Spring 2016 - Bishop Ready High School


Spring 2016 - Bishop Ready High School
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Spring 2016
B i s h o p
R e a d y
H i g h
S c h o o l
2nd Quarter 2015-2016
First Honors
Austin Aiello
Devin Beckner-Horn
Kennedy Clifton
Eva Freeman
Eva Grace
Claire Kelley
Jarek Kolinski
Connor Nagy
Emily O’Connell
John Pyles
Hannah Rains
Angelica Rivera-Martinez
Laney Stroud
Dominic Tokar
Makenzie Wiethe
Anthony Baum
Clay Cutteridge
Jordan Gantz
Nicole Hawkins
Isabella Hoersten
Kelly Huber
Kayla Hyme
Jaide Lehnert
Kamiyah Mitchell
Natalee Patel
Marie Pece
Teagan Reasch
Ryan Spoon
Shelby Tracy
Hannah M. Williams
Peter Yang
Ian Binns
Arno Gao
Danielle Lancia
Maria Menke
Katherine Perry
Carole Xiang
Hunter Akers
Sean Atchison
Morgan Ball
Zachary Baum
Nathan Berner
Alyssa Bush
Emily Cline
Kathleen Colvin
Delaney Cutteridge
Nicholas Durbin
MiKhaila Duvall
Abby Ellis
Emily Genders
Bayleigh Green
Holly Guggenbiller
Courtney Hackney
Corey Hall
Allie Leidinger
Jasmine Ling
Abigail Lowry
Alicia Lundy-Morse
Anne Mesewicz
Bishop Ready High School
Nicole Naporano
Rachel Neff
Alma Mater, Ready High, blessings are on thee,
You’re the beacon guiding us, in a land that’s free. Amanda Poe
Dawn Ritter
Ready High, we cherish thee,
We love the friends we have met through thee,
Leah Ruth
Alma Mater, Ready High, blessings are on thee.
Claire Sapp
Ryann Scarberry
Andrés Walliser-Wejebe
Abigail Whitehead
Brianna Woods
Catherine Woods
Benjamin Young
Tom Zhang
Alma Mater
B i s h o p
R e a d y
H i g h
S c h o o l
2nd Quarter 2015-2016
Second Honors
Brigitte Bowman
Derricka Bramwell
Evan Cordle
Robert Dent
Claire Ferguson
Daniel Hamilton
Cecelia Phillips
Chyna Robinson
LeeAnn Sapp
McKenna Wheaton
Mary Benedetto
MacKenzie Chapman
Candace Clark
Joshua Conturo
Olivia French
Danielle Hall
Thomas Meeks
Mariyah Mitchell
Allison Poe
Glenn Polanco
John Riewe
Brady Thomas
Lana Troyer
Katelyn Wolfe
Abigail Wuichner
Rebecca Xu
Charlie Zong
Sydney Coverdale
Caitlyn Kelley
Haley Meyer
Erica Ogden
Olivia Rowe
Collin Siemer
Jacob Winslow
Gabrielle Biliran
Kathryn Chaney
Andrea Duarte
Steven Fu
Bailey Hartman
Christine Kingrey
Dominic Lombardi
Ellie McAndrew
Megan McSweeney
Sarah Powell
Logan Reasch
Frances Reategui
Angelina Tose
Kyle Usner
Shannan Waldo
Keegan Wolfe
Abbigail Woods
Bishop Ready High School
Mission Statement
Bishop Ready High School is committed to enhancing
spiritual formation, academic distinction, and
social responsibility in the Catholic tradition
wherein all persons are called to witness and reflect
the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
B i s h o p
R e a d y
H i g h
S c h o o l
2nd Quarter 2015-2016
Distinction List
Daniela Aguilar Villanueva
Jeremy Ahrens
Lucia Beickman
Samantha Blackburn
Cade Canter
Grant Cordle
Nicholas Drew
Alysia George
Addison Gualtieri
Andrew Halko
Jeremiah Happ
Linda Jiang
Javana Joyce
Atemnam Maker
Ariyhana Marshall
Rylie Maynard
Michaela Mayo
Anthony Whitt
Lauren Whitt
Alexander Wohrle
Caleb Brooks
Haley Bush
Brenna Forrest
Michael Gallion
Alexandra Jarrett
Chase Jones
Delaney Lombardi
Azul Lopez
Shavonne Mateen
Cameron Monovich
Jazmin Munive
Morgan Ritterbeck
Payton Ritterbeck
Christian Schell
Loren Sparks
Shawn Stover
Eric Terranova
Abigail Williams
Hannah C. Williams
Jessica Winslow
Ryan Wood
Gabrielle Bowman
Alexander Burns
Katelynne DeVictor
Olivia Dozer
Ethan Gifford
Patrick Jansen
Sarah Kight
Mary Elizabeth Mogan
Marylynn Orraca
Matthew Picknell
Ramon Rivera-Romero
Caterina Scott
Ryan Smith
Cody Speakman
Mara Stults
Erin Sullivan
Jonathan Whitt
Alyson Wiseman
Jack Zhang
Elina Aceveda
Maria Bergman
Naomi Etgen
Grace Fox
Tony Ling
Justin Ray
Lola Steele-Neal
Marcus Stone
Mebius Sun
Henry Tokar
Elin Voksepp
Nathan Whitt
B i s h o p
R e a d y
H i g h
S c h o o l
ooff tth
hee Mont
December 2015 – January 2016
Daniela Aguilar Villanueva
English 9
Anthony Baum
Honors Algebra II Trig
Ian Binns
Social Studies
AP World History
Jeremy Ahrens
Physical Science
Clay Cutteridge
Social Studies
AP US History
Theology II
Danielle Lancia
Honors English 11
Honors Chemistry
Devin Beckner-Horn
Physical Science
Evan Cordle
Social Studies
World Issues
John Pyles
Honors Geometry
Theology I
Hannah Rains
World Languages
French I
Jordan Gantz
Financial Literacy
Katherine Perry
Theology III
Kelly Huber
Clairissa Stiltner
World Languages
Marie Pece
Honors English 10
Jonathan Whitt
Robert Shepard
World Languages
French I
Sean Atchison
Business Principles
& Strategies
Zachary Baum
Social Studies
AP Government
Holly Guggenbiller
Theology IV
Courtney Hackney
AP Biology
Anne Mesewicz
World Languages
Mandarin III
Logan Reasch
Computer Studies
Intro. to
Computer Studies
Claire Sapp
Practical Arts
Relationships in
Contemporary Society
Ryann Scarberry
AP Calculus
Benjamin Young
English 12
B i s h o p
R e a d y
H i g h
S c h o o l
ooff tth
hee Mont
February 2016
Daniela Aguilar Villanueva
Algebra I
Anthony Baum
Ian Binns
English 11
Eva Grace
Theology I
Joshua Conturo
Algebra III
Danielle Lancia
Honors Physics
Claire Kelley
Theology I
Clay Cutteridge
English 10
Matthew Picknell
Algebra II
Emily O’Connell
Theology I
Isabella Hoersten
Honors Marketing
Olivia Rowe
Social Studies
AP World History
Hannah Rains
Theology I
Bridget Hooker
World Languages
French II
Erin Sullivan
World Languages
Spanish III
Dominic Tokar
Social Studies
World Issues
World Languages
Spanish I
Kamiyah Mitchell
Theology II
Sean Atchison
Financial Literacy
Zachary Baum
World Languages
Mandarin II
Jessica Baumann
Practical Arts
Relationships in
Contemporary Society
Abby Ellis
Financial Literacy
Holly Guggenbiller
AP Biology
Corey Hall
Dawn Ritter
Social Studies
US Government
& Economics
Natalee Patel
Social Studies
US History
Leah Ruth
English 12
Angelina Tose
Theology IV
Abigail Whitehead
Algebra III
Abbigail Woods
Practical Arts
Relationships in
Contemporary Society
National Honor Society
Induction Ceremony
pledge myself to uphold the high
purposes of the National Honor
Society to which I have been selected. I
will be true to the principles for which it
stands; I will be loyal to my school, and
will maintain and encourage high standards
of scholarship, leadership, character, and
With this pledge, 13 new members
of the Ready chapter of the NHS were
inducted in a ceremony held on February
18. The new members are seniors Frances
Reategui, Claire Sapp, and Tom (Yizhuo)
Zhang and juniors Ian Binns, Katelynne
DeVictor, Patrick Jansen, Danielle Lancia,
Maria Menke, Haley Meyer, Katherine Perry,
Olivia Rowe, Erin Sullivan, and
Jacob Winslow.
The ceremony began with a prayer and the
pledge led by senior Andrés Walliser-Wejebe,
followed by opening remarks by Assistant
Principal Jeri Rod and a welcome by senior
Bayleigh Green. Senior Nicole Naporano
New inductees… front row, l to r: Olivia Rowe, Claire Sapp,
Frances Reategui, Ian Binns, Katelynne DeVictor, and
Erin Sullivan. Back row, l to r: Tom Zhang, Katherine Perry,
Danielle Lancia, Jacob Winslow, Patrick Jansen,
Maria Menke, and Haley Meyer
introduced the keynote speaker, Larry Keough,
Associate Director for Education, Catholic
Conference of Ohio.
The Principles of the National Honor
Society were explained by senior Morgan Ball
(The Emblem) and, following an introduction
by senior Holly Guggenbiller, seniors Benjamin
Young (Character), Henry Tokar (Scholarship),
Emily Cline (Leadership), and Delaney
Cutteridge (Service) explained the various facets
of the NHS. The dedication and pledge was led
by senior Nicole Naporano and final remarks
were made by senior Emily Genders.
Officers for the 2015-16 year, all seniors,
are: Nicole Naporano, president; Delaney
Cutteridge, vice-president; Kathleen Colvin,
secretary; Zachary Baum, treasurer; and Andrés
Walliser-Wejebe, historian.
2015-16 members, wearing the NHS emblem medallion:
Front row: Dawn Ritter, Abby Ellis, Emily Genders
Middle row: Gabrielle Canare, Kathleen Colvin, Delaney Cutteridge,
Bayleigh Green, Zachary Baum
Back row: Nicole Naporano, Emily Cline, Courtney Hackney,
Ryann Scarberry, Holly Guggenbiller, Morgan Ball
Respect Life Mass
Students attended the Respect Life Mass at the Cathedral on January 22.
Gifts of the Heart
hree seniors were honored at the annual Gifts
of the Heart Assembly, held on Wednesday,
February 10. Kathleen Colvin received a plaque for
her volunteer service “above and beyond” what is
expected and Naomi Etgen and Abigail Whitehead
received certificates for their service.
“Service has always been an important part
of my life,” Kathleen said. “Helping others is
something that my family and my church have
instilled in me to do. I started doing service work in
grade school with my class and with my Girl Scout
troop. It was something that I had to do; it was
mandatory. As I grew older, I found the true beauty
and importance of serving others. By performing
acts of service, we are acting through God and being
His instruments of love to others here on earth.”
Principal Celene A. Seamen with Naomi Etgen, Kathleen Colvin,
and Abigail Whitehead.
Kathleen was honored for her service at
Riverside Methodist Hospital and the Franklin
County Dog Shelter.
Senior Joins Haiti Mission Trip
The children of Haiti played a large part in
making the trip memorable. “Seeing the children get
so excited when you let them take pictures on your
camera is something that will always bring joy to my
heart. The children just wanted to play with us and
learn from us and share with us what they enjoy,”
Sarah said. “Some even tried to teach us some
enior Sarah Collignon, along with two Ready
alums, Hailey Bryan and Rylie Wahl, both class
of 2015, spent time in Haiti last July on a mission
trip sponsored by Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish.
Sarah described her trip as “truly the most
rewarding experience of my life.” After adjusting to
the differences between Columbus and Port
Au Prince (the crowded streets, honking of
car horns and motorcycles, people playing
music on full volume), Sarah saw the “real
beauty in all of the chaos.” Upon arrival at
the base, Sarah knew that “this is where I
am supposed to be and this is exactly what
God had intended for me to do. Throughout
the week I could feel my relationship with
everyone getting stronger and my relationship
with God improving.”
One of Sarah’s favorite experiences of the
week was “going on the home visits to read
and talk about the Bible and to visit with the
Haitians.” Another was going on a hike to the
top of a hillside with “the best view of Haiti”
Hailey Bryan ’15, Sarah Collignon ’16, and Rylie Wahl ’15 in Haiti.
and praying over the country. “It was so great
to be able to pray over Haiti with the missionaries…
“This whole experience has truly given me a
and to hear the music playing when we were praying
completely new outlook on life. It has made me
filled my heart with so much joy. After we finished
appreciate everything in my life so much more than
praying and singing and looking out over the
I did before the trip,” Sarah said. “I am truly blessed
beautiful scenery, I couldn’t help but smile for the
and grateful for everything I learned while there.”
rest of the day.”
When in Italy, Say
f you have always wanted to visit Italy, consider joining Father Pat Toner as he leads a
“Reflections of Italy” tour this fall. The tour is open to all members of the Ready community:
alums, parents, grandparents, and friends. Father Pat, retired pastor of St. Joseph/Plain City,
led the last Ready tour to Italy and has much experience with group tours. Father Pat is a
stalwart Ready supporter and a trip with him promises much fun and much reflection!
The Ready group will leave Columbus on November 9 and return on November 18.
The trip begins with an overnight flight to Rome, with visits to the historic sites of the city,
including an optional trip to Vatican City. From Rome, it’s on to Assisi, Perugia (the historic
capital of Umbria), through Tuscany to the medieval city of Siena, Florence, a stop in the
Chianti region, Venice, and Milan.
For a brochure and reservation form, please contact Michelle Kelly, Director of Alumni/ae
Relations, at 614-276-7827 or mkelly@cdeducation.org. For more information, contact
Father Pat Toner at 614-296-7404. Deadline for reservations is Tuesday, May 31.
Spring Rehearsal Begins
Did You Know…
q 70% of Ready students earn college credit
through AP scores.
q 99% of our recent graduates are attending
q Ready students’ standardized test scores are
above state and national norms.
q Between 85% and 90% of Ready students are
involved in co-curricular activities.
q Ready students consistently earn Superior or
Excellent ratings in OMEA competitions.
q The Class of 2015 performed over 11,000 hours
of service.
q There are over 25 clubs and organizations
available to Ready students.
q There are 17 sports teams open to Ready
q Tuition assistance is available through
The Diocese of Columbus Tuition Aid Fund and
the Bishop Ready Tuition Assistance Fund.
q You can keep up-to-date on Ready news via
Twitter, the Ready High School app, or the
Ready website (brhs.org).
Freshmen Claire Ferguson as Sally and John Pyles as Charlie Brown
rehearse for the spring musical, You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown.
Easter Baskets for the Food Bank
Ready to Try or Renew
a Magazine?
Members of Student Council with the Easter Baskets that were distributed to the
Madison County Food Bank. This year, 21 baskets were made and delivered as part of
the annual project sponsored by Student Council.
Just a reminder: Your magazine
subscription (new or renewal) can
benefit Bishop Ready High School.
Our magazine drive is held in the fall,
but new subscriptions and renewals
can be done anytime throughout the
year online.
• Go to www.gaschoolstore.com
• Click “Just Shopping? Click Here”
• Enter School I.D.—2568145
• Search magazines and order!
When you order through this site,
40% of your purchase will benefit
Bishop Ready.
It’s a way to help Bishop Ready…
and we do appreciate your help!
(And, of course, we encourage you
to keep reading!)
Castle Crew Continues Its
rom basketball nights to St. Valentine’s
flowers and “Minute-to-Win-It”
competitions, Ready’s Castle Crew continued
to provide fun evenings and events for members
from our partner/feeder grade schools.
The purpose of the club is to provide an “inside
look” at life at Ready and the various sports, artistic,
and religious gatherings certainly do that. The
events are also fun and provide Ready students with
the opportunity to integrate with younger students
who, it is hoped, will become Ready students.
Under the direction of Dan DeCrane, Director of
Partner School Outreach, the Crew has continued
to grow and adds new events and special occasions
every year.
For more information, please visit the Bishop
Ready website at brhs.org and click on the Castle
Crew link on the home page under Quick Clicks
or contact Mr. DeCrane at 614-276-5263, ext. 231.
New members may join at any time during the
school year.
Leah Walk… Speed Stack
Get the latest news via Twitter…
Ping Pong Toss
Follow Bishop Ready on Twitter
@BishopReadyHS for all things
Ready and @ReadyAthletics for all
sports-related news.
Selling raffle tickets at the Breakfast
were junior Jack Zhang and sophomores
Natalee Patel and Payton Ritterbeck…
…seniors Amanda Poe and Megan McSweeney and sophomores Bella Hoersten
and Hannah M. Williams at the Smith and Wollensky table…
Annual Breakfast
Supports Ready
he annual Breakfast of
Champions, sponsored by
the Ready Future Business
Leaders of America (FBLA),
brought together four eateries and
150 attendees on February 25.
Bosc + Brie, P.F. Chang’s China
Bistro, Polaris Grille, and Smith
and Wollensky participated with
Bosc + Brie winning the popular
vote with blueberry stuffed
French toast!
…awaiting their first customers…senior Derek Lamb, sophomore
Taylor Franco, senior Abbigail Woods, and sophomores Kelly Huber,
Kayla Hyme, and Tristin Siemer
…the serving line
…serving at the winning table: Sue Smith of Bosc + Brie,
Nicholas Durbin ’16, Ellie McAndrew ’16, and Rachel Neff ‘16
And Then There Were None…
Standing: Benjamin Young, Andrew Pindell, Andrea Duarte, and Michael Creagh
On couch…Olivia Rowe, Caitlyn Kelley, Andrés Walliser-Wejebe, and John Pyles (on back of couch)
Seated, on right…Nicholas Durbin
en people are invited to an isolated island
by hosts who never appear. One by one,
unsavory secrets are revealed about each and,
one by one, they die. Agatha Christie’s play
based on her best-selling novel was an instant
success when it first was produced and continued
to be a success under the capable direction of
Jill Larger as she brought the play to life on
Ready’s Little Theatre stage in February.
The cast was composed of seven seniors,
three juniors, and one freshman, all eagerly
getting into the “spirit” of the production. Seniors
Michael Creagh (William Blore), Andrea Duarte
(Dr. Armstrong), Nicholas Durbin (General
MacKenzie), Nathan Koch (Fred Narracott),
Abigail Lowry (Mrs. Rogers), Andrés WalliserWejebe (Philip Lombard), and Benjamin Young
(Sir Lawrence Wargrave) were joined by juniors
Caitlyn Kelley (Vera Claythorne), Andrew
Pindell (Anthony Marston), and Olivia Rowe
(Emily Brent) and freshman John Pyles (Rogers)
to round out the cast.
Senior Steven Fu, juniors Ethan Gifford and
Mary Beth Mogan, and freshman Sandon Skuce
John Pyles, Abigail Lowry, and Nathan Koch
composed the crew, without whom no production
will survive! Special thanks to senior Claire Sapp
for her delightful costumes, Jeff Neff for lighting/
set design, Rob Wahl for playbill/web artwork,
and Matt Goodman for the production photos.
Next up: You’re a Good Man, Charlie
Brown…April 22-24. Get ready for Snoopy and
Photo Credit: Matt Goodman
Students Attend Chinese Immersion Day
Mandarin language students with teacher Feifei Yu (middle row, second from right) at the Chinese Immersion Day program
aculty member Feifei Yu and 18 students of the
Mandarin language classes at Ready attended
Chinese Immersion Day on February 8 at Wright
State University. The students pledged to speak
only Mandarin throughout the day and participated
in breakout sessions including Chinese painting,
Zen Monkey, Chinese Martial Art, Talk To Me,
and Building Sentences. The
day included a Chinese acrobat
performance, an array of various
cultural booths, and a Lunar New
Year Celebration.
Students who attended the
event are sophomores Anthony
Baum, Teagan
Reasch, and Lana
Troyer; juniors
Hailey Hejduk,
Allison O’Brien,
Erica Ogden,
and Caterina
Scott; and seniors Zachary Baum,
Michael Creagh, Nicholas Durbin,
Lucas Edwards, Derek Lamb, Anne
Mesewicz, Rachel Neff, Jamal
Sommers, Marcus Stone, Andrew
Stroh, and Lundy Williams IV.
Juniors Caterina Scott and Erica Ogden, sophomore Lana Troyer, and senior
Jamal Sommers practice Zen Monkey…
Warming Up Drive Exemplifies
Work of St. Vincent De Pal Society
he Ready St. Vincent de Paul Society,
under the direction of faculty member
Jane Kaiser, annually sponsors a drive to
collect new and “gently worn” clothing and
bedding—anything that will help to keep
someone warm--during the month of January.
The name of the drive, Warming Up, was
chose by student members and has been used
for the last 8 years.
Items are sorted and bagged at the
society’s February meeting and then delivered
to the St. Vincent de Paul Center in downtown
Columbus to be distributed to those in need.
According to its website, the St. Vincent
de Paul Society “offers tangible assistance to
those in need on a person-to-person basis…
The Society recognizes that it must assume, also, a
role of advocacy for those who are defenseless or
Senior Emily Cline, Treasurer, senior Morgan Ball, President, and
juniors Olivia Dozer and Sydney Coverdale with filled bags for the
Warming Up Drive
voiceless. Some 12 million persons are helped
annually by Vincentians in the United States. No
work of charity is foreign to the Society.”
To quote St. Vincent de Paul, patron of the
Society, “Charity is infinitely inventive.”
The Ready organization
wishes to thank all those who
generously contributed to
make this year’s drive such a
“Charity is
Members of the Society with their bags of clothing
Music Competition Garners Honors
Art Project Draws on Genealogy
ongratulations to senior Steven Fu, sophomore
Candace Clark, and freshman Claire Ferguson
who participated in the Ohio Music Education
Association (OMEA) competition in February.
Pam Welsh-Huggins, Director of Ready’s Liturgical
Choir and Coordinator of the Music Enrichment
Program, coordinated the students’ participation.
Junior Clairissa Stiltner with her art project….
eady faculty member Barb Stoll purchased an
old photo album in a New York antique store
some years back. When she did so, little did she
realize what an inspiration it would be for one of her
future students.
Junior Clairissa Stiltner, an Independent Art
student of Ms Stoll’s, took an interest in the photo
album and a project was born.
“The photos are from the 1900s,” Ms Stoll said.
The student “took it upon herself to do extensive
genealogy based on what was written on the back of
the photos. Since I had brought the album to school
for the students to use in an art project, Clairissa
decided to collage the photos with a family tree in
the center. She found living relatives, wrote to them,
and received responses that are very heartwarming.”
Through the years, Ready art students have
garnered awards and produced professional and
interesting works of art. The creativity found and
fostered in the Ready Art Department knows no
bounds and always finds ways to integrate the arts
and other subjects.
Pam Welsh-Huggins with OMEA competition participants
Claire Ferguson, Steven Fu, and Candace Clark
Steven Fu, Class B baritone solo, and Claire
Ferguson, Class C soprano solo, both earned a I
rating, the highest commendation given by the
Steven’s selection was “He Shall Feed His
Flock Like a Shepherd," by John Ness Beck.
Comments included: “An exceptionally beautiful,
natural voice. You have a wonderful affinity for the
text. Quite powerfully delivered with taste, dignity,
feeling. Voice has professional quality already.”
Claire chose to sing “Caro mio ben” by
Giordani. “Lovely, bell-like, clear soprano tone”
sustained through a “very lyrical and legato” style
of singing.
Candace Clark, Class C soprano solo, earned a
II rating. She chose to sing “Danny Boy,” arranged
by Julie Knowles. “Just splendid…You have a fine
performer’s love for singing!” Her singing was
deemed to be “an unusual performance”—excellent
(Ratings are made on a five-point scale.)
Students Walk the Runway at
Annual Mothers’ Club Luncheon
Models at Prom Fashion Show…
total of 39 students took part in the 13th annual
Spring Prom Fashion Show held on Sunday,
March 6, at The Boat House at Confluence Park.
With over 200 in attendance, the nautically themed
event was a crowd-pleasing success!
These dedicated volunteers made the occasion
a success: Teri Baum, Annie Durbin, and Valerie
Usner who served as Fashion Show Coordinators;
Model Liaisons Valerie Usner, Kati Bair, Annie
Durbin, and Susan Lundy; Market Place—Kim
Ritterbeck and Laura Huber; turtle making by Kati
Bair; purse auction—Kati Bair; script—Teri Baum;
goodie bags—Julie Freeman; invitations—Rob
Wahl; decorations—Kary Hoersten, Laura Hooker,
and Jill Williams; programs—Carla Guggenbiller
and Nancy Whitt; and emcee Rob Wahl. A special
thanks to sponsors MW Tux, David’s Bridal, and
Majic Hair & Nail Salon.
Students who participated as models, with
juniors modeling casual wear and seniors modeling
formal wear, are: juniors Taylor Bair, Ethan Gifford,
Caitlyn Kelley, Erica Ogden, Katherine Perry,
Mara Stults, Harrison VanTilburg, Eric Willford,
and Jack Zhang; and seniors Elina Aceveda, Sean
Atchison, Morgan Ball, Zachary Baum, Maria
Bergman, Gabrielle Biliran, Jessica Champa,
Kathryn Chaney, Emily Cline, Kathleen Colvin,
Michael Creagh, Andrea Duarte, Nicholas Durbin,
Steven Fu, Emily Genders, Bayleigh Green, Holly
Guggenbiller, Corey Hall, Hunter Inks, Nathan
Koch, Dominic Lombardi, Anne Mesewicz, Amanda
Poe, Sarah Powell, Dawn Ritter, Haeli Siemer,
Marcus Stone, Henry Tokar, Andrés WalliserWejebe, and Tom Zhang.
International Students Add to
Ready Diversity
they have told me about the experiences and that
really inspired me.”
“When I return to Sweden, I have one year left
in high school before I graduate. Most people take
n addition to the Chinese students who are
attending Bishop Ready, this year saw two students a year off after high school in Sweden to travel and
work and to figure out what their future plans are
from other countries join the Ready family.
and that’s exactly what I am going to do,” Elin said.
Beginning in August, and continuing through
“I’m planning to go backpacking in Indonesia and
early March, when a family illness caused a return
Australia. I haven’t really figured out what I’m going
home, Elin Voksepp from Sweden was a Ready
to study yet, but probably law or economics at one of
senior. Originally from Gothenburg, Elin, her
Sweden’s universities.”
parents, and an older brother live in Alingsas, about
“Studying at a foreign school has been such a
40 minutes outside of Gothenburg. At her high school
back home, Elin was in the economics/law program, great experience for me. I have really enjoyed my
time here and I am forever thankful for getting the
taking classes like business law, entrepreneurship,
business economics, social studies, and accounting as opportunity to attend Ready. Ready is very different
from my school back home…When I first started, I
well as “classical classes” like math and physics.
was surprised over how well everybody seemed to
know each other. It is almost like you all are a big
family, and that is really fantastic to see.”
The Ready community was sorry to see Elin
leave early and she, too, expressed sadness at
going but family obligations made the early return
Principal Celene
A. Seamen with
Alejandro Trejos
Elin Voksepp, center, front row, with seniors Ellie McAndrew and
Derek Lamb (front row) and Marcus Stone, Anne Mesewicz, Ryann
Scarberry, and Kathleen Colvin (back row)
“I have visited the United States several times
before coming to Columbus…my family and I love
to travel and, since I was a baby, we have been
traveling all around the world. We have visited about
20 of the states in the US,” Elin said. “I decided to
become an exchange student so that I could become
more fluent in English, explore another culture, and
get to know people from a country other than my
Elin is the daughter of Anneli Andersson and
Hans Voksepp. Her mother is a nurse and her father
is a partner in a consulting firm and is a real estate
appraiser. Her older brother, Fredrik, is majoring in
civil engineering at a university in Gothenburg. “No
one in my family has studied in the US,” Elin said,
“but my parents and I have friends who have and
Alejandro Trejos Ceron joined Ready for the
3 quarter and will continue through the end of
the academic year. A native of Bogota, Columbia,
Alejandro is the nephew of Ready alum Brian
McDaniel ’06.
Alejandro plans to attend the Military Academy
in Columbia upon his return home. However, he took
a placement test at the Academy for placement at a
US Military School and he plans to do this, obtain
a dual degree in law and military sciences and then
return to Columbia to continue his military ranking
and assignment.
While at Ready, Alejandro is studying English,
history, and theology.
Students Attend FBLA State Convention
leven members of the
Ready chapter of Future
Business Leaders of America
(FBLA) attended the annual
State Leadership Conference at
the Student Union on the OSU campus on
March 7 and 8. Ready students competed
with over 300 students from across Ohio in
a wide range of business and technologyrelated competitive events. Senior Benjamin
Young, who has served as President of the
state organization this past year and earned
second place in Accounting 1, wrote a report
for Knightline:
“For the third consecutive year, Bishop
Ready students received high honors, with
the marketing team of seniors (Sean Atchison,
Zachary Baum, and me) receiving First in the state
for the second year in a row, and now we are eligible
for national competition. In Impromptu Speaking,
senior Nick Durbin received 7th place, and junior
Front row: Payton Ritterbeck, Brutus, Harrison VanTilburg, Caitlyn
Kelley, and Amanda Poe; back row: Sean Atchison, Abby Ellis,
Nicholas Durbin, Morgan Ritterbeck, and Zachary Baum
The marketing team that took first place…seniors Sean
Atchison, Benjamin Young, and Zachary Baum
Caitlyn Kelley received 6th, and junior Harrison
VanTilburg received 5th. Bishop Ready teams
also took 10th in the ‘Battle of the Chapters’ trivia
event and second in the spelling bee. The chapter
looks forward to a strong showing at the national
competition this summer and another great year for
the Ready FBLA next year.”
Ready students in attendance at the two-day
conference are: seniors Sean Atchison, Zachary
Baum, Nicholas Durbin, Abby Ellis, Amanda Poe,
and Benjamin Young; juniors Caitlyn Kelley and
Harrison VanTilburg; and sophomores Anthony
Baum, Morgan Ritterbeck, and Payton Ritterbeck.
President of the state FBLA Ready senior Ben Young
Corey Hall and Lucas Edwards, Seniors…
Captain Award (awarded to the captains who
exhibited leadership, dedication, and selflessness
throughout the year; who embraced the role and
took ownership and accountability to become the
best leader of his area of the program)
Boys’ Basketball
Coach Dan DeCrane
Dominick Volini, Junior…
2nd Team, All CCL
Honorable Mention/All Central District DIII
Most Improved (2nd year)
Chanc Dawson, Sophomore…
Honorable Mention/All Central District DIII
Brady Thomas, Sophomore…
1st Team/All CCL
3rd Team/All District
Top 100 2016 Ohio High School Basketball
Coaches Association (OHSBCA) Showcase
Dominic Lombardi, Senior…
Black-N-Blue Award (awarded to a role player
who did all of the “little” things to help the team)
District 10 Division II, III, IV All-Star Game
Dominic Lombardi ’16
Keegan Wolfe ’16
Sean Atchinson ’16
Keegan Wolfe, Senior…
Silver Knight Award (2nd year; goes to an
individual who is selfless, puts the team first,
embodies what it is to be a Silver Knight; goes
above and beyond for the team.)
Sean Atchison, Senior…
Faith Award (awarded to player who demonstrated
Christian values, embraced our Catholic identity,
and encouraged others to follow in God’s
Corey Hall ’16
Lucas Edwards ’16
2nd Year Letter Winners:
Seniors Lucas Edwards, Corey Hall, Dominic
Lombardi, Keegan Wolfe, and Benjamin Young
(statistician); junior Dominick Volini; and
sophomore Brady Thomas
1st Year Letter Winners:
Juniors Collin Siemer and Eric Willford and
sophomore Chanc Dawson
Coach Dan DeCrane said, “This was a group
that simply got better and better throughout the
season. Several young players gained valuable
experience that will carry over into the off-season
as they prepare to become leaders of the program.
Our five seniors committed themselves to being
the best that they could be and learned invaluable
lessons of sacrifice, mental toughness, and faith.
With the return of five lettermen and four starters,
I believe that the future is extremely bright.”
He continued, “The freshman class has a lot of
potential, as they went 16-4, and finished in second
place in the Central Catholic League. By playing a
state-caliber schedule, our returning and upcoming
players within the program are primed for success
on the court. This summer, we will be maximizing
our player development at every chance we can,
knowing that preparation and sacrifice today will
lead to a successful future. “
“I cannot be more proud,” Coach DeCrane said,
“to have coached true Silver Knights.”
Girls’ Basketball
Coach Joe Lang
Boys’ Bowling
Coach Russ Rehner
CCL Champions with a record of 8-0
JJ Huddle Ohio Team of the Week
District Champions for Division 2 with a score of
4032 for 21 games
State Qualifier for 2nd straight year
Finished 10th at State Tournament
“The girls’ varsity basketball team finished
their season on February 26 at Ohio Dominican
University with a heartbreaking 52-51 double
overtime loss to Marion Pleasant,” said Coach Joe
Lang. “The loss ended the team’s season with a
19-7 record as District Runners-up for the second
consecutive season. The team’s record included
a 3-4 finish in the CCL, earning a 3rd place finish.
Congratulations to the team for an outstanding
season and the third consecutive appearance in the
District Championship Game!”
The JV team concluded their season with a
13-7 record, including 2-4 in the CCL.
Christopher McCarty, Senior…
1st Team, Central Ohio
Ryan O’Harra, Junior…
1st Team, Central Ohio
Christopher McCarty’16
Delaney Cutteridge, Senior Captain…
1st Team/All Central District by the Associated Press
1st Team/All CCL
District 10 Division III Player of the Year
District 10 Top Ten Player
Participant in the District 10 All Star Game
Boys' Bowling Team going to States
Delaney Cutteridge ’16
Swim Team
Coach Rick Cline
Senior Emily Cline…four-year letter winner
Rachel Neff ’16
Rachel Neff, Senior…
Junior Olivia Rowe…three-year letter winner
2nd Team/All Central District by the Associated Press
Sophomore Josh Conturo…two-year letter winner
1st Team/All CCL
Freshman Eva Grace…first year letter winner
District 10 Top Ten Player
Participant in the District 10 All Star Game
The team placed second in a small school meet
for the second straight year, each participating
Danielle Hall, Sophomore…
swimmer scored individual points at sectionals,
2ndTeam/All CCL
placing in the top 16 in the division.
Honorable Mention/All Central District by the
Associated Press
The team participated in seven swim meets
plus the sectional meet. Each swimmer is limited to
Special Congratulations to
two individual events. Josh and Olivia swam free
Coach Joe Lang…District 10
style, the 50 and 100-yard events. Eva also swam
Division III Coach of the Year!
the 50 and 100 free style plus the 100 breaststroke.
Emily swam the 50, 100, and 200 free style and 100
Coach Joe Lang
All Star Game at Ready
“We enjoyed a successful, fun season and look
forward to next year,” Coach Cline said. “We
hope to welcome new team members next year to
represent Bishop Ready in this sport.” The Coach
also wishes “to thank Emily for four great years on
the swim team” and wishes her the best of luck in
the future.
eady partner/feeder schools participated in the
Blue/White All Star Game on March 11. The
Blue team, coached by Nick Alvarez, Ready ’11,
from Our Lady of Perpetual Help, won by a score
of 57-36. The White team was coached by Kyle
Bergman, Ready ’11, from St. Cecilia. Congrats to
all who participated!
Coach Mark Sisler; Information provided by
Mike Rossetti, Athletic Director
Division III Central District Champions
OHSAA Division III Regional Runner-Up
Boys’ Basketball Summer Camp
Volleyball Team, District Champs
Holly Guggenbiller, Senior…
1st Team/All CCL
1st Team/All District
Holly Guggenbiller ’16
Morgan Ball ’16
Bayleigh Green ’16
Morgan Ball, Senior…
1st Team/All CCL
Honorable Mention/All District
Bayleigh Green, Senior…
2nd Team/All CCL
(All information was accurate as we went to press.
Thanks to the coaches for providing the information.)
All sports calendars may be found on the
Ready website, www.brhs.org.
he annual Boys’ Basketball Summer Camp,
open to students in grades 3-8 (for the
academic year beginning in fall 2016), will be held
at Ready from June 20-23. Students in grades 3
through 5 will meet from 9 A.M. to noon; students
in grades 6 through 8 will meet from 1-4 P.M.
Cost is $60 per person; $50 for Castle Crew
members. There is a $20 discount for a second
camper in the same family.
This year’s staff includes Ready Boys’
Basketball Head Coach Dan DeCrane with Ready
alums (and players!) Mark Louks ’08 (Asst.
Coach), Joe Graessle ’10, Jim Hanley ’14, and
Josh Gantz ’14.
For a brochure or more information, visit the
Ready website (brhs.org) or contact Dan DeCrane,
614-276-5263, ext. 231 or ddecrane@cdeducation.org.
April 2016
May 2016
15 & 18 | Junior Retreat
19 | Induction Ceremony, National Business
Honor Society
20 | Band Recruitment Tour
22 | All-School Liturgy
22-24 | Spring Musical: You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown
24 | Castle Crew Spiritual Retreat
26-28 | In-coming Freshmen Registration,
3:30-7:30 PM
27 | NHS Blood Drive for the Red Cross,
8 AM-2 PM
Parish Center
10 | Beta Club Induction Ceremony
11 | Underclassmen Awards Assembly
12 | C
astle Crew, “Knight” Games
13 | Prom
16 | All-School Liturgy
17-19 | Band, Percussion, and Color Guard Clinic
25 | Senior Knight
27 | Baccalaureate Liturgy, St. Cecilia
28 | Commencement
1-Jul 12 | Summer Basketball League,
Grades 5 & 6
Additional information on up-coming summer
sports camps will be available on the Ready
website, brhs.org, as details are developed. All event
information is correct as of going to press. Please
call the Ready office at 614-276-5263 to confirm or
for additional information. All sports schedules are
available on the home page of the website.
Summer Basketball
5 | B
and, Spring Concert
6 | K
night at the Races, 6:30 PM, Our Lady of Victory
June 2016
2-July 14 | Summer Basketball League, Grades 7 & 8
3-4 | Band Performance, St. Mary Magdalene Festival
20-23 | Boys Basketball Camp, for Grades 3-8
he Silver Knights Summer
Basketball League returns this
year to provide an opportunity for
boys in grades 5 through 8 (for
the ’16-’17 academic year) to take
their game to the next level with
instruction by Ready coaches and
There will be two divisions:
the NBA Division, composed of
boys in grades 7 and 8, and the
College Division, for boys in
grades 5 and 6. College Division
games will be played on Tuesday
nights, May 31 through July 12;
NBA Division games will be
played on Thursday nights, June 2
through July 14. All games will be
played from 6-9 P.M. at the Bishop
Ready gym. League participants
will compete against players
throughout the greater Columbus
area in license-officiated games.
Cost is $90 per participant,
$80 for Castle Crew members;
there is a $10 discount for each
additional family member.
Evaluation sessions are
Tuesday, May 17 for grades 5 and
6; Thursday, May 19 for grades 7
and 8; sessions are 6-7:30 P.M.
For a brochure and more
information, contact Dan DeCrane,
Head Coach, Boys’ Basketball,
at 614-276-5263, ext. 231 or
Best wishes for success in all your endeavors.
State Representative Mike Curtin 17th Ohio House District
77 S. High St. • Columbus, Oh 43215 • 614-644-6005 • E-mail: Rep17@OhioHouse.gov
Visit brhs.org