Per Cent for Art Opportunity St. Mary`s College, Dundalk, Co. Louth


Per Cent for Art Opportunity St. Mary`s College, Dundalk, Co. Louth
1. Introduction
Pg. 4
2. Design Brief
Pg. 5
3. Budget
Pg. 6
4. Site Visit/ Queries
Pg. 6
5. Selection Process
Pg. 7
6. Application Details
Pg. 7
7. Assessment Criteria
Pg. 8
8. Payment Schedule
Pg. 9
Pg. 10-12
9. Location
Briefing Document
Per Cent for Art
St Mary’s College
St. Mary’s College Dundalk, seeks expressions of interest from artists of all levels of
experience in developing a unique visual artwork to be sited outside the new school.
The total budget available for the artwork is up to €60,000 (inclusive of VAT)
The deadline for applications is Monday, 23rd May 2016 at 5pm
Late submissions will not be accepted.
Applicants are requested to read the full content of this document carefully as it
contains important information pertaining to all stages of the commission.
Applications can be emailed to or by post to:
The Per Cent for Art Committee
St. Mary’s College,
Co. Louth.
For postal applications, supporting images may be provided in electronic format on
CD, DVD, or Memory Stick.
All queries should be sent by email to
1. Introduction
Founded in 1861, St. Mary’s College is a Catholic co-educational secondary school
located on an 11-acre site in the heart of Dundalk, it is under the trusteeship of the
Marist Fathers and guided by Mary’s vision of service.
School Mission Statement
“The primary aim of the school, through its spiritual and humanistic
endeavours, is to promote and develop a sense of community where those
entrusted to its care can be brought to the fullness of their human potential in
accordance with the teachings of the Gospel.
The school through its academic and pastoral programmes strives to provide
for the physical, mental, moral, spiritual, social and cultural well -being of
each of the students in its care."
The dream of a new Marist College is becoming a reality with building work
progressing rapidly. The 'state of the art' school will incorporate the latest
educational technologies, classrooms and specialist rooms including indoor and
outdoor amenities and will be a fantastic facility for the students of the school and
indeed, for the town of Dundalk when construction is completed in April 2016. Our
new college will cater for the educational welfare of over 900 students.
Under the Per Cent for Art Scheme and funded by the Department of Education,
submissions are invited for a unique visual artwork to be sited outside the new
school. The school’s Per Cent for Art Committee warmly invites submissions from
practicing artists.
While the commissioning body has a broad outlook on proposals, for the purposes of
clarity, the preferred artwork shall have permanency and a visual impact.
2. Artists Brief
The preferred commission will have lasting significance and meaning to the students
(12-18 years), both current and generations to come.
The brief asks the artist/s to:
Create an original artwork that is permanent, durable, tactile and easily
Respond to the location, function & ethos of the school
Create an artwork that is inclusive and engaging to all school users, with
particular emphasis on our student cohort
Be distinctive, interesting, highly visible and safe
To enhance the school environment for pupils, staff, parents and visitors
The school is very open to the scope of the per cent for art scheme; however, we
would like to commission a permanent visual art work which will have a lasting
meaning to students, staff, parents and visitors, both present and future.
The work should be appealing, and sculptural in nature. Proposals where the
artwork has a functional or interactive aspect will be considered. This call is open to
artists at all levels of experience.
St. Mary’s College will become an old school in a new building. The college
prides itself in nurturing an inclusive, familial and supportive community,
creating an environment where students can evolve and flourish into young
independent adults.
The art piece should draw inspiration from this wonderful time as it shapes
the lives of the students, a time of great progress, development and hope.
The piece may aim to become a place of social interaction for the students.
The preferred proposal will be well informed and aim to reach the users of the school
in a meaningful way while also providing a strong artistic statement in relation to
contemporary arts practice and a developmental aspect to the artist’s own work.
3. Budget
The maximum budget for the design, supply and installation of this project will be
€60,000 inclusive of all costs.
Please note
 The nett available commission budget is €60,000. Proposals exceeding this
amount will not be considered.
Subject to the details contained in the agreed proposal, and with any and all
adjustments agreed in advance by the Per Cent for Art Committee, It is the sole
responsibility of the Artist(s) to manage the project budget. Detailed breakdown of
costs and schedule of works should be submitted at Stage II.
All costs are to be included as part of the budget, e.g.
• Insurance
• Research and development
• Materials and fabrication
• Engineering design (if appropriate)
• Transportation, installation & erection
• Health and safety considerations including requirement of Project Supervisor
Construction Stage (PSCS) Service
• Any other costs and charges necessary to install & complete the artwork project
4. Site Visit
Site visits for interested parties will be held on April 28th. All visits must be
prearranged and the date is subject to change. To book a site visit please email :
5. Selection Process
Selection will be a two-stage open submission process.
Publication of brief
Site visit
Stage one submissions
Shortlisted Artists notified
Stage two submissions
Successful artist contracted
Project commencement
Project completion
As per contracts
As per contracts
Project completion date to be agreed with artist. The selection panel will comprise of
representatives from the faculty staff, a representative from the Marist Fathers, an
architect, two art teachers and an independent professional artist.. The selection
panel on behalf of St. Mary’s College reserves the right not to proceed with any of
the submissions received and to consider other appropriate courses of action.
6. Application Details
Application for stage I must contain:
• A brief proposal outlining ideas and concepts for the artwork
• Two to four illustrations or images of maquettes for the purpose of communicating practical
and artistic content, indicating position using information provided. (3D models should not be
submitted at stage 1)
• A completed application form
• An up to date CV
• 6-10 images of previous work
• Outline estimated budget and time scale for completion
Application for Stage II must contain:
• A typed two page proposal outlining concept for the piece
• Details of materials to be used and maintenance requirements.
• Sufficient models, illustrations etc. for the purpose of communication scale, proportion,
materials and artistic content
• Satisfactory evidence of safety and durability
• Detailed budget analysis
• Detailed time scale breakdown and schedule for completion, and evidence to prove ability
to deliver within budget and on time
• Support and resources.
Applications must be clearly marked on envelope Per Cent for Art Scheme and
addressed to The Per Cent for Art Committee, St. Mary’s College, Dundalk, Co.
Louth. Or Applications may be emailed to
7. Assessment Criteria
Applications will be assessed using the following criteria:
• Quality of proposal presented both on a stand-alone basis and with reference to
other competing applicants and in relation to the brief
• Assessment of the likelihood that the commission will have a strong artistic impact
in relation to contemporary arts practise
• Understanding of the physical, social and cultural context of the work
• The feasibility of the commission
8. Payment Schedule
Stage l – Applications
The commissioners shall not be liable for any costs or expenses in respect of
successful or unsuccessful Stage l applicants. Applicants attending site visits shall do
so at their own expense.
Stage ll - Applications
The commissioner shall issue an official order for Stage ll. The school will not be
liable for any costs or expenses in excess of €500 (Inc. vat and all other charges).
Payment will follow the receipt of an invoice after presentation before the selection
The Successful Applicant
• A contract will be entered into with St. Mary’s College.
• The successful applicant shall agree a payment schedule as part of the contract.
• Payments shall be made in accordance with the schedule outlined in the contract
upon receipt of invoices and successful completion of the work.
• Artists must provide a tax clearance certificate and/or artist exemption certificate.
• Evidence of appropriate insurance must be provided.
9. Location
The preferred location for the commission is to the front of the new school building.
The illustrations in this section show the preferred location highlighted in red. The
exact positioning of the commission is at the discretion of the artist and should be
specified in Stage II applications.