Enthone – case study
Enthone – case study
Gase Studies Enthone OMI (Australia) Pty Ltd produces hazardous and non hazardous chemicals Workplace English Language and Literacy Enthone AII in together better communication for better production Background ffiw* Enthone OMI (Australia) Pty Ltd is a chemical manufacturer and distributor based in Mill Park. lt produces both hazardous and nonhavardous chemicals. The company employs 12 people. Company management wanted to improve the written and spoken communication throughout the plant, together with the general skill levels of employees, particularly in the areas of Occupational Health and Safety and plant output. A partnership was formed between the training provide4 Workplace Learning lnitiatives and Manufacturing Learning Victoria (MLV) to deliver an appropriate WELL program. Five employees were chosen to participate in the program: one tertiary qualified senior manage4 two tt makes ! I IT employees from the warehouse and two from production, year 10 and year 12 qualified employees. One participant had overall responsibility for managing production and the warehouse while the other four participants were young employees with only limited experience in the industry and little knowledge of safe handling procedures and work practices in the chemical industry. One employee was from a family with a non-English speaking background. o.,, lslsr t ! i The focus of the learning and training The focus of the training was to develop communication skills and strategies to enable employees to: I Participate in informal meetings for receiving and conveying information I Use an action plan format for tracking progress and creating workplace documents such as operating procedures for the warehouse and production sections I Improve planning skills r Understand basic OH&S information relating to storage and handling of hazardous goods. The desired outcomes of the above training were: improvements in employees' language and literacy skills to enable effective communication within teams, across the organisation, and at an individual level for negotiating work assignments greater awareness of workplace OH&S issues leading to improved plant safety improved procedures in the factory to meet the requirements of the quality system better planning in the warehouse leading to improved productivity. The WELL training program The training program used units of competency from the Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Oil Refining Training Package to provide a formal structure for the recognition of competencies gained during training as well as a range of enterprise specific reference materials I I to develop effective communication wtthin teams to improve plant safeV I to imprcYe poduehrtty I to improve procedures to meet tre rcquircmenb of Outcomes of the WELL program The program led to: r improvedcommunications r coordinated skills development and assessment r aligning quality standards with daily procedures r improved warehouse layout r improved OH&S and housekeeping standards I improved production planning and safety awareness, in pafticular, meetings of the shop floor team was commenced l*le quality system lhe prcgrum resulted an improved understanding of the company quality system. in: I improved communication r coordinated skills development and asses$ment r I improved prcduction I improved saletl standards grcater employee participation and less waste I Enthone OMI will give consideation to further training progtlems. - a;.' MLV MLV is the tripartite peak training advisory body for the process manufacturing industries in Victoria. lndustry Services MLV provides advice and support to companies in the process manufacturing industries on training issues such as: r . language, literacy and numeracy industry Training Packages national industry competency standards available for language, literacy and numeracy training that is integrated with vocational training to assist workers to meet their employment and training needs. lmproved language, literacy and numeracy training leads to: r . . . . better workplace skills more effective communication increased involvement in training improved occupational health and safety increased productivity national industry qualifications customising training to meet company needs recognition of current competency New Apprenticeships Registered Training Organisations learning materials workplace trainers and assessors TFaining and Development MLV is available to provide ongoing support to companies in the process manufacturing industries. We will work closely with business owners and managers to: . . . . r The WELL program encourages companies to undertake training by providing seed funding. The program aims to assist as many companies as possible within the funding available. Therefore, companies are required to make a contribution to the cost of the training. lndustry training is changing to meet the needs of workers. ln the past, communication skills like speaking, reading and writing were treated as separate from the workplace skills. This is changing. Training can now be matched with the needs of your workplace and individual workers. Getting your message across and understanding other people are important workskills. At work you need to talk to people, understand signs, fill in work sheets etc. Now you can learn these sk//s at the same time as you learn the rest of the skills you need in your workplace. review business needs identify training needs and solutions link to relevant resources implement accredited training evaluate training outcomes For assistance in preparing applications for WELL funding contact: MLV Website MLV's website provides news articles and a range of information about training for the process manufacturing industries and MLV services. The website address is: www.mlvic.com Workplace English Language and Literacy WELLI Program The Workplace English Language and Literacy Program is a Commonwealth Government initiative funded by the Department of Educationn Science and Training. The main aim of the WELL Education program is to provide workers with English language, literacy and numeracy skills. Funds are WELL Project Officer, MLV Ph: (03) 9819 6300 : H Manufacturing ll':EEl Learnins 7 Ei victoria Suite 4, 191 Riversdale Road Hawthorn Vic 3122 Ph: (03) 9819 6300 Farc (03) 9819 6303 Email: help@mlvic.com @2002 Commonwealth of Australia. Funded under the Workplace English Language & Literacy Programme by the Commonwealth through the Department of Education, Science and Training.