February and March - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association


February and March - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
DNR Vehicle Counter Recovery Run
Story by Clay Graham.......PAGE 8
Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch
National Public Lands Day * work party September 25th, 2010
4-Wheelin’ News
pnw4wda news
FEB. - MAR 2011
7 DNR Vehicle Counter Recovery Run
11-14 PNW4WDA Winter Convention and Board Meeting
17 Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch National Public Lands Day
work party September 25th, 2010
4 Presidents by Angie Marek
4-6 Washington Dir. Report by Arlene Brooks
6-7 Oregon Dir. Report by Randy Drake
9-10 / 18-19 Region Reports by The Directors
15-16 Land Matters
3 PNW Officers List
8 Change of address
21 Classified ADS
22 Calendar of Events
21 Video Library
20 Looking for Members & Membership APPLICATION
22 New PNW4WDA Sponsorship Program & 23 Associate Members
God Bless America
Officers List
Volume 40 Number 3 MAR/APR 2011
The mission of TRI-POWER is to
enlighten fellow enthusiasts by
educating, inspiring and informing.
Angie Marek/Dan
Sande Nettnin/Earl
14202 4th Ave. E.
Tacoma, WA 98445
800-537-7845 / 253-537-3172
519 N Fisher Place
Kennewick, WA 99336
Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg”
Forrest Dexter/Debra Houston
Ron McDonald
603 Meridian
Moses Lake, WA 98837
Mailing Address
3902 NE 61 Ave
Vancouver, WA 98661
MESSAGES (360) 695-0595
Randy Drake/Mona
Dorothy Churchill/Shaun
19210 Pinehurst Rd.
Bend, OR 97701
P.O. Box 7543
Bonney Lake, WA 98391
Don & Carol Jensen
Dave Taylor/Theresa,
946 - 18 Longview, WA 98632
360-577-0111 Voice/FAX
Email Address
Angela Holm/Rich
31330 11th Place S.
Federal Way, WA 98003
253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell
All Rights Reserved
Printed in the USA
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Wheel Drive Association. Photographs are edited and prepared
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These materials are not to be construed as an
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Subscription: You can obtain a subscription to TRI-POWER by
becoming a member of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive
This can be accomplished by filling out the
application form in this publication or going to the PNW4WDA
web site www.pnw4wda.org
Circulation: If you are a member of the PNW4WDA and are not
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This publication is the result of information submitted by our
readers. We do not have a staff of reporters, journalist or
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We prefer
communication via Email. If you submit an article please send it
in size 10 Arial font to tripower@pnw4wda.org or put it on a
Floppy, CD or DVD disk and send it to Tri-Power 3902 NE 61 Ave,
Vancouver, WA 98661
\four*wheel"a*tize* A. To eat, sleep and drive four wheel drive.
B. To become obsessed with four wheeling. C. To exceed the
limits of ordinary four wheeled vehicles.
D. To traverse
unforgiving terrain in harsh environments.
Advertising Rates (Display ADS):
Full page-$175 / 1/2page-$100/ 1/4page-$55 / BC-$20
Members: Full page-$200 / 1/2page-$120 / 1/4page-$70 / BC-$22
NON-Members: Full page-$250 / 1/2page-$150 / 1/4page-$85 / BC-$25
4-Wheelin’ News
P.O. Box 810
Veradale, WA 99037
13714 228th Street SE
Snohomish, WA 98296-5423
360-668-0719 / cell 206-491-0909
Dan Morris/Tiffany
P.O. Box 494, Roy, WA 98580
253-761-6536 cell
360-458-0644 home
Rick Smith/Kirstin
Earl Nettnin/Sande
P. O. Box 1536
St. Helens, OR 97051
519 N Fisher Place
Kennewick, WA 99336
Alan D. Paulson
4751 Happy Valley Rd.
Roseburg, Oregon 97471
Call 800-537-7845
Cliff Hoisington/Alicia
Angela Holm/Rich
8511 West Oregon Street
Rathdrum, ID 83858
31330 11th Place S.
Federal Way, WA 98003
253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell
Luke May/Grace
22635 NE Woodinville Duval Rd
Woodinville, WA 98077
Rob Stafford/Diana
19302 6th Avenue East
Spanaway, WA 98387
Club Power/We Did it Chairmem
Edward Campbell/Sue Preble
Beth Ayer/Butch
P.O. Box 393
Bucoda, WA 98530
711 Bennett Creek Rd.
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Sid & Kelda Hagemeier
Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg”
911 cabin Lane,
Selah, WA 98942
603 Meridian,
Moses Lake, WA 98837
Don Jensen/Carol
Diana Stafford/Rob
946 - 18
Longview, WA 98632
360-577-0111 Voice/FAX
19302 6th Ave. E.
Spanaway, WA 98387
Ron &Diana McDonald
3902 NE 61stAve.
Vancouver, WA 98661
Day: (360) 901-8376 • Messages: (360) 695-0595
Angie Marek
March 2011
First of all let me say what a
great job Region I did hosting
Winter Convention.
you for all of your hard work
and for being such gracious
hosts. I especially liked the
“Minute To Win It” games on
Friday night.
We had a good turnout for
the meeting on Saturday
and the business of the
Association was taken care
of. All of the Competition
Rule Changes as well as the
Bylaw Change passed. The
new dues structure will take
effect in 2012. Thank you
for your support in electing
me for another year as your
Following the State Caucus
there was a presentation to
Arlene and Bob Brooks as
Arlene is leaving office as your
Washington State Executive
Director. Her leadership has
guided this Association for
many years as Secretary,
President and Washington
Dorothy Churchill will be
following in her footsteps for
Washington, Randy Drake
was re-elected for Oregon
and Forrest Dexter was
appointed for Idaho. You will
be well represented by these
As I mentioned last month the
Association is taking a new
direction in bringing in new
Sponsors. At the December
Sponsorship Program was
adopted and in the first three
weeks of January we were
able to sign on Randy’s Ring
& Pinion and 4 Wheel Parts
as Platinum Sponsors as well
as Warn Winch and ARB as
Bronze Sponsors. The new
plaques were presented at
Winter Convention and will be
delivered to each of them. I am
currently in negotiations with
several other companies and
will let you know as information
becomes available. If you
know of a business we should
reach out to please feel free
to email or call me with the
contact information.
forward to host the 2012
Winter Convention to be
held in the Vancouver area.
More information will be
Registration opened up for
Trail Jamboree on Monday,
February 21st and filled up
quickly. If you are interested
but did not get registered go
to the website and request to
be put on the waitlist. People
do have to cancel throughout
the year and space does
occasionally open up.
Spring and summer work
parties are being planned…
do your part to help keep these
trails open and participate in a
clean up near you. Check
the region reports for the
dates and locations. Also,
the summer race schedule
is being put together. If you
are hosting a race please
contact the PNW Competition
Chairman Dave Taylor so he
can add you to his list.
On June 11th & 12th 4 Wheel
Parts will be hosting the 4
Wheel Parts Pacific NW
Jamboree at the Straddleline
ORV Sports Park. This will
be the first for this area and
is being patterned off the
Jamboree held in Indiana.
Look for the details in
upcoming issues.
Well, I had better sign off for
now… hope to see you at one
of the upcoming events.
Thanks again for supporting
me as your president. It has
been a great year and I look
forward to the year ahead.
Angie Marek
well next to the pot-bellied
stove in the rec room; and
the beautiful silver heart pin
will be worn on those very
special occasions.
It’s been a pleasure working
with everyone over the
years – “it will always be a
time to remember.”
“Sometimes you pick your
friends and sometimes they
pick you” - so-o-o glad we
got together.
Thanks again for
Arlene Brooks
Washington State
Meeting – West
January 8, 2011 - Pacific
The westside State meeting
was called to order at 9:10
am by Director Arlene Brooks.
The Pledge of Allegiance was
given with a moment of silence
for the sick and departed.
Our thoughts are with the
Ridgerunners and the loss of
a charter member, Al Matson
and to Linda Jessen, PNW
Safety Education Chairman,
wishing her our best on her
– Lunchtime and cost was
addressed; agendas and
varying land material was
available at the hand out table
and to make sure everyone
signs in.
Introduction of Guest Speaker
Mark Mauren, DNR Assistant
Division Manager
PNW4WDA Officers – Angie
Marek, President; Sande
Nettnin, Secretary; Luke May,
Parliamentarian; Region 12 and 4 Directors, Angela
Holm, Edward Campbell, Earl
Nettnin. respectively; and
Diana Stafford, PR Chairman.
Land Coordinators – Ed
Tenney; Derrick Clark; and
Joe Wittig.
Arlene Brooks
Washington Exec. Director
That was quite a Winter
Convention to remember
– more ways than one.
Thanks to all who helped
with the “send off” - AKA “a
To let everyone know the
awards have found there
place; Bob’s chauffeurs
cap is proudly displayed
on his hat rack; my frying
pan plaque will go quite
Guest Speaker – Mark Mauren
brought to the members
the latest DNR information;
reviewing the departments
Foothills status; and proposed
legislation addressing an
access pass for public lands;
there would be time for Q and
A during his presentation.
He thanked the membership
for their dedication and
support of the DNR motorized
trail systems across the state.
The information available at
this time shows the proposed
reduced the department’s
recreation budget to where
facilities may receive reduced
service or even closure. The
criteria for services will be
the same as used two years
ago – depending on annual
visitors (i.e. camp grounds);
at the present time, the South
Puget Sound Region has a
staff of four to cover the whole
There is a bill bring drafted
that would consolidate three
natural resources agencies (
Fish & Wildlife – State Parks
& Recreation – Recreation &
Conservation Office (RCOformally IAC). DNR will not be
part of this merger.
There is a bill being proposed
that will lift the fuel tax refund
– these revenues are used in
the Non Highway Off Road
Vehicle Activities (NOVA)
program - granting dollars for
recreation projects.
It is understood there will
addressing a funding source
through an access pass on
public lands; combination of
Fish & Wildlife, State Parks
and DNR lands.
The possible annual access
pass was discussed; $40.00
per person (under 18 free);
initiating a day use pass;
questioning vehicle parking
pass vs. personal pass; where
passes would be available;
to hours required to obtain a
volunteer complimentary pass.
This will all come together in a
final bill for public comments.
Reiter Foothills is going through
the State Environmental Policy
Act (SEPA) review process
– and consists of two phases
- comments are due January
25th. This SEPA process
represents a milestone on
the development of this area.
There is a total of 35 miles of
motorized trails with the four
wheel drive area designed
with challenges in mind.
County permits will be applied
for after the 31st.
Land Coordinators – written
reports were available; update
on each recreation site was
Ed Tenney, Walker Valley/
Reiter Foothills Coordinator
experienced a huge increase
in use in 2010 – which in
turn caused heavy impact
on the trails and increase in
maintenance. The new section
of trail is completed; support
funding were sent on behalf of
maintenance & operations and
trail renovation projects.
Derrick Clark, Evans Creek
Coordinator stated trail and
road work was the main
program last year along
with closing off user made
bypasses and addressing
drainage of trail systems;
Creek access road; installing
gate at the entrance to the park
– complying with the seasonal
closure in December. All was
dealing with the improvement
plan for Evans Creek. The
hosting program needs to
continue to be supported by the
membership. Contact Derrick
if you would like to volunteer
for a weekend – 360-761-7096
or edneckcj7@comcast.net.
There is a work party
scheduled for May 14-15.
Coordinator. The Sunrise Trail
was the first project of the year
– erosion was an issue. The
Swamp Trail was cleaned up
and user built bypasses was
blocked. A timber sale, Busy
Bee, will take place this year
– there may be weekday
closures on the Busywild
system. The Rainier Vista has
added optional challenges.
Joe stated he is stepping
down and Heath Moyer will
be taking over in 2011 as the
PNW representative – liaison
person between DNR and the
Sadie Creek – a written
report was submitted. Due
to wind damage in 2009 – a
walkthrough and plan of action
had to take place – as it left the
four wheel drive trail closed
– unusable because of the
massive blown down of trees
leaving large root balls; the
plan was developed through a
partnership with DNR and the
users; surface was filled and a
rerouted trail built. Because of
low maintenance the staging
are was addressed; material
used for repair helped to create
a defined area boundary and
helped to eliminate user built
trails from the staging area. In
2010 the overall trail system
was evaluated – analyzing the
user needs which would result
in forming a proposal to DNR
(pro & con issues) there were
needs to consider and to be
address. Sadie offers varying
degrees of difficulty yet that
difficulty can change quickly
with a rainfall.
Naches Trail – Dave Bauman,
Coordinator a written
report was submitted. A 3x4
sign on the eastside of the
trailhead and westside road
junction has been installed.
The gate project was the initial
frustration – after another
year of users disregarding
the closure – causing mud
flows and erosion on the west
section of the trail system. The
LEO will be out in the spring
doing enforcement; the gate
installation is still in discussion
and will likely go in this season
if users disregard the closure
signs. This spring will tell if
the beefy water bars installed
in problem locations did there
job; other work this year is
finishing the curbs on all the
puncheon bridges;
work parties and maintenance
decisions are discussed at the
Recreation Focus meeting.
Yacolt Burn – Kira Dominiak
to attend, a written report
was available. The planning
process has taken time
addressing SEPA then in
addition it went through an
internal SEPA with the DNR;
areas were mapped and
trails flagged. In the report it
stated education efforts are
very important and clean ups
were a success; the challenge
of NOVA funding is a concern;
everyone is looking forward to
the thirty miles of 4x4 trails in
the future. Crystal Crowder,
Pistons Wild, stated the dollar
amount for the dedicated trail
building and maintenance
– its $ 28,000; this feat as
been accomplished through
fundraisers and. donations.
Region 4 Land Matter – Earl
project. It includes logging,
firewood removal; closing
and decommissioning fifteen
miles of road. Letters were
submitted as part of the #
697 Trail (Clover Springs) to
be used as a haul road – also
there is a concern the trail is
part of the Trail Jamboree
trail inventoried system and
is scheduled for a two year
closure for renovation in 2012.
Around the Bald Mtn area
it is experiencing selling off
land holdings (Plum Creek)
the Forest Service does not
want to buy due to the mineral
rights are separate. This area
is in checkerboard ownership,
however, with the support of
the Rocky Mtn Elk Foundation
and Nature Conservancy who
are partnering with Fish &
Wildlife to acquire 7711 acres
– the land is to remain open to
the general public.
Continued on page 5
Continued from page 4
Inter Association Directors
– Don and Carol Jensen sent
a written report. It contains
land issues that are outside
of the association boundaries
– any questions contact Don
or Carol at 360-577-0111 or
The State Directors packet
was discussed – it contained
drafted that has taken place
throughout the pass year
– any questions see Arlene.
Washington OHV Alliance
(WOHVA) has scheduled
the 2011 Rally to be held on
the Capitol steps - 25th of
February. Guest speakers will
begin at noon; it is a great time
to show the legislators and
general public our support for
motorized recreation.
Thank you to Bonnie Nettnin,
Sande Nettnin and Bob
Brooks for their help to make
lunch happen and on time –
congratulation to Earl Nettnin
and Crystal Crowder winning
the door prizes – free
Hearing no further business,
Derrick Clark, Redneck &
Rugrats, moved to adjourn,
second by Gary Marshall,
Lake Tapps Turtles; motion
carried – meeting adjourned
at 12:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Arlene Brooks, WA State
(Note – attendance and
mile tally acquired from sign
in sheets. There was one
(1) guest; twenty-eight (28)
members representing fifteen
(15) clubs - by the time
everyone returned home they
had traveled 2872 miles.) AB
Washington State
Meeting – East
January 22, 2011
Union Gap, Washington
The eastside state meeting
was brought to order at 9:
15 a.m. by State Director
Arlene Brooks. The Pledge of
Allegiance was given with a
moment of silence for the sick
and departed. Our thoughts
went out to the Ridgerunners
and the loss of their charter
member, Al Matson and to
Linda Jessen, PNW Safety
Education Chairman, wishing
our best on her recovery.
addressed; the hand out
table had a varying degree
of material available which
would give the attendees
the opportunity to take the
information back to their clubs
for review.
Introduction of Guest
Irene Davidson, Naches
District Ranger
Jacqueline Beidel, Naches
Ranger District
Mark Mauren, DNR Assistant
Division Manager
Ryan Rodruck, Field
Representative for
Congressman Doc Hastings
Greg Mackey, DNR S.E.
Merrick Graves, ORV
Education & Enforcement
PNW4WDA Officers: Sande
McMains, Treasurer; Earl
Nettnin, Region 4 Director;
and Sid & Kelda Hagemeier,
Trail Jamboree Co-Chairmen.
4-Wheelin’ News
Coordinators: Dave McMains;
Conner; Dale Neuman; and
Clay Graham.
At this time, in appreciation
Region 4 members presented
the State Director a basket
of flowers for the work she
has done in the name of land
matters for the region members
and the PNW4WDA.
Mark Mauren, stated he
recognizes how much of the
4x4 reputation has changed
over the past few years – the
face and image of the four
wheel drive community has
changed through the members
and associations outdoor
trail ethics and environmental
stewardship on the ground.
addressed the Departments
budget, potential legislation,
and an update on Reiter
Foothills; there would be time
for question and answers
throughout his presentation.
He stated facts on the state
budget – tough decisions will
have to be made regarding
basic items that need to be
maintained. In the Governor’s
Departments revenues are
being reduced; in 2007-09
there was nine million to work
with for Capital & Operations
now under the Governors
proposal its four million. The
Department is supplying the
legislature with options – one
is the proposed access pass
in hopes it will help fill the
gap in their budget shortfall;
sustainable revenue is needed
due to the recreation use has
more than doubled and trends
has changed since the 1970’s
and the agency has not kept
up – there is a need to reinvest
for the future.
The Non Highway Off Road
Vehicle Activities (NOVA)
– past and present. It was
stated the reason why the
money is in place of this
next funding session. The
legislators in Olympia heard
loud and clear the recreation
group’s dissatisfaction of the
reappropriation of the NOVA
grant money last time around.
Mark stated there is a check
and balance system in place
with the Departments access
pass proposal through a
survey process when pass is
purchased; asking what lands
do you recreate
on and what is your sport thus
allowing the 4x4 community to
be recognized as contributing
to what public lands - and
revenue should be dedicated
for 4x4 use.
The idea is to keep the access
pass proposal simple – flat fee
to cover three agencies (DNR
– Fish & Wildlife and State
Parks and Recreation); annual
and day use pass availability;
and enforcement – have in
place a reciprocal agreement
between Fish & Wildlife and
DNR addressing enforcement.
The volunteer complimentary
– comparing needed hours
worked to qualify – Forest
Service vs. the proposed 40
hours the DNR is requesting;
along with the $40 per
person, over the age of 18;
with possible discounted fees
waived depending on the
included person vs. vehicle
pass or both; camping included
vs. separate cost.
The elimination of the NOVA
addressed – HB 1371. It is the
understanding that Director
Cottingham of the Recreation
& Conservation Office (RCO)
would appoint a committee if it
is eliminated from the statutes
– RCO’s has the ability and
intent to still have an advisor
committee addressing grant
requests for projects as in the
If the facilities are reduced
in service the criteria that
were used two years ago will
once again be used – ranking
facilities. Number one criteria is
to protect trail base recreation;
popular sites will be a decision
maker along with maintenance
costs. The final budget amount
will determine what will remain
open and the criteria ranked
priority list will determine what
sites will be closed.
The Department has done the
State Environmental Policy
Act (SEPA) for Reiter Foothills;
the permits needed will be
applied for in March. Reiter is
being held under a microscope
to make sure all issues are
addressed thus diverting any
Mark gave the history on
Reiter as to what was available
for motorized and nonmotorized recreation use; it
is the Departments intent to
have Reiter’s Phase 1 open
this year; depending on how
quickly the permit process
moves forward.
It was asked if Reiter would be
facing an Environmental Impact
Study (EIS). The conservation
community is questioning – the
agency feels going through the
SEPA process would suffice.
For an EIS there needs to
be justification regarding an
environmental impact that has
not been mitigated; it is felt all
issues have been addressed.
It was suggested if there
were any comments or
recommendations in regards
to Mark Mauren’s annual
access pass presentation
– write your concerns down
and turn them in – they will
be complied with those from
the Jan 8th westside state
meeting. Discussion continued
- comments expressed varied
from a club turnout for a
cleanup during a volunteer
project is the access pass
waived while collecting credit
for the annual complimentary
pass (it was stated a process
needs to be worked out with
the agency – possible in house
policy procedure); to the cost
of a permit to sponsor a benefit
event (the association is a nonprofit organization).
– Updated information in
regards to the Pacific Power’s
proposed Vantage to Pomona
Heights Transmission Line
Project was available for the
Region 4 Land Coordinators
to review. After the conclusion
of a formal scoping period
earlier, numerous changes had
taken place – alternate routes
were revised. The coordinators
were to review the information
and material available and
come to some conclusion if the
proposed revised routes would
interfere with Beverly Sand
Dunes recreation.
Jacqueline Beidel reported
updated projects that were
applied for and received
Type 2 funding towards Big
Rattlesnake Trail – and the
Wilderness Boundary Trail;
crossing on the district. NOVA
grant requests have been
applied for this funding session;
Copper City maintenance and
operation (M&O); Education
depends on the legislation in
Olympia. If anyone would like
to volunteer their services this
year – contact Sue Ranger at
the Naches office.
Ms. Davidson, Naches District
Ranger, gave thanks to all
who volunteer their time to
maintain the trails especially
during this budget crunch time
also to those who are out in the
forests it brings peer pressure
and education opportunities
to those who may not be
recreating responsibility.
She mentioned the Little
been completed and she
appreciated all the work that
went into it; and the #18001801 the contract has been
let on the replacement of the
bridges – work will be done
in the spring and should be
completed by September.
Seasonal closure on the
Naches – it was brought
on by wet weather and trail
damage. Within the month
addressing the closure issue
– a communication plan. It
was stated if the Little Naches
trails systems are to close
there is consideration to close
the whole district as it would
shift the users into other areas
which would increase and
heavily impact those trails.
The district does not have
enough work force to enforce
so they are partnering with
County and possible State,
and Fish & Wildlife game
wardens. So when a decision
is made the district feels they
will have support they need.
The damaged areas on the
district have been surveyed
and the visual will be part of
the decision making process.
Meetings will be scheduled
as how to combat this issue
– it was suggested to have
a 4x4 representative at the
table when discussions are
taking place. It isn’t helping
with the ads appearing on
TV; however when posting
on the internet it as proven to
be helpful to catch a few who
have done resource damage.
It was noted the trend in four
wheeling has changed over
the years and the vehicles
The Rock Crawl is not
completed yet – and as for
additional motorized trails it
was stated the district is pretty
much at its maximum.
It was brought to the Ms
Davidson attention that a letter
had been sent with regards
to a trail that is scheduled
to be closed for two years
for restoration (Glass Angle
area) and is part of the Trail
Management Plan submitted
when going through the
process of obtaining a permit
for the annual Trail Jamboree
held each July; she stated they
would try and compensate for
this concern.
enforcement program was
association has promoted
good stewardship of the
land and encourages trail
ethics – however, there
have been times information
has been submitted to the
district (pictures – reports)
expecting a follow up to catch
and prosecute those who
were caught doing resource
damage – but nothing
happens. It was stated the
district can submit to the
judge its finding – it is up
to the judge to hand down
the final punishment. It was
felt the punishment should
be in steps – first with
appropriate fines (the fine
isn’t enough at the present
by the violator; to requiring
a certain amount of hours
through education regarding
stewardship and protection
of natural resources; make
the judge more aware of the
seriousness of the damages.
Early ORV education in
schools would be one way of
“getting the word out on trail
ethics and good stewardship”
on forest lands; however,
the association has found it
impossible to sell the idea.
There was a question
pertaining to tire size – Ms.
Davidson stated it would
be hard to control - but with
further scoping it could be
looked at in the future; it
could come down as a Forest
was there on behalf of
Congressman Doc Hastings.
He stated the Congressman
has taken over as Chairman
of the Natural Resource
Committee in Washington
D.C. and will be taking the
multiple use approach on
public lands among his other
duties that come with the
chairman’s job.
He talked briefly on Juniper
Dunes, the checkerboard
and landlocked area and the
legal access issue that faces
the recreation area. Rep.
Hastings introduced revenue
based legislation – and now
BLM is working with Franklin
County to resolve this issue.
The members stated they
owe him a debt of gratitude
for the legislation and the
continued work-in-progress
support on resolving the legal
access issue.
Merrick Graves – gave a little
background on his earlier four
wheel drive experience, club
and association involvement
and now has evolved into
the Forest Service (Cle Elum
– Naches District) ORV
Education and Enforcement
mostly consists of the
education portion with onthe-ground presence. When
violations take place there
is a procedure in gathering
evidence and a need to stand
behind that acquired evidence
if the offender decides to go
to court. Merrick says he can
be contacted through the
PNW4WDA website; email
or 425-432-0587 if anyone
needs to contact him about
education and enforcement
issues. The Naches District
has asked him to rebuild
the volunteer base. If you
see a need for maintenance
on any of the districts trail
systems -contact Merrick;
Kaner came to mind and he
said something in the near
future will be scheduled for
that area.
Fuel Tax Lid Lifted legislation
Continued on page 6
Continued from page 6
members attention to the
hand out - Fuel Tax Refunds
for Non-Highway Off Road
Use. The Joint Transportation
Committee (JTC) was directed
by the legislature to describe
the program – analyze funding
and expenditures from various
– snowmobile – and marine
funding needs. Recreation
originations and user groups
were asked to identify needs
spending. After the study, it
was illustrated off road facilities
there was a need for $142
million to renovate DNR trails
and facilities; and $4.5 million
at Fish & Wildlife facilities.
The only two originations
that responded were the
Backcountry Horsemen and
the Pacific Northwest Four
Wheel Drive Association. This
study information is being
used as part of the legislation
to lift the fuel tax refund this
session in Olympia.
Land Coordinator Reports –
Ron Rutherford – Ahtanum/
Rimrock/Wenas Coordinator
- Work on the Ahtanum has
been a plus and with the
Forest Watch group it’s been
very positive. Ron gave a
little history and update on
the “2009 gated” logging
operations and feels due to
varying landowners it will
remain closed to legal access
for some time. The # 615
Darland Mtn (gated area due
to private ownership) – best
turn around and obey closure.
Ron drafted a letter in
support to the North Fork (A3000 Road) - the road to be
moved away from the North
Fork Ahtanum Creek due to
threatened fish species.
Wenas will be open in early
spring and closed again
December 1st to protect the
winter wildlife habitat.
Letters were written in support
of a funding grant for the
four wheel drive system trail
maintenance in the south
Rimrock area; members will
be asked to volunteer their
expertise when the time
comes. Trails in the South
Fork of the Tieton were
closed in August for repair
and rebuilding; concerns were
stream crossing or stream and
trails paralleling each other;
Bull Trout is the issue.
Dale Neuman – Liberty
ORV Coordinator – Dale
has been approached again
to put some legal trails on
the Okanogan Valley area
– it has been attempted twice
before; if you would like to do
some scoping of the areas
– contact Dale. (509-6630477) cja49@genext.net The
Travel management Plan was
addressed – still on track for
spring for final comments.
Doug Conner –Juniper Dunes
had a written report and
with Mr. Rodruck from Doc
Hastings office pretty much
covered the latest on the
dunes area.
Dave McMains – Moses Lake
Sand Dunes Coordinator,
stated it is very hard to
manage with no funding
Little Rattlesnake Trail - input
was given by Sid Hagemeier
– signs are in place for the
6 at the top and bottom
of the trail system. Arlene said
she will check and see if the
dedication of the trail system
is still being considered.
Ken Scuito and Adel Adams
from WARN our first guest
speakers gave us a rundown
on a few new products being
introduced by WARN. A new
pancake design wench motor is
capable of producing a stronger
more constant pull. It produces
about 25,000 lbs. of constant
pull and weights about the same
as the large frame winch they
now offer. The wench is being
used currently on a fire truck
and some military applications.
It isn’t yet available for the
everyday wheeler. The motor is
a strictly WARN innovation and
is showing great promise for
use by all and at a reasonable
Clay Graham – Beverly Sand
Dunes Coordinator stated
after reviewing the Pacific
Power proposed alternative
transmission routes, it is the
consensus – the recreation
portions of the sand dunes will
not be affected.
legislation – at this time
the Governor’s budget and
revenue shortfalls are at
the forefront – and could
affect NOVA funding; also
consolidation of three natural
resources agencies could
affect recreation – (need to
keep up on the small print) at
the end of the session.
The Inter Association Director’s
(IAD) Carol and Don Jensen
prepared a report. They cover
land issues outside the PNW
boundaries; if you have any
questions please contact
them. (360 - 577-0111 or
Arlene is asking Region
Directors to supply a list of
the elected land chairmen and
appointed land coordinators
for their respective regions
so an updated listing will
be available for Winter
Convention. She was asked
if there were any inquiries
regarding her position as State
Director – she stated, yes,
nominations and elections
will be during state caucus at
Winter Convention.
Washington OHV Alliance
(WOHVA) has scheduled Feb
25th as Rally date this year;
guests will start giving their
speeches at noon – flyers of
the Rally were available at
today’s meeting.
McMains stated the annual
Sand Commando’s clean up
at Moses Lake Sand Dunes is
scheduled for April 8-9.
There was a question from
the “west siders” if Region 4
would guarantee no rain for
the annual Pick Up A Mountain
clean up in September – they
said they would work on it.
Thank you to the “Kitchen
Bunny’s” who made sure
lunch came off without a hitch
and on time – Sande Nettnin,
Diane Neuman, Kim Mittlieder
and Gofer - Bob Brooks.
Hearing no further business,
Dale Neuman, High Country
Cruisers, moved to adjourn,
second by Dave McMains,
Hurtin’ Units. Motion carried
– meeting adjourned at 1:30
Respectfully submitted,
Arlene Brooks, WA State
(Noted – Attendance and
mile tally acquired from sign
in sheets: Six (6) guests;
twenty-nine (29) members
representing 11 clubs with
a total of over 4500 miles
traveled by the time everyone
returned home). AB
Randy Drake
Oregon Exec. Director
Director Report
February 2011
Thank you for allowing me to
serve you for the past year.
I hope you will allow me to
continue doing so for the
next year. Due to its length
this month’s report will be
the minutes of the January
I look forward to seeing many
of you at winter convention.
Keep in mind the Oregon
State meeting will be at this
convention. If you have anything
to put on the agenda please email me the topic and a brief
back ground so you can be
heard at the meeting. No matter
the topic if it is important to your
club please let me know.
Meeting Minutes
Executive Director
at WARN Industries Inc.
January 8, 2011
The Pacific Northwest Four
Oregon State Meeting was
called to order at 1:00 p.m. at
the WARN Industries Inc. facility
in Milwaukee Oregon by Oregon
State Director Randell Drake.
Pledge of Allegiance/Moment
of Silence/Reading of the PNW
Code was initiated at the prior
Region 6 Delegate meeting.
Randy gave an opening
statement by reiterating a
comment from the Region 6
meeting by Don Jensen, “was
anything accomplished by this
meeting?” Randell explained,
if we do not ask questions of
speakers or feel we didn’t learn
from a meeting or speaker,
were we paying attention?
Were we listening? Take time
to listen to these speakers and
formulate questions and do not
let the speakers escape without
answering your questions.
Introductions were accomplished
through an around the room,
There were approximately 30
attendees of club members,
agency representatives and
WARN representatives.
The company has a new line
of lights moderately priced and
available for trucks or power
sports. The truck application
has a wireless system available
so wiring is no issue and your
firewall can stay intact.
WARN manufactures in Oregon.
WARN employs 400 persons.
WARN uses the trails and
consider themselves as users.
Moab finds WARN running the
trails as does Tillamook Forest
and a host of other trail areas.
They aren’t here for the money
they are here for the fun. WARN
is the only winch company that
actually manufactures their
product in the United States.
The factory personnel use their
own products and are proud of
their product.
Ken invites any at Moab on
Easter to stop by the booth
as they have a few special
surprises in store. Their 2011
schedule is very full. They
are planning a full year of
and winching throughout the
states. Sand Fleas event, Trail
Jamboree, Tillamook events,
Ground Hog and Creek’ n Trail
are just some events they attend
and participate in throughout the
WARN is a product designed by
them and used by themselves
as their parking lot is decked out
in WARN products on WARN
employees rigs. We (WARN
and the product) do what we say
we will do. We appreciate your
support, we appreciate working
with you, we appreciate seeing
you out on the trails, and thank
you for coming in. Working
together through the years and
into the future, Ken is excited
about WARNS 2011 plans.
WARN distributed attendees of
the Oregon State Meeting hats
and pens in their appreciation.
Oregon would like to thank
WARN Industries Inc. for their
support be it by their product
and their making good of their
product via repair or standing
by their product or the donations
they make to assist in our
events. WARN has been a
mainstay in the PNW from The
PNW’s beginning. Thank you.
recycled back through the
$8,623,000.00 requests have
been asked for so far. Many
of these are two year grants
and are becoming the normal
in total amounts request. Two
year requests works well to limit
the work and to save money.
Approximately one million is
left for grants in the fund for
planning and development,
which means there probably
won’t be much in planning and
development for a while. Most of
the land managers are content
to manage what they have and
are not looking to develop.
Riley Ranch in Coos County at
the coast is finally being able
to build the bridge across the
railway tracks. This will allow
access directly to the dunes
even for class II. The OHV area
has cabins and other facilities
and is a nice complex. The
county has done a great job.
I encourage you to check out
Riley Ranch in the coming year.
USFS managers have been
speaking with Ron on the Level
2 roads. What they are doing is
reclassifying the Level I roads
to Level 2. Word seems to be
getting to the agency that these
types of roads are more what
the class II folks are looking
for. Mr. Price believes they are
getting the message but we
must keep up the pressure to
insure Class II trails. Ron Said
“I think they will be requesting
monies for development as the
Travel Management Plans go
There is more money in the
funds savings than are being
asked for at present.
money will not be taken that
is earmarked. The overage is
a concern. The entire monies
from the raised gas tax did
not make it into the ATV grant
system. Last year they robbed
approximately 2.4 million dollars
from the OHV funds program.
He suggested that letters to our
new governor would possibly
help to keep our funds in our
OHV grants system.
Recent purchases of land by the
committee in Morrow County,
Baker County, Union County
and LaGrande were good
investments considering the
current economics of Oregon.
The money spent cannot be
picked up by the politicians
and spent in other than OHV
The Parks Commission went on
a ride at East Fort Rock OHV
area. One of the participants
was the legislative fiscal officer;
she got a good understanding of
where the monies go and what
they are used for. Ron does not
think she will be so anxious to
move the monies around now
that she sees what it goes for.
Oregon Parks and Recreation
Department: ATVs
The ATV advisory committee
has added new members. Ron
was concerned with the new
makeup of the committee, but
he is pleased with the group and
the way they work. They are a
really good working group.
The law enforcement and
operations and maintenance
grant meeting in January is
for the entire year. Monies
not utilized over the year are
Safety issues of quads and dirt
bikes was revisited and dealt
with. The findings were as
expected. More awareness was
raised. A study will determine
Continued on page 7
Continued from page 6
if new and changed laws or
regulations have actual reduced
the accident rates within the
OHV community. The study is
now being initiated this year. We
need to see what it turns up as it
seems to be working with fewer
Classes of vehicles were
revisited by the committee.
They looked at other states
classifications. The information
gathered outcome was a forth
class, Side by Side.
will help the land managers
determine which classes can go
on existing OHV trails. Class
II will not be consider Side by
Side but most likely will have
to share some trails as they
do now. The committee tried
to keep it simple. The new
Class IV all-terrain vehicle
means any motorized vehicle
that: 1) has four or more low
pressure tires designed for or
capable of cross-country travel
on or immediately over land,
water, sand, snow, ice, marsh,
swampland or other natural
terrain 2) has non-straddle
seating 3) has a steering wheel
for steering control 4) has a dry
weight of 1500 lbs. or less and
5) is 65 inches wide or less at
the widest point.
referred to as a Recreational
Off-highway Vehicle, Utility
vehicle or side by side. The
Bill 1527 going through the
legislation now includes the new
class IV designation and adding
a representative from Oregon
Department of Fish and Wildlife
and a representative for the
newly formed Class IV ATV bring
the committee to 14. Please
track this bill and write, e-mail or
call your stated representative
and state congressman that you
favor the bill. Keep in mind the
number on the bill may change
as it proceeds through the State
The new Gilchrest State Forest
has no plans for change as yet.
The forest will be managed by
Oregon Department of Forestry.
Union County around Mt Emily
is purchasing 160 acres of more
lands for the OHV area through
the grant committee. They are
purchasing private properties
included within the OHV area.
This purchase will allow more
trail loops and trails to be built
for Class II also.
Ron, thank you for taking time
from your week-end, to share
with us where the ATV grants
committee is. We appreciate
your efforts in keeping access
and quality of recreational
opportunities in our state.
U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management
Outdoor Recreation Planner
Chris Knauf 503-808-6427
Chris shared a hand out of
five pages from the National
Environmental Policy Act and
Public Comments along with a
power point presentation: Travel
Management Planning.
Process is Travel Management.
A national policy of designating
trails and roads from the
previous cross country travel
which is now mostly open to
OHV travel. Travel on BLM
4-Wheelin’ News
public lands will be limited
by large to designated trails,
roads, ways and routes. He
pointed out in your letters, emails and phone calls that you
are not to use the word ways
any longer. Instead use the
word for routes particularly the
word motorized route needs
to be used for routes that are
rarely used. Public comment
during the comment periods will
help determine access. Public
comments must be specific
and not generalized. Public
comments on prefabricated
post cards are treated as one
Helpful documents could be:
Land Use Planning Handbook:
Includes Travel Management
O& C 2812 Manual:
RROW Handbook
Internal Memo 2008-014
Comprehensive Travel
Management (Any and All
Roads and Trails Terminology
Defines Terminology to Roads,
Primitive Roads, Trails and
43 CFR 8340-8342.3
Thank you Chris for your
input on comment into the
process. Thank you too for you
Tillamook State Forest OHV
Oregon Department of Forestry
Stephanie Beall Recreation
tillamookstateforest Join your
fellow ATV, motorcycle, and
four-wheel drive enthusiasts for
a summer of trail maintenance
and construction work parties in
the Tillamook State Forest.
Thank you Stephanie, Jahmaal
and Dave for your time and
efforts at the Tillamook State
Forest, the trails are a real 4x4
class II experience and we
appreciate your work there.
Thank you for the invitations to
share your experience with trails
and users with other agency
managers. This aspect is a great
way to share your experience in
managing and success with the
other agencies.
Old business: none
New busines:
the OHV areas making sure
the fundings allocated for Class
II are really going for Class II
trials. These areas are listed in
the December Tri-Power and
hopefully clubs within Oregon
will adopt them and go after true
Class II trails. Graded gravel
roads are not Class II trails.
However if no one calls them on
it from area to area gravel will
be the continued practice; roads
instead of trails.
Oregon PNW members need
to contact the Land Committee
Members listed on the Oregon
Map and assist them in keeping
on top of the agency managers
making sure the ATV funds are
used appropriately. The Land
Committee Members will need
help in other ways too. The map
is just a start in tracking what
is happening on the ground for
Class II and in the agencies.
We need to keep these land
chairman’s informed of our
actions and work with them to
gain further true Class II trails.
The reference book: A
Legitimate Use of Public
The agencies state Class II
is a legitimate use of public
lands. Half of the book is the
state of Class II in Oregon. The
other half of the book is what
should be standard operating
procedures for the agencies of
public lands concerning Class
II use. The book is useful
when commenting on Travel
or Resource Plans. The book
will educate you on how inept
the agencies have been in
acquiring public comments and
or utilizing user’s information in
the public lands.
The cost of this reference book
is so far $12.00 each. Ron
McDonald will be asked for a
price on producing the book.
Randell will bring a price to
Winter Convention and he would
have each delegate talk to their
clubs for an okay on producing
more of these reference books
so each club would have one to
work out of. The goal is for each
club to have one for reference
The agencies
are to provide recreational
opportunities for Class II users
and we need to be on point as
an organization of users fighting
to keep and create trails.
Good of the Order:
Randell Drake is nominated for
Oregon Executive Director with
thank you’s from the floor for
the job he has done so far. No
new nomination came from the
floor and the nomination will be
reopened at winter convention
in February.
Present and listed on the map
at this meeting were Dan Haak
listed on the southeastern
corner, Steve Roach on the
south-central, Larry East on
the southwestern corner, Alan
Paulson on the western center,
Jeff Bowman the northwestern
corner, and myself Randell
Drake of central area. Each
area has other areas within
their areas that are OHV areas
and are accepting monies from
the ATV committee for Class
II but are not offering Class II
trails. Please keep watch on
2012 Oregon State Meeting
/ 2012 January Region 6
Delegates Meeting to be held
January 14, at WARN Industries.
Thank you again to WARN and
to Adel and Ken for the invitation
and the past involvement you
and WARN have offered.
Meeting adjourned 3:40 p.m.
Respectably submitted by,
Oregon State Director Randy
E-mail jRMDrake@msn.com
541 419 9952
Director Report
March 21, 2011
Winter Convention is behind
us and there is a new year to
look forward to. Although land
matters (acquiring public lands
to build or legitimize the use
of existing trails) are the most
important thing that needs to
be done by our members; it is
the most difficult to get done.
PNW members who enjoy using
public lands for wheeling their
Class II vehicles should be the
first to stand up for what is being
closed to them. There is an old
saying you can lead a horse
to water but you can’t make it
drink that truly comes to mind.
Everyone wants new trails or
to legitimize the ones they are
currently running but only a
few are in the trenches working
towards that goal. How do we
get these other clubs involved
is the question I ask daily. Some
of these users are great people
to talk to and wheel with but how
do we get their club to assist
those that are building the trails
or into the Public Land Manger’s
While working on Quack Attack
one club and a group fifteen
others from a non-club showed
up. The PNW club understood
we had a work project and we
asked them to help. Although
they came with us and stayed
close by all day they only
participated by sitting on rocks
and taking pictures. This club
has about 15 club families even
if half or even a third helped out
or found an area that they would
like to keep open would help
themselves and the association.
I have presented this and other
clubs information on trails in
the nearby area that have land
mangers asking for help but to
date they have not stepped up.
I am not stating this example to
criticize but to ask how we can
reach them with the importance
of creating or designating
legitimate trails on public lands.
The one individual stated that
their club did not want to get
political. What is political about
saving your trail or the area
you wheel? These clubs are
wheeling monthly on public
lands and in many occasions
take weeks off to wheel a
particular area. The closed to
Class II signs they encounter
are purposely motivated by the
who rejoice at the placement
of each sign. That alone should
get their blood to boiling. People
who have not even wheeled the
PNW are closing Class II out of
the forest and blm lands from as
far away as New York or Puma
Arizona. I would think that if
being political would save you
and your family access to public
lands; that would be called
nothing more than motivation to
get involved in legitimizing your
access to public lands.
Another longtime member of a
fairly large club stated that his
family and friends were going
to just use the open riding areas
such as the sand dunes. I asked
him two questions: one who is
he working with to keep them
open and second has he not
noticed the increase in riders
that makes it an ordeal avoiding
crashes. The increase in these
areas are up over a 150% in the
last five years making what was
a fun run into a frame twisting
experience. Dodging the other
riders and bouncing over tire
marks and whooptiedoos left
by the previous riders. When is
the last time you hit third gear
at the sand dunes? What once
were a dozen jeepers is now
ten dozens of other users at any
given minute. The point here;
if your clubs don’t get involved
even the large riding areas are
going to be swallowed up by
other users. We need more
open riding areas and unless a
large group of users becomes
involved there will not be more
areas to ride in. Our Class II
users need to work with the other
groups of other OHV users. If we
do not these areas are going to
get smaller and smaller in riding
area per user.
The other 15 non-member club
did actually help a little bit but we
did not reach them at all. They
understood the importance of
creating the trail and trails in the
surrounding area but continued
on without a backward glance.
Later in the evening we visited
them at their campfire and tried
hard to explain the importance
of staying on the trail and not
smashing the trees but mostly
our words were not heard.
How can we reach these men
and women? These non-clubs
are the people who do more
damage in one day than most of
do in years of wheeling. These
are the people that need herded
in by us as they are the main
reason so much public lands are
being closed to motorized use.
The above examples will be the
challenge of tomorrow for me. I
wish that it would become the
challenge of ever one to drag
someone else into the legitimacy
of Class II on public lands. Yes;
drag in is the term that comes
to mind. Without a 100% more
of us; the next two years will
end up with more lands closed
than ever. From the many words
spoken at and the words I
listened to at winter convention
we really need 100% of our
clubs and individuals to keep
these trails open. Without all
the members working together
there will be little lands left open
that will require the short stick to
be engaged. The forest service
land managers are going to
close far more than is mandated
in the travel management plans.
Most have not read the final
Record of Decision but they will
implement closures and unless
we challenge them; they will
be closed to all motorized use.
Politicians are finally looking at
the 2005 Travel Management
Plan Rule. Now is the time to
educate yourselves on what it is
and its ramifications.
Thank you for electing me for
another year. I hope this year
will continue to bring the state
of Oregon closer together in our
efforts to keep trails open. I will
strive to continue building trails
and areas that will legitimize
Class II use. This is important
to each of us and my goal is to
involve you and your club in
this endeavor.
Respectfully submitted,
Randell Drake Oregon
Executive Director
DNR Vehicle Counter Recovery Run
Story by Clay Graham
On Sunday December 5th, 2010 the Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch
Association had a mission to get the DNR’s Vehicle Counter off a
mountain in the Ahtanum State Forest.
We did get the mission accomplished by had a few problems.
Here are a few pictures with details of this trip.
Right off the bat Dustin Haverfield’s rig had a starter problem on the
way to the run.
Dustin got some help getting his rig home and we headed up with
Steve Haverfield’s Toyota and my XJ. Greg Mackey from the DNR
Recreation program rode along with me.
We aired down at the end of the paved part of Cowiche Mill Road.
Here is the vehicle counter. I was thinking it was some box chained to
a tree with a black hose. I was wrong. It was just a little electronic thing
inside to plastic boxes.
Heading up the mountain it started snowing.
We turned around to go back down the mountain.
It really had a Christmas feeling up there.
At this point Havo lost a u-joint cap off a drive line.
He stopped and waited for us to make sure we made it back.
Here we are back down where we started all aired up and ready to go
We kept radio contact all the way to where the Vehicle Counter was.
Clayton E. Graham
Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch Association
Change of Address
PNW4WDA Membership
C/O: Angela Holm
31330 11th Place S., Federal Way, WA 98003
E-Mail: members@pnw4wda.org
Greg did the digging as I took a few pictures.
went very well. They are still in
need of food, blankets, sheets,
pillows etc. If you would like to
make cash donations to either
organization the websites are:
or maltbyfoodbank.org
Angela Holm
January 20th 2011
The meeting was called to order
by Angela Holm at 7:00p.m.,
followed by the flag salute and a
moment of silence for the ill and
departed, Al Matson passed away,
Trummer family loss due to fire,
Rick Schwartz and Alan Carter
is doing better after his stroke
2 years ago. There were 14
delegates present, representing
8 clubs.
Secretary Report:
Motion was made by Dan Cole
from Dirty 13 to approve the
minutes as distributed to yahoo
groups and Tri-Power in the
December issue of November’s
meeting, Dave Taylor, Outdoor
4x4’s second.
Directors Report:
Washington State Land meeting
was held on January 8th at the
King Oscar Hotel in Pacific.
DNR was there discussing the
proposed legislature being put
together with Fish & Wildlife and
were also attempting to bring in
State Parks to get an annual pass
to access all land whether Fish
& Wildlife, DNR or State Parks.
The user would pay annually $40
per person, except for children
under the age of 18. There is
still discussion going on how the
money would be split. For more
information, please go to DNR’s
website, www.dnr.wa.gov
Bylaws to be voted on for Winter
Convention is a $5 increase to the
annual PNW dues, see recent Tri
Power for more info.
Treasurer’s Report: There was
a written report submitted.
Monster Truck Show – money
received from being part of the
show was donated to comp and
put into a track maintenance fund.
Dave will be working on getting the
PNW a PR booth upstairs during
the events. All comp ballots need
to be mailed by 1/31. Comp is
putting on Summer Convention
2011, Region will be putting on
a course, please contact Dave
Taylor if your club is interested
or if you as an individual may be
interested. August 11-13th, Ethel.
Land & Legislative:
Walker – Jim Cahill is
applying for grants. He is hoping
for individuals or clubs to put in
an additional 300 volunteer hours
toward these motorized and non
motorized grants. Washington
State Meeting notes will be
posted in the Tri Power for more
Mike Jones, Vice Director, was
at Olympic 4x4 annual Christmas
December 18th. He was able to
recruit 5 new members and Carl
donated personally ½ of their
dues. Remember, if you have an
event that you would like PNW/
Region representation, you must
let Angie know two weeks prior to
the event.
Club Power/We Did It/Quill
Power: Please fill out the forms
for any project you do and get
them submitted to the region.
This is an excellent tracking tool
on how many volunteer hours
we’ve accomplished.
Region Reports:
Food Drive:
The donations for the Maltby
Women’s Shelter and Food Bank
4-Wheelin’ News
Teddy Bears:
Grace was able to find someone
who takes the bears/stuffed
animals and distribute them
to local hospitals. We are still
collecting stuffed animals and will
be giving them to Grace.
Nothing new to report at this time,
more information will follow after
the March BOD
Winter Convention 2011: Don’t
forget to reserve your rooms and
mail in your registration forms (see
TriPower). Don’t forget, Grace is
requesting that each club donate
3-5 raffle prizes. Please contact
Grace with any other questions.
Timber Tamers are hosting the
Hospitality Room on Friday night.
They have taken several games
from Minute to Win It and have
adapted them for this night, come
see the fun! Don’t’ forget to buy
your beer mugs for all you can
drink beer!!!
New Business:
WOHVA has a planned Rally in
Olympia, Friday, February 25th.
As more information becomes
available, it will be forwarded
through the yahoo group as well
as posted on the PNW website.
Old Business:
Officer Nominations for 2011
Director: Angela Holm, Happy
Vice Director:
Timber Tamers
Treasurer: Jim Loe, Dirty 13
Secretary: Grace May, Outdoor
4x4, Dirty 13 & Doo Wop
Land Chairmen: Ed Tenney
February 16th,
The meeting was called to order
by Angela Holm at 7:05p.m.,
followed by the flag salute and
a moment of silence for the ill
and departed. There were 11
delegates present, representing
7 clubs.
Secretary Report: Motion was
made by Theresa Taylor from
Outdoor 4x4 to approve the
minutes as distributed to yahoo
groups and Tri-Power in the
January issue, Wayne Laurent,
Doo Wop Ditty Dirty Club
Directors Report: WOHVA has
implemented a new trail mapping
system on their website. Info is
limited and still in development.
If you click on a ‘balloon’ on
the map, it will give detailed
information regarding that trail. It
was proposed at WC that history
be included in the information
detail of the trail.
WOHVA rally is February 25th,
meeting at 9am.
For more
information, check out the
website, www.wova.org.
Idaho State Director is Forrest
Officers remained the same;
Angie Marek as President, Dave
McMains as Treasurer, Sande
Nettnin as Secretary, Don and
Carol Jensen as IAD 1 & 2.
Arlene stepped down and Dorothy
Churchill was nominated and
voted in as the new Washington
State Director.
There was a great tribute to
Arlene and to Bob for all the
hardwork they had put in over
past 9 years.
Nominations were reopened; no
other names were thrown into
the ring. Dave made a motion to
accept the nominations as is, Dan
The bylaw for a $5 dues increase
barely passed. This due increase
will affect the 2012 dues which
will now be $40.00.
Good of the Order:
Thanks to Wandering Willies for
hosting tonight’s meeting. Mike
Spencer talked about some of
the things they are doing, they do
the Spring Clean Up at Jim Sprick
Park, they help the area get ready
for Trail Jamboree. They also do
the Sunday morning breakfast
at Trail Jamboree. They like to
go to Evans Creek, Liberty and
do Naches Fish and Chips Run.
They brought a five minute video
along with some cool raffle prizes,
which Barb May won like 3 of
them, but gave one back, which
Theresa Taylor won.
Kathy Sterner Award: For the first
time in the history of this award,
no one has been nominated.
What is the Kathy Sterner Award:
Hosting Schedule:
subject to change
February 16th – White Knuckle
March 16th – Bullshifters
April 20th – Dirty 13
May 18th – Doo Wop
June 15th – Green River Valley
July 20th – Happy Campers 4x4
August 17th – Outdoor 4x4
September 21st – Olympic
October 19th – Rainier Ridge
November 16th – Rock’d n
December – No Meeting
Upcoming Events:
February 11th-13th Winter
Convention – Holiday Inn Everett WA
March 5th – BOD Meeting in
March 6th – Spanaway
Moonshiners Swapmeet
Meeting Adjourned at 8:20
Submitted by Grace May/Angela Holm
Donated in 1976 by the
members of the Trailbreakers,
Inc., to be awarded in recognition
of superior dedication to the
PNW4WDA by a woman.
*The trophy
and a pin with the year on it
will be presented each year at
Winter Convention.
Any Club or
Region sponsoring a delegates
meeting, fun day, We Did It
Project, Club Power project, or
event may submit two women’s
names, ranked first and second,
within thirty days after the project
or event.
The names
do not have to be from a
competition basis, but from
women working within the
The name that
is submitted the most frequently
will be the winner. In a case of
a tie, a vote by the three State
Directors will determine the
The trophy
must be displayed at every
event or project that the recipient
attends the following year.
After the
Summer Convention of ‘76,
the PNW4WDA will assume
responsibility with the names
being submitted to the three
State Executive Directors of
the PNW4WDA.
The trophy
will be a rotating trophy and
the time included forrmination
of the winner will run from
Winter Convention to Winter
Convention. The pin will remain
with the winner as a reminder
of the award.
The winner
must be a current member of
the PNW4WDA.
Expense for
the pins and engraving is the
esponsibility of the PNW4WDA.
If for any
reason the trophy is not abided
by the rules set forth, it will be
returned to the donators.
Approved by Trailbreakers, Inc.
After discussion amongst the
delegation, Grace May from
Outdoor 4x4, Doo Wop Ditty and
Dirty 13 along with Angie Holm,
Happy Campers, were both
nominated. Angie and Grace were
‘elected’ to prepare the paperwork
and submit it to Dorothy Churchill,
Washington State Land Director.
Treasurer’s Report: There was a
written report submitted.
All four bylaw proposals
passed. They were: batter cover,
roll cage, driveline loops and
tranny blanket. Region 1 tri-outs
will be at the Independent Racer
June18th-19th. If you have a comp.
#, please contact either Wayne or
Dave Taylor as they are trying to
update the list. Comp is putting on
Summer Convention 2011, Region
will be putting on a course, please
contact Dave Taylor if your club is
interested or if you as an individual
may be interested. August 11-13th,
Land & Legislative:
Reiter – there is an online
petition sponsored by the Sky
Valley Chamber of Commerce. It
was emailed to the PNW Yahoo
Groups, also attached to these
Possible PR event in
April in Port Townsend. Angie
is still working on membership
graciously volunteered his wife,
Debbie, to do Sunshine as
Ilene has other obligations at
this time. If you club is in need
of a card to be sent, please
contact Debbie through Mike,
Club Power/We Did It/Quill
Please fill out the forms for any
project you do and get them
submitted to the region. This
is an excellent tracking tool on
how many volunteer hours we’ve
Region Reports:
Please donate
Food Drive:
blankets, sheets, pillows for twin
beds. They will be donated to the
Maltby Food Bank and the Maltby
Women’s Shelter. If you would
like to make cash donations to
either organization the websites
are: www.millenniaministries.org
or www.maltbyfoodbank.org
Teddy Bears: The bears that
have been collected so far have
been donated to Valley General
Hospital ER and to the Police
Department. Both places really
appreciate the donations. Keep
bringing in those stuffed animals.
Angie discussed a small
dilemma she has with breakfast
on Sunday at OSP. She never
can make enough in donations
to cover the cost of the food
and put it to the delegation for
consideration of either changing
the menu or even dropping
breakfast altogether.
was made by Theresa Taylor of
Outdoor 4x4 to drop breakfast
altogether, seconded by Wayne,
passed. The 2nd option is a
Angie’s ‘speech’ on Saturday
morning consisting of juice/coffee
and muffin/doughnuts. Wayne
made a motion regarding 2nd
option of continental breakfast on
Saturday during Angie’s ‘speech’,
Luke May second, passed.
Angie will look into possibly
IGA providing pastries of some
sort as donations for Saturday’s
Winter Convention 2011:
As most know, Winter
Convention went really well. As
always with a large group there
were a few hiccups but it was not
with our members but with the
hotel. Grace and her committee
have really worked hard on this
event and to show the delegate
appreciation, Angie gave Grace
a large potted flower pot. If you
see Grace, make sure you tell her
how much fun you had at WC this
New Business:
Spill Kits: This was
brought up at WC. These were
made for purchase by Pistons
Wild and the PNW sponsored
them. After much discussion
about why/what they are needed
for, this discussion was tabled
until March’s Region meeting.
Old Business:
Good of the Order:
Thanks to Wandering
Willies for hosting tonight’s
meeting. Mike Spencer talked
about some of the things they are
doing, they do the Spring Clean Up
at Jim Sprick Park, they help the
area get ready for Trail Jamboree.
They also do the Sunday morning
breakfast at Trail Jamboree. They
like to go to Evans Creek, Liberty
and do Naches Fish and Chhips
Run. They brought a five minute
video along with some cool raffle
prizes, which Barb May won like 3
of them, but gave one back, which
Theresa Taylor won.
Hosting Schedule: subject to
March 16th – Bullshifters
April 20th – Dirty 13
May 18th – Doo Wop
June 15th – Green River
Valley Jeepers
July 20th – Happy
Campers 4x4
August 17th – Outdoor
September 21st
– Olympic Trailblazers
October 19th – Rainier
Ridge Rams
November 16th – Rock’d
n Lock’d
December – No Meeting
Upcoming Events:
March 12th – BOD
Meeting in Edgewood
March 13th – Spanaway
Moonshiners Swapmeet
Meeting Adjourned at 8:50
Submitted by Grace May/Angela
WOHVA Rally- don’t forget to
go on the 25th of February to
the capitol steps.
Edward Campbell
Region 2 Director
February 17, 2011
4-Wheel Parts,
Tacoma, WA
This regular meeting of
the Region 2 of the Pacific
Northwest 4-Wheel Drive
Association was called to
order at 7:29 pm by Region 2
Director Dan Morris, followed
by the flag salute and a
moment of silence for the sick
and departed.
Roll call was taken verbally
and via the sign-in sheet.
Secretary’s report- A motion
was made by Brandon Marek
made a motion to approve the
secretary’s report and Darren
seconded it.
Jungmayer gave a verbal
report and a written report. A
motion was made by Tiffany
Morris and seconded by
Megan Cieplik-Myracle to
accept the minutes as posted
in Tri- Power. Motion passed
We Did it/Club Power- No
Naches – Jim Putman
reported that the Naches trail
system maybe closed until
June timeframe due to wet
–nothing new to report
Elbe Hills- nothing new to
reported that everything is
open looking for volunteers to
spread some rock.
Land Matters- Jim Puttman
Initiative SBB 566- to use
offroad vehicles to drive on
FS Roads
Please sign up on CLOUT.
Merrick will be the fulltime
FPO. Please call him for ride
alongs- he loves company!
OHV Watch- Angie Marek
states H.B. 1933 to increase
the age requirement for
vehicles eligible for registration
as “collector vehicles” has
been introduced in the
Washington State Legislature
…under the bill, vehicles 30
years old or older are eligible
for collector vehicle status
and plates and the one –time
registration fee. The bill also
creates penalties for violating
the limited-use provisions. If
you have collector plates you
can contact the Transportation
committee and your legislators
to get yours.
NOVA funds- since we have
sued and lost we will be given
the opportunity to have a oral
Straddeline two dates have
been confirmed June 11th -12th.
Grays Harbor County website
shows people appointed to
advisory board. Dan Marek
and Brandon Marek are on the
advisory board.
Letter writing- Angie Marek
asks that if you have written
any letters to please let
her know who you wrote
letters to and when you sent
them. You can also cc or
bcc your e-mails to Angie
Angie has a list of everyone
that has written a letter and
offers a wonderful prize.
Membership- Jim Puttman
reported that there are
currently no new clubs.
Ways and Means- Tiffany
Morris reported that she
is looking into getting new
hats with the PNW logos or
suspenders. It was mentioned
that hats may be a wanted
option too.
PR- Diana Stafford report that
she will be at the WOHVA
RALLY. She will also be at
the Moonshiners Swap meet
in March and is looking for
volunteers to help her out.
The El Dorado Dust Devils
will be having a tool drive at
the swap for donating basic
tools to PNW4WDA family the
Trummert’s. Dean Detweiler
suggests we get a fund
together and Snap On Tools
will fill help to fill in the needed
tools. Also needed are basic
lawn tools, but not the weed
whacker as it was not put
back into the garage and
miraculously made it through
the fire
If you have an event coming
up, Diana will get you PR
materials and banners. Please
give her some notice and she
will do her best to get you what
you need.
Future 4-Wheelers – Brody
Morris reported that he has
information and Pins
Marek reported that the new
competition regulations were
passed at Winter Convention.
Old Business
Region 2 Event/Summer
Convention –Dan is working
on securing the park.
the next Reg. meeting we
will have more details. Dan
needs some crew, track
managers for course work.
Please go to your clubs and
ask for volunteers for Summer
Convention. The official date
is the second week in August
Trail Jam registration is
Monday, Feb 21st it opens
8:00am, price is $185. For
driver and passenger are
extra. Please see details on
PNW4WDA website.
Dorothy Churchill asked about
clubs that have paid their
New Business
Winter Convention- Angie is
again our president, Dorothy
Churchill is our new State
Director, Rob Stafford is our
new Safety Coordinator and
Diana Stafford is again our PR
Please contact Luke May
regarding your bar tab for
Friday and Saturday night. It
was mentioned that the Winter
interesting and thanked Angie
for making is lively. For Trail
Jam there will be an Overnight
Run, this will be pulled by
Andrew Roberts from Forest
Watch has our stickers.
Beverly Dunes
to remain open
during winter
By Ear to the Ground
Beverly Dunes, a DNRmanaged
recreation area southeast
of Vantage in Grant County
Wheelers Off-road Club.
Good news for anyone who
likes to ride and play in
Beverly Dunes. Thanks to
a generous donation, the
recreation area will be open
through the winter season,
instead of closing next
week as originally planned.
Recent budget cuts forced
Announcements: None at this time
DNR to reduce services
There being no more business
at many recreation areas.
for the good of the order the
Beverly Dunes had been
meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
scheduled to close for the
winter, instead of staying
The next meeting will be March
open year round. Beverly
17 , 2011, 7:30 pm at 4-Wheel
Dunes is located in Grant
Parts in Tacoma, WA.
County, south of Vantage.
Respectfully submitted,
Nichol Phillips- PNW4WDA
Region 2 Secretary
For more information about
Beverly Dunes,
contact Mike Williams at 509925-0973.
Hi Everyone
The Clubs that are putting
on a Points Race please let
me know so that it can be
added to the schedule. Than
i will update and get it out to
everyone. Also the Safety and
Rule changes all past they are
Effective as of 2/12/2011. Any
question get a hold of your
Region Comp Chair or Me.
Dave Taylor
PNW4WDA Competition
Home 360-668-0719
Cell 206-491-0909
Saturday, April 16, 2011
9:00 a.m.
Jim Sprick Park, Naches off Hwy 410
(Trail Jamboree Site)
x Hobo Stew* will be served for lunch
x Trail host meeting following cleanup
x Pot Luck will be held in the evening
Please bring yard tools such as rakes,
pruning shears, loppers, pitch forks, saws.
For further information contact Sid
Hagemeier @ 509-698-3703 or
*Hobo stew is a concoction of anything and everything (meat & vegetables)
thrown into a giant pot; slowly stewed all morning until lunch time. Bring
a portion (1 cup) of vegetables, rice, tomatoes or whatever canned or
fresh (chopped, diced, prepared), bring no more than you plan to eat!
Bowls and dinner rolls provided.
FEBRUARY 12, 2011
The PNW4WDA President, Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) called the meeting to order at 9:12 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick
and departed was observed.
The hosting statement was given for Region 1 by the Parliamentarian Luke May (Dirty 13, Doo Wop Ditty and Outdoor 4X4’s). Following the hosting statement Luke read the
Introduction of guests:
Wayne Fitzwater DNR Olympic Region – Recreation Manager
Introduction of the Past PNW4WDA Presidents who were present were: Jim Carter, Don Jensen, Carol Jensen, Arlene Brooks, Roy Hyman, Jim Putman, and Luke May. Angie said
two of the Past Presidents Spike Kalleck and Frankie Allen were presiding over the Southwest Washington Winter Convention being held today in Yuma, AZ.
PRESIDENT’S STATEMENT: 1. In the December Board meeting we talked about several things in regards to moving our Association forward. The first has to do with our Honorary
Members. We have made Honorary Membership Cards and purchased a special pin for them. Since none of them were present they will be mailed to them. 2. At the December
Board meeting your Board of Directors put forth a suggestion for a new Sponsorship program for the Association. For many years we have had some contracts that were exclusive
and we have never marketed ourselves. During the December Board meeting we accepted a new sponsorship program.
Bronze LevelFor $1000.00 annually, that will go into the PNW’s general fund plus anything they would like to donate in goods. They will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific
Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, a running quarter page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing their involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association and a link
on our website to their business.
Silver LevelFor $1500.00 annually, that will go into the PNW’s general fund plus anything they would like to donate in goods. They will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific
Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, a running half page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing their involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association and a link on
our website to their business.
Gold LevelFor $2000.00 annually, that will go into the PNW’s general fund plus anything they would like to donate in goods. They will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific
Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, a running full page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing their involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association and a link on
our website to their business.
Platinum LevelA customized sponsorship package will be developed to fit the needs of their company. Other options can include major sponsorship in some of the Associations events as well as
additional advertising opportunities.
Since we introduced this program on the first of January we have signed four new sponsorships. We have collected a total of $9500 in cash going into our general fund, $2500
of it is specifically for Trail Jamboree Sponsorship and we’ve collected over $3000 in donations that will be used at Winter Convention today, two of them at Jamboree and one at
Summer Convention. The first Bronze Sponsorship is WARN Industries; ARB 4X4 Accessories signed on as a Bronze Sponsor; they will display the plaques given today in their place
of business. 4-Wheel Parts has signed on as a Platinum Sponsor they will be given this plaque to display in their place of business; they have also stepped forward to be a major
sponsor for Trail Jamboree. The first one that stepped up and got the ball rolling was Randy’s Ring and Pinion; they also are a Platinum Sponsor. We have multiple businesses we
are working with as we speak. The Board is very excited about where this is going; we are not a secret Association; we are the best thing going for motorized recreation today. We
are the people who use these products and we are worth it, and we are here to stay. If anyone has any suggestions, or contacts please get the information to President Angie Marek
so she can make the contact and get the ball rolling. You will be notified when we sign on new sponsors.
GUEST SPEAKERS: Willy Crawley (Cascade 4X4’s) and Bryan Peterson (PNW Individual Member & WOW) both have stepped up this last year and became Board members of
Washington Off Highway Vehicle Alliance (WOHVA). Another PNW member Paul Yelk (Spokane 4-Wheelers) is very active in land matters has been working with WOHVA to develop
a mapping program. The program is still in the development stages and was presented at WOHVA’s general meeting in October. President Angie thought it was something we all
would enjoy taking a look at so she asked Willy and Bryan to show us what is available to us. They presented a slide show on a map catalogue, showing where you can go ride. You
can access the catalogue by going to WOHVA.org, there is a link on the front page or you can type in WOHVA-map-catalogue.org. They ended their presentation by encouraging
everyone to attend the WOHVA Rally in Olympia February 25th at the State Capitol - try to be there at 10 AM or earlier to make an appointment to speak to your representative, let
them know how you feel about the $30 user fee, the NOVA money or riding ATV’s on the street. The actual Rally starts at noon rain or shine.
President Angie said she wanted to let everyone know what a wonderful year this has been for her. She said we are one of the best groups out there to belong to; the input she has
received by e-mail and on the 800 number is much appreciated. She said she is available to talk anytime and she does take the comments back to the Board and discuss them. If
you have suggestions, we want to hear them.
A motion was made by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) seconded by John Gunderson (PNW Individual Members Club) to accept the minutes from the September 11, 2010 Fall Delegates
meeting – motion passed.
Region 7 – none; Region 6 – Extreme Off Roaders from Douglass County; Region 4 – Yakima Kittitas Forest Watch and one pending; Region 3 – added three clubs Those Guys Off
Road, Dented N Dirty Off Road and Cascade Cruisers; Region 2 Outcast 4X4’s; Region 1 – none.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) had a written report, five pages. Dave said this has been a very challenging year; as
you all know revenue’s are down and he said that the Board has done a very good job of keeping expenses down. Discussion followed about expenses. Merrick Graves (High
Country Cruisers & Wandering Willy’s) said a certain amount of money was earned at the past Trail Jamboree - $2600 and some change. After discussing it with the Trail Jamboree
Chairs that money will be delegated to the Trail Maintenance fund; and with that Merrick announced that from now on the Friday night raffle money would be delegated to the Trail
Maintenance fund.
OTHER MONEY MATTERS: Frank Cieplik (Spanaway Moonshiners) donated $2000 to the Scholarship fund. The Spanaway Moonshiners put into their budget each year $2000 for
trail maintenance, so they want clubs in Region 2 to know if they are doing trail maintenance and need money for nails, hammers, shovels etc get in touch with them before starting
your project and let them know what you have in mind and they will help out. They need receipts so be sure you give the receipts to them for their records. Bonnie Nettnin (The
Hombres) presented a check for $500 to the Trail Maintenance fund. Earl Nettnin Region 4 Director (Desert Rats) presented a check from Region 4 for $3000 to the Scholarship fund
that included a donation in memory of Al Matson (Ridgerunners) who passed away in January.
President Angie Marek asked for approval of the 2011 proposed budget. Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) made a motion seconded by Megan Myracle (Spanaway Moonshiners) that we
approve the 2011 budget with permission to reallocate – motion passed.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Chairman Angela Holm (Happy Campers & Region 1 Director) did not have a written report or an updated report, as the numbers were changing daily.
She said we have 832 families right now.
Idaho – At this time we don’t have an Idaho Executive Director so, our Washington Executive Director Arlene Brooks (Green River Valley Jeepers) and IAD #2 Carol Jensen (Sand
Fleas & Individual Members Club) have sort of combined their efforts as far as Idaho land matters go. They did not have any handouts today. Idaho had two delegates present,
Forrest Dexter (North Idaho Trail Blazers) said he has been working with the BLM (Bureau of Land Management). J. D. Shaw (North Idaho Trail Blazers) is working on keeping trails
open. President Angie said that Forrest had expressed an interest in becoming the Idaho State Director. Carol said the only thing she had for Idaho was a little bit of good news a
Federal Judge has upheld the Nations only state tailored roadless plan, covering 9 million acres.
Oregon – Director Randell Drake (Deschutes County 4-Wheelers & Harney County High Desert Wheelers) called his caucus to order; he had a written report. Randy asked for
approval of the Oregon State meeting minutes from January 8, 2011. Mona Drake (Harney County High Desert Wheelers & Deschutes County 4-Wheelers) made a motion seconded
by Tom Fischer (Sand Fleas) that we accept the Oregon State minutes as printed, motion passed.
Randy said he is trying to do something a little different this year, he is trying to pattern things after the example Washington State uses by assigning land coordinators to look
over certain areas of the state of Oregon. Randy has made up a map showing the Oregon areas and the coordinators. Randy said some of his land coordinators were not present
today but he wanted to acknowledge them - so not present for Region 3 - Jeff Bowman & John Halleaux. Randy introduced his land coordinators who were present: Alan Paulson
- West Central Oregon talked about the Oregon Dunes National Recreation area, they have been doing a vegetation management plan that is just about ready for the comment
period. The Umpqua National Forest final travel management plan is on hold. A group of people are working on a land swap with the timber companies that may take from 3 to 5
years. White Rock south of Roseburg is the largest block of BLM land in the Roseburg District it butts up to the Umpqua National Forest and they are in the process of designating
it as an OHV area creating some motorcycle areas; Class II stuff is already there on the ground. They are going through the NEPA process now. Larry East - South West Oregon
Siskiyou Ranger District. Larry said he keeps in touch with the Siskiyou Ranger District; they have a trail called the McGrew Trail where the Annual Creek N Trail event is held. Larry
4-Wheelin’ News
wanted to thank WARN for all the things they had donated to them in the past. Steve Roach - South Central Oregon. Steve said he works with the Freemont National Forest and
the Murdock National Forest which is actually in California. Dan Haak South East Oregon - Dan was not available today. Randy Drake said they had been having trouble with the
Sage Grouse, obviously they are endangered by everything under the sun, but if you wanted to make a highway it would be acceptable, or a gas pipe line. They are working to get a
grant application for Radar Hill that is the only BLM approved OHV area in South Eastern Oregon. Randy Drake said he has 3 people under Central Oregon Interior; he is working
with Central Oregon North County; and busy working with the Siskiyou Ranger District and the Santiam. The Sisters District is going to be able to get the trails completed up to the
Willamette. They are part of a user group in the Siskiyou Ranger District that includes all the hikers, mountain bikers, etc. and anyone who is interested is there. Letters have been
written requesting the building of class II trails. John Zigler - Central Oregon South County; John said they are looking for places to play in the mud. They received about 50 miles
of Class II trails which is a little misleading because they only got 43 miles of shared routes which were already existing roads. John said a new trail system is supposed to be opened
up later this year. John Pyland Central Oregon Interior was not present. Art Waugh spoke on the Region 5 area. Art said the John Day R & P final will be out later this year, and
their designation process will start. Art is hoping to get one area open north of the John Day River. Baker Resource area R & P is in process, the biggest thing there is Virtue Flats.
OLD BUSINESS: The Oregon Land Committee map is printed in the December 2010 Tri-Power. There are some areas in Oregon Randy hopes some clubs in Oregon will adopt and
go after true Class II trails.
Randy has put together a reference book: A Legitimate Use of Public Lands. Half the book is about the state of Class II in Oregon, the other half is the standard operating procedures
for the agencies of public lands concerning Class II use. The book is a valuable tool to help you make comments on the Travel or Resource Plans. Randy would like to have one
available for each club in Oregon and is planning to ask if the PNW would be interested in paying for them. The cost of the book is $10 each and Ron McDonald (Tri-Power) agreed to
print them. Art Waugh said he would like them to be available for ALL PNW clubs. Mona Drake spoke about how to write letters and use the book as a reference guide.
NEW BUSINESS: Randy said there is a coalition of OHV recreationalists called the OHV Plan; this group is like CLOUT in Washington. It is a growing volunteer network dedicated
to protecting and promoting quality OHV recreation in Oregon. Basically it is a hot line to the people when you need to write letters, etc. Oregon people wanting to sign up see Mona
Drake she has the sign-up sheet; or you can contact them directly at mailto:OHVPLAN-admin@getclout.org. Oregon clubs have been invited to become a part of this so you can be
aware of what’s happening right now and take action.
The Forest Service has a proposed land management planning rule meeting March 25th 2011 in Portland; check the web site for the time and place of the meeting http://
www.fs.usda.gov/goto/planningrule. Randy encouraged everyone to please attend and make your comments. Comments are due by May 16th.
Nominations were opened again for Oregon State Director for 2011. Randy Drake was nominated at Fall Delegates. Hearing no more nominations for Oregon State Director,
nominations closed. Rick Smith (Hubs In 4-Wheelers) made a motion seconded by Art Waugh (Wolfpack 4X4) that we cast a unanimous ballot for Randy Drake as Oregon State
Director for 2011 – motion passed.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: Randy handed out certificates of appreciation to all his land people who were present for all they have done this past year. Randy thanked Mona Drake and
Patti Pyland for all the help they had given him his past year.
Rick Smith made a motion seconded by Mona Drake to adjourn the Oregon Caucus – motion passed.
President Angie Marek said we have three members present from Idaho, two are delegates; at this time Angie said she would like to appoint Forrest Dexter (North Idaho Trail Blazers)
as Idaho Exe. Director.
WASHINGTON – Director Arlene Brooks (Green River Valley Jeepers) called her caucus to order; she had a written report. Arlene said she had a short agenda. Arlene said there
were other land matter handouts on the back table consisting of everything that has taken place during this past year. Arlene introduced Wayne Fitzwater (DNR Olympic Region
Recreation Manager and jack of all trades.
Arlene thanked those who attended her two state meetings; she said if she had your e-mail address you received a copy of the minutes that way otherwise you got them snail mail.
There are copies of those on the back table also. Arlene then asked for approval of the WA State meetings - West side minutes from January 8, 2011 in Pacific, WA. Megan Myracle
(Spanaway Moonshiners) made a motion seconded by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) to accept the minutes as printed – motion passed; East side minutes from January 22, 2011 in
Union Gap, WA. Gloria Joralemon (Shindig Wheelers) made a motion seconded by Dale Neuman (High Country Cruisers) to accept the minutes as printed – motion passed.
Arlene said her land coordinators are outstanding - all 17 of them cover 17 or more sites across the state of Washington. Operation Shore Patrol is thriving and they will be
celebrating their 40th clean-up in September; the coordinators are in place Region 1, 2, & 3 the first meeting is March 23rd to get the ball rolling. Arlene reminded the delegation that all
bills are in committee and we are into 30 days of the 105 day session, the time to watch what happens will be day 104.
Arlene asked for an update from her land coordinators – only land matters since the state meetings. Region 1 – none; Region 2 – none; Region 3 – Kira Dominiak (Pistons Wild
- WA) said they are currently working on stream typings for the new trails in the Yacolt Burn State Forest and trying to get their forest watch program back up and running. Region
4 – Gloria Joralemon reported that the Forest Service was having a meeting to decide on the seasonal closures. Dale Neuman reported that the Forest Service came through for
him on his work party with equipment and everything he needed for his spring work party a Liberty. Dale reported that the Forest Service and a couple others had a meeting to
discuss safety issues with the Side By Sides. Dale said we are going to update our safety manual to include the Side By Sides also. Dale commented on the mudding issues in 4X4
magazines. He said we don’t need this kind of publicity and was wondering what we might be able to do as an Association. A short discussion was held and Stan Human (Wandering
Willy’s) commented that several years ago he had been on an Advisory Council for Jeep Corporation. At that time the same kinds of pictures were being shown in the magazines; the
user groups collectively around the country said we need to do a little better job in our advertising so we don’t set the wrong example. Unfortunately there was only one company that
stepped forward and said we really will subscribe to that by asking for your help in advertising, and that happened to be American Motors Jeep, Chrysler said no, Chevrolet said no,
Ford was kind of iffy, most all of the International manufacturers said absolutely no we don’t want anyone looking over our shoulders in advertising. So Jeep put an advisory council
together and they looked at every ad copy before it hit the press. Did they make an impact – yes. Stan stressed we need to lead the way by example. Merrick Graves (High Country
Cruisers & Wandering Willy’s) commented about mudding on the trails. He said even if the trails are open we need to use common sense regarding mud on the trails. He then made
an announcement that he had been hired by the Forest Service in the Naches District as a full time Ranger and he would be able to write tickets, etc. Merrick started a program
called “Ride with the Ranger” or Run with the Ranger” so invite him along and you will get to see things from his view point. Region 7 – none.
Nominations for WA State Director for 2011 were opened. Bonnie Nettnin (The Hombres) nominated Dorothy Churchill (Cascade 4X4’s & Overbored Racing). Dorothy indicated she
would accept the nomination. Hearing no further nominations for WA State Director for 2011, nominations closed. Mike Mayforth (Tacoma Webfooters) made a motion seconded by
Gary Marshall (Lake Tapps Turtles) that we cast a unanimous ballot for Dorothy Churchill as the WA State Director for 2011, motion passed. Dorothy addressed the delegation by
saying thank you for electing her and that she is looking forward to working with everyone. She said Arlene’s job will be tough to fill, but she will do her best.
Arlene asked Neil Morgan (Just Jeep Junkies) to introduce his guest Wayne Fitzwater of the DNR and present him with a special plaque for his commitment and devotion to all
forms of recreation occurring on Washington State lands. Wayne said he normally didn’t speak to groups, but the main thing he wanted to say was your interests are really, really
well represented by the people you have working with him and he knew exactly what we want and need. He said he could rely on Neil & Dale and others to let him know what was
needed; and he tries to match that with what management requirements are. So “thanks” to everyone and especially Arlene for her support on the RCO Grant process.
Arlene acknowledged her land people by saying how very much she appreciated them. Several go way back: Stan Human, Gary Marshall, Neil Gregg, Jerry & Bonnie Nettnin,
Merrick Graves, Mike Lovell, Vick Buchanan, Don Williams, Tom Peters, Ciepliks’, Remelys’, and Ed Coots and his bunch. Arlene said these are people who have been there for
many, many years – thank you. Arlene said she has worked closely with three people on the Board who have always been very helpful and supportive, IAD #1 and IAD #2, Don and
Carol Jensen and Secretary, Sande Nettnin. Arlene then named and thanked the rest of her land people: Ed Tenney, Dave McMains, Derrick Clark, Ron Rutherford, Jeff Williams
(east), Doug Conner, Dale Brownfield, Joe Wittig, Alan Dragoo, Mike Welander, John George, Dave Bauman, Kathy Greenwood, Jeff Williams (west), Neil Morgan, Kira Dominiak, Jim
Putman, Earl Nettnin, and Dale Neuman. Arlene had four clubs she acknowledged: Off Road Animals, Quadrapaws, Just Jeep Junkies,
and High Country Cruisers. One last thank you, was to her husband Bob Brooks, they have been married 57 years; Bob carried her books in high school and he’s been carrying her
books, reports and everything else while she has been WA State Director. Bob has been carrying books etc for Arlene for 59 years. He is known in Olympia as her designated driver.
Thank you. Arlene asked the group to gather up front for a picture. Arlene said “Thank You” to a young man that she bets won’t be having his hands in his pockets because she
is turning this saying over to Dorothy Churchill our new WA Director saying she can use it, Arlene invented it; so guys beware, it’s not going away. The young man’s name is Bryan
Peterson; thanks for being such a good sport. Arlene’s last official act was to turn over her official Washington State Executive Director pin to Dorothy Churchill. Megan Myracle
made a motion seconded by Ken Johnson to adjourn the state caucus – motion passed.
President Angie asked Arlene to join her husband Bob for a special video presentation; called “what can we say about Bob and Arlene”. The Board presented Bob with a Chauffeur’s
hat; and Arlene with a heart shape pin and special oval skillet plaque that she can hang on the wall next to her antique stove.
A lunch break was taken from 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.
At Fall Delegates the delegation voted to change the Region 5 boundaries. President Angie Marek thanked Art Waugh for drawing up the new map.
REGION DIRECTOR REPORTS: Updates only since your report was written.
Region 1 – Director Angela Holm (Happy Campers & Membership Chairman) had a written report. No updates.
Region 2 – Director Edward Campbell (Dog Pound off Road & Web Master) had a written report, he said Dan Morris is the new Region 2 Director.
Region 3 – Kyle Wiebold (Overbored Racing & Our Gang Off Road) had a written report. Rick Smith is the new Region 3 Director, and Kristin Smith is their new secretary.
Region 4 – Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) had a written report. Progress is being made on the Juniper Dunes access. Earl gave an update on the Plum Creek Bald Mountain
land deal; the final results are in the hands of the legislatures.
Region 6 – Director Alan Paulson (Umpqua Valley Timber Crawlers) had a written report. The new Santiam Trail (Quack Attack) will open when the snow is gone. See Alan’s report for
a list of upcoming events. Alan extended an invitation to everyone to attend any or all of them.
Region 7 – Director Jeff Williams (CJ’s Only & Spokane 4-Wheelers) had a written report. Jeff introduced the new Region 7 Director Cliff Hoisington his wife Alicia is the new Region
Treasurer and Mique Shaw is the new Secretary; Jeff will remain as Vice Director.
ROLL CALL: Frank Cieplik (Roamin’ Chariots & Spanaway Moonshiners) made a motion seconded by Ken Johnson (Bull Shifters) that we use the sign-in sheets as roll call, motion
Nominations were re-opened for PNW4WDA officers for 2011. Previously nominated for President Angie Marek; Secretary Sande Nettnin; Treasurer Dave McMains; IAD #1 Don
Jensen and IAD #2 Carol Jensen. President Angie asked for any more nominations for President, Secretary, IAD #1 and IAD #2 hearing none, nominations closed. Treasurer, Dave
McMains was nominated for Treasurer no other names were submitted in time to go through the check as required by the By-Laws. Megan Myracle (Spanaway Moonshiners) made
a motion seconded by Mike Mayforth (Tacoma Web Footers) that we cast unanimous ballot for Angie, Sande, Dave, Don and Carol – motion passed.
Parliamentarian Luke May (Dirty 13, Doo Wop Ditty & Outdoor 4X4’s) explained the By-Law proposal.
Since there were no questions, Luke asked for the delegates to vote. Only delegates can vote; elected Board members are not eligible to vote.
COMPETITION REPORT: Comp Chairman Dave Taylor (Out Door 4X4’s) had a written report. Dave said a schedule of events was on the back table. Watch the Web Site for any
changes to the schedule.
IAD #1 & IAD # 2 Don and Carol Jensen (Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) had a written report.
Don and Carol said at the SEMA show this year they held up every 4-Wheel Drive & Off Road Magazine, and ATV Rider showing a big red circle with a line through it and they
stressed NO TRAILS – NO SALES.
They showed a Volunteer Trail Patrol booklet that is available to help reporting violations on the trails. These booklets were on the back table, please help yourselves. Don spoke
on the NAMRC meeting. Some people who came to that meeting came asking for help because they were being locked out of their trails. We can thank SEMA for opposing the
bill HB1134 that would have required annual renewal fees for collector vehicles and horseless carriage license plates. The state of Washington wanted to add a $30 per year fee to
those. This bill will not receive committee consideration this year. Merrick Graves (Wandering Willy’s & High Country Cruisers) asked if the Board could direct the Web Master to put
Volunteer Trail Patrol booklet in a downloadable format on the Web site. Don said he didn’t see why not there was no copyright on it. The Web Master will put this on line.
Carol said each year at Winter Convention the delegates are asked to approve dues to the following organizations: Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC) $100; Specialty Equipment
Marketing Association (SEMA) $150; Tread Lightly $100 and North American Motorized Recreation Council (NAMRC) $00 (priceless).
Merrick Graves (Wandering Willy’s & High Country Cruisers) made a motion seconded by Mike Mayforth (Tacoma Webfooters), to support the organizations at the above listed
amounts, discussion followed. A question was asked why NAMRC didn’t have a dollar amount – answer there is no charge for this but Don and Carol want everyone to know that
we support this organization. Motion passed. Merrick Graves asked why we were not supporting WOHVA – answer that was taken care of at the December Board meeting that we
support the WOHVA Rally with $250. Previously we have donated to their legal fund.
A question was asked about what was meant by a “Virtual Club” Don answered that the NAXJA group basically does everything on line. They pay dues of $30 - $40 a year, have
meetings on line, call runs on line; one problem they had was when they called a run because their names were listed on line some of the people had had their homes broken
into because the crooks knew no one was home. Don said he thought they had gotten this problem solved. Kira Dominiak (Piston’s Wild) said that the president of NAXJA was a
member of their club and also the PNW4WDA. Kira said they do support and sponsor the Association and local clubs as well.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Sande Nettnin (Desert Rats) had a written report. Sande said her ducks are not in a row; they are being very wild today. Sande asked that the new
members of the Board get her the information they want on their Business Cards so she can get them ordered; also any of the existing Board members let her know if they need
more Business Cards.
TREASURER’S CLARIFICATION: Treasurer Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) clarified the discrepancy on the telephone line item on the budget. The line for Trail
Jamboree had been deleted and its expense had been added to the telephone. Woops. Dave also said he checked his books and WOHVA dues for the year were paid September
28th. We don’t need to re-vote on the budget because the bottom line did not change.
Merrick Graves (Wandering Willy’s & High Country Cruisers) made a motion seconded by Megan Myracle (Spanaway Moonshiners) that we support the WOHVA Rally in the amount
of $500. Discussion followed and the Board had already sent a donation of $250 following the December Board meeting. So Merrick rescinded his motion as did the second Megan.
Club Power/We Did It: – Beth Ayer (Wolf Pack 4X4) was unable to make it today, but she did send a written report. A new Club Power/We Did It person will be appointed soon.
Gary Harting (Desert Rats) said he had received the awards from Pick Up A Mountain last year; if you attended and have not received your award see Gary. The Board has received
some great suggestions on how we might improve and update the program. You will be notified when a new person has been appointed.
PR: – Diana Stafford (Overbored Racing & Cascade 4X4’s) had a written report. Diana reminded everyone if you need any PR materials just let her know. She will have a booth at
the Spanaway Moonshiners swap meet in March so if you have any flyers you’d like to have handed out, she will be happy to do that for you. At the December Board meeting we
talked about doing some internal PR, we are a great organization and we need to get that information out to our members as well as the public. Diana will be writing an article for TriPower telling about some of the programs we have going. We have some great things going and we need to make sure our membership knows it. We will be updating the Who and
What We Are tri-folds. Diana stressed again - UR PR. If you need a Tri-Fold holder, see Marty Tillford (Vancouver 4-Wheelers) or Diana Stafford.
SAFETY EDUCATION: – Linda Jessen (Trailbreakers, Inc) had a written report. Linda has been ill for a few weeks; it was good to have her here. We appreciate all she has done,
however, due to her health; she will not be returning as our Safety Ed person.
TRAIL JAMBOREE: – Co-Chairmen Sid & Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers) had a written report.
Kelda reminded the delegates that registration for Trail Jamboree is a week later this year starting February 21, at 8 AM. Kelda said if you don’t have a computer you can always
ask for a mail in registration. Sid said on the back of their report was a list of expenses for last year as best as they could tell. Sid said all the host packets were available today and
would be handed out to the hosts who were present. Sid reminded everyone that the Jim Sprick Park clean-up and Trail Host meeting is April 16th. They have donations from 4Wheel Parts and Spanaway Moonshiners. They received $300 from Region 4 for door prizes; a $300 donation from the Shindig Wheelers. Trail Jamboree is July 6 -10.
A comment was made that door prizes should be donated from clubs, so if your club would like to donate a door prize or if you have any ideas or want to help let Sid and Kelda know.
They welcome your input.
Additional information about Trail Jamboree can be found on the PNW4WDA’s Web site, as well as in Tri-Power.
TRI-POWER: – Ron McDonald was not present and did not submit a report. President Angie said one thing we need to keep in mind is Tri-Power is only as good as what we send in.
If you have an event and take pictures please write up an article about it and send it in. Extra copies of Tri-Power are available today, please take some and spread them around.
VIDEO LIBRARY: - Don Jensen (IAD #1 & Sand Fleas) did not have a written report. Don said there is a list of the videos in Tri-Power. Don said video’s of runs are very popular so
if you have a video of one of your club runs and want to share it, send it to him and he will make a copy of it, so everyone can enjoy it.
WAYS N MEANS: – Kathy (Frogg) McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Sand Commandos) did not have a written report. Frogg said she has a booth not only at Winter Convention, but other
events as well. Thanks to the Moonshiners, they always invite her to their swap meet; product is also available at Trail Jamboree.
If you have ideas on what might be a good seller, let her know. She had ordered bags so you would have something to put the products that you purchased in; however, when she
opened the box, she found that they had sent bags belonging to someone else. Frogg stressed – support your organization and wear your clothing proudly and be ready to talk to
people about the PNW4WDA.
WEB MASTER: – Edward Campbell (Dog Pound Off Road) had a written report. Edward encouraged everyone to sign up on the forum and use the Web site. Edward gave a slide
show presentation on how to use the new membership program. President Angie thanked the Web team and asked them to please stand up and be recognized.
President Angie said at the December Board meeting Piston’s Wild came and asked the Board to support and help fund their Education & Environment project that would help protect
outdoor recreation in the Yacolt Burn area with Trail Spill Kits. The goal is to have one of these spill kits in every vehicle that recreates on our public land. Kira Dominiak (Piston’s
Wild) thanked the Deschutes County 4-Wheelers and Randy & Mona Drake for bringing this to a Region 3 meeting. Kira said she would like to see this move throughout the whole
Association, as well as for everyone who recreates on public land. Included in the spill kit is an insert describing what the spill kit is designed for. It also has 3 universal spill diapers,
for oil, water, anti-freeze and any vehicle fluid; rubber gloves and garbage bags to properly dispose of everything; a Tread Lightly brochure about responsible 4-wheeling and the
PNW’s literature the Tri-Fold with membership application and a PNW small litter bag. President Angie said Ways N Means is looking at putting them together and having them
available for give away to help promote responsible 4-wheeling. Information will be out soon on the Web site and in Tri-Power on how you can get them and the cost.
PRESENTATION OF THE PRESIDENT AWARDS: President Angie gave her special awards to the elected and appointed board. Angie said the gifts were hand made by Todd
Trummert (Spanaway Moonshiners), in his class at school. They were a set of 5 coasters with PNW Logo etched on them with a lazar resting in a metal holder, saying 2010 Board
Member. Angie said this Board works very hard for her and the Association, and she couldn’t say enough good things about them.
NEW BUSINESS: Parliamentarian Luke May (Dirty 13, Doo Wop Ditty & Outdoor 4X4’s) announced that the dues by-law passed, 64 yes and 30 no. Dues will be $40 a year per
member family starting in 2012.
Luke also reported that all four Competition rule changes had passed. Rob Stafford (Overbored Racing & Outdoor 4X4’s) made a motion seconded by Megan Myracle (Spanaway
Moonshiners) that we destroy all the ballots, motion passed.
SUMMER CONVENTION INFORMATION: Region 2 will be hosting Summer Convention. The place has not been determined; two sites have been reserved one is Ethel the
other Straddleline ORV Sports Park for the second weekend in August. As soon as they have prices a place will be picked and information will be out. President Angie said that
Straddleline will be opening in the spring and in a couple of weeks they will know if it is going to be under county or private management. Angie also said that 2 4-wheel drive people
have been appointed to that committee for Straddleline, Dan Marek has been appointed to the ORV Park Advisory Board by the Gray’s Harbor County Commissioners and Brandon
Marek is the alternate for 4-wheel drive. Angie said go to the web site and you will find a list of all the people appointed to the board so far; whether it is private or public they will
have an Advisory Board.
WINTER CONVENTION BID FOR 2012: President Angie said she had not received a bid for 2012. If a Region or Club is interested in hosting Winter Convention 2012 please get a
hold of Angie ASAP; the
first bid she receives will get it.
110% Awards - Region Directors handed out their 110% awards to the people in their regions who they felt had done an outstanding job during the past year.
Region 1: Evelyn Kerr, Ed & Katie Tenney, Carl Niebuhr & Terri, Jim & Karen Loe, Dave & Teresa Taylor, Mike & Debbie Jones, Grace May, and Richard Holm.
Region 2: Megan Myracle, Bryan Peterson, Phil Hope, Justin Harris, Jerry & Bonnie Nettnin, Joe Wittig,
Derrick Clark, Diana Stafford, and Dan Rheaume.
Region 3: Rick Levine, Piston’s Wild Club, Margaret Schiedler, Jeff Bowman, Tom Fisher, Kira Dominiak, and Darryl Maunu.
4-Wheelin’ News
Region 4: Gloria Joralemon, Ron Rutherford, Dale Neuman, Clay Graham, Doug Conner, Dave McMains, Kelda Hagemeier, Pam Remley,
Gary Harting and Sande Nettnin.
Region 6: awards went to: Paul Norman, Patti Pyland, Randy & Mona Drake, Gaileen Paulson, Larry East, and Julie Thomson.
Region 7: Mark Tihonovich, Hans Archer, David Williams, Alan Dragoo, Paul Yelk, and Gwen Williams.
KATHY STERNER AWARD: President Angie said, for the first time ever we did not receive any nominations for this award for 2010.
Nominations were opened for 2012 Competition Chairman. Marty Tillford (Vancouver 4-Wheelers) nominated Dave Taylor (Outdoor 4X4’s). At
this time Dave accepts the nomination. Nominations closed and will be re-opened again and voted on at Fall Delegates.
Rick Smith (Hubs in 4-Wheeling) made a motion seconded by Art Waugh (Wolfpack 4X4) that the PNW4WDA purchase Randy’s book for every
member club in the Association. Discussion followed – We have approximately 70 clubs. Cost would be $10 - $12 each. Motion failed.
Travis Waldher (Quadrapaws 4-Wheel Drive Club) made a motion seconded by Mike Mayforth (Tacoma Webfooters) that the book be in PDF
format and be put on the Web site. Discussion followed. This book obviously has a copyright therefore we cannot put it on line unless Randy
& Mona give their permission to do so. Permission not granted. The Parliamentarian Luke May (Dirty 13, Doo Wop Ditty & Outdoor 4X4’s)
declared the motion out of order. Further discussion on this will take place at the March Board meeting.
President Angie asked all returning officers for the Regions including Vice Directors, and returning and newly elected Board members to come
forward and be sworn in.
Carol Jensen (IAD #2, Sand Fleas & Individual Members Club) said if you are holding an event and need insurance, she needs to know this
week. See Carol if you need paper work.
There will be an Emergency Board meeting immediately following this meeting.
J.D. Shaw (North Idaho Trail Blazers) invited everyone to attend their Cabin Fever Run in North Idaho at Pine Hurst, ID on April 16. Registration
has to be in before March 4th. Information will be posted on the Web site. You can print a form from nitrailblazers.org.
Mike Mayforth (Tacoma Webfooters) said his club is having a play day at Cranberry Lake May 7th & 8th. They are still going to have the rock
crawl, so if you do have a rock crawler get a hold of Kurt Mehr and let him know that you want to come play; if you have a rock buggy you have
to have all the equipment he wants you to have on your rig for safety reasons. Tacoma Webfooters are hosting Operation Shore Patrol this year
taking over from the Edgewood Hill Willy’s.
Megan Myracle (Spanaway Moonshiners) invited everyone to attend the 29th annual swap meet at the Puyallup Fair Grounds on March 13th.
Spaces are still available.
The El Dorado Dust Devils are having a tool drive at the Spanaway Moonshiners swap meet to benefit the Trummert family who lost their 7500
square foot shop, Jeep, Motor Home, and tools - everything in a fire. Jammer doesn’t have any tools of any kind left.
Bryan Peterson (Individual Member) President of Wheelers of Washington Association said they have started a public trail fund trying to raise
money to finance projects. To fund this they have created little white vinyl stickers also in black that say “I support motorized recreation on
public lands for sale for $5 each. If interested see Bryan.
Rick Smith (Sand Fleas) invited everyone to attend the Sand Fleas Rally April 30th in Sand Lake, OR.
Darren Jungmayer (Skookumchuck Mud Daubers) said their play day will be July 30th & 31st or Saturday August 20th. They are negotiating for a
place and should know this week which date it will be for sure.
June 11th & 12th is going to be a Jamboree at Straddleline ORV park put on by 4-Wheel Parts; if you are interested and want to see what it’s
about type in indyjamboree. This is for the Pacific Northwest.
John Zigler (Deschutes County 4-Wheelers) invited everyone to the Ground Hog Rock Crawl June 11th.
Arlene Brooks (outgoing WA Director & Green River Valley Jeepers) thanked everyone saying it’s been a great ride. She then thanked Bryan
Peterson for being such a good sport. She said he’s been at a couple of her meetings, but this was her last chance to sort of get even with him.
President Angie said October 27 of 2012 a group of 4-wheelers and friends is going to Cancun: for more information contact Grace May (1-425788-2848) or Dan Merrick (1-253-537-3172).
Carol Jensen (IAD #2, Sand Fleas & Individual Members Club) said she had received some information from Blue Ribbon Coalition that you
could nominate your favorite motorized trail; deadline is March 31st, if you are interested in nominating a trail, and the work has to have been
done after 1998.
Summer Convention 2011 will be hosted by Region 2
March Board meeting is March 12th hosted by the Hombres at the Edgewood Fire Station.
Fall Delegates is open at this time - September 10th
Winter Convention is open at this time.
Meeting adjourned at 3:35 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sande Nettnin, Secretary
Attendance taken from the sign-in sheets
Region 1
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6
Region 7
Number of Clubs Delegates
FEBRUARY 12, 2011
President Angie Marek called
the Emergency Board meeting
to order at 3:40 PM.
President Angie asked the
Board to ratify Forrest Dexter
as the Idaho State Executive
Director; Don Jensen (IAD
#1, Sand Fleas & Individual
Members Club) made a motion
seconded by Earl Nettnin
(Region 4 Director & Desert
Rats) that we ratify Forrest,
motion passed. Welcome to
the Board.
President Angie asked if we
had any We Did It programs
that needed approval – answer
none at this time.
President Angie asked the
Board to ratify Rob Stafford as
our Safety Education Director;
Rick Smith (Region 3 Director
& Hubs in 4-Wheeling) made
a motion seconded by Don
Jensen (IAD #1, Sand Fleas &
Individual Members Club) that
we ratify Rob, motion passed.
Welcome back to the Board.
Carol Jensen (IAD#2, Sand
Fleas & Individual Members
Club) said she will order the
patches for the coats for the
new members on the Board.
New members to the Board
are responsible for purchasing
their own red coats. Sande
Nettnin (Secretary & Desert
Rats) handed out the large
PNW patch for the back of the
coats to the new members of
the Board. She gave one to
Forrest Dexter, Dan Morris,
and Cliff Hoisington. Sande
will order the magnet name
tags for the following: Forrest
Dexter, Dan Morris, Cliff
Hoisington, Dorothy Churchill,
Rob Stafford, and Edward
Meeting adjourned at 3:45 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Secretary notes:
Region 3 has notified President Angie Marek that they would like to host Winter Convention 2012 in Vancouver, WA. Kyle Wiebold will be the
chairman and information will be available at the March Board meeting. President Angie has accepted the invitation.
Sande Nettnin, Secretary
WASHINGTON State Legislature
Introduces Two
User Fee Bills
Tod Petersen, Political Action
Committee Chairman for the
Vehicle Alliance (WOHVA),
just emailed about two user
fee bills just introduced in the
state legislature.
Tod is asking us to alert all
BRC members in Washington
State and ask that you read
their alert, and if you don’t
like this legislation and would
like ORVs to be exempt from
these new fees, then please
let both of your State House
of Representatives members
and your State Senator know
how you feel ASAP.
I’ve pasted their alert below,
so please take a minute to
read it over and take action.
Then, pass this important
alert on to your friends and
family, and please ask them
take action as well.
Thanks in advance for your
Ric Foster
Public Lands Department
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 107
PS: Don’t forget the WOHVA
OHV Rally is scheduled for
Friday, February 25, 2011,
at the State Capitol. Plan
on attending and show your
support for motorized off-road
You can download a copy of
the flyer and more information
is available on WOHVA OHV
Rally 2011 website.
Legislature has introduced
two user fee bills.
Senate Bill SB5622 and
HB1796 would both require
a $30 per year, per vehicle
pass to enter any public land
managed by Washington state
Parks, Department of Natural
Resources or Department of
Fish and Wildlife.
See links:
b i l l i n f o / s u m m a r y. a s p x
? b i l l = 5 6 2 2 & y e a r = 2 0 11
b i l l i n f o / s u m m a r y. a s p x
? b i l l = 1 7 9 6 & y e a r = 2 0 11
In addition to any street
legal vehicle that you take
onto public land, this would
also apply to your ORV too.
An ORV permit will still
be required in addition
to this new access pass.
For each $30 pass sold
only $2.25 would go to the
DNR and none of that would
be specifically allocated to
Almost all of the rest of the
money would go to State
Parks where ORV use is
4-Wheelin’ News
prohibited. If the revenue
projections are correct, it
works out to over $250 per
acre of Parks managed land
and only about 75 cents per
acre for the land that the DNR
manages. While the mission
and recreational goals of the
two agencies are different, the
funding formula is still unfair to
the citizens that recreate on
DNR managed public land.
If you don’t like this legislation
and would like ORVs to be
exempt from these new
fees, then please let both
of your State House of
and your State Senator know
how you feel ASAP.
You can find them and contact
them via this link:
Some sample words to
write some of your own.
vehicles from the public
land access fees proposed
in HB1796 and SB5622.
They already pay their
access fee via the ORV gas
tax and ORV use permits.
This is the only trail based
recreation in the state that
is completely self funded
and now the Legislature is
proposing to have these same
citizens pay more to support
other forms of recreation?
Nominate Your
Favorite Motorized
RTP Project for
The Coalition for Recreational
Trails (CRT), a federation
of national and regional
is pleased to announce its
2011 achievement awards to
recognize outstanding trail
projects funded by the national
Recreational Trails Program
(RTP). The awards will be
presented on June 15, 2011,
in Washington, D.C. during
Great Outdoors Week 2011
(June 13-19) as part of the
CRT’s ongoing effort to build
awareness and appreciation
of this highly successful
program, which has greatly
enhanced the quantity and
quality of trail experiences
available to the public. The
CRT will be holding the awards
ceremony on Capitol Hill and
will encourage Members of
Congress to join in honoring
the outstanding achievements
of their constituents.
Award winners will be selected
by public agencies, trail
administrators or other project
be completed in order to
receive an award. In addition,
projects completed before
1998 are ineligible. Project
award categories will include:
maintenance and rehabilitation;
education and communication
sharing”; environment/wildlife
compatibility; and use of youth
conservation/service corps.
For more information, and
to view past award winners,
Achievement Awards Page at
Thanks in advance for your
Ric Foster
Public Lands Department
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 104
Forest Service
Planning Rule
Forum March 25
The Pacific Northwest Region
of the US Forest Service
is hosting public forums to
discuss the proposed Planning
Rule on March 25, 2011.
The agenda for the forums
is forthcoming. They will take
place at the Sheraton Airport
Hotel in Portland, Oregon. The
forums will be held from 8:30
am - 12 noon and from 1:30
pm - 5 pm. There will be an
open house from noon to 1:
30 pm.
I support the proper use
of the existing fee system.
A member of the national Rule
writing team will be present
on March 25 to explain the
and answer questions about
it. The forums will provide
opportunities for stakeholders
to discuss the proposed
Planning Rule. Only written
comments will become a part
of the permanent record for
the further development of the
proposed Planning Rule. The
Now is your chance to nominate comment period will close on
an outstanding project and to May 16, 2011.
encourage the sponsor(s) of
an excellent project in your On March 10, 2011, there
state to submit a nomination will be a National Forum in
as well. A nomination form Washington, D.C., on the
at proposed Planning Rule. A
http://www.sharetrails.org/ video-cast of that forum will
uploads/CRTawardNominatio begin at 7 am Pacific Standard
Time. We will send you the
video link when it is available.
The form and any supporting
materials, including pictures, The Rule was released in the
should be returned by the new, February 14 Federal Register.
earlier application deadline It is available online by
-- March 31, 2011 -- to the clicking on www.fs.usda.gov/
Chair of the Coalition’s Awards planningrule.
That is the ORV gas tax refund
and the ORV permit fees going
into the NOVA grant program
and being used to benefit
motorized offroad recreation.
happy trails,
Director of Federal Affairs
Motorcycle Industry Council
Arlington, Virginia 22202
Tod Petersen
Political Action Committee
Chairman - Washington Off
Highway Vehicle Alliance
Legislative/Land Use
Coordinator - Northwest
Motorcycle Association
Email: tod701@aol.com
If you have any questions,
do not hesitate to call him at
(703) 416-0444 or send him
an e-mail at dtaylor@mic.org.
Winners should be notified no
later than April 30, 2011.
For each $30 pass sold
only $2.25 would go to the
DNR and none of that would
be specifically allocated to
Almost all of the rest of the
money would go to State Parks
where ORV use is prohibited.
Wasn’t the Governor’s request
to not allocate general funds
for Parks intended to remove
the burden of paying for
State Parks from the people
that do not recreate there?
If so, charging ORV owners
a new fee with almost all of
it going to State Parks where
they cannot recreate does
not accomplish that intent.
We hope you will join us in this
important effort to recognize
the significant contributions to
trail-related recreation that the
Recreational Trails Program
is supporting all across the
Final Push to Stop
the Ban on Youth
Motorcycles and
ATVs Begins this
Two years ago the Consumer
Product Safety Commission
(CPSC) implemented a new
law, the Consumer Product
content in certain products
including youth model allterrain vehicles, off-highway
motorcycles and snowmobiles.
As a result, the CPSC initiated
a ban on youth model OHVs.
(AMA) and the Motorcycle
Industry Council (MIC) have
been working with state, local
and other national groups on a
fix. Today we have two action
items from each organization
to recommend to our members
to help fight this unfair ban.
On January 25, Representative
introduced H.R. 412, the Kids
Just Want to Ride Act of 2011,
which would exempt kids’ offhighway vehicles (OHVs) from
the Consumer Product Safety
Improvement Act (CPSIA)
of 2008 that effectively bans
their sale beginning December
31, 2011. H.R. 412 is the
most promising and viable
legislative remedy available to
permanently exclude kid-sized
motorcycles and ATVs from
the unintended consequences
of the CPSIA.
The AMA and others are
bipartisan effort and are urging
everyone who is concerned
with the future of youth
riding to contact his or her
representative and ask them
to cosponsor H.R. 412, the
Kids Just Want to Ride Act of
Council, who has been at
the forefront in the effort
to encourage the CPSC
modify their regulations, has
sent out a call to action for
enthusiast and everyone in
the powersports community
to help. Thanks in advance for
your efforts,
Brian Hawthorne
Ric Foster
Public Lands Policy Director
Public Lands Department
BlueRibbon Coalition
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 102
208-237-1008 ext 107
Motorcycle Industry Council
Media Relations
(949) 727-4211, ext. 3027
The Final Push to Stop the
Ban on Youth Motorcycles
and ATVs
Begins this Week
Congressional Hearing to
Review CPSIA; Grassroots
at the 2011 Dealernews
International Powersports
Dealer Expo
IRVINE, Calif., Feb. 14, 2011
- Two years of persistent
enthusiasts, dealers and other
industry representatives have
driven Congress to action.
On February 17, the U.S.
House of Representatives
Subcommittee on Commerce,
Manufacturing and Trade will
hold a hearing to review the
Continued on page 16
Continued from page 15
Consumer Product Safety
Improvement Act (CPSIA).
Council continues to focus
Congress’ attention on the
unintended ban on youth
model ATVs and motorcycles
resulting from the CPSIA’s
lead content provisions - and
the safety risks that the ban
presents to youth riders - and
has submitted a letter for the
“Congress knows that the
risk to children comes from
banning youth models, not
from the lead in metal parts,
and there now is a will to solve
this problem once and for
all,” said Paul Vitrano, MIC’s
general counsel. “We urge
Congress to stop the ban by
either lowering the age range
of ‘children’s products’ to
age 6 and under or granting
a categorical exemption for
youth ATVs and motorcycles,
as provided in Representative
Denny Rehberg’s bill, H.R.
MIC has issued a video call to
action urging the powersports
community to make a final
push to encourage their
Congressional representatives
to amend the CPSIA to ensure
youth ATVs and motorcycles
remain available. “The timing
of this hearing is perfect,”
Vitrano added. “With much
of the industry gathering in
Indianapolis this week for
the Dealer Expo, we have a
tremendous opportunity to
flood Capitol Hill with handsigned letters and electronic
Representatives and Senators
to stop the ban.”
Enthusiasts can use the portal
on www.stopthebannow.com
to send an electronic message
to their Members of Congress
as well as the members
of the House and Senate
committees with oversight of
the U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission. MIC
also will again work the floor
at the Dealer Expo to gather
on letters to Congressional
leadership. For those not
attending the show, the
letters are available on
Council exists to preserve,
media relations, statistics
and research, aftermarket
programs, development of data
and activities surrounding
issues. It is a not-for-profit,
national industry association
representing manufacturers
and distributors of motorcycles,
ROV parts and accessories,
and members of allied trades
such as insurance, finance
and investment firms, media
companies and consultants.
The MIC is headquartered in
Irvine, Calif., with a government
relations office in metropolitan
Washington, D.C. First called the
MIC in 1970, the organization has
been in operation since 1914.
Visit the MIC at www.mic.org.
Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch
National Public Lands Day
work party September 25th, 2010
On Saturday, September 25, 2010 for National Public Lands Day the
Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch added the Yakima County Sheriff’s Office
ORV Rules signs to the entrance of a few DNR areas.
It was 52.5 miles from the first sign to the last.
The second sign up. The crew at the Ahtanum State Forest.
Here are a few pictures of our work day.
Next, three of us drove miles to place the third sign at the Wenas.
We met up at the Ahtanum Sno-park at 10 AM to place the first sign.
Greg Mackey from the DNR came out to help us for the day. Greg
brought an auger to make the job easier for us.
First sign done.
We placed the sign at the Maloy & Audubon Road Y.
We next headed a few miles down the road to Nasty Creek Corrals to
place the second sign.
This was a great day thanks to all that came out.
A special thank you to Deputy Brad Martin & Deputy John Greenough with
the Yakima County Sheriff’s Office for getting the signs made,
Pepsi for making the signs, Jake Emrick for the post, Greg Mackey from the
DNR for all his help and to the volunteers of Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch for
placing the signs.
4-Wheelin’ News
someone to make the patches;
so far most of them want way
too much money. Gloria said
she is working on having a
web page made up so she
can keep in contact with the
kids. She said we are growing
and have 30 plus kids now.
Discussion followed about
where patches might be made
at a reasonable price.
Do you support Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) recreation? Want
to know what OHV issues are being discussed in Olympia?
Then make sure that YOU & your PRO-OHV friends have
registered with the CLOUT system!
WEB SITE: No comments at
this time.
What is CLOUT?
A database that contains names and email addresses of
WA OHV users
It notifies specific OHV positive activists when legislators
need to be contacted regarding OHV issues in WA State
It is a collection of email addresses that are not shared
with any other entity
It provides suggested messages to be sent to the
It facilitates printed letter campaigns when needed
Kelda Hagemeier
(Shindig Wheelers) said so
far things are pretty quiet, but
if you have an event you want
published get a hold of her,
she will be happy to get it out.
Earl Nettnin
Region 4 Director
Advertised publicly as CLOUT only wants OHV positive
people in the system
A club or organization you join to discuss/meet up/
communicate/fellowship/gather with other OHV users
A lobbying organization. You will never see CLOUT in
Olympia or communicating to the government for anyone
A public notification system as it only communicates
directly to specific people in the CLOUT system on an as
needed basis
A blog/website/forum
A solicitor of funds from those in the database
An advertiser or sales organization for anything or
To register for CLOUT, please send an email to
clout@getclout.org with the word CLOUT in the subject line.
Director Earl Nettnin (Desert
Rats) called the meeting to
order at 7:35PM. The Pledge
of Allegiance was recited and a
moment of silence for the sick
and departed was observed.
No guests were present.
A motion was
made by Dave McMains
Commandos) seconded by
Lynn Kirk (Mountain Masters)
to accept the January minutes
as printed, motion passed.
Include the following information in the body of the email:
Email address
Voting Zip Code
Person that referred you to CLOUT (feel free to use
Bryan Peterson as a reference)
Nettnin (Desert Rats) gave the
Treasurer’s report. We have
a couple of checks that were
written that have not cleared
the bank. These checks were
written in September.
After registration is confirmed, the system will send a
personalized email alert when there is an important OHV issue
in your specific legislative district. Each email alert will contain
a brief explanation of the issue with a request to contact your
elected officials in Olympia. To get you started, a sample letter
is provided.
Nothing new to
report at this time. We heard
they had a good time at the
Tacoma Dome for the Monster
Truck show.
Sign up TODAY so motorized recreation will have an even
stronger voice in Olympia.
Please make sure this information is only shared
with OHV enthusiasts...we want to make sure our
efforts are not compromised.
Bryan Peterson
Wheelers of Washington Association President
PNW4WDA Individual Member
We have
sent a packet to a club called
the Mid Mountain Misfits.
They are located in Ronald,
WA. Person of contact is Joel
Burrier. Ron Dunn Jr. (Windy
City Wheelers & Yakima
Kittitas Forest Watch) said he
had been wheeling with them
a few times; Ron said that they
had told him they had received
the packet.
Gary Harting (Desert Rats)
said he had received nothing.
Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig
Wheelers) said she had
awards for Pick Up A Mountain
and she planned to hand them
out at Winter Convention
because several of them were
for people from the other side
of the mountains.
Joralemon (Shindig Wheelers)
said she is still looking for
McMains (Hurtin’ Units &
Sand Commandos) said they
have no deputies due to lack
of funding. However, DNR
trucks have been seen driving
around town and also at the
dunes occasionally.
annual Moses Lake Sand
Dunes clean-up is scheduled
for April 9th.
Beverly Dunes – Clay Graham
(Yakima Kittitas Forest Watch)
said Beverly was open this
year, there was supposed to
be a seasonal closure due to
lack of funds, but somehow
it was kept open this winter.
They are experiencing the
same problem as the Moses
Lake Dunes as far as deputies
are concerned.
Clay said the annual Beverly
Dunes clean-up is scheduled
for May 7th, 2011, meet at 10
AM. He said he planned to
camp for the weekend. It is
unsure where we are as far as
camping fees are concerned.
Mike Williams (DNR) has
said the clean-up crew can
camp for free since they will
be working for accumulating
hours to get a free pass.
DNR is working on setting
user fees for recreating on
their land. The legislature is
working on coming up with a
fee schedule, so we wait and
see what the outcome will be.
Discussion followed and of
course, we all had ideas on
the way this should go. A list
of 2011 Recreation Program/
Grant Applications was passed
around; letters of support are
needed for the multiple use
trail and facility maintenance
& operation in the Ahtanum
State Forest. Letters are to be
sent to Mike Williams project
number 11-1021 by February
25th. E-mail your comments
The Bureau of Reclamation
is thinking of raising the
Bumping Reservoir. According
to the Forest Ranger the roads
would remain open so there
was no opposition from the
Juniper Dunes – nothing new
since the State meeting.
House Bill HB-1371 is the
elimination of 32 Boards and
Commissions; this includes
the NOVA Committee.
Governor Chris Gregoire
sent out a paper consolidating
services for more efficiency
at less cost showing how she
wants Phase II of Natural
Resources Consolidation to
be. Her consolidation would
reduce 8 boards to 3.
Irene Davidson (District
Ranger for the Naches
Ranger District & Okanogan
Wenatchee National Forest)
is planning to host a meeting
with law enforcement partners
to discuss opening trails later
this year.
Ron Rutherford
(Jeepin’ Nomads) has been
invited to be a part of this
group that will decide the
opening date for trails in the
Naches, Cle Elum and Liberty
areas; possible opening date
June 15th. However, the trails
person for Liberty, Tim Foss
has said by special permit we
can have our annual Liberty
Memorial Day week end work
party as planned.
So we
can go in like we have in the
past to do the trails clean-up.
Discussion followed on how
enforcement might take place
in the Rim Rock area since
there are many trails that can
be accessed from so many
different routes and this is true
of all the areas we wheel in.
February 25th in Olympia.
We can make a difference.
The first 500 people get
a free t-shirt, learn how to
make a difference, visit your
representative, make your
needs known, speakers start
at NOON rain or shine. Visit
www.wohva.org for more
– The Washington Wildlife
is the founder and chief
advocate for the WWRP grant
program. They listed the Bald
Mountain land purchase in the
top 10 projects they wanted
to see funded.
ignored that and she picked
all projects in Puget Sound
with the lowest rankings; she
by-passed the committees
recommendations. So where
we are now is Phase 1 has
4 sections that have been
purchased, Phase 2 is the
next 6 sections that includes
10 of our trails that have been
purchased by the Nature
Conservancy. The legislature
was supposed to come
through with funding to do this
but the governor withdrew the
funds. So as well as taking our
NOVA funds the WWRP funds
have also been taken away.
The Nature Conservancy is
upset they don’t want the
land. Rocky Mountain Elk
is asking everyone to write
letters asking the legislature
to restore the ranking of the
WWRP committee.
Proposed Land Management
– Forest plan has finally
completed their review.
meeting is scheduled for March
25th in Portland at the Airport
Sheraton. Details will be out
Continued on page 19
Continued from page 18
More information is
provided on the Forest Service
Tieton ORV Access – Kelda
Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers)
contacted the Public Works
Director – Richard Olson.
The County Commissioners
want to designate three miles
of Rosekrantz Road and one
mile of Hatton Road as ORV
access routes. The city has 26
acres they want to develop into
an ORV trail head. They are
also talking about establishing
trails that would link over
to the Wenas area and the
whole way to Manastash
Lake, Riders Camp and into
Cle Elum. They are asking
for letters of support and
help from all that are willing;
letters should be written
or e-mail letters to Richard
Olson Public Works Director,
City of Tieton WA, P.O. Box
357, Tieton, WA 98947 or
rotieton@centurytel.net. Also
Shayne Downing (Yakima
Dust Dodgers) is a member
of the primary group working
on this. Feel free to contact
him at sdowning@g-o.com
if you have more questions.
everyone feels this is a great
thing to do. Letters can be
written by each club as well as
the region telling them that we
support their project.
Forest Watch program Clay Graham (Yakima Kittitas
Forest Watch) reported that
DNR has a forest watch
program for the Ahtanum
State Forest which he is a part
of. They are looking to have
a check point Memorial weekend at the main entrance
at the guard station to give
out information on the area
letting people know about
the green dot system and the
forest watch program. There
was a lot of damage last
summer in the Ahtanum State
Forest because there was not
enough law enforcement. The
Forest Watch program may
be able to stop some of the
people from causing damage
if they know that they are
being watched. Greg Mackey
(DNR) said he was hoping to
schedule training for Forest
Watch soon for the Wenas as
well as the Ahtanum. The lady
who does the training is busy
with other things right now.
Clay’s club Yakima Kittitas
Forest Watch have a forest
watch volunteer program; they
give free Forest Watch decals
to people who volunteer to
watch the woods. Hopefully
when people see the decal
they will realize that someone
is watching. Clay said they
need money to get more of the
stickers and Region 2 bought
250 stickers for the West side.
Clay asked if Region 4 would
help purchase Forest Watch
decals; he said that Ron
Dunn Jr. said if the Region
would help he would match
the funds the Region puts up.
4-Wheelin’ News
Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units
& Sand Commandos) made
a motion seconded by Lynn
Kirk (Mountain Masters) that
the Region donate $250 to
purchase the decals, motion
has scheduled a meeting
February 18th in Wenatchee
with Merrick Graves (High
Country Cruisers & Wandering
Willy’s), Dale Neuman (High
Country Cruisers), and Dave
McMains (Hurtin’ Units &
Sand Commandos) to lay the
ground work for a UTV Safety
class. This may eventually
work into the PNW’s Safety
Education class.
1. State meeting
minutes will be
available at Winter
2. House bill 1539 to lift
the cap on the gas tax
- bares watching.
3. A new power line on
the edge of Beverly Beverly Dunes will not
be affected by this.
1. A thank you note
was read from Arlene
Brooks for the floral
and vine basket
Region 4 presented
her at the State
meeting as a small
Thank You for all
she has done for the
Association. We will
miss her.
2. Plan to attend Winter
Convention this weekend - February 11-13
in Everett, WA.
3. Pick Up A Mountain
– September 15
– 17 staging out of
Jim Sprick Park,
more information
coming. Flyers will
be available at Winter
4. Trail Jamboree
clean-up April 1517. Kelda said
they had a meeting
with the Chinook
Pass Community
Association (the
people that run
Jim Sprick Park).
Kelda said they had
expressed to them
that they need to
be at the clean-up
too. Kelda read a
list of things they
would like us to
take care of. Kelda
said she had mail in
registration forms for
Trail Jamboree with
her tonight if anyone
felt they couldn’t sign
up on line. On line
registration for Trail
Jamboree begins at 8
AM February 21st.
Desert Rats had our after
holidays party. Bill Lucke was
awarded the 4-Wheeler of the
year. We have a run called to
the Tucannon lakes area March
4 – 6. Plans are in the works
for a Rubicon Run with the
Wine Country Rock Crawlers
in September. We are going
to be Trail Jamboree hosts this
year. Earl and Sande Nettnin
were recognized for all their
volunteer work for the club,
region and association.
Sand Commandos had a run
last week-end to the Cashmere
Antique Mall.
Some are
going to Winter Convention.
Their new president is Eric
Hurtin’ Units went to AZ in
October and brought back one
of their members back home
with them and a couple weeks
ago he took off for Afaganstan
for 5 months, so Dave told
him they weren’t going to go
and get him he’d have to get
back himself. They seem to
be getting into the fixing mode
now that spring is on the way.
Ridge Runners have had
a pretty quiet month. They
are hosting at Trail Jamboree
The service for Al
Matson went well. They have
purchased about 20 acres out
in the South Fork and it will
take a long time to get it set up
the way they want it to be.
Shindig Wheelers had a
bowling night and everyone
enjoyed themselves.
participate in the Selah Days
Parade May 30th and would
like more participation from
the Jeep clubs in the area.
Six of their members (3
Jeeps) attended the Winter
Challenge. There were 35
Jeeps and Mike came in 10th;
Terry came in 15th and Scott
came in 20 something. Terry
broke the brand new cable on
his winch but they had a blast.
Windy City has nothing much
going on right now. They are
discussing patches, logos and
Mountain Masters things are
pretty quiet. Last month they
had hoped to have a run/play
day/pot luck in the snow, but
because of the lack of snow
it didn’t happen. They are
working on getting their rigs
back up and running. They
are hoping to have a clean-up
on Birch Mountain and try to
get the Boy Scouts involved
this time. They plan to attend
the swap meet in March at the
Puyallup Fair Grounds.
Watch in January had a run to
the Colockum; last Saturday
they attended the Eastern
Washington Slab run; they
were hoping to have a booth
at the Sportsman show at the
Sundown; but time is short
since the show is this weekend and they haven’t heard
anything. They have a run
planned the end of February
up the Colockum; March the
Wenas Wild Life Run and the
Puyallup Swap meet. They
have a clean-up at the Slab
in Zillah the end of March.
Some plan to attend the Trail
Jamboree clean-up in April;
May 7 Beverly Dunes cleanup and the end of August the
Ahtanum clean-up.
– None.
DOOR PRIZE: Kevin McCarty
(Ridge Runners)
March 8th, Magic’s Pizza,
Selah, WA 7:30 PM
April 12th, Doug Conner’s
Shop, Pasco, WA 7:30 PM
1. Winter Convention
February 11-13 in
Everett, WA
2. WOHVA Rally in
Olympia February
3. Slab Clean-up March
4. Moses Lake Sand
Dunes clean-up April
5. Trail Jamboree cleanup at Jim Sprick Park
Aril 15-17
6. Beverly Dunes cleanup May 7th
Meeting adjourned at 9:25
Respectfully submitted,
Sande Nettnin,
Region 4
C/O: Angela
31330 11th Pl. S.
Federal Way,
WA 98003
The Slab Clean-up
Hosted by the
Dust Dodgers,
Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch
& All Wheelers Off Road Club.
Saturday March 26th, 2011
The Slab AKA Ranks, Rankville is located north of N. Bonair Rd. Zillah, WA
Please sign in at the main parking area before 10 AM.
By volunteering you are helping to keep this ORV Area open.
For more info e-mail Clay Graham at ceg@aworc.com
We're Looking for Members
Belfair, WA
Sam (360) 275-5253
Snohomish, WA
(360) 568-1663
El Dorado Dust Devils
Puyallup, WA
(253) 536-6989
Oly Stumpjumpers 4x4 Club
18621 Hilt Street SW
Rodchester, WA 98579
(360) 273-5521
Piston’s Wild
SW Washington/NW Oregon
Crystal 360-606-1648
Rednecks & Rugrats Jeep Club
South Prairie, Wa
Dan (253) 863-6787
Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch
Selah, WA
Spokane, WA
(509) 542-1244
White Knuckle 4x4
Puyallup, WA
(253) 536-8381
Thunder Trucks
Auburn, WA
John (253) 606-4019 or
PNW Individual Member Club
Longview, WA
(360) 577-0111
Windy City Wheelers
Ellensburg, WA
(509) 674-9559
4 At A Time
Hillsboro, OR
(503) 628-4210
The Dalles, OR
(541) 298-3487
Deschutes County 4-Wheelers
Bend, OR
Klamath Falls, OR
(541) 545-1630
Lebanon, OR
IDAHO: 800-537-7845
Membership in the clubs listed above offer a wide variety of activities. If
a club is not listed in your area call 800-537-7845 or visit our web site
www.pnw4wda.org for a complete list of clubs. If you would like your
club listed above e-mail us at: tripower@pnw4wda.org
l b
Individual Membership
Pro-Rated Dues
Jan $35.00
July $20.00
Feb $32.50
Aug $17.50
Mar $30.00
Sept $15.00
Apr $27.50
Oct $12.50
May $25.00
Nov $10.00
June $22.50
Dec $10.00
603 Meridian
Moses Lake, WA 98837
1992 YJ Jeep
Please help me sell this truck to the right guy. My sons and I
built the truck up, though we use Dave Sport in North Bend for
the Dana 44s, air lockers, and the suspension lift. The motor
also was rebuilt by a professional shop in Kent, WA. This
truck is set to go, and priced to sell.
2 Weeks Free use of all Videos*
with your ad.
Classified Ads are
Non- Members pay $10 per
issue for up to 10 lines + a
single photo. Makes checks
payable to PNW4WDA
Submit ad to:
tripower@pnw4wda.org, OR
FAX 360-695-1043
Or snail-mail it to: Tri-Power
3902 NE 61st Ave.
Vancouver, WA 98661
Send ad in Arial font size 10.
New Rebuilt 4 Cylinder Motor w/ warranty Dana 44 Front and
Rear with air lockers Warren 8 Thousand Winch Oversized
Wheels, Raised 4 inches (original leaf springs over axels)
Slip Yoke eliminator kit Removable Hard Top Great Condition.
$6500.00 Steven Fowler | Sr. Consultant. 425-941-6465
Race Jeep for sell
at $12,000.00 and it is a turn key ready to go jeep.
Dan and Tammy Rheaume
Ads will be removed
after 4 months
unless you contact
us. If you need
an ad extended
or removed the
deadline is the 21st
of each month.
FOR SALE - 2 Dana
60 733X EXTRA HD
with grease and gun. Part
# YP SJ-733X-733. Retail
value over $400 will sell for
$250. new in box, never been
opened. 360-983-3243
Military Jeep Trailer Great
Condition, Military Wheels,
1 7/8 hitch. $600.00
Joe Anderson
Looking to buy a used roll
bar for 1980 to 1990 full
sized Ford Bronco. Contact
John Kalayjian, Klamath Four
1954 CJ3B Hi Hood
This jeep has been off road
one time. It lived on a farm
hauling water pipe. It has a
231 V6 and a spare. Tilt wheel
power steering and brakes.
Two speed CJ5 wipers. Full
cage, Warn 8000, Caddy
hiback leather seats, new
tires. I did a LOT of custom
work. I have all the orig. parts.
The body is old but NO rust or
dents and has never been cut
up!! Way to many things to list.
I need to sell do to medical
bills. I’m only asking 6500.00
cash or best offer.
You can email me at:
butchnguns@ comcast.net
Looking for a gray or black. Contact Russ at 253-862-9974 or
Ahtanum State Forest
ORV Trails Clean-up
Hosted by the
Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch
All Wheelers Off Road Club
with cooperation from the Department of Natural Resources.
Saturday July 30th, 2011
Ahtanum Sno-park at 10 AM.
Please sign in at the Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch base camp.
The clean up area trails are on Sedge Ridge, Whites Ridge, and Foundation Ridge. This may include Trail
613, Strobach trail, Blue Lake and the Darland loop. The hours including your travel time are counted
and help get funding for the Ahtanum State forest.
After the clean-up around 5:30 PM we will have a bring-a-dish potluck for all the volunteers.
Free camping with Friday & Saturday meet & greets.
For more info e-mail Clay Graham at ceg@aworc.com
4-Wheelin’ News
Region 1
Angela Holm, DIRECTOR
31330 11th Place S.
Federal Way, WA 98003
253-529-9482 •
Cell: 206-617-9478
at 7:00pm-8:30pm -
Alfy’s Pizza,
4820 – 196 St. SW,
Lynnwood, WA 98036
(425) 775-5459
Region 2
Edward Campbell, DIRECTOR
12443 Zeller Rd SE, Yelm,Wa
Our meetings are Held at:
4 Wheel Parts 7602 S
Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA
Every 3rd Thursday of the
month Except December.
These meetings are open for
anyone whom has an interest
in our Wheeling community. If
you drive a 4x4 Vehicle down
one of our trails We want to
meet you! Come on out to a
region meeting and Have a
Slice of Pizza Provided by 4
Wheel Parts.
Working hard to change our
environment one Trail/person
at a time.
Edward Campbell
www.pnw4wda.org and
President Dogpound Offroad
Region 3
Kyle Wiebold, DIRECTOR
Phone 360-772-5682
(are always the third
Tuesday of every month)
at 7:30pm
Held at:
4-Wheel Parts
Performance Center
2700 SE 82nd Ave,
Portland, OR
All members and guests
are welcome at this monthly
meeting where Region 3 club
delegates gather to discuss
upcoming events and land
matters for the Northwest
Washington 4x4 recreation
Please join us to learn about
what is happening on our
off-road trail systems in NW
Oregon & SW Washington.
This is also a great place
to find out first hand about
work parties, trail events and
other 4x4 activities that are
taking place. Guests are most
welcome and we are always
looking for new clubs and
individual members to join the
association and get involved!
Region 6
Alan D. Paulson, DIRECTOR
4751 Happy Valley Rd.
Roseburg, Oregon 97470
For more Information
regarding Region 6 events
please see flyer’s or contact
Region 6 Director.
Region 4
Earl Nettnin, DIRECTOR
519 N Fisher Place
Kennewick, WA 99336
March 12
February 8
Columbia Bearing
721 E Broadway
Moses Lake, WA
7:30 PM
March 8
Magic’s Pizza
309 South First
Selah, WA
7:30 PM
March 13
April 12
7:30 PM
Doug Conner’s Shop
3300 Road 96
Pasco, WA
May 10
7:30 PM
Moses Lake Place TBA
Moses Lake, WA
June 14
Magic’s Pizza
309 South First
Selah, WA
7:30 PM
Spanaway Moonshiners
29th Annual 4x4 Swap Meet
The first race will be There
will be two more short course
truck/buggy/utv events; one
rally car race; one charity
fundraiser “battle of the tribute
bands” and one MudBog/
during 2011. Short Course
Racing will be held on a 3/4
mile long track similiar in
design to Lucas Oil Off Road
Racing series and, the now
defunct, CORR Racing series
Russ Walkup
Super Toys Adventures, LLC
10075 SW Gregg St
Culver, OR 97734
(cell): 971-221-5886
email: ssellwalkup@gmail.com
Ahtanum State Forest ORV
Trail Clean-up
Platinum Sponsors:
Randy’s Ring & Pinion
Neal Hollingsworth
10411 Airport Rd
Everett, WA 98204
Paul Barwick
4 Wheel Parts
7602 S Tacoma Way
Tacoma, WA 98409
Bronze Sponsors:
Warn Industries, Inc.
Ken Scuito, Director of
Marketing/Customer Serv.
13270 SE Pheasant Ct
Milwaukie, OR 97222
ARB 4x4 Accessories
JULY 9-10
Registration begins Feb. 21st
509-698-3703. SEE website:
Puyallup Fair & Events
For more information email
Kellie Solomon at
Lisa Wood
720 SW 34th St
Renton, WA 98057
(866) 293-9078
Beverly Dunes
March 26
July 12
7:30 PM
Doug Conner’s Shop
3300 Road 96
Pasco, WA
August 9
7:30 PM
Moses Lake Place TBA
Moses Lake, WA
September 13
Magic’s Pizza
309 South First
Selah, WA
Hosted by
The Hombres
at the Edgewood
Fire Station
20th, 21st & 22nd
7:30 PM
October 11
7:30 PM
Doug Conner’s Shop
3300 Road 96
Pasco, WA
November 8
7:30 PM
Moses Lake Place TBA
Moses Lake, WA
Hosted by the
Beverly Dunes Clean-up
Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch
North Idaho Trail Blazers
SATURDAY Pinehurst, ID
All Wheelers Off Road Club
with cooperation from the Department of Natural Resources.
Saturday May 7th, 2011
Please sign in at the
Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch base camp before 10 AM.
Sand Flea Rally,
Siuslaw National Forest,
Sand Lake, Oregon
The hours including your travel time are counted and help get funding for the Beverly Dunes ORV Area.
Free camping with Friday & Saturday meet & greets.
For more info e-mail Clay Graham at ceg@aworc.com
2 Dogs Ink
Cunningham Financial Ser.
I-5 Uhlmann RV
Northwest Services
Jay Fellenstein 2/05
900 Meridian E St # 19-226
Milton, WA 98354
253 250-8093 Fax: 253-847-1026
Venessa Cunningham 12-08
5504 N Regal St/PO Box6425
Spokane 99217
877-5gottax / 509-489-8304
Dan Marek Insurance
Kip Barker
1001 SW Interstate Ave
Chehalis WA 98532
Brad Hoyt
2016 87th Ave. Ct. East
Edgewood, WA 98371
206 948-0549 / 253 922-6745
Ron Dunn
P.O. Box 898
Kittatas WA 98934
12909 Pacific Ave.
PO Box 44076
Tacoma, Wa 98444
253 537-4000 Fax: 253 536-3338
danmarek Insurance.com
Jantz Engineering
Olympic 4x4 Supply
B&B Excavating
Drivelines NW
Bob Brooks
21520 SE 346th
Auburn, WA 98092
253 833-8747
David Lee
3116 Hill Ave.
Everett, WA 98201
425-258-4013 /425-259-5973
Carl Jantz
20555 Pugh Road NE
Poulsbo, WA 98370
360-598-3768 FAX
Jet Chevrolet
Battery Systems
Dave McMains
400 E Broadway
Moses Lake, WA 98837
509 765-8246 • Fax: 509 764-2392
Billy Bobs Offroad &
Truck Specialties
Bob Hallibueton
1322 A Meridian St. E
Milton WA 98354
(253) 926-0447
Certified Cleaning Serv.
Daniel Nobel
2103 112th Street E.
Tacoma, WA 98445
Fred & Bob’s Construction
Bob Dompier
3951 Evans Lane
Moses Lake, WA 98837
Dan Johnson
35700 Enchanted Pkway S.
PO Box 4986
Federal Way, WA 98063
253 838-7600 Fax: 253 874-7070
Kolbe’s Annual Off Road Expo
Always the 1st weekend in May!
Carl Niebuhr
PO Box 147
Snohomish, WA 98291
360 568-7728 Fax: 360 568-9435
R & P 4WD Parts INC.
Paul Crawford
11889 S. New Era Rd.
Oregon City, OR 97045
Rapid Print Inc
Ron McDonald
6202 NE Hwy 99, Stuite 2
Vancouver, WA 98665
360-695-0595 • 360-695-1043 Fax
Art Waugh
5570 S Santiam Hwy # 15
Lebanon, OR 97355
at the Portland Expo Center
Shawn Kolbe
PO Box 8836,
Portland, OR. 97207-8836
Show info: 503-796-0858
Harrington’s Trophies
NW Off Road Outfitters
Snohomish Transmissions
Darryl Maunu
1087 Lewis River Rd.
Woodland,WA 98674
Rick Pratt
17476 147th St SE
Monroe, WA 98272
360 794-7888 • Fax: 360 805-5367
Gold Hammer Body/Paint
John or Norma 4/03
717 Jadwin
Richland, WA 99352
509 943-2593
Titan Truck Equipment
Co Inc
Alan Garrison
N 605 Fancher
Spokane, WA 99212
509 534-5010 • Fax: 509 755-5304
TLC Plumbing
Terry Johnson
2442 NW Market St # 9
Seattle, WA 98107
206 783-1548
Tom Matson Dodge & Jeep
2925 Auburn Way N.
Auburn, Wa. 98002
866-785-4809 • 253-833-6700Fax
Trailready Products LLC
Larry Trim
12410 Beverly Park Rd.
Lynnwood, WA 98087
425 353-6776
Warn Industries
Adel Adams
12900 SE Capps Rd
Clackamas, OR 97015
503-722-3015 • 503-785-2001 Fax
Woody’s 4x4 Inc
Lee Woodruff
6408 NE St Johns Blvd
Vancouver, WA 98661
360 693-6840 Fax:360 693-0067
At the Board of Directors meeting in December the board adopted a new Sponsorship Program for the Association. This program will help us as we
continue to move forward. Due to contractual obligations we had to wait until January 1st, 2011 to start contacting vendors. We have had a wonderful
response and I look forward to presenting our sponsors so far at Winter Convention. Listed below are the four levels of sponsorship. If you or someone
you know is interested please call the phone number listed below.
Sponsorship Options
Bronze LevelFor $1000.00 annually, you will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, a
running quarter page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing your involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive
Association and a link on our website to your business.
Silver LevelFor $1500.00 annually, you will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association,
a running half page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing your involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive
Association and a link on our website to your business.
Gold LevelFor $2000.00 annually, you will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association,
a running full page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing your involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive
Association and a link on our website to your business.
Platinum LevelA customized sponsorship package will be developed to fit the needs of your company. Other options can include major
sponsorship in some of the Associations events as well as additional advertising opportunities.
For Additional Information Call:
4-Wheelin’ News