Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! As I begin to prepare for our next stated meeting of Cherokee Presbytery, I am overwhelmed at the goodness and grace of God so evident among us. It has been a very full summer for Presbyterians in Northwest Georgia. We have witnessed our General Assembly gather and prayerfully discern next steps for our denomination. We have hosted Vacation Bible Schools and guest preachers. We have traveled for vacations, sabbaticals, mission trips, Montreat conferences, and Triennium. We have said goodbye to people we love and welcomed new pastors into our midst. We have camped in the woods. Through all of it, the Spirit has been nudging us to new ways of being together, new patterns of connection, new hope for how we will worship and serve in our corner of God’s world. Of course, newness means uncertainty. It means trying something before we know if it will work or if we will like it. It means maybe letting go of what we know for something we can only imagine. There are moments when we are right to proceed with caution. But proceed we must because the Spirit beckons us on. God is already doing a new thing and we are invited to lace up our shoes and join the journey. This presbytery handbook and the meeting we are preparing for in it hold evidence of how your leaders are coming to understand the new things God is doing among us in Cherokee Presbytery. Your Coordinating Team has labored to draft new bylaws that will make room for greater flexibility and transparency in our governance. They are also in the midst of drafting a new organizational structure for the presbytery, a way of being together and doing our work that emphasizes resourcing of our congregations for mission in our local communities and builds direct relationships among our sisters and brothers in the presbytery. The other accomplishment of the Coordinating Team for the summer was to draft a Child Protection Policy for the presbytery in accordance with a requirement from the 221st General Assembly. We hope all of our congregations will adopt policies and practices that will similarly protect our youngest members. There’s a lot of paper in this handbook, but it’s worth your prayerful reading as these documents say much about who we understand ourselves to be. But maybe the most important pages in this handbook are the ones that introduce you to two of the newest leaders among us, David Jones, the pastor called to serve the Macland Church, and Cassie Waits, an Inquirer of Cherokee Presbytery seeking Candidacy at this meeting. As you read their stories, pray for them and for the people they will serve. They are gifts among us! Finally, I call us all to prayer for Heahwan Rim, our synod executive who is undergoing treatments for a form of leukemia. He is doing well after a week of chemotherapy but still has a ways to go. You can send him your well wishes at this address: Rev. Dr. Heahwan Rim BMTU Room 8250 1515 SW Archer Rd Gainesville, FL 32608 Thank you for your faithful service to Cherokee Presbytery. May your work bring you closer to Jesus Christ and to your brothers and sisters in faith! 2 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 If this is your first presbytery meeting… If you are a new commissioner in the presbytery, welcome! Your pastor will probably introduce you when the moderator requests first-time elder commissioners stand early in the meeting. The information below should help you during your first meeting. All the business for this meeting is contained in the handbook. It will help you if you read it before you arrive. Please make sure you download a copy to your computer/device or print a hard copy before you arrive. We ask that everyone attending the meeting either register online at or fill out an attendance card. If you include your email address, we will add you to the mailing list for the presbytery. Voting commissioners are asked to wear blue nametags and visitors wear white nametags. This helps a moderator if a standing vote is taken during the meeting. As a voting commissioner, you are entitled to request clarification at any time if there is something you do not understand. Before the meeting, we will gather for registration and a simple meal in the lower fellowship hall. Donations are accepted to offset the cost of the meal. An offering will be received during worship and will be shared with a cause designated by the host church. Childcare is available for our meetings, but reservations are required by Thursday prior to our meeting. You can reserve a space for your child either when you register online or by contacting Sarita in the presbytery office by phone or email. When speaking to the presbytery, please stand, use a microphone, and state your name and the name of your congregation. Speaking time may be limited by the moderator during a debate. Any New Business must be placed in the hands of the Stated Clerk before the approval of the docket. Any motion made from the floor of the presbytery, be it a new motion, a substitute motion an amended motion must be given to the Stated Clerk at the time the motion is made. Alphabet Soup The meanings of the many acronyms you may hear during the meeting AC: Administrative Commission COM: Committee on Ministry CPM: Committee on Preparation for Ministry CRCC: Cherokee Retreat Center and Camp CT: Coordinating Team CRE: Commissioned Ruling Elder CCM: Congregational Care and Mission GA: General Assembly MC: Mission Coordinator MST: Ministry Support Team RE: Ruling Elder SC: Stated Clerk TE: Teaching Elder CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 3 From our hosts… Welcome, brothers and sisters of Cherokee Presbytery! We are thrilled to host you at Krikwood. We hope that you will enjoy your visit. In two weeks, on Saturday, September 10, we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of our charter. Kirkwood was organized with the support of Cherokee Presbytery and First Presbyterian Church of Marietta and under the leadership of Dr. Van Nesbit. With Presbyterian’s Scottish heritage and with our heavily wooded site in mind, the congregation chose the name Kirkwood, meaning “church in the woods.” I am the second installed pastor, and I began my ministry at Kirkwood almost 5 years ago exactly. It has been a joy to serve this growing and faithful congregation. Our talented Music Director Heidi Hanz has been serving Kirkwood for 14 years. Over the years, Kirkwood has worked hard to support our community. You can see one of my favorite and most recent projects just be walking outside. As you exit fro the sanctuary and look to the right, you’ll find the Kirkwood Promise House. We purchased the house and land back in July 2014 as an area of possible future expansion. (Notice that the land is relatively flat, unlike our property.) With the help of a local Home Depot and volunteers from Family Promise of Cobb County, we renovated the older home. In coordination with Family Promise, we now lease the house for a nominal fee as a temporary home for families transitioning out of homelessness. We are grateful that through this ministry in just the past year, we have been able to help five different families get back on their feet. The offering from tonight’s worship will go to Family Promise of Cobb County. If you walk around the back of the parking lot, you’ll notice two trailheads. The first leads to a scout hut and campground, and the trailhead with a handrail goes from the lower parking lot to an outdoor amphitheater. You are more than welcome to explore these short trails and outdoor spaces. We invite you to explore our church website, to learn more about us. If you have any questions about our location or property, please feel free to contact me at or my cell phone 678.751.7689. Many blessings upon your drive here! Catherine Renken, Pastor 4 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 Directions: Kirkwood is located at 618 Acworth Due West Road, on the northeast corner of Acworth Due West Road and Kennesaw Due West Road in Kennesaw. The church is directly across from Due West Elementary School and across from CVS. Parking can be a challenge, so we encourage you to carpool if you are able. Parking is available on the much or gravel as well. Kindly reserve the best spots for the disabled and elderly, as our church sits on a hill that is not very handicap accessible. There are additional spaces across the street at the retail shops if needed. For driving directions from your location, click here or paste into your web browser: Docket for the Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Stated Meeting of Cherokee Presbytery 4:30 pm Registration and Dinner Lower Fellowship Hall 5:30 pm Opening Ritual Declare Quorum and Open with Prayer Worship Cyndi Parr 6:00 pm Approval of Docket Seat Corresponding Members Welcome New Commissioners Welcome from the Hosts Good News From the Pews Good News from Camp Cherokee Greg Lund 6:30 pm Business Meeting Stated Clerk/Mission Coordinator Report (p.6) Nikki Collins MacMillan Report from GA Commissioners Greg Lund Bob Foster Katie Orth Ministry Support Team Report (p.7; 14-16) John Martin Nominating Committee Report (p. 8; 17-19) Maryellen Hittel Committee on Ministry Report (p.9; 20-23) Examination of David Jones LaVert Jones Committee on Preparation for Ministry Report (p.11) Examination of Cassie Waits (p.24-25) Will Scott Coordinating Team Report Proposed Bylaws Child Protection Policy Susan Monk CRCC Futures Team Report John Spangler Due to the meeting date of CRCC Futures Team, there is no printed report included in this packet. The team will make a verbal report. Printed reports and supporting documents from these and all other work groups and committees of the presbytery are included in the following pages. CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 5 Stated Clerk and Mission Coordinator’s Report Items for Action (with discussion) 1. Approve minutes of the May 24, 2016 Stated Meeting of Cherokee Presbytery at Deer Creek Shores Presbyterian Church as prepared and circulated. Items for Action (consent agenda) Actions of the Stated Clerk/Mission Coordinator 1. Together with Assistant Stated Clerk Ken Terrell, prepared and circulated minutes of the May 24 meeting of Cherokee Presbytery. The minutes were reviewed for accuracy and completeness by the Moderator and a committee appointed by the Moderator and then were posted on the presbytery website with print copies available today at the Stated Clerk’s table 2. Attended the 222nd General Assembly in Portland, OR 3. Served as the registered agent for the real estate closing on the sale of Providence Presbyterian Church 4. Preached and led worship at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, FPC Cartersville, Covenant Presbyterian Church, and Westminster Presbyterian Church 6 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 Ministry Support Team Report The mission goal of the Ministry Support Team is to provide the infrastructure for the presbytery’s mission and ministry so that the members and staff will mutually support, respect, and be accountable to one another. MST has oversight of personnel, budget and finance, and communications. Team Members RE Mike Elliot TE Sid Gunter RE Eva Whitaker RE Jim Ray Team Moderator John Martin Meetings since last presbytery meeting: August 8, 2016 Next Meeting: September 20, 2016 10am Items for Action (consent agenda) Items for Action (with discussion) Items for Information 1. Please see financial reports in the addendum to this handbook. Our income is down $5,500 YTD. While our expenses are tracking close to budget, we depend on the support of our congregations. If your congregation is not up to date in your giving, please catch up and support our shared ministry. 2. MST is working with FPC Cartersville to adjust the space occupied by Cherokee Presbytery. In the coming weeks, the presbytery offices will be relocated to include only the “upstairs” portion of our suite. Please consider volunteering to help us move our offices and dispose of unneeded furniture. This change will reduce the presbytery’s rent expenses to $500/month. We are grateful to FPC Cartersville for the hospitality and flexibility. 3. In accordance with our Ministry Manual, MST has determined to utilized a 3 member committee of accounting professionals within the presbytery to conduct a financial review. This work will save approximately $5000 and increase presbytery awareness of our financial health. 4. A draft of the 2017 operating budget will be prepared at a September 20, 2016 meeting of MST. CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 7 Nominating Committee Report The Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating people to fill the Presbytery positions for the teams and committees that do the work of Cherokee Presbytery. The goal is to provide a broad representation of the member churches and parity between ruling elders and teaching elders. Committee Members TE Zeta Lamberson RE Marx Borges TE Maryellen Hittel RE Erma Jones Team Moderator Maryellen Hittel Meetings since last presbytery meeting: Next Meeting: Items for Information Items for Action (without discussion/consent agenda) Items for Action (with discussion) We offer the following names to be approved for service to: Ministry Support Team: RE Ben Hadaway (Heritage) RE Jim Ray (First Marietta) Nominations may come from the floor provided the individual has been asked and agreed prior to being nominated. Full slates of elders serving Cherokee Presbytery are represented on the charts in the addendum. 8 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 Committee on Ministry Report The Committee on Ministry serves as advisor to teaching elders, ruling elders commissioned to pastoral service, Certified Christian Educators, sessions, and congregations of the presbytery. COM oversees the processes for congregations in transitions in pastoral leadership and guides sessions seeking temporary pastoral relationships. Committee Members RE Nancy Bertrand TE Fritz Bogar RE Bill Byars TE Robin Gantz RE Marlene Michalke TE David MacDonald RE Paul Phillips TE Jim Simpson TE Jack Waskey TE Camille Josey Team Moderator LaVert Jones Meetings since last presbytery meeting: June 7, 2016 & August 5, 2016 Next Meeting: September 1, 2016 6:30pm Items for Information • Approved the dissolution of the associate pastor position for FPC Cartersville. • Approved the covenant between the Session of FPC Marietta TE Joe Brice who will serve a 12 month contract as Parish Associate for Pastoral Care. Items for Action (without discussion/consent agenda) 1. COM moves the approval of the installation commission for TE Elizabeth Milford on June 26 at 5pm at Heritage Presbyterian Church as listed: Rev. Catherine Renken (Kirkwood) Rev. Zeta Lamberson (Covenant Elder Velma Tilley (Cartersville) Elder John Bell (Heritage) Elder Lloyd Farr (Silver Creek) 2. COM moves the approval of the installation commission for TE Chris Jones on August 14 at 4pm at FPC Cartersville as listed: Rev. Greg Lund (Westminster) Rev. David Jordan (Grace) Rev. Nikki Collins MacMillan (Cherokee Presbytery) Elder Beth Gaines (Cartersville) CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 9 Elder LaVert Jones (John Knox) Elder Marlene Michalke (Macland) Elder Paul Phillips (FPC Marietta) Guests of the Commission: Rev. David Powers (Northeast GA Presbytery) Rev. Dr. Kathy Dawson (Greater ATL) Items for Action (with discussion) 1. Upon sustaining examination by Cherokee Presbytery, COM moves TE David Jones (Central Florida Presbytery) be received as a minister member of Cherokee Presbytery serving as pastor of Macland Presbyterian Church effective August 1, 2016. 2. COM moves the approval of the terms of call for David Jones found in the addendum of this handbook. 3. COM moves the approval of the Administrative Commission for the Installation of David Jones on Sunday, September 18, 2016 as listed: Rev. Greg Lund (Westminster) Rev. Zeta Lamberson (Covenant) Rev. Nikki Collins MacMillan (Cherokee Presbytery) Elder William White (Macland) Elder Paul Phillips (FPC Marietta) Elder LaVert Jones (John Knox) 4. COM moves the approval of the Administrative Commission to ordain Candidate Jeff Cain on behalf of Northeast Georgia Presbytery where he sustained an examination on August 16, 2016 and has been called to serve as Pastor of FPC Commerce, Georgia. Installation will be August 28, 2016 at 5pm at FPC Marietta. The Commission is as follows: Rev. Fritz Bogar (John Knox) Rev. James Speed (retired) Elder Bob Brown (FPC Marietta) Elder Priscilla Bennett (John Knox) Elder Charles Jarman (Kirkwood) Guest of the Commission: Elder Bob Sosebee (Northeast Georgia) 1 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 0 Committee on Preparation for Ministry Report The Committee on Preparation for Ministry supports Inquirers and Candidates in preparing for ordination as Ministers of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Committee Members RE Sean Ireland TE Catherine Renken RE Annie Trimmer TE Julie Ferguson RE Marlene Michalke TE David MacDonald RE Erma Jones TE Jennifer Lee Team Moderator Will Scott Meetings since last presbytery meeting: August 9, 2016 Next Meeting: Items for Information CPM is currently reviewing the committee description in the Ministry Manual of Cherokee Presbytery. Items for Action (without discussion/consent agenda) Items for Action (with discussion) Approval of Inquirer Cassie Waits for Candidacy pending examination by presbytery CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 1 1 Coordinating Team Report The Coordinating Team works to coordinate the mission of Cherokee Presbytery across the various ministry teams. Committee Members RE Robert Brown TE Denise Beltzner RE LaVert Jones TE Greg Lund RE Robert Smalley TE John Martin TE Cyndi Parr TE John Spangler TE Edwin Gonzalez-Gertz Team Moderator Susan Monk Meetings since last presbytery meeting: June 21, July 19, August 2, August 16 Next Meeting: September 20, 2016 2pm Items for Information 1. Approved RE Sean Ireland (FPC Cartersville) to sign checks for Cherokee Presbytery. 2. Draft bylaws are submitted to the Presbytery for a first read. The coordinating team decided to create a new set of streamlined bylaws rather than attempt to amend the set we have now. This version was modeled after another presbytery and contains the specific content that is required. These are offered for a first reading and will be brought to the presbytery for adoption at the November meeting. 3. Coordinating Team accepted the resignation of Joe Brice from his contracted position as the Marketing Director for CRCC effective 8.31.16 Items for Action (without discussion/consent agenda) Items for Action (with discussion) Coordinating Team moves the adoption of the Child Protection Policy found in the addendum to this handbook. 1 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 2 Addendum CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 1 3 Cherokee P&L Jan - Jul 16 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 44009 · Budgeted Receipts 69,154.60 47000 · CRC Income 57,499.66 48000 · Berry College Ministry Income Total Income 5,683.53 132,337.79 Gross Profit 132,337.79 Expense 51300 · Misc. Presbytery Expense 51216 · Pby Office Operating Expense 52201 · Desig/ Cap/ Debt 48300 · Berry Campus Operation Expense 51000 · Salaries & Benefits 7,437.50 14,291.51 684.35 5,683.53 62,562.91 51700 · Worship Team 495.16 54505 · Committee on Prep for Ministry 138.00 55199 · Campus Ministry Support 55109 · Mission (Synod & CCM) 56500 · Cherokee Retreat Ctr Support 57000 · CRC Expense 1,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 65,231.43 60001 · Payroll Expenses 49.00 Total Expense 163,073.39 Net Ordinary Income -30,735.60 -30,735.60 Net Income Balance Sheet Jul 31, 16 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Total Current Assets 455,925.79 455,925.79 Fixed Assets 3,238,677.40 Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS 478,331.03 4,172,934.22 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY -476.58 849.03 372.45 242,031.69 242,404.14 3,930,530.08 4,172,934.22 1 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 4 Cherokee Presbytery Loan Worksheet Church Name Acworth Loan Amount Balance Loan Date Maturity Date 89,000 199,371 7/19/06 3/18/08 3/25/28 609,370 478,000 115,000 242,032 1,741,093 127,268 1/16/08 5/1/30 2/3/06 2/21/12 3/1/26 2/1/2032 John Knox 200,716 300,000 ? 920,000 478,000 175,000 400,000 2,000,000 250,000 Macland 1,600,000 1,370,691 12/16/13 1/1/2034 Bethany 10244706 Braz. Christian Calhoun 1026807 Cartersville Deer Creek Grace 1022405 Heritage 1038211 Providence 1038812 Ray-Thomas 33042206 798,043 Building 350,000 Ray-Thomas 1004298 Westminster 425,000 Woodstock 0 Pd. In Full 85,411 8/23/2012 12/6/99 Next Reset Date 9/1/2032 Bank Monthly Payment Cosign By Pby. NW PCUSA 6.75 3.80 1582 2022 x PCUSA ? Citizens PILP PILP Bk N. Ga. 3.99 5,052 x 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.75 2,548 12,817 1,617 PCUSA 4.25 PCUSA 12/25/19 Rate % PCUSA 4.25 3.50 Pd. By Pby Pd. By TriPby Pd. By Church x x 2/16 6/16 x x x x x X 6/16 3/16 3/16 6/16 6/16 5/16 x 6/16 9,289 4968 2557 Update 6/16 x X Pd. by 6/16 Bethany 87,353 1/15/99 2/1/19 PCUSA 4.25 3089 x Pd. by 6/16 Bethany 1,577,422 1,123,724 300,000 62,095 5/1/2009 1/25/ 2033 3/6/96 3/25/21 1/25/ 2013 Sun Trust 5.00 9765 PCUSA 3.50 1550 x 6093804 Totals 6/30/16 9,774,181 Churches Beersheba Cedartown Chickamauga Christ Fellowship Cohutta Covenant Dalton Faith/BR Faith/Canton Kirkwood LaFayette Light of Hope Marietta 1st Morton Mem. Rockmart Silver Creek Trinity No Loans 6,330,409 Updated 7/12/16 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 1 5 X 3/16 x 6/16 2016 Unified and Per Capita Pledges Received/Paid Church Acworth Beersheba Bethany Brazilian Christian Calhoun Membership/ Attendance 69/42 60/77/ 159/66 Unified Pledged 600.00 Per Capita Pledged Unified Received 1,800.00 2,880.00 300.00 100.00 Per Capita Received 145.00 300.00 892.22 700.00 Cartersville First Cedartown Chickamauga Christ Fellowship Cloudland Cohutta Covenant Dalton First Deer Creek Shores Faith Canton Faith North Georgia Grace Heritage John Knox Kirkwood LaFayette Light of Hope Macland Marietta First Menlo Morton Memorial Providence Ray-Thomas Memorial Rockmart Silver Creek Trinity Westminster Woodstock 615/210 90/62/41 31/28 45/33/25 205/111 116/69 103/67 75/40 90/68 127/87 382/200 114/171/83 22/21 142/ 331/128 2226/625 12/32/123/45 159/37 82/50 47/31 37/ 238/123 28/31 6103/2228 Miscellaneous Receipts Totals 7/26/16 Marietta 1st paid $4,166.66 in 2016 for 2015 1 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 6 1,000.00 930.00 2,191.53 15,000.00 8,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 6,262.80 749.98 930.00 502.25 569.46 7,500.00 986.04 4,666.69 1,500.00 503.68 1,500.00 6,220.98 432.90 1,837.42 3,500.00 750.00 6,773.00 4,200.00 14,155.00 960.02 211.64 796.00 1,592.10 16,666.66 400.00 307.84 6,500.00 2,000.00 4,875.00 1,500.00 764.80 575.25 324.00 5,000.00 2,581.00 269.36 69,747.80 2,191.53 174.50 65,967.81 11,969.98 Nominating Committee Report Moderator of Presbytery 2016 TE Greg Lund (Westminster) 2017 RE Robert Smalley (Dalton) 2018 TE Carrie Scott (RTM) SYNOD COMMISSIONERS (FOUR-YEAR TERMS, BI-ANNUAL MEETINGS, MARCH & SEPTEMBER) 2014-2017 TE Pem Cooley RE Susan Spivey (Dalton) Alternate TE: _______ Alternate RE _Bill Byars (Westminster)_________ SYNOD PJC 2014-2017 RE Robert Smalley (Dalton) NOMINATING COMMITTEE, (6) Maryellen Hittel, Moderator 2016 2017 2018 TE Zeta Lamberson RE RE Erma Jones (John Knox) (Covenant) RE Marx Borges (RTM) TE Maryellen Hittel (Rcmt) TE: PERMANENT JUDICIAL COMMISSION: (6) MODERATOR, TODD JOHNSON 2016 2018 2020 RE Cary Nelson (Cartersville) TE Denise Beltzner (Marietta) RE Todd Johnson (Cohutta) TE Zeta Lamberson RE _Bill Byars (Westminster) TE Fritz Bogar (JK) COMMITTEE ON PREPARATION: (9) WILL SCOTT MODERATOR 2016 2017 2018 TE Greg Moore (Acworth) TE Catherine Renken (Klnd) TE RE Sean Ireland (Cartersville) TE Julie Ferguson (AL) RE Erma Jones (JK) TE Will Scott (Dalton) RE Annie Trimmer (RTM) TE Jennifer Lee (AL – CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 1 7 Hospice) COMMITTEE ON MINISTRY: (12) CAMILLE JOSEY, MODERATOR 2016 2017 2018 TE David McDonald TE Fritz Bogar (JK) RE Bill Byars (Westminster) TE Jack Waskey TE Robin Gantz TE Camille Josey RE RE Paul Phillips (Marietta) RE Marlene Michalke (Macland) RE LaVert Jones (John Knox) RE Nancy Bertrand TE Jim Simpson (Faith BR) (Beersheba) COMMITTEE ON REPRESENTATION: (3-6) , MODERATOR 2016 2017 2018 TE Jennifer Lee TE Paulo Mendes RE Todd Johnson (Cohutta) MINISTRY SUPPORT TEAM: (6) JOHN MARTIN, MODERATOR 2016 2017 2018 TE John Martin (DCS) TE Sid Gunter (HR) RE Jim Ray (First Marietta) RE Ben Hadaway (Heritage) RE Mike Elliot RE Eva Whitaker (Covenant) WORSHIP TEAM: (3-6) CYNDI PARR, MODERATOR 2016 2017 2018 RE Linda Streeter (Covenant) TE_Cyndi Parr (Faith/Canton) TE Pete Paulson (Providence) TE Julie Jensen (AL) LL Pam Radford (Cartersville) TE Edwin Gonzalez-Gertz CONGREGATIONAL CARE AND MISSION: ( 9) EDWIN GONZALEZ-GERTZ, MODERATOR 2016 2017 2018 TE John Spangler (HR) TE TE David Jordan (Grace) TE LL Katie Orth (Cartersville) TE Edwin Gonzalez-Gertz RE Sue Spivey (Dalton) RE Sarita Jones (JK) RE 1 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 8 Coordinating Team, At Large Members Class of 2016 TE John Spangler (At Large, class of 2016) TE Denise Beltzner (At Large, class of 2016) Class of 2017 RE Class of 2018 RE Bob Brown (Marietta) Cherokee Presbytery Nominating Committee The full list of names is included for the presbytery’s review. We offer the following names to be approved for service to: Ministry Support Team: RE Ben Hadaway (Heritage) RE Jim Ray (First Marietta) Nominations may come from the floor provided the individual has been asked and agreed prior to being nominated. CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 1 9 David W. Jones -‐ Biography I grew up in a textile mill neighborhood in Anderson, S.C. where my father worked as the plant manager. In the mill village, I learned about hard work, league softball, church picnics, neighborhood hospitality, and front porch storytellers. I left the Methodist Church when I was twelve for Central Presbyterian Church where I was confirmed, participated in the youth group, played church league basketball, and got my first experience preaching on Youth Sundays. While working on my degree in business at Clemson University, at age nineteen, I began my career in the church running a youth program taking my father's work ethic and sense of the southern parish into the pastorate. I got my first overwhelming church experience when a youth announced on the school’s public address system about a church lock-in and instead of having fifteen youth show up we had one hundred and fifty. I graduated from Clemson and attended The Presbyterian School for Christian Education for a year. During my internship that summer, I directed a camp in Michigan and met Carrie Richards. As I started my efforts to convince her to leave the Michigan winters for the balmy South, I transferred to Columbia Seminary and graduated with a Master of Arts in Youth Ministry. I took my first full time church job as the Director of Family Ministries at Georgetown Presbyterian Church in Georgetown, SC. The church helped me grow into the role of pastoral ministry so I returned to Columbia Seminary and earned the Master of Divinity degree in a year’s time. Following ordination, I served as associate pastor of Fort Hill Presbyterian Church in Clemson, SC. I served as pastor of Harpeth Presbyterian in Brentwood, TN. I started a New Worshiping Community called The Moment in the greater Nashville area. And finally, I have served as pastor of Orlando Presbyterian Church, the continuing congregation of First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, after the majority left the PC(USA). During my ministry, I have led and participated on mission trips in Russia, the Netherlands, Hungary, Haiti, Taiwan, and Mexico. I have led Presbytery Youth Councils, Presbytery’s Conflict Management Division, and participated in Church Redevelopments. My continuing education has included studying Conflict Management with the Mennonites and learning improv at Second City in Chicago. I have authored eight books including: The Psychology of Jesus – Practical Help for Life in Relationship, Out of The Crowd, and The Moment – there is no place like now. My wife, Carrie, is a school counselor. We have three children: Cayla – a rising college senior; Abbie – a rising high school senior, and Nathan – a rising high school freshman. 2 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 0 David W. Jones – Statement of Faith I believe God acts. Through God’s actions, we see not only the Triune nature of God in three persons but the life giving, life redeeming, and life sustaining acts of God. I believe God acted in creation – calling forth life from emptiness, order from chaos, and light from darkness. In creation, the God who acted also permitted creation to act. In freedom, humanity rebelled. God sought relationship, and humanity chose sin, separating ourselves from the God of the world attempting to be gods of our own making. Yet, God did not stop acting. I believe God acted in the redemption of creation. God responded to humanity’s rebellion with an act as great as creation. The creating God redeemed creation. In the incarnation of Christ, we see God’s action among us. In the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus we see our God who creates also loves and continues to work making new life possible liberating us from sin, shame, and the despair of death. I believe God acted in the establishment of the Bible revealing how God has worked in the past, works in the present, and will work in the future. The Bible stands as the authoritative voice of God as God not only has spoken but still speaks. I believe God acted in establishing the sacraments of baptism and communion. In Christian baptism, we testify to the love of God incarnate seen in Jesus and throughout scripture. At Jesus’ baptism, before Jesus walked on water, taught on the mountain, or was raised from the tomb, he was God’s Beloved. Christian Baptism reminds us that no matter what we achieve, believe, or accomplish, and no matter what our failure, fault, or sin, God’s love remains true because though God could choose otherwise, God remains faithful and continues to choose love in relation to persons, peoples, and the world, past, present, and future. As a sign of God’s unfailing commitment to us, we baptize persons regardless of age, and though we may profess our trust in God many times, baptism occurs but once. Through the sacrament of communion, we celebrate that we are not alone. The God who created us and calls us also sustains us. The mystery of Christ’s presence in Communion reminds us that in ways beyond our understanding, the Comforter, the Spirit of God, is with us, within us, and among us sustained in each moment, in every place, and every time. Through the work of The Spirit, God still works in God’s children transforming us into God’s likeness completing justification through sanctification. I believe God acted in the establishment of the church and particularly the Presbyterian Church (USA). As God has acted, God calls us as individuals, communities, and nations to act in response and as images of the creating, redeeming, and sustaining works of God. As Paul was surprised by the risen Christ and then lived his life looking for Christ throughout the world, so, too, are we called to not only follow Christ but expect Christ and become Christ-like ones, or Christians, not only praying but exemplifying, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” As God has acted, acts, and will act, God continues to call us to act in faith, hope, and love, and as God has shown repeatedly through God’s creative, redeeming, and sustaining work in us and among us, though faith, hope, and love abide in us, the greatest commandment and calling is clearly to love. CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 2 1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) Pastoral Call Form (for installed pastoral positions) The Macland Presbyterian Church located at the following address 3615 Macland Road, Powder Springs Rd., GA 30127 belonging to the Presbytery of Cherokee (PIN # being well satisfied with our qualification for ministry and confident that we have been lead to you by the Holy Spirit as one whose services will be profitable to the spiritual interest of our church and fruitful for the Kingdom of Our Lord, earnestly and solemnly call you, David Whitehill Jones To undertake the office of Senior Pastor Of this congregation, begiiming August 1, 2016, promising you in the discharge of your duty all proper supp01i, encouragement and allegiance in the Lord. That you may be free to devote yourself full time XX to the ministry of the Word among us, we promise and obligate ourselves to pay you the following: COMPENSATION INCLUDED IN EFFECTIVE SALARY A1mual Cash Salary (can be divided into housing and salary) Housing Allowance Deferred compensation (if applicable) SECA over 50% Total Effective Salary Board of Pensions Dues (current rate, see 40,000.00 30,000.00 70,000.00 25,550.00 MANDATORY COMPENSATION NOT INCLUDED IN EFFECTIVE SALARY SECA Tax allowance (50% of obligation) Actual Moving Expenses (if applicable) Four weeks vacation Two weeks continuing education 2 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 2 n/a 10,000.00 ADDITIONAL REQUIRED COMPENSATION TOTALING $8,832.36 To be divided as negotiated 1,200.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,632.36 Cell Phone Mileage, vouchered CE and Book Allowance Professional Expenses Dental Signatures: Nominating Committee. Terms of Call have been approved by C01nmittee on lvlinistry: _ Call approved by the Stated Clerk of the presbytery: _ Acceptance of Call by Candidate: For office use only: Date call sent to congregation and pastor: CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 2 3 Statement of Faith -‐ Cassie Waits I trust in God – the breath of life (Holy Spirit), the savior (Jesus Christ) and the creator (God the Father). I believe all God’s action is ongoing from everlasting to everlasting and so I believe God is being. I believe the Holy Spirit animates all of creation. I believe Jesus Christ becomes one of the created and reveals a path for reconciliation of all. I believe God the Father forms all that is seen and unseen and gives meaning and purpose to it. I understand God to have a triune nature – each aspect unique and fully integrated. I trust that God may speak truth through whom and to whom God wishes. I believe the expression of God’s revelation is ongoing and not limited by human expectation – it may be found in unlikely spaces and forms. I understand Jesus to be fully human and fully God: the savior whose ministry is reconciliation between the creator and the created. Jesus is both the guide and the connecting bridge that brings about this reconciliation through his life, death and resurrection. Within this vast work of salvation and reconciliation, I understand God to hold particular concern for the hopeless, the helpless, the outsider, the oppressed, and the ignored. I believe the community of believers are born of Holy Spirit and infused with particular gifts and graces. I understand the church to be the formal institution of this community. I see the church as being entrusted with preserving the teachings and traditions of Christ and fostering discipleship within each generation of believers. I believe that the church holds sacred power to bind and to loose. Through its sacraments of Baptism and Communion, the church remembers, enacts and anticipates salvation and reconciliation through Christ. I trust in God who is, was and will be. I trust in God who labors for reconciliation across time and space for all creation. I trust in God who is beyond my comprehension and yet who gives me breath. I prayerfully seek to discern and work toward God’s movement in my life, my family, my community and the world. I believe God’s story is eternal and that I can only understand tiny slivers of the greater masterpiece. While now I see dim shadows, I look forward to the day when all will be clear and when we shall all see face-to-face. 2 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 4 Statement of Call – Cassie Waits The small town of Gordon, GA has one caution light, one grocer, one high school, and two thousand residents. Yet, it is significant as the place where my faith journey began. I was raised in tiny, tight-knit Methodist church where I first learned the full value of being part of a community of believers. My beliefs are shaped both by personal conviction and by experiencing the evidence of Christ in those around me. When I left for college, I was grateful to discover a Presbyterian church home that supported and cared for me – particularly when my roommate passed in a skiing accident. During that difficult time, the encouragement and love of the congregation and the leadership were an unforgettable witness. Shortly after college, my husband and I married. We were blessed to find Heritage Presbyterian church. This community genuinely embraced us and, later, our children. Since joining Heritage, I have been involved in a variety of ministries and roles: from moderating our Presbyterian Women’s group to serving as our church finance chair. I volunteered as a youth advisor. In this role, I was eager to pour my time, energy, and creativity into these youth. I felt the most valuable hours I spent every week were preparing, teaching, encouraging and spending time with this microcosm of a congregation. My passion for teaching spilled into opportunities to lead Bible studies, Sunday school and even preaching when our pastor was out of town. My faith life grew deeper and richer day by day. Through each experience, I became more sure of a calling toward vocational ministry with a focus on teaching. Looking back, I see God’s hand at work – planting a seed years ago in my heart that has grown in secret and is ready to push forward and blossom. In order to allow this calling to reach its full potential, I am now stepping forward in faith and trusting God to lead and equip me for this amazing journey. CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 2 5 Congregational Care and Mission Ministry Team Members: Sue Spivey, John Spangler, Sarita Jones, David Jordan, Katie Orth and Edwin Gonzalez-Gertz, Chair. “Colossians 3: 14-15: “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Relationships form us. They do whether we acknowledge it or not. We crave real relationships, we need people in our lives and loneliness actually can hurt. The gospel of Christ is supposed to bring peoples and communities together to share, nurture and to be the light. Society tends to divide us and separate us in many ways. One of the most treasured hymns of Christianity in the last century was “Blest Be the Tie that Bind.” The Congregational Care and Ministry Team (CCM) is seeking, discerning, and planning events that would enhance our connectivity, relationships and share best practices amongst our communities of faith. In an attempt to encourage unity and healthy relationships, CCM is developing a bank of ideas that may be used by congregations to foster awareness of the importance, functioning, and even ministry opportunities available within the Presbytery and the Presbytery Family. We are trying to articulate at various levels the; who, what, where and why of Cherokee Presbytery and share this with all congregations. So, watch for these to come soon! We also support the re-shaping of our Presbytery due to new and exciting realities. The reimaging seems to be trimmer, functional, constitutional and above all relational. We are excited with its potential of fostering unity, partnerships, and new ministries relevant to transforming church realities. CCM and its members are looking forward to be an agent of blessing to the congregations a source of creativity, health and growth for in our presbytery. We pray for God to continue to pour God’s rich grace and inspiration to become a difference for God’s Glory. We invite you to pray with and for us. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” Prov. 3:5 Rev. Edwin Gonzalez-Gertz, Chair 2 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 6 Report to Cherokee Presbytery From: Administrative Commission for Providence Presbyterian Church Zeta T. Lamberson, Moderator; Marlene Michalke; Peggy Rollins The Administrative Commission is pleased to inform Cherokee Presbytery that on June 30th, 2016 the Presbytery closed on the sale of the Providence Presbyterian Church building and property to Grace Covenant Church (PCA) for $925,000. Stan Tilley reviewed the legal documents and declared that everything was in order. At the closing the loan with PILP was paid off and the Presbytery received a check in the amount of $213,871.53. It is the hope of the AC that this money can be used for future ministry opportunities within the Presbytery. Victor Glaze and his wife were given notice to vacate the house on the property and moved before the closing with a little help from the commission, especially through the work of Marlene Michalke. The Hispanic congregation was relocated. All documents have been transferred to the presbytery office. We are still in the process of final closing on all bills and legal documents as well as compiling the final listing of members remaining and acting on some transfers that have been received. When these items are all completed we will report back to the Presbytery. Respectfully submitted, Zeta T. Lamberson CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 2 7 Bylaws of the Cherokee Presbytery Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Cartersville, Georgia Adopted XX/XX/2016 These bylaws, having been adopted by the action of Cherokee Presbytery at its stated meeting of XXXX XX, 2016, shall be effective on December 1, 2016, and hereby replace and supersede any and all other bylaws and regulations of Cherokee Presbytery, which has its principal offices at 183 W Main Street, Cartersville, Georgia. I. II. Organization 1. Cherokee Presbytery (the “Presbytery”), being a council of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and incorporated under the laws of the state of Georgia, as a non-‐profit 501c3, recognizes that the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the laws of the state of Georgia as they pertain to the organization of religious institutions, are obligatory upon it and its members. 2. The legal name of this church body and of the Corporation is Cherokee Presbytery Properties, Inc. The Corporation is a constituent part of the Synod of South Atlantic and shall function in accordance with Parts 1 and 2 of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the rules, procedures, and organization set forth in the presbytery Ministry Manual. 3. These bylaws shall, to the extent possible, be interpreted to maintain consistency with the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), including any amendments thereto. To the extent these bylaws cannot be interpreted consistent with the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), including any amendments thereto, the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) shall control the proceedings of the Church. Annually, the Stated Clerk shall report at the next stated meeting of the Presbytery following the adjournment of the General Assembly whether any amendment to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is inconsistent with these bylaws, and if so propose appropriate amendments to these bylaws to insure consistency between the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and these bylaws. Membership and Meetings 1. Membership in the Presbytery shall be determined consistent with the provisions of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). 2. Meetings: The Presbytery shall hold stated (or regular) meetings on such dates as are determined by the Coordinating Team, which shall announce them no later than October 31st of the previous calendar year. The annual meeting of the Presbytery shall be the regular stated meeting of the Presbytery held in the 2 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 8 first quarter of the calendar year. 3. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called in any manner authorized by the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Such calls shall state clearly the purpose of the meeting, and no other matter not so specified shall be considered. The calling body or persons shall bear the cost of notice of the special meeting. 4. Moderator: The moderator of the Presbytery shall be elected in the manner authorized by the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for a term of one year, beginning each year at the annual meeting of the Presbytery which shall normally be the regular stated meeting of the Presbytery in the first quarter of the calendar year. The immediate past moderator or a former moderator will preside in the absence of the moderator. 5. Voting: The members of the Presbytery as determined consistent with the provisions of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), shall be eligible to vote at all stated and special meetings of the presbytery. 6. Robert’s Rules of Order: Meetings of the Presbytery shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, except in cases in which the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) provides otherwise. 7. Opening and Closing with Prayer: All meetings of the Presbytery shall be opened and closed with prayer. 8. Quorum: A quorum of a meeting of the Presbytery shall be one-‐fourth of the non-‐ retired Ministers of Word and Sacrament and representative Ruling Elders from one-‐fourth of the churches of presbytery. Reasons for non-‐attendance on the part of ministers and non-‐representation on the part of churches, also reasons for partial attendance, shall be given to presbytery in writing. 9. Business of the Corporation: At any meeting of the Presbytery, the Presbytery is constituted as a meeting of the members of the corporation and may conduct such business on behalf of the corporation as is proper under the laws of the state of Georgia, and the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), including the election of trustees. The annual meeting of the corporation shall normally be the regular stated meeting of the Presbytery held in the first quarter of the calendar year. III. The Trustees 1. The Trustees of the Corporation shall be the members of the Coordinating Team. The Moderator of the Presbytery shall serve as the President and CEO of the Corporation. The Secretary of the Corporation shall be the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery. The Treasurer of the Corporation shall be the Treasurer of the Presbytery. 2. Authority delegated by Presbytery: The Presbytery delegates to the Board of Trustees the following responsibilities and authorizes it to spend such funds as are approved in the annual budget in the following areas: CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 2 9 a) To receive, hold, encumber, manage, and transfer property, real or personal for the Presbytery, and to accept and execute deeds of title to such property and to hold and defend title to such property, consistent with the provisions of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); b) To maintain the property of the Presbytery; c) To approve sales, purchases, leases and mortgages of the property of congregations in the Presbytery subject to ratification at the following meeting of the Presbytery; d) To account for the income and expenses of the Presbytery in conjunction with the Treasurer, and to provide the Presbytery with regular reports of such income and expenses; e) To manage the funds of the church in conjunction with the Treasurer, and to provide the Presbytery with regular reports of the balance of such funds; f) To obtain sufficient liability coverage to protect the facilities, programs and officers of the Presbytery and to retain legal counsel. 3. The Presbytery, in accordance with and not contrary to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), may delegate by standing rule such other authority and responsibilities to the Board of Trustees as the Presbytery determines. 4. Committees of the Presbytery a. The committees of the Presbytery shall be those determined to be necessary by the Presbytery in order to carry out its work. b. Terms of membership on Presbytery Committees shall be as provided for in the Standing Rules of the Presbytery. c. Terms of membership on Presbytery Committees (except the Permanent Judicial Commission) shall begin at the adjournment of the annual Presbytery meeting following election and end at the adjournment of the annual meeting in the year of the election class. d. Terms of membership on the Permanent Judicial Commission shall begin January 1 of the year following the annual Presbytery meeting following election and shall end on December 31 of the year of the election class. 5. Nominations and Elections a. Eligibility for office or service on the committees of the Presbytery shall be consistent with the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). b. There shall be a representative Nominating Committee. The 3 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 0 Coordinating Team shall make nominations for the Nominating Committee. This committee shall also serve as the nominating committee for the corporation. c. The stated clerk of the Presbytery shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected for a definite term. Additional nominations of qualified persons may be made from the floor by any eligible presbyter. Ordinarily, no individual shall serve more than four consecutive definite terms as stated clerk. d. The treasurer of the Presbytery shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee upon recommendation of the trustees and elected for a term of one year. Additional nominations of qualified persons may be made from the floor by any eligible presbyter. 6. Amendment a. These Bylaws may be amended, subject to the Charter of the Corporation, the laws of the state of Georgia, and the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), by approval of the Presbytery at any stated or special meeting of the Presbytery by a majority vote of those present, provided that a full reading of the proposed changes or a distribution by any printed or electronic means of the same shall have been made in connection with the call of the meeting. b. These Bylaws may not be amended contrary to or so as to not include the provisions of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A). CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 3 1 Child Protection Policy Cherokee Presbytery To Be Adopted by Cherokee Presbytery August 23, 2016 The members of Cherokee Presbytery believe that we are called by God to create a safe haven for all of the children and youth in our care, nurturing, protecting, and empowering them through faith and trust. This commitment includes taking appropriate steps to reduce the risk to the young people in our care. The following policy was established to minimize the risk of any of our children and youth being subjected to sexual, physical, or mental abuse. These policies and procedures are also intended to respect the rights and afford due process to persons accused of improper conduct. C ONTENTS Part A: Regarding Paid Summer Camp Staff Part B: Regarding Volunteers at Summer Camp and Adult Sponsors who attend Youth and Children’s Events Part C: Child Care Workers for Presbytery Events and Meetings Part D: Prohibited Acts Part E: Consequences 32 In establishing policies and procedures that provide safeguards against child or youth abuse at Cherokee Presbytery camps and events requiring childcare, four critical areas must be addressed: • • • • Screening and selection of volunteers and staff Supervision of volunteers and staff Reporting allegations Response to allegations A. PAID SUMMER CAMP STAFF SELECTING AND SCREENING OF STAFF § All applicants for summer camp staff/counselor positions will complete an application form. This application must be accompanied by a consent form giving Cherokee Presbytery permission to conduct a criminal background check. The applicant’s consent forms will be kept on file at Cherokee Presbytery. § Members of the Cherokee Retreat Center and Camp Operations Team will review application forms, interview applicants, contact references, and will keep the applications on file. The references will be kept with the personnel records for each applicant. § The designated Presbytery staff persons to the CRCC Operations Team will conduct the background checks and may consult with the moderator of the Committee concerning the results of any background check. Background checks will be destroyed following the Committee’s decision regarding employment. Name, Date of Birth, Date of Background Check, and Social Security Number of cleared persons will be kept on file at the Presbytery Office. § “Whether disclosed voluntarily or by result of the security background check, the following items will automatically disqualify a person from participating in the leadership or sponsorship of any children’s or youth activity or program related to Cherokee Presbytery: Any conviction for: murder; aggravated assault; sexual abuse; sexual assault (rape); aggravated sexual assault; injury to a child; incest; indecency with a child; inducing sexual conduct or sexual performance with a child; possession or promotion of child pornography; the sale, distribution, or display of harmful materials or prohibited substances to a minor; employment harmful to children; or abandonment or endangerment of a child. All other convictions or charges for any other crimes not listed above will be reviewed by the appropriate committee seeking to secure the particular employee or volunteer.” 33 SUPERVISION OF CAMP STAFF § “Two Adult Rule”: As often as possible, there should be at least two adults (18 and over) assigned to each cabin. When anywhere on the camp grounds, if at all possible, make sure that an adult is not left alone one on one with a child or youth. This will be emphasized at staff training. If an adult needs to be alone with a young person, that contact should take place in a public setting and with the knowledge of another staff member. REPORTING ALLEGATIONS § Instruct all counselors in training sessions to refer to the “Policies” section of the SUMMER CAMP STAFF MANUAL regarding the reporting procedure and the requirements of state and local laws regarding the reporting of child abuse. If you have questions about reporting, contact your local Child Protective Services or Police Department. § Anyone aware of inappropriate contact involving a child or youth, regardless of where the conduct occurred, must immediately report the questionable activity to the Camp Director or Assistant Camp Director. The Assistant must report to the Director. § If an incident is witnessed or reported, that person should first secure the safety of the child. The child or young person should not be left alone. § The Camp Director is to immediately notify the appropriate Presbytery staff person, the Stated Clerk of Cherokee Presbytery, the on-site Camp Manager, and Child Protective Services. § The person initially contacted by the alleged victim, or who observed the offense, should immediately fill out a written report recorded verbatim, called an “Incident Report.” § The CRCC Operations Team will prepare a list of agencies to be contacted. This list should be attached to the “Incident Report” form. § The Camp Director and Assistant Camp Director shall have the “Incident Report” forms available in the CRCC Office. § Any accusation made after the camp season is over shall be directed to the Response Team (see below) through the Office of the Stated Clerk of Cherokee Presbytery. RESPONSE TO ALLEGATIONS § A Response Team composed minimally of the Stated Clerk of Cherokee Presbytery, 34 Moderator of the CRCC Operations Team, and Moderator of the Coordinating Team will be convened by the Stated Clerk. § The Response Team should immediately contact the presbytery’s legal counsel and insurance company. § The Response Team should immediately inform the accused and the accuser that they have the right to retain their own counsel. The presbytery’s counsel will represent the presbytery but not their individual interests. § The Response Team is to contact the families of the alleged victim and the accused to communicate action already taken. (“Here’s what’s already been done; here’s what is going to be done.”) The continuing pastoral care of the alleged victim and family, and the accused, needs to be done by someone outside of the Response Team, such as another pastor in the presbytery. § All presbytery staff and camp staff should be instructed that all communications about any incidents come only from the Response Team. The Response Team should prepare a statement for possible use with the media. § If the accused is a member of the clergy, s/he is also subject to the “Rules of Discipline” of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Presbytery’s “Guidelines for Responding to Allegations of Clergy Sexual Misconduct”. B. VOLUNTEERS AT SUMMER CAMPS AND ADULT ADVISORS WHO ATTEND CHILDREN OR YOUTH EVENTS SCREENING AND SELECTION OF VOLUNTEERS AND ADVISORS/SPONSORS § The Presbytery requires each local church to adopt its own child protection policy and screening procedure, which includes a security background check to ensure the safety and protection of its own children and youth. The Presbytery relies on the local church session to fulfill its own responsibility to its children and youth. § Ordinarily, volunteers and advisors/sponsors will only be permitted to serve as sponsors at presbytery events if they have been members of the local church for a period of not less than six months, unless the adult volunteer or advisor/sponsor is transferring from active membership in another church where references can be obtained. § All volunteers and adult advisors/sponsors for Cherokee Presbytery Youth or Children Events are required to sign a Covenant of Conduct Form, which includes a question about previous infractions regarding sexual misconduct. § Each church must annually submit an “Acknowledgement of Child Abuse Prevention Form” 35 which lists those adults who have had security background checks and are approved to serve as leaders and sponsors in order to participate in Presbytery events. A file will be kept at the Presbytery office and can be amended throughout the year. § An Information Form, along with a Consent Form will be completed by each individual who is volunteering for summer camp. The form provides personal and confidential information necessary to perform criminal background checks and reference checks. Consent Forms authorizing Cherokee Presbytery to conduct criminal background checks will be kept on file at the Presbytery Office. The designated Cherokee Presbytery staff person, on behalf of the appropriate presbytery committee or task group, will conduct the background checks on Summer Camp Volunteers and may consult with the moderator of that committee or task group concerning the results of any background check. Background checks will be destroyed after a decision has been made regarding that person’s involvement with the planned conference or event. Name, Date of Birth, Date of Background check, and Social Security Number of cleared persons will be kept on file at the Cherokee Presbytery Office. The designated presbytery staff person, or their designee, will contact references by telephone or mail. § At each camp session or event an orientation will be held for volunteers and sponsors, which will include the subject of preventing sexual abuse. “Whether disclosed voluntarily or by result of the security background check, the following items will automatically disqualify a person from participating in the leadership or sponsorship of any children’s or youth activity or program related to Cherokee Presbytery: Any conviction for: murder; aggravated assault; sexual abuse; sexual assault (rape); aggravated sexual assault; injury to a child; incest; indecency with a child; inducing sexual conduct or sexual performance with a child; possession or promotion of child pornography; the sale, distribution, or display of harmful materials or prohibited substances to a minor; employment harmful to children; or abandonment or endangerment of a child. All other convictions or charges for any other crimes not listed above will be reviewed by the appropriate committee seeking to secure the particular employee or volunteer.” SUPERVISION OF VOLUNTEERS, ADULT ADVISORS AND SPONSORS § While recognizing that significant ministry often takes place as the adult and youth share oneon-one, some very clear guidelines should be established for your group. § “Two adult rule”: As often as possible, there should be at least two adults in each small group. On the retreat grounds, as much as is possible, make sure that an adult is not left alone one on one with a child or youth. This must be emphasized at the 36 orientation. Safety suggestions: always meet in a public space when only one youth and one adult are present; remain in sight of others; make sure that at least one other adult is aware of what is taking place. § REPORTING ALLEGATIONS § At the orientation session, make sure all adult volunteers and adult sponsors know the incident reporting procedure and the requirements of state and local laws regarding the reporting of child abuse. If you have questions about reporting, contact your local Child Protective Services or Police Department. § Anyone aware of any inappropriate contact involving a child or youth must immediately report the questionable activity to the Director of the event or any member of the Event Design Team. That member shall report to the Director. § If an incident is witnessed or reported, that person should first secure the safety of the youth. Children and young persons should not be left alone. § The Director of the event is to immediately notify the appropriate Presbytery staff person, the Stated Clerk of Cherokee Presbytery, the onsite camp manager or host pastor, and Child Protective Services. § The person initially contacted by the alleged victim, or who observed the offense, should immediately fill out a written report recorded verbatim, called an “Incident Report.” § The Design Team should prepare a list with agencies to be contacted for each event. (For example: Presbytery, Child Protective Services, local police) This list should be attached to the “Incident Report” Form. § Any accusation made after the event is over should be directed to the Response Team (see below) through the office of the Stated Clerk of Cherokee Presbytery. RESPONSE TO ALLEGATIONS § A Response Team composed minimally of the Stated Clerk of Cherokee Presbytery, Moderator of the Congregational Care and Mission Team, and Moderator of the Coordinating Team will be initiated by the Stated Clerk. § The Response Team should immediately contact the presbytery’s legal counsel and insurance company. § The Response Team should immediately inform the accused and the accuser that they have 37 the right to retain their own counsel. The presbytery’s counsel will represent the presbytery but not their individual interests. § The Response Team is to contact the families of the alleged victim and the accused to communicate action already taken. (“Here’s what’s already been done; here’s what is going to be done.”) The continuing pastoral care of the alleged victim and family, and the accused, needs to be done by someone outside of the Response Team, such as a pastor within the presbytery. § All presbytery staff and camp staff should be instructed that all communications about any incidents come only from the Response Team. The Response Team should prepare a statement for possible use with the media. § If the accused is a member of the clergy, s/he is also subject to the “Rules of Discipline” of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Presbytery’s “Guidelines for Responding to Allegations of Clergy Sexual Misconduct.” C. ADULTS WORKING WITH CHILDREN AND YOUTH AT PRESBYTERY EVENTS AND MEETINGS SCREENING AND SELECTION OF CHILD CARE WORKERS § The Presbytery will not allow a Presbytery event involving children or youth or where child care is offered to be held at a church unless the host church has a Child Protection Policy in place. § The screening, selection and supervision process of child care workers will be handled by the host church, under the conditions of their Child Protection Policy. SCREENING AND SELECTION OF ADULTS LEADING PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH § If these adults have not been through a screening process at their own church, they need to complete a Volunteer Information Form which provides the personal and confidential information necessary to perform criminal background and reference checks on each individual. § If these adults have been through a screening process at their own church, they must present verification of that fact through a form. SUPERVISION OF ADULTS LEADING PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH § While recognizing that significant ministry often takes place as the adult and youth share 38 one-on-one, some very clear guidelines should be established for your group. § “Two adult rule”: As often as possible, there should be at least two adults in each small group. On the retreat grounds, as much as is possible, make sure that an adult is not left alone one on one with a child or youth. This must be emphasized at the orientation. § Safety suggestions: always meet in a public space when only one youth and one adult are present; remain in sight of others; make sure that at least one other adult is aware of what is taking place. REPORTING ALLEGATIONS § All adults working with children or youth at Presbytery events or meeting should be made aware of the incident reporting procedure by the organizers/ planning committee of the event. Allegations are to be reported to the designated contact person at the host church, who will then report the allegation to the Director of the event, or report directly to the designated Presbytery staff person in the case of a Presbytery meeting. § The Director of the event is to notify immediately the designated Presbytery staff person for the event, the Stated Clerk, the host pastor, and the Child Protective Services. § Any accusation made after the event is over should be directed to the Response Team (see below) through the office of Stated Clerk. RESPONSE TO ALLEGATIONS § A Response Team composed minimally of the Stated Clerk, Moderator of the Congregational Care and Nurture Team, and the Moderator of the Coordinating Team will be convened by the Stated Clerk. § The Response Team should immediately contact the presbytery’s legal counsel and insurance company. § The Response Team should immediately inform the accused and the accuser that they have the right to retain their own counsel. The presbytery’s counsel will represent the presbytery but not their individual interests. § The Response Team is to contact the families of the alleged victim and the accused to communicate action already taken. (“Here’s what’s already been done; here’s what is going to be done.”) The continuing pastoral care of the alleged victim and family, and the accused, 39 needs to be done by someone outside of the Response Team, such as a pastor or social worker. § All presbytery staff and camp staff should be instructed that all communications about any incidents come only from the Response Team. The Response Team should prepare a statement for possible use with the media. § If the accused is a member of the clergy, s/he is also subject to the “Rules of Discipline” of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Presbytery’s “Guidelines for Responding to Allegations of Clergy Sexual Misconduct”. D. PROHIBITED ACTS “The following acts are prohibited by this Policy and will not be tolerated or accepted during any Cherokee Presbytery activity or program. Any observations or personal knowledge of such violations must be immediately reported to the Moderator of the Session, Director of the Event or Program, or designated program staff representing Cherokee Presbytery after the safety of the child, children, or youth involved has been assured. • • • • • • • • Any display or demonstration of sexual activity, abuse, insinuation of abuse, or evidence of abusive conduct towards a child or youth; Sexual advances or sexual activity of any kind between any adult and a child or youth; Sexual advances or sexual activity of any kind between a youth and a child; Infliction of physically abusive behavior or bodily injury to a child or youth; Physical neglect of a child, children, or youth, including failure to provide adequate supervision in relation to the activities of the presbytery; Causing mental or emotional injury to a child, children or youth; Possessing obscene or pornographic materials at any function of Cherokee Presbytery with the exception of sex education materials (NOTE: Cherokee Presbytery does not consider sex education materials to be obscene or pornographic, especially those which have been produced by the denomination for use in church-related programs.); Consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or any prohibited substance while leading or participating in a children’s or youth function of the presbytery.” E. CONSEQUENCES § Any person accused of committing a Prohibited Act, whether a staff member, employee, member, or volunteer, will immediately be reassigned to responsibilities without direct child contact. If investigation supports the accusations, the accused person will be suspended from participation in all children’s and youth activities and programs of Cherokee Presbytery. Such 40 suspension shall continue during any investigation by the church and/or law enforcement or child protection agencies. § Any person found to have committed a Prohibited Act shall be prohibited from future participation in children’s and youth activities and programs of Cherokee Presbytery. If the person is a staff member or employee of the presbytery, such conduct may also result in termination of employment. § As required by Georgia law, all reports of abuse will be forwarded in a timely manner by Cherokee Presbytery to the appropriate child protection and law enforcement authorities. Such reporting must be accomplished in addition to complying with this Child Protection Policy. § Failure to timely report a Prohibited Act to the designated person shall be considered a procedural violation of this Child Protection Policy and shall be grounds for termination of employment of a staff member or employee and suspension and dismissal from participation in all children’s and youth activities and programs of Cherokee Presbytery by any person. § When the allegations involve a member of the clergy, the provisions of Cherokee Presbytery’s “Guidelines for Responding to Allegations of Clergy Sexual Misconduct” will be put into operation and the guidance of the church’s discipline will be followed. 41 Shaping a Relational Presbytery Rooted – tapping into the subterranean source of life Our greatest strength and our deepest hope are lodged in our connection to one another. God revealed the divine mystery most clearly in the human being of Jesus, fully human and fully divine, who wrought our redemption and demonstrated the nearness of the reign of God in breaking bread, telling stories, healing the sick, and spending time in the homes of friends, at deep wells, in fishing boats, and on dusty roads. His curriculum was the stuff of human life and relationships. His key teachings centered in the ways we connect with the people around us – shaped by and reflecting our connection to our Creator. In a moment when we feel the pinch of diminished resources, we are called to turn our eyes to one another and the neighborhoods we inhabit. Where two or three of us are gathered, Christ is present. In showing mercy to our neighbors, we have fulfilled his greatest command. We have always said the PC(USA) is a connectional church. While we ground ourselves in a rich history and a deep and vibrant theology, what we know is that our connection to one another is what sustains us and makes us strong. The small size of Cherokee Presbytery has us led to conclude we cannot be a programmatic presbytery but a relational or family presbytery instead. Many have noted that with the absence of programs we once valued, we now seem to lack a shared purpose and the opportunities to build relationships with our sisters and brothers in northwest Georgia. We also recognize, however, that programs often substitute for rather than facilitate what is our true purpose and call – to be in relationship with one another and the world around us. It is time for us to return to our center, our core conviction that we live and move and have our being in God and that our connection to God always directs our love and our attention to one another and the world in which we live. Our task, then, is to shape our work in ways that proclaim the centrality of these holy relationships – with God, with one another, and with those who are our neighbors. Rooted – connecting for the moments that matter Presbyterian polity reflects the unique ways a presbytery facilitates area congregations’ connections to one another and the larger church for the glory of God. Simply put, Cherokee Presbytery exists to help our member congregations faithfully bear witness to the Gospel. We exist to hold one another up and to hold one another accountable in love and truth. Conversations with various leaders and groups around the presbytery are beginning to reveal a core of opportunities for Cherokee Presbytery to strengthen our congregations for vibrant witness in their communities and the world. Critical moments when sister 42 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 churches rely on the larger body for encouragement, wisdom, and support point us to our call as a presbytery and help to define the ways we go about our work. These moments include: • Pastoral Transitions • Leadership Development and Support • Congregational Conflict and Missional Discernment • Connecting with our Communities • Investing in our Future • Supporting our Ministry Proposed Ministry Teams Transitions Team • • • • Provide congregational support from the dissolution of a call to the installation of a new pastor, including o Determining interim leadership o Forming a Pastor Nominating Committee o Conducting a mission study o Preparing for a new pastor Accompany a congregation through this entire process and into the ministry of a new pastor providing o Insight o Best practices o Direction for Book of Order compliance o Communication with the larger church o Aid with the search process and in identifying candidates Follow-up through the first year of ministry Examine candidates called to churches and recommend candidates to presbytery Congregational Health Team • • • • Identify, support and guide congregations in times of missional discernment and congregational conflict with trained team members (need to be prepared and willing to secure the training needed) Identify and build best practices in congregations Develop policies that protect the health and welfare of our leaders and the children in our communities Provide support for pastors in crisis Building Leaders Team • • • • Create learning opportunities for teaching and ruling elders serving local congregations, in validated ministries, and as hospital and military chaplains Provide officer training and sexual misconduct prevention education Coordinate and leverage training in larger churches for other churches in the presbytery Oversee the preparation of inquirers and candidates for ministry Community Connections Team • • • Help congregations in Cherokee Presbytery understand the changing context of our ministry Build capacity for connecting to the world around us Understand the need and opportunity for new church development, campus ministry, shared CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 43 • youth ministry, and cooperative mission in our region and the world Oversee the mission and operation of the Cherokee Retreat Center Ministry Support Team • • • • Build an annual budget and stewardship plan for our shared work Assist congregations with matters of property and in the development of sound financial practices Document financial best practices Provide treasurer training Permanent Judicial Commission (D-1.0000) All councils of the Presbyterian Church shall elect a Permanent Judicial Commission in accordance with the requirements of the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Their work shall be conducted according to the Rules of Discipline of the Book of Order. Committee on Representation (G-3.01013) • Advise the presbytery regarding the implementation of principles of unity and diversity • Advocate for diversity in leadership • Consult with the presbytery on the employment of personnel The Bigger Picture Coordinating Team (composed of the moderators of each of the ministry teams, past presbytery moderator, and 1 at-large member) • • • • • • • Coordinates and communicates about the ministry plans and needs of each of the teams Manages calendaring and cooperation for resource sharing Provides forum for passing along information about needs in churches and shared initiatives that will strengthen the ministries of our congregations Collect items for docket of presbytery business meeting Nominate members of the Ministry Teams Assist Stated Clerk with logistics for presbytery meetings Facilitate communication throughout the presbytery Vision Team (composed of the presbytery moderator, past moderator, moderator-elect, discernmentarian, GA commissioners and other at-large leaders from within the presbytery) • • • • • • Prayerful discernment for the future of Cherokee Presbytery Pray for our churches, listen deeply to the concerns of our communities (local neighborhoods, larger church, and the world) with an eye towards understanding how God is specifically calling our 29 churches to bear witness to the Gospel Plan worship for presbytery meetings and set an annual theme for reflection and action for the presbytery to consider as we gather for worship and mission Review and plan for Overtures and Amendments Nominate at-large member/s of Coordinating Team Forum for interim decision making between presbytery meetings 44 CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 Presbytery Meetings Evolve to Leadership Summits Cherokee Presbytery would shift from a Presbytery Meeting model to a Leadership Summit model in which the business of the presbytery is a module of a larger learning and fellowship event for a broader representation of the presbytery. Meetings in the test year would be on Saturdays at centrally located churches with facilities large enough to facilitate breakout sessions and workshops in addition to a shared meal. Leadership Summits will include worship, keynote, and training workshops for new officers, clerks, treasurers, Sunday School teachers, youth volunteers. The events will be rich in fellowship and relationship building opportunities, prayer for one another and our congregations, and moments for learning more about our shared mission and future together. They will be days in which we can share great ideas and painful struggles. We will take care of business in the midst of it all. CHEROKEE PRESBYTERY 8.23.16 45