777 - god`s numerical design in creation and his word


777 - god`s numerical design in creation and his word
The Seal of God
Bible Numerics
God’s Use of Numerical Designs in Scripture
The Divinely-Inspired Word
The Bible: Absolutely Unique
Dr Ivan Panin
In the Beginning was The Word
The Signature of Y’shua in the Fabric of the Word
How do these Amazing Facts affect us?
Much of the material in this book is based on the writings of Dr Iva n Panin who spent
more than 50 years of research into Biblical numerics (without a computer), and to the
research work of Yacov Rambsel in recent years (with a computer.)
With acknowledgments to THE SEAL OF GOD, by F C Payne
AMAZING NEW DISCOVERIES - Southwest Radio Church
HIS NAME IS JESUS, by Yacov Rambsel
Frontier Research Publications
THE number SEVEN has been called the perfect number. It is in fact, the SEAL of
God upon His creative work.
Until recently, this fact seems to have almost evaded attention. Then an amazing
discovery was made. Hidden beneath the surface of the Greek and Hebrew texts of
the Bible, is the same seal, not merely in a few places but literally everywhere in the
Bible, stamping it as the indisputable Word of God.
It was soon realized that both the Bible and creation bore similar identification
marks, just as surely as various papers from a given mill bear beneath their surface
the watermark of that particular mill.
Let us briefly examine, some of these watermarks or seals in creation. God’s
dealings with man are marked all over with sevens and multiples of sevens. Each
man’s physiology is constructed on a law of sevens.
Did you know that the development of the human embryo is in exact periods of
sevens, viz., 28 days, (4 ~ 7s)? Ask your doctor to explain. You will be amazed at the
accuracy of this law. Then the full normal time is 280 days, (40 ~ 7s). I shall enlarge
upon this later.
In Genesis 2:7 we read,
“And God formed man of the dust of the ground.”
Science has had to acknowledge that the human body consists of the same 14
elements, 2 ~ 7s. Medical science today tells us the human body is renewed in every
cell every seven years; also that the pulse beats slower every 7th day. In certain
diseases, the critical days are the 7th, 14th and 21st, and so on.
Did you know the light from the sun is made up of seven distinct colours, viz, red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet? The rainbow is a demonstration of
the light split into its seven colours. Would you say this was design or accident?
While we are in the air, as it were, let us look at our nearest neighbour - the moon.
Did you know that the earth is just 49 times larger, 7 ~ 7s, and the moon completes
its journey round the earth on the 28th day, 4 ~ 7s, which is exactly in keeping with
the development of the human embryo, which thought we shall now connect with
another department of Nature - the wonderful bird family where we again find this
definite Seal of the Creator, unchanging, unalterable by man.
Take first some of the domestic birds which anyone can check for himself. Everyone
knows that when you set eggs of the domestic hen, whether they are placed under the
hen; or in the incubator, you look for the chicks on the 21st day, 3 ~ 7s. While on
domestics, check your canary, 14 days, 2 ~ 7s. Hundreds of varieties of finches,
and numerous other families of small birds like robins, thrushes and cockatoos have
been checked at 14 days.
Now let me draw your attention to something which seems to be clear evidence that
these periods are by definite appointment, namely that in a given family, the periods
extend exactly by sevens. Take first the common duck, the 28th day, Muscovy duck
35th day, the golden eagle 35 days, the spotted eagle 21 days, imperial eagle 35 days.
Here we have a jump of exactly l4 days.
Take quails: some varieties are 21 days, others 28. Duck hawk 28 days, pigeon hawk
21. Look at the owls; large species 28 days, others 21, and others, 14 days. Take
some of the larger birds; emperor penguin 49 days, 7 ~ 7s; other varieties 42 days,
and the blackfoot 56 days. Here we have 6 ~ 7s, 7 ~ 7s, and 8 ~ 7s. Cassowary 42
days, other varieties 63 days. Emu 56 days, other varieties 63 days, and so on. You
will notice all these variations are multiples of seven exactly.
Take a few more of the large birds: Durban screamer 42 days, gannet 42, ostrich 42,
swan 35, rhea 35, other varieties 42.
Many varieties of turkeys, including the mound builders, have been checked at 28
Also numerous varieties of small parrots 21 days. And so one could go on almost
indefinitely, but I must conclude with a few well-known birds checked mostly in
captivity. Coot 14, peafowl 28, tern 21, crane 28, prairie and sage hens each 21,
grouse 21, kiwi 42, tinamou 21, divers 28, storm petrel 35, cormorants 21 and 28,
bittern, herons 21 and 28, sacred ibis 21; also white and the glossy ibis, flamingo 28,
ravens 21 days, and so on.
With animals the period of gestation of the mouse is 21 (7 x 3) days. The hare and
rat 28 (7 x 4) days. The cat 56 (7 x 8) days. The dog 63 (7 x 9) days. The lion 98 (7 x
14) days, the sheep 147 (7 x 21) days. With birds, the incubation of the common hen
is 21 (7 x 3) days. The duck 28 (7 x 4) days.
I think this glance at our bird friends should convince all but the willfully blind that
things don’t just happen like that. What does it matter to the bird whether its
incubation period is a multiple of seven ? Nothing. Then why this remarkable
Now although I have only touched the fringe of this subject, it should be sufficient,
when considered together with numeric facts from the Bible, that the Creator has set
His seal upon His handiwork, and this seal has a far greater significance than any of
us have yet comprehend-ed. But there is a rich store of blessing here for those who
by the grace of God, are willing to be shown.
Let me remind you also that it will be the purpose of Satan to blind you to these
facts, so may God help us to be honest with ourselves, for I sincerely believe that
God has set these and other immovable signs before us so that especially those who
may be somewhat weak in faith, may have some tangible evidence of His plan and
purpose through Jesus Christ.
Remember, I said that God’s dealings with man were in sevens. If you study
dispensations in the Bible you will find there are seven distinct periods of God’s
dealings with man on the earth. We are now in the closing days of the sixth, called
Grace, and as the others have been definitely closed by the intervention of God, so
also will this. When the stone smites the image (Daniel 2:35) then will begin the
seventh, which will continue for 1,000 years. (Revelation 20)
However, the fact is that God’s dealings with man are in seven distinct periods.
When God instituted the seven-day week, He was foreshadowing this seven-fold
period. Can you not see how God has woven this number seven into the life of man?
Is it not significant that God ordained every seventh day to be a day of rest, and that
He declared man’s years to be “Three-score and ten?” (7 ~ 10s) ?
Lest you did not grasp its significance, recall again the development of the human
embryo. It is in 10 distinct periods of 28 days, 4 ~ 7s, which makes the full normal
time 280 days which is 40 ~ 7s or 40 weeks.
But that is not all, for 40 is God’s time number of probation all through the Bible.
For example, the flood was 40 days and 40 nights; Moses was 40 days on the mount;
Israel was 40 years in the wilderness; Nineveh had 40 days’ grace to repent. Christ
was 40 days in the desert. He also was 40 days on the earth after His resurrection,
and so on.
Now as God has set His seal upon all His works of creation, is it not reasonable,
sensible, and logical to ask that if the Bible is a creation of God in the sense that He
inspired its writers, would it not bear His seal also, especially when He has decreed
that by the acceptance or rejection of its message we stand or fall? It is a tremendous
Can the Bible be brought into the scope of Divine workmanship? Can it be shown
that the Author of the seals in sevens, some of which I have shown, is also the
Author of the Bible? Look firstly on the surface of the Bible. It has long been
known, and appreciated by those who have studied the Bible, that the number seven
has been used right through to convey a certain and specific conclusion. It usually
denotes God’s fullness of command, and the completion of a period for a specific
For example, the leper was told to wash in the Jordan seven times: if he had stopped
at the sixth time he would not have been healed. Likewise, the Children of Israel
were commanded to march around Jericho seven times on the seventh day, no doubt
with the inhabitants laughing at them, but on the seventh time the trumpet sounded,
the earth shook, and they laughed no more. So also in creation.
If the hen leaves her eggs on the 20th day there will be no chicks. And right through
the Bible we find this seal of seven, as though it were God’s signature. The Bible
itself is in seven distinct divisions.
Just look at the last book, Revelation, which is God’s book of climaxes, judgments,
and consummations. This is what we find: seven churches, seven Spirits of God,
seven candlesticks, seven stars, seven seals, seven angels, seven trumpets, seven
thunders, 42 months, 6 ~ 7s, 3½ days by two witnesses, 7,000 men killed by
earthquake, seven heads and seven crowns, beast with seven heads, seven plagues,
seven mountains, and seven kings.
This is just an example of sevens on the surface, all in Revelation.
Here also in Revelation is an example of sevens, somewhat hidden: that is, you
would pass over them, perhaps many times, and never notice the seven connected
with them.
Rev. 5:12, seven names given as attributes of Christ, such as Power and Wisdom.
Rev. 7:12: Angels’ greetings to God is sevenfold. Rev. 7:12: Four and twenty elders
and four creatures surround the throne: 4 + 20 + 4 = 28 (4 ~ 7s). The term
“‘blessed” is used exactly seven times, so also is the “Book of Life.’’ There are, in
fact, over 50 occurrences of seven in Revelation alone.
Now in respect to the watermark or seal beneath the surface I wish to bring before
you not only a marvellous discovery of recent years, but a fact that God has
permitted it to be disclosed as a challenge to this unbelieving age, a fact which in
itself settles for time and eternity the question of Divine Authorship of the Bible, a
challenge before which all the evolutionary and modernistic theories crumble like a
sand castle before the incoming tide of the sea. This is a sweeping statement;
nevertheless, it is true.
I might add here that the man, whom God has used to lead the way in uncovering
this marvellous thing, issued a challenge through leading newspapers, and to the
leading scientific scholarship of the world, to refute the facts or give a natural
explanation. Not one single man has dared to accept the challenge.
This fact in itself is conclusive and should settle the question of its genuineness for
you, for if there was a natural explanation, even a shadow of an explanation, it
would have been quickly forthcoming, for the prestige of these clever men is at
stake. Without an answer, they are obliged to keep silent in the face of this Divine
Since this discovery, men of God have devoted much time to the uncovering of this
supernatural thing. Dr. Panin, one of the world’s leading mathematicians, devoted
his whole time to it for the glory of God.
It was well known to science that a numeric scheme runs through creation, and that
everything operates according to mathematical laws, but here now is discovered, the
very same thing, beneath the surface of the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts of the
It can be demonstrated from many different angles, not only that men could not have
possibly designed these numeric patterns, but also that they knew nothing of their
presence. How were these numerous designs woven into the Written Word? And not
only is the Word permeated with them, but over and over again they are exactly
fitted within the statement itself.
Coincidence can be ruled right out, and no person facing the facts would show his
ignorance by even suggesting it. What then is the only logical and reasonable
conclusion? It is, as expressed not only by all honest seekers after truth and facts, but
by great men of science who have honestly faced the facts that here indeed is the very
seal of God.
Here we have a collection of writings by some 40 men of all walks of life, over a long
period of time, in two different languages, fitting together as one harmonious whole.
This, of course, has always been an extremely strong point in support of the Divine
inspiration of the Bible.
But if, as is the case of this latest discovery of numeric designs, it can be shown that
this same collection of writings 2,000 to 4,000 years old has numerous patterns
woven beneath the surface, independent of the various writers, bringing the whole
into harmony, then if we are honest, we are forced to the only logical conclusion,
that this is the finger of God.
Thus, Sir Ambrose Fleming, D.Sc., F.R.S., that great scientist, inventor of the
thermionic valve which made the wireless possible, as President of the Victoria
Institute of Scientists once opened its session with a paper entitled, “Number in
Nature and the Bible,” indicating a common origin in a supreme intelligence, his
object being to show that this “common pattern” pervades the Bible, just as it does
creation, yet is found in no other literature.
I might add that the work of Dr. Panin has been investigated by the Nobel Research
Foundation of USA, and regarding his statement that the Bible could not possibly
have been written except by inspiration of God Himself, their verdict is as follows:
“So far as our investigation has proceeded, we find the evidence
overwhelmingly in favour of such a statement.”
THE NEWLY-discovered facts which form the basis for the subject matter of this
book are supremely important and highly significant! They are facts which
scientific-ally prove that the Bible could not possibly have been written by mere
human beings alone, but that it is a supernatural, God-inspired, God-given book!
They are facts which enable us to see before our very eyes an actual scientific
demonstration of the divine, verbal inspiration of the Bible. These are indeed
“Astounding New Discoveries.”
The newly-revealed facts are facts which have been discovered beneath the very
surface of the original Bible text. They are facts which have been mysteriously and
peculiarly hidden for many centuries! They are facts which have been revealed; not
merely by the twos or threes, but by the hundreds and thousands!
They are facts which are baffling and confounding atheists and agnostics - facts
which no living person has been able to discredit or refute. They are facts which are
causing sceptical and modernistic thinkers to accept the Bible as a supernatural, Godinspired book.
They are facts which constitute some of the greatest discoveries of all time. Is it any
wonder that discoveries such as these are called “Astounding New Discoveries”?
The foregoing statements in regard to the profound newly- discovered facts no doubt
cause the majority of readers to ask numerous questions.
What are the amazing facts which have been discovered beneath the very surface of
the original Bible text? How do these facts scientifically prove that the Bible could
not possibly have been written by mere human beings alone, but that it is a
supernatural, God-inspired book? What important questions are now definitely
settled by these discoveries? Who discovered the facts? How and when were they
discovered? Why were they not discovered until recently? How do they affect us?
These and various other questions no doubt arise in the minds of those who are
somewhat curious about the amazing newly-discovered facts. However, before we
state what these facts are - before we attempt to answer any of these questions - it is
necessary to remind or inform the reader of ...
There can be no doubt that the Bible “claims” to be a supernatural, God-inspired,
God-given book. The Bible declares that,
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” (2 Timothy 3:16)
The expression, “given by inspiration of God,” is the translation of one Greek word
“theopnenstos” which means literally “God-breathed.” The great Bible “claim” then,”
is that “all Scripture” - the entire Bible - is “God-breathed.”
The Bible “claims” that the writers of Scripture wrote not by their own will, but only
as they were “moved” or “controlled by the Holy Spirit of God. 2 Peter 1:21 declares
that the Scripture came “not by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they
were moved by the Holy Spirit.”
Another translation of this same passage declares that no Scripture “was ever borne
by man’s will; but men spoke from God, being borne by the Holy Spirit.”
The Bible “claims” that the words which the prophets wrote were not their own
words but they were the very words of God Himself. The Person speaking was God,
not man. God was speaking “by” or “through” man.
“God spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets.” (Hebrews 1:1)
“He (the Lord GOD) spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets.” (Luke 1:70)
“The Spirit of the LORD spoke by me, and His word (not the writer’s own
word) was in my tongue.” (2 Samuel 23:1, 2)
“Behold, I (God) have put My words in your mouth.” (Jeremiah 1:9)
“You shall speak My words (God’s words) to them.” (Ezekiel 2:7)
Statements such as “Thus says the LORD,” “God said,” and similar expressions,
occur more than 2,500 times in the Bible.
So the Bible makes startling “claims” for itself - it actually “claims” to be a
supernatural, God-breathed, God-given book - the very Word of God Himself. This
is the unmistakable language of the Bible. Numerous other Biblical statements could
be given to further show that the Bible makes this amazing “claim,” but those
already mentioned are sufficient for the present purpose.
Yes, there can be no doubt about what the Bible “claims” concerning itself.
However, many have raised the question - “Is that claim actually true? Is the Bible
actually the very Word of God?”
The facts which have been recently discovered beneath the very surface of the
original Bible text now scientifically prove and demonstrate before our very eyes that
the Bible claim is true - that the Bible is a supernatural, God-inspired book!
Various questions concerning the newly-discovered facts were mentioned in a
preceding paragraph. The first of these questions can now be discussed and
What are the amazing facts which have been discovered beneath the very surface of
the original Bible text? What are these facts which scientifically prove that the
Bible could not possibly have been written by mere human beings alone, but that it is
a supernatural, God-inspired, God-given Book?
It has been stated that the facts have been mysteriously hidden beneath the very
surface of the original Bible text. In order to understand what these facts are, it will
be necessary to know …
Most persons are acquainted with the fact that the Bible contains two main divisions
- the Old Testament, and the New Testament. Strange as it may seem, these two
main divisions of the Bible were originally written in different languages. The Old
Testament was originally written in Hebrew while the New Testament was written in
By the term “Original Bible text” is meant the Hebrew and Greek text of the Bible the words of the writers in the original languages - not a translation of their words
into some other language. The facts, then, have been discovered beneath the surface
of the Hebrew Old Testament text and the Greek New Testament text.
Now the reader’s attention is called to something very, very important. We wish to
point out a certain number – which occurs in Scripture more times than any other.
It is the number “seven.”
From the first book of the Bible through to the last book, seven is by far the
outstanding number. For example, the Sabbath was the seventh day. In Egypt there
were seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. When the city of Jericho was
captured, the people and seven priests who had seven trumpets marched around the
city seven times.
Every seventh year the land of the Israelites was not to be cultivated or planted.
Solomon was seven years building the temple. After its completion he held a feast for
seven days. Naaman washed seven times in the river.
In the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, this number is especially
outstanding. Seven churches, seven lampstands, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven
vials, seven stars, seven spirits, etc., are mentioned. In all, the number seven occurs
in the book of Revelation more than fifty times.
It has long been known that the number seven occurs in the Bible, in this particular
manner more frequently than any other number. However, only recently it has been
known that this same number also occurs in a mysterious and peculiar manner
beneath the very surface of the Hebrew Old Testament text and Greek New
Testament text.
When it is stated that the “sevens” occur in a peculiar manner “beneath the surface”
of the original Bible text, we mean that they occur in such a way that they are not
noticed or discovered by merely reading the surface, or words. The sevens are
strangely out of the sight of ordinary Hebrew and Greek readers. They are
mysteriously hidden.
Thousands who have read and studied the original Hebrew and Greek text of the
Bible have passed by these strange occurrences of the number seven without even
noticing their presence. These sevens are so deeply concealed that special searching
and investigation and special counting are necessary in order to find them. Thus,
they are said to occur “beneath the surface” of the text because they are beyond the
observation and view of ordinary Hebrew and Greek readers.
It has been discovered that thousands of these sevens are mysteriously hidden in the
structure of the text. They are strongly and remarkably concealed in every
conceivable manner in the Hebrew and Greek letters, words, sentences, paragraphs,
and passages!
What are the newly-discovered facts? The “sevens” - the “sevens” which occur
beneath the surface of the original Hebrew and Greek text of the Bible - are the
amazing newly- discovered facts.
The “Astounding New Discoveries” are numerical discoveries - discoveries having
to do with numbers. These recently revealed numerical facts or “sevens,” in a most
extraordinary way, enable us to see before our very eyes, an actual scientific
demonstration of the divine verbal inspiration of the Bible.
The reader is given examples of these newly-discovered numerical facts before he
learns how they scientifically prove that the Bible is a supernatural, God-breathed
The following are examples of facts, or “sevens,” which have been discovered
beneath the surface of the Hebrew text of the first verse in the Old Testament - the
very first verse, the very first statement in the Bible.
Genesis, Chapter One, Verse I
It is indeed strange to note that the number of Hebrew words in this verse is not 6,
not 8, but exactly 7. Here the number seven is discovered by counting the words.
Now if a person counts the Hebrew letters in these seven words, he will discover that
the number of letters divides perfectly by seven - is an exact multiple of seven. The
number of letters in the seven words is not 27, not 29 but exactly 28, or 4 ~ 7s.
Each numerical “fact” or “‘seven” which occurs in the structure of the text is called a
“feature - a “numeric feature.” The first two have already been mentioned.
FEATURE ONE. The number of Hebrew words in this verse is exactly 7.
FEATURE TWO. The number of letters in the seven words is exactly 28, or 4 ~ 7s
FEATURE THREE. The first three of these seven Hebrew words contain the subject
and predicate of the sentence. These three words are translated – “In the beginning
God created.” The number of letters in these first three Hebrew words are exactly 14,
or 2 ~ 7s.
The last four of these seven words contain the object of the sentence. These four
words are translated — “the heavens and the earth.” The numbers of letters in these
last four Hebrew words is 14, or 2 ~ 7s.
FEATURE FOUR. These last four Hebrew words consist of two subjects. The first is
“the heavens,” and the second is “and the earth.” The number of letters in the first
object is exactly 7. The number of letters in the second object is 7.
FEATURE FIVE. Three leading words in this verse of seven words are “God” - the
subject - and “heavens” and “earth” - the objects. The number of letters in these three
Hebrew words is exactly 14, or 2 ~ 7s. The number of letters in the other four words
of the verse is 14, or 2 ~ 7s.
FEATURE SIX. The shortest word is in the middle. The number of letters in this
word and the word to its left is exactly 7.
FEATURE SEVEN. The number of letters in the middle word and the word to its
right is exactly 7.
These sevens - these numeric features or facts - are indeed strangely hidden “beneath
the surface.” They are truly beyond the view of ordinary readers of the Hebrew text
and are discovered only by investigation and counting.
The above are only a few examples of the many amazing numeric facts which have
been discovered in the structure of this first verse of only seven Hebrew words.
Literally dozens of other phenomenal numeric features strangely underlie the
structure of this verse.
Examples of these newly-discovered facts or numerical features should be pointed
out from other passages before the reader learns how the facts scientifically prove
that the Bible could not possible have been written by mere human beings alone, but
that it is a supernatural, God-inspired, God-given Book.
The following are examples of the newly-discovered facts or “sevens” which occur in
a peculiar manner beneath the surface of the Greek text of the first verses in the New
Matthew, Chapter One, Verses 1-17
The first seventeen verses in the book of Matthew form a natural logical division by
themselves; for they deal with one particular subject, namely, the genealogy of
These first seventeen verses of the Greek New Testament consist of two main
sections. (1) Verses 1-11. (2) Verses 12-17. Each section contains amazing numeric
features in the structure of its text.
The following are a few examples of the facts or “sevens” which have been
discovered beneath the surface of the first main section, verses 1-11.
FEATURE ONE. The number of Greek vocabulary words used in the first eleven
verses is not 48, not 50, but exactly 49, or 7 ~ 7s.
It must be remembered that the number of vocabulary words in a passage is
usually different from the total number of words in a passage. The vocabulary words
are the different words used.
For instance, the word “and” is one word in the vocabulary, but it may be repeated
many times in the passage itself. A man may have a vocabulary of only five hundred
words. Some of these five hundred different words, such as “as,” “for” “by,” etc,
may be used over and over again.
The number of vocabulary words - the different words used in a passage, is thus not
the same as the total number of words used. (We mentioned that the number of
vocabulary words in the first eleven verses of Matthew is exactly 49, or 7 ~ 7s. Now
let us continue.)
FEATURE TWO. The number of letters in these 49 words is exactly 266, or 38 ~ 7s.
FEATURE THREE. Of these 266 of the vocabulary words the number of vowels is
exactly 140, or 20 ~ 7s. Of these 266 letters of the vocabulary, the number of
consonants is I26, or 18 ~ 7s.
FEATURE FOUR. Of these 49 words, the number which begins with a vowel is
exactly 28, or 4 ~ 7s. The number of words which begin with a consonant is 21, or 3
~ 7s.
FEATURE FIVE. Of the 49 Greek vocabulary words, the number which are nouns
is exactly 42, or 6 ~ 7s. The number which are not nouns is 7.
FEATURE SIX. Of the 42 nouns in the first eleven verses, the number which are
proper nouns is exactly 35, or 5 ~ 7s. The number which are common nouns is 7.
FEATURE SEVEN. The number of Greek letters in these 7 common nouns is
exactly 49, or 7 ~ 7s. It is amazing to note that in these 7 common nouns alone,
there are more than 20 numeric features.
FEATURE EIGHT. The number of times the 35 proper names occur is exactly 63,
or 9 ~ 7s.
FEATURE NINE. Of the 35 proper names in the vocabulary of the first eleven
verses of Matthew, the number of male names is exactly 28, or 4 ~ 7s. The number
which are not male names is 7.
FEATURE TEN. The number of times these 28 male names occur is exactly 56, or 8
~ 7s.
FEATURE ELEVEN. In these first 11 verses; three women are mentioned - Tamar,
Rahab, and Ruth. The number of Greek letters in these three names is exactly 14, or
2 ~ 7s.
FEATURE TWELVE. Just one city is named in this passage, namely, Babylon. The
number of Greek letters in this word is exactly 7.
FEATURE THIRTEEN. Of these 49 Greek vocabulary words in the first eleven
verses, the number of words which occur more than once is exactly 35, or 5 ~ 7s.
The number of words which occur only once is 14, or 2 ~ 7s.
FEATURE FOURTEEN. Of these 49 Greek vocabulary words, the number which
appear in the only one form is exactly 42, or 6 ~ 7s. The number which appear in
more than one form is 7.
These numeric facts or sevens are indeed beyond the view of mere “readers” of the
Greek text. They are truly mysteriously hidden beneath the surface and can be
discovered only by searching and calculations.
It was stated that the first seventeen verses in the Greek, New Testament consists of
two main sections. (1) Verses 1 - 11. (11) Verses 12 - 17.
The above are merely a few examples of the many amazing numerical features which
have been discovered beneath the surface of this first section of eleven verses. The
very structure of the passage is literally saturated with phenomenal occurrences of
the number seven. The second section, verses 12 - 17, contains equally profound
numeric features of its own.
Before we show how these facts or sevens scientifically prove the divine inspiration
of the Bible, let us quickly and briefly point out a few additional examples from the
Greek text of other New Testament passages.
The space in this small booklet is definitely limited, therefore it is necessary to omit
many interesting and informative things that we would like to include. Volumes
could be written. Here we can present only some of the highlights.
The section following the first seventeen verses of Matthew is verses 18 - 25. In
passing, we give space to mention only two of the many phenomenal numeric facts
which have been discovered beneath the surface of this one passage.
Matthew, Chapter One, Verses 18 - 26
FEATURE ONE. It is indeed interesting to note that the number of Greek
vocabulary words in this passage is not 76, not 78, but exactly 77, or 11 ~ 7s. Also of
special interest is …
FEATURE TWO. Of the 77 Greek vocabulary words, the number of words the
angel used in speaking to Joseph is exactly 28, or 4 ~ 7s.
Even the angel’s little speech has amazing numerical features all of its own. They are
entirely separate from the rest of the passage, yet they form a part of the numerical
features of the whole passage. They are intertwined in such a way that the entire
passage contains remarkable occurrences of the number seven. This number
strangely underlies the very structure of the passage in every conceivable manner.
The Greek letters and words are literally permeated with amazing numeric features.
Following are merely two of many numerical facts which are strangely hidden
beneath the surface of the second chapter of Matthew.
Matthew, Second Chapter
FEATURE ONE. The number of Greek vocabulary words in the second chapter of
Matthew is exactly 161, or 23 ~ 7s.
FEATURE TWO. The number of Greek letters in these 161 words is exactly 896, or
128 ~ 7s.
There are several paragraphs in the second chapter of Matthew, and each paragraph
has amazing numerical features all of its own. They are separate from the rest of the
passage, yet in a peculiar and intricate way, they form a part of the amazing features
of the whole chapter. They are intertwined in such a phenomenal way that the entire
chapter is one great mathematical unit which consists of amazing numerical facts.
For example, the number of Greek vocabulary words in the first six verses divides
perfectly by 7. The number of vocabulary words is exactly 56, or 8 ~ 7s.
There are three speeches in the chapter. Herod speaks, the wise men speak, the angel
speaks. Each speech shows numeric features in itself, yet each forms only part of the
chapter, which as a whole has phenomenal features of its own. Each division alone
shows the same numeric phenomena found in the chapter as a whole.
Now let us go on to the book of Mark and examine several passages. The same type
of numerical phenomena that we found hidden in the structure of Matthew, are also
found beneath the surface of Mark.
Mark, Chapter One, Verses 1 - 8
The number of Greek vocabulary words in these first eight verses is not 76, not 78,
but exactly 77, or 11~ 7s. Of the 77 vocabulary words, the number John used in his
speech is exactly 21, or 3 ~ 7s. Again these are but a few of the many numeric
features which permeate the structure of this passage.
The next natural paragraph following these first eight verses consists of verses 9, 10,
11. This paragraph gives an account of the baptism of Christ. The number of vocabulary words in this passage is exactly 35, or 5 ~ 7s.
Going on to the second chapter of Mark for another example, we find, in verses 1317, an account of the call of Levi (Matthew), and Christ’s conversation with the
Scribes and Pharisees. The number of Greek vocabulary words in these five verses is
exactly 49, or 7 ~ 7s. Of the 49 vocabulary words the number used by Christ is
exactly 14, or 2 ~ 7s while the number of words used by the Scribes is exactly 7.
In the fourth chapter of Mark verses 3 – 20, Christ relates the parable of the sower.
The number of Greek vocabulary words in this parable is exactly 49, or 7 ~ 7s. In
Mark, chapter 13, verses 5 - 37, we find our Lord’s important message regarding
future events and the Second Coming of Christ. The number of Greek vocabulary
words in this passage is exactly 203, or 29 ~ 7s.
Going on to the very last passage in the book of Mark, we find the same marvellous
numeric phenomena. The following are only four of over one hundred numerical
features which have been discovered in the structure of this one passage of only
twelve verses - Mark, chapter 16:9 - 20.
The number of Greek vocabulary words in these 12 verses is exactly 98, or 14 ~ 7s.
The number of letters in the 98 vocabulary words is exactly 553, or 79 ~ 7s. Of these
553 letters, the number of vowels is exactly 294, or 42 ~ 7s. The number of consonants is 259, or 37 ~ 7s. Of the 98 Greek vocabulary words, the number used by
Christ in addressing His disciples is exactly 42, or 6 ~ 7s. The number of vocabulary
words which form no part of Christ’s speech is 56, or 8 ~ 7s.
This passage not only shows amazing numeric features as a whole, but it shows
features within the features, and further features within those. The separate
paragraphs have features of their own within the features of the complete passage.
The vocabulary has its features, and the forms have theirs. It is marvellous indeed!
Numeric Values
One of the most interesting and fascinating studies in connection with newlydiscovered facts is the study of “numeric values.”
In Hebrew and Greek, every letter, word, sentence, and passage has a definite
“numeric value” or “arithmetical sum.” The reader will be surprised to learn that
thousands of the newly-discovered facts or “7s” occur in an astonish-ing manner in
the “numeric values” of the Bible words, sentences, and passages.
The Hebrews and Greeks did not use figures such as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., to express
“numbers” - they used the letters of their alphabets instead! For instance, if a Hebrew
or a Greek wanted to write “1”, he would write the first letter of his alphabet. If he
wanted to write “2”, he would write the second letter of his alphabet, or if he wished
to express “3”, he would write the third letter of his alphabet, and so on.
Each letter in the Hebrew and the Greek alphabet stands for a certain number - each
letter is assigned a definite “numeric value.” In other words, every letter in Hebrew
and in Greek is a “number” as well as a “letter.” (See chart, inside back cover.
Since each letter has a numeric value, each word likewise has a numeric value, for
every word is made up of one or more letters. The numeric value of a word is
obtained by adding the numeric values of the various letters in that particular word.
By way of illustration, let us determine the numeric value of the word “Jesus.” In
Greek, “Jesus” is spelled “I-E-S-O-U-S.” “I” stands for 10, “E” stands for 8, “S”
stands for 200, “O” for 70, “U” for 400, and “S” for 200. If we add these numbers we
will discover that the numeric value of the word “Jesus” is 888.
This numeric value, at first thought, might seem to be very insignificant. However,
when we turn to the book of Revelation chapter 13, verse 18, and find that Satan’s
number, or the number of the Antichrist is plainly stated to be 666, we begin to
realize that there must be some significance to the numeric value of the word “Jesus”
- exactly 888! This strange comparison causes us to marvel and wonder!
Just as every word has a certain numeric value, so every sentence, paragraph and
book of the Bible has a definite numeric value or arithmetical sum. The numeric
value of a sentence is obtained by adding the numeric value of each word contained
therein. Likewise, the numeric value of a paragraph is obtained by adding the
numeric value of all the words in the paragraph. The numeric value of each of the
sixty-six books of the Bible is determined in precisely the same manner.
Now let us go back to the first verse of Genesis for a moment. There are three
important nouns in the verse - “God,” “heaven,” and “earth.” The numeric values of
these three nouns are 86, 395 and 296, respectively. When we add these three
numbers, we find that the total numeric value of the three words is not 776, or 778,
but, strangely enough, is exactly 777, or 111 ~ 7s. Neither 776 nor 778 of course
divides evenly by 7.
It is strange to note that the “numeric value” of the verb in the first verse of Genesis
is also a number which divides perfectly by 7. The numeric value of the Hebrew
word “created” is exactly 203, or 29 ~ 7s.
Turning now to the first seventeen verses of Matthew the account of Christ’s
Genealogy, we find that the numeric value of the vocabulary words in those verses is
also an exact multiple of 7, namely 42,364, or 6,052 ~ 7s. Notice that number is not
42,363 or 42,365. Neither of those divides evenly by 7. If even one Greek letter were
taken out or exchanged for another, the numeric value of the passage would be
We mentioned previously that exactly 77 vocabulary words are used in the account
of Christ’s birth, Matthew 1:18-25. The reader will marvel at the fact that the
numeric value of these 77 words is also an exact multiple of 7, namely 51,247 or
7,321 ~ 7s.
We also mentioned that the angel used exactly 28 of these 77 vocabulary words
when speaking to Joseph. The numeric value of the angels’ words is exactly 21,042
or 3,006 ~ 7s.
In the second chapter of Matthew, the account of Christ’s childhood, exactly 161
vocabulary words are used. The numeric value of these words is exactly 123,529 or
17,647 ~ 7s. We could go on and on giving additional examples, but unfortunately
space is limited.
Chain Features
Note one other particular manner in which the “sevens” are found in the structure of
the Bible text. The examples which have been given thus far are examples of facts
which occur beneath the surface of single passages. The following features, however,
occur in a different manner.
They are called “chain” features because they occur in the structure of words that are
separated by great distances. The words in a “chain” feature are scattered throughout
many different books of the Bible. They are not confined to any one particular
The names of the Bible writers, for instance, are widely separated throughout the
Scriptures. It is remarkable to note that the number “seven” is found even in the
scatter-ed occurrences of these names. The number of Old Testament writers named
in the Bible is exactly 21, or 3 ~ 7s.
The numeric value of these 21 Hebrew names is also divisible by 7. It is exactly
3,808, or 544 ~ 7s. Of these 21 Old Testament writers, those named in the New
Testament are Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea and Joel. In all,
exactly 7.
The numeric value, of these 7 names is exactly 1,554 or 222 ~ 7s. The name which
appears the greatest number of times in the Old Testament is David. The number of
times his name is found is exactly 1,134, or 162 ~ 7s. The name Jeremiah, for
instance, occurs in 7 Old Testament books in 7 different forms in Hebrew, and the
number of times it occurs in those 7 Old Testament books is exactly 147, or 21 ~ 7s.
The number of times the name of Moses, the writer of the first book, occurs the Bible
is exactly 847, or 121 ~ 7s. Again these are merely a few examples of the many
astounding numeric features which occur beneath the surface of the Bible writers’
names. In fact, there are 38 or more features in the occurrences of just this one name,
The reader can readily see that the above numeric features are not found in the
structure of any one particular passage, but are found in the structure of the words
that are separated by great distances. These features are strangely hidden in the
occurrences of words which are scattered throughout different books of the Old and
New Testaments.
The discovery of “chain” features such as these requires careful searching and special
investigation of the entire Bible. One of the most intriguing studies in connection
with the newly-discovered facts is the study of “chain” features. The Bible is literally
filled with them!
In the preceding pages the reader has been given some idea of the thousands of
amazing facts which have been found in the very structure of Bible passages.
It has been discovered that amazing numerical facts occur beneath the surface of the
original Bible text from the very first verse in Genesis through to the very last verse in
Revelation. Phenomenal mathematical features, similar to the examples already
presented, underlie and pervade the text of every one of the sixty-six Bible books.
They occur in the very structure of every paragraph in the entire Bible, not in the
paragraphs only, but frequently in the many subdivisions of paragraphs.
Often single verses are literally teeming and saturated with astounding numerical
facts. These features extend to all parts of the text, vocabulary, grammatical form,
parts of speech, etc. Frequently as many as a hundred or more numeric features are
strangely hidden beneath the surface of passages which consist of no more than 175
Actually thousands upon thousands of these numerical facts have been discovered they are so abundant that more than 40,000 pages have been required to contain the
calculations used in discovering and enumerating the features of the New Testament
GOD’S SEAL in the Bible is seen, not only in the SEVENS, but also in the
consistent, and miraculous way that other numbers are used.
It is generally agreed that the numbers from l to 13 in the Bible each bears a special
significance as follows:
Unity or unit
Separation or witness
Divine perfection or Godhead
Creative work or the world
Grace (free gift of God)
Man (under sin)
God’s seal - often called the perfect number
Resurrection or new beginning
Ordinal perfection
Perfect government
Sin or rebellion.
Note: Don’t confuse 5 and 6. For although man (6) is under Satan, yet he is literally
covered by grace (5).
There are a few larger numbers such as 40 probation, 37 the living Word of God, and
others. Now, it is a wonderful thing that as a general rule, these numbers with their
significance, apply right through the Bible, and has been followed for many years
with keen interest by students of Scripture.
Now with this later discovery of numeric patterns we find that these formerly
recognised surface features are but a shadow of the deeper things with which they
Take first the number eight, which signifies resurrection or a new beginning.
For example, eight persons were saved in the Ark, which is a marvellous picture or
type of Him who was to be the Resurrection and the Life. The eight persons of
course being a type of resurrection, in their new beginning. Every male child in the
Jewish family had to be circumcised on the eighth day (Genesis 17). This marked
their new beginning under God’s covenant.
Bethlehem of Judea, the birthplace of Christ, is mentioned exactly eight times in the
N.T. Note also, the eighth earthquake mentioned in Scripture is to take place when
Christ returns, signifying the new beginning. Christ rose from the grave on the 8th
day (or the 1st), the new beginning.
The Church was also established on the 8th day. And continued to meet on the 8th
day (Acts 20:7). The first or 8th day is mentioned 8 times in the N.T., and so on.
Well, now, if eight signified Resurrection, and Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection
and the Life,” (John 11:25), would not God if He were expressing truths in these
numbers somehow set this number 8 in the Name of Him who is the Resurrection
Himself. Let us see and remember, as 2 and 2 equals 4, so whatever the letters of any
word add up to, that is its value, and no one can make it anything different. Here we
begin to uncover the thrilling truths which God has hidden in numerics. In the
account of the birth of Christ in Matthew 1, the Angel of the LORD spoke to Joseph,
“And she shall bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Y’shua
(Jesus).” (Matthew 1:21)
Now, amazing though it may seem, when we add the letter values of Jesus in the
Greek, the total is exactly 888, the most significant number that could be put on
paper, firstly because 3 signifies Divine Perfection, and also because its factors, 37 x
8 x 3, are the three most sublime numbers connected with Jesus, as we shall see
Now, Jesus was called the Christ, and the gematria of the Christ is 1,480, which is
185 ~ 8s. He was also called the “Saviour,” which strangely has a value of 1,408,
being 2 x 8 x 88. He was also “Lord,” which again is a multiple of 8, being 800, 100
~ 8s. Yet another, “Messiah,” 656, or 82 ~ 8s.
(Note the term “Gematria” means numeric value.)
Jesus usually termed Himself, “The Son of Man” - this term occurs 88 times and its
gematria is 2,960, which is 370 ~ 8s. He also said, I am “The Truth” being 64, 8 ~
8s. And thus we have our first numeric value design, which in itself is a
marvellous witness to the fact that Jesus Christ is indeed the resurrection and the Son
of God.
Numeric value
Numeric value
Numeric value
Numeric value
Numeric value
Numeric value
Numeric value
111 x 8
185 x 8
176 x 8
l00 x 8
82 x 8
370 x 8
There is yet a deeper significance behind some of these names, but if this is not the
hand of God then will some wise person please explain this amazing phenomenon.
Here is further evidence of design.
In Revelation, the RESURRECTION is spoken of as “The Harvest,” the gematria of
which is 704, 8 x 88. Now is it not strange that the gematria of “Saviour,” who is
the Lord of the Harvest, is exactly double that of the harvest He reaps, 16 x 88, and 8
x 88. This phenomenon is amplified by the fact that the words for bridegroom and
bride, which, of course, refer to the same two, bear the same phenomenon in respect
to the number of times they occur, namely, bridegroom 16 times and bride 8 times.
David was the eighth son of Jesse, and David was a type of Christ, who is the
Resurrection and the Life.
Is it not remarkable also that the last book of the Bible is called the Revelation of
Jesus Christ, and the vocabulary of the book contains exactly 888 words.
Now look at the number nine - finality. How significant that this number is used to
signify finality, for it is finality in itself; it is the last or final single number; it also has
that strange feature of finality in that no matter by what number it is multiplied, the
addition of the figures of the answer will always revert back to nine; thus 7 x 9
equals 63; 6 and 3 = 9.
It cannot be dispelled or overthrown; it is, in itself, FINALITY. Now as I stated
regarding the number 8 and Resurrection, so with regards to finality, the most
significant number that could be put on paper to signify absolute finality is 999.
Here then is the first example - the four opening words of the Bible, “IN THE
BEGINNING GOD.” God has so controlled every Hebrew letter in that statement
that its numeric value is exactly 999.
There should be something in the ending as well that is final. In Revelation we read
how God’s wrath is to be poured out at the close of this age. Now that term, “My
wrath” has also this same significant value, 999.
The Greek word “Amen” usually translated “verily,” is so often used by Christ when
driving home a vital truth - “Verily, verily, I say unto you.” He uses this word 99
times, and its value is exactly 99. Surely these hidden numbers speak even louder
than words.
Here is another fact of sublime significance. We know that all the prophecies
concerning the death of Christ were exactly fulfilled; and now we see that the work
of redemption was completed at the NINTH HOUR.
We read that Pilate marveled that Jesus was already dead - not the only thing Pilate
marveled at - but as for the ninth hour, that was God’s timing. At this same hour
the earth shook, and the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom, signifying
the END of the Old Covenant. Remember also Christ’s words at this 9th hour - “IT
Redemption is by blood alone. It is God’s seal, from Genesis to Revelation. I
would remind my readers, have no delusions about this; it is absolutely FINAL with
God, as with verily, the word BLOOD occurs exactly 99 times.
Here also in judgment we see the same finality pointers, for bottomless pit occurs
exactly nine times, so also does rest. We have our choice!
13 - SIN
Let us now look at this strange number 13. What a strange thing that this number 13
should carry a stigma and a suspicion in the world. But how significant again that
the Spirit of God should use this particular number to represent SIN and rebellion.
Ishmael was 13 years old when circumcised, and it was prophesied of him that he
would be a wild man. How truly this was borne out, even in his offspring.
Solomon was seven years building the temple, but 13 years building his own house.
The truth expressed by these two numbers was also borne out not only in his own life
but also in that of the nation.
Of the 20 Kings of Judah (including Athaliah) seven were righteous rulers while 13
turned away from God. In Genesis 14:4 we read of rebellion in the 13th year.
Dr. M. Mahan has shown that all the ungodly lines are marked by 13 in the numeric
value of their names. Dr. Bullinger has shown that the names of the kings of the 10
tribes of Israel who forsook God are all marked with 13.
These facts are almost incredible, for they reveal not only that God knew the course
of each before they were born, but caused them to be so named that the numeric
value of each would be a multiple of 13.
In Genesis 10 there is a remarkable instance of 13. Joktan was the ancestor of a
sinful and rebellious race of people. He was the 13th in the order of children of
Shem. Joktan had 13 sons, the gematria of his name is 169, 13 x 13, and the
gematria of that of his 13 sons is 2,756, 212 x 13. This really amounts to a
numerical prophecy of a rebellious race.
“Klepton,” meaning to steal, occurs exactly 13 times. Another striking example is
the word “zume,” leaven, which represents sin. In the Scripture it occurs 13 times,
and its gematria is 455, or 35 ~ 13s.
Backsliding and hypocrite each occur 13 times in the O.T.
All through the Scripture we see this pointer of sin, but the most significant are those
where the author of sin, Satan, is branded by God with this, his own trademark.
Look at some of his titles.
Dragon ... it occurs exactly 13 times, and its gematria is 975 (75 ~ 13s); Tempter
1,053 (81 ~ 13s); Belial 78 (6 ~ 13s); Murderer 1,820 (140 ~ l3s); Serpent 780
(60 ~ 13s).
But the most significant of them all; that phrase used by the Holy Spirit in Revelation
12:9, “called the Devil and Satan,” bears the amazing gematria 2,197; 13 x 13 x
Who could see these astounding facts and not acknowledge the Hand of God behind
them? For, as we saw in respect to the names of Jesus, so likewise in the name of
Satan. In Revelation 12:9 we have this outstanding reference to Satan: “The great
DRAGON was cast out, that old SERPENT.”
“Called the DEVIL and SATAN”, and so headed by the value of the latter phrase
reveals this :Total of phrase
13 x 13 x 13
75 x 13
81 x 13
6 x 13
140 x 13
60 x 13
Let me conclude this study of thirteen with one of the most striking proofs that the
Spirit of God designated these numerics. Most people know the incident where God
commanded Moses to make a brazen serpent and hang it on a pole that all who
would come and look upon it would live. But why, of all things, did God choose a
serpent, the very symbol of sin? How many Christians have puzzled over this?
Investigation reveals the significant truth.
God was making a picture, or type, of a stupendous event that was to take place
hundreds of years later. Come right on now to this appointed time, and we hear
Christ Himself say,
“As Moses lifted up the serpent so must the Son of Man be lifted up.”
(John 3:14)
But you still enquire, why a serpent? Open your Bible at 2 Corinthians 5:21, and you
will see ...
“For He (God) has made Him (Christ) to be SIN for us (He) who knew no
sin; that we may be made the righteousness of God in Him.”
So, when Jesus hung upon the Cross He was made the extreme representation of
SIN. This of course is why God withdrew His presence. (Mark 15:34)
Now, keeping this in mind, let us come to another scene: Pilate and the trial of Jesus.
Who can read the account and fail to see God convicting Pilate, and he tried his
hardest to persuade the Jews to release Jesus. Even his wife came and warned him.
However, he finally yielded to Satan, and washed his hands before them. But water
cannot wash away sin. Pilate’s conscience still carried conviction, and God moved
Pilate to write an inscription and place it upon the Cross. The Name he used was ...
But the significance of the whole thing almost takes one’s breath away when we
discover that the gematria of this title which was placed on the very Cross (2 Cor.
5:21) when Jesus was made SIN for us, is exactly 2,197 – 13 x 13 x 13.
The whole thing is so astounding that it needs no comment; it seems that God,
knowing the hardness of men’s hearts in these closing days, has reserved these
marvellous numerics so that the fundamental truths of the Written Word may be set
forth in this supernatural way, as a final warning before the closing of the day of
grace, and the coming of the Lord.
We now come to the most sublime number of all, 37; but as this number verifies
fundamental truths concerning the Eternal Deity, a brief explanation of what the
Bible teaches about God is essential for the help of those who have no knowledge of
this vital subject.
Firstly, remember God is Spirit (John 4:24). The New Testament clearly teaches that
Elohim (God) consists of Yahweh the Almighty; His only eternal Begotten and Son,
Y’shua; and the Holy Spirit of Yahweh of Hosts. (Colossians 1:15. John 15:26, 1
John 5:7, 2 Cor. 3:17)
Now in due time the Son of God, called The Word, (Greek Logos, John 1:1), came
to this world, clothed in human flesh. He suffered and died in the flesh, paying the
price of our redemption. Anyone who denies the Deity of Christ has never begun to
realize the sacrifice of the Saviour, and can have no understanding of John 3:16.
Now you should understand why the number three signifies Divine Perfection and
God; and seven as we have seen, is God’s marvellous seal. The combination of
the two is, as stated above, is the most sublime number, 37. It signifies THE WORD
OF GOD sealing vital truths of the Written Word, and revealing HIM who is the
In John 1:1, we read: “In the beginning was the WORD” (Greek logos), and here we
have the KEY; this sublime combination of the three and the seven. You will have
noticed how God, when expressing key truths, carries the number to the third place,
such as 888, 666, 999.
In this word, logos, we have the numbers expressed in their highest possible form –
373, as follows: L 30, O 70, G 3. O 70, S 200; total 373. A further verification of this
clue to this divine number of Christ is found in Colossians 1:15. He is expressed as
the “IMAGE OF GOD,” which in the Greek has the numeric value of 1,369; 37 x
Again we read in John 1:1-3 ... The Word was God ... all things were made BY
HIM. See also Col. 2:9; Col. 1:15-16. Then let some critic explain how this FACT
was numeric-ally sealed in Genesis 1:1, some thousands of years before THE
WORD was made flesh, (John 1:14), by marvelously weaving His divine number 37
into the very words of the Hebrew text, “In the beginning God.”
We saw the hidden significance of its gematria 999, but hidden within this number
itself we find the first verification of the truth of John 1:3, for 999 is 3 x 9 x 37; or 27
x 37.
Now take the 777, the gematria of the three nouns of Genesis 1:1 - God, Heaven,
Earth. What does this further reveal? The Word 37 in the midst of the creative acts,
again verifying John 1:3, for 777 is 37 x 3 x 7.
Now remember I said there were exactly seven Hebrew words in the whole verse,
Genesis 1: l, and revealed the astounding fact that God has sealed it with over 30
different combinations of 7s and 37s. But this is not all, for if we add the gematria of
these seven words, they total exactly 2,701, which is 73 x 37, the significant result
being that they can be turned upside down as it were, but still present the same truth.
Note also that the gematria of logos, 373, has exactly the same factors telescoped, so
that however we twist them the figures 37 confront us. It seems that the Holy Spirit is
impressing in these numerics the fact that “The Word” is the very centre of the
whole plan of God; all things were made BY HIM and FOR HIM. (Colossians 1: 16)
Now for the benefit of those wise people who will not acknowledge the fact that
Jesus Christ is the very Word, the Logos, and so the actual Creator as clearly stated
in Colossians 1:16, let us see further what the Spirit has hidden in His Name, that the
wise may be confounded. (1 Corinthians 1:27-29).
The angel from God commanded that His Name be called Y’shua (Jesus) – the
Name that has been encoded in virtually every page of the Old Testament. (See
chapter 8, page 71).
We have already seen how His gematria, 888, seals Him as the Resurrection and
the Life, but He was more than this, as the Scriptures very plainly and definitely
teach. Now we will see how God has marvelously concealed this vital truth within
the very numbers of His names. Only a miracle on the part of God could put them
Now 888 is 24 times 37. Take first the 24. In the opening words of the New
Testament we see that Jesus was called the Son of David because He had to come
through the line of David. Now, incredible though it may seem, 24 is one Hebrew
value of David (spelt two ways).
“The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14)
The eternal Son became the man Christ Jesus in the world – this also is hidden in the
24 (6 x 4). 6 is man and 4 is the world.
But the stupendous truth is that man could have no part in this incarnation, for He
was still the very Word of God, clothed in human flesh, as shown by the Name Jesus
retaining His divine number 37.
But what of the title given to our Master, that of The Christ (Messiah), meaning
The Anointed? We have already seen how the gematria of the Christ, 1,480 (185 x
8), signifies The Resurrection by 8, but the title also retains the fact that He is The
Word, 37, and full of grace, 5. 1,480 is 8 x 37 x 5.
Now combine those two precious names, Jesus Christ, and the gematria is 2,368,
is 37 x 8 x 8. The three components are, 37 the Word of God, 8 the Resurrection,
and 8 the Life.
Then His own special title, “The Son of Man” – its gematria, 2,960 = 37 x 2 x 5 x
8, showing Him as the Word of God 37, come to bear witness 2, of the Grace of
God 5, by the Resurrection 8.
Marvellous beyond words is this secret weapon, as it were, of the Holy Spirit.
Look again at this in Colossians 2: 9. Here we have a very definite statement that in
Christ dwells all the fullness of the Deity. Now this word – Theotes – Deity, is spelt in
a way in which it does not occur in any other place in the Bible.
The reason for the Holy Spirit doing so is obvious, for in this form its gematria is
592, which is 37 x 2 x 8. The Word was God 37, the faithful witness 2, the first
begotten of the dead 8. (Revelation 1:5)
HOW do the newly-discovered facts scientifically prove that the Bible is a Godinspired, God-given Book?
The presence of the amazing numerical features or facts beneath the very surface of
the original Bible text cannot be denied by anyone. There are actually thousands of
phenomenal, numerical facts in the very structure of the Bible. One can ignore them
and turn his eyes from them, but the astounding numeric facts continue to be there.
Our own opinions, likes or dislikes, do not alter the facts in the least. Welcome or
unwelcome, acknowledged or unacknowledged, the facts continue to be there.
Now then, since these facts are actually found in the very structure of the Bible text,
a certain logical question arises - how can we account for the presence of these facts?
How did these features occur or come to be in the very structure of the Bible text?
The reader will agree that there are only two possible ways in which these amazing
facts could have occurred. They could have occurred either by accident, that is, by
sheer chance, or by design. They could have occurred accidentally, or they could
have been purposely designed or arranged.
No doubt some are of the opinion that these features occurred accidentally - that they
occurred in this peculiar manner merely by sheer chance.
Consider: everyone knows how to play a game with a six-sided dice. To throw a six
is not easy. At least on the law of averages you should throw a six, once every six
But if you throw 2 sixes together, your opponents say you’re clever. If you throw 3
sixes one after the other, they say you’re too lucky. If you throw 4 sixes, they begin
to look at you as though you’re cheating.
If you throw 5 they say it’s impossible. If you throw six sixes then they say the dice is
definitely rigged. And if you dare throw another they will definitely grab the dice and
examine it. On the law of averages, you could not throw seven sixes in a row by
Let us suppose that there are twenty-four numerical features or facts in the structure
of a certain passage. What are the chances that these 24 features would occur
together in one passage accidentally?
This is easily calculated, for there is a standard, recognized, scientific method of
calculating chances — there is an established law of chances.
Only one number in every seven is a multiple of seven (14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 etc).
According to the law of chances, for any 1 number to be a multiple of 7
accidentally, there is 1 chance in ................................................................
According to the law of chances, for any 2 numbers to be multiples of 7
accidentally, there is only 1 chance in 7 x 7, or only 1 chance in
According to the law of chances, for any 3 numbers to be multiples of 7
accidentally there is only 1 chance in 7 x 49, or only 1 chance in
The calculation continues on the same basis.
So according to the law of chances, for any 1 FEATURE or NUMERIC FACT to
occur accidentally, there is only one chance in seven.
For 2 features * 1 chance in .......................................................................... 49
(* to occur accidentally there is only)
For 3 features * 1 chance in ..................................................................…… 343
4 features * 1 chance in ………........…………………………………..… 2,401
5 features * 1 chance in .................................................................... 16,807
6 features * 1 chance in .................................................................... 17,649
7 features * 1 chance in …............................................................. 823,543
8 features * 1 chance in ............................................................... 5,764,801
9 features * 1 chance in ............................................................ 40,353,607
10 features * 1 chance in ........................................................... 282,475,249
11 features * 1 chance in ......................................................... 1,977,326,743
12 features * 1 chance in ......................................................... 13,841,287,201
13 features * 1 chance in ..…...……………………………....… 96,889,010,407
14 features * 1 chance in ................................................... 678,223,072,849
15 features * 1 chance in............................................….… 4,747,561,509,943
16 features * 1 chance in ………………………………….. 33,232,930,569,601
17 features * 1 chance in ............................................... 232,630,513,987,207
18 features * 1 chance in ............................................. 1,628,413,597,910,449
1 chance in .......................................... 11,398,895,185,373,143
1 chance in …………………………...... 79,792,266,297,612,001
1 chance in ......................................
1 chance in …………………….….... 3,909,821,048,582,988,049
1 chance in …………………………. 27,368,747,340,080,916,343
1 chance in …………………………. 191,581,231,380,566,414,401
Thus, according to the law of chances, for 24 features to occur in a passage
accidentally, there is only 1 chance in 191,581,231,380,566,414,401 - only 1 chance
in one hundred and ninety-one quintillion, five hundred and eighty-one quadrillion,
two hundred and thirty-one trillion, three hundred and eighty billion, five hundred
and sixty-six million, four hundred and fourteen thousand, four hundred and one.
Many brief Bible passages have as many as seventy or a hundred or more amazing
numeric features in the very structure of their text. If there is only one chance in
quintillions that 24 features could occur together accidentally, what would the
chance be for 70 features to occur together accidentally?
When there is only one chance in thousands for something to happen accidentally, it
is already considered highly improbable that it will occur at all. When there is only
one chance in hundreds of thousands, it is considered practically impossible.
But here there is one chance in not only millions, but billions and trillions, and
quadrillions, and quintillions, that merely 24 features could occur together in a
passage accidentally.
The argument and demonstration is convincing enough. The amazing numerical
features of even one small passage, to say nothing of the thousands in the entire
Bible, could not possibly have occurred by accident — by sheer chance.
All this evidence simply cannot be explained by the doctrine of chances. If these
features did not occur accidentally, then there is only one conclusion, one
alternative. They were purposely designed or arranged - their occurrence in such a
marvellous and mysterious manner was intended or planned.
The point can be illustrated as follows:
Suppose for example, someone was carrying a bag which contained 25 oranges.
Suppose that suddenly the bag broke and the 25 oranges fell to the floor. What
chance would there be that the oranges would fall into five perfect rows with five in
each row, each orange being exactly opposite the other?
Such self arrangement would be considered impossible!
Suppose on the other hand you came into the room and found the oranges arranged
in the manner described. You would come to only one conclusion, that is, that they
were purposely designed or arranged in that specific manner. No one would risk
being called insane by insisting that such a thing occurred accidentally !
Likewise, these profound numeric features found in the very structure of the original
Bible text are not there by sheer chance or accident, but by design. They are arranged
according to a definite plan; these form thousands of perfect and uniform designs.
It has been conclusively shown that there are amazing numerical features in the very
structure of the Bible - their presence cannot be denied, but is a truth which everyone
must accept. It has also been proved that these features could not possibly have
occurred by sheer chance or accident, but that they were arranged or designed. This
is a second truth which everyone must accept.
Since the discovery of a design is proof of a designer, the next logical question arises
Who caused them to occur in the very structure of the Bible text?
The thousands of perfect patterns and designs came into the Scripture through some
Intelligence. The reader will agree that there are only two possible intelligences that
could have planned and brought about these profound designs. They could have
come into the Scripture either by human intelligence or by super human, that is,
divine intelligence.
Were these amazing numeric designs planned by the men who wrote the books of
the Bible?
1. The profound numeric patterns in the structure of the Bible passages could not
possibly have been planned and worked out by mere human beings alone.
If anyone could write an intelligible passage of 300 words, constructing it in such a
way that the same designs and schemes of sevens occur in the structure of its text as
those found in the first seventeen verses of Matthew, indeed he would prove himself
a wonder if he could accomplish it in six months.
If anyone could write an intelligible passage of 161 words, constructing it in such a
manner that the same designs and arrangements of sevens occur in the structure of its
text as those which are found in verses 18-25 of the first chapter of Matthew, he
would accomplish a still greater wonder if he were able to do it in three years.
If anyone in an entire lifetime of continuous work could write an intelligible passage
of some 500 words, containing in its structure as many intertwined yet harmonious
numeric features as are found in the second chapter of Matthew, it would be a
miracle of miracles.
No mortal in a lifetime of a hundred years could possibly have carried out the design
which is found in even a single book of the Bible, if he devoted the entire hundred
years to the task. It would require some centuries to write a book designed and
constructed in the manner in which the book of Matthew is constructed.
It must be remembered that with each additional sentence the difficulty of
constructing these numerical features increases not only in arithmetical progression,
but in geometrical progression, for each paragraph is designed so as to develop
constantly fixed numeric relations to the material which precedes and follows it.
Every additional letter, word, and sentence makes the matter tremendously more
complicated and comprehensive.
The reader must also observe that many of the Scripture writers were men chosen
from very ordinary walks of life -men who had little or no schooling at all. If
Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, for instance, had attempted to construct and produce
the harmonious numeric features and designs which are found in their books as a
whole, and had attempted to produce separate numeric schemes and designs which
occur in each division, and in each sub-division, and in the words, forms,
vocabularies, letters, etc., how long would it have taken them to construct their
books? Centuries upon centuries!
Certainly, mere human beings alone could not possibly have planned and worked
out the amazing designs of numeric features which occur in the very structure of the
Bible text. The limitations of the human intellect and the shortness of human life
make it impossible for any man or any set of men combined to accomplish such
stupendous feats.
Dr. D. B. Turkey tells how he attempted to construct a passage that would show
some numeric features. He declared:
“I gave numeric values to the English alphabet, and tried to prepare a passage which
would adhere to the numerics, and make every section a multiple of seven, and
present all the other features of Biblical arithmography, without letting the meaning
of the passage descend to nonsense. After working on it for days, I could get no
satisfaction. Yet this feature is accomplished in every one of the thousands of Bible
paragraphs without the slightest visible effort.”
2. The marvellous numeric designs which extended over many books of the Bible
could not possibly have been planned and carried out by the writers themselves.
Not only are phenomenal designs confined to the text of single Bible passages, but
widely separated portions of the Bible are woven into intricate and perfect patterns.
Special words which are scattered through many different books of the Bible form
amazing chain-designs that literally teem with numerical features.
The numeric designs in the structure of the Bible writers’ names, for instance, extend
throughout the entire Scriptures. The discovery of such word-chains requires careful
searching in all parts of the 66 books of the Bible.
The double design of sevens in the name “Moses,” for example, could not have been
planned and carried out by the Bible writers themselves. It must be remembered that
the writers did not live at the same time; they lived many years apart. In fact, there
was a period of about 1600 years between the writing of the first book of the Bible
and the last.
It must be remembered also that the 66 books were written by 33 different persons.
And it must be remembered that these persons were scattered throughout various
countries of the world and that they were men of widely different backgrounds.
Many of the writers had little or no schooling. How could these men have planned
the distribution of the name “Moses” throughout the entire Bible so as to form
marvellous numeric designs?
How could each one of the 33 writers who lived in various countries, the last writer
separated by 1600 years from the first, insert the name “Moses” just enough times to
keep the numeric design in suspense until it came to John, the last writer who used it
in the book of Revelation just once to complete the design? How could each writer
have known that he should use a particular word a certain number of times so that
when all would be finished after 1600 years the total would divide perfectly by seven
and would show numeric design?
Certainly such design could not possibly have been planned by the writers
themselves. The case of Moses is only one example of chain design which extends
throughout the entire Bible. Literally hundreds of other cases as convincing as this,
can be pointed out.
Each word of the whole Scripture is linked and connected in one marvellous pattern.
All the intricacies and beauties of the separate and smaller patterns when put
together form one great design. Thus the entire Bible is tied together by continuous
patterns from Genesis to Revelation.
The designs interlock paragraph with paragraph, book with book, and the Old
Testament with the New Testament. The numerics of the Old Testament and those
of the New together form harmonious schemes which could not be made possible or
solved without either of the Testaments.
The Old Testament was concluded 400 years before the New Testament was begun,
yet the two when taken together form one complete revelation. Both accord
perfectly; both are parts of one homogeneous whole.
The fact that the Bible was written by a number of different persons in various
countries of the world over a period of hundreds of years makes it impossible for the
writers to have planned these patterns.
Designs which cover some 1600 years could never have been planned and carried out
by man, for many of the words were perched without any knowledge of what would
be written by other writers many years later.
Even if it were possible for the 33 different writers to meet and confer about the use
of their vocabularies, etc., it would require thousands of years to carry out such
profound numeric schemes.
The minds of the cleverest men who have ever lived would not be capable of devising
such sublime mathematical problems. No human mind could possibly have devised
such a means of binding the whole of the Word together.
3. The special elaborate numeric designs in each book of the Bible could not
possibly have been planned and carried out by the writers unaided.
The number of words found in Matthew, not found in any of the other 26 New
Testament books, shows elaborate designs. How did Matthew know that he should
use certain words which would not be used in any of the other 26 books of the New
In order for him to have done this it would have been necessary for him to have had
all these other books before him as he wrote his book. If he had all these other 26
books before him as he wrote, it would mean that he wrote his Gospel last.
It so happens, however, that each of the books has a certain number of words which
are not found in any other New Testament book. These words show phenomenal
numeric designs. How did each writer know that he should use a certain number of
words which would not be used in any other book?
In order for each writer to have done this it would have been necessary for each one
to have had all the other 26 books before him as he wrote. If each had the other 26
books before him as he wrote, it would mean that each particular book was written
last. But such a thing is an utter impossibility! How could each New Testament
writer have the other 26 books before him as he wrote? Such a thing is unthinkable!
These are only a few of the many problems which confront a person who tries to
figure out how mere men could have designed and arranged the phenomenal
numeric features in the structure of the original Bible text. Certainly these amazing
numerical designs could not possibly have been planned and carried out by mere
human beings.
AT FIRST glance the most obvious objection to the numeric features of the Bible is
that such or similar numerics could be extracted from any other writings in any
language if sufficient time and ingenuity were expended. However, this is not the
The Bible is different from all other books. No other piece of literature anywhere in
the entire world is known to contain numerical features such as are found in the
structure of the Bible text.
The Apocrypha shows no evidence of such numeric design. Various persons have
devoted much time to the examination of the Greek classics in an effort to find the
same mathematical structure, but no such phenomena have yet been found
Various professors of Greek have been requested to submit Greek prose classics to
the numeric test to ascertain if these same amazing numerical phenomena could be
found. No one has reported any success in finding such numeric design.
No human being could have written the Bible in the way it is demonstrated to have
been written. No human foresight or arrangement could have secured such results
before-hand; no human powers could have carried them out to such perfection. Man
by his own attainments could not perform such unthinkable feats. It is simply
impossible to account for these designs of numeric features if the mere human
authorship of the Bible is assumed.
If human logic is worth anything at all we are simply driven to the conclusion that
the thousands of amazing numeric designs in the very structure of the original Bible
text could not possibly have been planned by the men who wrote the books of the
Bible – they could never have been produced by mere human minds.
It is evident that the Bible is not the work of many minds, but the work of one Mind.
The designs furnish clear proof that the whole Bible has but one Author. All the
books of both the Old and New Testaments were planned and produced by the same
Every candid, logical minded individual is simply compelled to admit that the
intelligence which planned and designed the Bible must have been Superhuman, and
Divine. That One Designer was a Supernatural, Master Designer.
Only the Supreme, Omniscient, Omnipotent God could have caused such
phenomenal numeric designs to occur beneath the surface of the Bible text. Only
God could have constructed the Bible in the amazing manner in which it is
constructed. The Eternal, Omnipotent Author designed, superintended, worked, and
carried out His Own infinite plans. There is no escape from that conclusion.
Thus the newly-discovered designs of numerical features or facts scientifically prove
that the great Bible “claim” concerning itself is actually true. The Bible actually is a
supernatural, God-inspired, God-given book as it claims to be, for mere human
beings alone could not possibly have written and constructed it in the marvellous
manner in which it is constructed.
Indeed “all scripture” is “God-breathed.” The words which the writers of the Bible
recorded were not their own words, but were the very words of God Himself - they
wrote only as they were “moved” or “in-breathed” by the Spirit of God.
In geometry the two angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are proved to be equal
by cold unimpassioned mathematical reasoning about which there can be no dispute.
So the divine inspiration of the Bible is proved with all the clearness and positiveness of mathematical precision.
Sceptics can bring no indictment against the proof made possible by the numerical
facts, for the proof deals with mathematical certainties. The modern scientific
method, the hard logic, the sound laws of reasoning, are astounding. One cannot
argue with mathematics for it is an exact science.
The facts are undeniable and indisputable - their conclusions are unavoidable. They
are stupendous, overwhelming evidences of divine inspiration which shatter all the
arguments of non-believers.
The discoveries of facts as important as these are indeed “Astounding New
Discoveries.” They are as amazing as any discoveries that could be made. The results
are staggering. The facts are hardly conceivable except that they are visible before
our eyes. One is forced to say with awe, “This is the work of God Himself.”
God has written His signature in His Word in this phenomenal manner so that no
man can claim it as a human production.
It is utterly foolish for anyone to say that the numerical do not underlie the actual
text and vocabulary of the Bible passages. They are there! To make such a statement
would be as foolish as saying that there is no blood in a living human being.
The evidence and facts are such that no destructive critic can successfully face them.
Facing them means unconditional surrender to the inevitable. They form an
unanswerable argument - they make possible a certain and foolproof system which
can stand any amount of honest testing. No living person has yet attempted to
dispute this convincing array of facts. The best anyone can do is to ignore them.
Robert Ingersoll, the noted infidel lecturer, was continually crying for a miracle.
Here are hundreds of miracles! Let anyone deal with these facts and show how they
occurred in the very structure of the original Bible text if they did not occur in a
miraculous way!
Readers will be amazed to learn that the perfect numeric designs which underlie the
very structure of the original Bible text make it possible to detect any letter or word
that anyone might add, omit, or transpose. The extraordinary mathematical designs
in a profound manner determine the exact order of words, spelling, etc.
Just as an astronomer, who knows definite astronomical calculations and the
position of various planets, can determine where and when certain other planets will
appear, so one who knows definite numerical calculations of the Bible and the
position of various letters, words, or books, can immediately determine where certain
other letters, words or books should occur.
The following is a striking illustration of the remarkable precision and accuracy
made possible by the presence of the numerical facts in the very structure of the Bible
A certain Bible concordance prepared by C. F. Hudson, supervised by H. L.
Hastings, and checked by Ezra Abbot, lists what were evidently thought to be all of
the Bible references in which the word “Moses” occurs.
According to the concordance the name appears in exactly 846 Bible references. This
number, of course, is out of harmony with various numeric designs which run
through the Bible. According to certain numeric designs the name would be expected
to occur a number of times dividing perfectly by seven. Of course 846 does not divide
evenly by seven, but 847 does - it is 121 sevens. What was the trouble? Was one of
these references omitted from the concordance?
Yes. A reference to Moses which that edition of the concordance does not list is
found in the book of Hebrews. The scholarly gentlemen who prepared this
concordance apparently overlooked this verse, but the error is detected by the designs
of numerical facts which occur in the very structured Bible text.
The newly-discovered numerical facts definitely settle the question regarding the
correct number of books the Bible should contain. The Roman and Greek Catholic
Churches include in the Old Testament of their Bibles, 14 books known as the
Apocrypha which Protestants do not include.
The books of the Apocrypha date from 400 B.C. to 100 A.D. With the exception of
these books, the Roman and Greek Catholic Bibles are practically identical with the
Protestant Bible. What is the correct number of Bible books?
There are many marvellous numeric designs which run through all of the 66 books of
the Protestant Bible as a whole - patterns which bind these books into one great unit.
If a single book is added or removed, certain elaborate numeric designs or chains
which tie these books together are completely destroyed.
Furthermore, there is no evidence of numerical features and designs in the text of the
Apocrypha. Thus the Bibles of the Roman and Greek Catholic Church, so far as the
number of books is concerned, are proved to be incorrect. The numerical facts thus
act as an automatic check against tampering with the divinely planned number of
Since each letter stands for a number, it is clear that a change in even a single letter
changes the “numeric value” of an entire passage. The omission of, or change in a
single letter, to say nothing of a whole word, at once destroys many features of
perfect numeric design. In fact, the design as a whole is destroyed by the addition of
one word.
In one case, all is harmony, and the elaborate scheme of sevens is seen at once, while
in the other case, all is confusion if something foreign is introduced into the delicate
numerical system mysteriously recorded in the Bible, by the Holy Spirit.
The exact order of Bible words is determined by the numeric designs in the “place
values” and “order numbers” of the words. For example, suppose someone should
change the order of the names of our Lord in a certain passage from “Jesus Christ”
to “Christ Jesus.”
The number of letters in the passage would remain the same, but the order of those
two words would be different. Could such a change be detected? Would we able to
determine whether “Jesus Christ” or “Christ Jesus” is the correct order of the words?
Since the proper order for each particular passage is definitely established by the
numeric designs in the “place values” and “order numbers” of the words, the correct
order could be determined by submitting both passages to the numeric test.
The passage which gives the true order, of the words would show numeric design,
whereas the passage which gives the false order would not show numeric design. A
change in the order of words in any Bible passage invariably destroys perfect designs
in the place values and order numbers. Even the exact spelling of words may be
determined by the designs in the order numbers.
It is remarkable also to note that a profound “cross-section” method - a system of
multiplication - makes it possible to promptly detect any errors which one might
make when checking on the place and order of words in the vocabulary.
It is indeed marvellous to think of the many separate systems of designs which run
through each letter and word of the Bible. Not only is there a definite numeric
scheme in the “numeric values” of each letter and word, but there are also separate
designs in the place values, values, and order numbers of each letter and word. Each
pattern or design serves its own particular purpose.
Just one separate scheme or numeric design is convincing, enough to demonstrate
the divine inspiration of any passage, but when a person combines all of these many
separate systems of designs which run through each letter and word of a passage the
argument is simply staggering!
Every letter and word is so intricately intertwined and interlocked by these different
systems of designs that it is simply impossible to move a letter or word either to the
right or to the left without destroying the perfect patterns.
The very order of every letter and word is definitely designed. Each letter and word
has its own special place. Such perfect order - such complex systems of designs with
their astonishing precision and accuracy, indeed could not have occurred
As an illustration, suppose that the sixty or sixty-five pieces of an alarm clock were
placed in a box. One could shake that box year in and year out and those pieces
would never go in their proper places accidentally. The perfect order and the
complex numeric systems of the Bible cannot be attributed to chance, or even to
human design – they can only be divine.
The Bible itself claims that divine inspiration extends not only to every sentence and
every word, but even to the smallest mark. In Matthew 5:17, 18, when Jesus said that
not one “jot” or one “tittle” would pass from the law till all be fulfilled, He referred
to the smallest letter (jot) and the smallest mark or point (tittle), thus indicating that
even they were inspired.
The numerical facts demonstrate that the words, syllables, letters, and even every jot
and tittle are numbered and have their own special, divinely appointed place in the
text. God controlled the spelling of every word and the number of its occurrences in
the various Bible books.
The Bible is scientifically proved to be divinely inspired, not in a loose or general
way — not only in “thought,” but in actual word and letter. Christ’s significant
statement, “The Scripture cannot be broken” is proved to be true. Indeed God has
protected and preserved His Word in a wonderful manner!
The amazing numeric facts and designs are interwoven in the Bible-text in such a
peculiar and marvellous manner that no power on earth can blot them out. They are
woven into God’s Word as a thread is woven in a dollar bill to assure its genuineness.
They are imprinted on the pages of Scripture as watermarks are imprinted in paper
for verification and identification. They guard the Bible against errors and
interpolations as the intricate designs on a bank note or check guard against
counterfeits and interpolations. God has marked His Word in a marvellous manner!
It has been demonstrated that the vast numerical structure of the Bible is a
supernatural, divine work. While it is utterly impossible for human beings to
construct a book on such a marvellous mathematical design, it is only the normal
work of God, the great Creator, who has carefully placed ...
The number system of God is stamped upon all His works. All departments of nature
are based on a system of mathematics - great mathematical laws govern the universe.
God’s mathematical laws are at work in all departments of nature. The planets of the
heavens are governed according to definite mathematical laws. Indeed, nature does
not operate by chance, but by design. Volumes could be devoted to showing design
in all of God’s creation.
“God made ... the stars ... and set them in the firmament of the heaven.”
(Genesis 1:16-7)
“He counts the number of the stars.”
(Psalm 147:4)
He “brings out their host by number.”
(Isaiah 40:26)
“God has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and meted out the
heaven with a span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in measure, and
weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance.” (Isaiah 40:12)
If God placed the stars in their proper order, and numbered them and measured the
waters and weighed the mountains, is it surprising or incredible that He has placed
the words and letters of His book in exact order, and numbered them, and guided
them into combinations of numbers?
The same God, who created the universe and was careful to weave designs and
intricate patterns into the smallest detail of creation, has taken the same care with
His Word. He has placed the same peculiarity in both.
“The very hairs of your head are all numbered (counted).” (Matthew 10:30)
The word “numbered” in Greek is “arithmeo,” the very word from which our
English word “arithmetic” is derived. If God counts the very hairs of our heads, is it
strange that He has counted the words and letters of His Scriptures?
Discovery of the Astounding Facts
THE discovery of thousands of numerical facts beneath the very surface of the
original Bible text was the life-time task of a single individual - Dr. Ivan Panin, a
famous Russian Scientist.
Among the thousands who have read the Hebrew and Greek text of the Bible, Ivan
Panin was the very first to discover the amazing numerical facts.
Mr. Panin was born in Russia, December 12th, 1855. At an early age he was exiled
from his homeland, and after spending a number of years in Germany furthering his
education, he went to the United States. Soon after his arrival, Mr, Panin entered
Harvard University where he became a personal friend of the famous Professor
William James and President Eliot of Harvard.
After discovering the first numerical feature, Mr. Panin earnestly devoted his entire
life to one definite and specific purpose. For over half a century he toiled faithfully
and tirelessly with undaunted perseverance.
He devoted himself so persistently to counting letters and words, figuring numeric
values; making concordances, and working out mathematical problems, that on
several occasions his health completely failed. Regardless of the tremendous mental
and physical strain he laboured faithfully and diligently. Mr. Panin permitted
nothing to hinder him from fulfilling his life work.
At one time he was offered a very tempting position as president of a college.
However, he rejected the offer. He chose rather to devote his life to discovering
numerical facts and demonstrating the divine inspiration of the Bible.
Mr. Panin trusted God to provide for him. Some thought it strange that he discontinued his seemingly profitable lecture work as a Master of Literary Criticism at
$200 a night, for the purpose of counting Bible numbers, letters, syllables, and words,
Mr. Panin was an ardent and devout Christian - a born again child of God. His
pleasing personality radiated the abiding Presence of Jesus Christ within. This
refined gentleman, accompanied by his lovely wife, lived a quiet, humble life on a
small Canadian farm, far removed from the busy city activities.
Incidentally, Mr. Panin was a citizen of the United States. On October 30th, 1942, at
the age of 87, he was promoted to glory - our loss was Heaven’s gain.
It was necessary for Mr. Panin to prepare and construct special “tools” before he
could begin the actual work of discovering the thousands of numerical facts in the
structure of the Bible. He had to construct concordances, vocabularies and other
analyses of the Bible which required the utmost accuracy to the slightest detail.
His specially prepared concordance of the Greek New Testament words consists of a
thousand pages and contains every one of the 137,903 occurrences of the New
Testament Greek words. The words are arranged in alphabetical order and all the
references of the chapters and verses neatly listed directly under each word.
Of course, certain words occur hundreds of times through-out the New Testament,
yet each occurrence is listed in the concordance. The best Greek concordances in
print were not complete enough or accurate enough for Mr. Panin’s work, therefore
it was necessary for him to construct a concordance of his own.
Mr. Panin’s specially-prepared concordance for the forms of the New Testament
Greek words is a manuscript which contains more than 2,000 pages. It is constructed
on the same plan as the first concordance, and contains about twice as much
The construction of these two manuscripts needless to say, was no small task. More
than six years of tedious and continuous labour were required to complete them. But
this is not all; Mr. Panin prepared-special books for the vocabulary words of the
Greek New Testament. It is strictly a scientific vocabulary.
Each New Testament word is listed, and there are sixteen columns of numeric data
for each word. Four columns containing the order, number, place value, and
numeric value precede each word. Behind each word there are twelve columns
containing the number of occurrences, number of forms, syllables, letters, writers,
books, diphthongs, etc.
The completion of the vocabulary required more than two years of strenuous labour.
In some of his work, Mr. Panin marked certain words in green, red, blue and purple
ink. Each colour bears some particular significance.
All this work was merely the preparation of some “tools’’ which were necessary
before Mr. Panin could begin the actual work of discovering countless thousands of
numerical facts.
After the work was begun, Mr. Panin accumulated some 40,000 pages of material on
which he made calculations, worked out mathematical problems, and recorded
numerical facts. Upon these pages he thoughtfully wrote millions of small and neatly
appearing figures. His work constitutes volumes and his discoveries are seemingly
without end.
For fifty years Mr. Panin earnestly devoted from twelve to eighteen hours daily
exploring the vast numerical structure of the Bible.
The fact that he was able to accomplish this immense task single handed was indeed
a testimony to his diligence. Two outstanding results of Mr. Panin’s lifetime labour
are his “Numeric Greek New Testament” and his “Numeric English New
Both volumes are commendable and scholarly pieces of work. The “Numeric Greek
New Testament” is a complete Greek Testament without any alternative readings.
By means of numerical designs which pervade the Scripture, Mr. Panin settled every
one of the alternative readings left by Westcott and Hort in their Greek text.
It is the first Greek New Testament published which has its text based upon the
newly-discovered numerical structure of the Bible ... a remarkable piece of work
(and it was in code)
THE following is from an article printed in “The Mail on Sunday” (Aug. 4, 1985):
Rabbi David Ordman, an Israeli researcher, and 19 other rabbis, reported amazing
discoveries after their five years of dogged research. They had used one of the most
sophisticated computers of the 1980s, which is installed at the Hebrew University in
Ordman and his colleagues believe they have discovered a series of hidden codes,
painstakingly buried in the original Hebrew text of the Torah - the five books of
Moses -the first books of the Bible. He says that the codes are so complex as to defy
the possibility that they were put there by any human being, least of all by a scribe in
the Middle East 400 years before Christ.
The Biblical claim, or course, is that God gave the text of the Torah to Moses on
Mount Sinai. As scholars became more sophisticated in the last century, they
decided the books - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy - were in
fact, an edited compilation, a pious fraud, put together by several writers over a
period of four centuries.
Rabbi Ordman’s evidence, however, casts doubts on all that, and raises the
possibility, frankly an awesome one even for religious people who believe that it
really is all true: that the Torah is the work of Someone or Something Out
The Torah must have been written ‘by whoever’ to be read aloud, as it still is every
Sabbath in the synagogues. Yet even if you read it, the codes Ordman and his
colleagues have found are really highly sophisticated word games, but they are quite
invisible without a computer.
So is it possible that they were built into the text as a sign for future generations who might one day have the technology and also the cynicism that goes with
sophistication - that the Torah is more than a few old books? That the codes Rabbi
Ordman has found are a sign from God?
Thirty years ago, even without the help of a computer, mathematically-inclined
rabbis started noticing some oddities about the Torah that had gone unnoticed.
They noticed that the number 7 had a strange significance. Not only was the seventh
day the day on which God rested in Genesis, but if you took any passage in the
Torah, the main subject of it, be it Adam, God, or Noah, is always mentioned seven
It is clearly a motif that must have been relatively easy, even if irritating, for some
ancient writer to insert.
Playing a Game?
But he, or they, or Someone also played another game. If you took the first Hebrew
“T” in the first line of Genesis, then counted out each subsequent 49th letter (49 is
the square of 7), the word Torah emerges, correctly spelt.
The same happens in the first lines of Exodus. In the third book you take the first ‘Y’
and each subsequent seventh letter, the Hebrew Name of God — YHWH —
crystallises out of the text.
In Numbers and Deuteronomy, it is Torah again, back-wards now, but still in perfect
Ordman’s rabbis knew all this before they programmed the entire 125,000 words of
the Torah into the computer. They were also painfully aware of what psychologists
call the Experiments Effect - the tendency for researchers to find precisely what they
are looking for. Yet even their simplest early discovery shocked them.
The rabbis found that the main subject of each passage was not only mentioned
seven times in a straight reading of the Hebrew, but it was also often coded into the
verse in the now-familiar way, frequently more than once.
The computer started to chatter out more and more, scanning through billions of
combinations. It was work that would have taken humans hundreds of years.
In a 13-verse passage of Leviticus about Aaron, they found ‘Aaron’ - Hebrew spelling
ARN (the language leaves most vowels out) - coded in 25 times at different, but
regular letter intervals. In Genesis, in a section about Adam and Eve, EDN (Eden)
was coded in 16 times.
Sometimes the coded-in word was the subject of the passage, but was not actually
mentioned in it. Instead, it would appear like a subtitle.
Eerie Commentary
The rabbis started feeding words almost at random into the computer, and asking it
to search widely through the text looking for the word coded, at any regular letter
interval of up to 150.
One word they tried was Galut, meaning ‘exile.’ Its first appearance was coded into
a Genesis passage about Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Eden - the first exile in the
history of man.
Next, it turned up in a passage where Cain complains to God about his wanderings
after killing Abel. The second exile!
Its third appearance is in the first description of Noah’s Ark. Later, Galut appears in
God’s prophecy to Abraham that the Jews would be ‘sojourners in another land’
(this was Egypt). Each time, like an eerie commentary from a distant voice, the
word is there, in a time capsule.
There is an old idea in Judaism that its duties cannot be chosen. You cannot refuse
to eat pork and then work on Saturdays. It is all or nothing. The rabbis were
intrigued, then, when they discovered that if you removed a letter, any letter, from a
portion under analysis, the coding system was blown to pieces. Was that a sign that
Torah was to be taken whole or not at all? They are still wondering.
Perfect Grammar
The rabbis punched into Genesis the names of 25 different trees from a dictionary of
biblical Hebrew, knowing that trees in general were a major part of the creation
story. Thirteen of the trees cropped up, coded into one 43-word section. They put
more names into the programme, and a further 18 came up - a total of 31 tree names
hidden in one passage, and nowhere else in the book.
The straight translation should cause no surprise now:
“... and the LORD God caused to grow out of the ground, every tree that is
pleasant to the sight and good for food; and the tree of life in the midst of the
garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil ...” (Genesis 2:9)
“To plan this kind of thing would take years,” says Ordman. “And they had to
prepare a text as well, with perfect grammar, a message, and no contradictions.”
“We are not trying to prove the divinity of the Torah here, but that the statistical
odds against it being humanly written are impossible.”
THERE is one more amazing phenomenon that I believe we need to be aware of. It
is the signature of Y’shua hidden in the amazing fabric of the The Tanakh - the
Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament.
Bible believers know that the Word of God, both Old and New Testaments, were
inspired of God. They were inspired, not in a vague or general type of way, but in
such an amazing way that we can confidently say, every word, and every letter of the
original Scriptures, were chosen by the Holy Spirit.
Moreover the Bible is our “constitution,” our “road map,” our source of guidance,
and our authority in matters of ethics, morality, and spiritual living.
This is what Bible believers have believed down through the centuries. And that is
what I believe today, and I am sure, most of my readers believe likewise.
But in these last days, many “Christians” are denying the faith, and rejecting the
authority of the Word of God. Some would say the Bible is more the work of man
than the work of God, and that the Bible is simply philosophy, a collection of
religious writings, and that it is not always relevant or reliable for today.
Others say that the times are changing, and therefore interpretation of the Scriptures
needs to be made in the “light” of the present times. But the Scriptures declare:
“Forever, O YHWH, Your Word is settled in heaven.” (Psalm 119:89)
Y’shua, Jesus the Messiah said,
“For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, the smallest letter
or stroke will by no means pass away from the Law until everything is
accomplished.” (Matthew 5:18)
“The heaven and the earth will pass away, but My words will by no means
pass away.” (Matthew 24:35)
We all know the following passage:
“From childhood you have known the sacred Scriptures which are able to
make you wise in respect to salvation through faith in the Messiah, Y’shua.
All Scripture is divinely-inspired - God-breathed, and is profitable for
teaching, for conviction and reproof, for correction, for training in
righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate and complete,
thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:15-17)
What we now have is evidence that Y’shua, the Living Word (John 1:1-3, 14), has
signed every page of the written Word. It is like a barely visible watermark on a bank
The evidence we have applies to the Hebrew Old Testament; and research going on
indicates that the signature is present in the text of the Greek New Testament also.
I’m sure you will fully agree with the song,
“In the stars His handiwork I see.”
I would like to add a second line:
“In the Scriptures, His signature I see.”
And I’m sure you’ll agree with me after reading this chapter concerning the coded
signature of Y’shua in the Word.
Bible scholars have recognised for ages that numbers have spiritual significance. This
comes out in the usage of numbers in the Bible. The number seven is the number of
perfection, and it is significant that the first verse of the Bible has seven words.
And in the last book, Revelation, seven appears as a type of fabric - seven churches,
seven lampstands, seven spirits, seven messengers, seven angels, seven seals, seven
trumpets, seven bowls, and seven plagues.
In both the Hebrew and Greek languages, every letter is used also as a number. So
every letter has a numerical value, and therefore every word also has a numerical
We are indebted to Dr Ivan Panin who last century spent 50 years researching
numerical phenomena in the Bible. He made countless amazing discoveries. Other
believers have also researched deeply into Bible numbers and their significance, as
we have seen in our earlier chapters.
In chapter 7 we have reported on the discoveries Jewish scholars have recently made
in the Torah (the Pentateuch - the five books of Moses). Through computers they
were able to discover a phenomenon in the makeup of the Hebrew Scriptures, which
has since been called The Bible Code. I don’t think this is the best term for the
phenomenon. A more descriptive term could be ... “The Handiwork of God in the
Fabric of the Word.”
These discoveries (in the 1970s and 80s) revealed that in the Hebrew script of the
Torah, significant words, such as YHWH, TORAH, and many others, were spelt out
at equidistant intervals. For example, taking every 5th letter, or 20th letter, or 77th
letter, words, phrases and small sentences could be discovered. One of the simplest,
but most significant, to me, is the Name of YHWH spelt out at intervals of 8 letters,
in the very first verse of Leviticus, which is the very centre of the Torah.
This example does not need a computer. If you have a Hebrew Bible, check it out for
yourself. Here it is:
The English reads: “And YHWH called Moses, and spoke to him from the Tent of
Meeting, saying:” The Hebrew reads:
Veyikra el mosheh veidaber YHWH elaiv m’ohel mo’ed le’mor.
The Hebrew reads from right to left:
Starting from the very first yod (Y) which is the second letter of the verse, and spaced
out at intervals of eight, is the sacred Name of YHWH (Yahweh - the Eternal One).
The number of letters between each of the four letters (shown above) is 7. So we
have this lovely fabric Y
Knowing that “777” is the Seal of God, I say, that fabric design is a treasure.
Some early discoveries were made way back in the years before and during World
War I, by a Czechoslovakian Jewish scholar in astronomy, mathematics and Judaic
studies. Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl began researching, and found many
significant words hidden in the text of the Torah.
In 1988, scholars at the Hebrew University and Jerusalem College of Technology
completed a project, following on from Weissmandl’s work. In 1994 they published a
paper on “Equidistant Letter Sequences” in a prominent American scientific
mathematics journal, called, Statistical Science. These scholars, Eliyahu Rips, Doron
Witztum and Yoav Rosenberg had discovered the names of sixty-six famous Jewish
sages encoded in close proximity in the text of Genesis.
In October 1995, an article in Bible Review by Dr Jeffrey Satinover reported on the
phenomenon, and maintained that the probability of sixty-six names of Jewish sages
and their birth dates and death occurring by chance in an ancient text like Genesis,
was less than one chance in two and a half billion.
Another example, and here you would need a computer to check it out: In the fabric
of the passage about the Garden of Eden, the names of 31 Biblical trees were
discovered, encoded at equidistant intervals.
Many exciting discoveries were made which made newspapers ask, “Is Someone
‘out there’ having a game?”
In all the reports released by the above sources, to my knowledge, there has been no
reference whatever to the Name of Y’shua. (Of course, you wouldn’t expect Jews to
publicize that Name.) But in 1996 a book was released, called “Yeshua. The Name
of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament.”
The author is Yacov Rambsel, a Messianic Jewish believer. The book is published
by Frontier Research Publications, in Tulsa, USA and Toronto, Canada.
Some reports of the Name Yeshua encoded in the Old Testament came to my desk.
And I was excited!
One striking example is the expression, “Y’shua Shmi” (Y’shua is my Name),
encoded at 20-1etter intervals, in the text of Isaiah 53:10, which reads:
“But it was the will of YHWH to crush Him and to put Him to grief; and
though YHWH makes His life a guilt offering, He will see His offspring, and
prolong His days, and the will of YHWH will prosper in His hand.”
The chances of that expression being encoded in that particular verse, by accident, is
one in a billion.
This amazing example I reported in Prophetic Alert # 122. Another staggering
occurrence is the expression, “Y’shua yakol” (Y’shua is able), which is spelt out at
intervals of 521 letters, starting with the first Yod (Y) in the Bible - in the very first
phrase of the Bible, “In the beginning.”
I began to learn more of Rambsel’s work through another book which was sent to me
in mid-1997, by one of our readers in UK. The book was, “The Signature of God,” by
Grant R Jeffrey, of Frontier Research Publications. It is a marvellous book, covering
many aspects of Scripture and fulfilment of prophecy; and it includes two chapters
on the equidistant phenomenon, now known as the Bible Code.
Jeffrey mentioned a second book by Yacov Rambsel that was due to be released; and
I didn’t wait long to order it.
In the meantime I received a copy of Michael Drosnin’s book, “The Bible Code” sent to me by another of our readers. This book was released in early 1997, and it hit
the headlines. Reports and extracts were published in newspapers around the world.
The book became a bestseller
Michael Drosnin was billed as an investigative reporter. A few years ago he heard
about the equidistant sequence discoveries made with the aid of computers, by
Jewish researchers in Jerusalem. And he checked it out, and became “a believer” - a
believer in the fact that there is such a phenomenon in the Hebrew Bible. But
Drosnin maintained he is not a believer in the God of the Bible.
Drosnin built on the work of Dr Eliyahu Rips, a humble, respected and leading
Israeli Mathematician in Quantum Physics. But Dr Rips has reportedly taken a stand
against Drosnin as he has gone beyond legitimacy by trying to use the Bible code to
predict the future, including a coming world war.
I believe Drosnin has “cashed in” on the phenomenon, majoring on sensational
events that are said to be encoded in the Bible, including Hitler and the Holocaust;
the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, man’s landing on the moon, and the cosmic
crash on Jupiter, and so on.
Some reports say that Drosnin’s book is flawed, and some Christian writers have
come out strongly against it. It may be that Satan has sought to use Drosnin’s
presentation, and the adverse reaction to it, to discredit the handiwork of God in the
fabric of the Bible, just as the Deceiver used Charles Darwin to try to discredit the
work of God in Creation. And hasn’t Satan used some Christian “theologians” to try
to discredit the work of the Lamb of God at Calvary!
Critics say that the equidistant words and phrases are a result of pure coincidence.
But if that were so, then it would have to be a one-in-a-trillion chance, for this
amazing phenomenon is mind-blowing, and it has not been discovered in any
literature outside the Bible.
Researchers have tried to find such encoding in other literature, including ancient
and modern Hebrew writings, and the Apocrypha, but no such phenomenon has
been discovered. It is only in the Bible. Some researchers have reported that there is
also evidence of encoding in the Greek New Testament, but not much has yet
been reported or published about it.
If the equidistant phenomenon is NOT by coincidence, then it means the
Scriptures are inspired, right down to every single letter. Only God could have
written the Scriptures with this supernatural fabric.
The code is amazing - it is there! And I believe God has caused it to be discovered in
these days, through computers, to reveal His finger work, and to show the minute
inspiration of Scripture at a time when there is great scepticism about the Scriptures
and spiritual reality.
I received Yacov Rambsel’s second book, entitled, “HIS NAME IS JESUS” in late
1997, and I have been in awe ever since. The subtitle on the book is, “The
Mysterious Yeshua Codes.”
Rambsel is a Messianic Jewish believer in the United States. He’s a humble, older
man, and what he has discovered and published is absolutely mind-blowing.
While Drosnin never mentions the Name of Y’shua or anything about salvation,
Rambsel seeks to glorify the Master on every page of his book. Drosnin aims at
creating sensational, newspaper headlines. Rambsel, who is clearly a mature
believer, is not concerned with world events, and assassinations, but with the lovely
Name of Yeshua, and His titles and work at Calvary.
From the title of His book, it is clear that Rambsel is not making an issue over the
difference in the Hebrew and English forms of the Saviour’s Name. To Rambsel,
Yeshua and Jesus are one and the same. And that’s true, for Jesus is actually a
transliteration of the Hebrew, Yeshua. (Y’shua came from Hebrew into Greek as
Iesous because the Greeks did not have a Y or a SH in their language. Then it went
into Roman as Iesus, and later into English as Iesus, as it was spelt in the 1611 English
But it is the Name Y’shua that is signed by the Master in the beautiful fabric of
In Rambsel’s 264-page book, there are dozens and dozens of examples of Y’shua,
and Mashiach, as well as YHWH, and various other encoded titles and phrases that
have been discovered.
Rambsel says Yeshua is encoded in virtually every Messianic prophecy in the
OT. And the Name is spelt exactly as we have it on our Y’shua badges, and flag.
This is the usual spelling of Y’shua, which is actually a short form of the Name
Y’hoshua (Joshua). The four letters of the Name, Y’shua, are YOD, SHIN, WAW,
and AYIN which are consonants. The waw in Hebrew is often used as a vowel (and
here it becomes a U).
The Ayin is a consonant, but it is a breathing sound only. A vowel may be added to
Ayin, as here, to provide the A sound. So remember, whenever we talk about the
letters of the Name of Y’shua, we are talking about the four writ-ten Hebrew
consonants, YOD, SHIN, WAW, AYIN.)
ISAIAH 52:13 to 53:12
When Yacov Rambsel discovered and pointed out the phrase, Y’shua shmi, in Isaiah
53, critics scoffed. “What is that?” they said. “Y’shua is only four letters and you will
find that at random, anywhere, even in the telephone book, if you have enough
letters in your database.” But Rambsel gives countless examples of the encoded
Name, particularly in messianic passages.
Jews have criticized Rambsel, saying, “And even if Y’shua is hidden in the text of
Isaiah 53, that does not mean it is referring to Jesus. Y’shua is quite a common
Faced with such criticism, Rambsel was led by the Holy Spirit who inspired the
Scriptures, and he made an amazing discovery in this major Messianic passage
(Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12). In these 15 verses, he found the Hebrew names of 43 people
and phrases, all connected with the Person and death of Y’shua - encoded at various
intervals. Some read left to right, others right to left :Y’shua
Nazarene Messiah
Galilee The disciples
Matthew Andrew Philip
Matthias Thaddaeus
Mary (encoded 3 times - there were 3 Marys at the cross
His cross
Moriah Let Him be crucified Passover Atonement-Lamb
Lamp of the Lord
From Zion
His signature
The Evil Roman Empire.
34 of these names are encoded at small intervals - between 6 and 50 letters. 9 are at
intervals between 51 and 295 letters.
Sometimes the Name Y’shua is encoded at very small intervals, as in Ruth 1:1 (5letter intervals.) In other places it is large, but significant intervals. At least 12
times, Y’shua has been discovered, encoded at 7000-letter intervals in the five books
of Moses.
The encoding may be left to right, or right to left. And encoding has been discovered,
not only in equidistant letters, but also in equidistant words. (Usually the first letter
of words spaced at equal distances.)
Beginning in Exodus 12:27, which speaks of the Lord’s Passover, we find three
words encoded: Starting with the last letter of the fifth word, and reading the last
letter of each subsequent word, we find ha’rachel (the Lamb) spelt out. We find also
at 5-letter intervals, the word Mashiach (Messiah), and also, starting in this verse, the
Name Y’shua spelt at 777-letter intervals.
One incredible example of equidistant words, starts with Genesis 22:8 where it says,
“God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering.”
Starting with the SHIN (sh) in the 2nd last word, the first letter of every 19th word
spells out YSHUA. (YOD, SHIN, WAW, AYIN). And not only right to left, but
also left to right - from the same SHIN:
A 19 words U 19 words SH 19 words Y 19 words  SHIN
SHIN  19 words Y 19 words SH 19 words U 19 words A
And if that is not incredible, from the same SHIN in Gen. 22:8, we discover Y’shua
spelt out again, in BOTH directions, but this time at intervals of 51 words.
A 51 words U 51 words SH 51 words Y 51 words  SHIN
SHIN  51 words Y 51 words SH 51 words U 51 words A
And in the same verse, the first letter of every 5th word, spells out YHWH. And
the first letters of adjacent words spells out hallu (praise).
I pointed out in Prophetic Alert #122, the total numerical value of the four letters of
Y’SHUA is 386. Now Yacov Rambsel has discovered in the Torah, the Name
Y’shua spelt out at 386-letter intervals - TWELVE TIMES.
In Leviticus 22:14, not only is Y’shua spelt out at 386-letter intervals, but adjacent to
the Name, two more words are also spelt out at 386-letter intervals - truth and
In two places at least, the combined Name - YHWH-Y’SHUA has been discovered.
In Genesis 49:18, where the text is, “I have waited for Your Salvation,” the
combined Name is spelt out at 180-letter intervals. (The word for ‘Your salvation’
here is Yeshua-takh).
In Exodus 15:27 we have Y’SHUA-YHWH spelt out at 235-letter intervals.
In Psalm 22:13, at 26-letter intervals is the phrase, “Y’shua cut in pieces.”
In Exodus 38:24 where it speaks of thirty shekels, the coded phrase is, “Y’shua cut
In Zechariah 11:12 about the thirty pieces of silver, both the Name Y’shua and the
word Pesach (Passover) are encoded.
In Daniel 9:26 where it says “Messiah shall be cut off,” the Name Y’shua is again
spelt out.
In Leviticus 4:3 it speaks of the ANOINTED priest, and a sin offering. The encoded
words are “Behold, behold Y’shua.”
In Psalm 20:5, “We sing for joy over Your victory and in the Name of our God we
will set up our banners.” The encoded message is b’Y’shua veha’av. “In Y’shua and
the Father.”
Here’s another to grip your mind:
In the Book of Ruth, as we have already mentioned, Y’SHUA is encoded from ch.
1:1, at 5-letter intervals. And then from the AYIN, the last letter in the Name,
Y’SHUA is again encoded at 77 letter intervals Y
And from the same Ayin in the Name, spelt out at 15-letter intervals is - OSHIAH,
“He will save.” Then in Ruth 1:8, at 12-letter intervals, is - MELEK Y’SHUA “King Y’shua.”
Now go back to Genesis 37:28, where it speaks of Joseph being sold for 20 pieces.
(Joseph is a type of Y’shua, who was also sold - but for 30 pieces.) From this verse
we have Y’SHUA encoded at intervals of 49 letters (7 x 7), reading right to left.
Then 20 verses later, in Genesis 38, we discover the complete 4-generation genealogy
of Boaz through to David. The four generations all have 3-letter names in Hebrew,
and all four are encoded left to right, at 49-letter intervals. (Note, 49 is 7 x 7).
Now from the same passage, Genesis 38:14, we have “The Messiah” spelt out at 77
letters intervals.
H 77 M 77 SH 77 Y 77 CH
Now if we link up the 49-letter encodings in Genesis 37 & 38 with Ruth 1:1 where
Y’shua is encoded at 77-letter intervals,
we must ask, “Has Someone been designing numerical phenomenon into the fabric
of Scripture?”
And we reply without hesitation, “Of course! It’s the handiwork of the Holy Spirit. It
is the signature of the Master Designer, YHWH-Y’SHUA, the great Creator.”
Just a couple more examples:
In 1 Samuel 17:32 starting with the first YOD in the phrase, “Your servant will go,”
we have Y’SHUA encoded at intervals of every 12 words (first letter of each word).
But continue counting every 12th word, and this sentence spells out ...
lu mush ohav hu Yeshua.
“I pray, feel the love; He is Y’shua.”
Zechariah 2 & 3 is speaking about the temple and Joshua the high priest, about Satan
accusing, and also about “My Servant the Branch.” From v 2:13, encoded is DAVID
at 77-letter intervals.
And in the same area of Zechariah, we also have encoded, JESSE, LEAH, THE
PROPHET, the STONE, the RAM, MY TREE (cross), and THE MANNA — All
encoded at 77-letters intervals.
Y’shua is the Root of Jesse - Isaiah 11:10. Leah is the mother of Judah, His tribe.
The prophet like unto me (Deut 18:15). He is the Ram of sacrifice that God provided
(Gen 22:8, 3).
These are a few examples, but Rambsel’s 264-page book is full of examples from all
over the Old Testament. It’s thrilling! I stand in awe of the handiwork of the
It gives me this assurance - the One who has so intricately woven the details of the
fabric of the Scriptures - is the same One who knows the details of my life, and who
is working those details of my life into the fabric of His purpose.
The knowledge that God has so woven the Name of His beloved Son, Y’shua,
throughout the Scriptures is tremendously encouraging to me personally. Since becoming acutely aware of the meaning and value of the original, God-given Hebrew
Name of the Saviour, and daring to use it regularly, I have often been criticized, and
even vilified from some quarters. But as Y’shua is the Name given by Yahweh to the
Son, it must be very important; and I am indeed blessed when they persecute me for
His Name’s sake!
Miryam, by the way, never heard our English pronunciation, “Jesus.” Gabriel told
her to call His Name, Y’shua, because He would save His people from their
sins. Only from the meaning of His Name do we understand the significance of
these words. Y’shua means, “Yahweh is salvation.”
Just this morning, in Australia, a believer asked me, “What is this word Y’shua?”
After I explained that it is the Saviour’s original Hebrew Name, she said, “Oh! I
never ever heard that Name before.” That’s why I proclaim the Name, “Y’shua.”
God’s people have a right to know the truth, so that they come to love and reverence
that holy Name.
“Therefore (because He stooped so low), God exalted Him to the highest
place, and gave Him the Name that is above every name, that at the Name of
Y’shua every knee should bow - in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Y’shua the Messiah is Lord (the Heavenly
Master), to the glory of YHWH, God the Father.” (Philippians 2:9-10)
Amen, and Amen!
Think of it - the newly-discovered facts actually prove that the Bible is God’s inspired
Book! Then too, think of the many other proofs of the divine inspiration of the Bible,
such as: Fulfilled Prophecy, Scientific Biblical statements, the Character of Christ,
Archaeology, and the Testimony of Vital Personal Experience!
Think also of the marvellous Unity, the Inexhaustibility, the Indestructibility, and the
matchless Influence of the Bible, and how each of these conclusively proves the
supernatural origin of the Scriptures. Think of how many different kinds of proofs
there are! Think of the abundance of evidence God has given us! Certainly we know,
beyond a shadow of doubt, that the Bible is true!
(Unfortunately we do not have sufficient space to elaborate on the interesting proofs
mentioned above. Each of those subjects constitutes a great field of study in itself;
therefore we cannot touch upon any of them here.) God has given us all of these and
other convincing proofs, so that we might know and acknowledge that the Bible is
His own precious Word!
However, it is not enough for us to merely acknowledge that the Bible is God’s
Word and let it go at that! No, that in itself is not sufficient. We must go one step
farther - we must open the Bible and see what God says in His book - we must know,
believe, and obey the instructions He has given us! If the Bible were a mere human
production we would be under no obligation to give any special attention to it.
The Bible, however, is not a human production - it is a God-given book, therefore we
are accountable to God to make good use of it! We are not free to casually lay this
book aside, or to turn a deaf ear to what it says. All of us know that the Bible is
God’s Word, therefore it is our DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY to “search the
Scriptures,” and to give time and attention to what God has written. If we neglect
and ignore God’s Word we are without excuse!
Let us turn to the Bible with an open mind and an open heart and see what God’s
message is. We find that the Bible gives a sad picture of the human race! It gives us a
description of ourselves as we appear in our natural condition - it tells us just what
we look like in God’s sight!
By nature we are sinners!
“All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
“By nature we are (spiritually) dead.” (Eph. 2:1). “(Spiritual) death passed
upon all men, for all have sinned.” (Rom 5:12). By nature we are “‘guilty
before God” (Rom. 3:19) - we are “condemned already” (John 3:18) - we are
“separated” and “far off” from God (Isaiah 59:2, Eph. 2:13), and are in
“darkness” (1 Pet. 2:9), “without Christ,” “without hope” (Eph. 2:12), and
“without peace.” (Isaiah 48:22)
By nature all of us are hopeless sinners!
If this were the only message in the Bible it would be tragic indeed, but fortunately
God has another message - a message of “good news” for lost, needy humanity! God
has provided a way of salvation! Christ, the Son of God, paid the debt of sin by His
substitutionary death upon the cross.
“While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8). “His own self
bare our sins in his own body on the tree (cross).” (1 Peter 2:24)
Christ rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of
the throne of God. (Ephesians 1:20). Now all who receive Him, all who believe on
Him have spiritual life, instead of spiritual death.
“He who has the Son has life; and he who does not have the Son of God does
not have life.” (1 John 5:12)
“He who believes on the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not
believe in the Son shall not see life.” (John 3:36)
If we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour, we become “children of
God,” and are “born of God” (John 1:12.13), our sins are forgiven (Eph 1:7), we are
“not condemned” (John 3:l8), we are made “nigh” unto God (Eph. 2:13), we are “in
His marvellous light” (1 Pet. 2:9), we have a “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13), and we have
“the peace of God which passes all understanding.” (Phil. 4:7)
Our Master “is able to save to the uttermost” (Heb. 7:25), that is, He is able to save
the greatest sinner - the one who is farthest from God!
“Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21)
Christ is knocking at the door of your life even now!
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” (Revelation 3:20)
“What will you do with Jesus?” (Matthew 27:22)
Will you RECEIVE Him (John 1:12), or will you REJECT Him? (John 12:48)
Your decision will determine your eternal destiny!
The book is available at many bookstores. If it is not available at your
book store, ask the shop to order stocks of the book from the
publishers. Or order from
Frontier Research Publications
PO Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147-0470, U.S.A.